a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
And what about Laurence not being able to make it to the finals at the poll? It’s quite shocking imo—
I would say now that’s some surprising news to somewhat care about. But wasn’t that whole poll something he was hosting? He seems like the type to purposefully not allow himself to be in the finals. Something something, fairness blah blah. While I like a good competition, polls aren’t exactly my thing.
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
Cleo! Brendan was voted the most attractive person in the manor :3

 Okay? Fucking good for him, I guess. You’re telling me this shit as if I have any reason to care.
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
Ooo wait is this hunter or survivor Cleo?
It’s her hunter version <3 since that’s technically the uh ✹og✹
Surv Cleo will make a comeback though at.. some undisclosed point of time <3
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
A grin of sharp teeth as they stare at the hex totem.
~ đŸ„€
“hey- HEY NO. DO NOT.”
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
What came down from the ceiling was no family dog but the thrillseeker Cleo herself. Or uh.. better said what came rapidly falling down and splatting onto the floor before getting back up was Cleo. Still holding onto Contract’s hand, she practically snatched the Spring Roll from Brendan.
 Now the one thing you’re not going to do is treat me like a damn dog, got it? I really shouldn’t give this back to you after whatever that just was.”
As quickly as she.. very pathetically fell from the ceiling, she threw Contract’s hand at Brendan’s face before turning to Contract.
“I’ll see you later once he’s gone, roomie.”
And without any further words, she left.
A quick knock on the door as Brendan anxiously shifted his weight from side to side.
"Shit, Contract, are you there? I got here as fast as I could, are you ok? Something happened to your hand?"
There was a small shuffling behind the door, followed by the sound of firecrackers and items being thrown. Familiar and unfamiliar voices echoed through the room, yet the words being said were
 muffled. Something about showtime?
However, the moment the avatar spoke, every sound within the room stopped. An eerie silence.
Then, the door cracked open, just a slight, and a familiar head of grey and purple hair peeked out from the slight open doorway. It was a little messy, placed in a high ponytail. To be honest, no one was sure if she even had a room, with all the time she spent in her lab. There’s a first for everything, I suppose.
“Oh, uh. Hi Brendan. Yeah I’m good. The whole being a doll thing. I don’t really feel all that much pain.”
Holding out her right hand- err- right arm out, where her hand should be was an exposed doll joint.
“Wait, did you. Run all the way over here?”
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
“Huh. You guys must’ve really missed me. I don’t know if I should be flattered or say that’s sad on your part.”
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
H- Oh gosh, there is now two of them......
“Is that a problem? Are the two of us leaving you speechless? Maybe you’re just starstruck? If you’re in such awe, take a picture! Oh, but make sure to get it from the right, that’s my good side! Ah no.. maybe the left? What am I saying, both of them are my good sides! So whatever works for you, dear anon!”
Cleo can be seen rolling her eyes from the distance.
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a-thrilling-performance · 5 months
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“Let’s blow this scene to ashes, and burn away the past in a blaze of fuckin’ glory.”
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– Stay out of my way. || Introduction –
Dear Detectives, running from the boredom of their past, they now leave a trail of red and screams in their wake. Let’s give an exciting welcome to our two new hunters, the Thrillseeker and the Radio Star!
Don’t get too close though
 they won’t hesitate to cut you down.
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– You’re a fucked up little whiny bitch. || BLOG RULES –
The blog rules are the usual basics (Racism, homophobes, and the like are not allowed. This is a safe space for everyone!) and this blog is a SFW blog. Flirting, suggestiveness and such is fine, just don’t go completely overboard!
This blog is both a roleplay and an ask blog. Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses! Any IDV characters (canon, OC, crossover, au, etc. etc.) are free to interact!
The mun is currently still in school, so, please be patient with her!!
Remember that muses do not equal mun/mod. That being said, dark topics will arise in the future! You have been warned in advance đŸ«Ą
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Current Event: N/A
Recurring Events: The Runner and The Trickster
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