#but I refuse to drink it with the fucking pinky thing
d3arapril · 1 year
wlf!abby headcanons <3
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pairing: abby anderson x reader summary: just some self-indulgent headcanons about life at the WLF base with abby because i love her. that's all warnings: none! just abby being abby and being in love. the best combo
abby will ALWAYS wait up for you without fail if you're out on patrol at night. she barely sleeps anyway but she especially can't sleep if she doesn't know if you're safe so she stays in your room and reads but she's not actually taking anything in, just scanning the pages because she can't even focus
if on the extremely rare and strange occasion you're sent out together she'll always be watching your back - she trusts you and knows that you know what you're doing but if she spots the smallest bit of danger near u she's there within the blink of an eye
she's holding your head in her hands, tearing up when you almost get ripped apart by a runner on what was probably ur worst patrol yet "are you okay? are you clean?? are you sure? holy shit..."
beats u at backgammon almost every single time.. doesn't beat u at rummy though
if you're both working out together she will drop what she's doing to spot you and gets excited for you when you hit a new PB
gets embarrassed when u watch her work out because she knows she pulls weird faces.. "stop looking at me. it's distracting..." she'd playfully roll her eyes but do nothing to stop you from staring. you may even think she likes feeling embarrassed
ur work out schedules align so that u get to do yoga together :) it's funny watching her try and do the tree pose when she loses her balance every 4 seconds
abby got a lil too drunk one night at one of the salt lake crew parties and leah and jordan had to (reluctantly) lure her to ur room and ask u to look after her bc she refused help from anybody else 😔 (luckily your roomie was in their partners room...) she's a big gal so thinks she can handle her drink until she's 9 shots deep and thinks she has 13 fingers
in the cafeteria if she spots you talking with some friends she'll watch from afar for a while just to admire u being urself <3 she'll then come over and make her presence known with a hand on your back but won't interrupt your conversation or want the attention on her because she likes hearing you talk and knowing u have other ppl around u <3
has a hand on ur lower back/thrown over your shoulders whenever you're walking around the base because she always wants to be touching you. or she'll link your pinkies together when the hallway seems quieter than normal. abs isn't too big on PDA so likes to keep things subtle but always wants u to know she's there w her gentle touches
you massage her back and shoulders almost every evening when she's had a long day, even on nights where you're not sharing a bed and manny is in the room, and she's always knocked out like 5 mins after whilst you're still sat on her lower back. girl loves a massage
she sent manny packing to his weird sex den one night so she could decorate their shared room with half-dead flowers she miraculously found on patrol that week and make a romantic evening for you both... "as romantic as you can make a room in a fucking stadium" she'd mutter under her breath once she stands back and admires her work
she batted her eyelashes and smiled harder than usual @ the kitchen workers to cook a special meal for her other than burritos and she dug out the dusty 'timeless love songs' CD manny's dad gave her a few months back. you both ate, laughed and danced to unforgettable by nat king cole specifically and she felt a lil silly at first but it all went away when she saw the smile on ur face <3
at night time when u both can't sleep you'll lay in bed together and plan ur lives 'after the apocalypse'... abby wants to adopt a dog and live in a big house with u :(
she taught u how to do her braid perfectly so if she's stayed the night u braid her hair for her before she goes... "wow, nailed it babe"
when u saw her room for the first time u asked her about the painting from her dads office next to her bed and she got sad :( but opened up to u about her past and from then u knew u were in it for life
she reads to u if you're sleepy and she isn't and tells you she loves you and kisses your forehead when she thinks you're asleep (you're not - you always hear her)
she'll protect u with her entire life and will kill anyone or anything that gets in ur way. she loves u.
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neo-novaa · 2 years
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*ੈ✩ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ethan landry x reader
*ੈ✩ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: drunk confessions, .2 seconds of angst, no spoilers :)
*ੈ✩ 𝐚/𝐧: part 1 of 2!! i swear i promise, i pinkie promise that part 2 will come out today
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you don’t get jealous, ever. 
it was your (albeit private ) defining feature. you were content with everything you had— no, beyond content: you were happy. you didn’t want anything else because you didn’t need anything else. you had a good family, enough money to keep you from debt, good friends, and even better academics. 
so imagine your surprise when you get that bitter feeling boiling in your stomach at the sight of your “friend,” ethan landry, eyeing another girl. 
you’re being very liberal with the term “friend,” but it’s only because you can’t think of a word to describe someone you’d been hanging out with for a few months, talking and treating them as a friend, but going home and imagining what it’d be like to fuck them senseless.
you’d probably call it a crush, but “friend” sounded much less embarrassing. 
but it’s all going on at some stupid party for some stupid celebration you couldn’t care less about; all you wanted to do was get drunk enough to barely avoid a hangover. you went with your small group of friends, and eventually forced yourself to socialize once you had some juice in your system. 
and it was when you were talking to some pretty girl from your liberal arts class when you saw him: leaning against the wall, red solo cup in hand, eyes stuck on a girl in a halter top with patterned shorts to match— a girl standing right across from you. 
and maybe it was something in the way his fingers were tapping on the plastic cup, or the twitching of his knee, or the way that he just refused take his fucking eyes off of her—
it set you off. 
suddenly you found yourself at a table full of cheap bottles of booze, and your plastic cup was full, brimming with whatever concoction of cheap seltzer and even cheaper tequila you could find. soon enough, you were weaving and dodging your way through the sweaty masses to try and find an exit.
finally, after eons (three minutes) of searching, you managed to find yourself a door, and relished in the early spring chill that hit your skin.
you tried to drink and forget, seeing as though that was the whole reason you came out here. but no matter how much jungle juice you downed, you found your mind wandering back to him.
you couldn’t stop thinking about how ethan refused to look at anyone but her, how even when people greeted him, he waved them off without even looking at them. and you couldn’t stop thinking about the way she was dancing, as if she was born to do so, and how he wouldn’t stop fucking staring at her.
you weren’t jealous— you didn’t get jealous. this wasn’t jealousy, it was just…
just what, envy? envious of what? of some dork you’ve grown particularly fond of eyeing some random girl at this stupid frat party? of the guy you’ve been harboring a crush on for months staring at a girl he didn’t even know? of ethan landry, the boy you hadn’t stopped thinking of for months, thinking about anyone but you?
no, you weren’t envious. what could you possibly be envious of?
“what are you doing out here?”
you jump at ethans voice, beginning to feel particularly sluggish— when did your cup get so light? as a matter of fact, when did it get empty?
“i could ask you the same thing,” you say, finding it increasingly difficult to formulate words. 
“it got too sweaty and crowded in there,” he sits down next to you, bringing his arms close to his torso at the sudden cold breeze. “i always forget how much i hate coming to these parties.”
“then why do you keep coming?” you raise the cup to your lips, frowning when you remember its lack of contents. 
he doesn’t say anything.
“is it because of a girl?” you see him tense from the corner of your vision, however foggy it may be. 
ethans shaking his head. “what makes you say that?”
you shrug, carefully placing the cup by your feet. “i saw you looking at her,” his shoulders drop, and you can’t help but feel something in your chest drop too. “she’s really pretty, i think i have a few classes with her.”
“i really don’t know what you’re talking about.” he feigns ignorance, the coward.
“come on ethan, don’t pretend to be stupid, i know you’re smarter than that.” a chill runs down your spine, you tell yourself its not from the sudden realization of your close proximity to him, but instead because of the cool air around you. 
“wait, are you…” he turns to you. “are you jealous?”
you scoff. “jealous? i don’t get jealous e—than,” you hiccup between the syllables of his name.
“you know, i have a tendency to misread situations, but you…” he pauses to take a dramatic breath. “you seem really jealous.”
“okay, sure but…why would i be jealous, hm? it’s not like i make the rules on what girls you can and can’t look at.” you’re staring into his eyes. those wonderful, beautiful, adjective-ful eyes that make you want to start screaming and shaking and crying and throwing up. 
you can’t stop looking at his eyes, and you can feel your gaze flitting between the two.  
you want ethan to quip back with something sharp and cleaver, but he doesn’t. he just turns away from you, shrugs, and keeps on nursing the drink in his hand. 
for a moment, you feel guilty, another feeling you hadn’t experienced in a while. maybe that made you a good person, or maybe that just made you a socially inept asshole. 
you don’t know why you feel guilty, but you suspect it has something to do with how silent ethan is, or how his brows are leaning with regret, or how his shoulder are slumped much more than they were a second ago. 
“i wasn’t looking at her,” ethan mutters, breaking your shared silence. “i was…looking at someone else.”
you want to curse him out because, really, why did it matter if he was looking at another girl? it was someone who wasn’t you, and that’s all that mattered. 
“i don’t care ethan, it’s not that serious—” you cut yourself off when you turn to him, frozen in how quickly you drown in his puppy dog eyes. 
and then it hits you. 
he wasn’t looking at that girl, he was looking at someone else.
he was looking— 
“at you.”
you want to say something, you really do. in any other situation, if it played out exactly like this but minus the alcohol, you’d be able to come up with some poetic ass speech about love and devotion and life—
but you’re drunk, and you can’t think. you don’t want to think. 
so instead, you act. 
instead, you kiss him. 
your hands are grasping at his shirt and you’re kissing him hard. you don’t care if it’s sloppy or bad, you just care that you’re kissing him.
and, obviously, ethan cares too. 
because in a moment, one of his hands are brushing the crook of your neck, and his other arm is shaking around your waist. you know your breath tastes like black cherry white claw and dollar store tequila, but with the way ethan was kissing you, it was as if you were the best thing he’d ever had in his life.
it’s like he’s starving— as if he’s been waiting for this for months. and you wonder, passively, if he’d been pining for you all this time as well. you want to ask him, but asking him would mean you’d have to stop kissing him, and at this point you’d rather die than have that happen. 
so you’re quick to pull yourself onto his lap, stradding one of his thighs. you’ve just started to work with the hem of his shirt and god just feeling his v-line makes you dizzy— but ethan pulls away, and you feel your jaw slack at the sight of his lust-blown pupils and spit-kissed lips.
“as much as i want this to happen,” you note how heavy he’s breathing. “i really wouldn’t want to have sex with you on the front steps of a house party.”
you’re standing up with a curt nod, pulling ethan by the hand as you back up.
“also my room is like, twelve minutes away—”
“my house is just down the block, and my roommates are gone for the weekend.”
ethan glances towards the direction that you gestured in, and nearly trips over his shoes as you start walking towards it. 
“yeah, that actually sounds perfect.” 
all the way home, neither one of you can stop imagining what it’s going to be like to get fucked senseless.
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 8 months
Alastor when falling in love/dating headcanons
A/N; my first time trying headcanons lol, hope I did well!
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Falling in love
Let’s be honest, Alastor rarely actually likes most beings as a friend, let alone as a romantic partner
But when he does for either scenario, he has to notice that person as more than just some pawn for entertainment
Maybe you’re more socially intelligent, maybe you have more power, maybe you’re closer to Charlie, maybe all of those
But there has to be something that makes him see you as a threat to his power, or his control
Because of this when you first enter the hotel, he’s going to try to upstage you
If he can find a flaw about you, he’ll utilize that to the max
Think how he acted around Lucifer in ‘Dad beat Dad’
But when he notices you’re not going to be intimidated by him he starts to grow angry
If you really wanna ruffle his feathers just ask “uhm…who are you..?”
Not even in a polite way, just in a rude judgmental way
Oh, that makes his blood boil
When he’s not around you, at first he’s trying to get rid of you, take away the threat
But then you leave for a long period of time without notice to anyone but husk
And not even sober husk
So basically nobody really knows where the hell you went (pun intended)
The first maybe hour or two Alastor was like “good riddance”
But then for some damn reason he started to miss you
If you’re gone for more than one day, his mood actually visibly changes
Sure he’s still smiling, but he’s still a bit less motivated to do things
And he’s probably having troubles with coming up with ideas for his radio broadcast
Then you come back and he’s back to normal
It’s like his subconscious went “oh, cool :D”
But now that brings up another obstacle for him
As established before he wants any threats out of his way, but he somehow has grown attached to you?
This wasn’t what he wanted, no not at all
Now what was he supposed to do?
Even worse is the realization that he still has humanity
Humanity is weakness
And if some like say… Vox found out about this?
He’d be royally fucked
It takes a looong while for him to figure out that A. It was love, and B. Come to terms with that
Lots of avoidance and back handed comments
If you sat at the bar? He’d leave
If you tried to compliment him, you’d only get a short “Hm.”
If you invited him to talk with you, even just to get to know him he’d make an excuse
And if Charlie attempts to force him he will refuse/ escape in some way
Blowing up and asking him what his problem is won’t help either
He’ll sit there with a patient smile with petty thoughts, and justifications for his actions running through his head as he tried to appear unfazed
Until someone interrupts/ ends the conversation or you just give up and leave
He’ll leave while rolling his eyes slightly, muttering about how sensitive people are these days
Once he does finally come to terms with it, he’s less hostile around you
Don’t get me wrong he still avoids you like the plague because you’re his only weakness
But he’s kinder to you when he does interact with you
Maybe he’ll offer to pay for your drink before leaving
He might even leave a little box of homemade chocolates at your door, or give you some ‘leftover’ Jambalaya he made specifically for you to try
Little favors like that
It’s never really said aloud that the two of you are dating
It just was sort of agreed upon silently between the two of you
One day he invited you via letter to come skygaze with him at his radio tower
At first you’re kind of suspicious that he has an ulterior motive
But when you get there and you’re invited to sit beside Alastor, you realize he just wanted to see you. Why? You didn’t know, but at least his intentions weren’t ill
Then he crossed his pinky with yours
Nothing grand like kissing, he’s not too fond of physical affection
But just a small bit of contact
If you choose to interlock your pinky with his, internally he’ll lose his mind
It’s like confirmation that you feel the same way without verbally saying it
Since then everyone just sort of knew at the very least he cared a bit more about you
He’d frequently talk with you
Like how most people would interact with good friends
Except he gets a little more protective of you
There’ll be a shadow that follows you everywhere
Sometimes the shadow will tease a bit
Maybe pick up a piece of hair and then put back in place quick, or maybe brush against your arm, nothing harmful, really
Since he doesn’t really show his love through physical affection, he shows it through gifts or acts of service
Mainly acts of service
You’ll often go back to your room after a hard day to find your bed made and your pillows fluffed with a new stuffed animal on your bed
His favorite way to show his affection physically is by your hand
He won’t really hold your hand outright, but he’ll usually gently kiss it after saying something romantic
Maybe if your sitting at the bar, talking with Husk he will
When he’s feeling especially happy, or romantic, or he somehow got wasted, he’ll give you a peck on the lips, but that’s about the only time you two really kiss
He will cuddle if you ask to but otherwise he doesn’t really do cuddling
The first time you tell him you love him, even just as a quick goodbye, he’ll melt on the inside
If you look close enough you can see his eyes soften a tad bit
He’ll probably say “you too” if the both of you are in public, or something along those lines, but if you’re in private, maybe cuddling or as he’s comforting you for some reason
He’ll say it softly, and then most likely give you a small head pat, or if he’s getting really sentimental, he’ll give you a peck on the forehead
All in all, he does love you, he just sort of shows it in his own way that he’s comfortable with <3
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paranoidginger · 3 months
Random headcanons for the TF2 mercs!!
Scout: ADHD hardcore, should probably be medicated for it, but isn't. This man cannot stand still for anything, he is always tapping his feet or fiddling with something. He definitely bites his nails, especially his thumbs. Repressed bisexual who is accidentally homophobic because he thinks he isn't supposed to like guys, and thinks everyone chooses to like the opposite gender. He's a surprisingly good artist, and he has dyslexia. That mixed with dropping out of highschool made him somewhat illiterate, spelling is hard, and so is reading any big words.
Soldier: Jack of all trades, he has had every job possible, but if he weren't in love with going to war, he'd probably settle on properly running a raccoon sanctuary. He is the reason why Medic had to invent a cure for rabies. Definitely thinks that being a lesbian just means that you like women, regardless of gender, he refers to himself as a Lesbian after learning that Pauling Identifies as one.
Pyro: Probably not even a human, uses any and all pronouns. They're really smart, despite acting childish, and are the one who built their flamethrowers. Probably collects stickers. Would definitely watch MLP and drag the other mercs into watching it with them, Pinkie Pie is definitely their favorite of the mane six. They draw a lot, and are pretty good at it whenever they want to be, they just prefer drawing silly things. Their room probably smells like burnt plastic and gasoline.
Demo: Only goes sober whenever shit gets super, super serious, like one of the other mercenaries that he cares about gets hurt. He's got a really strong caretaking instinct that gets drowned out by drunken recklessness. He's a total lover, and definitely the type of guy to kiss the homies goodnight. It takes a LOT to actually get him drunk drunk, like, I'm talking ungodly levels of alcohol that would probably kill the average person. He's Spy's drinking buddy, and probably knows the most about Spy's background from listening to his drunken ramblings about regrets and how he wishes he was a better father. Demo probably knows a lot about most of the other mercs, just because he's a good listener and a vault whenever it comes to sensitive information. He's also really fucking smart. Probably pansexual tbh, just based on vibes.
Heavy: He gets nervous whenever he has to help out any of the more 'delicate' mercenaries. He knows he's ridiculously strong, and he has excellent control of himself, but he can't help but feel like he's handling glass whenever he's helping out any of his injured teammates, especially when it comes to Scout or Spy. He's super fucking protective of all of his team though, and would absolutely crack skulls if anything happened to any of them. He is the only person other than Medic who is allowed to touch Archimedes. Probably bisexual with a preference towards men.
Engie: He's usually pretty polite, but can be one of the most brutal out of any of the classes. He's definitely autistic with a special interest in machines. He probably wants to capture one of the mvm robots just to run tests and see if they're sentient. Low-key god complex, like, moreso than medic, he's just super humble about it. He definitely talks to all of his machines. He's 100% a trans man, I can see him as being demisexual.
Sniper: Definitely autistic, he's probably got a shitload of random animal information. Total arachnophobe, but only towards small spiders. Hand him a tarantula and he's fine, but show him a stick covered in baby spiders and he's going to probably kick it as far away from himself as possible and run away. He adores lizards of all kinds, and probably used to lay on the ground watching them all the time as a kid. This man can't use a kitchen for shit, but he manages to make anything he cooks over a fire absolutely delicious, he probably refuses to share though. Probably Asexual. Has a shitty taxidermy rat in his camper that he's unnecessarily proud of, and he probably collects bones. Super into oddities and weird little knick knacks, and he still has all of his baby teeth that he keeps in a little jar on a shelf. Can't run for shit, but could walk for hours if need be. Likes doing arts and crafts, he knits in his free time, and almost always has a sewing kit with him.
Medic: Knows a little about every different medical field, he just sort of studied up on whatever piqued his interest. DOES have a PhD in medical science, he just lost his license to legally practice in a hospital or doctor's office. Gay, probably a trans man. Has definitely experimented on himself before, giving himself different deadly diseases and whatnot just to challenge himself to make a cure before he dies. Also autistic. Spoils the fuck out of his birds, and would probably Frankenstein together a human body for Archimedes if he could figure out how.
Spy: Bisexual genderfluid icon. Usually only gets caught because he's being way too much of a cocky showoff. Definitely wears eyeliner and says that it 'helps him see better' when it's bright out, even though it's 100% just a fashion statement. Has a collection of antique cigar boxes and lighters.
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annwe24 · 5 months
Part 1
Summary: The past still haunts him as a painful reminder of being played at love. Even with such opportunity, Lucifer refuses to open up his heart.
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People often say death is the well-deserved eternal rest after a life of hardship. That, unfortunately, has been proven wrong. Hell is like a punch in the face for those who seek escapism in the afterlife, leaving undone business to the living. So why the Hell would sinners be able to redeem themselves in the first place? Lucifer frustratedly thinks to himself. He is totally baffled at the idea. Even, hypothetically at best, they somehow made it into heaven, would they be accepted? However, seeing how determined his daughter is, it would break his heart to not support her only grand goal in life. He hates how he cares enough to awkwardly pour tea into your teacup with a shaky pinky at the moment. Charlie has been pushing him to leave his usual working desk to spend time socializing. It's a bonding exercise, she said. Given how well-mannered you usually are, he is glad she chose you instead of the other sinners. Ah, you. Always so caring, always so polite, always so-
Your Majesty, your tea is getting cold.
Coughing loudly, he drinks all the tea in his cup at once and silently cringes at himself.
Sorry, I’ve been having too many thoughts these days. Many things, you know.
Is there any way I can help? I noticed you’ve been so paranoid lately, I’m just worried but of course! You don't have to agree to that just because I ask you but please don't feel pressured to keep everything to yourself because I know-
Hey, it's alright! I understand your sentiment.
He softly cuts you off seeing that you are getting worked up. You always have this rather odd excitement for helping people. Your kindness stands out too much compared to others, something almost too pure. A question he's been asking himself lately is how did you end up here. It has been fun contemplating the possibilities during his free time, imagining your sweet face distorts into madness. Wait, what? Sweet face?
The fuck is your problem? He knows good people, even a rarity, still exist in this hellhole. Not all good people end up in Heaven, something Lucifer has long accepted. The problem is your goodness is absurd. Ever since your arrival at the hotel, it is clear that you are one of the most eager helpers, going as far as taking Charlie’s exercises almost too seriously. It irritates him to no end how you are so easily exploited.
He noticed many guests at the hotel use you as an errand runner unknowingly from time to time. There is certainly no malicious intent underneath, they themselves don't even realize that. It’s just that you are too easy, too gullible. Angel Dust is one glaring example. He has been known to ask you to fetch him stuff when he is “too fragile and sore due to overwork”. In reality, he sleeps through the afternoon and just gets too lazy. Lucifer can't help but find you suspicious. Afterall, who is going to trust someone in Hell, suffers memory loss, no identity and came to this hotel saying they wanted “a second chance”. He is determined to see through your facade, peeling you out like an onion.
A loud yelp followed by the squeaks of a hundred rubber ducks echo though his mansion. He quickly puts down the boiling kettle and dashes to his room. Piles of rubber ducks scatter across his room with you being the center of it all, dumbfounded. Panic reaches your eyes as you stand up hastily and say small “sorry” over and over. You look like you're about to cry.
Lucifer calmly squeezes through piles of rubber duck to get to you and places an assuring hand on your shoulder:
It’s nothing I can't fix. Here!
With a snap of his finger, the ducks magically fly back into place and the room starts to look like a room fit for a king rather than a depressed single dad. Lucifer is quite pleased with your wide-eye expression. Letting out a sigh, he guides you over to the tea table where you two would spend the rest of the afternoon. This kind of “date” has been going on for a while under the encouragement of Charlie. She is ecstatic to see her father finally be able to find someone to confide in and is a sinner. Although Lucifer can hang around the hotel whenever he feels like it, he prefers somewhere more private and quiet so that no one judges him. He hates being judged. It reminds him of his time in Heaven which he absolutely wants to forget. This is where Hell steps in. The place is literally his playground, albeit a bit grotesque, but at least he is free.
As time flies, the little hangouts between you and him occur more often. It has reached to a point that he finds his mansion eerie without your presence. You are not a talkative person nor a charmer, but you carry yourself with such sweetness that makes him feel peaceful, a warmth he has long forgotten. He wonders if the same happens to you. Do you find yourself incomplete without meeting him at least once a day? He certainly is not a mind reader but a keen observer at the very least. You seem to light up every time you see him, always looking, listening in his direction. He is scared. What if this was all a ploy you set up to get closer to the King, to have some kind of privilege down here? You are first and foremost still a sinner. Although he believes not everyone in Hell is bad, being in Hell means breaking some morals while you were alive. He can't handle another failed relationship. Not right now, not when Lilith still lingers hauntingly in the back of his mind, not when he can break at any moment and Charlie is the only thing that keeps him going. He can't let her get hurt too. She is just as fragile as him after the divorce.
Tonight’s hangout is just the same as every other hangout: comfortable silence. You are rolling on his king-size bed while fidgeting a rubber duck he especially made for you. You have been quite comfortable in his mansion, letting yourself go as if you were at home. As for Lucifer, he is at his working desk as usual. He likes it this way. Lucifer is not a chatter at heart and you are the same. After a while, you decided to break the silence:
What are you making today? You rolled over on the bed to face him.
Oh, just rubber duck, you know.
You have so many already. Why don't you make something new every then and there?
What do you like?
What do you like? He asked, turning back to face you.
Well, um… I like stuffed animals? I guess?
Okay, it's a deal then! He said with a toothy grin.
Y-you don't have to!
It's alright. I’m running out of ideas anyways.
Thank you!! You say as you hug the rubber duck.
What am I doing? Lucifer silently thinks to himself.
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starspann · 1 year
wouldn’t it be nice (pt. 2) | 18+
joe cooper x reader
fem!reader, she/her pronouns are used
warnings: cursing, smut
coop ruins everything
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weirdly enough, the blonde had been keeping calendar.
exactly 4 months and 8 days.
that’s how long cooper had been battling the urge to confess his feelings to remer’s girlfriend.
to be even more precise, he’s been wanting to for as long as the lovely couple had been together.
sometimes he’d practice his confession in the shower. while lazily shampooing his hair, he’d talk to the tiled wall, and somehow still manage to become embarrassed. he’d muster up a few broken phrases before falling silent.
“what a fucking wimp.” he told himself. he couldn’t even tell her in an imaginary scenario, how could he grow the balls to tell it to her face?
he’d shake his head, disappointed in himself.
then the soapy suds from his hair would fall and slide into his eye, he’d scream and almost slip on the slick bathtub floor.
not only did he lack the courage, but she’s dating sir fucking swish. doug remer, joe coopers best friend since they were little kids. they did everything together. used to read comic books together, ride bikes together… now, they drink together. a lot.
coop and remer found themselves seated at what could only be described as a seedy bar, like so many other nights they had spent together. and just like every other night, remer felt compelled to talk about y/n.
“hey man, we should get out of here soon. y'know, since y/n's coming over tonight." he opened his wallet to reveal a condom.
cooper let out an internal groan, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.
"yeah, yeah i’ll follow you," he sighed exasperatedly as remer pushed off the stool and slowly made his way towards the door of the bar.
as cooper stood there, watching remer walk away, a flash of light on the dirty bar floor caught his eye.
it appeared to be a small, square-shaped, laminated paper laying next to his feet.
figuring it slipped from remer’s wallet when he opened it, he Immediately stooped down and swept it up, ready to call out for his friend, but before he could even get one word out, cooper turned the piece of paper around with curiosity.
his heart beat quickened and his cock twitched at the image.
a hazy, half-assed taken polaroid photo of y/n, stripped bare and invitingly curled up on remers bed.
though it was a little blurry, he could still admire all the details. her fists gripping onto remer’s baby blue sheets that he always refused to change, her eyes gently shut, her mouth hanging slightly open, and worst of all, remers hand placed on her thigh, his hips snapping into hers.
the picture was obviously taken mid-fuck.
cooper face flushed hot. it was like an instant dream come true; he had admired her from afar for so long yet never had the courage to act upon it. now here she was, willingly on display right before his eyes.
instead of doing the right thing, and being a respectable human being; he stuffed the photo in his back pocket, following remer to the old car.
coop’s dick strained against his jeans the entire car ride.
back at the house, y/n cursed at her curly haired boyfriend for losing such a thing.
“jesus fucking christ, doug! one thing i ask you to do, one thing!” she smacked him on the arm, furious with his careless actions.
“i told you not to put it in a place that you’d forget about!” her arms were crossed as she angrily paced around his unkempt room.
“hey, okay, first of all, i didn’t forget where i put it, it must’ve slipped out is all!” he threw his hands up in defense as if being accused of a crime.
“holy shit.” her breath was no longer steady, in fact, it sounded like she was on the brink of tears.
any girl would be if they had just learned their boyfriend lost a naked picture of them, most likely in a public space.
“y/n, baby, relax! it’s somewhere, okay? i’ll find it.” he held his pinkie up, awaiting y/n to hook hers with his, “just trust me?”
a promise, again. exactly like how he promised her he wouldn’t lose the photo in the first place.
“..okay.” y/n gave in, lifting her hand towards his and pinkie swearing to another false vow.
remer smiled at her with a toothy grin.
“see? that’s more like it.” he stood up from the bed and patted her on the back, “i’ll find it. swear.”
in the room next to theirs, coop was slumped, perched on his bed with his head in his hands. he was staring down at the tattered polaroid grasped tightly in his palms, considering what he should do with it. he could chuck it away, but what would be the point of disposing a perfectly good photo? a sexy one of his crush at that?
he quickly placed it on the side table next to him. avoiding its gaze, he shook his head, disgusted with his own actions.
without a doubt it was wrong. so fucking wrong.
he knew it, too.
despite his unease at the moment, that did not stop his hand from reaching for the lewd polaroid and feverishly pulling down his pants.
he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt as he considered how wrong it seemed for him to give in to such temptation, but yet here he was, desperately trying to satisfy his untameable urges.
he collapsed back onto his bed, the springs inside the mattress making an irritating squeak as he threw his boxers off, kicking them to the side.
he was already pretty hard, the view of polaroid only causing his cock to throb even more.
he laid his head against a pillow and began to work on himself, nothing but y/n on his mind.
he pictured her on his bed, her legs spread for him, her body inviting him to join her.
the movement of his hand sped up.
he’d make her feel so, so good. god, if he only had the chance, he’d spend hours between her legs. till her eyes rolled back. till she forgot remer’s name. eat her out like she was his last meal and he was a terribly starved inmate on death row.
he thought about what she might say,
“fuck me, coop. need you so bad. need your cock inside me.”
“you’re tongue feels fucking great right there, keep going.”
“sh-shit coop—“
he pictured her stuttering through her moans, unable to contain the pleasure he would give her.
his finger glided over his tip, playing with the pre-cum forming at his slit.
he looked at the picture once more, hand shaking and unable to keep steady as the other one stroked himself.
his hips bucked into his fist, pulling a noisy whine from his throat.
he was practically mesmerized by the image.
he really couldn’t help it. her name just rolled off his lips so easily,
“shit, y/n.” he groaned.
it really wasn’t his fault. he had no idea that remer and y/n were still in the house at the time. in his mind, he thought they went out. he was far too busy imagining hot, wild sex with her to hear them arguing next door.
he moaned her name over and over again.
that’s when y/n opened his door.
of course, coop had forgotten to lock it.
why wouldn’t he?
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queerpumpkinnn · 2 years
What You Deserve
2.5k words
Summary: You come home pissed after a shitty ending to a situationship, and Sirius shows you how he should have treated you.
Pairing: Bestfriend!Sirius Black x reader
Warning: Reader goes on a date with a man (yeah that's a warning), body worship, lots of dirty talk, slight scratching, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, slight thigh riding, piv sex (unprotected, wrap it before you tap it) praise, creampie, squirting, cum eating, let me know if I've missed anything
While reading, I recommend you listen to the altar is my hips - a Spotify playlist by me!
"Fucking wimp-ass, lazy, selfish-"
"Woah, woah, woah. What's got your panties in a twist?"
You threw your wand on the couch with what was likely more fury than the poor furniture deserved. You'd been grumbling under your breath, slamming the door and stomping your feet around the dormitory. "Fucking Jack, that's what," you huffed to Sirius, shedding your coat and shoes.
"Oh? Talk to me." Sirius pushed off from his place leaning on the doorway, unfolding his arms to place his hands in his pockets. He opted to lean instead on the post of his bed.
"So basically, I was in his dormitory, alright, and things were getting heated. Long story short, he refused to go down on me. No protests when it was the other way around, mind you."
Sirius' nose scrunched in disgust. "Sounds like him, at this point. I hate to say I told you so-"
"Then don't. I waited too long for him to come around, I could have predicted this."
"But I told you so. He doesn't give a damn about you."
You rolled your eyes. One of the few times Sirius was right, and brutally so. He watched you move around the dormitory, searching for a sign of hurt. He knew you well, knew you weren't the type to allow people to mistreat you or beg for the bare minimum, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt you when your attempts at a connection were met with indifference.
"You alright?" He asked softly.
You turned around, passing your tongue over your top teeth and giving a long sigh. "Yeah. Just annoyed."
"You know none of this is your fault, yeah? He doesn't know what the hell he's doing, you're too good for him."
You give him a smile. "I know," you teased. You couldn't deny that the look in his eyes, the earnest sincerity in his words, sent a blush to your cheeks.
"I mean it. You don't deserve that shit. You deserve someone who'll worship you, be grateful to go down on you."
Now that was something. Just the thought of such adoration sent sparks shooting down to your lower stomach, but when Sirius said it? You couldn't ignore the image that came to mind, of Sirius worshipping you. His hands tracing every inch of your skin, tongue following, going lower and lower, then maybe back up again for adoration’s sake. You wondered what he would do, whether he would take his time and tease you or absolutely ravage you with his tongue, what he would say and how it would sound and Christ-
Your hands acted of their own accord. You reached for his face, pulling him by his face to kiss him. His skin was warm under your touch, blood racing under the brush of your pinky finger. He was promptly shut up and quick to respond, large hands cradling your face, delicately, softly. His kisses were slow, but no less passionate and intoxicating.
Now, this wasn't the first time you'd kissed your friend. There'd been casual make-out sessions when you'd been drinking or bored, or casual pecks every once in a while. But this was different. In the previous times, you hadn't been so overcome with lust. You hadn't ached for him, hadn't needed him so thoroughly and deeply as you had now. You didn't crave the taste of his tongue even though it was already in your mouth, grasp at the collar of his shirt with the need to be impossibly closer to him. Not like you were now.
Sirius' lips trailed to your jaw, kissing slowly across the bone, down to your pulse point, over the column of your throat. His hand found purchase woven into your hair by your neck, gently holding your head back so that he could have full access to your neck. His other hand squeezed your waist, fingers slithering under the hem of your shirt to brush against bare skin, sending shivers up your spine that tore a soft, breathy moan from your lips.
At the sound, Sirius pulled away to look at you. His lips were swollen and red, a slight shine of spit coating them. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
You nodded, breathless.
"Yes." The word had barely left your lips before his were on yours again, pressing into you. With every step you took back to balance yourself, he took another forward, until you were backed against the wall. Your arms reached around his neck, holding him closer. One hand tugged at his raven locks, earning a delicious, downright sinful groan from him into your mouth.
"Won't last long if you keep doing that, dove." He mumbled onto your neck, pressing deliberate kisses onto every patch of bare skin he could reach, licking and biting and sucking marks once he got to your collarbone, fingers tugging on the hem of your top to indicate for you to lift your arms as he pulled it over your head. His fingers trailed from your waist to the band of your pants, one finger from each hand hooking into a belt loop and pulling your hips forward, and over his knee, which made its way to being pressed between your thighs, causing you to gasp quietly. Your head was spinning from the excitement, your brain and body screaming for him. It was desperate, it was feral, it was hot.
"So pretty, love. Keep making those noises for me, sweet thing, love hearing 'em."
You could get drunk on the sound of him alone, but the feeling of his tongue trailing down your neck sent your body into overdrive. Sirius' hands found your thighs, where he grasped at the flesh before trailing up, up, and, to your partial and momentary dismay, up to your ass. Surprised by the sensation, you leaned into him, hips rolling in the process- creating sparks shooting down the pit of your stomach. A small whimper sounded in your throat at the sparks. Once you had a taste, you knew nothing but to chase it again.
Sirius, who'd heard the noise, was quick to oblige, guiding your hips against his until you'd found a pace grinding against each other. The bulge in his pants was unmistakable. Warm hands reached for your pants, unbuttoning so slowly it was painful.
"Sirius, please-"
You didn't know what you were begging for. You were too entranced by him to think properly, only knowing that it was so much and yet not enough.
"I know, I know. I got you." You could feel his lips pulling into a smirk against your shoulder, his hands tapping your thighs, followed by a quiet "jump". You were quick to oblige, leaping into his arms. His hands held you by the backs of your thighs, carrying you towards the bed before lying you down carefully.
"Fuck, you should see yourself. Stunning from this view." Sirius groaned, quick to hover over you, hands grazing your skin before hooking into your pants and tugging down firmly until they were discarded somewhere in the room.
"Christ, honey, you're gorgeous. Where've you been hiding this beautiful body?" Sirius seemed genuinely enthralled by the sight of you, eyes wide and lust-blown with his hands greedily reaching for your thighs, traveling up to your waist and groping your tits unabashedly. "Dunno how anyone could refuse you when you look like this."
Your chest instinctively pressed into his touch, breath stolen from your lungs when he kissed you again, nipping at your lower lip playfully before trailing his mouth down your throat down to your tits, where he was freeing them with one hand, easily snuck under your body due to the arch your back was making to meet him. His mouth was quick to latch onto your nipple, swirling his tongue around it whilst paying due attention to the other with his hand.
All you could do was whine and moan underneath him, in a heavenly haze fueled by his words, how enraptured he was with you. How openly admiring he was of you. His hands, how he touched you as if it was an honor. As if he were paying homage to you.
Speaking of his hands, they slipped from your breasts to find the band of your underwear, fiddling with it while his mouth was occupied sucking marks onto your tits and stomach, licking them over afterwards in an almost doglike apology for the pain.
Sirius pressed his palm directly to your clothed, crying core, causing you to jolt.
"This wet already? I haven't even done anything, pet, what's got you so worked up?"
He damn well knew the answer to his question. He flashed you a smirk, holding eye contact with you before sinking to his knees, hands tugging your panties until they pooled at your ankles, then lost like the rest of your clothes.
His eyes couldn't move from the sight of your legs, spread open by his hands, sopping wet.
"Hell, baby, you're perfect." He groaned, crawling forward until his lips, to your surprise, meet the apex of your sex in a hot, searing kiss that has your head falling back into the pillow and hands flying into his hair.
"You taste heavenly, he must be mental not wanting to taste this pussy." His words were muffled but they rang so clearly in your ears, only encouraging your face to redden and hands to grasp his long curls tighter. You nearly prayed for him to spur on the fuzzy, tingly feeling that set your skin on fire.
It wasn't often that your daydreams came true, but in this case, it was to the tee. He devoured you, tongue working ceaselessly against your cunt while he nosed your clit, causing your hips to buck up into him.
"So sweet, doll, and so wet. Could eat you for hours." His actions certainly highlighted his enthusiasm, fingers caressing through your folds before pressing the middle digit into your weeping hole, curling it to hit a spot that had you crying out for him, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
"There we are. You like that, baby? Show me how much you like it."
"Sirius, Sirius, please," you moaned, rolling your hips into his mouth.
"That's right, keep saying my name. Maybe Jack will hear, and he'll learn a few things. Hear how good you feel."
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at his words. You let out an almost pornographic moan when his finger, joined by another, found a quicker pace, rocking into you and pressing against that spot that had you seeing stars. Pressure was building up in your core, tumbling closer and closer.
"Yeah, just like that. Can feel you clenching around my fingers, honey, can't imagine how good it would feel around my cock."
"Siri, please, I'm close. Don't stop, don't you dare stop," You were cut off by a breathy chuckle, his fingers plunging in particularly rough that time.
"Wasn't planning on it, love, you taste so good I might not be able to."
With the thrilling combination of his voice, his tongue, and his hands, you were sent toppling over the edge, hips rocking slower and cunt gushing around him. Your moans became higher pitched and shorter, whinier, as you came undone underneath him.
You clutched onto his head like it was your lifeline as you came slowly down from your high, breathless and hazy and slightly sweaty. Even when the pleasure had subsided for jolts at the overstimulation, Sirius didn't stop licking every last drop from you. You whined, pussy clenching around nothing as he tongued your clit.
"Siri, please-"
"No, I'm not done with you yet. You've got one more in you, yeah? You can take one more."
You nodded, watching him through hooded eyes as he tugs his tee over his head hurriedly and does away with his pants, showcasing the impressive set of tattoos over his toned chest and the impressive tent that had long since been pitched.
"Gonna fuck any thoughts of that ass-hat right out of you," he grumbled, pulling his cock out before stroking it a few times, lining up with your pussy. He teased you with the tip a few times, pushing in just enough to stretch you, slapping it against your clit just to watch your face contort.
"What a perfect pussy. To die for, baby, 'm serious."
It took everything in you not to scream in pleasure when he pushed into you, deeper until he bottomed out. You both exhaled sharply before he started fucking you, slow at first but quickly finding a pace that was near animalistic. Slow, deep thrusts, hitting that damn spot in your pussy every. single. time.
"Fuck, keep milking me like that 'n I won't last," Sirius huffed, gripping your hips and pulling you closer, angling you so that he could go deeper. Your legs wrapped around his waist, hands scratching down his back as you moaned into the spot between his collar and his jaw.
Sirius' mouth was right by your ear as he murmured, "He can't fuck you like I can. He can't make you cum like I can. He doesn't deserve this pussy, my pussy."
You were breathless and dizzy, so overwhelmed by the sheer power of his thrusts, his hands going from your tits to rubbing deliberate circles against your clit. All of your senses were overwhelmed by pleasure, by him.
It wasn't long until you were approaching your second orgasm of the night, letting out shallow little gasps.
"Yeah, squeeze around me, just like that, milk my cock darling." His words were honey, addictive. You felt him throb inside of you. "Let go for me, love, cum for me."
Your cunt pulled his cock in, pulsating around it before spasming as you went right back into that glorious high, the one that made your hoarse voice go quiet and jaw slack in a silent scream before breaking into a gasp. Your spasming core couldn't handle it, squirting onto both of your thighs and surely making a mess on the sheets.
"Fuck, just when I thought you couldn't be any hotter." You felt him empty into you shortly after, his groans music to your ears. "So good, baby, so good for me."
The two of you lay there together, only the sound of heavy breathing audible in the room. The smell of sex permeated the room, suddenly warmer. Sirius gave your temple a kiss before pulling out, fingers reaching for your pussy to collect the cum oozing from it before bringing them to his lips, sucking them clean. He moaned around his own fingers, which was a sight in and of itself.
"Have I told you how damn good you taste?" He asks, a foggy smile tugging his mouth open.
"Yeah, but say it again."
Sirius gave you a devious look, one that you had come to know all too well.
"Or I could just show you."
Will there be a best friends to lovers series to come based on this? Yes, yes there will. Stay tuned and stay slutty.
Sirius Black Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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kingthunder · 2 years
Oh prompts! Can I request “I need you, you idiot” or “I think about kissing you all the time” for yennskier please? 💛
Jaskier hadn’t been expecting to run across Yennefer of Vengerberg in a tavern in the ass end of nowhere. He did a double take when he saw her, for a split second even thinking he might be seeing things, but even if he couldn’t pick her out of a lineup blindfolded based on her terrifying aura alone, she dispelled all doubt by meeting his eyes across the room and making a beeline for him.
“You,” she said at the same time that he said, “I didn’t do it.”
“You did,” Yennefer said. “You wrote a song about me and people are singing it from here to Nilfgaard.”
“Oh, that,” Jaskier said. “Yeah, okay, I did that.”
“You ass,” Yennefer said and ordered a drink.
Jaskier cautiously ordered one as well, and Yennefer didn’t growl at him to leave, so he stayed. They drank in silence for what felt like a century, the air between them growing thick and charged, until Jaskier muttered “fuck it” and drained the rest of his drink in one go. He leaned in and said, “I haven’t heard from him either.”
Yennefer’s shoulders collapsed like a wet towel.
“Fuck,” she said. “Was I that obvious?”
“Yep,” Jaskier said, popping the p. “Another drink?”
“You can buy it.”
“I wouldn’t dream otherwise.”
Two hours later, his words slightly slurred, Jaskier said, “the worst part is that I don’t even know if any of it ever meant anything to him.”
This was some time after he’d admitted that he and Geralt had been fucking for years, and hadn’t that been a wild thing to say out loud with his mouth—to Yennefer of all people, his sworn enemy and only rival for Geralt’s admittedly intermittent affections.
“It had to,” Yennefer said. “He stayed with you for twenty years and there wasn’t even a spell making him do it.”
Jaskier remembered Geralt’s mouth on him in the dark, the way Geralt’s hands sometimes trembled in his hair when Jaskier made him come, and he wanted to believe her. He wanted that more than anything.
The line of Yennefer’s mouth was unhappy, and Jaskier had the absurd thought that he wanted to kiss it better. The thought percolated through his alcohol-soaked brain that the djinn spell fucked her up as much as Geralt’s decades of refusal to commit had fucked him up. His eyes wandered to her throat, where her dress had pulled low enough to reveal her collarbone, and he wanted to kiss that too.
“No, that was just my own stutip—” Jaskier stumbled on the word and then righted himself to say with perfect diction, “stupidity. My dedication to the art of being an idiot is both unparalleled and regrettable.”
“Did he ever—” Yennefer started. She looked at him and caught him looking at her, and he didn’t even try to pretend he wasn’t doing it. “What kinds of things did he say to you, when you…?”
Jaskier felt a spark of indignation that she thought she was allowed to ask him things like that and expected him to actually answer. And then he realized—she was grasping just like he was, for proof that it ever meant anything. The empty spot in his heart went out to her.
“He never said much at all,” Jaskier said truthfully. “But the way he got all cuddly afterwards said a lot. Or at least I thought it did.”
An arm around his chest, heavy and solid. A muscled leg thrown over his hip. Geralt’s face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, both their sweat cooling. 
“Yeah,” Yennefer said, and she was still looking at him. Their hands were nearly touching on the table. Jaskier inched his pinky towards her. She let him brush up against her and they both shuddered.
“I keep thinking about kissing you,” Jaskier whispered, and immediately turned his face away, cheeks burning. He pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave, didn’t want to stay at this inn anyway, they have bedbugs I think, and this ale is way too strong? I—”
He was rambling but he couldn’t make himself stop.
“No,” Yennefer said. She grabbed his doublet to pull him back around. “No, you don’t get to say that and then pretend you didn’t.”
“I didn’t say anything at all,” Jaskier said, just to be an ass, and he expected her to fry him to a crisp or maybe knock his head into the tabletop or at least give him a good verbal whipping, but instead she grabbed his doublet more securely and yanked him closer.
It pulled him off balance and he fell half into her and then she was kissing him.
He made some kind of undignified noise and he couldn’t figure out where to put his hands and oh Melitele that was her tongue.
“Ah,” he said when she let him go. Frazzled, he righted himself, scooting back into his chair and running his hands through his hair. “Ah. That was. Ah.”
“Did it live up to your expectations?” Yennefer said. Her back was stiff and her cheeks were red and this time she wouldn’t look at him. It was the closest thing to nervous he had ever seen her. She hiccuped, the only indication she’d given so far that the ale was affecting her at all.
“Yen,” Jaskier said softly.
When she finally met his eyes he deliberately got up and knelt on the floor at her feet. She parted her knees enough to let him in. Gods, he had spent so much time hating this woman that it had distracted him from how much she needed the opposite.
“Yen,” he said again, and tilted his face up, and she leaned down to kiss him, lingering and soft, her hand on his cheek.
When they broke apart, Yennefer was smiling. He had never seen that smile before, all the way to her eyes, years of stress melting off her face. Shit, Jaskier thought. When did I fall in love? I missed that part.
“Idiot,” Yennefer said.
“Yes. But let me be your idiot, for now?”
“For now,” Yennefer agreed.
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alolanrain · 1 year
And what would ash's reaction be to an angry raihan yelling on a thick accent?
(Reminder that Ash’s usual age for when I write him interacting with any person from Galar is 21-22. I don’t ever really write him as 10 unless explicitly stated)
The first time he actually acknowledged that Raihan was-very much-indeed sexy was when he caught the gym leader at a bad time while traveling with Goh and they had to stop by for some data for Cerise. Raihan had a horrible day from the start. The day had just been shit and he just faced off the last Trainer for the day who was genuinely so horrible to their Pokémon. Yet they won against Raihan regardless.
So obviously, it fucking sucks because Raihan can’t actively do anything and his ego and pride was heavily bruised.
Ash and Goh and asked Raihan if he wanted to go out with them for dinner and a few drinks, obviously somewhere minor friendly for Goh who’s only 18-17 give or take a few months-Ash can’t remember off the top of his head but he genuinely remembers the other is around that age. They end up in a little hole-in-the wall restaurant with darts and little to no people. It takes a while for Raihan to actively act like himself again and not pretend.
Both Kantonians realize just when he starts to relax when Raihan’s shoulders drool and he leans back into the surprisingly plush bench, their in one of those half circles booths so it’s not surprising to Ash when Raihans feet slid into his more. Goh looked at Ash in surprise-obviously feeling the galarian’s other foot but decided to let it be when Ash refused to look in his direction. To busy telling a story about how he and Pikachu accidentally stole a yacht with Brock and Misty.
The stories probably true but Ash doesn’t get to finish it, as the bad trainer from early bursts into the bar with a group of their friends and making loud remarks about the “wussy dragon gym leader.” And how “Trainer kicked his ass so hard.” Which we’re just a few. The majority of the group just echoed off what the main Trainer was saying, like a broken record player. Ash actively stops Goh from getting up-even though proud that the boy is a little more confrontational when things are clearly wrong but with a somewhat healthy head on his shoulders-and gently pressed his pinky into one of Raihans fingers that was gripping his third tumbler of scotch for the night. The only outward appearance that something is wrong.
Raihan is trying to stay calm. Truly, he is. At least the bastard sits in the other end of the room with his posse. their comments quietly as they order and turn to the dart board. Things simmer but Raihan’s anger doesn’t boil and neither does Ash’s after the gym leader tells him and Goh about the asshole.
They all agree to just leave it be, even though all their stomachs are rolling and a varying degree of anger and with something else, it’s no use to start a fight now. None of them would have any good means of justification when it inevitably having to talk to a Officer Jenny or having to ride to a hospital in an ambulance since there would be no doubt at least a few of the fuckers friends would help-if not the majority.
Things don’t come to a head until a little later-like an hour or two-where Ash wants another drink since he just finished his second and Goh wanted more cheasy fries the place sold, it would be easer to just order through the bartender then wave for a waiter that just seemed to have disappeared for the entire night.
Now Ash isn’t hit on a lot by guys in Galar, which was weird because he looked fine-a bit of a mash of Captain America and whoever the fuck is Bucky or that’s what Cilan and Clemont told Ash after he saw them a few weeks ago-but appreciated it. Sometimes it was genuinely tiring having to walk across a bar or crowded restaurants without getting unceasingly hit on by all genders.
That is, until a pair of arms trapped him on either side of the bar. It took a hot second for Ash to realize that it was said Mr. Asshole and one of his friends. Nothing they said really made it into Ash’s brain. He was just caught so off guard, even though it didn’t last for even five minutes before the two boys were ripped away from him. Raihans normally jovial tone and thick accent was pitched with so much verocity and anger it had caught him even more off guard. Though somehow it nearly brought Ash to his knees because he found it hot.
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gotnofucks · 3 years
Say, Mob!Steve or just dark!Steve takes the reader and at first it's all brutal but then he falls for her. How do you think she would react when his love triggers her own feelings? Loving someone who hurt you 👀
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Title: Condemned to Him
Pairing: soft!dark!Steve x Reader
Summary: It’s hard to love someone you were meant to hate. But Steve doesn’t care, and he will have your love no matter how much you deny it.
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: Hate sex, smut, past non-con mentioned, kidnapping implied, dubious consent, possessiveness, implied forced marriage, mentions of violence and guns, angst, reader in third person pov, 18+ ONLY
A/N: I have never written from a character’s first person pov before, and phew, it is was a little much. For all those waiting for my Halloween fics, I am afraid you’re gonna have to wait longer. I lost my muse there for a while.
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My mother told me that death is the ultimate peace. Everyone dies, one day so will I, but until the time that never ending embrace came for me, I lived my life with little regrets. At lease I did, as of a couple months ago. Now I stare at her, watching the way she dipped her pinky into the ketchup only to lick it, sometimes tracing random swirls with it on her plate. She hasn’t looked at me, not once in nearly two weeks.
I think again that my mother was a wise woman, but she never thought I’d be stupid enough to die this way. Because that is what she does to me. She is killing me, every damn day, a tiny bit everyday the more she stays silent, the more she refuses to meet my eyes. It’s ironically fitting. There is no peace in my life without her, and she is the one who would bring me death. I won’t get peace in death; I will get death by peace.
“I can cook you something else if you don’t like this.” I said, trying once more to get her attention. She doesn’t even react. I know she hates what is on her plate, but she pointedly picked up her spoon and took in a mouthful. Right now, I feel as if she’d rather drink poison than look at me.
Sighing, I try to reach across the table to her, my hand an inch away from hers when she quickly got up and dumped her leftovers in the trash, walking away without a look behind her back. No one shows me their back, not unless they want a bullet in it. She doesn’t care. She doesn’t fear me anymore.
If there is one thing she knows, it is that I will not hurt her. Never again, not after I lost my heart to her so tragically that Shakespeare would pay me good money to have an opportunity to write about it.
Give her space, that is what they told me. But space from what? How? I cannot stop loving her, I cannot stop myself from crawling in the bed beside her, staring at her face bathed in moonlight. She can hate me, she can even kill me, but she cannot leave me. I wouldn’t let her.
My fingers slide slowly over the few inches that separate us, gently landing on her shoulder. She was awake, I knew she was, and her body became rigid. It had been more than a month since I fucked her, nearly two weeks since I last touched her. With the way her skin came alive with goose bumps, I know she missed my touch too. If I was a slave to my heart, she was a slave to her body. She couldn’t help craving my touch any more than I could stop craving her heart.
I pulled her close, rolling on top of her and groaning quietly at her eyes that lay stubbornly closed. My lips press softly against one, and then the other, feeling her eyelashes fluttering against my mouth. Her breath hitched, fingers twisting into the sheets, and I cursed her for keeping herself from me. She wants me, and I am here to give her everything.
Please God, just let her look at me.
I kiss down her face, tracing the curve of her shoulder and neck and the soft swell of her chest, reveling in the softest whines she let escape. Her body was clenched tight, like a snake coiled tight and ready to attack only she relaxed with every touch of my lips. I pushed away the flimsy robe from her body, the one she still wore to bed. Maybe it was habit, most probably it was torture. I could see her, but I couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t taste her.
But she didn’t stop me today. I bathed her in my tongue, relishing her taste and feel, fingers digging into her flesh to reclaim the body that I had stolen. I wasn’t gentle the first night I took her. She had cried under me, pleading to be let go as I satiated my appetite inside her. She didn’t want me then, and I didn’t love her then. But now, she wanted me, and I loved her. But there was only silence.
Please God, just let her say my name.
The moment I entered her, her eyes snapped open and she raised them heavenwards to glare at the monster up there, probably telling him to fuck off for letting me get to her. I filled her perfectly, and her hands twitched until she lost the battle and wrapped them around me. Her neck was tilted to stop the temptation of facing me. And I let her have her dignity by burying my face in her breast and breathing hard as I thrust inside her.
It was so gentle, and I knew she hated it. Her entire body trembled as I touched her like a lover, coaxing her to open up. She once told me that she’d rather take my bullet than my heart, but I was a man rarely denied. I forced her to take my love, forced it into the marks of my teeth that littered her collar bone and the mouth hands that worshiped her and the lips that formed her name with every passing second.
She was close, I could tell. Her thighs shook and nails dug hard into my shoulders and the moment she came, I knew what would happen. Love was about letting go, about relaxing in its embrace. She snapped. Her eyes flew to mine and filled with rage, and she clawed like a tigress. I was prepared for her fight, prepared to see her eyes narrowed in hatred and I reveled in it.
I could take her bitterness; I could take every scar she ever gave me as long at those eyes were locked with mine in the battle of wills and hearts. She cried, fighting hard the way she knows I like, and my lips curled into a smile, hips hammering harder, causing her to wince and curse but retaliate with more vigor. The ring on her hand, the one I had forced there, cut across my cheek as she slapped me, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
Let her cut me open and wring me dry of the last drop of blood as long as she was mine. As long as she stayed under me like this and called me words that no one dared say to me at my face. I held her strong, fucking her so hard that I know she hurt for real. But the tears that slipped past her eyes weren’t those of physically agony. When I had stolen her body, she used to cry with pain. Now that I am stealing her soul, she cries because of loss.
I am as battered as her abused hole, her fingers tangled in my hair that she tried best to uproot. But as angry as she was, the wetness that slicked between her legs gave her away. She didn’t stop me. She hurt me, but she didn’t stop me. One word from her and I would have. Between us, she has all the power, but she takes my lust and my need and my love and throws back her anger and disgust at me, poorly concealing the feelings that she reciprocated inside her very being.
I pitied her then, because I would hate it too if my captor turned out to be my pardoner, if the villain I was sworn to hate wore a shining armour and became my hero. I made her fall for me, and she could hate me for it, but she would still love me. I made sure of it.
The moment she begins to close her eyes I grab her face hard, grunting as I pushed into her struggling body with enough force to bruise both of us. Our hearts were already broken, so some bones wouldn’t hurt as much.
“Don’t look away. Not now.”
I am begging, pleading, ordering, praying, everything and nothing as she looks at me and falls apart. I push away as she arches her back and shakes in pleasure, my mouth finding her cunt and diving in until her shrieks are heard by God and Satan and angels and demons who all stop to watch us burn. My tongue sweeps inside and flicks until she cums again, trying to pull away from my mouth unsuccessfully that keeps up until she is sobbing and cuming once more.
She lays limp on her bed, the fight fucked out of her as I enter her once more and take her harder and faster and with more love than either of us knows what to do with. I release inside, marking her as mine and holding her close, ignoring the blood that leaks down the cuts that she inflicted on me. I would put a dagger in my own heart to see her smile.
Please God, let her smile again.
“Steve.” She says, and my heart freezes before burning again because I never thought she would say my name again. It tastes like poison to her, and she only spits it out. But now, she sobs. “Why cannot you let me hate you in peace?”
I want to. I want to give her everything she ever wants. I want to give her my gun and ask her to point it at me and end her suffering. Mine too. But I love her so much. And I love her so selfishly. She was mine, and her every breath was mine. We could spend the rest of our lives fighting, with her clawing at me and me chasing her when she tries to run, but we will spend it together.
Because she was here to stay. She was my heart. My true heart. The one inside my chest could shrivel up and die but she would live and beat and thrive, and as long as she did, so would I. I didn’t know how to leave her alone.
“I will let you strangle me right now.” I promise her, pulling her broken body close. “I would let you take out the last dregs of your hate and rage on me, right here, right now, if you promise to love and mourn me for the rest of your life. For your love, I would die.”
This night, she doesn’t sleep with her back to me. Her head is on my chest, and I wonder what she is thinking. Maybe counting my heartbeats. Or maybe contemplating how to stop them.
I don’t care. As long as she is mine, as long as I have her here with me, I will survive.
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torapologist · 3 years
𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
this is for @bokuroskitten “Are you shy!?” collab. Happy late Valentine’s Day! c: wc: 1.5k cw: nsfw, virgin!shin, gn!reader, drinking, smoking cigarettes, handjob, drunk sex kind of but not really, not proofread an: i don’t really know how to write dialogue but there’s a first time for everything ig anyways i want to bully shinichiro 
Minors please do not interact.
Shinichiro Sano was your typical boy next door. If you ignore the whole ‘notorious gang leader’ thing, that is. But, as someone who grew up next to him, you just couldn’t stop seeing him as this silly little Shin-chan he always was.
Sure, he is a bit taller now and his eyes are more mature, and now he smells like cologne and not cheap kids body sprays anymore. And you see everyday how he behaves with his little siblings or when he gets sweaty from work with oil marks on his face…
You have a crush on Shinichiro Sano.
But you knew he would never look at you as more than a friend. You have seen him flirt so many times with other people. Sure, he got rejected each time you were there, but you just thought he had better luck when you were absent.
The two of you had a tradition that at least once a month, if not more, Shin and you would meet up at his bike shop after closing and spend the night drinking and catching up. Tonight was one of those nights at his shop, just like any other. You brought the wine, the cheapest one you could find, and he brought the snacks, probably stolen from his siblings.
You chug down a horrid mix of wine, coke, ketchup and some other mysterious sauce you found in the work shops mini fridge. Shinichiro laughed at the grimace you made while trying to keep it down.
It was his turn now, and afraid of your revenge, he said truth.
“What’s your body count?” you ponder for a bit.
Shinichiro looked anywhere but you, quickly sipping his drink.
“What kind of body count you mean? You do realize you’re talking to a member of the Black Dragons here...” He was joking, trying to ease his own nerves and maybe change the topic completely.
“Shin, I know you have never killed a man. I’m pretty sure you have never killed a bug. I’m asking how many people have you fucked.”
Well, here goes nothing: “None.” He tried to seem like he wasn’t embarrassed by that fact. He knew he shouldn’t be, but couldn’t help the feeling.
“You’re joking!” Your eyes widened in surprise. This definitely wasn’t the answer you expected.
“Nope. Your turn.” He quickly changed the subject and the game continued on.
You decided to let him change the subject. The evening continued as any other between the two of you would. You kept drinking and playing dumb games, and soon the trashcan was filled with empty cigarette packs and empty wine bottles as you got more comfortable.
“Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?” Shin asked as your laughter died down.
“Hm… truth!”
“Have you ever had a crush on one of my friends?” He thought he was the funniest man in the world at that moment.
“Damn, were you waiting for that one?” The question caught you by surprise. Mainly because you didn’t know how to exactly answer. While his friends were good looking, nice guys you had the hots for the scrawny leader the group and didn’t exactly know if he counts in the question as well.
You pondered for a bit before deciding a neutral “Kind of…” would suffice.
“What do you mean kind of? Tell me who!”
“I’m not telling you! Wait for the next round.” Now it was your turn to sip your drink and struggle with the lighter all in hopes of avoiding the question.
He continued to annoy you, refusing to continue the game before you tell him.
“Come on, I promise I won’t tell him!” Shinichiro lifted his pinkie to prove to you that he is serious.
“Oh, if I tell you, he will know.” You thought you were mysterious and smart with that answer, but alcohol has been starting to slowly get to you and you wondered if it would be funnier to tell him the truth.
“You don’t trust me that much? C’mon, I won’t tell!” He lifted his pinkie even higher.
You wrapped your finger around his and looked at your hands. The two of you would look really cute together: “It was you, you idiot.”
“Me?” Shinichiro flushed brightly from his neck to the tips of his ears. You always found that so endearing. You nodded.
Shinichiro quickly looked down, his pinkie tightening around yours.
“Do you, maybe, still kinda like me? Because maybe I kinda like you too… right now”
A lot of emotions went through you at once, but you decided it’s now or never. You pressed your lips against his, catching him off guard. It takes him a bit to move his lips against yours, but when he does, oh, it’s heavenly. It’s messy and it’s sweet, the definition of puppy love and silly first kisses. Shins inexperienced, but he’s a quick learner. His lips are chapped and he tastes of wine and tobacco and you could drown in it all.
You pull back and place your hands on his cheeks. They are so, so warm and even in the faint street light you can see their red tint. He can barely look at you and you are inches away from his face.
“Shiiin, are you getting shy?” You tease.
“What? No!” he still refuses to look at you.
“Awww, cute”
“Don’t aww me!” He pulls you back in for a kiss but when your hands fall in his lap you find out why he hasn’t been able to look you in the eyes. You palm at his bulge and can feel him shudder.
“I-I’m sorry! This is so embarrassing!” He pushes you away and scoots a bit.
“It’s not, baby. Tell me, have you done this before?” You coo.
His heart skips a beat and the nickname. He always wondered if you were the sickly sweet pet names kind of person.
“N-no..” He glances at you.
“Do you want to do it? Anything you’re comfortable with.”
“Yes, please.” Shinichiro fully looks at you now, his mind going wild. Will he fuck tonight?
You kiss at his neck while unbuttoning his jeans. Shinichiro doesn’t know what to do with his hands, so you guide him. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in eagerness.
You pull his already hard cock out and just as he is about to stutter an apology or excuse you spit on his tip and he moans.
“Getting excited already, are we?” You look at him and he swears he could se stars in your eyes.
“Very much so.” He lets out a breathy laugh and gets more comfortable.
“Don’t keep quiet, baby boy, I want to hear your pretty sounds.” You kiss behind his ear and Shinichiro thinks he is going to explode.
You’re gentle with him, always checking how he is doing and what feels nice. Everything feels nice. Your hands are so warm and tug at him just at the right pace. And the fact that it’s somebody else, the fact that its you who is playing with his dick is making him lose his mind.
Shinichiro is trying so hard not to cum too fast and embarrass himself, but when your pace picks up and your other hand starts playing with his chest he knows it’s over soon. When you tip him over the edge he know this is it. He is now in love with you and will never be able to jack off again. This is pure bliss and your little pecks on his face are making the feeling increase tenfold. He wonders what would it feel like inside you and he thinks he is about to get hard again.
As Shinichiro’s breathing calms, you get up and he shivers at the cold.
“Where are you going?” He asks with a pout and you could laugh at the worry in his voice.
“Just to clean up. Want some water?”
“Yeah, sure.”
This was such a wild night. Shinichiro notices that the sun will rise soon. He wonders what will that mean for your friendship. Relationship? He always thought you were way out of his league. Plus you always saw how he makes a fool of himself while flirting. He hopes that by the morning he finds the guts to officially ask you out.
“Hey Y/n?” he asks toward the empty hallway after he hears the water stop.
“Do you wanna cuddle?”
Your giggle echoes through the night and it’s the most beautiful sound Shin has ever heard. He does wonder how do you moan though.
Shinichiro leans against the wall when he sees you approaching and you throw yourself besides him and the conversation starts to flow once again like nothing happened.
You spend the rest of the night still chatting and giggling, but this time it’s much more quiet and sweet. Playing with each other’s fingers, you share little pecks and almost forget the time when he is supposed to open the shop again.
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minshookie · 3 years
Pillow Fight.
Pairing |Bully!Jungkook x reader
Genre | smut, angst.
Summary | “Another day spent babysitting your bully’s little sister...you should really quit but the pay is just too good.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language, bullying, mentioned sexual acts, mentions of past bullying, NON-CON,financial struggle, Jungkook is a really shitty big brother.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|
(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [open for request] words: 1k.
A/N: I rewrote this so many times! Lmfaoo! Buuut get ready because some of requests yall sent in are 🥵🥵.
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“Orange is your best color.” Aera chirped dragging the paint drowned brush along your pinky nail. “I think you’re just saying that because it’s your favorite.” The young girl giggles continuing to color your fingertips. “Uhm are you staying all night miss y/n?” Nodding you brushed back her wild strands of hair softly with your free hand. “Soooo like a sleep over?!” She squeals closing the bottle of nail polish, her eyes glittering as she gazes into yours intent for answers. “Yeah!” You matching her energy only made her more excited, “yay! And-and can Jungkookie Oppa come?!” She bounced on her knees smiling ear to ear, fumbling over her words.
“Oh...Jungkook huh... Hmm what about no boys aloud?” You planted the idea praying she’d take the bait as you started cleaning her toy makeup, giving her a chance to think it over.
“What? Jungkook isn’t a boy, he’s my brother!” Giggling she pounced from the couch striding towards his room. At this point all you could do is laugh at her innocent lack of logic. She looks so happy who are you to burst her little bubble, for all you know Jungkook might want nothing to do with the both of you and your little mock slumber party.
Closing the toy purse you hid it back away in the large toy chest she pulled from her room, leaving it open you cleared the floor of the multicolored blocks and dolls. A whisper of a laugh escapes your lips as you overhear Aera’s begs and pleas mixed with Jungkook’s refusals....but finally the door creaks.
Please no. “Y/n, guess what?!” She drags your name out as her small foot steps pitter the floor, Jungkook’s thudding. She comes down the hall pulling Jungkook by his middle finger. “As if you weren’t undesirable enough, neon nails really helped it out.” Grumbling he throws himself on the couch you just tidied up. “Nice to see you again too Kook.”Aera bounced on her toes watching us have confrontation, unaware of the negative connotations.
Truth is you hadn’t seen Jungkook since you left for college and you hadn’t planned on seeing him ever again...that is until relationships fell apart, your roommate left and things got hard to pay for, and you were two bills away from being homeless. the job up at university paid $9.50 an hour while the busy Jeons still offered $12.00 the choice was clear. Take a little break, live with family, get back on your feet, and try again. But little did you know Jungkook decided to stay local with his schooling.All this aside the work was easy since Aera had grown a bit, but the thought of dealing with the person that made your life hell for four years made you want to quit daily.
“Can I do your nails Too?!” “No Aera, now be cute and get me something to drink.” He orders putting his feet on the coffee table eyeing you up and down,disgustingly. “No Aera I’ll get it.” You grabbed her shoulder. “No y/n! I’ll do it, I’ll do it quickly!” Setting free she bolted for the kitchen.
“So, you went to college got broke and came back sniveling to my rich parents?” You rolled your eyes, looking in the direction of the kitchen for any sign of Aera. “I thought you would’ve out grown your asshole phase, that’s very high school of you Kook.” He scoffed defensively, “and you using babysitting as your main income is high school of you, what happened your little rapper boyfriend leave you high and dry?” “You shut the fuck up.” You snapped back my reflex. He held his hands up in defense, “Suga blew up and left you in the shit show not my fault.” We argued in hushed tones as Aera ran back into sight.
“Here you go kookie!” She handed Jungkook the can of Coke, heaving for air. “Aera this is warm, cold...I want something cold, go try again.” He handed her the can, “oh okay Oppa sorry!” And off she was back down the hall. He turned back to me, “why’d he leave you...couldn’t make him bust?” you tried to hide it but his words stung, you’d been avoiding anything to do with Yoongi since he’d ghosted you weeks before you left for college. Bigger things waited for him in the world of fame, and you weren’t in the blueprint.
“Fuck you Jungkook.” “Come try it bitch.” Smirking he was satisfied with himself as you stood almost defeated. “Oh I forgot you’re scared of sex.” “Leave the high school rumors behind...ran out a material? Maybe you should get out more.” He rolled his eyes scoffing, “shut up before I make you.” “You like to pretend I’m still afraid you...make me, little boy...since you insist on being one.”
Jungkook’s come back was cut short by the thumping of Aera’s feet. “Kookie!Kookie! Ice! I got it all by myself!” She gave the cup of ice to Jungkook and then the Coke. “Good job, now pour it.” He handed them back and you took it from her small clutches much to Jungkook’s disliking. You poured him the drink, pushing his feet off the small table and placing the glass. “She’s not your little slave Jungkook.” He kept eye contact picking up the glass, “you’re right she’s not, you...go get me a coaster now or you’re fired.” His eyebrow arched cockily, his free hand waving you away. “As if! You can’t fire me Jungkook.” He got Aera sitting her on the couch beside him as she caught her breath. “Is that so? Try me, my parents might have hired you but you work for us...now work.” His gaze alone told you he wasn’t playing with you anymore.
Angered you stormed to kitchen pulling a coaster from the table before swiftly Turing on your heels, almost jumping out of you skin as you met face to face with Jungkook. “What the fuck do you want now?” “You said some shit I didn’t like.” You threw the coaster back on the marbled table, “I wish you’d grow up already.” You atempt to go past him but his muscular arm halts your plans. “I have to go do my job-” “I put on her show she’ll be good for the next hour.”
You don’t remember Jungkook being so brooding he looked down at you, his new tall posture slightly off putting yet attractive. “What now, you wanna talk it out?” You walked away siting at the island, “I’ll leave you be if you leave me to do my job Kook.” He came behind you, trapping you in his arms. Tattoos, he’d change a lot but not enough to leave you alone.
“I see you came and got the coaster, scared of me now?” What an ass, “no I need this job.” He hummed from behind you, no sign of him letting you go. “You know y/n, you’ve grown quite a bit.” You became more and more uncomfortable by the second, his breathing became deeper. “I’m aware, so have you.” Rudely he became handsy, groping your breast earning a shocked reaction. “Jungkook please-” “scared of me?” He squeezed you with a little too much force making you give a Yelp, he had you trapped, you were nothing but a game to him. “Shhh shh don’t want to startle my baby sister while she rests...that wouldn’t be very babysitter like of you now would it?”
Silent what could you even say? He had you trapped, your position less than hopeless he’d made you feel small and that’s exactly what he wanted. He’s always wanted that ever since you’d met him, and he always succeeds. He intruded under your top, skating his chilled hand over your skin leaving cold bumps in his wake he held your bra covered breast.
You griped his unexposed wrist trying at escape, knowing fully how downhill this could get. “Oh is the brave girl afraid?” “N-no your hands are cold as Ice Jungkook...please stop.” You lied continuing to push his muscular arm. “Oh? Let me warm them for you.” He removed his hand from the island almost causing you to topple over. Reaching down he found himself with his hand now between your legs fiddling with the pant button. “Jungkook! Please no!” His hand along your chest he pulled you back into his sculpted figure.
“You must not value your job as much as you say, scream again and you’ll be broke and fucked over and to think I actually liked you a bit.” He came to your ear, sniffing your hair eerily. “Little did I know how much of a bitch you were, I loved you when you were shy.” He finally got through your button, getting to your panties he gave you a two fingered massage along your core, you strained not to react to the unwanted pleasure. “Look at you pathetic and wet I bet you’re so needy I could make you cum right here.” He began to focus his nimble fingers on your aching clit. “Fucking stop it.” You could only whimper. “Why should I, we’re old enough now and you’re sopping through your panties I know you want it.”
He invaded under your bra, fondling your hardening bud. “I loved you when you were weak and innocent...I know she’s hiding deep inside of you, the little girl that would cry over me-”
“Miss y/n! I’m tired!” Her voice softly called from the living room. Saved by an angel, finally Jungkook stoped his assault backing off of you with a groan. “You’ll meet me in my room when she’s in bed, or else.” He grumbled leaving you behind to collect yourself, how could bad get so much worse?
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Also I’m just gonna to respond to this post on my own and not reblog because I just do not have the mental will power to deal with this nonsense but uh let me remind you he DID have a plan, the plan he spent all of volume 7 working on. Also I’m just gonna to respond to this post on my own and not reblog because I just do not have the mental will power to deal with this nonsense but uh let me remind you he DID have a plan, remember it was his plan of take Atlas and run that made RWBY shit their pants and decide to go full fucking mutiny? James SAID he wanted to use the staff to fly Atlas away he SAID that. He spells out his plans, multiple plans, he was the guy with plans and was ready to take action ALL OF VOLUME 7. 
I would like to ask YOU what RWBY’s plan was that they actually fucking said in show not your headcannon, not your imaginary plan, the plan they SAID because their so called fucking “plan” was stand and fight the immortal witch.  They had no idea of how to stop Salem, they where fully ready to send the entire Atlesian Military to sacrifice themselves and die to buy them time. The ONLY reason RWBY didn’t like James’s plan was because he didn’t think he could spent the time to evacuate Mantle. THAT’S IT. That is the ONLY reason they objected to it the ONLY FUCKING REASON. They insist that they should stand their ground and fight. That’s all they’ve got. That’s really not even slightly better then “Run with those we have already saved to live to fight another day”. Sure it sounds nicer and sounds more heroic but at the end of the day, this was a trolley problem. James says it himself, “Sometimes doing the right thing, means making tough decisions”. That’s what he was doing, making a tough choice to chose to flee with what he reasonably could guarantee could escape before Salem fucking arrives. At least his plan could be considered a complete one. RWBY did not have a full plan. They just said “Force the already worn down and exhausted soldiers to keep fighting until we figure out how to make Salem just go away because she’s immortal and can keep making more soldiers for all eternity really but trust us I pinky promise it will all work out even if we don’t know how”. If they had ideas on how to stop Salem or buy them the time they needed to evacuate I wouldn’t be so hard on RWBY but the issue is THEY DID NOT. They had no clue what to do about Salem but decided when Salem was barreling towards them with a massive army was the time to try and figure something out. And then in volume 8 they just steal James’s Amity tower plan and pretend like it was theirs all along while pretending James’s main conflict last volume was fighting to get the damn thing built. 
And no, RWBY has not really suffered any consequence's, consequences according to the dictionary is:  a result or effect of an action or condition. They sat in the mansion drinking tea, they left Mantle, the people they betrayed James for, just to run off and fuck around to save Oscar. They don’t deal with people angry at them for trapping them in Salem’s warpath, they don’t lose any of their friends because everyone, besides James but they don’t even care about the poor guy, just suddenly agrees with them. They won’t even deal with the fallout from destroying Atlas and throwing everyone into mass poverty and homelessness because they’re going to be spending Volume 9 on what appears to be some Island paradise. 
Stop pretending RWBY is super pure and perfect and morally superior and did no wrong because they aren’t and they fucked up BIG TIME but the show refuses to admit or acknowledge this. 
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kim-poce · 3 years
Bloodbag Neo and Celeste
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
CW: pet whump, burns
So Tobias fucked up.
It was one thing to describe those kind of injuries to vampires. They were intimately familiar with blood and injuries; it was kind of a requirement of the species. And he was a PI; he'd seen more than his fair share of shit.
What he didn't take into account was how the boy would react.
Honestly, he couldn't even say what he was thinking. Probably because I wasn't, he thought ruefully. Maybe he had the idea somewhere in his head that as a pet bloodbag, he would be desensitized to this kind of thing.
Which was 1) stupid, and 2) very obviously wrong. The boy had gotten steadily more terrified as Tobias talked, which he would have noticed if he had bothered to look. The boy being scared just made the vampires angrier (and wasn't that interesting, that kind of protective anger over their pet), and then Alex lost control of his strength and broke the pot of soup.
Which spilled over him and the boy both.
The boy was letting out little shocked gasps, probably all the noise he allowed himself to make. And Alex and Evelyn were fighting over... who would heal the boy? Another thing to file away and think over later.
It was when Evelyn raised a dishcloth to wipe at the burns that Tobias knew he had to intervene. As the only other human in the room, he was probably the most qualified in non-vampire-related healing.
"Woah, hey, don't rub at the burns," he said.
Evelyn glared at him. Tobias was rather glad he hadn't eaten or drank anything in a while; if he had, he might have been in need of clean pants at the moment. But this wasn't about him; this was about the boy, and the fuck-up that Tobias had to do his best to mitigate. He forced himself to continue.
"Run cool water over them first," he said. "It pulls the heat out and flushes the wound of anything in it."
He eyed the boy, and the location of the burns. Arm and shoulder... those could probably both be treated in the kitchen sink, rather than having to resort to a shower. If the kid leaned over the counter, or if the Forteries didn't mind Tobias making more of a mess of their floor, he could use the extendable spray nozzle from the sink to reach the burns.
"May I?" he asked, gesturing to the sink.
He was painfully aware of just how precarious his current situation was. He could at least try to not make it worse.
Crossovers - Masterlist
CW: drugs (vampire's venom).
Alex was feeling more useless by the time. If only he could drink human blood. If only he could heal the boy himself. If only he was stronger. If-
"May I?" Tobias asked, gesturing to the sink.
"You are hurt, you are only going to make a mess," Alex sounded more angry than he wanted to show, but even if he was at fault for breaking the damn pan, Tobias still had scared the boy with his description of torture. "I'll do it myself."
"No," Evelyn declared, still glaring at Tobias, who just now seemed to notice how thin was the thread his life is hanging on, "Give me your hand."
Tobias' face went pale, and Alex hadn't to think much to guess why, Evelyn was putting him in place, and she obviously had done it before. Tobias was hesitant to agree, but after everything, he would truly die if he tried to refuse.
He groaned out when Evelyn pulled him closer by his already broken arm, "Be quiet," she said before sinking her fangs into his neck, too fast for him to do anything about it.
She didn't drink blood –not that she bothered on telling him– she only used her venom as a painkiller, not enough to get him high or out of it but enough to make the pain more bearable.
"Now get over it," she ordered, letting him go and gesturing to the sink.
@neverthelass, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @rose-pinkie
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Touch it for Real, Part 5
Genre: Humor / Fluff / Eventual Smut
Warnings: OMG they were roommates / slice of life / slow burn / mutual pining / crude humor / cursing / virgin!baek / idiots to lovers / mention of feet
Characters: Baekhyun X You/Female Reader
Description: You teach Baekhyun how to date. (Basically the Get You Alone M/V)
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6
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Baekhyun was trembling. His hands were actually shaking so much each time he tried to type into the keyboard of his phone he hit the wrong letters and the typos rendered his message impossible for even the autocorrect to guess what he was trying to say.
“Just — ugh — just give me a regular keyboard for fuck’s sake,” he was grumbling to himself, “my hands wont stop shaking. I can’t. I can’t do this.”
He tossed the phone with force away from him and it landed face down on the carpet across the living room.
“No. I refuse,” he was staring over at the phone on the floor with a shell shocked aura about him, “just forget it. I’ve changed my mind. I can’t. I won’t!”
You’d given him a homework assignment an hour ago.
Ask a girl out on a date.
He’d been sitting on this sofa with his phone in his hands, writing, deleting, rewriting and deleting, again and again, into the text message conversation he had going with Mia.
It had been going pretty well with Mia actually. You’d been handing him the reins more and more and you both celebrated together with a single glass of wine the night he’d had his first actual phone conversation with her. Baekhyun was a lightweight and usually refused to drink more than a few sips of alcohol but he’d gone for the chilled bottle in the fridge and poured it into two glasses and handed one of them to you and lifted his own into the air. He did not wait for you to acknowledge his toast though. He just downed the contents of his glass with a wince on his face in a single go, slammed the empty glass down onto the counter roughly and stormed out of the kitchen toward his bedroom. You sipped your glass and counted it as a shared celebration.
His phone call lasted for 3 minutes and 32 seconds and he managed to tell one awkward joke that elicited audible laughter from the girl. You knew because you sat on the couch beside him with your ear pulled up as close to the phone as you could manage, trying to hear everything that happened. You’d let him know you were here to intervene if something went wrong but honestly you were sure he would do well on his own. And honestly, he was about to do well on his own, despite how awkward and very nervous his voice was.
They had gotten past the introductions at least twice when he briefly forgot what came after “hello” and simply said it a second time. She at least said it twice too and the awkward pause that came after that went on for too long when you held up the index card in your hand and pointed with your finger to the question you had written down.
“Uhh...so h-how...umm...how are — I mean, what are you up to?”
You couldn't make out her response, but whatever she said pulled an interested hum from the back of his throat and he made a quick witted remark that had her giggling in response.
You could definitely make out the sounds of her laughter and you could instantly see the change on his face when it happened. You saw the brightness form inside his eyes and he turned to look at you with a surprised expression as he lifted a finger to point at the phone he held in his hand.
His eyes were wide with something in between amazement and panic and he mouthed the words ‘she’s laughing’ at you and you nodded enthusiastically in response.
Unfortunately a few seconds after the joke he accidentally dropped the phone and it took a wild bounce, landing somewhere under the couch. He couldn’t find it for two whole minutes and when he finally found it, he made up some excuse about having to go because he smelled something burning.
He stared at the phone until the screen turned black and he didn’t move when you rubbed a soothing hand over his back.
“That went pretty good,” you offered. Baekhyun grunted and turned toward the kitchen for the celebratory toast.
Since that night, (you know the one) you’d intentionally taken on a more supportive teacher role in this project. You vowed to keep yourself involved as much as he needed and you swore you could keep your own selfishness from impeding his progress. The way you had been acting had been unfair and he was too good to you for him to deserve anything less than your very best.
You had made a promise to Baekhyun and then you made a promise to yourself to follow through on that promise. You would move Heaven and Earth to help him reach his goal because he deserved it and seeing him happy would be enough to get you through anything that came your way.
You were fine.
No really, you were completely fine.
He was moaning.
You sat on the couch beside him with your foot propped up on the coffee table as you carefully applied the second coat of polish to your toenails. You’d become quite the expert at applying polish to your nails during bumpy situations. Sitting next to the man who flailed and squirmed beside you on this sofa was commonplace and simply no big deal.
You could probably do this during an earthquake.
His moaning turned into much louder moaning and he threw himself back onto the arm of the couch dramatically and in protest of the unfairness of your assignment.
“Buuuug,” he whined through his nose, drawing it out like a little kid.
You’d just finished your pinky toe when his foot pushed up against your thigh.
Your aim was quick and you reached over and grabbed his foot by the heel as you pivoted in place.
“Be still,” you said calmly and you held his foot in place as you applied the bright red polish to his big toenail. You often did his toes to match your own because it made his toes look adorable and he wore socks everywhere he went anyway so he didn’t mind what you did to amuse yourself.
You moved quickly, dabbing carefully over each of his nails until they were all painted to match yours. You blew air over them to dry them, being thankful you’d invested in the 60 second polish.
“Buuu-hu-hu-hu-uuug,” he moaned harder, wiggling his hips into the fit he was throwing and closing his eyes to sell you on the absolute anguish he was in. “Bug, I just don't think I can do it. Can we do something else? I don't even know what to do on a date. What if she says no? Oh god, what if she says yes, I’m going to puke. Do you want to see me puke? Because I am going to puke.”
You tapped a hand lightly over the top of his finished foot and pointed to the other one and after a few moments he shifted, giving in to what you asked for right away.
But good lord, he was dramatic. The whining and the moaning intensified just when you thought you couldn't stand another volume increase he raised his voice into a shout and put actual words to his protests. Your ears were already ringing and you could feel your substantial patience — really, you were on a level with a Buddhist monk after two years living with this — beginning to shake.
“I mean, if I asked you to teach me how to swim would you chuck me into the ocean on the first day?”
You forced your focus down on his other foot, getting the polish smooth and perfect with each stroke. He had gone quiet after his question to you and you bit down on your lip as you carefully pondered the words he was saying. The last thing you wanted was to make him so uncomfortable he was unable to go about his daily life. You didn't need this project to become a source of heartache for the man.
You were not an unreasonable person. Perhaps this really had been too big of a step for him to take without having even practiced under the careful instruction of a teacher.
He’d waited in silence for you to answer for only a few seconds and when you didn’t; because you were thinking about it, dammit, he threw his whole head back and his mouth opened up and he wailed into the ceiling above his head at an even more annoying volume than you thought was possible. This was new and shocking. It was deafening. Surely the neighbors would think someone was being butchered in here.
The awful sounds were coming straight from his diaphragm. The man had power in those pipes and he was going to destroy your ear drums in order to get his way. It went on and on, changing from a moaning, groaning large-dog-with-a-bellyache sound into what you imagined it might sound like inside of an echo chamber trapped with a big sad whale, the biggest ones they made, who also happened to be on fire. He was giving you everything he had now. This was full volume and it was horrible.
“Alright!” You shouted over the wretched screaming, “Alright fine! For the love of God, Baekhyun!” You said for emphasis and the incredible relief of silence flooded and cleansed your ear drums that still vibrated from the after effects of all of that noise.
He lifted his head and closed up his mouth instantly and his eyes were wide as he cautiously watched and waited for what you would say next.
“Do you want me to teach you? Do you think you can practice with me so you learn how to do it before you have to do it for real, on your own? That’s what you mean right? You want more instruction before I throw your ass into the ocean?”
His lips were situated down into a fierce pout now and he nodded his head twice; a big ol’ up and down.
You were irked now. No amount of pathetic pouting on that face could pull you back from the edge. Even the slow careful nod of his head was just an obvious attempt at winning you over with cuteness. Well, it wouldn't work. If anyone was capable of annoying someone to death, it was this man right here and he came very close just now.
“New assignment,” you said with your finger raised and he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and pushed his top lip forward as he inflated his cheeks into round balloons. He sat up straighter and he waited for you to speak.
“Since I am a woman,” you began with your finger still raised and waving in his direction. His eyes glanced down at it, “you may ask me out on a date, for practice. And if I say yes, we will then—”
Your pointed finger was joined by your whole hand as you opened it up and you waved it through the air twice, a visual representation of cause and effect of such a situation. His eyeballs followed every movement you made, looking at the hand that moved instead of at you, the actual speaker.
His eyes popped up into yours when he registered the words you were saying; the requirements of his new assignment.
“...we will then — well, we will..”
Your words were sticking. He was listening very closely and he’d released the air trapped in his mouth and his lips now hung open as his eyes occasionally followed the waving of your hand in front of his face. It was silly how shifty his focus was when your hand moved in front of him.
“We...will…” he said and his face moved, mirroring the movements of your hand as he tried best to understand the new task you were trying so hard to assign to him, even repeating your words to help you get the next ones out.
“We will go on a date. A real one. A practice date. You will have to take me on a date, Baekhyun. You’ll just have to .. do your best at it.”
“A date? I’ll have to,” he said with a flinching, squinting blink of his eyes, “...do my best?”
“Yes, of course,” you said as you pointed your finger at him again, pulling a swift but deep gasp into your lungs to fight the dizziness you could feel building inside your head, “It’s an assignment. Like school. I will give you a grade on how well you do. If you fail, then it’s over and I’m a terrible teacher and clearly your problems are beyond my area of expertise.”
His polish was dry. This conversation needed to be over because you were weirdly agitated by the wide eyed, deer in the headlights expression stuck on his face.
“I’ll send you some study materials later. You better take this seriously, Byun Baekhyun. This is a real assignment from your real dating teacher.”
The entire situation made you anxious. The desire to flee was very strong. You needed a getaway and you needed it now. You felt a tremble inside that could only be attributed to just how freaked out he had been acting. It was rubbing off on you.
You wanted to make a quick escape but you were now fighting with the many bottles of nail polish scattered across the coffee table; you’d gone through so many of them as you decided on which color to use — they really were just numerous and just everywhere. You grasped at them, trying to grab huge handfuls at one time but your hands couldn't hold as many as you wanted and each attempt sent a bottle or two clattering noisily to the table below. It was really ruining the dramatically cool exit you were trying for.
After quite a bit of noise you felt the warmth of Baekhyun’s arm as he leaned against you and began to help you pick up the bottles; carefully placing each in it’s designated spot in your huge nail polish organizer.
It took a bit of effort for you to turn to look at him and when his fingertips carefully placed the final bottle in the case you clicked the lid closed and finally managed to face him.
His eyes were flighty. His face was flushed and when he met your eyes the smile on his lips was very tense. It looked like a grimace.
You had to be insane to be doing this. Willingly putting yourself into a situation like this with him, a situation that was for instructional purposes only, but a situation nonetheless. Your heart was racing inside of your chest and you briefly wondered if he could hear it with him sitting so close to you.
You swallowed it away, the nerves or the uncertainty or whatever it was that had taken hold of your hands and made them unstable and you turned to look into his face head on.
“Do you understand the assignment?”
Baekhyun filled his lungs with air and straightened his shoulders, pulling them back as his eyes closed up. You recognized the self calming behavior. When he turned to look at you he held a new determination in his eyes and he nodded his head and furrowed his eyebrows.
“I was always a good student,” he said, “I will do my best with this assignment. I’ll take it seriously, so I can learn from you well.”
You reached forward and patted the back of his hand lightly and offered a reassuring smile.
“Don't be too nervous, okay? Remember it’s for class so you should learn from it. Mistakes are natural and they help us grow. And you won’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I mean it.”
He swallowed and his lips flattened out into a thin line across his face. His head bobbed up and down and he hummed out a response that told you that yes, he did know what was expected of him for the sake of the lesson; for the sake of his future as an adult man who was entering the dating pool in search of the companionship of some lucky lady.
“Also remember, it’s just me. No pressure. Okay, Peanut? I’m here to help you. You could spill an entire cup of iced tea down my dress at dinner and I would still forgive you.”
“No pressure,” he repeated under his breath and when you were finally satisfied that he really understood, you stood, hefting your manicure supplies up with both hands and you stepped away from the living room to return them to your bathroom.
“Do I have a deadline?” He called after you and you turned back with your hand on the doorknob to your room, quietly amused by the seriousness you saw on his face. At the same time, proud of what a good student he was. He was a smart boy, he would do well in anything he was determined to do.
“Ask me out by tomorrow or else Ben might beat you to it.”
You figured a little sense of competition couldn't hurt. And yes, you were still actually speaking regularly with Ben. You were pleasantly surprised with how smart and how funny he turned out to be and he turned out to be a pretty good distraction for the evenings when you’d normally be bored and hanging around in Baekhyun’s room while he played some game on his PC and he’s toss you a remote for the screen that hung up on the wall above his head. You’d play music videos, or cooking videos from YouTube, or some drama or variety shows and he’d play his games and lean far back in his chair watching the screen when exciting things happened on screen.
A few times lately though, when you went into his room you’d find him watching some anime and you just knew he’d want to pay close attention so he could discuss it later with Mia. You’d much rather find someone to entertain you alone so you didn’t have to be ignored or shushed when you interrupted his anime with some stupid question about it, like who is that guy with the crazy eyes and why is he trying to kill everybody. Ben’s conversations were good enough to keep you occupied at least a little bit.
Back in your bedroom you got to work searching for materials for Baekhyun to study. Mostly using helpful YouTube videos with titles such as “how to ask a girl out”, “what to talk about on a first date” and a super helpful online book you found called The Gentleman’s Guide: How to be the Perfect Date. It was just a little outdated with the styles but the book was extensive and ran the gamut from hygiene to manners to confidence and conversation; it even had an entire section called The Art of Subtle Seduction and it made you just a little embarrassed to think of Baekhyun reading this part. He was an adult. He could handle this much. The Dos and Don'ts of a First Date section alone was worth the price you paid for the book.
You wrote up an email with your course materials and sent it off to the man.
Then you sat and waited alone in your bedroom until your level of boredom that in any other situation would be unremarkable, when combined with the built up anticipation inside of you, mixed into a perfect storm of swirling lunacy that was bouncing around inside of you; trying to break free and wreak havoc on something other than your chest walls.
You grabbed your cell phone, slipped by the 2 waiting text messages from Ben that you would absolutely get to later, and opened a new text message to Baekhyun.
‘peanut did you get my email ^^?’
You were sure he did. Of course he did. You wondered if there was anything he found lacking in the pages and pages of super helpful information you sent him. You wondered what he thought about it all and maybe if he needed some guidance or suggestions on how to proceed with the first step of his assignment. Did he need you to come over to his bedroom and watch the videos with him? Would that be too awkward?
Your phone vibrated.
He would ask for help if he needed it, you were certain. He would be fine. This wasn’t real anyway. It wasn’t like there was an actual deadline, not really. You enjoyed talking with Ben but it didn’t seem like he was close to asking you out yet. He had been a bit busy lately and you had been busy as well with work and with helping Baekhyun.
You’d seen from the notification preview on your phone that Ben’s last two messages were asking you something that would take a while to explain and you didn’t want to open them yet in case he’d been expecting you to reply quickly. You needed a bit more time to come up with an answer for the questions he had casually asked about your roommate. You’d tell Ben that Baekhyun was, yes, a guy. And no, it wasn’t awkward living with a man.
You’d get to all that later. Now, you were entirely too keyed up about a problem of your very own creation.
But really...
You could not relax. Because honestly it could happen at any moment. He could come barging into your room, plop his ass down unceremoniously on your bed and say “Hey Doll, hows about you and me go on a hot date this weekend, what about it? Nyeeahhh?” Like some sort of 1940s gangster. You could definitely see Baekhyun doing this accent. You were pretty sure he had a 40s gangster hat in his closet.
You’d decided that you wouldn't give him a hard time about how he asked you. You’d accept right away for the sake of his nerves, if he worked up the courage to ask you at all, then he was on the right track and he deserved an E for effort.
You still had trouble with the anticipation. Not knowing when was the hardest part to handle. You tried your very best to go about your day in as normal a way possible. Sure, you jumped every time you heard a sound, but other than that, it felt like any other day.
He spent the rest of the evening in his room and didn't even come out until you heard the doorbell ring. You peaked your head out of your bedroom door and waited for him to answer it but after a few minutes with no sight of him you stepped out. The doorbell rang a second time and you rushed from your room to answer it before the visitor gave up.
It could have been something important. This building had a doorman so it was usually someone who had a purpose ringing the bell.
The view through the camera monitor showed a run of the mill pizza delivery man, and you remembered that it was Baekhyun’s turn to make dinner tonight. He must have ordered you a pizza so he could hide in his room all night and not have to worry about walking around you in the kitchen and not asking you out on a date.
This was his way of avoiding you for the night.
You had to swallow down the flash of silly disappointment that popped up. You’d assumed correctly that he had already paid for the pizza and you received your cardboard box of loneliness with a polite smile for the weirdly cheerful delivery kid.
You gave a quick glance at the label in the front of the box to check for forbidden toppings just in case he’d forgotten who he was avoiding tonight and put something weird on it like corn and mayo or hot peppers.  
The label had four lines of ingredients listed, the first said ‘xtra cheese’ and each additional one after that said ‘xtra cheese.’ Nothing else, just ‘xtra cheese’ listed four times in succession.
What in the world?
You briefly considered a malfunction of the pizza shop’s label maker, but boy was this thing heavy. Did he sneeze while selecting toppings and accidentally hit the option four times?
You set the monster down on the counter and lifted the lid. It was steaming hot despite the trip in the car and up the elevators to your door and as soon as you opened it you noticed the odd appearance of the inside lid.
There was a message handwritten with black marker inside of the lid.
Your stomach leapt up into your throat as you recognized what this was. The message started with the word Bug.
You had to cover your mouth to get through this.
I know this is really, really, really, really cheesy, but will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?
Knock thrice on my door for yes.
P.S. Did I beat Ben?
You had to hang your head to contain it. You wanted to scream. Giggles actually burst out of your mouth before you could stop them. You were highly amused. Actually reallly fucking impressed and goddammit you felt a genuine flutter of butterflies inside of your stomach. How was he this clever? He had always been very silly and good at thinking of the most ridiculous scenarios to get things done, but wow. When you lifted the lid once more to read his message again your mind spun with the logistics of that man in that bedroom sneakily ordering this thing from a real pizza shop that was probably a block from your home.
Did he call them and explain the situation? Did all of the employees gather around, chanting ‘More cheese! Give the man more cheese!’ As they loaded this pizza up with what looked to be a full inch of melted cheese on top? It compromised the edges of the crust and flowed over the cardboard below. It was absolutely ridiculous and nearly inedible too.
Did they giggle at the pet names you called each other as they selected the employee with the best handwriting to relay his message?
You were buzzing again. This time it was pride. He was brilliant at everything he put his mind to and this was clearly no exception. He would do so well in his life.
You left the kitchen and made your way toward his closed bedroom door. As you came close you heard a very soft thud; wooden door hitting wooden door frame. The movement was hardly noticeable but you could see a slow turn of the doorknob too. He probably thought he was sneaky.
You lifted your closed fist and quietly hit three times against his door and after exactly ten seconds you heard the squeak of his doorknob turning and his bedroom door opened up an inch.
You saw a single brown eyeball peeping at you through the opening.
“I’ll text you the details later,” he whispered and the door closed up again before you could respond.
The details came by text message a day later, just as he promised. It was a Thursday afternoon when your phone buzzed and you’d just put the final touches on your data entry work for the day, running it through a spell checker for mistakes as you always did. You’d expected to hear from Ben by now, he said he had something to go straighten out at the bank. He’d taken it well, finding out that your roommate was a man around your age, and he didn’t even ask too many prodding questions about him.
The message was from Baekhyun with the time he would ‘arrive’ to pick you up on Saturday and he gave you sparse details about what he actually had planned; just a quick note at the end that he would be wearing a suit. You figured this was a hint for you to dress up as well.
Was Baekhyun taking you some place fancy? Your curiosity was positively burning and Baekhyun had been acting super weird around you lately.
Whenever you’d come into a room he was already occupying he would make up some excuse why he had to leave it and vanish inside his room to carry on with his highly secretive behavior. Whenever you went into his room he would spin in his chair toward the door with what you were positive was a caught red handed look on his face. It was like you had just caught him watching porn, only you’d caught glimpses of his screen before he quickly hit a keyboard command to clear out the screen and you didn't see a single boob.
After the first time, you’d made it a point to barge into his room often, just to see the surprised look on his face; you did it all for that gasp of air, the frantic fingers of panic on the keyboard, and the trembling hand over his chest as he clutched his pearls. All you caught flashes of were just regular looking websites. Regular text and regular pictures. You saw some blues, you saw some greens. You definitely didn't see the incriminating black and yellow theme of everyone’s favorite adult website. There was nary a penetrative moan to be heard through his speakers. The entire thing brought you great joy. The man was acting so odd and honestly he was getting your hopes up for a fantastically mind blowing date on Saturday. You’d already picked out your dress, heels, and jewelry and had been having a very hard time tolerating the ever so tedious passage of time.
By the time Saturday rolled around you were a wreck of nerves; though you weren’t exactly sure why you were so anxious. It was probably his recent fretting and obsessive preparations that had rubbed off on you. You’d decided to take it easier on him today. He’d obviously been working very hard on this assignment once given the dangling carrot of a good grade to be awarded at the end and if there was one thing you knew about Baekhyun, it was how much he strived to achieve perfection in his academic performance. You’d provided the materials. He’d obviously been studying and go-time was quickly approaching.
You took your time getting ready, soaking in your bathtub to kill some of the dull waiting hours before he was due to pick you up. By the time you were scrubbed, rinsed, shaved, moisturized, plucked, preened, coiffed, and scented to your satisfaction, you had only a half an hour to slip up the straps on the fancy fitted cocktail dress and check your reflection in the full length mirror. It was fitted and had a deep plunging neckline. It accentuated the best parts of your figure and the high slit that landed over your upper thigh showed just enough skin to make you feel sexy.
With your heels you were ready to go; feeling about as pretty as you had in a long while. The silliest little fantasy swam through your head as you spun in front of the mirror and it brought just a little warmth to your cheeks as you allowed it to play out. The idea that he would find you so lovely, so irresistible, that even the iron willed man with his self control like a steel trap would lose himself in the slow blinks of your lashes and drown in the pools of your eyes for just one night.
When you lightly slapped a palm over your cheek, it was to ground yourself. This was fake. Everything that happened tonight would be the result of careful calculations and applications of behaviors modeled in text books that he had studied all week long. It was a date with Baekhyun, but it wouldn't really be an accurate representation of the Baekhyun that you know so well.
You knew he would follow a script. He would perform as a perfect gentleman and you would play along, knowing that when he brought you home you would get a gentle hug and a thanks for sharing your knowledge with him and you would close your bedroom door and he would return to his bedroom door and life as you know it would simply fall back into place as it should remain unchanged for however long it took for you to get back on your feet, perhaps get a place of your own not too far away from him; although this neighborhood was very expensive, you’d settle for one or two subways stops away if it meant you could visit your best friend often and see him living out the life he deserved with someone who was worthy of his love.
Tonight, you will enjoy. But you would not allow your emotions to betray your rational mind. You would enjoy it and then it would be over and Baekhyun would have the skill set to ask out Mia, or whoever else he set his mind on asking out.
Your quiet self assurance was interrupted by two soft knocks on your bedroom door and your hands were trembling as you grabbed your handbag that had your cell phone, a tube of lipstick for touch-ups and a few just in case items you were always taught to carry with you, you know, just in case.
You’d reached the door and swung it open with a beaming smile on your face.
Your date was here. Baekhyun was here. It was Peanut.
A smile that quickly transformed into what you were sure was a gaping opening in your face resembling some aquatic animal and you found yourself gazing upon, frankly, an expertly styled exquisitely handsome real life man, who was wearing Byun Baekhyun’s face and smile.
Despite seeing him standing before you with your own two eyes, your brain was having trouble reconciling the two; your harmless roommate and the man who stood before you wearing a crisp suit jacket that he filled out shockingly well, a fashionable collarless dress shirt that looked like it came from some fancy boutique from downtown, fitted dress slacks that you tried your best not to linger on for too long, and were his shoes Italian? You were pretty sure they were Italian. More than just the clothes, his hair was different. He’d gone and had something done to his hair! Lord, you saw slight waves and a deliberate styling by an expert hand with just a bit of his forehead visible. Oh he looked so lovely with this hair style.
You remembered to close your mouth, but only after the realization dawning on you that he hadn’t said anything to you as you silently admired how beautiful he looked standing in his fancy suit looking like at least a million bucks.
You knew...you knew he was an attractive man. You’d have plenty of glimpses of it again and again, freshly reminded of it during that photo shoot late that night. You’d even known he worked out and had had plenty of chances to ogle the muscles on his arms and chest when he just woke up and would wander out shirtless for a drink of water. You knew that the entire shape of this man was the kind of handsome that you had to make conscious decisions to ignore. You’d forced yourself to look away plenty of times in the past. Still, the Baekhyun who stood here today, the one who had his lips parted as he stared into your eyes now after what you were certain was a head to toe, slow as hell, full body appreciation of all of your preparations to get ready for tonight, this Baekhyun was, for lack of a better word, he was sexy as all hell.
For the first time since you began this project; these lessons in dating, you felt like you might actually be in some sort of trouble.
Baekhyun spoke at last and it was the softest whisper. He said your name. Not Bug, not stupid or dummy or stinky which he called you sometimes even though you knew, you fucking knew you always smelled amazing. You went out of your way to smell great. The sound of your name on his voice softened the shock in your face and you felt a smile pull at your lips.
And so you smiled at him and watched the slow but complete smile that manifested on his pretty face.  
“Hi,” he said with a blink of his bright eyes.
“Hi Baek,” you said. Your heart was racing.
He pivoted on his (Italian!) shoes and extended a bent elbow toward you and you slipped a hand around his arm.
He was doing so well. Each step you took through your shared home felt new. You had a hard time keeping from watching the side of his face and each glance you made was greeted with the light touch of his eyes as he met your eyes with his own.
Moments blurred. He ticked all the boxes, of course. He opened your door, closed it quietly behind you once you were inside. Even helped you with the seatbelt, much to the dismay of your racing heartbeat when he reached over to pull the red strap across you, careful to keep his hands well away from touching any of your actual body as he did it. The true devastation hit you when, all closed up inside the dark car in the silent moments before he started the engine and the intoxicating smell of him reached your nose.
This was a new smell. Baekhyun had gone to the salon, gone shopping for expensive new clothes, and was also wearing what had to be the best smelling cologne you had ever experienced in person.
“You smell really good,” you said without looking at him and your fingers fidgeted with the strap of your handbag to keep your mind working.
“So do you,” he said followed by an inhale that you were certain sounded just a little thready and he was steering the car through lanes and turns of a parking garage to exit the building.
His destination was the kind of fancy dream-like restaurant that you saw only in movies. The sun would be setting soon and you were led to a rooftop terrace with a view over the city and a single table set for two. You followed the pleasantly clean woman and lingering just behind you, Baekhyun silently fell behind one or two steps. A glance behind woke him up from whatever daze he’d fallen into and he closed the distance with two larger steps and a shy smile on his lips.
The waitstaff worked like ninjas. Glasses were refilled as if by magic and course after course of delicious food appeared before you as you watched the sunset over the horizon and when the light faded enough, the soft glow of twinkle lights illuminated the view around you.
The dinner was delicious and the scenery was breathtaking and that alone would have given him full marks for such a lovely evening out, but Byun Baekhyun was proving to be an overachiever as he started to talk to you. He was asking you open-ended questions, pulling conversation easily from you and you found yourself giggling and laughing as he joked in response or told you some funny anecdotes from his childhood that he knew you would love.
By the time dessert arrived you were pretty certain you were drunk despite half of the wine that remained back in your glass. Baekhyun, ever the stickler for vehicle safety had stuck to soft drinks and when he excused himself for the restrooms, you waited patiently under the glowing lights as you daydreamed about the genuine brightness you were certain you saw in his smiles. Had the twinkle in his eyes been just a reflection of this place? Everything about him tonight felt so real. You’d read through the same book he read through and you couldn’t recall him using a single recycled phrase or conversation point during dinner.
Maybe he was just that good of a student.
A noise startled you from behind and you jumped when a single red rose was laid on the table in front of you.
A rose. Baekhyun had brought you back a rose from somewhere; maybe he stole it from the elaborate flower arrangements you passed on the way in.
“Where did you get this?” You mused as you smelled his sweet offering and he shrugged and tugged at the top button of his shirt, undoing it and slipping slim fingers down to undo the second button as well. Your eyes watched the action and weirdly the fragrance from the rose smelled sweeter than the first time you smelled it.
“I just had it,” he said cryptically with another charming and blinding smile.  
“Ready to go? We have one more place to visit.”
The next place he took you was even more magical than the fancy restaurant. The parking lot was nearly empty and when he opened your door he was fussing around with a small bag in the backseat of his car.  He pulled out a pair of black ballet flats and you watched in awe as the man actually kneeled down on the pavement in front of you to carefully slip your heels off of your feet and slip on the comfortable shoes.  
While they did not look anywhere near as sexy as the heels did, you instantly understood the need for a change.
Baekhyun had brought you to an aquarium with what looked like miles and miles of indoor and outdoor paths to walk through with tunnels traveling through the biggest tanks of aquatic sea life you’d ever seen.
You were instantly hypnotized by the deep sea exhibits that seemed to take you for miles and miles below the surface of the ocean where the sea life grew weirder and the lighting grew darker and dimmer the further down you traveled. Here at depths difficult to wrap your brain around the fish and sea creatures have adapted to freezing waters and a bleak existence without any light at all. Many had their own light sources. The bioluminescent exhibits sparkled and twinkled like the stars in the sky out in the country. You saw entire universes all around you.
Baekhyun was as enraptured as you were and spent his time carefully reading each exhibit’s information card out loud as he stared with his mouth open in awe at the different creatures. There were hundreds of different species of fishes, beautiful ones and downright creepy ugly things from the very bottom of the oceans; endangered species too; the sleepy eyes of the sea turtles were your favorites and the impressions Baekhyun made of their swimming faces made you cackle with laughter. Bright lights illuminated meters of corals of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and you honestly felt like you’d entered another planet when you both walked into the jellyfish halls.
They glowed and flowed, bounced and danced, and moved like a dream. You found yourself hypnotized as you stared at the biggest tank full of them for long enough for Baekhyun to make three circles around waiting for you to follow him out of this room so he could go see the sharks.  
You knew the sharks were coming. You’d had a look at the map. And while you didn't necessarily dislike them, their huge sizes and razor sharp teeth always gave you the heebie-jeebies. The jellies were just so comfortable to look at and so relaxing.
It took some coaxing from Baekhyun, and maybe even a little tiny push at the back of your shoulders to get your feet to move and you lingered a bit long in the dark hallway that connects the two exhibits.
You just felt that maybe, the sharks could wait just a little bit longer to meet you.
He’d noticed right away and you opened up your eyes that you’d closed up for a little relaxing session when you felt the tips of his fingers running along the palm of your hand.
He gripped lightly at first, and then shifted your hand within his and he began walking forward in that dark hallway with you trailing behind him.
Baekhyun touched you sometimes. This was something that he did, on occasion. During a scary movie when you’d jumped too many times, or when you both walked through a crowded place and he didn't want you to wander off, he would occasionally hold your hand.  This wasn’t something new to you.
However your heart was beating hard in your chest and the warmth of his hand coupled with the firmness with which he held you felt so damn nice you were having trouble focusing on anything else except for your own shallow breathing and racing heartbeat — and his hand holding yours.
Sharks swam at a gentle languid pace. Clearly at ease and very well fed here in their homes, there didn't seem to be very much murder and feasting happening at all. Hammerheads, tiger sharks, something uglier than any other creature you had ever seen that came from The Midnight Zone of the deepest parts and with each creature that swam overhead, or beside you, or creeped up from somewhere behind you, Baekhyun would turn to face you and take two or three steps backwards as he pulled you through it, your hand held securely inside of his. He would smile at you that debilitating smile, and tilt his head and call you a scary cat or a big baby and you would laugh and roll your eyes and deny that you were even a little bit scared of anything at all.
All was going well. You were very well taken care of and felt very secure inside this tiny tunnel at the bottom fo the ocean and you’d noticed this time when Baekhyun had turned around to look at you with a bright smile that smile wavered just a touch and his eyes seemed to focus on something that was coming up from behind.
Your curiosity got the better of you and you turned to see what he saw.
Baekhyun moved quickly then, moving both of his hands up to reach for your face he pulled your head forward and moved his own face close to yours. You felt the warmth of his forehead lean against yours for a moment and you could not see around or behind you with his hands placed so carefully on the sides of your head like this.
You knew what it was. It had to be something huge and terrifying, maybe even something with fresh blood still on it’s teeth. A Great White. The giant monster from the movie Jaws that you had watched with him once not realizing just how scary it would be and you spent most of the film curled up under his arm wincing at the horrors you saw on the screen.
“Hey Peanut,” you said softly while looking up close into his eyes. He was so close you could feel the warmth of his breath on your face. His smell, that new smell of his smelled even better this close to his skin.
“Hey LoveBug,” he said with a gentle smile and you knew based on the use of this carefully reserved nickname for emergencies that it was exactly as you had feared. A Great White, chomping on the remains of the cutest crying baby penguin. The fluffiest one with its whole life ahead of it.
Baekhyun was safe though. Baekhyun was warm and he was here to protect you. You would be okay, you knew it.
“Is it gone yet?” You asked after what felt like the average time for a fish that size to swim away and you noticed something. It was a look, just a glance. Baekhyun’s eyes floated a bit and the warm breath you felt coming from him was delivered in quicker puffs through his parted lips.
When he licked his lips, you could not help it, your eyes caught the motion as his tongue ran over his bottom lip and left wetness behind and by the time you realized what you had done — where you had looked — you had already done it, your stubborn eyes had already looked and in your mind a vivid replay was happening. You felt too much. This was too much. This was supposed to be fake. Why did he have to smell so fucking good and why was he so aware of every tiny detail about you he knew when something would overwhelm you and ruin your mood, so he used his own body to shield you from it and protect you. You cautiously pulled your eyes back up only to find him blinking too fast and he was dropping his hands from your face as he took a step back and away from the stifling closeness.
You were dizzy. You felt it all over. Your heart was racing and the warmth you felt traveling through your body sent waves through you. You had to rub lightly over your forearms to smooth out the goosebumps and Baekhyun was no longer facing you, but was staring off into the literal depths of the cold black ocean and you took a while to recover enough to walk by him toward the exit of the aquarium and back into the darkened city streets you knew as the real world.
The walk back to the car was quiet and had an odd flavor about it. You both could feel the end coming. It had been a wonderful date. You’d spent hours, just the two of you talking and laughing and exploring literally new worlds you hadn’t before experienced. You felt a sudden but definite melancholy to see the fancy circles that made up the logo of his car.  
“Hey, you want to take a walk?” Baekhyun’s voice halted your steps and you turned back to see him standing with a hand in his pocket, fidgeting in hidden, likely with the key fob to his car, and a new sort of nervous flush on his cheeks that you hadn’t seen since he first showed up at your bedroom door looking like a dashing Prince Charming ready to sweep you off your feet.
“Sure,” you said, meaning every bit of it and secretly extremely thankful that this evening wasn’t over yet.
The walk was peaceful. It was a bit chilly tonight and you didn’t even resist when you felt the warmth of the coat jacket he placed over your shoulders. You thought you’d become used to the smell of him by now, but clearly you were incapable of ever getting used to his smell.
The streets were mostly empty now that the night had grown stale and you walked side by side passing various touristy shops that had long since closed up for the evening. Ahead you could see a small street side cafe that sold warm teas and coffees and Baekhyun was pulling out his wallet before you even had the chance to look at him with hopeful delight all over your face. He ordered two hot coffees and you danced and celebrated when he handed the first one to you.
It warmed you from the inside and you paid no mind to the smudges of lipstick all over the white lid of your cup. The hot drink made you happy and you could see your breath like a dragon in the chilly night air around you. Each puff made Baekhyun smile and when he’d taken a particularly big drink from his cup he pulled his head back and puffed out three perfectly formed rings of warm air into the color air above his head. The rings grew and then faded quickly but you were so excited to see his trick that you made him do it again and again until he was puffing and out of breath  and laughing too much for any more cool rings to form. This man was full of secrets. Absolutely full of them!
The night was winding on. You could feel the lateness in your limbs and you’d long since finished your drinks and dropped your paper cups into a street side trash can. Your feet, you found were protesting. It wasn’t that they ached or hurt or anything like that. You weren't even that tired. You were just having trouble with the idea of this ending and the night being over.
Everything had to end eventually. You didn't even pout at all when he pulled open your door. You just climbed in and sat down, fastening your own seatbelt this time with a sense of finality looming in your mind along with a wagging finger that quietly scolded you for letting your guard down during this date.
The drive back home was quiet. He didn't even turn on the radio and even though he drove with one hand, he held his other hand firm atop his thigh.
The small touches and stolen glances were over. The date was over. He had done very well. You were thoroughly swept off your feet and his grade would be an A+. You would go back to your room and go to sleep and tomorrow morning when you woke up you’d find him back to his usual antics and maybe, maybe you’d even get him to ask Mia out on a date.
You swallowed the dryness in your throat and the familiar landmarks outside your apartment building called you back home. Baekhyun pulled into the parking garage and you did not wait for him to round the hood of the car to reach your door, you simply opened it yourself and pushed through it.
Baekhyun did well. You had given him a task and he’d done it. He deserved all the praise and recognition for a job well done. He’d taken it seriously just as he said he would. This dark mood that had suddenly come over you could not show. You shouldn’t do this to him.
You cared for him too much to ruin this sweet evening.
You loved him too much. This quiet secret usually echoed around inside of your heart and you winced to hear it peaking it’s way up into your running thoughts.
The apartment was dark and you walked through it easily, knowing exactly where you could walk without bumping into anything and he didn’t turn on any lights as he walked closely behind you. He hadn’t said anything to you on the drive home, nor did he speak right now as he walked you back to your bedroom door where he had picked you up.
You turned to face him now. You pushed a smile up to your lips and his face was mostly in the darkness, barely lit with the city lights from the window.  
“Thank you for a lovely evening, Baekhyun. It was perfect. You were perfect. Seriously, you are amazing.”
You leaned before he did and you felt the staggered response from his limbs as he wrapped both of his arms around your shoulders for the hug.
“Thank you for coming with me tonight,” he whispered against your ear and when you pulled out of the hug, your small smile was not returned. You could see enough of his face to see that he did not smile at you now.
Your hand was on your door and you turned and stepped inside, thankful that you had left your small table lamp on. The room was warm and inviting and you closed the door behind you with a soft click that sounded exactly like clapperboard snapped to signal the end of a movie scene. You could almost hear a director somewhere yelling cut. Everybody clapped for the job well done. All the actors could now go home. It was over.
Your shoes were off. You’d pulled off the earrings and had taken off your necklace and the delicate tennis bracelet’s clasp was so tiny you had to try a few times to get it open so you could take it off.
When you reached up to slip the strap of your dress off your shoulders a tiny sound interrupted you. It was almost like a knocking, but it was so soft you had to listen carefully to hear if it repeated again.
It did not, but you could not shake that feeling that it had happened and out of genuine curiosity you walked across your bedroom and pulled your bedroom door open.
Someone was there; Baekhyun was there, standing in nearly the exact same position as he had been, wearing the same clothes. The only difference was the sight mess to his hair and the definite pink shade you saw on his face even in the dim lighting from the windows.
“Peanut?” You couldn’t imagine what this was. He was finished. The assignment was finished and he had done perfectly, you’d said so already...but, his eyes. You caught that same look that you’d seen on him many times before. It was a look of hard determination that propelled him forward when he dove into some new and difficult project he had to master. If you had to give it a name, you’d call it his passion. The passion he had inside of him to do things right. To be perfect.
“I said I would take it seriously,” he said in a well controlled voice and you shook your head, not understanding what he meant. Did he have some regrets about how the night went? Did he feel that he had somehow failed to live up to the requirements you’d set forth for him as his teacher?
“The date, I told you I would.” He wasn't clarifying anything with his words.
It was then that he moved.
His hands were up and Baekhyun took a step closer to where you stood confused and surprised at the threshold of your bedroom door. He reached for you with both hands and you felt the warmth of his palms on your cheeks at the same time as you felt the exhale from his parted lips against your mouth. It happened in a single moment. His lips connected with yours and you gasped in a surprised breath. Baekhyun kissed you. His lips were on yours and he held your face tightly between both of his hands as he did it. This was it. This was his goodnight kiss at your front door. This was the end of the date.
You could just make out the ultra up close view of him, his fluffed up hair, the smoothness of his forehead, his eyes closed up tight and dark eyelashes spread over his cheeks and it was all a big blur and so you closed your eyes and your heart raged noisily inside of your chest with the sudden need you felt for this to happen.
Your own lips parted and you felt the tilt of his head as his bottom lip pushed out slipping perfectly between your own and you could not stop it. You could not control the tightness with which your hands clung to the cotton of his dress shirt and pulled him toward you. You could not contain the way his tongue brushed lightly against your own and the way you reacted to it. The light moan that escaped from your throat and bounced around inside of his mouth. The light draw you felt on your lip as he pulled lightly and sucked on your lip as he did it. The final pull was him pulling away.
He ended the kiss with a step backward and a drop of his hands from your face.
He had kissed you and you most definitely had kissed him back. The labored breathing you struggled to contain did nothing for the dizziness.  
“Goodnight,” he said with a roughness on his voice; plus the blown out look in his eyes was telling you of many forbidden things that he was running from now. Things that even he knew were a very bad idea.
This had been fake. This was supposed to be a lesson.
You stood at your doorway and watched him disappear into his bedroom and after standing frozen in your doorway you had no choice but to return to the quiet glowing comfort of your own bedroom and close your door too.
Your hands were shaking and you felt the trembling all over you as you looked around at the place you called home. The place you loved more than anything in the world except for maybe that man who was likely facing a very similar struggle behind his own closed bedroom door.
The only difference was just how much you had to lose if you gave in.
You loved him. You knew it deep down inside of your soul. It had been buried for so long deep in the frozen depths of your ocean that you thought it would never surface and consume you, yet now you knew you’d been a fool.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6
Tag list: @j-pping  @blahblahblah-boo  @his-mochi-cheeks  @amyeonzing@littleflowercrown13  @baekinmylife  @insta1010  @nana-banana  @f4ncyvelvet@bbhbeth  @totallynerdstuff  @byunbabybaek @maijinki @bbyunz@theclawofaraven @kingkushdealer  @uhobob
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dangermousie · 2 years
This is another scene I really love, the minister’s assistants/torturers (and the very fact that they combine those roles speaks for itself) bringing ostensible congratulations on your ascension to position of sect head gift.
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When, at the start, they refuse to come in, demanding SMZ come out instead, you realize right away that the entire thing is designed to show SMZ to his rightful place - beneath them, as an obedient hunting dog or dead.
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And the continuing assertion of SMZ, possibly the most battle-powerful man of the story, as beneath the minister’s foot, an ant of sorts - he doesn’t have the right to a volition to accept or refuse a gift. This is another side of the same coin as in the dungeon where what mattered was not whether BCF spoke the truth or not but that he was not cowered by the minister and must be brought in line.
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And then the present itself - a bunch fo congratulatory firecrackers to a man in mourning for his father, to a sect mourning for its leader. In is all about humiliation. They can’t drag him off to the dungeon for breaking, so they will bring the dungeon with them. And drink in his reaction every step of the way, knowing they are utterly safe whatever they inflict even though he could kill them with his pinkie because in the social hierarchy they represent power and he those outside of that power.
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He’s finally had enough and just - the fact that someone this good and amazing has to hold it in with these pathetic nothings speaks everything about the power structure of this place.
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The way this shot is framed is pure art! But also, they don’t need the torture dungeon, they bring it with them everywhere they go - look how they try to take MSZ apart in their intangible one...
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I love that he looks hunched here. But then, people who care for someone are just people with levers to these ghouls.
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I do love that he gets a small bit of his own back. But I think this spine will bring him doom someday.
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In that society, class equals power and trumps the rest. Contrast how the minister treats Wen Rou, even when she lets firecrackers at his carriage.
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Does she get arrested? Does she get humiliated? No, of course not.
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Even though her martial arts are terrible, as her bros teasingly keep pointing out, that is not what matters out in the world. This is the first person we see the minister treat with consideration because what matters is not her own innate talent or skills but who she is in the social hierarchy. I am sure her father couldn’t best any of the main three guys in a one-on-one either btw. But it doesn’t matter - he has position and lands and thus real power. An army of talentless laborers could still crush the main three through sheer number; the money could hire endless influence and murder for hire, connection would endure others would gladly do that for him. And that is where real power lies and the story does not forget it.
It makes me wonder, entering into purely speculative territory here, if that is why she is martial siblings with SMZ. I mean, she has not many skills and he’s a bona fide paragon of them, so it’s an odd pairing. But if you take into account that what she brings is not her skills but her background, it all begins to make sense and wonder if this makes her, oddly, his equal.
(It also makes me, once again, think of Novoland Eagle Flag, where Yu Ran was a princess brought up in court, in exile sure but with her aunt being the mistress and advisor to the King. And so she had a different treatment and path than Asule, who may have been a royal but a hostage and a barbarian outsider at that, let alone than Ji Ye, who was a bastard street-fighter of no name people. It makes me think of the stuff post sword-capture, where the King could do nothing to Yu Ran and Asule outside of some polite threats and pressure, but Ji Ye was another matter, only useful as a lever for the other two, to be tortured and enslaved and dehumanized.)
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