#but I just think about who Karlach is as a person
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calculatedklown · 3 months ago
Chat….genuine question. And pls nobody fight! 😩 Do you think that if the roles were reversed—if it were Gortash who had his memories erased instead of Durge, do you think Karlach would have offered him a chance to befriend or work with him? If Gortash was a completely blank slate, without any recollection of his past actions or morals. No idea who she is. Would she have considered giving him an opportunity?
Not saying forgive him! Or even pretend it didn’t happen or anything actually “positive” on her end….but I wonder if she would try and work with him…..almost begrudgingly if possible, if their roles in the game were still happening, being tadpoled and whatnot 🤷‍♀️
I say some spoilery things in the tags, so don't read if you haven't finished the game or have not discovered everything about Gortash that the game allows.
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sporeclan · 1 month ago
[From this prompt list (New Requests Closed!)]
😻: Favorite ship in the clan?
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So, I'd say it depends! For ships that are canon in SporeClan so far, I'd have to go with FoxFox <3 I just love that classic energetic and kind x shy and really easily flustered dynamic, I think its cute every time :'D
But for ships that aren't a thing (as of yet, at least(fingers crossed))... I am OBSESSED with the idea of Riftbranch and Puddle's dynamic. Big goofy woman and her strange strange little husband. He just finds her so fascinating to listen to and thinks she has the most profound philosophical quandaries he has ever heard, but they're all stuff like "do you think water is wet" and "how are you gonna feel pain in your leg if you lose it in battle (because it is gone)". Man who thinks way too much before he speaks and woman who speaks before she thinks every single time. I love them so much
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box-dwelling · 4 months ago
Baldurs gate 3 is very funny in that it brings together a group of people who under most circumstances would consider themselves a found family but just so happens to have populated the group with soley people who would be vehemently against calling it that
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rhysintherain · 5 months ago
@blackjackkent's liveblog of BG3 has inspired So Many Thoughts about the Emperor and Raphael and how they compare as characters.
It's come up that the Emperor's character writing could be intended to portray very different motivations based on how the player character responds to it, but personally I don't think that's it. At its core, I think the Emperor is being honest about its motivations: it only wants to survive. What it's not saying is that it will do anything to achieve that end, at the cost of anyone in its way. And the best tool it has to do that is the protagonist.
Its conversations with the protagonist always remind me of abusive relationship dynamics. it plays nice as long as that works, and changes tactics when nice doesn't get what it wants. It constantly reminds you that you need each other, that you couldn't survive without it, that it is the only one you can trust. It offers moments of vulnerability to lure you in, then tries to cut you off from any allies or courses of action it doesn't approve of.
The thing about abusive relationships is that they only turn violent and confrontational when the abuser doesn't get their way. Violence is a last resort, and most abusers prefer to manipulate people without it. Some people go years without discovering their abuser has the capacity for violence, because they never confront them on the control they exert.
And that's exactly how the Emperor relates to the protagonist. If you never question it, never choose a path it doesn't like, you never get pushback. As long as you play by its rules it has no reason to change tactics, because what it's doing is working.
It's only when the protagonist's aims clearly don't match its own that it resorts to threats. It's only when you call the Emperor's bluff, tell it you know it doesn't care about you, that it shows you the truth about its relationship with Stelmane.
Because the truth is, it only cares about its own survival and freedom. And it's very skilled at the game it's playing. It has a profound ability to judge what the protagonist needs to hear, and show them what they want to see. If you want to see a friend who transcends what a mind flayer is supposed to be, it plays that part flawlessly. If you see through that, it has other methods of control at its disposal.
And the Emperor is brilliantly written as a manipulator. It can convince you that it's been on your side all along. It leaves just enough doubt that you might never know the truth. It preys on trust, and exploits the protagonist's willingness to believe in the inherent goodness of people. It expresses trust and vulnerability to the protagonist, anticipating that they will return that trust in response, regardless of whether it can be trusted.
And the cool thing about Raphael is that he's a very similar type of character. He also knows that being nice gets you further than being dangerous. The difference between them is that Raphael isn't quite as good at it: he has a temper, and is quicker to drop the mask. He has an ego that won't let him tolerate even the slightest resistance without breaking character. He believes in bribery over trust, and it makes his act easier to see through. The protagonist can express the same doubt in both of them and get threats from Raphael and disappointment from the Emperor, which pushes them away from one and towards the other.
And one of the striking things about BG3 is the sheer range of dangerous people it throws at your party. You have the tyrant queen, who took power through betrayal and maintains it through disinformation. The power-hungry boss, who offers what you want only until his rise to power is threatened. The abusive parent, who sees his children as possessions who exist to entertain him. The political climber, who treats his loyalists as pawns in a long game of personal gain. The sadistic elite, who's never had to hide her cruelty to those she controls because that's what authority means in her social circle. The loving father, who cares so little for the rest of the world he'd burn it all down to keep his daughter safe.
It's all excellent writing, but the Emperor might be the masterpiece. You can play out the whole story without clearly seeing how it fits the pattern. It can be your loyal partner, standing at your side and protecting you from all those dangerous people.
But it doesn't have to be. If you question its protection and loyalty, it can also be your worst enemy, determined to use all your shared struggles and deepest secrets to tear you apart.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 year ago
Because of the implication that Karlach didn't know any of the more devious shit Gortash was doing while she was employed by him, I HC that he sold her at a point where he couldn't be as covert in his private dealings. Like it was a point where she clearly was going to be a liability and she's good. Too good. Like to her core.
And there isn't a whole lot different between himself and the tiefling rascal he took in so she could support the parents she loves so much. I think that at a certain point he'd just be kinda aggravated because, to him, her view of the world is so idealistic. I like the idea of him having a little bit of petty jealousy, but I can't see that being the motivator for the sale. I think he really believed she was strong enough to handle it - because he was strong enough to withstand the hells - and wanted her to be humbled, in a way. he needed her to have a taste of the real world, so to speak, because his understanding is that it's a cutthroat world and all people are pawns, regardless of age or relation.
that's not a way karlach can live tho
and then she comes back, broken, sure. she has her whole thing where she can consume the soul coins, which ultimately has her viewing lost souls as tokens/pawns in the way gortash sees all people, but she clearly struggles with it and it wasn't a choice she made, but something zariel pushed on her so she could survive.
regardless, karlach's optimism is unwavering and she's still so vivacious. She's angry, understandably so, she has scars, she's done shit she isn't proud of, but she, herself, was never corrupted. when she escapes, she immediately goes full hero mode, she just has the burden of the soul coins to bear bc NO ONE can come out of that situation completely unscathed. and remember the types of friends she made in the hells!!! her one only helps her if it comes with a double-edged sword. despite that, she doesn't prevent it from allowing her to bond with the companions.
so she comes back proof that you can go through what Gortash did and come out mostly in tact. you may be hurt, she shouldn't have HAD to go through that, but she's fighting for a better future for herself (even if that means dying to not return to avernus). Unlike Gortash, she doesn't need to bring the world to heel to pay for the cruelty it showed her.
in fact, everything she went through just makes her appreciate the little good in her life even more and motivates her to aggressively protect her friends.
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swordmaid · 4 months ago
im debating whether or not thalia should help the tieflings on the grove bc on one hand, if she's going for karlachmance then i need dammon alive and she's also a sorc so alfira's robe would be so good on her but on the other i think she's more worried about her parasite and finding a cure instead of taking the time to help out refugees. like when it comes down to it, thalia is a pretty selfish woman and she'd rather save her own skin than help others. she also thinks it's more pragmatic to find a cure for the illithid parasite in the long run since if the ceremorphosis happens, more people will be in danger not just the people in the grove.
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perilegs · 2 years ago
ok i might need to force myself to not romance astarion bc i don't want to know what it says about me to turn down karlach, the woman of my dreams, the character made to cater me personally, like, if she was real i'd bring the moon and stars down for the chance to see her smile, she's everything i've hoped for in a rpg companion, what does it say about me if i turn that down for someone like astarion
#ngl karlach would be too good for me and i wouldnt deserve it#shed probably ask me stuff like 'what do you want?' upon which i would be paralyzed with fear my mind completely blank unable#to process why i can't answer a simple question#and she's so up front with her emotions which i absolutely adore but i could not reciprocate that#wait am i actually for real avoiding the karlach romance bc i feel like this fictional character from a video game is too good for me#a real human being. like. i think i would feel guilty about romancing her#which makes no sense bc i romance characters too good for anyone all of the time. but idk#in those cases ive always had like a strong character i play as who is very divorced from who i am#but playing as durge there is no past so idk who my tav is yet so all i can do is project so he feels very. personal#im v sleepy and also ive had brain fog all day so yea idk#i mean i do genuinely like astarion and his character but in his case i dont feel guilty bc i feel like i#i have no idea how to finish that sentence without it sounding like 'i can fix him'#bc i dont want to fix him i want to show him compassion and respect him and his boundaries so he'll be able to reclaim tje feeling of#being in control of his life#so he'll stop putting people down to feel like hes on a pedestal#like i get him and why he is like that but i just feel like being kind and caring towards him would feel so good#it wouldnt fix him and thats a good thing bc i dont want him to change who he is but i do think he needs support#also hes hot im so mad at myself for being so atteacted to him#we wouldnt b here if i didnt have a thing for voices#besides thag back to the main point of astarion its like. ugh! im so frustrated rn bc i dont have the words#to express my emotions toward him bc everything ive said lacks the nuance that im feelikg but idk how to put it in words#i guess i want to protect him? that such a terrible sentence and still not what om going for
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imogenkol · 6 months ago
Really wanted to finally do a Minthara romance with Yvaine’s playthrough and I thought I fucked it up but I knocked her out during the battle at the Grove just in case and now we’re in act 3 living our best murder wives lives and I couldn’t be happier
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invinciblerodent · 1 year ago
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Oh, this Guardian introduction scene is a lot more impactful and confusing if they look like someone your character has very strong ties to, but never wants to see again, than if it's a random hot buff tiefling lady.
So... for this run I made them look like Herric, Iona's "ex"-husband. (I mean, technically they're still married, kind of. I suppose if you mutually try to kill one another with fire and an axe respectively, and then flee into the wilderness not knowing if he's dead or alive but at the same time not even caring and just starting to use your maiden name without a secodn thought, that oughta count as something of a divorce.)
This person, he wears the scar she gave him that last time, that shining burn that stretches and twists across his face... the last image that she ever saw of him as she fled into the woods. That fury, and pain, and murderous intent had etched itself into her memory, to the point that on the rare occasions she is forced to recall his face, this is what she sees: bubbled, gnarled flesh, either raw and gleaming as if it had been polished, or healed over with new skin to take its place, as it would be by now, and a once-handsome face, now distorted in contempt.
This person... they're his spitting image, but they are a stranger nonetheless. She had known Herric practically her whole life, lived with him, shared his bed for over half of it, and their voice, their movements... they're all wrong. They (he?) wear Herric's face, but they seem to have none of his ignorance, his temper, his virulent hatred of all that is magical, arcane... indeed, they chuckle at her immediate hostility, offer her kindness, don't look at her with disgust, desire, or dread, and they command great magics that leave her equal parts awed and terrified.
She doesn't trust a single word out of this creature's mouth. She doesn't want, or doesn't want to need his help. She doesn't want to think about his words, or how he may or may not be the reason she's not a monster yet.
... And talking to Astarion in the morning about these things, it also leaves her with mixed feelings. Sure, to be called an "utter drip" who "hates good news" and to be asked if she has some sort of condition forcing her to "spoil his fun" does make it all feel a bit less daunting and more ridiculous, it kind of clears her head, and his theatrical bristling that makes him seem almost like he's a big, wet bird puffing his feathers makes it difficult not to smile, but... she can't tell him why exactly this has her so shaken. They're not at that level yet, if they're ever going to be.
At this point, they're not exactly "please console me and let me feel safe when my past unearths itself from its grave like some sort of grotesque zombie and comes back to haunt me" type of a thing, they're more of a "let's fuck in the woods and tell each other heavily abbreviated stories about ourselves that more or less omit all the parts that would paint us in less favorable lights" thing.
Honestly, she kind of hates that in this fragile state, she finds herself wanting not only his touch, or a cordial conversation, but his comfort, too.
(In due time, that.)
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maddisandy · 1 year ago
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everyone has some pretty reasonable dynamics and then there's soleil and gale
#plum charas#detailing in tags#soleil and astarion consider each other partners and equals beyond just lovers#but i went by the chart for this one rather than changing things for them#soleil did find amusement in gales nerdy flirting and thought it was cute but when given an ultimatum he chose astarion#gale got very upset about tav and astarion dating in my game after flirting with them constantly#so for a short period of time things were kind of awkward between them#but now they consider each other like close family friends (gale still likes soleil but respects their feelings)#halsin and soleil consider each other friends. both are attracted to each other but halsin moreso than soleil#jaheira and soleil consider each other friends but they didn't bomd as much as everyone who was around earlier (esp origin charas)#still they hold each other both in high regards and respect for each other#karlach and wyll both are very good friends to soleil. however i found them late in act 1 (i didn't know where to find them before) and by#then i already had much more relationship built with the party i was running with (shadowheart laezel and swapping gale and astarion#depending on the fight and if i need another spellcaster or a mobile melee)#plus i had kitted laezel to be my tank and soleil is already a warlock so i really didnt have them in my party except to do their personal#quests#but i still got pretty high approvals from them so theyre still very good friends#karlach went to avernus with wyll in my playthrough so i like to think every once and awhile the pop back up on the prime material for a hi#and vice versa with soleil and astarion finding a way to avernus to say hello#soleil also had a small puppy love crush on wyll but it was mostly attraction since they didn't persue anything#laezel and shadowheart are both very best friends with soleil and laezel still keeps in contact using the rary bond ring#both liked soleil in early game but soleil admitted they were nblm so they weren't interested back#laezel still feels admiration for them as a leader and helping in freeing orpheus and aiding laezel however they can against vlakith but#doesnt oersue for obvious reasons. shadowheart just overcame her feelings and treasures their friendship more#and sorry to minthara but i killed her. whoops#over all i like to think everyone (especially the origin charas) (minus minthara ofc) meet up regularly for reunions at whoevers home to#catch up and be together and very found family vibes. plus with the rary bond ring they can still talk whenever theyd like anyways#because im a sucker for found family#i also have my headcanons for everyone dynamics together outside of tav but. for another time#soleil fennuith
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mymreaderlibrary · 1 year ago
Unironically would love to explore this concept in a more serious tone as well. Karlach having met or at least seen Durge around Gortash's home. They were always odd and off-putting, but so was most of Gortash's crowd. Still, their presence was oppressive and she sometimes had to consider them as a threat against him. They could be some noble trying to seize power through him. Or they could be just another bed warmer with mindless intentions. Regardless, they were on her radar. Then of course the Hells happened and after those 10 agonizing years she's finally free, and who does she see first things first? Durge, that same motherfucker who used to haunt the halls of Gortash's manor. Gortash's manor. Karlach doesn't believe them when they claim to not remember the past, convenient amnesia is just a bullshit excuse cowards use but she slowly realizes they're dead serious. Beyond serious, they barely even know who they are. She won't be finding Gortash through them, but maybe she could turn his former adversary into his enemy, give that bastard an extra kick in the ass with some betrayal of the inner kind. However Durge begins to get their memories back, each one more vile than the last. They chose not to tell Karlach about their memories of Gortash, knowing that it may send her into a spiral (justifiably). But each memory spells out a clearer picture as Durge realizes they were not just one of Gortash's dolls. If anything, Durge had some form of power over the man, their mutual obsession fueling a strange and twisted affair. They were neither of each others lapdogs, they were equals. Eventually Karlach finds out and she ends up as the one feeling betrayed. Gortash's "nearest and dearest" was RIGHT THERE the whole time, they were someone she even considered a friend. She regrets giving them the benefit of the doubt, she should've known better than to trust any who aligned, formerly or currently, with that bastard. Maybe they didn't remember who they were at first, but eventually their former self would return.
And then that leaves it up to Durge, if they wish to betray their former relationship with Gortash for the sake of their new ally. Or if they want to finish what they started and let Karlach be just another casualty in their quest to greatness. If they pick Karlach it won't be easy, she will be broken from her shit life and it will take more than a little convincing that they're on her side. Undoubtably she will have Wyll to support her, but there's only so much a shoulder to cry on can offer, especially given what she's been through. Durge won't be forgiven, at least not quickly, but if they put in the time, put in the effort, they could forge something new. Perhaps forgiveness is unattainable, but allyship is possible. But if they pick Gortash I feel it would be oh so simple. He was practically waiting for them to return, every since he got the news his beloved slayer was still alive. Who better to top of their grand scheme than the mastermind themself, Gortash's own lover (if they even dared to call each other such... and perhaps, with all this power in their midst, they now could). They're already at the climax of their story, why back away now? Why keep the people waiting? This is their grand finale.
Listen. I don't know exactly how long Durge and Gortash knew each other, but wouldn't it have been absolutely hilarious. if upon meeting karlach the first time just
Wyll: ah I have finally found you, advocatus diaboli-
Karlach: yeah okay give me a minute before you kill me, YOURE THAT GUY THAT FUCKED ENVER WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE
durge, like 3 days old, freshly discovering the whole "sex" thing again: I did what. With who
#bg3#nm#mw#full of thoughts#specifically in relation to karlach knowing durge#I wish there were more lines about it in act 3 cause I feel it wouldve been an angst worthy concept to explore#plus it would be another punishment for durge (listen I believe they need more consequences for their actions like why is wyll the-#only one who'll side against them if they accept bhaal? he makes sense duh but what about a good sided gale? a good sided shadowheart?)#what about karlach who just learned this mf was the reason they were in this mess to begin with#I feel like them siding with you should've depended heavily on your relationship with them and their personal quests#gale is just accepting one false relationship with a god for another#karlach knows youre just another murderous maniac like zariel so why let you destroy the home she just finally got back to?#I know it's a whole “I can fix them” kinda thing which I do enjoy but I wish there was just more to it#so full of thoughts#I would've loved for some confrontation between durge and karlach#wrote way more than I intended I'm so sorry op you just wanted to be silly but I'm fucking crazy over bg3 right now#my autism is out of control I can think of nothing else#AUUGHHHG IM LOSING MY MIND AUUUGHHHHHGHGHHGHGHHG#durge meeting a young karlach and even asking where gortash's “little pet” went#karlach just thinking of durge as some strange weirdo that gortash keeps around for some reason#she doesn't wanna think of all the odd long lasting touches gortash and durge would have#nor the time she heard a thump from gortash's office and ran up in a hurry to make sure he was safe only to spot the pair practically-#backed into the war table
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 year ago
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i'm SO down bad for durge/wyll where they both are each other's support through trying to be more than their patron's pet
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swordmaid · 4 months ago
pivotal moment of shri’iia’s arc in act 1 was her willingness to save the gnome slaves - since that really goes against her oath (as an oath of the crown paladin for lolth) as well as everything she was raised to believe in as a lolth drow now I’m thinking thalia doesn’t even try to save them omg..
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seventh-district · 1 year ago
tag limit my beloathed... continuing my analysis of my potentially Sun x Moon coded ships here ↓
#Seven.txt#tag limit can't stop me cause i'll just make another post#anything to avoid having to put all my thoughts in the body of a post. too scary.#i like the illusion of speaking softly in privacy that talking in the tags provides me#anyways where were we#when i say Sun x Moon coded i'm not referring to Sun & Moon the FNaF characters. although they are definitely a prime & on the nose example#i just mean.. light & dark. upbeat & downbeat. loud & quiet. opposites. y'know? you know.#they don't even have to be blonde hair x black hair honestly. although that def helps. just personality can be enough#like. okay. i'm thinking about Jesus and Daryl. from TWD. don't laugh at me. hey. listen.#i think they could count on personality alone. like yeah visually theyre both. Brown. but Jesus is so chaotic and sunny!#at least compared to Daryl.. and i mean if u wanna get problematic with it you could replace Jesus with Beth but. eeeeeeh#i don't really ship them? they were definitely Something and S4EP12 is my favorite for a Reason but its not bc i ship them#not sexually at least. it's hard to ship Daryl with anyone sexually. for me. but i don't think it's romantic either#they're some secret third thing. whatever it is i think it's got a Sun x Moon dynamic nonetheless! okay uhhh who else...#not Shigaraki and Dabi popping up in my head.. the hell. i'm really scraping the bottom of the ship barrel now#neither of them are Sun coded in the slightest. where did that thought come from. anyways uhhh... OH#what about Karlach and Astarion!? ohhhh yeah yeah yeah i think she's Sun-coded in a fiery sense. and he's def Moon-coded#in spite of the white hair lmao. ohhh and the way he misses being in the sun??? do u see where im going with this. do u see my vision#okay who else. Dew and Rain??? fire and water... i think they could fit. but Dew being Sunny in the more fiery sense like Karlach#if i wanted to get real self-indulgent i could talk about Venti and Saoirse. they're deeefinetly Sun and Moon coded. which tracks lmao#of course my most dearly beloved permanent and personal ship is Sun & Moon coded. of course it is. Saoirse is just as Moon-coded as i am#obviously. even more actually cause they look the way i Want to look. and then Venti is def Sun-coded when we look at the mask he wears#which he hardly ever drops. so. it's almost permanent he's so committed to the bit. when he does drop it he's... hm. hmm.#he's too complex to fit it in these tags lmao. i best stop before i make myself wanna pick Heaven In Hiding back up#to circle back around to the podcast that started it all i suppose i'd be remiss not to mention Martin and Jon#they're very Sun & Moon methinks. at least the version of them that i've gathered from S1 and fanart/posts/spoilers#but doesn't Martin get... sucked into the Lonely or smthn. ohohoho perhaps the Sunny thing is just a front. like Venti! hm#many thoughts. head full of ships rn. but alas i'm hungry and running out of tags again so i'm gonna stop here#thanks for coming to my TED talk on Sun & Moon coded ships. i hope u learned as much about me as i've learned abt myself tonight#gonna go post the next chapter of AEIWNF. make food. and uhhh... rotate Gerry in my mind some more lets be honest here
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multiverse-menagerie · 2 years ago
Perhaps could I request the bg3 companions going through Tav's sketchbook and finding that it's riddled with drawings of each companion, but especially them. Maybe it's the early stages of a romance or smthn?
I’ve been slowly spinning this around in my head, yessss
At first, Gale thinks journal is a book you’ve left for him. He’s not really one to go through your personal belongings after all. But upon opening the journal and finding swaths of drawings of your party and him, he’s thrown a little off kilter
He returns it to you immediately (read as: he fights with himself for a good ten minutes to stop looking at the sketches of himself and return the book to you) but asks you about your hobby
Listens very intently to however much you’re willing to tell him. Gale would ask, “are those me? or do you know some other roguishly handsome wizard with a penchant for fancy robes?”
He’s trying Very Hard to downplay his feelings about the whole matter. He’s not used to being the admired one…but he’s certainly not complaining
As she hopes everyone will respect her need for privacy, Shadowheart strives to do the same for others. Despite many opportunities to peak at your journal, she resists and eventually asks you about it directly, but with no pressure
shy!Tav, nervously showing off the sketches and trying to gloss over how many of these drawings are of Shadowheart - after a deep breath, Shadowheart ignores the blush rising on her skin and asks about some of the other drawings
Confident!Tav, flipping through the sketches and happily showing off the images of Shadowheart especially - Shadowheart flusters, sputters out a near incomprehensible jumble of words and rushes off
Either way, the moment lives Rent Free(tm) in her head and she hopes you’ll show her the journal again
STUNNED. like, almost drops your sketch in surprise bc wait. Holy shit. Is that him??
recovers smoothly, plays down the way his adrenaline has spiked
It does not matter how good the portraits of him are, sketches or fully finished drawings, he is Memorizing those pages
If you draw him with any soft expression, he’ll point out that image to you and be like “I think you’ve messed up on that particular reaction, dear” (that’s how he looks at you, shh don’t tell him)
He spots you watching him one day as he’s training, your eyes flipping between him and the journal in front of you. Eventually he gives in and wanders over, inquiring about what you’re up to
when you show him the spread, sketches of him doing swordplay (and a few close headshots) - Wyll is both very impressed and very flustered
He compliments your skills, though jokingly questions the subject of your drawings. Certainly someone else would make a more attractive drawing, he says, gesturing vaguely to his mismatched eyes and newly acquired horns
Is surprised by the fierce frown you give him, the disapproval in your voice at his suggestion. You’re drawing him for a reason. Thoroughly chastised and a little embarrassed, Wyll thanks you (he doesn’t elaborate beyond that but you get the idea)
Karlach is too afraid to touch anything that seems even vaguely flammable, but she’s seen you scribbling into your journal on many an occasion. Eventually her curiosity gets the better of her and she asks you about it
If you’re hesitant to show her, she’ll back off…but kind of pout like a little kid. Not in an attempt to make you feel bad but just bc that’s who she is. If and when you decide to show her the sketches, she’s super hyped
Jaw on the floor. She’s not got the patience or skills for drawing, not really, but your talent blows her away. And then she sees the drawings of her and she’s like - mouth open, heart eyes
jokes about how you’ve drawn her, with a huge grin on her face the whole time “how long have you been staring at my thighs to get the drawing this accurate? should I get a new outfit for your next page?”
She’s never really cared much for her appearance - don’t get me wrong, she thinks she looks great but she’s never really been the one to stare at her reflection or anything
But Lae’zel sees herself in your sketches, drawings of her in softer states, in relaxation, and shes…surprised
Part of her bristles - she’s a strong warrior on a mission, she doesn’t need you seeing her as soft. But a different part of her…eases. Relaxes. You see her as an individual worth affection.
Lae’zel wouldn’t comment much about the drawings, but she would ask to sit and watch you draw, if it wouldn’t bother you. Your skilled hands, the way your brow furrows as you draw. Yes. She likes that.
At first, Halsin is simply impressed by your talents. Artistry has always been something he’s enjoyed, no matter the form, so he’s happy to get to see your work
When he comes across the pages devoted to him, he’s thrown off a little. He’s used to being admired, if we’re being honest. As long as he’s lived and as many people he’s been with, it happens. But he’s not used to…this. Being part of the art but without any expectation of him.
Traces a finger over the lines of his face - somehow you’ve captured a look that makes him seem so…heroic. Is that how you see him? Warmth feels his chest and he goes to seek you out
You don’t get much of an answer, when you ask why he’s scooped you and paying you extra attention, nuzzling his face into your hair
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hum-tittle · 17 days ago
I think we can all argee. Wyll is a great but underdeveloped character. And someone else has probably already thought of this, but the problem with Wyll's story is it was used for world building not character development.
Words can not describe how infuriating I think it is that Ansur is a part of Wyll's companion mission. It literally has nothing to do with him, but it provides great world building. We learn more about Balduran, legends of Baldur's Gate, and about the Emperor. But we learn NOTHING new about Wyll.
Wyll is also used to connect and introduce new characters. Like Karlach, Mizora, Duke Ravengaurd, Florrick, Duke Stelmane, etc. He just adds a little more backstory to these characters. Besides hearing the strain on his and his father's relationship, we don't learn more about Wyll.
Compare that to Jaheira who also connects and introduces a few characters. It's the other harpers who she leads, her best friend Minsc, and her children. These add world building but let us see and understand Jaheira as a character more.
Also comparing Jaheira and Wyll's stories, Wyll is the "blade of the frontier" but it's mentioned just a bit. While we see Karlach literally fangirl of Jaheira because of the tales of Jaheira. I understand that Jaheira is from the previous games, and she's been a hero for a much longer time. But Wyll is a hero too and known well enough to have a nickname. They should have at least some books or someone at the Grove fangirling over him.
Personally, I'm not a big Warlock fan with fighting, but I love having Wyll in my party walking around/exploring because you get to learn about him and see his personality more (him and Shadowheart talking about mermaid smut, priceless). I just wish his story was more about him
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