#but also i really wanna make cupcakes today i don't know why
OKAY time for some quiet no-brain time with just me and music and gifmaking and maybe some food
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Hi Rose 💜 Weird question time! Do you have a favourite quote(s) from the series you've watched? Like, some sentence that got stuck in your head. I am looking at the empty wall in my room and feeling a very adult urge to just write something on it so I'm looking for inspirations.
No pressure though, it's just my head is completely empty and my memory is bad 😅
Hi Kat💜
So my memory is also terrible. A lot of the times I forget quotes really quickly. But I was thinking about this and going through the rolodex in my brain, and realized that I do remember lines from shows, but usually they aren't significant by themselves. Like for me it's a quote that brings me straight into the show again, like I'm seeing in my head and it's invoking the same feelings that I felt during the show. (also there's also the language thing, where I'm not always sure if I know exactly what they're saying so I'm always afraid of giving it weight for some reason)
Like for example. If I'm thinking of WDYEY, I think of onions, and chicken thighs. Specifically "I think I should use two chicken thighs", as said by Shiro. Because it makes me remember them instantly, and have the same feeling I had when I watched. Also lot of the times I think of bits of dialogue and not necessarily lines by itself. Like for instance in ULS when Hotae is talking to Donghee while cleaning and he says a bunch of things ending with something like "But that's all bullshit. Because when you can't endure something, then you just can't endure it."
So I don't know if these will help you, because although I think I could maybe put them on my wall or something, and it would be meaningful to me, I don't know if it would be the same for you.
But anyway, you asked and I will tell you some of my favourite lines, that I think of, when I remember certain shows. (these are from memory, so they might not be verbatim)
Light on me "Yesterday, today and tomorrow. I'll still be thinking about you" Shinwoo - this is of course an all time favourite.
Love Sick "It barely takes any time to fall in love, so why does it hurt so much to say goodbye?" Noh (I'm gonna stop at one with this one because I'd be here all day)
Gaya Sa Pelikula "Tell me a story Karl." & "I refuse to be a plot device that triggers somebody else's identity crisis only to be left alone in the end" & "Jesus is too forgiving to be a Capricorn" Vlad (yeah this show also had a lot that I like)
Kieta Hatsukoi "We don't have to be like everyone else" Ida
If it's with you "I think liking you might be good" Ryuji
Old Fashion Cupcake "Don't just be a part of my life. Please be my entire life" Togawa
To My Star "If it's too hard for you. I'll go to you." Seo Joon
We Best Love "Am I still the lucky one?" WBL 2 "You wanted to stay with me forever, but you didn't believe in my forever" Shu Yi
Theory of Love "Why Khai? Why are you still waiting" "I don't wanna love you anymore. It hurts" < I can hear this one in my head. Third
The Eighth Sense "I'm getting sick of wearing a mask" & "Let's try it together even if we're afraid" Jae Won (this one is another I'd have several)
Unintentional Love Story "I'll love you instead." Ji Won Young
I've not been able to really go look, because life, but I know I have more and if more come to me I'll let you know. I know there are a couple from kdramas I really like but for the life of me I can't remember them right now. The only one that comes to mind is from Navillera that it's just "Did you soar?" cause I get emotional just thinking about it.
Anyway since perhaps I'm not the best person for this particular thing, because I have a terrible memory and maybe because I'm more of a visual person when it comes to tv, I thought I'd open the floor to some people that might be able to help. So tagging some folks that might be able to contribute to your endeavour.
@lurkingshan @twig-tea @wen-kexing-apologist @bengiyo @hyeoni-comb (no pressure of course)
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rachi-roo · 2 years
Also, I literally thought of this while writing the other one, but what would you think of Shinsou running into Tomo? >w<
-Panda/Black Feathers
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My Hero Academia: Stranger danger.
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Weeeee!!! More Tomohiro action! I'm amazed by how much love my OC had gotten XD Thank you @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers and @cupcake-spice13 !!!! Thought I'd combine these two asks since my writer's block is being a menace again 😭❤️
Summary: A gloomy Shinso is confronted by the local tickle monster.
Lee!Shinso, Ler!Tomohiro OC
Tw: Footer tiggles.
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The warm breeze shifted through Shinsos hair as he sat alone on a park bench, his legs crossed comfortably on the old planks, tossing the last of his grapes to the ducks that had been circling in the lake a few feet in front of him.
He had a sad expression on his features. Slumped shoulders, glassy eyes, lazy hand movements. He was wearing his hero costume, with his capture cloth bundled on the seat by his side. Today hadn't been a good day for him.
A loud sigh escaped his lips. "Stupid..."
"Why so blue kid?" Shinso turned his head at the voice behind him, seeing a fluffy-haired boy grinning at him. He blinked, looking the boy up and down as other did the same in return, squinting slightly at Shinso.
"Blue? Wait." The boy closed one eye. "Oh, purple. Hehe. Colour blind." He then casually took a seat beside Shinso. "But you do look a little down in the dumps."
Shinso rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm fine."
"Nnnoooo you're not. I can see it, riiiight there." The boy chuckled, pressing a finger against Shinsos cheek. "Sadness. Sad Shinso."
"How do you know my name?"
"I was at the sports festival. Row eight, seat 13B. You have one hell of a quirk." He took a bag of cashews from his pocket, popping a few in his mouth. "Mh. Names Tomo. Want one?" This boy was very talkative. Shinso declined the cashew offer, shaking his head.
"No thank you."
"M'kay. So, wanna talk?"
"About what?"
"What's making you sad, duuuh."
Shinso sighed, this boy was something else. Way too chatty for his liking. And waaay too comfortable talking to strangers. Much like a certain green-haired boy who had gotten very attached to him since their first meeting at the sports festival.
There was something familiar about this boy though, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "There's nothing to talk about. Besides, I don't know you. I don't do trauma dumping on strangers."
"Aaah, true. You heroes really are noble guys, always looking out for us civilians." Tomo nodded, enjoying a few more cashews. "But. Who's taking care of you guys?"
"We can take care of ourselves." Shinso shrugged, earning a chuckle from the other.
"Oho really?" He raised a hand, smiling playfully starting to draw a figure of eight in the air continuously.
"Yes, really. That's what we're trained to- Ghk!?" Shinso stammered, suddenly hugging his stomach as he felt the light touch of a finger tracing over his belly. The sensation was tingly, making him shudder as a few suprised giggles slipped through his defence.
Tomo chuckled at his reaction, continuing his slow tease. "Something the matter?" The look on Tomos face made it very clear that this was his doing.
"Knock it ohoff." Shinso grumbled through gritted teeth, holding back his giggling as best he could.
The grin on Tomos cheeks turned into a shit-eating smirk. He said nothing as he raised a second hand, making poking gestures this time, sending a jolt of tickly pressure to Shinso's ribs.
"Ah! Hehey! Stop d-oing thahat! Y-You weirdo!"
Tomo paused, narrowing his eyes with a knowing smirk. He knew exactly how Shinsos quirk worked after the sports festival and he wasn't about to let him take over.
Shinsos heart raced, he knew wasn't getting out of this.
"I sahaid stop! C'mohon! Y-You can't just- AHA!" The tickling sensation travelled upwards, turning into scribbles under his arms. "Noho! Hahaha!" He curled in on himself and flopped onto his side on the bench, jamming his hands up under his arms to try and block the feeling. "Plehease!"
His purple locks flopped about as he shook his head, rolling onto his back with his feet kicking happily. That's when it clicked. This is the boy who Aizawa was talking about!
"T-Tomohoho! You- Gahaha! Villain!" He made a grab for his capture cloth, only to have it snatched away and put on the grass out of reach.
Tomo just made a tutting sound, shaking his head as he continued his attack. Now moving to assault Shinso's soles, skittering up and down relentlessly.
"PFF- Ahaha! NO! Nonono! Not- AHAHA!" Poor Shinso flailed helplessly, sliding off the bench and onto the grass. He never even realised how ticklish his feet were until now. It was pleasantly unbearable. "MEHERCY!"
Tomo stood over the gloomy hero, looking down at him with a genuine smile. He still wasn't talking, not wanting to risk being controlled, but Shinso just having to look at his wriggling fingers and gently gaze was teasing enough for him.
The hero's boots pressed into the grass as he arched his back, wailing with laughter. His cheeks had colour to them now. A warm red glow to match his red ears and bright smile.
"Ehehehe! I-I cahan't-! I can't take ihihit!" He rolled onto his side, bringing his knees to his chest, a hiccup popping through his endless giggling. "Tohomo! *hic* Pl-Ehehe!"
Tomohiro reached a hand down, petting Shinso's hair softly with a smile. "Keep your chin up, hero." He then turned on his heels, whistling a tune as he headed down the path out of the park. His quirk still linked to Shinso, meaning he could keep tickling him a while longer after he was gone.
"Ahaha! Haha! D-Damn ihit!" The tears in Shinsos eyes were blinked away as the tickling switched to soft pokes again, up and down his ribs and tummy making him jump and giggle quietly. He stayed sat by the lake, deciding it was best to wait for the tickling to stop before he tried walking home. That would be embarrassing.
"Ehehe! Hah. I-I'mma gehet y-ou! For thihis..." He smiled to himself as he hid his flustered face in his hands. That was the most fun he had in a while.
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Unpredicted Couple
Summary: A writing Drabble in which through the POV of Myra, starts a small personal private investigation on SolChael and if they're together or not.
Word count: who fucking knows, it's long as shit tho. And I mean ESSAY long.
Rating: teen
Warning: teens being teens, implied hickeys.
(Main) Characters: Michael H, Solrin J, Myra K.
Note: this is a writing Drabble I started at 4 AM so like I'm very much kind of tired, also I'm just a youngster having fun, don't take this seriously or I'll send "Kamala is Brat" at you. Enjoy! (No I'm not taking criticism as I don't care for writing RIGHT NOWWWWWwwww... So don't pls)
Tags?: for the 2 people who might be interested- @cadybear420 @lover-also-fighter-also
I knew I had a 6th sense about romance, it was almost like it was a radar. If anyone had chemistry together, I would be able to see it immediately before everyone else. I could see potential dynamics between people, and I could always match couples with tropes.
Though there was one pairing I liked, who always got me off guard- Michael and Solrin. They always looked like they hated eachother and I thought that too, though I'd see this look in their eyes when they argued that something was going on between them, and it made me confused for the first time this year and incredibly curious about them. They always argued, usually small disagreements and glares full of hate but... There was always something off about it...
Today was Monday, 14th of October. The halls were slowly getting decorated with fake black cats and cobwebs and pumpkins, the classrooms were getting spooky fake spiders and a cauldron that contained mints and other candy that replaced most typical mint/candy jars. The teachers sometimes added really crappy Halloween puns into their teaching, and no one would admit it but it was honestly such a nice time.
It was before class started, I had gotten on my laptop and was going through my Tumblr, all I could smell was cupcake frosting as I went through my feed. the smell from the dehumidifier was on by the teachers desk at the front, and in the corner of my eye I could see it change colours from red to orange to yellow to green, you get the idea. When Sydney came by and sat next to me, I shut my laptop and turned to her.
"Hey Syd" I smiled at her, she smiled back and waved wildly at me as she sat down.
"Hey! Wanna hear something fun?" She spoke low, leaning in towards me, she looked around us before continuing.
I listened intently, although I never liked hearing gossip that much- when it came to Sydney, it at least related to me or someone we knew.
"So apparently from Emma: she was waiting by Solrin's locker this morning when Michael was power walking through the hall, holding a hand to his neck and silently cursing. He bumped into her, apologized, and went into the bathroom."
Okay. This was interesting, Michael holding his hand to his neck? Suspicious... I kept listening.
"Apparently, uhm, because he lifted his hand when he bumped into her, there was like glitter there? Like a glittery lipstick looking mark..." Sydney continued, whispering even quieter. "And when Solrin came to her locker and greeted Emma, her lipstick was the exact shade of what was supposedly on his neck, glitter colour and all..."
I had to restrain myself from gasping because I wasn't exactly expecting THAT. Did they have some confusing tension? Yeah, I did see that sometimes, but I didn't expect something between them ACTUALLY going on. I thought for the first time at Berry, I'd have been wrong about signals between them.
She sat back up right, and nodded to me.
"I can't say, but it would make sense why they look like they're flirting when they're fighting... Also!-" Sydney got a little charm that had a tiger on it out of her cardigan pocket, talking about how she got it at a thrift shop yesterday and how she adored it. It was very very cute, and I really wanted to hear her and her thrift shop adventures, but I couldn't take my mind off of that surprise information earlier... I had to think of a ship name for them, as they could very well be together behind the scenes and nobody knew it!... I didn't want to think of prying into their lives, but damn it! they were leaving treats out for the curious cat in me- and I wanted to eat them all and figure them out!...
Hmm... Maybe SolChael?
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It was October 18, 4 days after Sydney told me about that SolChael moment. It was on my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it as it was still so shocking... I couldn't tell anyone else though as I felt it should be somewhat private.
It was another day, period 6, last (technical) class of the day. It was english, and we were tasked with finding a partner and re-enacting a dramatic part of any act in 'Romeo & Juliet' as it was our subject content for this quarter.
Solrin was partnered up with Caleb, and they were doing a really dramatic reading of 'Act 1: scene 5'. They were doing it in the hallway outside, with a few others, and they looked like they were having fun. When they came to the kissing part, they were just holding hands and moving their heads and saying "mwah mwah mwah" before laughing their heads off at how stupid it felt. I was seated right by the door so I had a 1st class viewing of it all. I didn't really care much though as I didn't really feel like acting that day.
Michael didn't seem so either. He was sitting next to me, face on the table and resting. However, I noticed how he would clench his fists tightly when he heard them laughing and having fun outside...
"You okay Michael? You seem a bit tired..." I asked, trying to be subtle.
"Myra, shush please, I'm trying to shut my brain off..." He responded dejectedly.
I playfully tapped the back of his head.
"Wow, I feel so much better, thanks Myra..." He gave a thumbs up, before sitting up and going on his phone.
I didn't know how to feel about him seemingly having jealousy. Or was he just incredibly annoyed hearing the repeated "Mwah"'s?... Who knew... Because I didn't.
He did glance up though at them two times before keeping his eyes glued to his phone...
The curious cat in me was about to get run over by a truck at this point of how much I was itching to interrogate them about how they were behind the scenes. UGH.
✩✩⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆✩✩
It was lunch, and I was sitting back with everyone at our table. It seemed short of 2 people, but I didn't know who.
I was eating a fruit bowl and a Capri Sun, looking at everybody. There was Caleb, Aiden, Sydney, Emma, Luis, Maria, and... Where were Solrin and Michael?
where were they? Ever since October 14th, they've always been having coincidences with eachother. They definitely had something going on now, and my thought only intensified when Solrin came by with her lunch box. Her face flushed. Wearing her dark grey leather jacket over her tank top and distressed denim shorts. It was a bit cold now, it made sense...
She looked like she was out of air though. Her face was red and she was breathing slightly heavy, she was telling everybody that she was running from the bathroom, to her locker, to here and it was taking a lot of time... But I couldn't bring myself to believe her. She was touching her collarbone I think through her jacket a lot, her lipstick was slightly smudged, and she looked a bit dazed. I didn't want to ask though.
"I'm guessing Michael is spending time with Wes & co?" Caleb asked, rhetorically, I couldn't help it though.
"You mean, Wes & *Koh*?... Okay I'll stop before I stop." I went back to my fruit bowl.
"Thank fuck for that, I don't want to see his ass" Solrin responded bitterly
"Solrin, please, let's not today..." Emma spoke up. Solrin looked at her, before sighing, and apologizing.
She looked so worked up in a way, and because of Michael and her being late, I couldn't help but think that maybe they had a little moment before going their separate ways...
Jeez... This SolChael affair has been getting to me. I love you, but I'm kind of mad you told me about them Sydney, now I must go through with staying my subtle investigation on them.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
23rd of October, and there were TOO many coincidences of events happening between SolChael that I had seen by accident, that were confirming my thought process.
Michael had accidentally pulled out Solrin's usual lip balm from his bag during English right beside me on Monday, and for lunch they were both late again and also Solrin was wearing jeans that looked an awful lot like Michael's jeans that got shredded when he slid on concrete after a skateboard fail, and this was only Monday.
On Tuesday, they had a really intimate stare down as they were 'talking' in homeroom and giving jabs at eachother, I glanced only once and felt my face flush with how it felt like I was intruding on them. They're so together that it's obvious.
Today was Wednesday, and apparently there was a big Halloween party that was being held. Everyone in our year was invited, and I decided that I'd go to catch a glance of them, just one more incident and I could put my SolChael investigation to rest.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
On the day of Halloween, I dressed up in my costume. Big black boots, green skin, long fake nails, big dress, and a nice witch hat. I picked up my cauldron themed bag, and held it in my hand before leaving my house.
Getting to the party, it was pretty tame. The music was clearly from a 2014 playlist on Spotify, the refreshment table was just a mix of sickening sweets and savoury snacks, and there were only cordials for drinks. Though there were a bunch of game tables playing uno and monopoly, hearing the yells of betrayal as I wandered around. Many complimented my outfit, as I traversed the house.
My legs were aching after a good 40 minutes of looking at everything, I needed a break.
Going over to a door and opening it, it revealed a nice chill out room that had been bags in the corner and- OH.
To my surprise, I walked in on Michael and Solrin kissing aggressively. Her arms over his neck, his hands tightly holding onto her waist, they were in their own world before they heard the door softly hit the wall. Looking at me with wide eyes as I did to them, yeah, no doubt about it was it confirmed they were together or at least had something going on.
I backed away and went shut the door, until Solrin called out for me. Pushing Michael off gently and going over to me.
"Wait!" She looked at me, a bit nervous, "Myra, I know this was a lot to see, but can you... Can you please not tell anyone?... We're..."
She looked back over her shoulder at Michael, I couldn't see his expression since she blocked my view of him, but she looked back at me with a sheepish smile.
"We're a bit complicated... So please... Just keep this like an oath to yourself, okay?" She then gently shut the door on me.
I hadn't expected to find exactly what I was looking for, well more than what I was hoping to find anyway.
I kept my promise though. I kept their relationship like an oath and spoke nothing about it. No hints, I even dismissed allegations about them from people.
My curious cat has died, but it revived from the satisfaction of knowing that they were indeed together... In a way at least.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
It’s time for some Christmas Eve / Christmas CPN to keep you company 🎄
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first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope that you spend this day with people you love. may it be a cozy day filled with good food and gifts.
everything below is fake. for turtles only.
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let’s start with another cute story - drawing from Chengyi. This time with Bobo attempting to make bread/pastry for ZZ cause he knows he likes it. At this point, i’m just treating all the succeeding stuff she posts as fake stories. tho there is really something about a real-life person who they know, spent some time with them and saw them interact, turning into a full fledged turtle. lol. either on screen or real life, there is a factor that will make certain people believe in szd. What fans love about this comic is Bobo’s attempt in making ZZ happy by making what he likes — he is also wearing an apple watch, which we’ve been clowning about recently.
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this reminds alot of us about GG’s 2020 birthday cake and who made it. There were lots of speculation at that time and one of them was Bobo made the cake. I mean, Bobo is someone who can do anything if he sets his mind to it, tho he may be a disaster in the kitchen— he can always practice. or maybe he had a bit of help. People are pointing out that in the photos, the cake looks smooth and perfect. but in the video, you can see in an angle that it wasn’t. there is a part with no icing and looks uneven. I know someone took some icing and smeared it on his cheek but that was only a little. So was he hiding the imperfection? trying to only show the perfect look of the cake his baobao made him? 🥺🥺🥺
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When this CPN was talked about years ago, I was really skeptical because not everything is about their relationship. I mean, are we reaching too much? We are even connecting the cake to Yibo? But one thing I noticed about that cake is how simple it is. White. No decoration. Then I’m comparing it to the kind of cakes and cupcakes XZ and his team give out to staff/crew, it’s totally different. He prefers giving ones that look really pretty. So if this 2020 birthday cake was store bought or custom — why is it so plain? Unless someone handmade it. Someone who is a newbie in baking. 🤡
Example below are the cakes given by ZZ’s team to the ADLAD crew.
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talking about these cakes, there was a card given alongside it ( see p1 ) with the message wishing a happy/merry christmas eve. The handwriting ( and message ) tho is similar to what was shared before by LRLG, a handwritten letter. Coincidence? lol. This is why we love LRLG so much!
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Next is a submission in the ZSWW fake rumor house. I wanna mention it because of how cute it portrayed Bobo. 🥺🥺 I cannot post the whole translation here cause i’m not allowed, so I’ll share a few lines only.
• It said Bobo can be heard on the phone saying “I think you didn’t” and also “do you miss me?” / “do you miss me today?” / “thinking of you”
Then ZZ teases him, acting like he doesn’t miss him, and Bobo was like— “I’m the only one that miss you, you don’t miss me.”
This is so Yibo. He will only act spoiled and childish towards his ZZ, wanting his attention. It must be so delightful for ZZ to tease Yibo! Hearing that soft yibo voice ahhhhhh! We could never!!!! I’m so happy that they are in the same city now, and hopefully till the end of year or beyond. They deserve time to be together. Even if they have work commitments, at the end of the day, they can still go home to each other.
• Someone is already "quietly" preparing 🎄🎁what about you?
hmmmmmm. i doubt they will show off what each other gave, but who knows?
• OP mentioned the line : "Don't give up what you love because you're afraid" and this made me so soft. Not only does it talk about their relationship but their careers as well. yibo’s love for dancing. zz’s love for singing. both their passion for acting. They are two people who continue to pursue their love no matter what other people think. They are so inspiring. 🤍
Lastly, this unofficial bts video shared today. Nothing really incriminating. Just an example of how much they share and notice about what each other is doing. They don’t sound like two colleagues who just tolerate one another.
ZZ: Why did you just say you would go back to the hotel?
WYB: I just got back to the hotel and stayed there for an hour
ZZ: wearing makeup and wearing clothes
WYB: It’s hard. When did you switch over?
ZZ: I didn’t check the time, I just arrived 10 minutes earlier than you.
I swear. They know what the other person is doing or their schedule. It’s like they look forward to being together or whatever time they have sharing the screen. 🤍
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TW: gun mention, choking. wrote this in an hour, based off of a dream i had lol.
@cupcakes-and-pain @kim-poce @maracujatangerine if yall wanna read <3
“Detective~ what's with the warehouse? I thought I was the villain, silly.” I called out, trotting towards Detective Gunner in the middle of the messy warehouse. Tools and papers were scattered everywhere on the floor and tables, inviting me to parkour around them, so obviously I chose the loudest route possible. 
“Guess what? Today, I went to that one cake shop, y’know, the one with the glitter? Can you believe they didn’t let me buy one? It’s not like I was ordering everything on the menu, either, I just wanted a chocolate cake with blue frosting and they said no! Like, c’mon. You steal a cake one time- hey, what’re you doing?”
“Ghost. Leave me alone, or shut up.” 
Well, that was rude. For a guy so Detective-y looking, you’d think he’d be nicer. Or polite-er.
“I mean, I know I talk alot, but that’s a bit unwarranted, ain’t it? I just got here, and you’ve been avoiding me for forever now. Wait, isn’t that Hunter? Why’re you looking at photos of Hunter? I mean, I guess he is kinda hot, but he’s the city supervillain, and you’re like, the ugliest detective here. Your personality could maybe probably sorta make up for it. I can-”
“Ghost, Fuck. Off. I’m not dealing with your shit today.” 
Damn, he practically snarled at me. Maybe I should leave him alone? But where’s the fun in that, besides, it's not like he can do much. Also I wanna help him hook up with Hunter, but how would I get Hunter’s attention? I guess I could- oh yeah, Phoenix. He knows all about Hunter. 
“I suppose I could, but only if you promise to let me help you two hook up!” I loudly stated, walking around him in my 18th circle in the five minutes we've been talking. Detective Gunner looks pretty pissy, I wonder why. Wait, those photos look like those case ones, but I don't remember him ever having access to supervillain cases. He finally got promoted? 
He finally looked up at me, and yeah, he’s an angy boi. He stomped off towards what might be a coffeemaker in the back, so I followed him. And also kicked everything I could on the way. Glancing over the table with the maybe-coffee on it, I saw more photos and case-stuff about Hunter. There’s also a box full of handcuffs, but not the super-handcuffs. Either the Detective is very into this man, or he really, really, really wants to arrest him. 
Detective Gunner just downed a whole pot of coffee like a shot, w h a t t h e f u c k. He turned and looked at me, just staring for a bit. Maybe five minutes, maybe 32 seconds, who knows? Not me! I stared back while grabbing a handful of handcuffs to mess with. I can turn these into noisemakers, oooooooohhhhh, fun. Mr. Gunner Sir very suddenly glances towards the cuffs with a very odd face that I Do Not Like.
“Detective? What’s- hey, lemme go, what’re you doing? That hurts, jeez-” I yammered, trying not to trip over all the stuff on the floor. Detective Gunner ignored me, yanking me along by my wrist to the pipes at the back wall. The cuffs in my other hand jangled with every step, and he very abruptly ripped two outta my hands, OW. Wait-
“You’re not seriously gonna cuff me up back here? It’s so lonely, I can't even see you past that oddly tall toolbox. Why do you even have a- OW, hey! That, why is that so tight, it hurts, stop!” 
Detective didn’t say anything, but he yanked my left hand out to the side and cuffed it onto the pipes too. I can feel my right hand losing blood flow already, why are these so tight? The detective was already back at the coffee desk, shoving things around like he’s looking for something in particular, which isn’t a fun thought.   Finally he pulled out a handgun, staring at it for all of 3 seconds before whipping around and grabbing some rope before storming his way through the mess between us. I don’t want him to get any closer, actually, so-
“If you could stay back that’d be great, please. That- i don’t like the look on your face, don’t, stop getting closer, I-” I yelped, yanking hard on the cuffs, cringing back into the wall. Detective isn’t supposed to be scary, why is he like this?! 
He glared at me, grabbing my chin and slamming my head back into the wall, before yanking my jaw open and- argh! I choked on the muzzle of the gun, thrashing and trying to get the damn thing out. It hurt, digging into the back of my throat, making me tear up and cough. I stared at the Detective, helpless as fuck while he looped the rope around my head and over the handle of the gun, then crossing another loop around and finally knotting it tight against the side of my face. Blinking back tears,  I tried to breathe, but I choked again on the damn gun. The detective got up and walked off like i wasn’t choking to death on a fucking handgun he shoved down my throat. I know he was angry, but i didn’t think- he never does anything, why, it hurts-
I tried to watch where he was going but the fucking tall ass toolbox blocked the way. He wasn’t just gonna leave me here, was he? I tried yanking on the handcuffs again, but they just cut into my wrist and made everything worse. Why is he so mad? 
I tried to ignore the pain, but the lack of breathing was a lot harder. I can’t even grab anything, not with how he cuffed my hands out to the sides. Pausing and focusing on not choking every other second, I tried to figure out what to do, but it was getting increasingly hard to think rationally.
“I’ll be back in a bit, Ghost, I finally got a lead. After this, HR can’t not promote me, and Hunter will be in jail. Maybe if you learn to shut the fuck up, I’ll let you go.” Detective Gunner shouted, and- wait, he can’t just leave me here, that’s not, this isn’t how it's supposed to go! He slammed the door and- and he actually just left me here. He- he left. 
Suddenly, the gun wasn’t the only thing stopping me from breathing. The panic I’m trying not to focus on just got so much louder, and the tears I've been holding back finally start to fall. He’ll be back, right? He has to, he- he has to!
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sortvaniliekrans · 1 year
I just wanted to ramble a little and say I really love your writing! I ramble, this ask may seem a little long, but it's all adoration I promise! Please don't be unnerved by the length!
I just found your fic "Pisces Caelestis" today and I caught up to your latest chapter. Honestly I was minutes away from being late to leaving for work, because I was that absorbed in your story and at that point I was only on chapter 8. If it wasn't for my work ethic, honest to the stars above, I would have called out to keep reading uninterrupted 😅 Of course, I couldn't put it down even when I got to work. (Night time security guard here lol) Between taking care of people and reading, the last few chapters took me about two and a half hours to get through. But honestly, I think I've been grinning like a doofus just about 90% of the time. I think the only ten percent left was when you tossed my heart to the fishies when the reader or boys became upset. Veeery good at giving my heart the good ol' squeeze like my heart is being strangled out of me. Very tasteful ✨👌
I love how you've been able to include the other FNAF characters in your story. And like I commented on AO3 the few chapters back, I loved the touch again to hinting at Chica's Latino heritage with the mention of her hair. Again, so many people I think. Play her off as occasion that the idea of it being different is just a stunner, and honestly I think she would look very cute with bleached blonde hair. And again, no way and heck did I expect her to be the crazy dog lady. How you incorporated "Cupcake" with her is just ✨golden✨ I haven't read many DCA fics, but I think this is the first one I've seen with Chica and her cupcake and I loved that touch. Also, I'm with the townspeople in shipping her with Roxy, they sound like an adorable pair together.
You've given our Superstar favorite dad Freddy his little boy which made me smile. I love to be exasperation from the readers playful jab/ threat to helping the boy get a hamster for class. He's a real sweetheart and his words of wisdom are much more appreciated than what YN was given as a child. I get the whole "why worry about it?" motif, but to a child they need better ways to cope. To understand their feelings and when young (especially when young actually) I think it's important for someone to be heard. YN getting that now from Freddy is heartwarming. He really shows attentiveness and makes me wonder if he knew YN when they were younger. Maybe not knowing the full picture of what their life was like as a child. But when you see a child neglected or misbehaved, I know people could probably wish that they could give words of advice. But not wanting to step on a parent's toes just, can't. To think he's wanting to give YN what they couldn't have when younger is really heartwarming, you really show he gives the best advice and hugs. And sometimes a hug or just a willingness to listen as all a person needs. You did really great showing that ❤️
Hearing Roxy have scars and a partial disability was appreciated. You didn't play down her blindness or scars, in actuality you showed that people could be proud for what they've lived through. She doesn't let people minimize her experience and doesn't let her past make up her current personality. And no way are her feelings for Chica just a crush If she's willing to face her trauma of being around six dogs just to see (her crush/girlfriend/ future wife-y) Chica. But dang is that some intense exposure therapy, that's gotta be a bit emotionally taxing. I hope if/when she has the courage to tell Chica about it that it goes well. She doesn't wanna jar Chica or maybe make her feel guilty, and she's obviously doing great if they're spending time together. Unless, when reader had reached out to Chica to get Roxy's number, she was at Roxy's house instead of Chica's. Either way, I hope both girls figure it out.
And Monty? Being a rebel? Who is surprised, but it still makes me smile. I'm curious if he kept the sea glass YN found to trade. Like in a drawer or something. Even when someone seems like a rebel, I feel like for most people if a child gets attached to you and gives you items even if for trade, you still try and hold on to them because I think it would make someone smile when they look back on it. I wouldn't blame him if he got rid of the sea glass, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in his house or around his house he had it. And it makes me smile at the thought of it. I'm curious about when he'll pop up again in the story. Would he'll have a bigger frame like security breach Monty, or if he would be more on the linky side. I could see him riding dirt bikes, yet can still find a way to make it rebellious. Even if the town turns a blind eye, it still made me laugh.
I relate to your YN greatly~ When are chores ever fun? Their independence is evident and I think a lotta people can relate to ✨emotional constipation✨ As YN was getting gifts and feeling bad a little bad at the idea that the boys were feeling pressured to give. I was already thinking just give them something in return like an exchange. When they finally did it, it made me laugh and say "Finally! So glad they figured that out!" aloud, and it made me glad I live alone because that would have been embarrassing for someone else to overhear. Only to hear that frustrated Moon, I felt bad, But how are we to know if they didn't tell? I'm glad Sun continued because he was happy seeing YN smile. YN also did better with the shirt slashing in the latest chapter. I think I'd still be deep/close to a PTSD that if he slashed his claws at me I'd probably be fighting emotional/mental barriers that would have gone up in feeling further unwanted. They really do need time to recover. I'm glad they know instinctually their reactions are valid, but their fortitude to press on to keep from stunting themselves or losing precious new seafriends is admirable.
It was rude of Moon to try and (kinda) traumatize Sun for what they had done. I mean, valid, in a way they care for YN enough to where he feels the only logical reaction would be to give them space/ keep them safe from them. But I'm glad/hopeful YN's reaction to Moon literally in a way wagging his finger in their face, showed they can stand on their own/aren't made of glass. His lisp is adorable and I think it would be hard to not just want to hear him talk to hear it again. Being scolded by Sun for emotionally hurting YN was needed. But still a hilarious mental image of Sun wrangling Moon if it meant helping clear up the misunderstanding and help YN be happy again.
And Sun, stars above, Sun. Can he get any more precious (not meant to be a challenge! Cause the stars above know how many times you made my heart melt into a puddle from him)? He's playful, he teases, he understood exaggerating expressions and his delight knowing that playfulness got YN to laugh was just too precious to read. I think I had to reread those chapters about three or four times before I could will myself to move on and keep reading. Sweetest fish, I think I was rolling on my couch a few times when he was just being a sweetpea. He shared his blueberries with YN, he grasped what coins/money was in hopes it would help YN. Also wondering if he understands the value of gold? He didn't just give a single coin, and Having already discussed the value of gold corns with my mom a couple months back. He has an older currency, probably more pure and just being older is something. No kidding that he literally helped provide. His pet names are precious and he just seems so stupidly sweet that repeatedly I wanted to hug him. You made a precious boy and each time there has been fluff you've made my heart melt. I'm so glad YN and the boys are starting to interact, You probably have an idea about it, but I'm still going to say it is such a relief when they finally got to speak to each other/ start to interact. Rocky star with Moon, but I'm glad Sun took things in stride when YN opened up to explaining their insecurities involving Moon. To help mediate and translate, to grasp when YN needed help being grounded and helped give emotional support from the physical contact. So so so so stupidly precious that I was repeatedly at a loss for words.
I loves all of this. My dejected exclamation in finding out I got caught up felt/ was to be expected. Your writing was so great, I really really loved all of this. I'm so glad I found your work and I look forward to how it progresses. You just moved into your own home (CONGRATS! 🎊) So I hope you give yourself a break, take things and stride. Try not to face burnout, It's okay if you have days where you don't do anything. Sometimes just getting to tomorrow is enough. Thank you again for your time (sorry for rambling a bit) and I hope you have a good rest of your day. May creativity and inspiration stay by your side ❤️
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AAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you this is so nice I wanna print it out and eat it 💜💜💜
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gettatranslations · 10 months
Special!!!!Yumigeta Ako (23.11.28)
Good evening 🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako 🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Arghー I just couldn't get to sleep early last night!!!
I told you to but I couldn't do it myself…
Well whatever、these things happen
Also today was our 1st day at Yokohama Arena!!!
Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn
「Neverending Shine Show」 SPECIAL
Thank you very muchー!!!!
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I felt so emotional today……
I'm so glad I got to see this scenery
I knew Yokohama Arena was big、but I was still surprised by just how huge it was。But it meant I could see wayyyyy more of your penlights!!!
So when I first stepped out on stage I was overwhelmed by all of you and your penlights and the size、but I tried to let go of that feeling
I just kept telling myself 「Don't mess up Don't mess up Don't mess up Don't mess up」。
Since we were all wearing ear monitors I knew the other members couldn't hear me〜
But thanks to that I was able to enjoy the rest of my time on stage、which I'm glad about
I mean I was still nervous though〜
Did you all have funー??
I was also able to take part in the MC!
Looking back on this tour we've really done so muchー right〜!
I've learned a lot😊 And had lots of fun〜
So with this tour and our summer tour
There are 8 more prefectures that I've visited for the first time!
The sky in Fukuoka was so beautiful!It was so impressive that everyone was taking photos and videos on the busー I really remember this moment (*^^*)
And the ramen was delicious!
Then it was already snowy in Hokkaido…!
Ehime's Mikyan-chan was so cute😍
In Miyagi I came to love beef tongue
In Iwate the beautiful paddy fields warmed my heart😊
In Kagoshima we saw a beautiful rainbow before the performance✨ The sky was so huge!And the steamed fish stew bun was delicious!
In Shimane we all talked about marriage!
I had so much funー!!!!
Next time I definitely want to visit Izumo Taisha❤️‍🔥
Hiroshima is where I made my oyster debut🦪
Thank you very much for showing me the deliciousness of oysters🍋🦪
I discovered lots of new great things in lots of new places‼️
I wanna go overseas tooー!I'm sure it would be so exciting❤️‍🔥
Also the last day of our tour is finally tomorrow…
And it's the day of Fukumura-san's graduation from Morning Musume。…
I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about tomorrow、but I want to try and stay in a good place and never forget Fukumura-san's smile and the way she often praised me
So I want to be the best version of my self even better than yesterday and today ‼️
I'll do my best and power up💗
I'm so excitedー!
Make sure your penlights aren't dead……
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
After the performance I ate lots of the food we'd been provided withー!!!!
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So cuteー!!!!!!!!
I went straight for the donut because it was so cute、and I chose my favourite chocolate cupcake💗
Here's a question。
Is the red bit under Santa's eyes his
I was just really curious、
So I turned to Nonaka-san because she was next to me in the dressing room and I said
「I think it could be a mouth、but I think it's his nose that's gotten red because of the cold」
And Nonaka-san went Huhー!I don't know!!
And then she said
「But I agree with you!」、
But then I suddenly thought
Of the song「Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer」
So maybe it's actually a reindeer in a Santa hat…???
And as I shared my deeper thinking with Nonaka-san she said
「Why don't you ask on your blog?!」
I'm so glad she guided me
So what do you think!!!!!!!
Tell me your opinion!!!
With your reasons!!!!!!
I bet it'll be interesting、I'm so excitedー✨
I Getted 「A strange donut」✨
If it's his nose does that mean his mouth is hidden in his beard…?
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
1 day
Until our tour finale!
(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)exciting
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐶🐶🐶
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Word count: 10,600
Pairing: Loki x female reader (pre-dating romantic)
Warnings/Disclaimer: I have no formal dance training, so please accept my hodge-podge of knowledge from youtube and from my high school swing team days 😂 Also, do NOT try aerials at home, kids - take it from someone with experience, you need spotters and a soft place to land 😅
Here it is - the swing dance competition Prompt by 🩰 anon! I’ll admit, it was difficult to write out some of the swing dance aerials in words, so bear with me (and YouTube it if you want a visual 😉)
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"Oof. I don't understand how anyone manages to wear these godforsaken torture devices."
You collapsed into your seat the moment you boarded the quinjet, practically ripping the stiletto high heels you'd been wearing off your aching feet. Nat sat down across from you, her eyes twinkling with amusement at your heaving sigh of relief as you finally planted your feet flat on the floor for the first time in three hours.
"You just haven't built up a tolerance yet," she quipped, crossing her legs daintily with her own heels still secured to her feet. "Maybe you should add that to your training regimen."
"Absolutely not," you groaned, letting your head fall back against the headrest behind you.
"Or - here's a thought - you could wear flat shoes," Clint countered teasingly, dropping into the seat beside Nat as Steve headed to the pilot's seat.
"No, that'd be a dead giveaway," Nat argued.
"Yeah, any villain would be able to tell I'm an undercover spy from a mile away."
"Are you sure villains are that up to date on their fashion?" Steve called back, firing up the engine for takeoff.
"I'm not taking my chances." You pulled your phone out of your purse and began to peruse through your email, reviewing the messages you'd missed while the four of you were gone. "Damn, we missed cupcakes for Bruce's lab intern's birthday today."
"Aww, what the hell," Clint whined. "All the good stuff happens while I'm out."
"Anything else that I should actually care about reading?" Nat asked sarcastically. You scrolled through a few junk mail messages, landing on one from Tony. Attached to the email was a flyer for the fundraiser he'd been trying to help Pepper plan for weeks.
"Looks like Stark finally picked a theme for the charity event," you announced, reading through the document. "It's going to be a dance."
"Like... prom sort of thing?" Clint asked quizzically.
"No... oh, interesting. They decided to hold a swing dance competition."
"Wait, really?" Nat pulled out her own phone, scrolling through the message herself. "Did you read the actual email? He wants us to sign up."
"I have some dance experience, actually," you noted. "Might be kind of fun."
"I call dibs on Mr. Roaring '20s over there," Nat declared, nodding her head toward Steve.
"Damn. Wait, I'll ask Bucky then." You began typing up a text to send to the metal-armed soldier:
Hey. Wanna be my dance partner? 😁
"I just know Laura is gonna make me do it," Clint grumbled as you typed.
"Not if you don't tell her about it," Nat suggested. He sighed, grinning defeatedly.
"She asked Tony to be added to his email list months ago. Said I was 'boring' and never told her about any of the fun stuff he planned."
Your phone buzzed, a text message response from Bucky flashing on the screen:
Sorry, Wanda beat you to it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Scowling, you immediately began typing a message back:
What?? 😠 Why doesn't she dance with Vision??
"Ugh, Wanda already snagged the other swing era expert," you muttered sullenly. "Now who am I gonna ask?"
"There's plenty of other guys in the tower - just ask one of them," Clint suggested. You scoffed, lifting your phone to glance at the response from Bucky:
She says he's too robotic
You let out a huff of breath through your nose in annoyance as you responded back:
So she steals one of the only two people who actually swing danced back in the day?? 😒
"I can't just ask anyone," you responded to Clint's suggestion, rolling your eyes. "Not everyone will be able to learn how to dance."
"You should ask Bruce," Nat interjected.
"Why? Can he dance?"
"Not sure. But it'd be damn funny to see his reaction."
Your phone buzzed again - another message from Bucky:
Are you calling me old?? 😠 Now I'm glad I'm dancing with Wanda. 😝
Grunting, you tossed your phone onto the seat cushion beside you. Bucky wasn't getting any more responses from you now.
Through the remainder of the ride back, you ran through your options in your head. A few text messages later and you were still coming up short. Thor had asked Jane. Bruce said 'absolutely not' (which made Nat chuckle at least). Stephen had 'better things to do than participate in Stark's nonsense.' You were fast running out of options.
There was only one other person you could think of to ask. And you knew he wasn't going to be easy to convince.
You had to do this strategically. Loki was quite vocal about his distaste for the less elegant Midgardian dance formats. As a royal Prince of Asgard, he was well trained in the art of dance, but his style was very balletic and graceful. His movements were broad, polished, theatrical in nature. A flowing waltz might get him up on the dance floor, but it was doubtful that you'd ever find him willingly participating in a jaunty jive or a choppy cha-cha.
Fortunately, you had experience in such matters of persuasion. The key to convincing someone to do something you knew they wouldn't want to do was to elucidate their intrinsic motivation and exploit it to your advantage.
For example - with Tony, a surefire way to get him to do something was to stroke his ego. Flattery would get you anywhere with the overcaffeinated billionaire. Peter typically needed a bribe of some sort. Thor was satisfied by the simple notion that he was making someone happy by doing whatever it was you were requesting.
Loki was more of a challenge to sway. He saw right through adulation, the price of bribery was always far too high to pay, and he could care less about altruism. With Loki, you had to outwit him. Make him think it was his idea. Flaunt the potential benefits of the request without blatantly suggesting them out loud.
You had one shot at it. Better make it count.
Some time after arriving back at the tower, you stretched out on the sofa in the common room with your laptop perched atop your legs, setting the scene for Loki to stumble upon when he inevitably wandered in with a book that afternoon. Making no effort to hide the screen from prying eyes, you popped your headphones into your ears and began sifting through videos of swing dance routines on the internet. Loki was particularly nosy, and you knew you wouldn't need to say a word to bring up the subject with him - his own curiosity would land him right inside your trap.
A few others team members shuffled in and out of the common room while you waited for the trickster's appearance. One or two of them asked what you were up to, but most simply minded their own business when they saw the headphones, clearly recognizing you were engrossed in something. Growing tired of waiting, you began to actually pay attention to the videos, bobbing your head subconsciously to the music as you watched a lindy hop routine on the screen.
Then suddenly, someone tugged one of your earbuds out of your ear. With a startled yelp, you tilted your head back to look up at your antagonizer. The God of Mischief stood gazing down at you with a self-assured smirk on his face and a spark of curiosity in his eyes.
"You know, Loki - most people just tap someone on the shoulder or wave in front of their face or something when they need to get their attention while they're clearly listening to music," you chastised. He blatantly ignored your griping, gesturing toward your computer screen.
"What are you doing?"
Perfect. He took the bait.
"I'm looking at swing routines," you responded simply, returning your attention to the screen with an air of nonchalance.
Feigning exasperation, you paused the current video and removed your other earbud, shifting to sit up on the sofa so you could hold this conversation without craning your neck. "Stark's fundraiser."
Loki shot you a look of confusion, tilting his head. You let out a single breath of a laugh at his reaction.
"Do you ever read your email?"
"What for? It's mostly Stark rambling on about nonsense - parties, galas, fundraisers..." Loki rolled his eyes, seemingly unamused.
"Well, you can't pretend like nobody tells you anything if you won't read your email." He scowled at you. "Anyway... he's holding a swing dance competition as a fundraiser. Ever since we watched that movie the other day, he's been fixated on 'capturing the feel of a 1920s speakeasy' in one of his events. Really, I think he just wants to see Pepper wear a flapper dress."
"And you intend to participate?" He stepped past you to take a seat on the newly opened sofa cushion by your side, setting his book unopened on his lap and twisting to face you.
"Why not?" You shrugged, glancing at him through the corner of your eye. "I took dance lessons for years. I think I've got a pretty good shot at it. I just need to find a partner."
"Have you not asked Barnes and Rogers? They certainly must have first-hand experience with this sort of thing."
"Yeah, but they have partners already. Steve's taking Nat, and Wanda beat me to Bucky before I could ask him."
"And the others?"
"Tony obviously has a partner already, Bruce won't tell anyone if he can dance because he's already refused to join, and while I appreciate Peter's enthusiasm, he's too young to participate." You sighed, preparing to drop the bomb. "I'd have asked you, but I'm really hoping for a win, and I know you don't know how to dance anything but a waltz here on Midgard."
"Now hang on a moment."
Hook, line, and sinker.
"What made you discount my dancing abilities so quickly? I am a wealth of knowledge of various styles of dance. Far more than you could possibly have learned in your short lifetime."
"Do you know how to salsa?" you asked.
"Well, I-"
"Samba? Rumba? Tango-"
"Ah-ha!" He snapped his fingers, pointing. "I know that one!"
"Have you ever swing danced before?" you continued, ignoring his outburst. He folded his arms haughtily across his chest.
"I'm certain I'd be more than capable of learning any Midgardian dance style should the need arise."
"I don't know... there's a lot of tricky footwork. It's nothing like a waltz - you have to be three steps ahead to keep track of what you're doing."
Loki scoffed. "Darling, I am always three steps ahead. I would master any 'tricky footwork' in a heartbeat."
The irony in his statement was not lost on you.
You turned to face him more fully, shooting him an expectant look. "So you're saying you want to be my partner?"
He was silent for a moment. You watched the phases of realization play out on his face. Surprise, confusion, deep thought... finally ending in a narrow-eyed glare. He knew you had him backed into a corner of his own making. Say no, and risk being teased for being unwilling to put his money where his mouth was. Say yes, and he would be willingly offering to participate in an activity he had very little desire to do.
"You sly little fox," he growled, the corners of his mouth curling up into a grin. "I suppose I'm rather impressed that you managed to swindle me."
"Oh, I learned from the best," you hummed, flashing him a mischievous smirk. "So? What do you say?"
Loki let his head drop in defeat, chuckling self-depreciatingly. Then, he looked back up at you with a renewed intensity in his gaze.
"I certainly hope you are as excellent a dancer as you purport yourself to be. I expect nothing less than exceptional if we are to win this competition."
A giddy grin spread across your face. "Oh, don't worry. You won't be disappointed."
* * *
Not one to waste time, you scheduled Loki's first lesson for the following evening. Tony set up a sign-up schedule to use the training room in two-hour blocks. Not that it was his idea - it was Pepper who had the foresight to prevent the inevitable brawls that would occur with so many enhanced beings fighting for time in the only wide-open space in the tower. As the last pair to sign up, you were left with the latest time block. No matter - Loki preferred the later hours of the evening anyway.
Loki entered the training room behind you for your allotted time block and let the door close, causing a silence to fall over the normally bustling room, interrupted only by the nearly inaudible echoey hum of the fluorescent lights overhead. It occurred to you, then, that you'd never actually spent any time alone with the God of Mischief prior to this arrangement. Sure, you worked together frequently, and you often found yourself in one-on-one conversations with him in the back of the room during team gatherings, but there was always someone else around during those times.
You made your way toward the center of the room, stopping there and turning around to face the sullen and unamused-appearing god. He gazed at you with an expectant look on his face, wordlessly awaiting instructions. Clapping your hands together, you decided to fight his bored façade with your own enthusiasm and jumped right into the lesson.
"Ok, so - the first thing you need to learn is the basic footwork pattern." You pointed down at your feet to direct his attention to your movements. "Before moving anywhere, let's just go over the step. I assume you want to be the follower, yes?"
Loki shot you an indignant look. "I think not."
"Kidding! I was kidding!" you assured with a laugh. Under your breath but loudly enough for him to hear, you added, "Your ego is too big to be the follower anyway." Before he could open his mouth to retort, you plowed on. "SO - for leaders, you'll start with your left foot. It'll look like this."
You demonstrated the one-two-triple step count in place, glancing up from your own feet to get a read on Loki's expression. He was watching you with one eyebrow raised, his mouth drawn into a flat line. Pausing your demonstration, you motioned toward him.
"Now you try."
The god sighed with a roll of his eyes, repeating the step you'd shown him without looking down. "Ta-da."
"Great. Could use a bit more bounce."
"A god doesn't bounce."
"Well, this god is gonna have to if he wants to have a shot at winning this competition." You folded your arms sternly, nodding your head down toward his feet. "Again. With bounce."
Seemingly startled that you had the courage (or the audacity) to order him around, he nevertheless obliged, repeating the step and adding the jaunty bounce you were demanding of him. Nodding approvingly, you held up a hand to stop him.
"Now - same thing, except now with some forward and back movement." You demonstrated the change in step, and he followed without questioning, mimicking your movement. "Excellent."
"You say that as though you expected any less of me," he boasted.
"Still needs more bounce," you countered with a grin. "You know, you're gonna make yourself dizzy rolling your eyes like that."
"Let's move on, shall we?"
"Ohh, alright. We'll work on the bounce later." Ignoring his murmurings at your persistence, you continued on to demonstrate more of the basic steps he'd need to know.
Admittedly, he wasn't lying about being a fast learner. You barely had to demonstrate a full eight count before he'd picked up on each step, performing them in exact sync with your movements. It was the energy you'd need to work on. He was dreadfully regal and proper in his movements. For a waltz, his style fit perfectly. But for a lively lindy hop, it was really putting a damper on the overall spirit of the dance.
"Ok, Mr. Dancing Expert - let's see how you do with music," you declared, scrolling through your phone to find a good beginner's swing song. Pressing play, you set it down on the floor in the corner of the room and returned to join Loki. Swallowing the awkward anxious butterflies that bubbled up in your stomach, you boldly reached for his hand and pulled him into a closed partner hold. His brows leapt up his forehead, but he didn't say a word as he placed his free hand on your back. "Alright... one-two-three-"
"I beg your pardon - but am I leading or are you?"
Scoffing, you shook your head in defeat. "Go on, then. Lead away."
With a satisfied huff, he took over the count, pulling you into the basic step and rhythm you'd taught him. While the step was technically correct, the mismatch between your pep and his smooth elegance was painfully obvious now that you were dancing together. You found yourself tripping over his feet on occasion where he didn't lift enough or hop back out of the way of your intended path.
"Loki." You stopped and grasped his arms above the elbows after the fifth time you stepped on his toes, staring him straight in the eye. "You have to work with me here. This isn't a waltz. I need you to-"
"Don't tell me to 'bounce.'"
"I know, I know. Just... a little peppy energy might be nice?" He scowled. "Feel the music. No one cares about your regal posture - they want to see liveliness and vigor."
"Yes, yes, alright."
You glanced down at your watch. "We have enough time for one more run through tonight. Let's go through all the basic steps once more to the music."
You swore he was dragging his feet on purpose. Clearly this was punishment for tricking him into this.
"Alright... let's call it a night." Pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration, you turned the music off on your phone. "I'm assigning you homework tonight."
"Yes. Go on the internet and look at videos of lindy hop dance. You're getting the footwork, but the technique is lacking." Loki scowled at you, eliciting an exasperated sigh. "Don't you want to win? You must want to beat Thor at the very least."
"Thor is participating?"
Why hadn't you thought of this before? If there was one surefire way to motivate Loki to do something, it was to make certain it was at the expense of his older brother.
"Yes. Thor and Jane signed up. Didn't he tell you?"
"He may have mentioned it during his ramblings over breakfast this morning. Honestly, I wasn't listening to a word."
"Nice." It was your turn to roll your eyes. "Well, now you know. Maybe that will motivate you to bounce a bit more, hmm? Thor certainly has that part down."
"Fine. I'll complete my assigned homework before our lesson tomorrow," he drawled.
"Thank you." You motioned for him to head toward the door ahead of you, following him out. "Same time tomorrow, then?"
"Looking forward to it," he responded, voice drenched in sarcasm.
"And here I was thinking you enjoyed hanging out with me," you teased, nudging him with your elbow. He let out a puff of air through his nose, but you were pleased to see his mouth twitch upwards into the beginnings of a grin.
* * *
The following evening, you arrived to find Loki standing outside of the training room ten minutes prior to your two-hour time block. He was gazing at something on his phone screen in his hand, seemingly so invested that he didn't notice you approaching.
"Bucky and Wanda still in there?" you asked, nodding at him in greeting when he glanced up. "Wait - are you doing your homework now?"
Loki gestured broadly around himself. "I do reside here. Is it not still 'homework' now?"
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head and trying to suppress a grin. "You know, when I was in school, if the teacher caught me doing my homework in the beginning of class, I got in trouble for it."
Chuckling deep in his throat, he took a few steps closer to you and brought himself to his full height in an intimidation gesture. "Are you suggesting that I am in trouble with my teacher?"
You tried to suppress a blush at the involuntary thoughts that ran through your mind at his phrasing - thoughts he surely hadn't intended to invoke. Rather than shrinking away, you stood up straighter and squared your shoulders, holding his gaze firmly.
"Are you suggesting you're not afraid of me?"
Loki began to genuinely laugh at that, though he clearly tried to recollect himself and regain his serious and intimidating façade. "Tell me - what exactly is the consequence for not completing my 'homework' on time?"
"I could make you run laps."
"Make me?"
You shrugged. "I found a way to make you join this competition with me, didn't I?"
He leaned closer to shorten the distance between your faces, narrowing his eyes. As he opened his mouth to speak, the door to the training room swung open, drawing both your attention and Loki's toward the open doorway. Bucky and Wanda emerged from inside the training room, appearing winded.
"All yours," Bucky offered, motioning to the now empty room. "Break a leg!"
"I hope you mean that figuratively," you jested, taking a casual step backward to put a respectable amount of distance between yourself and your dance partner.
"Oh, I wouldn't count on that," Wanda interjected with a teasing edge to her tone. "He nearly broke my leg trying to teach me how to do a backflip."
Bucky clicked his tongue at Wanda, shaking his head in disagreement. "Excuse me - I had control over your fall the entire time."
"Yeah, and that's why I twisted my ankle on the landing," she retorted sarcastically, shoving his shoulder playfully. He threw his head back in exasperation.
"Alright, we'll work on it on the sparring mats next time."
"Why in the name of Odin are you doing backflips during a ballroom dance?" Loki asked, clearly both confused and curious.
"It's one of the aerial moves we're doing in our routine," Wanda explained. "Here - Bucky, let's show them."
"I thought you said I was going to break your leg."
"Yeah, well I'll take my chances."
She snatched his hand up in hers, standing with their arms stretched straight between them before spinning inward. Bucky fell straight into step, pulling her into his side and shifting his arm to her waist before using his free arm to scoop up her legs and flip her backward, his outstretched arm at her waist serving as the fulcrum for her to pivot in a full backflip before landing gracefully on the floor.
You winced as you saw a spark of interest and amusement flash in Loki's eyes. You'd been hoping to avoid this aspect of the dance for many reasons - the primary being that you were dancing with a literal god who could likely throw you clear across the room if he used his full strength. Especially considering that god was the God of Mischief.
"That was much better," Wanda praised Bucky with a smile. Turning to you and Loki, she waved in parting. "Have fun you two!"
"And don't actually break a leg!" Bucky added as the two of them stepped past you and headed down the hallway and out of sight.
Bracing yourself, you turned to look at your partner, who suddenly appeared much more earnest to head into the training room and get started. You followed hot on his heels, shaking your head with an incredulous laugh before he could say a word.
"Oh-ho no, I know what you're thinking."
"Why have you not informed me of this aspect of swing dancing?" he demanded, spinning around to face you with a smirk playing on his lips as he continued to walk backward. "It would seem there are far more interesting moves to this style of ballroom dance than these choppy basic steps you've been teaching me."
"Why - because you'd get to throw me around?"
"What's not to enjoy about that?"
"First of all - the fact that you find that enjoyable makes me concerned for my own wellbeing." Loki shrugged, his smirk only growing wider. "Second of all - you can't do an entire routine of just aerials. You do need to know the basics. And third - I never learned how to do them myself."
"Perhaps you should be doing homework as well, then."
"Perhaps if you had done your homework on time, you'd have learned about aerials before Bucky and Wanda went and put crazy ideas in your head."
"If we are to win this competition as you suggested, should you not be thorough in your training?" he countered.
"'Thorough' as in... teach you how to swing me around and risk injury?" you laughed.
"Pfft. Please. I would never drop you."
"How do you know that?"
Loki held a hand to his chest over his heart, mocking offense. "Darling - do you not trust me as your dance partner?"
"As my dance partner? Maybe. As the God of Mischief? Absolutely not." You busied yourself getting the music set up on your phone as Loki sucked the back of his teeth in annoyance.
"Ooh, you're no fun," he griped. You glanced up from your phone and sighed defeatedly.
"Alright, here's the deal. You prove to me you're invested in this - learn the steps AND the technique - and then I'll consider learning a few aerial moves to appease your curiosity."
"I beg your pardon? You are interested in winning this competition, are you not? There's no reward without risk, darling."
"Oh-ho, we're using proverbs now? How about - 'you have to learn to walk before you can run?'" you retorted, setting your phone down on the floor as the music began to play so you could rejoin your partner. "Do we have a deal?"
Loki stared long and hard at you before extending his hand, offering it to you to shake on your bargain. "Deal."
"Wonderful. Maybe now you'll add a little bounce in your step, hmm?" You flashed him a sly smirk, to which he responded with his characteristic eye roll before taking your hand and pulling you into a closed partner hold.
Suddenly, Loki was a much more enthusiastic dance partner than he had been the evening prior. Not only did he repeat the basic steps, but his technique was damn near flawless. You were able to move on quickly to some intermediate steps - turns and kicks like the tandem Charleston.
You'd finally found a way to motivate the sullen god. But of course it would be at your own expense.
By the end of your two hour rehearsal, you were breathless and Loki was smug as ever. He'd left you no room to complain about his degree of effort this time. And while you weren't exactly excited about it, you weren't someone who went back on their word.
"Well then, teacher? Have I proven myself invested enough?" he gloated, smirking as you glowered at his suddenly upbeat demeanor.
"You were... passable, yes."
Loki folded his arms haughtily, undeterred by your indifference. "Then we'll be learning aerials tomorrow, yes?"
You groaned, massaging your temples with your fingers. "Yes, alright. But I reserve the right to veto any that I don't like."
"After we've at least attempted them once," he bartered. You glared at him through narrowed eyes, although you were beginning to find it difficult to maintain your irritated front with the spark of giddy excitement in his eyes.
"Fine. But if I get injured, I'm telling Tony he can sub you in on any missions I would have had to go on." You wandered over to collect your phone and turn off the music.
"I assure you, you'll remain completely unscathed."
"For your sake, I hope so." Phone in hand, you motioned for Loki to follow you out. "I do a lot of undercover missions, and I'm not sure you'd look quite as good as I do in a dress."
"Oh no?" With a shimmering green flash of light, you were suddenly walking beside an exact mirror image of yourself, wearing the little black dress you'd donned on your most recent assignment together. While you were naturally startled seeing your own clone smirking back at you, something about it made you blush furiously.
Perhaps it was the fact that he'd recalled every detail on that damned dress.
"Cut that out," you muttered, shoving his (your?) arm playfully. Snickering, Loki dropped the illusion, looking pleased with himself at your reaction.
As you parted ways, you promised you'd 'do your homework' and research some aerial swing dance moves for the following evening's lesson. Your muscles ached as you rinsed off under the steaming hot water in your shower, only marginally improved by the time you slid under the covers of your bed.
While lying there scrolling through videos on your phone, you were both surprised and a bit unnerved to find there was a lingering buzz of excitement in your chest at the thought of your next lesson. And you could say with certainty that it wasn't the prospect of learning the aerial stunts. You had a nagging feeling it was more about your student than the lesson itself.
* * *
"Alright - we're going to start with some easier ones first before moving on to anything crazy," you insisted sternly at the start of rehearsal the next evening.
"Makes no difference to me," Loki concurred, "I will have no difficulty lifting your mortal self off the ground."
"I'm... not sure if I should take that as a complement or an insult." You pulled up one of the videos you'd saved on your phone the night before. "Ok - this one was the easiest one I found. It's called a 'frog jump.'"
Loki's eyebrows bumped upward skeptically as he leaned over your shoulder to watch the video. "Why would you mortals name a dance move after an amphibian?"
You gestured to the screen as the follower jumped up with a boost from her partner. "Does that not look like a frog jumping to you?" He shrugged. "Alright, not important. Should we try this?"
"Seems rather simple."
"Exactly the point." You grabbed Loki's hand, pulling him into closed partner hold to prepare to try the move. As simple as this aerial was, you already felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought of executing it. "Ok - now... don't launch me to the ceiling, alright?"
"Nervous, agent?" he drawled with a smirk.
"Very. Now focus - I'll count us off."
With a four-count lead, you stepped back into the rock step shown in the video, then planted your feet and sprang upwards in a hop. Loki boosted your momentum, pushing upwards against your hand held in his. You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched squeak as your jump peaked at Loki's shoulder height, stomach somersaulting as you dropped back down and landed on your feet. True to his word, Loki stabilized you with his hand at your back, preventing you from falling over on landing.
"Whahat was that noise?!" he asked teasingly with a laugh. You scowled, releasing his hand and running your fingers through your hair to self-soothe.
"Don't laugh!”
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights.”
“No! Just… well, only when I don’t have control over how high up I am.”
Loki placed both his hands on your shoulders, ducking to capture your gaze. He was still grinning, but he had a serious look in his eyes. “I swear to you, I won’t allow any harm to come to you.”
You gave him a hard look. “… promise?”
“I promise.”
“Ohh… alright, let’s try again.” You stepped back from Loki, pacing around a moment and shaking out the nervous tremors in your hands as you let out a heavy breath. Then, returning to your place in front of your partner, you nodded to confirm you were prepared. “Ready. Ok.”
“Ok.” His blue-green irises shimmered with amusement, earning him a scorning look.
You allowed him to count off this time, executing the lift once again, sans squeaking. You were pleased with yourself on that, although the same embarrassing sound had nearly burst out of your throat once again as your momentum peaked at the top of the jump and gravity took hold. Once again, you landed safely with Loki’s hand on your back to steady you.
“That went quite well, I’d say,” he praised with a grin, his eyes still dancing with the unspoken teases he surely was suppressing. “Shall we try another?”
“Ugh, alright.” You searched your video files to find another seemingly simple lift. None of them seemed nearly as easy as the one you’d just learned, and even that was a struggle. After grappling with yourself internally for a few moments, you showed Loki another lift you were willing to try. “This one is called an A-frame jump. It sets the framework for additional, more complex lifts later on.”
“Alright then. Let’s give it a try.”
You turned your back to your partner, heartbeat ticking up in anticipation of the lift. As demonstrated in the video, Loki placed his hands firmly on either side of your waist, and you clasped your own hands around his wrists. You allowed him to count off once again, preparing to spring straight upwards so Loki could boost your jump height by lifting you at the waist.
At the end of the count off, you bent your knees to jump as Loki’s fingers dug into your sides to get a firmer grip. The suddenness of it made you splutter and laugh and fold in on yourself at the ticklish touch, all efforts to jump into the lift forgotten. You knew before he’d even said anything that there was no way to spin a lie around what just happened.
"Oh dear. A bit ticklish, are we?"
"N-no... Lo-KI!" You squeaked as his fingertips contracted into your sides just once. Squeezing his wrists in protest, you twisted to free your waist of his hands, but he held fast. "Nohoho! Thi-HIS" - another jab at your sides - "Loki this isn't h-HA-helping!"
"On the contrary - you appear much less tense," he argued teasingly, shifting his hands forward a bit and scratching gently at the sides of your belly where his fingertips rested.
"Ohokay I'm relAHAXED damnit!" you squealed, knees buckling a bit underneath you. "LOKI! We hahave to practice!"
"Ohh alright." He relented, allowing his hands to rest more firmly on your sides while you recollected yourself and straightened your posture. "Shall I count off again, then?"
"Yes, go on."
"Are you going to burst into giggles this time?" You whined, throwing your hands over your burning cheeks. A rumble of a laugh escaped your dance partner. "I've never seen you this flustered, agent. I'm learning such interesting facts about you this evening."
"Sh-AHAH-shut up!" you growled, jolting as he threw in one last squeeze for emphasis. "Now count off before I change my mind."
He obliged finally, careful this time not to dig his fingertips into your waist so much as he hoisted you up in tandem with your jump. But the God of Mischief couldn't simply let this slide. At the peak of the lift, he began tickling your sides once again, causing you to jerk and involuntarily slam your heel into his stomach. With a grunt of pain, he lowered you back down to the ground, still careful to place you steady on your feet before doubling over with his arms wrapped around his abdomen.
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" you gasped, throwing your hand over your mouth as you turned to face him. You did feel badly, of course, but you mostly wanted to hide the self-righteous smirk that spread across your face. "Are you ok?"
"Mmhmm." His voice was a bit strained. "Darling, I'm a god, you can't possibly injure me that badly."
"Well you sure sound like it hurts." Folding your arms across your chest, you gave him a chastising look. "Maybe that will teach you not to tickle me, hmm?" He didn't respond as he recovered from the sting of the blow, slowly lowering his arms from around his torso as the pain ebbed away. "Can we try the lift for real this time?"
He conceded, setting himself up behind you to attempt the aerial once more. This time around, you successfully executed the move, testing it out once more after that for good measure. You were beginning to feel more at ease. Loki's hands were steady, his arms strong. Safe, even. Familiar.
When did that happen?
"A-alright, let's try another one," you suggested, fumbling to hide the feeling of the sudden burst of butterflies in your stomach. You selected a more complicated lift this time, now that you were feeling more comfortable with the notion that he, indeed, wasn't going to launch you across the room with his godly strength. Avoiding his gaze, you passed your phone to him to view the video instruction for the move.
"Are you certain you're ready for this one?" he asked, an air of surprise in his tone.
"Yup. I'm just gonna rip the band-aid off and give it a shot."
"You know..." The wary edge to his voice drew your gaze up to meet his. "... you have to trust me completely if we are to do a lift this complicated."
"I know. I... I trust you."
"Are you certain?" he pressured. You nodded, taking your phone back to place it off to the side in a safe corner. "Alright, then. On your count."
You stepped out beside Loki with your hand held in his, arms outstretched between the pair of you. The lift required you to leap into his arms, where he would catch you in a cradle hold position. Following this, he would have to swing your legs around and catch them behind himself across the back of your knees. The final, most challenging piece was when he'd need to maintain his hold at your legs and swing your upper body back around to catch you in a cradle hold once again. The move was aptly titled 'around the world.'
After counting off, you turned and kicked your legs up so Loki could catch you in his arms. You wrapped your own arms around his neck and braced your core muscles for the next part, but he simply held you there a moment.
"You know... you really shouldn't put such trust in the God of Mischief," he hummed, a smirk breaking out across his face. As you opened your mouth to ask what he was playing at, you felt his fingers scratching at your uppermost ribs under your arm where his hand rested. You screeched, kicking frantically as you were consumed by ticklish laughter.
"LOHOKI!! YOU JEHEHERK!!" you cried, bringing your arm down from around his neck to block your side with your bicep. Undeterred, he continued wriggling his fingers rapidly in the shrinking space between your arm and your ribs, adding a gentle scribbling of his fingers on his other hand where they rested against the side of your leg. "PUHUT ME DOHOWN!"
"Mm, no, I think not. We haven't yet addressed the fact that you kicked me."
"Ihit wahas YOHOUR FAULT!" You were squirming harder now, twisting in your best attempt to get him to let your legs drop to the ground. He paused to toss you up a bit and adjust his grip, then re-initiated his efforts, digging his thumbs each into the back of your thigh and the back of your ribs.
"Care to say that again?" Your thrashing was clearly beginning to make him nervous about dropping you, so he slowly lowered you down to lay on the floor where he could safely continue his ticklish assault, latching both hands onto your lower ribs.
"Yes, but your heart wasn't in it, I think." His deft fingers kneaded and pinched their way up your ribcage. "Especially considering you are still blaming me for the incident."
Loki cocked his head to the side with a pitying click of his tongue. "You're just begging for me to tickle you senseless."
Heat rushed to your cheeks at his teasing remark, eyes widening as his tickling fingers shifted to a particularly sensitive spot on your belly just below your ribcage. "No-no-nohoho - OHOKAY I'M SOHORRY!!" You hooked your fingers underneath his in a desperate effort to block his access to this newfound spot, only serving to make him increase his efforts, scribbling rapidly with all ten fingers against the fabric overlaying the soft skin. Giving up, you threw your head back and beat your heels against the floor in desperation. And at last, he ceased his attack, grinning impishly down at your disheveled state.
"Perhaps now you'll find the aerials less stressful?" he suggested tauntingly, offering you a hand to sit up as the residual giggles escaped your lips. "Now that I've discovered a foolproof method to make you laugh."
"Yohou are the wohorst," you grumbled, hardly sounding annoyed with that silly grin still plastered to your face. "Can we please rehearse now? You've wasted like ten minutes of our rehearsal block."
He feigned offense at your statement. "I believe you know as well as I that we are far beyond where you anticipated we would be in terms of learning the steps. As I understand it, we still have a week remaining before the competition, is that right?"
"Well... technically, I suppose..."
"Then you've got nothing to worry about," he assured.
"Yes, but we still have to finish learning these aerials, and then I need to choreograph a routine, and we'll need time to practice it-"
"Darling, if you don't relax, I'll be forced to make you."
Heat prickled in your cheeks at the implication. "Ok, ok. I'm fine. I'm relaxed. Let's try it again, but for real this time."
You refused to admit to him that you were more relaxed after he'd tormented you into a fit of giggles. It took a couple of attempts to get the lift completely right, but you succeeded eventually. With each new move you attempted, you felt less and less nervous. Loki - a powerful, sometimes vengeful being - was so uncharacteristically careful and delicate in the way he swept you up in his arms or lifted you up off the ground. And while he was persistent in his teasing, he always kept things light-hearted - never causing you to feel inadequate, even when you accidentally elbowed him in the face or stepped on his foot.
"I think next rehearsal we're ready to start building a routine!" you declared enthusiastically as your two hour time block came to a close. "We really could have a shot at winning this."
"Did you ever have any doubts?" Loki asked haughtily.
He raised his eyebrows, tilting his chin down to gaze at you warningly. "Consider your answer carefully."
"Nope! No doubts," you spat quickly, eyeing his hands at his sides warily. A teasing smirk spread across his face. "Same time tomorrow then?"
"Looking forward to it."
That night, you found your mind drifting blissfully to the feeling of being cradled in Loki's arms.
* * *
As the days passed and time drew closer and closer to the night of the competition, your thoughts strayed to your dance partner more and more often between rehearsals. Now that Loki had stopped being so sullen and cranky about having to participate, your practice time was productive and, dare you say, enjoyable. You'd always been personable with Loki, but outside of any group gatherings or team missions, he didn't otherwise occupy much space in your brain. But now, having grown accustomed to the teasing and playful banter between the pair of you each evening throughout your rehearsals, you found your heart aching at the notion that this was all going to end in just a few days.
You couldn't help but wonder if he'd miss your rehearsals as well. Not that you'd ever ask.
The evening of the competition arrived far too soon for your liking. The anxious, excited energy was palpable in the tower throughout the entirety of the morning. With the training room off limits, couples were finding anywhere they could to practice - the hallways, the kitchen, the common room... Tony even dragged Pepper outside to practice on the sidewalk in front of the tower at one point. Fortunately for her, the city of New York already knew of Tony Stark's eclectic tendencies.
Gradually, the participants began to disappear into their rooms to get dressed and ready for the event. Tony had hired a limousine to transport the attendees to the venue from the tower, and so you had a deadline to meet to catch your ride. You pulled out the vintage-styled dress you'd chosen for the occasion and slipped it on, smoothing out the wide-flared skirt against your legs as you gazed at your reflection in the mirror. With your hair and makeup done up to fit the theme, you looked like you were straight out of the 1950s.
A quiet knocking at your door pulled your attention from the mirror.
"Door's open," you called, turning around. The door opened to reveal your Asgardian dance partner for the evening, already donning his own swing dance outfit.
Maybe it was the dress shirt, vest, and tie combination. Or, perhaps it was the black fedora he had settled upon his dark locks with the brim tilted slightly downward in the front. Either way - damn he made retro look good.
With a debonair grin, Loki crossed the room to close the distance between the pair of you, scooping up your hand and lifting it over your head to twirl you around. The skirt of your dress flared around you, settling back against your legs as he caught you in his arms and dipped you backwards. A giggly squeak of surprise burst from your throat.
"Loki! You're supposed to warn me when you're going to dip me," you scolded half-heartedly, trying to give him a hard look but failing miserably at hiding your grin.
"Ah, yes, you mentioned that. But where would the fun in that be?" He pulled you to stand upright once again just as you were beginning to lose control of the blush forming in your cheeks. "Are you ready to depart?"
"Lead the way."
He offered you his arm, and you slipped your hand around the crook of his elbow. Together, you headed down to the lobby of the tower where the limousine would be waiting outside to pick up the group.
Seeing everyone in their swing attire really began to set the scene for the evening's soiree. The guys were all dressed in various degrees of formality, ranging from a simple dress shirt, suspenders, and tie that Clint sported all the way to a full fledged zoot suit worn by none other than Tony Stark himself. For the ladies, various flouncy dresses and shirt-skirt combinations, all with brightly-colored fabrics and bold patterns.
The venue itself, though, was what really tied everything together.
Tony had rented out a dinner theater hall, complete with a broad platform stage and show lighting. The room was brightly lit for the wait staff to begin serving the donors and ticket holders as people gradually filtered in and found their tables. Outfits ranged across decades, including attire as early as the flapper dresses from the 1920s to the wide-skirted shirt dresses and poodle skirts of the 1950s. The décor was reminiscent mainly of the 20s era, with glittering golds, blacks, and whites throughout the tables and the walls.
Tables had been reserved for the dancers toward the front by the edge of the stage to allow couples to watch one another's performances (and, also, eat their own dinner of course). Tony directed your group toward the corner table, where twelve chairs had been set around a circular table set with black and white place cards and a feathery centerpiece in a vase. As you took your seats, a waiter stopped by to hand out champagne flutes filled with sparkling wine.
"Shall we toast to a fun and friendly competition, then?" Thor declared, holding up his glass.
"Friendly? Who said anything about friendly?" Tony jested. Pepper nudged him hard in the ribs with her elbow. "Ouch, alright I'm kidding!"
"Cheers to our fine-looking band of misfits," Bucky toasted, tapping his glass against Wanda's before turning to meet Steve's glass next. You laughed, joining in the clinking of glasses before taking a long sip of the bubbling liquid.
As the salad course began to come out, Tony took the stage to provide his characteristic grand welcome speech and to thank all the generous donors for providing to the charity fund. He then turned the evening over to Happy, the emcee for the evening, and ducked backstage to prepare for his and Pepper's dance.
The nerves began to set in as the lights dimmed overhead and the stage lights brightened, spotlighting Pepper and Tony on the stage. You barely ate a bite of your salad, pushing a tomato around your plate with your fork as you watched their near flawless dance routine. Who knew Tony could actually dance?
A hand suddenly rested atop your knee beneath the table, startling you. Whipping your head around, you shot Loki an annoyed look.
"Nervous?" he asked over the round of applause erupting throughout the room.
"N-no, of course not. What made you think that?"
"Your knee has been bouncing for the last ten minutes."
It was only then that you noticed you'd been anxiously bouncing your leg under the table, even despite Loki's hand pressing down against your knee in efforts to make it stop. Now that you were conscious of it, you allowed yourself to relax and try to sit still.
"I'm fine. Not nervous at all."
"Good, because we're up next."
"What??" You nearly leapt out of your seat, much to Loki's amusement. He laughed, shaking his head teasingly.
"It was a joke. But I'd say that proves my point."
"I'm not nervous."
"Darling, you can't lie to me," he whispered, pinching the muscle above your knee ticklishly to emphasize the word. With a squeak, your hand shot out involuntarily to grab his wrist under the table as you shot daggers at him with your eyes.
"Don't you dare."
"Don't I dare... what? Do this?" He squeezed your knee rapidly a few times, making you giggle and squirm to escape his touch.
"Yes. That- Lohoki!" You shrieked as he released your leg to slide his hand around to the underside of your knee, scratching gently at the bare skin just below where the hem of your skirt rested. A playful swat to his arm made him stop and retract his hand, smirking as he gazed at you out of the corner of his eye. "You're flustering me right before we're supposed to dance."
"Perhaps I enjoy flustering you, agent." His hand latched onto your side and pinched swiftly, just enough to make you double over sideways to arch away from his touch.
"Not before we dance."
"After, then? Is that explicit permission?"
"... No." Your face was white hot. Luckily he couldn't see you well in the dim overhead lighting. Glancing up to find anywhere else to divert your attention to while Clint and Laura got set up on stage to dance, your eyes met Natasha's across the table. Her eyebrows bumped upward as her eyes flitted down to the table where clearly she'd elucidated something was going on underneath. You shook your head wildly when you realized what she must be thinking, covering your face in your hands much to her amusement.
One by one, each couple was called up to dance, each outdoing the previous couple before them with their skill and artistry. There were a few other couples from outside of the Avengers who'd signed up to compete, but none could hold a candle to Bucky and Wanda's amazing and technically challenging routine.
And then, Happy was calling you and Loki to the stage.
You couldn't recall the last time you'd felt this nervous about something. All the dangerous and terrifying stunts you'd had to pull on missions, and yet this was what did you in. Although, in all fairness, there weren't hundreds of people watching when you performed your crazy moves on missions.
The white stage lights were blinding when you reached the center of the stage and gazed out into the crowd. At least you couldn't really see the sea of faces with such bright bulbs shining down in your eyes. You turned toward Loki to prepare to start the dance, and he took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
"You'll be wonderful," he whispered honestly, no hint of a smirk on his face for once.
"Thanks," you breathed in response. You took your starting position then, waiting patiently for the music to start.
And then, you began to dance.
The rhythm of the song was infectious, with a bold brassy melody and a syncopated drumbeat driving the percussion section. Loki had complete control as he led you twirling across the dance floor, executing every step in perfect synchronization with yours. All the nagging about adding 'bounce' to his step had really paid off - his technique was near flawless. The nervous butterflies in your stomach slowly ebbed away as you lost yourself in the dance. The buzz of the crowd swelled with each lift you performed, but you barely paid any mind - you were too focused on the strong, safe, confident grip of your partner as he effortlessly swept you up in his arms.
As the song came to an end, Loki tugged to spin you inward toward himself and whisked you into a dip, one arm securely wrapped around your waist. The radiant applause filled your ears as you smiled giddily up at him, breathless from the energy of the dance.
"You were amazing!" you praised, throwing your arms around Loki the moment he'd stood you upright without giving it much thought. Hesitating only a moment, he returned your embrace, squeezing you tight. You took your bows before stepping off stage to head back to your table.
"Did you expect any less of me?" Loki asked teasingly. "Though, I suppose I must admit, your lessons helped some."
"Oh, did they? Just 'some' you say?"
"Yes, I already possessed the natural prowess for the art of dance, even before your lessons."
You snorted. "Without my help, you'd have been as robotic as Vision."
"Brother!" Thor's booming voice captured your attention as you reached your table in front of the stage. "I'd no idea you had it in you!"
"Oh, believe me, it took quite a bit of practice," you muttered, earning a pinch to the side from your partner.
"Ah, yes - you should win an award of your own for putting up with Loki's mischief for so long, agent," Thor bellowed, patting you on the shoulder heavily as you took your seat between the brothers.
"Heh. Yeah," you concurred with a half-hearted chuckle. In the back of your mind, you wondered if it was really all that tedious. The reminder that you would no longer have these evening dance rehearsals together made your heart sink.
With the dancing part of the evening over, you were much more relaxed as you chatted and ate dinner with your fellow teammates. You were acutely aware of the fact that Loki had reached over and draped his arm across the back of your chair casually as he engaged in conversation. Secretly, you wished he'd have just wrapped it around your shoulders to pull you closer.
"Alright everyone - the results of your votes are in!" Happy declared as the wait staff cleared dinner plates from the tables. "I'd like to call our lovely couples to the stage for one last round of applause."
The room erupted with cheers as you stood with the other dancers of the evening. Loki took your hand in his without a word, lifting it to usher you up the stairs to the stage as he trailed behind. Happy was making some dig at Tony's suit as you and Loki took your place between Thor and Jane and Steve and Nat. Loki released your hand in favor of sliding his arm around your waist, resting his hand at your hip.
"Our third place couple this evening is..." Happy glanced down at the paper in his hands, chuckling. "Obviously Pepper did the heavy lifting here - Tony and Pepper!"
"You're just jealous you don't have moves like I do," Tony retorted, nudging Happy with his elbow as he and Pepper stepped forward to claim their title.
"Oh I don't have moves like you do, but jealous might not be the right word for it," Happy countered with a grin. "Anyway - our second place couple is... Wanda and Barnes!"
"Wow. I'm surprised they didn't win it after executing that crazy aerial," you mumbled, applauding with the others as Bucky and Wanda took their bows.
"And now... our first place winners of the competition this evening..."
Loki's grip on your waist tightened, tugging you closer to his side in anticipation. You'd resolved yourself to the fact that you hadn't placed this evening. Steve and Nat had a flawless routine, and Thor and Jane were bubbly and bouncy enough to draw raging applause from the crowd. One of them had clearly won the competition.
When Happy announced the winner, your ears were ringing too loudly to catch the names. It was only when Loki suddenly turned toward you with the most excited expression you'd ever seen grace his features that you realized it was your own name Happy had announced.
"We won?" you asked, wide-eyed. Loki laughed at your dumbfounded expression, grasping your waist with both hands.
"Yes, darling - we won!"
An excited shriek burst from your throat at his confirmation, and you threw your arms around his neck. Loki used your momentum to wrap his arms around your waist and lift you off the floor, twirling you around once in his hold. The pair of you stepped forth to take a bow, overwhelmed by the loud applause of the crowd - the loudest coming from your teammates behind you.
The remainder of the evening was a whirlwind of congratulatory wishes from your friends and colleagues as the fundraiser wrapped up. Tony closed by announcing he'd be matching the total amount donated for the evening before submitting the funds to charity, earning himself a roaring round of applause. By the time you'd all climbed in the limo to head home, the exhaustion was evident on every one of your teammate's faces. The steady rumbling of the tires rolling down the road and the scrolling of the streetlights shining through the window lulled you to sleep, awaking to find you'd slumped over onto Loki's shoulder once you'd arrived home. You muttered sleep-rasped apologies as you sat up and exited the limo to head inside, to which Loki insisted you needn't worry about it.
Collectively, everyone opted to retire to bed for the evening. Loki continued to be the gentleman he'd been all night, walking you to your room. For someone who had taken so much pleasure in pushing your buttons, he'd been behaving quite out of character for most of the evening. You certainly weren't complaining.
As you approached your bedroom door, the reality of this being the end of your one-on-one time together weighed on your heart. Of course you'd see him around the tower as you always did, but it just didn't feel like enough.
"So... was it really all that terrible doing this competition?" you asked teasingly as you paused in front of your door.
"While I'm still a bit resentful that you found a way to trick me, I'll admit... it was... enjoyable."
"Well, thanks for earning me a win."
"The credit goes to you, darling."
You were silent a moment, trying to decide what to say. Resting your hand on your doorknob, you smiled weakly up at Loki. "Well... I'll see you around?"
"Yes, I suppose you will." His expression was blank, unreadable. With a nod, he turned and began to head down the hallway to retire to his own room. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched him recede, battling internally between the desire to call out to him and the innate instinct to hide your feelings. The end result was somewhere in between.
He turned at the sound of his name, those fiercely blue-green eyes of his capturing yours and trapping the words in your throat. His head tilted slightly, urging you to continue.
"I... uh..."
"Yes, agent?" he asked, the corners of his mouth curling up into a devilish grin as he realized you were stammering.
"I just thought maybe... er..." You choked on your words as he took a few steps towards you.
"You seem rather flustered again, darling. What is it you're trying to tell me?"
"Oh, shut it, you."
"That's rather rude of you. I am merely trying to be polite and listen to whatever it is you have to say." His grin broadened as your eyes narrowed and your cheeks began to burn. "Go on, then."
"You know what? Never mind," you stated with a huff, folding your arms across your chest.
"But now you have me curious, agent. Tell me what it was."
"Nope. You're out of luck - no-no, don't you dahare Loki!" You shrank backwards as he reached out suddenly and grabbed your waist, gently kneading his fingers into your sides. "Nohoho! Noho, that's nohot fair!"
"Then spit it out, darling." His fingers darted up your ribs and you grasped his wrists, giggling helplessly and squirming away from his ticklish touch.
"I-hi... Lohoki! I juhust... HEHEY!" You squeaked as he slotted his fingers up under your arms, doubling over and squeezing his forearms in protest. "I JUHUST WANTED TOHO... LOHOKI I CAHAN'T!"
He tickled his way bad down to your sides to allow you the wherewithal to speak. "Well?"
"I-hi wanted toho ask if you w-aha-wanted to doho something tomorrow."
Loki's fingers stilled at your sides, hands resting firmly against your waist. "Do something?"
"Y-yeah, like... I don't know... hang out?"
A fond grin broke out on his face. "Agent - have you taken a liking to me?"
"Pshh... I-I just figured that you'd miss me now that you're done with my lessons."
"Oh-ho, did you?" He gently pushed against your waist and you stepped backward, your back hitting the wall behind you. You held Loki's gaze, noting how his expression softened.
"Well... wouldn't you?"
He chuckled deep in his throat. "Yes, darling. I would."
With that, he ducked down and captured your lips with his. You melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as his slid around your waist.
As it turned out - you hadn't tricked Loki into doing anything. If you'd simply asked him to dance in the competition with you, he'd have said yes in a heartbeat. Because, when it came to finding Loki's intrinsic motivation, there was one surefire thing that could get him to do most anything:
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yashio-san · 2 years
It's hard to post regularly... Well here I come with a new Morfonica analysis! I hope someone still remembers me :_)
Today I wanna talk about the birthday illustrations! This post will be divided in two parts because of the image limit. This post is about Mashiro, Touko and Rui.
Birthday illustrations are really interesting because they represent the girls' personalities and the things they like as gifts from their bandmates. So, let's see what we've got here!
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Mashiro is a sweet and cute girl who has a dream to become someone significant. I like that she is blue-themed, because blue is accociated with calmness, kindness, softness and all such (at least I think so...) Her illustrations always fill me with joy. She collects stuffed animals and knits, such a SOFTIE... Look how happy she is on the third pic with all those plushies! She is their mom now 🥺
Her gift is a seal plushie, I wonder who gave it to her (mashirui brainrot activated) Also the same seal on the cupcake holds a sewing needle, so maybe it represents Mashiro herself? She is a baby seal your honor
There's also some interesting things in the big picture :
1. Mashiro follows a butterfly, gently holding her stage costume hat. So wholesome.
2. Why are there fish? I suppose it's either a dream or a metaphor, maybe a Shinkai Shoujo reference. Shinkai Shoujo is a perfect song for Mashiro, by the way, it's so sad...
3. There's a stone with the school motto in the background! It appeared in the beginning of Morfonica's BS1. I don't remember the words perfectly, but it said something like "Your radiance will light up your path". Tsukinomori literally has a motivational quote on a chunk of stone in their garden. So fancy.
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Here goes our dorky fashion icon! Her gifts are all food, and I think it's from Nanami. Touko gave Nanami a bottle of spicy sauce for her own birthday, so it would be a fair exchange. Touko is having a time of her life eating fried noodles, and I'm proud of her.
There's not much to say about the first picture, but I like how it represents her two biggest passions – making clothes and playing guitar. Also a cute little detail – she's wearing a butterfly necklace. It would be so cute if she started wearing more butterfly accessories after joining the band! And I like those birthday glasses from the third pic! You go girl!!
I've already talked about Rui's 2020 birthday illustrations in this post about Rui slander. It's interesting too, so read that and come back here!
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So, we see our beautiful beloved Rui-Rui being a little happier than usual. She's wearing glasses because she is smart and classy and everything
I don't like her pose from the second pic because it's strange, but here's a little detail: she is watching magical white flowers grow around her! You know what it reminds me of? BS2. Yeah, it came out later than the birthday pictures, but still it looks like a parallel... I'm probably reading too much into this lmao
There really isn't much to analyse anymore, I just love looking at her and thinking about her making friends and doing what she really likes instead of trying to reach some weird non-existent "perfection" that her parents created. She is my little meow meow and I will protect her with my life. >:[ 💚💚💚💚
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pigletxpoohbear · 3 years
I saw you asking for requests and wondered if you could do headcanons for how the obey me boys would react to a Mc who goes nonverbal sometimes (especially when they aren't feeling well mentally)? If you don't wanna do all, I'd just really love to see Beel, Barbatos, Diavolo and Luke!
I hope you have an amazing day🌼
I’m going to start off by just saying when I get really depressed and my thoughts and headspace are worse than usual this is my main mechanism to cope. So, I’m going to write this based on my experiences and go from there if you want me to rewrite it please say so. I’m also going to try and keep the headcannons for this as gender-neutral.
Lucifer is very observant and even more so when it comes to you
When he read your file he understood you had anxiety and depression, based on that he believed he had a clue what it was going to be like with you here in the devildom
Unfortunately, he was slightly off (he was completely incorrect, but he won’t admit that.)
He realized not too long after a week or two here with you in devildom that when you have really bad anxiety you tend to keep it to yourself and when your thoughts are too much you tend to do the same
He also saw that you’d try to keep answers as short as possible when feeling like this
Luci asked you to come by his office during school so that none of his brothers would interrupt, he ended up telling you that if there’s anything that he can do such as pulling you out of classes some days and just helping you privately or putting a proper lock on your door at the HoL you can just tell him and it doesn’t have to be in person, but a call, a text, an email, or a letter just let him know
He’s the most understanding of the brothers surprisingly
Mammon isn’t exactly observant, but does notice 
He noticed some days your answers to questions were so short or so quiet that they were almost nonexistent
Mammon was concerned about what was wrong with his human, but didn’t know what to do besides just talk to you about it
One night when you left to your room to be alone and just sit down away from anyone he actually knocked on your door instead of barging in
When he came in he sat across from you on the floor, he asked what was wrong or if there’s something that he needs to fix 
You told him that when everything becomes too much you don’t really like to talk and want to be in a more quiet place
He ended up making a door hanger that told him if it was okay for him to barge in or if today you just needed time alone (he looked like a tomato when giving it to you, he felt so embarrassed)
Anything that makes his human comfortable
Anxiety? Depression? Nonverbal? Levi understands this all too well, but because this is the case he’s like the last one to notice
He doesn’t really notice mainly because he’s often in his room or in his head
He ended up finding out about it because you only gave him yes and no as an answer the whole weekend and thought it was because you didn’t want to be around a nasty otaku and confronted you outside your bedroom
You had to explain that you just go basically silent when your depression and anxiety became too much to handle and said you were sorry
Now Levi felt bad after you shut the door
He went out and got some mangas, animes, and candies and left them outside (after making sure Beel wouldn’t eat them and Mammon wouldn’t take them) and left a letter and a text message apologizing and telling you that he does the same thing and he’s really sorry that he jumped the gun and if you ever want to hang out with him in silence in his room you’re more than welcome to whenever you want
Satan notices almost as fast as Lucifer
He didn’t really say anything to you about it, but when he would see signs that today isn’t a good day he usually would keep his pranks on Lucifer to himself and see if maybe you want to play with the cats or go to a nice quiet cafe he found not too long ago
On good days he also tries to reach out and just be with you just to be sure you’re okay
Honestly does a ten out of ten job when it comes to being around you on good and bad days (he doesn’t even realize he’s benefiting from it and that he's much calmer recently)
Asmo is very touchy-feely and some days you don’t like being touchy-feely
Asmo only asked about it because you wouldn’t cuddle with him the last few days
When he realized he apologized and said that if it’s not a good day today then whenever it is please come by he really loves to spend time with you, but won’t force you to do something that you’re not comfortable with
You guys cuddle every now and again because it does help sometimes and either he’ll whisper sweet nothings to you or he’ll just stay quiet and rub your head or back
When you don’t cuddle he’ll bring you tea and a nice pillow or two from his room so that you can rest or just sit more comfortably
(I think that Beel is an empath and that’s why Beel gets upset by others being upset) When Beel gets the first signs that today isn’t a good day he usually gives you some of his food or asks if you need anything
He doesn’t quite understand it, but he wants to make you happy even if it takes a few days for that to happen
You ask Beel for cuddles or to just sit with you consider it done and sometimes Belphie will be there (usual he is, he just happens to always be where Beel is)
And you guys just form a cuddle pile and nap either in your room, the twins’ room, or in the observatory
He literally is too busy being asleep to notice and I don’t think would ever find out
One moment he’s in one room the next he’s in yours cuddling with you and Beel 
Doesn’t mind too much (mainly because quiet means he can sleep)
Only realizes if someone says something to him about it, but no one asks him cause they go to you first
Clueless sleepy boi
He noticed because he could barely hear you one day and thought you were sick and was about to send you home with Lucifer (who had a bunch of papers he needed to sign off on and would grow immensely if not taken care of)
You explained that it wasn’t necessary and that today was just a bad day
He asked if you wanted to go home and just finish your schoolwork or some makeup work at the HoL or in his office so that you can be in more quiet and accommodating space
Every now and again you’ll do school work in Diavolo’s office and have little sandwiches and tea with him and Lucifer
Literally knows before you got here (he can see the future lmao)
He packs little gift baskets and things like that for you full of your favorite things and has them delivered that day or those days
He has to be with Diavolo all the time, but surprisingly is able to help with these little things that he sends you
You end up exchanging gifts and gift baskets every now and again and when he did get a day off you ended up spending it together and going to ristorante six
Doesn’t spend much time with you outside school, but he does notice a few things that he considered odd 
He wondered why you were so meek some days, but quite vocal others
He also saw how you’d keep to yourself and stay away from people especially large groups and then other days you’d be around all of the brothers laughing
He asked Lucifer about it and he explained the situation (Lucifer trusts Simeon to an extent, but knows that Simeon only asks for your well being and no other reason)
After learning the situation he becomes less curious as to what the problem is and more curious on how to help you
When needing to get in groups in classes the brothers aren’t closer or aren’t in he’ll partner with you and make sure that you’re comfortable
Sweet boy doesn’t understand other than your sad
Makes you cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and all sorts of sweet treats
He also loves to make sure that you’re heard and stays really quiet so he can hear what you have to say
He doesn’t get it, but he does have the spirit
Oh boy where do I begin with this one
Soloman notices, he notices everything
Is he good at this type of stuff though? No, no he is not
Wants you to try out potions and tell him the effects, but can’t hear you
Is that an effect or is that just you?
When not experimenting he’s better and tries to find things that make you happy 
Do you want cuddles? Done. Do you want food? I’ll get something from Hell’s Kitchen. Do you want to go for a stroll? I know a really good lookout point where we can be alone.
Literally, just don’t go in the potions room and you’ll have something helpful
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angellesword · 4 years
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Description: It’s valentine’s day and Namjoon was mad at you.
Pairing: Writer!Namjoon x Cashier!Reader
Genre: established relationship, fluff. SEQUEL OF CARAMEL MACCHIATO
Word Count: 1.3k
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Kim Namjoon fucked up.
"Shit." He bit his lower lip, shaking his head while looking at his bloody red hands; he was holding a tray of burnt red velvet cupcakes.
Tears pricked at his eyes. Namjoon wasn't usually emotional but it was hard to control his pent-up emotions, especially because he had such a shitty week at work.
Today was Sunday—his favorite day of the week. It also happened that his favorite time of the year was today: valentine's day.
Namjoon called you as soon as he woke up, hoping that you wouldn't be working late today because he wanted to celebrate this special event with you. Unfortunately, you said you were working a double shift.
February fourteen was one of the busiest days at the coffee shop.
You could tell that your boyfriend was upset. He hadn't seen you in a week and now you couldn't even make time to meet him? Even just for an hour?
"My shift ends at 11:30pm, babe..." You sighed, but you were a little relieved that you two were only talking via phone. You didn't think you could bear to see his mopey face.
His deep dimples were your greatest weakness.
"Yeah. You'll be too tired to see me when your shift ends, right?" He couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice, causing your heart to churn.
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, okay? I'm really sorry—"
Namjoon heard noises from the other line. Noises that he couldn't quite decipher.
It looked like you were really busy.
"Hey, babe? I have to go now. I love you! Bye!"
You ended the call even before Namjoon could respond.
He heaved a deep sigh, switching his phone off before deciding to go back to sleep.
But he couldn't sleep anymore.
Every time he clamped his eyes shut, all he could see was you. Poor you who couldn't catch a break.
His heart sank thinking about your tired face. You still worked as a cashier at the coffee shop where he first met you.
"Damn it," He sat on the bed. He wanted to stay mad at you but he couldn't—not when he knew that you were having a hard time, and clearly not when he knew that you didn't choose this.
You wanted to be with him, it just so happened that you had a sick mother to support and bills to pay.
Namjoon wanted to help you; however, he had problems as well. He wasn't rich. In fact, he was struggling to pay rent too. He barely had money to buy the ingredients for these mini cakes—this was the reason why he was looking at the burnt red velvet cupcakes dejectedly.
Namjoon realized that he shouldn't have acted bitter when he was talking to you over the phone, and so he decided to drop by at the coffee shop later today after baking some cupcakes for you, a simple way of asking for your forgiveness.
Except that baking wasn't simple.
He fucked up, leaving the small cakes in the oven for too long. To top his stupidity, he also accidentally squirted the red frosting all over his hands.
Namjoon was about to throw the cupcakes in the trashcan when the door suddenly opened, revealing you.
"Happy valentine—what the fuck?" Your eyes widened, almost losing your grip on the two cups of caramel macchiato.
"W-Wait!" Namjoon's eyes dilated as well. "This isn't what it looks like!"
He was flustered. Namjoon knew that you probably thought that he had hurt himself because of his clumsiness. The red velvet frosting staining his hands looked like blood.
"What did you do this time, Joon?" You darted towards him, placing the cups on the kitchen countertop and then examining his hand.
The red frosting also marked your palms. It smelled sweet.
"I tried baking red velvet cupcakes for you..." Your boyfriend admitted shyly, his head hanging low.
Your face softened upon hearing his confession, eyes darting to the tray of burnt cakes.
You stifle a gasp.
"I was planning to surprise you since you said you don't have time to celebrate with me..."
"Ditto, babe." Namjoon snapped his head up and looked at you.
You touched his cheeks. "You sounded upset earlier and I..." And then you caressed them. "I can't work knowing you're mad at me."
Namjoon's eyes lit up for a second.
"I'm not mad—" He stopped, changing his statement. "Well...yeah, I'm a little upset. Not with you though...but with this."
Namjoon sighed, pulling away from your embrace as he picked up the tray once again, this time he was really determined to throw it away.
"It's such a disaster. I...I messed up so bad." Namjoon told you the things he had been through while baking. Not only did he squirted the frosting all over his hands but he also burnt the cakes, sprinkled salt in the mixture instead of sugar and oh! He just realized that he also forgot to add baking soda.
"It's okay, Joonie. You're a writer, not a baker..." You chuckled, pulling him to an embrace once more.
Namjoon melted in your arms, kissing you on the lips.
"You know...I didn't expect you to make mini cakes. I really thought you're gonna give me a love letter or something like that,"
Namjoon's mood was sour again. His lips protruded into a pout.
"That's the plan, but Jungkookie said love letters were boring..."
"Since when did you care about that brat's opinion?" You furrowed a brow. Jungkook was Namjoon's friend. That boy was cute but as said, he was such a brat.
"Since Taehyung told me love letters are for nerds. He agreed with Jungkook, babe."
"But you are a nerd—sorry!" You smiled sheepishly when your boyfriend glared at you.
"Don't even think about teasing me. I'm not in the mood." He scoffed and you only chuckled.
"But you're in the mood for some vulvarine?"
"And here I thought I'm the nerd..."
You and Namjoon ended up making love. This was so much better than dining out or watching movies.
"I'm curious..." You blurted out, tracing your fingers through Namjoon's exposed chest.
“Hm?” Namjoon hummed, kissing the top of your head.
"About the letter. What were you planning to write?"
Namjoon was a real romantic. He had written you many letters before. All of them never failed to make you cry.
"I still have it...wanna read?"
When you nodded, Namjoon instantly got up from the bed and then he went straight to his study table. The paper was already crumpled because Namjoon got so pissed at Taehyung and Jungkook’s opinions.
"Here." He handed you the paper.
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"Joon..." Tears fell from your eyes after reading the letter. "This is so sweet. I can't believe you're planning to throw this away!"
Your boyfriend bit his lower lip.
"You don't think it's too much? Boring? Nerdy—"
You cut him off by kissing him on the lips.
"It's not. I'll fucking kill Jungkook and Taehyung when I see them..."
"Please don't." He let out a hearty laugh. "They still need to hear my cheesy vow on our wedding."
"Are you saying that you have a plan to propose to me huh, Mr. Kim?"
"Maybe." He shrugged, kissing you again. "Maybe not..."
You simply shook your head because whatever his decision was, you only have one thing in mind:
you would love him forever.
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Santa, Tell Me
Sakusa Kiyoomi
First one of the Christmas oneshots ✨
Based off of the song “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande
Angst(?) to fluff!
Authors note: Hopefully this is the first of multiple oneshots, the plan is to hopefully get out 3-5 before Christmas, but it will really depend on school and “Just a Friend to You”. Other than that, enjoy! 🖤
Warnings: None!
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to commit, Sakusa.”
“Y/N I do want to be with you, I’m just not ready-“ Sakusa sighs, running his hands through his hair as he looked at you once again. Your arms were crossed, still following him with your eyes in his apartment.
“Sakusa, I have so many feelings for you, it’s unbelievable. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, wake up next to you, but I also want to be able to introduce you to my family as my boyfriend, NOT that we’re dating so that I have to explain the situation just so that my father can say that I’m wasting my time.”
You had Sakusa had been in the “talking/exclusive” stage for about 5 months, with liking each other for about 9. Now, you understood Sakusa wanting to take his time. His past relationship wasn’t the best, and especially with his habits, he warned you immediately when you asked him out, giving you a chance to back out.
But, you never did. And you never thought of backing out, despite how much is hurt to say that the boy you possibly love could possibly not love you back.
“If I’m not ready, I’m not ready, Y/N. When I’m ready, I’ll be ready, but please just be patient with me.” Sakusa said, walking up to you to grab your hand, but you retract your hand before he can even touch you, clasping your hands together.
“I’ve been patient for a while, Saku. Just, figure it out before the holidays. If not, then I don’t really know.” You say, and turned to make your way out the door, without him stopping you.
Santa tell me, if you’re really there
Don’t make me fall in love again
if he won’t be here next year
Turning the corner, you walk 3 more blocks, your apartment building slowly coming into view. Despite your, “thing”, being a germaphobe himself, you and your own roommate as well, living in New York City was a dream of yours. Now, you weren’t as extreme as Sakusa, it more was just avoiding getting sick. However, seeing someone sneeze near you? Take out the hand sanitizer please and thank you.
Santa tell me if he really cares
Cuz I can’t give it all away
if he won’t be here next year
Unlocking the door, you stepped into your apartment, coming in to see your roommate, Lex, on the couch with her laptop.
Did I just add this because I didn’t feel like putting in an OC? Yes.
“Woah.” Lex says, and you face her.
“Tell me why you got that look on your face like someone just made you drop your $4 bagel in the middle of a crosswalk.”
“Ugh,” you groan, throwing your head back as you throw down your bag, plopping face first into the couch next to her as she types away.
“Sakusa again.” You mumble, turning your head to the side so that it’s actually audible. Lex sighs, putting her glasses on top of her head, closing her laptop.
“I think- ya know what I think, I think, you just gotta go on a walk. Get that Christmas tourist in you ya know. Just go to the Macy’s-“
“Too many people-“
“AS I WAS SAYING, go do the basic tourist stuff around the city. I know you hate it, I do too, but even if it’s gross, it makes you happy. I’ll give you money to go ice skating later if you want.” You sit up, staring her in the eyes.
“You’d do that for me?” Lex nods at you, giving you a small smile as tears start to form in your eyes.”
“OH SHUT UP!” Lex tosses a pillow at you, hitting you in your chest. You run and change, grabbing your bag and waving at her as you head out the door.
Walking into the large Macy’s, you stroll around the store, seeing things that you like or you’d want to get for someone as a gift.
A shiny glimmer catches your eye, coming up on a sleek black and silver watch.
Sakusa would like that, you think, about to turn to the employee to ask for the price, however you stop yourself, looking back at it.
Don't make me fall in love again
if he won't be here next year
You walk past the watch, going up the escalator as you stare back down at the section, thinking of Sakusa once more.
I've been down this road before
Fell in love on Christmas night
But on New Year's Day I woke up
You shake your head, turning forward to make your way towards the kitchen section to hopefully find something for your mother.
and he wasn't by my side
You don’t end up finding anything, instead grabbing a jacket for your mother, and purchasing it. After shopping around for another hour, you decide to leave. Walking the streets, you pass by the large nut crackers, taking a picture of them to send to Lex as you know her sister loves them.
Stopping at Baked By Melissa, you pick up a pack of small cupcakes, looking behind you as you wait for the cashier to pack them. You see small flurries of white start to fall, smiling softly at the sight of snow.
“Apparently we’re supposed to get a storm soon, maybe it’ll be a white Christmas.” The cashier says as you turn back to him, nodding slightly as you take the bag out of his hand, giving him a wave as you open the door to leave.
You check your phone, deciding to actually go ice skating with the money Lex gave you. After putting your belongings in a locker and buying your skates, you make your way towards the ice, skating along the icy floor.
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While you busy yourself, staring at the families around, Lex opens the door to reveal Sakusa at the door, letting himself in.
“Alright come in I guess-“
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Wow not even a hello the tREATMENT I GET”
Lex shakes her head, faking disappointment as Sakusa sighs, flicking ear forehead, her hand immediately shooting up to mask the pain.
Sakusa smiles at Lex, taking her dramatics light heartedly as she shakes her head.
“I sent Y/N to clear their head. You really got up there today, Saku.”
“I know, that’s why I’m wondering where they are.” Lex sighs, slightly shaking her head.
“An apology isn’t just gonna fix this again Sak-“
“No Lex, I want them to be mine. I don’t care anymore I just want to tell Y/N I’m in love with them.”
Lex’s eyes immediately soften, a small “aww” falling from her lips. She then throws her head back, slightly groaning in frustration.
“Can’t you do it tomorrow? It’s freezing outside and I don’t wanna change-“
“No it has to be now, Y/N has to know I love them.”
“But Sakusaaaaa,” Lex whines, slightly stomping her feet, “I was gonna shower-“
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After a while, Lex grabs her coat and the two head down the stairs and onto the streets of the city, flooded with people trying to get home and avoid the cold. Calling for a taxi to head to Rockefeller rink. The two sit in the taxi as the traffic told on, finally getting there after 30 minutes. Getting out of the taxi, the two speed walk their way into the center. Trying to spot the passing people coming off the rink, neither can spot you.
A glimpse of light blue passes Sakusa’s eyes, seeing your familiar bag as you walk away.
“Y/N!” He tells, trying to go towards you, but you couldn’t hear him over the load chatter of passing New Yorkers. Leaving Lex to follow him, he starts randomly saying excuse me as he pushes his way through the walking people.
You walk up the stairs, hearing the screaming people around you, seeing the classic clutter around the tree. You stare at it from a distance, then decide to walk towards it.
At this point Sakusa couldn’t care who he was touching. Lex had tripped over her shoe, leading her to sprint back to Sakusa as he finally got a clearing, seeing you walking towards the tree.
You hear a yell of your name, you lifting your head and quickly looking around.
Your eyes finally fall towards the voice, facing Sakusa with a heaving Lex behind him.
“God damnit asthma-“
He walks closer to you, coming within a few feet of you.
“I love you.”
Santa tell me
If he really cares
Time feels as if it stops, you hearing those 3 little words that you’ve wanted to here for the longing months. Your body moves to its own accord, beginning to sprint towards him.
Cuz I can’t give it all away
You grab him by his collar, pulling Sakusa down to lock lips with him, your eyelashes fluttering closed as he holds you tight by your waist. You hear a faint cheering, but your ears block it out, only focusing on your love right in front of you, continuing to kiss him until you’re breathless.
If he won’t be here
Next year
~ Lex 🎲
if you do enjoy, remember to reblog! It helps a ton 🖤
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Meme from "Broad City" quotes
“You said if you were ever going to do same sex experimentation, it was going to be with me.”
"Who would you rather go down on you? Michael Bublé or Janet Jackson?”
“Can Janet Jackson go down on me while Michael Bublé narrates it in song?”
“What’s an Arch de Triumph?”
“It’s when two dudes go down on us, is how I picture it, and they’re butt to butt and then you and I do Oprah hands.”
“I really don’t feel like going into work today.”
"Great, I’ll see you in 30 days then. . . biiiiitch.”
“Maybe your dad should have pulled out.”
“I need someone for the amazing race because my mom just pulled out.”
“I also have business with the bank. I’d like to cash these nickels, and I’ll have them in quarters, please. Thank you so much.”
“I’m a sexual X-Man. I’m Wolverine. I’m Vulvarine!”
"Oh my Lady God, thank you!"
“The vagina is nature’s pocket. It’s natural and responsible.”
“I would take you on my shoulders – like I’d strap you up and be like, ‘Let’s go through helllll.’”
“I’m not sexually aroused, I’m fiscally aroused.”
“That’s literally a one stop pussy shop. I love it!”
“I finally figured out my eyebrows, They’re sisters, not twins.”
“Four R’s, my friend-- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rihanna.”
“Statistically we’re headed toward an age where everybody’s going to be, like, caramel and queer.”
“I’m an adult and I’m responsible. Let’s go get some candy.”
“I finally masturbated above the covers without my eyes being closed.”
“I just want to get home and watch my shows.”
"You just pulled a bag of pot out of your vagina."
"Do you ever get hair from your head stuck in your buttcrack in the shower?"
"I'm still not over Amy Winehouse."
"I can't really imagine what it's like for people with blue eyes."
"This isn't a sugar daddy thing. This is just an old established guy paying for his younger friend who he also has sex with kind of thing."
"You're like 12, right?"
"I love me some dumplings. It's like a squirrel clutch with a meatball in it."
"I was so worried I baked a whole cake and then I ate a whole cake."
"In da clerb, we all fam."
"I know you from your ass better than I know your face."
"I respect you respecting me."
"You know what's cool about this party? We're the sexiest girls here."
"I'll pick up your poop. You're worth it."
"This is what living on the edge looks like."
"You got beauty. You got brains. You're a fucking genius. Do you wanna kiss?"
"You look sexy and vivacious and artsy and, like, young-wife material but, like, taut and teasy still. It's a perfect combo."
“Witches aren’t monsters, they’re just women! They’re fucking women who cum and giggle and play in the night. And that’s why everybody wants to set them on fire ‘cause they’re so fucking jealous."
"You never know if you never try and if you never try you never know."
“I’m only 27, what am I? A child bride?”
"You have been busting my balls all day over a sahaaaandwich shahooppe?!"
"I don’t watch anything but solo porn because regular porn is like, “Shut up, little girl! Wash my feet!” And she’s like "uhhh don’t tell my dad ok? Because I’m just barely legal. I love shaved pubes and tanned, crispy bellies and taints.” It’s like ugh!"
"I don’t have any money. I’m a wittle baby."
“Buckle up, buttercup”
"Money is a mind control technique that used to quantify the progress of the patriarchy!"
"Nose, vagina, butthole. If God didn’t want us to put our fingers up then then why did She make them perfectly finger sized ?"
"I’ll see you when u wake up, and if you don’t wake up I’ll still see you cause I’m gonna kill myself and meet you in heaven or whatever.”
"If you train your eyes, you can see their religion”
“I know it’s like “pwease Mr. Cwusty old white man, can I pwease keep my ovaries?” Alright bitch you better vote, text me when you do”
“I mean we had been together how long, and I still never saw nipples?”
“OOPS I guess I don’t know my own strength”
“Pillows are nature’s packing peanuts!”
“The student has become the teacher!”
"This is some high class shit."
"It's 2014. Anal is on the menu."
"Where ISN'T the bathroom?"
"I was cyberbullied within an INCH of my life last night"
“I saw your tweets and I wanted to check you out but I also wanted to respect your space”
"I am going to respect your dick later."
“You’re my lil cupcake”
“I once ate a corn on the cob. Including the cob”
"Ugh, who YELLS?"
"Wanna get, like, a bunch of hot dogs?"
"Did you draw that painting?"
“You have to swipe yaas, you can’t swipe naas.”
“I fucked you in the ASS the first night we did ANYTHING. I think that’s pretty fuckin mature."
"Well aren't you a hot diggity dog and a scalawag to boot?"
"In the club, we are all family. Are you racist?"
“Welcome to Florida, America’s droopy dick”
"This is the men's room. Uh DOIIII!"
“You’re so full of shit I need a plunger."
“Thank you SO much for calling me a star”
"I'm an adult. I should be buying my own pot."
"Coat racks AREN'T for babies!"
"My biggest weakness is that I lose my purse a lot. But my biggest strength is that I always get it back."
"I like to call it jazz becomes it comes out of my horn, and you never know where it's gunna go."
"White people do that dog thing. Black people don't make out with dogs."
"Next thing you know you're pregnant with his sperm and he's sanding down your headboard shirtless."
"We are garbage people living on garbage island!"
"I didn't know you had a veneer and I'm in that mouth on a regular basis."
"I'm not putting weed up inside of me because I'm an adult and I'm responsible."
"I really think you should put your weed in your front hole."
“We’re technically homeless right now.”
"Your ass looks incredible."
"Your ass looks incredible. Your head and body too. But we all know who’s the star of the show here.”
“Who am I? Honey, I have a cyst on my uterus and I need to get fucked until it pops.”
“You want me to FaceTime from the bathroom?”
“Dude, I would follow you into hell, brother!”
“Well, you are funny.”
"Animated movies are where it's at. They're like visual crack."
"All Hollywood media is porn, and all porn is kiddie porn. We live in a rape culture. We just do."
"Who would leave weed in a wall? A weed genius. And she'd leave it there indefinitely in case of emergency."
"Isn't it nuts that pickles were cucumbers? They're the trans people of the vegetable community."
"We are an incredible team and I love you."
"Smart and sexy. She is unreal, this girl."
"I've been overeating this week."
"How DARE you LIE to your WIFE?!"
"Do I or do I not have herpes?"
"Follow your third eye--your clit."
"It's my birthday, I'M KING OF THE WORLD!"
"I mean, the female form---God's hottest creation."
"You have to respect the sanctity of the RSVP."
"Okay, something seems very locked up inside of you."
"You have a way of tainting everything I love."
"I'm gonna be like a successful artist any day now."
"Yeah, I don't wanna rise and grind anymore. I wanna rise and then like lay back down."
"It's like we knew it would happen but we didn't do anything about it."
"To be honest, I'm really happy with the way I look."
"Never have I ever read a newspaper."
"This is what living on the edge looks like."
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vanillann · 4 years
raid and velvet: a love story (peter parker x reader)
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ahh my first peter parker!! i hope this is what you are looking for!! i’m sorry it’s messy and not that good.
word count: 1.7k
day 1
Bucky stepped out of the medical room, the sound of screaming was heard until he closed the door behind him. Steve looked up at him, a glitter of hope flashing through his eyes.
“Hydra has most likely had them for a while, but I think I can break through to ‘em,” Bucky nodded his head, his metal hand running through his long hair.
“How old are they?”
“15, 16 at most,” Peter looked up at that, the idea of someone that was his age excited him.
“Think big boy could help?” Sam asked for his spot beside Steve.
“Might not hurt,” Bucky shrugged as he looked back at the body struggling in restraints.
“I felt bad for shooting at her, but she was coming at me man,” Tony stood on the farthest wall, watching the screaming kid in his medical room. His heart was breaking, imagining if this was his kid.
“Just give it time Stark, they got a chance to get better now.”
day 28
The screaming had died down incredibly, the medical room looked much calmer now then it did a few days ago.
“All you have to do is talk to them, keep the questions basic.”
Peter nodded at Nat’s word, watching the body that laid on the bed, hands and felt tied down.
Peter pushed to the door, looking over the room quickly before looking at the ex-Hydra soldier.
“Oh so they sent in the flower child to take care of me now,” the sarcastic comment was followed by an eye roll.
“I’m Peter.” Peter took the seat in the corner of the room, still scared they could somehow kill him.
Peter watched as they pulled at the chains at their wrist, a loud groan filled the room.
“What’s your name?”
Peter looked down at his lap, thinking over every question he’d heard other kids ask in the hallways at MidTown.
“Do you like cake?”
Peter cringed as soon as the words fell past his lips, embarrassed he even thought for a second that was a good question.
“Oh of course, I also love glitter and unicorns,” (Y/N) looked over at Peter with a fake bright smile.
Peter knew it was fake, but it made her look younger for some reason.
“I think you’d like a red velvet cake, you seem like a red velvet type person,” Peter played with his finger, listening to Steve and Nat talk right outside the door of the medical room.
“Never had it.”
Peter looked up, an offended look on his face as he looked them over again.
“You’ve never had red velvet cake?”
A loud sigh full form (Y/N) lips, a wicked chuckle followed closely after.
“Well Hydra didn’t exactly do birthday parties,” (Y/N) pulled at the chains again before letting their head fall back against the bed.
“Can you leave, I wanna get some sleep.”
Peter quickly stood up, he felt bad for even trying to make the room lighter.
“Talk to you later (Y/N),” Peter didn’t want for her response before he ran out the door to join Steve and Nat.
“Mr. America, I don’t think she likes me very much,” Peter said, looking wide-eyed between the two.
“You’re the only person she’s brought up Hydra too,” Nat said gently, looking behind Peter into the medical.
A small feeling of pride filled Peter up, maybe this would be fun.
day 52
Peter smiled as he knocked on the door of the medical room, watching as (Y/N) looked up and nodded their head.
Peter walked in, a small box held tightly in his left hand.
“Morning (Y/N),” Peter skipped over to the seat in the middle of the room, slightly closer than the one he sat in on the first meeting.
“Morning Raid.”
Peter rolled his nickname, cursing the day Sam and Bucky decided to come in together.
“You don’t have to call me that,” Peter chuckled as they crossed their arms over their chest.
“Bucky told me too, I trust Bucky.”
Peter wouldn’t ever say it, I mean he understood the situation, but he wished (Y/N) trust him like they trust Bucky.
“I have something for you,” Peter smiled as he opened the box and titled it to (Y/N).
The red velvet cupcake sat in the center of the box, a bunch of white frosting and a Spiderman ring sat on top.
“How do I know it’s safe to eat?”
(Y/N) pulled their leg closer to their chest, a black look across their face.
Peter flashed the top of the box, Bucky chicken scratch of a signature writing on the top of the box.
“Bucky signed it so you would know.”
Peter moved the chair slightly closer, moving the box closer so (Y/N) could look at it better.
“You said something about not having red velvet before and I was going to just wait for your birthday but we don’t know when your birthday is,” Peter rambled as he watched (Y/N) gently pull the cupcake from the box.
(Y/N) smelt the frost before taking a small lick, a little white frosting collecting on the tip of their nose.
Without taking their eyes off the cupcake, they began speaking.
“October 17th,” they took a large lick of the frosting and looked up at Peter.
“My birthday is October 17th, I think. I don’t know, it’s the one Hydra gave me.”
Peter watched as they finally took a bite of the cupcake, a hint of a smile forming behind the frosting.
“How about we make today your birthday?”
Peter walked as (Y/N) looked up at him, a small nod as they turned back to look at the cupcake.
“Okay, on February 1st every year we will celebrate your birthday.”
(Y/N) only pulled the Spider-Man ring off the cupcake, turning it to face Peter.
“What, I couldn't help.”
Peter smiled as (Y/N) placed the ring on the bedside table, going back to eating their cupcake.
“Can I get so much alone time?”
Peter smiled gently at them as he stood up from his seat.
“Yeah, when can I see you again?”
(Y/N) only shrugged their shoulders and continued eating their red velvet cupcake.
day 164
“Hi Raid,” (Y/N) waved at him as he walked into the room, Bucky and Sam sitting in their seats.
“Bug boy, what are you doing here?” Sam smiled as Peter took the seat closest to (Y/N), only she would let Peter, Bucky, and Nat sit there.
“Velvet told me to stop back at lunch,” Peter held up a bag, two sandwiches could be seen in the bag.
Bucky smiled as (Y/N) pulled at the threads on the sheets, pleased they were getting somewhere. must be faster than they expected.
“It’s a nickname.”
Peter watched Bucky and Sam smile at each other, a smirk playing at both their lips.
“Well (Y/N), Stark and Nat will be here later to help you move,” Same stood as patted the end of the bed.
They both left the room, looking back behind them until they turned the corner.
“Move? Are you leaving?”
Peter felt his heartbreak slightly, not wanting the only person he wanted to see at the compound most days to leave.
“I’m leaving the medical wing,” (Y/N) reached for the bag, pulling out a sandwich and unwrapping it.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m getting a real room.”
Peter watched the small smile play at (Y/N), but quickly covered it with the sandwich.
“Oh that amazing (Y/N), you are doing better than we all thought,” Peter pulled his own sandwich out of the bag, happy that (Y/N and him could actually walk around the compound together.
Peter brow drew together, confused why the first thing (Y/N) thought to say was “eh”.
A quick shrug and another bite of the sandwich, looking everywhere but Peter.
“I still don’t feel right.”
Peter looked up, waiting for them to continue with the statement.
“I don't know, I just feel like what everyone tells me I am,” (Y/N) pulled out a bit of lettuce, throwing in at Peter.
Peter dodged the lettuce, not even giving it much thought.
“Who do you want to be?”
(Y/N) looked up at Peter, a confused look in their eyes.
“I don't know, I guess that's the problem.”
day 284
“Peter, get out of my room!”
(Y/N) at the top of their lungs, a slight panic filled Peter that they’d break like yesterday.
“I’m not leaving.”
(Y/N) picked up a pillow and threw it as full force to Peter, which Peter early caught and placed on the ground.
“I could snap again, you saw me yesterday in the kitchen.”
Peter rolled his eyes, trying to slowly walk closer while (Y/N) screamed at him.
“It’s not a big deal.”
Peter gently held out both hands, (Y/N) grabbed a sleeve and rolled it up. The sight of Peter banging his forearm looked nasty to anyone who wasn’t in the compound.
“I attacked you with one of Pepper’s cooking knives!”
The way (Y/N) voice crack had Peter look away, upset that they were upset.
“I shouldn't have been trying to help Flash with his Russian in front of you,” Peter pulled the sleeve of his shirt down, trying to forget the thing even happened.
“Peter, you were helping a friend over the phone. I’m the crazy one here.”
(Y/N) pushed Peter's chest, pushing him till his back hit the wall.
“(Y/N), friends won't leave you so I’m not leaving.”
“I don't wanna be your friend!”
Peter felt the rain that was falling outside had suddenly gotten loud and the air around him suddenly had gotten harder to breathe.
“What do you want then?”
Peter now could feel his own voice crack, the idea of you loving him back seemed crazy but apparently you didn’t even want to be around him.
“I-i wanna kiss your neck.”
Peter watched at (Y/N) pushed farther away, a single tear slipping down her face.
Peter jumped off the door, gripping (Y/N) wrist. He dragged himself closer until his lips crashed into theirs. (Y/N) hand slowly crept up Peter’s arm, soon was playing with the hair at the nap of his neck.
He felt her teeth run over his bottom lip and his brain felt like it was going to explode.
(Y/N) started pulling away, having to push Peter back slightly just so they could get some air.
“I’m sorry, Raid.”
“Don’t be, Velvet.”
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saktetsu · 4 years
'LUST' Oikawa Tōru x Reader
Nekomimi, Metamorphoses, Adopted Sibling, !ncest, Mentions of Rape, Yandere Themes, Drugged
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Today was the day that Oikawa Tōru comes back to Japan. He won't be staying for long, but at least [F/N] will be able to see her Older Brother once again.
"You look excited to see Tōru again" Her Mother exclaimed, chuckling softly.
"Well of course I am! I get to see Tōru nii again.." [F/N] had a smiled plastered on her face, as she waited for the Front Door to open.
After a few more minutes of waiting, Oikawa finally emerged from the door. He looked more mature now than he was back then. Without Hesitation, [F/N] jumped off the couch and ran straight into his open arms. It caused the setter to laugh from her sudden outburst of affection.
"Woah there [F/N]-Chan, did you miss me that much?" He teased, pinching her cheek slightly. Though she didn't care at all, all she wanted was to hug her dearest Brother that she missed so much.
"Alright, alright. [F/N] enough, let your Brother rest for a bit. I bet he's tired from the Flight" Their Mother chimed in with her hands on either side of her hips.
She pouted and eventually let go of Tōru with a soft 'hmph..' "Don't worry [F/N]~Chan! We'll be able to catch up after I settle in, mkay?" Tōru suggested with a head tilt, causing the younger girl to brighten up.
It may have been rude of him to stare at how her Booty Shorts would raise a little too high. Or how her shirt would squeeze tightly around her upper body. It's like she's tempting him to ruin her, to claim her. Even the thought of finally making his precious Little Sister his, had his tail straighten up from behind him.
Had she always looked this tempting? Had her ass always looked so plump and juicy? Whatever the case, he still couldn't fight back the urge to somewhat claim her as his own.
A few days passed by with Oikawa continuously bothering and hanging out with [F/N]. His personality didn't change much, but she could tell that he was a lot more serious.
Currently, she was in Class. Sitting along side her Best Friend Rinsuke and Sosuke. It was normal for them to Hang out before School ended. "Yo [F/N], I heard your Brother Finally came back from Argentina. How's that going for you?"
"Honestly, it's been great! I was able to catch up with him during the span of like- 4 days"
"4 days and you've already talked about everything? Sheesh, I'm not even surprised" Sosuke butted in, slurping his Milk quietly.
"Ya can't blame her for that though. They're pretty inseparable at this point." His twin added with a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Yer sure ya ain't got anything yer hiding from us Cupcake?"
"What.. Do you mean?" [F/N] asked with a curious tone.
"Ya know how he's one of those Nekomimi people?" She nodded. "Well for starters, ain't those kitties sniff shit that they own or somethin' like that?"
"And I'm also pretty sure that their kind not only possess the appearance of a cat, but their nature, and DNA too. Meaning they could sometimes act out by instincts alone." Sosuke finished Rinsuke's sentence, causing the other Twin to grumble by the sudden interruption.
"I was gonna say that Rin! Ya don't hafta butt in atta nowhere" Rinsuke continued to pout as his arms crosses over his chest.
"Whatever. But seriously [F/N], you've gotta watch out when you're with that Brother of yours."
"Pshh, what's he gonna do? Think I'm his mate? Sosuke, Rinsuke. He's my Brother, I doubt he'd even try to do anything but sniff me"
"Yer Adopted Brother" Rinsuke corrected, causing Sosuke to nod.
"Oh come on! Tōru nii isn't like that, I promise you" They both looked at each other and sighed.
"If you say so."
And just like that, School came to an end with a single bell. The Three walked out of their class together, waving goodbye to each and everyone of their Friends.
A few loud screams were heard from afar as they got closer to the exit if the School. They exchanged curious looks with each other before following the source of the noise.
"Oh my God! Oikawa-kun's here?! In Japan?!" One of the girls screamed out of excitement as she ran passed Rinsuke, Sosuke, and [F/N].
It startled [F/N], Oikawa had never picked her up from School before. (Due to his crazy schedule that was always packed with Volleyball.)
"[F/N]-Chan! There you are, I was worried that you might have gotten lo-" And there it was, the brief pause of his sentence as soon as he realized that she wasn't standing alone. Slowly, he pushed through his fans with a somewhat apologetic smile. His eyes narrowed, ear twitching from annoyance.
"Who are you?" The Question may seem innocent, but the tone of his voice was filled with venom.
"I- Uh- Rinsuke, sir.. And this is my Bro" Rin patted Sosuke's shoulder, causing him to flinch.
"Well, nice to meet you both but I must get going! And.." Oikawa walked a little closer to his relative, pulling her into his arms. "I'll be taking [F/N]-Chan with me"
Without another word, Tōru turned to walk away with [F/N] in his arms. She peeked behind her Brother, giving Rinsuke and Sosuke a small wave before they completely disappeared from view.
The walk home was quiet, yet Oikawa's arms were still wrapped around her smaller Figure. "Is something wrong Tōru nii..?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Don't worry [F/N]-Chan." She tried her best to struck up the conversation a bit more, but he gave either one word answers or stayed quiet. It felt unsettling, but [F/N] shrugged it off as soon as they reached the Front Door of their House.
"You better take a Shower right now" Was the first thing he mentioned as soon as they walked in, causing her to get startled a bit.
"Oh- uh- alright" [F/N] rushed upstairs and into her room, taking her clothes off slowly before popping herself into the shower.
Oikawa stayed downstairs, watching his previous games against other Teams. No matter how hard he tried to focus on the TV, he just couldn't. With the sound if the shower turned on, and [F/N] humming softly with the music in the background that she usually plays while cleaning herself up; it was hard to focus on anything but that.
Thoughts of her being exposed and freely displayed infront of him rushed through his brain. He knew it was wrong to think of her this way, but who was he kidding? He's fucking addicted.
The sound of the shower turning off caught his attention, meaning she was already done. Did time really fly by fast from all those thoughts? Either way, he couldn't care less.
She emerged from the stairs, descending slowly with her usual Home Outfit. The booty shorts he so feared that might break his last strand of self control, and her tank top that just fits perfectly against her body. It caused his ears to twitch ever so excitedly as soon as she plopped herself beside him without a word.
"Happy?" [F/N] let out as she took off the tow that wrapped around her hair.
Oikawa leaned forward, resting his face in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent, and eventually his tail descended from its straightened up posture. "Mm" He hummed.
"Why'd you want me to take a bath anyways? It's not like I was dirty or anything"
"You smelled like them." Tōru simply answered, his nose twitching from her sweet lavender scent.
"Hmmmm" [F/N] shifted slightly, putting a bit space between her and Oikawa. "Where's Mom by the way?"
"Oh right, I forgot to mention that she's over at a Friends house right now. Something about a Girls night out"
"Oh- pfft, typical, I can't blame her though. I would have also missed going out with my friends if I was always busy" He didn't reply, nor did he give some sort of answer. His eyes were still glued onto her face, taking in her beauty that he missed back in Argentina.
After a while of silence, he finally spoke up. "You should head to bed, you have Volleyball Practice tomorrow right?"
"Oh, yeah I do"
"Which Position did you obtain?"
"I got setter!"
Oh? So she did end up becoming the Setter of her Volleyball Team after all. "Why did you wanna become the Setter so badly? I mean, you're a great receiver. You should have chosen to become a Libero instead"
"I know, but.. I really wanna be just like you Tōru nii" [F/N] fidgeted in her spot, her eyes sparkled in the sight of her Older Brother. She looked so.. Vulnerable..
He took a sharp inhale, before breathing out. He wasn't gonna lie, it caught him off guard. But the goofy smile spreading across his face showed how ecstatic he was knowing that his Little Sister wanted to be just like him. "Really? [F/N]-Chan! I feel so honored"
She laughed softly, before turning her gaze back to the Game played out for them. "Well, you're the Best Setter I know so.. Is it alright if you'd teach me some things Tōru nii?"
Oikawa nodded, his ego going through the roof as he tilted his chin up. "Now how about this, if you wake up early tomorrow then we could practice together before you head to Schoo-"
"REALLY?! ALRIGHT- I'll go to Sleep now!" [F/N] shot up from her position of the couch, raising her arms in the air like a child. He was startled at first, but eventually smiled softly.
"Here, drink your Milk first. that way you'll go to sleep faster" Tōru picked up the glass of milk on the coffee table, handing it to her with the genuine smile that never fails to make her grin. She uttered a small 'Thank you' before drinking the Milk.
Meanwhile, Oikawa was sitting there, watching intently. Would it be wrong to tell her someday in the near future that he drugged her Milk before giving it to her?
"Phoowee, wow.. -I do feel sleepy.." [F/N] settled the cup back down, facing her older brother with lazy eyes. "Can you carry me up the stairs please? Pretty pleaseee? I'm too lazy"
Tōru pretend to be annoyed, even letting out a small grunt before picking her off the ground. "Alright"
They both ascended up the stairs, with [F/N] comfortably in his arms. It was as if she was molded to fit perfectly wrapped around his fingers.
By the time that they arrived at the front of her bedroom, she was out cold. Her breathing was more even, yet her hands still gripped onto his shirt. "Silly [F/N]-Chan, you really should pay more attention to things you drink. I wonder if your trust for me would shatter if you found out.." He seemed to be lost in thought as he lowered her sleeping figure
Oikawa was shifting, not being able to contain his excitement as he eagerly took off his own sweater. 'Fuck, she looked so defenceless'
He lowered himself a bit. Settling his right hand on top of her stomach, where it slowly dipped further down until he was able to cup her cunt. "Fuck.. Already soaked Princess?" He cooed softly, before pulling her Shorts off. Oikawa took a moment to admire her current state, his fingers gently sliding her cottoned panties off. 'Wouldn't want her to wake up early now'
Tōru licked two of his fingers a bit, before slowly inserting them inside of her pussy. It caused [F/N] to squirm a bit in her spot, her lips quivering slightly. "H-Hrgm..~"
"Shhh... It's alright Baby Girl, Tōru nii's gonna take good care of you okay.." In all honesty, he was still shocked from the fact that his sweet little sister was still a Virgin. It excited him even more to the point where he pistoned his fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. The tightness of his pants slightly bothered him, causing the setter to quickly push the waist band lower.
It continued on for a bit, until he became restless. The pad of his thumb harshly pressed against her clit, making her jolt. "A-AHHH.. -" The lewd moan startled him, but he kept going at his pace. [F/N] continued to tremble under his touch, growing restless as she began to twist and turn in her spot.
He noticed how tighter it got, and more difficult it was to move his fingers. "Fuck.. You're squeezing my fingers like a Vice [F/N]-Chan.. Are you about to cum Princess? Come on, cum for Onii-Chan.." Oikawa continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. And eventually, just like he said; she came with a loud moan.
Without hesitation, he pulled her sleeping body up slightly, his back resting against the headboard. Oikawa settled her on his lap, where her cunt rested right on top of his Cock. He shivered a bit, feeling her cum dripping onto his hardened member. He let her lean into him as she continued to sleep peacefully.
As much as he wanted to keep her innocence, the desire to ruin her and completely claim her body as his own grew.
Tōru slowly lifted her up, wrapping his tail around her waist before spreading her cunt with his fingers. "I'm about to take something so valuable from you.." And with that, he dropped her onto his cock, causing it to quickly sink balls deep. [F/N] let out a loud shriek as her eyes flew open. Oikawa stilled his movements and let out a shaky sigh. It felt too good.. Way too good.
"Fuck.. [F/N] you're.. - s-so tight damn" He began to lift her hips up and down repeatedly, setting a steady pace. "I expected you to be tight but.. Wow- fuck it feels good Baby Girl"
It didn't take long for her to register what was going on, her Big Brother's dick sinking inside her pussy, his tail wrapping around her waist, it made her feel light headed to say the least. "T-Tō.. Tōru nii..? W-What are.. What are you doing? Please stop, it hurts.." She spoke in a soft tone, pushing her hands against his broad shoulders in an attempt to move away. But he was much more stronger than she was, and faster too.
"Ah, ah, ah.. Don't fight now [F/N]-Chan! If you struggle, it'll make me even more excited.." He said, licking his lips seductively. A shiver ran down her spine as her hips continued to move with his help.
"This is wrong- please stop- I-I won't tell anyone this ever h-happened.. I swear.. Just please sto- ooo-o.. AHHHHHHHH..!" Oikawa had enough of her babbling about how she didn't want any of this. So instead of taking it easy on her like how he planned. He began to buck his hips, causing a loud whimper to fall from her lips as she tried to continue her sentence. "P-Please Tōru nii stop..!"
"Fuck, I just told you that if you struggle it'll excite me more.. Are you doing this on purpose? You fucking slut.." His pace got even faster, and his thrust was more rough. "You know, seeing you with those Bastards really hurt me [F/N]-Chan! I thought I was the only Male in your Life"
The tone of his voice sounded as if he was genuinely hurt, she would have felt bad, she would have if it wasn't for the fact that he was literally pistoning his dick in and out of her pussy. "T-Tōru..~!" [F/N] moaned out his name. Somehow, it flicked a switch deep inside Oikawa.
Causing him to act by instincts. Instead of his usual thought out actions, he pushed her off, pinning both of her wrists above her head with one hand. His ears began to twitch, and the tail that he affectionately wrapped around her waist was now tightening its grip. "Tō-Tōru..!"
There it was again, it sounded like music to his ears. He needed to hear more of it right away. So without further interruptions, he began to spread her legs. [F/N] let out a small shriek as soon as she felt the tip of his member push against her folds.
Her toes curled, and her back arched. Tōru didn't care whether or not it hurt for her, his pace was rough and frantic. As if his Animalistic tropes were overpowering his usual humane self. He wanted to breed her so badly, spill his sperm deep inside her womb until she was a quivering mess. "T-TŌRU, TŌRU!" His name continuously spilled out of her mouth.
And no doubt, it made him even more rough with her. "Fuck! You're such a fucking slut for hanging out with those Bastards. should've known you'd do this from the start" There it was, his tip hitting that spot that made her see stars. She flinched, her moans getting even more uncontrollably louder. "Yeah? You like that? You like it here?" Tōru moved his free hand below her ass, lifting her up slightly where he could easily thrust up to her G-Spot.
"H-Hrm..! T-Tōru.. 'M Cumming, I'm Cumming Tōru!"
"Then cum, Princess" And just like that, [F/N] came around his cock. Her eyes closing slightly as she rode out her orgasm. But Oikawa didn't stop there, he was chasing his own high after all. With a few more seconds of him thrusting harshly into her abused cunt, he finally came undone. Spilling his cum deep in her womb with a shaky sigh. "F.. Fuck.. Yeah.."
His cock softened, but he didn't pull away nor did he move an inch. Oikawa rested on top of her, his breathing becoming even. "Onii Chan loves you.. You do know that right..?" [F/N] nodded, her lips quivering from the over stimulation being present.
"Use your words pretty girl, I wanna hear you say it" He caressed her hair, stroking some of his finger through.
"Yes, I know.."
"What do you know?"
"I.. T-That... Tōru nii loves me.."
"Good Girl. You do know that no one else loves you right? I love you more than anyone in the whole wide world" She nodded slowly, fidgeting slightly.
"You love me, right?"
"I love you" Despite being mortified earlier, she eventually snuggled closer to her Older Brother. Giving into his twisted fantasies. He felt satisfied with himself, pulling her even closer. She couldn't deny him, she couldn't fight. After all, big brothers know best.
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