@chrrysblssms * /
“ we’re going on an adventure today , tink . “ the man has stated , his voice projecting off the walls of the treehouse . a backpack slung over his shoulder , packed with any essential that the pair could dream of . peanut butter sandwiches with no crust , of course . with the tale of a waterfall , there was no telling that peter would have been eager to find it . “ i thought we could search the forest for the lost boys while we’re at it , if they’re here , that’s where we’d find them . “
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the races were usually pretty even back in neverland , but they’ve been less so in the good place . she should’ve started the second she said the word RACE , but part of tink wasn’t sure if peter would want to participate . it was a tiny part , though , knowing peter’s competitive spirit . she’s trailing behind him , but not by much . climbing is not her strong suit , seeing how she never had to do it . the ability to fly was a gift she definitely took for granted . she struggles and is holding on for dear life , but finally manages to get onto the roof . “ UGH , not fair . you have about , i don’t know , a few feet on me ? maybe if we cut your legs in half it’ll be fair . ”
peter hadn't noticed the slight difficulty, too busy attempting to secure the best spot on the roof. his focused nature with this never truly doing him any favors . with the blonde at his side , peter slings his arm over her shoulders , much as he would to a lost boy . his hand resting off her shoulder blade , the locks of light hair tickling the inner arm . in what he believed would be a simple gesture , issued by a friend . peter feels a warm rush in his face , a lingering gaze from her ( detecting even more of her features , the slight turn of her nose , the way her eyes seemed to sparkle like depths of blue water swells . ) abruptly pulls back to the sky above . “ you were much faster when you could fit in my hand . “ the man interjects .
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tink had been doing her very best to avoid mentioning the elephant ( or elephants ) in the room . she knows she’s peter’s right hand man , but what is a leader without his followers ? still , peter manages to find the positive as he makes his pirate comment . she cracks a small smile before saying “ it is pretty quiet … ” she wants to joke scared you might have to think ? but fears the consequences of making such a joke . a breath hitches as peter leans in – something she’s not quite used to . she’s never been nervous to be around peter . she’s so confused , she’s almost forgotten his question . “ race you there . ”
it seems as though the moment race is muttered that the man is shuffling , throwing the mess of blankets off himself -- having been nearly tangled in them . he’s almost freed his legs , desperate to find himself the champion . it takes a matter of a second before he has launched himself towards the treehouse window . using his foot to kick off from the window sill , it catapults him towards the wooden roof . breathless , much to his own displeasure . the ability of flight would be far greater than this . now , with his back against the roof , peter heaves for breath , his glance towards the sky above . “ easy . another victory . “
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tink has always been an easy sleeper . she will admit , she does miss the privacy of her drawer , but peter had found a pretty secluded tree . still , when they were back in neverland , tink would always find a small spot and hide away from peter and the lost boys . she hears peter’s voice , and at first she can’t make out if it’s real or if she’s dreaming . whether she’s dreaming or not , she moves her body slightly to make room for peter . the worst that could happen is that she’s dreaming and just seems to have moved over a little bit . however , she hears him shuffle over and knows she’s definitely awake . she rolls over so that she can face him . “ everything okay ? ”
it was still a strange phenomenon , for tinkerbell to be human-scale . peter , with sleep still at the corners of his eyes , has found himself under the accompanying blanket . “ couldn’t sleep . “ he mumbles , taking the flat edge of his hand to wipe at his eyes , attempting to push out the remaining drowsiness . “ it’s weird not having the boys here . “ he admits , even this elongated silence would be obsolete in the presence of even a single lost boy . “ but i can do without the pirates . “ a signature peter pan smirk has graced him , leaning up on his elbow as he lays beside her , they’re close . which is usually the norm , except that the space is smaller , the blanket barely able to cover too human-sized beings . leaving peter close enough that each breath exhales would blow against her golden-spun hair . even with this minimal room , peter ducks his head in further . “ i think we have enough time to see the sunrise . you coming ? “
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tink waits for his word , as always . she’s always waited for him to take the lead and that would never change . she doesn’t hesitate to follow him up the ladder , but very quickly wished she still had her wings . sure , flying was possible in the good place , but it just wasn’t the same as a little faith , trust , and pixie dust . she didn’t realize how tired one’s limbs could get until she had to start using hers for more mundane things . the treehouse is quaint , but to tink it’s home-y . on top of it all , the idea he’s pitching to her is something of dreams . sure , they’d had many sleepovers before , but that didn’t mean anything . peter had a way of making each one better than the last . “ just like home , ” she agrees with a smile .
the night feels long , usually peter’s ability to sleep comes easily , a night where he doesn’t fall into a deep sleep was a rarity . this night in particular , he’s tossing and turning . rolling onto his back , his stomach and then back again . it must have gone on for three hours or so before he finally sits up , resting his weight against his arms, palms on the blanket-covered wood of the treehouse . “ pst . tink . “ he mumbles , voice still groggy from the small lapses of sleep he was able to get . the blonde is wrapped in the blankets , the small glow of the moon sheds just enough light to make out the small area . “ are you awake ? scoot over . “
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the walk could’ve been five minutes or five hours - tink wouldn’t know the difference . time always seemed to stand still when she was with peter . if you asked tink , she would tell you her hand fit PERFECTLY within peter’s . it almost made up for the fact that she, in her entirety, could no longer fit within his palm . however , she’d tell you her and peter were perfect together in almost every way . she was silent the whole walk , but that wasn’t particularly out of character . once they arrive at their destination , tink’s eyes widen . " peter … it's perfect! almost … " she pauses , always hesitant to mention neverland . " it’s amazing . can we go in ? "
it's a strange feeling . to look to his side and see her . peter had never felt nervous in his life , even now the tingling feeling was being glossed over . peter pan would never have admitted even a tinge of nerves especially towards his best friend . no . it was something else . it had to be . he climbs up the make-shift ladder , it's wooden boards clicking against the bark of the tree . he's made it to the front of the treehouse , a large door -- solid and with a small padlock hanging off it . it's room-y , at least in peter's own definition . a large pile of blankets and a few throw pillows rest on the hard floor . he had left the comforts of the homes given to them upon their arrival , as much as they had mastered a perfect home -- peter still looked for this . " i can sleep here . and you can sleep here . it'll be like back home . " his smile is wide , his entire face having lit up at the very idea .
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tink isn’t expecting peter’s reaction , and ends up falling forward as his hand drops to his hips . she manages to catch herself with her hands and lets out an angry breath , but looks back up at peter . she could hit him , but instead she looks at him with adoration . tink could never be mad at a happy peter ( unless that happiness was coming from someone else - especially another girl ) . tink smiles softly , thinking of the lost boys fondly . never did she imagine she’d miss that rag - tag group of MISFITS , but here she was . she knows neverland is a touchy subject for peter , so she’s never the first to bring it up . he doesn’t seem too stuck on it , though , as he tells her all about this new treehouse . tink considered herself low maintenance – except when it came to sleeping . she would often hide away from the boys to get her beauty rest because WHO KNEW how long they’d be up making jokes with each other . still , her memories of neverland were all she had ( and she knew it was the same for peter ) . she was always going to make him feel as comfortable as possible . she reaches her hand out , both asking for help up and for him to lead the way .
he’s been chattering about the treehouse for what must be a solid ten minutes , having gone into complete details over everything from the wooden boards to the prime location . meaning it was close enough to a river and a smaller grove of trees that enabled plenty of adventures to be had . the babbling brook had completely pulled him in from the moment he had stumbled across the treehouse , claiming it as his own as his feet had rested on the wooden boards . her invitation to take her hand , still , a strange occurrence . peter was genuinely so used to carrying tink around , barely having to glance at his shoulder to have her presence known that it felt beyond strange to feel a warm hand in his . from tink . the path is grown over , which had first led peter astray but he now knew with confidence where it would lead . with arms extended , releasing her hand , peter motioned to the structure -- showcasing his proudest finder’s keepers to date . “ well ? isn’t it swell, tink ? “
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tink is quite proud of her response . they’d never really participated in a back - and - forth banter the way most best friends did . with them , all tink had to do was stick her tongue out and it would speak for itself . she's so proud of herself , she almost doesn’t realize peter is hesitating . peter pan has NEVER been speechless . her brows begin to furrow , but just as they do he speaks up . all before she can even tease him . although , she knew better than to tease peter . he would just shrug it off anyway . " you couldn’t replace me even if you WANTED to . but … you better not want to . " many of the lost boys fought for tink’s second - in - command spot , but none were ever successful . they were peter’s followers , but peter needed her . her only competition had ever been THE BIRD . but wendy could never care about peter the way tink did . she lets out a huff , having angered herself by thinking of the brunette . " have you found any treehouses around here ? "
peter couldn’t seem to understand the shift . any feeling about this had laid dormant for years , easily subdued at any point he felt the need to . in neverland , it was easier . distractions seemed to leap from every corner , and the pair were hardly ever busy . peter never needed to sit still , never needed to accept terms of anything . it’s a subject change that he actually looked forward to , the bright glint to his eyes ever present as he jumps up to his feet , his hands moving to his hips fluidly . his signature pose . “ that was what i was meaning to tell you ! “ his voice , laced with the typical enthusiasm commands attention , not that it ever needed to be begged for -- especially with tink . “ it’s further in the forest , just past the lake . it even has a ladder . -- and you can enter through the tree . i’ll show you . i’ve chosen to stay there , it reminds me of home , like sleeping under the stars with the lost boys .“
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“ sure , ” she says , defeated . she knows she’s no match for him in a verbal argument – it was so much easier when she could just give a look and he knew . he was still pretty in - tune with her that way , but she’d been speaking a lot more . finding her voice was still something she was struggling with . not that peter never let her express herself . if anything , he was her translator back in neverland . there were just more people here than she was used to , and she didn’t always have peter there to speak for her ( and people who don’t know them may get the wrong idea ) . a deep shade of crimson was prominent on her cheeks , she couldn’t deny it . she does all she can to avoid his gaze . as always , though , she melts at his words . she places her chin comfortably in his hand and looks into his eyes . she offers a small smile , one that’s softer than usual . as much as she missed her life and neverland and all that came with them , she very much welcomed the new experiences in her newly-sized body . tink had never been able to feel peter’s palm press firmly against her cheek until the good place . " hard to be your right hand man when i no longer fit in your right hand , " she jokes.
he would blame the conflicted feelings on the transition from neverland to the good place , such a mixture had never even plagued him back home . yet it swirled within him like a brewing storm , and peter felt confused in it's wake . peter is fully prepared to call it was it was , a relief that she was okay . plain and simple . just as a relief he would feel with the lost boys had they ever distracted themselves enough to go off route . it had happened , to peter’s own memory , at least twice before . it was relief . he , though would never come to admit , was less confident of this proposed idea when she rested in his hand . in fact , peter pan had to suppress a gulp of a swallow , that even seemed to startle him . wendy had been pretty , he knew that . the mermaids too . sure . pretty . but tink was -- , tink was -- no . had it been anyone’s thoughts but his own , voiced aloud , he would have theatrically gagged . these voices quiet themselves for a short period allowing him to response after a brief silence . a smirk , one that could be worn by a mischievous fox proudly is displayed . “ you better still be up for the job . “
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“okay , perhaps that is true . still , the only reason they may have went looking for me was to find you . ” peter liked to believe the best of anyone who gave him the time of day , mermaids included . but tink always saw their mean glares when his back was turned . they were not kind to those they deemed competition for peter’s affection , which included both tink AND the bird . the second peter leans forward , though , the mermaids ( and even the bird ) are the farthest thing from her mind . he’s right . despite the fact that tink had all the same parts , they were on a much larger scale now . ever since meeting her girl gang , tink was not the one to have insecurities . even life with peter , she was never insecure with how she looked . however , meeting people in the good place who did deal with such insecurities currently had her worrying peter could see her pores – something she didn’t even know existed until she got here . she quickly smacks his arm before looking down after hearing his comment . she was bound to blush even more .
“ they would look for you too . even without me . “ he’s fairly dismissive over it , peter didn’t really believe he earned special treatment in neverland , even from the mermaids . they enjoyed his company , that was all . as did the lost boys . the mermaids just happened to be a bit more affectionate . even as they seemed to hang off him in nearly every instance , but he only subjected that to their desire to hear his stories . that was all . the contact to his arm is quick , earning a sheepish smirk from the man . “ i don’t even think i’ve seen that dark of a color . maybe it was just harder to see . “ the smack had barely registered with him , his hand moving back to her face . he had no shame , such a feeling came with lessons -- experience . peter pan had never felt shame , among other things . his hand has cradled under tink’s chin , a continued inspection of her now human features . he had let long fingers slide up, pinching the rose-tinted cheeks with them . “ hard to believe you used to be able to fit in the palm of my hand . “
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“ ah , yes . " slightly . peter’s right hand boy . if anyone was suited for it , it was him . still , there’s no way his reign would be anywhere near as good as peter’s . ” yes , i’m sure the mermaids went looking for both of us . " a slight roll of her eyes , knowing the mermaids had no interest in her . at his next comment , tink’s smile faded . honestly , tink couldn’t care less where she was as long as peter was by her side . both neverland and the good place had their pros and cons . still , she was never going to rain on his parade , even if deep down she had a feeling there was no way out . " if anyone is going to find a way , it's you , " she tells him , placing her hand on top of his and giving a gentle squeeze .
“ of course , they went looking for both of us . “ it wasn’t so much denial as it was ignorance . peter could argue until he was blue in the face , about nearly anything and the opinion of the mermaids was no exception . “ enough to tell me you had left , that should show something . “ it had been a trick statement , though peter pan could not seem to grasp that . he had reacted differently from what they had expected . “ we’ll get back there , i’m certain of it . “ the man states , a matter-o-factly . though his rigorous statement falls flat , as a curiosity that would have maimed the cat steps in . peter leans forward , his expression boldly animated , his index and thumb sandwiching tink’s chin . “ you know , i don’t think i’ve ever got to see you this close before . i mean , close , sure . but you’re always so small . “ he tilts her head with his hands , almost as you would to inspect a doll . she’s an awfully pretty girl , actually . and perhaps if peter had managed a sense of maturity he could tell her so . instead , he opts for teasing . “ are you always this pink too ? “
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tink laughs to humor him . although , she did find it quite funny he was taking the words of the mermaids to heart . the mermaids liked to fudge their tales to boost peter’s EGO – something tink could be guilty of as well . however , she’d never admit it . " i can’t , " she tells him . the visual of peter being grabbed by a hawk and flown away was funny to tink , but she could only enjoy it for so long . the reality of a life without peter was one she hoped to never have to deal with . " who would’ve led the lost boys ? "
it had never been something considered , to think that peter would ever leave neverland for good . it was home . it had been his only home . and yet , he was here . brought to live here after a fated fall from grace , literally . his plummeting fall brought on as he scoured the skies for the blonde , meeting a demise that would have been deemed impossible for peter pan . “ i think slightly might have taken it on , not as good of a lead as me , of course . but enough . do you think they searched for us ? i’m sure the mermaids have , considering how often our days were spent at the lagoon . i wonder if we’ll ever seen any of them again . “ it was a saddening thing to wonder , one peter never dwelled on long . “ we’ll find our way back , there must be a way . “
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special delivery for @fcxglcves !
tink can’t help but look over at peter - she’s not quite used to their afterlife bodies . she knows if he catches her looking , he’ll just tease her relentlessly . which is exactly why she doesn’t keep her eyes on him for too long . she still couldn’t wrap her head around being almost his size . a foot difference in height was nothing compared to three feet . peter is going on about something , and tink is nodding ( as she always does ) . there’s no reason for her to interject , and she knows doing so will only start peter all over . still , she smiles . they were slowly getting back to how they used to be ( without the wendybird , the lost boys , and her favorite outfit ) . it was nice . calming . reassuring .
it's a story she has probably heard , if peter were to even realize this , he could confidently agree tink had heard this story four times -- minimum . yet , his body rests on the edge of the chair , urging him to perch on it as he moves his hands dramatically with each word . " and then -- the hawk swoops down . " his hands ' swoop ' , almost resembling the hawk he speaks of , offering a visual cue as peter pan did best . if he had not been aware of his own environment , the boy could swear ( up and down and over the heart ) that he was back in neverland , his feet swinging from an occupied tree branch as tink listened intently , the smallest flutter of her wings at his ear . " and then i ducked , -- but he almost got me , the mermaids even said so . imagine ! "
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