#but again. you literally never know he is just so strange and off putting (compliment)
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 9 months ago
things we learn about mulder in s1
he wanted to be an astronaut when he was young, and stayed up all night when he was 14 to watch his hero do a walk in space
he's scared to death of fire because his friend's house burned down when he was a kid
he went to oxford 10 years before the start of s1, where he dated phoebe and they, at the very least, made out on arthur conan doyle's grave (but it's implied they went all the way)
he is a fan of like. all of the sports. i cannot keep up with them all, but he sure can
he had his first case at the age of 28, where an agent died because he wouldn't take a risky shot
(and he remembers everything about the man who died- his kids, their ages, what they do for fun- all of it haunts him)
((he also, at the trial for the man who killed the agent, screamed that he "should die like an animal, you son of a bitch"- so much for cool and composed spooky mulder))
he always falls asleep on his couch to the point where i don't even know if this man has a bed
before being moved to the x-files, he worked for 3 years at the behavioral science unit, where he profiled serial killers
(also literally no one wants him on the x files they just keep him around because he is too dangerous to fire lmao)
he will go out of his way to make any kids involved a case he's assigned to feel comfortable and/or laugh as a break from the Heavy Moments (probably because he remembers being questioned while very young and how awful it felt)
he believes that siblings have a psychic connection (heartbreaking when you remember his sister disappeared when he was 12 and he only has access to the memories due to hypnosis)
he refused to let his parents call him by his first name and only went by "mulder", even as a child
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earlysunshines · 10 months ago
hirai momo x fem!reader ; pining, fluff, angst, smut
wc: 14.7k
synopsis: when your boyfriend takes you to meet his family the last thing you had expected was to be eyed up and down by his step-sister – and honestly, you’re checking her out too.
warnings: smut!! ; fingering ; oral ; making out against the door, on the couch, in the elevator ; some soft sex ; reader has a *gags* bf ; momo is readers boyfriends’ very hot step sister ; not too happy with the pacing ; pining pining and pining ; brief implied homophobia ; anything else I didn't mention ; not proofread
a/n: i’ve never had a bf ever in my life or even talked to a man romantically so sorry if the whole having a bf part is really bad (lesbian since birth basically)
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literally nothing could have ever prepared you for this moment. nothing.
the woman standing right there in front of you, a foot away looking down at you from the door; she’s gorgeous, she’s fucking hot. 
you’re meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time after dating for three months, yeah you were nervous about this whole meeting, picking out appropriate clothes for dinner with his parents and sibling. it was normal to feel this way, however, you’re much more nervous as the woman in front of you scans you down. 
those cheekbones could have been carved by aphrodite herself, sharp and perfect. her eyes, a dark brown, send a shiver down your spine. her lips are a tempting shade of pink, parting just a bit the more she takes in your presence. she gives you a curious look, you can't help but avert your eyes and your gaze inevitably travels, trailing down her crop top, lingering on the tantalizing glimpse of abs peeking out–
“and you are?” she clears the air, looking you up and down with the same hint of interest.
clearing your throat, you respond, “oh, hi. i’m um, thomas’s girlfriend…�� 
the word girlfriend rolls off your tongue weirdly in the presence of whoever she is. you’re indicating that you’re taken, taken by… thomas.
“ahhh,” she says so casually, it still makes your breath hitch right then and there, the tremble of her voice vibrating in the air and reaching your ears like a cold brush of wind. then she smirks, and your knees go weak. “you’re y/n? i didn’t know he managed to get with someone so–” she eyes you up and down, smiling wider now. “--striking.”
you don’t know what to say, don’t know how to react because jesus fucking christ the woman of the century has just complimented you. you’ve just met her and weirdly enough she has you like putty.
“momo?” you hear a deep voice shout from inside the house. 
the familiar face of your boyfriend appears seconds later, he smiles at you, pulling you in by the waist - you almost trip. and then he kisses you on the lips, deeply. the fact that the woman from before is witnessing this makes you cringe internally, so you pull away for a bit, stopping his advances with a hand on his chest.
“hey, babe, not um, now.” you whisper, earning a strange look.  
“oh, okay.” he says dissapointedly. you turn to the side, looking at the woman again. your boyfriend raises his brows in disinterest. “oh, her? she’s my stepsister.”
the stepsister (the prettiest woman you’ve laid eyes on) looks at you again. her eyes go from your eyes to your lips, down your body and back up to your eyes. her brows raise up in interest, amusement – something along the lines of that – before she introduces herself.
“momo.” it’s such a simple name, but it fits her image. you’d love to know this momo more. “it’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
“yeah, likewise.”
she smiles at you, almost like she knows she has you under a spell.
“thomas been treating you well?”
“oh, yeah.” you look over to your boyfriend, he’s rolling his eyes at momo. “he’s great.”
momo snickers, “uh huh, sure. i bet.”
“oh stop that.” thomas says, “you’re being annoying.” he puts his arm around your waist again before tilting his head to the side and winking at you. “let’s go to my room.” 
you nod and he leads you down up the stairs, still, you manage to catch another glimpse of momo before you head up. she looks at you with narrowed eyes, complimented by a grin that shows a bit of her teeth. 
your clench your jaw before redirecting your attention.
the fact that you’re thinking about your boyfriend's step sister more than him the whole time he’s entertaining you in his room is a little concerning.
even when he shows you his stupid trophies and pictures of his lacrosse team, you can’t shake momo off your mind.
momo, momo who’s probably the prettiest person you’ve seen. she looks nothing like thomas, clearly not because if you’re being honest, his visuals don’t have a chance against hers. it’s terrible though, you shouldn’t be thinking this, you can’t.
but even when your boyfriend is kissing you suddenly, sliding his hands up your torso and shifting his lips to your jaw, you still think of her. 
thomas sits you down at the dinner table, squeezing your hand as you situate yourselves.
thomas’s dad sits in front of him and his stepmom – you assume, she has similar features as momo – sits on the same end of the table. 
in front of you is momo, of course.
if you were to lift your head up, even shift your look up, you’d meet her features. 
as she sits at the dinner table, engrossed in her phone as she waits for the food to cool down. your boyfriend's parents initiate the conversation, delving into inquiries about your life, your background, your family, etc – basically throwing around questions you’d expected. they come across as warm and inviting, particularly momo's mom, whose voice is sweet and genuine – contrast to thomas's dad's straightforward and blunt tone.
“so, what are you majoring in?” momo’s mom asks.
“public health, i also used to minor in art… but it didn’t really fit.” you answer. 
she raises her brows, looking at momo now. “did you hear that honey? she used to do art. my daughter does something in that field, what was it?”
momo looks up and into your eyes, making you shrink in your seat.
“architecture and graphic design.” she says, tilting her head. “what classes did you take when you minored?”
“oh, um, intro to art history and the basics, you know… um…” you start to trail off, watching as the woman in front grins wider.
“that’s cool” she says simply. she thinks it’s cool, this is great.
thomas speaks up, chicken and rice still half eaten in his mouth, “yeah, art is cool but it’s not gonna get you paid.” his tone is judgemental, making you frown. “momo spends all her tuition on classes that teach you how to draw a stick figure on a laptop and make buildings with popsicle sticks.”
momo grimaces. “oh shut up, at least everyone that takes art isn’t an egotistical snob.” 
her mom butts in, “hey, let’s not fight at the dinner table in front of our guest.”
thomas puts his hands up in defense. “right, sorry for reminding you that i have a secure job and career coming my way. my bad little sis.” he grins, raising his brows. “y/n has a good path too, not as good as business, sorry babe, but still, good money – at least after you go to medical school or whatever.”
“hey, thomas…” you respond, voice small. he’s unbelievably obnoxious right now. “i think… art is cool momo.”
momo looks at you again after your words of reassurance, smiling. you could be delusional, maybe just a little, but you swear there’s a little flush on your cheeks. you might just be delusional, though.
as dinner progresses, you make a point to compliment thomas's dad on his delicious chicken recipe, eliciting a bright smile from him, probably the first of the evening. momo's mom shares more details about her, capturing your attention more than any information that’s dropped about thomas. you like how momo get’s a little more timid when anecdotes are dropped, you don’t pay attention to any shared of thomas other than the time he got hit by a seagull when he was four. that made you laugh, it made everyone laugh.
the night comes to an end with thomas’s arm around your shoulder, the feeling of it heavy and a little overwhelming, but he’s your boyfriend and you’re in front of his family out for display, so you decide to ignore the weird feeling in your heart – especially the discomfort when momo manages to meet the scene.
thomas is later sent to do the dishes, giving you more time to converse with his parents one on one. they seem to genuinely enjoy your company. his dad's smiles become more frequent, and his stepmom expresses her fondness for you, commenting on how cute and wonderful you are.
you spot momo in the corner of your eye wiping the table down, her tricep flexing when her arm moves forward, the small curve of her bicep prominent when she brings her arm back. you decide – after seeing this sight – that you want to talk to her, alone.
you walk towards her, standing just by the side of the table. feeling the new presence creep in, momo turns to her left, catching you in her vision.
the sight of you there, clad in a loose sweater and shorts, makes her smile a little.
“hi.” you greet, offering a small smile back.
“do you need help with that?” you ask her, “i feel bad just letting you two do the work.”
“i’m almost done.” momo shrugs, then begins to wipe again. “don’t worry about it, you’re our guest y/n.”
you frown slightly, feeling helpless as you stand there, watching momo wipe down the table silently.
“by the way,” she starts, making you perk your head up. “why do you like my brother? how did you two even meet?”
“oh,” you shrink when momo’s eyes meet yours. “my friend introduced me to him when we went out to eat. he made me laugh a lot and, i guess i thought he was cute–”
but wow, if i knew you were even cuter? i don’t know what i’d do.
“--and he’s funny. we went on a few dates later on and now, now i’m here.”
momo hums, looking at you with narrowed eyes now. “well, i’m glad he makes you happy. you guys are cute.”
you respond with a “thanks.” before momo turns to finish off the last side of the table, but before she can do that, you invade her personal space a little. she’s surprised when you’re leaning in, lips near her ear and muttering, “i’m sorry for how he acted earlier, i thought it was really rude, i’ll talk to him about that. i think architecture and graphic design are really cool, my friend chaeyoung is an art major actually.”
when you pull away, faces a hand width apart, the two of you find yourselves staring at each other for a bit. momo chuckles, her smile even wider now.
“wow, you’re really cute y/n. no wonder my brother pursued you.” her words ring in your ear as if you’d been thrown against some giant bell. you find yourself blushing and look away. momo begins again, “it’s fine though. he’s my brother, he’s always like that – it’s how siblings are.”
“right, sorry i just, i thought it was rude.” 
“he’s like that.” momo shrugs, “i guess he’s nicer to you than he is with me.”
“oh, maybe.”
she places her hand on your shoulder, her very nice-looking hand with nude colored polish and visible veins running on the top of it. you almost shudder, the contact makes you stiffen up a bit.
“don’t overthink it.” momo suggests, “he’s just a guy. he’s like that, don’t worry, seriously. i’m not going to cry myself to sleep because some 5’7 guy made fun of my major.” 
you giggle at her joke and find yourself being pulled into someone seconds later – to your dismay.
“alright, that’s enough of bothering my girlfriend.” he teases, kissing your forehead. “let me drive you home babe, that okay?”
“yeah of course, let me get my bag.” you kiss him on the cheek as well. 
momo begins to walk away from the scene and you feel a twinge of disappointment. you kind of hoped to have more conversation with her, but there’s always more opportunity considering the fact that you’ll probably be over more.
part of you has to remind yourself that the reason you’ll be over is to hangout with your boyfriend – not to learn more about momo.
you’ve lived alone for a few semesters, the first two being the year you shared a dorm with yeri. you were sent on a scholarship, almost a full ride, so your parents decided to be generous since you pretty much lived out their expectations.
having your own place also meant having a whole living place to do whatever you want. you had a single bedroom apartment to yourself, no bathroom to share, no roommate to bicker with over stupid little things like dishes. sure, it got pretty lonely without your best friend, but she visited often anyway. now that you have your own place, the world is basically your oyster. you missed yeri a good amount of the time – at least she didn’t have to have that fear of walking in on you and thomas getting a little… intimate. 
thomas hovers over you, his grunts muffled into your neck as he desperately thrusts into you. it’s not the worst feeling – his dick inside – but it’s definitely worse than the foreplay, which says a lot.
now that you and thomas have more time and space to get hot and heavy, he never takes it for granted, and you’re never against it, wanting your boyfriend to feel good.
and when he cums – not really minding that you didn’t do the same – he kisses you on the lips sloppily, muttering a few curses against your lips while you send your hands down his back, falsely scratching at the muscles he’s worked for as if you’d felt the same sensation as him.
(you like him a lot, really, enough to the point where you’ll fake pleasure.)
“fuck, baby,” he sighs as he flops down next to you, catching his breath. “that was so,” he kisses the corner of your lips, “amazing.”
maybe for you.
“mhm,” you hum, he smiles at you, and it’s kind of cute, so is the ruffled hair. thomas can be cute sometimes.
the sound of buzzing fills the now quiet room. thomas looks over to his left, reaching for his phone, then tenses his jaw a bit. you quirk a brow, turning over to place your arm over him and before you can even ask – he sits up.
“baby.” he turns, looking down at you with an apologetic expression. “i’m sorry, i have this thing to go to.”
“now?” you prop yourself up on one arm, your palm holding your cheek as you question, “what thing?”
“business, you know.” and you for one, do not know. what business does he have at three – almost four – in the afternoon? he runs a hand through his hair before kissing you on the forehead, whispering a, “i’m sorry, i’ll text you later, okay baby?”
“um, okay.” you mumble, looking at him confusedly as he finds his boxers, slipping them on before checking his phone again.
“seriously, i’ll text you.”
“okay thomas, have fun.”
you lie there, your eyes half-closed, listening to the rustling of fabric as he retrieves his jeans and t-shirt. just before he leaves, you hear him mumble a "love you," and then the door shuts, leaving you alone, naked in your own disheveled sheets.
turning over, just enough to let the afternoon light seep through the blinds and into your eyes, you pull the blanket up and over you, engulfing your whole body. 
your phone makes a loud ding from the bedside table, prompting you to open your eyes a little so you can check whatever the notification is. you lazily scoot your head over to peek at the screen, reading the words on the screen–
your eyes widen at the “cafe pop up at the park!!! spring flavors!!!” reminder, instantly giving you a burst of energy despite the activity from before.
then it hits you; you haven’t done shit today, nothing at all. waking up with thomas was one thing, but not enough(clearly), and then that movie you can’t even remember the plot of since thomas was too busy eyeing you, feeling you up, rubbing your thigh and fuck, you really wanted to finish that movie. some stupid rom-com that you were invested in, thomas seemed to be interested in something else.
you force yourself up and the blanket falls down to your stomach, your tits out on display now and you can see a faint hickey on the left side of your chest in the mirror across from you. you comb your fingers through your hair, fixing it up before heading to your bathroom.
this is better than being a bum for the rest of the day anyway.
the ten minute walk to the infamous park – adorned with beautiful cherry blossoms, blooming tulips, and public spaces to gather and catch up – makes you forget about everything that had happened before.
there are various friend groups around, each holding a cup of coffee with the words “kim’s kaffeine,” belonging to the new cafe that opened months ago, the same cafe hosting a little pop-up to promote their new blend.
once you reach the cafe, there’s already a line – maybe seven or eight people – unfortunately. 
still, you decide that it could be worst, considering it’s a pop up and at the newest cafe. recently you had seen a promotion video of the place on instagram, so it’s not surprising that there’d be a wait that would take more than ten minutes. 
after scrolling through texts in he groupchat with your friendgroup, looking at their various reels sent and stupid debates on where to hangout next; you look up and finally it’s your time to order. you were here for one thing, that popular latte they’ve been advertising and of course that’s what you had ordered. 
it takes about five minutes for the barista to finish up your drink, and when she’s done, she calls out your name with enthusiasm and smiles at you once you walk over, quickly rushing a “thank you!” before tending to the next order. 
you swirl the coffee around and take a sip, relishing the taste and considering coming over more often. usually you’d be underwhelmed by foods or drinks that had gained so much attention, but this particular beverage really met your standards. 
without thinking, you turn around swiftly and manage to run into a woman. you hear her gasp as soon as you two clash and feel the iced coffee from your drink seep into your clothing.
you look down to see a damp, rosy region on your t-shirt and a few drops on your white shoes.
“oh my god im so sorry–” her voice is laced with panic, and then she looks up, looking horrified when she processes just who she’s run into. “y/n?”
mouth agape and eyes widening, you pause in place as you stare at the woman: momo.
she’s an inch taller, eyes angled downwards in the slightest to meet yours apologetically. she reaches for the pocket inside her blazer, pulling out a napkin before handing it to you. 
“momo?” her name rolls off your tongue almost like a question, but also as if you were happy to see her despite the circumstances.
(you are, in fact, happy to see her despite your t-shirt being stained with half your cherry blossom latte.)
“y/n, sorry, i was rushing and i didn’t see you.” her voice is bashful, eyes tearing away from yours as she takes off her blazer, which reveals a black tank top underneath. she hands you the blazer, insisting, “here, take it – for the trouble of course. i’ll get you another drink.”
shaking your head and waving your hand at her, you flash a smile and quickly respond, “no, no it’s fine. it was an accident, no need to–”
“no, please, let me.” momo butts in, “i know the owners, i mean, i was the one who designed the posters and menu after all. i also know the barista really well, she’ll give them for free.”
you can’t really argue with her after that, so you reluctantly nod. “right, okay.”
she puts her hand on your shoulder, looking relieved. your eyes meet her hand, the hand on your shoulder. your shoulder. her hand. on you. 
“i’m sorry again, here–” momo puts the sleeves of the blazer on either shoulder before making a little knot, which covers the stain solidly. “this should do it.”
she grins at you, looking proud of her work (she’s done the bare minimum, but somehow cutely) and you can’t help but grin back after seeing her like that. the glasses she has on make her seem a little dorky, which is honestly adorable to you, making your smile grow even wider – a toothy one. 
warmth spreads across your cheeks, and you even feel your ears grow a little warm too. “thanks momo.”
momo was right; not only did you get your drink, but it got upgraded from a small to large, with an extra shot of espresso, and it was all free.
she interacted with the barista freely, joking around and even getting teased. the barista had sent you a cheeky look – one which you ignored – when she realized that momo was ordering for you as well. 
“one large iced cherry blossom latte! one hot, large mocha!” the barista had shouted soon after. once you and momo had received the drinks, the barista smiled at you widely, eyes moving back and forth between the two of you with a little smirk. “you two enjoy the rest of the evening.”
“thank’s dahyun, see you soon.”
“yeah yeah, thanks for leeching off my business.” the barista jokes, rolling her eyes at momo. “and have a good one, momo’s friend.” 
caught off guard, you laugh, “thank you, you too!” before momo reaches for your tricep and lures you away from cafe. you turn around to see the barista – dahyun you assume was her name – waving, adding a little wink to the mix.
you and momo find yourself walking over to a bench, and once you sit down she immediately apologizes.
“i’m so sorry again, i’m so dumb.” she pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. “so sorry.”
“don’t say that, trust me it happens to a lot of people.” you assure, giving her a smile. you take a sip of your latte, smiling even wider as you sit next to her. “thank you for the drink – and the size upgrade. your friend is very sweet.”
“it’s no problem, i mean even if it weren’t for free i’d pay for it. you’re thomas’s girlfriend after all.” 
you turn away from her, snickering before you look down at the drink in your hand. “is that all you see me as?”
“your brother’s girlfriend?”
“no, not at all.” momo pauses, turning to face you instead of the little boy playing with his dog across the park. “do you see me as just his sister?”
“not right now, no.”
“not now?”
your faces meet each other now after you turn, smug smirks that mirror each other. momo laughs and all you can do is laugh too.  
“i mean, last time i just saw you as thomas’s really pretty sister. now all i see is momo, the person who spilled coffee all over me.”
she pushes your shoulder playfully, rolling her eyes to hide how flustered she is after hearing you call her “really pretty.”
“oh stop that.” momo sighs, “i’m sorry, again.”
“apologize again and i’ll spill coffee on you.” you warn teasingly, making momo laugh again. 
silence falls over for a short moment as the two of you people-watch. momo sips on her mocha, and you catch her in your peripheral, waiting for her to continue the conversation or say something else.
she’s interesting, you note, with the way you’ve already warmed up to her. she’s a stark contrast from her brother; talking to her is definitely less stressful. you can speak your mind and joke freely. 
momo doesn’t look at you when she suddenly asks, “are you doing anything? or did you only drop by to get coffee and go back?”
“oh, no not at all. i’m pretty much free, thomas had something to do so…” you force a smile, pursing your lips together a bit. “why do you ask?”
“i came here to study for a project actually. do you want to accompany me?” 
you grin at her, crossing one leg over the other before you respond, “of course,” because what else do you have to do? and besides, momo’s company would be much better than walking around the park alone.
“great.” momo says, then stands, grabbing your wrist and urging you up with her.
she leads you down the park, a little deeper where there’s less families and more students trying to study in an area that’s full of sunlight.
the two of you walk beside each other and halfway through the walk momo pulls out a small notepad, then fishes for a pen in her bag. you observe carefully, watching her take notes of her surroundings and sketch small designs of what looks to be some type of public architecture. momo sits you two down by a concrete bench, right in front of a singled out tree that’s surrounded by grass and the wooden trail through the park.
her tongue sticks out as she sketches, then her glasses slip down her nose and you’re quick to push them back up with your finger. momo looks at you in surprise, a small blush painted on her cheeks as she mutters a small “thank you.”
momo’s really cute, which is a little conflicting for some reason. 
you’ve been silent most of the time, not really saying anything because momo hasn’t either, and because you’re too busy watching the way her expression’s change as she thinks to herself, finding the purse of her lips and those scrunched brows oddly alluring – and that smile of yours hard to fight back.
“what are you working on by the way?” you ask, which makes her perk her head up in surprise.
“oh, it’s for a project. we’re proposing architectural designs and ideas that might be considered – like, they might actually build it.” momo explains, then scoots over so that your shoulder is touching hers, showing you the notepad. there’s a sketch of the tree and around it are sketches that you can’t really make out. shecontinues, “surrounding it are little sitting areas, maybe to protect the tree and prevent it from deteriorating, i don’t know.” she puts the pen to her bottom lip, thinking to herself again. “there’s not a lot of seating in this particular area because they don’t want to get rid of the natural aspect, but that means it’s not as versatile because people don’t want to stay in a spot thats–”
momo looks up at you, second guessing herself. 
you look away from the notepad and back at her, tilting your head in confusion. “why’d you stop?”
“sorry i just– you know, i feel like im rambling.” momo chuckles awkwardly, looking down at her notepad once again. “it’s just something for my class–”
“no, i like it, keep talking.” cutting her off, you reach out for her hand to stop her from closing the notepad. “it’s interesting, and i like your rambling so…”
your hand is on her’s, spiking both your heartbeats. momo gulps lightly, giggling her nervousness off again.
“you’re so strange y/n.” momo teases, smiling down at the pen in her hand. “anyway,”
she continues on about her ideas for eco friendly study areas, small structures and designs that are fit for the elderly and others that are fit for the younger generation. she’s really lively about it too, using her hands ask she talks, her expressions growing more animated. 
you find yourself propped up on both hands while you sit, body leaned back as you listen and watch her with stars in your eyes.
she hums, looking up from her notepad. “yeah?”
“are you single?”
she freezes, her cheeks starting to flush as she looks away. she starts to laugh under her breath, shaking her head before responding, “what kind of question is that?”
“just curious.” you admit. “you’re pretty and youre passionate about this and it’s really adorable. i kinda just started thinking if you were single or not because if you are, that would be unbelievable.”
your compliments are like bullets, and you just keep shooting and shooting until her knees and body grow weak. momo doesn’t know how many more shots she can take.
“well, i guess you might not believe me then.” she mirrors the way you sit, then turns her head to face you. “i’m very much single.”
“you’re kidding.”
“no.” she looks away again. “you sound so patronizing right now.”
“hey , hey, i’m not making fun of you or anything – i just think it’s weird that no one has made a move.” you say, and momo looks at you in a way that asks for more. you sit up again, slouching a bit as you rest your elbow on your knee. “you and thomas are so different you know, but you both have one common trait from what i’ve observed so far: you both are oblivious.”
you shrug, then state simply, “just an observation.” momo opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. instead, she looks at you again, watching you smirk like you haven’t sent her brain into a swirl. “anyway, tell me more about your architecture stuff.” you tilt your head and laugh lightly. “i think your ramble is much more interesting than anything business related i’ve heard from thomas.”
“business majors…”
“business men.” you correct.
both of you laugh harmoniously, playfully shoving each other in the process and it seriously feels just right.
after getting her number, you discover that she even rambles through text. she shares her thoughts and feelings in a stream of consciousness that makes you laugh. her messages are filled with blurbs about things that have made her happy or pissed her off, the level of openness and expressiveness contrasts sharply with thomas. 
her candid messages and pictures, plus the willingness to share her emotions freely make you realize how much you appreciate that quality. you can't help but wish that thomas were a little more like her, it’d make him just as cute. 
a few days later, while you’re with thomas, momo gets the courage to ask you out to the park again, sending a little text that reads “coffee? won’t spill it on you this time…” and you can’t help but smile at your screen. 
thomas notices the change in expression, raising a brow in suspicion.
“and who’s got my girlfriend smiling at her phone like that?”
you shake your head and grin to yourself. “your sister, actually.”
“yeah, she’s nice.” 
he looks at you from the bed, watching you sit back in the office chair in your room as you reply to the text. your fingers tap against the screen, and your smile grows wider with each second. he can’t help but notice the way your eyes light up, the joy on your face undeniable as you exchange messages. his brows crease as he sits up, looking at you like you owe him an explanation.
you look back at him with a confused stare. “something wrong?”
“when did you hang out with her?” 
“oh,” your face lights up again. “i went to the park after you left for your business thing, and then she bumped into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt.” your tone reflects the scene like it’s some sort of thrilling story, even though it isn’t – at least to thomas. to you, it was a memory you had thought about a little too much. “it was really funny, she’s adorable, your sister is, haha. anyway– she got me some coffee and we just strolled around and hey, architecture is really interesting! i don’t know why you bashed her that one time at dinner.”
thomas lays back down, rolling his eyes and picks his phone back up again. you tilt your head as he responds, “she’s a loser, you know.” the features on his face contort into something not so short of resentment.
“you’re just saying that because she’s your sister.”
he sends you a weird look, nearing a glare, then adds, “not just that.”
you can’t help but giggle at him, finding the chance to poke at him and tease him. your hand meets your opened mouth as you gasp dramatically. 
“you’re jealous.”
“what? no.”
“oh you’re so jealous– that’s adorable!”
thomas loosens up as you laugh at him, immediately making your way over to the bed and pinching his cheek as he pretends to be annoyed by it. you kiss his knuckles, your lips soft on his rough skin before placing his hand on your cheek. 
“your sister won’t take me away from you, and besides, this is a good thing! i’m getting along with family.”
he sighs before bringing his arms out and pulling you closer. “yeah, whatever.”
placing your head on his chest, you let him gently rake his hand in your hair, waiting for him to fall asleep.
the signature snoring – loud and honestly, quite bothersome – fills the room, prompting you to fish for your phone blindly. it’s on the table, still there as you left it, meaning momo had been on read. the thought of her being left with the text “read” at the bottom of her own message makes you pout, so you end up with an apology, a response, and a stupid emoji in order to make up for it.
on the other end of the line, momo watches her phone light up, redirecting her attention from the book in her lap.
the contact reads “y/n,” and the mere sight makes momo smile. she picks up the phone, nearly on the edge of her bedside table, and reads your little text. a small chuckle leaves her lips as she fixes the glasses to sit on the bridge of her nose, the frames just barely reflecting your text:
sorry for the late response :( 
your brother is jealous that you’re using my time for him
kidding lol
anyway, coffee sounds great, i look forward to that.
tomorrow in the afternoon? let’s get lunch while we’re at it
sleep tight, momo
momo grins, immediately typing up a response.
let’s meet at kim’s and find our way out from there
i’ll see you there, 3pm sharp
you sleep well, y/n
your eyes had been closed, kind of, just not enough for you to not notice the light from your phone after momo sends her message. you’re quick to grab your phone, your tired features unlocking it and displaying her text in the small default font of your phone. you grin again, placing the phone back on the bedside. 
the thought of a little “date,” with momo doesn’t sound too bad, it urges you to fall asleep faster. little do you know, your limbs start to loosen up and your body slowly strays away from thomas’s, turning ever so slightly to the point where it faces the ceiling. 
sitting down at a small two seat table in front of the cafe, the sun shines down on you in fragments. the sky is adorned with clouds, they’re scattered all over, but not to the point where you might wonder whether you’ll need an umbrella or not.
it’s not even three yet, but still, you worry.
you worry a little more than you should. worry that momo may not show up, won’t give you that smile that shows her teeth, her eyes won’t slim as she does so – and who knows, you worry that it might even rain despite the forecast assuring semi-clouded skies, a faint breeze, and warm, wonderful weather.
without thinking, you fidget with your fingers before fixing the collar of your t-shirt for absolutely no reason.
“y/n! hey!” a voice calls out, heard from your left and just the sound of momo’s voice reaching your ears makes your turn in her direction.
you’re greeted by a smile as she walks over, and then brown eyes drill into you through black frames and it brings a little warmth to your cheeks. you figure it might be the warm weather, the sun shining – but momo seems to radiate much more than what had been forecasted.
“momo, hey.”
she’s wearing a gray tank top that showcases a small display of her tummy – you note that, making sure to revisit the landmark once you get the chance since it’s oddly enticing – and a light flannel over it. hair flows down to her shoulders, she scratches the dip of her collarbone and it moves a strand. for a moment, you wonder what it’d be like to be the one moving her hair out of the way, how soft the skin of hers feels like if you were to just graze your fingers across.
“hi y/n.” she fixes her bangs. “did you order anything yet? you better not have, you know my perks.”
“relax, relax.” you start to stand, chuckling. “i wouldn’t do that to you.”
“that’s what i thought.”
she tilts her head and signals for you to follow her to the line. thankfully, it’s not busy, lending the chance for you two to be those people who stand and observe the menu carefully with expressions that make you both look more considerate about your choices than you really are.
(at the end of these few seconds, you’ll both be ordering something you’ve already had, nothing out of your comfort zones.)
her barista friend isn’t working that day, but momo manages to playfully banter and immediately, the barista present laughs along with her, waving her hand and you hear a faint sentence that guarantees free drinks.
this time you order a small, iced caramel latte, while momo orders an iced white mocha instead. 
momo waits with you, standing a little close. you watch the barista intently, zoning out a bit as she steams milk and swirls the metal jug around. the woman next to you finds herself staring at you while you’re distracted, eyes tracing you, cherishing the moment to just look at you.
“i like your face.”
you’re quick to snap your head in her direction, immediately responding with an unbelievably flustered sounding “what?”
momo freezes, waving her hands in the air and trying to fight back the flames of embarrassment that threaten to have her cheeks burning. “no! no, no. that came out wrong, sorry, thinking out loud. i just– you have pretty features and… yeah. god that sounded so weird, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“i won’t, i won’t.” you chuckle, raising a brow mischievously which causes momo to gulp. “but i will be using this against you. it would be funny if both siblings were in love with me, wouldn’t it? his pretty sister drooling because of me, how adorable.”
momo rolls her eyes, shoving you with her own shoulder playfully. “oh shut up. i’m not in love with you.”
“right~ it’s okay momo,” placing a hand over your heart, then the other on her shoulder before you lower your voice and push your bottom lip out teasingly. “don’t fight it, stare at me all day if you’d like, gorgeous.”
“gosh, you’re a handful.” momo groans. “i don’t know how my brohter handles you.”
“he–” you cut yourself off, recollecting every moment shared with thomas. 
you struggle to remember when you’ve flirted so… easily. really, you aren’t much of a flirt, but with momo in front of you, looking so good, it’s just relaxing and easy to talk to her; your stupid remarks flow out of your mouth without thinking, but none of what you say isn’t true. and then you start to wonder whether this is morally wrong, flirting with your boyfriend’s stepsister, but really, it’s playful—even if you can’t help but be a little attracted to her. 
honestly, you don’t know how thomas handles you either because you’ve never been this teasing, never been so relentless and filled with stupid remarks. the worst you’ve done is tease him for being jealous and maybe call him hot once or twice. 
– manages.” you continue, looking away from her. “um, enough about him. let’s… let’s get lunch? i would kill for some cold noodles.”
momo sips on her drink, then chuckles. “whatever you want.”
and then you two end up having more than lunch together, finding yourselves in momo’s car while she drives both of you downtown. the two of you explore shops because hell, why not. everything you do with her that afternoon – and into the evening – is spontaneous. 
the minutes pass, and with each store you visit, you find yourself a little closer to momo. your shoulders brush, and your hands accidentally graze each other's skin with every few steps. every touch is like ice water trickling down your back, sending shivers. you start to step in a way that makes your knuckles brush against hers more frequently. there's a pang in your heart, and the thought of maybe linking pinkies, arms, or really anything—anything physical with momo—crosses your mind. the proximity feels electric, and the idea of a small, intentional touch becomes increasingly enticing.
momo is dragged by the wrist into some sunglasses store, following you in while giggles escape from you.
a variety of sunglasses are given to her so she can try them on for you, and each time you look at her with admiration, some sort of pink dusting your cheeks, momo can’t help but laugh and smile like a little kid.
there’s this wall, a wall of tension that’s thinner than thread and both of you are waiting for it to break down – momo’s the one to obliterate it.
she grabs a pair of sunglasses with square-ish frames and tinted, green lenses. you’re standing in the mirror, fixing some strands of hair that fall loose when you feel someone creep up behind you.
momo’s hands reach over your shoulders and one side of her face peeks out from behind you in the mirror. she places the sunglasses she’s brought on your face, fixing how it sits on your nose bridge before placing her hands on your shoulder. momo’s head is still close – even closer when she uses her right hand to tilt your head to the left, facing her completely.
her features become more apparent: the subtle curve shaping her nose, big brown eyes focused on you like a camera about to capture a moment, smooth cheeks, and parted lips revealing her oddly perfect teeth. her rosy lips hold you captive until she gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. your eyes shoot back up into hers—those honey-like eyes that leave you speechless and rooted to the spot. 
“these suit you well.” momo says softly. you wonder if your heart is beating louder than her voice.
you’re still stuck in place, faces four or five inches apart when you struggle to mutter out, “oh, thanks.” 
momo smirks like she knows what she’s done to you, moving away and taking her hand off your shoulder, to your dismay.
"you should buy them. here, hold on." she presses the edge of her palm against your face, lifting the sunglasses to hold your hair in place. the rush of heat in your cheeks intensifies, and just when you think you couldn’t feel more flustered, she gently pulls out a few strands of hair to frame your face better. “there we go, the green compliments your eyes.”
it feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach.
momo pulls away, smiling at you. all you can do is gulp.
“maybe i will.”
her eyes scan you up and down before momo fixes her flannel, then she leaves you in front of the mirror as if she hasn’t just rocked your world.
after your first (intentional) hangout with momo, the words “coffee?” and “are you free?” are a common text between the two of you.
from short coffee runs to various cafes after classes to walking in the park at night on a weekend, the two of you become attached quickly. 
eating with momo is your favorite thing to do, probably, and it’s really not the food that you like; the way momo stuffs down food like it’s going to grow legs and leave her only adds to your interest in her.
the thing is, momo listens. she’s aware and attentive, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, she’s not a man-baby like thomas. spending more time with her makes you smile, makes your cheeks burn, makes you feel heard and seen. you start to point out thomas’s flaws everytime you’re alone with him the more you spend time with his sister, and it throws you in for a loop.
hanging out with momo is different than hanging out with anyone, really. you’ve noticed that even when she rambles, she’s attentive to you and your reactions, always waiting for a response and reading your features with every word uttered. 
even worse, or maybe definitely  better; the mention of momo is becoming more frequent whenever you’re with your other friends. they’ve started to notice just how special she is to you. they see the way your smile and laugh come more easily when she’s around, and especially how a natural blush appears on your cheeks whenever her name comes up.
being around momo is wonderful, amazing really – like a fresh breeze that picks you up as if you were a feather.
it’s great, perfect – right until the revelation hits, the one that picks you up and throws you to the ground like some wwe wrestler. 
it can’t be, this can’t be.
you’re at thomas’s house, not with him though, instead you’re with momo.
your visits at your boyfriends house become more frequent; you’d spend three or four hours on a free day there and at least an hour would be with momo. sometimes you’d spend all those hours with her.
she sits next to you on the couch in the living room on her phone as you scroll through movies to watch. 
here’s another thing you like about momo; she’s the type of person who’ll actually watch a movie, and even better, she’s into the same media you’re into. it’s a completely new experience. she’s someone who cares.
she even puts down her phone when you start the movie, even if it’s one she’s watched before. tonight you’re watching lost in translation for the first time, momo tells you that it’s good. you trust her judgement.
with each minute that passes, the urge to scoot closer grows heavier. from your peripheral, momo doesn’t budge. she’s lounged lazily against hte couch, that impeccable profile of the side of her face trying to steal your attention away from the tv in front of you. her hand rests tantalizingly on her thigh, so close yet so far from simply making contact with you. 
and you figure you might go crazy from just sitting there and watching the movie, oddly enough, right until she turns to you, noticing how stiff you are.
“hey, you wanna sit closer?” she asks, you nod like an idiot. 
scooting over, your arms press together. she looks at you, scanning your features and you scan right back, eyes stalling at her lips – plump and soft up close – before she turns back to watch that stupid movie. 
you wonder to yourself, the ache in your heart is like a slap to the face, is this how thomas feels? is that why he’s so eager to be so touchy with you? because everything he does to you, you want to do it too, oddly enough; you really want your hands on her, to be close in any way possible, and honestly she looks really good. good isn’t even enough to describe what you see right now – what movie were you even watching before?
“something on your mind?” she’s looking at you again now, head tilted down as she looks at you through her lashes and you feel yourself shift your hips involuntarily.
“oh, just zoned out.” you assure, pursing your lips together into a forced smile.
she tilts her head and smirks so that her teeth show, earning a quick breath from your lips.
“is the movie getting boring for you? i really liked it to be honest.” 
you shake your head. “no, no, i just– um, my legs–” your legs are tapping up and down against the carpet under your feet. “does the couch have a leg rest? um, there’s just, yeah i just need–”
“it’s broken right now.” momo says, frowning. “i have an idea though.”
“and what is that?”
her grin widens, more teeth showing and you feel that rush of heat in your cheeks again – nothing foreign when near momo. 
she abruptly grabs just below your thigh right under where your knee bends, moving your leg up and over to rest on her lap. she taps your other leg – right on your thigh and you swear there’s a small noise that gets stuck in your throat – which prompts you to rest it on her lap as well. 
“sit back and relax, i can be innovative.” she jokes.
“whatever miss architect,” you laugh, shaking your head. “you gonna make a leg rest out of your lap for your next assignment?”
“oh, no. this one’s exclusive only to you, lucky girl.” she smirks at you knowingly, then rests her hand on your thigh. turning back to the tv, you’re left speechless, gulping, and tense in your spot. 
your teeth trap your bottom lip; you’re head over heels for her, it strikes you like a blow to the stomach.
the flutter in your abdomen, the burn of your cheeks, and all your admiration – it all makes sense now, it’s clear as day the more flustered you get from momo rubbing circles into your skin.
as you two continue to watch the movie, you try not to shift too much in your seat from the weird, hot sensation you feel in the moment. it’s difficult, all too difficult to ignore the concerning rate of your heartbeat or the little pulse in between your legs when momo sinks her hand higher, her skin smooth against your own as she moves it mindlessly, tantalizingly. 
you’ve found your answer, the answer as to why thomas doesn’t arouse you or leave you breathless like this. you’re not sure whether it’s a good thing or not.
your mind runs in circles, you feel your head spin, and it stops whirling once it reaches the idea of momo kissing you, hands falling to your skin and leaving you breathless. she’s still in front of you when you daydream of this, and you realize once she looks you dead in the eye, raising her brows.
fucked, that’s what you are. 
getting fucked? yeah, about to as well, probably.
thomas has his hands around your waist, messily fumbling with the edge of his shirt as he roughly slides his tongue into your mouth.
he’s not a good kisser, not really. his short, sweet ones are nice, the small, rare pecks to your lips are not bad. honestly, you like the quicker ones the most. but right now you can’t really breathe, he’s practically devouring your mouth, not in a good way. you can’t reciprocate the kiss with how bombarded your tongue is, the texture of it all throwing you off so much that you have to place a hand on his chest and push him away for a bit.
he raises a brow, “what?” sounding almost offended, a little annoyed too.
“just,” a sharp breathe leaves your lips, “needed to catch my breath. actually– i just, i don’t know if i can do this right now.”
thomas just stares at you for a moment, then scoffs. you watch him tense his jaw, turning away from you and disappointingly and muttering a small “okay.”
“babe, i’m sorry.”
“it’s fine.” he lies, you can hear the irritation in his voice. 
for some reason, you can’t help but feel off when he touches you or shows affection, anything intimate. you can hold his hand and throw on a smile, kiss him quickly on the cheek or anywhere else – only if it’s brief and swift – and go out with him. the thing is, he doesn’t care for that these days and it’s getting more blatant with each passing day. the only time he seems interesting and pays the slightest bit of attention is when it’s heated.
you haven’t felt anywhere near horny for at least a month with him – it’s been dying down since that first encounter with momo.
thomas noticed the change in your relationship with his step-sister, finding it off, but not really paying attention to the detail of it until recently. he noticed that the time you’d usually spend with him would be shared with his step-sister – and your lowered (almost nonexistent) libido was the biggest deal for him.
he finds himself pissed, confused, and sexually frustrated. not the best state for a man, not at all. of course, he doesn’t draw it down to square one – him – and instead tries to find reasons for why you’re being so difficult. everything leads to momo, it’s all started since then – everything. 
a few days later, he sits beside you on his couch in the basement. his arm is around your shoulder as you two watch the movie – a crime show he likes.
his fingers graze your shoulder, revealed by the tank top you wear. 
your turn your head to answer, “hm?”
“you and momo been getting close, huh?”
giggling softly at the mere mention of your name, you nod. “yeah, she’s lovely.”
you punch him playfully on the chest, earning the tilt of his head. he almost looks offended.
“she is! don’t be so mean to your sister.” you emphasize their relation, because siblings are supposed to be relatively nice to one another (is what you assume, because you have none yourself). “she’s so sweet and funny.”
“she’s a leech, you know. not good to hangout with people like that.”
your body faces him more after the comment, you frown. “what?”
thomas looks back at the screen, watching the detective in the show connect different points from the cases he’s been going through. “a leech. her mom married my dad because he’s rich, and now she gets to live comfortably with that stupid, childish career plan of hers. all she does is take.”
“thomas, what the fuck?”
he rolls his eyes and looks at you again, raising his brows and shoving his face closer to you. “l-e-e-c-h. leech. just wanted you to know who you’ve been spending your time with because ever since you’ve met her you’ve been getting so distant and shit. she’s really stubborn you know, and really, i’m trying to protect you babe. not a good influence.”
scoffing, you remove his arm from your shoulder, scooting away from him and looking at the smug smirk on his face in disbelief. 
sure, you didn’t know the full details of how they became siblings, but still, that’s fucked to say about someone who’s been so sweet to you. 
“what the fuck is wrong with you.”
“it’s the truth.”
“you’re fucked thomas, you are fucked.” you reprimand, “why would you say that?”
“oh sorry, my bad!” he says sarcastically, raising his hands up in the air. “i’m sorry she’s been taking all the fucking time away from you, that bitch.”
you push yourself away from him, standing up. your expression shifts to one of frustration, brows crunched with a trembling bottom lip. he looks at you, raised brows and a shit-eating look that you want to slap off.
“okay, if you’re jealous, i understand that, really. but calling her a bitch? a leech? what the fuck is wrong with you? i know you’re siblings but that’s far.” 
he scoffs, then chuckles unbelievably. “what, you defending the person who’s stopping you from fucking me?”
you want to puke. struggling to contain yourself, your hands shake as they ball into fists, and tears prickle in your eyes.
“fuck you, thomas. fuck you,” is all you can say. he's unbelievable, absolutely terrible and it’s clear as day now, if comparing him to momo didn’t make it apparent already. he's so fixated on this one thing, his lust-driven desires – not even bothering to deny how fucked up and in the wrong he is. 
“it’s true.”
“you know what’s true?” a tear rolls down your cheek before you poke the inside of your mouth with your tongue angrily. “now that i think about it, maybe i spent so much time with momo because she liked being around me, actually took interest into my wants and needs and interests unlike you. you’re really this mad? because i don’t want to makeout with you every two seconds? because i’m – if not before – repulsed by your dick inside of me? for fucks sake thomas, you’ve made me cum like three times total. fuck you.”
he stands up, oh now he’s offended, all from the mere mention of anything sex-related. he walks up to you, looking down at you with a disgusted, angry look.
“you’re so lucky y/n. you know there’s a line of girls waiting for me and it’s a fucking privilege to be with me like this. i’ve been so goddamn patient with you and your fucking priorities. you want to insult me because you don’t feel good? yeah, sounds familiar don’t you think? so all that shit coming out from your mouth–”
your hand comes into contact with his cheek, making a loud clap in the process. 
thomas’s eyes widen, his face turned and angled at the ground. 
his cheek burns, and he presses his hand to his skin. he looks at you in disbelief, watching tears fall and fall until you’re staring at him with trembling features and visible regret – not from slapping him, but for putting up with him.
“we’re fucking done, fuck you thomas, fuck you.”
“you bitch –”
you scoff, turning around and running up the stairs. 
the bag you had brought is still in the living room, but the last place you want to be is in the same house as thomas – his house – so you’re rushing towards the door, opening it and slamming it close once you’re out.
tears continue to fall, you wipe away at them desperately and sniffle a bit. you can’t be crying over someone like him, you can’t. 
momo pulls up to the house in her car, only to spot you storming out with a disappointedg, bothered expression.
she stops just in front of the driveway, you spot her too. your nerves seem to settle, and surprisingly; you’re relieved just to see her from the window rolling down. immediately, your tears stop flowing down your face, your nose is less runny, and you quickly compose yourself.
“can i get in?” you stop her before she can really question you, ask why your nose is pink, why your eyes are a little red and watery, or really the evidence of a post-crying y/n. “can we just–” you speed over to her car. “get out of here.”
momo shifts the car to park immediately. “yeah, of course, where to–”
“just drive.” you say, opening the door and settling in the passengers seat. “please.”
momo does what you’ve practically ordered her to because one: you’re a mess. and two: she would do a lot of things for you. as soon as you’re situated in the car with your seatbelt buckled, momo shifts the stick to “drive” and presses down on the gas. 
she turns over to you swiftly, only to see you looking forward with a dazed expression. 
momo drives, well, somewhere. she takes the bigger road and finds herself turning into random neighborhoods, glancing over when she hits stop signs to see you looking out the car window. when she’s had enough, the red light at the busy intersection giving her a little time to pry, she places her hand on yours. 
your head shoots in her direction, your eyes locking onto hers. she takes in your post-crying face, noting the remnants of tears but also the effort you made to appear relatively normal again. it's a stark contrast to the vulnerable state she found you in outside her house.
before momo can ask you anything – you beat her to the punch.
“we broke up.” 
momo lets out a breath. “oh gosh, y/n, i’m so sorry–”
“don’t be, your brother is a terrible person. i’m just, sorry for myself. i can’t believe i put up with him.” the light turns green, momo steps on the gas again. “can you take me home?”
“yeah, yes. of course y/n.” she looks at you again, giving you a comforting smile. you manage to smile back. 
she shuffles her hand so that your fingers intertwine, squeezing subtly to offer comfort. she drives one-handed for the rest of the way to your apartment, her thumb rubbing against your skin absentmindedly, providing a soothing, repetitive motion that grounds you both in the moment and really, you feel much better already.
she reaches your complex, then parks in the designated lot. you lead her over to the elevator, then to your place. you left your bag at thomas’s house, but luckily, your keys were still on you.
you two are inside in no time and momo simply watches you flop onto your couch, leaning your head back into the cushions defeatedly. 
she sits down next to you without asking, and without any warning, you place your legs on her lap like you’ve done before. momo watches as you close your eyes, relaxing into the material beneath you. she gently rubs her thumbs along your thigh, comforting you with the small, soothing motion.
“he got mad at me because i didn’t want to fuck him anymore.” you speak up, opening your eyes and watching momo nod. “he’s an asshole.”
“i know.” momo agrees, “he’s terrible.”
“why didn’t you warn me?”
“y/n,” she begins, then sighs. “i’m not a homewrecker. plus, he’d whine to his dad like a man-baby.”
“fuck him.” you groan. “i can’t believe i fucked him. he’s pathetic.”
the tone of your voice slowly simmers down to something more casual, shifting from the brink of tears to general insults. momo continues to soothe you with her touch, her thumbs still rubbing gentle circles on your thigh, providing a steady source of comfort.
“do you feel better?” she asks you again.
looking at her, you’ve honestly just pushed aside the events from before. she’s here with you and that’s all that matters.
“yeah, thank you. you’re so sweet to me.”
she chuckles softly, then her expression shifts to a pout as her phone buzzes. glancing at the screen, she bites her lip nervously. curious, you scoot closer and catch a glimpse of the notifications: one from "mom" and another from "thomas."
“they’re going to be on my ass, especially my brother.” momo frowns. “i should go before thomas bothers you more, i’ll try to diffuse the flame.”
her hands leave your thigh, and disappointment washes over you, making you pout as well. she gently moves your legs off her lap and stands up, her eyes scanning the texts with a stressed look on her face.
she makes her way over to your door, it renders your heart weak. the one person you need with you is momo, especially now, you need her.
“momo, stop, wait.”
you pause her, and she turns around, her eyes meeting yours. for a moment, you both just stare at each other, eyes locked in an unspoken exchange.
she’s a step away from you, you can tell she doesn’t want to leave you alone here. she grips the phone in her hand tightly.
your eyes steal a glance at her lips before your own our on hers. 
she reciprocates immediately, her hand finding the base of your neck as you two exchange a kiss. when you pull away, she looks at you like you're insane—right before pulling you back in by the waist and closing the distance again.
the timing is awful, but so right at the same time. 
her lips are just as soft as they look, just as you had imagined. she brings her hand to your cheek as you desperately grip onto whatever she's wearing. she smells like peaches, and her lips taste like them too. you kiss her again and again, pushing her against the door. then, with a sudden move, she grabs you by the waist, turning you both around and pinning you against the door instead.
you can’t help but groan, feeling your breaths grow heavier as soon as she swipes against your bottom lip, curving her fingers to tilt your jaw up. you two exchange saliva for a minute, tongues against each other, exploring and savoring each other before momo pulls away, halting everything.
“y/n, wait.” she says breathlessly, “i– i have to, you know, go.”
“i need you here with me momo. i need you.” you move over to peck her again, holding the base of her neck.
to fight the urge to go on, she looks away from you. “you’ve just broken up with thomas, i– i can’t. and i have to resolve things, i’m sorry.”
“momo, are you serious?”
you want to cry. she can’t leave you, she’s the only thing you need right now, the one person who can ground you after everything that’s been going out. she’s the reason you went out more, started exploring new places and everything about her screams that she’s the one you should’ve been kissing and loving this whole time.
“i wish i weren’t.” she looks into your eyes. “i’m so sorry.”
momo doesn’t text you the rest of the night and you have no clue what to do with yourself.
you lay on the couch, unable to pick yourself up and go to your room. the ceiling is the only thing you can see and momo’s the only one on your mind. you lift up your hand for the first time in a while, bringing two fingers to gently settle on your lips, lips that momo kissed. 
god, everything about the kiss was fulfilling, it was perfect. 
the thought of staying in your apartment alone all night kills you, especially with so much pent up inside of you. you reach out for your phone, unlking it and scrolling through your contacts to find someone who can listen: yeri.
momo grits her teeth as soon as she steps into the house. 
her mom watches her angrily storm through the hall. “thomas is in his room.”
she rushes up the stairs, practically knocking the door open with how aggressive and angry she is in the moment. she watches thomas lay there, on his phone like nothing had happened. 
he spots momo and looks up like he’s just been pestered. “yes?”
“what the fuck happened between you and y/n?”
he yawns, then puts his phone down. 
momo bites down on her teeth, clenching her jaw. just the sight of him there makes her thoughts scream at her to punch him in the face, but momo doesn’t, because that’s something an immature, impatient man-baby would do; that’s what thomas would do.
“she dumped me because i insulted you, guess she can’t handle truth.” he laughs like it’s a joke. “fucking bitch slapped my–”
“don’t call her a bitch.”
“oh? what’s this? defending the bitch now?”
momo moves her lower jaw in an attempt to suppress her anger. “fuck you, seriously. you’re an ass you know?”
“you’re an even bigger one for being the reason y/n wouldn’t fuck.”
she can’t believe what she’s hearing. you were right, you were so right. all he is is a lust-driven prick who’s the reason some of your hangouts with her have been you complaining about him. he’s never really loved you, not at all. 
momo wonders how someone who’s dad had been able to treat her mother right, could love her wonderfully and provide so well, could have a son like this. the sight of thomas after hearing what he’s said – especially about you, calling you a bitch and all – makes her sick to the stomach. it’s difficult to hold back from punching him in the face and kicking him where he’d suffer the most.
he perks his head up. “oh, forgot to mention: picking up your brothers ex-girlfriend after they’ve broken up isn’t the best look.”
“i don’t care what you tell your fucking dad, he actually has morals and a heart. you’re a snob.”
“you’re a desperate little bitch, i knew something was going on between you as soon as she had hung out with you the first time. y/n is a fucking homosexual because of you.”
“or maybe it’s because your tiny ass dick can’t satisfy her, or the fact that you’ve never treated her well, you selfish fucking– ugh.” momo stops right there because it’s no use wasting all her anger on thomas, he’s just a guy after all.
“well, you’re a fucking whore. if anything happens with you two after, i wouldn’t be surprised. all you are is desperate and jealous, getting with her would prove that.”
she watches him poke his tongue at his cheek, then leaves the room, annoyed and frustrated.
momo considers texting or leaving a call, but decides to drop it, afraid of saying something she shouldn’t say or making things worse due to her emotional state. 
the two of you see each other two days later because momo’s conflicted, wanting you to take time for yourself, and you are simply someone who’s longing for a person you’ve recently realized you’re in love with.
the whole time away from her is grueling even though she had texted you.
when both of you meet for lunch you fight the urge to hug and kiss her. 
she looks wonderful walking into the small sit-down restaurant, a tank top – your weakness when it’s on momo – and sweats on. she’s stunning, especially those lips of hers that you can’t stop staring at because you’ve had the privilege and lucky chance to kiss them.
momo on the other hand fights back the urge to kiss you too, because after her anger had fizzled out, that had been the only thing on her mind prior to seeing you at the table for two.
“hi.” momo greets.
you force a smile. “hey.”
she sits down in front of you, then looks at the menu in front of her. “is everything okay?”
“it’s alright.” you say, only alright because one: your ex boyfriend is a fucking bitch and two: momo hasn’t been there when you needed
sure, it was relatively very strange to move on so quickly from your whole thomas situation, but it’s justified because hell, you’ve basically been dating momo simultaneously without realizing you had been in love. 
and now that you’re aware, so aware that it keeps you up at night, you’re hoping for something to happen.
“have you talked to thomas?”
“i’d rather not. he’s not worth my time.”
she looks up at you again through her eyelashes. “you’re right.”
“momo,” she flips through the menu and you focus on each movement. “i really want to kiss you again.”
“y/n, you just broke up with your boyfriend.”
“if this is because of me dumping thomas then throw it out the window.” you respond sternly, almost mad and it catches momo off guard. she looks at you with surprise, stopping her little act of trying to act uninterested. 
she can’t give in; it would only prove thomas right. yet, what you feel is genuine, and what momo feels isn’t born of desperation. the time she’s spent with you has nurtured her admiration and her growing affection for you. momo cares deeply about you, and her feelings are sincere, not driven by a sense of urgency or lust like your ex-boyfriend. she can’t recall the last time she enjoyed someone’s company so much or wanted to be with them constantly. from the start, she sensed something different about you—how you made her ponder at night, made her blush, made her fall head over heels for you.
you continue, “because kissing you was the best thing to happen to be, even after everything that happened – and that says a lot. momo, i’ve liked you for probably so long and i’m a dumbass for realizing it just now, so please, please just consider it.”
“y/n, i’ve thought about it ever since.” her response earns the raise of your brows. “i’ve dreamed about doing that since our first encounter, and i wish it were in a better situation, so let’s just… take it slow from here.”
taking it slow is a much better option than anything that involves cutting her off, so you smile and nod.
the rest of the day is spent with her, both your uncovered feelings allowing you to fully bask in each others presence without anymore concealing. it feels right, talking to momo about everything you’ve felt recently and simply being around her.
and then you both find yourselves glancing too long at each others lips but not commenting on it, despite the easy going time spent together, there’s a thick tension hanging in the air.
the tension is even worse when momo drives you back to your apartment complex, and even heavier when you two step into the elevator.
momo is not a woman of her word. she wanted to be the bigger person by “taking things slow,” but she can’t fight back the urge when you’re alone together, your features drawing her in.
“oh fuck this,” momo groans, pulling you by the wrist and turning you to face her. you look more beautiful than anyone she’s ever seen, your lips are calling her name.
before you know it, momo’s planting her lips on yours and you melt right into it.
“what–” you gasp when you pull away, “happened to taking it slow.”
“fuck that, i can’t if it’s you.”
that’s how you find yourselves stumbling out of the elevator into the empty halls, eager to savor each other’s presence after the arduous forty-eight hours apart. you manage to make your way to your apartment door, fumbling with the key as momo kisses the edge of your jaw, both of you entering messily, unable to keep your hands off each other like horny teenagers in the janitor's closet in highschool.
every kiss that followed felt like cool raindrops during the burning summer day. it’s electrifying, all of it, really.
you’ve never felt this satisfied. nothing really processes other than the pounding pulse from in between your legs, and momo’s lips bruising your own as she pins you against the door after it’s closed. crazy with want, you let her do anyhitng, let her kiss you anywhere. 
she’s in control when your tongues find their way back to each other, fingers bruning as they tighten against your skin, squeezing on it just above your hip bone. she kisses like you’re going to leave her grasp any minute, holding you close and pressing herself against you.
she starts to trail down to your neck in a way that thomas has never done before. she’s not attacking your skin like a desprate, thirsty dog, but like someone who knows what they’re doing. she definitely knows what she’s doing, the way she earns all these gasps and whines proves it.
“wait,” you gasp, then she pulls away, only to watch you hurriedly taking off your top. “continue.”
she chuckles before leaving opened mouth kisses against you, simultaneously moving you two to the couch. 
her fingers render you weak, like putty in her hands while you desperately grip at her hair. she moves you over and sets you down on the couch, gazing as she towers over you.
“you’re so fucking gorgeous,” momo slides her hand down the side of your torso. “you know that?”
“stop, you’re so– fuck you.” 
momo giggles before kissing you again, then retreats from your lips. your arms are around her neck, playing with strands of her hair before she asks,
“you’re okay with this, right?”
you giggle against her lips before pecking her again. “momo, i don’t think anyone has made me this weak – espseically thomas – i’m so wet it’s almost embarassing.”
“oh yeah?” she says teasingly. 
“just  shut the fuck up and fuck me already.” you rush out. 
momo grins against your lips as she kisses you again, and then you feel her hand trail down to your sweatpants. you gasp loudly when she slips her hand inside, pressing against your panties, and you break away from her lips in surprise. 
“you are very wet.”
“thanks,” she presses harder which earns a twitch and a gasp, “s-smartass.” 
her fingers slide your panties to the side of your folds, giving her access to slide up and down with ease. you can’t help but whine lowly at the feeling, biting your lip to conceal your excitement.
she inserts two fingers in, making your head shoot back into the cushion of the couch. you curse when she thrusts in, your walls pulsiate around her, clenching. 
“fuck,” she bites her lip. “you feel so good.”
you gulp roughly. “you– shit momo, keep that going.”
you gasp audibly the more she fingers you, the repetition of her name making her smile against you as she kisses your skin. she’s blazing against you, your bodies so hot against each other despite the clothes in the way. you grip her hair, close your eyes, and shift your hips up the more she pleases you. your back arches, momo keeps you situated in place with her free hand, then slides it over to palm your clad chest.
“m-momo, fuucckk–” 
momo feels you grip her shoulder tightly and watches you throw your head back. your legs close around her when her palm hits the nub above your folds again, and then she moves her palm in a circle over your clit aggresively, earning one last cry from you before your mind goes blank.
you let your head rest back for a while more as you catch your breath. you feel momo massage your thigh as you come down from your high. momo presses more kisses on your neck, letting her hand trail up your body and reach your head, raking her fingers through your hair. 
she pecks your jaw. “how was that?”
“holy shit,” you sigh, bringing your head back up to look at her. momo’s pupils are dilated beyond oblivion, and her flushed skin prompts you to bring a hand to caress her cheek. she looks adorable, even after she’s made your legs shake. “so good.”
she laughs and it’s like angels singing from above. you might melt.
“let’s clean up together, if you’re cool with that.”
you blink. “like, shower together?”
“yeah – unless that’s too forward!” she catches herself. “sorry, maybe too forward, i just want to make sure you’re okay and–”
momo is cut of when you kiss her, and then you pull back. she feels your thumb graze her cheek. 
“it’s perfectly fine momo.”
“okay, and then maybe if you want we can get food or something,” she begins, brushing her fingers against the skin of your shoulder. she moves over to play with your hair and looks at your lips. “or if you’re too tired then we can just sleep.”  
you pull her in for another kiss, that’s all you can really answer with for now. she reciprocates, following the slower tempo of your lips. 
you part from her. “i think i just want to kiss you more for now,” then you catch yourself. “wait, i haven’t even done anything to you yet, oh my god–”
“no, no. i’m already pleased enough hearing you say my name so much.” she assures teasingly. momo presses a kiss to your nose before mumbling, “let’s go with what you want.”
“you’re so lovely.”
“thanks y/n.” 
a hand finds it’s way to just below momo’s jaw on her neck, and momo’s hand slides down to the skin on your rib.
you smile, momo smiles.
you kiss her, she kisses back.
a groan leaves your mouth when you wake up. you feel someone clinging onto you and look down to see a face that brings a lazy smile to your lips.
momo’s head is on your shoulder, features pointing to the base of your neck. her breath is warm against you, and so is her body, and so is your heart. 
you rake a hand through her hair and she starts to shuffle against you. 
“oh, momo, sorry to wake you.”
“no, i kind of woke up earlier.”
“are you lying?”
“no, not at all.”
she lifts her head up and you meet the messy hair framing her face, puffy cheeks, and partially squitned eyes. she’s adorable, you note, just naturally so. 
your bodies are naked, flushing against each other under the sheets because momo got needy and wanted to hear you screaming her name again. of course you didn’t complain, because if anything, you wanted it too. 
momo’s attentive to everything she does, and you find out that she’s like that with what she does to you. with every motion, touch, and anything intimate, she’s making sure you’re into it, making sure you’re left gasping and whining under her. she’s aroused from you feeling good, that’s all it takes for her to be wet herself.
her eyes meet the skin above your chest. “that hickey is pretty dark.”
“and who is responsible for that?”
momo rolls her eyes. “let me give you some more.”
you’re not arguing against that.
it’s ten in the morning, both of you had just woken up and momo is slipping under the blanket. her head makes its way in between your legs and the thrill of not knowing what she’s doing under the blanket makes you blush. and then you feel a hand on your upper leg, her fingers ticklish adn making you giggle. 
you let out a loose groan when momo licks up your entrance, the grip on your legs grows tighter. momo’s tongue moves inside you, then tends to your clit; her tongue moves in ways that has your voice ringing out, reverberating in the room.
and when you cum, so wonderfully when it’s momo who’s making you do so, you shake and arch even as momo keeps going. she slows her tempo down before kissing the inside of your thighs, seconds later she peeks out the covers and you can’t help but laugh at the way she emerges.
“we’ve just woken up and you’re already wet.”
you scoff playfully, ruffling momo’s hair. “again, who’s fault is that.”
“mine but,” she hovers over you before kissing your lips. “you like it.”
she sits up now, straddling you in a way. “now let’s get breakfast, eating you out is great but my stomach might yell soon.”
you laugh at her. “you’re like a vacuum.”
“well who else is going to finish your food, y/n. be grateful. besides, you like that too.”
you like momo a lot, that’s for sure.
you like the way she asks how you are, how she listens to you, and how she’s given you aftercare for the first time since the first time you fucked thomas.
momo’s like a breath of fresh air. it feels different being with her, like a wild animal feeling tenderness and care for the first time – different, calm, and nice. the more you spend time with her after this, going on more dates and rambling your tongues off until you’re both tangled up and passed ou ton the couch; you can’t help but realize that she’s who your time belongs to.
she’s nothing like thomas, light years away from being any similar to him. it’s satisfying watching him watch the two of you bond like you should, his presence reminds you that momo’s the upgrade you need, and he can’t do anything about the fact that he’ll never compare to his step-sister.
it’s a few months later after your first encounter with momo – almost two months after you slept with her – the two of you walk with your arms linked through the same park near your place.
she orders you coffee and you fish out pastries from your bag to share. she leads you to the same place that she had brought you to when you had first met, sitting the two of you down in front of the same tree.
momo pulls out her sketchbook, you lean on her when she unlinks arms.
you peer at her curiously. “yes?”
“remember when i was talking about that design when we first met? the little seating area around that tree right there.” she points over at the little area where the tree stands. “it was for an assignment, but i tweaked some of the model and idea, looked over at some materials and–”
“what are you getting at?”
momo’s smiling big, so big that all her teeth show and her eyes almost close. 
“they’re going to add it.”
“it’s happening, we talked to the park management and they really like my idea.”
your eyes widen and jaw slacks open. momo laughs as you hug her pulling away and then kissing her on the lips proudly.
“oh my god? oh my god. momo! i’m so proud, oh my gosh…”
she giggles before kissing you again. “thank you baby. i actually wanted to thank you.”
“if it weren’t for you who listened to all my stupid rambling and listened so well, i don’t know if this would’ve happened.” momo begins, looking down at the paper and pen in her hands. then she looks at you with those big eyes of her, softening upon meeting your features. “and i know so much has happened and you’ve always been so great and–” 
she pauses, inhaling deeply.
“i just love you so much.”
she’s sitting there, looking at you with so much emotion, and you feel like a star in the sky has just been picked out and placed right in front of you. 
“momo, i love you too.”
if the world fell apart right this moment, you’d cling onto momo like your life depending on it. your hands find their way to her cheeks, you hold her face in your hands like she’d crumble if you let go – then, you kiss her, soft and sweet.
she moves her hand out of the way and you gasp. 
her cup of coffee tips over and leaks over, creating a palm sized stain on your coat. you watch as momo’s face contorts into one of panic, and then she picks up the cup, moving you away from the spill. you can’t help but laugh; you’re laughing at how she reacts to the situation, but also how perfect it is considering how your first time spent together – alone – had happened.
“i’m so sorry.” stars litter her eyes when she says it, you simply pull her in by the collar and kiss her again.
“you’re perfect.”
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plasticferal · 1 year ago
keeping score | matt & chris sturniolo.
prologue: 'they say love is the sixth sense that destroys all other five senses’
authors notes: 1.9k, explicit language, reader discretion is advised. welcome to my first series, please enjoy the ride.
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they both want you. the only way matt and chris can agree to settle who wins is through competition, one where you’re the prize. your own heart is torn between the two brothers. the thing is though, love doesn’t keep score.
they have two very different experiences to offer. two sides of the same coin. a coin you refuse you flip and settle on.
matt is the first to catch your eye in any room. he makes you nervous. butterflies, awkward laughs, stuttering over your words. all of it. you like him. you’re unsure if he feels the same toward you.
however, you also like chris. the compliments he showers you in, the subtle flirting, the way he softens his tone around you, how giving he is, the way he’s so shamelessly himself. the list goes on. he’s different. 
it’s a weird triangle of intrigue and unrequited feelings that lingers and is never acknowledged.
you’re already convinced it’ll never happen. with either of them. you’d be putting too much at risk considering how deeply you value your friendship before anything else. the fear of falling in love, and losing them both. 
which might just be your karma for being into both brothers. 
they occupy the living room. you’re upstairs, using nick’s bed to take a nap while he showers, and he takes long showers. he’s always given you a safe space in the house, to make it feel like home. 
you love to annoy chris and matt by stealing their clothes, blankets, soft drinks out of the fridge, tagging along to every late night drive and fast food pick up. 
they share everything with you, but you designate yourself in nicks’s room as to not stir up any terrible, rash decisions on your accord.
being fast asleep and tangled up in crisp, cold, silk sheets, it’s a deep sleep. completely escaping into your dreams.
you’re left unaware of the chaos that’s about to ensue in the living room between the two brothers who occupy your mind. chaos is the score in which reality is written upon.
“you like y/n, right?” matt asks chris. 
you’ve had a strange feeling for a while now that matt is trying to set you up with his brother. which, as flattering as it is, it’s bittersweet. 
matt is sinking lazily into the lounge while scrolling through his phone, on the furthest left. chris is on the furthest right with his feet kicked up on the coffee table. 
they’re in direct view of each other on the L shaped couch. not in a literal sense, just in proximity. neither brother is actually looking up from a screen of some kind.
“what?” chris snaps his head toward matt, diverting from the television for a moment. 
“just answer the question.” matt huffs.
“of course i like y/n. she’s the closest person in our life besides like, nick” chris shrugs, going to look back at the screen again. 
matt groans in disappointment at his response. 
“you know i don’t mean it like that.” matt sits up slightly, readjusting his position and posture.
“god here we go again.” chris runs a hand down his face, fearing his brother's next words. 
“how do you really feel about her?” matt pries. 
unusual for him. out of character even, chris is usually the one who needs to know everything all the time, and is never afraid to ask the hard hitting questions, as annoying as it may be. but not with this topic of conversation.
the difference is, chris does it because he’s genuinely curious. matt asks questions for his own selfish reason, to chris’s oblivion. 
chris needs reassurance that he’s making the right decision in not pursuing you. matt needs to know if or when he’s going to have to compete. little does he know that time is nearing. 
“man, i don’t know. i just- i like her. can’t we leave it at that?” chris’s tone is anguished. 
“you’re avoiding the question-”
“i answered your question!” chris cuts matt off before he can fully form his sentence, and matt’s jaw tightens. 
“fine, whatever.” matt waves his hands in the air with defeat before diverting back to his phone, leaving chris to linger on his words.
“i’m never gonna make a move. i know how you feel about her, too.” chris huffs, as though he’s annoyed at the response he’s had to give.
“what’d you mean?” matt gives chris a glare, like he’s daring his next words.
“you know exactly what i fuckin’ mean” chris scoffs, shifting in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and pulling the sleeves of his gray hoodie past his knuckles.
matt takes a loud inhale through his nose and exhales through his mouth 
“we can’t just keep pretending that we both don’t want her.” matt drops his phone onto his stomach face down, being slightly slumped. 
“i’ve been fine pretending” chris throws the hood of his sweatshirt over his head to hide his eyes more from matt, a natural reaction to not enjoying the grilling. 
“well if you don’t make a move, i will.” matt’s tone is serious.
“you wouldn’t.” chris deadpans, a sincere tone of disbelief seeping from his lip that he’s now biting the corner of.
“you’ve been saying you’re gonna make a move forever and haven’t done shit."
he knows it’s not nice, but there’s something about the lack of passion from chris despite the obvious crush just makes matt's skin crawl. if someone is going like you and not do anything about it, matt is more than willing to shoot his shot, give you what you deserve. 
“that’s not fair” chris twists his face, glaring at his brother. 
"i think it’s more than fair play at this point, kid.” matt scoffs.
if looks could kill, matt would be dead.
all those times you’ve perceived matt bringing up chris to entice you have just been a ploy to gauge how both of you feel. he knows it’s manipulative, but no harm, no foul.
the worst part is, chris isn’t actually even sure he wants a relationship. he’s infatuated by you, undoubtedly. matt on the other hand would marry you with a paper ring. 
they’re both scared of their own feelings, and the intentions that might come along with them. they don’t ever want to hurt you, but their carnal desire is misleading their moral compass.
“alright then,” chris starts, matt’s words hitting a nerve for him. he slaps his hands onto his thighs and sits up in his spot. 
“how do we settle this? who gets her?” chris continues, staring at his brother intently now.
“i don’t think we get to make that decision.” matt shakes his head, bringing his hand to his mouth as he begins to bite his nails, which muffles his words.
“you’re right, we don’t. but we’re gonna have to compete for it to even be an option.”
“compete” matt repeats chris’s words with a sour huff, a slight arrogance in the sense that he doesn’t view his brother as a threat. 
not when it comes to you, and there might be a small part of that statement that’s correct. you have a sweet spot for matt, which fires up chris even more. he is conscious that he’s the underdog, as much as you try to show an even amount of attention to the both of them.
“what’s wrong? you scared you’ll lose?” chris taunts. 
“that’s the least of my worries.” matt scoffs, his mind traveling down every possible path this terrible idea could go down. 
“fine, then you won’t be afraid of a little competition.” chris says nonchalantly, pushing back with the same energy matt’s been giving, turning the tables.
“what’s your plan here? we just tally up the moments we get with her until someone wins? to boost our own egos?” matt speaks with his hands.
“i do love to have my ego stroked” chris grins to himself, the thought of you crossing his mind as the words leave his mouth. his train of thought tends to wonder easily.
“seriously, chris, how do we plan on settling this?” matt rubs his hands together, like the action you do when you’re trying to stay warm. 
“i think there’s only one answer to that.” chris responds, in a “duh” tone, without explicitly sharing what’s on his mind.
their sixth sense of being able to unpack each other's minds sparks like an electrical fault in the moment. of course, neither of them hate the thought of getting you in bed. they just hate the thought of you being unaware. 
somehow it’s more challenging than falling in love, or securing a relationship. betting to sleep with you is actually the hardest challenge of them all, let alone covering all the bases in order to attain it. 
the intimacy, the intensity of it all. it just seems so unattainable. it requires them, and you, to be completely and utterly vulnerable. 
“that seems kind of, objectifying.” matt shifts his demeanour, ironic considering he sparked the conversation. 
“it wouldn’t be a competition without a challenge.” chris acknowledges, and unfortunately for the both of them, he’s right. 
“this sounds so fucked up” matt says, running his hand through his scruffy hair.
“first brother to five points takes all. all of her.” chris speaks, confidently setting up the challenge. 
essentially their plan is to see who can get the closest to you, and let the other brother suffer in watching it happen. which occurs points. loser has to back off of you completely. unless someone gets to you first, in which case all their hard work flies out the window. they won’t be making it easy for each other.
“points won’t matter when i get her into bed first.” matt’s smug, knowing it’ll make chris go insane. 
“so i take it that you’re up for the challenge?” chris ignores matt’s words with a prompt, because if he doesn’t disregard it, he’ll lash out. 
matt considers it. at least he acts like he does. he knows his answer. if he wants you, if either of them do, they have no choice but to compete. neither of them are sure if it’s love or lust, but they’re about to find out. 
they are certain of one thing though. they like everything about you. the way you look. the way you smell. the way you sound. they know exactly why they want you. it’s the first time ever someone has been able to grab the attention of both brothers. hence the severity of the agreement.
“when do we start keeping score?” matt responds, and that’s all the reassurance chris needs in his brothers answer. 
as if on command, you trudge down the stairs in a sleepy state. their eyes snap toward you simultaneously, and you blink repeatedly to make sure you’re seeing them right. 
you are their favorite part of every day, so it’s not out of the ordinary for them to acknowledge your entrance, but you can feel the intensity of their eyes on you with a different energy. 
with foggy vision still clearing as you rub your heavy, tired eyes, you let a small yawn escape. they both melt at the sight, despite you feeling like you’re in your least desirable state. 
you’re not even paying attention to their back and forth bickering. the sound of their voices muffling through your ears. whatever it is they’re saying, they’re not saying it loud enough for you to hear before you even make it down the stairs.
“now.” chris states, eyes snapping back at his brother as they both raise off the lounge.
all is fair in love and war.
tag list: @luverboychris @floofparker @fake-sturniolos @letstripsturniolo @imwetforyourmom @mattsneezing @mattslolita @breeloveschris @rootbeerworshiper @mattstattoo @mxqdii @tay-laaaaa @pettydollie @lacysturniolo @annamcdonalds67 @landrysflannel @goandcomebsck @sleepysturnss @call-me-ninaaa @lustfulslxt @txssvx
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alltimefail · 9 months ago
Okay I'm on my 5th rewatch of Dead Boy Detectives and I have to know if anyone else finds it funny (and a little bit maddening) that in episode 6 when Monty needs help finding his fake ghost friend Gladys it's CHARLES who dismisses him immediately?
Like... they go so far as to make a point of showing us multiple reactions to his dismissal. First Crystal, who has no reason to believe the boys will turn down Monty's case due to Edwin's assumed crush and Charles' people-pleasing nature. She agrees to the case quickly because it's the perfect distraction for the boys and will buy her time to get her powers back... but then, to her shock, Charles turns down the case!! Charles who is all about gentleness and "Bedside manner," who cares deeply about being a "Good guy" and about being liked, the guy plagued with worry about how he is perceived by others and who never wants to disappoint anyone, the guy who is suuuuuper sentimental, protective, has a strong sense of justice, and is notably dedicated to protecting his friends and helping the people he cares about at quite literally any cost.
Even Monty is surprised, too!! It's clear that Monty anticipates Edwin's lingering guilt and old-fashioned sensibilities regarding decorum and conflict avoidance to be enough motivation for him to take on the case, that Edwin would agree just to avoid adding any more animosity or awkward tension to an already delicate situation. Monty had to know, going in, that he really only had to get through to Charles (who he admittedly had neglected in the past and been cold to in previous interactions due to his crush on Edwin). Considering Charles' easy-going nature, this should have been quite easy as Edwin is a much harder person to win over, whereas Charles is quick to see the good in others!! That's why he compliments Charles (despite the sentiment being disingenuous) and contrives a story that, knowing what we all know about the boys by this point, should have struck an emotional chord for Charles especially... BUT IT DOESN'T which is like... very weird!!! It's normal for Edwin to act logically, to put facts over feelings, to "play hardball" as Charles puts it in episode 1. But Charles is emotional, he's compassionate, he's impulsive more times than not, so this is notably weird behavior for Charles!!
BUT THEN it gets even better because Charles is immediately like, "Edwin, you know what I'm saying, right?" He throws the ball to Edwin, expecting Edwin to agree with him - a reasonable expectation as, again, Edwin is the logical one - but then Edwin doesn't agree, he sides with the girls instead and takes on the case for, what we can only assume is an unknown/indiscernible reason to Charles. (Remember, Charles has no clue that Edwin already turned Monty down, and we know he thinks that Edwin has a little crush on Monty at this point as well!!) Charles doesn't push the issue, but it's clear he's not particularly happy... it's hard to nail down what exactly he's feeling (we can't read his mind) but he's clearly feeling some type of way. You can tell by his silence, by the tense, tight-jaw frown and his eyes wandering to the floor that he must have been expecting a different outcome. It felt like he asked Edwin in a way that felt more like he was testing something, like he was hoping for a certain outcome...but WHY???
Well, let's acknowledge the context in which this strange interaction happens. In the same episode we see Charles:
Note how weird/off everyone is behaving specifically after Edwin is awkward with Monty on the roof.
Checking Edwin out, up and down, after Niko tells him he looks good (This is an irrefutable conclusion as he openly comments on Edwin's change of clothes later, so like... he noticed lmao)
Acting colder than he previously has to Monty by the time they get to the tall forest, despite the possibility that Monty may have lost his friend who comforted him after his own near-death experience. (This happens after Edwin agrees to take on the case, btw. Even when Crystal points out that there's an issue between Monty and Edwin, Charles makes no move to inquire, to "fix" it, or to be especially gentle as he normally might.)
Boldly and instinctively reach for Edwin's hand while making pointed, emotional eye contact as a "last act" during their near "death" experience.
And that's not even everything!!! So like... yeah, sure, it could be nothing. It could mean nothing. Allll of this could just be coincidental. Maybe Charles was being logical and responsible for once, maybe he really did just feel like they were already too busy to take on an extra case.
OR, more likely in my personal opinion, HE WAS JEALOUS AS FUCK!!! We know, based on their interaction at the end of the episode, that Charles has always had at least some idea that Edwin is not straight. We know that everyone is convinced Edwin has a crush on Monty. We know that Charles, after meeting Monty for the first time, has an expression of disdain on his face while watching Monty and Edwin interact (when Monty is showing Edwin his astrology chart). We even know that, following this interaction, Charles is frazzled/irritated when he fails to get Edwin's attention away from Monty's astrology book (clearly upset that Edwin's attention is occupied elsewhere and suddenly eager to remind Edwin that the goal is to leave Port Townsend with haste). Monty aside, we're not even getting into the protective and emotional response Charles has at the mere mention of the damn Cat King...
SOOOO TLDR; I've watched this show every day, and the more I watch it the less I can be convinced that Charles is not jealous AF and stupidly, deeply in love with Edwin...even if he isn't aware of it yet. I have no idea why so many people think Charles has 0 romantic interest in Edwin and that he "turned Edwin down completely" on the stairs to hell... because that's simply just not what happened lmao. Seeing the word "queerbait" being attached to these two is giving me whiplash... like that's just not what's happening here. That's not the proper interpretation of the nature of their relationship. I don't think there is any possibility, not a chance in hell, that Charles will not reciprocate Edwin's romantic feelings because he quite literally already does and just doesn't know it yet. There's no other way to interpret the acting choices made (which are brilliant) and the writing choices (which are also brilliant).
Anyway, hopefully that made sense. I just needed to share because I am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure going absolutely batshit over this show! 😇
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mychlapci · 25 days ago
hey chat have we considered accidental forcefemming. this could honestly go for any of the rescue bots but I’m chasebrained rn so here we go. Charlie is looking for chase one day and is checking the bots little secret bunker when he accidentally stumbles on Chase in the wash rack (I’m assuming they have one somewhere down there, at least on their ship) and somehow only sees chase’s valve.
Charlie feels awful, forcing human gender norms onto his partner. he never even asked any of the bots if they were actually male (or at least the bot equivalent)!! he knows how Chase is, as much as the bot is a rule-follower, he (she!) is also a massive people pleaser. She probably just went along with the humans assumptions so she wouldn’t cause a fuss, poor thing. so, Charlie makes a plan: he’ll slowly get Chase used to humans using her pronouns (Chase gets so overwhelmed by change, he really needs to ease her in) and then he’ll tell everyone else!
…unfortunately, he quickly realizes he doesn’t actually use gendered pronouns that often when talking directly to Chase. because that’s how conversations work. so he plans again.
he often called Chase “partner”; so, when they’re on patrol and Chase points out a power line that looks unstable, Charlie says, “nice job, doll” (Charlie is def a guy who calls women doll and I love him for it). Chase’s engine spikes, but he doesn’t say anything. Charlie congratulates himself on his first step towards a happy partner. Chase wonders why his partner is calling him an inanimate object.
Chase does a little research later, and discovers the name is also considered a “pet name” (but it’s not a name used for human animal companions- earth is very strange indeed)…. usually associated with human females. Chase decides to brush it off as a slip of the tongue on Charlie’s part, probably caused by a long patrol.
But it keeps happening.
“Doll” appears a lot; “honey” a few times; “sweetheart”, twice, and both after Chase put himself in danger. Chase wants to pretend it’s not affecting him, but hearing his Chief’s voice sound so worried as he asks “you alright sweetheart?” definitely does something to his spark. and his modesty paneling.
Chase begins to covet his alone time with chief. Charlie is always softer when it’s just the two of them, always asking if he’s feeling alright, asking his opinion, complimenting his polish. Not that he wasn’t doing that before, but somehow, ever since that first pet name, it’s been….. different. Chase feels almost dainty with chief sometimes. He feels… sweeter. He likes when Chief pets his steering wheel when he’s talking about police codes, and when Chief pets his hood when he’s stuck in vehicle mode in front of civilians.
And as these things do, they escalate.
Chief is walking through the bunker when he spots Chase, rubbing his face with a cloth trying to get a spot off his faceplate. Charlie pauses, thinking about where his other kids are. He figures they’ll be gone long enough, and walks over to his partner.
“Here, let me get that hon,” he says, and he chuckles quietly at the little blue flush that appears. Chase obediently gets on his knees and leans down so Charlie can reach him, and as Chief gently rubs his car’s face down, he coos when he hears the little purr Chase’s engine is making.
“Aww, what a sweet girl”, he says, and Chase, a pile of goo, just gently nods along.
He’s still a little confused, but he also just shakes it off and lets himself relax under Charlie’s ministrations. If his Chief decides he’s a girl, then he guesses he’s just a girl :)))
[this is way less sexual than I intended but if we all imagine hard enough it will be. good night and god bless and also ignore all typos im painting my nails while typing this]
omg... chief burns calling chase "doll" is literally so hot actually. chase might feel a little offended at first, sure they’re pretending to be machines but the chief doesn’t have to compare him to a malleable inanimate toy. but after all his research and the tons of detective noir movies and books he watches and reads, he’ll quickly get the hang of human pet names. he gets it now, chief is being nice to him, he’s being affectionate. he thinks of chase as his girl, his doll, his sweetheart. so yeah, she’ll be the chief’s girl. his baby and honey.
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bellascool · 2 years ago
posted : 11/04/2023 (European date)
requests open !
english and portuguese are not my first languages, I apologize for the mistakes.
"You're so annoying! Stop acting like you're my mom or something!" your boyfriend, Daniel, yelled at you as you tried to not cry
"Daniel I'm just trying to help-" you started but he cut you off by pushing you to the side while he went upstairs with you following him
"Stop telling me what I can or can't do!" he said clearly annoyed as he took his clothes off and entered the bathroom
You loudly sighed, it wasn't the first time that you and Daniel had an argument, actually it was very frequent.
Most of times, he tried to push you out of his life when you just wanted to be there for him and honestly you had enough.
You don't know how but you found yourself staring at his phone who was tossed on the bed.
Hearing the sound of the shower, you grabbed it and unlocked it before clicking the green icon who had "97" on top of it.
Oh what a bad idea.
Not only you found a "Evie ❤️" pinned but you also saw that he named you "Y/n (cousin)"
You heart was racing in your chest, you couldn't believe it.
Maybe it was a mistake?
You decided to click on the conversation with Evie and you almost fainted when you saw pictures of a blonde girl who clearly showed her most private body parts.
And that broke you more was that every time, he complimented her, saying how beautiful and gorgeous she was and that he could fuck her right now.
"Mother fucker" you whispered to yourself
Your sadness was now slowly turning into anger as you felt betrayed.
And at the same time, your boyfriend came out of the shower but froze when he saw you holding his phone, clearly recognizing the pictures the blonde sent him earlier.
"Y/n I can explain." was all he managed to say as he slowly approached you
"Shut the fuck up, literally don't talk because I'll punch your face right now if you do" you threw him his phone which landed on his face before quickly standing up and taking your stuff, tossing it into a small bag you had
"Baby please let me explain its not how it looks like!" he tried to follow you but you didn't even turn around once
"Oh my God Y/n will you fucking listen to me for once?" he grabbed your wrist but you immediately shoved him
"Don't touch me, never speak to me again!" you said as you put on your shoes while he just stood there
"You won't last without me! Just wait and you'll come back begging to take you back" he cockily said
"Spit on my face if I ever go back to you, you humiliated me, I hope you're proud of yourself!" you yelled before opening the door and slamming it after you left
Not a single tear dropped but the second you hoped in your car, all the anger became sadness again.
You drove in silence, the only sound was when you sniffed as your eyes became red.
"Hey siri call Ney" you hardly said as the phone started ringing, waiting for your bestfriend to pick up
"olà a si!" a joyful voice said
"hi can I come over?" there was a silence, probably because he realized that you weren't in a joking mood
"who's ass do I have to kick?" he asked in a serious tone which made you chuckle
"I'll tell you everything if you let me come over" you said back as you drove to his house
"You're always welcome linda" you smiled at your friend's kindness
"Thank you for everything"
"Não há necessidade de me agradecer, I always got your back"
"And then I left and I felt so dumb for actually trusting him" you said between hiccups as he watched you with a strange stare
"Don't look at me like that!" you pushed him which made him shake his head and go back to his soft smile that you absolutely loved
"I'm not judging you, I was just thinking of several plans to kill esse filho da puta without getting in trouble" he said while playing with a strand of your hair like he didn't just say the most suspect thing.
"Ney não se pode matá-lo you'll go to jail" you sniffed and laughed and the same time
"No but really don't cry for that idiota I swear he doesn't deserve your tears nor you at all" he softly said while wiping your tears away
"I don't deserve a friend like you"
His heart tightened at the word you used. "friend" he knew it but it still hurts him to see the person he loved for so long not returning his feelings.
But he couldn't do anything, he couldn't force you to love him so he just watched you give your love to some stupid boys who can't even count past 10.
"Come on a minha bela go take a hot bath while I order some food" his smile -which faded away at his thoughts- instantly came back to light up his face
"Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado" you whimpered against the skin of his neck as your arms gently wrapped around his torso
He returned the hug before you got up to the bathroom where you found some sweatpants with a tee-shirt, he really cared about you huh?
The rest of the evening was great, Ney made you forget about what happened earlier and your tears of sadness slowly turned into tears of laughter.
You were actually laughing about him since he just lost at fifa and that's when it hit you.
You didn't see him as a friend anymore, your gaze was soft when you looked at him, you found yourself daydreaming about him and every word that came out of his mouth sounded like music to your ears.
You slowly stopped laughing and looked down which made him worry.
"Is everything okay there?" he asked as he knocked your head in a playful way
"Ney, eu acho que estou apaixonado por você" you said not looking up once
"Is that a joke? No Y/n you're not, you're just heartbroken and want some love and attention" he said while shaking his head
"I'm not! You don't understand, all these years, all these boys, I only was trying to convince myself that I'm not in love with my bestfriend because I care so much about our friendship and it would hurt me to actually break-" you couldn't finish your sentence because you felt something soft and warm against your lips
"oh my God my crush is kissing me!" was all you could think about at first but you slowly closed your eyes, enjoying the moment
It has now been 3 months since the break up and Neymar and you becoming a couple.
It didn't shock anyone to be fair, they all knew it.
You were currently in a club, celebrating your boyfriend's birthday when you felt the urge to use the restroom.
"Ay I'll be right back quarido, I gotta use the restroom" you said while getting up
"Ok be safe" he told you as you quickly left
You finished your business, washed your hands and was about to go back to the table when you felt someone grab your wrist
"Y/n I'm so happy to see you!" you recognized, unfortunately, the annoying voice of Daniel who was standing in front of you, all smiley
"I don't have your time Daniel" you tried to go but he didn't let go off you
"You know Y/n you look really nice, I wish things didn't end like that, I wish they didn't end at all" he said while looking deep into your eyes
"I don't care, let me go!" you tried to push him but he was too strong
"Let's go to my place, I have some nice things to show you" he said while forcing you to follow him
"Stop! Help!" you tried to yell but the music was now too loud and people were too bush dancing to notice you
"She just asked to let her go amigo" you heard someone yell behind you and you sighed in relief when you saw your boyfriend's perfect face who didn't show his pretty smile that you loved so much
Oh no, instead it was a dead serious face and you would swear that if a single stare could kill somebody, Daniel would be a dead man now.
"That's none of your business, she's my girlfriend." Daniel said with a death stare while you just watched the scene happen
"Funny, because I could swear that she was yelling my name not an hour ago" he cockily said with a smirk
Daniel let your wrist go and you immediately went next to your boyfriend who just put his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him
"I always knew you were such a slut Y/n, I don't even regret what I did" he said while looking at you with disgust
"Alright cale sua boca agora" the brazilian calmly said before giving him the most heart twitching, toes curling, head twisting punch you ever saw
He grabbed his bloody nose and quickly left almost running which made you burst out laughing.
"Oh my God, eu te amo Ney" you said still laughing which made him join you
"Eu também te amo, now let's go back to celebrating my day" he happily said before grabbing your chin and deeply kissing you
You felt yourself smiling against his lips as you thought that you had the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 1 year ago
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Sugar Cubes
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(Y/N) = Your Name
"So," You began, crossing your arms as you glared at the grinning man with the brown beard in front of you while standing on his study desk.
The two of you were now in his cave.
You wanted badly to wipe that broad smile right off his dumb, stupid, gorgeous, handsome face with a blast of magic, but you didn't want him laughing again like before.
You began tapping your foot as you continued to talk. "Let me get this straight, after kidnapping me, WHICH AGAIN IS AN UNLAWFUL ACT, you now want me to stay here and become your roommate?"
"That is correct," Philip replied in an overly cheerful tone. "Moving in with me will make it more easier for me to watch and observe you. And like I told you before, my dear, you'll make for a marvelous specimen to study."
Okay, his voice got strangely seductive as he said that, which caused your cheeks to flush a good amount.
"I... don't appreciate being called a specimen." You spoke, still gazing at him with a glare, which made him chuckle.
"It's not funny!" You snapped at him. "And besides, we can't be roommates. I don't even know your name."
"Oh, you're right, you don't," Philip realized. "How rude of me not to introduce myself earlier. My name is Philip. Philip Wittebane. And you are?"
"(Y/N)," You told him with a huff.
You received an adorable smile from Philip. "(Y/N)? I see. What a charming name!" He complimented you, which caused you to flush a second time.
"Well, (Y/N), now that we've both been introduced, let's become mates who sleep in the same room."
"... You mean roommates?"
Philip nodded.
"NO!" You shout, stomping your foot. "I'LL NEVER BECOME YOUR ROOMMATE!" You paused. "... OR YOUR MATE WHO SLEEPS IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU."
Your response made Philip frown.
He was looking forward to receiving a yes from you.
"And what is the reason for your refusal?" He asked in a voice that was both calm and chilling.
Your blood started to boil.
"Hmm, let's see, maybe it's because, oh, I don't know, YOU KIDNAPPED ME!"
Philip knitted his brows at you. "I don't appreciate your tone," He told you.
"I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN YELLING AT YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME! Also, TOUGH, cause I really don't care what you do or don't appreciate. I don't even like you."
You conveyed your message by sticking out your tongue at him.
Philip squinted at you in anger. "I see...," He said in a sinister tone as he harshly grabbed you.
"Hey!" You shout, trying to break free from his grasp. "Put me down!"
"Only if you choose to stay here."
Philip sighed. "Then you leave me with no choice." Slowly, he reaches for something behind his back. Possibly his dagger. "Maybe you'll change your mind after this..."
His voice was dark and ominous as he trailed off.
"No, I won't! I'll fight you! You hear me? I'LL FIGHT YOU UNTIL THE DAY I--"
When the item that Philip happily pulls out from behind him is revealed to be a glass jar filled with sugar cubes, you instantly gasp, eyes glittering.
Your stomach growled.
You REALLY loved sugar and you were currently VERY hungry.
Placing the jar down, Philip opens it before gently placing you inside.
He then puts the lid back on.
Grabbing a cube, you quickly start nibbling on it.
Once you were finished, you grabbed another one and repeated the process.
Maybe being roommates with this Philip guy won't be all that bad.
Humming fondly at your reaction, Philip pulls out his diary and a pen and begins taking notes while he watches you eat.
He has now acquired the ability to persuade you.
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Author's note: When it comes to my short stories, I'm willing to write a trilogy for them (only parts 1, 2, and 3). If you want that, let me know. However, if you're fine with just this, that's good too.
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ithaquasbbg · 2 years ago
Hey, for the matchup can I have an IDV matchup my oc Wendy?
For appearance Wendy has dark skin, braided hair in a ponytail and some burn marks across her right eye, hazel eyes and wears a black dress with some rips on it and a fighter fighters jacket, gloves, boots and a gas mask.
For her personality, she often distance and have trust issues but she can hold a normal conversation and but she’s very observant of things and is very polite, but she can be rather dangerous when she knows there a threat to her, she would get rid of it or someone if they get in her way but Wendy has her moments when she struggles with her constant isolation and generally miss having people to talk too, she can sometimes even be a bit shy and isn’t used to complements, she’s also very smart and keeps rack and tries to get information on the people around her in order to see if their a threat or not, she also hates needles or being restrained like a mad man because of her time at the asylum.
Her carrier is a pyro.
Omg I love reading about peoples ocs it’s just so fun fjgjsksn!
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Matchup 06
I match you with my favorite 2 for one combo meal (iykyk)
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God I love these two.
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Xie Bi’an - White guard
⭒❃.✮:▹He’s a polite person, very polite and good at holding a conversation.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Outside of matches he doesn’t strike me as the threatening type, instead he seems much more like a calm person.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He gives a lot of compliments, though not necessarily in a flirty way. Every once in a while he’ll stare over at her and suddenly blurt out things like “you’re so beautiful” ect, ect.
⭒❃.✮:▹Though he doesn’t mean to get her flustered, per say, he’d likely be quite amused by the fact that she’s unused to compliments.
⭒❃.✮:▹ In terms of hating being restrained, I doubt she’d have to worry about it at all with him or Wujiu (ahem.. Bian’s death)
⭒❃.✮:▹ Loves having little chats all the time, though he’s not the most extroverted in the manor, he does enjoy having chats with the people he enjoys being around, like her!
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s also intelligent and would be quite happy to speak with somebody else who’s quite smart, getting to learn more from Wendy, in a way.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Super patient and gentle, on days she struggles he’d be there embracing her and muttering on and on about whatever is on his mind. She’d never have to be lonely again
⭒❃.✮:▹ After Wujius death, he probably has issues with leaving people, attachment, ect. He will claim that he’s not clingy in order to save his face, but Bi’an is probably one of the more clingy people at the manor.
⭒❃.✮:▹ A worry wart, constantly checking to make sure she’s okay. He also keeps an eye on her though discreetly, of course.
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Fan Wujiu (Black guard)
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s much less chatty, more blunt. Upon first meet, he may come off a little rude or threatening.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s not though, at least outside of matches. Simply put, he doesn’t want to be a bother (nor does he want to be bothered)
⭒❃.✮:▹ Once he’s Romantically involved in somebody, he’d be much less blunt and a lot more conversational, willing to chat occasionally about whatever is on her mind.
⭒❃.✮:▹ I say this in the nicest way possible, but I don’t think he’d be the most intelligent academically (though he’s still intelligent in other ways, if that makes sense?). He probably gets puzzled trying to keep up with how smart she is.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Much more flirty than Bi’an, and when he realizes she’s not used to compliments, he’s going to milk her reactions.
⭒❃.✮:▹ says things like “You look gorgeous”, ect. While holding onto her chin, cupping her cheeks, you get the gist! He loves getting a reaction out of her.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Though should she return the favor he’d probably get all flustered himself. Wujiu seems to be all bark and no bite.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He seems like the type to have a thing for scars, as strange as that may sound. Wujiu sees them as beautiful, things that prove how strong others are.
⭒❃.✮:▹ His loyalty is unmatched (he literally died bc he didn’t want to break a promise), she’d never have to worry about being left when it comes to him. When Wujiu says he’ll love somebody forever, he means it.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Wujiu Doesn’t strike me as the comforting type, but on days she’s struggling he’ll do what he can, mostly non verbal communication though,
⭒❃.✮:▹ aka, if she checks under her pillow on one of these days she’ll find a handwritten note from him with all the comforting thoughts he can’t bring himself to say verbally, he’s not as harsh as he wants to seem!
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ksfoxwald · 1 year ago
Fire and Hemlock Readalong - Part 2 Chapter 4
Another short, setting-up kind of chapter.
Polly continues to see Seb around, though they don't interact. Nina teases her about meeting with strange men all the time. Polly and Nina's friendship is so complicated and I love it.
They dropped in and out of friendship so often that Nina went around explaining "It's that kind of relationship, you know"... She and Nina were always getting out of step with one another, and only overlapped every so often.
It just seems so much more true to adolescent friendships than the Loyal Sidekick stock character that shows up in most kidlit and honestly, I'm taking notes.
What I also find interesting is that Nina doesn't seem to be involved with any of the strangeness, or Tom, or even Seb, but she must have seen and known enough for the Leroys to erase her and Polly's friendship from their redacted timeline, where both she and Polly are convinced they never spoke to each other after Juniors (I'm American and not quite sure what it is, but I'm guessing elementary school). Will have to keep an eye on Nina to see what she does that frightens the Leroys so much.
We see more of Polly's unwilling awareness of sexuality with David Bragge having her deliver notes to a mystery man, presumably then to passed on to his girlfriend, and also paying Polly extravagant compliments about how beautiful she is that even Ivy finds objectionable, and we know by now that Ivy doesn't notice anything. But David is also starting to lose favor with Ivy; she's echoing Laurel a bit here.
Polly also discovers The Lord of the Rings, and she definitely has more patience with it than I did at twelve, but I suppose fantasy literature had gone through a boom sometime between 1985 and 20xx. I think I was getting obsessed with Wheel of Time about that age.
Here we start to see Polly and Tom starting to get out of sync with each other about the hero business. Polly is going through her adolescent fanfiction phase. That is to say, no disrespect to fanfiction, fic writers are skilled and powerful and valid at all ages. But part of learning who you are as an adolescent is copying things, putting things on and taking them off and seeing what fits, and it's only later that you're able to figure out how to take bits from here and bits from there and piece it into something your own. So Polly decides that the Obah Cypt is an evil ring that must be destroyed (by Hero, of course), and Tom writes back curtly "No, it's not a ring. You stole that from Tolkien. Use your own ideas."
Seriously, Tom? This isn't English class. But by now he's started to figure out the extent of his gift, and is relying on Polly to come up with ideas to engineer his freedom. He's using her, and she's not delivering, and he's being very unfair considering she is literally twelve. We see this again with the reaction to her first novel, which is, as you can imagine, much like any twelve year old's first epic novel.
Interestingly, Polly is very cross with him (that part is understandable) and consoles herself by imagining jumping on his cello. Tom later writes back and mentions his cello broke, and Polly blames herself. But that doesn't quite seem to be the way the magic works; it's supposed to be the things Tom comes up with, and that Polly comes up with with Tom that come true. And I think they have to be spoken aloud or written? I don't think the Leroy's are necessarily mind readers, because Tom and Polly wouldn't be able to get away with nearly as much if they were. So I'm not quite sure what to make of the cello part.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 10 months ago
I love those pictures so much omg. Thank you so much for taking the time to make detailed comments - it really makes my day!!!
Also I'm glad that this fic reminds you how much you like Dick <3 it has reminded me how annoying he is (but in the most fuckable way).
Pixie: quite literally as SOON as I started this fic, i hopped into bed, put on my heated blanket, and put Titans on in the background because I miss my people!!! (also, god they are all so hot)
Sunny: this imagery is sooooo cute omg. especially because when I write fics, I really want people to enjoy my fics - and I just love the idea of you being curled up in bed and genuinely enjoying what I wrote. it makes me SO HAPPY !!!! like omg.
Pixie: You are so good at writing ‘episode insertive’ fics, not sure if that’s what you actually call them but I hope my point got across. I can see it so clearly in my head so best believe i’m going to be thinking about it for a while. I noticed it when I read through all of your cm fics and I was like ‘damn ok this is literally an episode of criminal minds’
Sunny: this comment literally makes me giggle and kick my feet - this is literally the biggest compliment I could EVERRRRRR receive. I love writing episode based fics, and knowing that I make them good and enjoyable to read is just so insanely flattering omg
You spoke the words with such utter certainty, and it sent shivers up Dick's spine. The calm, tranquil look on your face - the ominous wiseness you held: it reminded Dick so much of your mother. The other-worldly authority she held that had ultimately gotten her killed. It was strangely creepy.
Pixie: unsettling Dick is such goals tbh, like I love to watch that man squirm. Maybe it’ll dislodge the stick in his ass idk 🤷‍♀️ (sorry baby, love you 💋)
Sunny: everyone loves Dick being annoyed and haunted!!!! all my homies love Dick being annoyed and haunted <333
He still remembered the feeling of your blood warm under his hands while you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, begging him to save you. He remembered sitting at your bedside, believing that you would never wake up again.
Pixie: Oof yessss!! Let’s poke those emotional wounds, baby!! Yesss whenever you see me picture my blood weaving through your fingers yessss
Sunny: there is so many emotional wounds to poke!!!! eventually, we will get to the scene where we actually witness Dick trying to hold her blood in and attending to the wound - so just wait. the angst levels will be turned up to 100
Pixie: and powered!reader how I love you sooooo!!! I love how she’s so slinky and a bit off putting, she’s so me for real!
Sunny: I love that everyone is loving the reader character, because I was worried that she was too OC - but I had so much fun writing her!!!! so I am definitely gonna keep up with her. cause she is just so much fun <333
Pixie: my plans for the night are now rewatch titans while simultaneously reading all of the titans fics I can get my grimey little fingers on, starting with yours :0 this was such a delectable treat, sunny dear! we are all so so lucky for all of your gifts💋💋
Sunny: that is so good to hear omg. I hope you enjoy re-reading all my Titans fics (and know that I have more coming up, including more chapters of this). I am so excited for the fics that I have coming up <333
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One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson
Season One, Episode One: "Titans"
You and Dick haven't spoken since the Titans parted ways in San Francisco five years ago.
Even though you used to be as close as two people can be, both of you are doing just fine leading your own separate lives - until your psychic powers cause you to have a vision of the end of the world, and you have to turn to him for help. As much as Dick doesn't want to get involved, you know that him leading The Raven on the path she needs to travel is the only way to stop the terrible fate you saw.
He wants to deny it, and stay as far away from you as possible - but he can't avoid you or the truth that you have told him when he runs into that very Raven you speak of in an interrogation room later that night. He has to face a simple truth he has always known: you're always right.
Dick Grayson x Fem!Powered!Reader. Childhood Friends/Exes to Lovers. Emotional Angst and Bantering/Humor. Set during Season 1, Episode 1.
Word Count: 2,300
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: the reader uses she/her pronouns (some people might accuse the reader character in this story of being more of an OC and I am okay with that - I try to make all the reader characters in my other stories as blank and open as possible and every now and then I let myself have a little bit of a treat) - but as usual with my stories, the majority of pronouns used in the fic are you/yours; other than clothing style and a scar that informs her backstory, the reader's looks are not described and are left vague (as far as race, body type, hair colour, etc. - those things are not described); the reader character does have powers - I might make a separate post detailing the reader's entire backstory and power set (or I might just let it be spelled out slowly through the chapters) - but for now, I will tell you that the reader character is psychic and can see glimpses of the future in dream-like visions; the reader and Dick are 'exes' - their relationship was never official (they never explicitly called each other boyfriend/girlfriend), but they used to have sex often (and they both have feelings for each other that they never openly spoke about), and they are childhood friends, so there is a lot of emotional history there; mentions of canon-typical violence; this fic does use Y/N; mentions of the reader being shot during a past undescribed incident; there is references to sex and discussions of sex, but no explicit smut (but there might be some later in the story? idk yet); emotionally constipated Dick Grayson; idk what else ? - pining, emotional angst, using humor to deflect emotional tension, banter. I just really like the vibes of this. there is not a lot of big content warnings for this fic (yet).
A/N: Honestly, I am really excited about this one. I have a lot of ideas for future episodes (especially the episode where Dick loses it emotionally and just gets followed around by a hallucination of Bruce for the entire episode - but that's not until Season 2, oop). Titans is one of my favourite series ever - if you couldn't tell - so getting to examine each episode closer and appreciate each individual episode as a unique piece of art while writing this instead of binging a whole season gives me a whole new appreciation for the show. I hope you guys enjoy these as they come out - especially because I do have an idea of where this fic is going, but I don't know where I want these characters to go in Season 4. (I kind of want to do a secret surprise reveal of two of the characters being related and being siblings, but... idk. Sometimes people don't like that.) But this is definitely a good opportunity to send me ideas of where you want this story to go/how you want it to end up. Anyway - please enjoy!!!
Dick needed some fucking air. 
He could barely fucking handle today. He had to compose himself before he lost it and started breaking things. It was all such a shitshow - the department pushing a new partner on him, footage of Robin all over the news, every other half-cocked beat cop making comments about how Robin was just another masked psychopath who wasn’t that different from The Joker. 
Fuck them. 
If they only knew what Gotham was like - if only they had to deal with a department full of asshole’s on the Joker’s payroll. If only they had to watch criminals walk away because they made bail on the decision of a corrupt judge. If only they had to sit behind a desk and listen to a mother’s sobs as she begged for him to find her missing child - knowing how many people elbow to elbow with him would laugh at her tears rather than start looking. 
If they only spent one night tending to civilians while the smell of burning flesh permeated the air, with the Joker’s screaming laugh stuck in their ears because he thought that bombing a low-income housing complex was just that funny. 
Fuck all of them. 
Dick clenched his fist tight - his knuckles aching as he resisted the urge to drive his arm right through the glass at the front of the precinct. He just - he really needed some air. 
Dick walked out the front doors (rather than smashing the glass), and took a deep breath of the cool night air, trying his best to calm down. It was getting late, and things were relatively slow, even for it being a Tuesday. No influx of late-night chaos yet. He had some time to collect himself before- 
“So - Robin’s in Detroit now, huh?” 
That voice. 
Dick felt the sting of familiarity pluck at his spine, and he whipped his head around at lightning speed, looking in the direction of the voice. Surely enough - you were the one standing there. It hadn’t been some kind of auditory hallucination on his part. 
So much for time to calm himself down. 
He was immediately met with a confliction - lust and annoyance bubbling up inside of him. He didn’t want to see you again, he didn’t want you to be here, especially not without warning. But you looked so damn good - it was a distraction from that fact. 
That was always the thing about exes, wasn’t it? 
(If Dick could even call you his ‘ex’ - the two of you had slept together more times than he could count, both metaphorically and literally, but the two of you had never put an official label on the relationship like he had with Dawn or Barbara. He cared for you like a friend, and like a lover in a way that he was never willing to admit - but did that make you his ex? Especially if he never stopped caring about you?) 
That thing about exes being: they always look so fucking good when you see them after a long time of being apart. The universe dangling something in front of you that you’re not allowed to have and technically, should no longer want. 
But oh - Dick found himself wanting so very badly. (And he tried his hardest to hide that fact as he continued to carefully stare you down.) 
Because you looked so good. 
You were wearing something of your usual style - an outfit of many confusing layers that somehow showed off the natural curves of your body and hid you all at the same time. 
A long skirt with a ruffled hemline and bold, colorful pattern. A pair of boots that you had probably gotten from some vintage store that were likely older than both you and Dick, leathery and well worn in. Your jacket was much the same - a supple brown leather with a soft fur lining that made you look very warm and cozy. 
Topped off with a pair of the largest, gaudiest dangling earrings that Dick had ever seen - the kind that would have gotten snagged on one of his nice shirts and gotten the two of you tangled up during one of your hook-ups. A pair of earrings that he would have scolded you for wearing - but he would have delighted in finding them on his bedroom floor after you left because it meant having a piece of you still with him. And it would mean having an excuse to visit you later because he had something of yours to return. 
Those earrings glistened in the light of the street lamps, just as your eyes did while you stared him down with those inquisitive, knowing eyes. Looking at him with that same expression you always wore - the one that seemed to say you knew everything that he never would. It equally fascinated him and infuriated him. 
He hated the fact that you had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, causing his heart to race - had you snuck up on him on purpose? Did you find it funny? 
“Y/N,” Dick said your name curtly, still feeling a slight twinge of shock that you were standing in front of him at all. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
You let out a dry chuckle, and stepped closer to him, making his whole body stiff. His first instinct was to step backward - to gain more distance from you. But he didn’t want to seem like he was afraid of you - afraid of that closeness. So he forcefully locked his legs and stayed in place as you drifted closer, and you idly conversed back. 
“Oh, Dickie.” You sighed in return, using his childhood nickname. “A warm welcome as always.” 
Dick rolled his eyes at this. Did he really need to bother with manners and formalities? The two of you had known each other for so long, he guessed that you were both well over stuff like that. 
“Do I need a reason to be here? Can’t I just visit an old friend?” You posed, a humorous tone still running through your voice. 
He shoved his hands into his pockets as he took a more defensive stance. He quickly went from shock then to annoyance. 
The two of you were old friends - you had known each other since you were in diapers together. The two of you had grown up together, raised by a unique circus family. And that meant that Dick knew you well enough to know that if you were here, you had a good reason to be. 
(If you had wanted to chase him when he first left Gotham, you likely would have camped out in the trunk of his car, or you would have shown up at his new apartment the day after he moved in. You wouldn’t have waited this long to contact him.) 
“Do us both a favor and cut the bullshit, please.” Dick replied sternly. “Why are you here?” 
“Grumpy.” You sighed, sounding defeated. 
He waited for a moment, and surely enough - you folded, now willing to directly explain your reason for showing up in Detroit so suddenly. 
“I had a vision.” You explained. “A girl. The Raven. A lot of others consider her to be the eater of worlds, but she is the one who is going to save us all, Dick.” 
He let out a harsh puff of air, reaching up and running fingers roughly over his temple. Yup, there it was - the headache had fully set in now. He really didn’t need this. Not tonight. 
He had known about your visions for a long time. When he was younger, he had been shocked to find out that you had inherited your mother’s ‘gift’. He previously had no clue that her set-up as a sideshow fortune teller with Tarot cards and a large crystal ball wasn’t all psychology tricks and half-guesses she put on for tourists - but in fact, it was actually something informed by larger supernatural forces at play. And it was something you could do as well. 
So he was inclined to believe you when you told him about this vague vision, but he also didn’t want to be involved. He had a lot on his plate right now - he didn’t need this. 
“Look, I’m sure that whatever you saw was important, but-” He began. 
You sighed and shook your head harshly at this ‘but’. 
“Why don’t you just take it to New York instead? This kind of thing is way more Donna’s speed, anyway. I’m sure she can help you find this girl, and-” 
“That won’t help.” You told him. “The girl is already on her way here.” 
You spoke the words with such utter certainty, and it sent shivers up Dick’s spine. The calm, tranquil look on your face - the ominous wiseness you held: it reminded Dick so much of your mother. The other-worldly authority she held that had ultimately gotten her killed. It was strangely creepy. 
“Just so you know, I hate it when you say ominous shit like that.” Dick told you, gesturing to your person with stiff offense in his body. “Just because your mother played the creepy voodoo witch for tourists doesn’t mean you have to.” 
“I’m not playing.” You replied, exasperated. 
You knew that Dick could be frightened of your powers at times. He was someone very logic-based - he built his beliefs around facts. So having you follow your visions and your ‘gut feelings’ when they were never concrete, changing on a dime - he hated the uncertainty and chaos that came with it all. But you had learned to trust yourself and your feelings over time, even if he didn’t. 
“And you know, you’re involved in this whether you want to be or not.” You told him, trying to get the conversation back on track. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Robin made his first appearance in months last night.” 
Dick became stiff at this, and quickly glanced around - as though waiting for someone to appear out of nowhere and point an accusing finger at him, screaming out that he was Robin and he had been caught. 
“You can’t help it, Dick Grasyon.” You declared with intense certainty. “You need to save people, you need to feel like you’re making a difference, you-” 
“So what, now you expect me to save the whole fucking world?” Dick snapped back. 
“She does.” You corrected. 
“Who?” He replied - confused and once again annoyed at your mysticism and bold confidence in your visions. 
“The Raven.” You told him. “She needs you. And whether you like it or not, you need her.” 
You shifted your stance then, waiting for him to tell you that you were right - which was how most of your arguments ended. 
But then, as a sick reminder, the lapel of your jacket opened enough for Dick to get a glance at your chest. The neckline of your blouse was wide open, but his eyes weren’t drawn to your cleavage - instead, he became focused on a large scar that you had sitting over your heart. A place where a bullet had ripped through you, leaving you barely alive. 
He still remembered the feeling of your blood warm under his hands while you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, begging him to save you. He remembered sitting at your bedside, believing that you would never wake up again. 
He couldn’t help but to reach up and gently skim his thumb across the roughness of the scarred skin as he glared at it with a stiff jaw. The touch sent shivers through you - it was the first time he had touched you since that last night in Gotham, when you had woken up to an empty bed and absolutely no explanation as to where he had gone. 
Dick felt rage boil inside of him. 
How could you ask him to save the world when he had been responsible for this? 
This - this was why he was no fucking savior. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said, choking on the words slightly as he took his hand down, shoving it back into his pocket once again. He had to avoid the temptation of touching you any further. 
If you weren’t safe around him, why would some little girl from your visions be? 
“This isn’t about me.” You scoffed. “Or-” 
‘Or us.’ 
You held back, knowing how dangerous it was to mention the royal Us around flighty Dick Grayson. For a bird without wings, he was absolutely capable of taking off in a quick moment when he wanted to. 
“This is about something so much bigger.” You pressed. “She’ll be here soon.” 
Dick let out another strained sigh at you using such ominous words again. 
“Well, next time you’re gonna come here and be all ominous and creepy, you should at least bring some coffee.” He told you, sarcasm tight on his lips. 
You made a mocking face in return. 
“Well, you could be more polite.” You scoffed. 
Before Dick could recommend that the two of you go and get a coffee in order to truly catch up, someone called out his name, drawing his attention away from you for a moment. 
“Hey, Grayson!” Someone called, sticking their head out the front door. “Prentiss is looking for you!” 
When he turned back, you were gone. He tried not to linger on it too much - how creepy it was. You were silent and quick like a ghost - he thought that your ominous jewelry might jingle like a house cat’s bell. 
But - he would call you later. Hopefully you still had the same number. 
Dick walked into the interrogation room, trying to clear his mind of the interaction with you. When he saw a small, scared girl, he thought it best to lighten the mood with a joke. 
“Hi, I’m Detective Grayson.” He said, introducing himself. “I hear you like to play baseball with bricks and cop cars. You wanna tell me what happened?” 
“You’re him.” She said, whimpering and tearful. “You’re the boy from the Circus.” 
At first, Dick thought that everyone was simply being ominous and creepy today. But then he realized:
‘Oh fuck. You were right.’
A/N: Please do not ask me when this fic will be updated - this fic does not have a schedule.
While this is technically the first chapter in a 'series', each chapter is meant to be enjoyed on its own. The overarching plot of the series is still that of the original Titans show, and I won't be making any major changes to the canon of the show - I just intend to showcase smaller emotional moments between the reader character and the canon characters. This is something I want to work on casually in the background between working on other things. This fic is not my main focus, and I will not be rushing to update it or complete it.
Comments and reblogs are encouraged, and I am thankful for them - but please keep those comments focused on the actual content of the series (it's plot, the characters, their dynamics, etc.). Please do not spam me asking me to update this or asking me when I will update this - because I am not in a rush to do so. I have a lot of ideas for this series that I am excited about, but I want to work on it slowly and casually because I don't want to lose my enthusiasm for it and I know that rushing will take that enthusiasm away.
If you enjoyed this - great, thanks. But if you expect this to be updated weekly like a factory pumping out stuff on a clearly outlined schedule - then you are in the wrong place. If you are expecting constant updates of this fic and you will be disappointed if it doesn't get updated regularly - you should just block me now and pretend you didn't read it. But if you are a patient person - feel free to read and enjoy my other Titans works while I am working on updates for this (and working on other exciting things), and feel free to send me a message telling me what you thought of this fic or other fics in general.
Also - if you can't get Dick Grayson off your mind - my requests are open.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years ago
~𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝 𝕄𝕪𝕖𝕣𝕤 x Reader Fluff Headcanons(Telling Michael He's Handsome)~
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YES 😭 I remember the very first time I saw Halloween and my girl managed to rip his mask off, I literally jumped out of my seat and went "ooOOooH MICHAEL 🥴😩"
𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝 𝕄𝕪𝕖𝕣𝕤
~The first time you catch him with his mask off, he automatically tries to put it back on, and you're gonna have to grab his arm to stop him.
~Which of course means he'll freeze and look down at you stiffly, it's completely unclear if he's pissed that you grabbed him and he's about to murder you, or if he's like "wat" and is waiting for you to explain
~Probably a mix of both honestly
~He don't know
~"I haven't seen you without the mask before." Is how you explain, which earns no reaction whatsoever
~He's just lookin at you
~And to you, it's pretty awkward for a while. He's not gonna do anything other than stare at you. But, he hasn't put the mask back on just yet, because not only can he see and breathe better with it off (and he even might forget he's even wearing a mask sometimes because it's ALWAYS on), but he's also letting you look at him. Just in the most awkward way ever where it's silent and he blinks slowly.
~When he simply decides to walk away, you work up the courage to compliment this beast
~"You're very handsome, Michael."
~Michael just stops dead in his tracks because. wtf he's never been complimented in his life what did you say
~He kind of just expected you to be like "ok" and not be curious about his face anymore, you saw him just now so it's enough. that's what you wanted.
~Slowly turns around and just looks at you again, his mask gripped tightly in his hand. He doesn't know what the hell to do.
~While you're noticing that tight grip on his mask, you're probably worried you made him uncomfortable or said the wrong thing, but in reality, this is the first time he's ever been flustered in any way shape or form. He's gripping it like that because you've successfully confused him.
~Michael doesn't like feeling like he doesn't know what to do, so for a moment, he can feel heat rising in his chest as he tries figuring out what he's currently feeling right now.
~Instead of lashing out, he tries offering a little curious tilt of his head.
~You repeat the little compliment, and all you get is another blink and a tiny nod- one of which you literally can't see because it looked like he just moved his head down by half of a half of an inch.
~Then he leaves. Nothing really happens at first when you say it to him. You might have felt a bit awkward or even nervous, but his brain keeps thinking of the compliment, trying to figure out if he imagined you said that, trying to figure out what he was feeling, and trying to figure out why it was so important to you to see him without the mask. These frustrations and confusions only make his murders more violent, unfortunately.
~But if you compliment him more often, you'll get more reactions, such as a few more head tilts, a slight confused but adorable furrow of his brows, or a twitch of his hand- which seems like they don't mean anything, but really this is him getting more comfortable around you. Very small signs of him understanding now that you're being nice to him, which he's...not used to
~Seems like he doesn't have much of a reaction, but he always hears you. He's listening, and he might even surprise you by being strangely clingy and literally being behind you constantly. He's like your shadow, now.
~Might even decide to get something you can't reach and hold it above you for just a second, before finally lowering his hand and giving it to you.
~And you're like
~Yeah you've done the impossible and made positive progress with Michael Myers. It definitely looks like compliments and praise don't ever sink in, but he hears them, don't worry.
Here are the rules for requesting!
Here's a list of the fandom Masterlists!
Discord Server! Here you can roleplay with and as your favorite characters, get updates on my fanfiction, and get sneak peaks for my upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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finniestoncrane · 2 years ago
Hi! Absolutely love your writing and I basically rebinge all your riddler content every now and then.
You've made me fall in love with all of them especially Young Justice! Riddler.
And I was wondering how would the riddlers react to meeting a villain reader during a dangerous situation.
You're like "Oh hey, you're cute." Adding in a compliment, before dashing away and leaving him in the dust without letting him get a word in.
I thought I'd be funny.
If you can't do them all, maybe young justice, dano, and/or Gotham?
Villain!Reader w/Crush
Riddler Headcanons eeeef this is cute!! and thank you so much! yj!eddie has become my babygirl and this prompt suits him so well 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: flirting/suggestive things
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zero year
as much as he pretends he's 'all that'
he actually never gets complimented
because he's a pain in the ass monster of a boy
but maybe someone just as villainous as him
someone who is also a pain in the ass
could see the perfect potential within him
enough to develop maybe a little crush on him?
and now he's forgotten what he was even doing out here
maybe that was the plan all along, damn
he's no stranger to love in the field
this idiot falls in love quick and fast and with anyone
especially if they're also a bit mischievous (or criminal)
so another villain declaring their love... well...
he's kinda 'been there, done that' so to speak
but it wouldn't put him off!
it's just going to take a little bit more than rushed flirting
if you really want him to be knocked off his feet
a strange thing to say, and he's not reciprocating at all
he has absolutley no time for that kind of distraction in his life
not unless you're willing to give up on your own criminal plans
and dedicate your time to his villanous endeavours
how are you with robots by the way... just out of curiosity...?
not that it matters! because he's not interested... but...
hey, you never know! it could all work out perfectly
living together in the sewers and building robot armies
you could get married standing on top of batman's corpse!
this is the only relationship he would consider
it helps that he's had his eye on you
from afar of course, just quietly admiring
because heaven forbid he admit that he feels normal things
but you've broken the seal and now it's a full blown crush
he's already planning your criminal endeavours together
sweet memories to be made, first murder, first heist
so many villainous firsts to experience together
hang on, wait just a fucking minute, get your ass back here
just because he's little doesn't mean he won't run after you
he's not above chasing a compliment, literally or figuratively
and if you have any more of them you'd like to give out
he's here, ready to bask in your adoration
or if you'd rather take this to a more physical level...
no need to rush though! he's happy to sit here and listen
while you tell him what a cute and precious bean he is
unphased, you think this doesn't happen all. the. time?
he's banged pam, selina and once got some goodies from harley
plus him and harvey have this weird mutual thing going on
doesn't matter, because while it's not new to him
he's hardly going to turn down someone's advances
so you can run away, but he'll remember
he never forgets a face, or an ass
and he liked both of yours
yeah, it would be easier for everyone involved
if he just pretended he didn't hear anything you said
and you didn't repeat it, or say anything to him ever again
because you're verging into dangerous territory here
so few kind words have been spoken to him ever
that he's just definitely going to latch on to the first kind soul
who shows him any sign of affection
and before you know it, you're getting little greetings cards
from your secret admirer
and no amount of villainy is going to put him off
so miss tuesday's task for the foreseeable future is research
find out who you are and what you were doing there
was it a ploy to out-heist him? were you there to distract?
because it worked, annoyingly so
but uh... if miss tuesday also happens to find out your name
and your number... mabye what kind of food you're into
then maybe he could let you distract him again
perhaps over dinner at the nicest restuarant around... if you want
young justice
immense confusion here bless him
some idiotic hero or a mindless member of the public
maybe maybe he could see them developing a crush on him
but another criminal genius? and a very attractive one at that
complimenting him? impossible, it must have been a mistake
which explains why you rushed away from him so quickly
better that way anyway, because he's starting to sweat. a lot.
and he's so flustered he can't even think straight, let alone well
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carnal-lnstinct · 3 years ago
Thank you for writing for the dbz fandom 😍 there is never enough content for them. I also so that requests are open, may I make one? May I request headconons of some of the dbz characters (I don't know who to pick because I like them all ☺ or your choice) that pine for the reader or have a huge crush on the reader who is oblivious?
I'm happy to be here for it! Very true, there is never enough!
Thank you for the request! I'll do my personal top 3 for this one, then. ♥ But feel free to ask again if you come up with someone specific you want from the listed characters I write for.
Crushing/Pining Character(s) x Oblivious Female Reader Pairing: Goku x Reader | Broly (DBS) x Reader | Vegito x Reader Rating: T Warning: ( slightly suggestive )
Goku -
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In Goku's defense, he probably was pretty open about liking you with a display of confidence and his charming smile lingering on every word. But the issue is he more than likely confessed to having feelings for you as he would openly admit to liking anything.
So it's not completely your fault his specific brand of attention and friendliness to you feels like he's just being his natural self. You don't read too much into him putting his arm over your shoulder, offering to help you with chores he hates to do, sharing a bed if he sleeps over sometimes, and especially how often he compliments your cooking. He does those things with his other friends, too.
You just happen to miss the way his eyes warm when he stares at you and how often he actually holds your hand.
You guys could share a bath in a hot spring together and it feels like the most casual thing you could do. You settle in your clingy towel and let the heated waters relax you and it's literally the first time you looked vulnerable to him.
He feels strange about it, his whole body does, tensing up when he should be in the same relaxed state as you by now. So Goku opts to move away from you, releasing your held hand and prompting you to catch him by the towel before he got away to question where he was going.
He doesn't really have an answer to that and it would be rude to straight-up say he needs to get away from you. You standing up in your wet towel and folding your arms under your chest putting your cleavage on display didn't help.
You were always cute to him but this was different! Now his heart is racing and he can feel a change in his body. Maybe it's okay he feels that way if he said he liked you before? Goku finds a means to fumble through his explanation of how being in the water with you like this makes him feel different, hopeful you could help him feel less weird.
You nod, understanding, then proceed to point to the other hot spring pool. Clearly, the water in this one is off and messing with him, you suggest moving to the other one for a better experience.
How does it feel to out-Goku Goku?
Broly ( DBS ) -
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Listen don't do this to him okay, he's trying his best to get his feelings across.
He may be a man of few words and subtle gentle acts because he's not too sure how to approach you with his feelings, but if you're not picking up on the obvious signs he's giving you then you're both honestly killing everyone around you with anticipation of will they-won't they.
He'll try to hang out with you more, which entails him sitting pretty close to you and talking a little more than he normally would. Hell, you even look like a couple sitting together like that.
He misconstrues your cluelessness to a point of mistaking it for some high level of self-confidence you have in yourself, it outright flusters him. How can he match that kind of energy without fighting you?
Broly is sure sitting and sharing his food with you was the right move to make to get his feelings known. You barely notice how each serving of food is neatly aligned close around you to make sure you got to try all of it first. He even tried to eat it slowly to make sure you could eat until you were stuffed. That's considered romantic, right?
But a saiyan eating so little, so slow? You're forced to ask if something is wrong with him instead, why wouldn't he eat all the food he brought with him? He is honest and declares that he brought it here for you.
It's when you ask "Why" and explain you could never hope to eat that much that you see his tan face start to glow red and he actually starts to sweat. It's suddenly difficult to get his words out, stuttering one or two before all he could think to do was shove his entire plate in his mouth.
He did not like that anxious sensation one bit, maybe it was easier for now if you thought he caught a cold or something.
Vegito -
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If Vegito has a crush on you, then there is probably an already existing crush from either Goku or Vegeta on you. It's really going to shine through in this fusion, or even Gogeta.
His boastful demeanor could cause you to overlook the blatant flirting he's doing with you. He's a fusion of Goku and Vegeta, after all - hubris and playful enthusiasm would cause you to think he's just trying to be cool and show off how powerful he is in this form.
It's half true, he is showing off how strength, but it's mostly to hold your attention on him while he fights.
It goes without saying that if he's around, then something terrible required his presence. But no matter how much stronger he is than his opponent, he's going to put on a good act for your eyes and make small glances your way to make sure you're watching him fight. Then he'll go all out to astound you with a big, world-shaking finish to the fight and really charm you, hopefully with some time to spare in his combined state to gauge any reciprocation of your feelings for him now.
There's hope, you seem amazed by his fighting prowess and flatter the combined skills of both Goku and Vegeta (and therefore himself) with such vigor and passion. Enough to see the confident leer of his change to the bright beam of round eyes as he softens up for you.
Finally, the moment one of them he has been waiting for! Your admiration was finally all his. However, when you follow up your congratulations by kindly suggesting he should try to show off a little less and keep his eyes on the fight to finish off the opponent more quickly in his limited time, his entire expression changes in surprise. You give him a friendly pat on the arm and turn your attention elsewhere, missing the sight of his shoulders dropping and the invincible air around him crumbles with defeat.
Sure, he saved the day but at what cost if you didn't recognize his affection? At least you're all alive for him to try again.
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creppersfunpalooza · 1 year ago
( @radvercity )
COMING IN AT 8TH PLACE, we have SAGE!!! i have nothing against sage i just have never interacted with him literally ever and know close to nothing other than the fact that he’s slightly more mentally stable than raymon, he’s a band kid, and he broke into someone’s house. all pretty green flags but alas…..
IN 7TH WE HAVE…. ELIJAH!!! i think he’s neat. he’s married or was married. i think he dies. honestly i like him a lot. he seems neat and pretty cool. and like he’d probably make really good tea for some reason idk. maybe it’s also the fact that (if i remember right) he’s a decent father to celo and i think that kid really needs it….
FOR 6TH PLACE, WE’VE GOT THE KID IN QUESTION!!! CELO!!!!! i fucking NEED this kid to be okay. i will start ugly sobbing. they are so squishy and also strange and i love him very very very much. need to save him. he gets the world.
find out after a quick break from our sponsors!
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this ad was sponsored by Putting Guys in Cubes Because We Can. And It’s Funny. Watch Him Spin.
UP FOR 5TH PLACE IS NONE OTHER THAN YOUR LOCAL ELDRITCH GOD, JOCE!!! honestly they fought celo for this spot and won because everyone knows if i have an affinity for anything it’s fucked up gods (and mad scientists but that’s not on topic). like joce i understand u……. i get it….. it’d be awesome if you left my scrungles alone but at the same time like…. i get it. also very pretty eyes!!! i love it when i stare into the abyss and it stares back!!!!! thank you for giving these guys issues!!!!! i love you /p!!!!!!
IN 4TH, WE HAVE GRENADIER!! HONESTLY THEYD BE HIGHER BUT THESE LAST FEW UP TILL SPOT 1 ARE REALLY TRICKY BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM. but grenny’s got everything going for them. they’ve got an awesome design. they’ve got an awesome wife. they’ve got a thing for hot moms (respectfully). i also love the fact that they’re like. a fish. that’s cool as fuck. also their whole dynamic with joce from what ive seen is so awesome and id love to see more of it some time. love them. they’re so cool. everything about them makes me wanna sink in my teefs and rip off their skin :3
IM SORRY TO DO THIS TO YOU AND I SWEAR IT WAS PRACTICALLY A TIE BUT RAYMON, ONCE AGAIN YOU’RE COMING IN SECOND TO YOUR BROTHER (sorry that was mean), IN OUR 3RD SPOT!!! god where do i begin. i wanna dunk him in water. he’s so soppy…… so pathetic i love him dearly… anyone surprised by this high ranking underestimates my love of sad sad mentally unstable men. like guys he’s so squishy. also just the idea of him being totally fine with vian practically torturing him as long as vian does the bare minimum of complimenting him or smthn is so funny to me like god he is desperate for validation /pos. anyways moving on….
IN 2ND, MY FAVORITE GUY…. THE GUY…….. SLOANE!!! honestly like i was saying him and raymon were really close here. like the main reason he wins is because of his awesome mustache. like god that thing is unbeatable. like you’re telling me there’s a catboy and he’s got a mustache. deal. peak design. also i love how he’s absolutely terrible but still so lovable like god fucking damn i can’t hate him even if i try. he’s just so fun. he’s also so messed up and honestly that just makes me love him more. like wdym he’s hurt the people he loves and is also tormented by a god… that’s like my favorite things to be…. honestly i can’t even blame joce because if i could i’d also love to run sloane over with a train at full force and speed.
AND NOW, FOR THE FIRST PLACE SPOT, THE MOMENT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR…. THE ONE AND ONLY AMITIE!!!!! is that really a surprise. i think ive made it abundantly clear that this girl never leaves my mind. she’s always there. like god she is so relatable (she has killed before she has undergone so m) she’s so me. she’s so me. like girl we can ignore red flags together it’s ok. god i love everything about her. what the fuck do you mean she was a part of the mafia at one point and what the fuck do you mean she’s also dead and a streamer and a tgirl. she’s so iconic and i fucking love her. like she probably makes lameass references and i would watch an entire show just because she made a joke about it once. i cannot stand how much love i have for her i will explode. i am the number one amitie fan move over grenadier. the real reason grenadier isn’t higher is because i am JEALOUS of them (/j). god nobody can ever beat amitie or her impeccable failgirl swag. she’s amazing. she has so much going for her. she’s such a loser and i love her infinitely.
hi reply to this if you want me to make a personal list of my top favorite characters of yours in order and with reasons because i feel silly rn :3
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exoticbabe69 · 3 years ago
Theseus Scamander x reader
This is my first ever fic! Hope you enjoy! Making this a series🪄💗
✨Love is magical✨
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10| Part 11|
You’re sitting in your office gazing at the stars outside, about to be off work. It’s winter in London, the weather outside is indeed frightful, snow is falling from the sky, and it might be the coldest night of the year but you don’t care because Christmas is only 20 days away! Yes, you were a sucker for Christmas, even though your family wasn’t Christian you just loved the Christmas spirit and everything that came with the heartwarming holiday. You moved to London about 6 months ago from the states. This was the first Christmas you’d be spending away from your family. And your ex who you broke up with before moving here because “long distance wasn’t going to work” for him, not to mention he flat out demanded you to quit your job. At this point you were basically over Peter (your ex) and that sadness that once filled your heart was now outpoured by curiosity for this new environment you were in. You liked London, sure the accents and lingo took some getting used to, but there was something magical about where you lived! You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but the city just twinkled with a spark that had to be other worldly.✨
You left work to take off on a dreadfully cold trip home. You had to take the trolley because your car was in the shop. Even though it was unbearably cold the beautiful bright lights, and Christmas decorations filled throughout the city took your breath away!
You entered the trolley only to see it filled with couples, it was cute, sweet even, but it also kinda reminded you that you were very single, which made you a little sad. You look down at your feet after noticing everyone staring at you (you thought it was because you were alone and felt awkward but in reality everyone was taken aback by your beauty). You were the prettiest girl in that town but you having an even prettier soul and heart of gold never paid much attention to looks, you just thought people were being nice when they’d compliment you.
As you stand looking down at your shoes wishing your car wasn’t in the shop you hear a deep voice with a strong British accent say “excuse me miss would you like to sit down?” You look up and see a tall gentleman with blue eyes, and curly short brown hair smile at you endearingly.
You smile back and say “I’m fine thanks.” He gets up and says “I insist” to which you look back again and say “no really I’m fine, my stop is coming up!” The trolley stops just in time for you to wave bye and hop off.
The trolley stranger doesn’t hesitate to follow you pretending that it was his stop as well (which you think is a bit strange).
“I’m Theseus by the way, Theseus Scamander” he says. You nod your head and continue to walk, sure you thought he was handsome but you’re wary about meeting literal strangers.
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name, miss” he says looking at you with almost puppy dog eyes, like he was a kid begging his Mom for that delicious piece of candy she wouldn’t let him have.
“I’m y/n, y/ln,” you say, as you both stop. His eyes filled with delight and amazement “ah what a beautiful name, almost as beautiful as you miss y/n.”
You smile “thank you Theseus….so was this really your stop?” (Asked with suspicion in your voice).
He laughs “I’ll be perfectly honest, it wasn’t but I couldn’t pass up the chance of knowing your name.” You blush, and start walking again.
He walks briskly to keep up with you “so if I may ask, do you live here, in London?”
“Yes I moved here not long ago for work, how about you?”
“Yes I live here as well, all my life actually!”
“Oh and what do you do for work?” You ask.
“I’m head aur- *he stops himself mid sentence* “head of the architecture department.” He says nervously hoping you wouldn’t notice that he meant to say head auror at the ministry of magic.
You didn’t notice though, you just thought he was a bit goofy, but you like goofy, you were goofy yourself, and suddenly you found this stranger somewhat charming.
Theseus insists on letting him walk you home to make sure you get there safely. You chuckle “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” He pauses and looks at you with the most sincere stare “please y/n, you can trust me.” For some reason the warmth in his eyes made you feel safe, at ease almost, and you believed him.
So you both continue and the entire way you’re laughing, and talking about your life stories. It was easy with him. Finally you make it to your door “well this is me” you say. Theseus becomes sad realizing that your time together has come to an end. “Thank you for the company Theseus,” you say before turning away.
As you’re walking into your home he yells ‘Y/n wait!!” “Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow? Please! I insist! I’d love to take you out and show you around town!”
You look back and smile “sure, I’d love that, stop by around 6.”
Theseus literally jumps for joy thinking you didn’t notice but oh you did, you bust out laughing and his cheeks flush a bright red. “You’re cute” you say blowing him a kiss good bye and locking the door behind you.
You swoon as soon as you walk in and slide your back on the door. A rush of what feels like magic takes over your body, and you’re basking in the glow of your first post break up crush.
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everafterkeiji · 4 years ago
hiii can i request sitting in their laps with baji and smiley?
hellooo! I've been in constant Baji hours so i needed this- thank u so much for requestingg and i hope u have an amazing dayy!! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
PAIRINGS: Baji & Smiley x gn! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 is one cocky bastard when you sit on his lap, it doesn't matter where you are or what time, there's always that smug smile on his face when you're there.
- The first time you asked if you could sit, he was actually flustered at first but then it was replaced with hyped up energy.
"My lap? Y-yeah of course! C'mere!" And once you sit on his lap, he feels like he's won a prize with how he literally glowed in happiness as he instantly wraps his arms around you.
- It goes for any hair length because he'd be the type to be busy with it. Randomly braiding it or tying it in different style as well as roaming through it with his hands or a regular comb just to feel how soft your hair is but let's not be assured that he won't have fun with it.
"Baji, babe..my hair looks like the beams of the sun."
"Well speaking because you are the light of my life~"
"Yeah sure, Kei."
- Intertwining your hands must be included no matter what day passes, mans can't go through the day without it. There's a tap on the back of your hand that was on your lap and a second later he's already intertwining them as he gives you a toothy grin.
- Likes to poke your sides but immediately stops when he can sense how annoyed you'd get.
- NECK KISSES. Nothing sensual or anything, he just likes to do it out of the blue because he knows you were his and that's all the assurance he needs.
"You smell really nice." He compliments before placing a kiss to your neck, a quick and soft peck for no reason.
"Baji.. you're making me red."
"Ooh I like that color on you, let me do it again."
- If your body is tilted to the side and your arms are around his shoulder, those are the times where he'd be a bit quiter than usual, which is quite strange for him.
"Everything okay, babe?" You asked him, running your hands through his long locks and with the concern and gentleness in your eyes, he realizes he's gone quiet because he was deeply thankful to have you with him and that doubt of you leaving him disappears when his signature smile returns.
"Just happy to love you, that's all."
- If you study with him, best believe he can be energized to do so which leaves Chifuyu stunned with how you did it.
"So, now you have to memorize these sections because you told me these were the ones you had trouble with the last time you had an exam. Is that okay?"
"Absolutely and you kinda look hot as a teacher."
"Baji, focus."
"I am."
"Focusing on what exactly?"
"On you, sweetheart."
- Random but if there's an upbeat song in the background, he's gonna use your arms to vibe with it. Waving it around or doing weird steps with it and you're just laughing at how he's using as a puppet but enjoy it regardless because he was having fun.
- Also loves to keep his hands inside your shirt just to feel your warmth and draw and words to it. Even to your back, he still continues with it.
"What're you drawing there?" You asked, while he smiles.
"Can you guess?"
"Hm, you wrote the letter M and A right? I don't know the rest, babe." He chuckles at your words but his heart flutters at what he wrote.
"Just say yes, Y/N."
"Yes, Baji."
Which was the perfect answer since he wrote 'marry me' to your skin.
- Lastly, you better take advantage of your privilege to take care of his hair.
- He likes to watch you put it in updos or braids, gelling it or anything. He's just in love with how happy you looked.
"Now, I didn't say you could pigtails in my hair, Y/N."
"Well..I kissed you so you were distracted."
"Fair point."
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♡ 𝐍𝐀𝐇𝐎𝐘𝐀, another one whose proud to have you with him.
- Right off the bat, he doesn't even get flustered the first time you sat on his lap, he's already boastful.
"See, y'all could never top me in making moves." He brags which led you to laugh.
"Nahoya, you told me to do it."
"Hush hush, let me bask in the moment."
- He prefers it if you were sat to face him, there's no other view that he'd love to look at when you're staring at him and the intimacy surrounding you two.
- Hands will always be on your thigh and your hip. You thought he'd be more of the kind to love your waist but no, he's love every crevace and bit of your flush skin no matter the hip-dip or no matter the stretchmarks.
- As well as your stomach, Smiley loves to embrace or hold you from behind where he can feel your tummy, he's whipped for it and thinks it's really adorable so expect a few pokes to it.
- Likes to reach his hands right to your cheeks and just plays with it, squishing them or plainly touching them.
"You're so cute—what the hell."
- He immensely loves it when you play with his hair—it's like a knockout combo to have you on his lap and then do his hair—it drives him nuts.
"Nahoya, do you want me to straighten your hair?" With your question, he just pecks your lips.
"I've been waiting for you to ask me that all day, babes."
- If you're sat facing him, your boyfriend likes to place his forehead on yours. Subtle and sweet while you just ramble on about your day with a few laughs and his heart just grows with every second.
"I'm sorry was I rambling too much?"
"No keep talking, Y/N. I love listening to you."
- Now, if you were sat with your back to him, he likes to use your thigh as drums—but in a less aggressive manner. He's just tapping onto it when he's excited or when he's just listening to the music in the background by following every beat.
- With that, he loves to use your arms to punch people too. When Baji walks by, he's raising your hand and leans forward to land a hit to the boys legs and will use you as a shield.
"Hey hey it was Y/N~"
- Likes to pat your head too—also uses it as a drum.
- Would sneak a bunch of pecks to your cheek and your nape until you're a blushing mess.
"You're gonna kill me."
"That's fine 'cause then you'd be drop dead gorgeous, babe."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999
OVERALL: @stesphy
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