#but I love you so much
enha-stars · 6 months
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pre wedding pics 😌
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OH YOU’RE SICKKKKKKKK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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look who’s scrolling endlessly on tumblr instead of being productive!
go drink some water or something
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soulsxng · 1 year
MUSE: Ber Bireth
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average?  Short for an Yvlune elf, at 5'2"! Most of them are closer to 6'
▸ are they okay with their height?  Very much so! The only time that he would say otherwise, would be in cases when people treat him like he's weak or frail because of it.
▸ what’s their hair like? Ber takes immaculate care of his hair, so it's very thick and healthy! Naturally, it's somewhere between a 2c and 3a, I would say? But he styles it in so many different ways that most of the time it'd probably be difficult to tell. It's usually around mid-shoulder blade length (naturally-- it's longer when he straightens it, for sure!), but he does sometimes put extensions in it! Most of the time, he'll be seen with it in some sort of braid or twist.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? Like I said above, Ber takes very good care of his hair. That extends to all of his personal hygiene and beauty practices-- he's more than willing to dump a good bit of time each week caring after his appearance. It's a very enjoyable thing for him to be able to explore and experiment with all kinds of different looks whenever he wants to!
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? He does. Ber likes to be fawned over. He likes to turn heads when he passes by someone-- whether in admiration, attraction, or jealousy, he doesn't care.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? That's a complicated question, really. I think it really depends on the situation, as well as who the "other" is. Most of the time though? Not at all; he's a selfish person, and he knows that. There's a lot of things that he does regularly that he knows a good number of people disagree with in some way, shape or form. It's when he's actually trying to be helpful, or "good" that he'll start to care a little bit. He's making an effort to do something nice, and someone comes down on him for it? That'll get to him, for sure.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? Ourdoors
▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine
▸ forest or beach? Both! Where he grew up, the forest butted right up to a beach, so he really had the best of both worlds
▸ precious metals or gems? Gems
▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers
▸ personality or appearance? Appearance
▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Depends. Usually crowd, though he doesn't want people bothering him overly much.
▸ order or anarchy? Anarchy
▸ painful truths or white lies? White lies
▸ science or magic? Both! Ber believes that the two can-- and should-- go hand in hand!
▸ peace or conflict? Peace, though if he's just spectating and it doesn't affect him, conflict is good, too.
▸ night or day? Night
▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn
▸ warmth or cold? Warm
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? Many Ac1uaintances
▸ reading or playing a game? Reading
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Lying, overthinking, acting with little regard to/for others, being overly vain. When confronted, he tends to shut down and/or run away and cut himself off from that person going forward. Perfectionistic. He's got a lot of them.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? He has on a number of occasions...and if I'm being honest, a lot of them were by his own doing. Whether they're now dead by something Ber viewed as a necessity, or because of something like a betrayal...or he ghosted them, essentially. All of that has just made Ber view most of his connections in a very superficial and temporary fashion. It also has, over time, made it much easier for him to use and/or sever these connections as he feels he needs to. On a deeper level, it's made him feel like, ultimately, he shouldn't waste his time investing or trusting in relationships unless it's to accomplish some goal of his. Because he's 'undesirable', in the end. That's a big part of why he chases the more fleeting attention and admiration of others, but that's getting a bit off topic...
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Most of them are from when he was young. His father, Lerato, teaching him to sing and dance in their front yard-- always wanting Lera to scoop him up and raise Ber up into the air. Encouraging all of his curiosities, no matter what they might be. Sitting on the floor in front of his papa, Avelon, watching in a hand mirror as his hair was done up in all sorts of beautiful styles. Going to the market later to pick up things for dinner, and his papa letting him pick out a small treat to have while they walked. These days, the fond memories still have to do primarily with his family. Be it with Lerato, or his siblings.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Yes, though I will say that the prospect of a fight will dissuade him. Not because he's weak, or thinks he'll lose, but because he feels that fighting is tedious. Anyway, if he can kill someone without the fight, then absolutely, he'll hardly ever hesitate, if it's something he feels is necessary.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Usually for him, a break down results in a major anxiety attack. In which case touching him (or sometimes interacting with him in general, depending on the person) can result in him violently lashing out. He'll almost always try to get away from any people that might be around, but if he can't, he'll find the most secluded place that he can and curl up tightly around himself. When it gets to this point, it takes a while for him to come out of it completely, and afterwards he'll be pretty lethargic, and spaced out until he can get some decent rest. Especially if the breakdown stems from what he considers a major failure.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? ...I don't know. Currently, I think there will always be some tiny part of him that will be in doubt. That feels he can only rely on himself with his life. It would take a long time, and a lot of effort from both he and the other party before he could ever get to that point. And even then, Ber can be really fickle. One upset, and he could be reconsidering in a panic.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Honestly, he's more or less his usual, sassy self! Yes, he lets himself be more vulnerable with that person, and he'll be much more physically soft with them, but overall, Ber is just...Ber. If anything, there will be some insecurities that he has that he'll be tempted to be even more secretive about, if he's in love. He wouldn't ever want them to turn their back on him, so while they would get to see more vulnerability in some departments, others would be even more tightly guarded from them.
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oneshortlove · 9 months
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I lobe you🥺 I love you so much, I love you now, I love you in the future. I love you forever. I love you when you forget me. I love you from the first moment to our last. Love you so much
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 1 year
So let me start by telling you how IN LOVE I am with your fanfics. Oh my lord, they are all so creative and just *chefs kiss* perfect. I can not count how many times I have read and re-read the fics.
My question to you is..........
Which one of the fanfics that you have written is your favorite and why? And also, how do you come up with ideas for your works? They're so good
Listen im not equipped for this i am not equipped to handle incoming love. I can only dish it out just please i love you thank you im so happy and grateful
I don't get fic ideas, i just see or hear something that reminds me of them and i churn out a pwp piece of horror asfgjk
And i can't think of any one favourite fic i hate them all equally 🫠
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sad-gay-cowboy · 2 years
I had this person message me on tumblr and I swear to god the way they talked to me felt like I was an old man sitting on a porch in the middle of the night and I have a shotgun and im looking out into the woods and suddenly there is a coyote that I can only see the eyes of and the coyote is like "hi"
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
I found your blog when I was in the dumps about my life and what to read in general. fics have really gotten me back into reading and has been my greatest escape and hobby since I’ve made an account on here. Except there was a point where I was really disinterested in top gun and I was just reading for the sake of being there for my favourite writers. I actually grew really irritated with rooster and hangman at one point, like of course shout out to everyone and their wonderful work but I nearly lost my mind if I was to see jake or brad gifs again. The problem was that I was not really interested in other fandoms and I hated feeling like I was letting something really wonderful grow stale. Except one day I found your Mickey fics. Holy grail I say. Completely changed the way I looked at the fandom and writing and even language (girl I re-downloaded Duolingo okay.). I’m not bored with the fandom anymore, I’ve actually grown to adore it even more (and I like rooster and Jake again yay :)). I’ve even ventured into other fandoms to mix it up. Point is — I love reading. it’s really saved me and my mental health. Bouncing between books and this site has made me sooo much happier. You have a phenomenal gift in writing and it’s been such a pleasure to read. Thank you xx
Oh my darling -- I know it's taken me some time to respond to this. Would you believe I got this ask when I was coming off of a VERY stressful day and feeling like I just wasn't putting in the energy where it needed to go, and feeling like I was coming up short with just EVERYTHING (the holidays are so stressful, and work on top of that can make you feel stretched SO thin) -- In any case, then I get this...
I've read it an innumerable amount of times.
Thank you, thank you SO much for taking the time to send this. For telling me that you've enjoyed my Mickey fic. That reading has helped to re-spark your love and interest in the fandom. I completely understand where you're coming from -- I have definitely overindulged in fics for particular characters (and there are SUCH incredible fics out there for Rooster and Jake, and the others -- we truly exist in a fandom that's rich with talent), but then when you find something new it's like "WHOA!"
I'm definitely the type of person to fixate on a more minor character, and, with Mickey, well, it was a no-brainer. I LOVE Danny Ramirez. He was SO good in "On My Block," and every time I see him I think he absolutely indulges and delivers on every role he's in. I so wished for more of him, and I just sort of... ran with it. I'm just honored to contribute to the fandom in any way I can ...
I've definitely enjoyed expanding into reading for all of the characters, and even writing for more. I've found this fandom and these characters to be SO fun.
Thank you for saying that my writing is a pleasure to read, because it's a pleasure to write. And I want that to come through. I love playing with language, I love writing for characters that allow me to flex my bilingual muscles. I love writing casual intimacy.
I'm planning to continue writing for Mickey (and his girl), Javy, and even Rooster. So I hope you stick around. And you're always welcome to request some things when I post prompt lists. I can't promise I'll get to them quickly, but it's a delight to write things for others. (No pressure to engage, of course -- this ask truly was such a gift.) I'm sending you ALL of my love and my hugs.
Thank you for supporting me and being so kind.
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clonesimpextra · 2 years
Might post a short Captain Wilco character study today 👀
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The math just adds up!
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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iasip-enthusiast-2 · 16 days
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saelrum · 6 months
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"Was I sweet once?"
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Remember that this is not the proof that they love each other
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That was a last-ditch attempt from Crowley to get Aziraphale to stay
This is the proof that they love each other
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Their love wasn't just made real because they kissed
It always existed
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Wyll is so fucking funny and no amount of acknowledgement about this could ever be enough. He's literally walking around being so casually hilarious completely under-the-radar. He calls Halsin a "thick hunk of an elf". He once accidently implied that he was fucking an ogre instead of killing it and then proceeded to absolutely stumble his way through explaining. He gets excited by Lae'zel talking about carnal pleasures. He canonically tells his pessimistic thoughts to shut the hell up. He volunteers to babysit Shadowheart's hypothetical werewolf babies as long as she gets him gloves. He tries to give Gale a hero moniker like his own. He jokes that his father, the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, can't spell. He calls Astarion "Mister Fangs". He makes up storybook chapter names for his own fucking adventures. As a child he got chased by the Flaming Fist for stealing fruit, nearly drowned trying to find mermaids in the harbor, and almost successfully broke into the Counting House. He reads monster erotica, and is not ashamed to tell you about it. He ranks eating pudding among life's greatest moments. He will, without shame and completely unprompted, meow at you. He is 24 years old.
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hansoeii · 1 year
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we go just right.
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