#but also honestly the more I watch him the more impressive I find his style and his consistency
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gr8ntaire · 10 days ago
guy who is like 16 years late: why is no one talking about how crazy consistent dovi’s results were circa 2008 that shit is crazyyyyyy
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avocado-writing · 6 months ago
hi!! I read your fics and I love your writing style! I was wondering if you could do something with a human reader, maybe she works in a bookshop or she’s a teacher? And it’s all cute because he finds her genuine??? Maybe some angst because she finds herself in danger? Idk sorry I’m rambling I just wanted something with a human reader 🧍🏻‍♀️💐
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the place where the pages meet
logan howlett x bookseller!reader
4k words, rated explicit.
cocky!logan; awkward!reader; excessive book references; threat of physical violence (quickly averted); anti-mutant language & sentiments; smut (oral - reader receiving, penetrative sex). minors dni. thank you @saradika-graphics for dividers!
The sky is heavy with the promise of rain, and you suck your breath in through your teeth. It’s fifty-fifty on days like these: either people will seek shelter in your little store, or they’ll scurry away with the fear any purchases they make will get soaked and ruined.
God damn it, what kind of fool opens an independent book shop in New York?
You’re the kind of fool, apparently. Still, it’s your home, both figuratively between all the old paperbacks and literally with your tiny apartment on the top floor. Barely more than a studio, but enough for you. A piece for yourself carved out of this world. 
Outside it starts to pour. You sigh. Well, at least you know you’ll get one visitor today.
Charles, your dear friend and long-time financial supporter of your store, had called earlier to let you know that the usual face wouldn’t be coming to grab his order. It’s a shame, you like Ororo, enjoy sitting and sharing a pot of oolong with her on quiet days. Also she could have chased away this terrible weather for you. Ah well. 
“Who can I expect?” you’d asked. 
Charles had laughed, a warm and friendly sound. 
“Ahh, you’ll know Logan when you see him.”
You don’t know what you’d do without Charles. Between orders of rare books for his personal collections and en-masse copies of classics for the kids, he pretty much keeps this place running for you. Bless that man, honestly, because you’re not sure where you’d be without him. 
The sound of someone pulling up outside has you putting down your book and turning towards the shop window. 
A pickup truck parks up by the kerbside and you watch the man in the driver’s seat emerge into the rain. He cuts a fine figure, tall and strong, but you don’t get a good look at him until he walks through the front door. 
Oh no, you think, he’s handsome. 
Leather jacket now pocked with raindrops, very obvious white vest beneath it showing off his broad chest. He shakes like a dog to get the moisture out of his hair as he stamps his boots on the doormat, pausing only briefly to scrutinise its no admittance expect on party business slogan. 
“Logan?” you ask. He looks up and when his eyes first meet yours? Oh, a fire is sent down your spine. 
“Yeah,” he confirms, looking around to take in the place. You can’t tell if he’s impressed or not. He has a remarkably neutral face, careful, the sort of man who doesn’t want to give anything away about himself. 
“You’re… here for Charles’ books?”
He’s sauntering over to the counter now. Cocks an eyebrow. It goes right through you. Fuck. 
“That’d be me.” There’s a beat. “Why, you think someone’d try and steal them?”
“People can steal books!” you say, defensively. 
“People named Logan who you’re clearly expecting?”
You bristle, because he’s got you. Something flickers over his face for a second: a smile. 
Oh no, you think, he’s handsome and he’s an asshole.
Huffing, you fish the box out from under the desk and groan with effort as you lift it up. Logan takes it from your grasp as if it weighs nothing at all. Your fingers touch as you do. You try to ignore it.
“Thanks,” he says, easily.
“Mm. Mind the rain. It’d be a shame if you slipped.”
A proper smile crosses his face then, but he turns away too quickly for you to let it sink in. The bell on the door chimes as he heads back out into the rain.
Well, you hope you never see him again.
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By the same time next week, you’re really hoping you see him again.
You’ve sort of not been able to get him out of your mind. He was kinda prickly, sure, but a welcome break from the mundanity of your life, and pretty good looking to boot. It’s probably just a pipe dream. You’re sure it’ll be Ororo again, and you can go back to the easy pattern of seeing your dear friend. That’s okay. You’re fine with it. Who needs a handsome man? You have your books, you have your store, you’re happy.
Yeah. You’re happy. 
Imagine your surprise, then, when you hear a motorbike outside your shop.
You must be blessed with street parking, because Logan pulls up right outside again. Same jacket, same well-worn jeans. He catches your eye through the window and you’re sure they glisten. You pretend to be engrossed in your book but it’s not fooling anyone, the words swim into soup on the page as you see him approach.
The door goes; he approaches the counter. Closer this time, you can smell him. Tobacco and leather. Fuck it’s good.
“You should wear a helmet,” you say, trying to be flippant. Logan lets out a single, solitary note of a chuckle from deep in his chest.
“I’ll be fine. Thanks for your concern, though.”
You feel your cheeks heat up and try to hide it by looking for Charles’ order again. It’s a single book, a first edition you had to go through the backwater book depositories to hunt down. You’re the best at what you do, though, so it was no real problem. It’s why he always comes to you.
“Here you go. Let him know I’ll try and find the sequel if he’s interested, too.”
Once again your fingers touch as you hand the book to Logan. No. No, this is too quick! You want to keep him here for a little while longer. He looks so out of place between the wonky shelves and hanging plants, it’s just perfect.
Your mouth tries to say two things at once: can you tell Charles I’ll have his other order ready same time next week, and, do you like to read often? 
Instead what comes out is, “can you read?”
You must wince when you ask the question, because Logan stands there transfixed. Baffled, just for a second.
“Can I… read?” he repeats slowly. 
I’ve failed you, I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t stop your mouth in time, says your brain.
“I didn’t mean… of course you read… I just… I didn’t want to assume… maybe you didn’t like books… erm…”
“Yeah, I read,” he says softly, as if you are an old dog and he is putting you out of your misery. You fucking wish he would. Jesus Christ, it’s like you’ve never spoken to another person before.
You can’t find a way to recover this. Your cheeks are on fire. You’re going to explode and burn down your store. Oh authors, you are so sorry for using all these works as kindling.
You expect Logan to turn on his heel and walk out but he… doesn’t. Instead he takes a step back so that he can look at the shelf nearest to the desk. Runs his fingers across the spines before picking one. It’s slim, no more than the width of his finger; he puts it on the counter and fishes his wallet out of his pocket.
In the Miso Soup by Ryū Murakami. You ring him up, punching the price into your old cash register, give him his change. His palm is soft as you drop coins into it. 
“See you next week,” he says, stashing both his book and Charles’ inside his jacket. 
“Okay,” you say, amazed you’re able to get any words out, and watch him walk away again.
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He does see you next week.
The sun’s out, so he’s sans jacket, and oh fuck you can see how his arms are like treetrunks. The way this man has you reacting is unhealthy. You try and focus on the hardback in your hands but all you can picture is those veins which are bulging on his biceps, begging you to come and get to know them better.
“You’re always reading huh?” 
His voice makes you jump a little, you’re not expecting him to be so close. You look up. He slides his sunglasses up into his hair. Fuck it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Would you trust a bookstore owner who didn’t read?” you ask, bristling with the need to defend this little shop and your place in it. He holds his hands up in the universal sign of peace.
“Not an insult, just an observation.”
You sink back from attack mode, walls still a little high, but definitely coming down.
“How did you get on with the Murakami last week?”
Logan takes a moment to consider this, trying to piece his answer together in a way which won’t offend you.
“I liked it until the last chapter.”
You sit up in your chair. 
“Yes! A lot of people say that. It feels like it ends sort of abruptly, but if you just appreciate it for what it is, it’s a good book.”
He smiles a little as you speak. You fucking love talking about books, to a degree some people find absurd. You don’t want to babble though, so you force yourself to end your observations there.
Logan nods at the book in your hands.
“What are you reading now?”
You lift up your book so he can see the cover: A. S. Byatt’s The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye. 
“It’s very good! Byatt has such a wonderful way of writing. I love fairy tales and there’s such a wonderful voice in this one. They made the titular story into a movie a couple of years back, it’s quite good actually, it has Tilda Swinton in it.” You’re floundering. Don’t stray too far from the normal lines of conversation. Mouth, for fuck’s sake stay on course, begs your brain. It doesn’t. Instead you ask, “do you… like Tilda Swinton?”
Logan raises an eyebrow and you know this is a man who has never once had to consider the question of whether or not he likes the actress Tilda Swinton. 
Mouth still talking. MOUTH STILL TALKING, your brain screams. It’s true. It is. You were too busy being horrified to notice.
What your mouth says while being unchaperoned is, “There’s a little single-screen theatre nearby doing a showing of it this week, actually, do you wanna come with?”
Logan doesn’t seem to know what to make of that. He seems just as shocked that you’ve asked as you are. But then, just as you want to cast yourself into the street so that a passing garbage truck might take pity on you and sweep you away, he smiles. It’s slow, but it makes him look so much hotter.
“Sure, why not.”
Oh mouth you genius. I shall never doubt you again.
“Oh, okay, great! Uhh, are you free Friday?”
“I can be. What time’s the screening?”
“Seven. Meet me here at six-thirty?”
“It’s a date.”
Fuck, it is a date, isn’t it. It’s a date!
Logan stands there, awaiting something. You’re confused for a beat, then go up on your tiptoes, aiming your mouth towards his.
“As much as I appreciate the gesture… Charles’ book, honey.”
Hmmm, okay. Still time for the earth to just swallow you whole then, actually.
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You sort of don’t expect him to turn up. You wouldn’t go on a date with you, all awkward edges and uncomfortable words. And he’s… the coolest fucking guy you’ve ever seen. 
Of course he won’t turn up. Of course he won’t. 
He turns up. 
He’s waiting for you outside the store, leaning against a lamppost, dressed in flannel and smelling like subtle cologne. You can’t help lighting up when you see him and hope you’re dressed suitably - your nicest pair of dungarees and a tight-fitting jumper. 
“Hey! You made it,” you say. 
“‘Course I did,” he replies with a little smile. Oh, you’re giddy. 
“C’mon, it’s not a long walk. It’s a nice night too.”
He lets you chatter as the two of you make the brief journey, content to have you talk his ear off about business and books. He’s happy to answer any questions you ask him about himself: what he does for a living, how he knows Charles, if he’s got anything else on his to-read list. The two of you skirt around the most obvious thing: if he lives at the mansion, he’s definitely a mutant. You can’t quite get the courage to ask him about it. Seems easier to just let it lie, so you do. It’s not that important anyway, you think, you like Logan, with or without any extra bits. 
When you arrive at the little hole-in-the-wall cinema, he gets the tickets and the popcorn and the drinks. You do your best not to feel absolutely pathetic by his side. Surely everyone here knows you’re punching above your weight with this absolute grade A specimen of a man? You’re so busy looking around the foyer to make sure nobody is staring that you almost don’t realise when he takes your hand in his.
“You with me, honey?” he asks, soft, low. You swallow thickly and nod because for once, you can’t find the words.
It’s not a very full screening, which is just fine, because you’re happy to be alone with Logan in the dark. You share a bucket of popcorn and a secret little thrill runs up your spine every time your fingers brush together. When that’s finished, he puts his arm around the back of your chair and you snuggle up against his side, cursing the damn plastic cupholder in the middle forcing you to keep a distance. 
One hundred and eight minutes. They’re not enough. You want to be here forever. But eventually the credits roll, the lights come up, and Logan has to pull his arm back; you hope the reluctance in the withdrawal of the gesture isn’t just your imagination. 
“What did you think?” you ask, standing up and stretching. Logan follows suit, mulling over the question. 
“It was… cute,” he decides. “I can see why you like it.” 
You beam. 
“I can lend you the book if you want. It goes into way more detail about the main character’s life at the start, it’s very stream-of-consciousness but I really enjoy it? It’s different to the other stories before it but definitely worth reading. I think that…”
You’re outside now, under the streetlights, fingers tangled easily with his, and when he stills you’re pulled to a stop too. 
He drops his grip on your hand so that he can put one under your jaw, tilting your head to get a better look at you. Your heart beats violently. He can definitely feel it. He knows. You don’t care. Fuck, he’s so near. 
“You talk a lot, huh?” he asks. It’s not unkind, the smile on his face is one of fondness, and all of your skeleton turns to jelly as you fucking melt under the affection in his gaze. 
“Please shut me up,” your beg comes out as a whisper, and he does. 
His lips are rough against yours, guiding, but sweet. The hair on his face tickles your cheeks. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and bring him down to kiss him with more enthusiasm. This is not a public-appropriate display of affection, and someone honks their car horn at you both, but it just serves to make you laugh against his mouth and keep going. His hands slide onto your hips and hold you tight against him. Possessive. Wanting. Covetous. 
“You know,” he says when he pulls back for air, still running his lips along the line of your jaw to the hinge beneath your ear, “when Charles told me I should go and get those books, he said I’d like the person who runs the store. Didn’t expect you to be such a gorgeous little thing, though.”
You, gorgeous! Logan thinks you’re gorgeous! You could do a fucking cartwheel in celebration. You don’t though, you’d probably give yourself a concussion. 
His hand goes to his pocket and his brow furrows and, for a second, you panic. Has he started regretting kissing you already? Another quick kiss calms that down though, settling the simmer of worry in your stomach. 
“I think I left my wallet in the theatre. Hold on, I’ll grab it, then I’ll walk you home?”
“Only if you come in with me,” you breathe, and once again your mouth has taken the reins on that one. Logan huffs a laugh, a little incredulous, but mostly pleased at your gumption. 
“Okay, sweetheart. Okay.”
He leaves you standing there, feeling all tingly. This is happening. It’s fucking happening! Sometimes the stars align for a book nerd and a handsome guy wants to come up to their studio apartment. You thank Jesus, Buddha, Arthur C. Clarke - whoever is listening, they fucking deserve it. 
“You gonna fuck that mutant?”
The voice sends a chill down your throat. 
The trio of guys standing behind you do not look friendly. The biggest one, the one standing in the middle, sneers at your panic, crossing thick arms over a broad chest.
“Well? I asked you a question.”
You screw your courage to the sticking place, puffing up a little. 
“Don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you spit back, hoping that vitriol will deter them. It does not. Instead, they close in, hyenas around a cadaver. 
“Never had a human dick you down good enough, huh? Need a little help? C’mon baby, we’ll show you.”
He reaches out to grab your arm. You let out a noise of panic. 
At the same time, Logan’s fist collides with his face. 
The guy is sent stumbling back, spitting out a globule of blood. His friends step away with panic in their eyes. Logan moves in front of you, his bulk your shield, three metal claws extending from between his knuckles. 
Yeah. Mutant, huh?
“I think you were just leaving, pal,” says Logan in a voice which doesn’t bear messing with. The man bares his reddened teeth. 
“The fuck do you think you are, mutant scum--?!”
He lunges for Logan and the breath is sucked from your lungs when you see he’s pulling out a fucking knife, but another punch sends him flat on his ass. The blade clatters across the street and into the gutter. His friends grab either one of his arms and half stand him up, half drag him away.
“Shit, it’s not worth it—!” is their conclusion as they disappear into the night, shouting back expletives, blood trailing from their leader. Logan shakes out his fist, flexes his fingers; claws retract. He turns to you, slowly. 
“You okay?” he asks, hurriedly checking you over. You nod. 
“Y…yeah. Shaken.” you confess. 
“C'mon. Let’s get you home,” he sighs, and from the cadence of his voice you can tell he’s worried the night has been ruined. You place your hand on his bicep. 
“Will you still… will you still come up?”
He softens. 
“If it’ll make you feel safer, sweetheart.”
It does. 
And that’s how you find him sitting on your well-loved couch in between your needlepoint pillows, looking around your tiny home as you make a pot of coffee to share. 
“Jesus, you’ve got more books in here than in the store,” he mutters. 
“Well, some of them I couldn’t part with. I like them too much. And, as you pointed out, I am always reading.”
You look around at the shelves stuffed into your flat, the dozens of them holding hundreds of novels, plays, poems. You love them all dearly. They all hold a special piece of your heart, you can remember where you were when you read most of them. (Downstairs while manning the desk is often the answer). 
“Oh, even this?”
You can hear the smile in Logan’s voice. He’s holding up a copy of Fifty Shades. You scoff, rolling your eyes. 
“Christ, I read that as a professional courtesy to the art of bookselling. Got it for fifty cents at a thrift store. It’s crap. If you want some good erotica I can recommend…”
The sentence lingers unfinished. Logan raises his eyebrows. 
“You can recommend what, huh?”
The coffee is ready. You can smell its rich scent enveloping your little apartment. An idea forms. Creates a heavy anticipation on your tongue. Your brain screams at you. 
Locked. Loaded. Fire, mouth, fire!
“… then I’d recommend you take me to bed,” you say.
Logan stares, eyes wide. You’ve had an immediate effect on him. His pupils dilate. 
“I… honey, after earlier, I’m not sure if you should…”
You cross the room and sit on his lap, an easy feat when his legs are so thick and inviting. His sentence stops as you press your mouth to the pulse in his neck. Kiss. 
“I’m a consenting adult,” a kiss on his cheek, “who’s invited you into their home,” a kiss on his brow, “and is asking you to take them across their painfully tiny apartment and fuck them. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, but Logan? I’ve been game ever since you first walked in from the rain.”
He looks up at you to double check that you’re telling the truth, then kisses you with such ferocity that you squeak. 
You do not make it to the bed. 
He undresses you there on the sofa in the middle of your bookshelves, between Brontë and Austen, beside Carter and Rushdie. Your clothes end up in a messy little pile on the coffee table. It gets kicked and the pile of literary magazines slide to the floor as Logan moves to take off his shoes, letting you drag his jeans down and off of him, cupping his cock in his boxers.
Fuck. Thick, heavy, large, you want all of it. All of him. 
He leans you back against your kitschy little pillows with book quotes on them and pulls your dungarees off, an act both ridiculous and endearing. He catches your knee in his hand and begins to kiss up your thigh towards your underwear.
“Fuck,” you whisper as he presses a kiss to your sex over the fabric. He grins up at you from between your legs. 
“That was the plan.”
He fucks you with his mouth like a man starved, luxuriating in the little sounds you make for him, pressing fingers inside you without any effort at all. You cum all over his knuckles embarrassingly quickly. He looks sorta smug. 
“Baby, when was the last time someone took care of you…?” he asks, licking a stripe along your sex to taste what he’s done. You huff. 
“Too long. You gonna fix that?”
It’s a challenge and he takes it as one. You strip off his shirt, making sure to get a good feel of his muscles as you go, kissing his pectorals and abs just because you can. He slides inside you with one thrust, one of your legs in a crook at his hip; the other with its ankle resting on his shoulder. He starts moving and the couch shakes but all you can do is cling on for dear life to the crocheted blanket. 
“Holy shit… so fuckin’ tight… aren’t you just the most gorgeous thing…” he hisses. You reach up enough to tangle your fingers in his hair and drag him down for a kiss, sloppy and charged with heat. His hand moves in between your legs and you cum for the second time that night, hissing with satisfaction as he spills inside you. 
You collapse onto the sofa together, your heavy breaths harmonising. When he pulls back to kiss you this time it’s softer. With intention. With reference. 
“Uh, you know, they’re showing To Kill a Mockingbird next week. Maybe dinner beforehand, if you’re interested?”
He laughs affectionately and you can feel the rumble in his chest.
“Sounds good. You’ll have to lend me the book first.”
Fuck yeah. You’re never doubting your mouth again. 
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Taglist: @falsewordz@malfoys-demigod@belilwen@mildly-salted@tvwebs@childeslegstrap@getmeoutofhell@s1eep-o@just-a-beatlemaniac69@yrthr@momopad@sugarplumz100@captainjinkx@madspads@acrosstheunivcrse@yeethaw13@na-is-salty@florduarte@hunterispunk@starfleetteddybear
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wonhes · 1 month ago
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PAIRING: riize x reader
GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: sohee refers to reader as “my girl” once but besides that this could be read as gn!reader :)
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— guys, i genuinely think and believe shotaro would be so shy throughout the whole interaction. when you first told him about your parents wanting to meet him, he would smile at you and nod his head. he would then kiss your forehead and let you know he's free whenever and for you to just say when and where. but deep down, like super deep deep down, he was nervous. when those words first came out of your lips, shotaro actually screamed internally. but he can't have you know that. and he won’t have you know that!
when the time comes to meet your parents, shotaro changed his outfit like 10 times before finally making his way over to pick you up. you would take notice of his calm composure and you would honestly be so surprised because again, he just seems so calm and collective.... if only you knew. it wasn't until you took notice of the shy smiles he kept offering your parents, the way he would only speak when being spoken to (and even then his responses would be so short), his knee constantly bouncing up and down as he kept taking sips of his water every 3 seconds. that's when you finally realized just how nervous he was. you would then gently place a hand on his thigh and send him a small reassuring smile and instantly, his nerves would calm down and he felt like everything was okay once again. he was okay.
— i feel like eunseok would be just like shotaro but a little worse. like he would actually be tweaking out. let me explain, when you tell him your parents want to meet him, he would nod his head at you and ask you if there was a certain date in mind. he would be so nonchalant about it too. it wouldn't be until the day off that he would start tweaking out. suddenly nothing is fitting right. suddenly his hair isn't styling the way that he wanted it to. suddenly he can't find the shoes he wanted to wear. everything was stressing him out now and it did not help that you had just texted him to let him know you were already ready for him to pick you up. he needed more time!
when he finally meets your parents, he swears his palms are so sweaty and shaky. he internally cringes when he shakes your dad's hand because if he can feel that his own palms being so shaky and sweaty then so can your dad. throughout the night, he would look around the room wondering if it was hot in there or if it was just him. he would constantly lift a hand up to push his hair back. he would also constantly clear his throat and would laugh a little too long at your dad's jokes. when realization finally hits you, you try and place your hand on his thigh to help calm him down. but within seconds, eunseok pushed your hand away from his thigh before eyeing you like if you were crazy. with wide eyes, he would signal you towards the direction of your parents before looking back at you and shaking his head at you in disbelief.
— guys, he's so :((( so actually he would be the one bringing it up. he was the one who told you he wants to meet your parents and it would take you by complete surprise. it would happen while you two were cuddling on his couch while watching a movie. he would move to place a kiss on your cheek causing you to giggle and turn towards him to place a quick kiss on his lips. he would smile down at you before tugging a loose piece of hair behind your ear. and that's when he would tell you he wants to meet your parents soon. in all honesty, he just wants them to know and see that he truly does love you and is serious about you and your relationship.
when the day to meet your parents approaches, he would be ready hours before. he would pick you up an hour early because he cannot be late! first impressions are everything! you would meet him in your living room, annoyed at him rushing you but when you spot him there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, you would instantly forgive him. gasping, you would make your way towards him and when you try to take them away from him he would pull them closer to his chest, away from you, while gripping them tighter and letting you know the flowers were for your mom.
the meeting would genuinely go so well. he would try and win your dad over by cracking a few jokes with him and would pay really close attention to what your mom was telling him. this would actually be so so so serious to him! sungchan is locked in!
— god please don't hate me but i feel like wonbin would be nervous but he would express it more by being awkward. hear me out! like you two would be talking about him meeting your parents and he would be so excited and up for it! yeah, he'll be nervous but it's okay because he wants to meet your parents and wants to take this next step with you. he would send you a shy awkward smile when you two finally figure out a set date but he would just shrug off the thoughts that were spiking up his anxiety.
when you two are on the way to meet your parents, you couldn’t help but take notice on how quiet your boyfriend was being. you try to ask if there was something wrong but he immediately shook his head and gave your nose a small kiss so you shrugged it off. when you finally arrive at your parent's house, you immediately notice how awkward wonbin is being. like everything he's doing is just coming off so unnatural? it’s like if he's overthinking every single movement of his. you simply shrugged it off again but when it’s finally time to eat dinner, your dad asks you something and for some reason wonbin misinterprets the question and believes this is the right time to crack a joke! so he makes a random joke and god, it does not land. instead of being met with laughter, he's met with three pairs of eyes confusedly staring at him. this would cause him to quickly turn a dark shade of red. hiding his face in his hands he would mumble a small, "oh god," causing you to completely lose it. you laughing at him would cause your parents to laugh too. wonbin would then let out a small groan as he blindly moved closer to you to hide his face in your shoulder. poor boy just wanted to fit in!
— i feel like seunghan would be like sungchan in a way! i think with seunghan, you had both discussed meeting your parents since he brought it up and you had recently met his. i think he would be nervous but he wouldn't show it. he just seems like he would know how to hide it well. so, when you two finally settled on a date, yes he was a tad bit nervous but he would quickly ignore it and shake it off. he wouldn't let his nerves get to his head, he wanted to meet your parents and form a good relationship with them. he was on a mission to impress your parents so they would approve of him and he was not going to let anything ruin that!
when the time came to finally meet, seunghan would be so smooth. making sure to compliment your mom saying cheesy comments like, "oh now i know where yn gets their good looks from." and making sure to comment on your dad's favorite sport or show. seunghan knew what to do and say. and if i’m honest, he was a little too good at it. you would raise your eyebrows at him here and there throughout dinner because he somehow managed to get your parents hooked. your parents loved him and within hours too? oh, someone definitely cooked here.
— oh my sohee. I think sohee would be very scared. he strikes me as someone who would get very nervous at the simple thought of meeting your parents which would lead to him becoming scared. you would be the one to bring up how your parents wanted to meet him and almost instantly sohee would not know how to function. he would freeze and blankly stare at you, wide eyed. you would try and reassure him and it would work! ... for 5 minutes. he would just be so nervous, not wanting to mess anything up. so many thoughts of what could go wrong would race in his mind. you would constantly have to reassure him and with a bunch of kisses of course! it got to the point where you didn't know if sohee was actually nervous or if he was pretending just for you to keep pampering him.
now, when it came to finally meeting your parents, you actually picked out his outfit. he had tried on a bunch of clothes weeks prior and made you choose the best one. once you both settled on one, he would neatly have it folded, waiting for the, “big day” (his words). and when you two arrived at your parents, sohee could not stop smiling. not like a small sincere smile though, it would just be a big wide forced smile. he would have this big smile and he would laugh at every single little thing, trying to please both your mom and dad. and you know what! it somehow ends up working because your parents grow very fond of him. they think he’s a little odd at first but it’s okay, they welcome him with open arms!
— ah! okay so for anton, i picture him bringing it up to you! your relationship is getting serious and he wants you to meet his parents and vise versa. you would instantly nod and that's when he would offer to meet your parents first. you would smile while nodding your head at him and he would immediately smile back before letting out a shaky sigh while admitting how terrified he actually was. like genuinely, anton is shaking in his boots. you would giggle and reassure him and he would just offer you a small shy smile. gahhh i just think he would be so nervous but so excited. like when you two settled on a date, he would immediately mark it on his calendar. he would also excitedly tell his parents about how he's meeting your parents soon and how he can’t wait for his parents to meet you!
when meeting your parents, anton would be so respectful. he would offer to help out your mom every other second, like not kidding. when you would be done eating, he would pick up your plate for you. but do not get fouled! man is still shaking in his boots. you would realize this because of how he can't sit still. that's why he kept offering to help or he would clean up— because he didn't know what else to do! another thing that would give away his nervousness would be the amount of times he would call your dad, "sir." he called your mom, "ma'am" once and she immediately corrected him and he listened. yet for some reason no matter how many times your dad corrects anton, your boyfriend refuses to call him by his name and continues calling him "sir" in every single sentence. and i mean, every. single. sentence.
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ᝰ. BONUS: text messages after the meet up !
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trashytoastboi · 12 days ago
Heyyy could I request Zoro, Ace, Crocodile and Doffy with s/o who practices deadly martial arts(Krav Maga, taekwondo etc)
Hello anon! Sure thing- it's been a very long since I've had time to write any requests and the wheel of fate chose your request first. I hope you enjoy ^^
Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Crocodile, Doflamingo x S/O who practices deadly martial arts
(Gender neutral pronouns)
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Roronoa Zoro - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
⚔️ Zoro wasn’t exactly surprised when you went off to do your training, of course he had never seen it. Since you usually decided to do it alone and with full concentration. As someone who could appreciate those who dedicate themselves to their training and honing their craft, it was definitely a fascinating thing to watch. Especially when it’s different from his own training so he tries to see what he can learn from it as well.  
⚔️ He’s interested and he’s seen you use it in actual combat, of course you’re not doing quite as much of the grappling when you don’t have a partner. It leaves him in awe when you easily take down far larger enemies with ease and expert use of your abilities, he knows it would probably be very hard for him to replicate considering that he lacks the necessary flexibility. 
⚔️ You’ve explained that your particular practice allows you to even the playing field and give you an advantage in multiple ways and options to alter the flow of the fight in ways that would be in your favour. In fact you offered for Zoro to spar with you and experience what you mean, and before he could catch himself. He was already on the floor and near subdued. You did everything before he could even react 
⚔️ Colour him impressed, granted both of you know he would have given a greater struggle had it been a real fight. This was more of a demonstration of what you could do though, and honestly Zoro feels reassured knowing his partner can take care of themselves. He’s always seen your dedication to your training and how tirelessly you work to refine your skills. Plus seeing it in action just proves that you’re plenty strong. 
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Portgas D. Ace - Taekwondo 
🔥 Ace is a little bit of a lost puppy at times when he doesn’t know where you are, and he loves going off to find you. He’s curious as to what you’re doing and many occasions he walks in while you’re busy training. However, he won’t disturb you. He’ll sit quietly in the room and just marvel at what you’re doing. Ace loves seeing how focused you can be and how if you fail at one move, you practice it again and again to the point of absolute precision. Sometimes you start slow, almost as if moving in slow motion to get used to the flow of a move before doing it faster and faster till it’s flawless. Ace finds your dedication and utmost discipline for your martial arts to be truly admirable. 
🔥 Sometimes you’ll invite Ace to spar with you, and he’s always more than happy. Ace also knows your strength, and your ability to quickly change with the flow of a fight and how you can turn the tides. He follows your lead, and never holds back. Many times he finds himself being the one led along as you dictate the fight in your own way. Through training with you he’s also learned so much about his own fighting style and a reflection of its strengths and weaknesses. 
🔥 Will occasionally use sparring as an opportunity to lean in and steal a quick kiss from you. It’s probably the only time you intentionally let him slip through your defense. While in training it’s light hearted and sweet; Ace has seen you in action during fights against enemies. Whether one on one or when you get swarmed with a horde of enemies you always keep your cool and easily take each and every one of them down. It’s almost comical how easy you make it look. When you’re practicing, it’s controlled and looks calm but he often forgets just how intimidating your fighting style can get when the situation calls for it. 
🔥 Honestly, he just loves how absolutely badass you look when you show off your skills. You’re not cocky or arrogant about your abilities, but you have confidence in them and for good reason. You put in the hard work and practice everyday and you are self assured with your skills. Ace finds it quite an attractive trait in his partner. 
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Sir Crocodile - Krav Maga 
🐊 Sir Crocodile held a lot of interest in you. The things you like, the things you practice, and your hobbies. He’s invested even if he knew nothing about it. He always gave you the time of day and a space to share the things that meant a lot to you. One thing that held a lot of meaning to you- is your martial arts. You enjoyed moving your body and increasing your proficiency. It may have started as a way to increase your strength and protect yourself however it grew into more than that. An art as you called it. Of course most people who saw your martial arts could never deny how effective it was, it was not like other martial arts in having a slight bit more of showmanship. Crocodile liked your style, it was effective. The quickest point from A to B with no waste in between.  
🐊 On more than one occasion he’s seen you fight, and it’s both intentional and instinctual. An odd combo but complementary and impressive as he’d always compliment you. He offers to practice with you, although you tell Crocodile he’s being too nonchalant. He always smiles and gives that low tone of laughter. He means no disrespect, he knows your strength however Crocodile refuses to lift his hands with any intent of violence against you. Even if it’s a spar that you asked for. You can’t berate Crocodile for that. On the few occasions when he has sparred with you, it’s mostly being swept into his pace while he practically pulls you into a dance. 
🐊 Though day after day with unwavering dedication you refine yourself and your skills. Crocodile encourages you to take a day off now and then to allow your body to rest and recover from the physical exertion. You tell him it’s just your daily exercise and it helps prevent you from feeling stiff from lack of exercise. Crocodile respects your decision however he will force you to rest if he can see you’re taking it too far and burning yourself out. 
🐊 While Crocodile didn’t wish to accidentally hurt you during sparring that didn’t mean he didn’t help you. You eventually hit a wall when you fought against logia-type devil fruit users like Crocodile so he opted to teach you how to utilize haki and fight on more even grounds. You felt so bad the first time you got it right because you decked Crocodile straight in the face with everything you had. You remember his black eye and everything. He was never angry or upset, more congratulating you on finally getting right. (You still felt so guilty though) 
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Donquixote Doflamingo - Muay Thai
🧶 You had no shortage of strong sparring partners, all of which used different fighting styles and some devil fruit users. It improved your skills a lot to fight against a variety, however the most challenging person was your partner, Doflamingo. He never held back, and would use every dirty trick in the book if necessary. Just when you thought you had a breakthrough with one thing, he’d stop you in another way. He loved your determination and no matter how he defeated you, Doflamingo watched you get up time and time again. Of course he’d make it up to you afterwards, he’d be oh so affectionate and teasingly ask if you’re still mad. Of course you weren’t upset, you improved tremendously with every fight. 🧶 Sometimes you’d have solo training sessions, times when you just wanted to train alone and reflect on your moves. You’d go right back to the foundation and the basics. Reciting the practice moves from when you first started and working your way back up to the more complex techniques and moves. Doflamingo quite enjoyed it when you were doing this, he’d sit and watch you for hours. Endlessly entertained but more than that, he’s intrigued to see your growth. He feels it every time the two of you spar, how you shift and change, adapt to him. 
🧶 What Doflamingo loves even more, is watching you in an actual fight. A true do or die setting, that’s when you really shine. Your practice does contribute, however in sparring he finds your instincts dull- you know there’s no risk. However in a real fight that’s not the case and he watches you intently, when you showcase your true abilities and talents. You’re a well honed weapon by your own design, he finds joy and attraction in seeing how you leave your enemies devastated in the face of power. Power that you earned. 
🧶 Of course if you’re in a pinch, he’ll help you out and tease you relentlessly about it. “Fufu, you needed my help after all?” Doflamingo does quite enjoy teasing you, though you’ve never been discouraged by it. You rather take what he teases you about as a point of constructive criticism and work on it so he can’t tease you again. In his own way he pushes you to do better. Although you sometimes get a little mad at his teasing. 
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aekatty · 10 months ago
𝒵𝑜𝑜 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝑒! Ft. Monster trio + Law
a/n: i’m new to posting so no judging pwety pwease. also i wrote this super late at night 🙏
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cw: mentions of short reader, all of the guys except law-ish sound like they’re on crack, lots of wrestling, cheesy asf, is this what u do at a zoo?!
tags ✮⋆˙
fluff but mostly humorous, literal chaos, a bit ooc(?), tried to make it gender inclusive, found this prompt through pinterest lol
when you brought up the idea of going to the zoo, warned him beforehand about the “look but don’t touch” rule
you didn’t want him to see the zoo as a training arena
first suggested that yall go to the beach instead but u declined it saying, “it was too cliche”
he would never admit it but he’s silently insecure whenever he sees you get along well with the animals (whenever he smiles at them, they run away)
a small smile creeps up at the corner of his lips as he watches you gawk at the aquatic animals section
you call the seals, “sea puppies.” he just calls them “water dogs”
purposefully makes eye contact with gorillas to rile them up (he tried to ask the zookeeper to let him inside the enclosure so he can fight them to which you slap him in the back of the head for)
gorillas see eye contact as a challenge to fight
there was an event that happened where the penguins would dive and twirl underwater to impress you
zoro threatened them by claiming that he’ll ask sanji to turn them into “penguin kabobs” if they didn’t stop flirting with his gf (they got scared and ran back to their zookeeper)
attempted to smile at the otters but got scared and swam away
got lost one time and accidentally landed in the chimpanzee enclosure. you couldn’t help but laugh as the keeper got mad at him for beating up the chimpanzees bc they “gave him the stink eye”
the crew made fun of him after coming back from the zoo with a bald patch at the back of his head.
a giraffe thought his hair was grass and you had to pull him away just so he wouldn’t be tempted to use his swords on them
got both of you guys got kicked out after he tried impressing you by using three sword style on a polar bear
like zoro, u also warned him about the “look don’t touch” rule
like a kid on sugar, luffy got excited as he became enamored with the (in his own words), “big buff animals”
kept asking you which of these animals would make a delicious meal
would point at the monkeys and go, “look, it’s me!”
for the love of god, the rubber boy would not stop cracking up at the baboons and calling them “apple butts”
randomly asked you if you would find him more attractive if he was an actual monkey
he genuinely believed you when you joked about rhinos being “dinosaurs”
“i was jok-“
he kept stretching his face and making monkey noises at the monkeys
(they looked at him with disinterest)
he thought it would be a good idea to wrestle a bear. you got mad at him after he knocked it out with his “gum-gum pistol”
he cried at the sight of the otters because he said that it reminded him of alabasta and that alabasta reminds him of vivi
he asked the giraffes if they were related to kaku and then panicked bc he “thought he was racist” for asking that
“[name], does this mean I'm not woke :(“
you got mad at him after he decided it would be a good idea to put his head inside the mouth of a hippo. the zookeeper almost fainted as the hippo bit down on his head but you assured them that his devil fruit powers would prevent him from dying that easily
you honestly contemplated your relationship with your captain/boyfriend but his stupidity is what makes him charming (to you at least)
he kept asking the zookeepers if he can keep the boa constrictor as a pet
along with wanting a snake as a pet, he kept asking the lions if they could join his crew
got emotional at the sight of leopards bc they reminded him of pedro
like zoro, he got both of yall kicked out after he tried smuggling a lion out of the cage and named it “sun destroyer 4000”
you were more surprised at the fact that you guys didn’t get kicked out earlier
“[name], my dear, how would you feel if i took you out on a date to a place of your choice?”
“well there is one place i’ve been wanting to go to for awhile.”
maybe going to the zoo with sanji was a mistake, the flirty blonde boy would not stop comparing you to every “cute” animal he saw
for long hair: it didn’t help that he purposefully braided your hair and tied them up to look like bear ears which you look even cuter in his eyes (my headcanon is that sanji knows how to braid hair hehe)
he found it cute that you saw a bunch of reindeers and called them “a family of choppers”
if there was a big crowd of people surrounding an exhibit and you couldn’t see, he would use his height to his advantage by lifting you up to get a good view of the animals
after getting down you were wondering why his nose was bleeding until you realized he had a good view under your skirt
if you’re wearing pants, he just nose bled at the sight of your gyat
you joked with him saying that you would find it hot if he wrestled an ostrich. but sanji being sanji, took it literal and actually did it
the zookeeper yelled at him after the ostrich was left unconscious
flirtatiously asked if you would still find him attractive even if he was an animal
“no, sanji, that would be beastiality.”
felt his whole face heat up after you put on matching ear headbands with him
in response, he tried to buy out the whole gift shop
tried to convince you into buying “i’m his, im hers” shirts but you told him it was cringe which hurt his ego
for gn! readers, bro tried to buy those “im cool, im cooler shirts” cause he a lil cheesy
when you became enamored with the snake exhibit he tried to flex saying, “you wouldn’t have to worry about a snake swallowing you bc i would be there to protect you, my dear”
you compared him to a ram bc you saw him as courageous and determined for his crew
almost nose bled AGAIN at the thought of you as a red panda while visiting the exhibit (you thought he was tweakin)
got jealous when you said tigers were just as cool as zoro
he compared zoro to a baboon bc he’s always scratching his ass and sniffing his hand after (wait why is this lowk a good headcanon 😝)
you found it adorable as you watched him feed the animals in the petting zoo as if he were their father
he freaked out as the goat stole the cigarette out of his mouth and ate it in front of him.
one of your fave moments of intimacy with sanji would be sharing cotton candy with him as you watched the penguins do tricks in the water
after getting back on the sunny, you decided to surprise him with a ram plushie you bought behind his back
he thanked you by peppering your face in kisses and showering you in praises
“oh my dear, [name]. you don’t need to spoil me like that! it should be the other way around!”
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bonus!! trafalgar law
law asked his crew beforehand on “great date spots” to take you out on; to which penguin suggested yall go to the zoo
he never cared for the zoo but as long as you were happy he didn’t mind
got flustered after you mentioned that snow leopards reminded you of him
he bought you a snow leopard plush and you named it “traffy”
you asked him if you should buy souvenirs for the crew
you asked him if you could adopt a polar bear so that bepo would have a friend. he replied with, “no bc he’s already friends with me”
thought it would be funny to teleport you to the lion enclosure until his powers conveniently started tweaking and he couldn’t teleport you back out
you punched him in the head after you came back with scratches from wrestling them
he felt bad for the joke he did on u, so he teleported you to the capybara enclosure as an apology
compared you to a meerkat bc “you’re short but really fast on those legs.” you responded by threatening to give his sword away to zoro
made fun of you after you got startled by him in the insect section. he laughed as you slapped his hand after he pretended it was a tarantula
he likes to install fear into u by explaining different ways each animal can kill you
he would purposefullykiss you in front of the monkeys after they tried flirting with you
the zookeeper had to tell him to stop bc they were afraid that they would break out their enclosure
what pissed him off even more was the fact it reminded him of the rubber boy
after you guys get back to the submarine, the crew crowded you as you gave them their souvenirs. law couldn’t help but smile at your generosity and friendship with everyone
oh yea….he felt himself fall in-love with you again
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lsunstreakerl · 22 days ago
honestly, any strange ship, a while ago you had commented about Sebastian being a "guilty" "ship" something strange or guilty in that sense
this did not end up being sebastian- I mean, he's kind of there. I also need just not try and estimate word counts because this ended up being 1.3k. HI HELLO: this is from the kink prompts so it is explicit in nature, as in people are fucking and getting fucked.
pairings: mark webber/max verstappen, max verstappen/marc márquez, implied mark webber/sebastian vettel, implied daniel ricciardo/max verstappen
relevant heads up: slight exhibitionist kink, semi-socially acceptable public sex, sex under the influence of alcohol, the slightest hint of a temperature kink, mild slut shaming
Max doesn't make a habit of feeling out of place at parties, considering how often he's at them, but this-
This is totally different to anything else he knows. They're in some huge remote cabin-style resort, a weeklong trip entirely paid by Redbull.
Everyone in attendance is either an insane talent in their respect area, or a revered alum, which is how Max has found himself on his knees, Mark Webber's cock down his throat, with Sebastian Vettel piping in with incredibly unhelpful instructions.
"Little bit more tongue, yes, like that- he loves that. Hates to admit it, but nothing gets him off faster- also you'll want to close your eyes when he comes, he likes to get it all over the face, nasty-"
"Shut up."
Mark's talking to Sebastian, but Max is the one who gets his hair pulled roughly, which really doesn't feel fair here- he's not mouthing off, and it's not his fault Mark and Seb still don't have their shit figured out.
He makes a muffled noise around Mark, who groans at the vibrations, and Max realizes with a twinge of annoyance that he actually has been listening to Seb- which is fucking stupid, if Seb wants to suck Mark's cock he can come do it himself, but Max is going to do it his way.
He doesn't give any kind of warning, just watches his teeth before suddenly taking Mark all the way to the base, breathing through his nose.
He's not as impressive as Da- some other Australians Max has gotten on his knees for before.
Mark chokes on an inhale, fingers clenching in Max's hair, and Max grins to himself, because he's not Sebastian Vettel, and no matter how badly Mark wants to dominate a blonde bratty European Redbull world champion, he's not going to find it in Max.
Max deliberately moans, low and long, and Mark's hips jerk before they snap frantically into his mouth.
"Fuck- fuck, Sebastian-"
Oh come on.
People who can't call Max by his name do not get to come on his face, so he doesn't let up, keeps Mark down his throat as he comes, and it's longer than Max expected for a guy in his late forties, honestly.
Seb just laughs from his chair, and Max shoots him a glare as he pulls off, already thinking of which drink he's going to wash down the taste with.
They can be weird and off putting and miserable together, Max doesn't care. It wasn't even that good anyways, and now he's not going to be able to look Oscar in the eye for a few weeks.
He stalks into the kitchen, passes Coulthard in the hallway, hopes he doesn't look too much like he just sucked off a retired driver in one of the lounge rooms.
Not that it would be surprising- Max had been freaked out the first time he was here, but he gets it now- it's like the Olympic Village. Redbull takes their hot, talented athletes, sticks them in a resort for a week, and lets them fuck like rabbits in the hopes of avoiding sex related PR crisis for the rest of the year.
It works pretty well.
He's checking for gin, fingers dancing over bottle caps, when a hand wraps around his waist, and Max knows that hand.
He spins around, and then he has an armful of excitable MotoGP rider, hips pressing Max's into the counter while he's busy getting his tongue in his mouth.
Marc tastes like vodka and fireball, and Max wants to drink it straight from his system, wants to-
He pulls back for a second, meeting Marc's eyes. Marc is down for anything- Max loves that about him. The MotoGP guys know how to party.
"Do you want to do body shots and fuck on the pool table?"
Marc yanks his head back down to continue making out, one arm scrabbling behind Max for a familiar clink of a few bottles.
He pulls back to reach for some limes, and then he's grinning at Max, with his trademark brilliant smile.
"Fuck- Marc, please, you are going to kill me-"
Max isn't used to being the one with his dick inside someone, but he's flat on his back on the table, and Marc is tight and hot and wet, sinking down onto Max, one hand braced on his chest as he grins at him.
Max tosses his head back onto the table, and his fingers are digging into Marc's thighs, corded muscle straining under his palms.
His mouth still tastes like lime and liquor, and he's pretty sure his neck is crusted with salt, and he's trying so hard not buck his hips up-
"You are so cute when you're trying to be good."
Max shudders, hands gripping tighter, and Marc is practically purring at him, because the game is that Max can't come first, and he was going to lose from the fucking start. They both knew it.
"Marc- Marc I'm gonna come, please please can I-"
Marc just shakes his head, eyes crinkled at the corner as he changes his pace on the next slide down, tight and irresistible. Max can feel himself shaking, closer and closer to the edge, and he squeezes his eyes shut, one last time-
Marc's fingers come down to pinch his nipples, and they're dripping with ice water, cold and freezing.
Max comes with a scream, back arching off the table, the sound of Marc's laughter ringing in his ears.
He's still riding the wave when Marc gets off of him, and then Max is being manhandled, rolled onto his chest as Marc knocks his knees apart. Everything is hot and cold and sensitive, and he's glad Daniel stretched him out earlier, because Marc pushes two fingers into him off the bat, scissoring Max open as he groans into the table.
"Aw, you are all loose. Whore."
Marc spits into him, and Max keens, scratchy fabric of the pool table rough against his chest, and then Marc is pushing in, splitting him wide, an endless press.
It's unfair for a man that small to be this hung.
Max is overwhelmed, slurring into the table as Marc snaps his hips in, and it's too soon from his last orgasm- he feels raw and peeled open, which is exactly when Marc leans over him, chest pressed to his back, and shoves three fingers and an ice cube into Max's mouth.
He bucks back onto Marc's cock at the sensation, the heat of his fingers and the chill of the ice, and he realizes what's next a second too late, squirming as Marc brings his other hand to wrap around his still soft cock, fingers ice cold.
"Ohhhhh, please, please-"
Marc nips at his back, and Max can feel him smiling at he starts to jack his hand, and it's too much- he feels too full, he's too raw and overwhelmed, he's pretty sure people are watching them-
Marc aims deliberately for his prostate, and Max is wailing, tips over into his second orgasm brutally, shaking to pieces underneath Marc.
He doesn't stop- his rhythm picks up, chasing his own pleasure- Max is limp, lets Marc use him however he wants, and he can't tell if it's seconds or minutes later when Marc snaps in for a final time, hips pressed flush against his ass.
Max slumps down as Marc pulls out, and then there's fingers gently patting at his cheek.
"You are as always very fun, Verstappen."
Max blinks, tries to get his brain started back up.
Marc giggles, and then he's gently kissing Max for a moment- he tastes like lime again.
"Thank you, you are very sweet- for being a slut."
Max half chokes on a laugh, because, well-
He kind of is. He's laid out on the pool table at what is technically a company event, and just tonight he's given multiple blowjobs, been fucked twice, and he's just come back to back.
It's a good thing they have mandatory testing before they get here.
"Anytime, Márquez."
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paperlifted · 2 months ago
A Turtle By Any Other Name...2!
[Season 1 tally here]
The season 2 tally of names used by the turtle family in TMNT 2003.
As per the first count, this includes all direct addresses, names given to a third party, and names dropped during the pre-episode narrations. This time around, I also added in April and Casey, and tallied up what names the turtles use when referring to themselves.
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Additional notes below!
• Master Splinter is this season's top name claimer, with an impressive 106 mentions despite actually having something of a smaller onscreen presence compared to the first season. Out of sight, maybe, but never out of mind - especially when Leo's around to bring sensei into the conversation. Accordingly, Splinter only says someone else's name 27 times in total, compared to the first season's 54.
• Raph is yet again behind one of the few cases of the turtles calling Splinter their dad, courtesy of s209 'Reflections': "Too bad [the Shredder] forgot about one thing - a little 90-pound weapon of mass destruction we like to call dear old dad." Aka, a line that made me laugh aloud because no! No 'we' don't! Mikey also joined in during the Battle Nexus arc however ("it's like finding out your dad is Superman!"), which was of course full of some really sweet father-son moments in general.
• Mikey tops out the brothers with 90 mentions (which puts him significantly in the lead of second place Leo's 75), and he owes a chunk of it to the fact Don simply will not stop with the gratuitous favouritism. It's not even as though they spend that much more time alone together! I honestly think Donnie just likes saying it - first word, anyone?
• Leo pares way back on full names for his brothers this season, which one could argue is a sign that he's starting to come into his own more - less the Splinter Junior style of leadership, and more the big brother.
• Remember how I said the brothers using each other's full names doesn't indicate much about their mood? Well, if April O'Neil full names you, watch out - chances are she's not pleased. We also got some rather scathing Leonardos from Raph this season, courtesy of the City at War arc.
• The one thing that surprised me most was watching the trend re: Don and Donnie do a turnaround. Leo still favours Don, but by a much smaller margin, whereas both Raph and Mikey suddenly came roaring out with a major preference for Donnie! Unlike with Leo and the full names, I can't think of anything that's changed about the relationships involved, and there continues to be no tone-mapping - he might be a fond Don and a worried Donnie or vice versa, across all brothers. It could be a Doylist thing: a change in the writer's room, or some unconscious bias of their own slipping in. And if the trend keeps going across the remaining two seasons, season one might just go down as an outlier.
• Don at least stays consistent with his personal trend of mostly only referring to each brother by one particular name, though he mixes it up a little with Splinter, and even threw in a single 'Case'.
• Unsurprisingly, Mikey finds the most reasons to name-drop himself, and he tends to favour Mikey when he does, especially if he's introducing himself to someone else. His Michelangelo's are more often theatrical.
• I did actually count the bro-use this season, but decided not to put it in the final tally because then I'm setting myself up to count my sons and dudes and... it gets silly. For the curious, though, Raph and Mikey are (predictably) the majority users, with only 3 bros from Leo and 1 from Don.
• This wasn't really a big season for April and Casey, but I did find it sweet that April usually refers to Splinter by his more formal name.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 7 months ago
low key wanna see how it is to be takemichi's hyperfem!younger (one or two years younger) sis who is very shy and is also a crybaby like him :3 have a good day!!!
Thank you so much for requesting!
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If crying was contest, you two would be biggest winners ngl.
Unlike Takemichi, you're very fashionable. He thinks your style is "too girly" and all, wouldn't be fan of it but it's YOUR style so, he doesn't have a say in this.
He likes that you're bright person tho. It's like you're his sun and he's your sun.
Watching movies together and bawling your eyes out because a dog/cat died in it.
He'd be very caring brother tbh and considering the fact that he has seen many deaths, both in the future and past, he'd be very overprotective. No matter what, he won't allow you to get hurt.
He'd also be funny brother, without even trying. Like he'd tell you his plans and you'll burst out laughing at how stupid he is.
You two have similarities and a lot in common, but you tend to be passive person, which he's not. I think that differences you two a lot. Also, you're more accepting than he is.
Ofc you'll get to know his gf and friends. Honestly, you love going out with Hina and Emma because 1) they have good taste in clothes 2) they're girls and you want more female friends.
You'd be helping Takemichi with choosing gifts for Hina and help him plan something ACTUALLY romantic. Chifuyu, in the corner, grumpy and pouting that his ideas got rejected.
Okey the first time you met his friends...That was SO EMBARRASSING. You aren't used to having many friends, especially guys. So that would be so embarrassing for you and Takemichi would have to calm you down, saying you didn't leave bad impression.
You two care about each other so much and aren't like other siblings who are playfully assholes to each other. Even playfully, it's obvious that you two would sacrifice your lives for each other.
Being gangster brother's hyperfeminine sister actually sounds good. Though it's hard to imagine Takemichi as a gangster and doesn't have a vibe of one.
Both of you are satisfied with small gifts ngl. Whatever it is that you two gift each other for birthdays/Christmas, it'll just be so special for both of you.
Every single time you'd be happy with something so simple such as finding a flower, making flower crowns and etc, he'll be swearing to god every time that he'll protect you so you'll have good life.
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the-music-maniac · 1 year ago
Zoro has rapidly become my favourite character in One Piece and so I felt the need to write this after seeing one too many people misinterpret him as this alpha male type of dude purely because he's muscular and likes fighting. Don't do my boi like that, I actually think Zoro is a very good example of non toxic masculinity, and I will fight people over it. I've seen someone call Zoro a red flag. I will find you.
I've seen this happen quite often when it comes to characters with certain body types and defining traits, especially in shows with large followings like one piece, where people just tend to equate muscular + likes to fight + likes to drink to a certain archetype of personality without looking at the nuance? In reality, Zoro is a very likeable guy in my opinion (once you get over how terrifying he can be as an opponent).
Disclaimer: I haven't finished the entire show so feel free to write any rebuttals if you think I got anything wrong! Fandom debates can be quite fun.
I also mention Sanzo/Zosan very briefly so feel free to skip over that part if you're not into that ship.
The biggest thing I think people tend to forget is that Zoro is kind. And this one I don't understand how anyone can forget, because it's like an integral part of his character. Sure, his goal of becoming the greatest swordsman is not a path that's without bloodshed. He's not kind in an all encompassing, indiscriminate way, he's kind in a practical way, especially in the world he lives in with the type of life he leads. He doesn't have qualms about killing when necessary. But the motivation behind those actions are never cruel. He wants to be the greatest swordsman, but he's not amassing that skill because he wants power. He's doing it for love of that weapons style and for the childhood dream both Kuina and him had. Does he like fighting? Yeah, but I'm pretty certain it's purely for the competition of skill. And Zoro shows his kindness with how willing he is to help those who need it, in that he usually doesn't use his strength to take what he wants/hurt others but to protect. Even when he was a bounty hunter and earned his moniker of Demon of the East, he was just trying to survive. I'm not sure how people forget that he's a kind person when our initial introduction to Zoro was him agreeing to get tied to a post for a month without food or water to save a little girl and her mother. He's kind in the little ways as well, in that mundane everyday living type of manner, not just in the big, heroic "risk your life" type of way, which I think is important to acknowledge. He didn't have to tell that girl that her food was good. And Zoro is pretty damn good with children - we see that with Chopper, and we see that with that filler episode with Zoro babysitting and - I think there are some more examples but I can't recall them right now. That's a very big green flag in my opinion. The little gestures can matter as much as the big ones. As far as I'm concerned, those traits couldn't be further from the "alpha male" stereotype.
I've also seen people characterize Zoro as just a cool, quiet, man-of-few-words type of guy, and sure, I can see how he would give that impression if all you saw of him was random edits of when he gets serious but honestly, the man is pretty fucking sassy. He's also just - SUCH a 19 year old with all the antics he gets up to with the rest of the crew, and I'm aware he gets much more serious after the timeskip (I haven't gotten to that point yet in terms of watching but I don't care about spoilers so I know the reason behind it), but like. I don't think he lost his snark from some clips I've seen. Zoro is funny, and I think people ignore that too often for the cool guy type of characterization. Not that he isn't cool - Zoro has his moments but that's not all he is. The man gets lost running in a straight line???? He once almost got frozen in wax and decided his priority was to ensure he died in a cool pose. That type of willingness to be silly is not something you find in a stereotypical alpha male type of personality. Like, who are you kidding, he's lame af, unashamed of it, and it's fabulous.
Another thing, granted this is not a common opinion by any means, but on one instance I've seen someone act as if Zoro's some lady killer or some shit and I actually had to pause and stare at my screen in disbelief. Could I see women being attracted to Zoro? Yeah sure, I mean the one example I can think of right now is Hiyori (another example may or may not be me. But then again you knew that didn't you, considering this post is just one giant love letter to Zoro). But does Zoro purposely try to attract women? Uh no? I don't even think the man is straight. He's either aromantic/asexual (very ace of him to not give a shit about romance but leap up in two seconds upon hearing the word "sword") or just gay, cause he exhibits very little interest in romance, or very little indication that he finds women attractive. And I pinpointed attraction to women specifically just cause people tend to assume Zoro is heterosexual and have the audacity to get mad at you if you try to imply otherwise. Which to me is clearly heteronormativity speaking because where. Where is he straight, I don't see it. And sure is there a possibility he may be heterosexual and just unwilling to act on attraction because he has a different goal in life? Yeah sure, but you can't act like that's the only valid interpretation for him. But regardless, no matter what sexuality you headcanon him as, he's still very very far from "manly man with ladies swooning left and right into his muscular arms" type character. I mean if someone swooned into him I'm pretty sure he would catch them on principle without registering any romantic connotations whatsoever. (Note that these opinions do not stop me from being a Sanzo/Zosan shipper, but that's more because I find the concept entertaining. An argument could also be made that Zoro does pay the most attention to Sanji, even if it's to fight him). So yeah, another strike against the whole alpha male type of characterization. Zoro doesn't really give a shit about romance and even if he DID, I am convinced he still wouldn't treat a potential romantic partner as anything but an equal, doesn't matter if that s/o is a man, woman or non binary. And this segways into my next point.
Because Zoro has some very refreshing attitudes about gender, both his own and of other people. This doesn't just tie in with the sexuality/romantic partner thing, it ties into the willingness to be authentic/silly thing, and the "likes to compare skills through fighting" thing. I very much think that Zoro just doesn't really register gender roles much, or he does and he just doesn't care about it. And I'm aware this partially stems from a position of privilege he has as a guy - he doesn't need to care about gender roles and how people view him because he's a man. He wouldn't be short changed for anything if he doesn't notice. While the same luxury is not extended to individuals like Kuina and Tashigi, who were in a field of practice that looks down on them purely for being women. Having said that, Zoro literally just doesn't give a shit who he's dealing with, man, woman or any other gender. If you challenge him, he'll fight you. And the level of effort he gives that fight is usually dependent on ability and the situation. If you annoy him, he'll annoy you back. He has no qualms about snarking and yelling at Nami the same as he would with a male member of the crew. People in the past that have pointed out to him the difference in the way the rest of the world perceives men and women - like with Kuina and Tashigi for example - is met with confusion. And again, this is partially because Zoro has the privilege of not noticing, but honestly even if he did notice, I don't think his personal actions would change. And I find that refreshing. I love Sanji as a character, don't get me wrong, but his whole refuses to fight women schtick is something that annoys me (even if I do headcanon that it partially comes from a place of trauma). And moreover, Zoro gives me the impression of a person that doesn't give a shit if his own masculinity is "compromised", going by the stereotypical definition of the phrase. He does shit cause he feels like it, not cause it's the "manly" thing to do. Yeah, he happens to like drinking, working out - things that are considered traditionally masculine, but I get the sense that if he did have hobbies that were not traditionally masculine, he would just go ahead and do them regardless of what people think of him. His antics pre-timeskip wasn't exactly the epitome of manliness, it was silly and goofy and he has no qualms about it cause it was authentically him. And he wouldn't feel threatened if he were to do anything not in keeping with a "manly" image, even if he wouldn't do any of that of his own volition. Like the babysitting filler episode? The man was in a crop top that said "mama" on the front. I fully believe that if he lost a bet to Nami and had to wear a dress or some other traditionally feminine piece of clothing, or if for some convoluted reason Luffy ordered him to put on a disguise like that for some mission or whatever, Zoro wouldn't give a shit as long as it was comfortable and didn't obstruct his ability to fight. If someone made fun of him for it, he would probably bite back depending on how insulting the person is trying to be, cause not caring about wearing non masculine clothing doesn't mean he would be okay with someone looking down on him, but he wouldn't automatically equate the two to each other without that interference, and that association wouldn't be permanent. Would he choose to wear a dress on his own? Probably not. He does still have clothing preferences and they tend to be simple, practical and comfortable, and with certain clothing pieces, in keeping with his culture. Would he fly into an insecure rage about not being a girl? I don't think so. And that's so far in attitude from the whole alpha male thing that it's not even funny. The whole concept of an identity centered around being an alpha male reeks of insecurity, and Zoro is very secure in who he is as a person.
And this is also why I think Zoro would act differently in a romance than how "alpha males" would act, even if it's with a woman (I still don't think Zoro is straight btw, but just for conjecture). For one he respects people based on ability and if not that, determination and heart, so right off the bat he's not gonna treat his partner as lesser than him by virtue of being a woman. And I've noticed that a lot of heterosexual couples (not all, mind you, but a lot) seem to care more about dating a gender role than dating an actual person. By that, I mean individuals who pride themselves on being a model of masculinity however they define it - usually look for a partner to compliment them in that regard. I find this counterproductive, because your partner is not meant to be a tool/accessory to maintain your image, and also because being the perfect man or woman is too narrow of a definition, and it doesn't exactly leave you a lot of room to live comfortably as a human - with all your fallible moments that don't fit comfortably in little boxes. It's impractical and illogical. If you value maintaining the status quo and assigning responsibilities and roles based on arbitrary rules assigned by society instead of ability, if you care about that more than you care about helping your partner and maintaining a functional life, I don't think y'all are gonna last long. That's just my two cents. But for the reasons listed before, Zoro barely even registers gender roles, and he's a pretty "get shit done" type of person. He's not gonna give a shit. He'll do what he's able to do for the relationship, and he wouldn't feel insecure when his partner does the same, even if it doesn't fit into traditional roles. And considering Zoro's love of sparring/fighting I don't think he would get with a partner that isn't able to give him a run for his money anyways. Another thing that sets him apart from the alpha male stereotype, those guys are terrified of anyone challenging them for their position of "authority", however dubious that position is (and however stupid it is to care about notions of dominance for a relationship. Have y'all seen those interview videos with guys who actually believe that? "I can't date a girl that bench presses more than me cause that means she becomes the dominant figure in the relationship" excuse me what.)
This post is getting overly long so I'm going to end it there. Thanks for reading!
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delta-lethonomia · 1 month ago
For the pairing prompt—Lae’zel/Gale is a rare pair that’s always held a special place in my heart ❤️
Lae'zel/Gale is super cute! I can totally see that working. Tbh I do think Gale is a little old for her and they're very much at different stages in life, but Lae'zel has such "straight A athletic valedictorian who also read the entire library" energy that they have more in common that one might initially expect. Plus, Gale's so interested in Githyanki, he's the nicest and most interested in Lae'zel by far. I always got the impression in-game that she was fond of him.
Honestly, I think the best genre would be romantic comedy. Domestic, hallmark-style romcom. Post-game, with Lae'zel staying in Faerûn with the gith baby, she's out and about being hunted by Vlaakith's forces. Maybe it starts to get to her. Maybe baby Xan gets ill and Lae'zel realizes she has no idea what to do about it. Maybe she just happens to be near Waterdeep and so she shows up at Gale's doorstep, bedraggled and rain-soaked, holding a wailing child.
Of course, Gale takes her in. Anything for a friend! Only problem is, his mother is in town, and Morena Dekarios is very interested in this young single woman who shows up at her son's doorstep with a baby.
While I do think Gale has had success with some romantic endeavors, I think he's also the sort of have inadvertently kept people at a bit of a distance - like yes, he'll cook a lovely meal for them, but they'll only do dates on Friday nights and it never turns into a multi-day sleepover type of affair. Like you'll have a great time, but Gale keeps returning your bras and toothbrush every time you "accidentally" leave them at his place. Freshly laundered, neatly packed, but there's no open space for someone to wiggle their way into his heart, not truly.
But with Lae'zel, there's none of this distance. She's very neat, but uncompromising with fitting her things into his home for the duration of her stay. Maybe baby Xan really just needs to stay in one place for a few months while his baby immune system builds up and he becomes a toddler. Gale's fascinated, of course - while I think he can be a bit awkward and uncomfortable with children, Xan's really nothing more than a potato at this point, and his needs and wants are fairly predictable. Plus, babies are fun in the sense that you can practically see their little brains churning as they take in more information, and I think Gale would enjoy seeing that development happen in real time, watching Xan get smarter and smarter by the week.
So Gale's initially more interested in the baby. He's taking Xan to other academics, showing him off ("How often do you get to see a baby Gith, truly? He's no more a fearsome marauder than I am! Be mindful of the teeth, he's quite bitey--") while Lae'zel languishes. She has no clue how to be at peace, living in Gale's cozy and overstuffed tower. So naturally, Morena finds things for her to do. Morena treats her as she would any other young woman, and tries to bond in that way - they go to the market together, bake some bread, Morena tells her all sorts of tales of her life, tries to figure out if there's any young paramour in Lae'zel's life....
...and Lae'zel is just so Lae'zel about it all. There are some fine warriors in Faerûn, yes, Gale included, but she won't be distracted from her duties of raising Xan and providing him a future. She takes to baking with ferocity, timing her meditations with proofing times. Morena gives her a jar of homemade jam made from berries in her yard that are only in season for two weeks out of the year and they fall into an in-depth discussion on the ridiculous amount of forethought and long-term planning running an actual homestead involves. There's so much detail in gardening that I think Lae'zel might fall down a rabbit hole of reading the Farmer's Almanac cover to cover for lack of anything else to do, only to realize she's mentally planning out a garden plot for a home she doesn't have.
Githyanki have fine artisans, yes, but they are primarily concerned with metalwork, literature, and other imperishable goods; when they leave the astral plane, they acquire foodstuffs and cloth through conquest and rarely, through trade. She's never had to consider all the effort invested to make a hank of yarn, the months of waiting to produce the ingredients of a potato stew. It's a cycle of life and death that is not entirely alien, but one she hasn't had to truly interact with, but now seems all too real with every change in Xan's appearance and behavior.
Basically I think Lae'zel has both the intense dedication and appreciation of meditative repetitive activities to be a really good crafter. She's trying new things. Going by her hair and poetic inclinations, Lae'zel has an aesthetic appreciation, it's only lurking beneath the surface and ready to be unlocked. Morena is charmed by her, because Lae'zel is very charming, and before you know it they're great friends as Lae'zel absolutely enjoys being the teacher's pet, and that's the closest analog she has for Morena. They bully Gale together and it's cute.
Inevitably, Gale has some sort of party to attend, perhaps a holiday party, and he asks Lae'zel to go with him and doesn't think about it. Naturally Lae'zel looks amazing in a dress, she's intimidating and gorgeous, and maybe someone snarks at Gale for something - being the washed-up Chosen of Mystra and now downgrading to a teaching position, wow (because you just know some of Gale's peers think he's an absolute dickhead, with his whole "oh no I could definitely teach every class, and better than the people you already employ" nonsense) and Lae'zel throws down in an instant. She'll eviscerate them with a butter knife. On your knees, wizard, or she'll hamstring them for daring to think themselves a better man than Gale.
Anyway Gale's smitten lmao. He's not blind to her being attractive, he does flirt with her a fair amount in-game, but he had no idea she thought so highly of him. All of a sudden, she's not just Lae'zel visiting for a few weeks/months - she's a very pretty young woman that accompanied him to a party as his date, whose child he's looking after, who just threatened his colleague in his defense in an instant with no shame whatsoever, that his mother likes. Literally, it's a switch that flips. All of a sudden, Lae'zel is.... an option.
But of course, all things must come to an end. Xan gets over his cold, Lae'zel starts to get that itch for violence again, either way, they need to get back to it. Gale watches them go mournfully while Morena shakes her head at his idiocy and Lae'zel's obstinacy.
Lae'zel sets out with Xan and is almost immediately attacked. She fights them off, but it's an ill-omen of all that's to come. The fights seem endless and grueling. Xan's no longer used to being in the cold, outside; he's fussier, he misses Morena and Gale both, he misses being warm and watching the sparkly lights Gale would conjure for him and all sorts of things his little baby brain can't really express to her. But Lae'zel's stubborn, and she pushes through it for a month, two months--but it wears on her. She doesn't get any peace.
At the epilogue party, she sees Gale again. He's looking well. He's ever so pleased to see her, and he packed a little gift for Xan, and his mother sent him along with another gift for Lae'zel, something practical that she would enjoy, something they bonded over, and all of a sudden Lae'zel cannot understand what she is doing with her life. She wanted to enjoy all that Faerûn had to offer, see the world in all of its colors, but without fail she keeps choosing only death and blood. She wanted to give Xan something different, but instead all she's done is make him miserable. A battlefield is no place for a baby, even a githyanki one. Even her creche kept their young protected until they could hold a sword.
Haltingly, with great difficulty, Lae'zel asks Gale to accompany her. There's one last Gith stronghold nearby as far as she can tell - perhaps she doesn't have to do it alone. And Xan would love to see him, of course, he keeps grabbing at her shirt and then looking disappointed when it's not the velvet material that Gale so often wears - and of course Gale accepts, he can take time off whenever he pleases, or it's the end of the semester regardless--
So naturally they go together on a fun romantic adventure to thoroughly destroy a Githyanki stronghold. Gale gets to stretch his magic and Lae'zel is incredibly turned on by the destructive power he wields with a baby strapped to his chest. Their first kiss is backlit by a roaring Wall of Fire underneath Gale's Globe of Invulnerability, a quick moment stolen as Xan slumbers in his sling, lulled to sleep by the sounds of battle--
--and Lae'zel accompanies Gale back to Waterdeep, ready to try a new type of adventure.
(Look ok I know it's insanely sweet but both Lae'zel and Gale are both incredibly sweet when you get down to it. It's gotta be a hallmark romcom. There was simply no other option!)
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sseomtada · 11 months ago
being [ruben dias]
shenanigans ensue at erling's party & later, you're interrupted by a surprise visitor.
warnings: none | wc: 4966 | 6/8
“Should I go with sapphire or teal?”
You held both options up to your chest, head tilting in the mirror with scrutiny before spinning around to do the same for your best friend. She surveyed the outfit choices. One was a jewel blue two piece with a blazer and wide legged pants. The other’s color reminded you of a hue you’d find in a rainforest, with a cropped high-neck top and maxi skirt.
“Second fit.” Aki came to her conclusion.
That’s what you were leaning more towards too. You loved the competitor, but it felt a little too CEO for a party. She wrapped up steaming out her corseted pink mini dress and summoned you to her vanity where she curled your hair.
“Should I expect to see any of your suitors tonight?” Your eyes met hers in the mirror.
Her expression soured. “Absolutely not. Why would I bring a packed lunch to a buffet?”
That nearly made your ear get burnt off as you cackled. The once perpetually booed up girl you knew had now morphed into a menacing serial dater. You were honestly impressed with her evolution. She gave the same energy she received and was refusing to claim anyone seriously until they met all of her needs.
“I can’t wait to watch your masterclass in live time.” You slipped into your outfit.
“Watch closely.” Her lips smacked post lip gloss application. “Even an old dog can learn new tricks.”
The revelation that you were back together with Ruben was still settling in with her. While she wasn’t upset about it, she was crossed that she had been robbed of playing wingwoman for you at events. You reminded her that Cindy was single and it actually worked to perk her up a little. Playing Cupid was one of her favorite pastimes.
While approaching the party, you realized that you had ventured into familiar territory. It only fully sank in once the car rolled up to the front of the building and you spotted the interior. How you failed to notice that Erling lived in the same spot as Ruben was beyond you. Well, almost.
You had been quite distracted by the later recently. The location also made you laugh, recalling that Erling had hosted the initial meeting at his place of work. He was a man that clearly liked to keep everything in close knit.
When you got out of the lift, both your mouth and Aki’s dropped a bit. This was actually what getting paid the big bucks got someone. His apartment was a sprawling penthouse, recently renovated to have the latest styles and fixtures.
“You’re here!” Cindy bounced over to give you kisses.
“We hope you weren’t too bored waiting for us.” Aki scanned a tray of treats that floated by.
“I think I managed quite fine…” Her voice trailed off along with her gaze.
You followed it to a tall brunette swaying along with the chill house music playing through the sound system. His face was familiar from some pictures you’d seen in Ruben’s apartment - one of his teammates.
Speaking of which, you felt him. The flesh on your arms raised, silent alarm ringing to alert your system to someone’s eyes being stuck on you. When you picked up on his trail, you found him cracking open a bottle of water. His cheeks rose with a smile before he took a sip.
Another alarm signaled, your target closer this time. It was Aki who peered between you two like a strict father who was chaperoning a dance. She told Cindy to give you two a second as she took you by the hand and dragged you over. Your eyes widened, body tensing to slow her momentum.
“Relax, I just wanna say something real quick.” She tugged a bit more to loosen you.
That did nothing to ease your nerves about the impending interaction. If anything, it only made your stomach twist tighter. Ruben was experiencing the same thing judging by the look on his face as she saw her coming in hot with you on her heels.
“Ruben.” Her voice was flat in greeting.
“Aki.” He swallowed thickly.
“I don’t have to remind you that I make promises, not threats, right?” Aki smiled humorlessly.
Ruben staggered out a nod. He knew exactly where she was coming from.
“Good.” She gave your fingers a squeeze and released them. “I’ll leave you two to do whatever it is that people who dated for five years - separated for seven on account of one person’s decision - and reunited while ruining my favorite chair in the office do.”
Both of you were left with open mouths and flaming faces as you watched her go back over to Cindy, who you realized would have lots of questions about the exchange. You knew that Aki was going to figure out the real reason her comfort sofa had been replaced. What a time and what a way for her to reveal it.
“That was a ramble. She can’t ramble when she’s truly upset.” Ruben whispered.
Your head inclined positively. “I think that actually went well.”
His shoulders sagged with relief. You instinctually placed your hands over them to give him a small massage. If it wasn’t obvious that something was going on between you two in any onlooker’s eyes, they would’ve caught on by now.
The way he looked at you would cement any suspicions as well. Ruben couldn’t stop himself from visibly appreciating the effort you put into tonight’s look. The feeling was very mutual. You loved him in all black, especially when his shirt strained against his chest.
He leaned forward, getting as far as touching noses with you until you reared back slightly.
“Have you told everyone here about us?” You breathed.
“I haven’t shut up about you in the past two days.” Ruben chuckled.
A hand curled around the back of his neck to bring him in for the kiss he’d so badly wanted. You did too, even more so after what he said. It wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the craving you had for him, present company and all, but it was enough to satiate you for now.
The music lowered, but you hadn’t even noticed until you heard clinking on a glass. Your view switched from eyes you often got lost in to the reason you were all gathered here tonight. Erling waved, thanking everyone for coming out to celebrate the launch of his brand.
He went on to announce the biggest news of the night. It was the project Aki had been working so diligently to secure for him - a deal to collaborate on an activewear line with H&M. You had a timer set to drop the news on his website after the party so that it wasn’t spoiled.
“A team of hardworking women really went above and beyond for me, so thank you Erika,” He tipped his glass to his assistant and then towards your group. “Y/N, Aki and Cindy.”
You met all the kind smiles directed towards you with one of your own. If you weren’t already lit up like a Christmas tree, his move surely made that the case. Ruben’s hand curled around your waist to pull you in for a kiss atop your head.
“Let’s have fun tonight, but not too much. Pep can always tell when we’ve overdone it.” Erling wrapped up his speech.
The members in attendance groaned, man beside you included.
“Oh! One more thing.” He interrupted again. “Cheers to Ruben and Y/N! I don’t know how you got so lucky, but please don’t fuck it up. I love being her client.”
Aki whooped and the music resumed. You were definitely on fire, head to toe.
Ruben’s head fell and shook. Your arms wrapped around him as you made a small cooing sound. Poor thing, he had to take a lot of warnings on the chin on your behalf tonight. A part of you was smiling though. It was good to know that someone inside his camp was keeping him on his toes.
Celebrations got into full swing once the drinks really started flowing. Before the crowd got too involved with libations, Ruben introduced you to the people he spent the most time with. The tall brunette from earlier was John, you learned. You also did some low-key recon on his relationship status.
He’s here alone?
Poor guy has been coming to these types of events alone for a while now…
Everyone was letting a bit looser than you expected given Erling’s warning earlier. If the image of them somewhat behaving looked like Aki beating three of them in a row downing bulldogs, you didn’t want to know what full out was. Still, curiosity got the best of you.
“How do you guys act when not on your best behavior?” You quirked a brow at Ruben’s fellow countryman hitting a dance move you hand’t seen in ages.
He clutched his lower stomach subconsciously, gaze distant. “Let’s just say I don’t recall much about our treble celebrations.”
That was surprising. Even when you were younger with livers that could tolerate the cheapest of liquor in spades, he wasn’t much of a drinker. You’d only ever seen him drunk a handful of times, which was a blessing to be honest. He was the type to fall asleep anywhere.
“Sounds like it was a blast.” You hummed.
The feeling you had in his flat while taking in his accolades had made a reappearance. You didn’t know if it would ever get any easier - having to live all those moments of success he had secondhand. There would always be that voice in the back of your mind whispering that you should’ve been present for them.
“Hey,” Ruben must’ve sensed your longing, and tilted your chin up. “Remember what I said?”
You nodded and smiled, nuzzling into his palm. “I do.”
“Good, I just want you to focus on this. We’re here tonight because of you.” He beamed.
It hit you then that things must’ve been the same for him. The last time he’d been in your life, you weren’t anywhere close to being an owner of a multinational company. He’d missed your university graduations, the ladder climbing, your ribbon cutting ceremonies and all of the big projects that bore Bana’s credit.
“All those times you doubted yourself, those moments where you wanted to quit so badly…they never stood a chance against your belief in yourself.” His thumb ran gently across your cheek. “I’m so proud of you, Y/N, and I can’t wait to see how much more you achieve.”
You squeezed him tight. If there was anyone who had faith in you just as much if not more than yourself most days, besides Aki, it was him. Sometimes, you used to think that you were only doing it for him, pushing past the disappointment and doubt just so that he didn’t see you as a failure.
Hearing him say those words only validated the realization that your past thoughts had never been the case. You proved to yourself that with or without him, you were going to get to the point you were at currently.
“Come,” You took his hand in yours. “We can’t let them have all the fun.”
Ruben laughed as you downed the rest of your wine and pulled him in to dance with you. He spun you around, pressing his chest to your back. You peered at him devilishly over your shoulder while moving your hips in time with his.
That only lasted for so long before you felt him getting a little too excited. Your body pivoted to face his again, fingers joining behind his neck. He pressed his forehead to yours as you swayed and forgot the present environment in a more appropriate manner.
You didn’t know how many songs had passed until you came back to earth. There was noticeably more space in the apartment, a few bodies had cleared out while you were under his spell. A sight that caught your eye proudly was Cindy who was making hushed conversation with John on the sofa.
“This outfit of yours is doing something to me.” Ruben spoke into your ear.
A shiver ran down your whole body. He knew what he was doing, activating your senses like this and walking you right into his trap. You rolled your eyes mostly at yourself. That was exactly where you wanted to end up anyways.
“‘You trying to seduce me, Dias?” Your lip pinned between your teeth.
“Always.” He kissed your neck.
Just as your gaze was about to get lost behind your eyelids, you spotted Aki blowing kisses at a bottle of champagne. All of the lust fueled urges you were feeling took the back burner to newfound nurturing.
“You’re gonna have to put a pin in that.” You patted his chest.
Ruben gave you his best puppy eyes. “Hm?”
Your head nudged towards your friend who was now making a move on the poor alcohol, a finger trailing lazily down its side. He made a small ah sound, understanding what you meant immediately.
“Why don’t we take the party back to mine?” You looped an arm around hers.
Aki squinted at you. “Don’t you have knock to boots with that giant meany?”
It took everything in you not to laugh in her face. This was definitely the perfect moment for you to get her out of here. The next stage in her drunkenness would be a wildcard. You’d either be subjected to a long winded proclamation on how she felt about everything, or impromptu karaoke of Santana’s greatest hits. Neither of which suited the occasion.
“I have a bestie I’d much rather cuddle with tonight.” A little flattery always did the trick.
Her expression softened and she pulled you into a hug. The words muffled into your chest signaled that she’d slipped into the love bombing phase of intoxication, which you greatly preferred to her jazz rendition of Maria, Maria.
You began walking towards the door while dragging her slowly along. A hand raised to wave goodbye to Cindy and then Erling, the other stroking Aki’s back. Ruben was about to approach, but your eyes widened and your head shook quickly. The lion was almost out of the den.
As if she was an actual predator, Aki stiffened. Her glassy eyes found him instantly and you could see him holding his breath, waiting. She took your hand and dragged you the rest of the way to the door, her tongue sticking out tauntingly towards him.
Before the lift close, you saw Ruben laughing. He blew you a kiss, which luckily had gone unnoticed by your bodyguard. It found itself tucked into your pocket, remembering how you used to do the same back then.
You couldn’t wait to feel the weight increase as you collected those yet to come.
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The following day at the office found your team one player down.
Given the night that transpired, you weren’t too surprised by that. You had to actually make good on your promise to bring the festivities home by dancing with Aki. Ultimately, that worked in your favor. It got her parched enough to drink water while also purging out some of the alcohol in her system.
What was surprising was the fact that she wasn’t the missing person. While her ability to bounce back was the quickest between you two, you weren’t placing bets on her peeling out of bed shortly after you did. And it was a good thing you didn’t take the risk.
She listened to the silence of the space, noticeably devoid of any fingers moving across a keyboard or faint music floating down the hallway like usual. Her hands then dramatically snatched the sunglasses from her face as she posed the same question rattling around your mind.
“Where’s Cindy?”
The inquiry hung for a second before a proverbial lightbulb went off in your head. You didn’t want to get too ahead of yourself, but you had a pretty good idea concerning the reason behind her discernible absence. At least, you hoped that was why.
“I think she’s cashing in one of those bonus days.” You smiled.
Aki shrugged, slipping her glasses back on. “Fair, poor thing works too hard.”
You focused on lessening the load for her upon her return. The more technical aspects of client management wasn’t particularly your favorite thing to do, but you’d suck it up for the sake of her finally getting the rest she deserved.
About half of the day passed when your best friend dragged herself into your office. She ran out of what little steam she had, which you completely understood. You commended her for even being able to lift a toothbrush into her mouth this morning.
That left you the sole survivor of Erling’s launch party. It took you back to the days when you first started Bana. Like that dollar and a dream saying, all you had was yourself, a laptop and an unhealthy amount of delusion.
You welcomed that energy and channeled it into the work laid out before you. One thing you never wanted to lose was that initial hunger. It was the motivation that would keep you going even when things were slowing down like they sort of currently were.
Any leads that Cindy had marked out, you followed up on with fervor. While you were at that, you worked on updating the company’s website and portfolio to reflect the latest projects you’d worked on.
When are you gonna give me a tour of your place?
You huffed out a laugh, typing.
Meet me there soon. Mine looks best at sunset.
Now that the cat was out of the bag, you didn’t have to worry about keeping him away from your home radius with a ten foot pole. It also helped that Aki was definitely going to be out of commission until the next day at the earliest. So there was no chance of a still awkward potential run in.
You wrapped up the last few emails on the list you had to send out and made your way back. Hopefully he wasn’t too eager to come over since quite the mess had been left from the previous night.
As soon as you got home, you cracked your windows to air out the loft and got to cleaning. Given that you didn’t know how much time you were working with, you put on an hour timer for extra encouragement. Dishes, sweeping, dusting and surface cleaning in that order all while you carried out laundry.
When the timer ended, you’d just returned from throwing the trash down chute at the end of the hall. With Ruben still not being there, you put your freshly cleaned shower to the test and then got into some loungewear straight from the dryer.
I’m downstairs.
You felt giddy as replied to him which floor you were on before you sent the elevator down.
“Hello MTV…” Your arm stretched above your head.
Ruben jogged over and tackled you inside playfully. You couldn’t help the giggles that fell from your mouth until they were cut off by his. He peppered your face with kisses and moved down to your neck.
“I missed you.” His nose nuzzled against your skin.
Even though it had been less than a day since you last saw him, you related to his remark. The hours you spent apart felt like days and sometimes even months, as exaggerative as that sounded. When you weren’t with him, in the back of your mind if not the forefront, you were always thinking about the last and next time you’d see him.
You stroked his hair gently, “I missed you too.”
Though you might not have millions of followers on your social media, you gave him the brand marketer’s version of a house tour. You’d argue that it was better. He got all the details from the imported quartz countertops, your treasured surgical steel knife collection, custom made sofa and  floor to ceiling tiled bathroom all the way down to the thread-count of your duvet.
“And now, as promised.” You dragged him back to the entirely windowed wall of your living room.
He’d arrived just in time to catch the sunset. It was luckily a good weather day in this perpetually drab city, grey skies making way for the blue he donned week after week. Hues of yellow, orange and a dash of pink illuminated the space, bathing you both in the sun’s warm kaleidoscope.
“I think your view is better than mine.” Ruben marveled.
That might’ve been true. The only thing you would change about your flat was to have a balcony like his. There was a unit with one a few floors up, but it was already occupied. You definitely weren’t staking out the developer’s leasing page on a regular basis to see if it became available.
Once the sun had disappeared, you settled onto the couch and lied on his lap. Unlike him, you reminded, you were not some Michelin star chef and also still had yet to do a grocery run. That left your trusted friend, the delivery app, to do all of the work for tonight’s meal.
Ruben wasn’t objected to the idea. In fact, he welcomed it a bit too eagerly. You almost took offense until he swiftly interjected that he’d been craving something different lately. It still had to be somewhat healthy though, special footballer diet and all.
You put in an order from one of your favorite spots. It was a small family owned Greek place that always used the freshest ingredients, something you were sure both your bodies would thank you for after a long day.
While you ate your mouth watering wrap, you curled up beside him and put on a random trending movie on Netflix. It quickly became background noise though. He was more interested in hearing about your recent events and how life had been since you moved to Manchester.
“There’s something else we have to talk about.” Ruben took a sip of water.
Your back immediately straightened. Those words were never the precursor for something pleasant. When matched with that tone and a more serious expression, you certainly weren’t excited to hear what was next.
“Should I be worried?” Your brows met as you tried to fight off the millions of scenarios that flooded your head.
“It’s nothing particularly bad, it’s just,” He scratched his beard. “Now that I play for City and we get so much media attention, being with me will come with a lot more than it used to.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to know that he wasn’t going to spring a surprise on you like the fact that he had a situationship he’d never really cut off, or that he was harboring a secret love child.
Funnily enough, the WAG thing never really crossed your mind. He’d only ever been the oddly cute buck toothed boy you fell for on the playground, even when you were watching him play before his senior debut. It was weird trying to reconcile that version of him with how others saw him.
“Oh no, do you have stalkers now?” You half-joked.
“Be serious!” Ruben warned through a grin. “I don’t, but some people do go a bit overboard with player’s partners. Taking pictures of them out in public, digging into their pasts, leaving malicious comments. I’ve been told that there’s some news about us so…”
The importance of what he was saying wasn’t lost on you. You’d heard about how intense things could get when publicly dating a footballer. With his looks and status, you honestly anticipated him having some fans that were obsessive in an unhealthy way. The fact that you hadn’t even really been out together publicly but already were exposed kind of proved that.
You appreciated him looking out for you. He knew none of that could ever change things, but still felt it was necessary to check in with you to confirm that you knew what all getting back together brought. It only made you want him more.
“All I do is work and I barely use socials anyways.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I guess the only thing I have to do is make sure I don’t leave home looking like a bum.”
He shook his head. “Impossible, you look good in anything.”
Your eyes did a full circle. There he was with his sweet words, trying to seduce you again. You had a thought to give him a taste of his own medicine and so you followed through with it. In one quick move, you straddled him and brought your lips to hover just over his.
“What about nothing?”
Ruben instantly sealed the gap between you and him. Even better, he muttered into your mouth. You swallowed his words, feeling them travel all the way down to stoke the flames already licking within the molten pit in your stomach.
Your tongue moved against and over his own while your hips dug deep into his. He trembled beneath you, hands falling to massage your ass. Most of it was left half exposed by your ridden up shorts, making your flesh rise to meet his fingertips and palms
Everything about him was so divine. The way he smelt, felt and tasted. You wanted to engrave each inch of him in your memory so that you’d never forget any of his being ever again. Your lips met his forehead, his cheeks, chin and neck.
They grew hungrier the more they feasted. You tugged on his shirt that was unhesitatingly removed with his help. Across the expanse of his shoulders, your lips traversed next, and then down to his firm chest. You became something of a woman possessed as your teeth pinched his nipple.
“Y/N!” Ruben gasped in shock.
You pulled away quickly, worried. “Did that hurt?”
“No, it just…” His eyes narrowed as a sly expression took over his face.
Instead of telling you what it did to him, he decided to show you. His hand trailed up your waist until his thumbs ran along the underside of your breasts. You shivered, teeth baring with a smile.  His fingers moved lower and began moving quickly, digging into your sides.
“Traitor!” You yelled and leapt from his lap.
“You started it.” He reached out a hand. “Come back, I won’t tickle you again.”
Your confidence in that statement was nearly zero. The escape you made from his clutches was made far too quickly for his revenge to be satiated. And his gaze still lingered with challenge. You took a tiny testing step towards him.
When he surged up to grab you midway, you shrieked again and easily dodged. Ruben gave you a look that screamed you were just delating the inevitable. You gave him one right back that said catch me if you can.
He might’ve been fast, but you had home court advantage. You easily weaved around your furniture to the kitchen. In the corner of the furthest end of the island, you gauged his stalking as he did the same.
“Ready to forfeit?” Ruben tested.
“I thought you liked to earn your wins.” You taunted before taking off again.
Your muscles fired up as you darted towards the bedroom. If you could make it under your covers, you’d at least have a few moments of extra protection from his treacherous digits. The neatly tucked duvet came into view and celebrations were imminent.
At the buzzer, he threw you onto the bed and launched an attack on your stomach. You tried to curl up, writhing and twisting your body in an attempt to fight off his fingers. It was to no avail, his hands had infiltrated beneath your shirt to tickle your bare skin.
Right as you were about to cry uncle, you heard your doorbell chime. That halted both of your actions. You sat up onto your elbows as he removed himself from your body. His brows raised as if to ask if you were expecting anyone.
You weren’t. If it was Aki, she wouldn’t have rung your bell since she knew the code. Though she could’ve been adhering to respecting your privacy had she heard you and Ruben scuffling from outside.
The bell rang again and you peeled yourself from the bed, straightening your shirt and shorts along the way to see who it was. You hoped it was her and not some disgruntled neighbor. Surely, you weren’t being that loud.
When you opened up, you took it back. You would much rather be staring down the barrel of aggravated eyes than the ones you met. It wasn’t as if you weren’t happy to see her, far from that, you were just stunned.
And truly in a pickle given the other visitor currently residing in your bedroom.
“Mom…” You regulated your breathing with a smile. “What are you doing here?!”
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polyklok · 1 year ago
Howdy, I liked your Murderface x reader headcanons. Can I get a " Murderface x punk reader " plz? ( I'm a punk slob that likes beer, and I like Murderface 🤭)
Can do! Also you sound cool as hell btw
William Murderface w/Punk!Reader
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He’s kinda of scared of you at first tbh
Like, he obviously has an appreciation for alternative styles (peep the goth boots) and also has a general disliking of authority, but the confidence you exude both impresses and frightens him.
Anyone who could and would kick his ass is his ideal type so he has a great admiration of you from the very beginning. You’re still gonna have to make the first move, he’s a little bitch.
He loves punk music, especially since so much of it is bass-centered, which doesn’t happen a lot in music. He likes learning the bass part of your favorite songs and playing them to impress you.
William actually does a lot to impress you, but you can’t call him out on any of it cause he’ll get super embarrassed and potentially break some nearby objects.
You guys are great at being sloppy together. He was always like that, but it’s totally more justifiable when you’re around. The two of you make a total mess of things in such a short amount of time, especially when drunk. It’s pretty impressive, honestly.
If you’re the ranty type, he could watch you for hours while you angrily go off about political injustice or something of that sort. He’s totally obsessed with you and you can often find him staring at you when he has nothing else to do.
You could convince him to let you put makeup on him if you continuously reassure that it is, in fact, not gay. He actually looks really good in eyeliner and black lipstick.
He thinks your altered clothes are cool as hell and will eventually ask you to do his. He looks great all torn up and pin-covered at his next live show.
If you wear a lot of band T-shirts around him, he gets weirdly jealous and will sneak Dethklok shirts into your closet. Especially if any have his face on it most don’t lmao
Williams loves his Punk Partner
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everlasting-rainfall · 1 year ago
-Headcanons about the Figarland Family-
Hey so this is me having come up with some bullshit that I use to further think up scenarios about an OC of mine known as Esther and her relationship with Figarland Garling
I figured that I would post them just for fun also just to clarify something, I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER CONDONE THE ACTIONS OF ANY CELESTIAL DRAGON
I might love Garling and I understand that the man is an absolute horrid human being like honestly if I wasn’t so sure that I would die then I would try to take his ass out if I saw him in real life but I can’t fight him so I’ll just run
In fiction world though, I wouldn’t mind if he forced me to stand at the altar and say I Do while wearing a white dress…
If you have any problems with that then please just scroll on by…
Death, Execution, Celestial Dragons, SPOILER WARNING, Kidnapping, Yandere, Forced Pregnancy,
-The Figarland Family is not only known for their status and power alongside Garling being a champion but because they make incredibly powerful warriors
-But not only that, they make a lot of incredibly talented weapons smiths as well like I have an OC named Berkley who is Garling’s brother and he’s an incredibly skilled weapon smith
-The stuff that has come out of the more weapon smithing members of the family is quite impressive like they’re incredibly high end and don’t allow just anyone to have them
-Typically the really good weapons are handed to the fighters of the family while the not so great weapons are what’s given to people outside the family
-The Figarland Family has quite a few hunting/guard dogs like they’re all Tibetan Mastiff’s and they are some of the scariest and most terrifying dogs you will ever see
-People have legit horror stories about those things calling them hellhounds and things like it’s rare to meet a person in the holy land who don’t know about those things
-They are well trained, well groomed, well cared for, and know exactly how to mess you up
-No one knows that if you’re a member of the Figarland Family then these guys are total sweethearts, they enter serious mode whenever there’s a visitor or they’re outside or they have specific orders to be in serious mode
-They have a leader too and it’s a little Pomeranian that all of the Tibetan Mastiff’s listen to like these dogs stand at attention the second that the Pom barks in a specific way
-The Pom is an old dog but it’s not to be messed with and it’s been seen legit herding the mastiff’s like they’re a bunch of sheep
-Garling didn’t see the point of the Pom when he was younger and disrespected it once… Don’t ask what happened but know that he now knows that the Pom is very important and whatever you do, never mention his leg scar…
-The Dogs typically get very protective around the younger members of the family like there’s an old picture of Shanks (I subscribe to the idea that Garling is Shanks Dad) as a baby cuddled up with one of the dogs
-They also are the best friends of any Yandere members of the family as they’ll go serious mode and watch over the Darling when the Yandere isn’t around
-Garling spends at least an hour in front of the mirror every morning doing his hair, it’s even longer when he’s older and has the beard
-It’s a hairstyle that the men of the family share like if Shanks grew up around them then it’s very likely that he would have eventually been made to grow his hair out and adopt the hairstyle that his father and all the other men do
-The women of the family don’t have to do it and are pretty much allowed to wear their hair however they want just so long as it’s not like even something that the person with the weirdest hairstyle would find weird like I’m talking styling your hair into branches and hanging ornaments off of it
-Garling despite having a lot of celestial dragon bitches in love with him has absolutely no interest in any of them like he gets at least five love letters a day but he typically gets rid of them
-He has no interest in them and he doesn’t intend to have interest anytime soon as when he eventually falls in love, he wants that to be the one
-The one he dates, the one he marries, the one he makes birth his children, the one he stays loyal to
-That’s the one that he’ll personally pursue and he doesn’t give a shit what status they are as he’ll take them and just keep them in his home, they’ll never leave him and he’ll make sure of that
-This man is a natural born Yandere and I can’t be convinced otherwise…
-So as a result, Shanks mother/Garling’s spouse is still locked up in the house and not allowed to leave unless she’s accompanied by Garling himself or another family member but only if it’s an emergency
-Besides his S/O, Garling currently lives alone at the Figarland House like it’s just him and his S/O alongside the guard dogs
-He enjoys it as it’s good for quiet relaxation time whenever he doesn’t have to train or handle the other Holy Knights and that way as well, he’s able to listen for the footsteps of his S/O better
-As for where his brother, Berkley who I mentioned earlier lives? He lives on the property just not in the main house like he has a smaller house somewhere else on the property where he lives and handles everything
-It’s really the same for any other members of the family as well, they don’t live at the main house as that house is reserved for the head of the family to live in and when Garling’s father died. That became him
-If you feel lucky enough or if you’re desperate enough then if you find yourself being sentenced to death by Garling then you can actually propose a duel where if you win then you go free and if Garling wins then the execution continues
-Garling has accepted quite a few of these duels and has always come out as the winner with his fastest victory being seven seconds, he knows that he will never be defeated so he isn’t afraid in the slightest to take on these duels as they can be good fun in his own personal opinion
-However if Garling really doesn’t feel up to it or is in a hurry then he’ll either deny your request, allow one of the Holy Knights to fight you instead, or kill you right where you stand if you continue to insist or provoke him enough
-Doesn’t matter to him none
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fallenbars · 2 months ago
ok hear me out... sweet cap'n cakes x gn reader who is a hardcore punk.. spikes and anarchy and the cool outfits and they're just the coolest ever
they thought THEY were rebels, but reader is out here looking like the whole one-person rebellion and acting like it too
have a nice day/night/afternoon depending on your timezone! :)
SWEET CAP’N CAKES IMAGINES || Hardcore punk reader!!
Haaa, they would love you. Collectively they would think you’d be one the coolest people on earth (cough) Cyberworld(CouGh) and would so badly want to be your friend. Trust me, you’d get along with them great. This is platonic but if you meant X reader as in romantic just get back to me and I’ll do that too! I just wasn’t %100 sure so I went the safe route.
*Insert gasp at first introduction*
He literally thinks you’re so cool. Look at you!! He would like to be your friend and honestly, K_K isn’t the shy type, but with you, he might act like it. Not too much- but it’s somewhat noticeable.
Probably gets bashful and doesn’t do things to impress you, but when he does his regular things he trips up sometimes. You’re distracting him! (In a good way. Although Sweets and Cap’n probably get a bit annoyed because of him messing stuff up.)
“Uh, hi! Would you like to be friends?” He says softer than usual trying to greet you in order not to scare you compared to his usual…louder greetings?
You accept. You just made his DAY. And if you don’t?…Probably a bit mopey and bummed. Darn…
But let’s put the rejection aside. You and K_K would make really good pals. He’d totally hype you up and be a good partner in crime (Dont ask how he’s so good at what he does) depending on what the case is. He also would love to watch you put outfits together so he could maybe try to get it for himself or even get you something like that! Gift purposes. You know?
Lots of giggles when he looks at you. Just thinks you’re super uber cool.
Uh, hello? Where’ve you been hiding?
“H-hi! Nice to meet you. I’m sweets and these are my brothers!” Waves his hand towards both of them while glancing at them and back to you.
He thinks you look awesome. That style? WHOA. And your attitude? Please join them. Please.
Would LOVE to be your friend. He’s afraid of being rejected but he goes for it anyway. Not without feeling his body tingly from his nerves but on the outside he has his cool. Once you accept he’ll probably look away and his one eye will have a smile ( Or you know how you can tell how someone smiles through their eyes? There bottom lid lifts and it crinkles. Yeah. Him.) he’ll turn back, chill as ever. Yeah. Chill. (Real happy on the inside and might let some of it escape through his happy speech and tone.) 🤭
And if you reject being his pal? OH. Shot to the heart but ok. He’s reaction is more noticeable than K_K’s. He wont bother you again though.
You and him get along well. Especially for coming up with plans for their rebellious group- someone has a head on their shoulders and he really likes that about you. He enjoys that you’re you and the way you express yourself. He likes when people do that and admires you.
Whoa. Who are you?
Dude, dude, dude- You look like the coolest person he’s ever seen. Aside from his brothers- BUT NOT THE POINT.
He wants to be your friend but has trouble with his approach to it. Even otherthinks it. “I-uh- so wanna hang out with me, sweets and K_K?” Little things like that to grab your attention and find an excuse to hang. Probably a few days later literally asks if maybe you’d like to be friends. (Please say yes-)
You accept? Man is HAPPY. You two are gonna be a duo, no room for debate. You’ll get along swell and it’ll bother K_K and Sweets since where are you two going all the time? Where have you been? Be back by 10pm MINIMUM! Thank you. You worry them like two parents. Y’all are knuckleheads to say the least. The duo that needs to be kept apart.
You don’t accept? He’s bummed. Dang it…
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years ago
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Okay this is more of a discussion. Feel free to join in.
Will keep it brief.
Jungkook is shy. That's not exactly groundbreaking news. What's groundbreaking to me is the why he gets shy and the context within which he acts shy.
Scenario 1: JK walks into a room full of board directors and his cheeks tingles. We can chalk it to his inner koo. Shy at heart from day one. Awkward kid who don't know what to do with himself in a crowd of people.
But I'd go a little further as to say it's his self awareness and self consciousness rearing it's head. Given the power dynamics between him and this crowd I'd say he's feeling a little judgemental of himself, worried because he has to impress these people while also trying not to say anything stupid or out of touch. He's literally reading the room and adjusting himself to it.
Now typically this is what I think goes on whith him when he has to perform infront of a crowd or in any situation that requires him to put himself up to be judged and to be the center of attraction.
Scenario 2. He walks into a room full screaming fans and he acts shy. Now this time the power dynamics is almost equal. Unless he has reason to believe not eveey one in the audience is a fan, he should feel more at ease perhaps a little nervous but he's not judging himself or worried if he slips he's gonna be judged in this space.
But then suddenly, his cheeks go pink and shy koo rears his head.
Usually I'd assume it's because he's thought of something silly or even naughty and while he finds that amusing his subconscious takes not of just how inappropriate or shameless his thoughts or actions are.
This is usually the case when he is filming an interview and he says something scandalous like preferring sexy outfits to casual fits or admitting he's into something very niched.
His shyness in such instances is usually as a result of him exposing a vulnerable aspect of himself perhaps unwillingly and feeling abit judged about that. He's showing us the real him, his desires no matter how questionable we think it is. Yet it's his truth.
Again this happens when he flirts with a certain member, gets lost in a moment, or when the member expose a truth about him.
So yea, while Koo is naturally a shy boy there's more to him and more to this shyness.
Take his recent shy moment at the premiere for example. It's easy to tell it was probably because he was self conscious about the way he was dressed and particularly that hair do. I wouldn't say he wasn't confident about it, more like he thought it all a big joke. Tae probably teased him about his looks on their way to to carpet and I'd bet he made a few jokes about it himself.
But then, like the goof ball that he is he decides it's not his problem. Yall will have to deal with it.
No biggie.
But I was particularly fascinated by Tae's interactions with him in that moment. I've seen edits of him bumping into Jk and JK asking him what- Korean style. And the interpretation is that kook is shy, Tae clocks that he's shy and bumps into him to check on him.
Now that's sweet and all cos if I had a friend I would want them to cater to me in a time like that. And certainly more so if I was with my girlfriend- I mean boyfriend, just in case Jimin is reading this. Sire for you I'm straight and perpetually single finger hearts.
Tae kook is an interesting duo. I like watching their interactions a lot because I learn more about Kook that way. I like seeing both him and Jimin interact with different people just to see how unique their bond is as a pair.
Plus, Tae kook are great visuals.
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As far as aesthetics go, I like seeing Tae with Jin, Tae with Kook and Tae with Jimin or some times Namjoon.
For Kook, I like seeing him with Jimin or Namjoon or Jin.
And for Jimin- honestly I like seeing him with anybody.
That's as far as looks go.
Chemistry wise however it's always going to be Jikook, vmin, minimoni, taejin, yoonmin, Sope, Jin-jimin. Chilee hopemin too💀
Jimin tends to be present with each member such that it renders each of his ships unique. Be it him being a friend and at times dongsaeng to Namjoon or a hyung to Jin.
And while the Maknae is always DEE Maknae of the group, it's interesting to watch him step up and dominate in certain ships.
And I get irritated sometimes when he's constantly babied and taken care of and not allowed to be JUNGKOOK- The man of many a teenagers dreams.
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The one who takes care of Bam and brushes his teeth, and takes him for a walk, and cooks for him and his friends and holds people's hands and leads them out of the airport.
The cook who puts people to bed and tuck them in and scolds them when they make mistakes and is caring and nurturing.
And it's obvious this side of him pops up more often in certain dynamics than others.
And I know I get ridiculed when I scream about Vmin- but yall just don't get it. One day you will. Jimin caters to Tae. He takes care of Tae and as strong and powerful as Tae is I actually enjoy watching him let his guard down and allowing another person take care of him😔
But I just don't see this in Tae kook. So it's really difficult for me to sing their praise sometimes. I want Jungkook to be his own man and I want Taehyung to be less guarded and broody. Yet Tae is always catering to Jk, babying him- which is not a bad thing really but it is frustrating to watch him give give give when sometimes Jungkook don't even want or care what he gives him.
We heard this man say on Soop how he offered Jk his friendship, for him to treat him like an equal yet Kook insisted on keeping his boundaries with him.
Someone bumps in to you to console you thinking you are feeling nervous and your response is Whuh??
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Are you kidding Me?
And their shippers are glamorizing this? Like yall should be concerned💀
It is nice that Jk was posting him on his IG, throwing out invites to members and having him go over to his place. It's nice to see them actively work on their relationship together and maybe as time goes on we will see Kook going to Tae's home, asking him to stay for a chat, cooking for him, checking up on him on the red carpet to make sure he's doing alright too, saying thank you and warming up to him when he takes care of him and not treat him like a bro and friend always taking things for granted and not being fully present with him.
Their dynamic feels awfully one sided. Even when things are going well with them it still feels that way. Tae puts in so much effort, feels open and willing to give. And I see why Tuktukkers tend to hate on Jungkook or why Tae stans don't like him.
Remember when they went nuts because Tae tried to hold his hands at kbs studio and Jk ignored it cos he was I think trying to catch up with Jimin? Brains foggy on the facts a bit but yea. That happened.
Why can't they just understand these two are just friends and Jungkook don't even like Tae like that? He's just not into him. Sorry. Not even a little bit.
This reminds me of the live they did when they were doing arts and crafts and Jungkook's whole body was turned away he was almost out of shot.
Listen, don't think he doesn't know sometimes he's paired with Tae just to please an audience. Don't think he don't know. In fact don't think none of them don't know when they are required to fan service it up.
Most times when he acts like he doesn't want to be there, it's because he doesn't want to be there💀
If all you have for proof of chemistry between them is how Tae acts towards Kook then boy or boy are you in for a rude awakening. Check in with both ship captains if you want to be sane.
Wont lie, as good as they look visually, their interactions can be painful to watch sometimes. And mind you, I'm not being biased here. There was a time I didn't want Jikook to hug each other at all cos it always pissed me off how awkward their hugs were.
Their interactions were so awkward sometimes, Jimin had to literally prompt Kook to act natural around him. Kook used to act as if Jimin was a ticking time bomb and would go off and expose them any minute. These days he is the ticking time bomb Jimin has to watch out for. Totally unhinged.
Kook is not good at faking his feelings. And you see that play out most times in his interactions with Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung.
I like watching Namjoon nurture and mentor Tae, I like seeing Tae with Yoongi and I like seeing Jimin baby him.
Vmin is not real but at least their affections are mutually reciprocated- most times.
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tozawas · 1 month ago
Hellloo, you seem cool so I thought I'd come here as a wrestling noob and ask if you mayhaps have any match recommendations for me to watch? There's a lot to get into lol
This is so exciting yes ofc!!!
(I fear I've been watching for about a year, so some of these picks might be kinda basic but! I did my best)
Hiromu Takahashi vs El Desperado - BOSJ Final
Ring work is amazing and is only elevated by the story they tell in this match alone
Their best match imo
Kenny Omega vs Jay White - New Beginning, 2018
Bullet Club Bullet Clubbing
Omega/White are always gonna put on bangers
And then everyone kills Kenny
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Kazuchika Okada - G1 Climax 24
New Japan Nakamura is peak
Okada being the legend he is
Honestly for New Japan any match with Okada/Tanahashi/Omega/Ishii/Naito/Nakamura/Shibata is sure to be amazing
Also it is a ppv and idk if you can still buy it but the Despe-Invitacional is SO GOOD. Despy is an amazing booker and it helped be find out about a lot of wrestlers outside of NJPW
Ricochet vs Will Osprey vs Konosuke Takashita - WrestleDream, 2024
All of the high flying that was Ricochet v Osprey - BOSJ 23, broken up Takashita's strongstyle
So no matter which style you prefer, you're gonna get a good amount of it
Hikaru Shida v Serena Deeb - Dynamite 10/27/21
Now I'm not a fan of Deeb but she can pull some very impressive matches
Shida is a beast in the ring and I'd recommend just about any of her matches (look at her vs Nyla or Mercedes for more)
Swerve Strickland v Adam Page - Full Gear 2023
Teaxas Death match so be cautious if that's not your thing
Their entire fued is worth looking over PLEASE
Hangman has a way in making his death match so emotional and beautiful and it's just amazing to watch
All of AEW's shows and ppv for 2019 are available to watch on Max, so I would highly recommend checking that out aswell
Drew McIntyre v Gunther v Sheamus - WrestleMania 39
Hard hitting triple threat
Three great in ring workers who all have chemistry with eachother
McIntyre continues to be underutilized by the wwe and overhated by the fans so I'd recommend looking more into him
IYO SKY v Asuka - SmackDown 9/22/23
Ppv level match on a weekly show
These two have been working with eachother for so long and they know how to put on a good match
Charlotte Flair vs Rhea Ripley - WrestleMania 39
Just watch it. It's so good
With Charlotte officially coming back too, you can really see how good she is
These don't go too far back but I have no clue about anything pre 2016ish to be so real. But for wwe specifically it's pretty easy to jump in wherever. I'd recommend diving into specific rivalries than trying to consume the entire history of everything. But that's just imo
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn - TakeOver: Dallas
Literally can't make a best match lost without talking about this match
Im not even a fan of Zayn but no one can deny how brilliant this match is
Really shows off Shinsuke and it's a bit bittersweet knowing that he's never been properly used in the wwe
Adrian Neville vs Finn Bálor
Once again, Finn is routinely pushed aside on the main roaster
Any of his NXT matches are worth watching but I picked this one because they both have pretty similar styles Ira it's so cool seeing them work against eachother
Guilia vs Sol Ruca vs Stephenie Vaquer vs Wren Sinclair vs Zaria - Deadline 2024
The current NXT women's roaster is absolutely stacked and this is the perfect showcase of it
Common pick but for a very good reason
I've been a fan of Guilia and Stephenie's stuff since before they've been on NXT an they are truly one of a kind wrestlers
NXT has gone through a lot of changes over the year, but I think it's consistently really good (sometimes even better than the main roaster).
Anyways! I hope this is helpful in any sort of way 🙏 I had fun making this list. I think you're super cool too and thank you for the ask (can we be friends?!)
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