#but My God The Brainworms
beresaad · 4 days
i haven't stopped thinking about the entry for the rasaan position in the qun since i was last on the qunlat wiki like
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im desperate to make a rasaan oc who's like. horrendously down bad for the arishok and they have a weird situationship that ABSOLUTELY muddies the water of their duties and intended relationship with one another. like either the da2 arishok for the Tragedy Of It All, or arishok sten because im madly in love with him
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beatcroc · 2 years
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chiquilines · 10 days
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Lord forgive me for not posting lesbianism but they are very special to me
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skylarksof · 11 months
Do you even UNDERSTAND. I’ve never known darker times, and I covered the protest live at the Hatchetfield kennel. I am Dan Reynolds. (…with action news weekdays at 10pm) I hate to relay the news, but the football team might be screwed- stay inside, watch your children, CUZ A LOSIN’ STREAK’S COMIN’! (A losin’ streak’s comin’!) THERE’S A MAN ON THE LOOSE AND HE’S GOT A GUN, BETTER PUT OUT THE APB. The psycho’s killed two, if he gets me next, make it threeeeee (if he gets me next, I could be three!) We’re chasing wild goose and we don’t know how, watch the blame go around! Man down, down, down, who’s swinging the hatchet now? In HATCHET TOWN
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campbenji · 4 months
2020 me, bored watching some random dinosaur cartoon: lol what if i shipped those two guys. ironically ofc. for laughs. just to see what happens
2024 me: there hasn't been a day i don't think about them in the last three years.
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matutito · 8 months
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homo emo ig
commissions info
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I feel like more people should be talking about RTGame’s Minecraft series. Like, seriously. Amongst all the hustle and bustle of Hermitcraft and the angst of the QSMP and whatever else is going on, it’s really refreshing to just watch a man play Minecraft. No story, no lore, no end goal, just rediscovering a game he walked away from years ago.
It feels like watching your baby cousin play Minecraft for the first time, waiting for what Skizzleman calls The Click- the moment when you realize just how much potential this game has. We’ve all had that Click, but you’re excited to see what makes said metaphorical cousin really understand what Minecraft can do. It’s that experience, just with a 29 year old man who is so full of wonder and determination.
Also, it’s just really fucking funny? Like as much as it is a heartfelt and refreshing perspective on Minecraft, it’s also a series he’s running on Twitch, so he’s gotta crack jokes. And RT is very very very funny. Man has a level of audacity that just makes you laugh in shock. He laughs at danger. He works off of spite. His chat goes along with it, builds off his antics. He jokes about Minecraft Diamonds and refuses to be normal about it it’s great.
Anyways: watch RT’s Minecraft series, and while you’re at it, watch RTGame bc Yeah :3
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evitirey · 25 days
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ok so this was a beast to draw and research good GORD. this one requires a glossary so i'll be putting the entire text under a read more bar, meet me there?
I think most of us in the Avatar fandom have some range of obscure knowledge (or who knows maybe the knowledge is less obscure to everyone else and I'm the silly one) but here's a handful of words I had to learn for this: Chinampa: small, stationary, artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes. Chinampan was the ancient name for the southwestern region of the Valley of Mexico, the region of Xochimilco, and it was there that the technique was—and is still—most widely used. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Conuco: A portion of earth that the native Tainos of the Caribbean would grow their crops on. (More on that later)
Winnow: In the western world, to remove (something, such as chaff) by a current of air. I specifically based theirs off of a video that @aketchjoywinnie on tiktok posted of her culture's winnows. She is from Uganda and I love her videos whenever they come across my fyp. In this case it is more of a woven basket/plate that is used for food.
As for the drawing:
The Ro'atni have 2 forms of 'floating' gardens. The first and most productive are their chinampas; kind of important to the context is that the Ro'atni were originally a river people, but a portion of their river gave way to an oxbow lake. The young lake has turned into their gardens. The chinampas are made by their swimmers who usually chose their lifestyle very young, as their bodies adjust and grow to adapt underwater better; their strakes go from soft, unobtrusive cartilage to actual strakes, smaller than the reef people's. They dive under water and plant the reedy plants that they then weave together into a roughly rectangular box. Each chinampa is a labor of love that normally takes years to make (though if they feel the next season will not be fruitful they can and will build some quickly). The base layer of the chinampas is essentially a refuse pile. Their compost, their unusable bones, any trash (which is much less than most modern societies) is thrown into the woven reed "basket" to form the solid base along with base stones. The middle layer, still submerged in water, is a combination of compost, mulch, manure, night soil and gravel.
As the compost decomposes, they churn the dirt and build it up over the years until they build above the water level; once the dirt remains relatively dry on a sunny day, and they can dig without immediately hitting mud, they begin to build the conucos on top of the chinampas.
The Conucos are logs stacked up and packed with earth, the shape keeps plants that need dryer soil out of the water, and retains water when the lake starts drying down during the dry season. As the logs decompose they leave behind air pockets for the roots to take up as well as the necessary microorganisms. Most of the weeds are allowed to grow to an extent - once they begin to choke out the plants they want, they will be cut down. The Ro'atni believe that even the most annoying creatures (weeds) have a place in the balance of life. If they're uprooted, they're tossed on shore where they continue to grow. To combat the growth of weeds, they plant a groundcover berry-producing vine that functions as a nitrogen fixer as well as food.
The second form of floating gardens tend to be used for children to learn, as they operate on the principles of aquaponics. The winnow pads are sometimes made specifically for the purpose, but often they're made from a winnow that has reached the end of its life. If it is no longer buoyant, it is tossed into the bottom of a new chinampa. If it is buoyant, then small anchors are tied to the bottom, and a fast growing plant is placed on the winnow to take advantage of the nutrition in the water. Often seedlings for the chinampas are grown this way and transplanted once they're big enough.
Now for the plants they grow; I only had the mental bandwidth to name ONE plant, and I welcome any professional Na'vi speakers to correct me on it lol. So, they grow: Furina'ngrr: Primarily this plant functions as a starchy tuber, but it also grows "beans" (in the way that a coffee bean is a bean but its actually a berry) with a soft outer fruit that the entire clan uses to produce a bright red stain/dye. Combined with red ochre and animal fat, it creates a thick, water resistant body paint that they use both to ward off bugs and to paint pretty patterns and symbols on their skin; certain ones are protective symbols. The fruit can be peeled off of the bean and the beans can be eaten; they're more often replanted to avoid genetic monocropping. They only ripen every 2 years more or less, so the elder gardeners know to stagger their crop growth to accommodate for it. The root however is the main crop from these plants. It is ground into a pulp, seasoned and wrapped in leaves, then either boiled or cooked in a firepit. It's dumpling-like in the firepit, and more like a mochi if its boiled. It can also be fried and baked depending on preparation. The roots can be replanted and this is the quickest way to propagate the plant. They also store for a long time in a root cellar like environment. This is their first source of starch.
Reed-maize: Many different kinds of reeds can be used to create chinampas, but reed-maize is the favored choice; even after their cultivation the reeds remain for a good while before decomposing, giving the gardeners time to grow their replacements, replant them around the chinampas and weave them in again. The reed-maize grow seed pods that can be harvested; they usually require a good strike to release their seeds, which is an adaptation to release their seeds during windy season when the fluffy seeds can fly far away. These were a gift from the Sa'anre side of the clan, and comes originally from the swamps and deltas they traverse; in the oxbow lake the wind is only strong enough during typhoon-like weather to open the seedpods. The seeds release from the pods wrapped in tightly coiled fibers that spring open as they fly out; the fibers carry them on the wind. So the gardeners beat the seed pods open only inside of the hometree or where large structures have been built to catch them. The fibers are hand-ginned off of the seeds, and the seeds are then winnowed free of chaff. The fiber can be processed into cloth, but its very time consuming so they often trade it out to other clans. Other uses are compost mulch, or bedding for their fishing companions. The seeds range in color from soft oranges to gray-blues; an act of love is to separate the specific color seed your child/mate/parent loves most and to make them ground cakes from the singular color. It's extremely time intensive to sort, then grind these seeds separate from all the rest. Normally however, they are stored as grain alongside the furina'ngrr. The grain can then either be processed into flour, "grits", or eaten with minimal preparation. Boiled, they taste both earthy and floral.
Oh my gosh almost done guys lets go. Together with dried and powdered meat, the clan makes a type of pemmican out of their crops; dried roots, dried meat, dried berries and fat are mixed with reed-maize flour, then dried down and stored in their root cellar caves. Their stores are for the long rainy season when hunting is difficult and flooding is common. They have also experienced famine before so they prepare for it again at all times.
Mothers sometimes make the little pemmican cakes into cute shapes for their young ones!
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deiaiko · 2 months
night owl agni and early bird grace
late evening grace embraces agni from behind, leaning on him and resting
next morning grace holds agni like a princess (or a pancake cuz he's still wrapped in sheets)
Hell yeah!!! 😳 Softttt
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They used to sleep in shift before going back in time, so sometimes they still get the urge to stay up when the other was asleep, to look out for the other and for their own peace of mind.
They rarely got enough sleep back then, so now that they could take their time to catch up on it, they were always careful not to wake the other up unless it was an emergency. Though, their sleep schedule was still a mess, especially when the FUG business required them to stay up late. So they could switch from being night owl to early bird whenever the situation needed them to be.
Grace sleeps easier with his ear pressed to Agni's torso, counting heartbeats as he drifted off. Nothing comforted him more than knowing that Agni is alive and well. He always checked on Agni right after he woke up, caressing Agni's hair while he was at it. It was already a habit at this point that Agni could sleep through it, lulled him deeper even.
Agni sleeps easier when he's wrapped under thick layers of blanket/clothes, since he's always cold now that he no longer has the firefish. Grace's presence also helps him drift off to sleep, knowing that Grace got his back put his mind at ease. When it was his turn to keep watch, he would browse information and form plans accordingly. But since now things had settled down a little, he would sometimes read articles and stories just for fun.
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arachnerd-8-legs · 10 months
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"Always up for a good jog -- otherwise, would I still be *on* this case with *you*?" He smiles and raises his collar. It's windy.
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pasta-yy · 1 month
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magma nrmt……they’re everything to me
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000yul · 10 months
“you don’t need to read the rhine manhua before you read lonetrail” ok TECHNICALLY true but but then you don’t. you don’t see the parallels and stuff like e.g.
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rhine lab manhua: saria calls kristen out. look down. look at humanity. look at the people you’ve hurt. stop just looking at the stars.
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the call back in lonetrail right before kristen launches saria out of her ship. but this time it’s kristen saying (stealing my friends words): “hey...look down there's ppl who need you and i've accomplished my dream u dont need to look after me anymore”
saria’s downfall as director of defense—her inability to protect those like ifrit etc.—feels like it stems from the whole “i can fix her” thing she has going on with kristen. it’s this massive blind spot centred on kristen, born of love. it’s a failure that ends up hurting a lot of people she cares about. kristen is a woman obsessed to the point of madness but here even she’s trying to set saria free in her own way (i’m clutching my head in pain)
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the-chaos-crew · 2 months
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fucking hate this guy design came to me in a vision. I feel like he would wear tap shoes.... unpopular opinion but object head/monsterous Bill is better than anime boy tumblr sexy man Bill
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sleepymaven · 12 days
Playing Armored Core 6 and just... thinking.
Thinking about 621 and Rusty possibly cuddling. 621 still wide awake as Rusty lightly breathes in his sleep, nice and slow but still present.
621 listening to Rusty's breathing intently. To his heart beat. Focusing on the warmth of his body heat.
Focusing on how alive Rusty is.
The knowledge his is just alive and well being comforting enough for 621 to finally drift off to sleep as well to the sound of Rusty's hearbeat; a soothing lullaby for 621's ears.
Just thinking about how my interpretation of 621 is probably so insanely traumatized that 621 needs to constantly be checking if the people 621 cares about are truly alive.
About how Rusty holds 621 so closely to his chest as a way of keeping 621 grounded.
About how shaken 621 must have been in that cave, having to fight Rusty. Hearing Rusty call 621 dangerous.
Imagining the thoughts running through 621's head in that moment. No. Anyone but Rusty... I can't fight Rusty– No. Not Rusty too.
Thinking about how 621 probably could have killed Rusty right there, but held back, opting to just damage his AC's enough to make him stop. Even ceasing fire when STEEL HAZE lost its arm, as if 621 was hoping Rusty would just stop, which he did.
..I really need to start writing again...
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fire-lizard-ro · 8 months
Lil post about HSR men with religious themes for none have lead me into temptation I found the way myself-
This is for you @pix3lplays <333 (I was screaming at her about it, lol-)
I love???? Religious themed characters and the works that come out of that??? I have an Argenti smut fic in the works with heavy religious themes, but here's a mini ramble about Argenti, Sunday, and Luocha.
CW: blasphemy :))), religious themes, softcore gore almost but not really???, somewhat dark themes/dark romance
Yeah I grew up with church and stuff sorry if some of it does make sense to the general public lololol-
For Argenti (snippets from my fic I'm working on):
"He would sooner rend his mortal form to pieces than ever hurt you. Even a little. He would splay his torn shell across the canvas of stars that blanket the universe that was made for you for whatever other higher powers- whatever fate exists should there ever come a day in which his hands hurt rather than protect. So that they may judge what remains of his soul for his crime."
"At your behest he would present his heart, ripped from his chest, for you to take. You were his heart, anyways… Without you there was only a hollow cage within his chest where never again would the echo of a heartbeat reside. The fire nothing but ash where there was once a blaze of life and passion."
For Sunday:
It's either he makes you his church and his bride (talking about how the church is god's bride) or you make him your elohim your "I am". Perhaps both.
His penchant for control is perfect for this. He will be your only god for you are to have no false idols. Only he must remain in your heart for he is the owner of your soul, your life, your breath. He is the light and the truth. His word is law.
But of course, a god must tend to his flock. He will take good care of you for your devotion.
For Luocha:
The thorns. The almost rosary like item he carries, wrapped around his hand. The words he speaks. "Death is not the end. The dead will return."
Pix brought to my attention the idea that some have about Luocha carrying your body, devoid of breath and life, in his coffin.
And to that I respond:
"So devoted was he that not even the sacred soil of the earth would be allowed to have you. Even in death."
He would search until the ends of the universe to find a way to bring you back to him. Even though his god was made of flesh and blood as he, it mattered not. Only you could possibly be the divine for you were his cornerstone. Without you he would fall apart. God works in the waiting and surely this was his divine burden- His test from you to prove his devotion. He was sure he would one day complete this task for you and bring you back. You, the life beyond death. You the light in the midst of his darkness. His eloah, his elohim, his almighty.
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the-alpha-doodle-dome · 5 months
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oh don't mind me, I'll just be over here cooking up batshit lore for a villain from a canceled pilot
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