#theseus scamander x y/n
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itscherrylipsforme · 1 year ago
When were you planning to tell us?: Theseus Scamander x fem!reader
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Summary: During their wedding your recently married friends can't stop asking questions about your "mysterious" husband. Little they know he is the same man who has been flirting with you during all the ceremony
Warnings: Drinking a little, I guess? But nothing else except that Jacob and Queenie being unaware of the world around them; Leta and Theseus ot being able to hide their chuckles; and Dumbledore being a funny smartass. Takes place after Dumbledore's secrets and in Au where Leta doesn't die and she wasn't enganged with Thesesus
Requested: yes
Words: Around 1130
Author rambles: This is kind of inspired in a wedding I attended a couple of years ago and the situation fitted quite well with the request
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Bright smiles, sparky eyes and some tears of pure happiness, that was a quick and accurate way to describe most weddings. Jacob’s and Queenie’s was not an exception to this. A small and intimate ceremony on the bakery, only family and friends attending, perfect for the couple union. While the bride and the groom, now wife and husband, were looking at each other with love-dove eyes, you and the rest of the guests were enjoying the sight.
“She looks beautiful today, even more that normally” You whispered to Theseus who was by your side leaning in the desserts table.
“I still believe you were prettier in your wedding” He replied a small grin playing on his lips.
“You are a charmer with words, Theseus Scamander” Your hands slowly moved to take two glasses of champagne, handing one of them to your companion.
“Only because you deserve it, darling” He took a quick sip of the pinkish beverage, which had been Queenie’s idea.
You would have scolded him for his smarmy antics if it wasn’t for your nosy friends who had been half-listening to your talk. Yeah, a small bakery was definitely not the best place to hold a private conversation. It wasn’t long until Mr and Mrs Kowalski came to your way with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
“y/n you never told us you had been married, honey” Queenie sweet voice echoed in your ears. The realization hit you, you had been caught.
“Actually, I still am” Thesus couldn’t help but chuckle at your words.
“And who is the lucky man?” Jacob managed to speak while taking a bite from the nuptial cake “Do we know him?”
Theseus cheeks were starting to tint in a similar tone to his hair. You wondered how an auror like him, who has supposed to be calm and stern in every situation, couldn’t stop that grin from spreading on his face right now. Luckily for the two of you, Leta Lestrange, your best friend since your Hogwarts years (your guardian angel as you should call her from now on), appeared on the scene.
“What is the fuss for?” she joined the group and thanks to her endearing smile and her ability to put the focus on herself in every situation, you could enjoy a few seconds to think what would you say next. You were so relived thanks to her entry that you didn’t even get annoyed when she playfully stole your glass of champagne.
“y/n has just told us that she is married” The bride explained enthusiastically.
“Ohh…” Great, the last thing you needed right now was another person who couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Surprisingly, she decided to play along. After all a little fun never hurt anyone “Of course she is, I was the bridesmaid”
“Leta…” You tried to interrupt her in order to finally reveal the truth.
“Wonderful!” Queenie clapped “So you can tell us more about that mysterious husband of hers”
“Yeah y/n, you never told us anything about him” Theseus took a sip of his drink and still he couldn’t hide his smirk.
Oh, he made a big mistake… Never play games with a girl who can play them better, Scamander. You should remind him that later.
“Well, he is the perfect gentleman. Sweet, chivalrous, caring…” You dreamingly looked at the celling “But also a little bossy, stubborn, touchy too. And he always overworks himself with his job to the point its annoying” Your audience was expectant to hear more about it. Theseus tried his best not to look slightly offended while Leta patted his back.
“But you love him, don’t you?” The older Scamander brother asked, his eyes shinning hopefully. One of the many things that made you fall for him since the first day.
“With every piece of my heart” Your gaze was locked in his.
That intimate moment which had somehow grown in a room full of people faded a wide the instance the door’s bell rang, announcing Tina’s and Newt’s arrival in the bakery. God knew what they had been talking about while the rest of you were enjoying the desserts.
“Guys, you will never guess what happened” Jacob said as soon as they came to his sight.
“Y/n is married!” Queenie announced as the sweet gossiper she was.
The young magizoologist’s eyes travelled back and forwards from yours and his brother’s face, clearly confused. The elder Goldstein sister just looked unaware, waiting for an explanation.
“Of course, she is” Newt finally broke the silence “I was the best man”
“You too?” Jacob said surprised “Are we the last ones to discover this?”
“I didn’t know until today either, Mr Kowalski. Although I have been having my suspicions since you two were students. You have never been good at hiding your feelings, Miss l/n”
Dumbledore laughed from the other side of the room where he was leaning on the wall absent-mindedly eating his piece of cake. A privileged position which he took advantage of to listen to the whole discussion.
“Or should I say Mrs Scamander now? Congrats anyway, thanks to your marriage Professor McGonagall owes me ten galleons now” Gasps of shock echoed between the bakery’s walls.
Your husband made himself comfortable, his hands now proudly around your waist in a gentle grip.
“Thanks Professor” he replied.
“When did you make it official if I can ask?”
“Just after he returned from the war. We wanted to keep it simple, Newt and Leta were the only guests” You softly squeezed your husbands hand.
“And when were you planning to tell us?”
“Jacob, sweetie, focus on what is important” His wife corrected him “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You two shrugged the question off. Being honest, you had never truly hidden your union, not intentionally at least. Theseus did not wear his ring on his finger, but in a necklace around his neck. Too afraid that he would lose it in a mission due to his work as an auror; so you decided to do the same. He didn’t keep the gesture of love low-key either. Always calling you pet names or protectively staying by your side. But it was true he did the same for Leta and his brother, and that kisses were always reserved for closed doors for unknown reasons. With those reasons, it was understandable that your friends hadn’t realized sooner you were in fact married. They just took you for an old friend duo. How wrong they were, but as no correction had been said before by either of you they were still ignorant of the fact.
As they say: “Actions speak louder than words” and that was exactly what your husband did. Arms tangled around your hip and lips that were leaning for a kiss which ended up in a resounding applause. In the next years you would receive endless teasing for it, but enjoying the moment you couldn’t care any less about it.
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saintsstranger · 6 months ago
the art of lies | t.s. (fantastic beasts) - chapter three
Chapter Summary: secrets are meant to be unraveled
Pairings: Theseus Scamander x Fem!Reader
genre: romance, mature audience intended
warnings: mature themes, implied sexual content, sexworker protagonist, pleasure house (brothel), smoking
the art of lies masterlist
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BENEATH THE STEPS OF THE ARCHWAY and golden street lamp, Theseus would’ve thought you looked heavenly. Almost resembling an angel. 
With your hand holding onto a luggage with all your belongings, waiting for him.
“Run away with me?” 
You would’ve asked. And right at the moment, Theseus needed not to think about the future, he would say yes. 
He didn’t understand why or how it came to be.  You were an angel of seduction, smiling at him with a hand outstretched. Only for your eyes to not gleam like he wanted to.
This was a sweet— sweet lie. 
What stands in front of him was not you. Merely a shadow of wistful thinking. This was just Theseus’ imagination playing tricks on him. A mere wish from the heart.
Is it because he has been through war for years, and the only sign of romantic attraction he had was back when he was still in Hogwarts, rejected because he was not from the House of Slytherin. This was not a school-boy crush; this relationship—whatever it is he is threading into is such a dangerous game. And this far surpasses such simple childish attractions.
How easy it is for you to tear him apart, break his mind, graze your teeth on his pulse, and make him bleed, but instead, you chose not to. It was pathetic to think he came apart so quickly, he wasn’t always like this. He was a child of war, and he had seen it first hand. And Theseus trusted you fully, baring his heart, mind, and soul.
You only wanted one thing: safety. He can see right in your eyes, the freedom; the ability to walk out of this unscathed. And Theseus would gladly give it to you if it meant the world. The responsibility of keeping you safe didn’t feel like a burden; it was a promise he was willing to burn the world for. 
And for his vow to be true, he needed a way in—just like you thought him, he needed leverage to offer to Madame Blanche, something she does not have. If this was the only way you’d ever get to leave, then he was ready to get his hands dirty.
To be standing right where it began, he looked at the looming structure of  Amour Délicat. The over-nauseating scent of floral-filled his senses, the bite of the cold air was fueling his nerves to a full. This time, he feared, let him grovel to the ground and beg to let you go. He would look into your eyes and, this time, he will ask for you to run away.
Running away with him? Might be a fool's wish. 
Then consider him a fool.
Although there seems to be quite a predicament, Theseus is currently facing two problems. The first is that there is a recent development about the case of the missing delegate. 
Charles Moore had been found. A big problem is that he is dead, located in the muggle world with traces of cruciatus curse lingering on their mangled body. When Theseus and Torquil Travers heard the news, they immediately knew that this was done by someone who wanted to know that their threats were not to be taken lightly. If they had dumped his body right on the grounds of the muggles, then they were a threat, someone who is not afraid to showcase magical acts in front of non-magical people. Someone who wants the world to know about them, the wizarding world.
And the biggest problem he is currently facing is that you haven’t talked to him in two weeks, no letters or planned rendezvous. You must have known what happened to the missing delegate and presumed that your job with Theseus was done, therefore, ceasing contact. Theseus vowed he would provide you safety, and right now you had gone back into hiding; you must have felt disappointed with him. And Theseus who never grew desperate, who always has his head on his shoulders, is running out of options.
Just like the first week he had met you. He came barging right in, and the receptionist's eyes widened in recognition at the sight of the auror. Madame Blanche had posted details about being wary of British Aurors getting information, but it did not pass by the woman’s mind. Since the auror came alone, it must be just another customer wanting a night of debauchery, giving him her customer service smile.
“Welcome to Amour Délicat, where the finest maidens and bachelors are always catered to your liking. How can we be of service?” 
Like a practiced mantra, the receptionist did not miss a beat. Theseus looked at her, then the surrounding areas, not scanning like it was a crime scene rather looking for something… or someone.
“You wish to avail a particular flower, then?” Her voice became white noise to Theseus' senses as he looked for you in the nook and cranny of the lounge. After a minute, Theseus returned to his senses and stared right back at the woman before him.
“No. I am here to gather an audience with Madame Blanche.” That was unpredictable.
“Oh! Then I’ll put you on hold. I need to talk to Madame about your presence. I’ll let you know if she declines your request.” It was clear to Theseus he was unwanted here. After making a ruckus the last time he was here, the young lady at the receptionist must have thought he was here for a service. With a nod, Theseus waited as the young woman walked towards the backroom.
Theseus turned around once more; even with broad daylight Amour Délicat was still full of clients roaming about. If it weren’t for the kind of establishment Amour Délicat has, this would've looked like a regular instance, but the patrons that walked in and out were enshrouded in the anonymity of their privacy. Faces covered by hoods were probably from a line of work that valued discreteness; meanwhile, Theseus and many others were unprepared or were simply here for pleasure, their faces evident in the light, unaware of the possibility of showing face.
Right at the main lounge, the dooming sound of the elevator from Madame Blanche sounded turning around Theseus expected it was Madame Blanche, but the footsteps were far heavier. Far too commanding. 
As soon as the piercing gray eyes of the man landed on Theseus, his eyes lit up with recognition.
“If it isn’t the world-renowned war hero, Mr. Scamander.” The man smiled as he stepped straight towards the auror. As soon as the man looked Theseus eye-to-eye, the auror couldn’t but list all the people he had known throughout his lifetime.
“I apologize. I might’ve come off as brash. Could not help myself to be ecstatic to meet the man who violated Archer Evermonde's emergency legislation. Takes a lot of nerve to help the non-magical people and be an enemy of the wizarding world.” The man held out his right hand, ready to introduce himself. “I’m Baudelaire, Pierre Baudelaire.” 
André Baudelaire, the French Minister of Magic. Theseus has only seen him twice in his lifetime, and it was evident with their eyes that Pierre was his son. Eyes that loomed over anyone who looked their way. 3
Theseus gave him his professional smile and shook Pierre's hand firmly. 
“I wouldn’t say I was the enemy of the wizarding community; I did what I had to do to help those in need.” Theseus, ever the hero, replied. Letting go of Pierre’s hand as the other man hummed. 
“A noble cause for their people… and to be awarded as a hero.” Pierre hummed. “I say the muggles certainly live a different life, wouldn’t you say so? Passing their time through a game of darts.”
“That I would not deny, they taught me how to play a game of cards. They certainly know how to amuse themselves. I assume you to had a fair-share of their cuisine as well?” Theseus, merely inquiring, looked at the man in glee.
“Their liquor was not strong… that I would remark. Although, I was not able to stay for long unlike you had done. A simple tavern.” Pierre smiled. “Alas, I hope I am not wasting your time Mr. Scamander. You must have been here for important matters.” The man started to end the conversation and gave one last pointed look at Theseus. 
“I do not mind Mr. Baudelaire, it was nice talking to you.” Theseus nodded, as soon as the man was out of sight. The faint footsteps of the  faint footsteps of the receptionist came to call for him. Just like the first-time Theseus walked into the halls of the establishment, he was led to lift that had a painting of white flowers dancing in the breeze.
For his second time being in the establishment, he realized what the flowers represented. All the small details, from the catalog of the courtesans being flowers and how your floor was decorated like the night sky. 
And there in the middle of the room sat Madame Blanche, hands on her head as she stared at the papers scattered throughout the desk. It was a far cry from what she looked like the first time they met. Instead of the refined successful woman that greeted the aurors back then, what sat at the chair was a lady far too unkept and stressed beyond her years. Madame Blanche looked like she had too much on her plate as she stared at the unopened envelope with such intensity. And right at the floor was the lone flower out from its vase, water spilling right through the carpeted floors. 
“I presume you are here for another problem, pray tell and hurry on with it. I don’t have all day to deal with you Englishmen. What do you want?” With a wave of her hand, she stared at Theseus annoyed by his presence. 
“I am here to talk about—”
“Here to propose to me your grandiose dreams of buying the indenture of one of my Bouquet de Blanc? Spare me the details Mr. Scamander, she is not for sale, never will be.” Madame Blanche procured a bottle of fire whiskey. 
Theseus' eyes narrowed, straightening his tie. 
She is not for sale, never will be.  
It was easy like that to claim your freedom and yet far from your reach, far from Theseus’ fingertips were the vows he promised you. You did not deserve that, your eyes craved the walls of freedom, the breeze of the wind as you ran away without looking back to your former job. You deserve to be free, to love like a normal human being and yet you are chained body and soul to a job you must have grown to hate.
From surviving the streets, begging crumbs off the hands of the wealthy, and now you were bound to be here forever.
“And why is that? May I ask. You let the other courtesan go easily? Why can’t she?” Theseus argued, eyes fueling with rage as the woman who sat before him only drank in her cup. With a deep sigh, the piercing stare of Madame Blanche went straight at Theseus, legilimency cursing through his veins as he felt the woman crept into his mind but Theseus knew not to yield. He had prior training, and to see what is in his mind is what his weakness scares him, you taught him that he needed leverage in every fight and he is fighting like he was back in war to protect his mind, to protect you. 
“Because with you being a simple lowly auror could never afford her Mr. Scamander.” Madame Blanche scoffed, as her attempts to pry the doors of memories, thoughts and feelings remained unopened to the keys of her legilimency. 
Her words as sharp as knives, as painful as the unforgivable curse spat right out into the open air.
“You are here to offer her love? What can that feed?” Madame Blanche stood up glaring right at Theseus. 
“Oh! You wish for a home? Do you think you can protect her with brick walls made of love? Or you wish to have a family consisting of three? Do you think your children will ask why her mother kept so many secrets? Or how about enemies? You think with all the secrets she knows, there would be no one in the world who would want her dead the moment she stepped foot outside of these very walls? How about when she becomes a mother? Do you think she can handle caring for a child when all she has known in her life is to fight for what she needs… to beg in the streets… Do you think she will be gentle like how your mother was to you? How about you, will you be able to stay through her worst throughout your whole life?” 
Theseus was silent.
“Foolish, that’s what you are Mr. Scamander. I have met the exact fools like you once, and he ended up being a disappointment.” Madame Blanche whispered, her words growing cold in the wind as did her fingertips that grazed lightly in his shoulder.
“You’re wrong.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I came here for her freedom not for love. I came here not to act as a hero rather as a helping hand. Yes, I am foolish but I’ll fight through Azkaban and back to give her what she desperately wants… and if you can’t see that then you must be the foolish one.”
Madame Blanche paused when Theseus stood up and looked at him straight in her eyes. He is indeed a respectable young man, too heroic for his age, too naive of the hurt he will walk through as soon as he opens the doors of Pandora's box of letting you free. Yet, Madame Blanche admired him for that.
“As much, as this meeting is amusing to me Mr. Scamander, I do commend you for standing your ground. You are too naive—” As Madame Blanche walked towards her chair. 
Theseus has seen it, Madame Blanche’s eyes. “You two are the same.”
“You are great liars, but there is a slight tell-tale of the both of you lying. I can see right through it without needing to pry your mind. Like mother… like daughter.” The truth coming right off Theseus lips like waterfall as the whole room has gone cold.
“What did you say?” Madame Blanche remained steadfast unlooking towards Theseus' revelations.
“That’s why you have gone to great lengths to find her, you wanted to protect your own daughter, and the only way for you to see her safe is to add her in your catalog. You didn’t want anyone prying into your weakness and using her against you. Yet here you are, bare to the world as you remain not looking at me, it’s because it is the truth. Isn’t it, Madame Blanche de Roux?” 
Madame Blanche's jaw went rigid.
“Who was it? How did you know?” Madame Blanche’s stare was far from what she looked earlier, this far by surpass the anger that he had seen earlier. 
“From her.” He didn’t mean it, Theseus never did but whenever you are traversing his minds as you are giving him your memories, another door opens and this time he had seen what looks to be an old door. 
In that memory, curiosity got the better of him as he had seen what seems to be Madame Blanche cooing at the young babe in her arms. But the words he could never understand as the couple before him fought, the only notable about the man was his own uniform of the french auror. There stood in front of him a nameless man, worried lines written all over his feature as he kissed her daughter goodbye. Daughter which features the same face that stood before Theseus. One could never forget.
“Your own daughter unknowingly showed me a memory.”
a/n: prepared for the long-due author's note
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okay-j-hannah · 2 years ago
They Meet You And Your Powers
Characters: Merlin, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Theseus Scamander
Request: “My magic boys! Please, Merlin, Ron, Harry and Theseus reacting to meeting a girl with "Wanda's powers" and falling in love with her!” Anon
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She held the glass bottle full of the healing brew. It had taken days to collect all the herbs and stew the petals to create the antidote. It was going to be the saving grace for the infectious disease plaguing the town.
Merlin was sitting on the staircase to his bedroom, watching (Y/N) as she bustled about preparing the precious brew.
“Do you think it’s going to work?” he asked.
“It better,” she replied, “Gaius is no fool.”
“Which is why he asked you to make the brew instead of me.”
(Y/N) laughed aloud and knocked into a table, the bottle of medicine flying from her hands. As it fell in slow motion, she considered for a second whether to use her magic to save the bottle. But that would reveal herself to Merlin and risk her chances of all of Camelot knowing.
But in that instant a pillow came levitating off Gaius’ cot and cushioned the fall of the bottle.
(Y/N) looked up, astonished to see Merlin with an outstretched hand and golden eyes.
“Merlin, you have magic!”
“Yes,” he said quickly, “I can explain.”
She had her hands over her mouth, “I don’t believe it.”
“It was something I was born with,” he said, a clear panic in his voice, “Nothing evil about it.”
She laughed, “I’m not going to turn you in, Merlin.”
He stared at her, his look of fear turning into one of confusion. “I never picked you to be a supporter of magic, (Y/N).”
“You can’t help what you’re born with,” she shrugged, feeling her own power grow in her fingertips. “You’re not the only one.”
Merlin paused, “What do you mean?”
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes beginning to glow scarlet as ribbons of red mist flew from her fingers. It wrapped around the glass bottle and floated it to her hands.
It was incredible the shift of emotion on Merlin’s face. “(Y/N)!” he cried, “You have magic!?”
“I guess Gaius prefers apprentices with powers.”
They shared a laugh, Merlin shaking his head in wonder. His voice became soft and fond as he said, “You’re incredible, (Y/N).”
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She walked down the halls of Hogwarts with hunched shoulders, trying to keep herself as small as possible. Being an extraordinary student came with an upheaval of consequences.
Students saw her magical abilities as an unfair advantage and full of the potential to be evil. Professors revered her and often requested demonstrations of her talents.
Regardless, (Y/N) sought the solitude of her common room more often than not. There were few that regarded her as a friend and not as a magical abnormality, meaning she avoided social interactions as much as possible.
Another instance was now as a group of Ravenclaws passed her in the hall.
“Oh, look out,” they said, “Here comes the freak.”
She ignored their snickers, escaping down the next corridor, only to be stopped by a flying menace.
“Ah, the wee red witch is upset,” came the grading voice of Peeves the poltergeist. “People should run for their lives!”
“Shut it, Peeves,” a new voice appeared, “Go destroy the trophy room and leave her alone.”
(Y/N) turned around to see Ron Weasley defending her. He was one of those fair few that treated her more kindly than the others.
Peeves blew some raspberries in their direction, floating off to cause more mayhem.
“You alright?” he asked, approaching her.
She sighed, “I’m fine.”
“I bet you could’ve sent him off with that magic of yours,” he said, smiling.
“You think,” she said, a surge of power descending her arms and to her hands. It was involuntary how red mist began to spark between her fingers. “You’re not intimated by it?”
Ron looked at her in awe, “That’s the appeal.” He watched as the red tendrils of magic grew and danced in the air, “I think your magic is amazing.”
She grinned at him, that was until the sound of blowing raspberries returned above them.
“The red witch is at it again!” yelled Peeves, “Harming students, she is!”
(Y/N) grumbled, flicking her wrist and sending ribbons of magic towards the poltergeist. His hands and mouth were immediately bound in red. Another crack of her fingers and the ghost was sent flying through the wall.
Ron laughed aloud, “That was incredible,” he stared at her with clear astonishment. So much so that (Y/N) started to believe she really was something special.
“Thanks,” she said quietly, sending a few threads of magic to play with his robes and hair.
He continued to laugh, “I love you!”
He said it so causally and she knew it was because of the way she took down Peeves, but despite that…
… his words made her blush.
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The library was overly quiet that evening, books lazily floating to their respective shelves. The lamps were beginning to dim, and (Y/N) was peering over into the next cubicle, packing her schoolbag.
Harry Potter was slumped over the table surface, head bent at an uncomfortable angle. He was fast asleep, his glasses digging into his nose.
He was twitching in his sleep, his face beginning to contort as if he were in pain.
He was dreaming, she thought, perhaps having a nightmare. She slung her schoolbag across her shoulder, finding herself drawn to him.
Making sure no one was watching, (Y/N) let tendrils of her magic empower her arms. Her eyes began to glow, and ribbons of red came from her fingers, searching for the open mind of her classmate.
He was starting to mumble, sweat dotting his temples as the red magic went for his dream.
She tried not to watch, keeping his thoughts private as she envisioned a peaceful scene for him to wake up to:
Sun on the Black Lake. A warm breeze across the cheek. Back resting against a mighty tree. Green grass tickling toes. Laughter filling ears. Friends gathered for a summer day outside, free from homework and exams.
(Y/N) knew of his friends and made sure they were there to calmly pull him from the previous nightmare.
His face was now serene as he awoke. He sat up, hands going for the crick in his neck. He caught the last remnants of the red glow in her eyes.
“Hello,” she said awkwardly, “You were mumbling in your sleep.”
Harry shook his head, as if to expel the fleeting tendrils of her magic. “Was that you?”
(Y/N) looked down sheepishly, “I know nightmares aren’t fun.”
He knew of (Y/N) and her extraordinary magic but normally she kept to herself. “How did you do that?”
“Change your dream?” she asked, wringing her hands around her schoolbag strap. “I can change realities and give visions to others. I just put a different picture in your head to cover up the nightmare.”
Harry seemed torn as he considered her, his fingers fidgeting with his own bag. It was long enough that (Y/N) started to back away, embarrassed by what she did.
“I’ll see you around, Harry.”
“Thank you,” he choked out. She turned around as he continued, “That was the first time, in a long time, where I woke up from a good dream.”
She smiled, “You’re welcome – anytime.”
“I might take you up on that,” he said more warmly.
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“What are you doing here?” she asked, resting against the countertop in the lounge room.
Theseus Scamander, head auror for the offices, was looking at her with an interrogative stare. “I’ve heard a few things floating around.”
“Such as?” she asked, stirring her coffee.
He smirked, “That you have some pretty extraordinary abilities. Things that the wizarding world has never seen before.” He tugged on his vest, “I’m impressed that MACUSA was able to recruit you.”
“Why?” she asked, “Surprised that I’m not one of those villains you need to take down.”
“I’ve had my suspicions,” he said all smug. “Can you show me?”
She scoffed, “I’m not a dancing monkey.”
His smile had a bit of mischief and (Y/N) had the impression that he might’ve been flirting.
“Then I’ll duel you for it.”
She raised her brows, “You don’t want to take me on.”
“I like a challenge.”
“I can tell,” she said, enjoying the banter more than she should. “I could obliterate you.”
He nodded, “You’re not instilling confidence in how you’re not a villain.”
She felt a flicker of power surge to her fingers. The heat was building behind her eyes. This auror was really trying to rouse something out of her and she was embarrassed to say that it was working.
“Oh no,” Theseus said, spotting the light dusting of red appearing between her fingers. “Losing some control there, are you?”
“Are you always this infuriating?” she said lowly.
He kept smiling, “I’m a perfectly pleasant person.” His eyes widened as her power grew, “What are you able to do?”
She sighed deep in her chest, raising her hand and bending her fingers. Rivers of red floated around her palm, matching the color of her eyes.
“Telekinesis and manipulation.” Her coffee mug began to stir itself, red mist levitating the mug between them, “I can invade your mind,” she said darkly, “I could make you see things – believe things.”
Theseus swallowed hard, trying to watch her demonstration of power without much of a reaction. “Fascinating.”
Her blood was boiling, “Had enough? Could you leave me alone now?”
The smirk returned to his face, “If you’re interested in auror work…” he tossed a business card towards her and watched as her magic caught it in midair. “… give me a call.”
He winked at her, and (Y/N) knew it was just the beginning of their relationship. The flirtatious, overconfident wizard was going to be the death of her. But she might as well have some fun with it.
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thegreatirene · 11 days ago
Snake in The Garden part 3 (Theseus Scamander x metamorphmgus!reader)
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Summary: misunderstandings can either land you in big trouble or work. There is a a saying about laying dogs. Maybe you should have left this one to sleep.
Warnings: semi-seggy time or a small amount of it, angst, and some fluff
Part1 Part2
It’s been about a couple of months since you and Theseus had a crying session. His vulnerability and showing how sorry he was really made you think. You parted ways for the night and the next day you had asked for some space from him. After all you were still pretty upset with him but you knew where he was coming from. Had you been put in the same situation has Theseus been in you too would have been mad at the world. You would have been questioning yourself if you could have done more, knowing it would still end the same way, you would have still tried.
He understood why you would want to be away from him. Seeing you cry because of him, he could never forgive himself. But he knew you wouldn’t want him to hold that self hate. So he began to write in a journal he kept next to his bed. He put his feelings that he felt when he was with Leta. He talking about when he first meet her and how beautiful she was when he first laid his eyes on her. How her smile brightened the room. The way she cared about other and always asked how they were. How she looked under the pale moon when they first kissed. He then wrote when he watched Leta scarified herself so you all could escape.
Then he remembered Hogwarts. That’s day on the train. You sat down next to him, bold and brash. You barged into his cabin and said, “I’ll be your seat mate until we get to Hogwarts.”
He found it annoying.
You went about the whole place as if you owned it. It made sense when you were sorted into Slytherin. But he was drawn to you either way. You spoke your mind when something wasn’t going your way even if it wasn’t right. You didn’t let the words of others get to you. The both of you weren’t friends but did talk when you could and it was mainly in classes.
When he seen you again there in the ministry it was a different feeling. It felt natural. You weren’t friends in school but the two of you were drawn to each other. He remembers when you first laughed- genuinely laughed-at something he had said. The sound lingered, like a melody that kept playing in his mind. It was warm, full of life. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted to hear it again. When you smiled he could barely take his eyes from you. He saw how others looked at you when you did smile. He could see that they thought the same and it made him a little jealous.
If he had to choose something from you that was his favorite it would be your smile. Your eyes came close. He liked your eyes, even if you didn’t like looking at him for too long. He liked how they shine when you look at something you like. As much as you tell him it’s only because you can change them, it wasn’t, he loved your natural color. It suited you the best and he could never ask for something different.
“Theseus?” Your voice came through his daydream. He remembered he was sitting in his home office, writing something about you when he got lost in his thought, of you. He looked over his shoulder at you closing the journal as he fully turned to you.
“I have dinner ready if you want to eat… what have you been writing in that journal of yours?” You questioned as you tried to look over him. Of course you wouldn’t be able to see it since you were still by the door.
“Just my thoughts” he said as he waved his wand and the book vanished to a secret location.
You pouted but turned around as you told him, his dinner was getting cold.
The both of you were on friendlier terms now. It took almost half the year before you started letting him hang around your office unannounced. Took the other half for you to start hanging around his home.
Your feelings for Theseus hadn’t changed, and if anything it grew. He showed you how much he was sorry. You didn’t think he was going to do much but he showed things that mattered to you. He backed you up when it came to plans involving the team. Brought you meals when you didn’t bring or even wanted to eat anything. He even gave you the space you needed to process how you felt about him.
Theseus was a man of his words and you never doubted him.
The both of you finished your meal and moved on to the living room to relax.
“I recently went to a muggle book shop and picked out one I thought seemed interesting” you said as you pulled out the book from your handbag. He sat in the armchair next to the fireplace as you went to hand him the book.
“Bambi? This looks like a children’s book?” He laughed as he turned the book around.
“I think it’s charming” you held your nose up at him. He laughed more at your action as he read the first page of it.
“Or you thought there was actual magic in it and wanted to see if muggles could do it as well.”
“You don’t have to read it” you said as you went to take the book back but he held it out of reach.
“Now hold on I didn’t say that” he chuckled as you grabbed for his arm.
“You lost your privilege. Now hand it over” you went to wrestle it from him but he grabbed your waist to hold you back. He laughed even more as you struggled against him.
“Theseus you are being childish”
“Me? I’m not the one climbing on someone like a niffler trying to get the last gold coin” he said as he pushed the book further up and then it fell from his hands. You gasped as you saw his empty hand.
“How could you?” You said as you leaned back to look at him.
“You are the one that made me drop it” he laughed as you pinched his cheek. He swatted your hand as he laughed more.
You grumbled under your breath as you sat on his lap. Theseus hand that was on your back moved to your waist to make sure you wouldn’t fall. He smiled at your pouting face and moved some of your fallen hair out of your face and behind your ear.
His hand slowly traveled from your ear to your cheek as he rubbed his thumb over. He then cupped the side of your face. You looked at him as he slowly brought you closer to him. You closed your eyes as he brought you closer and then kissed your lips. It was soft and short. Just a feathered kiss to see if you would pull away. He didn’t want to fully commit if you didn’t want it. You didn’t and proved it when you went back to kiss him.
The kiss you gave showed how much you have been waiting. You held the hand that was on your face as your other held on to his button up. You squeezed the fabric making sure this was actually happening. You weren’t dreaming like you usually were when you dreamt of him. It was actually happening.
Your hand that was holding his moved to the back of his head as you went to deepen the kiss. You moved your body so that you were straddling him so you feel his warmth against you.
Theseus moaned as he felt you move against his lap. He couldn’t understand why he didn’t do this with you from the beginning.
Her name rang in his head as he pulled you away from him. He held you back as he breathed heavily from your kisses.
“What’s wrong” you asked as he looked at you. Your lips were red and swollen from the nibbles he gave them. Your shirt was riding up showing the skin of your hip as you sat back.
“I-I can’t do this” he said as he brought his hands up to his face and leaned back on the chair. Your breathing evened out as you watched him. You could tell something was stopping him from fully enjoying what you were doing. Getting off his lap he went to stop you but you stood back. You started to unbutton your top as you held his eyes.
“I can be her” you said as you looked at him, slowly you started to take shape. Theseus gripped his chair as he watched you transform into Leta.
“I can be her, if that would make it better for you” his breath hitched as your voice now sounded like hers. Your blouse now open for him to see everything. You walked over to him and slowly sat back down on his lap. You brought his hand up to your face as you kissed his palm.
“Make love to me Theseus” you whispered to him.
He snatched his hand away as he got up abruptly. You fell to the floor switching back to your own body and face.
“What’s wrong?!” You asked him from the floor looking at him with wide eyes. He walked back and forth with his hands in his hair.
“I can’t” he said as he went and grabbed your coat from the coat rack, “you need to leave y/n, I- I can’t look at you right now.”
“Wait Theseus!”
“No y/n! I…I need you to leave. I can’t talk to you. I don’t want to see you for the moment” he placed your coat in your hands and walked away. You could hear him close his bedroom door.
You held your head as you thought about what you did. How could you think that was a good idea! What in Merlin’s name was wrong with you? Feeling like you were going to be sick you quickly accio your purse and shoes and apparition out of there.
You don’t know if you could face Theseus after doing something so horrible.
Theseus avoids you as if you were a deadly disease. You kept to yourself as much as you could, so you wouldn’t cross, but it was hard when the both of you work on the same floor. It was a blessing when again your favorite professor in the whole wide Wizarding world sent an owl for you.
“Y/n, my dear, how are you doing” he embraced you as he welcomed you into his home. You’ve never seen have him a weak smile.
“I’m fine, sir” he could see you weren’t. You had dark circles under your eyes and you look sickly.
“Would you like to speak about it?” He handed you a cup of tea.
“Ah, well, you know boy trouble…” you took a sip as he sat his seat from across from you. He raised his brows to let you continue.
“I…I did something so stupid” your hand trembled as you sat the cup down on the coffee table. You sat back in the seat as you looked off to the side, not knowing how to tell him.
“Take your time”
“…” you sighed as you leaned on one side of the chair you sat in and covered your eyes.
“I.. fuck.. I turned into Leta thinking that was something Theseus would have wanted when we were in the middle of…” you waved your free hand around, couldn’t bring yourself to say the rest.
“Y/n” his voice held surprise as he said your name.
“I know, I know” you leaned forward holding your face.
“I don’t know why I thought it would have been better! I mean he said he couldn’t touch me so I thought he was still thinking about Leta so I thought why not just turn into her and just let him at it and that way I could get what I wanted and he got what he wanted!” You said all in one breath as you threw yourself back in your chair as your hair changed different colors.
“I see you still have a tail” your hair went bright red as you glared at him. He chuckled as he leaned on his knees, “I can see where you are coming from.”
“But you did cross a line, y/n”
“I know. He doesn’t want to see me anymore. Merlin I just know he hates me” your hair faded to a navy blue showing how upset you were.
“No I doubt he hates you”
“He does! It’s been months since I last spoke to him! He looked at me with disgust and hate the last time I saw him! I would hate me if something like that happened!” He got up from his chair and walked over to you. He petted your head, “he doesn’t hate you y/n. It’s hard to hate you and if he loves you, he would forgive you.”
He cupped your face as he wiped the tears away. Your hair slowly faded to your original color as you smiled at him, “thank you professor.”
You were thankful for his words but you highly doubt Theseus feels the same way you do. You’ve known him since Hogwarts and you would have known if he liked you. Theseus wears his heart on his sleeve, and for the past fifteen, that you’ve worked and bonded outside of work, you can tell when he likes something. He’s never shown any interest in you until that night.
“Hm” you looked over at Dumbledore.
“I asked if you wouldn’t mind helping again”
“With credence? Is he not with Grindelwald?”
“Yes this actually has to do with Grindelwald” he sighed as he sat back down in his seat. He began to tell you about the relationship he and Grindelwald had. How they loved each other to the point they made an unbreakable vow. He asked newt and Theseus to help fight Grindelwald since he won’t be able to because of the vow.
“I can’t-“
“If it’s about Theseus, he said it was fine to ask for your help” he leaned forward stopping any doubts that clouded your thoughts.
“…ok” you nodded your agreement. He smiled as he went over the plan that he’s told the others. The following day you were on your way to the train bounded for Berlin.
“Y/n, it’s so good to see you” Newt greeted you. You traveled by floo powder to join the little team that Dumbledore created. You were hoping to be the first one there but it seems Newt beat you to it. At least his brother isn’t there yet.
“Theseus just went to the bathroom he should be joining us soon” you wonder if you could have Newt try an unforgivable curse on you.
“Oh… that’s good” you said as you looked around the train’s cafe. You spotted a man seated in the back looking out the window.
“That’s Yusuf Kama, he’s Leta’s brother..” Newt said to you. Yusuf looked towards you and nodded his head in greeting.
“It’s nice to meet you, Yusuf. I’m sorry for your loss” you gave him a sad smile. He gave you a faint smile as he looked back to the window. Your heart went out to him, knowing what it was that he was feeling. Loosing family is never easy but for him he hardly had one and when he found it, it was snatched from him yet again.
You noticed Bunty standing awkwardly at the bar that was located in the middle of the room.
“Hello, bunty, right?” You walked over to her trying to shake the nerves you started to build. You were dreading seeing Theseus.
“Yes, that’s me”
“Nice to see you again. How have you been?”
“Oh, I- I been fine”
“That’s good” you then noticed the little nifflers on her shoulders.
“Oh! The little babies are here!” You gushed as you looked at them both. She smiled as she looked over to newt and he nodded his head. She handed you the black and white one, as you held your hand out with joy.
“Ooh you precious little thing. Just look at you” you held it at eye level as you watched it look at you and then around the room. It was well behaved then the last time you seen it.
You sat the little one down on the bar as you let it play with the gold ring you wore on your finger.
“Is there any strong drinks back there?” You whispered to Bunty.
“Umm” she looked around and found a bottle of firewhisky.
“Prefect” you declared as she poured you some in a glass cup. The little niffler sniffed the air as it smelled the cinnamon wafting from the alcohol.
“Smell yummy, hmm?” You asked as you picked up the cup and threw back the content. Bunty looked at you with wide eyes as you put the glass back down and licked your lips. The burn of the liquid sent shivers up your spine as you slammed down the glass.
“Another please” she poured you another but this time you took your time with the whisky. Feeling the affect of the liquor you felt a bit better knowing that you had a bit of courage in you.
“Ah, Theseus, y/n just came” Newt called out to his brother as the door to a different compartment opened. You looked over at him as he acknowledged his brother. He then looked in the direction that Newt was looking in and made eye contact with you. Your breath slowed as you watched the man you have been yearning to see for months make him way over to you. Your hand felt clammy and you’re pretty sure the liquid courage the firewhisky gave you was flushed out of your system.
Theseus now stood in front of you one hand in his pocket and the other to his side. He looked good, I mean he always looked good, there was never a time he didn’t look good.. he talking focus!!
“I’m sorry?” You snapped out of your trance as you focused.
“I asked if I could have a word with you” he said.
“Oh, yes, um, I- I just, um” just as you were just about to come up with an excuse when jacob came through the floo system.
“Jacob! Welcome you brilliant man!” He rushed to Jacob and gave him an awkward hug.
“Sorry. I absolutely sure that professor Hicks would convince you” he said.
“Yea, you know me pal. I can’t pass up on a good portkey.” He tapped Newt on the arm as he laughed and looked around at everyone.
“Mr. Scamander” said professor Hicks as she walked towards Newt with a friendly smile.
“Professor hicks”
“At long last” said the both of them as they began to gush about each other. You felt Theseus stand closer to you as he watched his brother. It’s a long time since you felt him this close to you, you are a little surprised he wants to be this close to you.
“Now, let me make some introductions.” Newt began with Bunty, who in turn showed how devoted she is to Newt, who didn’t seem to get how devoted she was. His focus then went to Yusuf who spoke his own name before Newt could and said his greetings. He then went to Jacob but of course she knew who he was.
He turned in the other direction and gestured with his hand to you, “this is y/n l/n, she works for the British ministry and has helped me in the past with a different mission” he peeked at you and gave you a shy smile. You gave him a smile as you greeted professor Hicks.
“It’s nice to meet you professor Hicks” she looked around Newt and gave you a smile as she looked at Theseus waiting for Newt to introduce her to him. But he doesn’t.
“*clears throat* Newt” Theseus got his brother’s attention. Newt looked back at him and then to professor Hicks.
“So… so this is my brother, Theseus, he also works for the ministry.” He rushed his words as he turned to speak to Hicks.
“Actually, head of the British Auror office. Y/n works a long side of me as one of my best Aurors” he placed as hand on your shoulder as he stood proud of his statement. You felt touched after being praised.
“Ah! well, I’ll have to ensure my wand registration’s up to date.” Professor Hicks said.
“Yes… although, strictly speaking, that doesn’t fall within my purview.” You patted his hand trying to rail him back from the “insult” he was given. He squeezed your shoulder in response as he looked down at you with a smile.
Newt sped past Theseus as he walked to the other side of the train cart. Bunty ran over and sat closer to Newt and waited. Jacob and the rest of you moved a little closer to Newt. You stood next to Theseus as Newt began to speak about the plan Dumbledore had.
“Grindelwald has the ability to see snatches of the future. So, we have to assume that he’ll be able to anticipate what we do before we do it.” He looked to everyone, “so, if we hope to defeat him and to save our world, to save your world, Jacob,” he pointed to the confused man.
“Then our best hope is to confuse him.” One or two people looked confused at him.
“ ‘scuse me. I’m sorry. How do you confuse a guy who can see into the future?” Jacob asked Newt.
“Countersight.” Yusuf said as he looked over to Jacob after adding the piece together.
“Exactly. The best plan being no plan.”
“Or, many overlapping plans.”
“Thus, confusion.”
“It’s working on me right now.” Jacob said as he smiled.
“In fact, Dumbledore asked that I give you something, Jacob.” Newt walked over to Jacob and produced a wand.
“It’s snakewood, it’s um, somewhat rare.”
“Are you kidding me? Is this real?”
“Yes, well it doesn’t have a core, so sort of, but yes.” He handed the ‘wand’ over to Jacob who looked at his new wand with wonder in his eyes.
“It’s sorta real” Jacob said as he gestured to everyone and you smiled and nodded at him. Newt walked away as he began to rummage through his coat pocket.
“More importantly, where we’re going, you’ll need it.”
“Now you’re just missing an acceptance letter to Hogwarts and you’ll be a wizard, Jacob” you played said to him. He agreed as he waved his wand around.
“Now, there’s something for you too, I think, Theseus.” He wrestled around in his pocket fighting with something in there and pop. A niffler came flying out, Jacob catching him.
Newt picked up the tie and handed it over to Theseus, “now everything makes sense.” You jabbed his side, “ow” he said as he looked at you with smirk.
“Um, lally, I believe you were given some reading material?” He pointed to professor Hicks.
“You know what they say? A book can take you around the world and back, all you have to do is open it.”
“She ain’t kidding”
Newt smiled and moved on to Bunty.
“That’s for you. I was told it was for your eyes only.” He handed her a piece of paper and she moved away to read it, once it was read it destroyed itself.
“And, Kama”
“I have what I need” he interrupted Newt.
“Y/n” Newt turned to you, perking up you waited to see what Dumbledore got for you, “he sends his best wishes.” You bit your lips as you nodded your head.
“What does that mean” Theseus whispered to you as Jacob asked about Tina.
“It’s nothing important. You know how Dumbledore is” you rolled your eyes but he kept watching you. He then turned his attention to the conversation that was being held in front of the both of you.
It was going to be some time before you all got to Berlin. You all either broke off into pair or wonder around the train. You stayed seated by the bar drinking some giggle water with Jacob. Professor Hicks came and sat next to you, Jacob hand her a glass as well.
“Tell me about yourself, y/n” she threw back the drink and let out an out of character laugh.
“What would you want to know, professor”
“Lally, you can call me Lally if we’re all going to be friends, right?” She tipped her head to you.
“Ok, Lally, what is it that you would like to know?”
“What is the story between you and the older Scamander? I’ve seen the way you both are around each other and it looks more than just a superior and subordinate relationship.”
You looked to see where the said brother is and saw him sitting further way from the little group you were in.
“I’ve known him since Hogwarts. We weren’t friends but knew of each other.”
“And now?”
“Friends…” you looked at your glass drumming your fingers on it in a slow motion. Both Lally and Jacob gave each other a look.
“Well, I’m sure he’s happy that you’re” she said as she knocked her shoulders to yours. You smiled at her as Jacob filled your cup up with giggle water.
“I heard from Newt that you’re able to, uh, change your looks?” Jacob asked. Lally turned to you with excitement in her eyes.
“A metamorphmgus? I always wanted to meet one of you but it is rare” she said as she leaned on her palm.
“Wait so all of you’s can’t do it?”
“Well, they can but they would have to take a potion in order to change them. I was born with the ability” you answered Jacob’s question. His mouth was open in shock as he looked at Lally. She agreed.
“I’ll show you” you said as you changed into Jacob himself. You stood up showing himself in your clothes.
“I think you look pretty good in this dress Jacob” you said as you posed for the two. Jacob wagged his finger at you as Lally laughed at the display. You sat back down to save the embarrassment of Jacob.
“Amazing y/n you can even do his voice” Lally noted as she watched your features transformed back to your own.
“Yea that voice changing took me a while to learn but when you like talking back to people it’s good practice” you shrugged your shoulders and nodded your head.
While the three of you were busy talking about your ability and so on, Theseus stood in the back watching you. He had heard your laugh the first time in forever. Granted it was because he had told you to stay away from him. How he missed the sound of it and the smile that accompanied it. He himself, caught himself smiling as he watched your little demonstration. He let you have your moment with the others, as much as he wanted to be around you and have all your attention, he didn’t want to be selfish. So, he watched with warmth in his eyes, as you threw your head back from the giggle water. Releasing that beautiful melody he has come to love so much.
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viharbinger · 2 months ago
Harry Potter Masterlist
[last updated 8/1/2025] Other Masterlists
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Fred Weasley
Fred with a muggle!reader
Fred with a Slytherin!reader
Marriage and Fred
Hermione Granger
Hermione with a Slytherin!reader
a/n: My favourite character is Fred if you can't tell. I'm also taking fantastic beasts requests 👀 newt and theseus requests please!!
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dearamelia · 2 years ago
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hey! i am a (really) new reader insert fanfiction blog (but an experienced writer, don't worry ♡), dedicated to writing for characters from: the main harry potter series, marauders era, and the fantastic beasts series.
★ my requests are OPEN ! 🎉
please send in any requests/ideas you may have and want written !! i will happily write: Oneshots, Headcanons, Preferences, and more !!
── i will write for (almost) any characters from these fandoms !!! even if i have not included them in the tags of this post i probably will still accept requests for them !! ★ ♡
edit: also, i will not write smut so please don't request it ♡
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irrevocableloves · 10 months ago
send requests ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
hii i'm taking writing requests right now !!! my asks are open !!! here are some prompts you can requests or just anything that comes to mind !!! <3
who i write for: edward cullen, cedric diggory, bruce wayne (battinson), thesues scammander, peter parker (tom or andrew)
what i will write: fluff, angst, character x reader, hufflepuff or no specific house, imagines, song fics (ts series in the making hehe), fem!reader or gn!reader
i won't write: smut, any form of abuse, pregnancy, under-age (vampires don’t count), sensitive topics (su*cide, sh, ed, etc.)
send requests here <3
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Could you please write a Grindelwald one-shot, where he get‘s jealous, because Theseus kept looking at fem!reader during the tea party.(the one with the „assasination“ attempt). After the Jacob incident they return back to Nurmengard and he claims what‘s his.(smut?)
Grindelwald X Reader: My love is mine, all mine
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Warnings: Smut, mean Grindelwald (very tame), Jealousy, meantions of heartbreak (very quick), p in v, creampie, female anatomy, fingering, male anatomy, porn with little plot, no use of y/n, not proofread.
Word count: 1,5K
You can feel his eyes on you. Even without looking in his direction you know for sure he is still staring at you. You keep your head held high, eyes looking forwards, completely ignoring his presence. You’re not the only one who noticed his presence. Beside you Grindelwald shifts, his hand moving to rest on your thigh. The action causes you to look over at him. He doesn't spare you so much as a glance, he doesn't need to, the mere touch of his skin on yours tells you everything. 
He’s jealous.  
He knows of your history with theseus. You’d joined Grindelwald’s cause after Thesues had told you of his proposal to Lita. You’d been in love with the older scamander for years and the idea of him loving someone else had broken something inside you. The rage that filled you had made you the perfect recruit for Grindelwald. He’d found the pain inside your heart and promised you revenge. What neither of you had expected was the feelings you ended up developing for each other. Grindelwald had mended your broken heart and given you a way to let your anger out without judgement. 
You raise your glass to your lips, taking a sip of your drink, head slightly turning to the side. From the corner of your eyes you saw Theseus. Your face showed no emotion but your heart skipped a small beat at the sight of him. He hasn't changed much since you’d last seen him.You felt something squeeze your thigh harshly, causing you to turn to look at Grindelwald. His bicolored eyes bored into yours, a small snarl showing up on his features  as he moved to look over your head at Theseus before returning his gaze to you. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could a shout ripped through the room causing him to shift his attention. 
Your head snapped up at the sound of your eyes finding the figure of Jacob Kowalski. And he was pointing a wand at Grindelwald. Jacob raised his wand over his head, a storm forming on the ceiling above. You looked over at Grindelwald curiously. Was this man not a muggle?  You didn;t have much time to express your confusion because all hell seemed to break loose in a matter of seconds. Grindelwald grabbed your hand, camply leading you away from the table and out the door. You turned around just in time to see Jacob and a woman disappearing into a cluster of paper. 
Your body launched forwards as you arrived at Nurmengard. Grindelwald dragged you along not stopping until he reached his private quarters. You kicked your shoes off, sighing with annoyance.
“Well that was a complete mess.”
Grindelwald remained silent, his back turned to you as he stared out the window. You make your way to him.
“Don’t worry, love. It’s just a small set back we will-”
“Have I made it clear?”
You gave him a questioning look. Confused as to what he was talking about.
“Have I not shown them time and time again that you belong to me?”
Ah. So that's what this was about. 
Grindelwald wasn’t known for his patience or his kindness. He was known for getting what he wanted by any means necessary. And on occasion he was known to harm anyone who tried to take something from him. Theseus wasn’t a threat. Deep down Grindelwald knew this but in the moment it didn’t matter. He needed to know that you were his. 
Only his. 
You placed a palm over his chest, your other hand moving to cup his cheek. You gave him a small smile which he didn’t return. You didn’t mind, you knew in a couple of minutes he would get what he wanted and all of this would be long forgotten in the morning. That didn’t mean you were going to make it easy for him. 
“He means nothing to me. You’re the only one I want.”
You gasped as Grindelwald's hand wrapped around your chin, tugging your face up harshly. You groaned as his hand put pressure on your neck, his eyes glowing with a bit of madness as he did so. He tugged your lips to his in a rough pace. His teeth clashed with yours, his tongue lapping at your mouth. You felt your feet pad against the ground rapidly as Grindelwald pushed you towards his desk. A whine left your lips as your back collided with the wood, but it quickly turned into a moan as Grindelwald bit into your lips. He wasn’t always like this. There were nights when he was a gentle lover. But when he got like this, his whole body burning with jealousy, the loving side of him disappeared completely, letting the animal inside take control. He parted your legs, slotting his body into the gap. A groan escaped from his lips as his growing bulge dragged against your clothed cunt. His hands trailed down your legs, bunching up your dress so that he could get a clear view of your underwear.
His eyes shifted to gaze up at the sound of his name falling from your lips. Your face was flushed, lips parted as you let out shaky breaths. It was incredible how easily he could get you all worked up.
“Who do you belong to?”
“Is that so? Ready to prove it to me?”
You nod eagerly, causing him to give you a wolfish grin.His hand runs against your clothed folds, making you squirm.
You bite your lip at his tone, swallowing down a moan as he shifts your underwear to the side. His nimble fingers plunge into you without warning. You cling to his shoulder, small noises escaping your lips as he begins to curl his fingers inside you. He lets out a small pant, a slight indication of the effect you have on him. As much as he wants to torture you he knows he won’t be able to controle himself for a lot longer. Your walls clench around his fingers.
“What is it my love?”
“Need you.”
“Is that so?”
He scissor his fingers making you moan.
“I saw you looking at him. Do you wonder what he’d feel like? Do you think he’d be able to give you pleasure like I do?”
You shake your head, your brain far too lost on the feeling of his fingers to answer verbally. At your lack of response, he slows his fingers making you shine.
“Answer me.”
“No only you can make me feel like this.”
Grindelwald removed his fingers from inside you. Before you can complain about the lack of him, his hands are moving to his pants, unbuttoning them before tugging his dick free. You swallow at the sight. You spread your legs wider, patiently awaiting him to fill you. He looks down at you, taking in the sight of the way you look beneath him. You give him a small grin and he can’t help but return the gesture. He moves forward, lining his dick with your entrance before plunging in with a harsh thrust. You bite into your cheek at the feeling of his stretching you open. He rests his head on your shoulder, the feeling of your warmth overwhelming for a moment. Then the moment is gone. His hips snaps into you at a brutal pace. You gasp as he thrusts into you, your throat raw from the screaming. It would be wise to tell you to keep it down but Grindelwald wants the world to hear you scream his name. He wants them to hear who you belong to.  
“Gellert-ugh-i’m close.”
He could tease you. He could be cruel and pull out right now. Finish himself off with his hand and leave you wanting for more. But he won;t do that. No. Marking you with his cum seems much more attractive at the moment. He doubles his efforts, hips snapping as a speed you would consider impossible. His fingers move to your clit, thumb moving in sloppy circles against the small bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck gonna cum-please please-ah!”
And just like that your release washes over you. Your body spasms as you coat Grindelwads dick with your cum. You sink onto the desk, body completely exhausted. Grindelwald takes the opportunity to raise your legs slightly, allowing him to thrust into you at a harshed pace. After a few thrusts he comes apart, his seed counting your cunt. He groans, body leaning forward to rest against your for a moment. You give him a content hum, fingers moving to caress his hair. He gives your neck a small kiss before pulling out of you. He stands before you, shoving his dick back into his pants before helping you up from the desk. You feel his cum seep down your leg. Grindelwald pulls you into a lingering kiss. 
“My girl.”
“All yours.”
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muxshwriting · 7 months ago
we always do...
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Theseus Scamander x reader
summary: theseus and his wife may have very conflicting views on war, but they'll never go to bed angry and never leave the other in danger || warnings: fighting, violence || word count: 1567 || masterlist
REQUESTED by @malvikareader: Can you please write a Thesues Scamander x reader fic from your imagination (my minds not working as of now)
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You often disagreed with your husbands job. Not in theory, because being an auror is an honourable and noble career. But in practise, the ministry was throwing him recklessly into a war and not to capture dark wizards. You knew that you couldn't stop Theseus from fighting, the reckless and caring man he is. But you wanted him to stay alive, even if it meant arguing with him about safety and trying to get him to take care of himself before running into danger to help others.
"Why do you have to go and fight?"
"I'm the head of aurors." Theseus said incredulously.
"You don't deserve to fight and die in this war just because you're an auror. You didn't sign up to be a soldier."
He shrugged. "Sometimes that's what the world needs."
You nod, seemingly finished with the disagreement before continuing to speak. "Where's you brother?"
"He's sent us a letter," You hold up said letter for Theseus to see. "He's put together a haphazard alliance to try and singlehandedly take down Grindelwald. An alliance he implies you already knew about. Are you and Newt insane, Theseus? Have you been checked?"
Theseus chuckled slightly at your words. "Darling, Newt only told me about his team today. The letter arrived later than expected. I'm going to try and stop him from getting himself killed."
"Then I'm going to stop you from being killed." You declare.
"I'm not going to be killed, Y/N."
"You're throwing yourself into a suicide mission and I can't let you do it alone. Look-"
Theseus pulled you into his arms. "I know. I know." He comforts. "We'll get through this together, right?"
You give him a watery smile. "We always do."
"We always do." He agrees, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and then your lips.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, your hands fidgeting in your lap as you start to realise what the future may hold for you and your husband. Slowly, you're realising the harrowing weight of your new quest and the increasing likelihood of an outcome that involves death.
"Have you got something on your mind?" Theseus asks softly.
"Besides the obvious, no." You glance out of the window, unable to look him in the eyes. "I love you Theseus."
He replies in earnest. "I love you too."
The crowd shouts as Newt leads you all through the German Ministry of Magic. Theseus' hand has a firm grip on yours, keeping you close to him and trying to keep you safe. You stay by his side as Newt tries to pass on his message to Vogel. The Supreme Mugwump steps up to make his final speech, beginning normal and then starting to take a more sinister turn.
Newcomers begin to slink into the room, a few faces recognisable from Paris. They're Grindelwald's followers, meaning that this tea party in Berlin won't end as calmly as you hoped it would. The three of you follow the newcomers as they weave through the crowd, being watched as you do this and almost taunted by them.
"... insufficient evidence exists to prosecute Gellert Grindelwald for the crimes against the muggle community of which he was accused." The Supreme Mugwump pardons Grindelwald of all his crimes as Theseus approaches his followers, attempting to place them under arrest.
One sneaks up behind you and a wand presses against your temple. Your body freezes in place as you try to see who has you under threat. The shift of your head had the wizard behind you wrapping his arm around your neck to hold you in place.
"Theseus!" Before he could reply, Theseus is hit with a spell he never saw coming and drops to the ground. The crowd began to thin as people didn't want to be involved and swiftly left the room. You begin to struggle against his grip, trying to fight back but an utterance is heard and the world goes black.
When the world comes back into view, the first thing you realise is that you're upside down. Secondly, your hands and ankles are bounded together and chained to the ceiling of the dank cell you find yourself in. Thirdly, you're alone. Theseus is nowhere to be seen but you can hear the chinking of chains to your right.
The clinking stopped. "Hello? Y/n, is that you?"
"Theseus!" At least you weren't in this prison alone. "Are you alright?"
"I think so?" The answer came out as a question. "I'm upside down for some reason."
You can't hold back your laugh, imagining your husband strung up by his ankles and swinging in his cell. "Me too. I think the blood is getting to my head."
Theseus sighed. "Yeah. Are you alright though? You aren't hurt?"
"I'm alright." You reply. "Can't wait to get out of here, but alright."
The two of you hang together for many hours, drifting in and out of consciousness as the blood rush become too much at times. You're awoken to someone calling Theseus' name and getting closer.
"Rescuing us are you?" Theseus tries to joke.
"That's the general idea!" Newt replies, edging closer. You see he's being followed by a large consortium of crabs, all copying the bizarre way he is walking.
"Is this a strategic move or do you just like to walk like that sometimes Newt?" You ask him.
Newts shrugs slightly. "It's called limbic mimicry, supposed to discourage violent engagement."
"Supposed to?" Theseus asks.
"Theoretically. I've only attempted it once before with inconclusive results." He continues to ramble about his experiment as he now faces Theseus.
A giant tail sprouts from the central darkness to assess the space next to Newt. The three of you freeze in place, Newt dodging the tail. A few levels down, a firefly lamp goes out and the prisoner screams. The tail retracts and a stinger takes it's place, aiming directly for the screaming prisoner and dragging him down into the depths.
In the chaos of the smaller crabs, Newt cut Theseus down and moved on to sever your bonds as well. You dropped to the floor, angling your body so you'd land on your side and shoulder instead of your head.
"Thanks Newt." You sarcastically say, pulling yourself to your feet and moving towards Theseus. Newt was once again focused on the crabs, who were interested in you all again.
"And the plan is?" Theseus asks.
Instead of answering, Newt cupped his hands to his face and blew, letting a whistle-like noise echo throughout the prison.
"Uh Newt? That's not a plan."
"We're gonna need some help." He suddenly struck up his pose to 'discourage violent engagement' and the crabs copied him without hesitation. After the exchange of some heavy looks, you and Theseus copied him and began to the slow ascent to the exit.
Just as you neared the top, Theseus stepped on one of the crabs, crushing it. Before any of you could say a word, the lamp began to flicker in and out and the distinct rumbling of the giant creature began. The tail popped up from the darkness and the trio ran. As you weaved through narrow stone corridors, the creature's tail crashed through walls just behind, hunting for it's prey. It began to shoot poison from it's stinger that was so strong it melted stone.
You and Theseus were separated as you tried to avoid the flying poison and the onslaught of regular crabs which had reappeared. The number of appendages that the creature had seemed to only grow as they appeared in every direction, hunting for you.
As a limb reached toward you, you jump over a different limb and continue to run. Spotting Theseus in the corner of your eye, you make a beeline towards him and almost crash into him as you slowed, Newt joining you. You all took off down yet another hallway as the rocks collapsed behind you, separating the creature from the group. Or so you thought.
Before you had a second to breathe, the creature had wrapped an arm around your waist, squeezing you and pulling you backwards. Theseus called out your name, grasping your hands in his and trying to keep you close. Newt tries to help but Theseus' grip falters for a moment and you slide closer to the edge.
Out of nowhere, Pickett appears with Newt's wand and you all fall into the pit before apparatting out of that godforsaken place.
Your back slams onto forest floor, limb still wrapped around your waist. The feel of it repulses you as you try to squirm your way out and push it off of you. Theseus pulls it off as it continues to move and wriggles away through the leaves.
Now on your feet, your hands are batting off and dirt and leaves stuck to you, still convinced you were being crushed by the creature. Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears and your hands have a slight shake to them. Theseus gently approaches, grasping your hands in his and staring into your soul.
"You're alright. It's over. We're safe."
"We got through it." You mutter, stumbling into his arms.
Theseus melted in your embrace, dropping his head onto your shoulder. "We always do."
"We always do..." You whispered back like a mantra, a prayer that you both would and a promise that you did.
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saintsstranger · 2 years ago
the art of lies | t.s. (fantastic beasts) - chapter one
Summary: all your life you had been handling the dirty truth, and here he comes presenting you with his sweet lies. 
Pairings: Theseus Scamander x Fem!Reader
genre: romance, mature audience intended
warnings: mature themes, implied sexual content, sexworker protagonist, pleasure house (brothel), smoking
the art of lies masterlist
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IN THE ABSENCE OF DAYLIGHT, Paris comes alive, after all, it is known as the City of Love.
Love in the form of freshly picked flowers from the florist.
The sweetest chocolate that tickled your taste buds.
Hand-written poems that rivaled world-renowned poets.
A love so sweet and tender that it caresses you gently in the night
But that certainly wasn’t the truth, it never was. Love wasn’t like that. 
Love was the thorns that hid beneath the roses.
Love was the bitter taste that lingered in your mouth after your first dark chocolate.
Love was the letter from lovers that had written goodbyes instead of ‘I’ll stay’.
Love was the harsh tug of your hair, the rough hands that hold your wrists, saying the words ‘You are so beautiful’ only when you are in the middle of the bed, spread willingly to the desires of man. 
Here, in Paris, is nothing but filled with nights of debauchery where all senses are thrown out the window. The sickening smell of expensive perfume and wine drowning you in the world of sins. And Paris was notable for it, here you are free! Or so they say.
Truth be told, you could never be free, always staying in hiding from the Non-Magiques. And here you were indebted to your handler, Madame Blanche, the owner of the renowned luxurious Maison close ‘Amour Délicat’. 
Like her name, the whites in her hair and the sharp look in her eyes tell her story. She was a former courtesan before and when the first war of the non-magiques happened there she learned something that would give birth to her only child, the Amour Délicat. When she shared the truth of what was happening in the world of the non-magiques to the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France (Ministry of Magical Affairs of France), Madame Blanche was greatly compensated, and there from the ground up, she built her history. 
Madame Blanche is far from the harsh and ruthless handlers in the non-magiques world of prostitution; she is commanding and ruthless. When she saw the reality of the world, it opened her mind to do whatever it takes to protect herself, and that is by being well-known that you create a sense of security in being seen. Here she opened her doors to those willing to work for her, at first, many were wary as to join and take employment, the look of disdain and gossip were indeed not for the faint of heart. 
And you who had nothing to lose, took the first bite and jumped straight into death potion. 
You, who only had your name and the clothes you wore on your back crawled straight inside Pandora’s box. 
Madame Blanche had saved you, she had given you a roof, food, clothes, and the protection that you needed. The life you formerly had was long gone; it was all in the past, thrown into the sea to be forgotten.
And here you learn to be a great witch. She first-hand, had taught you how to be a legilimens, as her first courtesan, she has taught you how to traverse the mind easily, to learn secrets, and how to use them to your advantage.
“The most powerful of witches and wizards can all be defeated by the secrets they hide.”
While the other courtesans were only taught surface-level legilimency, you were a natural. Not only can you do it nonverbally and wandlessly, but you can also communicate with others telepathically. Madame Blanche had opened you to all possibilities, and with that, she entrusted you with the highest position of being her right hand.
And your skill at legilimens always comes at night when you bed another clientele. And in the middle of pure ecstasy, they reveal the truth unwillingly. Here in the dimmed candlelight, you walked through the halls of their mind unlocking every door with a skeleton key of your abilities. No matter how many layers, or how many locks they keep, trust you could open it with ease. Secrets like marital affairs, financial debt, graft and corruption, illegitimate children, crimes, enemies, first love, their favorite color, the last thing they ate, their thoughts at that very moment… you can see and feel. An out-of-body experience, stripping you naked from yourself, from what you are and who you were. Here you forgot you were even breathing.
You didn’t realize you had been lying on the bed still for the last few minutes, the house elf, Bernadette, had been looking at you worriedly, and in her hand was your dressing robe, colors almost like the blinding light.
“Was the man harsh on you today, Miss?” She asked, placing the mulberry silk robe on your hand. You gave her a small smile and shook your head. The faint marks of rope were the clear sign of your lies, yet you were accustomed to it.
“It is alright. Run my bath for me?” With a wave of her hand, the bed took itself towards the laundry room and came in a small golden tub that fit your frame. Muttering a spell it filled the tub with bubbles and water, you stood before it before hitting it with a wave of your wand. The gramophone in the room suddenly erupted into soulful jazz music. With a scrub and a bar of soap ready at hand, Bernadette tried to assist you but you declined. Stepping foot into the warm bubbly bath.
“I would like a moment alone.” You waved your hand as soon as the words left your mouth, the house elf knew to leave you to your own devices. You were a grown woman, a woman who has been doing these for the last decade. And whenever you tried to look into your future, all you could see were the grand walls that painted your very eyes, the moving wallpaper depicting fields of various white flowers, you were stuck in Amour Délicat for the last moments of your life. This was the only thing you will ever know. You were indebted and grateful to Madame Blanche, and that led to your loyalty. She protects you and everyone in the Maison close. Outside these walls was uncertainty.
In the hot water, you submerged yourself trying to wake yourself up to the fact that this is your life. Yet when the warm glow of the city, fireworks erupted the skyline, muffled by the water you sat straight to peer at the noise. Without even looking, you knew families were in their own homes, enclosed with the scent of pastries and the warmth of their own fireplace. It was just a few minutes before New Year's Eve, and here you were working. Alone, staring into the distance, craving the sense of a warm home. 
Holding your knees close to your chest, you stared at the skyline as Muggles and Magical people alike celebrated the night with a bright display of fireworks. 
Unbeknown to you, Clarice, the receptionist had been preventing the members of the British Ministry of Magic from stepping foot towards the quarters an hour before the new year would start.
“You cannot go inside; this is a private and respectable property,” Clarice spoke, her accent rushing the words as panic littered her veins. Her arm at ready with her own wand. The lounge was filled with thick air as the British aurors pointed their wand at the girl, not understanding a word she shouted. 
Click-clack! Click-clack!
With every slow step, Madame Blanche descended the stairs. 
“And what do you English want? Here to close Amour Délicat? You don’t have the right.” Madame Blanche boasts, looking at the men below with her chin pointed upwards. Looking at them one by one, the Madame could not read their minds, the British aurors have been trained in occlumency. Remaining calm, she stood on the balcony, overlooking the whole crowd below.
“We were looking for one of your workers. I believe they have the answers to the disappearance of one of the assistant delegates of the British Department of the International Confederation of Wizards.” Torquil Travers claimed, holding a photograph of a man in his middle 30s-40s. 
Summoning the paper in the grasp of the Madame, she looked at the photograph intently, racking up all the lists of their clients. Without even showing hints of recognition, Madame had thrown the paper back into the hands of the aurors.
“I believe you must have a permit before we further your inquiries. If not, then leave.” Turning around, she waved a hand to open the large doors.
“We have it, signed and approved by your own Minister.” Stopping in her tracks, the auror walked up to the steps and held it right in front of the Madame’s face. Now a hint of annoyance was painted on her pointed brows.
“Come to my office, only I can accommodate two of you. Choose wisely.” Madame Blanche said in a cold tone, not even bothering to wait for aurors as she walked straight to the lift.
“Scamander! Come with me.” Travers could upon the young man, the older auror respected the young man’s abilities and thinking, after all, he was a respectable war hero.  
Stepping into the lift, the walls were decorated with moving painted white flowers, the madame touched the button to the highest floor, and the black lining of the lift showed its elegance. As the Aurors stood behind her, eyes darted across each other in nervousness. The Brits showed no sign of anxiety, even if that was far from the truth, the Madame held an air of regalness suffocating them with the scent of floral perfume. As soon as the doors of the lift parted for her, the room was quite the luxury and beauty with its eclectic interior, engulfed with knick-knacks from travels, moving statues, paintings from famous muggles, and the large glass pane showing the night sky. 
In the middle of the room was a velvet green chair, a large glass table, and a lone flower sitting in the golden vase.
“Sit.” She pointed toward the chair in front of her, while she remained standing encircling the room looking at the Englishman that disturbed her home. 
“Our clients value discreteness, we simply could not disclose it easily… yet since you presented me with a hand-written note by our minister I must oblige to your request. Then talk, what is it that you want?”
“We are looking for Charles Moore. He has been in charge of communications with the French Ministry as a part of assistant delegate for our Ministry, he asked to be assigned here after the Muggle World War. The day he was posted to return, he didn’t. And we believe that in his letters to his sister, he claimed to be…”
Madame Blanche raised her eyebrow at Torquil Travers waiting for him to spit it out.
“In love.” Theseus replied. “He claims that he has found the love of life here in Paris and was planning to buy off her indenture. Or so we believe.” 
Madame Blanche scoffed.
“There are many dames in Paris, and he chose to settle with a courtesan?” Madame Blanche laughed, making Travers find it humorous as well. In the keen eyes of Madame Blanche, he saw Theseus's brows turn into a frown before shifting back to biting his cheeks.
“Are you certain that it was in Amour Délicat?”
Theseus answered with a nod. 
There were three letters in total from Charles Moore to his sister. And for the past few days, Theseus had been assigned to look for the exact description of the building. He alone took the time of the day, looking at details of every establishment and brothel in Paris, from the world of the muggles to hidden alcoves of the French Wizarding World. After 2 days, he had seen the exact description of the magnificent-looking walls lined with silver and the sweet nauseating scent of flowers, that’s when he knew this was it.
First Letter:
Dearest Ange,
I believe I have found the love of my life! No one is ever as beautiful as her. No amount of theatrics on the show could ever take my eyes off of her. She sat there like a flower, waiting for me.
As soon as the play was over, I tried to approach her. Tell her to take my hand and run away with me. Oh, Ange! I never felt something like this. This must be what love is. Yet, my heart turned to pieces when I saw her taking the arm of another man, walking together side-by-side as they left the theater. I trailed behind them, and saw the most luxurious of buildings, sparkled with silver linings and flowers decorating its walls. Then I stopped and stared, and the man left her there. That’s when I realized what it was… I know this might sound ridiculous, but she is working in the red-light district and with that, no amount of apprehension could hinder me. I know you would flip the whole house upside down, but Ange this is love. I am certain of it. No amount of your denial could keep me away from this.
                                                                                                             From your darling brother, Charlie.
Second Letter: 
Dear Angelique, 
With the amount of your reply, I take that your silence was your approval. 
Today, I took liquid courage to go ahead and talk to her. But the only way was that I had to pay a fortune. I walked to the receptionist with high hopes, and with her assistance, she immediately gave me a room. With flowers in hand, I waited for her only to get my hopes up when another girl walked into the room. I was filled with disappointment. I asked the lady of the night for the description of my love, and she claimed that she was part of the ‘bouquet de blanc’. First-time patrons' pocket money is not enough to gain an audience. And me being an assistant could only lead me to certain places, yet I will persevere. 
 Give me a few more days and I’ll be able to, no matter the cost.
                                                                                                             From your brother, Charles.
Last Letter:
To my Darling Sister,
I hope this letter finds you well, I could not disclose to the ministry the cost of my expenses… but I found another way. Worry no more. Today, I will finally be able to talk to her.
The day that I return home is when she is with me.
                                                                                                             From your loving brother.
Placing the letters right in front of the Madame of the house, with a lifted finger her smile faded into a scowl. Someone from the inside was spreading information about her courtesans; Bouquet de Blanc was valued in secrecy. This was a catalog of their courtesans that had regular high-paying patrons, and this was not open for viewing so easily. Patrons that were deemed valuable to her and her Maison close were accommodated, the pure-blooded noble families, higher ranking officials, royalty even. And someone from the lower ranks of her courtesans had their tongue quite willingly.
Waving her wand, she summoned a large logbook. There inside was information such as names, professions, ages, nationalities, and ranks of their patrons, of course, the courtesan they were assigned to. Whispering the name Charles Moore, it skimmed through the pages with ease, and there in bold letters was the name of the auror the Brits were looking for. Travers tried to peer at the other listed names, his curiosity taking the best of him.
“Curiosity is the lust of the mind, Mr. Travers. Why don’t you sit still, and I’ll call upon her.”
Closing the book harshly, Madame called upon Bernadette. Apparating next to her mistress, Madame Blanche whispered to call the girl. Nodding the house elf disappeared within a blink of an eye. Behind them, the elevator dinged, while the Madame tapped on the book with carefully manicured nails. 
“It is New Year’s Eve; would you like to avail of our services? It can easily be arranged. I know it’s a long journey and your work for your ministry is greatly appreciated, it wouldn’t hurt to take the night off— to indulge yourself in your sensual desires.” 
The older man shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Suddenly they were interrupted when the elevator doors dinged, signaling the arrival of the courtesan. Turning around a slender figure stepped foot in the room, She wore a long flowing green nightgown.
“Come in here and greet the Brits, Maeve. They would like to talk to you about Charles Moore.” Madame Blanche pointed to the aurors in front of her, the back of the courtesan’s neck grew in a cold sweat.
“I–I do not understand Madame Blanche. I didn’t do anything wrong! The man asked– and I swore that was the last of it, I told him what he wanted to hear.” The girl's pleading cries fell on deaf ears as the aurors could not understand what she was crying about. Theseus' eyes darted between Madame Blanche and the girl’s tear-stricken face. While Torquil Travers stood to show his authority, ready to apprehend the girl.
Within just a few seconds, Madame Blanche had already seen the inner linings of the girl’s mind. The fear registered in her thoughts while she traversed doors upon doors to look for the memories of the missing delegate, and right there she found what she was seeking.
In just a few quick strides, Madame Blanche towered over the girl with a look of disdain painted on her red lips. The old mistress, jaw held tightly as she wiped the tears of the girl. Only to hold the young girl’s face tightly, her long nails pierced through the delicate skin while she stared straight down into the young woman’s eyes with an intense look, unblinking. 
“You may leave, pack your bags, and look for work elsewhere. I do not take it kindly to those willing to open their mouths willingly to my secrets. Bernadette, escort her out of here. I have found what I’m looking for.” 
The girl refused as the house elf dragged the wailing girl back to the elevator, screams of ‘no’ echoed through the walls. 
Travers, who was far too confused, shouted for the house elf to stop as the girl was a key witness. Even pointed his wand threateningly at the old mistress, ready to cast a stunning spell within the tips of his lips. The madame disarms him with a flick of her wand, his wand went flying right off his grasp and cluttered on the hardwood floor. Madame shook her head no when the auror Travers tried to pick it up. 
“You’re a legilimens.” Theseus muttered; Madame Blanche turned around to face the man giving them a tight-lipped smile and nodded. 
“Would you like to view the girl’s memory and be done with it? I need to run my business after all.” Offering to perform legilimency to project the memories to the aurors, they declined. They knew not to, after all, they too have secrets that protect their ministry. 
“We decline. We, Aurors value our minds and do not open them so willingly.” Travers stated, still apprehensive of Madame Blanche. “But the girl needs to be questioned, we have to have her testimonials as to Moore’s disappearance.”
“Then you must trust my word because I too have my secrets to keep. That girl didn’t kill or cause his disappearance. He came in here one night, to question about the catalog of my courtesans and that was it–”
Cutting off the handler of the brothel, Theseus insisted; “Charles Moore stated in his letters about a ‘bouquet de blanc’. I hope that might ring a bell, after browsing through your catalog in the lobby earlier. I couldn’t find traces of this list, is this a secret that you are hiding from the ministry?” 
Madame Blanche’s eyes narrowed at the young auror; her piercing ice-blue eyes almost looked like they could kill.
“No, of course not. My bouquet de blanc is the Amour Délicat trade secrets. I could not easily say it out loud for fear of our competitors copying what I built from the ground up. If you would like to browse that catalog, then let me— although I must say, we do not easily offer our services freely.” Walking towards a dark oak cabinet grabbing a large book with golden linings. Placing right back at the table, Madame Blanche flipped through the pages with images of different courtesans, and right on its last page was a picture of you. 
“I believe she is the one he is asking for.” She pointed with a manicured finger, right before your name was a title given to you. 
Queen of the Night; Night-blooming Cereus
You were smiling, looking right at the onlooker like it was destined. While others bashfully hid their eyes, sultry looking to get admirers, you didn’t need to do that. You had your charm, something that allures the onlookers to choose you. Madame Blanche tried to flip the page to show them another photograph of you leaving nothing to the imagination to the spectator, but Theseus stopped her.
“I think that is enough, could you summon her to talk to us.” Theseus declared with a cough, standing up to close the book and stepping right in front of Travers' line of sight. “Please.”
Madame Blanche smiled, this time it was far different. “I believe your permit only limited you to talk to one of the key witnesses… And since Mr. Moore was not a benefactor of bouquet de blanc, I know because I am the only bookkeeper of that catalog… you must pay a hefty price.”
Now, the Aurors were stuck in the beginning, only pieces of blocked paths. If Charles Moore was not on the list of high-ranking patrons, then they could only comply with the demands of the authority and right now it wasn’t them who was holding the winning cards. When Travers' authority gets threatened, he scoffs, ready to drag Theseus out of the old woman. Madame Blanche truly was a businesswoman, she played them a fool. Whether they get out of the establishment empty-handed, or with empty wallets was their choice. They could simply not arrest the old woman, this was out of their jurisdiction, they were out of their element and far from their own country, and they simply couldn’t do whatever they wanted. 
“Either you pay full price, or you will tell me why such a simple assistant is being hunted down by the best Aurors of the British Ministry. Pick your price.” She sat arms folded right in front of her face, holding her chin while she grinned at the standing men.
Within a minute of no one budging, Travers' patience wavered. With a deep sigh, he faltered. With one last glance at Theseus, he held his head low. 
“Charles Moore stole 4,000 galleons. We believe that he tried to buy her indenture and convince her to come to London with him.” Travers confessed. That was the half-truth, Theseus’ senior took out the part that it was from the subsidy for international affairs. And the way he stole it was undetected like he had some insiders to help him, they were now battling an unseen threat. They only noticed it was missing after 3 months, when Theseus looked at the accounts and noticed that something was awry.
Madame Blanche started laughing, “He believes he can buy off her indenture for 4,000 galleons. Oh, what a joke! That’ll only cost him half an hour at most”
When Madame Blanche stopped laughing, she pointed back to the lift doors. “Head to the floor below. I’ll tell her I sent you.” The aurors nodded and headed to leave only to be held when the Madame halted them to stop.
“You endanger my investment; I’d rather you stay here than be near one of my priceless courtesans.” She stated, pointing at the older auror. Theseus can see his senior jaw tightened, and the veins on his neck grew red in anger. Not only was the older auror disarmed, but he was also being held under surveillance in fear that he might endanger you, now his patience and authority wavered on thin ice, and his eyes clouded with anger.
“I’ll talk to her and I’ll find what we need.” Theseus whispered as soon as he stepped foot in the lift. The doors closed slowly; he saw Madame Blanche’s eyes watching the other auror like a hawk. 
When the doors for the lift opened, what greeted him was a vast hall painted like the night sky. With a slight shift of his eyes, he can see the tiny freckles of stars that decorated a lone white door. Unlike the outside of the establishment, this seemed out of place with the flower motifs of Amour Délicat. Here he can feel the cold breeze of the winter night. Knocking on the white door, he called out to the name he had seen written on the catalog. 
You who had been preoccupied with your thoughts; wishing to know the feeling of stepping out of your body, floating, freely, like the ghosts that linger down the dark alleys. Right outside the window, the streets erupted in cheers as they all greeted each other another happy new year. Drinking down the champagne that was given to you by a patron, noting a taste of toast and coffee and a subtle spice drowning out all your other senses. When the fireworks ended, you lay there looking at the skylight as the only glow of the light left was the moonlight.
A subtle knock started you as you let Bernadette waltz her way in. Her company and the cup of tea are greatly appreciated when your water has now gone cold. But instead of the house elf, what replaced her was someone far taller than her; there he stood only the silhouette of his slender frame seen. 
Theseus didn’t expect what he saw, a lone woman basking in the golden tub, a melancholy look written in her eyes.
Sad. You looked sad. 
The only sound that could be heard was the faint hum of the gramophone across the room and the muffled cheers that erupted right behind the glass windows. With the faint sparkle of light, you saw a slight frown on his face. Realizing your predicament, you went back to wearing the mask when you were at work.
“Would you like me to keep you company?” You asked, turning around delicately, careful not to show another ounce of skin. Tilting your head to one side and smiling at him, the same one he has seen in the photograph earlier.
When Theseus realized what you were implying, he held his hand and shook his head, showing you a metal badge indicating the words ‘auror’. You had a fair share of French aurors that came to you for a night, often playing the role of the captive and captor. What a lack of imagination, if this is the role he wants to play then so be it.
“You would like to play that role? I, the convict, and you the detainer. Would you like that darling?” You asked, ready to approach him when he realized what was happening, he turned around not to face your naked form. The tips of his ears went red in embarrassment. 
“I didn’t come here for your service; I was sent here by Madame Blanche to question you. My name is Theseus Scamander, I was sent by the British Ministry of Magic.” He announced. 
Ahh… A British Auror. You hummed and stood to grab the white robe and placed it on your body. Hearing the sound of faint footsteps, Theseus waited until you gave him a signal. 
“I see… talk I don’t have all night to entertain you.” This time you put your weight and one foot, crossing your arms across your chest. Your hand laid steady on your wand.
Turning around, you pointed toward the chair that sat across from you, and he agreed to your request. As soon as he did, you went and grabbed the champagne you had been drinking earlier and procured another glass to pour him one. Placing it next to him, you stood in front of him and drank yours, waiting as he did too. Theseus eyed it suspiciously, but you continued to drink it on your own accord.
“A gift… something lighter than the fire whiskey.” You replied as you down the glass in one gulp. He nodded and carefully took a sip of his. You sat in front of him and grabbed the bottle to pour more down into your glass.
When he exhaled in satisfaction, you knew it tasted amazing. Theseus knew what you were doing, trying to lower his guard, not sitting to show you were in control, and intoxicating him to vulnerability. Yet, he remained calm, showing no signs of threat to you. If Madame Blanche was a legilimens, there was a high chance you were too, all he needed to do was throw you off his scent.
And just like he had predicted, right at the moment you tried to pry his mind. A knot on your brow formed when you stared intently at him.
‘You looked sad.’ Those were the thoughts that circled his mind, like a mantra. You can feel it. Feel him. It made you nauseous, the bile in your throat rose as his thoughts engraved into yours. No one had looked at you and thought you were sad; it was always beautiful. Sadness and you were never to be put in a sentence, and when his thoughts did it terrified you. 
To be seen broken makes you fear. To be seen feeling sadness made the feeling of being stripped naked for the whole world to see. All your life, you had built these walls that made you stand on your own two feet. The ache in your mind becomes unbearable, you weren’t beautiful… underneath all the expensive clothes, and pearls that glittered your skin— you are crooked, battered with bruises, wrecked by time, your skin filthy with sin, you were a tragedy… a rotten work.
“Stop.” With gritted teeth, you fail to look at his eyes and his mind. A slip of the tongue made you realize what you had said out loud, that was all Theseus needed to know that you too are a legilimens. “State your purposes.”
Right in the pockets of his coat was the photograph of Charles Moore, he carefully placed it on the table in front of him waiting for you to pick it up.
“Do you recognize him?” He placed the picture within your line of sight. Pausing he tried to scope for your reaction. “It’s Charles Moore, an assistant delegate of the British Department of the International Confederation of Wizards.”
“He has been missing for months and the last contact we had from him was a letter to his sister, trying to have an audience with you.” 
Your eyes examined Moore’s photograph. And minutes passed your silence almost became too heavy to Theseus's dislike, but he needed to thread your waters carefully, you were already agitated for unknown reasons.
“I believe I do not know who this person is.” You smiled and stared at Theseus, the first time you met his eyes after your outburst earlier.
He pointed out another slip of your strong facade right at its mark. “Yet you do not deny that you do recognize him.” 
“Maybe I do… Maybe I don’t. It is possible he is one of my long lists of admirers, doesn’t erase the fact that I do not know him at all.” 
“I highly doubt that. You’re a legilimens, and I am not; that is true. I need to know if you have met with him once, and if you are proven to be telling the truth then I would leave this room. But I can tell you’re lying. Skilled legilimens can procure memories into another person, and all I needed was the time and date, any people that were trailing him. Your truth is all I need.” He proposes.
“Or would you rather we do this the hard way? The choice is yours.” He leaned forward as his head rested on his knuckles.
“You give me the illusion of free choice when all you want is to pry my mind. Is there something you are not saying, Mister Scamander? Tell me the truth, what is in it for you? What would you get to look into the inner workings of my mind? You expect me to believe that you honestly want nothing else? Just my memory? I hardly doubt that.” Challenging his proposition, you leaned forward as your palms hit the glass table harshly with a loud slap, not before rebutting his claims. “Surely it could not be just you are looking for a testament, you wouldn’t work hard on that, all you needed is a vial of the strongest veritaserum and it would be done. Then why are you pushing hard to look into my mind?”
“You play a cruel game of trust.” He sighed, making you scoff. “Mr. Moore had said in his letters about how he will get the currency to meet you, his means to getting it is unsaid. And that was a clear sign that he needed someone to work with him to get that from a subsidiary of international affairs, you are simply a madman to be able to work alone. And all I need is— you. All I need is you.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. 
“I need you to work with me. You knew better than just mere rumors, you knew everyone and could see their thoughts.”
Working with the British Ministry, consider it treason. Yet, you never were loyal to this land. Your loyalty lies elsewhere, it stays to those who have given you a sense of protection. Your loyalty is within Madame Blanche’s hands. Hands that remained choking you to stay. 
Still, you let Mr. Scamander entertain you with his words.
“It would have to take you a valuable price, Mr. Scamander. I am an expensive woman, yet, I am considerate. Give me leverage and I will give you what you want.” That’s when he stopped and stared at the photo, avoiding any eye contact. “What could you possibly offer Mr. Scamander, tell me.”
You grinned as you took a sip at the champagne, just like a war, both of you had been disarming and hurting each other for the kill. Breaking down every barrier with a small slip-up of each other, both of you were professionals at your trades. He is an Auror, he knows how to spot lies and negotiate, give you the feeling of support to make you break down your armor. Meanwhile, you pride yourself on being a great liar, you know what to say to appear compliant, and you know how to adapt and play the games to your tide. Every word and sentence uttered until one of you would lose the battle of wits, one slip and the fallen would crash and burn.
Leaning back you gave him a smile, your wand procuring a cigarette that lay on the table. Placing it gently on your lips, the tip of your wand lit up a flame. With a deep inhale, you knew you were already winning the battle. You didn’t need to look into his mind, to know that he was fighting a losing war. His occlumency was far useless when the knot on his forehead and the jaunt of his chin told you he was conflicted.
“I have been offered riches that could fill De Nile, clothes that were woven from the rarest of silks, jewels that shone brighter than the sun, houses that housed thousands of rooms, paintings of the most beautiful landscapes, songs and sonnets about my beauty, the most exotics of creatures that lay hidden within the government’s grasp… Pray tell, what could a simple auror like you have that can overthrow all those proposals?”
He was silent, expression never changing. And no matter how hard you try to pry to look into his mind, it remains still like he is right in front of you. 
“Safety.” Your smile faltered. “I offer you safety.” 
You blinked and blinked. Trying hard not to show that your jaw was slack in silence; the timeliness of the gramophone hitting its ending notes was fitting. His words lay heavy on your mind.
Amour Délicat had always offered you protection, but never safety. Safety was a word often associated with emotional aspects that were never visible in your job, safety offered you the sense of never needing to keep your secrets in this line of work or needing not to utter a word that would be your downfall in these walls. Protection kept you free and sheltered from physical aspects and threats, like the two guards that trailed you whenever you needed to do outside work, or the walls that shielded you from the rain. Safety is a foreign word, way too foreign that it burns you with curiosity. A thrill you never experience on a silver platter. It gives you hope— and hope gives you greed. A greed that surpasses all material things known to man. You want to take it all, consume your being until all is left is the safety that you wanted, the safety of being able to walk free, to run away, the security of not needing to know that this is the place where you would meet your demise. 
You knew how Madame Blanche worked, she took pride in knowing secrets and that is her leverage. And right now Madame Blanche would be none the wiser when you will take his deal. And there is one thing in the world that the Madame hated, and it is to not know anything at all. 
“Give me your hand.”
You held your hand to him and stood up, apprehensive he stood up as well taking your hand in his. Looking up into his eyes, you called upon the house elf. Bernadette immediately appeared right beside you.
“Don’t promise me empty words.”
“I won’t.”
“Then you wouldn’t mind if we made an unbreakable vow.”
Your hold on his palm tightens, only to travel into his wrist. Without breaking eye contact you give him a minute to decide what his choice would be. Does he trust you enough to do it at the expense of his life, or would he rather fear being the one to dictate his actions?
His palm pressed tightly into your wrists, not like the rough hands that occupied your wrists hours ago, his hold was gentle, not imposing. Nodding at Bernadette, a thin tongue of flame issued at the tips of the house elf's fingertips and wound its way around both your and Theseus’ hands. It felt like a burning wire, keeping your skin aflame.
“Will you, Theseus Scamander, promise to provide my safety, as he and I work together?”
“I will.”
“Will you, abide by our oath, to only tell the truth to me?”
“I will.”
a/n: dialogue that is formatted like this “dialogue” is in French. i tried hard to make it one-shot i really did, buT I SIMPLY CANT SO HERE I GIVE YOU WORLD BUILDING AND MORE LORE UPON LORE ON THIS FIC.
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obessedwithfictionalmen · 1 year ago
Young, dumb in love
Theseus Scamander X Wizard!Reader
Summary: Theseus and Y/n had always been in love with the other. Now that an extraordinary event occurs, it will bring them closer
Warning: Pregnancy/ Mention of birth/ inaccuracies (powers, medical)/ use of Y/n/ not really following the movie timeline
Word count: 1.5k
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Y/n and Theseus met because of Newt. All 3 of them were in Hufflepuff and Y/n didn’t have any friends. Newt sat next to her one day and they became friends, then, she met Newt’s older brother, Theseus. She was instantly attracted to him, and it was the same for him, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Years went by and they were both 20. After a one-night stand, Y/n started to feel nauseous, she feared that the protection they wore, didn’t do its job. So, when the test came back positive, it was time to break the news to Theseus.
‘’You might want to sit down’’ Y/n warned the man. ‘’What are you going to tell me? You’re not pregnant, are you?’’ he joked. Y/n’s heart sank, she became pale. ‘’Well, yes, I am Theseus, I did 4 tests, they all came back positive’’ she nervously said. Theseus immediately felt bad from what he just said. He was happy, he was going to be a dad, having a family of his own as always been his dream. ‘’Oh my! Y/n that’s an amazing news! I can’t wait to tell Newt!’’ He smiles. Y/n breath out in relief, her eyes fill with tears, happy tears. ‘’So, you’re happy?’’ she asked. ‘’Yes, it’s wonderful!’’ he exclaimed, hugging her.
‘’Thank you for inviting me over, it’s been a while since I’ve saw you. How are you, Y/n?’’ Newt says, sitting at the table. Y/n and Theseus didn’t have a game plan, they didn’t think about a way to announce it. ‘’I’m great, Newt, by the way, you’re going to be an uncle.’’ She blurted out. Newt dropped his fork as he looked at them. ‘’What?’’ he mumbled. ‘’I’m pregnant, Newt. And Theseus is the father’’ she smiled. ‘’Really?’’ he smiled. Theseus nodded and took Y/n’s hand. ‘’That’s amazing! Congratulations! I’m going to be an uncle!’’ he exclaimed, he looked really happy. ‘’That’s why the Qilin was so excited, he saw the baby’s soul’’ he murmurs. ‘’This early?’’ Y/n asked, putting a hand on her stomach. Newt nodded and smiled. Theseus smiled to his brother as they continued to talk about life.
Her stomach was starting to show, she was so happy. She was looking at herself in the mirror, smiling. ‘’Theseus! Come here!’’ she yelled. He ran upstairs, afraid something bad happened to her. ‘’Are you okay? Is the baby, okay? Do I need to call Newt?’’ he quickly said. Y/n laughed and shook her head. ‘’Look, I’m showing! Can you see it!’’ she lifted her shirt, exposing her small bump. Theseus calmed down and looked at her belly. ‘’Oh my, that’s amazing!’’ he dropped to his knees and put his hand on her stomach. ‘’Hello little one, I’m your father. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I can’t wait to meet you’’ he whispered. Y/n’s eyes filled with tears. ‘’You made me cry’’ she said, wiping her tears. He got up and hugged her, kissing her cheek in the process. They didn’t figure out what their relationship was, it pained them both. ‘’Y/n, what are we?’’ he whispered in her ear. ‘’I don’t know, but I know that I love you, more than a friend’’ she replied. They stopped hugging and sat on the bed. ‘’I want to be more than a friend to you, Y/n. I love you, you’re the mother of my child, that’s the most important thing. I want to be with you, if you’ll allow me to’’ he confessed. Y/n cried even more. ‘’I love you too, yes, I’ll allow it, silly’’ she laughed as they kissed.
‘’Why is the Qilin in our house?’’ Theseus asked his girlfriend and brother as he entered his home. Y/n turned around; her belly was getting bigger. 3 months left in her pregnancy, they recently discovered that she was carrying twins, a boy and a girl. Her belly was really big, but she was happy. Newt looked at his brother and smiled. ‘’He was grumpy, and the only thing that calms him down is seeing the twin’s soul.’’ Newt explained as Y/n petted the small animal. Theseus looked at Y/n shirt, it had a weird shape. ‘’Oh, the Niffler is in there, he wanted somewhere warm to sleep’’ she explained. Theseus swore under his breath and let out a sigh. ‘’Newt, I don’t want you creatures to roam around the house and risk hurting – ‘’ Y/n cut him off. ‘’Shush! They’re kicking!’’ she said, touching her belly. Theseus stopped his sentence and went near his girlfriend. ‘’Here’’ she took his hand and placed it where the baby kicked. He smiled to her when he felt it. ‘’That’s beautiful’’ he whispered. ‘’Newt, do you want to touch?’’ she asked. He nodded and put his hand on her stomach. They all looked at each other, smiling, tears in their eyes.
‘’For the last time, Thesus, it was a Braxton Hicks contraction. I’m okay’’ she said, rubbing her stomach. ‘’But if you go into labour and I’m not there!’’ he said. ‘’I will call you. I’m safe, Newt’s coming and the Qilin can sense the babies, I promise, go to work, get that promotion’’ she said. ‘’If there’s any change, even another Braxton Hicks, call me’’ he said. She nodded as he left his home, at the same time, Newt entered. ‘’I thought he’d never leave’’ Y/n chuckles. Pickett comes out of Newt’s pocket to jump on Y/n’s belly. ‘’Hello, you’’ she squeals. The creatures smile and jumps on her belly as a sign of joy. ‘’When’s your due date?’’ he asked, sitting on the couch. ‘’Yesterday, that’s why he’s so nervous’’ she says, smiling. The Qilin gets out of Newt’s case and sits next to her, resting his head on her belly. ‘’He’s always been nervous, but I get him’’ he says. ‘’Can you do me a favour? Can you go and make some raspberry leaf tea, Muggles say it helps the woman going into labour’’ she explains as Newt goes to make tea. She pets the Qilin as she waits for her boyfriend’s brother. She feels a pain in her stomach, so she takes deep breath to make them pass, but it doesn’t work. She doesn’t tell Newt, because she’s not sure if they’re real or not. The Qilin rise his head, looking at Y/n. His eyes talk: C’mon, tell him. Y/n shakes her head, Pickett squeaks. ‘’What are they trying to tell you?’’ Newt asks as he puts her cup down. ‘’They want me to tell you that I’m having contractions, but I’m not sure if they’re real or not’’ she confesses.
‘’I swear, you’re lucky I’m carrying two! Because I’m not doing this again” she moaned in pain. Theseus rubbed her back and tried to support her the best he could. She had been in labor for 13 hours without medication because it could be dangerous for the babies. ‘’You’re so strong, my darling, keep breathing, you got this’’ he praised her. Y/n felt pressure down there, like she needed to push. ‘’I need to push, like right now!’’ she announced. ‘’Go ahead, sweetie’’ the nurse called out. She pushed with all the energy she had left to try and get one of her babies out. ‘’You’re a warrior, come on give me another push like that and one of them is out’’ the nurse encouraged her. She pushed again. This time, the room was filled with cries, baby cries. Y/n let out a breath as she looked at her baby. ‘’It’s a boy’’ Their baby boy was born first, Y/n sobbed with joy. ‘’You did it, my love, our boy is here’’ Theseus calls out. ‘’Come on, Y/n, push again’’ the nurse calls out. ‘’Bollocks, I have to do it again’’ she groaned in pain. Theseus chuckled as he supported her again. 15 minutes later, Y/n was sitting with her girl in her arms, while Theseus was holding their boy. Newt came in the room, with Tina, Jacob, and Queenie following him. ‘’Congratulations!’’ Queenie squeals. Y/n smiles, she was exhausted and only wanted to sleep, but she wanted to be there for her guests. ‘’How did it go?’’ Tina asked, more calmly. ‘’It was so long, but I’m happy that they’re here’’ Y/n says. ‘’Do you want to know their names?’’ Theseus says, looking at the guests. ‘’That’s Emory Scamander’’ Y/n announces, smiling. ‘’And that’s Eugene Newton Scamander’’ at the sound of his name, Newt’s eyes fill with tears. ‘’You named him after me?’’ he softly asks. They both nod and smile. ‘’Oh’’ he softly reacts. ‘’Two E names, was it intentional?’’ Jacob laughs. ‘’Emory means strength and leadership and Eugene means noble’’ Y/n explains. ‘’You guys are such a beautiful family’’ Queenie says. Y/n and Theseus felt like it, a family. After all this time of loving each other, they now had children together. They were the happiest they’ve ever been.
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thegreatirene · 18 days ago
Snake in The Garden (Theseus Scamander x metamorphmagus!reader)
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Part2 Part3
You’ve met a lot of people in your line of work. But none of them come close to the man that stands before you. He’s quite charming and very persuasive. You can see why many people can fall for his words. How he was able to get past the person who was supposed to “stand guard” of your dressing room is a thought for later. Right now you had to put your best face on and act, because your life depended on it.
“And with your presence Ms. Livingstone you could help my cause. Our cause” the older man set his hands on your hand that was set on the vanity. You glanced at it for a moment and fluttered your lashes as you looked up at him.
“We show them why we are the superior ones. We shouldn’t be in the dark anymore. You shouldn’t be hidden away.”
“I understand Mr. Grindelwald” you started to brush your hair. “The wars and the decay that they can cause is horrid” your brush snagged in a knot in your hair and you pulled it hard out of frustration. “They ruin the world and the poor creatures that inhabit” Grindelwald placed his hand over your hand stopping you from pulling your hair out.
He took hold of the brush and started to brush the knot out and smooth’s it down. He then petted the spot that you were yanking at and placed the brush down.
“I want to help you” you looked at him with determination in your eyes. He smiled at you but it fluttered as your eye color flashed from blue to y/e/c. You felt it and looked down as you blinked trying to stay calm.
“Thank you Ms. Livingstone with your help our words can reach even more ears” he said as he spoke to you through the mirror. You smiled up at him as you had tears in your eyes to show how upset you were. Wiping them away you nodded your head and patted his hand that laid on your shoulder.
He handed you a card with the address to a location to meet him and his associates. With a final kiss to your hand and a bow he apparitioned out of your dressing. You placed your hand on your lap as you looked at the empty space. A million thoughts raced in your mind as you thought about your next move. The door to your room opened and a quick flash you stupefy the guard. Sending him flying to the other wall as you barged out of the room.
“I knew I shouldn’t have taken this role ” you angrily said to yourself as you left the theater. You apparitioned from there and to a corner building a few blocks from it. Breathing slowly you centered yourself. He could have eyes on you right now. There was a dark alleyway that you slowly walked over to.
With a slow steady breath you started to change your features back to your own. From your hair to your eyes they went back to your own. You casted a small spell that changed your clothes and you walked out once you were done. You made your way back to the ministry now with new intel.
Ministry of Magic
“Excuse me, Ms. L/n, Mr. Scamander is-.” Your assistant spoke up as she caught you entering the room to your office.
“Not now Amy, I need to make a call” you told her as you opened your office door. You put your things away and sat down at your desk ready to call Theseus when you looked up.
“Theseus, how many times have I told you not to enter my office when I’m not here”
He was sat on your couch with a book on his lap. He had a big grin on his face as he flipped through the book. Titling his head back, he gave you a toothy smile, “you say that every time I’m in here.”
“And I mean it every time too. Anyways I was just about to call you,” you set the card that Grindelwald gave you earlier.
Theseus got up and grabbed the card from the desk and his eyebrows lifted in surprise.
“A few moments ago, Grindelwald himself came to the dressing room of ‘Ms. Livingstone’ and persuaded her to join the cause,” you sat back in your cushy seat with a smug smile.
“It’s a good thing we got to Ms. Livingstone before he did.” Theseus said as he looked at you.
“It’s a good thing I’m an excellent Metamorphmagi.”
“Have I ever told you, you are THE best metamorphmagi I know?”
“I’m the only one you know Theseus” you rolled your eyes but still felt heat touch your cheeks at his compliment. You got up as you stood next to him, “shall we go and tell the team?”
“We will but at the moment I have prior engagements that I need to focus on.”
“Which is?”
“My little brother, he’s here to see if he can continue to travel for his research”
“Oh, well, good luck with that. Sounds boring” you went to open the door but he stopped you.
“Are you ok?” He had a hold on your hand as he looked into your eyes. You looked down at your connected hands and rubbed your thumb over his.
“I’m fine, I was a little shaken up but I’m a big girl” you smiled at him as you let go of his hand.
“I’ll brief everyone what happened and what the next plan is. In the meantime you focus on your brother and we’ll meet up again”
“Be careful L/n” you winked at him as you walked out the door.
“Professor Dumbledore, it’s so good to see you” you were all smiles as you walked towards him. He had a bright smile as he brought you into for a hug and pulled back to see your face.
“Lovely seeing you again” he showed you over to the table he reserved for the two of you.
“Thank you for meeting me y/n”
“My pleasure sir” you smiled as you looked over the menu. Dumbledore glanced at it and then looked around as he began to speak.
“How is your family?”
“Oh you know, dead” you looked up at him with a smile and then back at the menu.
“Yes well, what are you going to do, right?” The waiter came and took your orders. Just a simple two cups of tea and biscuits. He jolted down and went to prepare and left the two of you to speak.
“I have found what you were looking for sir” you opened your handbag and pulled out folded up papers. Within them a gray and white photograph lay in between.
“Friends have told me that his last location was with a circus in France” you watched as he read over the documents.
“Thank you y/n” Dumbledore put the documents in his breast pocket as the waiter came by and dropped off your orders.
“It’s no problem sir but may I ask who is this man?”
“I will explain later. I have someone I want you to meet and help with locating this boy” he said.
“Of course sir” you took a bite from your biscuit as the both of you reminisced on the past.
Dumbledore had asked you to meet him and the mystery person in a couple hours. He instructed you to be careful and pack lightly. When the time came you were stood in front of Newt Scamander.
Even though you went to Hogwarts with his older brother, you never met Newt. Of course you and Theseus weren’t close friends since the both of you were in different houses. But you were friendly enough with Theseus. From what he had told you about his brother. He was an active advocate for the magical creatures. He traveled and helped people understand them but was awkward when it came to people. You can see what Theseus meant.
“Newt this is y/n l/n. She was a classmate of your brother and works with him now at the ministry. She is the one that was able to find Credence” Newt flinched at the mention of the ministry but Dumbledore assured him that you were no enemy to him.
“It’s nice to meet you Newt” you held out your hand to him. He looked at it for a moment and shook it.
“Nice to meet you as well” he retracted his hand and placed them back in his pockets. “My brother has spoken about you a couple of times in the past” he said.
“Oh” you raised your brows and then gave him a sly smile. “Did he confess his love for me?” You giggled as you watched Newt become uncomfortable at your eye contact.
“More complaining about you”
“Oh? Like what?” Now you were interested.
“He didn’t like how you always beat him when it came to answering questions and then rubbing it in his face how he’ll always be second best because of the house he was in” you stood there awkwardly as he told you this.
“Ah, yes, well..” you looked at Dumbledore for help but he looked elsewhere.
“Your brother made it hard sometimes. He was such a know it all and everyone loved him” you rolled your eyes as you remembered the days. “I’m sure he laughs now knowing I’m in second seeing as he’s head auror” you pouted as you crossed your arms.
“Now that we’re all acquainted,” Dumbledore clapped the both of you on the shoulder, “Newt, y/n will help you locate Credence. She has as much ears on the ground as I do and I trust her 100% percent.”
“Newt you need allies and having y/n on your side is for the best” Newt nodded as he accepted the help.
Dumbledore went over with you what he’s told Newt. He asked for you to go with Newt to Paris and find Credence. You agreed and said your goodbyes to Dumbledore as Newt invited you to his place.
“And how are we to travel to Paris if you can’t leave?”
“There’s a portkey we can take” he said as he walked up the steps but stops.
“Newt?” You looked at him but he was watching the window. The lights flickered on and off and he waved you behind him. He pulled his wand out prepared for a fight and you did the same. Once he opened the door he saw it nothing dangerous and leaned against the door with a sigh and ushered you inside.
“Oh, how sweet” you gushed as you watched the little creature watch the two of you as it stuffed the gold chain in his little pouch. It then scurried away as Newt went closer to it. You watched him and saw another one on a scale trying to lift some gold weights.
“There’s another” you spoke to yourself as you went to the other. It looked up at you as it tried to get up but couldn’t. An apple fell on the scale and the little guy went flying up in the air and right into Newt’s pocket.
“Can I hold one?”
“I don’t think” he stopped talking as he moved you to the side and a cork flew by and through the open door as another creature was flying on it and down the stairs.
“Bunty!” He shouted as he stormed down the stairs and you right behind him.
“Newt please let me hold one!”
“Bunty the baby nifflers are loose again” he stopped on the stairs as he shouted down at a woman who was a rather large deer like creature. With him distracted you went down the stairs and stood in front of the baby niffler.
“Oh how darling are you” you cooed at the baby as it looked at you and then jumped for the shinny buttons on your coat. Scooping it up in one hand you held it close to you as it ripped the button and stuff it in its pouch.
“So cute” you rubbed at its belly as it flipped back and kicked its hind leg in pleasure.
“Ma’am if you don’t mind” came the woman that Newt was calling to.
“Oh please let me hold it” you pouted and she looked up at Newt for help.
“Y/n please” you sighed sadly and handed over the baby niffler to Bunty. Newt gave her the other two as he went down the stairs with Bunty right behind him.
You looked around as the other two spoke about whatever. It was amazing the amount of magical creatures there were and the habitat they lived in. You went to see the baby nifflers and couldn’t but coo at them. Just precious little babies they are.
“Newt,” you turned to look at him.
“This place is amazing! Look at all these creatures! I don’t even know most of them” you went over where he was putting medicine in a mooncalf’s eye.
“Do be careful y/n some of the creatures can hurt you or you to them” you nodded as you walked around more.
“Who is she?” Bunty whispered to Newt but you heard her.
“I’m y/n l/n I work for the ministry as an auror” you looked over at her and she to Newt.
“Don’t worry I’m helping Newt with something” you smiled at her. She looked at Newt and confirmed it. They continued to take care of more creatures, one being a kelpie that you stood far from.
A glass shattered from upstairs and made all three of you turn to look. You were the first one up the stairs with your wand out. Newt followed after telling Bunty to go home. You were further a head and spotted the two intruders.
“Don’t move” you told the pair as they froze and looked at you.
“Who are you?” Said the male as he was holding the shattered piece of whatever he had knocked over. You frowned as you looked him over.
“I should be asking you that. What’s an American doing here?” Newt came behind you and saw the intruders and lowered your wand.
“It’s ok they are my friends from New York” newt said as he stepped away from you and over to them. The pair were happy to see Newt as the man hugged him.
“Y/n, this is Jacob Kowalski and Queenie Goldstein” he introduced his friends to you. You walked over and shook their hands, “y/n l/n I work for his brother. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise Ms. L/n” Jacob shook your hand a little bit more with feeling as he looked at queenie. She shook your hand as she gave you a big smile.
“Thank you, you’re beautiful as well” she said.
“You said I was beautiful”
“Oh, did I? I thought I said it-“
“How about I cook us some dinner” queenie said as she brought Jacob over to the dining table and tucked him in. You looked over at Newt and he had a concerning look to his face as he watched Jacob.
“Are they always like this?” You whispered over to Newt.
“He’s fine honey” Queenie said to you as she served Jacob. She put some of the delicious smelling food on your plate and then Newt. You began to eat as Newt and Queenie began to talk. From Newt finding out that Tina, her sister she told you, was seeing someone to Newt apparently marrying Leta.
“No it’s Theseus that’s marrying Leta not me” you scrapped the fork on the plate at Newt’s correction.
Queenie looked over to you and then back to Newt.
“Oh..oh dear, well when teenie read about she started dating someone else. He’s an auror. His name is Achilles Tolliver” Jacob started to laugh as he repeated the last name. Queenie joined in as well. You looked over at Newt who looked a little taken back.
Queenie announced that her and Jacob were getting married. Jacob excited at the news announced he’s marrying Jacob and splashed himself with the champagne. Queenie released confetti from her wand as it rained down on them.
Newt looked perplexed as he looked at Queenie.
“What? No I haven’t” she nervously laughed as she wiped Jacob. You frowned as you looked at her and then to Newt. Motioning your fork at Queenie for her words.
“Could you stop reading my thoughts” Newt said as he rubbed his hands on his pants.
“You’re a Legilimens?” You asked as you looked at Queenie with surprise.
She smiled at you with a nervous look as she looked back at Newt.
“Oh that is an outrageous accusation. Look at him. He’s just so happy. He’s so happy” Queenie and Jacob smiled at each other with love in their eyes as she dapped at his face.
“Then you won’t mind if I..” he pulled his wand out and Queenie stood up fast.
“Please don’t.” She pleaded. You looked back and forth as Newt told her she had nothing to worry about if Jacob wants to marry her. You now connected the dots that queenie enchanted Jacob.
Queenie went behind Jacob as Newt pointed his wand at Jacob. He laughed as he asked what he had in his hands as he Newt spoke, “surgito.”
Jacob shook violently as the love spell evaporated out of his pores. Once the spell was vanished Jacob looked around the room sweaty and tired.
“Congratulations on your engagement, Jacob” newt said as he pocketed his wand.
“Wait, what?” Newt looked over queenie with an excited look but it slowly disappeared as Jacob’s mind started to clear up.
“Oh, no. You didn’t.”
Queenie upset pack the suitcase she had and grabbed her coat as she stormed out of the home. Jacob fumbled out of his chair as he ran after Queenie. He turned back to look at Newt, “it’s very nice to see you.” He then noticed you, “I’m sorry I don’t think we met?”
“Y/n l/n”
“Y/n nice meeting you sorry about all this,” he turned to Newt “where the hell am I right now?”
“London” both you and Newt said at the same time.
“Oh! I always wanted to go here!” He slapped his leg as he headed out of the door and after Queenie.
“You’re friends are quite dramatic Newt”
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renren-006 · 1 year ago
Hiii I just wanna say I love your writing <33
Can I request heavvyyyyyyy smut with f!reader x Theseus Scamander in which they are both aurors wanting head auror position and Theseus is tired of reader always running her mouth and one night when they are both staying in the office late she has to drop of something in his office and they have a mini argument and he shuts her up iykwim (lil bit of choking and biting kink for ✨spice ✨) - ⛄️
Magical Hands | Theseus Scamander x fem Reader
A/n: hey omg absolutely!! thank you so much for the request! hehe also thank you for including some elements you want!!
warning: 18 PLUS ONLY!! smut! spicy!
word count: 1471
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While you did work with a ton of Aurors there was one in particular you couldn't stand, and maybe it was because he slightly made you weak but it was also just because of his arrogance. You hated how he boasted about how good he was  at his job, and how you felt immeasurable compared to him. You wanted the Head Auror position, had been working towards it for a few years now and kept getting sidestepped by Thesus Scamander himself. How his brother was a completely different person, you had no idea. The man never ever let you get more than a  few steps in front of you before he came in and stole what you thought was your position away from you. 
You back talked to him, trash talked him even said his magic was flimsy, it was not, you just did everything you could to beat him down but it never worked. You knew he hated it, was annoyed by it, and that slightly made it better for you. The teasing and the banter, in your own way was showing him you did in fact want to be better but also that there was some other deeper level of attraction towards him. 
It was one night during a particularly tough case that you and Theseus stayed late to work on it, in separate offices of course. You had scanned through some papers and had written up the incident report for the day and was going to drop it off to Thesaurus, not without some banter along the way.
“Well if it isn't the Great Aurora” you said as you hugged the doorway to his office. Thesis huffed a breath and looked up from where he was hunched over a large table in the room. 
“What do you want?” he asked, looking at you now. You slowly meandered into the room. 
“That's a lot of papers,” you said, ignoring his question. 
“Yea, it's from the mess at the docks”
“Ah…I see even your greatness cant solve it” you said, trying at anything for him to take the bait like he sometimes does. 
“Again what is it you want” he asked, clearly not amused by what you were saying or baiting. 
“Why do you assume I want something?” you asked, snapping a bit at him. 
“I don't have time for this y/n '' he said, pulling his attention back to his work, that he had slowly started to put back into piled. 
“Aww can't pull yourself away for two minutes” you asked him as he was moving the things off the table, making you lean back on it watching him.
“Y/N '' Theseus said, snapping his head back to you, annoyance ringing clear in your name. 
“Poor Theseus can’t…” you were cut off by his lips slamming onto yours, the clear force shoving your hips and ass further into the table. You were caught off guard for the first time in years. He slid his hands onto your waist lifting you without hesitation and putting you on the table. His eyes met yours, the pure lust and hunger on his face made you slowly unravel from the mask you had put on around him. 
“Theseus?” you asked slowly wondering what was happening. He stepped back, gathering himself. 
“Sorry i…”
“I didn't tell you to stop,” you told him, “I only wanted to know…why?”
“Why? Are you kidding me? For years you have been doing this act this flirtation annoying act…i cant take it for one more moment”
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew, I see how you are around the other Aurors and it's only to me that you do this,” he said, gesturing to you, the attitude you had with him. He walked back over, you let your legs spread apart the skirt you had on rising slowly as you did, showing more and more skin. A growl escaped his lips as he stood in between them. 
“You wear those just for me?’ he asked, referencing your skit and the little number you had on underneath that he had a view of.  
“Not intentionally” you told him
“Hmm so you just hopped id see your little number?”
“Maybe…maybe I'll bend in front of you, act like I'm going to pick something up and then…leave you there wanting more,” you told him, making him grip your legs. 
“Tell me darling…you like being such a brat?” he asked you hand slowly making its way up your body then landing on your neck, wrapping around it slightly. You groaned, rocking your hips against the air, something Theseus caught. “Oh darling, cant be doing that now can you” he said. His other hand sliding up your thigh twords those little red undwewear you put on, and almost right twords your spots but stopping at the top of your thigh and squeezing. You were being teased and you knew it. The amount of restraint he was trying to have, became apparent to you when you saw him eyeing your skin and the hand wrapped around your neck. You wanted him to squeese, wanted him to slip sinde, you wanted all of him, however aggressive. You desperatly wanted that hunger to devour him and consume you. He eyes you again, making your skin heat up more and more from his gaze, his hunger. 
“What are you so hesitant about?” you asked him, his eyes jumped to meet yours.
“Dont want to go to far”
“I want to go far with you” you told him, “devoir me baby”  you told him, tilting your head up giving him the etire access to yourself. He squeezed your neck pulling himself into you. The squeezing from his hands sent you into space, your kisses were sloppier yes but he didnt care, not one but as he saw the ecstasy on your face. He left your lips, and gassed longly at your neck where is hand was wrapped around it and your eyes were glossy from the feeling. He let go, letting the life return to your eyes. You gazed lost at him, from the relised feeling of his hand and the blood and air circulating back up to your head. He ran his hand down your neck, grazing over your chest before stopping at your waist. 
“Darling…” he started, the longing in his face, he wanted something. 
“Anything you want” you told him, the look he gave you or terror and pleasure was enought to make you want to brake on this table. He moved your hair back, beefore he took that jacket off leaving just in an almost skin tight blue shirt, showing his flexing msussles underneath and that body you wanted ontop of yours. You pulled him back to you by his belt and pulled your self and him flush while still on that table. He could tell what you waned, and what he was definitely going to do to you. Your underware was slow to be slipped off by the hand that had come back to rest by your thighs. That red piece fell to the floor, leaving the cold air to make you hiss slightly. The building tension you had for him, to do whatever he wanted to you, was insufferable. This shirt was unbuttoned slowly by your hands, wanting to just feel him. Once it was and his shirt fell you knew without even looking that all his windows and the door were locked and no one was interrupting hhat you two were doing. You new a charm of silence and cast it around the room, and the growl from Thesus when he felt it put into place almost made you loose yourself again. 
“No interruptions anymore” he said. Slowly most of your cloths were gone, and he stood there watching you, your body, as it cured to his touch. And when it was just the two of you those charms were truly needed. What ou never knew was how much thesusu enjoyed chocking you and how much he enjoyed bitting you, your neck, your thighs. You never wanted him to stop devouring you, the biute marks leaving deep red and almost bloody imprints on your skin. His thrust sent you into ecstasy, that table helping both of you that night. He made you reach the hevsns while keeping you tied down to earth. 
The next day those bite marks along your neck and chest were on display for the entire department to see, and when people got a glance at the matching set of hickies on Theseus neck and those leading down his chest, not that they could see those but you knew, the entire office was in shambles about the two of you. Those bite marks and the non visible imprint his hand left on you kept you going back to each other.
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year ago
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 2)
Because I feel that my original study on the most crushed on male Harry Potter characters was flawed, I decided to do a part 2. This time, I looked at all of the characters listed below on every website, regardless of whether they have 10 works or 10,000 works. On AO3, I also looked at original character pairings because I believe the author is usually attracted to the canon character they’re writing about or they’re writing for an audience that is attracted to the canon character. However, I couldn’t look up OC-prairings for Tumblr and Wattpad and explain why under their individual sections. The websites I looked at were AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad. These are the results as of December 31, 2023 (I know I’m late to posting this, but it’s because I forgot to add other edits to this post until now)! 
Included characters: Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, James Potter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Ominis Gaunt, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire. 
Note: I didn’t include Harry Potter (the character) because results for Harry Potter on Wattpad and Tumblr frequently returned results about the Harry Potter fandom as a whole, not Harry Potter himself. 
Original study link (August 6, 2023) here!
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*Collage is mine, but all the photos were found on Google
What I did: The number of works under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you” differed, so the green number is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. The blue number is the number of works in “(male character)/original character(s).” The red number is the added total between the green and blue numbers. The characters will be ranked based on the red number.
Draco Malfoy: 1,445 + 2,981 = 4,426 works
Severus Snape: 1,128 + 2,769 = 3,897 works
Sirius Black: 952 + 2,236 = 3,188 works
Remus Lupin: 900 + 1,500 = 2,400 works
Sebastian Sallow: 880 + 1,379 = 2,259 works
Fred Weasley: 743 + 1,228 = 1,971 works
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 361 + 979 = 1,340 works
George Weasley: 684 + 932 = 1,616 works
Ominis Gaunt: 421 + 697 = 1,118 works
Regulus Black: 223 + 878 = 1,101 works
James Potter: 375 + 506 = 881 works
Charlie Weasley: 152 + 548 = 700 works
Cedric Diggory: 232 + 422 = 654 works
Ron Weasley: 212 + 430 = 642 works
Lucius Malfoy: 202 + 384 = 586 works 
Neville Longbottom: 190 + 383 = 573 works
Theodore Nott: 95 + 426 = 521 works
Newt Scamander: 336 + 130 = 466 works
Blaise Zabini: 79+ 322 = 401 works
Oliver Wood: 123 + 198 = 321 works
Bill Weasley: 106 + 170 = 276 works
Mattheo Riddle: 59 + 108 = 167 works
Theseus Scamander: 72 + 25 = 97 works
Lorenzo Berkshire: 10 + 13 = 23 works
Potential problems: 
I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/Reader” and then “Severus Snape/Reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
Also, whenever I calculated the the number of works under both “(male character)/Original Female Character(s)” and “(male character)/Original Male Character(s)” it was always less than the the number of works under “(male character)/Original Character(s).” Therefore, I’m not sure if this means I undercounted OC-pairing works.
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. However, I couldn’t count the number of followers for any tag along the lines of (male character)/OC. This is because Tumblr doesn’t provide the number of followers for OC-pairing tags for whatever reason. Also, some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands and hundreds, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy: 15k followers
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin: 12k followers
James Potter: 10k followers
Fred Weasley: 9.2k followers
Tom Riddle: 6.6k followers
George Weasley: 6.4k followers
Newt Scamander: 6.2k followers
Regulus Black: 5.7k followers
Theodore Nott: 5.4k followers
Mattheo Riddle: 5.1k followers
Severus Snape: 4.5k followers
Sebastian Sallow: 4.2k followers
Cedric Diggory: 3.9k followers
Ominis Gaunt: 2.7k followers
Ron Weasley: 2.6k followers
Charlie Weasley: 2.2k followers
Neville Longbottom and Oliver Wood: 1.9k followers
Theseus Scamander: 1.8k followers
Bill Weasley: 1.5k followers
Lucius Malfoy and Lorenzo Berkshire: 1.4k followers
Blaise Zabini: 1.3k followers
Potential problems: 
Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x Reader” and “Lupin x Reader.” 
I’m not entirely sure how Tumblr rounds the number of followers under a tag, but the number of followers can vary drastically for characters that are tied depending on how Tumblr rounds. For example, Sirius may have 12,900 followers and Remus may have 12,009 followers, or Sirius may have 12,499 followers and Remus may have 12,001 followers. Therefore, the lack of an exact number of followers under a tag has the potential to mess up the accuracy of the total final results. 
I noticed that not every single result under the tag was actually a reader-insert post. However, I don’t think this is a major issue since I counted the number of followers under a tag who are under the impression that every post with that tag actually adheres to the tag title. 
What I did: I searched for “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these searches sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I didn’t search for anything along the lines of (male character) x OC (refer to “potential problems” for my explanation). 
Lorenzo Berkshire: 59.3k results 
Draco Malfoy: 48.7k results
Neville Longbottom: 46.2k results
Newt Scamander: 42.9k results
Cedric Diggory: 41.5k results
Ominis Gaunt: 30.3k results
Theodore Nott: 22.2k results
Ron Weasley: 19.7k results
Remus Lupin: 17.3k results
James Potter: 14.9k results
Sirius Black: 14.3k results
Severus Snape: 13k results
Fred Weasley: 11.6k results
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 11.1k results
George Weasley: 9.2k results
Oliver Wood: 4.8k results
Regulus Black: 3.4k results
Blaise Zabini: 3k results
Lucius Malfoy: 2.5k results
Mattheo Riddle: 1.8k results
Bill Weasley: 1.6k results
Charlie Weasley: 1.4k results
Sebastian Sallow: 400 results
Theseus Scamander: 175 results
Potential problems: 
I don’t think these results are very accurate, especially since Lorenzo has only 23 works on AO3 yet somehow has more results here than Draco. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x Reader and Lupin x Reader. 
Searches for James, Potter, and Remus frequently returned Marauder fanfiction collections which didn’t separate works for the individual characters. 
As I stated above, I didn’t research pairings with OCs since many of the results didn’t even return OC pairings. For example, the very first result for Snape x OFC is literally a fic of James Potter x Snape. 
If you compare my results from the original study, some of the characters have fewer results than they originally had. I’m not sure if this is an error on my part, if Wattpad changed how it returns results for searches, or if some fics were deleted. 
Wattpad doesn’t provide the exact number of results for each search, so this has the potential to mess up the final total results.
Final Total Results
Draco Malfoy: ≈68,126 admirers 
Lorenzo Berkshire: ≈60,723 admirers
Newt Scamander: ≈49,566 admirers
Neville Longbottom: ≈48,673 admirers
Cedric Diggory: ≈46,054 admirers
Ominis Gaunt: ≈34,118 admirers
Remus Lupin: ≈31,700 admirers
Sirius Black: ≈29,488 admirers
Theodore Nott: ≈28,121 admirers
James Potter: ≈25,781 admirers
Ron Weasley: ≈22,942 admirers
Fred Weasley: ≈22,771 admirers
Severus Snape: ≈21,397 admirers
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: ≈19,040 admirers
George Weasley: ≈17,216 admirers
Regulus Black: ≈10,201 admirers
Sebastian Sallow: ≈6,859 admirers
Mattheo Riddle: ≈7,067 admirers
Oliver Wood: ≈7,021 admirers
Blaise Zabini: ≈4,701 admirers
Lucius Malfoy: ≈4,486 admirers
Charlie Weasley: ≈4,300 admirers
Bill Weasley: ≈3,376 admirers
Theseus Scamander: ≈2,072 admirers
Once again, I doubt the accuracy of these results, so take these results with a grain of salt. However, I do think these results are more accurate than my last research study since I tried to be more precise. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction, follow tags on their loved character, or interact with fanfiction/the fandom in general. I will do this study on female characters sometime in the future, but I don’t know if I’ll redo this study on male characters. Thanks for reading! 
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oncasette · 2 years ago
all the boys i’ve loved before
i saw this on tiktok and thought it was cute omg. this is just off the top of my head but <3
A. adrien chase. andrew neiman. alfie solomons. adrian ivashkov.
B. barry allen. bruce wayne. bradley bradshaw. benny miller. benjamin barry.
C. charlie dalton. clark kent. cameron frye. carlisle cullen.
D. daniel larusso. darry curtis. draco malfoy. druig. din djarin. dean di laurentis. duke orsino.
E. eddie munson. eddie brock. eric northman.
F. finnick odair. finn hudson. frankie morales. ferris bueller. fred weasley. frank castle.
G. george weasley. garrett graham.
H. harry potter. hunter davenport.
J. johnny lawrence. javier peña. jj maybank. jason dean. james potter. jack daniels. jim hopper. jake seresin. jesse swanson. johnny castle.
K. knox overstreet. kai parker.
L. luke skywalker. luke castellan.
M. marcus pike. matt murdock.
N. nick bradshaw.
O. oliver wood. obi-wan kenobi.
P. peeta mellark. phil wenneck. peter parker. peter quill. peter hayes. poor heyward. pacey witter. percy jackson.
R. ronald miller. rafe cameron. rick flag. regulus black. remus lupin. ron weasley. rodrick heffley.
S. stiles stilinski. stuart twombly. steven meeks. sirius black. scott lang. steven strange. steve rogers. seth cohen. stu macher.
T. thomas. topper thornton. theseus scamander. thomas shelby.
V. vinny pazienza.
W. willard hewitt. walt finnegan.
Z. zemo. zed necrodopolis.
tagging @fleurfairie @lucasnclair @forourmoons @dameronscopilot & anyone that wants to participate!!
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its-vannah · 3 years ago
Mrs. Scamander - Theseus x Reader
A/N: I think this just topped "I Do" as my favorite fic I've ever written. I took creative liberty with Theseus' mum, which I think added a bit of humor <3
Word Count: 1,556
Warnings: Fluff (?), overbearing mothers
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"Does everyone know why we're gathered here today?" Mrs. Scamander asked, her ankles crossing over one another as she nursed a cup of tea in the palm of her hand, bringing it to her lips.
Theseus nodded, running a hand through his dark brown hair, "Because Newt-"
"No, not because of Newt. It's about you." She said with a sigh, watching as her oldest son's brows creased.
"What in the bloody hell have I done?" He asked, shock spread across his face.
"Watch your mouth, Theseus." She warned, "Theseus, it's come to my attention that since becoming Head Auror, something I'm very proud of you for, that you've been… lacking in other areas."
He groaned, "Mum, please…"
Newt stirred beside his brother, trying to keep Teddy from rumaging in between the couch cussions looking for spare change. Once he wrangled the niffler into the crook of his arm, awkwardly smiling up at his mother.
She cleared her throat, "Theseus, if you look around this room, you'll find that you're surrounded by the people who care about you most."
He surveyed the room and took in the cold hearted truth of it: He really only let three people close to him, and even then, "close" was an iffy term.
Before him, his mother sat in her quilted settee, a look of worry on her face as she looked her son up and down. There were bags under his eyes, his hair was disheveled, and his tie was loosened around his neck. Theseus had barely slept the night before, or any night this past month, really.
To his right, Newt sat holding Teddy, more preoccupied with wrangling the niffler than trying to help with his brother's intervension. And to his left, you were perched on the arm of the couch, the tea in your hands untouched. If it had been anyone else, he would have questioned why they were a part of a family matter. But you had practically grown up with he and Newt, so it went without questioning.
"Mum, it's a big responsibility. I'm tired, that's all." Theseus said, giving her a weak smile.
"Being "just tired" may work when you don't get a lot of sleep at night, but you're far beyond that point," Mrs. Scamander shook her head, "Is it true that you've been falling asleep in the office?"
His eyes widened, "How'd you find out about that one? Who told you?"
The room went silent, his mother sipped her tea, and all eyes fell on you.
"Y/N!" Theseus exclaimed, "It was one time!"
"One time this week, Thes. And it's only Monday. Last week it was eight. Trust me, I counted." You frowned, setting your teacup on the sidetable, "I only told her because I care about her. And I know you wouldn't listen to me if I told you to get some more rest."
He huffed, crossing her arms, refusing to look in her direction.
"Theseus, stop acting like a child. We all know it's true." His mother sighed, waving her wand to refill her tea.
"And I suppose Newt told you something, too? How I've been adding more and more sugar to my tea to keep myself awake?"
He regretted saying it as soon as the words left his mouth.
"You've what? Theseus, that's not at all good for your health and you know it!" Mrs. Scamander scolded, "No, Newt told me about the incident at Hogwarts. You were left in, for lack of better words, a prison… hanging upside down? Is that correct?"
"Newt got me out of there just fine, mum." Theseus grumbled, slumping back into the couch. He flinched when he felt something move behind his back, watching as you slid your hand out of the way. He had almost forgotten that you had been rubbing small circles in his back for the past fifteen minutes in an effort to be supportive.
"Watch your tone, Theseus." His mother warned, "Look, I know things have been difficult, especially this past few years. With your promotion, losing Leta, getting back on the right track with your brother… But it's time to make better decisions, starting with your lack of sleep."
Theseus shook his head, "Mum, I'm a grown man. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions."
She raised a brow and he immediately appologized, accepting his defeat, "I'll get more sleep."
"I promise." He finished.
"Now that that's out of the way, it's about time you settled down!" Mrs. Scamander explained, "I'm not getting any younger, Theseus, I'm in desperate need of a grandchild! Why, just across the street, the Wollenstones are expecting not one, but two grandchildren this spring! Come on, Theseus!"
"Why are you only asking me for grandchildren? Newt's here, too!" Theseus argued, but one look at Newt and he remembered why he hadn't settled down yet.
Mrs. Scamander rolled her eyes, "Newt already has someone on his mind, Theseus. The point is, you don't."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because I know my son."
Her words stung, but they were true. Between trying to rein his brother in and catch up to Grindlewald, he hadn't had much time to think about settling down with someone.
"I think it's best if I go. I have a lot of wo- resting- I need to do." Theseus swallowed the bile that rose in his throat, rising from his spot on the sofa.
"Aren't you going to stay for dinner? I made your favorite for dessert. Treacle Tarts." She frowned, waving her hand through the air to mimic the shape of the tart.
But Theseus continued walking, calling out that "that's Newt's favorite" over his shoulder.
Mrs. Scamander was about to follow after him, but you held out a hand, "Let me go, see if I can diffuse the tension."
She nodded briskly and you scurried after him, trying to catch him before he left.
You turned a corner into the hallway and another into the narrow foyer, dozens of photos of the boys hung on the wall, sprinkled in with at least a half dozen of you.
When you caught up to him, he was struggling to get his coat off the hangar, too frustrated to even think.
You approached him slowly, trying not to startle him. Placing a hand gently on his shoulder, you reached for the hangar with your other, "Let me help you."
He didn't fight you on it, his tight grip on the hangar loosening so you could grab it, his whole palm red from grasping it too hard.
Slipping the coat off, you set put the hangar back in the closet before helping him slip into the navy blue coat. Once it was over his shoulders, he turned back to you, a gentle smile on his face, "You were always too good to me."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a tight hug, and you grinned, "Always were a hugger, weren't you?"
Theseus stiffled a laugh, "Would you have it any other way?"
"No, I suppose I wouldn't."
You untangled yourself from him and he sighed, "I'll see you later, Y/N."
"Goodbye, Theseus." You smiled, and before he knew what he was doing, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
He then turned to walk out the door, not giving one thought about what he had just done. Then it hit him: he had kissed you. And, surprisingly, you had kissed him back.
Before the door could shut, Theseus turned and opened it back again. You stood in the exact spot you had been standing in when he had left, but your fingertips were now touching your face, a large smile spread across your lips.
Theseus couldn't help but smile back, taking long strides towards you as he tangled one hand in your hair, the other settling on your waist as he leaned in for another kiss.
Your hands found his shoulder and his chest as you fell into the embrace, lips moving against his.
Chances are, the two of you would have stayed like that for hours if it hadn't been for the clatter of a teacup on the floor.
Your heads whipped around to see Mrs. Scamander standing in the middle of the foyer, her eyes wide, tea seeping through the marble floors. She began jumping up and down, "Good Godric, it happened! Newt, it happened!"
Within seconds, she was bursting through the front door, bounding across the street to the Wollenstones, "Agatha, you won't believe it, I'm going to be a grandmother! Agatha!"
You and Theseus couldn't help but laugh, and you leaned your head into his chest, watching as his mother told the whole street about what she had witnessed, "I can't say I'm surprised."
"That my mother is sharing our moment with the whole neighborhood? Me neither."
"That's Mrs. Scamander for you." You giggled, your hand entwined with his.
"Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Mrs. Scamander." Theseus teased.
"Watch it, Theseus." You responded, raising a brow, "But for the record, I prefer gold bands over silver."
Back in the tea room, you could hear Newt call out, "That's what Teddy prefers, too, so I'd be careful if I were you!"
The two of you laughed, releasing the breath you had been holding for far too long.
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