#but also aneurysms!
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frankiccastle · 8 months ago
i should have fucking known it was hereditary.
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fatedroses · 2 months ago
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Elidibus informing Emet of a pivot in their plans in the most messed up way he can manage.
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levemetal · 9 months ago
Ye old Shen twins au where they both become peak lords EXCEPT. Instead of making them twin peak lords or something, we pretend the evidence that the beast peak does likely not exist is lies, and Shen Yuan gets to become peak lord of the beast peak. Why? Because he would LOVE IT there. It's his territory. He gets to be unapologetically nerdy about beasts 24/7 and make it everyone's problem.
As he should.
And bonus! He can snatch LBH at the disciple hole digging. Plot solved! (Assuming the system wouldn't you know. Pull system stuff and force LBH to end up on Qing Jing or some shit.)
And everyone lived happily ever after or some bullshit idk. I reread the 79 extras as well as the TLJ & ZZL ones let me have fluffy AU thoughts goddamnit, my heart has been irreparably damaged-
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nelkcats · 2 years ago
Surprise check
When Deadman panicked and rushed to call him during an important meeting, Constantine thought it was a ghost thing, he doubted it was anything really important so he ignored it for a few minutes.
What he didn't expect was for Deadman to inform him that his boss was coming to visit in a few hours (because apparently ghosts had bosses). The poor guy was in a panic, apparently it was the first King in charge in centuries that cared and he was coming to "make sure everything was in order".
Constantine didn't know what to expect; a King who demanded that humanity bow at his feet and the ghosts rule? One who hated it when Deadman got involved with humans and sent him away? A tyrant? It was clear that no ruler had ever been good, according to his ghost friend, so he had low expectations.
He reported this to the League, who took a high alert posture. An hour later, Wonder Woman was reviewing with everyone how foreign royalty should be treated when they heard Captain Marvel laughing with someone in the break room. Deadman was also mysteriously missing.
Constantine peeked in but all he could see was a teenager conversing with the Captain and strangely, the ghost. He was about to tell the boy that he needed a permit to enter the Watchtower when Deadman spoke up.
"I didn't know you were so interested in games, King Phantom, or that you were so good on them"
Then, John noticed the ice crown on the boy's head and his strangely sharp teeth, along with his toxic green eyes.
"Flattering me won't help you in the review" the teenager quipped "remember we're still waiting for Dan to find out if everything here is...balanced."
Constantine realized: The King was a bloody teenager.
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mirensiart · 4 months ago
Since like, my little loz au happens 200 years post wind waker and 100 years post spirit tracks, the tales of the hero of winds and the hero of spirits are still pretty common and popular
And thus the name Link is super extremely common, in Chain's village alone there's like at least 6 other kids named Link lmao
In his village the kids would use their middle names instead of Link to differentiate each other, but Chain doesn't have a middle name, so he was the token Link in a sea of Links in the village lmao
So like, if Chain were to be included in a "Links Meet" au, he'd like meet all these travelers named Link too, shrug, see nothing weird about it cause like, everyone's name is Link where he comes from and it would probably take him like a day to realize that oh those are THE Links
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anetherealpoetess · 4 months ago
someone made an absolutely hilarious elrond and durin tiktok edit to a twink and a redhead (the lyrics being name a more iconic duo than a twink and a redhead) and my favourite of the top liked comments was: this would send robert aramayo into anaphylactic shock
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almost-an-arsonist · 5 months ago
I have realized a thing
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Is the exact same as
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Art credit (top image) goes to @linkeduniverse
I also do not own Wild Kratts lol
Neither of these images are mine tehe
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fawntastic · 8 months ago
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Ruby the instigator more like can Ruby instigate a conversation with someone who can give her better clothes
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overtake · 2 months ago
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some maxiel snoopys for @blamemma. happy birthday my beloved 💕💕
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velvetwyrme · 14 days ago
got reminded of the pimping vehicles to the bots because of a post about autobot/decepticon trampstamp tattoos that can also be used as bumper stickers. do with that as you will.
i domnt have to do anything. the wonderful ol alex milne did that for me in his hot motor oil series-
wait what the fuck
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>:0.... okay hang on.
i drew something but im posting it seperately.
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crowlixcx · 8 months ago
my biggest dream for good omens S3 is that they release it weekly so that we have lots of time to discuss and play and create and prolong the joy as much as possible
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kiki-or-bouba · 2 months ago
hi this is not relevant to this blog in any way shape or form but i need everyone to know that i am in shambles because i was in the middle of watching my show and then suddenly i was watching this fucking scene play out before me and i lost it
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like i cannot describe how tense the plot is and how high the stakes are at this point. i’m halfway through the fourth season. this episode was a major pivot point in how the rest of the season and subsequently the rest of the show itself is going to develop. and i couldn’t even take it seriously because i was so taken aback.
shows called person of interest btw it’s good shit
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doodles-with-noodles · 11 months ago
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I thought this haircut would look cute on book Hiccup for ages but I couldn’t draw hair back then. Now I can and hit you with whatever-this-hairstyle is :)
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mrghostrat · 1 year ago
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for those who like numbers: bnf has officially passed mon horrible chéri’s hits! it’s my dearest fic, has been since the moment i started planning it, so i’m exceptionally proud and thrilled to see it finally approaching ATWS’s popularity.
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i think atws is great too, but all of you who were there at the start will know that it was just a silly aesthetic idea that tripped and stumbled into a fic. i’d been planning bnf since before streamer au turned into anything, so it’s just real rewarding to see something i’ve put so much effort into earning such a huge response 💕
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odo-apologist · 2 months ago
Okay hear me out: Rimmer who suffered a stroke post Rimmerworld and uses a holo-cane (he's prone to glitches that involuntarily turn him softlight) and amputee Lister whose prosthetic is also made of the same material so he can still touch Rimmer when he isn't hardlight
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comfied-chriterature · 1 month ago
OMGMGOMGG kanade is so pretty as a model hRNGSL
but it's also so funny can you imagine this malnourished vitamin d-deficient shut-in girl who literally has one (1) outfit in her rotation and it's a tracksuit, does not wash or care for her hair enough bc she's overworked, and probably has the heaviest eye bags known to mankind
and someone sees her existing at the mall and goes "will you model for us? :)"
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