#but a Son nontheless
lyneytricks · 5 months
omg no i'm late :(((( BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!
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THANK YOU !!!! i didn't wish you a happy birthday when yours came up... happy late birthday (by 25 days) ily mwah
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laski-and-sage · 2 years
Pip: Meat, consumed as comfort food, is also an emotional support animal...
Alucard, slamming a fist on the table and standing up: NO! NO, NO, NO, NO! GodDAMNIT! You're never smokig again! I'll tell TJ so she won't give you anything anymore! I can't TAKE it anymore!
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trainerethan · 10 days
My favorite pokemon is crobat but there's like no crobat merch on the market. So instead I've been collecting Pikachu merch since I was like. 16. It wasn't one of my faves it was just the most widely available. But at some point I did come to love it. And now it's come full circle because red is now my favorite pokemon character and Pikachu is his partner. The universe has a plan for us all. Mine was to become a reguri fan.
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archiveoftragedies · 10 months
You should've raised a babygirl I should've been a better son I wish I could be a girl and that way you'd wish I could be your girlfriend boyfriend i wear women's underwear and then I go to strike a pose in my full-length mirror you should've been a mother you should've been a wife you should've been gone from here years ago you should be living a different life lyrics that hit different depending on whether you're transmasc or transfem but that hit hard nontheless
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 month
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Artwork I commissioned from @rainbow-zebra-art of my Sabezra fankids, Brycan and Mazal Wren-Bridger! Thank you so much for this, RZ!
As a reminder for anyone interested, these two exist in my personal Star Wars AU, which is a hybrid of the Legends EU, Disney Canon, and other SW properties I want to squeeze in. I'll put some more specific stuff about them under the cut.
Brycan was born on Krownest in 10 ABY, growing up in the immediate aftermath of the Thrawn Campaign. He grows up as a close friend of Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, while also being super close to his "uncles" Kanan and Zeb and "aunts" Hera and Ketsu. Brycan is a kind and friendly boy who nontheless has a sarcastic streak rivaling his parents, and his passion for athletics and martial arts serves him well in his Mandalorian upbringing and Jedi training. Unsurprisingly, Brycan still grows up with a good deal of pressure, what with being descended from two cultural factions known for conflict with each other and being the child of two prominent war heroes. Determined to live up to his heritage while also stepping out of his parents' shadows, Brycan becomes a passionate Mandalorian warrior before enrolling in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Paraxeum on Yavin 4 at age 14. He does struggle to reconcile the contradictory aspects of the Mandalorians and the Jedi, but he does eventually learn to form a good balance with the help of his parents and Din Djarin.
The Yuuzhan Vong War puts Brycan though the biggest wringer yet, as the horrors of war cost him multiple friends and his mother is grievously wounded shortly after giving birth to his sister Mazal. He is roped into a faction of more militant Mandalorian crusaders who encourage him to give into his passions and pain, leading to a tense conflict with his father and a personal vendetta with the Vong commander Nas Choka. However, Ezra manages to save his son from falling down the dark path, and he rejects the hollow promises of revenge. He finally comes into his own as a Jedi Knight by wars' end, priding himself as a credit to his forebearers as a true Mandalorian Jedi.
Other notes:
-Brycan built his lightsaber in imitation of designs favored during the High Republic, featuring a physical crossguard below the emitter. Reflecting his mixture of Jedi and Mandalorian tradition, the crossguard is composed of solid beskar while his kyber crystal is an Adegan sapphire.
-Brycan is one of the most accomplished lightsaber duelists of his generation, mastering both the Shien and Djem-So sides of Form V as well as boasting a comprehensive academic understanding of numerous martial arts from across the galaxy. Thouhg he favors his lightsaber, he always wears a Mandalorian vambrace wherever he goes, loaded with a Dur-24 wrist laser, a fibercord whip, a portable energy shield, and whistling birds.
-Brycan's strength in the Force is easily comparable to his dad, though he appropriately focuses on the more physical aspects of his power. He's not as advanced a telepath as Ezra, but he compensates by being an awesome telekinetic and taking up a special interest in energy diffusion.
-While not as vibrant as his mom, he still inherited Sabine's artistic skill, particularly as a sketch artist. He can produce a nearly flawless rendering of someone in a heartbeat and has a talent for hand-drawn maps and starcharts. He occasionally cooks up new designs for his mom to try out.
-His best friend is Han and Leia's daughter Jaina, both of their natural fighting instincts feeding their desire to test and improve themselves. Sparring together is their favorite pastime, where they have traded wins and losses over the years.
-While a combat-oriented Jedi raised as a Mandalorian does raise some immediate assumptions, Brycan's passion for fighting is not as a blood sport. He sees it as a way of expression of his spirit, and he puts it to use for the good of others. He lives by the Form V maxim of "peace through superior firepower", wielding his skill to strike out at injustice and protect the innocent, not to flaunt his power. He doesn't go looking to pick a fight, but if fighting needs to be done, he is razor-keen and committed.
-Teenage rebellion and war trauma aside, he loves his parents more than anything in the world and adores his younger sister Mazal.
-Despite lacking Ezra's strong affinity for animals, Brycan does owns a Loth-wolf he rescued as a cub named Beskad (the mando'a word for "sword"). The two are nearly inseparable, though his efforts to mold Beskad into an oversized hunting dog have had minimal success.
Mazal was born on Mandalore in 26 ABY during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Growing up in the shadow of the conflict, Mazal resolved to do her part to help put the galaxy back together after being nearly ripped apart. Like her older brother, Mazal initially wanted to become a powerful Mandalorian Jedi warrior, joining in the battles and adventures. However, this was shattered when she went on her first serious combat mission, helping in an effort to subdue a combine of pirates seeking to exploit the post-war chaos on Carlac. The mission ended in a horrific disaster, with the strike team being decimated in an ambush and narrowly escaping back to GA space. Traumatized by her experiences, Mazal found her previous passion lost, even considering turning in her lightsaber and throwing out her armor so as to never be stained by that violence again. Fortunately, Mazal received much-needed counseling from both Jedi Healers and more mundane therapists, and Sabine helped her daughter rediscover her calling. Feeling that the galaxy needed healing hands far more than warriors, Mazal was drawn to the ideals of the late Duchess Satine Kryze, seeing the value of promoting peace over the use of force. Taking up the path of a Jedi Healer and joining the reformed Mandalorian Protectors, Mazal channeled her passion into humanitarian aid, traveling the galaxy to help pick up the pieces of disaster and conflict. In a way, she does manage to become just as much of a Mandalorian Jedi as Brycan, albeit one dedicated to the higher calling of the Force and the more grounded tenents of the Resol'nare.
Other notes:
-"Mazal" is a Hebrew name meaning "good fortune". I chose this to fit a naming theme with her father Ezra as well as to reflect the safety of her birth given Sabine's injuries soon afterward.
-Despite no longer being a dedicated fighter, Mazal still keeps up on her training. She may not like fighting, but if the people she's helping need a lightsaber to protect them or Mandalorian armor to shield them, she won't hesitate to use it.
-Powerful in her own right, Mazal's Force abilities manifest strongest in her advanced skill in the healing arts, directly studying under Master Cilghal at the Jedi Academy. She also shares her father's sense-based aptitude, focusing on life-detection and projective telepathy to aid in her relief work.
-Unlike Brycan, Mazal is just as much of an artist as Sabine, constantly redecorating her room with new paintings and sketches. Her hair is her most common canvas, rarely going a month with the same dye job.
-Mazal is a self-professed daddy's girl; not even the Force can get Ezra to say no to her. At the same time, possibly as a result of having come so close to losing her and her mother, Ezra is almost overprotective of her, and was beside himself when she came home shell-shocked from Carlac. Sabine grows closer to her during her recovery period, and their time painting together played a big part in getting her back on her feet.
-She gets along well with Ben Skywalker, both being close to each other during their training. Outside of her family, Ben's the one she can confide in the most.
-Mazal is bi and dates Zay Versio as a teenager.
Feel free to ask me more about these two!
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mellowwillowy · 11 months
that said, yes, our reader is a... uhhh... artificial. Just like husband. So we all know (probably not), actually no. I haven't posted an official timeline yet.
To keep it in a nutshell,
We have a husband, we have a reader. FUSIONNNNNNN!
They lived happily ever after until reader died.
Husband went crazy, made a deal with a mage and traveled across time and story books to kill all of reader's pieces/false vessels.
There are 2 marks, Dystopia and Utopia.
Some of the stories that were featured in dystopia would be Uphill Daisies (uploaded but halted due to lack of time, Yulian didn't make that much of appearance since it mostly revolves around reader and the guests), Ways of Dying and Living (no fix title, it's about Yulian preventing reader from dying but he failed nontheless)
If Yulian tries to live the happily ever after shit in Dystopia, he will fail horribly :)
The dice will be rolled and it'll only show death to reader. So after multiple rolls, Yulian decided to kill this reader and reform them.
The death during delivery was caused by how the body couldn't withstand making another consciousness for the child so reader's consciousness was passed to the child instead.
He thought he could save reader with this but oho lol no. As proven by how reader still died even after giving birth to these 2 children.
Basically, it's nothing surprising seeing him killing reader. He had killed us so many times, but in the very most peaceful way he could muster ^^
Things will never be right, not until he could reach the Utopia. That means he should fight the finale and time, Eleanor the Finale and *** (Reader) the Time [for a different fic].
Yulian- Adam the Genesis, fighting the finale? Nice.
Ps: Yulian is an artificial man, Alpha. Reader is an Alpha too. Some other casts are too.
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puppysirie0-0 · 6 months
Can I request an angst Aleksander Morozova fix where is wife just head there son and it was a really hard birth and all he can remember is her scream and cry while clutching his hand. She’s asleep and the baby wakes up, at first Aleksander is a bit apprehensive to hold him but doesn’t want his wife to wake up. So he hold the baby and when he sees that the baby has Y/n’s eyes he just falls in love. Sorry if this was long. Hopping you have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️
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Pairing: Husband!Aleksander Morozova x Wife!Reader
Warnings: There is none, it just a BIG OL' FLUFFY FLUFFY BEAR
When Aleks heard about the baby he was scared but also delighted. He knew exactly what NOT to do, but he didn't know what TO do. And not to mention the state of the world. It was no place to raise a child. But nontheless, he was elated to be starting a family with you, his wife.
Aleksander was by your side when your water broke. He stayed by your side as you were in labor. He watched you cry and scream. Listened as you yelled bloody murder for your child to come into the world. He wiped your tears and swiped the sweat off your forehead. Held your hand as you squeezed it so hard it felt it would fall off from the lack of circulation.
Once the baby was delivered he almost felt disappointment. His wife had been in pain and not only could he not help her but he was part of the cause.
You pass out after the baby was cleaned and fed. You held your daughter in your arms but Aleks was yet to. But the baby starts wailing right after you fell asleep and Aleksander knew he could at least help with this.
He walked over to the cradle and held out his hand. He was trying to muster the nerve to go up and lift the baby. You had already decided a name, Luna. He walked over and created shadows to amuse the child, but she just continued crying.
He picks her up, just like the nurses had. Dealing special attention to her head and trying his best to support her. He looks down at her as she stops crying. He had nothing but a loose tunic on, having abandoned his kefta and other layers while you were in labor. The baby is flush against he exposed chest as he holds her.
He continues to stare down at her before he notices her eyes. She had the same eyes as you, a light grey. He had poured pools upon pools of love into eyes just like those and this time was no different. As soon he saw the familiar eyes on Luna's cherub face, his heart had melted.
You woke up in the morning to see Aleks napping with Luna on his chest. Luna laid there in the silence of the early morning to see your husband. You admired the two, your two favorite beings in the same room as you. You were exhausted but you were happy. You were irrecoverably and irreversibly happy. No one would take this from you, No one at all.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Thank you so much for the ask, I absolutely loved writing this! Have a great evening to anyone still awake, and amazing day to anyone getting up. Again, my inbox and messages are always open if you want to send in a request or just talk. Love y'all, mwah!
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validwarriorcatsnames · 9 months
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Hi! this is my beautiful round son Dirtbean, i found him on the street as a kit a few years ago and named him after that one meme, but im curious as to what you think his name would be
hes playful and bites a lot but get easily scared and used to get beat up by the ladies in the house but fights nontheless
He already has a valid name
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paninidanini · 8 months
Huge shoutout to ShomethingForSuree for this AWESOME Commission!!!
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I know I haven't show much of Yumi and Kyojuro's relationship and how they grow together but LISTEN UP IM COOKING SOMETHINGG
I would like to talk about them teehee! At leat about the kids they have
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So, these are Yumi and Kyojuro's triplets!! From left to right, Daijuro, Ryojuro and Keijuro!
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First son - Daijuro Rengoku (煉獄 大寿郎)
Second son - Ryojuro Rengoku (煉獄 諒寿郎)
Third son - Keijuro Rengoku (煉獄 佳寿郎)
The new additions to the Rengoku Family, Yumi was able to have triplets and this meant a huge addition to the family, ofc they were more than ungrateful for such bliss! The moment the babies were born Kyojuro was already a proud father, willing to do anything to be the best father he can be. Senjuro is really happy for his brother and Yumi ofc, as he is excited for the new additions of the family, specially since he has the oppotunitty to be an uncle and potentially raise the boys too!
Who got the biggest surprise was Shinjuro who was inmediattly curious towards the kid's unusual hair nature. While they had the Rengoku's genes, their hair seemed way to be very different from what Shinjuro was used to, not that it was bad, but it surprised him to see different 'patterns' on his grandchildren. Nonetheless, he was proud of his son and Yumi to be able to have a family after so much pain, willing to be a way better grandparent than he has been to his kids for most of their lives
Kyojuro? He couldn't be any happier, since the day he knew Yumi was pregnant he was excited for the news, getting everything ready and doting on her. And once the newborns were there, he cried freely, knowing that this was going to be a new and big episode of his life, one that he was excited to take as he looked at his offspring's faces and how lifely they already were. He was sure his mother would be so proud of him too!
Yumi was very excited for this new chapter too! She didnt expect triplets althought of the Katagiri's historial of being always a numerous family, but she felt blessed to have 3 children nontheless. She found the Rengoku features on the newborns to be absolutely adorable, even with their big eyebrows she was just so in love with these childs already!
As the kids grew up their personalities showed up too. Keijuro was on the softer side, very similar to his uncle. A kind and gentle soul who enjoyed even the smallest things on life, he grew up drawn towards music
Ryojuro is very energetic as his father, he is more on the playful side, getting bored of things quite quickly and looking out for better ways of entertaining himself, althought he never was super reckless or a troublemaker. Ryojuro also showed to be very affectionate with Shinjuro as a child, and as he grew older it shifted into friendly matches
On the other hand, Daijuro proved to be more adventurous ever since he was a baby, climbing up on anything taller than him and being a true challenge to his parents. Kyojuro panicked multiple times being unable to find Daijuro, and when he would find him, Daijuro would always be on some life-threatening heights for his age, always wondering how he got up there in the first place. Daijuro grew up deeply interested in the Demon Slayer and the famous Flame Breathing althought his parents never allowed him to properly practice it rather than some basics
Since there were no more demons, both Yumi and Kyojuro saw useless to show him the experienced techniques of the family, specially due to the huge amount of investment that had to be done to reach Kyojuro's level. So as a way to cope Daijuro would always try to find adventures outside his home, oftenly getting into trouble on the village, he even scapes to 'uncle' Tengen's house since he sees him as a way cooler despiction of a Former Hashira than his own dad (ouchies, althought this is mainly bc Tengen allows Daijuro to be reckless and face no consecuences for his actions)
On the future, Yumi and Kyojuro have twins but I dont have a design for them yet sooo, it will stay there so far!! Enjoy this edit I made and ty for reading <3
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lime-bucket · 3 months
Notice how i never brought up eve in any of my complaints abt cain & abel?its not becuz i havent thought abt her,but since we all know how viv writes her female characters,theres not a universe in wich eve would have been handled properly in the narrative,like at least theres an open plot potential fr her sons😑the most nice possibility i could thing is it will be revealed she divorced adam long ago & got herself a new man/angel IF THEY MAKE EVE & LILITH A THING ISTFG IM GONNA-
Howvr i still have hope that eve in s2 gonna appear as an obstacle against lute & her plans once shell step in & take over adam high position,or she could offer aid to emily on contacting charlie in hell to help the sinners.& even if eve wont contribute to the plot they can just cut to her showing sir pentious around in heaven & helping him get use to his new life.
Nontheless im afraid she wont matter in any way in HH cuz ever since the story introduced lilith as the rebellious wife of adam i had this worry that eve will be the foil to her & have a submissive/meek role
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verdemoun · 23 days
Pspspsps! Just food for thought about pets inspired by your wonderful precious amazing incredible Micah art piece 🤭💕
In the modern au, I was imagining Baylock would be a dog, even though I can honestly see Micah being a cat guy because they’re so independent. Maybe he’s a pittie? Or some other “tough” breed that Micah gets to look badass, but Baylock is the sweetest puppy around. Micah tries to hose him outside to get him mean and “wake up his fighting spirit” but Baylock just gargles the water and does that pitbull lip flappy chomp on the hose
I think the Count would be a white Persian cat that Dutch constantly takes to shows. He takes priority over his actual human sons even though the Count would turn Dutch in to the cops for a piece of kibble
Bonus African Gray Parrot Silver Dollar that Hosea somehow inherited and adores nontheless
Thank you for all your amazing posts!!! You’re an inspiration mwah
If I'm an inspiration you're awe-inspiring poppet.
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Micah has a doggo called Baymax! Pets don't get reincarnated though a lot of the gang named their pets after their horses (rip only Arthur has a horse). Baymax is a massive white bulldog mutt Micah got as a 6month puppy from a shelter 1. thinking puppy was his adult size and 2. because the name Baymax reminded him of Baylock. Baymax was clearly neglected and has many scars from either other dog attacks or abuse and was the most cowardly dog Micah could've picked up. Despite growing to a very respectable 110 lbs and absolutely striking fear into the hearts of parents of small children everywhere with his looks Baymax is the biggest sook. Micah claims he is a guard dog only for Baymax to cower behind him at the slightest hint of confrontation (another dog tried to sniff his butt). Micah is not afraid to babytalk his dog in front of the gang. Everyone knows what little mental stability Micah has is linked to that dog. Of course Micah will also pretend he has no emotional attachments to Baymax and call him a dirty mutt at gathering, to which Baymax happily bounces over because it's pretty much the nickname Micah uses when he's dropped food for his living vacuum to clean up. Micah only learned to use a stove so he could cook steak and hamburgers for his dog while he lives on take out and frozen microwave meals. Baymax loves the hose but also when Micah took him to the beach he had to teach his dog to swim. The only doggy life vest in store in Baymax's size was baby girl pink and Micah still insists Baymax looks terrifying in it.
Dutch is the bird man! He has an albino canary called the Countess that is his favorite. Yes he would probably blow off actually leaving the psych ward to see the gang if he was too busy fussing over his birds. He has every color of canary you can imagine because Dutch can only form emotional attachments to thing he can keep in a cage.
Hosea doesn't need a pet he has Kieran and Javier to look after. Similar to owning cats he needs to remind them when to eat, deal with 'i won't drink out of that glass i don't know how long the water was sitting there' 'how did you survive as an outlaw', and keeps a spray bottle on hand to stop them making out on the couch. Kieran however has chickens and Hosea has walked into the living room to find out Kieran snuck the chickens inside because it was raining. In Kieran's defense they're very domesticated chickens who will just sit on his lap while he's watching his shows.
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thatspanishwitch · 10 months
What's coming up this December? ★ ☆
This reading is for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates leave what doesn't.
I'll be using The Labyrinth and The Wild Unknown Tarot decks, abreviated to L and WU for this post.
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Pile I ---------- Pile II ---------- Pile III
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Pile I
L Tarot: 2 Cups RV
WU Tarot: Temperance & 2 Coins RV
The two of cups can talk about two things mainly, self love or a relationship (be it romantic or otherwise) in this case, and due to later cards, I'm inclined to think it's the first. At the beginning of this month you're going to have struggles with your own self worth and how it's tied to work and your own productivity, how much money you can get (2 Coins Reversed).
The 2 of Coins in its reversed state tells me you're overcommitted to what you deem as work, it's starting to eat at you, others might not notice yet but you know this. Mind you, work is there for a reason, pay your bills, do what you need to do, but also take time to relax, have in mind your production is not all you are.
The Temperance card does tell that you'll be able to balance yourself, maybe getting further into your own spirituality, maybe just taking time for self care after the hard work, it advises to practice balance and moderation.
L Tarot: Knight Swords RV
WU Tarot: Son Cups RV & 4 Sword
The combination of the Knight of Sword reversed and the Son of Cups reversed points out how you'll likely start getting your motivation back, that you'll get a new idea that motivates you to continue moving forward, something that gives you energy and makes you happy. That being said you'll feel like something is holding you back.
Maybe you feel like you'll go back to the burn out state, maybe there's a rivalry in the background, someone who's actively, or not, telling you not to do this idea. While you shouldn't be doubting your intuition you should actively ask yourself what could you realistically lose from this endeavor.
In this time you should consider that question, relaxing and contemplating how to actually put into action that project, meditation comes to mind as a good idea. Take time to fully recharge while you plan ahead.
L Tarot: 2 Wands
WU Tarot: 5 Swords RV & Father Cups
Some news may come by the end of the month, tho what the two of wands most likely means in this reading is how you're continuing to plan this project, this time in a more concrete way. That being said, you're not ready to launch it just yet. There will be risks and I'm getting that you haven't planned for those yet or that you will be doing so in this time.
During this last part of the month you'll most deffinetly get into arguments, maybe it's someone from the past, but what's most likely is that it's someone that didn't notice you getting burnout and got upset at your previous inactivity to recover, this is a recent enough argument but a past one nontheless.
Both the Five of Swords reversed and the King of Cups however indicate that you need to resolve this, it's an argument that you're both fighting to win at the other's expense, or at least one of the parties is.
Embody the Kind of Cups and be the bigger person, don't let this get to you and choose diplomacy, it's for the better. An argument it's only an argument if two are fighting, remain stubborn on this if it's needed and don't give the other person any chance at thinking this is something that's going to continue, mend the bond and move on.
Bottom of the deck: Tower (Labyrinth) & 5 Coins RV (Wild Unknown)
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Pile II
L Tarot: 10 Wands RV
WU Tarot: Emperor & Hermit
The begging of this month may come with increased responsibilities you're not prepared for, although most likely it's an increase in number of things rather than difficulty. Maybe holding onto a burden that you don't need to, or those new responsibilities turning into that.
Most of you might be in a position of leadership within this situation, maybe you have your own business or are a manager of some sort. You shouldn't be scared to say no to this new "burdens" if you feel like you aren't able to meet the expectations.
Either way, you should be firm about it, embody the Emperor as best as you can and when in doubt follow your inner guidance, meditation is once again on my mind even if not as prominently as Pile I. The Hermit also points to this being a pivotal point in your life, a new direction being considered maybe.
L Tarot: 5 Swords
WU Tarot: 4 Swords & Father Coins RV
The previous situation may have ended badly, even if you won you both lost, maybe in your case there was the reputation from taking it all and finally saying no. There's a sense that there will be bad blood, the 5 of Swords indicates that you should search for a common ground to mend this relationship.
All this will leave you exhausted and you might get a cold or something of the like, nothing worrisome, just stress catching up to you. You are encouraged to rest in this time and to contemplate the previous situation, specially because of the Father of Coins Reversed apearing.
Don't obsess with what could have been monetarily nor with your wealth, don't fall into the Father of Coins in it's reversed energy, I'm unsure why but gambling comes to mind, so if you do have an issue with it don't fall into that.
L Tarot: Strength
WU Tarot: High Priestess RV & Star
The end of your month cards tell you to be strong and have courage in front of this adversities, you might fall into a bad state of mind in which you'll be disconnected from your intuition if you don't stay strong.
The Star however, being the last card of the reading, does tell of an optimistic outcome, that you'll be able to get through it all as difficult as it may be.
There may be new possibilities opening in that near future of inspiration might come down on you in this trying times, end of the day, you'll still shine in the sky.
Bottom of the deck: 5 Cups RV (Labyrinth) & Temperance (Wild Unknown)
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Pile III
L Tarot: 6 Coins RV
WU Tarot: Daughter Swords & 5 Wands
This pile has an emphasis on charity work, be it emotional or monetary, but having in account the fact that the 6 of Coins comes up again in the middle of the month it's probably monetary.
All this is said because you'll find yourself in a spot in which you'll have to stop doing this charity work, self care is a message that I'm getting along with investigating new ideas, maybe buying yourself a new book that you have been wanting.
This however will not be well received, people who feel entitled to your donations will make comments, that as much as you both have a common goal there is opposition. This is likely due to that entitlement or them not having a good balance in their life with this aspect, which you'll be trying to achieve.
L Tarot: 2 Swords RV
WU Tarot: 6 Coins & 2 Coins RV
The previous conflict will make you feel like you're trapped between the sword and the wall, thinking that there's no fully good option in which direction to take. Probably it'll be indecisiveness over continuing charity or not.
In this reading I do get that you'll go back to charity and that, while fruitful as always, this time people will try to scam you out of your generosity.
The Two of Coins reversed talks of not only over commitment to compensate for your "time lost" but also a fake ness and manipulation of a certain situation, whether it's coming from you is unclear but as previously stated it's probably from those who were telling you to continue donating.
L Tarot: Page Coins RV
WU Tarot: Ace Swords & The Lovers
This will all culminate in a loss of money and a lack of progress and even steps backwards, you may want to conduct your work in a different manner, brainstorming new ideas but nothing more at the beginning.
Eventually the cards do tell of a breakthrough with the Ace of Swords, you may want to keep your cards close to your chest until you've fully realized your plan tho. Surely, seek for council if needed, but don't listen to the chatter in the background.
All in all you'll come to a decision, two paths clearly laid out, maybe a partnership of some sort will come up too, but i think that the Lovers here is more of an indication of this decision.
Bottom of the deck: Fool RV (Labyrinth) & Mother Cups (Wild Unknown)
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Separators are mine
Tiles are from Pinterest 1 - 2 - 3
If you have any constructive criticism feel free to comment on it
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spotforme · 5 months
i've had Deb and Arlene on my mind because i want to know how they handled the babies (maybe not babies, they were grown up when they got sent back, but Deb's kids nontheless) like to me they seem even more chaotic, like how the hell did they handle two sons suddenly coming on board? did they include them in game nights? did they send them away to somewhere?? from what i understand Jim and Bexley appeared as adults so would their brains be at an adult nuanced understanding level even though they've only lived for a few days. i want to know if Arlene and Deb took as good care of them as Lister and Rimmer allegedly did. like in their reverse society too i just want to know how they're getting on with their dadmoms now
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hiko-the-teacup · 11 months
finally time for me to claw and rip something apart to turn it into a silly little AU
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the most well known members of Count Wayne's family
I present to you:
Count Bruce Wayne: known in town to be a scary albeit charitable man. Rumoured to be some sort of vampire or spectre.... these allegations have been partially regulated by Count Wayne's compliance to show up in public more often and putting on a friendly face
Richard "Wayne": known as Count Wayne's firstborn, he's actually a young man who was TOTALLY NOT TURNED INTO A VAMPIRE and had to escape his town. Bruce found him and took him in. Big hotshot in town due to his charisma and title as a bachelor
Jason "Wayne": known as Count Wayne's second son, was murdered and revived as a vampire adjacent ghoul. Very aggressive but has good intentions. Also an illegally adopted son that Count Wayne passed as his actual child
Timothy "Wayne": if this was set in modern day he'd probably be a Twilight fan. Very interested in the nature of vampires and supernatural beings, got turned by an ill meaning vampire which was promptly killed by Count Wayne, who took Timothy under his wing, pun intended.
Sleepless, tired but not unenthusiastic.
Rumoured around town to be a vampire. He doesn't care to hide it, the rest of the family does that for him
Damian Wayne: Count Wayne's ACTUAL firstborn. Born in another region and brought back to him by a mother who decided Damian should know his paternal roots and the reason he suddenly feels the need to aggressively rip onto small critters for blood. A half vampire, though he WILL state that he is more vampire than any of his so called brothers could ever be. He was heartbroken by his aggressive urges and in response became an avid animal lover
these are only a few of the many people that live in the dark castle across the forest, four more residents are mostly shadowed by the most know members, but are there nontheless....
in the next post ofc :3c
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at1nys-blog · 9 months
His own Valkyrja
Pairing: fem!Doctor!reader x Hvitserk Ragnarsson
Summary: Valkyrje. They come from the sky to take to Valhalla the warrior that feel in battle but Hvitserk Ragnarsson has his own, very different version of a Valkyrja
A/N: This came to mind while watching Doctor who specials on DIsney+ and I wanted to write a ff for the series since I am back at watching it but I dind't want reader to be the companion so I inverted the roles and made a crossover with my favourite historical Tv Show. Also the TARDIS is referred as she because I felt like doing so.
A/N pt.2: There are a couple of words in Old Norse like já that means yes and Valkyrja/Valkyrje, Old Norse for Valkyria/Valkyrie
The song is in danish/old norse so here a transation of the song
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It was a simple day in Kattegat, nothing special was going on, not during winter. During the snowy season there were just talks, talks about what was the best curse of actions to take in the spring. Were they going to plunder back a new Saxon’s city or were they going to discover and plunder a complete new city? This was something only the spring and summer could tell.
The winter wind was blowing, hard and consistent, like an old friend that wants to catch up. Everyone wearing thick coats to protect themselves from the cold weather and in the crowded market of the city, one of the sons of Ragnar was walking around.
The prince, the man or whatever you want to call him, didn’t had a place to be, nor he was really interested in what people sold in their lonely stools. He just needed time for himself, away from his brothers, his mother and the lords who tried their everything to become friends with him.
Walking around the city, head up to the clouds, Hvitserk Ragnarsson didn’t notice when he walked outside the city’s walls. It was when he was at the forest’s door that he was brought back to reality.
Looking behind him, he couldn’t see the city, nor hear the chattering of the market anymore. It was just him, a snowy and grey landscape. His mind wondered if he had to go back, but then he decided to stay out a little bit longer. He knew that if anyone needed him, they were going to send someone to find him.
The landscape was snowy and grey and silent. Too much silence was keeping company to the warrior, he started singing. Sure, between his brothers he knew Sigurd was the most artistic one. He was the one with a nice voice and gentle touch and the one with the mind filled with honey like words, but Hvitserk, he was pretty sure he came in good second.
The song was one that his mother's maiden used to sing to him and the rest of the Ragnarssons, it was about Ymir and was rather short but his favourite nontheless.
The forest too was silent. The trees' leaves weren't rustling; birds did not chirp on top of his singing voice and no animals dared to make a noise. It was like the wild that populated that place was admiring his voice.
Hvitserk performance got interrupted by a leaves rustling, as if someone moved them aside to not trip or to get hurt. The prince tried to find the source of the noise, ready to fight it was from a foe-man or an ally. Some seconds later he saw her, a female figure walking directed straight to north.
Hvitserk was able to get a glance of her, taking him just a couple of details: she couldn't be taller than him, maybe some centimeters shorter, from his standing point he couldn't say for sure; her hair were messy and up in a simple braid. He decided to follow her, from a distance to not scare her away and to be in control in case she was enemy to him and his kingdom.
Hvitserk Ragnarsson notice her choice of style was weird, nothing he had saw before. The coat was too long, coming down on her ankles; her feet covered in a colorful pair of...
"What are those called?" he asked, curios and getting the girl's attention. She turned back in an instant, and she had to close her eyes a little if she didn't want to faint there in front of him. The viking approached her carefully, slow in his step and stepping back every now and then.
"What... what are you talking about?" she spoke his language, if that was the case maybe she wasn't an enemy. He pointed at her feet, asking once more what those things were. Looking down, the unfamiliar presence kept silence for some seconds. "Those are called sneakers but you won't need to learn the name, don't worry." was her answer.
"Sneakers." he repetead on and on, as to grab the essence of the word, as if he was trying to taste the word she just spoke.
"I was trying to search for some more historically appropriate footwear but my space ship had a problem and it dropped in the middle of the forest. You know where I can find a river or a lake? I really need some water right about now." Even though Hvitserk could understand what she was saying he couldn't understand what she was talking about, she had dropped a word he had no idea what it meant, it wasn't in his native language. The stranger could tell he was confused. "right, you don't know what space ship means. Again nothing to worry about or for you to keep in mind."
"You say I don't have to worry about a lot of things and still haven't told me your name. I am prince Hviterser son of king Ragnar and Queen Aslaugh." he introduced himself. The figure smiled.
"You are right, how rude of me to not introduce myself. I am The Doctor, but not the doctor you are thinking. I can't cure people." the more this so called Doctor spoke, the more Hvitserk's mind was in a state of confusion, what was she talking about?
"Then what do you cure?" a smirk appeared on her face and the prince was warry of that, was it a good or bad sign? She streatched out her hand tilting her head on the side, it was a clear invitation to take her hand and follow wherever she was goint to. It took him a quick minute to decide to trust her, if she was there to kill him she should have tried already. Not that he thought she could do it, but he felt like she wasn't as weak as she seemed.
"you have nice skin." he commented with a small smile pictured on his features. It hadn't been a long time since he had touched a woman but her skin felt different, it made him feel different.
"I think I've heard someone singing, was it you?" the viking man answered with a quick já that he was sure she understood. "You have a nice voice. Can you sing me a song? If you don't mind, of course." Hvitserk started to sing, a different and longer song than the one he had sung previously to meet her, with a calmer tune. This one talked about a love story between a Valkyrja and a brave warrior.
Hvitersk kept his eyes on the Doctor, thinking that she resembled a Valkyrie. Just like the divine creature, she had come from the sky, sure in a ship made for the space, but still from the sky. He felt like she had found him, maybe he was dreaming and it was all in his head. He thought, for a moment, that she came into his dreams to foresee his imminent death.
He didn't notice her halting in her steps, bumping into her. Hvitserk apologized and she realized something was wrong with the TARDIS' translation circuit because she couldn't understand what he had told her, pretty much he had apologized but still, the word didn't register in her mind.
The language, the one she knew as Old Norse, sounded like an old song. She loved it, and it made it at the top of her list of favourite language--something her ninth version started--alongside Ancient North Martian and Sittuun.
She looked left and right, as to remember which way to go, where did the TARDIS landed? East or West? Hvitserk noticed she never let go of his hand, not even when she had trouble keeping her balance. Her hand still in his.
They walked some more and the prince kept on singing, he performed three songs since she had asked the first time, and he was about to sing a fourth one when she let go of his hand. Hvitserk felt the cold wind now, his hand felt the cold weather and if she didn't rushed towards a blue box he would have kept his hand in hers. He liked it.
He kept his eyes on her, walking inside and he waited a little bit. For what he didn't know but he felt it wasn't right to get inside without an invite. She came out some minutes later, asking him why he was staying outside.
"I didn't think I could..."
"Nonsense, come on. I want to show you something." and back inside she went. He followed her, slowly. He had the idea it was an ambush, he had to be carefull. "I'm down here" she said when he opened the door. His eyes couldn't believe what he had in front of him. He walked outside, went around the blue box and then back inside. "I know she is..."
"Smaller outside." he comented. His choice of words triggered her, he saw it. She stiffened, just for a second and he was about to ask if she was doing fine but she didn't gave him the time to ask. "You remind me of a friend I've lost." he was about to give her his condolecence but once again she didn't let him talk, it was like she could read his mind. "Is okay, I'm used to that but here. Come."
Hvitserk approached her, and once again The Doctor took his hand and walked him in front of a square object, with colorful moving drawings.
"What is this?" he asked looking at her.
"This, my dear Hvitserk Ragnarsson is what is hidden behind the sky. Do you want to aknowledge what there is outside of this world?" he noticed her eyes were blinking, like all the starts decided to move into her eyes. She looked etheral, out of this world, just like her blue box.
He agreed, why not? He had nothing to do, nothing to loose so he decided to follow her. He would have followed her no matter what and he was fine with it. He had found his Valkyrja.
He walked around the weird looking piece of metal, studying carefully everything. There were letters he couldn't name but at the same time shapes and colors he had seen both in Kattegat and in his travels over the icy seas; there were objects, like mirrors but they never reflected his face but people he had never met. He was fascinated and confused at the same time.
An earthquake shook up the little blue box and he lost balance for a second, finding support on one of the weird object that were surronding the space inside the box. Hvitserk heard her giggle, for a second and then she was back working on whatever there was in the deepths of that box.
"Doctor, so what exactly did you wanted to show me?" he asked still looking around. Everytime he turned he noticed something new and he was curious to find out what it was.
"I wanted to show you..." her head appearing from somewhere below him. "Something amazing, but I need to fix my ship" she commented.
"This doesn't look like a ship at all." he retored and once again he tried to fullfill his curiosity about what she had called a ship.
"Not in the sense of what you are familiar, no is not, but is a different type of ship." she answered back. "is a ship that sails through time and space" she tried to use words he could understand and even if he did know what sail meant, I mean he did that every spring and summer, he couldn't wrap his head around how a thing could sail through time and space. "this ship can go whenever on this Earth and in every time you want: back in the past, or foward in the future."
The future, he wanted to see what the future had in store for him and his brothers. Were they going to realise all their dreams? Were they going to rise the name of their father to fame? Was he going to have a happy life with a good wife and amazing kids?
"Can we go the future? Not that far into that, just a couple of years." he asked, this time is full attention on his Valkyrja. She smiled. A nice and warm smile.
"Sadly the TARDIS doesn't work like that. Is like she gives me a mission everytime I set her gears on. She sents me when I am needed." another word he couldn't understand but he remember what she had told him before do not worry, and he did not.
"So you are needed here?"
"Not really. My ship needs some time to fix herself. I think she decided the safest place to land was in..."
"Kattegat, 818 AD." he stated. She repeated his words. "Why here?" he asked. Kattegat wasn't the safest option, he knew that. Not when the city feared invasions from basically everyone.
"I might know a lot but this is something I can't tell. Maybe this old lady..." prince Hvitserk followed her every move while she was speaking. "...planned our meeting." she joked, laughing at it. But Hvitersker was pretty sure Urd, Verdandi and Skuld had worked their web to let the two of them. The warrior made a note to himself to leave some offerring to the Norns to thank them for this opportunity. "Now, would you mind show me around?"
He didn’t mind, the more Hvitserk Ragnarsson was alongside her, the happier he was.
Roaming around the market’s stalls it was his time to feed her curiosity. Every question she asked he had the answer, well most of the times.
Everything was going on pretty good until his older brother, Ubbe, whistled to get his attention, he really wanted to run back in the forest to avoid uncomfortable questions from him and the younger of the Ragnarssons.
“Ubbe.” He simply said asking with his eyes to not say anything inappropriate. “Ivar.” He added turning to the the younger of the four brothers.
“Who is she?” Asked the older viking. He took her hand in his and gave it a quick peck—he had learned this during a trip in Wessex—making the Doctor giggle.
“Such a gentleman Ubbe Ragnarsson.”
“Thank you my lady.” Was his throw back(?)
After a quick introduction, whit Hvitserk lying about her name being Brynild like one of the Valkyrje, Ivar invited her to have dinner with them so the two of them and their mother could know more about Hvitserk’s new friend.
“I see if I can attend dinner with your family but I won’t promise anything. But thank you for the invite Prince Ivar.” The title feeded his ego more than enough, the younger prince was happy and limped back from where he came with a soft thank you; Ubbe rolled his eyes and after another act of cavalry he followed in tow his brother.
“I’m sorry for them.” Apologized the second born.
“Is okay. I think the TARDIS is ready. Do you want to live an adventure outside the ordinary?” The viking wanted to tell her that just meeting her was out of the ordinary, sure in a positive way, but still out of this world situation.
“Lead the way, my lady.” And with that they went back into the forest, hand in hand. Hvitserk asking more questions and the Gallifreyan never saying a word.
Hvitserk woke up with a strong head pain, memory of what he thought a dream flooding his mind. He pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to relieve a little the pain he was feeling, not noticing his brothers, Ubbe and Björn were looking for him.
"Here you are. Queen Aslaugh wants you home." started Björn and without giving him the time to get up he left for Kattegat on his own. Ubbe, on the other side, took a seat next to his brother and with a smirk on his face asked him if he had fun all that time he was missing.
Hvitserk had to lie, nodding his head yes. He didn't know how to explain that he didn't know where she went, and what happened between the two of them, he thought saying they had some private time together was easier.
"How was she? Do you think I can have her one day?"
"I don't think. She told me she found Kattegat by accident" that was not a lie, well not completely. "and besides she has to take care of her family so I don't think she has much free time."
"What a shame. Well, at least you managed to get her. But do tell, was she good?" That was the only thing Ubbe cared to know, then again is about a viking man we are talking about.
Hvisterk rolled his eyes and smacked his brother to his chest, a way to ask him to shut up and that he wasn't going to give him details about it.
Weeks passed and Hvitserk had made it a routine to check the market from the main door of the Great Hall. Watching carefully to see if she was coming back anytime soon.
Then months passed and he realized she was not coming back to Kattegat, he needed to move on. But then it came one day, one beautiful spring day where he saw her, or so he thought, because that woman in the market looking for a pin to use for her hair looked almost ideantical to his Valkyrja. What was more astonoshing was the fact she had fall in love with the prince. Hvitserk decided to take it as a sign from the Gods and after a couple of weeks they got married.
Spending nights together, it was not a surprise to hear his wife giving him the news she was with child and Hvitserk was the happiest to hear it. He had told his brothers first. Björn patted his back, proud of him; Ubbe smirked and laughed at his own words when he said that the little brother had been working hard and Ivar just smiled, happy for his older brother. Then when his mother found out, she decided to throw a party, all Kattegat was welcomed to celebrate the news.
Nine months later, or so, Hvitserk's daughter was born. A beautiful and healty baby girl. Hvitserk looked at her with stars in his eyes, she was going to be his first priority from now on.
"How do you want to call her?" asked one of the women that helped his wife deliver the little girl.
"Brynhildr" he said without esitation. The couple didn't talked about the name but that sounded a good fit for the girl. "I like Brynhildr." he added. He started cooing at his daughter, making her giggle and wrapping her little hand on his big pinky.
"She loves you already." said his wife, a weak giggle leaving her lips. "She is going to be a daddy's girl. Boys will be terrified to ask for her hand" she joked.
"She is going to grow into a fine woman." he commented and gave it back to the one who gave her to him, so that the new addiction to the family could spend time with her mother.
Hvitserk left the little house, taking in the cold weather of the winter season, looking up to the sky he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.
"I might not see you again, my Valkyrja, but the memory will be always be with until my very end." Was it then, that his brothers came to take him out to drink. He just had a daughter, it was a good enought reason to celebrate.
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melodianaartist · 11 months
Saw the miraculous Paris special. I’m incredibly bitter about how good and interesting it (specifically the other universe characters and dynamics are) is.
Like you can’t put this pathetic evil cat emo boy infront of me, stress how alone (and Betterfly for that matter too) and neglected he feels, how much he wants his family back, how he learns to find a support system somewhere else and then finish off by making him turn good and promise he will unknowingly work with his father for the greater good (said father also doesn’t know it’s his son but is very fatherly nontheless) while in superhero mode AND JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THAT.
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