#but also im sooooooo fucking over
rthwrms · 7 months
getting real heated about the art vs craft debate (cause its fucking stupid) it's all art. it's all craft. i think white men should be shot for sayign otherwise
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simplydnp · 5 months
i hate the medical system <3
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 11 months
don't you love watching your friend beat up your boyfriend and beloved (tiso) (hollow)
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caffeiiine · 5 months
god sometimes i rememebr i had this weird crush on my friend and k could not act normally next to her for a good month because i was having lovely internal monologues
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scattered-winter · 1 year
😈🤲🏻 <- guy asking for a winter ramble(TM) about eliot spencer <333
tw for uh. abusive relationships and manipulation and shit like that. like I said. I'm going feral.
LISTEN HE'S SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm specifically going super insane over his relationship w moreau because it's very clear that there Was In Fact some kind of relationship there. like ?!? the thing I'm the most insane about is how moreau seems to get under eliot's skin in a way that none of the other marks they've had can. I'm thinking specifically about the scene when hardison and eliot go face-to-face with moreau for the first time. eliot actually looks nervous, which is a look we haven't seen on him like .. at ALL. his whole THING is being the unrufflable, unshakeable team hitter who doesn't balk at anything, and so seeing him so visibly distressed was SOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a collection of some of my favorite expressions in the ep:
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he literally ??? has tears in his eyes in the last one as he's begging parker not to ask what moreau made him do ??? i am ??? in shambles??????
and like. any other character showing this amount of emotion wouldn't even phase me because that's like. not a lot of emotion for someone to show but when it's eliot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, especially since there were so many microexpressions I couldn't possibly get a screenshot of because they're soo blink-and-you'll-miss-it like ,, jaw ticks and lip trembles and voice trembling and shit like that. because it's eliot, the guy who hardly ever cracks, who's showing this much open emotion, it's the equivalent of someone scream-sobbing onscreen. I'm actively going insane
because it's like. moreau must have had ?? so much power over eliot in the past ???? the way he was acting in that scene, the way he was being So confident and almost...mocking .. taking every opportunity to throw the fact that He Knows Eliot into their faces (saying eliot prefers beer, calling him "old friend," reminiscing about "the old days," etc). he was deliberately trying to get under eliot's skin and the thing that makes me insane is that it WORKED. eliot was already so tense and ready for a fight even before moreau showed up, and it was SO !!! so !!!!!! even when hardison was drowning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eliot didn't have the luxury of showing his stress and worry on his face because if moreau Knew he was scared for hardison their whole job would be blown!!!!!!!!! and it is SUCH a favorite trope of mine where a character has so force themselves to be impassive while a member of their team (bonus points if it's a S/O!!!!!) is in danger !!!!! so really this concept had me from day ONE
and like. the concept of them being A Thing (tm) romantically before canon. not in a cutesy healthy way but in a "there's 13 layers of manipulation and control and one-sided codependency and moreau was using eliot as a tool and a weapon and it's all about eliot being his possession and eliot was trapped in a cycle of manipulation and wanting so desperately to be wanted and being controlled and even after breaking free from it he still had lasting scars for years" kind of way. for moreau it's all about possession and control and for eliot it's all about having a place to belong even though he's losing parts of himself along the way. because the worst, darkest thing from eliot's past* happened while he was working for moreau, and he didn't tell the team about it. now, that's not really a shocker, because the team lies to and withholds information from each other all the time but !!!! still !!!!! there's been this level of Openness eliot and the team has had in the last few eps I've been watching where like ..... if anyone has any questions abt their past, they'll answer them pretty willingly. but he specifically asked parker not to ask him what he did because he didn't want to tell her !!! (which ALSO makes me insane because .... he literally can't say no to her????????? even though he Doesn't Want Them To Know ,, he fully knew that if she asked he would Tell Her ... aoughhh)
*I don't think they ever confirm what that was but bro.....I Have Theories (tm)
and like !!!!!! eliot being used as a tool by his abuser, and doing the absolute worst things he's ever done in his life, that will haunt him forever, and then even years after leaving moreau behind being shoved face to face with him ??!!?!?! I really hope moreau comes back in later seasons because eliot was DISTRESSED and I was EATING IT UP !!!!!!!!!!!!! and I also have had a LOOONG lasting love for whump/angst tropes where one character has been Controlled And Manipulated by another character and even years later that person still has so much power over them ,,,,,,,,, it's SO.!!!!!!!!
if I take some liberties w all these concepts ,, there's SOOO much potential there. moreau being a "toxic ex" but crank the toxicity up to 11 and throw in a healthy dose of whumper/abuser behavior and he somehow gets a hold of parker and hardison and basically forces eliot to leave the team and come back with him ,, kind of a "you don't belong to anyone but me" kinda deal ,,,,,,, oughhhgogughgghghh
#this was SOO scattered because my thoughts are basically just any variation of !!!!:D!!!!!!>:D!!!!!!!!!#i'd like to add the disclaimer that i'm only just getting into the beginning of s4 so if there's anything else that comes after#in regards to this#then i don't know about it <3#but i know im right <3333333333#anyway this is where i reveal my longtime love of fucked up relationships where there's a clear power imbalance#and psychological/emotional/maybe even physical torture involved#not in a hot kink way but in a sinking my teeth into them and dissecting every aspect of the emotions and conflict#i LOVE writing emotions. grief and manipulation and trauma and sadistic control and someone being controlled.#it's sooooooo fascinating to explore in writing. and ougghghh <3333#just to clarify im not woobifying eliot in any way im just squeezing him like a stress ball <3#he's not my little meow meow he's my blorbo SCRUNKIFEROUS soldier hope this helps <3333#UGHGHUGHG. I AM PUTTING BOTH HIM AND MOREAU INTO A BEAKER. I AM STUDYING THEM.#i also have SUCH a love for the person in the control/manipulation position being SO confident and mocking to the person#they used to control even years after they left.#eliot meeting moreau face to face years after the fact and moreau still has just as much power over him as he used to????#making eliot feel just as helpless as before ?????????????#BOY I EAT THAT ONE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT BOY!!!!!!!#ugh. anyway. going soooooo insane abt them. This Close to writing 10K of emotional manipulation and torture#and maybe some physical and psychological torture too because <33333#and then an additional 7K of healing and moving on with a much more healthy relationship w his bf and gf godbless#ugh. SOO many thoughts. i literally have a headache from this. teehee <3#leo 🌻#leverage#eliot spencer#tw manipulation#tw abuse
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10518 · 9 hours
no one I know follows this afaik (thank god) but ohhhhhhhhhh god when will I stop being like this. I’m not even in a place to be in a relationship rn but I’m utterly miserable over someone who barely gives me the time of day anymore & may or may not be openly flirting with someone else in front of me even after everything & like. kms forever and ever
#if you do no you don’t <3#but yeah no#why am I always the most into people who (maybe) don’t like me back#he *says* he does but also says he can’t be in a relationship rn & we should revisit it a couple months down the line#which is fine bc same#but he doesn’t even flirt with me anymore#and I can’t ask him to take it elsewhere if he’s found someone new bc like where else is he gonna drink this cheap#but#man this is why I don’t fuck coworkers#it just sucks bc we went from talking & flirting all the time & getting handsy on the dl to#nothing#he’s been texting me more the last few days tho & I’m sooooooo hopeful but I know it’s probably just cope#I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried over this & I feel so stupid#i feel like a dumb asshole#and a simp#i mean given the circumstances I don’t blame him but like#i wish he would just tell me if he doesn’t want to be involved at all instead of stringing me along#tho maybe he’s not and is trying to ease out & im just being delusional#it wouldn’t be the first time!!!#but again if that’s the case just fucking say so#not that I’m one to talk tho lbr this is karma#alas#should I just give up?#tho maybe he does mean what he says & is just taking a step back across the board so things don’t get confused#which would be fine with me I’d just like to know & there’s no way to ask without looking insane#but what if he’s just saying *that* to buy time#hoooooooooooo boy I need therapy lol#rocd go brrrrrrrrr#maybe it’d be easiest if I let it take over & make me stop liking him#but…
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treasure-goblin · 2 months
SUPRISE so I made the realization as to why I've been so unproductive for so long in terms of art/photography/writing after the blog switch and so yeah ha that's nice
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girlsexbattle2 · 3 months
missery missery missery missery missery mis
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cowvboyenema · 5 months
// I'm never going to school again this shit is fucking absurd
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lesbianbishounen · 8 months
you know its fucking bad when you consider buying a game ultimania that was never translated into english
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raeygina-george · 11 months
I hate character design
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ariaverde · 1 year
I want you all to know that I want to post Danganronpa related things really, really badly, but I fucking can't because I'm not through all the games or the anime yet, and so I have the tag and related tags blacklisted to avoid spoilers.
But you can bet your ass that the second I can, my followers will be drowning in Danganronpa for weeks.
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l0v3tast3 · 10 months
ur fics/hcs r sooooooo good!!! i binge read them all in like one day theyre sctually addictive im not kidding 😭😭
anywho, i saw the pervy older bf!price and i was wondering how he would be like with a shy reader…. like would he tease her or would he be gentle with her? idk!!!!!!!!! give us more content pls queen
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nmhgmfmh i need pervy!price so bad just foaming at the mouth for him. thank u anon for this request n thank u for the uber sweet words ily !!! \(★ω★)/
mdni! f!reader, age gap, exhibitionism
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pervy older boyfriend!john who's so gentle with you (at first). you're his sweet girl, an innocent angel sent to bless him with serenity- how could he poke fun at that? he eases you into everything, slow and methodical. he tells you everything he's going to do before he does it. he makes sure that you always feel good (not because he doubts his own abilities- he knows anxiety can block out the good things). but all that doesn't mean he doesn't like making you squirm.
when he first starts to ease you into it, john likes to pick you up and put you on his lap with your back to his chest and map out your body with his hands. no matter how many times he's repeated it, he'll do it again and again- john loves your body, every inch of it, every dip and curve and corner. he also loves how you're too shy to tell him how far gone your patience is by the time he gets close to dragging your skirt up your thighs. after awhile he starts to make you tell him what you want, demanding more filthy words from you before he goes any further as time goes on.
and that's how the rest of it goes- as john corrupts you, takes over your mind with himself and how good he always fucks you, he wants more. he wants more of your squirming, more of your bashfulness when you choke out the words he wants to hear from your pretty lips. orgasm after orgasm is your reward when you give him what he wants. john always sings his praises (half praise, half teasing) to you from between your thighs when you do; "keep still, sweetheart, not done with your pretty pussy yet," and "bein' such a good girl f'me, aren't you, love? you are my good girl, right? say it for me, c'mon."
as much as he gets off on your innocence and the erasure of it, he also loves when he's able to take it all up a notch. when he can finally get your leg over his shoulder in the backseat of his car. when he can feel you up at the bars and restaurants he takes you to. when he can sneak into dressing rooms with you and make you watch yourself try to stay quiet while his cock is buried to the hilt in you. and the best part is, he'll make you shy all over again when he teases you about it.
"you're the one lettin' me fuck you here, love- dunno why you're actin' so scared to get caught," he'll mutter in your ear. one hand's holding up your increasingly-limp body and the other snakes around to rub your clit. "y'want them to see me fuckin' you, is that it? such a dirty little girl. should i just open the door, give'em a show?" when your eyes widen and you shake your head "no", he chuckles and plants a rough kiss on your cheek. "y'can't lie t'me when i'm inside you, sweetheart."
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(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ likes, comments n reblogs are always appreciated!!
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love-toxin · 1 year
Leon looks so pissed off in that last gif and Luis looks ecstatic. Oh to be stuck between the two of them. Luis so fucking happy he gets to play with you as he thought you were adorable the first time he saw you but Leon pissed off that he's having to share you. Maybe you were the price for Luis' help.
ok im sorry but i have to go insane for like. at least a moment bc luis 🥺 my love 🥺
(cws: gn!reader, post-canon, re4 spoilers!!, confessions, flirting, a kissy kissy, canon divergence, some blood and injury, mild innuendos, a lil intimate touching & mutual pining. leon's bad with feelings.)
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Luis is sooooooo happy go lucky about the whole thing but Leon couldn't be more pissed. you're his mission partner, his. so where the hell does this stupid Latin-hearthrob local get off on asking him to set you two up? the danger may have passed and Ashley may be safely loaded on to a helicopter and taken away, but does he really have no better way to spend the last evening you've got to waste here? he just has to bug him about trying to get in with you?
"come on, prince charming. didn't you say you would thank me for my help?" Luis teases, nudging him with his elbow as the two lounge side-by-side on one of the sofas in the palace's many sitting rooms. Hunnigan had pointed out that the castle would be the most fortified place for you three to wait out the evening, as another chopper wouldn't be available until the next morning. but despite it being comfortable, Leon's only got his mind on passing the time as quick as possible so he can get you away from Luis and nip that possibility of you two hooking up in the bud.
"pick something else." he huffs, arms crossed over his broad chest as he elbows Luis back even harder--and a smirk twinges at his lips when he hears the Spaniard groan and buckle in pain, his wounds still fresh from just barely escaping Saddler's attempt to get the "sample" back from him.
it was because of you that he even survived, you had shoved him out of the way and landed a hit on his attacker with your shotgun aimed right at his head. and even though it obviously hadn't killed him, and you'd suffered your own injuries as you were flung away and Saddler retreated, you still rushed to Luis first to stem the bleeding from his abdomen and whisper those soft, worried reassurances that he would be okay. you'd taken care of him, brought him back to life, soothed him and babied him and smiled when he managed to get to his feet--and Leon had hated every second of it because it was for someone else. what he wouldn't give to have you look at him that way, to croon over him and want to protect him and kiss his wounds better.
so duh, he's jealous, and that's why he's been so stubborn and childish over Luis' attempts to claim his prize. but even now, when all is said and done and he's finished what he started, he still can't get even that.
"Luis?" Leon's head perks up at the sound of your voice--your sweet, delicate voice wafting over as you step through the doorway. clearly you heard him whining in pain, your eyes say it all. they soften with your brow and you move briskly to crouch in front of your friend and rest your hands tenderly on his knees. "are you okay? is it hurting again?" damn that doting look you give Luis. he shifts uncomfortably in his seat as he tries not to think of you looking at him that way, in that same position, with his legs spread apart and you on your knees like that...
"only when I breathe, mi corazon." he laughs albeit defeatedly, and only now does Leon feel a little guilty for prodding some of those wounds. he definitely looks paler than he should, but it also hurts to see you so worried for him.
"oh, Luis--here, let's get you somewhere more comfortable, yeah? it'll be better for you to lay down anyways. Lee?"
he's so lost in the way your hands glide up Luis' legs to check on his bandages that he flinches when you call his name again, your expression questioning when he finally snaps back to reality until he utters a "huh?". and then you gesture for him to help you prop Luis up to take him into the bedroom next door, which he does for you begrudgingly and remedies only by dropping Luis just a little rougher than needed when he lifts him up on to the bed. it bites him in the same way as the Spaniard groans and you hurry to evaluate his pain, but at least now Luis looks a bit more pathetic laying back on the sheets--much like he's moments away from passing out cold. it's been a long day for all of you, after all, although he would be lying if he said he wouldn't be glad that it'd shut him up for five minutes.
it feels even longer when he watches you lean over him, and Luis' fingers trail up your hip to give your waist a playful squeeze--and when you two share a too-intimate smile at each other as you work on tightening his bandages, Leon's had more than enough. when you straighten up and turn to him to ask him to fetch something, the words don't even hit his ears because he's already leaning in. both hands come to rest just underneath your jaw and sit right below your ears, so the entire lower half of your face is dwarfed by him as his lips meet yours in a hot, wet flurry; one, another for good measure, and a third just grazing your bottom lip as you finally flinch at the sudden contact. a sound escapes you but whether it was his name, or a question, or just a sound, he doesn't know. because as soon as it's over, Leon's turning on his heel and leaving the room in a hurry to go get whatever it was you wanted. he'll just have to guess. something for Luis.
"my, my..." the man in question wonders aloud, a smug grin tweaking his lips as he watches Leon's back disappear from the doorway. "...finally got the courage, I see." he whispers devilishly under his breath.
"L-Lee? Lee! I...d-did I do something..? I didn't hurt his feelings, did I?" you whimper so sweetly, and Luis can't help but laugh even though it has him keeling over in a second, the pain in his chest bringing up a hacking cough that thankfully goes away quickly, and without any blood in his palm to boot.
"oh, mi amor, you're going to rot my teeth...don't worry your sweet heart, he's just got something on the mind." he shifts his position and looks up at you with a wink at the ready, but your unexpectedly sour expression staring back at him wilts that charm in no time at all.
"I hate it when you two act like you know something I don't." all that pouting you're doing now is just too adorable to resist though, especially since you're throwing yourself right back into securing his injuries yet again--perhaps, based on the concentration on your face, because you want to focus on figuring out the reason for why your coworker just did what he did. those warm cheeks and glimmery eyes speak for themselves, though. you must have enjoyed it, conflicting feelings and all.
"and--hngh--what if we do?"
"then just tell me!"
you huff, straightening out his clothes for the last time and gently dragging his shirt back down to cover his stomach. just when you reach his belt, however, Luis grabs your wrist in a tight grip and yanks you towards him--and when you squeak and collapse on top of him, your hands hitting either side of the pillow under his head while your knee rests on the edge of the mattress, that flustered face and those quickened breaths at your newfound closeness just melt any remaining hesitation from his heart. his thumb grazes your palm on the hand he's still got in his grasp, and with a smirk he slides it over yours to lace your fingers together while the other creeps up your neck.
you've got eyes on him alone, heart beating in your throat for him. the kiss he plants on your half-open mouth is warmer, sweeter, and deeper than the one you had from Leon--not better or worse, just enthusiastic in a different way. and his grin only grows wider when he breaks away and spots Leon standing there over your shoulder, watching with flushed cheeks and a vial clutched in his hands as he waits in the doorway. how polite of him, especially shutting the door so quietly as he slowly stalks up behind you both in your moment of heated, Spanish passion.
"...now, how's that for a confession, cariño?"
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subskz · 7 months
SKZ BUNNY BOYS‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🙌🙌😫💯💯💯😍😍😍
you had me at minho in thigh highs 😰 getting them a size too small is gonna make my brain fizzle out that’s so good…they fit a lil too snugly and you can see the cute bit of pudge spilling over the cuffs of his socks bc his thick juicy thighs just can’t be contained…makes for a fun challenge to see if you can get him to flex his muscles just hard enough to see if they burst ♡ he’d sputter so bad if you pulled at the elastic of the socks and snapped it against his skin to make a satisfying smacking sound hehe
and the BUNNY TAIL plug!! the way he’d stiffen and breath in so sharply when you drag your fingers down his spine little by little, then exhale w the most adorable moan when your hand finds the plug and pushes it deeper inside him <3 that’s all it would take for him to lose his last shred of bravado and collapse against you, hiding his burning face in your neck and whimpering straight into your ear as you play w his cute fluffy tail. hopping on the strap like a bunny w his ears flopping everywhere…😭💔 he isn’t sure what’s more embarrassing, the feeling of his ears bouncing on his head or the feeling of his dick bouncing against his tummy. it’d be extra cute to tell him to curl his hands up against his chest to form bunny paws otherwise he won’t be allowed to cum hehe
and pink bunny binnie 💞 the thigh high socks hugging his soft thighs would make him so sensitive he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from rubbing his legs together so desperately the whole time you tease him ): he’d completely melt and make the cutest high-pitched whines if you tugged at his bunny ears was he rides you and coo over how pretty he is…or if you squeezed and grabbed at his waist telling him how perfect he looks filled up, you might have to keep the plug in him at all times~
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yanderesimp2000 · 4 months
Yan Adam x Fem reader Chap 3/5 someone else DARES TO FLIRT ON YOU !MINORS STAY AWAY
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CHAP 1 https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745338401920860160/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-reader-chap-15-start?source=share
CHAP 2 https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745426251094818816/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-listener-chap-25?source=share
Tags, Cuddles, kisses,protective, 9 feet size diff , wing snuggles, daiquiri?!, RIBS?!!,horny listener
TWS, Manipulation, Violence (not on you), someone trys to SA you (NOT ADAM), Alcohol, Yanderery, Adam being a incel and misogynist, blow job, and brainwashed reader
btw this takes place in a universe where Adam won the Battle of Hazbin hotel and killed all the main hazbin hotel cast also PLEASE GIVE ME REQUESTS
my english might be bad I'm from Armenia
it been about 3 days since your little "illness" stopped affecting you Adams gonna back to work making your lonely he's only here at night so he cant give you the attention you desperately crave "like a little fly to soda" Adam described your attention craving
His mansion he keeps you locked up in is cool to live in it had 5 floors and everything you could want like,pools a huge kitchen and dinner room, multiple living rooms a indoor theater but it's never engough your just counting down the days Adam dosnet have to do first man stuff for 7 whole days strait and you will get all the attention and love you want
as you sat on your bed watching Tv some reality TV show you here someone unlock the front door "what upppp Baby" It was Adam you rushed over to the door and he gave you a hug "ughhhhhhh today was soooo boring sera was being a bitch again something about You cant banish random people to hell because you dislike them like bitch? im fucking Adam I can do whatever I want I'm god first creation and his favorite so you can go eat shit" the way Adam described sera just made you hate her all you could think was is "how could she disrespect him does she know who he is you should be lucky to be in his presence" but you just said "yeah I know seras a bitch I know I know" Adam was happy to hear that at said "well atleast someone understands even lute is on Sera side"
adam groaned before Slumping down and laying down on the couch before saying " hey babe do we still have so raw ribs in the fridge" he said You then said "I'll check" before opening the fridge to see the rack of ribs he brought home one day you then said "yeah do you want me to make them" you said in your soft caring voice adam LED mask lit up and he said " YES YES YES FUCKIN MAKE THEM" Like a ecstatic puppy when you bring out his food
you then start to cook them Adam always thought that It was your job as a women to do the house work and cook and clean for him and you agreed since for some strange reason you could not remember what you life was like before he Married you so you just blindly agreed to everything he said once you were done seasoning the ribs you put them on the slow cooker for 2 hours before laying down on the couch with him like you always do
he started to snuggle you before telling you the same story's he always tell you "did I tell you about that one time this bitch girl that was Lucifer daughter came over and took me to court over the extermination it was sooooooo annoying then we killed them all and it was fuckin great" he said proud of himself "yes babe youve told me" you said Slightly annoyed
Adam then said "ugh this couch is too small were gonna go to the bed" he then picked you up with one hand like he always does and just carried you over the the bed and placed you on it before also laying down on the bed " your my little teddy bear y'know that small helpless... weak you have to rely on me for shelter safety and protection and that's Just the way I like it" he softly and gently cooed "and the world is dangerous their would be sooo many creeps that would try to take advantage of you and take you away from me so you should never try to leave its too dangerous" he said gently but very firm and something about it your mind just agreed with him " he was right you should stay with him" was all your little brain could think as you nuzzled into him
when you nuzzled into him he was surprised but loved it "ohh someones a little love bug today" he teased before starting to kiss you on your forehead his wings starting to wrap around you two creating a soft little fort as you two were snuggling you noticed some knots and dirt on Adams wings which just bothered you so much you started to clean and prune them this surprised Adam but he just giggled a little "sorry my wings are a little dirty but its always nice to know someone can take care of them for me" you walked out of the bed and grabbed the brush to brush his wings like the good little wife you were he giggled and cooed over this you just dropped everything to clean his wings as you were doing that he felt your wings " if only I could take care of myself like you do I'm a fucking mess" a complained "your wings are so sleek and soft they always look like its your first day in heaven and mine are dirty and rugged" he groaned "but hey I have you and your such a good wife you just clean them for me" he laughed
when you were done cleaning his wings he praised you like you were a toddler "wow I look so pretty, what ever would I do without you, Their so sleek and shiny just like yours,how could you do all of this so quickly" this coddling was interrupted by the buzzing of the oven that had the ribs in them " fuck yeah' he yelled before jumping out of bed and running towards the kitchen as you followed behind him to take them out when you took them out Adam just grabbed one of the burning hot ribs and shoved them in his mouth you looked at him shocked but he said " fucking delicious thanks babe" you heard the ribs FUCKING SIZZLE WHEN HE PICKED THEM UP
Besides that concerning discovery the dinner was pretty good he talked to you and seemed to enjoy the ribs a lot making your heart happy he then groaned "welp that was nice time for bed" you weren't tired and said "w-wait" but I was to late he picked you up and walked to the bed and threw you guys down on it " I said it was time for bed" Adam growled ignoring your protests as he feels asleep you were forced to sit their smushed in-between his arm and his chest For another 3 hours before you finally fell asleep against him
3 days later
it was finally the day were Adam got 7 whole days off no doing angel stuff he promised you guys would go do something and now you were he was dressing you up looking thur dresses while he was in his classic robe attire you guys were going to his favorite club for a date and you were so excited 1 because it was your first time out of his mansion in 2 months and 2 he was actually taking you on a date
adam then showed you a nice baby blue dress that fir very tightly on you he then said "yes yes that's the one so everyone will know how fucking smoking hot you are and THEY CANT HAVE YOU because your alllllllllllllllllll mine" the dress was very tight but you said it was okay because he said it looked cute on you so it had to
He then said "okay were both ready so lets go" you two walked out the door and heaven was just a pretty as it always was the huge building all the gold and marble and just everything as you two walking you heard people mumbling "how did Adam pull that girl" "must of bribed her or something" "wow shes hot shit" but you didn't humor them ignoring them and just focusing on Adam as you two walked to the club which he always talked about so you knew it was gonna be a lovely experience
as you two rounded the corner he said "prepare to be blown out of your fucking mind" then you saw it big flashy signs and a bouncer that said "come in sir" when he saw you and adam" when you two walked in you were seated in one of the best seats in the club were he ordered himself a large daiquiri and you a small red wine you guys drank and talked and listened to music as he blabbered his head off about story's that he told you a billion times but you didn't mind at all and you were with him it was all fine
Adam started to get a little drunk and started to get even more touchy and affectionate then he already was "nice t-t-tits bitch" he said words slurred "T-thank you" you said felling flattered but a little insulted at being called a bitch " can I have my rib back" Adam said before erupting in laughter "its okay even though you came from my r-rib your m-much fuckin hotter then in" he teased again before saying "when we get home I'm gonna fuck ya hard yeahhh gonna knock ya up give ya babys make ya all round gonna baby trap ya then you could Neva leave me" he said words slurred you were slightly annoyed by this and said "Adam having babys would be wonderful but I would never leave you, you know that right?" you said trying to reassure him "yeah yeah I fucking know I was just fucking around bitch" Adam said laughing a little before saying " I gotta fuckin piss I'll be right back" before standing up and leaving
you sat their fiddling with you thumbs waiting for adam to return when an angel came up to you he was unattractive in your standards so you didn't bat an eye that was until he said "hey baby you could do sooooo much better then him you know that" you tried to ignore him but he persisted "he treats you like trash right yeahhh I bet he does I would treat you like the queen you are" you get angry and said "fuck off I'm not going out with you or leaving him" the angel looks offended but then says well then I'll just give it a little sample then before punching you to the ground holding you down before trying to touch you private area he didn't even seem to notice Adam walking over to the stall
2 seconds later he was ripped of you and adam had never looked so angry before "YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE IN MY CLUB EVEN AFTER SHE SAID NO" he said in-between punches "Scum like you have no place in heaven" he said before snapping his fingers opening a portal to hell "wait no no no no no no please I'm sorry please nooooooooooo" he said before being sucked in before the portal closed Adam was panting looking like a rapid animal everyone in the club was looking at him " lets go babe" he said before grabbing your hand and flying out of the club back home
When you got home Adam said "fucking scum trying to hit on you I'm sorry you had to see that but he deserved it" he said still fuming "it's okay Adam" you said gently trying to calm him down but God he was so hot when he was angry it just brought out his dominate side which you found so hot he then walked over to the couch and sat down to watch his favorite show
this was your chance you thought he always was the one to ask to fornicate so it was your turn but you were to nervous to directly ask him from Adams perspective he was just sitting on the couch watching his favorite TV show when all of a sudden he felt something you... you were sitting on the floor in-between his legs rubbing your face against his soft bulge looking up at his longingly he was surprised and that well you were asking to fuck he giggled and said "that's one way to ask if you can suck my dick" before taking his underwear revealing his 35 cm dick complete erect he then teased "hope ya don't choke" before grabbed you by the hair and putting your mouth against his dick you gladly opened it and started to suck on it purring and playing with the soft tip arousing Adam even more 'good good girl" he said "I hope ya dont chock on it although that would be cute" he said in a low purr you were to preoccupied to listen and you just kept sucking him off rubbing your tongue against the veins bulging through and the gentle tip tickling him he then said "going all the way in" then shoving his whole dick down your throat you were surprised you did not gag maybe heaven does not have a gag reflex you thought while sucking it "that's it baby this is your dessert after all those drinks" he said as the bead of precum went down your throat it was so nice to have all his love and affection and to pleasure him it was just an addicting feeling Adam then blurted out " are you ready for you dessert " before pulling his dick partially out before cumming all onto your tongue letting you taste it "don't you dare spit it out" Adam said firmly as more ropes of cum went into your mouth. by the end your mouth was filled with his sticky salty cum you started to gulp it down as he cleaned himself up he laughed and said "Ya like your dessert because your gonna eat that EVERY DAY" before saying "its getting late lets go to bed
as he was sleeping your played with his bulge it was soft and warm kinda like a pillow he was enjoying it as he blurted out "ugh yess" once and awhile it was just the perfect pillow you finally rested on his bulge using it like a pillow and fell asleep
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