#but I feel like it’s a perfect nighttime show
bugeyedfreaks · 3 months
Actually, quick thing that I mentioned in a reply, but I really feel that the Powerpuff Girls, especially the first couple of seasons, needs to be watched at night. I know that sounds like such a silly thing to say in a world where you can just watch the show whenever you want, but I really do think it lends itself to a different vibe when you’re in a dark room all alone with the TV. The stakes feel higher! Things feel cooler! I don’t know how to explain it, man!
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Like... this is the optimal example of how/when to watch the PPG. Right here. ⬆️
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seagiri · 4 months
some chilshi headcanons?
(Contextualizing my headcanons, I mostly like chilshi post-canon. It doesn’t click during the main story for me)
I think they’re very domestic. One of those situations where they don’t even realize how infatuated they are with the other- until they do. And they don’t know what to do about that so they get used to being close but never taking it a step further. I think Senshi is a good influence for Chilchuck, and Chil he is Senshi’s way to connect with others.
The two of them are people that had to mature emotionally very quickly due to their life circumstances and I think that’s what draws them together in a way
Senshi has the excuse that he wants to help Chil feed himself better and maybe help him taking care of his home, and Chil likes the company. He worries about the guy lmao
They smoke and drink in the porch of his old family house and they bicker about people. Senshi tends to their garden and Chil sometimes when he’s bored and his wrists don’t hurt, he combs his hair.
And Senshi travels and explores and when he comes back he gets to talk about everything and show Chilchuck his new recipes and he is mortified but he listens anyway :) Chil complains about work, updates him on his daughters and they get to talk. They open up
Maybe they go fishing together, to the market if there’s a chance. They drink in the tavern at nighttime. idk
It’s whatever. Whatever you know
>They’re both big spoon interchangeably but it’s Chilchuck the most because he doesn’t like feeling crushed and also Senshi’s beard is equal to 3 layers of blankets
>Senshi likes teaching Chilchuck how to cook but Chil gets annoyed fast if he can’t do it first try so they barely try anymore
>They own a lot of alcohol from different places either Senshi visits or Falin and Izutsumi bring them. That pantry is wild
>They fight over stupid shit that is just mildly annoying and not a real issue
>Their way of loving is to do things for each other. If Chilchuck is tired from work Senshi will offer to arrange his picklocks, maybe go something for him. And Chil tidies up the place for him after cooking or goes buy whatever is missing. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it for you. It’s fine”
>They had to get slightly bigger furniture
The perfect version for me is when they never get together because they’re stubborn and afraid of interfering in each others lives so they self sabotage and don’t know what to do. But I also love it when they’re happy together so make of this what you will <3 they are everything to me
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delirious-donna · 3 months
The Best Worst Father’s Day [Nanami Kento]
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an: I wrote this in like 20 minutes because i was ‘inspired’. Kento deserves a fantastic Father’s Day but let’s be real… kids are not always willing to deliver
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
warnings: fluff, mention of a child, suggestive at the end, kids being assholes, tantrums (not just the kid), Kento being a fucking hero, breeding kink (if you squint)
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It was Father’s Day and it also marked the day that your precious bundle of not-so-small joy decided that they were going to be a nightmare. All day.
The morning started out on the right foot, Kento snoozing peacefully with his sleep-soaked face pressed into the spill of your cleavage, a subtle drunk smile plastered to his face. Awoken by the telltale stomps of what your child affectionately tried to pass as tiptoes grew closer to your bedroom door, you blinked away the dregs of sleep just in time. A head peeked inside, drowsy and rubbing their eyes with a beloved teddy bear tucked under one arm like a newspaper.
You smiled and whispered a good morning before pressing your finger to your lips and pointing to their sleeping father. The answering giggle melted your heart as you heard them scamper downstairs, awaiting their breakfast and entertainment for the morning.
Lost in a kaleidoscope of rose-tinted memories that led to this moment, you combed softly through the blond locks of hair hanging low on his brow. Kento shifted, his eyebrows pinching and smoothing out until he rolled over and continued to sleep. He deserved it, he really did.
All those nighttime feedings, endless nappies changed, hours of reflux and windings that never seemed to yield results. The skinned knees and the tears. A million cups of tea at your bedside table before your bleary eyes even opened for the day. Car seats researched to the nth degree for safety reviews and practicality. First steps. Their first word, and of course it was ‘dada’.
The years had sped by at an alarming rate, feeling as those dark tortuous hours in the depths of winter were only yesterday. There had been far more good times than bad, and without Kento by your side the whole time, you weren’t sure how you would have managed. He might not be your Father, but you were determined his day would be one of the best.
However, that slice of idyllic tranquility would be the last, although you did not yet know it.
Whether the stars had misaligned or some demonic imp had decided today was the perfect day to toy with the emotions of a young child, you didn’t know. What you did know was that they were ‘on one’, and no amount of coaxing or reminders of whose special day it was would deter their rampant destruction.
Kento, diligent and steadfast as ever, refused to back away from the plate. He smiled through the gift giving which consisted of a beautiful handmade card by his darling angel, the very same darling angel who was kicking off because they couldn’t watch their favourite tv show right now. Aptly, the bottle of whisky could not have been a better choice, and he glanced surreptitiously at you with a knowing smile.
From there it went from bad to worse. Tantrums and tears, and not only from the hellspawn, ensued. Your sobs of “you’re meant to be relaxing today, not doing all of this” fell on deaf ears. No amount of cajoling or attempts by you were working, leaving Kento to swoop in like a hero just minus the cape and with the addition of a garish tie.
You watched from the kitchen door, enormous mug of tea in hand and a tissue dabbing your puffy eyes as Kento chased your child around the garden. The laughter broke your heart, but in that way that a happy ending in a movie also broke your heart.
There he was, the man infamously referred to as stoic and reserved, growling like a lion and throwing your little darling around to hollering whoops of laughter. If only they could see what you saw, if only they had known right from day one that behind the cool facade was a man that would do anything for his family—for his wife.
With energy levels finally depleted and the boss level of bath and bedtime tackled and won, you fell into his open arms. Your nose buried in the collar of his shirt, inhaling the spice from dinner on his skin and drinking in the warmth he exuded.
“I’m sorry, Kento,” you mumbled, lip wobbling from the stresses of the day. The anger that had sizzled in your veins only hours ago defused into a mass of misery.
“For what?”
“For the shitshow that was today! Don’t ‘for what’ me.”
Kento tilted your head up, his thumb beneath your chin and his lips upon yours in a soft rush that surprised you. The red wine from dinner melted onto your tongue, pushed deeper as he took and took, only to give back everything and more.
Finally, he pulled back with a contented hum. “Father’s Day is all well and good, but you gave me the best gift you ever could years ago… a baby that has grown into a wilful little mischief maker just like their mother.”
If you weren’t already emotional, you sure were now. Tears brimmed in your eyes only to be caught on the pads of his thumbs. Soft kisses decorated your cheeks and you grasped fistfuls of his shirt in earnest.
“Better stop talking like that, or I’ll give you another one, mister.”
“Mm, now that has made my day. I’ll give you to the count of ten to strip and kneel on the bed,” he breathed in your ear, biting the shell and playfully grabbing at your backside.
“One… two…”
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forzalando · 4 months
what makes the sunset?
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3k celebration blurb for @katsu28! you can find my celebration post here if you'd like to celebrate with me :) title inspired by the song what makes the sunset? - frank sinatra. if you’d like, give it a listen! that’s the vibe of lando x reader in this💛 word count: 845 summary: sappy sunset with lando. obvious they both love each other but no established relationship (i love idiots in love).
The time was nearing 8:00pm – you’d already cooked and cleaned up dinner, thrown a load of laundry in the washer, changed into comfy PJs, and vacuumed your entire living space.
The tick of your tv remote was beginning to drive you mad. Each time you scrolled to the next tv show or movie in your recommended, the sound grew louder and louder. After ten minutes of searching, you reached for your phone and went to the last text thread in your messages.
what should I watch? I literally can’t find anything that looks interesting and it’s driving me insane
The reply bubbles appeared on your screen almost immediately, but your (hopefully) saving grace decided to call instead of respond via text.
“What are you in the mood for?” Lando asked, his mouth clearly full of his dinner.
“Did you call me so that you wouldn’t have to take a break from eating to text me back?”
“Maybe, but I’m the one asking the questions here. What are you in the mood for?”
“Hmm,” you paused, “something beautiful, passionate, emotionally stirring. I want to feel something.”
“And you came to me for suggestions?” Lando’s laugh rang through the speaker, the sound filling you with warmth.
“Well, excuse me, Mr. ‘I’m a Scorpio and let me tell you all about it’! Aren’t you supposed to be passionate and emotional?”
“Alright, give me a minute to think!”
The silence was brief, not even 30 seconds had passed before Lando began speaking again.
“Be ready in 15 minutes, I’ve got the perfect idea.”
Before you had a chance to ask what he meant, the line went dead. You huffed out a breath and made your way to your room to change out of your pajamas – which, quite honestly, soured your mood a bit.
Exactly 15 minutes after your call ended, Lando Norris was furiously knocking at your door.
“Come on, come on, hurry up!!!” You could hear him yelling from outside your apartment – thank goodness it was early enough that your neighbors wouldn’t complain about a nighttime disturbance.
Swinging your door open, you came face to face with Lando, his arm raised to knock incessantly once again.
“You are insufferable,” you huffed. Those were the only words you could get out before Lando was practically dragging you towards the elevators.
“Where are we even going?”
“It’s a surprise,” he sang. You couldn’t help but laugh at his giddiness, following him blindly down to his car sitting outside your building, still running and somehow not stolen.
You tried to guess – ice cream, a friend’s place, a movie theater. With each guess, Lando shook his head and teased that he wasn’t going to tell you. Soon, Lando had parked his car in a familiar lot, one you’d driven to many times before when the weather was nice and he was miraculously home.  
The sand was white and inviting – it squished underneath your toes as you stepped onto the beach, soft and still slightly warm from the sun beating down on it all day. You began to sit down when you heard Lando shouting behind you.
“NO sandy bottoms in my car, I brought a beach blanket you heathen!”
Sure enough, you turned around and there he was with the beach blanket you’d bought for him last summer. It had papayas on it, you simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
“So what are we doing here, Lan?”
He gestured towards the view in front of you. “You said you wanted to watch something beautiful and emotionally stirring.”
You looked at him quizzically, his hint completely lost on you. He rolled his eyes teasingly, scooting closer to you and bringing his arm up to look at his watch.
“The sun should start setting in about…five minutes? If I timed this correctly.”
“You brought me to the beach to watch the sunset?” A soft smile graced your lips, and it was your turn to scoot closer to Lando, only a few centimeters separating your legs.
“It just kind of popped into my head, but I should have asked you. I didn’t totally think this through, I’m sorry – ”
“Lando,” you interrupted him. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
He smiled at you and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked out towards the water, his shoulders visibly relaxing. It was silent for a few moments until he tensed again, turning to face you with wide eyes.
“Are you cold? The temperature is going to drop like twenty degrees, I have an extra hoodie in my car, let me go grab it.”
As he started to get up, you gently grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, finally closing the tiny gap of space between you.
“I’m fine, Lando,” you insisted, leaning your head on his shoulder and linking your arms. “You’re everything I need.”
He relaxed again and lowered his head slowly to meet yours, intertwining your fingers at the same time. As the two of you sat in silence, unspoken words and feelings swirled around in your minds.
Emotionally stirring was an understatement.
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celestemona · 3 months
and their wives were asked the mostly random places where they did it.
pairing: husband! alhaitham, cyno, kaedehara kazuha, kaveh, lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley x fem! reader(s)
cw: they're just talking about places they had/have sex. mdi. not beta-read.
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𝐍𝐕!𝐖: His main seat in the court at the Opera Epiclese. We also do it in his office but Neuvi prefers to do it at home... Although I must say that in our dating days, there wasn't a single room in our house that hadn't remained... untouchable.
𝐖𝐑!𝐖: Our office. Whenever we can, of course. We've fucked several times at some expeditions to the abandoned zone of ​​the fortress as well. We were never caught. But if we're going to talk about our most unusual experiences, I can only think of the memorable time Wrio pressed me against the wall behind Wolsey's cafeteria during dinner time. We had to silence one of the guards that night.
𝐍𝐕!𝐖: My my. That's so scandalous. I like that.
𝐊𝐙!𝐖: During my husband's pirate days, we used to escape to the crow's nest a lot. If there were some goods to be transported, he’d pull me behind its boxes. I have to say that living a nomadic life taught me to overcome the fear and shyness of having sex outdoors and enjoy the excitement the environment provides. Liyue has some perfect hiding spots for this. 
𝐊𝐕!𝐖: I agree. Although I haven't had any crazy adventures like you, I must say that it was quite thrilling to seduce Kaveh while we stayed at my sister's Jade Chamber. She had given us the suite with the biggest balcony and… well… You can imagine what happened after that. The height and high exposure help to increase the adrenaline. 
𝐂𝐘!𝐖: Now I understand why you guys have such exhibitionist nighttime adventures. Thank you for enlightening us, my dear. But anyway. Just like our dear friend Lady Kaedehara, it isn’t uncommon for Cyno and I to have our intimate moments outdoors since we travel to the desert quite often. You can say that we already know the right caves and ruins where we can make it without getting caught in any inconvenience. However, my favorite adventure of ours would be that one where I rode him in the Grand Sage’s office. 
𝐊𝐕!𝐖: Damn girl, you are just as shameless if not more than me. 
𝐀𝐇!𝐖: I'd say the two of you are more similar with each other than you let on. Well, you see, Alhaitham prefers to have sex in environments where we won't be caught much less interrupted. That doesn't mean we haven't had our intimate moments outside of our bedroom, of course. I think the most frequented ones in this regard would be his office, my classroom, and the restricted book aisle in the House of Daena. Oh, and there was also that time we escaped out of the tavern to somewhere outdoors when we had that group dinner. 
𝐊𝐕!𝐖: I told you she wasn't feeling sick. 
𝐂𝐘!𝐖: It surprises me how you can say such filthy things with that innocent face of yours. 
𝐖𝐑!𝐖: And you, my dear? I believe that Lyney is a very romantic partner just because of the way he looks at you. 
𝐋𝐍!𝐖: He is. Although he is also a little… unpredictable. I believe it won't even surprise you if I say that we've fucked several times behind the stage or in our dressing room. Plus, Lyney likes to eat me out in places we visit for the first time so not even the office at his Father's orphanage escaped that. 
𝐍𝐕!𝐖: My goodness. Appearances really can be deceiving. 
𝐋𝐍!𝐖: Tell me about it. I couldn't have a proper conversation with his Father for an entire month without remembering her showing up at her own office and finding her son with his head between her daughter-in-law's thighs. 
𝐊𝐙!𝐖: Her? 
𝐋𝐍!𝐖: Long story short his father is a woman. 
𝐀𝐇!𝐖: Interesting.
𝐖𝐑!𝐖: Well. Needless to say we're having a pleasant talk here. I must say though that we had some very unusual experiences and others full of twists. I think we should make a toast. To our passionate adventures and for those yet to come!
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𝐖𝐑: The girls are quite noisy today, huh.
𝐂𝐘: Definitely they are. What do you think they're giggling about? 
𝐊𝐕 & 𝐊𝐙: You'd rather not know.
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wordstome · 10 months
Satyr!König Headcanons
Yesterday I was talking with the lovely @kneelingshadowsalome about her satyr König au, and boy, did we cook. Good morning Finland, it's time to take some hairy goat man cock! (Most of these are adapted from our DMs! Headcanons in bold are by Salome, with minor changes)
It's just König's luck, really, for him to finally get his hands on a pretty little nymph to fuck and fill with his potent seed and she runs off on him! And now he's certain that she's hiding from him, which has him absolutely fuming. If she's going to play this little game, he'll just have to hunt her down...
Meanwhile, she’s freaking out because her monthly blood is very, very late, and she suspects that awful satyr is to blame. All her little nymph friends are sympathetic, but they did warn her!
She may be sulking about her predicament, but part of her becomes wildly jealous when she sees her friends are "torturing" the poor satyr. Never even wanted to see that big hairy pervert again, but also doesn't want others to frolick around him even if he's chained to a tree!
The little nymph does end up feeling sorry for the man, so when it's nighttime and all her friends have scurried away, she creeps up to him quiet like a mouse to free him. Of course, she ends up getting a pounding for all her troubles...what did she expect?
He's not making the same mistake letting her go again! He makes good on his promise to lick her to completion, and then she just curls up and falls asleep...silly, silly thing. Giving him the perfect opportunity to scoop her up and whisk her to his lair. Her fellow nymph sisters wail and cry and demand her return, but König's not telling where he's keeping her squirreled away.
She's stomping mad about her new situation. Not only is she separated from her sisters and unable to live free and wild in the sunshine as she used to, but she and König are always bickering and arguing, ending up more often than not with him folding her into a mating press...
She's offended when he brings her fresh meat to eat, which of course confuses him. He had only meant to show how strong and competent of a provider he is, hunting for his woman, but his difficult little nymph has the nerve to turn her nose up at it and scold him. Doesn't he know nymphs only eat berries and flowers and other gifts that the earth gives to nourish them?
Of course she tries to break out of the dark woodland prison he's keeping her in, but the first time he catches her, he only gives her a terrible smirk and shows her the exit. She's welcome to leave, but he lives in the dark, deep part of the woods that the nymphs don't dare trespass in, where hungry wolves and other awful satyrs live...
Naturally, she would never risk being caught and taken to some other horny satyr's lair. At least here he gives some care to her wellbeing and all the attention a sulky little nature spirit could want...
He is trying, she supposes...he's stopped bringing her all that awful bloody meat to eat, he makes her a soft little bed of grasses and flowers to sleep on, and treats her like a fussy little princess. But she can't start growing fond of him...!
König, meanwhile, is on cloud nine with his pretty little nymph. she stays right where he wants her, always pouting and mewling for his attention, and only fusses a little bit when he warms his cock inside her. what more could a nasty satyr like him even want?
It becomes endearing, how well he provides all she asks for. Not that she's ever going to show her feelings to him of course. Just happens to twirl the hair on his chest around her fingers before she falls asleep on his lap...
Falling for this nasty old faun isn't what she signed up for when she straddled him that day. But she also can’t complain, because he is good with that tongue of his…
So good she can't even find it in herself to be mad when he pervs on her when she's resting and trying to get some sleep:
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It’s nighttime when she’s woken up with a start. Probably just König back from a hunt, hopped up on adrenaline and ready to breed her again. But to her horror, it’s some other strange faun man, leering at her with dubious intent. Turns out there are downsides to making your little pet nymph scream with pleasure every night: namely, that the wrong person might hear...
Ordinarily, she would have no trouble fleeing or fighting back, but she’s just not used to the dark wood and hard packed dirt of this part of the forest, and finds herself frozen with terror as the stranger approaches her. He’s nowhere near König’s size, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be giving her a tough time.
Then she hears a very familiar roar, but this time it’s not of frustration or pleasure as she's used to hearing it, but raw anger, and she knows her satyr is back and very much not pleased to find an intruder menacing his little nymph. Nymphs are no lightweights when it comes to offensive magic in their arsenal, of course: König's already learned that the hard way. But they call him the king for a reason...his powers are a different ballpark entirely.
The intruder barely has time to beg for his life when König is summoning forth thick, thorny vines to ensnare him, causing the other satyr to holler in pain. The nymph knows what's about to come, and stuffs moss into her ears just as the sound of pan flutes fills the air. She watches in a mix of horror and intrigue as the intruder writhes and panics, tearing himself to shreds on the thorns...
It's over quickly, and the whole ordeal sends her trembling into her soft little bed of moss and grass. There's a brief period of time where she knows König is disposing of what's left of the intruder, and then she feels his gentle touch on her back.
She sniffles as she meets his adoring, half-crazed gaze. She knows she should be petrified of him, considering she just watched him drive another man to such madness that he ended his own life in the most painful manner possible. He's rubbed off on her in a terrible way, though, because all she can think of doing is spreading her pretty legs for him...
Haha anyway hope you guys enjoyed those headcanons! Maybe König's satyr madness will seize me again sometime and I'll write more :)
PS. The Greek god Pan, who is very notably depicted as a satyr, is known for two things that he lent his name to: pan pipes and the word panic. The origin story of the pan pipes is that he was chasing a nymph, who turned herself into reeds to escape him. He then proceeded to turn those reeds into an instrument he could put his lips all over....nasty!
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yeosgoa · 3 months
20:16 • sᴛᴀʀɢɪʀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʟᴜᴅᴇ (NSFW)
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♡ dom!husband!Seonghwa x sub!housewife!reader
♡ domestic, smut
♡ WC • 1108
♡ Warnings!! (tags) • multiple positions, breeding, hair pulling, choking, exhibitionism(?), nipple play, creampie, breeding, multiple orgasms, wet dreams, raking. (pls lmk if I missed anything.)
♡ This has been rotting away in my head but I could never get to writing it. Now I've written it in half an hour listening to 'stargirl interlude' (The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey) on loop. It really helped tbh idk why I didn't think of it sooner 😭. Anyways enjoy, enjoy this while I work on my long fics. Lmk if you want a part two ♡♡.
♡ ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
   His hands were on your hips, pelvis meeting with your ass every second. The blue strip light of your cabinet illuminated the black marble below, contrasting with your white almond acrylics that desperately wanted to dig into the material as you felt his cock slip in and out of you.
   Your tits moved forward at every smack, threatening to spill out of your apron until they did, cascading like curtains over the neckline. Back arching, his cock hit into you at a deeper angle, making both of you cry out. He leaned down, grabbing you by the waist and breathing into your neck, his words inaudible due to your ears ringing.
   “My perfect little housewife, letting me fuck you for all of the city to see.” Seonghwa grunted, one of his hands coming up to pinch at your erect nipples. You whimper at the slight pain, grinding your ass against his pelvis before he pushes you down, holding the back of your neck and pounding into you at a rough pace.
   “Hwa!” You squealed, now feeling a tingle down your spine at the thought of someone below potentially seeing you; though it was a bustling city your windows were not tinted and it was nighttime. Everyone had a complete view of you being pounded by your husband. Seonghwa always fucked you like this, it was though he actually wanted someone to see. The clerestory windows of your penthouse give the people a full show of your bare form.
   Your husband slowed his pace. “Shh, baby, you want the neighbors to listen in?” He huffed, giving your cheek a firm slap before picking up his pace again. You shook your head, trying your best to keep the noise to a minimum despite the clapping overriding the noise of your television. Ironic, as you turned your head towards the windows.
   “Your logic does not make any sense,” you whined, city lights reflecting off your eyes. “If they can see me, they should hear me.”
   You weren’t sure where the boldness came from, but it definitely did not go unnoticed by Seonghwa, who hummed with a smirk forming on his features. “Yeah? You want a noise complaint, pretty?”
   He didn't wait for an answer, leaning over to grab the television remote and turning it off. Tossing it aside he began his pace once more, grabbing your hair and forcing your head up. “Let them hear you.”
   Tears stung at your eyes at the sudden tug, but you didn’t have time to wipe at them as you already felt the knot in your tummy forming. Your knuckles turned white. Your eyes start to roll back as your noises gradually get louder, as do Seonghwa once his balls start to tighten. 
   His hand snakes around to your clit, middle finger working its magic around the pearl as he moans purposefully in your ear. “You’re gonna make me cum, baby.” He says, making sure to make himself sound extra whiny.
   “,’m cumming,” you blubber, foot thumping against the ground and knee colliding with the cabinet as your lower half spasms around his cock, juices coating him like glaze. Seonghwa’s cock kept moving in and out of you regardless, thrusts starting to stutter and moans getting caught in his throat.
   “Gonna fill you up, 'm gonna fill that pussy…” He trailed off, pausing and holding you firmly against him as he came inside, breeding your little hole. You both groan in contentment, and you pull him out, turning to face him as you sat yourself on the freezing counter. “Again,” you whine, opening your legs.
   Seonghwa didn’t waste any time, pushing back into you and moving at a fluid pace. His arm went up and held the handle of the cabinets above for support, the other hand playing with your tits and wrapping around your throat.
   “Oh fuck me,” you sniffle, looking into his eyes. Your eyes shifted between looking into his and where you two met. He threw his head back, letting out a dry chuckle mixed in with a guttural moan. “You’re fucking crying.” he mused, tightening his grip.
    “I love it, I love it Hwa,” you whimper pathetically, locking your legs around his waist to pull him closer. Your grip on the counter’s sharp edges tightened, the edge digging into your palm. Your fingers were going to ache soon. “Love it so much.”
   “You just love this cock so much, baby.” he grunts, shuddering at the feeling of your gummy walls clamping around his sensitive tip. “It’s gonna breed you so much.”
    Seonghwa’s face leaned into yours, taking in your expression. His pretty little housewife, all spread and open for him to breed. The hand that was wrapped around the handle of the counter went down to your thigh, raking his nails into it. His balls started to tighten once more, his cock felt harder inside you. You looked down at where you met before looking back up into his eyes, sharp as slits. 
   Your husband leaned down to suck harshly at your jaw, hand still on your throat, and hand now gliding over your under thigh as he started spurting into you again. The squelching sounds now increased in volume. You could feel the mix of your juices drooling out of your pussy and down to the rim of your asshole, making you moan softly and your eyes shut at the warmness.
   “Pretty girl,” Seonghwa cooed, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. His hand rubbed your shoulder as the warmness of your body slowly dissolved, only feeling the sweat on your back and wetness between your legs. 
   You slowly opened your eyes as your head came to again, your senses coming down from the intense session. Seonghwa kept crooning at you.
   “That’s a good girl, open your eyes baby.” he said, still rubbing your arm. Your eyes fully opened again, being met with your pillow.
   “You’re awake,” Seonghwa murmured softly, hovering over you. You looked up at him, blinking unnoticed tears away. You could tell by his expression that he was amused, though his eyes were soft as they admired your sleepy features. “,’m felt so good,” you babble mindlessly, thighs closing. The discomfort of sweat now gets to you as you sit up.
   “Poor thing, having wet dreams again. You’re like a pup in its rut, darling.” Seonghwa ruffles your hair, “grinding and wetting against the sheets again. You’re all drenched.”
   You heat up at the revelation, sighing deeply and leaning forward into your husband’s neck in embarrassment, who pets and scratches at your scalp and nape comfortingly. He chuckles softly; “Don’t frown, I’ll take care of you, baby.”
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llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
Ok but how would farmtale sans propose??? And how would he act as a boyfriend???? My mind is burning with thoughts of this man and its just iyfitdiydoyfhof
eeeeeeeeexcellentt. The farm boy. give him to meeee
I think a good summary of boyfriend farmer is if a sitcom husband was competent and empathetic. He acts like a big silly dopey guy around you, tripping over himself when you smile. You're his favourite person, and it's obvious to anyone who sees him. He thinks you're the catch of the century - he won't admit it, but he always considered you out of his league.
Every time he tries to be serious, he remembers he's dating you, this is real, you actually like him as much as he likes you. Then he gets fluttery and silly all over again.
The first person he told that you were dating was his favourite goose. THEN he told Papyrus.
It takes a while to get him comfortable enough to commit, you'd have to already be pretty close beforehand to become a couple. So the only real difference in your interactions will be that he's now got an excuse to be as physically affectionate as he wants. He still acts like you're best friends, except you can't escape him now, he'll constantly be carrying or cuddling you. You signed up for this.
Matching straw hats
He also enjoys finally having a pass to constantly bother you - before, he used to have to think of boring things like reasons to show up at your door. He was running out of movies to pretend he wanted to watch. Now he can just teleport in. Why? Boyfriend. That's why.
Personality of a clingy barn cat who only likes you.
He still flirts the same way, constantly bringing you back nice things from the farm, food that's as fresh as possible. He wants you to get used to eating their food. After all, soon enough you'll be living with him, right?
He's an ass smacker. He can't help it. He's used to patting animals affectionately to get them to move along, and the habit of patting things he cares about has passed on to you. If you hear him coming up behind you, there's a nine out of ten chance he's about to go in for a smack.
EXTRA self conscious about how he smells now that you're spending even more time together. Kiss him even when he's mucky, he'll appreciate it.
Now that he's your boyfriend, he can be your permanent insect removal service without you feeling guilty. Just give him one smooch as payment! Or a lil' somethin' else, if you catch his drift.
(TWO smooches)
As for proposals? He'd probably propose under the stars. He'd wait for the perfect clear night, when there's a meteor shower, then set up a stargazing spot for the both of you with food and a blanket and fairy lights. It might take a while for him to find the perfect night but it's worth it.
So if you ever catch him looking suspiciously long at nighttime weather schedules, you know why.
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bambihrt · 8 months
Celebrating your Anniversary with Lucifer Part 2
I wasn't planning on writing a second part but after seeing how loved part one was I just had to so enjoy!
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Lucifer considered himself a nervous demon. Blame his abandonment issues for that. He knew you loved him, but he couldn't help his anxiety telling him that you'd leave just like everyone else has. One night when sleep couldn't find him, he snuck into his workshop to fiddle with his ducks to distract him from his worries. All of a sudden he felt two arms circle his neck and you nuzzle to his left side.
"C'mon baby, you can work tomorrow, let's go to bed."
Though he knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, he took your hand and let you lead him to your shared bedroom. As he crawled under the covers, you snuggled up next to him. holding him as you pet his hair. Throughout this whole encounter, he was silent and had a distant look in his eyes. You could see through this act immediately and knew what the cause of his nighttime anxiety was.
"I can't wait to wake up next to you forever. I'll always be here with you Lucifer. I love you."
After that night you made sure to always validate his feelings when he was having a moment of low self-esteem. You started leaving notes around your home for him to find at random moments. Opening the pantry he'd find a note on his favorite cereal telling him 'good morning lu!' and opening his tool box he'd find another post-it saying 'can't wait to see what you create :D'. Through these little actions, he'd learned to trust that you will be there for him.
One day while you were out to see your friends he was having a bit of a depressive episode and didn't want to bother you while you were enjoying yourself so he went into your office. He grabbed your favorite plushie knowing it would smell like you and give him comfort. As he turned the stuffed animal in his arms he felt a crinkle and pulled what was stuck on it off. A note reading 'call me love :('. This moment was when he knew.
Lucifer had to marry you. Nothing would make him happier than the honor of being your husband.
Bringing him back to the present day, he watched you try and hook a golden duck for him in the game you made. Of course, you would do something so special for your anniversary. You weren't the only one with a surprise up your sleeve. He checked his watch noting it was almost time.
"(Y/n)? My love? I've left my phone inside I-"
"Oh I'll go grab it don't worry," you immediately cut him off not wanting to make him go in on his own. As you headed inside the hotel, you were met with a trail of rose petals leading you under the chandelier. "What is this?"
Unbeknownst to you, Lucifer was walking behind you and cleared his throat stealing your attention away from the grand decor around you. He got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket.
"I thought it was only fitting to do this in the very place we met and on our anniversary. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You showed me the light when I was stuck in a dark place and ever since then, I've loved you more than anything. You have been the best partner I could ever dream of. There's only one thing that could make my life perfect and that would be you agreeing to marry me. (Y/n) my heart and soul, will you allow me to be your husband?"
Nodding, you couldn't get the words out as you began crying. You had no idea Lucifer had been planning this. A high-pitched squeal came from behind as Charlie jumped out throwing rose petals over you, "I'm so happy you're joining our family!"
Lucifer reached out to your hand, slipping the most beautiful ring you'd ever seen onto your finger, and gently pulled you into a tender kiss. Softly whispering, "Thank you for everything, my love."
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
Tim was waiting for them at the door, sitting one the steps of the Manor's entrance, when they arrived. He grinned an jumped up when he saw the car, not quite running down to meet them. Danny nearly jumped out of the moving car to catch Tim.
"Hey, Danny!"
"Hey, Tim!"
Dick got out of the car after turning it off. He rolled his eyes at the two kids. "Hey, Dick." Tim and Danny snickered at him, ditching a handshake in favor of a high five. "You two have met in person once, why are you so close?"
"Occupational hazard," Danny answered.
"Why? Are you jealous?" Tim teased.
"I am not!" Dick protested, "I'm just curious."
The two didn't believe him for a second. "Yeah, sure."
"I'm not!"
The large oak doors to the Manor opened slowly, not creaking once, pulling the three's attention to the top of the stairs. Just inside of the open left door was an older gentleman in a pressed, three piece suit. "Master Dick," he smiled, "Welcome home."
Dick smiled up at him. "Hey, Alfred. It's good to see you."
"You as well," he stepped to the side, inviting the three inside. Dick walk in first, followed by Tim. Danny took up the rear.
Holding out his hand, Danny said, "You must be Alfred. I'm Danny. It's nice to meet you!"
Alfred closed the door before taking Danny's hand. "Likewise, Master Danny."
"Oh, please, none of that 'master' stuff."
"'Mister' it is, then."
Danny didn't like Bristol, Gotham, New Jersey. It was plastic and fake and reeked of money. The trees and lawns and bushes were all exactly alike, and each property was marked off by wrought iron fences nearly ten feet tall that stretched on forever in every direction.
Wayne Manor, though, had a different feel to it. It still smelled of old money, and the greenery was all perfectly plastic looking, but it felt warm. No. It was almost as cold as the other properties in the area, but there was an underlying warmth to it that was slowly being choked out. Like red dye in a glass of water.
Alfred, Danny decided, was not human. He was perfectly human in every way, but there was something about him that nudged at Danny. His posture was perfect, his clothing pressed and not touched by even a speck of dust. His shoes were shiny, his gloves whiter than snow, and his hair lay perfectly. Danny knew for a fact that Wayne Manor was this man's haunt, even if the man is still of the living. The building was perfectly cared for, and he was sure that Alfred knows where everyone and everything are as long as they're within the Manor property lines.
"Thank you for having me," Danny bowed his head slightly. Alfred's smile grew ever so slightly.
"Please," Alfred nodded, "I must thank you for taking care of Master Dick while I have been unable to.."
"It's not problem, really," he said, "I like helping people."
"Should we be worried about whatever..that is?" Tim whispered to Dick.
"I don't think so?" Dick whispered back.
"You don't sound so sure."
Alfred was the first to move, stepping naturally in front of the group to take the lead. "If you'll follow me to the drawing room, I will bring in refreshments while you all talk."
Dick laughed politely, "Don't be so stiff, Alfie! I'll come help you in the kitchen; leave those two to chat." He winked like he knew something neither Danny or Tim did. They ignored him.
"Very well," Alfred accepted, "I expect Master Tim to show Mister Danny the way."
"Yeah, sure," Tim nodded, "C'mon, Danny, it's this way."
The Manor was large on the outside and inside. The foyer was easily thirty feet tall, a crystal chandelier and white frosted wall scones brightening up the black marble floors and beige walls. A pristine, dark green rug ran up the stairs. On either side of the stairs, imbedded into the walls under the landing, were birch double doors. Dick and Alfred went through the ones on the left, presumably to the kitchen. Tim led Danny through the ones on the right.
The hallway Tim and Danny were no in was only ten feet tall. The floor had become dark oak planks covered by a long, dark red carpet. The walls were the same beige as the foyer, but these were decorated with pictures and paintings of landscapes and cityscapes. Potted plants on small tables and short benches were spaced along the walls. About fifteen feet from the birch doors was a dark wood archway leading into another room.
"This is the drawing room." Tim introduced.
The room followed a similar theme as the hallway. Dark wood floors and beige walls. There was an unlit, red brick fireplace directly opposite the archway, a TV a few inches over the mantel. Bookshelves that were obviously only decoration lined the right wall. A white, circle area rug covered most of the space, accompanied by dark blue and oak furniture, and scratchy white throw pillows. The decorations all matched the hallway, too.
It was all very impersonal.
"What's wrong?" Tim asked after a moment of Danny looking around.
"Nothing," he said, "it all just seems a bit.. manufactured?" He looked at Tim. "Don't take that the wrong way! It's a beautiful building! I'm just- I'm not used to this is all." A lie, but Tim didn't need to know that.
Tim laughed. "It's not my house, so don't worry about it."
Danny's head tilted to the side. "Oh? Then where do you live?"
"Why?" he smirked, "Gonna follow me home if I don't tell you?"
"Maybe." he shrugged back.
The single birch door on the left wall opened, letting Dick and Alfred into the room. They put two trays on the coffee table, one with different snack foods and the other with a few drinks. Alfred was quick to leave the room again.
"Welp," Dick clapped, "I'll leave you two in here to talk. I'm going to-" Danny leveled a glare at him. "-sit here and join your conversation."
Tim stared between the two for a second before laughing again. "Dude! You have to teach me how to do that!"
"Why? Think it'll work on Bruce-man?" That got both Tim and Dick laughing.
"Only one way to find out."
Danny laughed along with them for a few moments before sighing. "I hate to ruin the moment, but I did drag Dick here for a reason." He stepped back a few feet, motioning to Dick.
"Er- Right." Dick cleared his throat. "Tim, I'm sorry for yelling at you when you stopped by Bludhaven."
Tim blinked, giving Danny the impression that he was not used to apologies and the like. Hm. That'll have to change. "It's, um, okay?"
"No it's not." Danny interrupted, "He yelled at you. You don't have to say it's okay."
"But it is?" Tim reasoned. "I'm used to it."
That's going to change, too.
Part 11 Part 13
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sharksnshakes · 2 months
Hi I'm doing this on anon bcs I'm embarassed of how fast i'm asking this lmao butttttttt
...will you write a part two to the tim drake x reader?
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You have a crush on Tim... and to your surprise, getting his attention won't be nearly as hard as you thought. But he keeps reminding you of Red Robin? That can't be right.
AN; part one can be found here. not sure where i'm going with this yet BUT expect a part three. and maybe something else with kon. in my titans era
Wordcount; 1.1k
TW; some cursing, mentions of drinking, making out (you'll see)
As luck would have it, you're at the same hole-in-the-wall bar the next weekend. Red Robin sighting aside, cheap drinks are cheap drinks, and now you're crowded around a rickety table with the same friends as last time. Plus Tim.
A week's worth of deliberation has lead you to the conclusion that you have honest to God romantic feelings for him. Sure, Red Robin turned your head, but chances are slim to none that you'll ever see the dark haired vigilante again. Even if you did, you know nothing about his personal life! You don't even know his name! How could a relationship possibly work out?
You're doubling down your efforts, which is why you're wedged up against Tim's side, nursing a cool drink in your hands and refusing to feel bashful about the outfit you've got on tonight. Tim never goes out, ergo, he's only ever seen you in the baggy sweats and oversized tees you show up to lecture in. It's the perfect opportunity for you to dress up and flaunt your assets. If it worked on Robin, it'll work on Tim.
"Havin' fun?" You ask, glancing over at him.
Tim looks out of place, to put it mildly. He is the heir to Wayne Enterprises, after all, and you love him dearly, but his vintage sneakers and expensive-smelling cologne don't exactly fit in with the sweaty crowd of coeds.
"I think so?"
You smother a laugh. "Hey, at least you're not holed up in your apartment cramming for another test."
Tim frowns gently. "Yeah. You're right."
It feels like his comment holds some second meaning that's flying right over your head. You'd ask him about it, but before you get the chance, one of your mutual friends is grabbing you both by the wrists and dragging you into the makeshift dance floor.
After about fifteen minutes of bouncing and singing and laughing, the fragrant smoke and crush of bodies start to get to you. The music's pounding. The air is heavy. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the uncomfortable, oppressive feeling away.
"Hey." Tim appears at your side. He's got a steadying hand on your shoulder and his lips are practically on your ear. "Y'okay?"
If you weren't short of breath before, you definitely are now.
"Need some air," you shout back, fighting to be heard over the speakers. "I'll be back in a minute."
Tim's hand stays on your shoulder. "Let me come with you."
You want to tell him he doesn't have to. This is his first night out in ages, and the last thing you want to do is throw a wrench in it by dragging him outside; when you look at his face, though, there's genuine concern and care in his eyes. You nod.
"Lead the way," Tim shouts, and you reach for his hand as you push through the crowd. His fingers wrap firmly around yours, steady but not overbearing, and a horde of butterflies descend on your stomach.
Tim doesn't drop your hand until you're outside, sucking in the nighttime air. It's sticky and humid outside, a thunderstorm can be heard in the distance, but it's heavenly compared to inside.
You pace up and down the alleyway for a moment. Just like last week, there's nobody out here but you and the dumpster. And Tim.
Involuntarily, you glance up at the rooftops that loom above.
"I saw Red Robin here last week," you say absentmindedly, turning back to look at Tim.
"Oh really?" He clears his throat, following your gaze. "Was he, like... up there?"
"You don't seem particularly excited."
"Well, I mean... it's just Red Robin?"
You gape at him. "Just Red Robin? Tim, he's cool as fuck."
"He's literally just another Robin. There's been, what, like... five?"
"Three," you correct, walking back over to Tim, "And he's literally a superhero."
You laugh out loud. "What, you got beef with him?"
"No," Tim protests, a flush crawling up his cheeks. "He's just no Batman, is all."
"He's not supposed to be Batman. That's his whole thing. He's Robin, and he's cool as fuck," you reply, leaving no room for argument. You lean against the brick wall, gazing up at the clouded sky. "...Think he's out there somewhere?"
You glance at Tim, but he's already staring at you.
"You look... really pretty tonight," he murmurs.
Your cheeks prickle with heat. "Thanks. You, ah, look good too."
At that moment, it hits you that you're alone with Tim Drake Wayne, the guy you're pining over, and that he's just called you pretty. A smile tugs as your lips. Red Robin hit on you in this very alleyway, and now Tim is hitting on you, too, and your confidence surges.
"Um, actually," you say, looking at Tim, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you--"
A gasp dies in your throat as a couple stumbles through the back door. They're attached at the lips and deserving of an NC-17 rating. Your shock is quickly replaced with amusement (and, albeit, a healthy level of disgust) and you laugh in shock, your heart still pounding in your throat. The door rattles on its hinges, freshly scraped up from being slammed against the wall.
"Holy shit," you exhale. Only then do you notice that Tim pushed you behind him: an arm is protectively flung out in front of you, the other hand is pulling something out of his pocket. His thumb and forefinger are pinched around a small, sharp-looking object--it's black, it glints in the light, you don't know what it is. He stuffs it back into his jeans, huffing out a sigh of relief.
"Hey, you okay?" Tim asks, turning back around to face you.
"Fine." You nod. "Startled... but, uh, fine."
"Good," he says, eyes still tracking the couple. "Anyways. You were saying?"
There's a muffled moan from the other end of the alley.
"Another time," you say, grabbing Tim and pulling him inside before either of you see more than you want to.
As you rejoin the group, you wonder distantly what he was holding. A knife, maybe? But Tim's dead last on your list of people who'd walk around Gotham carrying a weapon. Then again, his net worth is staggeringly high, so maybe he does carry something...?
If you didn't know better, you'd say he acted like a vigilante.
You're not sure what to think.
But the bar's loud music leaves no room for thought, and you push your musings to the back of your mind. You're having fun with your friends, Tim called you pretty, and you just had the shit scared out of you by strangers--tonight's been eventful as is, so it looks like your detective work will just have to wait.
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americanwh0rerstory · 1 month
drunk before the show [Jimmy Darling]
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Drunk!Jimmy x contortionist!reader
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summary: jimmy gets drunk before tonight’s show, however instead of rehearsing his performance he decides to drunk-fuck the contortionist whom he knows to have stage fright
content warning: alcohol consumption, mention of death, smut with plot, sex behind a trailer, titty sucking, fingering (f!receiving)
A/N: Big thanks to the person who gave me the idea for this, i appreciate it <3
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for the first time in however long, people finally came to the freakshow once again. Elsa had you spend all day rehearsing your contortion act whilst she made sure everyone knew what they were doing; it had to be perfect for today after all. however all day jimmy hadn’t been there which only meant one thing: he were getting drunk again
jimmy’s alcoholism had peaked after the unfortunate murder death of his mother, using the bitter liquid as his only form of comfort aside from you. he turned to you a lot, he trusted you to see his vulnerable side therefore you’d often comfort him whenever it was needed. However today was different: there was no jimmy. he was drunk, but where was he drunk?
you hated rehearsals and shows without jimmy, despite knowing your routine you always got stage fright and he would be the one to give you a small confidence boost, so without jimmy here now it was hard for you to accept your routine as ‘perfect’
10 minutes before the show started he finally stumbled over to you, drunk as a skunk with a bottle clutched in one of his clawed hands, as usual covered by his leather mits. “Y/N��� Y/N,” he calls out when he sees you on your way to the big top, almost falling face first into mud when he tried to make his way over to you. his voice was hoarse and heavily slurred due to the alcohol. “c’mere baby” he said, his floridian accent overridden by the stretch and effects of the strong liqueur he had spent all day drinking to avoid his pain
“jimmy wha-” you begin, however you was promptly cut off when he took you by the waist and slung you over his shoulder. he carried you away to the back of the carnival, putting you down behind a trailer and pressing you against the side of it. the smell of alcohol filled your senses and caused you to scrunch your nose in disgust, however jimmy seemed to take no notice of this and lightly pinned you to the wall.
he downed the last of his alcohol before tossing the bottle off to the side, and beginning to fumble with your blouse buttons, his usual smoothness washed away by the pungent liquid. “jus’ a quick one, yeh?” he murmured to you, beginning to kiss and suck the sweet spot on your neck whilst he attempted to free you of your clothes.
despite the suddenness of the situation, you couldn’t help but go with it, so you decided to help him out by undoing your blouse, letting your bra hit the floor, and expose your breasts to his eager eyes. the cold nighttime air instantly hit your exposed flesh, causing your nipples to pebble before jimmy’s eyes which only furthered his desire
without wasting any time he latched onto your nipple. he began kissing and sucking it whilst also giving it small kitten licks which caused your body to writhe in pleasure beneath him, the cold trailer causing your back to arch up into him and further pressing your nipple into his warm and eager mouth. Using his hand to cup your other breast, he gently squeezed and pinched your nipple between his conjoined fingers, eliciting gentle moans and whines from your slightly parted lips. “like that baby?” he slurs whilst looking up at you with his usual cheeky smirk, holding your nipple between his lips.
he reached his free hand up your skirt, feeling your wetness through your panties and gently beginning to rub your slit with his large fingers. “this all for me?” he drawls in the same drunken slur, pushing your panties to the side and sliding his fingers into your slicked and waiting entrance. he completely filled you with his fingers and slowly began to pump them in and out of your tight cunt, feeling your slick coat his fingers with every thrust
every thrust has you seeing stars, a feeling of pure euphoria taking over your mind every time he hit the spongy tissue inside of you. it hadn’t taken long before your orgasm crashed over your entire body, causing you to tremble and cry out in pleasure. you could barely stand, so jimmy wrapped his free arm around your waist
“that good for ya toots?” he said with a smug grin, helping you stand up and pulling your skirt back down to cover yourself. “thought you’d need some… stress relief, before the show” he drawls, playfully patting your ass before motioning over to the big top. “now let’s go… shows starting”
A/N: this was the best fanfic i had ever written. i had tried a new writing style, new ideas, and then tumblr crashed and i lost it all so i gave up. hopefully this is still good enough that some people like it. might write a part 2 if people like it <3
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meguemii · 1 year
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JJK Moodboards
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Relationship vers.
Characters- Megumi, Yuji, Toge, Nobara, Nanami, and Gojo
it’s implied the reader is feminine, nobara’s is wlw 🩵 i also just wanna say these moodboards are only for your relationship with the character, it isn’t an actual character moodboard, i’ll make one of those in the future though^_^
also super mild spoilers if you aren’t caught up with jjk
!!not proof read!!
master list
★﹐Megumi Fushiguro.﹗﹑
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•Megumi and you definitely have a quiet relationship, study dates, naps, nighttime walks, like it’s just so tranquil.
•You two just like basking in each others company😊
•Quiet study dates are yours and Megumi’s thing, sitting beside a window reading over notes as well as taking new ones. if you ask megumi a question i’m 90% sure he’ll alwaysss have the answer
•oh you’re craving something? he’s got it for you within minutes. he always wants to make sure you’re happy. you wanna go for a walk? he’s already got your hoodie ready and your shoes at the door.
•he’s just a super considerate boyfriend, he doesn’t need to show his love through extravagant dates, or hangouts. he shows his love through his consideration, and small acts of love. we stan this qt
You laid in his lap scrolling through your phone, you could feel his eyes burning through your skull and you could see him staring at your face through your peripheral vision. without a word you reached up to caress his face and he just smiled at you gently. everything was perfect.
★﹐Yuji Itadori.﹗﹑
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•yuji is such a fun boyfriend!! you cannot tell me you two aren’t constantly getting up to something fun— yet stupid. but fun!!
•you guys are thee shopping cart relationship aesthetic. AND DO NOT TELL ME YOU TWO ARENT THE BURGER KING PHOTO. that photo literally screams you and yuji, hello???
•funny photos aaaaall the time, you make nobara take candid photos all the time so you can cherish them later
“yujiii!” you shrieked as a pillow collided with your face. giggles echoed in the room as well as the sound of pillows making contact with something. “you didn’t wanna go get food with me today! you deserve this!” he said through giggles all while pummelling you with a pillow. The door of your door room creaked open and there stood Nobara as she watched the scene unfold, quick to pull out her phone and take a photo and sending it to you and as quick as she came she left. After everything settled down you checked your phone. ‘Nobara🪷🤍 sent you a snap’ opening yours and Nobara’s chat you smiled, saved the photo and added it to your album
★﹐Toge Inumaki.﹗﹑
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•yours and Inumaki’s relationship is simple, yet fun. it’s similar to Megumi’s in that sense but it’s also similar to Yuji’s as you two are also a fun couple, just in a different way.
•You two aren’t obnoxious together, mostly because Inumaki can’t exactly speak very often so you two do smaller things.
•i know you guys loooove visiting cafes, and going to the farmers market on sunday mornings, shopping trips all the time— but you never tell anyone you’re going. simple study dates are a common occurrence as well!!
The birds chirping outside the window that was blearing in with sunlight could be heard as you stirred awake, bedsheets tangled around you. grabbing your phone from your night stand it read ‘sunday 6:53am’. sighing you got up and got ready, brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, washing your face putting on a sundress and sun hat, and finishing your morning routine. you make your way to Toge’s door about to knock as it opens and he’s there facing you. “you wanna go get coffee?” you smile at him as he nods tiredly. The morning summer breeze on your face is so incredibly relaxing, sipping on your iced coffee, hand in hand with Toge’s, you talking enough for the both of you as he just listens intently.
•You two are so cute!!
★﹐Nobara Kugisaki.﹗﹑
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•whether you guys are out wreaking havoc, or staying in for the day, you two are THEE cutest couple idc. i said it!! everyone’s favourite wlw couple🗣️
•you two are always going out to eat, or drunk in some park at 2am. You two also enjoy going on nature walks and just sitting in each others presence because I KNOW it’s exhausting being everyone’s TRUE favourite chaotic couple
•there is definitely a lot of fights in this relationship though, i can definitely see a power struggle, you two just need to learn to be patient with one another. how does it feel to be angsty?🤨
It was about 12am at this point and you two hadn’t moved from this windowsill as you just chatted, talking about anything and everything and you never seemed to run out of things too talk about. suddenly it did get quiet though, Nobara staring into your eyes in astonishment. “you’re so pretty” she whispered out. “you’re so corny!” you laughed and her face changed to an annoyed expression. “nevermind you’re ugly and annoying.”
•i don’t think you two can ever be serious when it comes to compliments, you guys are the best nonetheless
★﹐Kento Nanami.﹗﹑
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•bro is so fancy? you guys are always dressed up and doing SOMETHING. like why are you two always so hot and good looking and awesome and fancy? whether it’s dinner dates, coffee dates, or going to the art museum. you two always look so goddam good doing it!!
•how much is your allowance?🤭 no but fr Nanami is such a gentleman, your heels are hurting your feet? dw he’ll carry them, you can’t get the zipper of your dress done up? he’s already zipping it up for you. holding his hands on your waist a fewwww seconds longer than needed
•high school Nanami definitely always bought you coffee when you studied, and he was definitely the type of loser to sit beside you and put his earbud in your ear and just listen to music— bro is so corny sometimes but like. so hot.
•I don’t have any ideas for a written portion, i’m so sorry!! [sobs]
★﹐Satoru Gojo.﹗﹑
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•clingy!! he’s so clingy. do you reeeeaaallly like that? i don’t but i’d put up with it since it’s literally super hot, sexy and strong satoru gojo!!
•simple dates, simple relationship, gojo wants to keep it as far away from the jujutsu world as possible, although that’s hard when you two are both sorcerers. he just wants what normal people have sometimes.
•did you guys notice the bike photo?? get it?? because of that one scene of gojo and suguru on the bike?? although i don’t think gojo will be killing you anytime soon. or ever.. i don’t think he could kill his best friend AGAIN.
•Gojo definitely loves to annoy you, not out of malice he just thinks it funny. I think you’re the more grounded one in the relationship and you just let him be himself, so it balances out.
•he would do anything for you, even bend over so you can stand on his back to get something off of a shelf. what a kind, and generous man.
•goofing around, striking weird poses constantly, dancing in the rain, picnics, beach days. all your favourite things to do together!
•do i have to write a scenario for gojo?😞😞 okay fine i will. just not rn🤭 i’m very unmotivated rn lol! I just wanna keep making mood boards tbh.
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Okay so that’s that, until i go back and. write Gojo and Nanami’s small scenarios. if anyone is reading this what would you guys wanna see from them? it doesn’t have to correlate with one of the photos, just the general idea of yours and their relationship if that makes sense? ANYWAYS. from now on i’m going to link my spotify in all my blogs because i’m positive someone will enjoy my playlists 😠
spotify right here!!
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flowerinjuries · 2 years
Heyoo, can you do yuta as bf just like the one you did for Mark?
yuta as a boyfriend <3
the soft side:
oh this guy was crushing on you so hard before you two started actually dating
to him it was like love at first sight
did not hesitate to be a flirt
i’m sure he asked you out in a cheesy romantic way with flowers and a huge grin on his face
at the start of the relationship he’s just really giggly and soft
holds doors open for you
he likes to take candid pics of you because you’re just so cute
he just wants to remember the small moments spent with you
he definitely shows you off
loves seeing you wear something sexy and acting confident when you two go out
such a laid back boyfriend
he knows you’re his so he doesn’t really get jealous besides you both know no one can fuck you better than yuta
anyways you definitely love bragging about him to your friends
they all agree he’s so good to you and makes you so happy
yuta is lowkey a romantic
loves doing traditional things like holding your hand and paying for you
he’s also like your personal chauffeur
loves to go on long destination-less drives with you
especially at sundown and nighttime
you know his hand is gripping your thigh as you sit in his passenger seat
this man glances over at you 24/7 just to soak in and memorize your beauty
like i said he’s really laid back
you two will have dates where you just sit on the couch listening to a new album or watching a scary movie so he can hold you when you’re scared even though he also is scared
he gets so excited when you ask him personal questions or show interest in him
he just adores your attention and loves spending time with you
has all sorts of nicknames for you like baby, angel, sweetheart, dolly.. the list goes on
he’s so fragile with you and your feelings
wipes your tears away and coddles you
he always has your back and is never afraid to stand up for you
he’s your personal hype man so he’s always cheering you on and always takes your side
loves to smother you with his hugs
you act like you’re annoyed or you can’t breathe but in reality being this close to him gives you an excuse to really take in his warmth and his amazing scent
idk why but i just know this man smells so fucking good ok
that’s why you never sleep on your own side of the bed
you just have to be as close to yuta as possible
he doesn’t mind though, he always welcomes you with open arms
he’s so cute when he’s all sleepy
random thought but i think yuta definitely wears a necklace with your name or initial on it
needs the whole world to know you’re his
and he’s just so confident too
especially since you two started dating
you definitely gave him an ego boost
i could go on and on but i feel like this is getting too long…
overall yuta is the sweetest most perfect boyfriend who you just get along with so well
all he does is uplift you and push you to do your best and be proud of who you are
yeah he’s perfect
the not-so-soft side (nsfw/18+):
a fucking sex god
the definition of brat tamer
no you’re never gonna dom this man
maybe he’ll let you, but it won’t last long
he’s super freaky and super down to try anything you want to
first and foremost he prioritizes your safety and comfort
don’t forget your safe word
ok yuta has a lot of kinks
did i mention he’s a brat tamer?
don’t you dare piss him off
piss him off anyway though because then you’ll have the best sex of your life lol
he’s sadistic and loves angry sex
i said he’s not jealous, but when he’s fucking you he is sooooo possessive
“scream my name again, yeah? remind everyone who fucking owns you”
“you think he could ever fuck you as good as me? huh? do you? what a good fucking joke, y/n. let’s see who will be laughing when i fuck you so hard you can’t even make a noise other than the sound of my name leaving your dry, fucked-out throat”
he probably fingers you with his cold silver rings still on
he likes when you tug on his hair, but he likes it more when he’s pinning your wrists down
likes it when you really can’t move :(
so that’s why he’s super into bondage
has cute pink rope he ties around your skin so tight it bruises
gags you with your own panties
after he has a taste of course
yuta gets what he wants first
loves to fuck you with his tongue
you ride his face while your hands are tied either behind your back or handcuffed to the bed
ok that’s enough
he wants to fuck your throat
“god stop fucking crying over this. how’s it gonna be once i finally fuck your sopping wet hole? what are you gonna do then? such a fucking cry baby. you can barely take what i’m giving you now, so why should i give you more?”
smacks your ass until it’s red
grips the back of your neck and forces your face into the mattress so he hears your muffled screams
just imagine him fucking into you at a really hard and fast pace as the cold necklace with your name on it hits his chest back and forth
if only you could see it though ;)
he grunts really loudly
he has such a filthy mouth
he just gets angry when his baby is bratty
someone has to put you in your place
warns you to never make him angry again after he cums all over you
you give him a look with your wet puppy eyes that promise that you’ll be good
but you both know you’re gonna act up again
yuta is the king of aftercare
cleans you up with warm towels and runs you a bubble bath
washes your hair and body for you as your body goes limp in the tub
kisses your cheeks
maybe gives you a massage too
dresses you in your pjs
combs your hair and sings you to sleep softly as you two face each other
yuta is perfect
thanks for reading! as always, asks are open! don’t hesitate to send me any thoughts you have :)
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yoyoyokii · 7 months
Zoro x Reader
was meant to be fluff, became angst kind to comfort to fluff?
Originally wrote this @mazzieboohoo in my notes app (a girls best friend) instead of sleeping BUT I workshopped it a bit more so here TAKE IT
I don't care if it doesn't make sense that's not my problem
2.5k words
༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。༻
That’s the best, and probably the only, way to describe your boyfriend right now. He seems to spend every waking moment prioritising his training, and while you aren't all that mad at having the opportunity to watch your EXTREMELY attractive lover show off his muscles as his sweat glistens deliciously beneath the harsh rays of the sun, you couldn’t help but worry about him. Okay… you were also beginning to get kind of - well, more than kind of - jealous at the way a stack of metal was getting more attention from Zoro than you were… no! You are a good girlfriend! So- Mainly you are worried. 
Stress and conflicted feelings are gnawing at his heart, it's so obvious, even to Luffy, Mr Oblivious himself! It doesn't help that, in typical Zoro fashion, his choice of resolution is to suppress these emotions at all costs. This was probably the least desirable trait of his, apart from his shocking navigation skills obviously, and you just wish he wouldn't be so difficult when it came to things like this. The whole crew feels like they have to walk on eggshells around him, it's just tiring at this point. His attitude has been hard on everyone, especially for poor Chopper, who sees your boyfriend more-or-less as a father figure and is now convinced that Zoro hates him. 
He isn’t himself when it comes to the nighttime either, in fact, this is now the part of the day that you dread the most. He has been making an unhealthy habit of clambering into your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, absolutely reeking of sake. He then becomes completely restless and spends those minimal hours of rest stirring about, keeping you awake while he's at it. Every night you beg him to talk to you about it, and every night he plainly tells you it’s nothing, and goes back to borderline ignoring you. You aren't quite sure what hurts more, the fact that he is ignoring you, or the fact that he is just straight-up lying to you.
“Hey, I’m sure he’ll be fine, you’re worrying too much” Nami manages to pull you out of your thoughts, smiling at you before sitting at your side. She joins you in enjoying the pleasantry of the summer breeze and you can’t help but pout a little at her words. She is right. She is always right.
“I’m not worried, just making sure he doesn’t hurt himself.” you lie, squinting your eyes as you look out at the sun setting beyond the horizon. The afternoon glare makes your head ache a little and you are sure that you're falling victim to, what is going to be, a painful sunburn. Oh well, that's a problem for your future self. 
Nami huffs at your pathetic attempt at a lie, before swiftly changing the topic. She begins to talk about how perfect the upcoming weather is going to be for your travels to the next island or something. You know she is just trying to lighten the mood, but you can't really focus. Honestly, you feel nauseous, and there is now a growing pit of anxiety bubbling in the depths of your stomach. You begin to question if it's all your fault, that maybe you are the root cause of Zoro’s distress. This uneasiness spurs in your gut and becomes more unbearable, bile threatening to rise beyond its threshold. You begin to think about how the both of you had only really become official recently, after flirting back and forth for months, and how it had only been since then that he had been acting so… off-
“HEY- are you even listening to me?!?!" Nami yells as she nudges your shoulder. You pretend to draw back in pain, attempting to pull off some sort of comedic relief. It's more for yourself rather than to distract Nami from the fact that you didn’t hear a single thing she said (not paying her attention can be fatal...). BUT LUCKILY FOR YOU- 
She just stands, grabbing at your arm to pull you up with her. She now holds your hand and leads the two of you back to everyone else. She utters something about dinner almost being ready and you can't help but to laugh as she enthusiastically declares that it is gonna be the most delicious thing you’re ever going to taste because she ever-so-kindly requested the dish herself. Yeah, she has definitely just used Sanji again to feed her cravings like the girlboss she is🤷 
You couldn’t stomach dinner, no matter how delicious it was, and to sweet dear Sanji’s dismay you had to excuse yourself from the table. Unfortunately, the ease you previously felt from Nami’s presence disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and so you now find yourself sitting on the floor of the soldier deck. 
The stars are abnormally bright tonight, the full moon stares back at you with a sort of glare that makes it feel as if it's empathising with you. You lean back against the Thousand-Sunny's railing and curl your legs up, hugging them against your stomach. As the breeze toys with the fallen strands of your hair and you gaze upwards into the night, you can’t help but wonder if the myth of cosmic love was true. You can’t help but wonder if you and Zoro shared this connection, or if it was all just a love of convenience for him.
It’s these strings of thought that bring you right back to the day that he had finally confessed to you. You reminisce on how you went to bed that night kicking your feet and smiling like an idiot to yourself. You remember thinking about your future with him, and how, when your heart finally began to calm and you dozed to sleep, you found yourself dreaming of everlasting love. Yes, it was embarrassing and childish, even you’ll admit it, but it was nice to finally feel wanted romantically, especially by someone as stoic and stone-faced as Zoro.
You can’t help but smile fondly, albeit a little sadly, at this memory. If only there was to be a shooting star, so that you can wish to go back in time to this moment, to relish in that feeling of giddiness for just a little longer. 
Scouring the night sky for any glimmer of hope, or just for something to distract you from the heaviness adorning your chest, someone’s presence disturbs your failing attempt at finding peace.
He moves to sit with you. A weird sort of tension begins to hang so thickly in the air that you believe you might suffocate. You aren’t prepared for this sudden confrontation, for him to so casually approach you as if he hasn't been avoiding you for god knows how long. Before you can muster up the courage to finally break the silence and say something, he does it for you.
“I’m sorry.” His voice is firm and unwavering, almost intimidating yet somehow soft at the same time. It's as if he never actually intended to hurt you. You should be mad- no more than mad, borderline ready to fight him! After all this stress he caused you, he can only say sorry??? But no. You force yourself to be the bigger person.
“It’s alright.” You pause your thought, now turning your head to look at him. But before you can continue, he interrupts.
“No… it’s not alright” his brows furrow and he returns your graze, staring so deeply into your soul that it almost burns.
“Before you say anything. I need you to know that my shitty actions were not a result of anything you’ve said or done. okay? I know how you tend to overthink.” He breaks his intense eye contact to look down at his lap, almost like he’s hesitant, seemingly taking his time to formulate his next string of words in a way that wouldn’t make you feel guilty. Before he can continue to explain, he pauses. You know that he's expecting your usual snappy reply that's fueled with some snarky remark or joke. That's how you usually respond when a situation gets too serious for your liking. He knows what to expect from you, so when this awaited response never comes, he realises that you must be gathering your thoughts. And so, he decides to give you a few minutes. 
He said he knows you. And it’s true, he knows you like no one else does. You really were just overthinking to the point that it was making you a complete mess. A tear of relief slips from your eye as you fight the urge to fully break down. You quickly go to wipe the tear away, but this action doesn’t go unnoticed by Zoro, of course it doesn’t.
“What? Is something wrong with your eye?” God he’s so daft sometimes. His question is so ridiculous that it almost makes you laugh. However, you just can’t control it anymore and more tears continue to flow.
 “Hey- are you okay? Why are you crying?”
You feel too stupid and selfish to admit that he was the root cause of your tears, so of course, you lie. Again.
“Well… do you ever look at something so beautiful that it makes you want to cry? That’s how a full moon makes me feel, and it’s extra beautiful tonight…” you attempt to steady your breathing as you fake a smile towards him. 
The warmth of his hand moves to sit against the side of your face as he uses his thumb to wipe away a new stream that's spilled over the curve of your cheek. The familiar feeling of his skin against yours is so comforting that it is his touch alone that begins to heal the uneasiness plaguing your heart. And so you lean further into him, welcoming this newfound sense of solace. 
“Of course I do, that's how I feel whenever I look at you.”  
It's this statement that constricts your throat to the point of no return and forces you to choke out the most pathetic sob. At first Zoro’s visibly confused by this, not understanding why you’ve had such a visceral reaction to his words, after all, he was simply telling the truth. If he feels uncomfortable by your emotional outburst he doesn’t show it. He instead wraps his burly arms around your shuddering frame and holds you so securely that you’re sure you are going to suffocate. But come on, we all know you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Now. It’s a common misconception that Roronoa Zoro is too much of a ‘tough guy’ to be affectionate, that he is always too stern for his own good. But this isn't true, especially when it comes to you. Yes, he’s straightforward, overly suspicious at times, and generally a serious guy. But, he’s also loyal, caring, and would die for his crew. Just because he doesn't like to publicly display his gratitude for everyone, it was always there, and his little acts of love for the crew never went unnoticed by you. He knows this about you, that you always take notice of others, it’s part of the reason as to why he loves you so much. 
Your body crumples against his torso, weeping into his chest. You can’t help but to apologise, suddenly feeling guilty for interrupting such a rare confession.
“I’m sorry, I’m so selfish for crying…” you say in between stuttering breaths as you attempt to stabilise your emotions. “I thought you hated me. I’m just so relieved!” 
He stays quiet, listening intently to you as he runs his fingers through your hair.
“Zoro, please talk to me. I’m sorry for interrupting, please tell me what’s bothering you, I hate that you’ve been struggling alone.” You’re rambling now and your words are being muffled by the material clinging between his torso and your lips. You don’t care. You only pray that he listens to you.
“You care too much about me,” he chuckles softly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “The reason I’ve been such an asshole is because I’ve never loved someone like I’ve loved you. I don’t usually worry about this kind of stuff, but I think I'm a bit shit scared of my own feelings.”. 
You cradle your head upwards, looking up at him with your now puffy, red eyes. Now you listen.
A deep sigh escapes from his taut lips, “It’s just… the last time I cared for someone. Well, you know how that ended.”.
He doesn’t have to say anything else. The point has been made, and you nod in a sympathetic understanding. His eyes grow glassy, tears threatening to spill through his eyelashes. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable. You don’t want to pry, and you know that words of comfort don’t work on someone like Zoro, so you stay silent, instead opting to reach up to cradle his head into your chest. This change in dynamics is definitely not something he is usually comfortable with, but it’s what he needs right now. This loving action pushes him over the edge, and funnily enough, he’s now the one sobbing into your arms instead.
You both sit like this for a while, with you sitting patiently, drawing imaginary soothing circles on Zoro’s upper back. His tears dried a while ago and you aren’t sure how long it’s been since anyone last spoke, but you’re willing to wait until the end of time if it meant that he could feel a moment of comfort within your arms. 
Your reassuring touches do make him feel better. He’s never felt so loved. So cared for. He’s never been the one on the receiving end of a hold so intimate and full of empathy. The idea that someone will willingly listen to him without judgment, that someone can accept his words without forcing a solution.
“This must have been hard, I'm proud of you. Thank you for talking to me.” You finally say, in the softest voice you can muster. He breaks away from your hold so gently, as if he’s afraid that moving too hastily will break you (you are his most precious possession after all). 
You both now sit in a weird and quite awkward entanglement of limbs, staring at each other in a newfound sense of mutual agreement of understanding. Everything makes sense to you, and Zoro finds comfort in knowing that his worries have been heard. A win-win some would say. 
Neither of you say anything, it's pointless. Words can’t show how grateful you are for one another. It’s like they always say, actions speak louder than words, right?
And so he kisses you. 
It definitely isn’t the first time you’ve kissed, but it’s the first time you’ve kissed like this. It’s all-consuming, so filled with love that it’s almost overwhelming, you believe his mouth is heaven; his tongue the eternal paradise. There’s a certain kind of bliss that can only be found in the tenderness of Zoro’s arms, and you wish more people understood saw his soft side, but maybe it's just meant to be your secret to keep. He never meant to be cruel. He just loves you. He always will.
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raainberry · 7 months
Nighttime Serenade
« Silly Series - 14 »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - quiet nights and cuddles, doesn’t get better than this
wordcount - 664
A/N - rain got me inspired, not proofread bc its late i can literally feel the bags coming to life under my eyes. enjoy!
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The slight panic Sana felt when you shifted your body on top of hers… Her sleepy eyes were suddenly wide and alert as she thought about you leaving her embrace.
It was a frightening possibility. It had barely been an hour since you’d sneaked into her arms in search of some comfort after a long day, but it was getting late. If you wanted to get to bed, she’d understand although she wouldn’t be all for it.
Your presence, the warmth and love you gave her were things she missed all day. She hated when your free days didn’t line up, leaving her alone with only thoughts and cravings with your name on them. The hours between your lips on her forehead in the morning and your soft, gentle kisses on her cheek in the evening seemed to stretch into infinity.
Tomorrow was her turn to leave you behind for the day. She liked to think your clinginess tonight was motivated by that thought. She hoped the small strokes of your palm, the delicate touches of your fingertips against her skin was a way for you to appreciate the few hours you had left in her company.
Her eyes kept looking up at the time displayed right underneath the TV, and she had to hold herself back from laughing at her own behavior. How much more obsessed could she be… You were in her arms, as close as you could be, yet she was already missing you.
Her gaze slipped away from the screen to find you every once in a while. The sight of your head resting on her stomach put a smile on her lips. She couldn’t see why nor how it could be as comfortable as you claimed, but she’d never complain. Easy access to your hair, random kisses, your soft breathing against her skin whenever her clothing allowed it… why would she complain?
A small hum resonated from your chest as her fingers gently pulled on a few strands of your hair, brushing them out of your eyes. The gesture alone could put you to sleep if she did it long enough. That was exactly what you wanted to avoid, but it didn’t mean you wanted her to stop.
So you focused on the TV, suddenly remembering about its existence.
The variety show you’dsettled on out of laziness to switch channels turned out to be more perfect than anything you could have willingly picked. Entertaining enough to share a few laughs, each other’s favorite sounds, but not interesting enough to make you forget about this moment you wanted to cherish.
Sana’s occasional giggles caused your head to bounce a few times, and as much as you loved to see her happy, came a time where your comfort just wasn’t negligible.
You lifted yourself off of her, unknowing and oblivious to her dismay as you went to find rest against her chest.
Relief washed over her when she realised you weren’t going anywhere. She bit her smile back at the familiar feeling of your hair tickling her neck, and her arms wrapped themselves around your back. A sudden surge of love pushed her to squeeze you closer, and your view on the screen was now blocked as her cheek was squished against your forehead.
“I love you.” She mumbled, her voice just above a whisper. You smiled at the words. You couldn’t get over them, no matter how much she said them. Whichever way she let them out, whenever she let you know, they seemed to have the same effect on you.
Warmth, from your chest to your veins. One that put your heart at ease. Your mind at peace.
“I love you too.” You sighed out, content and hopeful of the words making her feel the same way.
Sana smiled at the serenity you’d granted her, and pressed her lips on top of your head in a soft peck before training her eyes back on the TV.
Hopefully the night hours will take their time, stretch out as much as the day’s had.
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