#but also made the template <3
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“Let’s blow this scene to ashes, and burn away the past in a blaze of fuckin’ glory.”
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– Stay out of my way. || Introduction –
Dear Detectives, running from the boredom of their past, they now leave a trail of red and screams in their wake. Let’s give an exciting welcome to our two new hunters, the Thrillseeker and the Radio Star!
Don’t get too close though… they won’t hesitate to cut you down.
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– You’re a fucked up little whiny bitch. || BLOG RULES –
The blog rules are the usual basics (Racism, homophobes, and the like are not allowed. This is a safe space for everyone!) and this blog is a SFW blog. Flirting, suggestiveness and such is fine, just don’t go completely overboard!
This blog is both a roleplay and an ask blog. Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses! Any IDV characters (canon, OC, crossover, au, etc. etc.) are free to interact!
The mun is currently still in school, so, please be patient with her!!
Remember that muses do not equal mun/mod. That being said, dark topics will arise in the future! You have been warned in advance 🫡
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Current Event: N/A
Recurring Events: The Runner and The Trickster
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presiding · 7 months
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you'll never guess which level we're up to in this dishonored 2 rewrite
#if i haven't stuffed up my timezones this post should land on thanksgiving so here's somethin' to read to go with your food coma#dishonored#dishonored shitposting#emily kaldwin#billie lurk#dishonored fic#interesting the way the resurrection was handled - rock up to aramis stilton's powerpoint presentation basically#does anyone else think it would have been cool if you had to do the duke's palace first.#grab delilah's mortality and give it back in the past. like while she's vulnerable#kind of makes sense too from an emily character perspective#because she shows SO much character growth in stilton's manor#and then goes to the duke's palace next and IMMEDIATELY says the dumbest shit she says all game re: her entitlement and obliviousness#stilton's manor: wow ive learned so much i finally get it now!#nek minnet. emily misunderstands class warfare so bad she thinks she needs to sharpen her dads folding blade. emily. no#and if you think about it the duke's palace would have made a lot of sense for an earlier level just from emily's perspective.#hes very clearly her enemy compared to meagan's vague idea of where sokolov might be. a darker timeline perhaps#lovely Off_Topic mentioned hating time travel as a plot device and i have to agree. here's my take on that level anyway#also big thank you to RoseEll (<3) for saying it parallels the limitations of the game's mechanics interestingly ♥#using this meme template was like. 'oh hey lingering hatred for jeremy clarkson i forgot i had you'#making the badly photoshopped heads too big. my beloved.#ah crap rambling again
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Rewatched The Mighty Ducks trilogy. Have some shitty memes.
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goldiipond · 6 months
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tpn is definitely one of the longest fixations i've had in a very long time, these kids mean soo much to me and have helped me branch out with my art in really fun ways. i'm really happy with where my style is now, and heres to another year of drawing the same damn anime characters <3
2022 | 2021 | 2020
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melien · 16 days
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When the road began to crumble in front of my eyes There was only one person I wanted to find It was you, it was you, it was you It was you, it was you, it was you
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howlhawk · 11 months
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not canon but this sure is making me consider giving charlie more tattoos. unfortunately i think my hand would die if i had to draw all of these
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dravidious · 10 days
You're more amazing than face-down cards
White commons! Enchantments aplenty!
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To be clear, the cards with capitalized names are existing cards that I'm using as reprints. Some, like Karametra's Blessing, will get new names eventually.
Also, using Elemental as a creature type was mostly just a placeholder, and now that I'm settling on the flavor I'm looking for a better subtype. The flavor is that they're spawned from human emotion, like faith, hope, or devotion for the enchantments, or passion or creativity for the artifacts. I scrolled through the creature types, but none really stuck out to me as a solid fit. The best I could come up with was spirit, but I figured I'd ask for ideas before committing to changing every instance of the Elemental type. I could even go with a totally new subtype, but I couldn't think of any good names.
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mt07131 · 9 months
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>>> The Baldur's Girlies >>> Xuna >>> Template by @lunardesigns
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alasy · 3 months
I started doing some book reviews on my instagram and im having so much fun
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fitzfunnymoments · 6 months
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This year's summary of art!! I say this every single year but this year it was especially hard to choose my fave pieces for each month lol (some of the pieces included are things I don't believe I posted on here I can't remember </3)
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elgaravel · 1 year
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bisexualing maliciously
felria belongs to my beloved @numbaoneflaya
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cannibalisticskittles · 10 months
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template by @raysoffrost!
two versions: one that's probably more realistic, and then the one amity would consider ideal
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi! i wasnt on all day yesterday WAHAHAHAH but uhm. rambles. in the tags <3
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#aka. back to Updates Of Apollo's Life#spoiler alert it's not super interesting. ANYWAYS MY COUSINS ARE THE CUTEST !!!!!#yesterday was really fun bcs wow i love my lil cousins! so weird to be the oldest alongside lune but yeah <3#AND. uhm. i forgot a lot of what i wanted to ramble about since yesterday but i was so tboy swag yesterday#if you get what i mean. yeah <33 AND vc and waching w my besties mwah hannah montana so true !!!!!#and i am also now back into deep fe3h brainrots but also still deep into milgram. so that is that#AND okay. idk what else#i uhh edited my rentry? interests! made it back into a rentry instead of a txti (gna use that txti for smth else now maybe?) <3#i've gotten over (mostly) my (mostly jokeful) distate when it comes to this certain media (music!)#also listened to more music hehe. AND i fixed my spotify#AND i want to finally play that cute cat (and dog?) collecting (chinese?) game i wanted to play ever since an old moot#who isnt here anymore (as far as i'm concerned. NOT IN A CONCERNING WAY BTW i mean they deactivated)#once told me about it! i installed it way back then but i didn't have the time... now i really want to again so <3#hm. that was smth i wanted to share yeah. fixing my spotify more <33#AND +. i forgot right after thinking about it ffs why am i LIKE THIS.#i forgor :(( why am i like thisssss SOBBING..........#oh right nvm i just remembered HELP ANYWAYS i've been looking at more gdocs templates and shit again#uhh. i should one day finally do proper notion stuff </3 and fix my notes <//3 fix everything tbh <///3#<- i say that and will likely never get to doing so. WHABJEGHBJS sobbing.#but yeah i will be doing more oc stuff... or something. and fixing my themes soon as well!#sorry zero ily but i want mikoto or smth idk. you stayed for 10 days. ily babe. uhm. BUT I WNA#get back to my emil or zero theme sometime in the future bcs i didn't finish em? so when i'm fixated ???#on drakenier (dod3/replicant) again. uhm. yeah.#okay that's all i hope you all are doing WELL!! <33#now time for my next class in a bit! uhm. i meant to watch the video my teacher uploaded oops. aha#also !!! proseka !!!!! uh idk where i was going w that. but. proseka !!!!! ig <3
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sureihsan · 1 year
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wilson red + scratching the surface !
and if the band you’re in starts playing a different tune, i’ll see you on the dark side of the moon !
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
screeeeeeching bc the woman on my team who never does any of her own work bc she's So Busy Writing A Book (not for work) is taking a 4 week holiday to go to a writer's retreat at one of the busiest times of year. and I Know my work bestie (aka my line manager) will have been killing herself from sitting on this and would LOVE to bitch about it but us lowly peons have only been informed today, and she's on holiday until next week. so like. who do I look directly into the camera like I'm on The Office to? my other team mate refuses to bitch behind people's backs bc it's against his religion. but I gotta bitch or I'll explode.
#this is. no word of a lie. the third time this year she's taken a month of unpaid leave to do Writer Things#and she doesn't half want to tell us about it#and the thing is! honestly it's great!#bc we get a lot more done when she's not around#And I Oop.#which is unnecessarily harsh but she's the one who's eventually caused our team whatsapp to be removed bc she kept#using it to give me unsolicited critique of my work that I'm like Cool Ok Maybe Message Me Instead Of A Whole Team#(also she's a fundraiser not comms and all her criticisms of my work are 'i think this tweet could be twice as long and 4x as dry')#we have all tried. SO HARD. to meet her halfway. or even 2/3 of the way. but she just takes the piss.#she asks her colleague to write her applications and me to run her research and design her documents and at a certain point is like#literally what do you do aside from google open applications and demand that other people do the work so you can collate it#which literally Is Not Any Of Our Jobs#and for this she gets paid a salary equivalent to a manager bc she's a '''''specialist'''''#she is my work nemesis but not as much as she's everyone else's#and our team manager seems to think this is bc we don't want to include her not bc she refuses to be included#i have done SO MUCH to make her life easier I've made templates ive written up data directories I grit my teeth and send out rewritten#versions of her fucking awful comms#and she just sends out emails demanding things Now bc the deadline's tomorrow#and is Mysteriously Absent every time people hold meetings#and when she is eventually corralled into coming to a meeting she just derails every conversation for 40 minutes#she doesn't meet her targets or do anything for anyone yet upper managers love her! mysteriously!#it's almost like she devotes her energy into politicking instead of DOING HER DAMN WORK or something#and she's one of those middle aged rich feminists you know? you know the ones? the incredibly fuckin condescending ones?#she went to a 3 day training in work time on Being An Inspiring Woman last year#I'm like have you considered instead a training on Giving Your Colleagues A Modicum Of Respect?#bc you know who i think are inspiring women? the many women in my organisation#who've come from homelessness or deep poverty and knuckle down and take on the work that needs done#and therefore are Actually Helping Other People instead of pontificating about how good it is When Women#red said
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lhrry · 2 years
oh you use paper paper for the rainbow lights? and it works??? thats interesting.. here in my country we always use cellophane paper cause its transparent, never thought anything else would work
I actually never heard of anyone using cellophane for it that’s interesting! The paper is good precisely because it’s not completely transparent but the light shines through still. so the colour is quite vivid!
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