#russ is the cupcake i need
OKAY time for some quiet no-brain time with just me and music and gifmaking and maybe some food
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edwinspaynes · 2 days
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Seems this was a popular concept! ❤️🧡💛
@angeldaisies @rhiannons-bird @tiredandoptimistic
Cordelia deeply enjoys gardening. She has a massive garden outside Curzon Street and grows flowers, fruits, and vegetables. For one of their anniversaries, James builds her a greenhouse so she can grow those that thrive in different climates, too.
James really does not enjoy getting his hair cut. He puts it off and puts it off for long periods. This is partially inspired by a CJ comic from several years ago, but I think it continues well into adulthood. He just doesn't like the feeling of it being clipped evenly and hitting the nape of his neck. He only gets them when Cordelia insists he should, which isn't often because she loves running his hands through his shaggy hair.
Matthew broke into Buckingham Palace once. He used the grappling hook that he frequently used to break into the Institute. The hook wound up hitting a bedroom that turned out to be the King's, and he could not see it since it was glamoured. He did hear the clank, though, and when Matthew ascended, he was treated to the sight of a pajama-clad King Edward with his haunted-looking eyes bugging out of his head. He immediately realized he fucked up, slid back down the rope, and went to find James to share his misadventurous plight.
Thomas has a nervous tic where he scratches his nose. Alastair finds it incredibly endearing. Over the years, as he becomes more confident with himself, the habit fades. He periodically still does it, and every time, Alastair feels his heart glowing.
Alastair wakes up in the middle of the night frequently because he's hungry. But he doesn't really think. It's somewhere between sleepwalking and waking up in the middle of the night. He's neither asleep nor awake. He goes to the pantry and eats Thomas's food without fail. They have had many an argument over this. Somehow it always ends in Thomas buying Alastair more food when he goes to replace the food he ate for himself.
Anna has a little collection of eclectic buttons that she keeps in a small box. They're not normal buttons - they're genuinely the weirdest ones she can find. They're all odd shapes, or they have intricate patterns on them. One's more holes than plastic. She likes how oddly interesting they are.
As a girl with a parrot, we know Ari likes birds. But did you know that she also enjoys bird-watching? Well, she DOES! She drags Anna on a birding vacation to California one year, and they see tons of local bird varieties. Anna finds that she, too, very much enjoys birds after this.
In addition to chemistry, Christopher has a penchant for baking. After all, they're basically the same thing - a series of reactions that produce a result. He's an extremely good baker and enjoys treating his friends to homemade cookies and cupcakes. He takes special care to learn his friends' favorite recipes, and he makes a mean Charlotte Russe for Matthew. It's incomparable.
Grace is able to experiment with fashion more after Tatiana dies, and she collects an impressive collection of earbobs. Some of them look nice on her. Some of them are themed, like Christmas ones that look like little icicles and presents. Others are extremely ugly, but she likes wearing them. After all, she doesn't need to look flawless anymore.
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buckysgrace · 3 months
Sixty Seven
Dancing In the Dark Masterlist
This is the beginning of the end! After this we hit the 3 part epilogue <3
“So,” Rosemary drew out as she leaned against the table at work, smiling at the way Billy was fussing to keep his hair off of his neck, “Max said that Eddie and Addi were coming out too.” He stalled, his lip curling up as he thought about being crowded once again. 
“Did they ask?” He snorted before he ripped his hair net off, giving up entirely as he began to tug his hair back with the blue scrunchy. He needed to do something with his hair. He wasn’t used to it being so long. 
“I guess Eddie asked Max, who asked Russell, who asked Kim-,” She continued for a second, “Who then asked me and I said yes.” She smiled brightly, looking quite happy with her answer. Of course she was. 
“You like crowds.” He pointed out as he shook his head, sometimes wondering how she managed to enjoy them. He didn’t like all the fake friendly conversations that tried to hide judgy eyes. 
“I couldn’t say no,” She said with a sigh, “And it would be fun. I think Kim would like to have her friend over.” She added as she nodded her head, glancing towards where Kim was working on piping out some cupcakes. She was getting good at it. She could do all sorts of different flowers now. 
“She would,” He admitted, “Do we have to split rooms up again?” He grinned as he shifted the net back over his head, thinking about how difficult things had been previously. At least there wouldn’t be any surprises. Hopefully. 
“Not if you don’t want to,” She replied with a laugh, “But that means Addi and Eddie would be sharing your former room. So you decide how you want that to go.” She raised her eyebrows, scrunching up her nose as Billy quickly got the hint. He didn’t want that either. 
“Gross,” He replied as he wrinkled his nose up in disgust, “I’ll ask Russ and Kim about it.” He mumbled as he tapped his fingers against the side of his leg, trying to decide what the best course of action would be. He didn’t really like the thought of Eddie and Addi getting down and dirty in his bed, even if he didn’t sleep in there anymore. 
“Russ?” She tilted her head curiously, eyes shining in amusement as Billy shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t see what the issue was. Russell liked being called that. 
“What?” Russell asked as he popped his head nearby, wearing a matching hairstyle as Billy. His hair, as usual, was longer and more wild. Untameable. Billy was waiting for the day that he asked for advice on how to style it. He was ready. 
“Oh,” Rosemary shook her head, “Nothing honey, I just didn’t know you earned a nickname.” She pinched his cheek playfully, making Russell huff and dramatically roll his eyes. Billy observed them, wondering if there would’ve been a time where Rosemary had treated him the same way. Their missing time saddened him. 
“You’re out of the loop, mom,” Russell replied as he dropped a few more plates into the sink, “I don’t have to explain everything to you.” He sassed back as he held his hands on his hips, his voice squeaking before he roughly cleared it. Billy grinned at the way his face burned. 
“Certainly not,” She replied dryly, “I just thought it was cute.” She told him with a shake of her head, laughing to herself as Russell wrinkled his little nose up. 
“Now you’re ruining it.” He shook his head as he walked back towards Kim, holding his hands out as he waited for the completed cupcakes. His thing recently had been putting Cindy’s all towards the back, leaving them to get sold last. Apparently she had done a good job of pissing him off at Billy’s party. 
“I have to leave early today,” He reminded Rosemary softly, “Just to see how it goes.” He added a second later, still unsure of how the job would end up going. He was uncertain about it, but he didn’t want to end up stuck at the bakery. It wasn’t what he wanted to do, even if it was a job. 
“It’s going to go well,” She reassured him, “I’m excited for you. You’d look so cute in a little chef hat.” He snorted as he shook his head, hating the thought. He didn’t think he’d have to wear anything like that. At least he hoped he didn’t. 
“Right,” He shook his head at her words, “I’ll probably be scrubbing the floors or doing dishes. I don’t think they’re looking for cooks.” He added as he glanced back at the dishes in the sink, debating if it was worth switching one sink out for the other. He doubted it. 
“You never know,” She said with a shrug of her shoulders, “It’s exciting. Whatever new things you learn, you’ll have to teach me.” She told him as she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. He nodded his head in agreement. He wasn’t nervous, just curious as to what it would be. 
“We’re always down for some new food,” Sam pointed out as he walked by, “Do we have more of the coconut creme cupcakes?” He asked as he scratched at the scruff around his chin. Billy chuckled as he shook his head, wishing that it was that easy. Everyone else seemed excited for him. 
“I think in the back,” Rosemary shifted, “I’ll go grab them.” She nodded her head as she headed towards the large fridge. Billy watched for a moment, still trying to decide if it was worth going or not. He sort of felt like he was betraying her in some way, simply because he was going to a different restaurant. 
“Excited?” Sam questioned as he raised his eyebrows, a soft look in his brown eyes. Billy tilted his head back and forth, feeling like that question was very loaded. And complicated. It really wasn’t, but he was making it out to be. 
“Sort of,” He replied softly, “Pretty nervous actually. But it’s something.” He decided on at last, feeling like there was no problem with branching out just to see. He had to do something. 
“You’ll find something you like,” He said softly, “You’re still young. You have plenty of time to figure it out.” He reassured him, making Billy nod along. He checked the time on his watch, deciding that he needed to start heading out. He didn’t want to be late, which meant that he would probably get there ridiculously early. 
“Thanks,” He told Sam softly as he gave him a brief smile, “I’m going to get freshened up then head out.” He explained as he began to take his hair net off, then took a quick turn towards the bathroom. 
He wasn’t wearing anything super fancy, just a dark pair of trousers and a lighter shirt that he had found. Steve hadn’t really advised him on what to put on, other than they’d give him a uniform once he arrived. 
He twisted his hair up better, hoping that they didn’t mind him having long hair or that he had tattoos. He supposed it wouldn’t be a big deal if he was behind the scenes. He had no wish to be a waiter. He certainly wouldn’t be good at dealing with people for that long. 
He headed back towards the back, giving Sam and Rosemary a little wave before he wrestled his fingers through Russell’s hair net. He grumbled about it but grinned all the same. Billy approached Kim last, glad that she would be the one he thought of as he left. 
“You look cute,” Kim grinned as she rubbed her palms across his shoulders, “Are you ready?” She asked him as she continued to flatten her hands across his shirt, like she was trying to remove any little wrinkles that he might have.
“Everyone keeps asking me that.” He sighed softly as he rested his forehead against hers, remembering the various interview questions that she had practiced asking him last night and the previous days. He didn’t want to admit that he was as nervous as he was. But she knew. He knew that. 
“We just want you to be comfortable and happy.” She smiled reassuringly as she gave him a soft kiss against his cheek. He moved his arms around her slender waist, pulling her forward as he thought about how weird it would be to work at a place she wasn’t at. 
“Mhm,” He smiled as he leaned forward to peck her lips, smooth and quickly, “I’ll see you soon.” He told her as he squeezed at her chin, making her smile as she looked up towards him. She took off her apron, gripping his hand as they moved towards the back door. 
“Did you need lunch or anything?” She asked as she swayed their hands back and forth, making him chuckle at how carefree she was at the moment. He knew that she was putting on an act, trying to do what she could to make him comfortable. He appreciated it. 
“Already ate,” He told her as she followed him out to his car, “Are you going to join me?” He teased her as they approached his car. He was certain that he’d stick her in the backseat and take her with him, just for good luck. 
“No,” She giggled softly, “I’m just going to miss you.” She told him as she stepped forward, giving him one last sweet kiss. He lingered against her lips, enjoying the feeling of her mouth dragging against his own. She tasted like icing. 
“Gonna be late,” He mumbled when he pulled away, “I’ll miss you too. Love you.” He added a second later, grinning as she pulled the door open for him and he slid inside. She waited near the back door until he was out of the parking lot, dragging down a cigarette as he stared at the ring on his finger. He’d be fine. He’d never been nervous for a job before. 
He felt a little over his head once he walked inside, not realizing that Steve worked in such a nice place. It was certainly expensive, something that he’d only be able to afford on special occasions. He suddenly had a feeling he wouldn’t fit in.
“I’m Billy,” He introduced awkwardly as he held the folder that held his resume and letter of recommendations within it, “I was supposed to meet with Jack today.” He said as he tilted his head, introducing himself to a girl about his age at the front door. She was short, with wavy dark hair and tawny skin. 
“This way,” She said breezily, chipper as she led him towards the back. All of the tables were still empty, chairs placed on top of them as someone dragged a mop bucket through the clean floors. Billy wondered where Steve was, as he desperately needed to confront him on the lack of warning, “Jack, this is Billy.”
“Right,” The man stood quickly, a little taller and just slightly muscular as he gripped Billy’s hand. He had dark hair and a thick beard, but his eyes were kind, “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He added a second later, making Billy wince as he wondered just what Steve had said.
“Good things I hope,” He mumbled as he passed the folder over, though Jack took no means to open it, “It’s nice to meet you. I’m grateful for the opportunity.” He started, keeping respectful as Neil had always taught him to do.
“I’m a bit informal, I apologize,” Jack replied as he tapped the folder, but kept it closed, “You care to do some cooking tonight? You can borrow a uniform until you get your own.” He stated, making Billy blink slowly. He was sure this was the quickest he’d been offered a job in a long time. No interview or anything. And he was starting tonight. That was either really good or he was about to have the shittiest night of his life. 
“You have me on the line?” He asked curiously as he tilted his head, noticing the array of tattoos that were decorated up the right side of Jack’s arm. At least that wouldn’t be a problem. 
“Is that going to be an issue?” He questioned him, raising a dark eyebrow as he handed Billy a white chef's shirt to put over his own. He stared at it for a moment, already knowing that it would be just a little too small. He’d make it work, at least for right now. 
“No, no,” He quickly shook his head, feeling odd as he put on the white shirt that was just a little too tight around his shoulders and chest, “I wasn’t expecting it.” He admitted, unsure of what else to say. It was all a little overwhelming, but he could keep up easily enough. He was observant and a fast learner, good under pressure. He had this. 
“Steve has put in a really good word about you,” He replied, making Billy wonder what kind of hold Steve’s dad had on this business, “You’ll be working with Wanda. She’ll show you the ropes today.” He guided Billy out, taking him back towards a clean and well lit kitchen. It was fancy, like the ones that were in magazines. 
Jack brought him up towards one of the counters, leaving him with the only woman in the kitchen. There were about four other men, all working on their own. Jack gestured towards her, then back towards Billy before he clapped his hands together. He gave them both a brief smile before he left, ending their introduction. Billy stalled for a moment, feeling awkward as she continued to ignore him. 
“Hey.” He introduced towards her, walking forward to her smaller frame. She was at least twenty years older, with olive skin and dark hair. Her dark eyes snapped up towards him, like he had interrupted something important. 
“I’ll show you this one time,” Wanda directed with a firm point in his direction, her features wrinkled up in a stern manner, “And that is it. If you fuck it up that’s your fault.” She pointed her blade towards him, making his eyes cross for a moment as he stared down at it. 
“Got it.” He told her softly, careful with his words as he would have to see what would set her off. He’d have to be patient, observant at first. Just until he could read her right. 
“Chef.” She added as she began to sharpen the knife once again. He furrowed his eyebrows together, feeling like he had a long way to go before he earned that title. If he even made it that far. 
“Pardon?” He questioned her, unsure if he had heard her correctly. She glanced towards him, dark eyes flashing like she couldn’t be bothered to explain every little thing. He was definitely in over his head. 
“When you speak to me you will address me as chef,” She replied hotly, “I have earned that title and will be respected.” She told him, revealing a few things about her whether she meant to or not. He was certain that she didn’t get respected by her colleagues from her rough tone, but he wouldn’t be like that. 
“Understood, chef.” He nodded his head, fully absorbing himself into her shadow as she directed him throughout the rest of the night. She taught him the standards for prepping, the correct way to cut and slice food and just a little bit on the recipes. They worked fairly well together, but perhaps it was because he knew how to keep his mouth shut. He wasn’t snippy, not with someone who was teaching him something valuable. 
“You know Steve?” Wanda asked curiously later that night as the last plate had just finished being served. He could feel a dampness against the back of his neck from how hot the kitchen had grown. He was ready to go home and strip, to wash away the heat and the grease of cooking. 
“Yeah,” He said softly, “Friends I guess you could say.” He shrugged his shoulders, still unsure where they stood. He supposed they really were friends, but he still had a hard time navigating that line. 
“He’s nice,” She replied at last, “A little lost, but he does anything you ask.” She added as she nodded her head out towards the window, referencing where Steve was talking up a rather large table. Billy had yet to see him inside of the restaurant, both of them busy in their own way. 
“He’s a good guy,” He admitted at last, knowing he shouldn’t deny that of Steve any longer, “I’m grateful he thought of me. Why does Jack care about what he thinks?” He asked a little quieter, curious as to what the secret was. 
“He’s friends with his dad,” She replied with a tight smile, “They tried putting him on the line, but it didn’t work out.” She explained as she raised her eyebrows, like there were some unseen horrors that Billy had luckily missed out on.
“I can’t imagine why.” He replied dryly, sarcastically before he turned away. He twisted at the ring on his finger, feeling a familiar warmth spread through him as he realized it was all over. Not that bad. 
He left with guidelines on how to get an extra set of shirts and a weekly schedule in his hand. He would be training with Wanda until she felt like he was ready. Which he was fine with. It was just cooking. Nothing too hard. 
“How was it?” Kim asked, greeting him first as she wrapped her slender arms around his waist, squeezing him so tightly that he was sure his shirt would rip at the seams. He was clinging to him tighter than a second skin at this point. 
“Fine,” He mumbled as he swayed them back and forth, smiling into her hair, “I need to get a chef uniform they said.” He told her softly as he kissed her cheek, grumbling at the little meow that came from near his feet. 
“A chef!” Rosemary cheered, “That’s fantastic!” She greeted him next, giving him an excited hug as Kim bent to pick Pearl up. She meowed loudly, holding her paws out until Billy took the fuzzball from her hands. 
“Can we get free food?” Russell asked from the couch, making Billy snort in response. He had nothing to be worried about after all. 
“Oh wow,” Rosemary smiled as she held Kim into the robes, “Look at how cute you look.” She said with a smile, standing back as the robes fell loosely against Kim’s legs. Billy stared at her, grinning as he imagined what sort of dress she’d wear for the occasion. 
“Please,” Kim flushed as she avoided her gaze in the mirror, “It’s not that big of a deal.” She shrugged her shoulders, holding her hands out once again as if she was making sure it fit right. Rosemary had been adjusting them, as they had ended up being a few sizes too big. They fit her well now. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to walk with your class?” Rosemary asked softly as she removed the pin from her mouth, narrowing her eyes as she stared at the way the sleeves moved against Kim’s wrists. That had been her problem area thus far. 
“In front of all those people?” Kim asked, “No thank you. I don’t think I could do it.” She shook her head quickly, red hair flying from her motions. Billy rubbed his finger across his bottom lip, thinking for a moment. He knew it wouldn’t be as bad as she was making it out to be. She was just nervous. 
“I think you could.” He reassured her as he fixed the robes over the front of her shirt. She looked cute in her little top and jeans. He knew she was getting more and more excited for Max to come. He was too, even if he didn’t admit to it. Her presence was missed. 
“Thank you,” Kim whispered softly towards him, “But I’ll have everyone I want and need right here to graduate.” She leaned forward to kiss his nose, making him grumble in response. He felt that out of all things she should at least walk with the rest of her class. 
“We can have a party,” Rosemary added softly, “Maybe Max and your mom could come visit again.” She leaned forward as she gripped Kim’s shoulders, smiling brightly at the suggestion. He raised his eyebrows, thinking that it sounded like a horror story. 
“We better start saving for a hotel room.” He mumbled as he shook his head, only imagining what sort of disastrous things would happen this time. Kim laughed out loud, covering her mouth as if she could hide her giggles. 
“Billy,” Rosemary tilted her head but looked just as stressed from the thought, “I’m sure things would be better.” She nodded her head, more so to reassure herself he was sure. She still couldn't stand Susan. He could tell by the way she spoke. 
“Maybe,” He replied dryly, not bothering to try and pretend to be optimistic. He knew what would happen, “I bet it would be a grand time.” He said sarcastically, not even meaning to do so. It just came out that way. 
“I think a hotel would be nice,” Kim spoke up with a soft smile, “But Eddie and Addi will graduate at the same time.” She added a second later as she furrowed her soft eyebrows together, like she was suddenly unsure if Susan would come at all. It would be expensive. 
“She’s not going to miss yours,” Rosemary shook her head, “Trust me, you’ll be more important.” She added as she began to put her sewing things away. Kim swayed her shoulders a little bit, watching the way the robes moved in the mirror. 
“Who's going to pick up Max?” She asked as she met Rosemary’s eye in the mirror, looking like she wasn’t sure about Susan coming at all suddenly. He didn’t push the issue, not now. Perhaps they could discuss it later. 
“I figured you and Billy could,” She smiled softly as she continued to fuss over Kim’s robes, “Sam and I thought we’d get stuff set up here.” She added as she slowly removed the robe, holding it up high before she began to hang it back up. 
“I’d like that a lot,” Kim replied, practically bouncing as she thought about it, “I’ve missed her a lot.” She inhaled deeply, holding a sad look in her eyes. He knew how much she wanted her little sister back. 
“She’s missed you too,” Billy added as he held out his hand, taking hers gently as she stepped forward, “Maybe she’ll decide to stay.” He teased her, giving her a soft spin as a giggle bubbled free. He caught Rosemary’s soft smile before she turned away. At least she had finally warmed up to the thought of them together. It felt nice to have support. 
“I don’t think so,” Kim admitted with a tilt of her head, “But it’s okay. I’m glad as long as she’s happy.” She added as she tugged him down the hallway, beginning to list off to him the various things that she had planned for them.
He tried to pay attention, he really did. He was just distracted by the curve of her lips and the way her jeans hugged her hips so tightly. She looked really good, even in something so simple. He wanted to get his hands on her, to feel her all over. 
He fell to his knees, grinning as he pushed her back against her now closed door. Her hazel eyes grew wide, her lips parted as he hooked his fingers through her jean loops. Her pants were loose enough to pull down her hips, revealing to him the cute yellow panties that she had chosen for the day.
“What are you doing?” She whispered softly, still giggling as he leaned forward to kiss at where her clit was located underneath her panties. He hummed softly, feeling like it was fairly obvious. She had a very, very unfair hold over him.
“Tasting you,” He mumbled as he used his fingers to brush her panties aside, exposing her pink folds to him. He smirked as he looked up at her, enjoying how easily she fell silent to him, “If that’s alright with you.” He whispered, watching the way she quickly nodded her head. 
He stuck his tongue out, enjoying the smell of her before he languidly licked at her wet folds. He felt his eyes shutting at the sensation; of the feeling of her wet cunt glistening on his tongue as he flicked his tongue back through her pussy.
He groaned as he swirled his tongue across her pretty little clit, enjoying the way her hands fell to his hair as he repeated the motions a few times. They really didn’t have long. They were supposed to discuss which movies they would rent for when Max was here. But that could wait. 
“Billy,” She whispered softly, cooing as she rocked her hips forward against his mouth. He groaned as he got a mouthful of her, desperate to feel more of her as he began to flick his tongue rapidly against her clit. Her hips shook, thighs trembled as he gripped onto her, “Mhm. More.” She moaned softly, her fingers knitting through his curls as she pushed his head down further.
He spread her legs apart as much as he could, burying his mouth deeper against her cunt as he began to lick at her throbbing walls. He reached a hand down to grip himself, squeezing at his bulge as he slid his tongue deep inside of her. 
He savored the feeling of her sweet slick against his tongue, craving it as she drenched into his mouth. The taste of her overwhelmed him, sent shivers down his back as he continued to palm at his hardened cock. Her soft sounds and sweet taste was more than enough to get him off.
She rolled her hips forward more desperately, whining as her hands fell to her perky tits. He groaned into her folds, curling his tongue even deeper as her walls clamped down around his tongue. He sank deeper into her, his nose and chin growing slick from how she continued to rock her pussy along the curve of his face.
“Jesus Christ,” She whispered, her tone desperate as she tugged on his hair. He groaned as he squeezed at his cock, aching against his hand as he continued to palm at himself. He could feel the muscles tightening in his stomach, the needy feeling growing inside of him as she raced towards her high, “Billy, oh fuck. Billy!” She mewled, whining as she rubbed herself forward one last time.
He buried himself deep inside of her once again, licking away her cum and the sweet taste of her slick as he gave himself a few quick strokes against his pants. He hissed, his own orgasm crashing free a second later as he made a mess in his pants.
Whimpers filled his ears as she rested back against the door in a lazy manner, her eyes glazed over with pleasure as she slowly released his hair. He grinned, licking away the remnants of her from his lips. He had a sudden image of her in her graduation robes, and only in them. 
“You’re ridiculous,” She teased, breath shaking as she slowly slid her panties and jeans back over her hips, “Someone could’ve heard us.” She whispered as she fixed her hair, lips full from how she’d been biting down on them.
“Good,” He mumbled as he squeezed at her fingers, thinking of how nice it would be to have their own place one day, “Because I don’t care as long as I have you.” He told her seriously, suddenly content with the idea of being buried between her legs for the rest of his days. That sounded like a glorious death to him. 
The airport was busy, crowded and overstimulating as Kim stayed close to his side. She gripped his hand tightly, her eyes wide as she glanced around. He watched her, suddenly realizing that this must’ve been all new to her too. She hadn’t ever been on a plane before. They’d have to go on one together someday.
“Have you decided where we’re going on our honeymoon?” He asked her, distracting her as she snapped her head towards each person that walked by. She was searching, hoping that each person would be Max. 
“Oh,” She breathed in deeply, “You know, I thought it might be fun to visit Greece one day.” She added thoughtfully, furrowing her eyebrows together. He thought about it for a moment, realizing he didn’t know much about the vacation spots there.
“Yeah?” He questioned as she glanced away again, holding her head high as if Max was hiding from her. He rubbed at her side, bringing her back to him.
“I thought it would be fun to visit where my dad was born,” She said as she looked back towards him, smiling warmly, “They have beaches there too. And I think you can take a boat to Italy.” She added excitedly, making it sound like it would have to happen one day. He was down for it. 
“That does sound like fun,” He told her, pausing as he caught a glimpse of the fiery redhead, “Here.” He spoke up as he tilted her head in the opposite direction, watching the way her hazel eyes widened to three different sizes. 
“Max!” Kim grinned as she rushed forward with open arms, rushing forward to scoop up the smaller girl into her arms. She hugged her tightly, squeezing her back and forth as Max groaned in protest.
“You’re crushing me.” Max mumbled, but did nothing to pull away. She did quite the opposite actually. She dropped her bags, sniffling as she buried her face into Kim’s chest. Billy stuck his hands in his pockets, observing them for a moment. 
“Sorry,” Kim mumbled as she continued to hug Max, like she was afraid she would disappear, “I just missed you so much.” She rested her head on top of Max’s, sighing deeply as they rocked back and forth. 
“I missed you too,” Max admitted softly as she held onto her older sister a little tighter, “It’s weird not having you to scare.” She added with a laugh, pulling away as Kim began to wipe at her eyes. Billy nodded, meeting Addi’s dark eyes as she approached with Eddie. He was gripping the bags awkwardly, sending them tumbling behind him as they continued to bounce against the back of his ankles.  
“Now she does it to me,” Eddie mumbled as he threw the bags to the ground, apparently giving up on them,  “It’s horrifying.” He shook his head before he stuck his hand out, roughly shaking Billy’s. 
“I guess I missed you too,” Max said to Billy as Kim began to ramble about a hundred different things to Addi, “Just a little bit.” He rolled his eyes, enjoying the little banter before he winced at the way Addi squealed. She gripped Kim’s hand tightly, staring in awe at the ring. It made him flush. 
“Uh huh,” He grinned as he pressed an arm over her shoulder, “You grew your hair out.” He observed as he touched the red strands, noting that it was about Kim’s length now. He wondered if it was something she wanted to do, or if Susan had made her. 
“I needed another change,” She admitted, “I don’t know what I’ll do next. I thought about dying it.” She added as she nodded her head. He stared at her for a moment, trying to imagine what she would look like with various tones and shades. 
“We could all be blonde together,” He teased, “I bet Lucas would like it.” He teased her, watching the way she scrambled to pull herself together for a moment. 
“Hush,” She grumbled as her entire face turned red, “I can’t leave Kim to be the only redhead.” She nodded her head at last, like that was the decision she kept coming to. He had a feeling Kim wouldn’t mind at all. She’d probably encourage it actually. 
“How’s your mom doing?” He asked kindly as he bent down to help Eddie situate his bags. He looked over curiously, surprised at the mousy brunette that finally revealed herself. Robin. She must be here to visit Steve, he realized. 
“I think she’s finally happy with someone,” She admitted, “She hates that Kim stayed here but she doesn’t say much anymore about it. They upgraded to a double wide.” She nodded her head, a soft smile forming as she glanced towards him. 
“Fancy.” He added as he kept his lips pressed together, giving nothing away. He supposed that was their own karma for teasing about it when they had moved. They really weren’t that bad, he’d come to find out. 
“Absolutely the nicest thing you’ve ever seen,” Max snorted, “I told Robin we could drop her off?” She said as she gestured towards Robin, who began to wave a little too aggressively. He watched her closely, trying to decide if she was checking Kim out or just lingering for a little too long. 
“It’ll be a squeeze,” Billy said at last, unsure of how everyone was supposed to fit into his little car, “But it’ll be fine.” He said as he shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what else he was supposed to say. It was too late to try and hunt down another car now. 
“Good to see you again, Robin.” Kim said softly, shyly as she awkwardly held her hand up. Robin reached forward and gave her a soft high five, that then turned into her squeezing her hand before she blushed and pulled away. 
“Hi,” Robin waved awkwardly, “You look good. I mean it’s good to see you. And you look nice.” Addi caught Billy’s eye, giving him a knowing look before she covered up her laugh. He decided he’d have to ask her about what she knew. Robin definitely still had a thing for Kim. 
“Thanks,” Kim squeaked out, her cheeks turning pink, “You look good too.” She held her thumbs up, looking just as awkward before she fell back into step with Billy. He glanced around, sort of flustered with the way they were standing in a giant circle in the middle of the way. He picked up someone’s bag, making the first move as he walked away. 
“How’s Gina’s baby?” Addi asked, “She looks so cute. I can’t wait to meet her.” She said with a squeal, keeping up next to her friend as her bag dragged behind her. She looked the complete opposite of Eddie, actually looking like she may have pulled out an outfit from Rosemary’s closet and put it on. 
“She’s adorable,” She nodded along, “Billy has good luck with her. She does cry a bit.” Kim nudged him playfully, making him snort as they began to long descent back towards the car. He knew that one of them should’ve just waited. Then again, he was sure he would’ve panicked by the large crowd that would’ve greeted him. 
“Great,” Robin sighed, “I’ll have to stay with a crying baby and Tommy.” She mumbled in overjoyment, sighing deeply like she might start kicking at the air. Billy nodded his head, knowing it was a fair comparison. 
“Tommy isn’t so bad,” Kim reassured her, “Anymore.” She replied sheepishly as Eddie and Robin swiveled their heads towards her. She grinned before she turned away, making Billy laugh softly. Tommy would have a lot of fun this week. 
They were packed in like sardines, just barely getting the bags in the trunk to fit before they tried to make sense of where everyone was sitting. Eddie and Robin sat by the windows, leaving Addi forced in the cramped middle seat. If you could even call it that.
Max sat on Kim’s lap in the front, both of them gleeful about it as Kim held onto her little sister tightly. Max recounted her new skating tricks, about how her best class was science and her worst was reading. She also informed them that Karen and Ted Wheeler were getting a divorce, but she and Mike had made up. He decided that was fairly good. 
“Oh, man,” Robin stuck her face against the window, fogging it up as she looked out at the house, “No wonder he’s always complaining about being broke. He bought this house?” She asked incredulously as she swirled her head around.
“Daddy Harrington did,” Billy corrected with a smirk, “It’s fancy, isn’t it?” He snorted as he got out, walking around to help Max and then Kim. Robin crawled free, holding her hands out wildly like she’d never seen such a sight before. He wondered what she would do if she saw the real fancy houses.
After a quick warning, Addi and Eddie decided to stay inside while the others helped Robin with her bags. Max wanted to stop quickly to see Steve and meet Jennifer, who she hadn’t been very enthused about. She was fussy, as usual. 
“You should see my prom dress,” Kim grinned as she turned around, “It’s lovely.” She replied shyly, looking hesitant as Billy caught a brief glimpse of their conversation. Robin and Tommy kept awkwardly staring at each other, like they were waiting for the other to make the first move. 
“Oh what are you doing for prom?” Gina asked curiously, tilting her head as she pulled her hair off of her shoulders. Her hair was a bright blonde, newly dyed. It looked nice on her. 
“Crashing someone else's,” Billy said with a shrug of his shoulders, “I guess we’re going to figure it out.” He said as he looked towards Kim, thinking about how he still had to find a tux. He wasn’t really sure what he was going to do, or how they’d go about it. 
“What if he had one here?” Steve suggested, “Gina didn’t get to go to hers either. Or Robin. It would be fun.” He added as he showed Jennifer off to Robin. Jennifer stared, nose and lips curled up in disgust as Robin looked just as fearful. 
“I went to prom.” Tommy added a second later, like he was trying to get cool points from everyone else. Billy snorted at the same time Steve did. 
“Yeah because you were with Carol and you had to.” Gina pointed a finger towards him, giving him a warning look. Tommy grumbled, backing off instantly. 
“You want to throw a prom here?” Billy asked a second later, unsure if that’s what they really wanted to do. It was lame, really lame. But he supposed it would be fun. At least he didn’t have to worry about anyone spiking the punch. 
“I guess it wouldn’t be that bad?” Steve questioned with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t think Gina would mind.” He turned towards her, like he was waiting for her answer. She shrugged her shoulders, but a smile formed on her lips. 
“It would be a lot of fun,” Kim added with an excited grin, “And we would know everyone. My friend Addi is here, and her boyfriend.” She added as she jerked her thumb towards the door. Tommy groaned, still not impressed with Eddie. 
“You guys are so lame.” Max huffed as she went by, shaking her head as she opened the door and left, signaling that it was time for the rest of them to go.. Steve shrugged his shoulders as he continued to rock Jennifer. Kim gave them all a quick wave, promising to keep them updated before she slid out the door after Max.
“I am not lame,” Billy mumbled as he fell into step with the younger girl, “I’m just trying to make it special for Kim.”
“That’s very sweet,” Max nodded as she patted her hand across his palm, “But it also happens to be very lame. She’s turned you into a nerd, WIlliam. Join the club.” She teased with a grin before she clambered into the backseat, taking over Robin’s former spot.
He grumbled at her words as he stood straighter for just a second, pretending like his ego wasn’t a little bit bruised. Kim was grinning sheepishly at him, her lips pulled together playfully before he whistled and pointed towards  the seat. 
“This is your fault, Red,” He teased as he fixed his seat into the upright position once Max was comfortable in her spot, “Don’t forget that.” He told her as he slid inside, unsure of how Max could think such a thing. Russell thought he was cool.
The car ride was filled with small conversation and the occasional argument from Max and Eddie. They bickered so much that they really did remind him of siblings in a way, but he wasn’t going to tell Kim that. He supposed it was like anyone else who was forced to live together. 
“Welcome home, Max!” Rosemary and Sam shouted in unison, “And friends!” He added a second later, grinning playfully as Rosemary excitedly bobbed a balloon around. Max grumbled as she stepped forward, but her eyes gave her away. She was excited. 
“Thanks for having us,” Eddie spoke up, “Again. Don’t worry we won’t cause issues this time.” He said with a laugh, only to groan when Addi lightly elbowed him. Billy snorted as he took his shoes off, careful not to step on Pearl who had come to see what the commotion was about. She sat near Kim’s foot, both of her oddly colored eyes narrowed as she stared. 
“Your house is still so beautiful,” Addi said politely, “I appreciate you letting us stay here.” She smiled towards Kim again as she looked around, like it had somehow changed within the past few months. 
“The more the merrier,” Rosemary added as she scooped Max up into a hug, “You’re getting so big.” She mumbled, still standing the shortest out of the bunch. Pearl darted away as Eddie bent down to touch her, swaying her hips with her tail high like it was some sort of game. 
“Thanks,” Max laughed, “I’m excited for the food.” She told her kindly, but Billy knew that it was true. Actually, he was fairly certain everyone knew it to be the truth. 
“Who wouldn’t be?” Billy mumbled, thinking about how terrible Susan’s cooking was once again. Kim grinned as she looked at him, giving him an amused look before she walked forward. He followed behind her, not wanting her to get too far ahead from him. 
“We missed you a lot.” Sam smiled as he gave her a hug, but it was a little more awkward than what it usually was. Max bore an expression that Billy recognized all too well, like she was conflicted. 
“If you guys are hungry you’re free to anything in the fridge or pantry. Whatever’s in the kitchen,” Rosemary explained, “I’ll make dinner here in a little bit, probably after we get Russell from school.”
“How is he?” Max asked curiously as she held her fingers out softly, letting Pearl sniff at her skin. Pearl crinkled up her mouth, pulling away before she continued her route back to Kim’s room.
“He’s good,” Sam added with a smile, “Growing like a bean pole.” He nodded his head as he passed out a plate to Eddie, who had taken to pulling leftovers out of the fridge.
“He is tall,” Kim added a second later, “He’ll be the tallest out of us.” She teased as she tapped the top of Max’s head, grinning at the scoff Max let out.
“I can knock him down a peg or two.” She replied in determination, crossing her arms over her chest as she nodded her head sternly. Billy scoffed, but was sure that she’d do just that. 
Kim followed Max back to her room as she unpacked, leaving Addi and Eddie to do so in Billy’s former room. He just decided to take the means to officially move over into Kim’s, meshing their things completely. He supposed he had already gotten over the frilly things some time ago, but her style did look fairly funny when it clashed so harshly against his. 
“Are you going to teach me any new skateboarding moves?” Russell asked as soon as he was back, dropping his backpack in front of the door as if he’d miss his chance if he didn’t ask now.
“She learned them all from me.” Billy added as he furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. Kim tapped at his ankle, grinning from where she sat on the floor. Addi was next to him, braiding Kim’s hair back.
“But you don’t ever skateboard.” Russell said in confusion as he tilted his head, making Max turn towards him with a triumphant smile. He grumbled in his spot, wondering how Russell could even think such a thing. 
“Anymore,” Billy clarified, “But I did.” He pointed out, feeling like he would be the better teacher regardless. Max laughed as she wiggled her finger in his face. He snapped his mouth forward, pretending to bite at her. 
“We can go out in a little bit if you want.” She replied as she wiped her finger against her pants, even though Billy had missed her completely. She looked happy, like she was finally back into her element. 
“You brought your skateboard with you?” Kim questioned as she slowly turned her head towards Max, only for Addi to turn her head in the direction of the floor again. 
“Of course I did,” She said in confusion, like it was a silly question, “The streets here are a lot better.” She said at last, making Billy nod along. He couldn’t imagine that she got to do any tricks on the gravel road the trailer rested on. 
“Billy,” Rosemary paused for a moment as she entered the living room, “I have something I wanted to show you.” She told him brightly, making Eddie pause the game for a moment before he handed it back towards Russell. He was almost as bad as Russell was. Apparently his specialty was board games. 
Billy rose, carefully stepping over the pile of limbs on the floor as he followed his mom back towards her room. She skidded easily, looking a little ecstatic as she pulled something out of her closet. 
“What’s this?” He asked as he stared at the blue suit in front of him. It was soft, like the sky. With a frilly white shirt. If she had gotten it for Russell, he certainly wouldn’t wear it. 
“A tux,” She grinned as she presented it to him, “I figured you’d need it for prom.” She said softer, looking a little worried as if he might not like it. It wasn’t ugly, but it would make him stand out. 
“It’s blue.” He stated curiously, trying to decide if he was actually supposed to wear it. It felt like it would be odd to show up in something so brightly colored. Then again, he supposed it would look nice against his complexion. Even if it was something he wouldn’t normally buy. 
“And you’ll look very handsome in it,” She nodded her head, “Only if you want it of course.” She added a second later, looking happy as she stood on her tippy toes to hang it up against the closet. He opened it a bit, brushing his fingers against the material. 
“Where’d you get it?” He asked curiously as he pinched the collar between his fingers. It felt nice. 
“It’s new,” She said with a nod of her head, “My friend Penny got it for her son but he didn’t want it. You guys are similar sizes so I thought I might show it to you.” She looked at it for a moment, eyes twinkling before she turned towards him again. He wondered if she had thought about this before, if she was trying to make up for the many other dances and games that she had missed throughout his youth. 
“Penny as in Cindy’s mom?” He asked as he recalled the names for a moment. He wondered why Cindy’s creep of a brother would need a tux like this. Perhaps he couldn’t get away from high school proms. 
“That one sadly,” She nodded her head, “I don’t know why he needed it or didn’t want it, but he never wore it. It was free too.” She added as she shrugged her shoulders, making him laugh. It sounded like something Kim might say. He observed the suit once again. 
“Sure,” He said softly, “I haven’t looked around much.” He admitted as he debated about it for a moment. It wouldn’t be hard to find a black jacket and pants, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted that. He liked these colors. 
“I thought it might be fine, that way you can get a really good one for your wedding.” She added softly, heading straight towards the winning point. He supposed that she was right. 
“Thanks,” He nodded his head softly, “I appreciate you thinking of me.” He told her seriously, smiling as he pressed the tux back into the safety cover. He was sure that Kim would enjoy all of the colors too. 
“I always do.” She said softly, and for once he knew that it was the honest truth. 
They sat out near the beach later that week, Max and Kim hidden underneath an umbrella to hide their pale skin. Addi had tried to convince Eddie to join them, but he was less than interested. He kept going back into the ocean, apparently a fan of getting tossed around in the waves as it continued to happen over and over again. He kept shouting for Addi to look at whatever trick he was attempting to do, only to nearly drown each time. 
Russell was still at school, though he had shared his thoughts about how unfair it was every single morning. Billy did feel bad for him, but there was nothing they could do with their spring breaks being lined up on different weeks. Rosemary and Sam were both working. 
“Can we practice skateboarding again?” Max asked as she shifted her sunglasses over her blue eyes to peek at him, “I learned this cool new trick.” She grinned happily as he bit back a scoff. There was no way she’d learned a new trick since she’d been here. He needed to know what it was, to at least pretend to know how to do it. 
“Yeah,” Billy shrugged as he sat up on his elbows, “You brought it with you?” He asked her curiously, trying to recall if he had seen her dragging it around with her or not. He wondered if she slept with it in her bed too. 
“I figured we’d be skating after,” She replied as she settled her glasses back over her eyes, “I’ve had a lot of time to practice.” She grinned as she laid back down against the towel. Kim leaned over, giving Billy quite the view as her bikini top rested snuggly against her tits. 
“Is school going better?” Kim asked softly, her eyebrows wrinkling together in concern. He leaned over to push the messy strands from her forehead. She smiled, her skin warm from how hot it was outside. 
“Oh yeah,” Max grinned, “I filled Jason Carver’s locker with a bunch of crickets. He doesn’t mess with us anymore.” She laughed to herself, gleeful and full of amusement as she buried her feet deeper into the sand. 
“Did you get in trouble?” Kim sat up quickly, eyes wide as she watched her younger sister in awe. Billy gave Max two thumbs up, quite proud of her for doing such a thing. Jason certainly deserved that and worse. He wondered what Kim thought of it. 
“No one knows,” She replied smugly as she bumped her head gently against Kim’s, “Don’t be such a worry wart.” She mused as she sighed deeply, like she had missed that too. 
“I have to be,” Kim mumbled as she wrapped her up into a hug, “I never get to see you anymore.” She added dramatically as she leaned against her. Max nuzzled her cheek against Kim’s shoulder, similar to what Pearl would do. 
“We call like everyday.” Max laughed as she glanced towards him, shaking her head like she couldn’t believe Kim’s words. He chuckled before he laid his head back, shutting his eyes in the same way Addi was doing as he began to enjoy the feeling of the sun on his skin. 
“It’s not the same.” Kim continued to speak, her tone soft and sweet. He could sense a hint of sadness there too. He knew that she really did miss Max, probably more than what her sister realized. She had been her only parent for some time. 
“I know,” Max sighed deeply, “I’ve missed you too.” Billy wondered if some day he’d say the same thing to Russell. He doubted it. Not in a bad way, but he was certain it would be hard to develop a bond like that in a short amount of time. Besides, Russell thought of Billy as a brother. Not as a parent. 
“So you really don’t want to come to prom with us?” Kim asked once again, making Billy stifle his own groan. It had been all he had heard about this week. He was ready for prom to be over with. He had spoken to Tommy and Steve over the phone more than what he cared for.
“No way,” Max said quickly, probably wrinkling her nose up, “I got promised arcade time with Russell.” She added delightfully, sounding quite happy. Kim giggled softly, making Billy open his eyes again as he watched the way she playfully rolled her eyes. 
“You’ll have to teach him everything.” Billy mumbled, double checking that Eddie wasn’t looking before he snagged a cigarette out of his bag. He’d replace it later. It hadn’t been the first cigarette and Eddie had yet to notice.
“I still think we should take a day drive up to San Francisco.” Addi hummed from next to Billy, the only other one to sit out in the sun with him. Her tone had grown quite a bit darker from the time they’d been outside. 
“That’s eight hours.” He said as he furrowed his eyebrows together. He’d had enough of LA. He was perfectly fine staying in San Diego. He had no desire to visit any of the other big cities near them. 
“A weekend trip.” She suggested as she shrugged her shoulders, pulling her lips into a smile. She quickly sat up, eyebrows furrowed in worry at the way Eddie got tackled by another rather large wave. Billy suddenly wondered if he’d be sucked out into the ocean. 
“Having you two in the back of my car is not my definition of fun, no offense.” He added as he shook his head, taking a deep drag of the cigarette. Eddie’s were definitely not as strong as Billy’s. 
“I still think you should let me have a go at your bike.” Eddie came up towards them oblivious, hair soaked and pale skin red from how long he’d been out in the sun. Addi sighed as she grabbed the bottle of sunscreen, motioning him over. 
“I’m selling it if you want it.” Billy offered casually as he watched Addi begin to bathe Eddie in the sunscreen. He supposed they could drive back to Hawkins on the bike. 
“You are?” Kim turned towards him curiously, sitting up once again as she raised her eyebrows. He paused for a moment, recalling that he hadn’t brought it up to her yet. He’d been thinking about it for a while. 
“I never use it,” He shrugged his shoulders, not admitting that he felt guilty and ashamed every time he looked at it, “Might as well get some cash out of it.” He nodded his head, feeling like he just needed to return the money to Neil too. He hadn’t ever brought it up, but he did feel like he had stolen it from him. 
“You look so handsome on it though.” She added softly, eyes warm as she watched him. He had a feeling she was saying that to make him feel better, but he knew it wasn’t going to work. He had been too reckless with her on it as well. 
“Now you tell me.” He told her with a smile, reaching to give her hands a soft squeeze. She brought his fingertips up to her mouth, kissing softly as he felt a reassuring feeling wash over him. There was no reason to feel guilty now. 
A few hours later they headed back towards the house, full on the nearby tacos and skin warm from the sand. Max’s knees were slightly scraped from all the different tricks she was trying to show off to Billy. He tried a few himself, feeling fairly proud at how easily it still came to him. 
“Do you think we’ll have kids first or do you think they will?” Kim asked as they swayed their hands together, tilting her head thoughtfully as she stared at the couple in front of them. Addi kept swatting at Eddie, trying to get him to stop messing with the jewelry around her neck. Max was far ahead of all of them, skating her way back.
“Definitely them,” He answered quickly, “We’re a lot safer.” He answered with a wink, feeling like it was somewhat true. He didn’t want to push Kim either. There would be no unexpected pregnancies on his part. At least he hoped so. 
“You think so?” She giggled shyly, like she knew that was far from the truth. Okay, they weren’t the safest. That was true. But he felt like it was her fault for how her pussy wrapped around his cock. 
“Sometimes,” He chuckled as he pushed the door open for her. He embraced the feeling of the AC washing over his skin, glad to finally cool off, “I guess we’ll see.” He replied as he walked towards the fridge. He popped it open, passing out cans of Coke to everyone. The bubbles really sounded nice to him.
“How was it?” Sam entered a few minutes later, his hair slightly damp from sweat and cheeks warm from the heat. He was still wearing a bright shirt, telling Billy that he must be doing things in construction again. He went back and forth and Billy supposed it had to do with the money situation. They never let them know if they were struggling, however. 
“I guess you could’ve come and found out.” Max huffed as she rolled her eyes. For a quick second a smile pressed onto Billy’s lips until he realized she was serious. Her features were wrinkled up in irritation, anger. His smile dropped. 
“Max,” Kim said in surprise, “He was working.” She said with a shake of her head, looking concerned suddenly. Sam chewed on his bottom lip, giving her a brief nod before he began to grab a glass of water. Billy felt guilty suddenly. 
“It’s always some sort of excuse, isn’t it?” Max looked at Kim in disbelief, the sudden calm atmosphere turning tense and cold. Eddie took slow steps down the hallway, Addi following behind closely. 
“I-,” Kim paused as she watched Sam leave, “I don’t understand.” She admitted as Billy glanced around, trying to decide on the best way for him to leave. He had a feeling that this was something he did not need to be involved in. If Sam wasn’t here for this, then he certainly didn’t need to be here for this either. 
“I love daddy but-,” Max inhaled deeply, “I’ve done a lot of thinking about how we were raised. About what he did. I understand he had an addiction but-,”
“I did dumb things while drinking too.” Kim interjected quickly, her eyes filing with guilt as she thought of her memories. He gave her shoulder a soft squeeze, feeling his own sense of guilt. 
“I understand that,” Max answered in a mature manner, “But I was talking. Please let me finish.” She spoke calmly, leaving him a little surprised. Kim’s eyes widened for a second before she nodded her head in agreement. 
“I should go,” Billy said softly as he pointed towards the hallway, “I’ll be out here.” He said at last, deciding that he didn’t want to get between any issues that they may have. It wasn’t his business. 
“You might as well stay,” She said as she rested her hands on her hips, “It’s not like she won’t tell you anyways.” She spoke the truth once again. He stalled for a moment as he tapped his palms against his swimming trunks. 
“Well,” He paused for a moment before he sat down, “Alright.” He said at last, biting his bottom lip as he waited for her to speak his peace. He could really use a smoke right about now. 
“You were there for me more than he ever was. I know mom wasn’t there either, but she was working. She had an excuse. He chose gambling and alcohol over us.” Max’s voice trembled at first, but she quickly gained control as she rested her case. She was still hurt. Billy understood that. 
“It’s not that easy,” Kim said softly, “He’s changed. He didn’t mean what happened before. He loves us.” She frowned just a bit, like she was hoping she’d be able to change Max’s mind by a simple statement. Billy knew that it was hard, but Max was still young. He thought that she’d have to understand her own feelings first before she could just accept that things were fine. She’d never been angry with him before, this was something new. 
“All of those things are true but it doesn’t mean I don’t have a right to be upset,” She said at last, “We deserved better and I can’t just pretend like it never happened. He made his choices and they have consequences.” She still sounded like a grown up, far away from the little girl that used to stomp her feet and slam her door shut. To point fingers and shout out insults. She’d grown too. 
“He has had consequences,” Kim continued to speak in a gentle manner, “He really has.” She nodded her head, speaking her own truth. He watched both of them for a moment, a little curious as to how the both of them had changed in such a short amount of time. He really hoped that Susan wasn’t saying anything against Sam. 
“Not when you forgive him so easily,” She replied then huffed as she shook her head, “Sorry. I’m not saying that to be mean.” She uncrossed her arms then, frowning as she exhaled deeply. It was awkward for a moment as Kim’s shoulders fell, her eyes darting around thoughtfully as she tried to come to a conclusion for both of them. 
“He loves you a lot,” Billy spoke up, “You should try to talk to him. I think that would help.” He offered his advice, watching as Kim met his eye and nodded along quickly. It was something. Talking to Neil had helped him in some way. 
“Perhaps.” Max said slowly, but didn’t look convinced. 
“Mom made mistakes too,” Kim replied suddenly, “All those weird men she used to date and bring home. How she’d leave us alone to go on dates. She did things wrong too.” She pointed out, making Billy furrow his eyebrows at the statement. Weird men? He wasn’t sure if he was aware of that history. 
“I know,” Max nodded her head, “But I punished her enough for blaming her for leaving dad.” She sighed deeply, looking guilty as she played with her hair. A habit that had been passed down it seemed like. 
“I can’t change your mind,” Kim said at last as she held her hands together, glancing towards him once again, “But Billy is right. You should talk to him.” She suggested, tilting her head as Max watched her for the longest time. She then turned her blue eyes towards him, making him raise his eyebrows as he waited for her answer.
“Fine,” Max agreed with them, “But I don’t have to be happy about it.” She replied. 
Their little prom was planned at the end of the week on Friday. Billy felt dumb for suddenly feeling nervous. He would be surrounded by friends, by his girlfriend. There was no reason to be nervous. It was dumb. Very dumb.
But it still made his stomach churn and his palms grow sweaty. 
“We’re getting dressed together,” Kim grinned as she approached him earlier in the morning, “The girls and I.” Her hazel eyes were bursting with life, her smile from ear to ear. He kissed her knuckles again.
“That sounds like fun.” He told her truthfully. He’d gone down the day previous to invite Alma because of how Tommy and Kim kept hounding him about it. Alma had agreed, but smarted off to him about how last minute it was. 
“You should do it with your friends.” She suggested playfully, grinning as she untangled her body from his. He groaned as he fell into the pillows, sure that he didn’t want to spend that much time with them. Pearl seemed to agree as she curled up against his side. 
“You’re funny,” He grinned as he rubbed at his cheek, still feeling a little tired. Sleeping in only made him that much more sleepy, “I’m not doing that.” He said as he pointed his finger towards her, wanting her to get the point. 
“Are you sure?” She asked him sheepishly, pulling her lips together into a cheesy smile. He groaned as he tossed his head back, covering his face with his hands. 
“What did you do?”
“Nothing,” She piped up in surprise, “Well, Rosemary volunteered to watch Jennifer.” She added as she leaned in closer to him, tugging his hands away softly. He pouted his lips out as he looked at her, not amused at all. 
“Okay.” He replied, waiting for her to continue. She paused as she rolled her tongue around in her mouth, puckering her lips out as she thought to herself. 
“So Rosemary said they could get ready here.” She added at last. He stared at her, trying to decide if she was being serious or just throwing Rosemary under the bus. 
“I don’t want them here.” He said as he shrugged his shoulders, although he knew it was a ridiculous statement. Eddie was already here. It made sense. Billy thought that he’d rather get ready alone and meet up with everyone there. That sounded like a much better idea. 
“Put that grumpy face away,” She teased, playfully pouting her lips out as she squeezed at his cheeks, “It’ll be like an hour max.” She pressed her palms together, pleading with him softly. He sighed but ultimately agreed. He knew she would win regardless. He couldn’t deny her. 
But he knew without a doubt that she was lying about the timing. She would take far longer than an hour to get ready. 
“How the fuck do you do this?” Tommy huffed as he struggled with his outfit, furrowing his eyebrows together in anger as his face continued to burn. 
“Here,” Billy paused for a moment as he adjusted the bow tie on Tommy’s neck, “Easy, just like that.” He patted his shoulders playfully, chuckling as he went back to getting his own outfit fixed. He felt odd being in a tux and it was slightly too tight around the crotch. 
“This doesn’t feel right,” Eddie commented as he pressed his hands over the front of his shirt, “Like it’s unnatural.” He was dressed in all black, except for the red tie. 
“Well,” Steve paused for a second, flushing like he caught himself, “You don’t normally wear stuff like that.” He added awkwardly, furrowing his eyebrows like he couldn’t tell if he had been rude or not.
“I feel like I should be passing out snacks.” Eddie held his palm up dramatically, posing like a waiter. Billy snorted. He didn’t fit in as a waiter, even with the fancy suit. Him and Addi had purchased their outfits from a thrift store since it had been so last minute. 
“Hors d'oeuvres.” Steve corrected as he knelt near Billy, his elbow hitting against Billy’s arm each time as he tried to get his hair perfected too. He huffed before he moved closer, bumping Steve out of the way. 
“Excuse me?” Eddie sounded confused, eyebrows raised high as Steve glanced back towards him. 
“The snacks-,” He started once again, “You know what, it doesn’t matter.” He said as he waved his large hands, brushing off that he had said anything at all. Billy snickered in response, mirroring the sound Tommy made. 
“Stevie is all fancy,” Tommy smirked as he continued to fuss with the material around his wrists, “He knows all the correct terminology.” He grumbled as he struggled to get them fixed once again. He was hopeless.
“Shut up,” He mumbled, “Do I look alright?” He asked as he fixed his tux, trying to get all of the wrinkles out of them. It was the first time Billy had seen him not covered in baby throw up. 
“Like a strapping young lad.” Eddie nodded his head along as he brushed a hand through his long hair. 
“I wish you’d stop saying odd shit,” Steve replied a second later, “But thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment.” He said a little slower, darting his eyes back and forth before he shook his head. Eddie only laughed. 
Billy felt the need for fresh air as they finally left the little room. Pearl had been following him, whining at his refusal to pick her up. He didn’t want to end up with little strands of white hair everywhere. Especially when they were on food duty.
“You’re sure you’re okay to watch her?” Steve looked down at Jennifer, nervous as the little baby continued to chew on her pacifier. Billy thought she was beginning to develop a bit of a personality, one that didn’t involve her making a stink face all the time.
“Absolutely,” Rosemary grinned as she cradled Jennifer, “She’s such a sweet baby.” She added, smiling as Sam handed over the many pictures they had taken. Billy had already been threatened to take some of all of the girls. He understood his task. 
“Okay,” Steve nodded his head as he sighed deeply, “Thank you.” He added a little softer, almost looking relieved as he kissed Jennifer's soft cheeks. She cooed in response, but her interest soon fell back to her pacifier that she was awkwardly grasping. 
“Go have fun,” Rosemary told them seriously, “Prom is so fun.” She smiled brightly, looking sincere as she continued to bounce Jennifer. They would be taking Russell and Max to an arcade later, bound to have their own fun. Russell had hidden himself away since Steve had arrived. 
“You look like geeks.” Max said with raised eyebrows, but he didn’t miss the way she continued to gawk at Steve. Or how Russell did. But Billy was the geek. 
“Well let’s get going.” Billy added awkwardly, still thinking about how he hated that he’d be forced to drive the others. Max was right. It truly was lame. He wouldn’t tell Kim that, not when she seemed so excited. He wondered if Steve and Eddie felt forced to do the same. 
“So what should we get?” Steve asked, looking quite happy as he took the passenger seat. Tommy griped about being in the back until Billy tossed a cigarette his way, sure that would silence him.
“Gina didn’t mention anything about food?” He asked as he lit up his own, taking a long drag as he slowly backed out of the driveway. They were screwed if they didn’t have a plan for food. 
“No,” Steve said slowly, “Robin has a nut allergy though, so nothing with nuts.” Despite his best effort, Billy began to crack up. He did his best to cover his mouth, trying to pass it off as a cough as his eyes watered.
“What’s funny?” Tommy asked curiously, tilting his head as he leaned forward. Billy swatted him back, still trying to control his laughter. Robin certainly did have a peanut allergy in more than one way. 
“Nothing,” Steve replied a little too shrill, looking like he was close to laughing as well, “It’s nothing.” He rubbed at his chin, his eye twitching as he tried to keep his composure. 
“So no nuts,” Billy continued to cough, “Pizza is easy.” He cleared his throat, his lips failing to catch on as he continued to grin. Something so dumb shouldn’t be so funny. 
“If we’re not getting nuts, does that mean sausage is off the table too?” Eddie asked, so sly that it caught Billy off guard again. He erupted into laughter, possibly even giggling this time before he began to curse as he nearly dropped his cigarette onto his crotch. That just set everyone else off, leaving his car in a roar of laughter. 
“I quite prefer roast beef to sausage.” Tommy added a moment later, making him crack up all over again. Okay. Billy decided that perhaps it wouldn’t be that lame. 
In the end they decided on a few different pizzas, along with an assortment of desserts and sodas. Billy ended up getting a bag of M&M’s for Kim, knowing that she would appreciate those. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie’s jaw dropped as he walked inside, “Your place is so nice. I don’t think I should touch anything.” He gaped as he looked around, looking rather nervous as if he could see the price tag on each item. 
“Just don’t break anything,” Steve warned, “It’s not child proof yet.” He said as he nodded his head, like he had already thought about that. 
“Can’t be too bad if it’s Tommy proof.” Eddie mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders, smirking as he gave Tommy a strong nudge. Billy snorted in agreement. 
“Asshole.” Tommy muttered as he shook his head, rubbing his hands over his chest like he was nervous. He really had a thing for Alma. 
“Can I smoke?” Eddie asked as they all took to different jobs. Billy worked on getting the tape set up, a mixture of everyone's song suggestions while Tommy set up the food and Steve worked on the drinks. 
“Outside,” Steve directed, “There’s an ashtray out there.” He nodded his head, looking quite stern about it as he struggled to pop the ice out into a large bowl. Billy thought it would melt fast, but he didn’t say anything about it. 
“Pizza and alcohol free punch,” Billy replied as he leaned against the counter, “This is a first.” He said truthfully, deciding that he hadn’t ever been to a party that he had worried about food before. 
“Who needs alcohol to have fun?” Steve asked and Billy was fairly certain that Tommy mumbled underneath his breath. He ignored it. 
“I love pizza,” Tommy spoke up as he peeled a slice out, “I hope Alma likes pizza.” He spoke almost dreamily, his brown eyes soft as he looked up at the staircase. Billy met Steve’s eye, noticing the same teasing manner that was hidden there. 
“You’re smitten.”
“I’ve never met anyone like her before.” He continued on, like he was stuck in a lullaby. Billy shook his head. Alma was going to eat him alive. 
“Does this mean you’re over Kim?” He asked him playfully, watching the way Tommy devoured the slice of pizza. 
“Kim is a sweet angel,” He replied between large mouthfuls, “But she’s not my happily ever after, you know?” He tilted his eyebrows together, thinking deeply about it for a moment. Billy looked at him unimpressed, not quite liking that comparison. 
“I’d hope so,” Steve muttered, “When do you think they’ll come down?” He asked as he began to stress with his tie this time. Good. They were all nervous. Except for Eddie it seemed like. 
“Kim is always late,” Billy told them seriously, “So it might take a minute.” He pointed out, knowing that it would take far longer than what they planned. Tommy groaned as he dropped his head into his hands.
Billy was right, as a few minutes later Steve had tried to make his way upstairs only to be shooed away. They were still finishing up on their makeup apparently. 
“Dude,” Steve looked at Eddie in surprise, “Did you get high?” He asked once Eddie stumbled inside, his eyes red as a cheesy grin pulled onto his lips. Billy whistled, smelling the weed off of him. He’d been spending a lot of time with Argyle it seemed like. 
“Weed,” Eddie nodded his head, “Good for the nerves. Anyone want any?” He began to offer it, only for Tommy and Steve to reach for it simultaneously and shove it back into his pocket. Billy rolled his eyes. 
“Weed wasn’t the issue.” Billy said dryly as he took another drink of his Coke. He licked at his bottom lip, raising his eyebrow at the way the other two shook their heads. 
“We’re not risking anything,” Tommy scoffed, “Just ignore this guy.” He placed his palm over Eddie’s face, making the other guy protest in response. 
“We’re ready!” Gina called down, interrupting their argument. They all shuffled forward, elbows bumping against sides as they tried to get into the right position. Billy didn’t know where to stand, where to look or how to position himself. He paused before he leaned forward, pressing play on their tape . 
Addi came down first, her dress was a soft blue; the bottom of it dragging against the floor. It was strapless, but she bore a lace set that crinkled up to her neck and billowed off of her shoulders. There was a large blue bow underneath her chest, highlighting her silhouette. 
Gina’s dress was more modern, a hotter pink that was strapless and stuck tighter to her skin. It was ruched around the middle, then stopped at her waistline. There were three sections to the bottom of her dress before it ended just above her ankles. She held her chin up high, looking tiny compared to the rest of the group. 
Alma bore a pair of dark pants and a gray buttoned up shirt. Her hair was down, her tight curls large and bouncy as she walked down in a pair of vans. She had her hands tucked into her pockets, like she wasn’t quite sure what to do with them as she followed behind Gina. She glanced behind her to whisper something to Robin, who was dressed in a similar manner. Actually, at a second glance, Billy realized Robin was dressed more like Steve. Probably a former suit of his.
Kim came down last, her reddened cheeks framed neatly from the way her hair had been curled and styled. Her dress was a soft pink, matching the colors of her freckles. It was strapless, with ribbons tied across her ribs to show off her chest. The dress flowed out after that, like a ball gown before it ended right at her knees. It was covered in tulle, truly reminding him of a princess.
He kept his feet planted as a grin spread across his lips, his eyes darting back and forth between her dress and her pretty face. It fit her all very well. She looked beautiful.
“Hi,” She whispered as he cupped her face gently, tilting her head back and forth. Her eyeshadow was pink at the top, but she had taken blue eyeliner against her top and bottom lids. It looked really pretty, “What do you think?”
“I’ve never seen someone so stunning before,” He said softly as he brushed his fingers against her soft cheek, “I got these for you.” He told her as he held out the carnations, glad that he had found some that ended up matching with the color of her dress.
“They’re beautiful,” She grinned softly, “I love them. Thank you.” She took a deep inhale, smiling brightly as she examined them. She truly was the prettiest person he’d ever laid eyes on. He was very lucky. 
“Where did you get the dress from?” He hummed as he traced his fingers across her dress, thinking that their colors matched a lot. He wondered if Rosemary had set him up. If so, he was glad. 
“Well,” She took in a deep breath, “There was a dress I wanted, but then it was far too expensive. So then we tried another store and I didn’t like the dresses there. I looked at some thrift stores but they didn’t have this color. So then Rosemary found this pattern and I found the material and she asked her friend to do it.”
“So you got it from Rosemary’s friend?” He asked as he raised his eyebrow, grinning at the way she thought about his question. 
“In shorter terms,” She paused for a second, a grin spreading across her lips, “Yes.” She laughed with him, making his heart flutter roughly inside of his chest as he leaned forward to press his nose against hers. 
Their first dance was slightly awkward, sort of dorky with the way she kept stumbling over her feet and he kept bumping into whomever was behind him. There didn’t seem to be enough people to slow dance all at once, so they quickly adjusted to that.
They traded off a bit after that, moving to stronger beats as bodies spun through the living room floor. It was all in good fun as they passed the girls back and forth, spinning them until they were left in giggles. He didn’t even feel awkward about doing it to Robin, despite knowing so little about her. He was not much of a fan when she began to spin Kim around. He had to step in a second later, grumbling at the way Steve apologized with a cheeky grin. 
“Can’t let you get away.” He mumbled as he brushed his nose against hers. She giggled softly as she moved her arm around his shoulders.
“And go where?” She teased as swayed back and forth to the song, her features wrinkled in concentration as she stared at where she almost stepped on his feet once again, “I was thinking.”
“About what?” He hummed softly, very curious as to where her thoughts had brought her.
“Us,” She replied softly, “We’re going to be hitting a year soon, on the anniversary you picked.” She giggled in response, her cheeks a little pink like she was bashful.
“Do you not like that date?” He asked her curiously, a little worried suddenly. He didn’t want her to disagree.
“No I do,” She told him quickly, “I do, I was just-, I don’t know. I guess I’m still surprised that we were able to make it.” She said at last, taking him completely by surprise.
“You didn’t think we would?” He questioned her, wondering if he had really stressed her out that badly. She shook her head, pausing for a moment before she spoke.
“I thought it would be tragic,” She mused softly as she tilted her head, “Like I would always love you but we could never really be together.” He furrowed his eyebrows together, but then slowly came to an understanding. It had nothing to do with their former issues.
“I thought you were a hopeless romantic.” He teased as he brushed her loose strands behind her ear.
“I was being realistic,” She flickered her eyes towards him, “And I thought I’d always be forced to see you with someone else. My stepbrother. And I couldn’t do anything about it.” 
“You’re lucky I don’t care about that bullshit then,” He smirked as he rubbed his fingers across her sides, “As far as I’m concerned, I saw you first.”
“I’m happy that we’re like this,” She said softly as she played with the ends of his curls, “Very happy. I don’t think I could be any happier.”
“Cheesy,” He hummed as he just gently brushed his lips against hers, “I’m happy too,” He stalled for a second, “You know you made me love you when I didn’t want to.”
“Oh?” She questioned him with interest, her hazel eyes flashing with worry as her pretty lips poured out. He leaned forward to drag his mouth against hers, stealing away any concern she might have.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been so scared in my life.” He told her as he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers as they continued to rock back and forth.
“Really?” She asked as a grin formed on her lips. He brushed his nose against hers once again, craving the sensation of being so close to her. Even if she stepped on his feet.
“It scares me every day to wake up and think that I won’t have you.” He whispered between the best of the music, so only she could hear him. 
“You’ll always have me.” She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his softly. He kept a soft grip on her waist, keeping her close to him as his mouth molded together. She tasted like cherries, her gloss staining his lips as he kissed her deeper. He flicked his tongue across her bottom lip, his chest growing tight at the way she opened up towards him. A soft moan rolling off of her tongue.
“Gross,” He heard Alma from the side, “Get a room.” He laughed as he pulled away, letting Kim hide her burning face into his chest.
“No rooms,” Steve piped up as he pulled away from Gina, his hair all messy, “I did not agree to rooms being used.” He held his finger up quickly, pointing as if he was talking to a small child. 
“There’s too many for you to keep an eye on,” Billy rolled his eyes, “Speaking of, have you seen Addi or Eddie?” Billy had in fact seen them slip outside a few minutes ago, but he wasn’t going to tell Steve that. His brown eyes widened fearfully as he turned towards Gina, panic laced through his features. 
“Where’d you get the suit from?” Tommy questioned as Billy dragged Kim over towards the snack table, watching as she went for a piece of chocolate rather than the pizza. 
“Ethan.” Alma answered as she chewed on her crust, still making a disgusted expression as Billy began to rub his fingers across Kim’s waist.
“Whose Ethan?” Tommy asked hotly, eyes wide and cheeks pink as an incredulous look settled on his features. Kim turned towards Billy, as if he knew.
“My stepdad,” Alma replied with a laugh, “Is there a problem?” She asked as her lips curled into the softest smirk, her eyebrows raised partly. 
“No,” He squeaked out, his face red, “Just curious was all.” He shrugged as he began to stuff his face with pizza again.
“Mhm,” Billy grinned at him, “Thank you for coming.” He told her seriously, although he was disappointed that he hadn’t convinced her to practice some new tattoos on him. 
“Thank you for giving me a day to get ready.” She snorted as she playfully rolled her eyes, giving Kim an exasperated look. Kim tilted her head down and smiled.
“You look like you match with Robin.” She said softly, staring at the pizza boxes as Alma continued to watch her. She was too shy for her own good.
“They do, don’t they?” Billy smirked at the way Tommy’s eye slightly twitched, how his expression instantly soured. 
“I think she borrowed hers from Steve,” Alma laughed softly, “Or should I say stole it.” She added as she nodded her head, laughing like something funny had happened. 
“It worked out anyways,” Billy hummed as he held onto Kim, “C’mere.” He mumbled as he pulled her back towards the dance floor. 
She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling brightly once again as she fell into his motions.
“Who would you have married?” He asked her, genuinely curious as he pulled her even closer.
“What?” She turned to face him, hazel eyes wide as she pressed her lips together softly. He thought about his question for a moment.
“If we didn’t get together, who would you have married?” He clarified, wondering who her second choice would have been. Perhaps he needed to pay them a visit.
“I don’t know,” She said with a giggle, “I don’t know many guys. Or really any that would be interested in me either.” He looked at her in disbelief, not understanding how she didn’t know how pretty she was.
“There’s plenty.” He told her truthfully. She rolled her eyes dramatically, scoffing in his same manner as she rubbed designs against his shoulder.
“I only imagine you as my husband,” She said at last, “No one else.” She smiled as she twisted her fingers through the curls on the nape of his neck. He narrowed his eyes for a moment.
“Alright,” He said softly as he pressed his lips together, “I believe you I guess.” He teased as he kissed the top of her head. She smelled good.
“Who would you have married?” She asked him next, eyes gleaming with curiosity as he rocked her back and forth. He playfully dipped her, earning a squeak from her.
“No one,” He answered honestly, “You were the first one I thought about marrying.” He told her truthfully. It had never been on the table before here.
“Same here.”
“Do I need to bring up journal entries?” He asked her teasingly, watching the way her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. He was sure she was the only one that would make a journal about how to lose her virginity. And specially geared towards someone.
He could never let Steve know.
“That was a crush,” She said hotly, “It was not for marriage.” She spit out shyly, eyes darting around before he brought her back to him.
“Mhm,” He chuckled as he pecked her lips softly once again, “I’m glad I was able to change your mind.” He teased as he guided her through the next song, then the next one.
They slipped outside between the beat of the music, hiding under the cloak of their friends laughing as he gripped her hand softly.
She was soft as she pushed him into the seat, giggling softly as she continued to peck his lips. He brought his hands against her hips, squeezing at her flesh. She felt like heaven.
Her lips were everywhere, her hands trailing across his chest as he brought her onto his lap. He shifted her dress up over her hips, his hands dancing at her panties.
“Billy,” She moaned softly against his lips, sighing deeply as he brought his palms against her perky tits, “I want you so badly.” She whispered as she rolled her hips against him, making him groan as he reached down between their bodies.
He still wasn’t fully hard when he slid himself inside, but she paid it no mind as she began to rock her hips up and down the length of his cock. She moaned at the sensation of him stretching her walls, her clit throbbing underneath his touch.
“Kim,” He huffed out slowly, his large hands moving to her waist. She placed her hands on top of his, squeezing roughly before she pushed them down to his sides, “What are you doing?” He mumbled softly, looking up at her in confusion.
“Let me do it,” She persisted as she shifted her knees into position. She rested her hands back against his muscular thighs as she began to slowly build a rhythm on his hard cock, “Oh God.” She whispered in bliss, shutting her eyes tightly.
He felt like he was in bliss as he moved his hips to the movements of her soft bounces, grunting as her pussy leaked around his thick girth. He clawed at the top of her dress, getting a feel for her tits underneath her dress.
Billy groaned from underneath her, his fingertips brushing back against her knees as she dragged herself up and down his cock. She bit down on her bottom lip, and he wondered if she was feeling the same waves of pleasure racing up her spine. 
“Feels good,” He mumbled from underneath her, his cock throbbing inside of her walls as she rode him. She gaped from the overstimulating pleasure, sighing as she moved her hands up her slender body. Billy’s eyes followed in a heated desire as she cupped her tits in her hands. He groaned, his eyes flashing, “Such a dirty slut.” He cursed as his eyes drank in the image of her. 
Her lips curled into a smile, a sound leaving her lips like she was going to laugh but was unable to do so as she exhaled roughly again. Her head rolled back as his cock pressed against her bundle of nerves, earning a loud moan from her lips.
He didn’t care if someone walked out, or if they were caught. All that mattered was her, was the feeling of their bodies mingling as the pleasure shot through his body. 
He groaned as he began to thrust up again, watching the way her pussy swallowed his thick girth. She fit around him so well, like a puzzle piece. She was meant to be his.
“Do you like that?” She leaned over a bit, flickering her eyelashes at him as she slowly moved her hips along the curve of his cock. Her voice came out sultry and smooth as she spoke as a fresh wave of confidence crashed over her. He flicked his tongue over his teeth, sure that she had no idea just how badly he was enjoying it.
“Mhm,” He hummed as he reached down to stroke at her pretty pink clit. She cried out, gripping his shoulders this time as she moved faster, “Such a pretty little slut for me. Riding my cock so good, such a good girl.” He huffed out, his eyebrows furrowing together in awe. 
She whimpered as she rocked her hips forward, dragging her weeping cunt along the curve of his cock. He grunted as he gripped a holder of her waist, holding onto her tightly as he began to roughly thrust up. He gaped, eyes feeling heavy at the sound of her cunt squeezing roughly around him. She moaned loudly, tossing her head back as he continued to flick his fingers across her clit.
He kissed her deeply, stealing the moans that were rolling off of her tongue. He dragged his mouth against hers, taking her sticky lip gloss as he pleasure filled him deeply. His cock ached as he flicked the tips of their tongues together. 
She shook around him, thighs clamping down on his legs as her head fell against his, “Fuck! Fuck, Billy!” She whimpered as she rocked against him, pressing against him tightly as she came with a cry. He cooed softly, kissing along her lips as he enjoyed the feeling of her body trembling against his.
He gripped her hips, pressing her down a little harder as he felt his own high rush forward. He grunted as he bit down on her exposed shoulder, sighing deeply as he came inside of her. His legs shook, his lungs tightening as he held onto her. She giggled softly, whimpering as she kissed the side of his face.
“Mhm,” She sighed before she broke into a small fit of giggles, “Steve will be mad if he finds us like this.” She said playfully, making him chuckle as he held onto her. Steve could be mad all he wanted. Billy didn’t regret a damn thing. 
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Hey! ^^ I dunno whether your new job is getting easier or not but I figured F/O's can never hurt a situation! XD Either way though, here! Have some of your F/O's finding out about/asking about your OC's ! ^^
Imagine Audrey II humming over the phone he stole right out of your hands while you were messaging a friend, scrolling through the messages about some funky little weasels and bunny rabbit~ "Oooh, these are some snazzy characters, here, sweetheart! I especially like that filly, Shiny! She's got something, huh? Heheh." You try to grab it back, though you're feeling a sense of pride and warmth hearing the loud-mouthed plant compliment your creations in a way thats so genuinly them, but they raise their vines quick before you can reach it. "Uh uh uh, not so fast cupcake~~ There's more to find out about what goes on in that sweet little head of yours, isnt there, hmm? Heheheh."
(I don't know how Audrey II reads without eyes but he does okay 😅😅😅)
Imagine Harper squinting at your phone and holding it far away from his face, using one hand to hold it and one finger on the other hand to scroll on the futuristic device. He's definitely not used to technology but you sure love watching him use it like a grandpa- even looking as young as he does. It's very amusing. So you don't mind letting him play with it for a whole, around an hour, until he finally drops his arm and the phone to his side and flashes you one of those devastating southern grins. "Well, sweetheart, you sure are talented with the writin'. And those characters a' yours... I am intrigued. I have some questions for ya. Mind if we take a walk?? I could use some time in the great outdoors after playin with your lil device, here."
Imagine how the Hessian's eyes always linger on that commission of the rabbit in your room anytime he's there. He's always wanting to ask; questions boiling inside him about this unfamiliar Thing that seems to be something important to you. Something he doesn't understand but feels he needs to- just doesn't know how to ask. He's fascinated by you, and and there always seems to be something new. But that rabbit, that always seems to catch his eye.
Imagine Russ, zeroing in on Poppy immediately and tapping a commission of her with two fingerless-glove-clad digits; a broad grin spread across his face so that his perfect white teeth graze his bottom lip. "Ooooooooh, this one's cute! Reminds me of someone else sweet as sugar I know~ " He winks down at you, the smirk not budging. "You know who I mean, babygirl??... "
Imagine Scroop overhearing you telling a friend about your OC's, namely a 'Shiny'. You don't notice him standing tall in a dark corner until your friend leaves again and he creeps out on all those spidery legs and with a low hiss. "Shhhhhhhiny, huh??... who's that?... sounds fun." After you tell him a little bit about Shiny, touching on Poppy as well and explains that you have more too, Scroop's got a tiny little smirk stretching at the corners of his bug-mouth; his eyes alight with a fiery interest just for you and what goes in on your head. "... tell me more."
Imagine Tiffany snooping through your laptop when you go to take a shower and leave it open. What? Her ex husband was Chucky; she's learnt to be... uh... shall we say, cautious? Anyway, she's quick to check the important stuff, like email and such, but after deciding that you were good- she thought to peak at your open tabs. One was tumblr, and there was all sorts of interesting stuff on there! Her little sweet thing sure was creative!! Poppy was adorable, just like you. And Shiny was such a kick!- just like herself. Popshine was right up her alley~~ When you got back, Tiffany was reading through your fics with a glass of wine in her hand and a delicious cup of coffee for you, and she pats the the cushion next to her on the couch. "C'mere, babygirl! This stuff is out of this world! You really have a writers brain- gosh, that's so sexy. Let's read together for a while!- ooh, did you use the shampoo I got you? Smells as sweet as you look!~"
Omggggg I love this! But I'm also getting embarrassed at the thought too; these guys are reading my stuff??? My self-indulgent dumb stuff??? They read our conversations???? I... How am I going to live through this?? They weren't supposed to find out! 😅 But they LIKE Poppy and Shiny??? They like my writing???
Oh my lord, this is going to be on my mind all day AT WORK now. I don't know what I'm gonna do or how I'm gonna respond to thus. But thank you so much for this ask! I truly brightened my mood ^^
(Girl, Audrey II choreographed a whole musical number with no legs, figured out how to use a payphone, and knows where to grab prey. And you're questioning how they can read with no eyes? XDDDD what I'm wondering is how the heck did me and my friend not at all noticed the spider psycho in the corner trying to be Inkubus-)
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ezwhump · 3 years
⛑ - Some tender first-aid maybe? for Lennon?
Ice - Russell & Lennon - injuries, fluff, medical jargon, mention of previous abuse, first-aid, attempted deconditioning, ice
In the end, Russell decided to have a private doctor make a house-call.
Dr. Bryant was thorough and gentle, humming whenever she disinfected a shallow cut, talking to him softly, explaining what she was doing and how it would help him feel better.
Lennon seemed more at ease, almost bewildered by her presence, and noted softly after she left that she smelled good. Like you.
“He’s a tad dehydrated, so he’ll need to up his fluid intake. Switch between water and electrolytes; Gatorade, Powerade. Introduce it slowly, water it down. It doesn’t seem like he’s all that used to sugar.” She gave him an almost pitying look, and then handed Russell a serrated piece of paper on top of a pile she’d printed out for him.
“On top are things you’ll need to tend to on a daily basis, like cleaning to prevent any kind of infection, instituting a balanced diet. Start with bland foods; sugar-free applesauce, plain oatmeal, watered-down broth. Stuff high in nutrients. He might not like the texture but he needs it.”
Russell nodded along, taking a pen to the paper and scribbling down notes on the blank side, thanking her profusely as she breezed out the door with a sincere “call me if you need anything”.
On Friday night around 9pm, Lennon padded into Russell’s office, obediently setting down a bottle of antibacterial ointment, the saline bottle, the glove box, tape, and fresh non-adhesive wrappings. Russell shuffled in his chair over to the love-seat where Lennon had already put a pillow down. He was getting used to the smaller luxuries, learning his way around, and it eased Russell’s mind.
“How’s the book?”
“Funny, sir.”
Russell had found out Lennon could read when he asked how to pronounce ‘electrolytes’. Huh, so he’s been reading my notes. He was less pleased when he asked how Lennon could read.
“Old master said it was no good ownin’ a dumb pet.”
It still made Russell seethe if he thought about it. Old master.
“That’s good. If you finish it and want another, all you gotta do is ask, yeah?”
Lennon nodded and climbed up onto the love-seat. He liked to be facing Russell as much as he could whenever it was time to clean any of his cuts or re-wrap his neck. At first it was ugly, Lennon whimpering and grinding his teeth, tears springing up every time Russell so much as touched the skin above the abrasions. But after a week and a half of antibiotics and lots of practice, the wounds were healing up nicely and Lennon was more vocal with his thoughts.
Russell rolled up his shirt sleeves and dug in his drawer for the cotton pads, setting everything down at Lennon’s feet, bracing himself for any sort of grinding or whimpering.
And then he had an idea.
“Hold on a sec.”
He returned holding a small cup filled with nugget ice, offering it to Lennon who took it willingly, not taking his eyes off of Russell.
“Right, let's get this over with, hm?”
Russell unwrapped Lennon’s neck gently, trying to ignore how he could feel Lennon’s breath on his open collar, pulling back before he could buckle and bury his face in the kid’s hair.
Kid. The little fucker’s twenty. He had to keep reminding himself.
“Sir?” Lennon almost whispered it, still reluctant to address Russell first.
“Russ. What’s the cup for, sir?”
Russell laughed and tossed the old wrappings into the trash, flushing Lennon’s neck with the saline and snapping on a new glove.
He picked an ice cube out of the cup with his free hand.
“For you, sweetheart.”
He pushed it into Lennon’s mouth with one hand and dabbed the ointment on with his gloved pinky in quick succession, trying to be as gentle as possible.
Lennon jerked a little, but then moved the ice around, tasting, and Russell tried his damnedest to pay attention to the task at hand instead of the interesting little mouth sounds Lennon was making as he cradled his head.
“My mom used to do it for my little brother when he got sick,” Russell explained.
“That’s awfully nice of her.”
“Mm.” Russell cleaned off the pink running stains off Lennon’s neck and re-wrapped it, taping the edge down.
“Did you get sick, sir?”
“Nah, healthy as a horse. You’re all done, kid.”
Lennon touched at the bandage and then almost immediately grabbed for his shirt, and then remembered the ice cup instead, digging another nugget out and popping it in his mouth.
Russell winced when he heard Lennon crunch down on it.
“You don’t have to chew it kid. You can just suck on it till it melts.”
“Sorry, sir.”
Russell smiled and tousled Lennon’s hair, scratching the base of his skull gently. Lennon practically purred.
“I’ve got to finish up some work, but I’ll come to bed soon, okay?”
“Yessir.” Lennon collected up the supplies and fished the old wrappings out of the office trash to put into the kitchen trash. “Sir?”
Russell turned in his chair, lifting his eyebrows.
He watched Lennon swallow, almost wincing at his unspoken words. “If you got sick, I’d feed you ice.”
Russell made a weird noise in his throat and then smiled.
“Thanks, kid. Be out soon.”
this prompt was so fun, i couldn't resist taking my laptop off it's charger as soon as i could to get it down <3 thank you bee!
tags: @deluxewhump @queenofthedark @highwaywhump @yet-another-heathen @briars7 @whumpzone @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpadump1939 @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi 
75 notes · View notes
Happy Halloween Minnie Mouse Witch Star Moon T-Shirt
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So Bailey Botelho and Happy Halloween Minnie Mouse Witch Star Moon T-Shirt . I have come up with a new dessert for that friend who always seems to rub everyone the wrong way but it’s NEVER their fault…They’re called “Shut The Fucupcakes”. I just don’t understand how people go that long and not realize that they are the problem. NOT everyone else. Especially when you blatantly use emotions as a way to use and get things from people. This just turned into a 2-day comp! Team Shut the Fucupcakes moves on to the Bacon Beatdown finals tomorrow.  whewAshlyn WatsonnAngelica Quintana aa … actually pretty sure all BNI teams are moving on to day 2! Not bad for 2 1/2 hours of sleep. Happy Halloween Minnie Mouse Witch Star Moon T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's Very good recipe Happy Halloween Minnie Mouse Witch Star Moon T-Shirt . But mam pl share some eggless cake recipes also. Eager to learn eggless cakes with you bcoz your each and every cake has a different and unique flavor. Could you make a sheet cake using the same recipe or would you need to adjust anything? Anyone know? Don’t believe I’ve ever seen cherry juice before. Where would I find this or is it something I must make? You come up with the most different recipes that look so delicious.  I could do the cupcakes with Splenda. Any suggestions for the icing?  I love your piping work my mum was a cake decorator by trade and could make a cake anything even a 4 foot high wedding cake that took 4 men to carry it. Because of this a circlejerk thread where criticisms of him are not allowed. OKC fans seem mad after Westbrook has gotten (fair) criticisms of his game and now they’re trying to pretend like Westbrook didn’t hold Oladipo back somehow last season. Disagree. Russ didn’t make Vic better while sharing the court with him. Vic watched Russ and got better through observing him. Also don’t believe he should have gotten MVP and that’s not even based on this season That’s fair to think he shouldn’t have won the MVP last year but there are people in this sub pointing to Russ’s performance this year for proof that he shouldn’t have won last year, that’s utter BS. KD was going to be successful no matter what because he’s a freak of nature, but you now have two guards who were written off as role players while playing under Westbrook’s shadow who became instant all stars the moment they left his side. Are you really just gonna write that off as a fluke? You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Power SEO Friendly Markup With HTML5, CSS3, And Javascript
The first session in our initial three-part series SEO Company for Developers: Live with Search Engine Land we began covering Technical SEO Company and communicating issues between practitioners and developers. For a well-rounded conversation we hosted speakers with perspectives from both the practitioner side of things, as well as practical effectiveness with SEO Company In-House as part of an enterprise team. Our guests were:
The video is great if you’re looking to hear new ideas for effecting change with your clients, with developers, or wanting to be more effective from within your organization. Learn about team building tactics with developers in the mix as well as struggles you may face when you’re not part of an organization.
The session continued in a second part focused on fundamental JavaScript SEO Company complete with code examples for React and Vue to give you a running start with those projects. Learn to solve some indexing problems with these popular JavaScript (framework) libraries and find tips you need for requirements to implement SEO Company into similarly scaffolded or boilerplate javascript projects.
Communicating requirements of Technical SEO to developers
Depending on your situation, communicating SEO Company to developers can range from feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells and being very careful not to tread on ego or territory, to another extreme where you experience sheer frustration that however much you stress the importance of a needed change it seems hopeless, like as if you’re shouting into the void.
How can you best navigate personality problems? It’s not always going to be possible. There are things you can do to boost your odds of success, or otherwise avoid common pitfalls, and getting this information out to you was the goal of our discussion with the first part of our first session.
Anthony and Katie shared tales of how, starting with a grim outlook, they were able to ultimately succeed in partnership with developers, or just succeed anyway. You can hear how both pulled all the stops to try and be persuasive using everything from homemade cupcakes to bottles of vodka. While these are often cited as helpful tactics, in practice these ideas didn’t work for them.
Major site changes
During a major site change more than one aspect of a technology stack can change over a short period of time. When you have a correlating loss of traffic, you might associate a drop with the incident and a particular aspect of the technology at that point. That’s when Technical SEO Company skills and knowing the problem can come to a crossroads where you need to convey your findings to developers who might disagree with you about which path to take.
I did a forensic audit and found technical issues. The lead dev was like: “How do we know it’s not something else?” The answer is, you really don’t know. You just have a gut instinct and a lot of experience to be able to try and guide it in that way. We made the changes and right before the busiest time of year we saw a 40 point swing to the upside with millions in additional revenues. The GM had said: “I’m in awe. You know, this is great.” At that point the lead dev decided to re-platform to React.
Anthony Muller
There’s always a chance developers have a bias towards a technology that they’re comfortable with, or excited to be using. As developers, we like to think of ourselves as not holding an unwarranted bias for a technology, but in reality we want to control our own programming environment. We aren’t always able to and when we can we might a preference, same as anybody else.
When there’s money on the line you have to counteract any favoritism which can require self-analysis. Problems will arise when ulterior motives give us an inclination to use inappropriate technology as a way to use what’s most familiar or gain experience with the latest JavaScript libraries.
Problems of a technology choice aren’t always developer-borne issues. In our third video, Martin Splitt spoke of developing a banking application with Angular. Angular, unfortunately, then became the anointed technology to use for everything. That was a mistake of leadership assuming a solid technology choice in one area of business is a safe bet everywhere else.
Things are never that easy.
The trouble with React is …
ReactJS is a terrific User-Interface (UI) builder for the frontend. Confusion arises when developers want to simplify the notion of a webpage down to that of a UI when it’s not only that. A webpage can be interactive with JavaScript in ways that do not require a UI. Using React in certain conditions will lead to over-engineering with a result that we have a history of Single Page App (SPA) websites that typically don’t rank well.
Whats more, the underlying technology stack powering React is not ideally suited for static websites even though it can certainly be used for them. For example, there’s Gatsby, a Static Site Generator (SSG) built on React and its conventions. Believe it or not plain old boring jQuery is still a far more appropriate choice for most static sites than Gatsby.
React is definitely an important innovation. When you need reactive page elements as part of site functionality, in other words, elements that change when universal or user specific data changes, that’s when React becomes an excellent choice! You get all the advantage of a paradigm shift from jQuery to a component-based reactive library for developing cutting-edge interactivity. For example: If you want roll your own chat, look into React.
Developers only need to avoid using React in cases where jQuery or vanilla JavaScript is what’s actually called for. Therein lies the problem, because they aren’t inclined to avoid using arguably the greatest client-side library innovation since jQuery. They all want to sharpen their knowledge of the latest greatest thing for employability. There are numerous open jobs for React programmers. We’re going to learn how to set it up correctly.
Server-side rendering
A partial solution to the problem, known as Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is probably best described as a ‘hack’ bolted in place after feedback that early renditions of these libraries were not search engine friendly. Russ describes how React still tends to promote scaffolding or boilerplate that defaults to Client-Side Rendering (CSR) by convention. He shows us how to set yourself up for SEO Company with React and Vue.
A note about Evergreen Chromium
Evergreen Chromium keeps Googlebot up to date with the latest Chrome version. Google can now fetch CSR content fairly easily, but it’s certainly no silver bullet. Developers may think it means SSR is unnecessary, but for Googlebot your critical content is not immediately available and it may not be available at all without taking careful measures to ensure that it is.
It’s certainly not ideal for SEO Company, either. Even when you might fare a little better now with Google than in the past, you need to consider social media crawlers. Bing switched to Evergreen Chromium, but Facebook and Twitter haven’t done so yet and who knows if they ever will?
How about operationalizing SEO?
Working from within an organization, and with a sizable development team, Katie found that filing issues through the ticketing process wasn’t working fast enough for Technical SEO Company changes. Additionally, there was no way for her to gauge the relative importance of her SEO Company requests versus whatever else the development team was working on.
After attending Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West’s keynote with Jessica Bowman (In-House SEO), Katie was inspired to try a different approach.
She was talking about operationalizing SEO Company and saying that anyone touching the website could be making multi-million dollar SEO Company decisions without realizing it. You’re always going to be outnumbered by people who are touching it. There’s never enough SEO Companys to have an SEO Company in the room for all these things. If you feel like you’re running around chasing fires all the time then you need to operationalize SEO Company.
Katie Meurin
Katie brought her developer teammates to more SMX session content where, once back at work, they began to ask her questions about how the changes they were thinking of might impact the website’s SEO Company. This was the very breakthrough she needed for going from being caught outside in a separate silo to working inside with the development team.
Since team building sessions fostered these more productive communications, Katie continued to organize Technical SEO Company trainings in-house and looks forward to a whole new build where SEO Company is a fundamental feature of the forthcoming new website.
The developers she worked with learned about using SEO Company tools and began using some of them directly in their workflow. They began testing development branch versions using command line SEO Company tools to make sure to realize good scores with Lighthouse and now Web Vitals. Any disagreements about SEO Company particulars would get resolved as it was typically just a matter of language that Katie’s team documentation helped clarify.
It was through these experiences that Katie was able to increase the priority of her Technical SEO Company with the development team whose members came to truly appreciate knowing the value of the business impact of what they were doing. This was a huge sea change shift going from not knowing whether her Technical SEO Company tickets were prioritized above a mystery plate of work tasks to developers caring about SEO Company every bit as much as they might frontend design details.
Server side rendering (SSR)
So, what happened to Anthony’s client when they switched to React before Googlebot’s Evergreen Chromium release? Just imagine when 80% of revenue was tied dollar-for-dollar to tanking rankings. Anthony tried everything to be persuasive, including bringing an outside developer in to recommend implementing SSR.
To satisfy SEO Company requirements, you’re going to need SSR strategies that ship code with fleshed-out and optimized content, or your rankings will not reflect the value of your website pages.
The lead developer was (rightly) disappointed to hear advice to implement SSR, negating all the practical advantage of using a reactive library in the first place. The unwarranted technology preference for React with a static site was suddenly a technology obstacle which began to haunt them as technical debt they didn’t want to pay down.
The lead developer insisted on delivering alternative explanations for what was happening and for an inexplicable reason fully resisted the recommendation to move to SSR. In the mean time, Google launched its Evergreen Chromium initiative and the new Googlebot indexing resulted in a 7% traffic lift which allowed the developer to further delay the inevitable.
It was not enough to recover lost revenues and it ultimately became increasingly clear React was a bad choice of technology for powering the static website. Anthony’s SSR recommendation was finally put in place and imagine what happened when search traffic quickly rose back up by 60%. Imagine the difference unearned revenue made for the time spent languishing with such a basic and obvious rendering issue.
JavaScript SEO for React and Vue
Developers need to be flexible enough with skills and attitude to implement SSR for SEO Company with these popular JavaScript library (frameworks). Russ provided us with an excellent introductory dive into how to go about it with React and Vue along with quick tips about how to include essential SEO Company to go along with it. We’ll be covering that with all the details in our next installment before moving on to scraping by scripting with Puppeteer.
More development tips for SEO Companys
About The Author
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Detlef Johnson is the SEO Company for Developers Expert for Search Engine Land and SMX. He is also a member of the programming team for SMX events and writes the SEO for Developers series on Search Engine Land. Detlef is one of the original group of pioneering webmasters who established the professional SEO Company field more than 20 years ago. Since then he has worked for major search engine technology providers, managed programming and marketing agency teams for Chicago Tribune, and consulted for numerous entities including Fortune 500 companies. Detlef has a strong understanding of Technical SEO Company and a passion for Web programming.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/power-seo-friendly-markup-with-html5-css3-and-javascript/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/08/power-seo-friendly-markup-with-html5.html
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
Power SEO Friendly Markup With HTML5, CSS3, And Javascript
The first session in our initial three-part series SEO Company for Developers: Live with Search Engine Land we began covering Technical SEO Company and communicating issues between practitioners and developers. For a well-rounded conversation we hosted speakers with perspectives from both the practitioner side of things, as well as practical effectiveness with SEO Company In-House as part of an enterprise team. Our guests were:
The video is great if you’re looking to hear new ideas for effecting change with your clients, with developers, or wanting to be more effective from within your organization. Learn about team building tactics with developers in the mix as well as struggles you may face when you’re not part of an organization.
The session continued in a second part focused on fundamental JavaScript SEO Company complete with code examples for React and Vue to give you a running start with those projects. Learn to solve some indexing problems with these popular JavaScript (framework) libraries and find tips you need for requirements to implement SEO Company into similarly scaffolded or boilerplate javascript projects.
Communicating requirements of Technical SEO to developers
Depending on your situation, communicating SEO Company to developers can range from feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells and being very careful not to tread on ego or territory, to another extreme where you experience sheer frustration that however much you stress the importance of a needed change it seems hopeless, like as if you’re shouting into the void.
How can you best navigate personality problems? It’s not always going to be possible. There are things you can do to boost your odds of success, or otherwise avoid common pitfalls, and getting this information out to you was the goal of our discussion with the first part of our first session.
Anthony and Katie shared tales of how, starting with a grim outlook, they were able to ultimately succeed in partnership with developers, or just succeed anyway. You can hear how both pulled all the stops to try and be persuasive using everything from homemade cupcakes to bottles of vodka. While these are often cited as helpful tactics, in practice these ideas didn’t work for them.
Major site changes
During a major site change more than one aspect of a technology stack can change over a short period of time. When you have a correlating loss of traffic, you might associate a drop with the incident and a particular aspect of the technology at that point. That’s when Technical SEO Company skills and knowing the problem can come to a crossroads where you need to convey your findings to developers who might disagree with you about which path to take.
I did a forensic audit and found technical issues. The lead dev was like: “How do we know it’s not something else?” The answer is, you really don’t know. You just have a gut instinct and a lot of experience to be able to try and guide it in that way. We made the changes and right before the busiest time of year we saw a 40 point swing to the upside with millions in additional revenues. The GM had said: “I’m in awe. You know, this is great.” At that point the lead dev decided to re-platform to React.
Anthony Muller
There’s always a chance developers have a bias towards a technology that they’re comfortable with, or excited to be using. As developers, we like to think of ourselves as not holding an unwarranted bias for a technology, but in reality we want to control our own programming environment. We aren’t always able to and when we can we might a preference, same as anybody else.
When there’s money on the line you have to counteract any favoritism which can require self-analysis. Problems will arise when ulterior motives give us an inclination to use inappropriate technology as a way to use what’s most familiar or gain experience with the latest JavaScript libraries.
Problems of a technology choice aren’t always developer-borne issues. In our third video, Martin Splitt spoke of developing a banking application with Angular. Angular, unfortunately, then became the anointed technology to use for everything. That was a mistake of leadership assuming a solid technology choice in one area of business is a safe bet everywhere else.
Things are never that easy.
The trouble with React is …
ReactJS is a terrific User-Interface (UI) builder for the frontend. Confusion arises when developers want to simplify the notion of a webpage down to that of a UI when it’s not only that. A webpage can be interactive with JavaScript in ways that do not require a UI. Using React in certain conditions will lead to over-engineering with a result that we have a history of Single Page App (SPA) websites that typically don’t rank well.
Whats more, the underlying technology stack powering React is not ideally suited for static websites even though it can certainly be used for them. For example, there’s Gatsby, a Static Site Generator (SSG) built on React and its conventions. Believe it or not plain old boring jQuery is still a far more appropriate choice for most static sites than Gatsby.
React is definitely an important innovation. When you need reactive page elements as part of site functionality, in other words, elements that change when universal or user specific data changes, that’s when React becomes an excellent choice! You get all the advantage of a paradigm shift from jQuery to a component-based reactive library for developing cutting-edge interactivity. For example: If you want roll your own chat, look into React.
Developers only need to avoid using React in cases where jQuery or vanilla JavaScript is what’s actually called for. Therein lies the problem, because they aren’t inclined to avoid using arguably the greatest client-side library innovation since jQuery. They all want to sharpen their knowledge of the latest greatest thing for employability. There are numerous open jobs for React programmers. We’re going to learn how to set it up correctly.
Server-side rendering
A partial solution to the problem, known as Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is probably best described as a ‘hack’ bolted in place after feedback that early renditions of these libraries were not search engine friendly. Russ describes how React still tends to promote scaffolding or boilerplate that defaults to Client-Side Rendering (CSR) by convention. He shows us how to set yourself up for SEO Company with React and Vue.
A note about Evergreen Chromium
Evergreen Chromium keeps Googlebot up to date with the latest Chrome version. Google can now fetch CSR content fairly easily, but it’s certainly no silver bullet. Developers may think it means SSR is unnecessary, but for Googlebot your critical content is not immediately available and it may not be available at all without taking careful measures to ensure that it is.
It’s certainly not ideal for SEO Company, either. Even when you might fare a little better now with Google than in the past, you need to consider social media crawlers. Bing switched to Evergreen Chromium, but Facebook and Twitter haven’t done so yet and who knows if they ever will?
How about operationalizing SEO?
Working from within an organization, and with a sizable development team, Katie found that filing issues through the ticketing process wasn’t working fast enough for Technical SEO Company changes. Additionally, there was no way for her to gauge the relative importance of her SEO Company requests versus whatever else the development team was working on.
After attending Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West’s keynote with Jessica Bowman (In-House SEO), Katie was inspired to try a different approach.
She was talking about operationalizing SEO Company and saying that anyone touching the website could be making multi-million dollar SEO Company decisions without realizing it. You’re always going to be outnumbered by people who are touching it. There’s never enough SEO Companys to have an SEO Company in the room for all these things. If you feel like you’re running around chasing fires all the time then you need to operationalize SEO Company.
Katie Meurin
Katie brought her developer teammates to more SMX session content where, once back at work, they began to ask her questions about how the changes they were thinking of might impact the website’s SEO Company. This was the very breakthrough she needed for going from being caught outside in a separate silo to working inside with the development team.
Since team building sessions fostered these more productive communications, Katie continued to organize Technical SEO Company trainings in-house and looks forward to a whole new build where SEO Company is a fundamental feature of the forthcoming new website.
The developers she worked with learned about using SEO Company tools and began using some of them directly in their workflow. They began testing development branch versions using command line SEO Company tools to make sure to realize good scores with Lighthouse and now Web Vitals. Any disagreements about SEO Company particulars would get resolved as it was typically just a matter of language that Katie’s team documentation helped clarify.
It was through these experiences that Katie was able to increase the priority of her Technical SEO Company with the development team whose members came to truly appreciate knowing the value of the business impact of what they were doing. This was a huge sea change shift going from not knowing whether her Technical SEO Company tickets were prioritized above a mystery plate of work tasks to developers caring about SEO Company every bit as much as they might frontend design details.
Server side rendering (SSR)
So, what happened to Anthony’s client when they switched to React before Googlebot’s Evergreen Chromium release? Just imagine when 80% of revenue was tied dollar-for-dollar to tanking rankings. Anthony tried everything to be persuasive, including bringing an outside developer in to recommend implementing SSR.
To satisfy SEO Company requirements, you’re going to need SSR strategies that ship code with fleshed-out and optimized content, or your rankings will not reflect the value of your website pages.
The lead developer was (rightly) disappointed to hear advice to implement SSR, negating all the practical advantage of using a reactive library in the first place. The unwarranted technology preference for React with a static site was suddenly a technology obstacle which began to haunt them as technical debt they didn’t want to pay down.
The lead developer insisted on delivering alternative explanations for what was happening and for an inexplicable reason fully resisted the recommendation to move to SSR. In the mean time, Google launched its Evergreen Chromium initiative and the new Googlebot indexing resulted in a 7% traffic lift which allowed the developer to further delay the inevitable.
It was not enough to recover lost revenues and it ultimately became increasingly clear React was a bad choice of technology for powering the static website. Anthony’s SSR recommendation was finally put in place and imagine what happened when search traffic quickly rose back up by 60%. Imagine the difference unearned revenue made for the time spent languishing with such a basic and obvious rendering issue.
JavaScript SEO for React and Vue
Developers need to be flexible enough with skills and attitude to implement SSR for SEO Company with these popular JavaScript library (frameworks). Russ provided us with an excellent introductory dive into how to go about it with React and Vue along with quick tips about how to include essential SEO Company to go along with it. We’ll be covering that with all the details in our next installment before moving on to scraping by scripting with Puppeteer.
More development tips for SEO Companys
About The Author
Tumblr media
Detlef Johnson is the SEO Company for Developers Expert for Search Engine Land and SMX. He is also a member of the programming team for SMX events and writes the SEO for Developers series on Search Engine Land. Detlef is one of the original group of pioneering webmasters who established the professional SEO Company field more than 20 years ago. Since then he has worked for major search engine technology providers, managed programming and marketing agency teams for Chicago Tribune, and consulted for numerous entities including Fortune 500 companies. Detlef has a strong understanding of Technical SEO Company and a passion for Web programming.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/power-seo-friendly-markup-with-html5-css3-and-javascript/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/627046188904054784
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
Power SEO Friendly Markup With HTML5, CSS3, And Javascript
The first session in our initial three-part series SEO Company for Developers: Live with Search Engine Land we began covering Technical SEO Company and communicating issues between practitioners and developers. For a well-rounded conversation we hosted speakers with perspectives from both the practitioner side of things, as well as practical effectiveness with SEO Company In-House as part of an enterprise team. Our guests were:
The video is great if you’re looking to hear new ideas for effecting change with your clients, with developers, or wanting to be more effective from within your organization. Learn about team building tactics with developers in the mix as well as struggles you may face when you’re not part of an organization.
The session continued in a second part focused on fundamental JavaScript SEO Company complete with code examples for React and Vue to give you a running start with those projects. Learn to solve some indexing problems with these popular JavaScript (framework) libraries and find tips you need for requirements to implement SEO Company into similarly scaffolded or boilerplate javascript projects.
Communicating requirements of Technical SEO to developers
Depending on your situation, communicating SEO Company to developers can range from feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells and being very careful not to tread on ego or territory, to another extreme where you experience sheer frustration that however much you stress the importance of a needed change it seems hopeless, like as if you’re shouting into the void.
How can you best navigate personality problems? It’s not always going to be possible. There are things you can do to boost your odds of success, or otherwise avoid common pitfalls, and getting this information out to you was the goal of our discussion with the first part of our first session.
Anthony and Katie shared tales of how, starting with a grim outlook, they were able to ultimately succeed in partnership with developers, or just succeed anyway. You can hear how both pulled all the stops to try and be persuasive using everything from homemade cupcakes to bottles of vodka. While these are often cited as helpful tactics, in practice these ideas didn’t work for them.
Major site changes
During a major site change more than one aspect of a technology stack can change over a short period of time. When you have a correlating loss of traffic, you might associate a drop with the incident and a particular aspect of the technology at that point. That’s when Technical SEO Company skills and knowing the problem can come to a crossroads where you need to convey your findings to developers who might disagree with you about which path to take.
I did a forensic audit and found technical issues. The lead dev was like: “How do we know it’s not something else?” The answer is, you really don’t know. You just have a gut instinct and a lot of experience to be able to try and guide it in that way. We made the changes and right before the busiest time of year we saw a 40 point swing to the upside with millions in additional revenues. The GM had said: “I’m in awe. You know, this is great.” At that point the lead dev decided to re-platform to React.
Anthony Muller
There’s always a chance developers have a bias towards a technology that they’re comfortable with, or excited to be using. As developers, we like to think of ourselves as not holding an unwarranted bias for a technology, but in reality we want to control our own programming environment. We aren’t always able to and when we can we might a preference, same as anybody else.
When there’s money on the line you have to counteract any favoritism which can require self-analysis. Problems will arise when ulterior motives give us an inclination to use inappropriate technology as a way to use what’s most familiar or gain experience with the latest JavaScript libraries.
Problems of a technology choice aren’t always developer-borne issues. In our third video, Martin Splitt spoke of developing a banking application with Angular. Angular, unfortunately, then became the anointed technology to use for everything. That was a mistake of leadership assuming a solid technology choice in one area of business is a safe bet everywhere else.
Things are never that easy.
The trouble with React is …
ReactJS is a terrific User-Interface (UI) builder for the frontend. Confusion arises when developers want to simplify the notion of a webpage down to that of a UI when it’s not only that. A webpage can be interactive with JavaScript in ways that do not require a UI. Using React in certain conditions will lead to over-engineering with a result that we have a history of Single Page App (SPA) websites that typically don’t rank well.
Whats more, the underlying technology stack powering React is not ideally suited for static websites even though it can certainly be used for them. For example, there’s Gatsby, a Static Site Generator (SSG) built on React and its conventions. Believe it or not plain old boring jQuery is still a far more appropriate choice for most static sites than Gatsby.
React is definitely an important innovation. When you need reactive page elements as part of site functionality, in other words, elements that change when universal or user specific data changes, that’s when React becomes an excellent choice! You get all the advantage of a paradigm shift from jQuery to a component-based reactive library for developing cutting-edge interactivity. For example: If you want roll your own chat, look into React.
Developers only need to avoid using React in cases where jQuery or vanilla JavaScript is what’s actually called for. Therein lies the problem, because they aren’t inclined to avoid using arguably the greatest client-side library innovation since jQuery. They all want to sharpen their knowledge of the latest greatest thing for employability. There are numerous open jobs for React programmers. We’re going to learn how to set it up correctly.
Server-side rendering
A partial solution to the problem, known as Server-Side Rendering (SSR), is probably best described as a ‘hack’ bolted in place after feedback that early renditions of these libraries were not search engine friendly. Russ describes how React still tends to promote scaffolding or boilerplate that defaults to Client-Side Rendering (CSR) by convention. He shows us how to set yourself up for SEO Company with React and Vue.
A note about Evergreen Chromium
Evergreen Chromium keeps Googlebot up to date with the latest Chrome version. Google can now fetch CSR content fairly easily, but it’s certainly no silver bullet. Developers may think it means SSR is unnecessary, but for Googlebot your critical content is not immediately available and it may not be available at all without taking careful measures to ensure that it is.
It’s certainly not ideal for SEO Company, either. Even when you might fare a little better now with Google than in the past, you need to consider social media crawlers. Bing switched to Evergreen Chromium, but Facebook and Twitter haven’t done so yet and who knows if they ever will?
How about operationalizing SEO?
Working from within an organization, and with a sizable development team, Katie found that filing issues through the ticketing process wasn’t working fast enough for Technical SEO Company changes. Additionally, there was no way for her to gauge the relative importance of her SEO Company requests versus whatever else the development team was working on.
After attending Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West’s keynote with Jessica Bowman (In-House SEO), Katie was inspired to try a different approach.
She was talking about operationalizing SEO Company and saying that anyone touching the website could be making multi-million dollar SEO Company decisions without realizing it. You’re always going to be outnumbered by people who are touching it. There’s never enough SEO Companys to have an SEO Company in the room for all these things. If you feel like you’re running around chasing fires all the time then you need to operationalize SEO Company.
Katie Meurin
Katie brought her developer teammates to more SMX session content where, once back at work, they began to ask her questions about how the changes they were thinking of might impact the website’s SEO Company. This was the very breakthrough she needed for going from being caught outside in a separate silo to working inside with the development team.
Since team building sessions fostered these more productive communications, Katie continued to organize Technical SEO Company trainings in-house and looks forward to a whole new build where SEO Company is a fundamental feature of the forthcoming new website.
The developers she worked with learned about using SEO Company tools and began using some of them directly in their workflow. They began testing development branch versions using command line SEO Company tools to make sure to realize good scores with Lighthouse and now Web Vitals. Any disagreements about SEO Company particulars would get resolved as it was typically just a matter of language that Katie’s team documentation helped clarify.
It was through these experiences that Katie was able to increase the priority of her Technical SEO Company with the development team whose members came to truly appreciate knowing the value of the business impact of what they were doing. This was a huge sea change shift going from not knowing whether her Technical SEO Company tickets were prioritized above a mystery plate of work tasks to developers caring about SEO Company every bit as much as they might frontend design details.
Server side rendering (SSR)
So, what happened to Anthony’s client when they switched to React before Googlebot’s Evergreen Chromium release? Just imagine when 80% of revenue was tied dollar-for-dollar to tanking rankings. Anthony tried everything to be persuasive, including bringing an outside developer in to recommend implementing SSR.
To satisfy SEO Company requirements, you’re going to need SSR strategies that ship code with fleshed-out and optimized content, or your rankings will not reflect the value of your website pages.
The lead developer was (rightly) disappointed to hear advice to implement SSR, negating all the practical advantage of using a reactive library in the first place. The unwarranted technology preference for React with a static site was suddenly a technology obstacle which began to haunt them as technical debt they didn’t want to pay down.
The lead developer insisted on delivering alternative explanations for what was happening and for an inexplicable reason fully resisted the recommendation to move to SSR. In the mean time, Google launched its Evergreen Chromium initiative and the new Googlebot indexing resulted in a 7% traffic lift which allowed the developer to further delay the inevitable.
It was not enough to recover lost revenues and it ultimately became increasingly clear React was a bad choice of technology for powering the static website. Anthony’s SSR recommendation was finally put in place and imagine what happened when search traffic quickly rose back up by 60%. Imagine the difference unearned revenue made for the time spent languishing with such a basic and obvious rendering issue.
JavaScript SEO for React and Vue
Developers need to be flexible enough with skills and attitude to implement SSR for SEO Company with these popular JavaScript library (frameworks). Russ provided us with an excellent introductory dive into how to go about it with React and Vue along with quick tips about how to include essential SEO Company to go along with it. We’ll be covering that with all the details in our next installment before moving on to scraping by scripting with Puppeteer.
More development tips for SEO Companys
About The Author
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Detlef Johnson is the SEO Company for Developers Expert for Search Engine Land and SMX. He is also a member of the programming team for SMX events and writes the SEO for Developers series on Search Engine Land. Detlef is one of the original group of pioneering webmasters who established the professional SEO Company field more than 20 years ago. Since then he has worked for major search engine technology providers, managed programming and marketing agency teams for Chicago Tribune, and consulted for numerous entities including Fortune 500 companies. Detlef has a strong understanding of Technical SEO Company and a passion for Web programming.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/power-seo-friendly-markup-with-html5-css3-and-javascript/
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Mrs. Needles, Thank You (Shalaska) - Josie
AN: Hi!! I originally posted this fic on ao3, but I’ve decided to submit it here, too, as a way to get more feedback n stuff. It’s basically pure smut. It’s the first thing I’ve written in years and it was originally supposed to be a oneshot but I’ve decided to keep updating it whenever I find a new weird/dirty/crazy kink that I think would be fun to write lmao. Anyways, Sharon takes the role of a trophy wife in here and Alaska’s a lawyer, which is (kinda??) important to the fic once I start posting more chapters. I hope y’all like it because I refuse to read it.
“Sharon, I’m leaving, I love you!” Alaska called out into the bedroom where her wife was currently sitting on the bed, still half asleep. No matter how many times Alaska woke her up at six in the morning she would never get used to it. Sharon walked over to Alaska rubbing her eyes and kissed her on the lips.
“How long are you going to be at work today, Lasky?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart. Not too long, hopefully. I’m finishing up the case.” Alaska smiled, patting Sharon’s scraggly hair down. She saw the little glint in Sharon’s eye as she did it. Sharon pulled the blonde into a hug, yawning into Alaska’s neck. She could fall asleep right there. Alaska pulled back and kissed her on the forehead. “Go back to sleep baby. I love you. I’ll see you later.”
Sharon mumbled an incoherent ‘I love you too’ as Alaska left the house.
Alaska reached her work building with a yawn and a scowl, seeing her coworker’s rig outside. He always tried to hit on her, apparently not getting the face that she was a lesbian with a wife. She enjoyed the attention, though. Pulling her hair up into a loose bun as she walked into her office, she saw Russell on the other side of the room talking to their boss. He turned around quickly and smiled, and it took everything she had not to roll her eyes.
“Morning, Russ.”
“Good morning, miss. How are you?” Mrs., she corrected in her head.
“I am fine. Please leave my office.” His smile faltered for half a second before getting up and leaving, closing the door gently behind him. At that exact moment, Alaska felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She swiftly opened and unlocked it to see a picture message from Sharon. She was in the shower. It wasn’t uncommon for Sharon to send Alaska pictures of herself at work, but so quickly and boldly was unusual for her. Alaska stared at the picture lovingly, noticing the drops of water cascading down her wife’s body, following the line that starts directly under her perky tits down to her belly button. Alaska got up and closed the blinds to her office, locking the door and sitting down in the desk chair.
She unbuttoned the button on her pants and looked back at the photo, silently thanking God for her wife. Her fingers dipped below her waistline, feeling the lacy panties she had put on that morning. Fingerpads made their way across her thighs to her clit, lightly rubbing. Her fingers felt lower, spreading the wetness that had accumulated up to her folds. A slight moan left her lips as she texted Sharon back.
You shouldn’t have done that. Bad girl. But I’ll forgive you.
She opened the photo in full screen, staring at her wife’s tits, wandering lower and lower, to her belly button, and even lower, until the picture cut off. She fantasized about what was below the black edge of the picture, about getting her wife off, telling her she was a bad girl. Her orgasm was building and she shoved a finger and then another into herself, curling them up to touch her g spot, and she let out another moan.
It’s no fun without you here., Sharon replied quickly.
You know I would be there if I could., Alaska responded, typing quickly into her phone so she could get back to the picture. She could feel the heat in the pit of her stomach building, two fingers stretching her and hitting her g spot with every thrust, all it would take was one more thrust and she would be coming, in her office no less, and she would finally be able to focus for the day and-
And then she stopped.
If you’re a good girl for the rest of the day you won’t be punished. She sent with a quick tap on her phone screen. The rest of the day was going to be hell, and she wasn’t gonna make it without seeing her wife until she gets home.
Message from Cupcake
She opened the text seeing a picture of smiling Sharon, this time with clothes on.
“We won the case, sir.” Alaska announced proudly to her boss. She had just gotten back from the court after working on a case with a foster kid. After being stressed about this case for months she was relieved to have finished it off the way she did, putting her heart into it. Her fingers reached up to unclip her loose bun from her head as she walked into the breakroom, running them through her long blonde hair to make it go flat again.
The light blue couch where Alaska usually sat during her breaks was taken, so she settled into a gray armchair in the far corner of the room and pulled out her lunch. She let Sharon pack her lunches usually. Sometimes Alaska would end up with sweet notes or fruit cut into hearts. Sharon, Alaska thought. Sharon would be happy to hear about the case. Alaska would watch how her light grey eyes sparkled as she congratulated her and gave her kisses, her wavy hair bouncing with every movement.
“Alaska,” She whipped her head up to see Russell, her coworker. He was second chair in court today, working along with her on the case. “Boss just informed me you can leave early today. You don’t have another meeting until tomorrow.” He said, nodding at her. His eyes floated down to her white blouse and blazer where she had subtle cleavage showing, but the sudden movement of Alaska’s phone coming out of her pocket made his eyes drift back up to her face quickly before smiling and walking away. She saw how his eyes stopped on her breasts for a moment.
Alaska video called Sharon three times before she answered. “Hey, baby.”
“Sorry, I was cleaning up.”
“Yourself or the house? You look nice.” Sharon smiled at her comment and blushed. Alaska’s eyes crinkled at the corner and she moved her hand to the inside of her thigh, thinking about earlier.
“Momma’s bringing you home a present today… I won the case!”
“Really? Yay! I’ll make cookies for when you get home!”
“What do you want for a present, angel?” Alaska said, winking. “You’ll have to behave though… naughty girls don’t get presents.” She saw Sharon’s eyes glaze over at the statement almost immediately.
“It’s so hard for me to not be bad when you take so long to get home…” Sharon replied quickly, playing the game her and Alaska knew so well. She was so, so hopelessly turned on just because of one comment. The blonde saw Sharon’s arm make her way down to her legs.
This was aggravating; Sharon knew she couldn’t talk like that at work, yet she still wanted to break the rules her and Alaska had set in place. She knew what she was doing, toying with Alaska like that. “Baby, don’t. You’re such a pretty little girl. I would hate to have to punish you for denying one simple rule.” Alaska pulled her own hand away from her thigh and rested it on her chin, placing her elbow on the arm of the chair. She lightly grazed her fingertips on her high cheekbones putting her pinky slightly into her mouth and Sharon whined. Alaska’s eyes narrowed and Sharon pulled her hand back up to her face.
She knew Sharon was probably so wet by now. It was probably dripping down her thighs, soaking her panties. She would have to throw those panties away.
Maybe Alaska would bring her home some new ones. Shove the other ones in her pretty baby’s mouth to get her to shut up.
Alaska was at work. She shouldn’t be thinking these things.
“Yes?” Sharon’s eyes lit up at the mention of her name after the dead silence.
“What did you pick out for today?” Oh, code words, Sharon knew this one. She slowly pulled the strap down on her dress down to her waist for Alaska to see the bright red bra she was wearing. Her tits spilled out of it at the top, and Alaska bought it too small for a reason. Her cream colored skin was so nice to stare at. It was one of the previous presents from Alaska, one from a while ago, but she took great care of it because she knew the blonde loved it. Her petite C-cup breasts barely even needed the push up from the bra, but she appreciated it anyways. After a few seconds she pushed the straps of her dress back up. “So, what’d you do today?” Alaska asked her after deciding not to torture her wife any more than she already has.
Sharon would do anything for Alaska. She was wrapped around her finger. Right now Sharon was ready to unravel with just one word from Alaska’s mouth. She wanted to melt and mold herself to be whatever Alaska wanted.
“Invited Katya over and watched movies, but she left to go to Trixie’s. I miss you.”
“I miss you too baby. I can’t wait to come home and bring you presents. But you have to promise to be a good girl while I’m gone, angel, or else no presents anytime soon. You know the rules.”
“Yes, mommy.” Alaska shivered at the nickname, and twisted strands of her hair around her fingers, gently tugging. She could feel the heat at the pit of her stomach sending small shocks down in between her legs.
“Can you do the dishes sugar? And put on your nice clothes for mommy when she comes home. That dress is far too… conservative. You want to look extra pretty, kitten.” Sharon smiled wide, Alaska gazing softly at the round edges up to her face leading to her sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. Her plump lips her a deep, alluring red, telling Alaska she was waiting for her all day. She wanted her to beg, wanted her to have to get on her knees before Alaska even touched her.
“Mommy.” Alaska cut her off. “Babydoll, you know not to call me that.” She saw Sharon’s eyes narrow. She was losing patience. She needed release. “Don’t be naughty, doll. It’s not my fault if you break the rules.” She said, nonchalantly, clicking her fingernails together. Sharon had to be wet by now, dying for Alaska to come home and fuck her.
Russell walked back into the room with his laptop and seemingly more paperwork. “Alaska, do you have a daughter? You seem like such a good mother!” He said enthusiastically, a poor attempt at trying to flirt with her.
“Got to go, babydoll, be a good girl before Mommy gets home and I’ll bring you something.” She smiled, and Sharon smiled back, before ending the call.
Alaska stood up, putting her lunch back into the fridge to eat later, and directed her attention to Russell, who was trying extremely hard to drag his attention away from her ass.
“No, that was my wife. She’s waiting for me at home.” She smiled a grin, watching Russell’s mouth gape open.
“O-oh. Sorry. Have a good day, miss Needles.”
“Mrs. Needles, thank you.” She closed the door to the workroom with a bang. What a prick.
She headed out to her car, a nice red convertible she’d had for a couple years. There were bags in the back full of clothes and some papers she had yet to drop off.
She headed out of the parking lot of the huge brick law firm and onto the highway it was conveniently placed on, and pulled into a new little bakery that she hadn’t seen before. Apparently they specialized in cupcakes, had been on some show or whatever. The door rang as she walked in, still so turned on she could barely focus. The woman behind the register had dyed grey hair and pretty blue eyes. She smiled at Alaska when she came in, but seemed timid. Fragile, almost. She moved gracefully, too, and Alaska appreciated the gentleness of her actions.
“I’ve never been here before, I want to get something for my wife. What do you recommend?”
“Um, well, personally I like the red velvet. It’s really good. But if you’re not into that the vanilla is also amazing.” She smiled, pointing down into the glass case to point out what ones she was talking about.
“I’ll take both, thanks.” Alaska smiled at the woman and got her wallet out of her purse, pulling out ten dollars in cash. “Keep the change.” She said, walking out the door and making the commute home.
Pulling into her house was like waking up on Christmas, exciting and alluring. Sharon was so close to her- probably sitting inside reading, or watching a movie, with a glass of red wine. She’d been waiting all day for this.
Sharon watched as the door open, waiting to see Alaska’s reaction to her in the finest lingerie, a black and nude corset, black thigh highs, a thong, and garters with just a sheer robe covering her. Her thin waist and thick thighs were accentuated in the lingerie she had chosen, with her boobs practically fully on display, spilling out of the cups on the top. Alaska finally saw her and sucked in a breath, not being able to stop her hips from rolling at the sight. She’s been waiting for this all day, all fucking day, she needed her and she needed her now.
“I brought cupcakes.” Alaska said sweetly, regaining her composure.
“I was good, mommy! I promise.” Sharon said back. She smiled proudly and wiggled a little bit.
‘Good job, cupcake! I’m proud of you. Come here.” She grabbed the box with the cupcakes in them and set them on the table, watching Sharon slink her way over from where she was standing on the couch. Her hips swayed seductively, catching Alaska’s attention. Once she got close enough, Alaska twirled a finger around a lock of Sharon’s hair and tugged, making Sharon moan. “Sit down.”
“I missed you today.” Alaska said, unboxing the red velvet cupcake and placing it on a plate, and grabbing two forks. Sharon was sitting at the small dining table with her legs crossed and her fingers twirling two strands of her hair together.
“I missed you too! A lot. I made cookies, they’re in the fridge.”
“I’m more in a cake mood right now princess,” Alaska replied softly, setting the plate down onto the table in between them. Alaska picked up the fork and took a bite off the cupcake with it, holding the fork out to Sharon. Sharon stared at the fork for a second before leaving in and eating the bite off of it, pressing her lips over the fork tightly and slowly leaning back, releasing the fork from her mouth. Alaska took off her jacket and unbuttoned her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Sharon knew that. Alaska fed her another bite before standing up.
She quickly unbuttoned her pants again, pulling them down her thighs and eventually onto the floor, with her ass in Sharon’s face. “Don’t touch, kitten. You don’t want to get in trouble now.” Her wife whimpered and crossed her legs tighter, staring at the visible space between Alaska’s tits, watching how the fabric of her unbuttoned shirt grazed over her nipples. She was in nothing but the shirt and a lacy white thong now, and Sharon could see the discoloration in the panties where Alaska was so obviously turned on. Her stomach twisted as shots of heat spread down to her thighs. Alaska sat down on the table, carefully making sure that none of her breasts were visible as she fed Sharon another bite of the cake. Sharon shuddered with every movement.
“Lasky,” She said, closing her eyes. She was shaking, she needed to be touched, right now. Alaska looked her straight into her eyes and stood up.
“Take it all off. I want you naked and I want you in the bedroom. Now.” Sharon made a beeline to the bedroom, leaving Alaska to whatever she was doing.
After a few torturous minutes Alaska walked in the room. Sharon was on the bed, sitting with her calves tucked under her ass, the skin on her hips pushed out. Alaska almost moaned at the sight of it. “God,” Alaska said before coming up to Sharon and kissing her passionately, letting her tug off the shirt she had on and then putting her knees on either side of her hips. Sharon was biting at her lips every so often, and every time she did Alaska moaned. Alaska’s fingers made their way across Sharon’s waist, up and over her tits, squeezing for a brief second. Sharon stopped kissing Alaska to let out a loud moan.
“Sharon, baby,” Alaska said between breaths. “Get up, stand over there.” Alaska pointed at the area in the front of the bed. Sharon quickly got up and followed orders. The blonde followed, sitting at the edge of the bed in front of Sharon. She let Sharon’s eyes wander down her body for a few seconds before giving another order. “Give me your hands, doll.” Sharon gently placed her hands on top of Alaska’s when Alaska pulls a small piece of rope out from behind her, tying her wrists together in front of her.
“You shouldn’t have sent me that picture at work today. I’ve changed my mind about forgiving you.” Alaska said in a pitying voice, lacing her fingers through locks of Sharon’s hair, before tugging so hard Sharon yelps. “Spread your legs, put your arms out in front of you, use the bed to hold yourself up.” With that order, Alaska stood up and got behind Sharon while she used the bed for leverage. Her fingers traced the cream colored skin of Sharon’s ass, watching how pale it got the harder she pressed into it. She noticed the wetness that had gone from Sharon’s pussy to the insides of her thighs. She let her hand go in one more circle over her before lifting it up and bringing it down hard onto Sharon’s ass, leaving a red mark as Sharon jumped. She spanked her three more times before Sharon spoke up.
“Please, Alaska,” She whispered, panting.
“What was that?”
“Please.” She whimpered, trying to stay standing. Her legs had practically almost turned to jello, leaving her wobbling.
“Ok. Fine. Stand up.” Alaska said, sounding bored. Sharon stood up and walked over to Alaska, her eyes following the blonde’s curves all the way down to her ass until she felt the rope from her wrists being untied. Alaska let her go and walked over to the bed, laying down and spreading her legs. Sharon got the memo almost immediately, pulling herself onto the bed and settling her face between Alaska’s legs, kissing the inside of her thighs. Alaska gasped once Sharon finally came in contact of her clit, rubbing her tongue over it, fingers still playing lightly with the area around her folds before pushing one finger in slowly. Alaska pushed her hips up, moaning loudly. She pulled her hand away from the headboard and grabbed a handful of Sharon’s hair, tugging and pushing her head deeper into her. Alaska was a panting mess now. Sharon put another finger in, curling them upwards, feeling Alaska contract around her, becoming completely undone.
Sharon started kissing her thighs, still thrusting into Alaska. Alaska’s moans couldn’t be contained anymore and she was sure the neighbors could hear her. “Sharon, baby, I’m gonna come, please,” Alaska moaned one more time before finally convulsing around Sharon’s fingers as she fucked her through her orgasm. Alaska’s hands had never left her hair, still pulling and tugging at the wavy strands while climaxing. Soon enough Sharon felt Alaska slow down and her hands left her hair. She gave Alaska’s thighs one last kiss before leaning up and kissing her on the lips. Alaska brought her hands up to Sharon’s neck gently and put her knees in the dips of her waist, Sharon’s fingers grazing along her outer thighs.
Alaska pulled away after about a minute of just kissing and sat up with her legs dangling off the bed. Sharon followed, trailing behind her and slowly moving her hair across her back to kiss her neck. Alaska turned around, kissing her on the mouth again, leaning her back and pushing her onto the bed.
“Wait here, don’t move unless you want me to punish you, doll.” Alaska whispered into Sharon’s ear, Sharon squirmed and elicited a moan from the other girl’s words as she walked out the door.
Alaska headed straight to the secret closet in the bathroom- a small safe that sat under the sink in the cabinet. It was built into the wall for discreteness. She unlocked it quickly using her birth date and grabbed the only thing that was in there- a pair of pink painted handcuffs. She walked back into the room and made a rattling sound with the handcuffs that made Sharon giggle. “Thought you said you weren’t going to punish me, Lasky?”
“This is hardly a punishment for either of us and you know that.” She retorted. Sharon giggled again letting a devious grin take over her previous smirk. “Here, baby, give me your hands, put them around- yeah,” Alaska said motioning to the bedpost behind Sharon’s head so she could put the handcuffs on, using the bedpost as a way to keep her from moving.
“You’ve been waiting all day for this, huh, doll,” Alaska said, walking around the bed and sitting down on the corner. Sharon stayed silent. “Answer me, brat!”
“Do you want me to touch you?” Sharon felt her hips roll up as the heat in her stomach and face pooled down.
“Yes.” Sharon replied, exasperated. She loved when Alaska took control like this.
“Beg for me.” Alaska moved her hands down to Sharon’s legs, playing with her skin. Pinching, pulling, biting.
“Please, Alaska, I need you to touch me so bad,” Alaska looked uninterested, still playing with Sharon’s legs, running her hands up and down the sides.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come home all day so you could fuck me, please,” This got Alaska’s attention, finally letting herself move her hands to the insides of Sharon’s thighs and spreading her legs apart.
“Keep your thighs there.” Her fingers crawled up her wife’s body and into her parted lips. “Suck.”
Sharon immediately went to work, sucking and licking at Alaska’s fingers, lathering them. When she finally pulled them out of her mouth there was a tiny strand of saliva connecting the tip of her middle finger to Sharon’s thick lower lip. Alaska went to work quick, wrapping her mouth around Sharon’s nipples, licking and sucking at them as she rubbed her clit, going from fast to slow.
Sharon started shaking, sobbing as Alaska touched her. Her moans couldn’t be silenced even when Alaska covered her mouth, letting out one more moan before coming all over Alaska’s hand, soaking the sheets underneath her.
Alaska was the first one to leave the bed. She slipped on another pair of underwear and an old t-shirt from their previous vacation. She grabbed another t-shirt for Sharon and threw it at her wife, who was still chained to the bed post trying to catch her breath. Alaska walked over and lovingly undid the handcuffs, letting Sharon sit up, before grabbing the t-shirt off her lap.
“Hands up, love.” Sharon listened to Alaska, putting her hands in the air so she could slip the loose XXL t-shirt over her. “I love you so, so much. You know that, right?”
“I love you too, Alaska.” The blonde curled into Sharon’s arms and lied her head back on her shoulder to get Sharon to lean down onto the pillow, gently spooning her.
“G’night, Lasky.”
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ask-melchior-gabor · 7 years
6, 9, 24, 28, 41, 47, 58, 74, & 75.
6. What are you excited for?
The weekend - I know that hating most of your week is not the ideal state, but come on, I’m in high school. I can’t wait until this afternoon where I can be out of class for two days.
9. Is confidence cute?
Not intrinsically (although that begs the question of whether anything has intrinsic properties). I think that there are some cute people that are confident (I assume that’s what the question refers to), but there are confident people who aren’t cute, so clearly confidence is not the factor at work here.
24. What do you want right this second?
Cereal- it’s time for breakfast.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Moritz texted me a meme that I actually understood last night.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
It must have been months ago; I probably had one at someone’s birthday in class, but I can’t remember who. I don’t eat cupcakes very often.
47. Who was the last person to call you?
My father. Or, I guess he was the last person I called because I needed a ride. The last person to call me was an unknown number, but I don’t know whether that was even a person because I didn’t pick up.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
I guess?
74. What is your favorite book?
If you know me, you know this is a difficult question. I don’t personally know that I have an all-time favorite book because my interests and priorities change. Right now I’m enjoying a book that I highly recommend called The Fundamentals of Ethics by Russ Shafer-Landau. It does work exploring the different ethical traditions historically (mostly focusing on ones that a modern reader would find reasonable, and it doesn’t spend too much time focused on religious-based ethics). Even though it hasn’t, say, given me a moral code, it’s been interesting to look at how moral theories are created and what people value in them.
75. Do you study better with or without music?
It depends. If I’m doing anything that involves writing/reading, I typically like to have quiet so that I can focus on hearing the words in my head. If I’m doing math or science problems, I don’t mind a little classical music in the background.
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ezwhump · 3 years
Pete’s Visit pt 2 - Russ & Lennon - dehumanizing language, petting, smoking, collars, Pete
Russell didn’t bother greeting them at the door the next day. Pete shouldered his way in, gracing the entryway in a breeze of clean cologne, a black pea coat, and saddled with a few expensive-looking shopping bags. Lennon shut the door behind them and fought the instinct to push in front of them and run up the stairs into Russell’s office as fast as he could. Maybe Russell would even let him curl up under the desk by his legs.
“Bit rude of him to send the dog to the door,” Pete huffed, bags rustling at his sides as they made their way to Russell. He was in his office chair, a pair of reading glasses propped up in his hair, rubbing a hand tiredly over the day-old stubble on his jaw.
Lennon had slept on the loveseat the past two nights to keep him company, and felt a lance of guilt every time he saw Russell’s eyelids drop closed at his desk. He hadn’t missed a detrimental amount of work, but wasn’t exactly used to the amount of leniency in his schedule.
“Working hard or hardly working?” Pete quipped, dropping the bags and roughing a fist into Russell’s hair. He batted at Pete half-heartedly and rolled his eyes, pushing back from his desk so he could turn to face them.
Kitty picked up the bags and stood in the open doorway, rubbing the toe of one shoe up and down the back of her other leg. She’d had her roots touched up and was wearing makeup now, her lips shiny and her eyes bigger.
“Please tell me you didn’t come here just to harang me about work, Pete. I’ve caught up on everything, unless you’ve got something extra laborious in your back pocket?”
Pete shooed Kitty out and shut the door, shooting a cursory glance at Lennon who was sat on the floor in front of the loveseat, a book open in his lap.
“You gotta help me with Kitty, man. She’s fucking miserable. I took her out around town yesterday, got her hair and nails done, booked a reservation that made a dent in my wallet, and she still won’t put out. It's like highschool all over again.” He was bouncing a leg, his fingers tapping along the top of Russell’s office chair. Agitated.
Lennon wanted to bolt.
“Hey kid,” Russell was looking at Lennon softly. “Go hang out with Kitty, yeah? I’ll be out soon.”
Lennon got up and put the book back where he got it and hesitated at the door. Russell winked conspiratorially and Lennon left, shutting the door with a quiet click.
Kitty wasn’t in the hallway, but Lennon found her in the living room, digging through the shopping bags on the coffee table. She flinched a little when she saw him.
“Hey, sweetie.”
“Good afternoon, ma’am.”
She seemed flustered, jutting out her bottom lip to blow her hair out of her face while she rummaged.
“Can I help you find somethin’, ma’am?”
Lennon moved toward the closest bag, a small matte black one with something embossed in silver on the side. He wondered how much money Pete made.
“No, no, honey. I’m just a little disorganized today. We’ve got to sort through some of our purchases before we head back home. Can’t haul this mess through the airport.”
She gave up after another moment of digging and sat on the couch, patting the empty seat beside her. Lennon wouldn’t, usually, but it seemed like Kitty needed it more than he did.
He sat and drew his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and knocking his temple softly against his knees. Kitty took out a carton of cigarettes from her purse and bit one out, tugging it with her teeth and lighting it in quick succession.
Lennon wanted to say something but he didn’t know if smoking was allowed or not. He made a mental note to ask Russell later, and prayed silently that he wouldn’t get in trouble for it.
“C’mere, sweetie.” She tugged on his upper arm and he let himself move down til his head was in her lap, her hand in his hair. He felt the light scraping of her salon nails on his scalp and thought of Russell’s big, warm hands moving through his hair. Kitty’s hands were cold and it made a shiver jerk through him.
“This’s nice.” Her voice sounded far away, like she didn’t realise she was speaking out loud.
Lennon made an agreeable sound and moved his cheek along the itching fabric of her skirt. It was nice, she smelled like the inside of a church and lilacs, and even the cigarette smell was comforting after a while.
They sat in companionable silence until the office door opened. Lennon sat up and moved around the coffee table until he was sitting on the floor in front of Russell’s chair. He felt a little dirty, a tight tingling in his stomach as he watched the bottom of the stairs. Like he’d betrayed his master somehow.
Pete hopped the last three steps and took off his coat, an open black dress shirt underneath with a matching black belt and slacks. The monochrome of his outfit was cut by the gold at his belt, and the class ring on his hand.
Russell walked past him and slumped down into his chair, moving his hand over Lennon’s hair. Lennon pushed into it and turned to Russell, keeping his eyes on Russell’s chin.
“Come here.”
Lennon must’ve been willing him to say it, but the voice didn’t come from in front of him. It came from Pete. He turned around slowly and let his eyes trail up until they settled on Pete’s neck.
Surely he wasn’t talking to Lennon? He turned back to Russell and set his mouth against Russell’s jeans. His voice came out hot and muffled against the fabric.
“Is it okay to smoke in the house, sir?”
Kitty giggled across the room and Russell grinned. One of his canines was turned in slightly, Lennon noted.
“Yeah, kid. I used to, all the time.”
That was the tinge in his room, in his sheets. Lennon tried to shake the image of his master smoking in the bed they shared, the filter pinched between his lips, his eyes hazy behind the smoke. He moved his legs closer together and nodded, his lips moving against the seam of Russell’s jeans.
Lennon whipped around. Pete was standing a foot away from him now, the black shopping bag hooked on two of his fingers. He could kick Lennon from here. Step on his fingers, press the heel-
“Yes, sir?” It felt like a violation to even call him that.
“Got a little somethin’ for ya,” he drawled, proffering the bag. Lennon reached for it but Pete snatched it back, smiling. “Ah, ah, ah. It’s a surprise, for Russ. C’mon, kitchen.”
Russell was smiling at Pete (oh look, brother’s playing nice) when Lennon went to check, so he got up and followed Pete into the kitchen. The muted sunlight washed everything out and made it colder somehow, and Lennon found himself wanting to reach for the light switch.
Pete set the bag down and took a small, black box from it, shuffling the lid off.
“Cost a pretty penny but it's nothing but the best for my brother,” he said, almost reverently, as he put the lid in the bag.
Lennon stared at it.
Slightly on the thicker side, looped twice into a white cushion. A silver chain.
He felt all the air leave his body at once, his head spun, and he clutched at the counter for any sort of purchase.
Pete moved forward and used his free hand to keep Lennon up, stepping closer until he had Lennon pinned against the island. He took the necklace out and unclasped it, wrapping it around Lennon’s neck and clipping it again at the back. It settled, cold and blunt, against the skin of his throat, the second loop stopping in the middle of his sternum.
Pete’s voice was soft, laced with venom. “I think it suits you.”
Lennon made a telling noise in his throat and watched as Pete’s mouth curved into a pleased smile. “Happy to have your collar back, dog?”
ag list: @yesthisiswhump @deluxewhump @whumpsy-daisy @queenofthedark @highwaywhump @yet-another-heathen @briars7 @whumpzone @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpadump1939 @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whump-me-all-night-long @shiningstarofwinterfun @whimperwoods
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runfront3-blog · 5 years
linguine and clams
It’s only the first day of summer and I’m already weeks deep into our unofficial dish of it, linguine alle vongole, preferably hastily prepared about 10 to 15 minutes before we dive in, eaten outside with a current favorite rosé, caprese salad and a massive bowl of kale caesar (from SKED). It’s infinitely summery. It’s pasta, but I don’t feel like I need a nap after I eat it. And hey, there’s even a t-shirt to go with it (hat tip).
You do not need one fancy thing to make it, save the freshest clams you can find. You can pick them up on the way home from the beach or sprinkler park or wherever you’re going to spend your summer day now that cooking will be the easiest part of it. I prefer manila clams, as they’re smaller and, I’m convinced, sweeter, but littleneck or cherrystone are fine as well. From there, a glug of oil, red pepper flakes, a lot of garlic, a cup of wine, a bag of dried pasta, a lump of butter, a squeeze of lemon, and a pile of chopped parsley, and boom, so easy let’s do it again every week.
The only thing I’m extremely bad at when I make it is measuring, which I’m sure fills you with confidence right now. If you were interviewing me as I was cooking it and said “how much garlic did you just chop?” I’d be like an impenetrable grandmother and say “some” but I mean “a lot” and possibly even “all of it” (it = a head of garlic) when I double this. We’ll call it 7 cloves. Whaaat, you say, did you invite vampires over? But it settles in so well with the other ingredients, it will still not be the first thing you taste. If you ask me how much olive oil I put in the pan to heat the garlic, I’d say, “a glug” or “just coat the pan.” Parsley? A big handful. Butter? A lump. (Note: Every cook who has ever told you they added only a “pat” of butter lies.) Pepper flakes? As much as your crew can handle. Salt? Go for it. Pasta? Eh, about a pound, but what I really mean is, if you guys are a 7 to 8 servings to a pound bag people, do that here; if you’re 3 or 4 to a pound, do that instead. Clams? Well, are clams-as-centerpiece or clams-as-accent people? Depending on where you fall, you might want a scant 1/2 to a generous 3/4 pound per person. Shown here is the latter, and it’s doubled, and this isn’t even all of them, and we still only had pasta left at the end of the meal, and this was just a normal Sunday for my husband’s family, which is why I love them. Know your audience. Written below are more middle-of-the-road amounts that will make most people happy.
A few other things I hope to head off before anyone asks: – Deb, I don’t eat clams: Try this with mussels! Or shrimp, although I’d sauté or grill them instead of steaming them. – Deb, I don’t eat fish at all: Ah! I really want to make this with either chickpeas or artichokes, but be ready to tweak flavors as needed, as clams provide their own flavorful broth in a way that these ingredients will not. In both cases, you are now allowed to finish it with parmesan. If you wish to finish the seafood version with parmesan, just warn me before you tell me so I can cover my ears. – Deb, I don’t want to eat pasta: My favorite pasta swap is actually white beans, either giant (like we do here) or smaller ones more readily available in cans. Maybe you cook dried beans like these chickpeas and pour the warm clams and their juices over them? – Deb, I really only care about the clams: On it! Try these garlic, wine, and butter steamed clams with grilled bread, Portuguese-style. – Deb, I only want to make the caprese salad: (How did you know what my lunch was!) I take two approaches to caprese salad when I’m using grocery store (and not recently-picked, peak-season tomatoes, still a couple weeks off here): 1. Find the best ones you can get and season them well. 2. Find the best ones you can get and slow-roast half of them. This combination of some tart/chewy tomatoes and fresh ones is addictive, and hides a multitude of tomato imperfections. In both cases, add mozzarella or burrata, a few leaves of fresh basil, olive oil, and coarse salt to taste. Balsamic vinegar is not traditional on authentic caprese, but you should make food the way you like it. I add a few drops when the tomatoes are mediocre.
One year ago: Stovetop Americanos, Easy Drop Berry Shortcakes and Zucchini Grilled Cheese Two years ago: Strawberry Milk, Corn and Black Bean Weeknight Nachos, and Funnel Cake Three years ago: Saltine Crack Ice Cream Sandwiches, Strawberry Cornmeal Griddle Cakes, Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Pie Four years ago: Valerie’s French Chocolate Cake and Limonada de Coco Five years ago: Espresso Granita with Whipped Cream Six years ago: Broccoli Parmesan Fritters and Cold Rice Noodles with Peanut-Lime Chicken Seven years ago: Rich Homemade Ricotta and Linguine with Pea Pesto Eight years ago: Shaved Asparagus Pizza, Root Beer Float Cupcakes and Lamb Chops with Pistachio Tapenade Nine years ago: Lemon Mint Granita, Pickled Sugar Snap Peas, and Springy Fluffy Marshmallows Ten years ago: Dead Simple Slaw + 6 Heat Wave Reprieves, 10 Paths to Painless Pizza-Making, and Pistachio Petit Four Cake Eleven years ago: Gateau de Crepes
And for the other side of the world: Six Months Ago: Dutch Apple Pie 1.5 Years Ago: Union Square Cafe’s Bar Nuts and Homemade Irish Cream 2.5 Years Ago: Potato Kugel, Pull-Apart Rugelach, Tres Leches Cake and a Taco Party 3.5 Years Ago: Decadent Hot Chocolate Mix and Gingerbread Biscotti 4.5 Years Ago: Sweet Potato Cake with Marshmallow Frosting, Cigarettes Russes Cookies, and Sugared Pretzel Cookies
Linguine with Clams
Servings: 5 to 6
Time: 20 to 25 minutes
The photos in this post show the staggering portions I used for 8 people (5 pounds clams and 2 pounds pasta; we had a lot of pasta leftover and no clams so I’ve adjusted accordingly). Please take note of what I said above, re: typical portions in your crew when estimating, and adjust as needed for most or less pasta or clams.
Kosher salt
1 pound dried linguine
2 tablespoons olive oil
About 7 cloves garlic, minced
Red pepper flakes, to taste
1 cup crisp, dry white wine, doesn’t have to be fancy
3 1/2 to 4 pounds manila (my first choice), cherrystone, or little neck clams
3 tablespoons salted or unsalted butter
1 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 lemon
If you think your clams may not be clean, wash them first: Fill a large bowl with cool tap water and place the clams in it. Let them soak for 20 minutes during which they’ll expel any sand and grit.
Cook linguine: Bring a large pot of very well-salted water to a boil and cook linguine until it is tender but still with a good bite left to it, about 1 minute less than the final doneness you’d prefer. Carefully ladle out (about) 1 cup of pasta water into a glass or bowl, set aside. Drain pasta, discarding remaining cooking water.
Cook the clams: In your empty pasta pot or a large sauté pan with a lid, drizzle oil in empty pot and add garlic, a couple pinches of pepper flakes (up to a teaspoon is great here for people who like more heat), and kosher salt, I use about a teaspoon here but use less if you’re nervous. Turn heat to medium, stirring the garlic and pepper flakes until the garlic begins to sizzle and just barely begins turning golden brown. Add wine and half of reserved pasta water and turn heat up so that it boils. Add clams (discarding the water they were soaking in) and cover pot to steam them open. Manila clams take 3 or so minutes to steam open; cherrystone and/or little neck can take up to 5 to 7 minutes. Peeking under the lid is fine.
[If you’re really obsessive like me, after a minute or two, you might open the lid and start removing, with tongs, the ones that have opened. It’s basically like playing one of those fishing games at a beach carnival, where the fish mouths open wide with a prize inside, except these you can actually catch and eat.]
Finish the dish: Scoop cooked clams into a large bowl with a slotted spoon, discarding any that don’t haven’t opened, and leaving the cooking liquid behind. Simmer the cooking liquid in the pot until it has reduced slightly; you want a little less than cup. Taste for seasoning; adjust as needed. Add butter and, once it has melted, add drained linguine and half of parsley; cook them together for 1 minute, tossing frequently, until linguine is well-coated and only a little liquid remains at the bottom. If needed, use some or all of remaining pasta water to keep pasta loose. Add clams (and any liquid that has collected in the bowl) to the pot and toss to combine, once or twice, then tip whole mixture into serving bowl.
Finish with lemon juice, to taste, and remaining parsley. Eat right this very second.
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Source: https://smittenkitchen.com/2018/06/linguine-and-clams/
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boyswanna-be-her · 8 years
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Sweet Deal is 99¢ on Amazon!
I have been waiting for this sugary sweet gay bakery romance by my friend Harper to come out for................... FOREVER. PLEASE if you like my writing, pick up Sweet Deal. I’ve already read it and it’s just wall to wall sexy fun. Exactly the sort of light read I’ve needed lately.
Russ is awfully sweet for someone who pretends to be so salty.
Gruff ex-punk Russ is a sweets-obsessed baker, struggling to get his dream business off the ground. His cupcakes are delicious and everyone loves them—so why is his bakery failing? “I’m begging you: please call me for an interview…” Arthur is about to lose his mind. With his amazing grades and business degree, he thought he’d be a shoe-in at any company in Rosebridge—but he can’t convince anyone to hire him. With his savings drying up, it looks likely that he’ll have to admit defeat and return home to face his homophobic parents. Arthur is simply off limits—he has to be. Arthur is perfect for the bakery: motivated, meticulous, and a great worker. Unfortunately, Arthur is also gorgeous, hilarious, and way too young for Russ to date. Arthur can’t ignore the way Russ’s strong arms and low laugh send electricity up and down his spine. He can’t let anything jeopardize his new job, but Arthur also can’t ignore how perfect the two of them could be together… Sweet Deal is a steamy 55,000-word contemporary romance with May/December themes, a workplace romance, and a happily-ever-after ending.
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junker-town · 7 years
Athlete House: Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook settle their beef in ‘The Sims’
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The end of a season is time for reflection, personal growth and settling old differences. One lingering feud still puts a dark cloud over an old friendship: Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. KD left the Thunder on bad terms, Russ doesn’t like his old teammate as a result, and this sports beef is a sad story of what could have been. Now it’s time to fix it.
Athlete House is the new reality TV show you didn’t know you need. Here at SB Nation we’re putting athletes that have beef together in a house, and not letting them leave until they’ve repaired their relationship. How are we making this happen? In The Sims 4.
Day 1
Durant and Westbrook meet outside a lavish house that has been built specifically to their needs as elite athletes. Okay, so I downloaded Elsa’s palace from Frozen and threw some exercise equipment in it. That part isn’t important. What matters is how we get these fractured souls back together.
The door was locked from the outside so there would be no escape. These two would settle their difference inside Athlete House until their relationship was rekindled. Russ immediately ran to a machine in the kitchen and began making cupcakes.
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This was a pretty tactless way to start their relationship, and it immediately had an impact. The pair ignored each other for much of the day. Durant ran on a treadmill for a while, while Russ watched some TV. The cupcake incident showed that making them friends again would be a process.
Angry for much of the day, KD finally cheered himself up with a playful bubble bath.
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But there was a small ember smoldering under the anger. We didn’t see if often, but when the former teammates sat on the sofa together and watched table tennis, there were signs they might be able to figure this out.
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As the afternoon wore on, there was a key problem: A lack of interaction. Durant stared at his phone a lot, and while it seemed Westbrook wanted some sort of dialogue with Durant, it just wasn’t happened.
We needed an intervention.
Changing the dynamic is healthy in any relationship — especially when it comes to conflict resolution. What we needed was a third member to enter Athlete House to shake things up and get this back on track. There was only one man for the job.
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Darth Maul, of course!
He would be a calming force to bring balance to this relationship, and his impact was felt immediately when he held a house meeting in the bathroom.
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Later that evening, Maul took reigns of the house and came up with a fun activity. KD, Russ and Darth Maul would form a fun, family band to lighten the mood.
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Nobody was very good at their instruments, but it helped create a camaraderie that wasn’t there before. It was magic.
Day 2
It seemed the second day in the house would start with more problems when Russ woke up and immediately made cupcakes for breakfast again.
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Despite Maul’s best efforts, Westbrook wasn’t able to forgive KD yet. He wanted to keep rubbing it in that Durant was soft. He continued to make cupcakes under his nose and make all of Athlete House smell his sweet treats.
Durant threw shade at Russ’ attempt by eating a rotten cupcake on a love seat RIGHT next to him, which really upset Westbrook.
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But in a lot of ways, this was symbolic. The cupcake was a metaphor for how their relationship had soured, and Durant was saying, in his own way, that he was ready to swallow the beef.
Later that day they shared a conversation about boxing, and the rain.
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There was one lingering problem. Despite all the help Darth Maul provided the pair initially, he suddenly was becoming a third wheel. He butted his way in their conversations, dominated the space, and made everything about him. While his efforts as a mediator will always be appreciated, Darth Maul (who at this point had removed his face paint and refused to put clothes on) had to be put in a small murder room.
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This switch immediately improved the mood of the house, and we began to see a relationship between Durant and Westbrook truly blossom. Their shared a laugh in the gym, and later that night slept like babies, dreaming of working out and whoopee cushions.
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Day 3
Darth Maul is a soiled mess in the murder room. The less we speak about him, the better. joke about how he lost his legs?
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We had now been over 24 hours without a negative moment between KD and Russ. Things were finally starting to look up. Then, at 7:51 a.m. on Wednesday morning ... it happened.
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It took 71 hours and 39 minutes of being forced to live together in a locker house for Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook to put aside their differences, forget their beef and become friends again. They may never play for the same team again, but they have a bond that will last a lifetime.
Darth Maul died of starvation in the kill room three hours after the pair hugged because I forgot about him.
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