#but I didn't want to make the post too long
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The alt-right's foothold into Gen-Z is frustrating and I can see from over here how they're doing it.
You've got a generation of young-adults who are learning to be adults for the first time and for so many of them it sucks. It sucks to be in your first shitty apartment where things break, and to have your first shitty car that needs maintenance, and to be working a low-paying service or retail job where you get berated all day and barely scrape by. And you go home and you have taxes to figure out and electric bills to figure out and a screen on your phone to rot into to destress.
And this is men and women, equally, in this spot. But the alt-right messaging gets to tailor their approach to gender.
And hey women, yes you working a shitty job for shitty pay, overwhelmed by financial responsibilities and car repairs, what if you actually didn't need to do ANY of that? You don't need to. And you don't need to feel guilty about it. (You're not quitting, you're not being lazy), you actually are just embracing the chance to be exactly who an ideal woman should be. You should actually be beautiful, and demure, and barefoot in a sunny kitchen, glowing, pregnant, hearing the joyful sounds of your children while you bake a roast for your wonderful husband (strong, protective, loves you, handles the finances, handles the jobs, handles all the things you hate). OUR ancestors (don't mind the dogwhistle) did this for GENERATIONS, and modern society has failed you instead!
It's offering to break women out of all the parts of their real life that suck, and do it in a way that promises they're actually being better, being more admirable, more moral, more respectable, more correct, can feel good about, can feel proud about, as a Woman as Feminine as Mother as Goddess.
And the thing being promised does not need to actually reflect reality. It's a fantasy. It is not real. For every "beautiful demure barefoot" day, you'd be having another one covered in shit changing diapers of screaming infants with screaming children while your husband ignores you because it's Women's Work (take pride!) But that doesn't matter. It just needs to sound better than the reality they're living.
Then the men are targeted too. And it's the same in that it's getting to them by appealing to pride in their gender, but the messaging is different. It's "those finances are hard but ACTUALLY you're leveling up, you're grinding, you're finance maxing." It's hard but it's the kind of hard that is a challenge you can WIN at, boast about, post about, prove your manliness. Knowing cars, knowing home repairs, knowing taxes, that's your MAN pride, and you are so elite, you are so sigma, you are the envy of everyone, you are a masculine man. Women love you. Women will defer to you. Strong, respected, moral, loyal, unshakeable. Unlike those pansy men (mind the homophobic dogwhistling) who will whimper and cry like girls. You are better.
The shitty retail job is actually humble beginnings because you're minmaxing your way to financial success (bitcoin, crypto, investments). You can sleep with any woman you want as long as you're confident, and then you'll find one who understands how smart and confident and strong and protective you are and she will defer to you as her man. She will birth your children and teach them good morals and you will make it. Our ancestors lived this way for generations (dogwhistle) and modern society took it from you.
And with that messaging it makes it clear who the enemy in all this is - modern society that has convinced women to torture themselves with high education and terrible jobs, turned them Ugly with Ugly opinions and bad hair and nasty attitudes, yelping about "rights" and "equality" (pitting them against men! TAKING things from men!) All the while, society has been trying to emasculate men--replace them with women, make them soft and emotional, make them gay, make them WEAK. We've been made WEAK.
The naive women hearing this go "I'm not ugly! I don't hate men! I DO hate my job and my finances. I've been tricked. I'm actually rebelling by declaring my goal is to get a Perfect (White) (Christian) moral husband who will make all our decisions and protect me and our children." (And when she's financially trapped in an abusive marriage...? When she's suicidal with PPD but her husband won't touch that because it's Woman Hysteria...? And when her husband leaves her for someone who was as hot as she was 20 years ago and now she's figuring out finances, health care, taxes, bank accounts for the first time in her life...?)
And the men go "They've been TAKING things from us for too long! It's time to be men again! It's time to take pride! I am strong and confident. I am in charge! I never show weakness!" (And when he's got a gun to his head due to the depression he's never been allowed to talk about as Women Feelings...? And when he's financially ruined from a crypto scheme that stroked his ego and robbed him blind...? And when he's dead from alcohol poisoning and none of his adult children notice because no one's spoken to 'Dad' in 15 years...?)
And it's so hard to fight because you're arguing against a fantasy. How do you disprove their fantasy? It's so hard to explain to them, hey you're working a shitty job where you have no future because the rich bastards took it all from you. And now you're doing their work for them. You hate society because of what they've done to it and now you're doing their work. Now you're targeting groups who've never done anything to harm you and the guys responsible are laughing to the bank. How do you explain? How do you disprove fantasy?
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I feel like I need to add a bit on to this. Normally I Don't do this, but I feel like this concept is so cool that I have to.
So let's talk about the other season with a tiny bit of an economy twist: Season 7.
Now, I'm not gonna talk about how this came to be for reasons, but in season 7 the hermits had to buy space in the shopping district. I think it was 9 diamonds a chunk?
Anyway, they had to put those diamonds into a stack, and later a throne. And unlike the other two, it didn't crash the economy/make it worse.
And that is partially because it didn't mess with the core foundational structure of the Hermitcraft economy. And that structure is abundance. Abundance of diamonds, abundance of suppliers, abundance of supplies.
Yes, sure, it limits some things by the inherent limit of space, and also technically removes some diamonds from the economy, but it encourages that abundance more than it detracts. Albeit less explicitly than other things.
In the scarcity of lots, someone would have to think very hard about what they put on their plot. It needs to be something they really want to put the work into gathering and is generally profitable enough to afford how much they paid for it. If you really want to sell something but it isn't that profitable, just add on another thing to sell of about equal value so you can make the most out of the space! Or, now that the shopping district is full, Sell the extra space on the new real estate market!
More things to sell= more abundance. Plus more likely restocks= more abundance.
The system also encourages variety in two ways: You can either have a lot of small shops with things to sell (more shops=more variety with what they sell+ more competitors for other shops+ more resources to buy) or have a huge shop with lots of variety inside, with possibilities to rent out space. A bigger store generally also means more resources to buy as there is more storage space for them. You also want the prices to be competitive because otherwise nobody will go into your shop and have the possibility of buying other things.
How does it do this? Well, because of the real estate market, you want to get the most bang for your buck! Either way, both of these are very good for abundance.
Finally, it encourages adding more diamonds to the market, what with having so many more things to buy as well as having to pay 1 diamond block for a chunk. You need to mine diamonds to even get started, and you might as well grab some extras while you're at it to buy things with!
More diamonds= more abundance!
Plus there's the other parts about it: the diamond throne never really gets used so it cannot remotely effect the economy. The government that was elected to keep charge of it is a glorified, elected infrastructure company, as that's all that it really does, so it doesn't effect the economy at all. And the limited space encourages the stores to be close together, so people are more likely to shop at multiple because "they're right there".
Effectively, that twist of the Hermitcraft economic system slightly benefited the economy by adding a new market and subtly encouraging people to act in a way that benefits it.
Also, I think it's funny that the real estate market, famously bad, can actually benefit the hermits minorly.
Alright, I think that's the end of my rant. Hopefully this isn't too confusing, and thanks op for reminding me about my thoughts on this. I'm going to be thinking about this for a while now. Sorry for the long addition to the post!
Anyone else thinking about how odd the hermitcraft economy is?
in season 9 they had a minor economic recession after the diamond ore war because there were far too many diamonds in circulation making them (hypothetically) worth less than normal and ren stepped in as the king and did what has been done in the midst of a lot of irl economic depressions; he created a government so they could employ the policy of Keynesian economics (basically more gov't intervention to stabilize the economy, it mostly worked in 1930's japan!), he took control of diamonds and even introduced a new currency, royal emeralds (much like Germany after WW1! they had some hyperinflation because of the war reparations they had to pay and the gov't not understanding that printing more money makes the money worth less resulting in the mark [currency] being so worthless they started burning it because they couldn't afford wood for fires. a new gov't came into power and they replaced the mark with rentenmarks which did a lot of fixificating for the economy). Ren's gov't also introduced a lot of gov't funded projects like the quests (the irl equivalent for this would be Roosevelt's New Deal which introduced policies/projects called the Alphabet Agencies (among other things) such as the AAA, CCC, TVA (do you see why they're called the alphabet agencies?) that would adjust the value of grain so farmers could start earning money for produce again and create work that would support a growing economy, projects like building roads and bridges)
so basically, all the policies ren's government introduced were very logically sound and worked in real life to fix the economy (except that irl the Great Depression only fully ended because WW2 started-), the issue is that hermitcraft is not real life and hermits do not behave like real people, they behave like hermits.
lets start with the hermitcraft economy. unlike the real economy, hermits rarely adjust prices according to how many diamonds are "in circulation". i say this despite the fact grian in a recent-ish episode says that "everything costs more this season because diamonds are more common". that can't be true because the caves and cliffs update literally made diamonds more difficult to acquire. I will circle back to this point made by grian later
hermits not adjusting prices by server-wide abundance of diamonds (because they cant really know how much anyone has, much less the total amount of diamonds in circulation, they just know who has a lot and who is broke) means that more diamonds doesn't make them worth less like it did with German marks, it just means hermits have more expendable currency and can spend more money and less time gathering materials for projects. It is also notable that diamonds are constantly being added and taken out of circulation because they're an actual useful currency rather than real life currencies which are symbolic slips of paper. diamonds can be used for armour and tools and it can be acquired by mining. so because of how hermits spend money, taking diamonds out of the economy in s9 did nothing but make them poor and angry at the government. the hermitcraft economy is actually stronger with more diamonds in circulation and is worsened by gov't intervention.
so already the use of real life strategies is utterly useless in hermitcraft economy but there are a few other reasons as well
the hermits tendency to resist government as well as the flawed and greedy government itself are a couple but also the fact that all the hermits are self employed (in real life but also in universe). they own and stock their own shops meaning all profits are more or less direct; its not passed through hands of big corporations so the person producing the product gets mere cents. the hermits are essentially small business owners (which becomes a bit of a problem come season 10 but we're still talking about season 9). The important part is the self employment. the season 9 gov't introduces the quests which mimic and echo real life government funded projects but because they're all employed and the quests gave small amounts of diamonds back, they did very little for the hermits
I'm sure theres more to say but i think its time to move on to the very interesting season 10 economy
if you've missed it you must be living under a rock but hermits are all using permits this season meaning only one shop in the shopping district is selling any given item/material and as a result of this prices have gone sky high. at one point a single stack of mangrove logs cost 7 diamonds when in previous seasons you could get at least 1 stack of wood for 1 diamond if not more
So what is causing this economic depression and hyperinflation?
well, circling back to the point grian made about resources costing more because of abundance of diamonds, I would think it actually costs more because of the permits.
grian thinks the diamond prices are fair because he has middle of the road permits (and is one of the hermits who designed their shopping district, permit and economic system this season so he's biased), there is enough demand to keep him afloat when he's stocked but its nothing people are clamouring for and buying him out. on the other hand, joel made a lot of shops that no one shops at because his objectively weighted permits have not been selling as well as they anticipated when making the permits (also some people like etho and pearl have additional income from their not as fabulous permits because they've made a pay to play game to go with it) and finally there are hermits like mumbo whose gold, iron and item frame shops were constantly getting bought out so he was frustrated with trying to restock despite getting lots of profit
(another interesting dynamic to think about is permits like cleo's book permit which lost value as the season went on because everyone needed books early on but now that they're all playing late game Minecraft, everyone is pretty stocked up and buying from cleo less often)
Basically, grian is satisfied with the pricing because he's middle class and couldn't afford it if they were more expensive but appreciates not being constantly out of stock, joel is unsatisfied because he is lower class and never has enough expendable currency to fund his projects because materials are too expensive and his permits aren't worth enough to sell them for more, and mumbo is unsatisfied because he is higher class and is constantly out of stock because his materials sell out too often and he wants to sell them for more to stay in stock more (classic supply and demand, he doesn't want to stock them as often making the supply lower and the demand proportionally higher making them worth more and therefore more expensive)
the reason i say the permits are to blame for the high prices is because they cause the responsibility of constantly stocking something to fall on one person (in past seasons, if one persons sandstone shop was out of stock you could go check someone else's sandstone shop). the threat of taking the permit away if they arent stocked along with the difficulty of constantly stocking some of these materials raises the cost.
a great example of this is skizzleman because his mangrove and cherry wood shop was one of the first shops to be built in the shopping district, meaning he somewhat set the prices this season. now, mangrove and cherry are both difficult trees to harvest because of their unconventional shapes and the fact that they are more recent additions (and skizz's stubborn desire to design his own farms...) so because of the time required to gather them the prices already were hitched up. add that to the fact that they are trying to constantly be in stock and therefore low prices that allow hermits to completely buy out the shops are unfavourable, and you get sky rocket-ing prices. (it is also difficult because skizz had no prior experience with hermitcraft pricing)
in conclusion... hermitcraft needs a laissez-faire economy (f. a. hayek) to function and not go into economic depression. Between the nature of the diamond currency, hermits' tendency to rebel against governments, the way they use the concept of supply and demand to price their goods, and the restrictions permits put on supplying products, hermits have proven that extensive structure and government intervention have not improved economic wellbeing the way that it does in real life
thus, hermits do not behave like regular humans, they operate on fae laws of its funny so lets do it and therefore must be governed as such (aka not governed), thank you for coming to my ted talk
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summary: You help the soldier with some self care.
warnings: Post!HYDRA Winter Soldier | Post!HTP and abuse | PTSD symptoms & behavior | Flashbacks of HTP | Past dehumanization | Flashbacks of SA | Intimate handlers
a/n: Bit of a short one, but I thought helping him shave would be nice <3 And maybe trim his long hair a bit too. Two more chapters to go and I think that will be it for this series. I wrote this quick so please don't mind any errors. ;; wc: 3.1k
"Your hair has grown a bit."
Your voice cut through the air, startling him out of his previously zoned out mindset where his thoughts had been drifting aimlessly through memories and half-formed ideas. He blinked several times, slowly turning to look over at you with slightly unfocused eyes that gradually sharpened with awareness. It was then that he truly noticed his hair, for the first time in what felt like forever - the weight of it, the way it fell across his vision, the unkempt state it had fallen into. He hadn't really paid any attention to how he looked since he...well, he couldn't remember when. The days and months had blurred together into an indistinct haze.
"...sorry." He mumbled, the word coming out soft and uncertain, not exactly sure what else to say in response. You didn't sound like you were upset or berating him, which was a small comfort, but old habits died hard. He never got to tend to himself before, he wasn't allowed to - personal care had been a luxury far beyond his reach. You never asked him to look after himself either, so he wasn't sure what he could've done to avoid your comment, leaving him adrift in unfamiliar waters of self-care and personal autonomy.
"It's alright, don't apologize," your reassurance was nice, washing over him like a warm blanket and helping to ease some of the tension from his shoulders.
You gently reached out, your fingers carefully threading through his dark, unkempt hair. Over time, he had grown increasingly comfortable with your gentle touches, no longer tensing or pulling away when he knew your hands were approaching. The progress had been slow but steady - though he would still occasionally flinch if caught unaware by sudden contact, the reflexive response born from years of conditioning never failed to go away completely. In those moments, you would always take extra care to reassure him with soft words, reminding him that he was safe.
"I can trim it for you, if you want." You offered softly, studying the way his hair had grown past his collar. Your hand drifted downward, fingers ghosting along his jawline where several days' worth of stubble had accumulated. "And shave some of this," you added, feeling the rough, prickly texture beneath your fingertips. The soldier's own hand rose hesitantly to mirror your gesture, touching his jaw as he swallowed thickly, considering the offer.
"...if you want to." His voice was quiet, uncertain, still struggling with expressing his own desires.
"Do you want to?" You emphasized gently, wanting him to make the choice for himself.
"...yes." The word came out barely above a whisper, but it was decisive.
The ceramic sink gradually filled with warm, gently bubbling water as the fragrant soap and rich shaving cream created a luxurious foam inside it. You swished the gleaming razor through the water, the metal catching the bathroom light as you turned back to face the patient soldier. He sat perfectly poised on the wooden stool in the bathroom, his big blue eyes gazing up at you without much of an expression.
"Keep still alright?" You spoke in gentle, soothing tones, bringing the well-honed blades up to his stubbled cheek and carefully drawing them down to his defined jaw in smooth, measured strokes. Of course, Soldat remained absolutely motionless, like a masterfully carved statue perched on that little wooden stool, his posture relaxed yet perfectly controlled. He allowed you to delicately adjust his head to whatever angle was needed as you continued shaving his face, your movements precise and unhurried to make sure every swipe was perfect.
"Doing okay?" You asked gently, pausing to check in with him about halfway through the intimate ritual. The soldier lifted his gaze to meet yours, his expression almost innocently vulnerable, making your stomach suddenly flip with unexpected emotion. In all your time together, he had never looked at you quite like that before - with such openness and implicit trust.
You took a moment to admire his features in quiet appreciation - the strong, defined angle of his jawline that spoke of nobility, the soft pink hue of his perfectly shaped lips that almost held a permanent, precious pout, and those remarkable eyes that drew you in. Those eyes, windows to his soul, held such warmth and vitality that it made your heart ache. Despite all the pain and suffering he endured, despite every obstacle that could have dimmed their light...his eyes remained steadfastly, beautifully bright.
"Almost...done." The words left your lips in barely more than a whisper, gentle and soothing as you finished your careful ministrations. You took a warm, soft cloth and delicately dabbed his face dry, making sure every spot was attended to. You reached for the aftershave, applying it with gentle strokes across his smooth skin.
As your hand came to rest on his cheek, you found yourself lingering there longer than strictly necessary - drawn in by the warmth of his skin, unable and unwilling to break this moment of connection.
Your heart fluttered as you observed how he responded to your touch - the way he ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly, pressed his cheek further into your palm, seeking more of that tender contact. It was a small gesture, but one that screamed at you in the quiet of the bathroom.
Focus, focus.
"Now let's see what we can do about that hair." You reluctantly pulled your hand away from his cheek, watching as his expression shifted - his brow furrowing deeply and lips turning downward in a small, almost imperceptible frown that tugged at something deep within your chest. The warmth of his skin lingered on your fingertips, a sensation you tried desperately to ignore.
No, you couldn't feel like this. It was wrong.
Moving behind him, you took to brushing out his hair first. Your hands worked with practice having to do this with your own hair, gently running the brush from the ends and gradually moving higher to ensure the least amount of discomfort when working through the stubborn knots. The methodical strokes seemed to calm you both. He sat perfectly still for you, but you could sense there was more he yearned for in your touch - an unspoken desire that radiated from him in waves.
He wanted you to hold him, to continue the gentle ministrations with his hair just as you were doing now, to show him that tenderness wasn't just a distant memory. Every careful stroke of the brush seemed to remind him of a truth he had long forgotten: that touch doesn't have to hurt, that it could be soft, nurturing, healing instead of harmful.
The man yanked its hair with savage force, causing sharp pain to radiate across its scalp. "I told you not to miss," the handler spoke with a familiar malice that it became familiar with. The spot where its hair was continuously yanked developed that persistent, throbbing ache that it desperately tried to push from its consciousness, knowing any reaction would only make things worse.
It couldn't flinch, wouldn't dare to show even the slightest reaction. HYDRA had made it clear what happened to assets that showed weakness, that dared to respond to discomfort. Even the smallest involuntary movement could result in severe consequences.
A gentle tug of the brush running through his hair pulled him abruptly from the dark memory, your soft and immediate apology working to ground him in the present moment, reminding him he was safe now. "Sorry, just found a stubborn one in here..." your caring voice helped chase away the lingering shadows of the past.
As he sat in the silence of the bathroom, his mind began to wander yet again, drifting through the corridors of his fractured memories like a lost ghost. His thoughts scattered like broken glass, shards between gentler memories with you - moments of peace and quiet understanding - against the more vicious ones that lurked in the shadows of his consciousness. Their dark tendrils constantly tried to wrap around and forcefully pull away all the lighter, precious memories he desperately held onto, attempting to corrupt them in classic HYDRA fashion.
Even still, it held onto him, refusing to let him go.
The soft, ambient light illuminating the bathroom in a gentle, warm glow caught his metal arm at just the right angle, creating a mesmerizing play of shadows across the surface. He found himself caught in an almost trance-like state, meticulously tracing the intricate grooves and carefully engineered plates with his eyes, his gaze tiredly half-lidded as he tried to focus his scattered thoughts by counting how many precise lines were drawn against his titanium forearm.
This handler was different from the others it had in the past.
He was unpredictable in his actions and reactions, displaying a volatility that made every interaction an exercise in cautious observation. It found this characteristic particularly distressing, as it undermined any attempt to establish reliable behavioral patterns.
The man exhibited a jarring duality in his demeanor - he could be loud and openly sadistic one moment, taking visible pleasure in displays of unnecessary cruelty, while in the next breath he would transform into something completely inverted.
His manipulation took on an almost hypnotic quality, reminiscent of a serpent's mesmerizing sway, as he would speak in soothing, honeyed tones while orchestrating harm with calculated precision. Like a constrictor coiling around its prey with deceptive gentleness, he would wrap his victims in a façade of care and comfort, all while administering his particular brand of venom - a poison that worked through words and actions rather than fangs, but was no less deadly for its subtlety.
A snake. That is how it described this man.
Sometimes beautiful to look at, but knowing the true nature of his scales, it knew better.
Then why did it fall for his sweet tone, why did it fall for the gentle touch?
Soldat blinked slowly, struggling to maintain focus on your gentle hands as you carefully brushed through his tangled hair, but he found his troubled mind inevitably wandering back to darker memories.
He ran his calloused fingers through its matted hair, feeling his way until he discovered the painful knot hidden at the base of its skull. His fingertips were uncomfortably warm and sticky with blood, but he purposefully ignored that sensation. He quite liked it, but held his tongue. As he roughly prodded at its injured head, examining the wound, the slight involuntary flinch it gave in response only caused his cruel smirk to grow wider with satisfaction.
He struck without warning or mercy. Like a perfectly trained rattlesnake that had been patiently coiled and waiting for precisely the right moment to unleash its deadly strike.
The handler's iron grip suddenly seized its hair, violently yanking backward with such unexpected force that it actually cried out in genuine pain this time, unable to maintain its usual stoic silence.
Why did it feel so much more vulnerable and powerless with this particular handler?? How did he possess such an uncanny ability to draw out its voice when others could not?
"Goddamn, babe. You're bleeding quite profusely now, aren't you? What did we discuss earlier about this situation, hm? No crying whatsoever. We simply cannot afford to keep weak assets in our organization - you understand that, don't you?" He maintained that eerily gentle tone he typically used when offering comfort to the thing, a purposeful torture that only intensified its mental confusion and emotional distress.
The asset writhed in discomfort, experiencing an excruciating burning sensation across its entire scalp that made it desperately yearn for solitude and rest. Sleep called to it like a siren song, but given its handler's current temperamental state, it knew that such relief would likely remain frustratingly out of reach.
The night before, it had been tasked with cleaning the entire arsenal belonging to the agents - a task that consumed countless hours just to achieve the required gleaming finish on each weapon. Even after completing such an exhaustive task, the asset wasn't granted even the briefest moment of respite, ordered to remain awake as punishment for a small misdemeanor it couldn’t even recall.
It harbored an overwhelming desire to beg for mercy. Every fiber of its being wanted to plead desperately with its handler for some small measure of compassion. However, such displays of weakness were strictly forbidden and promised a horrible punishment.
The soft, rhythmic snip of the scissors cutting through his hair acted as an anchor, helping to ground him in the present moment. You moved with care and gentleness, working to trim his hair back to that familiar length - the same as when you met, falling just shy of his shoulders. Your hands moved with a focused steadiness, fingers carefully carding through the strands while the comb followed in their wake, creating a gentle, repetitive pattern before the precise, delicate snip of the scissors would break through the quiet once more.
He made a conscious effort to focus on the floor tiles now, trying to count the individual squares, to trace their patterns with his mind. But there was only so long he could maintain that fragile concentration before the memory's dark tentacles began to wrap around him, inevitably dragging him back down into those depths he fought so hard to escape.
The comforting rhythm of the snipping gradually faded away, growing distant and muffled, as the harsh, commanding voice of his last handler in HYDRA took over, flooding his consciousness with unwanted recollections.
Hand after hand, yank after yank, a relentless rhythm of violation and control.
A different flavor of foul tasting fluid spread along its taste buds as the asset was kept down on its knees, forced into submission. The men surrounding it formed an impenetrable wall of bodies, barely giving it any room to move or breathe, pressing closer and closer until the weight of their presence crushed against its consciousness. It felt - wait…no. It quickly corrected itself - it didn't feel.
It didn't feel.
It didn't feel.
Bad asset. Disobedient asset. Failure of an asset.
It deserved this. This was necessary for its conditioning and punishment for ever developing feelings. It wasn't supposed to feel humiliation or be opposed to anything they do.
Assets don't have preferences.
Assets don't have desires.
Assets simply obey.
It licked their boots, it let them insert themselves without resistance, no matter how painful it was, no matter how much its body tried to reject the intrusion...it didn't feel. It couldn't feel. Assets don't have the luxury of feelings.
It did feel.
Somewhere deep inside, buried beneath layers of conditioning and denial…it did feel.
The soft shudder that rippled through his broad shoulders suddenly broke your careful concentration, the final decisive snip of the scissors having just been completed moments ago. Your attention immediately shifted from the scattered clumps of dark hair on the floor to his hunched form, noting with concern how he seemed to physically withdraw into himself while perched uncertainly on the weathered wooden stool beneath him.
Despite his imposing physical presence and considerable stature that normally towered over your own frame, he had a peculiar way of carrying himself - shoulders drawn inward, head slightly bowed - as if he were trying to occupy as little space as possible.
"Soldat?" You asked softly, carefully making your way around to face him, your heart clenching at the sight that greeted you. His nose was red and running, skin mottled and blotchy, fresh tears carving glistening tracks down his trembling face. He remained frozen in that tense, hunched position on the stool, head bowed so low his chin nearly touched his chest, eyes squeezed firmly shut as if to block out the world around him.
"Hey, hey...what's the matter? Did you not want me to cut your hair?" You asked with gentle concern in your voice, reaching out with to brush aside the newly shortened bangs that had fallen forward to hide his eyes from your worried gaze. The dark strands were still slightly damp from the earlier wash, sliding easily between your fingers as you tried to establish some sort of connection with him.
You remained in patient silence, giving him the space and time to express himself naturally without any sense of obligation or hurry. Your fingers moved with gentle, soothing motions through his hair in a repetitive pattern, while your other hand occasionally lifted to tenderly dab away the moisture from his flushed cheeks and reddened nose with your sleeve. To your surprise, he accepted these gentle touches without any resistance or signs of discomfort, allowing himself to be comforted by your presence.
"...Н-Нет [N-No]," he finally managed to vocalize after several long moments, his voice emerging fragile and unsteady, trembling with each syllable. Though he had slipped back into his native Russian tongue, you found comfort in recognizing the simple word.
"Can you tell me what it is?" You inquired carefully, your hands moving to cradle his face between them. You made no attempt to direct his gaze upward, instead letting your palms rest against his skin with gentle reassurance, offering silent support through your touch.
He kept his eyes tightly closed, focusing intently on your hands as they rested on his face while your thumbs gently stroked back and forth across his cheekbones. They felt so different from what he had grown accustomed to - gentler, warmer, filled with an unfamiliar tenderness that made his breath catch slightly in his throat.
He remained silent, something you had come to expect from these sessions, though you couldn't help but wish he had grown comfortable enough to open up by now. Still, you quickly pushed aside these thoughts, knowing it was not your place to feel these selfish things when he was still so deeply hurting. No matter how well and gentle you were with your ministrations, you knew this kind of deep-seated pain and suffering wouldn't simply vanish overnight. These wounds needed time to heal, perhaps more time than either of you initially realized.
Your attention was suddenly drawn back up as his trembling hands wrapped around your smaller wrists, the contact unexpected but not unwelcome. The soldier finally opened those glistening eyes - pretty, baby blue eyes that seemed to hold a sea of unspoken emotions within their depths...
"I...I just...want to feel you." He whispered, the soft admission tumbling from his lips like a secret, making your heart equally speed up and ache all at once. His gaze was pleading and gentle, vulnerable in a way you rarely saw, as several strands of his disheveled hair fell into his face when he raised his head to look at you better. "...Пожалуйста [Please]."
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
Cover image from Pinterest. I do not claim as my own.
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Vampire Boy || Ch.1 - jjk.

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 𓆩♱𓆪 pairing: vampire!Jungkook x human!Reader (afab, she/her) 𓆩♱𓆪 content: 18+ explicit content, established relationship au 𓆩♱𓆪 chapter warning/tags: golden retriever vampire boyfriend jk, "27"jk 26 reader, vampire activities, blood drinking, fluff, some angst, SMUT, blood kink?? Oh they are so in love its disgusting, so much domesticity in this chapter, I love them I'm sobbing, VAMPIRE NEW YEARS, big gatsby like party, this party is crazy extravagant, like blood and money galore, little bit of gore this chapter (nothing serious), drinking, swearing, intoxication, crying, reader is a librarian, vampire history and vampire war, angsty moment for yoongi and monique, yoongi history, Jungkook really likes your blood, my own vampire rules??, Jungkook is so whipped, y/n is a little bit of a brat, they are soooo down bad for each other, vampire!Jimin, vampire!Jin, vampire!Hoseok, vampire!Yoongi, other vampire characters (the girlies) unprotected sex (Jungkook literally cannot get y/n pregnant), cream pie, fingering, dick riding, so much kissing, hickies (sort of), blood drinking during sex, god they cannot stay off each other like CHILL (lmao), discussion of feeding on animals and people, this chapter is LOOONNGGG but so fun and I loved writing it 𓆩♱𓆪word count: 23.8K 𓆩♱𓆪Series Masterlist𓆩♱𓆪 𓆩♱𓆪 Next Chapter𓆩♱𓆪 𓆩♱𓆪If you want to be added to the tag list comment on this post!! fic crossposted to ao3 𓆩♱𓆪a/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WAITED SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS. I HOPE THIS FIRST CHAPTER IS TO YOUR LIKING IF YOU SEE ANY MISTAKES NO YO DIDN'T<3 ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Fumbling with your keys, you tried to wedge them between your fingers, your pocketknife a reassuring weight in your other pocket. It was late, dark, and winter had a way of making everything eerily silent.
Tonight, you were in charge of closing the library. Your coworkers lived in opposite directions, leaving you to navigate the cold streets alone. Two routes lay before you: the long way, well-lit but littered with rowdy bar-goers and men who were a little too comfortable getting a little too close, or the shortcut through the dimly lit alley but was a straight shot to the other side. One was safer but full of potential annoyances; the other was just outright stupid.
Cold nipped at your exposed skin, and you shivered. You could already hear the noise from up the street and you didn’t have the energy to fight anyone off tonight. Nope. Not worth it tonight. You turned up the street and ducked into the alley, pulling your jacket tighter around yourself.
Quick and easy. No stopping. Don’t look at anything.
The sound of rain dripping from pipes and rooftops was all you could hear. It masked everything else, which, in hindsight, made it even worse because now you couldn’t hear what you were actively trying to keep an ear out for. Until��
Could have been an animal but you knew better though. You could tell, someone was definitely behind you. As light on their feet as they were, you could pick out the steps they took.
You reach into your pocket. Pulling out the knife. Slipping it open and gripping it tight in your hand. Not your best self defense weapon it works for a good scare.
“All right let’s get this over with.” You mutter under your breath twisting around on your heel, the person was obscured, the darkness surrounding them. “Might as well show yourself.”
The dark figure stepped out into the alleyway. Taking a wide stance, placing their hands on their hips. Superhero. You cocked an eyebrow before they spoke in a low rumbling tone, “I’m Batman.”
Realization settled over you and all of your nerves faded away instantly.
“Jungkook!” You whined. Folding your knife back up looking down and putting it back in your pocket. His presence appears next to you with a push of the wind around you.
“Hi baby.” Jungkook snaked his arms around your waist pulling you into him. Kissing you on the cheek. Nudging his nose into your neck and breathing in deeply. Taking in all of your scent. “God you smell good.”
This is Jungkook, your boyfriend, and evidently a vampire.
“You know you scared the shit out of me?” You hit him in the shoulder, trying to shove him away but failing. His eyes were wide and his red irises dilated with intent. He had a shit eating grin plastered across his face as well as he pulled his face away from you.
“I’m sorry. I seem to recall you promising me you wouldn’t cut through dark sketchy alleyways anymore.” He pouts but his tone was serious, you roll your eyes. You manage to pull yourself away and continue down the alley, Jungkook right on your tail.
“I seem to recall you saying you wouldn’t check up on me like this after work.” You cross your arms over yourself preserving the warmth you had.
“I was out and I was going to walk with you as a surprise! Then I saw you duck into the alleyway.” His hand looped through one of your arms and around your elbow, pulling it free from its fold. “This century has phones baby, I may be old but I know how it all works. Just call me next time you don’t feel safe.”
You let out an annoyed sigh, knowing he’s right. “I know I know. It was stupid and I was just trying to make it back quick tonight. I know it was stupid.”
“I just want you to get home in one piece please.” Jungkook whined, sliding his hand down to wrap his hand in yours. Cold fingertips enveloping your fingers. “I’m also not the only vampire in these parts”
“You’re all cold.” Holding his cold fingers between both of your paths to warm them up. You tease trying to lighten the mood and it seems to work some. A small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Mmm, well I have you now to warm me up.” Not that Jungkook could tell the difference but you definitely could.
Vampires weren’t just ice cold like in the movies. Their temperature adapted to their surroundings like bottles of water. Fresh blood warmed them up, heaters helped, but they couldn’t actually feel the temperature. Jungkook made an effort to stay warm for you, though. You were hot blooded and having a boyfriend that stayed roughly 20 degrees colder, he tried to warm himself up just enough for you.
Because of that, that’s how you noticed it; his fingers trembled slightly, which was definitely not a reaction to the cold air outside.
“You’re shaky.” You frowned, the quivering clear.
"...Just a little hungry." Jungkook shook his head, rolling his shoulders, as if he could shake off the craving, bury it beneath sheer willpower.
You frowned, your gaze flicking to his hands. "You get the shakes when you push it too far. You should go get something to eat. I’m sure there are some drunk guys back there you could snack on."
He exhaled sharply, rolling his eyes. "It's fine. I'll eat when we get home."
But you knew better.
You knew the way his pupils dilated too wide the moment he saw you. How his gaze kept flickering to your throat, your wrist, anywhere he could hear it. Feel it. The steady, pulsing rhythm of your heartbeat drumming against his restraint.
Jungkook was careful, always careful. But hunger had a way of gnawing at even the most controlled instincts. You saw it in the way his jaw tensed, how his fingers flexed, how his breath stuttered just slightly every time you moved too close.
He was trying so hard to ignore it.
Trying not to listen to the blood rushing beneath your skin.
Trying not to stare.
“Just take some of mine tonight.” Your voice cut through the noise of your own blood.
Jungkook perked up a little, eyes dilating further. “Really?”
“Don’t get too excited, just a little bit. I still have to work tomorrow.” You smirked, dragging him along behind you.
Jungkook tilts his head, “You make it sound like I only see you as a blood bank or something.” He looks down to his feet and a pout on his lips. You stop his train of thought though and bring both of your hands to both of his cheeks.
“I’m teasing.” You rub his cheeks with your thumbs, the coldness seeping away with the warmth you present them. “Take what you need vampire boy. Are you going to sit here and act like you’re not excited about it?”
He nods his head from side to side, chewing on his bottom lip. A hint of a fang peaking out. “Anything to do with you makes me excited.”
“Don’t be gross.” You shove him again, but he doesn’t let you go. “Let’s get home and you can take what you need.”
Jungkook hesitated but you had that determined look in your eyes. You weren’t going to let this go so easily, “Fine, but I’m having some other blood first!”
There was a certain giddiness in your steps now.“Oh I’m gonna sleep so good tonight.”
“That should not be the main reason to let me drink from you!” Jungkook protested and you dragged him along the streets swinging your connected hands. A small giggle falling from your lips.
You really didn’t mind when he drank off of you and you really did get the best sleep after since you would be literally drained. Jungkook never understood how you couldn’t really mind doing it but he didn’t find much he was surprised with you anymore.
Your ability to just be so cool and casual about the vampire things sometimes still throws him off though. He also loved it that you were just so cool because a lot of people weren’t and have not been. You had a certain curiosity and willingness to learn.
None of it scared you, it was actually cool to learn that vampires were real. Although you didn’t really initially believe it when Jungkook told you what he was.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Two and a half years ago.
Jungkook was extremely nervous.
This was a conversation he had meant to have for a long time. A year, maybe longer. He always found reasons to delay it, to avoid it. It wasn’t going to be a problem telling you; he had gotten the go-ahead from everyone. Actually, he’d had it for over a year now, but their approval didn’t matter. What mattered was what came after he told you.
Were you going to freak out? Would you believe him? Would you be mad?
A million different scenarios had run through his head all week about how this could go. The possibilities gnawed at him so deeply that he had unintentionally been avoiding you. Not responding to texts or calls as quickly. Avoiding hanging out or dates. It was entirely out of character. The longest the two of you had ever gone without seeing each other was five days, and that was only because of a vacation. Now, over a week had passed, and his silence was suffocating you.
You didn’t think anything was wrong but this sudden distance and silence from Jungkook was freaking you out. Had you done something or said something to make Jungkook mad? Did you do something that was upsetting? Was he just not feeling it anymore? You had broached the topic of moving in together recently and you wondered if that had made Jungkook uneasy. Everything seemed fine up until now. Almost perfect even, then suddenly Jungkook had completely closed himself off.
You were jumping to the worst conclusions, the biggest one, a break up. Which is what you had been emotionally preparing for. Jungkook was going to dump you and you would just have to deal with that. Easily, you could already feel this would be the biggest break up of your life. The both of you had already shared and done so much together, you couldn’t imagine giving yourself to someone else the same way.
That’s when Jungkook said he wanted to come over tonight to talk about something, you were doing everything in your power to keep yourself composed. You had been shaking and anxious since you got the text.
Even worse when you get the knock on the door.
With your hands still shaking and your heart pounding in your ears. You twist the knob and pull the door open, Jungkook standing with a soft smile on his face standing in front of you. The smile disarming you slightly.
“Hi.” You said, forcing a smile back as you tried to hide the storm brewing inside you.
“Hi baby.” Jungkook hesitates a step forward, but can sense some unease coming from you. “Can I come in?”
You hadn’t realized that you hadn’t opened the door enough that he could enter. You clear your throat, “Yes… obviously.” You open the door and step to the side so he can come in. The pet name was a good sign but you are still on edge.
As he walked in, the silence in your studio apartment felt deafening. Every creak of the floorboards, every breath you took, seemed to echo. You closed the door, the sound reverberating through the small space, amplifying the tension. Jungkook paused in the middle of the room, uncharacteristically quiet, his steps heavy with unspoken words.
You moved around him, trying to read his face. He looked tired and conflicted, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip. He avoided your gaze. With your anxiety spiking, you retreated to the bed, the only real place to sit in your tiny space. Perched on the edge, you gripped the blanket beneath you like a lifeline.
“You wanted to talk?” Your voice was a little hoarse. Feeling like your entire body was about to start shaking.
Jungkook nodded, his fingers fidgeting as if searching for something to anchor him. “I… I don’t really know how to say this.” He began, pacing back and forth. “I’ve been thinking about this for so long, and now that I’m here, I… I don’t know how.”
The growing sense of dread in your chest felt unbearable. You couldn’t take it anymore. “If…” You paused, swallowing the lump in your throat. “If you’re just going to dump me, please don’t drag it out. Just say it.”
Jungkook's eyes widened for a moment, “What?”
You look at him, seeing the visible confusion on his face. “That’s what this is right? You wanted to talk… and that typically means you want to end things.”
“Y/N.” Jungkook starts but with a wave of your hand you cut him off.
“No, it’s okay. If that’s what this is, it's fine, just please don’t make me wait to hear it.” You hadn’t realised but you were digging your fingers into your mattress now. So hard your knuckles had gone white.
Jungkook paused for a second before he laughed, tilting his head. Eyes sympathetic. “Oh baby.” He comes over and kneels on the ground in front of you.
“Don’t laugh at me.” You whine, his smile felt almost mocking now.
“I’m not laughing at you. I’m not breaking up with you.” Jungkook sighs, he reaches and takes your hands in yours. Lacing your fingers together, “I love you, I don’t want to break up.”
You stay silent, his face has returned to its familiar soft nature versus the stressed one a moment ago. He wasn’t lying. “What?”
“We aren’t breaking up.” Jungkook kisses both of your hands, soothingly. Holding them close. Watching your face morph from concern to relaxation as his words settle in. “Why would you think that?”
You let out a heavy sigh you didn’t realize you were holding in, “Oh… is asked about moving in. I thought I had freaked you out or something and you were going to bolt.”
Jungkook laughed some more, just a quiet laugh under his breath. “You really think asking me to move in together freaked me out? We basically live together already.”
Your mouth falls into a pout, “I don’t know! You were all quiet and weird! I didn’t see you at all this week and you were barely talking to me!” You lay back on your bed, covering your face with your hands. Maybe you did jump to too many conclusions, but all the behavior this week was weird.
Jungkook gets to his feets but lays down next to you on your bed. “I do have something to tell you and it is serious. I just didn’t know how I wanted to tell you yet so I didn’t want to talk to you until I figured out how I wanted to do it.” He rested his hand on your stomach, wanting to pull you closer but letting you stay where you were.
You peak between your fingers to look at him. Jungkook's eyes are full of love only for you and no malicious intent behind them. “Is it going to give me a heart attack? Like the one you almost just gave me?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “Might be confusing but hopefully no heart attack.”
“Well tell me. I can handle basically any news now.” You both sit back up on your bed. You pull your legs under you so your legs are crossed together.
Jungkook paused. Now he really had to face the music. You could tell whatever it was really was serious and probably wasn’t going to be easy. He just needed to do it. He just needed to rip the bandaid off and say it. Get it off his chest. There was no easy way, and he would spend a lifetime explaining if he needed to.
“Okay.” He stayed quiet for a moment, “I-... shit this is hard.”
You watched as he figured this out in his mind. You could tell he was really jumping through hoops. You, trying to break the tension, say, “You’re not pregnant right? I’m not ready to be a dad.”
You laugh at your own joke but Jungkook just rolls his eyes with a smile. Knowing you aren’t serious and just trying to make this easier. Jungkook continues, “This is serious!”
“Sorry. Take your time. You know you can tell me anything.” You say with sincerity, reaching a hand to rub his arm.
“I know.” He nodded, “Everything… will be different. Everything will change.”
“Okay, now you are really making me nervous.” You shift uncomfortably on the bed, you really hoped something wasn’t wrong. Like he was sick or something.
He looks between your eyes for a moment, the whole nature of the relationship you two had may just crumble in a moment. Everything that you knew would suddenly be unknown. That terrified him. He couldn’t predict what would happen next. He can say everything perfect and could be just right and still not know what you would say next.
Just say it.
“I’m… I’m a vampire.” Jungkook whispers.
Your eyebrows knit together not fully hearing him, “What?”
Jungkook takes in a long long deep breath, meeting your eyes. “I’m a vampire.”
Silence fell over the room. Neither of you said a thing, you were just staring between Jungkook's eyes. Trying to find a lie. Trying to find a reason? Because this surely had to be a joke. He had to be joking.
“Honey.” Jungkook places a hand on your knee for a moment. You reflexively pull it back.
“Wow.” You say, a small shake to your head. A certain mistiness to your eyes. “I’ve heard a lot of excuses but this really takes the cake.” You stand up from the bed back facing to Jungkook. His face contorted into concern watching you.
“What? What are you talking about?” Jungkook moves so he’s sitting on the side of the bed now.
You turn around, clear hurt in your eyes. “You know it actually would have been kinder to just dump me versus saying something insane to get me to dump you. If that’s what you want then—”
Jungkook stands for a moment, pausing your train of thought. “I’m-I’m not lying though.”
“Yeah, right. I’m a vampire. That’s rich.” You start laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Trying to overwhelm the pain forming in your chest.
“Have I ever given you a reason to think I’m lying? Have I ever given you any reason to doubt me?” Jungkook steps toward you and you stand your ground. You don’t answer him but just shake your head. You looked angry and so he was thinking of anything he could do. “Why would I suddenly make up a wild story to get you to break up with me?”
You let out a noise of annoyance,“Because you wanted an easy way out, I don’t know!” A small huff trailing behind your words.
Jungkook places both of his hands on your shoulders, “Y/N this is real. I’m telling you the truth. I love you, I would never lie to you about something like this. I am… a vampire. I’m not trying to make an excuse, this is real.” His grip was tight on you, tighter than you had ever felt before. Unnaturally so.
Nothing in the way he was speaking seemed like a lie. No malice or farce, which was the part that was confusing you the most. It was completely sincere. As far as you had known he had never lied to you. That little voice of self preservation was still ringing in your mind though, telling you to get out. To run. “If… Well… Then… Then prove it.”
“If you’re a vampire then there are surely ways to prove it… So prove it.” You look into his eyes now. If he had any chance of saving this it was now, he had to show you everything or else you would be done. Which he was more than ready to do.
Jungkook’s mouth did move but you very distinctly heard him say, Okay. Like an echo inside your mind you almost couldn’t convince yourself he hadn’t just said it.
He brought his hands up to his eyes, pinching something, contacts. He took them from both eyes, pulling out a contact lens case from a pocket and placing them back in respectively. Jungkook lifted his head again to reveal not the dark brown ones you were so used to but ones that were a deep crimson. Could almost look brown in certain lights, but they were definitely red. Then Jungkook opened his mouth and you watched as two sets of fangs detracted down over where his k9’s were. Two long and what you could only imagine were incredibly sharp fangs.
Jungkook just took in your reaction, you blinked a few times standing in silence. No change in expression to show what you were thinking or feeling. The sweet boy you had come to know and love had transformed in front of your eyes. Although his new features seemed to initiate a fight or flight response in you, Jungkook could sense it. He tried to reach out to you but you flinched, just enough for him to notice.
He wanted desperately to bring you closer, but he needed to let you take it all in.
“I know. It’s… a lot. I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore—”
“This is so cool!” Your face morphed into a look of complete fascination. Voice shooting up and octave. Your sudden change in demeanor threw Jungkook off, you took quick steps toward him and suddenly you were pushing him to sit on the bed again. You fingers swiftly move into his mouth holding his lips up away from his gums, inspecting his teeth.
Jungkook sat dumbfounded and eyes wide for a moment, he wasn’t prepared nor expecting this kind of outburst. You were gripping onto each side of his head, Moving it from side to side so you could get a good look at them. They were pretty big and seemed to just come out of nowhere from the roof of his mouth. Completely replaced where his regular teeth were. They were pretty and almost seemed to fit him more naturally than his regular teeth. Your thumbs were still pulling at his lips revealing his gums, viewing where the fangs hide.
“So these just retract and detract? Do you do it on command? Does it hurt?” You say as your lean your eyes close into his mouth viewing the anatomy. Jungkook stifled a laugh because he wasn’t really able to get words out with your thumbs in his mouth. You traced one of them with your thumbs, but accidentally pricked yourself on the end of it. “Okay, sharper than I thought.”
The smell of your blood being so close to Jungkook's nose made his pupils dilate instantly, you watched it happen but Jungkook kept himself still. It was always a natural reaction to blood.
“Careful.” Jungkook pushed your hands away while holding your wrists in his hands. “They hide up inside of my skull and I can do it on command. It doesn’t hurt anymore though.”
“Show me again.” You smile, a small hint of anticipation lacing your voice. “Please?”
Jungkook nods, opening his mouth. He releases one of your hands so you can push back his lip again with your thumb. As Jungkook pushes his fangs in and out of their place and you can visibly see how they move up and down. You were completely mesmerized by the action. Just watching his fangs seems to take their rightful place in his mouth. It was so weird to watch but also extremely fascinating. You let his lip go at a certain point once your curiosity had been satisfied. Jungkook traced the inside of his lips with his tongue to comfort the muscle that had been forced back.
You found your fascination had moved from his teeth back to his eyes. “You wore color contacts this whole time?” Your hands found their way to his cheeks, looking between his eyes. Tracing, with your eyes, the new unfamiliar color that lined them. These were his real eyes.
“Can’t exactly walk around with red eyes without some suspicion or stares.” Jungkook smiled, he could relax again, placing his hands on the side of your body as you just observed him. No, inspected him, like you were in a lab. He didn’t mind, you could ask him anything and he will tell you whatever you want.
You were still stuck on his eyes. They were such a dark red, velvety. They suited him well. The same ones you had looked at so many times but now you were actually seeing them. “They’re beautiful.”
“Really?” His heart felt like it skipped a beat in his chest, your first complement of his true appearance.
“I love them. They’re… I don’t even have the words. They’re… you. This is you.” Because this is the first time you really were seeing him, seeing him for everything. You thought you knew him before but it was all complete now.
“This is me.” Jungkook whispered, a weight finally being taken away from him. No more hiding.
You just stand there quietly staring at him, imprinting this moment in your memory. Taking in every detail. But you couldn’t help but have a million different things also running through your mind. A million different questions and a million thoughts about what this means now.
Jungkook could see you running through every question in your mind, just waiting for you to ask. He had nothing in his head though, nothing he wanted to think about. You were here, and you weren’t mad. You were here and you were excited. You were still here and you weren’t sending him away.
“I have just… so many things I want to ask.” You rock a little bit on your feet. Anticipation eating you from the inside out.
“Ask anything. I’ll tell you whatever you want.” Jungkook jumped on the end of your sentence, eager, insistent. He wanted to give you every answer. He would give you everything.
“Well… uhh… I don’t know. Um.” Your mind flipped through every vampire story you had ever heard, sifting through myths and legends, trying to figure out where to start. “Okay. Speed? Strength? Is that real, or just a fairy tale?”
“That’s all real.” Jungkook said without hesitation. “I’ve actually been faking straining when I pick up heavy things for you. It doesn’t feel like anything.” He shrugged, as if admitting to a harmless prank.
“Really? Show me!” Excitement bubbled up in your chest, making you bounce slightly on your heels.
Jungkook grinned, standing from the bed with a casual ease. He turned, scanning your apartment, his sharp gaze flicking over every object. His eyes landed on your massive wooden dresser. The one that had nearly killed you when you first moved in, requiring the help of two friends and a ridiculous amount of cursing just to get it through the door.
Without hesitation, Jungkook strode toward it. He crouched slightly, slipping both hands beneath the base, but there was no visible effort. No tensed muscles, no grunt of exertion; just an easy, almost lazy movement as he lifted it clean off the floor. The dresser, heavy enough to crush a human, might as well have been a stack of pillows in his grip.
“See?” He turned his head toward you, lifting it up and down a few times as if he were curling a dumbbell at the gym. He even tossed it lightly into the air, barely an inch, just enough to make your stomach lurch with the thought of it crashing down, before catching it again.
Your mouth fell open.
"Holy shit.”
Jungkook grinned and set the dresser back in place with an almost exaggerated gentleness, as if it were made of glass. His hands lingered on it for a moment before he turned back to you, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“This is so cool! I never have to lift anything ever again.” You said, your mind still struggling to process what you had just seen. “I’ll just have you do it.”
“Oh yeah?” He was suddenly in front of you, closing the space in an instant, his presence comforting despite what you thought vampires were supposed to be. “Am I your pack mule now?”
“Only for the really heavy stuff.” You teased, tilting your head up at him.
Jungkook chuckled, his fangs barely flashing as his smile grew. Then his hands came up, cupping your face with a gentleness that contradicted the sheer, terrifying strength you had just witnessed. His thumbs brushed over your cheekbones, grounding you in the moment.
“Ask me more.” He said, his voice softer now. “Please. I want to answer all of your questions. No matter how long it takes.”
Your heart pounded against your ribs.
“This is just so insane. You really are… a vampire.” The words left your lips like an exhale, the weight of them heavy in the air.
Jungkook just smiled, his hands never leaving your face. “Yeah,” He murmured. “and you’re not scared.”
It wasn’t a question. It was an observation, one that made something deep inside you shift.
Because he was right. You weren’t scared. You were fascinated.
“For how long?” You asked, studying him carefully. “Are you actually twenty-seven?”
Jungkook’s lips pressed together for a moment. Then he shook his head, his eyes briefly flicking away before he forced himself to meet your gaze again. “I’m… much older.”
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes. “How much older?”
“Five hundred and twenty-three.”
Your mouth parted slightly, your mind struggling to wrap itself around the number. Five hundred. And twenty-three. Your eyes widened as the realization fully sank in, and before you could stop yourself, a small, disbelieving laugh bubbled out of you. You clapped your hands over your mouth.
“Oh my god.” Another breathy laugh. “You’re so old!”
Jungkook’s expression immediately twisted into one of betrayal, his brows knitting together. “Hey!”
You dropped your hands, grinning at his wounded look. “Cradle robber.”
“Sorry, I just didn’t realize I was dating a man with both feet literally in the grave!”
“Y/N!” Jungkook groaned, his head dropping forward in exaggerated defeat. He pouted, lips forming the perfect shape of a complaint. You giggled, the sound light and unbothered, before reaching up to pull his face closer. You pressed small, playful kisses along his jaw, his cheekbones, the tip of his nose. Each one chasing away the wounded puppy look on his face. Replaced with a crooked smile.
“I just needed to get it out! I promise it’s fine!” You laugh some more to Jungkook's dismay, but you settle for a moment and another thought creeps in. “Is that strange? You’ve seen the world change so many times.” You rub your hands up and down his arms in a soothing motion.
Jungkook’s hands found your waist, his thumbs brushing absentmindedly along your sides. “It’s funny… it’s just normal now.” His voice softened, more thoughtful. “I think I’ve liked this century the best so far. I miss certain things about the past, but I also don’t.” His dark eyes searched yours, as if debating whether to say more. “It’s exciting to see what will become of humans.”
A strange, quiet feeling settled over you. You couldn’t even begin to imagine it. Seeing wars begin and end. Cities rise and fall. Watching humanity evolve and adapt, century after century, while you remained unchanged.
You swallowed. “Are you the only one?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “No.”
You leaned in a little, your fingers tightening slightly on his arms. “How many are there?”
“In the world?” He tilted his head, considering the scope of your question.
“Sure.” You shrugged, though that wasn’t exactly what you meant.
He exhaled, brows furrowing as he thought. “Uhhh, maybe a few thousand? Not an exact number, but there are more than you’d think.”
“Huh. Anyone we know?” You narrow your eyes, already suspecting the answer. There’s no way Jungkook is the only one in your friend group.
He hesitates for a moment, then nods. “Yes.”
“Who?” You demand, your voice rising slightly.
“Jimin… and Jin… and Hobi.” Jungkook starts, then hesitates again, as if debating whether to continue.
“I knew it!” You leap to your feet, nearly toppling over in your excitement. Jungkook reaches out to steady you, his hands firm on your arms as you wobble on the uneven mattress. “The first time I met Jin, I was like, ‘If there’s anyone in this world who’s a vampire, it’s that guy!’”
Jungkook chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I think he told me about that.”
Your enthusiasm falters for a moment. “Wait, told you? I don’t think I told anyone that.”
“Yeah… He read your thoughts.”
“What!” You exclaim, your voice jumping an octave.
“Yeah… we can read thoughts.” Jungkook admits, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Oh my god.” You collapse back onto the bed, your hands covering your face. “This is so embarrassing.”
“Why?” Jungkook leans over you, his face hovering above yours, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
You sit up on your elbows, glaring at him. “I’ve… not exactly had the purest thoughts about you… in the presence of our friends…” Jungkook lets his head drop with a laugh, his shoulders shaking. You groan and push him away with your foot against his chest. “This is mortifying! If any of them read my thoughts, they know what a freak I am!”
“I don’t think they need to read your thoughts to know that.” Jungkook teases, dodging your half-hearted kick.
“Jungkook!” You shout, grabbing a pillow from on your bed, throwing it at him.
“What!” He laughs, catching the pillow effortlessly. Then let it fall to the floor.
“This is the worst part about all of this!” You wail, flopping back onto the bed. Your melodrama filling the room but it seems to not phase Jungkook whatsoever.
“No one cares!” He reassures you, sitting down beside you.
“I do!” You insist, covering your face again.
“If anyone would care, it might be Monique.” Jungkook adds casually, as if he wasn’t dropping another bombshell.
“What?” You bolt upright again, your eyes wide.
“Yeah… uhh, that was the other thing. Monique is a vampire too.”
“Oh and your friend Rehna… also a vampire. Young but she’s one too.”
“I think this may literally be too much information.” You mutter, staring aimlessly up at your ceiling. Your voice quieter now. “So has everyone just been laughing at me for not knowing?”
“Not at all.” Jungkook says quickly, his tone soft. He lays down next to you and reaches an arm over you, pulling you into him. “They all love you. It’s just in our nature to hide what we are. It doesn’t always go well when humans find out.”
“Am I going to get in trouble for knowing?” You ask, turning your head to face him. A sudden worry creeping into your voice.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook frowns.
“Well, okay, not to reference movie vampires, but typically there are rules for telling humans. You either have to turn me, or kill me, or something. I don’t know.”
Jungkook blinked. Then, to your surprise, he laughed—a soft, rich sound that made the knot in your chest loosen just a little. He shook his head, “No. There are no rules or laws for what we do or who we tell. We have traditions, but no laws.”
“Okay, so I’m not going to get hunted down by, like, a vampire government now?” you ask, only half-joking.
“No. Maybe by other vampires, but that’s for food. You probably stink like me anyways, so no one will touch you.” Jungkook said it so casual as if he didn’t need to explain what that meant.
“I stink?” You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, glaring at him.
“It’s more like a scent.” Jungkook explains, his voice softening. “Vampires have their own, and humans have their own.”
“Do I smell bad?” You ask, suddenly self-conscious.
“Not at all.” Jungkook says, his voice dropping to a low. “To me, you smell amazing.” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down and you shove his shoulder away from you in annoyance.
“Is that because I’m food? Technically?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes and no.” He admits. Rolling back your direction. “I’m in love with you, so I always want to be around you and near you. You also have the same blood type I did when I was human, so that draws me to you.”
“Well, at least I don’t smell bad.” You mutter, crossing your arms.
“Well, Hobi thinks you smell bad.” Jungkook adds with a grin. “You have his least favorite blood type.”
“Oh, well, that’s just great.” You reply dryly.
“It’s not a bad thing.” Jungkook reassures you. “It just means he’s less likely to snack on you.”
“Okay, wait.” You say, holding up a hand. “So you can smell blood, read minds, and have super strength and speed. Do you guys have other powers?”
“That’s where the differences start to come in.” Jungkook explains. “Every vampire has different skills beyond those. Some develop early, some with age and time, and some with practice.”
“What’s yours?” You ask, intrigued. He had to have something and you knew it had to be good.
“Mine is… sort of similar to a siren.” He says, his voice taking on a mysterious edge.
“Are sirens real too?” You press, leaning a bit too close, “Not the point, continue.”
“I have to sing for it to work.” Jungkook hesitates for a moment but then explains. “It sort of casts a spell on the person I’m targeting. It’s mostly for luring in easy prey, but I can use it for other reasons too—alter memories, issue commands, or access knowledge about the person and their body. The person never remembers they’ve been affected by it afterward.”
You pause, a thought occurring to you. “Have you ever used it on me?”
Jungkook nods, his expression turning serious and he chewed on his lips for a moment.. “...Just once. It was on that trip we took months ago. I had to bring food for myself, and it was more than usual. More than would be easy to hide or explain. So I… used it to alter your memory of the food. Instead of blood bags, you remember regular food.”
You paused realizing the weight of what he was just telling you. Although a small occurrence, he had to alter a part of your memories. You think back on it and try to see if maybe you did remember anything different, the only other thing you really remember from that trip is Jungkook getting extreme food poisoning.
“I wasn’t ready to tell you yet.” Jungkook continues, his voice tinged with guilt. “I wanted to stay… us a little longer because I was so afraid of how it would change things. I got so sick the night I did it because I felt so guilty. I promised when we started dating I would never use any of my powers on you…”
“How come?�� You ask softly.
“Because… I knew whatever this was, it was… I don’t know. What we have is good… and is like one of the only good things I’ve found in a long time.” He says, his eyes locking onto yours. “I wanted it all to be real—no powers, no manipulation. Just me… and just you. No tricks.”
You both sit in silence looking at each other, before you completely breeze by his small moment of vulnerability. “You said you had food poisoning.” You recall, your voice barely above a whisper.
“It felt like it at the time.” Jungkook nods, thinking back on it. He really did get sick to his stomach. The guilt ade bringing all that blood almost a complete waste. “I felt so guilty because I never want to hide things from you. Ever.”
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” You say, reaching out to take his hand.
“No, you don’t need to apologize.” He squeezes your hand gently. “I just wish I’d told you sooner. If I’d known it would go this well, I probably would have told you in the first month.”
“I might have been scared in the first month.” You admit with a small laugh. “Might have run away out of self preservation.”
“That’s why I waited.” He says, smiling softly. “But then I kept waiting and waiting for the right moment and I got more anxious.”
“Well… now I know.” You say, laying on your side next to him again. Your faces so close together,
“Now you know.” He echoes, wrapping an arm around you.
“How do you eat? What do you eat? Human? Animal?” You ask after a moment, your curiosity resurfacing.
“Human blood and animal blood. Animal blood more often.” He explains. “Lots of vampires work at blood banks.”
“Wow, shocker.” you say dryly. “Vampires working with blood? Insane.”
“I know, news of the millennia.” Jungkook replies, his tone dripping with sarcasm as you both burst into laughter.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
Present Day
That felt like an entire lifetime ago now.
Since then, you’d learned practically everything there was to know about vampires—the myths, the truths, the strange little quirks no one ever talked about. The things that were never written in books, never whispered in horror stories. Jungkook had been an open book from the moment he told you. Just the truth, plain and simple, dropped into conversation like he was telling you his favorite color.
At first, it had been surreal. The idea that vampires weren’t just creatures of fiction but real, living. Well, undead, beings who walked among humans undetected. That the man you had been falling in love with had walked through centuries, watched history unfold firsthand. It made your head spin. But never scary. Jungkook was still Jungkook. He still left wet towels on the bathroom floor. He still made the world’s worst coffee. He still held your hand in crowded places and kissed your forehead when you were too tired to function.
The only big difference in your relationship was that you couldn’t really eat together. For obvious reasons.
Also the sun thing, not a huge problem like people think. They can be in the sun but if they don’t eat the same day they will die. They can be out longer the older they get. They don’t immediately disengage though.
You had barely scratched the surface even after all this time.
After too long in the cold, the two of you finally reached your apartment. The moment you stepped onto your floor, you spotted something taped to the front door. Your name and Jungkook’s were written in elegant, swirling calligraphy, the gold ink shimmering under the hallway light.
“Already that time of year.” You plucked the envelope from the door, holding it up as Jungkook unlocked it.
He barely glanced at it before sighing. “We should ditch.”
You snorted. “Oh, I’m sure that’ll go over great. Centuries of tradition thrown out the window.”
“We could start our own tradition.” He offered, wiggling his eyebrows as he pushed the door open.
You shook your head, already slipping inside. “And when Jimin hunts us down and drags us there himself, then what?”
Jungkook grumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, We run faster. More like he’ll run faster.
You ignored him, already peeling the envelope open. The paper was thick and luxurious—the kind that felt expensive—and it smelled faintly of pine, because of course Jimin thought of every last detail. The invitation itself was beautiful, decorated with intricate gold and green accents, the lettering impossibly flawless. Jimin never just sent invitations. He crafted them, turning them into little works of art.
Jimin’s Annual New Vampire Soirée.
The famed New Years party.
You shrugged off your jacket, letting the day slip away with it, and—without needing to ask—Jungkook took it from you, hanging it neatly in the small coat closet by the door.
“I’ve attended just about every single one of these things.” He groaned, toeing off his shoes and trailing behind you. “I think he can live without us for one year.”
By every single one, he meant a few hundred.
“Oh, come on.” You teased, skimming the details. “It’s the only time we get to really dress up. I like you in a suit.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “That’s your main selling point?”
“Duh.” You smirk, it also gives you an excuse to wear something nice which is rare these days. “Because then I get to take it off after. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.”
Jungkook sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face. “Fine. But if Jimin ropes me into another game of charades, I’m taking you down with me.”
You both round your way to the kitchen. Your place together was very nice, mostly funded by Jungkook. You had two bedrooms that stretched up a hallway, one for the two of you and one for a small office the two of you curated. A large and beautiful kitchen that is really only used by you. In a high building with beautiful views.
You pull out a stool at the island. Jungkook pulling out a few bags of blood. They were donation bags like you would see at a blood drive. Which means he had elected to have human blood tonight vs animal. Jungkook didn’t really mind eating in front of you anymore. The first few weeks you two lived together you couldn’t stomach it, but now it was normal.
You’d asked him before what it was like. Vampires could still eat real food but it doesn’t fill them up or provide the same benefits it does for humans. They need blood or they won’t survive. It’s food, like anything you eat. They have cravings for it and some taste better than others. Sometimes they needed it more often and sometimes they could go without it. Jungkook had recently been trying to go longer and longer without it but it had been proving difficult. He could usually feed once a week and be okay, but he’s been trying to push for two weeks.
Who would have thought that having a human partner would make that difficult?
Jungkook opened one of the pouches and he just sucked on the dispensing tube like it was a fruit pouch of some kind. The way he reacted made him act like it was delicious, you were always curious but knew it would not have the same effect for you. Would probably be gross or your body would naturally make you throw it up. Still, your curiosity always lingered.
Jungkook noticed you staring at him out of the corner of his vision as he was looking at his phone and eating his meal. “You’re next, be patient.” He teased.
“That’s not!… that’s not why I was staring at you. Can’t I just look at my boyfriend?” You cross your arms, putting up your fake defenses.
“Always. You just look like you want to ask me something.” He turns his focus to you, still drink from the pouch.
You pause for a moment, “What was it like the first time…?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever asked.” You lean on your elbows on the counter.
It’s been quite some time but Jungkook does remember it. “It was warm… but sweet. Like candy but if the sugar high hit instantly. It was like I was taking my first breath.”
“Was it weird?”
“No… Strangely. It felt completely normal. Weird as it sounds. It was like my mind had completely rewired itself away from regular food. Blood was all I needed.” Jungkook shrugged, it really was night and day. One day he wanted human food and the next he couldn’t care less about it.
“You weren’t afraid of it?”
Jungkook nodded, “Of course… but unfortunately because of our nature you have to move past it quickly… You had to kill to eat. We didn’t have the convenience of having blood banks so we didn’t have to kill.”
“I didn’t think about that… no preservation.”
Jungkook eyed you for a moment. “What? Thinking about trying it?” He waved the pouch in your direction, the blood sloshing around in the bag making your stomach turn.
“Well most of the time you make it look good, so my mind wanders. I know it’ll be shit for me.” You rest your chin on one of your palms. Jungkook finished off one of the pouches. Teeth stained red and his pupils were no longer dilated like before. Which was the usual once his hunger had been satisfied.
Jungkook smiles, swiping his bottom lip to catch a drop of blood. He starts on the second one, drinking this one much faster than the first. You can tell he doesn’t like it very much from the face he makes. He rounds his way around the counter, to you. Behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as he drank. One of his arms snaking around you. Your back pressed into his chest.
Although the packs were cold, Jungkook’s body heats up just a little bit when eating. Making him almost feel human.
“Bad?” You ask as he sets down the second pack on the counter. His tongue poked out his cheeks as he wiped his teeth clean of the bitter taste.
“Just bitter. Not great.” Jungkook’s sighs wrapping his other arm around you now. His nose is buried into your neck now.
“You know where I know there will be really good blood?” You muse and Jungkook just rolls his eyes. “Jimin’s party.”
“I’d still rather spend my time with you.” He places a kiss right on your jaw where your neck meets. “Alone.”
“Hmm maybe next time.” You rest the side of your head against his. You both rocked from side to side slightly. “Plus you get to have me all the time.”
“I know I know.” He places another kiss further down your neck. His grip is tightening around you.
Jungkook was barely listening though, your steady heartbeat was pounding in his ear. Yes he had quenched his thirst quite a bit but he still needed yours. The fact that you had his same blood type made it incredibly difficult to resist on days when he was especially hungry because your blood is all he would want. If only he could feed off of you whenever he wanted and it wouldn't kill you quickly. Still, he could hear the pulsing vein in your neck calling out for him. He was usually pretty good about blocking out this kind of thing around you but tonight was especially difficult.
“Just do it.” You whisper, you can feel him getting anxious and a little twitchy. You knew he wanted to eat. “Go ahead.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “Not yet.”
“Jungkook, you and I both know you haven’t eaten enough.” You pull out of his grip and twist around in your seat to look at him. “Free meal might as well be written on my forehead.”
“Better not be. I’m the only one allowed to eat from you.” He smiled, both of his hands running up and down your thighs now.
Before you could get a word in, his lips were on yours. One of his hands coming up to cup your jaw. The kiss has a certain intensity to it and you match Jungkook’s energy in kind. His tongue sliding into your mouth and your taste buds being met with a iron like flavor. A little off putting at first but you push past it. It wasn’t the first time you had tasted the aftermath of a feeding before.
When you were first dating Jungkook would wash his mouth out pretty good before he would see you so that it wouldn’t happen. Not exactly easy to explain why he tastes like his mouth was bleeding when making out.
Your hands found their way to the bottom of his shirt and your hands glided up his abdomen. Warm hands meeting cold skin. Your legs widen to let him stand between them. You were leaning back against the counter, the corner digging into your back some but you didn’t mind. Jungkook’s hand on your jaw moves it’s way to the back of your neck and into your hair. He gives it a light tug which elicits a small sound from you. A small whine which is exactly what he wanted
You break away from him for a second, breathless. “Jungkook… You have to eat.”
Jungkook kisses you again, a little sloppier this time. Before pulling back, “Not yet my love.” He mumbles against your skin kissing his way down your throat, his other hand tracing the inside of your thigh.
You sigh in content leaning into him, “Y-You get a little intense when you’re like this though.”
Jungkook pulls back away from you, kissing you again. Soft and sweet. Before breaking away. “I’m alright. I just missed you so I want to have my way with you now.”
“Oh is that right?” You tilt your head to the side, a playful smile tugging at the corner of your lips, “You know you see me everyday?”
“It’s not enough.” Jungkook whispers, and kisses you again.
You bring your hands up to either side of his cheeks and drink him in. “You’re cheesy.” You mumble against his lips.
Jungkook brings both of his hands down and tucks them underneath you to lift you from the stool. The sudden motion makes you yelp. “You love it.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You say nonchalantly like you were trying to play it off. Jungkook just rolls his eyes, keeping a tight grip on you.
Before you could think, your body was pressed into Jungkook's. As the kitchen and hall blurred past your vision as if you were in a car. Jungkook ran the both of you into your bedroom. Your hair instantaneously a mess around your face.
“Jungkook!” You whined, he let you fall from his grip onto the bed. You immediately smoothed your hair away from your face. “I hate when you do that.”
Jungkook is standing at the end of your bed, pulling his shirt over the top of his head. “I have a few ways I can make it up to you.”
“I hope so.” You bite down on your bottom lip but a huge smile still on your face. Jungkook couldn’t help but find you absolutely intoxicating.
Jungkook kneels in front of the bed, “God you’re beautiful.”
His hands climbed their way up your thighs and under your shirt to help lift it over your head in a swift motion. Discarding it to the floor. Your hands come down to unbutton your pants and Jungook slides them off of your legs. Jungkook with ease, pulling your hips to the end of the bed. Although to Jungkook it felt like nothing. Anytime he moved you you could tell the strength he held. It was clear that he was intentionally holding back.
Jungkook’s face came down between your legs, kissing his way up your left thigh. You watch him for a moment, you could see his eyes dilate for a second and a hint of his fangs grow from his mouth. In that instant one of his fangs punctured the skin of your thigh.
You gasp in surprise. A little blood escaped before Jungkook licks over the wound, closing it again. Jungkook's eyes closed and his breath raged. Your blood is like ecstasy on his tongue.
“Honey, a little warning next time.” You pout.
“Sorry baby.” He looks up to you with this puppy dog expression. “I just needed a taste.”
“Okay, it just hurts. Easier on the neck. I’m used to it.” You bring your hand down to rub his cheek. He turns his face to kiss your palm.
“So you’re saying I need to bite you more places more often.” He smirks and you just hum.
“Sounds good to me.” You giggle and Jungkook's face softens. A look more of adoration.
“Whatever you want, pretty.” His head dips back down between your legs. You lay back on the bed. Jungkook hooking your underwear in between his teeth and pulling it down your legs.
He presses a feather light kiss to your clit before kissing all the way up your stomach, then chest, and then kissing you on the mouth. Sliding his tongue into your mouth with ease. Jungkook's fingers were wasting no time before he was rubbing your clit with one of his hands. Slow and tantalizing circles. You bit down on Jungkook’s lip pulling it back before letting him fall back into place.
“I’m supposed to do that.” Jungkook fake whined, his fingers tracing the outside of your entrance which was dripping. Waiting for him to touch you.
“Whoops.” You bring your arm to rest above your head. “Instructions unclear.”
He kisses you again, before pulling away to kiss and then suck on your neck. Not feeding, just sucking to give you a regular old hickey. Taking two of his fingers to and sliding them deep into your dripping pussy. Reaching and curling his fingers to touch that spongy spot inside you that can easily make you cum.
“Fuck just like that.” You moan, your eyes screwing shut. Your knees coming up in reaction to the pleasure. Jungkook moved to a different spot on your neck and left another barely visible mark. He had seen you cum and had you exactly like this hundreds of times now but he still could not get enough. He pulled away from you to look down at you again.
But sex was always a little complicated. Your blood moving and your heart pounding is almost deafening. Especially today he was still hungry and his mind still reeled with needing your blood. Spinning as he could hear the blood in your body pumping quickly with every quickened breath you took because of every touch he gave you. He hadn’t even realised, his fangs had reappeared in his mouth. He was beginning to drool.
You open your eyes again and you see it. He was dazed, eyes completely dilated again. “Jungkook.” You say, tracing in line down his face. “Come back here.”
Jungkook closed his eyes, shaking his head. His fangs returned back in his mouth. Eyes returning to normal. “Sorry baby.”
He pulls his fingers out and begins to rub your clit from side to side. You were getting close quickly, but you needed a little more.
“You didn’t eat enough.” You raise an eyebrow to him.
“I thought I did.” He rests his forehead against your, your breathing mingling with your lips so close together. “Not enough I guess.”
You give him a quick peck on the lips before pulling back slightly. “Just a little longer honey.” You moan. You both knew if he drank from you now, the night ends here because you will be too dizzy and too tired to continue.
“I’m fine, my love. You just focus on cumming on my fingers just how I like.” Jungkook leans up and away from you, connecting his mouth with one of your nipples. Licking around the bud, sucking and slowly pushing you closer to the edge.
“Jungkook.” You moan, and Jungkook dips his fingers back between your legs. Pumping them in and out of you relentlessly. Wanting to get you over the edge, and blocking anything else out.
Jungkook pulls his mouth away from you. His teeth chatter from hunger instinctually and he has to shake his head back to a normal state. He was so hard inside of his pants he could have cum just like this. “Oh you’re doing so good.”
“God I need you to fuck me.” You whine, grinding your hips into Jungkook’s hand. He follows along with your rhythm, and continues to fuck you with his fingers. It really was not enough for you.
“Oh yeah? How bad?”
“I’m serious please fuck me Jungkook.” You bring your hands up under his shoulders and around his back, digging your nails into him.
“Fuck.” He exhaled, “I really want to make you cum like this though.”
“Please baby, I need it. Please please please.” Between each please you kiss him. Jungkook chasing after your mouth after every kiss. Both of your hearts pounding in his ears, dancing together as one.
“Yes… Yes, whatever you want.” Jungkook, with some hesitation retreats from you. His hand pulls out of you and you let out a small moan but know it’ll be replaced soon. Jungkook stands and begins to discard his pants and then his boxers with little time.
You stand up and kiss him again, before spinning the both of you around and sitting him on the bed. He was fully erected and you honestly needed to fuck him badly. You wanted him to fill up every inch of you. Your eagerness surprises him a little as you rest your hands on each of his shoulders. Adjusting your hips on either side of his.
Jungkook just watches you eyes wide. His red eyes were dilated almost to black. You waste no time lining up your entrance with his tip, sinking down onto it slowly. Letting him slowly fill you up. Jungkook takes in a sharp breath leaning back on his hands while you sink down onto him. The two of you had no need for protection, from what it sounded like from many accounts. Jungkook couldn’t get you pregnant no matter how hard you tried.
Jungkook's eyes close tight, and his grip on the blanket next to him was evident. One of his hands comes to grip on your hip forcing you to bottom out on him. His grip was too tight, “Ease up.” You place your hand on top of his like you need to pull him back to earth.
“Sorry.” He moans, his head falling to the side. His dick tucked perfectly inside you and his head twitching slightly almost driving you insane. “God you feel so good, fuck.”
You hum, and lift your hips on top of him. A moan falling past your lips, “Oh yes.”
You create a slow rhythm between the two of you. Your hips rising slowly up and down on his cock. His dick rubbing up against that same spot inside you and your high building all over again. Jungkook is now able to get some relief. He was still having a hard time though. He was still just focussing on your neck.
You could see it all over his face, his fangs were slowly peeking out again. His mouth was slack and eyes all fucked out. He was hungry and you were mostly just teasing him at this point. A small punishment for not eating enough.
“Oh are you hungry?” You lift yourself up and sit yourself back down onto him again.
Jungkook let’s out a gasp as he nods, “Yes.”
“Hmm,” You sit up, Jungkook's dick dragging inside you tantalizing. “You lied to me. Said you were fine, but look at you.”
“I’m sorry baby. I… I just… please.” He begs, a cross between desire and ferality written on his face. You sit your hips back down onto him, a moan falling from the both of you. You needed to toe this line carefully, but it was always a little fun when you got too.
You loved seeing Jungkook getting so desperate for you, in more ways than one. He did it to you all the time and so you reveled in the time you got to do it to him.
You continue to tease, you tone playful, “I don’t think you deserve my blood now.”
“Oh god please no.” Jungkook’s hands come up to either side of your face, desperation in his voice. Trying to pull you closer but enough slack given so you can hold yourself away. “Beautiful that’s not funny, don’t play with me right now.”
“No. You said you were fine and you’re about to lose it.. All over my blood.” You lift your hips up and sit back down onto him again. “Shame.”
“Please let me drink from you. Please just a little bit.” Jungkook's voice became slightly hoarse and he was fidgeting under you in desperation. Making his dick move inside and you had to do your best to not just cum all over him right now.
You place your hands on top of his that are rested on either side of your face. Pulling them away. “Ask nicely.”
“Please. Oh my love please let me taste you.” He conceded, he was totally out of it. You had gotten what you wanted and it was so hot.
His eyes sparkling under the light that only creeps in through the window of your room. You don’t move anymore. You kiss both of his hands before letting them go. You tilt your head to the left side to present your neck. Jungkook, although starving, takes gentle care of you. One hand coming back to hold your opposite cheek, the other around your back. Keeping you in place. You close your eyes waiting for him to make his move.
Jungkook’s fangs were fully exposed, his senses were completely filled with you. He licks a line over the spot where he is going to puncture before he sinks both of his teeth into your neck. Straight into the vein. The pain is cold and needle-like before it is gone but the side of your face and neck feels completely numb. Then Jungkook starts to drink, you can feel your heart begin to quicken. As the blood seeps out from you through the new holes in your neck. Jungkook drinks slowly to make sure he can tell how much he is taking.
You remember the first time it happened, it hurt a lot. You felt like you could feel life draining out of you. Now it no longer hurts and has become more of an intimate act for the two of you. Jungkook was always endlessly careful about how much he took. Never more than a blood bag's worth. It was difficult because of how good you tasted, you weren’t only the love of his life but the best meal he had in his time of being a vampire.
Jungkook’s grip on your head was tight so you couldn't easily slip away, but after a moment, Jungkook loosened his grip and you could tell he was done. You had kept your eyes closed. Usually you got pretty dizzy during this so you always closed your eyes. Jungkook with some force pulled himself away from you. His face came into view. His mouth was covered in your blood and it was dripping down his chin, teeth also stained red once again. His fangs detract back into his mouth. He was out of breath.
Your eyes were tired, as you leaned forward on his shoulder. “Fuck me. That never gets old.” Jungkook sigh. Jungkook leans back in to lick over the spot to close the wounds. A stray drop of blood had made its way down your neck and collarbone. Jungkook wasted no time in licking it’s trail back up your neck. Cleaning it away for you.
You kiss his forehead because it didn’t really do it for you to taste your own blood. “It can’t be that good.”
“Oh trust me, it is.” Jungkook shifts his hips under you, his dick nudges slightly inside you. You gasp and Jungkook is finally actually able to enjoy your pleasure instead of hearing your blood pound in your ears.
You lift our hips up and down on top of him again, his cock bottoming out inside your again and you both moan. Before you can continue though, Jungkook lifts you off of him and flips the two of you back over so you’re on your back. He does this to your surprise.
“Now I can fuck you like I want.” Jungkook leans away from you and strokes his cock a few times before pressing it to your entrance. Swirling it around. You widen you legs so that he can have better access, you needed him to fuck you bad. Before you got to tired to do so.
Jungkook guides his dick inside of you again.
“Yes!” You groan, wrapping your arms around his neck, as Jungkook picks up his speed and he rocks his hips into your. The slapping of your skin echoing in the room.
“That’s right baby. Cream my cock.” Jungkook groans as he continues to rock into you. The dizziness was hitting you but you didn’t care, you could feel your climax coming.
“Fuck I’m so close Jungkook.” You groan, grinding your hips into his each time he makes contact with yours. Jungkook was kissing all around your neck, encouraging your high. He wanted you to cum so bad, getting to eat from you and then make you cum. He couldn’t think of anything better.
Jungkook's body had become warm again, eating straight from you had that effect. You loved it when it happened, made you wonder if he was this warm when he was human too.
“Cum for me baby, please please cum all over me.” Jungkook begged into your ear. Jungkook thrusted a few more times, his tip dragging against your g spot and you were cumming undone. Walls squeezing his cock as your cum began to cover him.
Your walls squeezing around him as he fucked himself into you. “Oh fuck yes. God you feel so good.”
With a few more pumps Jungkook was coming undone and cumming inside you. His cum filling up your cunt as he continued to fuck into you. Your cum and his mixing together. Jungkook thrust a few more times before coming to a stop. He slid himself out of you and his cum spilling out of your throbbing pussy. He wanted to kiss you but he had your dried blood all around his mouth.
You were pretty dizzy, having an orgasm in the midst of losing a pint of blood wasn’t a super easy combination. Jungkook slid into your bathroom, closing the door so he could flick the light on. You covered your face with with your arms anyways, not sure if you would really be able to sit up without difficulty. After a moment Jungkook returned, he had gotten a new pair of boxers and his face was all cleaned up now. With a blink of the eye he had zipped out of the room and then zipped back in, you could feel the air shift with the speed he was going.
He removed one of your arms from your face. A smile on his face as you open your eyes to look at him.
“Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” He kissed you, his skin was cold again. Taking one of your hands and helping you sit up. What you hadn’t noticed is he brought back with him some juice, and another towel that was warm to clean you up. What you didn’t really notice was how you were also covered in your own dried blood. Jungkook may have taken a bit too much since he was a little sloppy with it.
“I’m really dizzy.” Which was mild but was almost headache inducing.
Jungkook nods, grabbing the juice he has placed on the ground next to him. “I know. I got you this and you need to drink it.”
He places the cup in your hand. You drink it all down pretty quickly, you probably should have also eaten something when you got home. Would have made this a little easier but whatever. Wasn’t your first rodeo but Jungkook worried every single time. He helped you clean up after you are comfortable moving.
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Your next day at work was alright but you were, in fact, exhausted.
You were filing books away, running on two coffees, but you still felt like you were going to need another. You worked as a librarian with one of the largest Libraries in the city that had some of the oldest works, so this was your typical day in and out. You had spent a good part of your morning also restoring old books. Now you were doing some mundane tasks that needed to be finished. Luckily you would be leaving soon and early.
Your friend, Rehna, who was also your colleague, had rounded her way around the corner in your aisle to find you. She had roped you into an afternoon of shopping to find a new outfit for Jimin’s party. It was only two days away, the invite was fresh but Jimin had confirmed with you months ago that you and Jungkook would be in attendance. Much to Jungkook’s complaints.
Rehna is also a vampire.
She was the youngest of the group. She was only turned 8 years ago. She’s technically 30 but she was 23 when she turned. She’s told you her story before, she was turned on accident. She was attacked by a vampire, she ended up biting him back and she swallowed enough blood to make her turn. Apparently it didn’t take much. You actually met her before you met any of the others. She was a vampire then but she was running around on her own. She only knew of Jungkook and the others through Jimin’s parties but never hung out with them until you and Jungkook started seeing each other.
“Please tell me you’re almost done. I’m bored and I’m ready to find something perfect.”
“I would have thought you found something already.” You say, the theme was Bejeweled. Which was incredibly vague but you think you had the idea. “Honestly anything shimmery or shiny will probably work.”
“Yeah but you know these parties are basically red carpet events.”
“You just want to win the outfit contest this year.” She had entered and had yet to win the competition for the last few years you were in attendance.
Her smirk turned wicked. "Damn right I do. This is my year." She lifted a finger in a dramatic flourish. "Now hurry up."
Before you could argue, the stack of books you were holding suddenly lifted out of your arms and flew onto the shelves, slotting themselves into place with eerie precision.
"Rehna." You groaned.
She grinned, brushing imaginary dust off her hands. "Oh, look at that, you’re done! Time to go!"
"Damn vampire powers." You muttered, crossing your arms.
You were annoyingly jealous that she could move things with her mind. Would make your life much easier as it certainly makes hers. She usually wouldn’t use it so openly but she really wanted to get out of here.
“I have a feeling you won’t have to complain about them for too much longer.” Rehna jokes but realizes her mouth was getting ahead of her mind.
“What?” You say, luckily you were a bit distracted and didn’t hear what she said.
You blinked, but before you could question her, she quickly threw an arm around your shoulders, steering you toward the employee room. "So, how’s Jungkook? Still annoying?"
You roll your eyes, “Jungkook is fine.”
“He doesn’t come around here as much as he used too.” She sighs. She was actually glad.
“He’s been busy lately, there’s always some new business with Jin these days. Today Jimin has roped him into something for the party.” You both enter the employee room and you both begin to gather your things.
“Oh how exciting. To be honest I’m fine with him not coming around. He always leaves his stink all around here.” She shivers at the thought, Jungkook and Rehna weren’t enemies by any means. If anything they were basically like siblings at this point but if he was the annoying brother she only cared to see at family gatherings.
“He can’t smell that bad.” You throw your bag over your shoulder.
“Believe me. He does.” She groans, it was a vampire thing. From how Jimin has described it to you it’s not very strong, it’s just subtle but some vampires don’t like others smell. Rehna really did not care for Jungkook’s scent.
“Anyways, I’m assuming Jimin will have him roped into party prep all day. Makes it easy since it’s just at Jin’s manor and not like in a cave on the side of a mountain or something.” You explain, which is exactly what he had done last year.
“Ugh but the best parties are always the ones he throws in some random obscure place.” She pouted.
“I almost lost my toes because of the cold, and none of you produced any body heat so you were no help.” You moan, thinking about it. Most of the night was very fun but by the end of it you felt like your feet were going to fall off because the cold hurt them so badly. Evidently when vampires hold a party inside a mountain in the middle of winter, cold doesn’t factor into their plans.
As you grabbed your bag, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something she wasn’t telling you. But with Rehna, that wasn’t unusual.
And honestly? You were too tired to press her on it.
“Well it’ll still be grand no matter where it’s at. Jimin will make sure of that.”
Because this party—this event—was the biggest night of the year.
Not just for vampires. For everyone.
Jimin’s soirée was a spectacle, something out of a gothic dream. It was more than a party—it was a gathering of the undead, an annual tradition that had carried on for centuries. Carried on because of Jimin. A night of indulgence and excess, of laughter and celebration. Vampires from all over the region attended, their grudges and rivalries put aside in favor of revelry. A silent truce held for one evening, upheld by nothing more than ancient tradition and the promise of a damn good time.
The venue changed every year, always extravagant, always hidden in plain sight. An old mansion, a repurposed cathedral, a secret ballroom tucked beneath the city. Chandeliers dripped with candlelight, casting golden glows against dark velvet walls. Music floated through the air; classical waltzes and modern remixes alike, played by musicians who had honed their craft for centuries. The scent of aged wine and fresh blood filled every corner, mingling with the faint traces of perfume and cologne.
But the real attraction, the thing that drew vampires from all over, was the blood.
It was a feast unlike any other.
Vampires brought their finest. Aged blood, stored in crystal decanters like fine whiskey. Fresh blood, bottled and sealed, each one labeled with its origin. Rare types, unique flavors, collected over years. Some brought exotic blends, infused with herbs and spices, creating something akin to mulled wine but richer, more intoxicating.
And it wasn’t just about drinking. It was about history. Vampires exchanged stories, sharing memories of the humans they once knew, the lives they once lived. They brought gifts, rare artifacts, and trinkets from centuries past. Some fought for sport, showcasing inhuman strength with friendly duels that blurred the line between violence and performance art. Others danced, moving with a grace that defied physics, their bodies fluid and weightless.
It was decadent. It was breathtaking.
And you got to witness all of it.
Human’s being in attendance wasn’t unusual. The situation that you and Jungkook had was not unusual. There were other vampires that had human partners and they would bring them along as well. Not all of them stayed human, the first year you went just about every human there you had met was either turned or had broken up with their vampire counterpart by the time the next party rolled around.
Human’s who weren’t the partners of vampires weren’t permitted though, or those who weren’t deeply entangled in their world. There is one man who is a sixth generation banker who is invited to these parties because he is in charge of the finances of a handful of wealthy vampires. His name is Larry. Nice guy.
Your continuation in being a human, although you and Jungkook had seemed to be attached by the hip, had brewed a curiosity in everyone. Although it wasn’t frowned upon or strange, it did feel like it to everyone else. Especially amongst Jungkook’s own coven.
“Jungkook, to the left! How many times do I have to repeat myself?!”
Jimin’s voice rang through the grand ballroom, exasperation thick in his tone. The cavernous space was in chaos—drapes of deep sapphire, shimmering crystal fixtures, and layers upon layers of bejeweled decorations yet to be placed. At the center of it all, precariously balanced on a tall ladder, was Jungkook, attempting to hang a string of decorative jewels exactly where Jimin wanted.
Or, at least, close enough.
“I can’t go any more left!” Jungkook snapped, gripping the ladder with one hand and holding the jewels with the other. “If you want it so precise, why don’t you climb up here and do it yourself?”
“I’m busy!” Jimin shot back, crossing his arms as if he were personally burdened by the weight of this entire production. “I have a million things to oversee, and you’re up there messing around!”
Jungkook let out an aggravated sigh and simply hung the jewels where he stood, ignoring Jimin’s frantic gesturing.
Jimin flailed. “That is not where I told you to—”
“Too bad! I’m getting down.” Jungkook climbed down the ladder, dropping to the floor with ease. “If you care that much, do it yourself.”
Jimin threw his arms in the air. “I swear—”
“If you two are going to fight, at least take it to the living room.” Jin’s voice interrupted, smooth and composed as ever. He strolled into the ballroom with a book in one hand, scribbling notes with the other. “I don’t need you breaking another chandelier.”
“He’s ruining my vision.” Jimin huffed. Jungkook leaning against the ladder, annoyance all over his face.
Jin barely looked up. “Isn’t there an actual decorator running around here somewhere? I thought you hired someone?”
Jimin scoffed. “I did… But Jungkook’s here, so why not make him useful?”
Jin chuckled, thoroughly entertained, while Jungkook remained unimpressed. He had come here to talk to Jin about something else entirely, yet somehow, he had been roped into helping Jimin with decorations. The entire house was alive with movement—hired help rushing around, carefully placing extravagant decorations that now stretched through every corridor.
“I would’ve rather helped with literally anything else.” Jungkook muttered, stepping beside Jimin and bumping his shoulder.
Jimin huffed, shoving him back just slightly. “Well, too bad, because I needed you.”
Jin finally took a good look around the ballroom, his sharp eyes scanning the shimmering spectacle before him. It was hard to surprise Jin, but even he seemed impressed. “Damn, Jimin. You’ve seriously outdone yourself.”
Jungkook had to admit—the room was stunning. Sparkles in every corner, a perfect blend of opulence and elegance. Everything dripped with wealth, which, knowing Jimin, was always the plan. You were going to eat it up.
“Three hundred-plus of these gatherings, and you still manage to come up with new ideas.” Jungkook teased.
Jimin shot him a smug glance. “I’ve only gotten better at it over the years. Trust me, I’ve got plenty more party ideas left in me.”
Jungkook smirked. “Great. You can plan any party I ever throw.”
Jimin’s eyes lit up. “Promise?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Yes. Not that that’ll happen anytime soon.”
Jin, who had been silently observing, suddenly looked intrigued. “Oh? That sounded like a hint at something.”
Jungkook frowned slightly, glancing between the two of them. “A hint at what?”
“Oh, please.” Jimin rolled his eyes. “We’re all counting down the days until you and Y/N finally get hitched.”
Getting married to a vampire was a little different. A vampire marrying another vampire was more about declaring a companion. Some vampires do have the traditional ceremony but it wasn’t like the celebration that a human marriage was because vampires who wed other vampires is more of a casual affair. “Getting Married” was usually a term for vampires with human partners.
Jungkook choked on his own breath, “We aren’t getting married.”
“Why not, it’s been years. I figured it would have happened after you told her about us. You basically kiss the ground she walks on anyways.” Jimin smirks, trying to poke fun but a tone of seriousness was behind the remark.
“You’ve been together for five years now and you haven’t asked?” Jin asked, he couldn’t help himself. He too was curious when the two of you would be getting married.
“We haven’t talked about it.” Jungkook admitted, quietly. Almost looking like a kicked puppy or that he was going to get in trouble.
Jin and Jimin both pause for a moment, Jin raises a brow to Jungkook. “Seriously?”
Jungkook shakes his head. It actually never really came up, Jungkook was actually quite nervous to broach the topic. It was very serious and it’s not that he hadn’t thought about it, in fact he did. Just not in the way everyone thinks he would be thinking about it. He was more waiting for you to bring it up.
Jimin suddenly grabbed Jungkook by the ear, dragging him down to his level. “I cannot believe you haven’t talked about it. How could you not?”
“Ow—Jimin!” Jungkook swatted him away, freeing himself from his grip. He rubbed his ear with a glare. “I have thought about it, but it’s not that simple! We’ve talked about, like… regular marriage, but not about this.”
Jin tilted his head, his expression unreadable. “What’s the big deal? It’s completely normal. Happens all the time.”
Jungkook clenched his jaw. “Because I have no idea if that’s what she even wants.”
Jimin sighed dramatically before smacking Jungkook’s shoulder. “Seems like something you should talk about!”
Jungkook shot him a look, but Jimin just grinned. Ever since you had come into their lives, Jimin had immediately taken to you—he adored you. And whenever Jungkook did anything that seemed remotely questionable, Jimin was always the first to go to bat for you.
Jungkook exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. The weight of their words settled uncomfortably in his chest. This wasn’t just a marriage proposal. This was forever. Asking you to marry him wasn’t just about rings and vows—it meant asking you to give up your humanity.
To turn. To be like him.
The thought alone sent a storm of memories crashing through Jungkook’s mind, memories laced with pain, fear, and the irreversible consequences of a choice that could never be undone. He had buried them deep, locked them away where they couldn’t touch him. But now, under the scrutiny of his closest friends, the weight of it all pressed down on his chest like a boulder.
“The time isn’t right.” He muttered, voice tight.
Jimin stopped mid-step, turned on his heel, and without a second thought, kicked Jungkook square in the ass.
Jungkook stumbled forward, catching himself before he could completely lose balance. His glare shot daggers. “Hey!”
Jimin didn’t even flinch. “You deserved that.”
“I’m with him on that one.” Jin chimed in, arms crossed, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Right time? What kind of answer is that? You love her. I don’t even need to invade your thoughts to know that.”
A sly grin spread across Jimin’s face. I am invading your thoughts, his voice echoed smugly in Jungkook’s head. “And I know that’s a bullshit answer.”
Jungkook tensed, jaw clenching as he focused for a split second and then shut Jimin out of his mind. The vampire in front of him blinked, looking mildly offended before pouting.
Jungkook’s voice came out flat. “Come on. Is it really that hard to guess why I’m hesitant?”
Jin and Jimin exchanged glances before answering in unison. “Yes.”
Jungkook exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down his face. “Unbelievable.”
The air in the room shifted. He glanced around at the staff still buzzing through the ballroom, adjusting final decorations, moving chairs into perfect alignment. Not here. Not where curious ears might overhear things that didn’t concern them.
So instead, he let his thoughts slip past the surface and invaded theirs.
A beat of silence.
Jin and Jimin went still as the realization settled in, Jungkook’s memories bleeding into their awareness like ink spilled across a pristine surface. Their postures changed and Jin’s amusement faded into something serious, Jimin’s cocky demeanor softened.
Jungkook. Jin projected, his mind brushing against his friend’s like a whisper in the dark. There’s such a slim chance of that happening.
Jungkook’s gaze dropped to the polished floor beneath him. You can’t promise that. You remember how bad it got.
A flicker of something unreadable passed through Jin’s face.
Jimin cut in, his mind pressing against theirs like a sharp rod. That was a special case. This is different.
Jungkook shook his head, tension crawling up his spine. None of us know that. It would be my blood this time. It could have the same effect… or worse.
Jimin stepped forward, placing both hands firmly on Jungkook’s shoulders, his touch grounding, his presence warm despite the centuries he had spent as something cold. His voice was softer now, even in Jungkook’s head. Alright… I feel bad for giving you a hard time. But, Jungkook, everything is fine now. This could be something beautiful.
Jungkook swallowed thickly, flexing his fingers, trying to shake out the unease tightening in his chest.
Every time he let himself think about turning you, the same anxiety gripped him like a vice.
Jungkook's mind brushed past there's one more time, Or it could all be for nothing.
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It had been a few days since that conversation.
Jungkook had done everything in his power to shove the topic out of his mind, burying it beneath the routine of everyday life. He convinced himself there was no need to bring it up, not until you did first. It had to be something you wanted, so he saw no need for him to have that conversation until you wanted too.
And Jungkook—true to his word—never invaded your thoughts. Never once slipped into your mind the way he so easily did with the others.
But right now? God, how he wished he could.
Because as he sat on the edge of the tub, watching you flit between the closet and bathroom, he had no idea what you thought about any of it.
It was New Year’s Eve.
The scent of your perfume lingered in the air, mixing with the faint traces of soap and fabric softener from your clothes. You were wearing nothing fancy yet, just sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. Your hair half-done, your makeup barely started because you kept getting distracted. One minute you were digging through your jewelry, the next you were redoing your eyebrows, and now you were standing in front of the mirror, testing two different pairs of earrings.
Jungkook hadn’t even started putting himself together. He sat there, in slacks and a button-up with the top few buttons left open. But he wasn’t thinking about the party.
He was thinking about you.
And apparently, he was staring too hard because you turned toward him, arching a brow.
“What’s going on inside there?” You took a step closer and poked his forehead, snapping him from his daze.
Jungkook blinked, tilting his head up at you with an easy smile. “I’m thinking about you.”
Your face lit up, playful and teasing. “Oh yeah? What about me?” Turning back to the mirror to continue what you were doing.
Jungkook leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he watched you through the mirror. “How much I love you.”
Your expression twisted into disgust. “Gross.”
Jungkook snorted, shaking his head as he stood up and closed the space between you. “You’re gross.”
Before you could retort, he draped himself over you, resting his chin on your shoulder. Watching as you meticulously filled in your brows. You let out a small huff of concentration, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you tried to finally get them right.
Jungkook’s hands found your waist, wrapping around you with ease, pulling you flush against him.
“Jungkook.” You warned as you reached for your mascara. Unable to reach it as Jungkook pulls you a step back. You hand pathetically waving in the air for it. He started to sway you side to side, his grip tightening just enough to throw you off balance. “Jungkook.”
“We can be a little late.” He murmured against your neck, pressing a slow kiss to the spot where your shoulder met your neck.
You exhaled sharply. “No, no, no. You do this every time.” Laughing, you pried his arms off of you and spun around, poking him in the chest. “I don’t want to miss anything! I like these parties, you know.”
Jungkook just grinned, all mischievous and smug, before leaning down and stealing a quick kiss from your lips. “You always fall for it, though.”
You turned back to the mirror, rolling your eyes as you reached for your brush. “Yeah, like a sucker! Not this time.”
Jungkook stepped in close again, this time pressing a kiss to the top of your head. His hands landed on your shoulders, thumbs rubbing slow circles as he watched you apply your mascara with careful precision.
“You’re just so cute.” He hummed, his voice a soft murmur against your ear. “I can’t help it.”
“How about you finish getting ready or something?” You quipped, flicking your gaze to him through the mirror. Waving your hand to shew him away.
You knew what he was trying to do. You also knew exactly what would happen if you gave in; your makeup smudged, your hair ruined, a twenty-minute delay at best. This year you were determined to get there at a reasonable time.
“Fine. We both know it’s going to take me like five seconds to get ready though.” Jungkook strolls away from you, you could hear some frantic shuffling in the closet, before Jungkook appears seconds later.
Dark green, nearly black, pinstripe three-piece suit hugged his frame perfectly, the crispness of his dress shirt stark against his inky tattoos. His hair somehow effortlessly tousled yet perfectly styled, made it seem as if he’d walked straight out of a magazine spread.
Jungkook threw his arms out with a smug grin. “See? All done.”
“Show off.” You pout, as you continue what you’re doing.
Jungkook just chuckled, sauntering over and perching himself back down on the edge of the tub, legs spread, shoulders relaxed—taunting. He didn’t say anything, but the amusement in his eyes told you everything. Suddenly his voice invades and echoing through your mind.
Am I distracting you yet?
You pointedly ignored him.
Though, you could still feel him watching you, and if you let yourself think about it too much, you knew you’d never finish getting ready. Because deep down, you knew he’d rather spend the night tangled up with you, alone, than go to this party at all.
After a little while, you finally finished your makeup and got dressed emerging in a similarly colored dark green silk gown that was beaded intricately with some beads that dangle off the gown like droplets. With some movement of the dress you sparkled under the light. An off the shoulder classic, very old hollywood.
As you stepped out, Jungkook’s head snapped up.
His gaze slowly dragged over you, taking in every detail, his lips parting slightly before he let out a low whistle.
You grinned, twirling slightly to show off the full effect.
Jungkook stood again and crossed the space between you in a few strides. He leaned back against the bathroom sink, looking you up and down with something just shy of awe.
“Hey you got something right here.”
You look at him confused, then back in the mirror, “What? Where?” You frantically look over your face.
He reached out, with his pointer finger and thumb, tilting your chin toward him. “Hmm… right here.”
Before you could react, he leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek. You let out a soft laugh, narrowing your eyes at him. “Wow.”
Jungkook merely shrugged, feigning innocence. “Oh—wait. One more.”
Before you could question him, he leaned in again, this time pressing an equally slow kiss to your other cheek.
“Had to get that one.” He murmured, lips brushing against your skin. “Or the whole outfit would’ve been ruined.”
“Oh I’m sure.” You nod, your eyes racking over him now. A familiar glow filling your whole chest. Jungkook took your hand in his. Pulling you out of the bathroom.
“Come on, sucker, we’ve got a party to go to.”
“Awe come on. You’re the one who said we could be late.” You tease with a small laugh falling off your lips.
The two of you wasted no more time leaving, knowing full well that if you lingered any longer, you wouldn’t be stepping foot outside the apartment for days.
Jin’s manor was a short drive out of the city, nestled beyond the reach of streetlights and skyscrapers, surrounded by acres of untouched wilderness. The grand estate stood like a relic of another time—imposing yet elegant, its dark stone exterior bathed in the silver glow of the moon.
Despite its remote location, the manor was alive with energy. As Jungkook pulled up the winding driveway, you could already hear the faint hum of music drifting from within, an undertone to the laughter and clinking of glasses.
Jin’s home was more than just a lavish estate; it was the heart of their coven, a sanctuary that housed centuries of history. Ancient relics, preserved documents, and books bound in timeworn leather lined the vast library that stretched across one wings of the house. Jin had graciously allowed you to explore it before, though even after countless hours buried in those tomes, you had barely made a dent in its secrets. Centuries of vampire lore lived here, and it was precisely that allure that had made Jimin so adamant about hosting the party at the manor this year.
When you and Jungkook arrived, the massive double doors were already open, held by two eerily still gentlemen dressed in midnight-black suits. Their expressions were unreadable, their gazes sharp but unmoving.
You barely spared them a glance before stepping inside, though a part of you wondered—were they vampires? Or just illusions, elegant puppets crafted by Jimin’s magic? It wouldn’t be the first time he had conjured something like this for dramatic effect.
The moment you crossed the threshold, you were swallowed by opulence.
The vast entrance hall was bathed in a dazzling glow, every inch of the ceiling and walls adorned with sparkling gemstones, strung together like constellations. The light from the grand chandelier refracted off the stones, casting glittering reflections across the marble floors, creating an illusion of stardust swirling through the air.
It was breathtaking.
The energy in the room was magnetic—guests, both vampire and human, dressed in the finest silks and velvets, mingled effortlessly. Laughter and music wove through the air like silk threads, wrapping around you as you took it all in.
You leaned into Jungkook, who had an iron glad grip on your waste since entering the house. “Remind me to tell Jimin there could have been more glitter.”
Jungkook laughed, “I know he really over did it this time.”
“No!” You wave your hand dismissing him, “It's fantastic this is stuff you really only read about.”
And it was.
The sheer extravagance of the event was unlike anything you had ever seen. The caterers, gliding through the crowd, were dressed almost as exquisitely as the guests themselves, adorned in dark silks with golden accents, carrying trays of crystal glasses filled with deep, crimson liquid. Blood. Some trays held what you assumed was champagne, meant for the few humans—like yourself—who had been granted entry to this ethereal gathering.
The walls shimmered with illusions, flickering images of dazzling courtiers and celestial phenomena. The ceiling above transformed into a starry sky that seemed almost real, galaxies swirling and constellations twinkling in slow, mesmerizing motion.
Jungkook dragged you along as you basked in every intricate detail, his hand firm yet patient as he guided you toward the grand staircase that led up to the main ballroom.
At the foot of the stairs, Jin and Jimin stood poised like royalty, greeting each guest as they arrived. Jin was immaculate in a deep burgundy ensemble that complimented his yellow eyes, exuding effortless authority, while Jimin—never one to be outshined—was a vision in icy silver, his entire look designed to catch the light and demand attention. Jimin had also bleached his hair back to blonde to seemingly match his outfit. All making his red eyes shine brighter.
Guests arrived behind you in a steady stream, some carrying elegantly wrapped gifts, others presenting cases of unknown offerings—rare wines, expensive liquors, or perhaps something even more elusive.
“Oh a vision in green.”
Jimin’s voice was warm and teasing as he extended a hand toward you, taking yours with effortless grace and placing a chaste kiss to the back of it. His lips curled into a knowing smile as he straightened, eyes flickering with mischief.
“Jimin, this is truly something else.” Your gaze swept across the dazzling room once more, still in awe of how something so grand, so utterly enchanting, could exist completely hidden from the rest of the world.
“You flatter me.” He hummed, tilting his head slightly. “Jungkook helped a lot in getting some of these decorations, so he deserves some credit.”
Jimin shot a wink in Jungkook’s direction, though you caught the slight twitch of amusement at the corner of his lips—no doubt remembering the near disaster that had almost cost them an entire ballroom and possibly Jungkook’s head in the process.
“Well, I can’t wait to see what else you have planned for the night.” You bounced on your heels, excitement thrumming through you.
Jimin, ever the opportunist, wasted no time looping his arm through yours, effectively pulling you closer. He leaned slightly around you, peering at Jungkook, who was momentarily engaged in quiet conversation with Jin.
“Can I steal her away?”
Jungkook’s brows lifted, gaze flicking between the two of you with mild suspicion. “Already? We haven’t even gotten a drink.”
“I promise to bring her back before midnight!” Jimin didn’t even wait for a response before whisking you away, your shoes clicking against the marble steps as you struggled to match his pace.
You barely managed to wave at Jungkook, who remained at the foot of the stairs, watching you go with a mixture of exasperation and reluctant amusement. But the moment your eyes met, his softened, comforted by the unfiltered excitement on your face.
Jimin led you straight into the ballroom—an even grander spectacle than the entrance hall.
A massive Phantom of the Opera-style chandelier hung from the center of the vaulted ceiling, illuminated by shifting technicolor light that cast mesmerizing reflections onto the polished floor. Rhinestone streamers draped across the ceiling like cascading waterfalls, shimmering under the glow. The same illusionary night sky from the main hall continued here, except now, the constellations moved, twinkling and rearranging themselves in intricate patterns, like a cosmic dance only the stars understood.
The music was rich and full-bodied, played live by a band on a raised stage at the far end of the room. Couples twirled on the dance floor in elegant, sweeping motions, lost in the rhythm of the night. Along the walls, guests gathered in small clusters, glasses in hand, some already deep into their drinks, their laughter and whispered conversations filling the space like a carefully orchestrated melody.
“Monique! I got her!” Jimin called out suddenly, his voice cutting through the lively chatter.
A woman with cascading dark curls turned at the sound of his voice, her deep purple gown clinging to her frame as she pivoted effortlessly. The backless design of her dress only added to her commanding presence, and as she lifted a delicate crystal glass to her lips, the deep red stain left behind told you exactly what she’d been drinking. Her hair curly and draped around her in effortless elegance. Orange eyes shining under the lights.
She was one of Jin’s closest confidantes and Yoongi’s wife—212 years old, sharp as a dagger, and the resident doctor who could mend almost any injury, supernatural or otherwise. She was a force of nature in her own right. You could only imagine what Yoongi was like if she was like this, you had never had the pleasure of meeting him. Just heard stories.
At the sight of you, her face lit up. “Darling!” she cheered, her voice smooth as silk yet edged with a teasing warmth.
She closed the distance between you in an instant, placing affectionate kisses on both of your cheeks before pulling back to admire you fully.
“My God, you look gorgeous.” You gave her a once-over in return, a slow grin tugging at your lips.
“Right?” She lifted her arms and gave a twirl, letting the deep purple silk of her gown fan out elegantly before settling back into place. “Always ready to impress.”
“And I am.” Without hesitation, you linked your arm through hers, Jimin still holding onto your other side, the three of you now moving as an exclusive little trio through the glittering expanse of the ballroom. The energy in the room crackled—laughter, conversation, the clink of glasses, and the distant hum of the live band blending seamlessly together.
“So, what have I missed so far?” You asked, glancing between them.
Monique took a slow sip from her glass, the deep red liquid staining her lips like crushed roses. When she pulled back, her eyes twinkled with amusement.
“Nothing at all, darling. The party has just begun.”
There was something reassuring in her tone, but you didn’t miss the way her grip on you remained firm. Protective.
These gatherings were grand, extravagant, and, by all means, safe—but that never stopped the occasional stray vampire from giving in to temptation. You were painfully, unmistakably human, and your scent had already caught the attention of several guests. Their gazes lingered just a second too long, their smiles just a bit too sharp. Monique, ever perceptive, had already positioned herself between you and a few of the more curious onlookers, a subtle yet deliberate message—this one is not yours to touch.
“With you here, my dear, I can actually get things started.” Jimin mused, flashing you a grin before gracefully slipping out of your grasp.
Your eyes followed him as he moved through the ballroom like a phantom, effortless and commanding. Without a single spoken request, guests instinctively parted for him, creating space at the center of the grand hall. The shift was immediate, the energy in the room tightening like a drawn bowstring. A hushed murmur rippled through the crowd, and then, as if bewitched, the music began to die down.
Jimin turned on his heel, his expression slipping from playful to regal in an instant. When he spoke, his voice carried through the room, smooth as silk yet impossible to ignore.
“Undead and undesired.” He began, the corners of his lips curling mischievously. “Welcome to the greatest night of your lives.”
A round of applause echoed through the hall, accompanied by knowing laughter from those familiar with his theatrics. He soaked in the attention, allowing just the right amount of dramatic pause before continuing.
“I am your glorious host for this evening.” He declared, his arms spreading wide as if embracing the entire room. “You’ve heard me say it all before the universe made earth, then man, and then the vampire.” A rounding sound of hisses left everyone in the room, a large display of teeth and intimidation. “And we have many great things in store for you tonight—stories that will haunt your dreams, performances that will leave you breathless, and blood that will keep you satisfied until the end of time… or at least until my next party.”
More laughter, the atmosphere growing lighter, though the air remained charged with anticipation.
“Please, enjoy yourselves.” Jimin’s gaze flickered over the crowd, his smirk deepening. “Indulge as much as you wish. Tonight, we feast, we dance, and we are one with the night.”
With a spin and swish of his finger, the illusion that was once on the ceiling dripped down to the floor. Making it appear as if instead of walking on marble everyone was walking on the night sky. The illusion also seemed to envelope Jimin and his hair turned black and his suit went from silver to a midnight blue. The chandelier above shimmered, the illusionary constellations shifting in a dazzling display. The band struck up a new tune, rich and decadent, and just like that, the night was set into motion once more.
Monique exhaled beside you, shaking her head with a fond chuckle. “That boy was born to put on a show.”
“He does it rather well if I do say so.” You say, grabbing a champagne off of a tray that passes by you. Taking a sip, and of course Jimin had gotten a very nice quality champagne for this affair. You would probably be responsible for drinking two of the bottles.
“Where’s your boy?” Monique glances around the room seeing if she can spot Jungkook herself.
“Jimin dragged me away before he could follow. He’ll find us.” You said, taking another sip.
The music in the air swelled as a performance took center stage, dancers twirling in perfect synchrony, their movements almost hypnotic. The glittering lights overhead cast shifting patterns across the floor, and Jimin had once again disappeared, likely off to greet more guests.
“I have no doubt he’ll find us soon. You two start to implode when away from each other too long.” She teased, squeezing your arm.
“That may be a little true.” You giggle, sipping your champagne.
“It’s sweet. You’re really great for him. I’ve always thought that.” She hums, which was true. She has told you many times over the years how great she thinks the two of you are. She was the most encouraging of the relationship in the beginning before Jungook told everyone he was dating a human.
“What about you?” You asked, tilting your head curiously. “Where is this mysterious Yoongi I’ve heard about for years?”
You’d expected a flippant response, maybe even an exasperated sigh, but instead, a flicker of something serious crossed Monique’s face. It was so quick, you almost missed it but not quite. She schooled her features almost instantly, her smirk returning as she glanced behind you.
“Speaking of your lovesick puppy.” She raises her glass to Jungkook who was coming in your direction.
You turn to look at him, a smile on his face. “Five seconds in this place, and they steal you from me.” He said, immediately reaching for your free hand.
You shrugged, feigning innocence. “What can I say? I think they like me better than you.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “I think you’re right.” Then, glancing toward Monique, he added, “Hey, Mon.”
“Jungkook.” She tipped her glass in his direction. “Happy New Year. Get yourself a drink.” Without waiting for a response, she snagged a goblet off another passing tray and handed it to him.
He accepted it with a nod. “Happy New Year. Planning to steal her from me again?” He teased, resting his head lightly against yours.
“No I’ll let you have her back… for now.” Monique’s smile remained in place, but something in her tone shifted slightly. You caught it again, that same momentary change in her expression. And then, just like that, she was stepping away, disappearing into the crowd.
Jungkook didn’t seem to notice.
“Where do you want to start?” Jungkook leaned in close to your ear. “Dancing, gambling, making out in the bathroom. I like the last one but that’s me.”
You smile, hitting him in the chest, “We need at least two more drinks before we can do that.”
“Boo, you’re no fun.” He clinks his glass against yours, “Guess I need to start.”
You stop him before he takes a sip, “Hold on, one more kiss before you have iron mouth the rest of the mouth.”
He smiles, leaning in and giving you a lingering kiss. Wanting more but not really wanting to stick his tongue down your throat in front of all these people.
With that, the night raged on, a whirlwind of movement and sound. You and Jungkook drifted from room to room, immersed in stories that spanned centuries. Some vampires were impossibly old, their gazes heavy with history, while others were younger, still burning with the reckless energy of newfound immortality. There were dazzling performances—some manipulating fire with a flick of their fingers, others bending shadows into eerie, shifting forms. Illusions warped reality before your eyes, grand halls transforming in an instant, blurring the line between what was real and what was merely a trick of power.
The night reached its peak with a fencing match and sleek steel flashing under candlelight, footwork so precise it looked more like choreography than combat. The duelists struck with deadly accuracy, piercing and slashing in ways that would have been fatal to any human. But here, wounds were shrugged off, blades pulled from chests without so much as a grimace before the fight resumed. Laughter and applause rippled through the crowd, the energy of the gathering growing wilder as midnight loomed. Blood flowed freely, whether in ornate goblets or from the eager mouths of those who had abandoned restraint.
Jungkook and you got separated at some point. You had found Rehna amongst the chaos though.
You both were now in a drawing room which was hosting the outfit competition. Waiting for the results to be read allowed. Rehna had her hands clamped tight around yours, almost painfully but you knew she was excited. Hoseok was the hosting vampire for this year’s competition.
“Second place goes too,” He opened up the small envelope, “The vampire Rehna.”
You let go of her hand and start clapping yours and join in cheers from other vampires as she walks on stage to accept her award. She was happy but you could tell she was a little bitter about not getting first. She rejoins you as the winner gets their prize.
“Hey that was a tough call, I mean that girl who got first literally had made her dress in the 18th century… you can’t beat that.” You try to comfort her, but she picks herself up quickly.
“Starting tomorrow we are planning my outfit for next year. That first place is mine.” She nods, gripping onto her small trophy so tight that it seemed to bend underneath her grip.
“Hey, the top three get to take home some really nice bottles of blood. Why don’t we go pick yours out?” You say pulling her past other guests to leave the drawing room.
You both make your way back into the heart of the house where you pass some tall French doors that lead to a balcony area. Some vampires were smoking and other vampires leaning casually and others in deep discussion. You almost think nothing of it before you catch a glimpse of Monique standing outside alone. It makes you stop in your tracks. Rehna noticing your pause.
“You alright?” She raises an eyebrow to you, trying to see what you see.
You wave for her to continue on, “You go ahead. I’ll find you later.”
She wants to pry but nods and continues as you turn to head out onto the balcony. The view of the estate just looked over the woods that spanned one side of the house. You could see the stars pretty clearly out here and it would be a lovely spot to sit and think. You understand why Monique may be finding solace here. You couldn’t help if you said something wrong to her earlier. She usually would be enjoying the festivities but was here… alone. Having that same look on her face that you saw earlier.
The cold air bites against your skin, sharp and unwelcome, but you push past the discomfort and step closer to Monique. The moonlight catches in her dark eyes, and there’s something distant in her expression, a weight you can’t quite name.
"Care for some company?" You offer, your voice light despite the strange tension in the air.
She turns toward you with a soft, practiced smile. "Oh, darling. Having a good night?"
"So far, yes," You admit, swaying slightly as warmth buzzes through your limbs. "I’m a little tipsy, to be honest." You giggle, the edges of your amusement blurring under the influence, and Monique’s smile lingers, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
"Are you alright? You don’t seem as festive as you usually are at these things." You press, watching her closely.
She hums, a quiet acknowledgment, then exhales slowly. "I’m alright. Still having a good time, I promise. Just… some old memories getting kicked up."
"Was it something I said earlier? I’m sorry if I—"
She cuts you off with a small shake of her head. "No, not at all. I already knew I was going to feel this way tonight. It has nothing to do with you."
You study her, unconvinced. "Well, then what is it? I’m pretty good at listening. Even if I don’t always understand all the vampire stuff." You shrug, trying to offer levity.
A flicker of hesitation crosses her face, but then she sighs, her gaze flicking away. "It’s… Yoongi."
Your head tilts slightly. "The famous and elusive husband?"
The name lingers in the air between you. You’ve heard plenty about Yoongi. Whispers of a sharp mind, a man who seemed to exist only in the stories others told. You’d assumed he was simply away, a researcher, a traveler always chasing something beyond your reach. Whenever the subject arose, the conversation had a way of dissolving into something else, slipping through your fingers before you could grasp any real details. The way everyone spoke about him made it feel like he was still here.
Just hidden, just unseen.
"Yes…" Monique’s voice is quieter now, careful. "Has Jungkook talked about him much?"
"Here and there.” You admit. "The subject always seems to get dropped pretty quickly, though. I’ve heard plenty of stories from everyone else. I’ve always wanted to meet him, but it feels like… like he’s never around."
A pause. "Makes sense.” She murmurs, gaze flickering as if she’s choosing her words with precision. "Well, they were very close… Are close. Come with me."
She nods her head back inside and she takes your hand before you can ask anything else, fingers cool and firm as she pulls you through the party.
She grabs two more glasses which you assume is for herself. She leads you down two flights of stairs, away from the pulse of the party, the sounds fading into a distant echo. The air grows cooler, the flickering light from the sconces casting elongated shadows on the stone walls. You recognize this path and its one that leads to the cellars, a place you’ve rarely ventured. Few people come down here during these gatherings. It feels… separate, untouched by the revelry above.
“This feels like I'm being set up to be sacrificed or something.” You joke, trying to lighten the eerie atmosphere.
Monique lets out a laugh, her voice rich and amused. “Weird place to sacrifice you, considering there are over two hundred vampires upstairs.”
“True.” You admit, though the further she leads you, the less sure you are about anything. The air shifts, turning cooler, denser. The house above is lavish, but down here, it feels ancient. The stone walls, though well-lit, seem to close in the deeper you go.
There’s a shift in Monique’s expression, something amused yet knowing. “Oh, also, your boyfriend is trying to find you. He’s calling out.”
You groan. “How bad?”
“Pretty drunk.”
“Oh no.” You sigh, rubbing your temple. “He probably drank that mulled blood stuff. He waits all year for it.”
Monique smirks. “He’s going to be a handful when you get back.”
Great. You were already preparing for a very clingy, very intoxicated Jungkook draping himself over you the moment you surfaced from… whatever this was. But for now, Monique’s grip on your wrist is firm, leading you deeper into the underground corridors.
Eventually, you reach a narrow hallway lined with locked doors. Some have glass doors, showing carefully preserved artifacts displayed in temperature-controlled rooms and historical relics, no doubt, kept safe from time and age. Others bear plaques reading “Archives.” You recognize the setup from the old library you used to work at, except this was older, untouched by time in a way that made your stomach twist.
Monique stops at the last door. It’s heavier than the others, its dark wood carved with intricate patterns, a symbol you don’t recognize etched into the center. Without hesitation, she opens it.
The room inside is cold. Silent. The flickering lights barely reach the high ceilings, casting long shadows across the stone floor. The walls are lined with plaques, names etched in silver, and beneath them, urns carefully placed in recessed alcoves. It looks like a crypt, and the air feels thick with something unspoken.
But what catches your attention isn’t the room itself—it’s the statue at the very end.
It’s life-sized, eerily detailed. A man, frozen mid-motion, his body twisted as if recoiling from something unseen. His expression is caught between defiance and fear, lips slightly parted, eyes wide. He’s propped up with supports, standing atop a pedestal, carved in a military-style uniform.
You hesitate near the doorway, the weight of the space pressing down on you. Monique, however, steps forward, placing one of the glasses of blood on the pedestal’s edge with deliberate care. Then she turns to you, her gaze unreadable.
“Y/N,” She says softly, her voice carrying through the quiet, “meet Yoongi.”
You blink. Once. Twice.
Your gaze flicks between her and the statue, confusion settling into your bones. “What?”
She looks at the figure, then back at you. “This is Yoongi.” She lifts a hand toward the frozen man, as if introducing him formally.
You take a cautious step forward. “I’m confused.”
“There’s a long story here, but this…” Monique exhales, her expression tightening. “This is my husband. This is why you’ve never met him.”
A sharp chill slides down your spine. You glance at the room again, at the plaques, at the urns. Your stomach twists. “Did… D-Did he die?”
Monique shakes her head, her voice dropping to something nearly inaudible. “That would be easier.”
You step closer, standing beside her now. She’s staring at the statue like it might move, like it might suddenly exhale and return to her after years of silence. You don’t interrupt. After a long moment, she takes a deep breath. “How much has Jungkook told you about… vampire powers? Our history?”
You shake your head slightly. “Jungkook’s told me details here and there. I’ve asked a lot of questions, but honestly… it still feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface even after two years.”
Monique hums in acknowledgment. “It’s complicated.” She says, nodding. “As you know, we all have the speed, the strength, the mind reading… but beyond that, we each develop our own abilities. When a vampire has the power to manipulate something, and I mean truly change it, the only one who can undo that power is the one who cast it in the first place.”
A small pause echos between you. You watch as she seems to make a decision, deciding to tell a different story.
She continues, voice distant. “I met Yoongi at the beginning of the 19th century. My sister and I had just moved to England, escaping a war that wasn’t ours. My father had connections and secured us a comfortable life through distant relatives. It was exciting but suddenly, we had titles, dowries, invitations to every ball. For a young woman, it was everything society told me I should want.” She lets out a quiet laugh, though there’s no humor in it. “Yoongi was a Viscount at the time.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “Really?”
“They were having fun with it.” A small smirk touches her lips, as if recalling something fond. “Anyway, Yoongi was highly sought after that season. He had wealth, he was gorgeous, and he had absolutely no intention of marrying.”
You can’t help but smile. “So how did you get his attention?”
Monique’s smirk widens, her gaze flicking to the statue. “It’s a classic story. Boy meets girl. Girl spills wine on him in front of everyone.”
You wince. “Oh no.”
“It was mortifying.” Monique shakes her head at the memory, a soft, wistful laugh escaping her lips. “I spent days trying to make it right, sending notes, trying to find a way to replace his coat. Apologizing over and over, but he didn’t care in the slightest. He actually found it amusing how much care I placed in a simple dress shirt.”
She falls silent then, her eyes locked onto Yoongi’s frozen form, as if trapped in the past alongside him. The weight of her grief settles over the room like a thick fog, making the air heavy, pressing against your chest.
“So then what?” You ask gently, urging her on.
“He started coming around more often. We became fast friends, though he never officially courted me. It all just… fell into place. One day, I realized I couldn’t help how I felt. Except he beat me to it. Probably read my mind or something.” Shaking her head with pursed lips, “It was easy, natural… until he had to tell me about the vampire part.”
“How did he do it?”
“He just blurted it out.” She huffs a small laugh, the memory clearly amusing in hindsight. “He wasn’t dramatic about it, didn’t sugarcoat it, just said it. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. He didn’t care if I knew. He was so sure I wouldn’t blink twice over it. And he was right. I didn’t.” She shrugs. “I had no idea before that. They were very good at keeping themselves hidden back then.”
You shift your weight slightly, glancing again at the statue, at the way Yoongi’s body is posed. “Then he asked you to marry him?”
Monique exhales a long breath, her fingers tightening around the glass she holds. “Yoongi was actually afraid to ask me to marry him. Vampires asking for a human’s hand in marriage is a big deal. You are asking this person to be with you for eternity. It meant Yoongi was asking to turn me, turn into a vampire. Now he had little hesitation about it, for a long time, but he was terrified of what it meant. Of taking something from me. My humanity, my chance at a ‘normal’ life. He worried about things like children, about whether I would resent the decision later.” She shakes her head. “But I never wanted children. I watched my mother have five boys and knew early on that that life wasn’t for me.”
“So what did you say when he finally asked?”
A soft, nostalgic smile curves her lips. “I told him there was nothing I wanted more. That the idea of forever with him didn’t scare me. That it excited me.” Her gaze flickers with warmth, but only for a moment before the sadness creeps back in. “He was so surprised by my willingness. But for me, it was the easiest decision in the world. That I would willingly die for him.”
Silence hangs between you for a beat before you press further. “So then… how… when did this happen?”
Monique’s expression shifts, her voice quieter now. “It happened during World War One. Humans weren’t the only ones at war. There was a war between vampires, too. A lot of vampire men were drafted into the human armies, fighting not just humans, but each other. And the women… we fought our own battles in the shadows, deep in the forests.” She lets out a humorless laugh. “No matter how powerful we think we are, war finds a way to break everyone.”
Your stomach knots at the implication.
“One night, Yoongi and Jin were on patrol for their unit when they were ambushed by a squad of enemy vampires. They had no idea what kind of abilities these vampires had, but they were outnumbered. Jin managed to take down two of them, but he got badly injured in the process. Yoongi, was trying to get Jin out, trying to protect him. And then…” She swallows hard, her eyes drifting back to the statue. “One of them petrified him.”
“Oh no.”
She nods. “Turned to stone instantly.” Her fingers clenched into fists. “Jungkook and Hoseok found Jin, barely alive, but by the time they got there, it was too late. The vampire who did this to him was gone. No trace. No way to track them.” She exhales sharply. “They brought Yoongi back like this… and he’s been this way ever since.”
A cold chill creeps up your spine as you stare at Yoongi’s statue. The idea that he isn’t dead but that he’s still in there, trapped, unable to move, unable to speak—makes your skin crawl.
“You haven’t found the vampire who did this? Even after all this time?” You whisper.
Monique’s jaw tightens, and when she speaks, her voice is edged with something far more dangerous than sadness.
Her lips press together before she exhales sharply. “It’s possible they’re dead. But it doesn’t undo the effect.” Her voice wavers, frustration and grief laced together in a fragile thread. “It’s almost ironic. Yoongi spend most of his life dedicated to understanding vampires better. Yoongi spent centuries researching vampire abilities, collecting books, studying cases, trying to understand all the different powers we possess… and yet, even with all his research, we still don’t have an answer.” She lets out a humorless laugh. “So he’s just… like this. Until we find a way to undo it.”
Your throat tightens. “Mon… I’m so sorry.” A small tear escaping one of your eyes. The grief that escapes her overwhelming you.
She shakes her head. “No need to apologize.” She reaches over, wiping your tear away. “And no need for tears.”
“But—I can’t even imagine how you feel.”
“It’s…” She hesitates. “It’s painful. I have to keep living in the hopes we find something… For the first few years, I wasn’t—I was just existing. A shell of myself, searching for answers, desperate for anything that could fix this. I hunted for that vampire for what felt like forever. We had leads, rumors about others with similar abilities, but they always led to dead ends.”
You swallow, glancing back at Yoongi’s unmoving figure. “You know… Can he hear us?”
Monique exhales slowly. “We don’t know. We all talk to him regardless, just in case. We tell him about the world, about what’s happening, about us. We try to keep him filled in… but honestly?” Her voice wavers. “A part of me hopes he can hear us. But another part of me hopes he can’t. That he hasn’t been sitting here, awake, for more than a hundred years, unable to move, unable to speak.”
Your eyes widen at the realization, he could be awake. “Oh my god. I hadn’t even thought about that.”
Monique’s eyes soften, but there’s an unbearable weight behind them. “Yeah… so today is hard. It’s supposed to be a celebration, but how do I celebrate without the person I want most? Sometimes it feels like he died. The grief comes and goes, like waves, crashing when I least expect it.”
“I don’t know… I’m sorry.” You murmur.
She meets your gaze, a flicker of something unreadable in her expression. “I hope we can find something.” She sighs, rolling the stem of her glass between her fingers. “But at least we live in a lasting age of peace now. Vampires have worked hard to bridge the gaps between us. We won’t have to fight like that again. We lost so many—so many were sacrificed.”
She pauses, then continues. “We’ve had vampires come from all over, trying to help. Some of them were Yoongi’s friends, people he helped in their time of need. But no matter how many have tried…” She gestures toward him, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’re still here.”
You hesitate, glancing around the dimly lit space. “Why is he down here? Why not up at the party, where people can pay their respects?”
Monique’s jaw tightens. “Because in the ‘90s, some drunk idiot broke off his left arm.”
Your eyes widen. “Shit.”
She nods, and now that you look closer, you can see the faint lines where the repair was made. Just below the shoulder.
“After that, we decided Yoongi couldn’t be displayed at the parties anymore. It was too dangerous. Too much risk.”
Your chest tightens at the thought. “That’s awful.”
She hums, staring at her glass before tipping it slightly in the direction of the other drink she brought down. “That’s why I bring this.” She says softly. “It’s for him. So he can still celebrate. I always come down here on this night. I spend the New Year with him.”
Your heart aches at the quiet devotion in her voice. “That’s… so sad.”
Monique shakes her head, offering you the ghost of a smile. “No sadness tonight. It’s a night of celebration.” She reaches out, squeezing your hand gently. “You should go back up. I’ll be okay. Now that you’ve finally met Yoongi.”
“Well it was lovely to meet you Yoongi.” You nod towards him looking back to her, “I don’t mind staying.”
“You have so much to celebrate.” She gives you a small, reassuring smile. “Go be with everyone. Celebrate into the night. It’s close to midnight, and I’ve kept you long enough.”
You open your mouth to protest, but at that moment—
Baby. Baby, where are you?
Jungkook’s voice echoes in your mind, petulant and needy. He sounds whiny, which means he’s definitely had a few too many drinks. If you don’t go find him, he’s liable to start running through the halls, searching for you like a lovesick idiot.
You sigh, amused. “I’ll come say goodbye before we leave.”
Monique nods, her expression warm but tired. “Okay.”
With one last glance at Yoongi’s frozen form, you turn and head back up to the party—leaving Monique to her vigil, her love for him unwavering even after a century of waiting.
With a heavy heart and a mind full of tangled thoughts, you ascend the stairs, leaving behind the weight of Monique and Yoongi’s story. Their tragedy lingers in your chest, an ache that refuses to settle. She’s been waiting, searching, for him, for a way to bring him back. The sorrow in her voice clings to you, and as much as you wish you could do something, anything, to help… you know there’s nothing.
The party is still in full swing as you step back into the throng of people. Laughter echoes through the grand halls, music thrums beneath your feet, and the faint scent of spilled champagne lingers in the air. You weave your way through the crowd, your mind distracted as you search for Jungkook.
He could be anywhere by now, lost in the sea of guests. You sigh, dodging a pair of unsteady dancers and taking note of the slight destruction left in the wake of too much drinking—Jimin is going to love that.
“Oh, Jungkook, where are you?” You murmur to yourself, scanning the faces around you.
If only you had some supernatural ability to read minds, to pull his thoughts from the noise and find him in an instant instead of aimlessly wandering.
You slip into a quieter hallway, peeking into rooms as you pass, hoping to spot him. Nothing. It’s almost comical—he’s likely looking for you too, both of you just barely missing each other in the chaos.
Meanwhile, Jungkook has been trapped for the past hour listening to Jimin’s annual rant about how he should have won a gold medal in the 1972 Winter Olympics. He tells the story every single year, growing more bitter with time. Jungkook, slouched on a couch with his head hanging over the back, has all but tuned him out, using what little cognitive function he has left to search for your mind instead.
It’s proving difficult.
He’s six—no, seven drinks in. His limbs feel heavy, his mind hazy.
His eyes are closed when he feels it, a soft press of lips against his forehead. His red eyes blink open, vision blurry before it sharpens, landing on you. You’re smiling down at him, hands braced on either side of his head, warmth radiating from your touch.
“My love.” You say and Jungkook hums. A drunken smile on his face. Unbeknownst to him you had left a lipstick march on his forehead. In his search for him, you took a pause to reapply it.
“You found me.” He sighs. You kiss hip lips, a little awkward since his head was upside down. Leaving another stain on his lips. Then another on both of his cheeks. Another on his nose. All leaving lipstick stains behind.
“Now you look perfect.” You laugh at your work, Jungkook still unaware of what you had done. You pull out your phone to take a picture. It would be a good one to show him later.
“I need to tell you a secret.” He says staring up at you while you stare at the picture.
“Yeah?” You look at him and he curls his finger gesturing for you to come closer. You lean your head close to his mouth.
“I’m a vampire.” He whispers. Then, with a chuckle, he giggles at himself.
You snort, pulling back to look at him properly. “Oh my god, I had no idea.”
He waves for you to come close again and you comply, “I also really want to rip that dress off with my teeth.”
“Hot, maybe another time.” You whisper to him. Standing back up straight. Jungkook hoists himself off of the couch. Walking past you with a smug grin on his face as he leaves the room.
Follow me. His voice calls back to you in your mind.
You trail after him as he just keeps on walking through the house, stumbling a little but mostly keeping himself up right. You stay close behind, he manages to swiftly grab another glass for himself and for you. He caught a quick glimpse of himself in a mirror and gave you a knowing look. You just shrug your shoulders like you had no idea what you had done.
Before he veers down another hallway, which was technically off limits to other party members. You knew this wing, this is where the library was. Which is exactly where Jungkook ducked into. Things that were old but could be safely kept out in the open for those to look at regularly were kept here. It was a beautiful collection that Jin had curated over the years. Some works you would never find in any parts of the world. It didn’t shield from the rest of the sounds of the party but it was much quieter. Only a lamp was left on so the light in here was dark.
“No Jin will actually kill us if he sees we brought drinks in here!” You protest staying a foot outside the door while Jungkook stands inside.
“He’ll never know, plus he likes you so he would never get mad at you.”
“Jungkook it’s almost midnight, we'll miss the countdown.”
“We can have our own.”
“Come here.” He grabs your hand pulling you into the room anyways. Closing the door behind the both of you. “I just want one moment just with you.”
He sets the glasses down on one of the side tables. Taking your hand again. Pulling you into him. You don’t protest him letting yourself fall into his arms.
It was just a comfortable silence between the two of you for a moment. The hum of the music outside filled in the void as your mind was flooded. Your chest was so full and so warm because you just loved Jungkook so much. Your mind still wandered. Thinking about something like what happened to Yoongi and Monique… you couldn’t imagine. How would you even handle that kind of thing if it was you two. She’s been waiting for over a hundred years now.
They only got a small piece of forever together.
You felt every word she said about Yoongi because it’s all the same things you felt for Jungkook. You would go searching the world for something to fix him. To bring him back to you. You would do anything.
You would die for him.
Your thoughts are interrupted. The sounds of people outside begin to countdown from 30.
“So what do you want in the new year?” You ask him, your arms hugging tighter around Jungkook.
He thought for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip, “Never hear Jimin’s Olympic story ever again. I lived it… I already know what happened.”
You laugh, “Be serious.”
“Fine. I don’t need anything. I have everything I want already.”
“Everything? That’s a lot.”
“I know.”
Jungkook leans close to your ear. “What about you? What do you want for the new year?”
“I think I want to have everything… I don’t have it quite yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just…” The words caught in your throat because you had wanted it for much longer than you were willing to voice. You had thought about it since the day he told you but you weren’t sure if you were ready.
“What is it?”
“I want more than this Jungkook… I want forever.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want you. I want our life. I don’t think I was ready to talk about it before but I want it now…”
“I want to be like you... I want you to turn me into a vampire.”
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
a/n: woof this is a long one, I hope you enjoyed!! Let me know your thoughts plssssssss... I will try to have the next part out as soon as possible but enjoy this for now <3
𓆩♱𓆪 Next Chapter
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ashes – day 144 (1)

author's note: uhhh i wrote and posted this before the actual game... so this is winner!jack, i also have another version posted here..... sorry and bye

you knew jack was a good hockey player. you knew he was capable of doing great things; you knew he could win any game he wanted to if he played as well as he could.
and yet, you were surprised to get the call from him inviting you to come watch him play the final game of the four nations tournament.
not that you were surprised he was in the finals, per se. you knew most of the hockey experts, and jack himself, had called the us team as the favorites for the tournament. but you and jack hadn't even discussed beforehand if you wanted to, or could, come watch him play.
i need you there, he had whispered into your phone after his win against sweden on monday. knowing you're in the stands cheering for me always makes me feel much better.
so, thursday morning, you got on the plane to boston. you were only able to see jack for a few moments after his morning skate – just enough time to hug and kiss his cheek and wish him luck – before he had to leave for media duties and whatnot before the finals. the time off gave you time to check into your hotel and get ready for the long night ahead.
and possibly try to calm your nerves a little, too.
not only were you nervous about the game itself, but mostly everything going on around it. jack had made sure that your name was written on some list to a special box in the arena for the players' families, and just the thought of interacting with so many new people left you a little nauseous. you'd just gotten used to being around the wives and girlfriends of the devils, but jack had no teammates with him in the national team.
it didn't help that your first interaction with anyone in the box was colliding with a woman about a minute after walking inside.
"i'm so sorry-" you said instantly, even though it was mostly her own fault for walking backwards without looking where she was going.
"no worries, dear!" she exclaimed, lifting her glass of champagne to her lips as she gazed over you. "well, aren't you just a doll! so sweet i think i could eat you up." she sent you a wink. "i see why jack would fall for you."
this caught your attention. "oh, you know jack?" you asked, eyebrows raising slightly. how did she know you were here with him?
"of course! we used to date. almost a year, but who counts, right?" the laugh she lets out felt strangely forced, yet you accepted the hand that she held out to you. "i'm stacy, i'm sure he's told you about me."
not once, actually. was it because she didn't mean much to him, or because he was hiding something? if they were together for that long, surely it had to mean something to him?
just like she hadn't left you room to introduce yourself earlier, she now started talking again before you could answer her question. "how are you enjoying being with jack, dear? it must be exhausting being with someone so obsessive!"
"he used to be glued to my side, he wanted me with him everywhere," she said, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "he used to call me the day before his games, all 'i need you to come to seattle tomorrow and watch me play'. so cute but so…" she paused to search her brain for a specific word. "tiring."
if you had to use a thousand words to describe your relationship with jack, not one would even be something close to the word tiring.
"and, obviously, the sex was explosive. but i'm sure i don't need to tell you that, darling," she laughed, adding a little wink in there for good measure.
when jack called you this morning, you never could've guessed that you'd be standing here discussing your sex life with his ex girlfriend.
there was something so… uncanny about her. you found yourself wondering how in the world jack could have gone out with someone so shallow and flaky – and why he was so different with you than her? was it because of him, or because of you?

the only good thing about this new "friend" of yours (one you hoped you never had to see again after today) was the fact that she had no issues dragging you around with her and showing you around. when the game finally started, she helped you find where to sit and watch; and during the breaks, she brought you with her to get drinks and snacks to refill your energy.
when the game finally ended, after longer than the other games you'd attended, you stood up in the box to watch jack and his teammates receive their gold medals. you had assumed you'd just get to see him later, when he was done celebrating with his team – but yet again, stacy had grabbed your wrist and dragged you along with her down to the ice, despite your initial refusal.
you and stacy were far from the only people who had made their way down to the ice to celebrate with their loved ones. stacy ran off to find her boyfriend, brody or brady or brock or zach, and left you all alone by the door leading out to the ice. you couldn't see jack anywhere between the pile of crying wives and excited children – maybe this was a bad idea? maybe he'd already left the ice and returned to his changing room, since you hadn't made any plans to meet here? maybe he was chatting to someone he found more interesting than you? maybe he was hoping you wouldn't be there?
just as you were about to turn around and hurry away before anyone noticed you, a familiar voice called your name, and it was like everything else quieted down; the whole world around you disappeared, and the only important thing to ever exist was now skating towards you.
"hello, champion," you said when he stood before you, unable to stop a smile from breaking free on your face.
he offered you a hand, helping you step onto the ice with him, and then he pulled you into his arms and swept you off your feet. your arms draped around his neck, sweet laughter slipping from your lips as he spun around in a circle. "i didn't know you'd come down here!" he exclaimed, giving you one final squeeze before setting you back on the ice.
"i wanted to surprise you." your hands slid down to rest atop his shoulder guards as you took him in. the massive grin on his lips, his cheeks still flushed from the game, the tips of his curls sticking out from under his winner's cap – and the gold medal around his neck.
there has never been a more perfect sight, you decided.
"was that stacy you came down with?" jack's hands found your waist, his eyebrows raised as he looked down at you. you had almost been worried that he would be upset or mad about you meeting her – as if he had something to hide, perhaps – but he was still smiling. probably the high of the win still present in him.
"we can talk about that later," you told him. "now, i want to talk about how good you were. and how good you look in your gold medal."
"no need to boost my ego," he said, swatting a dismissive hand in the air.
"i'll boost your ego as much as i want to!"
he tugged you a little closer, your hips brushing up against his. "you'll come celebrate with me tonight, though, right?"
you silently studied his expression for a while – for someone so sure of himself, someone who had just won a tournament this big, he looked almost scared that you'd say no.
like you'd ever find it in yourself to say no to his pretty, brown eyes.
"of course. there's nothing i'd rather do."
#posting this when canada has 1-0 is... well..... 😶 but i have faith that they will turn this around. otherwise this will be awkward 😔#i didnt write a version of this for jack losing the game lol pls dont tell me ill have to do that in the morning#jack hughes#nhl#hockey#nhl fluff#nhl smut#nhl x reader#nhl x you#nhl x y/n#nhl fic#nhl imagine#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x you#jack hughes x y/n#jack hughes fluff#jack hughes smut#jack hughes fic#jack hughes imagine#new jersey devils
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△Shifting ask game: with Frank⋆˚࿔
⋆˚— What was your first dr? : i know it's cringe but i have to be honest, lt was MHA, i was a very cringy loser kid back in 2020 and watched way too much anime. And for why i switched it: it took a long time but i realized how much o didn't want to be a pro hero and how toxic that dr was. Now my main dr is dead by daylight (my fav game!) and this band dr i really love.
⋆˚— Here my name is Frank Morrison... I stole it! (╥﹏╥) I just didn't have more ideas for names and decided to take one from a fictional character from my dbd dr.
⋆˚— The garage! Just kidding, i stay with my band member in his house but he forgot to tell his parents, his mom saw me on the garage taking a nap and started hitting me with a broom! ರ╭╮ರ

⋆˚— For edits well, it's 2005 so we got AMVs of our songs, clips from concerts going viral and glittery pfp's of my band members. Also stamps and blinkies people use in Myspace about our band! The fandom is pretty chill, mostly people getting wasted and doing pot or teens who hate their parents.
⋆˚— aaw the outfit of the day! I love that part.
well we have alternatives, being a teen fashion icon by the time looks so good.


⋆˚— free time is all the time, if you think about it... Anyways, just hang out with the guys, writing some lyrics or getting in trouble! Setting fire to cop cars is always an option! (I'm joking-not joking)
⋆˚— My non-native english suffered this one... But i think it means like my comfiest and safe dr that feels like a home. Well it's my alt future dr: already 35, life solved, millionare scientist and married to a beautiful husband. It's just the greatest dr i could have.
⋆˚— Punk band dr: 4 junkies with guittars play like shit and go famous.
⋆˚— My brain just spits ideas like a maniac and i make a pinterest board... Everything is in my braing or in notion written down.
⋆˚— i made a post once about it: i met Lu on highschool, Kristen is my mutual on Myspace and Dan works part time at a videoclub i always go to.
⋆˚— family?... what family? you guys scripted a family? The problem is that i didn't have any ideas for parents and it would be a problem for me so i scripted i was an orphan. This is very common so don't act like i'm weird.
⋆˚— the funniest scenario definitely was a my first awarding, i was so out of place between big artists from the time and i was just a little high so i fell asleep. Can you imagine waking up from a nap with your friends screaming and shaking like crazy, spotlights shining on you and a bunch of applause? I genuinely screamed "ALIENS?"... Anyways that was such a cool week, like having 5 star hotels, meeting a lot of people, getting out of jersey to visit Los angeles was something incredible as just a garage band.
⋆˚— Kristens brother, our manager and promoter. Like dude can you not frown and stare at me with hate for once?!? I just had a few shots, definitely not a whole bottle of vodka.
⋆˚— It's a Myspace blog named "The mischief booknote" i just post stuff about music and rebel shit i do for fun, also listing my 46 commited crimes and adding more everytime. Cause setting stuff on fire is cool when you're a teen.
That was fun!!! Thanks for this Asking game @solstices-dreams
ᓚᘏᗢ﹐𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞. ⁞ ˎˊ˗

shifting ask game reblog for asks ↻ ‧₊˚.

i’m bored so here’s another ask game, i’ll try to ask to everyone who reblogs, as long as tumblr isn't too glitchy, but feel free to send asks to others
— 💡 : what was your first dr and what is currently your main dr? How and why have you made this switch?
— 🏷 : what is your name for your dr and why is that your name?
— 👜 : what’s your house look like? Do you have any roommates or people who live with you? What’s your favorite aspect of your house and why?
— 🎞 : what edits of you would there be in your dr? what is your fandom like?
— 🩰 : what is your OOTD (outfit of the day) for a dr and why?
— 🏛️ : what do you do in your free time? Who are you with? Where do you go?
— 🗝 : what is your most niche dr and why did you make it?
— 📜 : summarize your dr in a sentence
— 🧳 : what is your favorite way to script and share your favorite dr script
— ♟ : who’s in your friend group and how did you make this friend group?
— 🕰 : what’s your family like? Who’s your favorite person and what are your relationships with your different members?
— 🎻 : what is a fun scenario you have scripted and you excited for? (be detailed! :)
— 💼 : who is someone you don’t get a long with in your dr? Why?
— 🍨 : what are your socials like in your dr? Followers? Username? What do you post?

#reality shifting#shifting community#shiftblr#desired reality#shifting ask game#punk rock dr#the mischief booknote
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Weekends With You
Agatha Harkness x reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Notes: Requested, fluff, smut, fingering, cunnilingus, thigh riding
Summary: You and your wife, Agatha are busy women with jam packed work schedules. It's rare that you just have time to be lazy. However it seems like fate is on your side as you both have the weekend off.
An: Another post this week, I honestly don't know what's taken over me. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend 🫶.
An entire weekend alone together was almost a foreign concept at this point in your relationship. Agatha was a busy woman and so were you. Even if both you managed to snag a weekend alone, it would be filled with social gatherings hosted by family or friends.
There was truly little time for just you and your wife. However, the stars seemed to align this weekend.
When you wake up on Friday morning, you are surprised to feel her arms wrapped around your waist. You turn in her hold to find her already staring at you.
“You don’t have work?”
She shakes her head, “Not until Monday.”
Your eyes widen, “Me either.”
A smile tugs at Agatha’s lips, “Do we have any plans? Parties, dinners, hangouts?”
You mirror her expression, “The calendars clear.”
She closes her eyes, relief washing over her features. Her hold on you tightens, “Fucking finally.”
You snuggle closer, resting your head on her chest, “I know right.” You reach for her hand intertwining your fingers, “I’ve missed just being lazy with you.”
Agatha kisses your forehead, “Me too, sweetheart.”
You yawn a bit, “Is it early enough for me to go back to sleep?”
“Does it matter?”
You meet her eyes, “Depends on if you’ll be here when I wake up again.”
Her eyes soften, “Won’t move a muscle.”
You settle against her mumbling, “Don’t let me sleep for too long.”
Before she could get a response off, you were out like a light. She relished in having you close like this. There were too many mornings that you didn't get to wake up next to each other.
As Agatha took in your figure, she started to believe no job was worth missing this view. Perhaps she could cut back some on her work hours. She wanted more time for just this.
True to her words, Agatha didn't move until you stirred again a few hours later. It was late morning. As soon as you began to wake up, the woman bolted straight for the bathroom.
You chuckled a bit, “You could’ve moved if you had to pee.”
“I’m a lady of my word,” she calls back to you.
When you two make it out of bed, it’s only to go to the living room. You’re comfortable in one of Agatha’s shirts and some shorts. The other woman ops for a T-shirt and some sweatpants.
You cuddle on the couch while watching tv. You basically lay on top of her, but she enjoys your body weight on her.
“Hungry, we can order something?” Agatha suggests as she plays with the hairs at the base of your neck.
“We should cook something,” you respond.
She laughs, “Babe, I love the enthusiasm, but you know we can’t cook.”
You look up at her, “Let’s try.”
Agatha rolls her eyes, “Try not to burn down the kitchen.”
You slap her arm playfully, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“What would we even make?”
You think for a bit, “Friday feels like a burger day.”
“Burgers aren’t too complicated,” Agatha admits.
“Perfect, I’ll order the groceries.”
Agatha raises a brow, “We can go to the store.”
“I’m comfortable right here,” you insists.
“Of course you are,” Agatha says flatly.
You challenge her, “I can get up if you want.”
Her arms tighten around you, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
You turn your attention back to the TV, “That’s what I thought.”
You stay in that position until the groceries get there. Finding a quick and easy burger recipe was not hard.
While Agatha was rigid in the kitchen, you were more fluid. Though you both were equally clueless. She saw you making educated guesses regarding the seasoning to the ground beef, and was going to step in. However, you redirected her to chopping the vegetables.
“I could cut them and you can take over the seasoning if you want?”
Agatha shook her head, “Not a chance. You and big knife, not happening.”
You sigh, “That was years ago.”
She gave you a pointed look, “You nearly lost your finger.”
You shrug, “They sewed it back on.”
“And if they hadn’t, you would’ve had one less finger.”
“You only care because it’s one of the fingers I use to-”
“Focus on the task at hand,” Agatha cut you off.
You made a couple of patties out of the beef, before heating a skillet to cook them. Agatha demanded to be in charge of the cooking, scared that you would hurt yourself. While she focused on the patties, you toasted and prepared the buns.
“Fuck,” you say in an exasperated tone.
You pout, “I didn’t get fries.”
Agatha smiles, “That’s fine, we have some chips. A potato is a potato."
You love the way she looks standing over the stove, spatula in her hand. Her words instantly placate you. Truthfully, you loved how Agatha always had a fix for your problems. Her solutions were simple and highly successful. She regularly saved you from stressing over the minute details of life.
You go up behind her, snaking your arms around her waist and resting your head on her back.
“I’m so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Agatha has a blush creeping on her cheeks, but she keeps her composure, “Because I said we can eat chips instead of fries?”
You don’t let her escape the compliment, “No, because you’re the most enticing woman I’ve ever met.”
Agatha’s demeanor softens, “I love you.”
You kiss her, your hand rests on her cheek, “I love you too. Don’t forget the cheese on the burgers.”
Agatha chuckles, lightly pushing you away from the stove. You passed her the slices of cheese from the fridge. She put a lid on so the cheese would quickly melt. In no time the burgers were ready.
You assembled them for the both of you, with some chips on the side. As you guys sat and ate, you shared conversations about your weeks. The parts that you hadn’t got a chance to share with each other. The meal was surprisingly good, it warmed both of you.
You wouldn’t say it out loud because it was corny, but you knew that anything that you and Agatha made together had to be good. It just made sense to you.
When you were done the two of you cleaned the kitchen. You washed and she dried the dishes, in a comfortable silence.
“Well now what?”
“You smell like burgers, so a shower maybe,” you point out.
Agatha smirks, “Care to join me?”
“Those were my intentions,” you wink at her.
“Any other intentions I should know about?”
You act aloof, “What ever do you mean?”
“Uh huh, let’s go buttercup.”
Though you had been teasing each other before nothing nefarious happens in the shower. In fact everything has a lighthearted kind of softness to it. There’s a shyness between the two of you. You're stealing glances at the woman you've seen naked more times than you can remember. Agatha eyes ask for permission before helping you wash your body. It’s all very innocent.
When you get out, you decide to put on your sleep shirt. You figure that you’re retiring to the room, so you hop in bed. Agatha follows your lead plopping in the bed next to you.
You both lay, scrolling on your phones. Agatha lays on her side while you’re flat on your back. She tugs your hand and you shimmy closer to her, throwing one of your legs between her’s. The motion is thoughtless as you continue to look at your phone.
You don’t expect it when Agatha snatches the device out of your hand.
“It’s going to cost you to get it back.”
You reach for the phone, failing miserably as you try to grasp it, “And what will it cost me?”
“A kiss.”
You let out an amused huff of air, “Just one?”
Agatha pretends to ponder, “A few.”
“Alright then, deal. A few kisses then I can go back to doom scrolling on Tumblr.”
Agatha sits your phone on the night stand. There’s a gleam in her eyes. One that should let you know that she was up to no good.
You pucker your lips childishly at the older woman, “Ready for my kisses.”
Agatha doesn’t even give you a chance. She places a hand on your waist and begins placing kisses all over your face. Wherever she can get her lips, she kisses.
You laugh at her antics, your voice shrill as she attacks you with kisses, “Agatha!”
She doesn’t stop, instead she takes the hand that was holding yours and extends your arm out. She kisses down and up your arm before locking eyes with you. She has a playfully smolder on her face, “You light my soul on fire.”
You can’t help but let out boisterous laughter. There’s a few helpless tugs on your end, attempts of freeing yourself from Agatha. However, the woman has no plans of letting you go.
Your chest heaves up and down as you attempt to catch your breath. Your eyes shine as they look into hers, “You fill me with warmth.”
Her lips meet yours. The playful energy has disappeared. You feel the atmosphere shifting in real time. Her lips moves against yours, almost hesitating. You meet her tentatively, in no rush to break this bubble that you’re in.
Her breath is minty like your shared toothpaste. The coolness matches the tempo of the kiss. You shiver as Agatha’s hand begins to slide up your bare thigh.
Your breath hitches when her fingers slip past the elastic of your underwear.
“Agatha,” you mumble her name against her lips.
Her eyes open, and they’re loving as the meet yours.
“Can I make you feel good, pretty girl?”
You nod slowly. In a much more deliberate way, she kisses your chin, the base your neck, your collarbone. You pull your shirt over your head in one swift move. She kisses the middle of your chest, before cupping your left breast in her hand.
Your back arches when her mouth takes in your hardened nipple. At first, she’s lost in the feeling of the hard bud in her mouth. Her eyes closed as she licks, sucks, and nips, the sensitive area. It’s when she switches to the right breast, that she keeps eyes contact with you.
Your thumb swipes across her cheek tenderly, “Fuck, I love it when you look at me. Don’t stop, I want you to see how good you make me feel, Aggie."
Once she releases your nipple, she continues to kiss down your abdomen. She’s halfway down when you tuck your finger under her chin. You pull her back up to your lips.
Her tongue slips intto your mouth this time. You let a mewl travel from your mouth into hers, as she kisses you lovingly.
The kiss ends when you tug her shirt over her head. You find yourself staring at her perky breast, once they’re exposed. Agatha kisses your cheek, noticing your staring.
“They’re all yours baby,” she reminds you.
The heat on your face doesn’t stop you from grabbing her breasts in both your hand. You massage them, your fingers twirl her nipples. She moans at the stimulation. You can’t help yourself as your moth begins sucking at the swells of her breasts. She doesn’t stop you, as you mark her.
While you do that, her fingers travel to their original position between your legs. She can feel a small amount of dampness on your underwear It makes you gasp against your skin.
“So wet for me baby,” Agatha slides her finger oast the fabric.
She doesn’t say a word as her fingers drag through your folds. She moves them back and forth a few times, partially unable to believe how soaked you are.
A whimper from you, breaks her trance. She slowly pushes a finger into you, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. She finds none, only your mouth slightly open as she slowly thrusts her finger in you.
The sound alone has Agatha pooling in her own panties. She lowers herself so that she has a better view of your pussy swallowing her finger.
Agatha adds another finger at your request. She picks up the speed just a little. The breathy sounds that were leaving you, turn more solid. She loved hearing you moan because of her.
“Taking me so good baby,” she mumbles mesmerized by the sight in front of her.
“Your fingers were made to be inside of me,” you manage to squeeze out of your mouth.
“I feel you building up for me. I have to taste you before you cum,” Agatha licks her lips.
Soon her head is dipping down. While her fingers pump you, she guides her tongue down your pussy. The first thing she thinks as she taste you, is that she never wants to stop. You taste like heaven to her.
She’s tempted to remove her fingers and fuck you with her tongue, but she wouldn't do that too you while you're this close. Your hips rock into her fingers as your desperation begins to peek through.
“Agatha, I need to- please,” a plea falls from your lips.
Agatha doesn’t respond verbally. Instead she flicks your clit with her tongue before sucking it like a lollipop. She does it twice more using the hand that’s not inside of you to rub tight circles on your clit.
“Oh fuck,” escapes you as you grip a handful of Agatha’s hair.
She sticks her tongue out just enough to feel tour clit pulsating against it. She’s eating it lazily as your high comes down.
“You’re so perfect,” you say to her, pulling her back up to meet your lips.
You don’t know when she took her panties off, but she did. She slick pussy was making a mess all over your thigh. You couldn’t find yourself to care as she began wiggling her hips as you kissed.
Your hands rest in the dips of her hips, “Let me help you.”
Rhythmically you guide her in riding your thigh. You tense the muscle and you watch her throw her head back. You kiss along her neck while she humps your thigh. You lick long stripes ending with delicate kiss.
“I’m going to cum all over your thigh, baby.”
You keep eye contact with her as you suck on her nipple. Your hands still dictating the swing of her hips.
“Kiss me,” she commands.
Your lips smash against hers. Her hand on the back of your neck keeps you kissing her. Her hips stutter and you feel her muscles go stiff then slack. Her falls into your shoulder. She leaves a light kiss there.
“I think we were supposed to do that before the shower,” you joke lightly.
“Shut up,” Agatha jokes back.
You kiss her forehead, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she raises her head briefly to peck your lips.
The rest of your weekend follows a similar pattern. Both you and Agatha realize that you aren’t willing to give it up. Both of you changing your work schedules, so you can spend the weekends wrapped up in each other.
#lowkeyerror#agatha x reader#agatha harkness x reader#agatha harkness#agatha harkness imagine#lowkeyanswers#lowkeyasks
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Pls draw zoro & usopp together ?? :D they’re one of my favorite duos & they don’t get very much fanart I think (or just usopp if u don’t wanna draw two people ofc!!!!!!)
look at these goobers. i heart them. idgaf what the haters say they're besties. talk to the wall. also i tried a new rendering thing + also drew their postts designs from memory cause i was too lazy to pull a ref (im so responsible). i hope it looks okay </3
#post-enies lobby really ruined everyones perception of their friendship.#i will never forgive this fandom for the way they treat usopp because of w7. okay. im rattling the bars of my cage#usopp zoro relationship (friendship or romantic relationship) truthers i loooove you#we're stronger than anyone in this fandom#“zoro hates usopp” this “zoro didn't want usopp back on the crew” that#SHUT UP. SHUUUTT UPPPP#i love them. theyre my no1 and no2 favorite straw hats. my GOOOAATTTTT(s)#i am a zoro fan which im in the bad take trenches#i am an usopp fan which means i am in the bad take trenches#someone get me out of these trenches man. im gonna get trench foot#anyway please your boys!!!!! i love them. thank you for also giving me an excuse to draw zoro#and rant about how much i hate people who say they aren't friends.#one piece#one piece fanart#my art#roronoa zoro#usopp#op fanart#you got mail!#requests#i drew them in another picture but then i realized they looked REALLY gay and idk if thats what you wanted so i decided to make it more#platonic looking. although i didn't mean it to look gay okay.#it just so happens that every time i draw zoro with a male strawhat they look like they're gay#he has that effect on men. i guess.#shoutout to the remember my name animatic where it looked so intensely like zolu#i don't even like zolu. like at all#idk how that even HAPPENED#anyway sorry these tags are getting a lil too long atp
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Family Reunion
I’m back! Sorry for not posting! School is starting again and I haven’t had the time to write some stories.
Anyway, I had this amazing idea! It’s about seeing your family members who are soldiers back from deployment!
Note: I saw this one video about a child running to his father after he appeared at the airport gate and it was so cute!
Pairings: Fem!Reader x 141 (individually, alongside with your children.)

Synopsis: Task Force 141 has just finished a long deployment of 3 whole months. Eager to see their families or loved ones, they decided to head home early in the morning. What they didn’t know was that their families were too eager to wait at home!
Warning: There is none! Just watch out for the cutest moments ever!!
Genre: Fluff, SFW.
John Price
John was tired. Exhausted even. Actually, exhausted was an understatement. He was on the brink of passing out.
3 months before wasn’t that much or a deal, but now that he has a son and a wife waiting at home. All he thinks about is his family and it pisses him off that he had his flight delayed over the wind picking up.
So when he could finally make it to his flight and ensure that the rest of his Task Force members were accounted for properly, he could finally sit down and take a breather.
It was a grueling 6-hour and 45-minute flight. Price did not know if he was going crazy but could swear that he took at least a 3-4 hour nap but saw that there were STILL 4 hours left to the flight. "Bloody hell..." To say the least, he was relieved to be back in London and on land. Getting through security and going to the luggage area to pick up his belongings felt like a blur.
He remembered walking through the gate to welcome the arrivals before hearing a familiar giggle. "I'm coming, papa!"
John's eyes widened when seeing his son running towards him, he didn't expect this but he sure damn is happy it happened.
Without thinking, he knelt down to welcome his son into his arms, picked him up, and continued walking while reuniting with his son.
"Hey, kiddo. Missed you lots," John smiled kissing the boy's head who squealed in delight.
You smiled when seeing the moment happen, having it on film to go back on this memory in the future, "Surprise! We wanted to see you first thing in the morning." "I would've told you to wait fo' me back at home. But I'm glad you came 'ere instead," John for once showed a genuine smile when speaking and hugging his wife.
Oh. How he missed his family.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Gaz was eager to get back home as his wife had told him about being in labour during his deployment.
He was saddened he couldn't be there physically but sent letters and messages to show his support for his ever-so-strong wife for pulling through with a healthy baby and birth.
"Hells fuckin' bells, Gaz. You've been pacing 'round for 20 minutes straight," Soap commented, looking at his teammate moving around in the airport gate waiting area they're in.
The said sergeant sighed, groaning as he sat next to Price, "Sorry. Just a bit restless." "A bit?" The captain huffed out a small laugh, "Looks more than that to me, eh?" "He's just eager to meet his new addition to his family," Ghost spoke, scrolling through his burner phone.
And they were right, Gaz was eager to meet his baby girl as he couldn't be there for her birth. It made him nervous when thinking about his family.
Once they were called to board their flight, Gaz booked it towards the counter and was first to sit down.
Price blinked in amusement but didn't pry as he understood the emotions the young male was going through.
The flight lasted 5 hours, but it was like a whole day according to the tan-skinned male. (He was getting tired of aircraft after his series of falling out of them twice with Price during a mission.)
Once landing in London and saying goodbye to Soap as he was heading to Scotland, Glasgow to reunite with his family.
Gaz immediately went to talk things out with his in-laws about how to get to his wife and daughter.
But to his surprise, he didn’t know you gave birth a little in advance while he was in early deployment.
"Yeah. So sorry to bother you. Is it possible that one of my brothers could pick me up from the airport? It’s 7 in the morning, and I know it’s not ideal, but if you could at least ask one of them, that would be much appreciated."
While speaking on the phone with his mother-in-law. You were seen trying to wrangle your first born son while your newborn daughter was in a baby stroller as the rest of both you and Kyle’s family were all gathered to the greeting area of new arrivals.
"Hurry up, everyone!" Kyle’s mother whisper-yelled, seeing a glimpse of her son made her signal to everyone to get into their positions.
Price notified the sergeant on his phone earlier, "You okay, Gaz?"
"Yeah, Cap." He replied calmly, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Everything’s fine. Just trying to find my brother-in-law. Apparently Roy he was supposed to pick me up."
Price and Ghost have offered to drop him off but Kyle insisted on not disturbing them when they just returned from their deployment.
While walking to exit, a group of people suddenly yelled, "Welcome back!!" It was Kyle’s family and yours, greeting him back.
This made the sergeant stop in his tracks before a large grin appeared over his face as he walked over to his family and greeted them all.
"There’s someone else who wants to meet you!" His mother added after being able to hug her son.
A young boy, no older than 3 years old ran towards his father making his heart flutter out of joy to see him.
"Oh, hey, bud," Kyle smiled, picking him up.
You walked over to your husband, "They were eager to see you."
Kyle was surprised to see their newborn daughter in your arms. He almost cried when seeing the fragile baby girl, "Oh, love, she’s beautiful."
The family hugged it out, "I’m home," he mumbled in his wife’s hair.
This was one of the best surprises he’s ever had in his lifetime.
John "Soap" MacTavish
(We all knew that Johnny would probably win when it comes to the biggest family reward. I mean, he’s a Scot, of course he’d have at least two or three older sisters waiting for him back home.)
The moment where he was allowed to head back to Glasgow was the time where he really was able to be just John MacTavish instead of Soap.
He’s just happy to be home and see his family. Especially his adorable triplets that his missus gave him in a healthy birth.
While getting his luggage, he felt someone wrap their around his shoulders, he instinctively tried to push the person off, military instincts kicking in.
But he knew that laugh…He knew who just tackled him.
"You troublemaker! I thought someone tried to tackle me," he laughed, hugging his older sister.
"Ha! You wish! Still haven’t beaten me yet, Johnny!" The ginger grinned, hugging her younger sibling tightly.
The two other sisters ran and lunged at John practically almost making everyone tumble to the ground.
But he couldn’t care less, he missed his family, his siblings. The people who supported him throughout his childhood and adulthood.
"Johnny!/JJ!” His other sisters, who are twins, also with ginger hair greeted him happily.
He laughed heartedly, for the first time in months he was able to laugh like he meant it. It felt nice to see his family again.
"Our golden baby brother is finally back," ever since his childhood, John could remember about his elder siblings shower him in gifts and love.
"Come on, you three. I’m not a baby anymore. I’m married and have kids," John dismissed their awes.
"Adult or not, you’re still our baby brother," his elder sister smiled before calling out to a group of people to join them.
Huh…? He could have sworn he heard his children but couldn’t find them. He swerved his head to try and find the source of the sound.
And there they were, his adorable children running to greet him after being separated for so long.
John didn’t waste them to embrace them in a tight hug, “Aw! I missed you guys so much!"
Simon "Ghost" Riley
3 months…
3 months…!
3 months!
"Bloody hell…"
It wasn’t unusual for Ghost to be gone for long periods of time. But for some reason, he felt extremely tired and unable to think straight since his deployment ended.
All he could think about is you.
His wife.
His family.
His children.
The long flight towards Manchester was gruelling for him.
The checking in, signing the papers and getting his passport back while getting his luggage felt like an eternity for him.
He was about to call you that he’s heading out of the airport before seeing a banner at the exit.
It said: "Welcome home, Dad!"
To anyone, they would’ve thought it could any person, but Simon knew that that banner was meant for him.
"Daddy!" His eldest son smiled, running up to him, too eager to wait for him to walk towards them.
Without missing a beat, the tall man picked up his son, "I missed you!" The 8 year old grinned.
"Same ‘ere, kiddo."
You were seen holding your 4 year old daughter, "Welcome home, Si!"
The young girl squealed when seeing her father, "Papa!"
Ghost was no longer when he was with his family.
In their eyes, he was Simon Riley, your husband, the kids’ father and role model.
Simon picked up his daughter from your arms, happy to see his children after so long.
Both kids were seen in the big man’s arms, excited to have their father back after his long deployment.
"Did you wait long?" Simon asked, turning towards you.
You just waved him off, "Not at all. In fact, we got here half an hour before you got here."
"That’s good," He murmured before giving you a side hug, not wanting to squish the children still in his arms.
"Welcome home, Si," you said making him smile under the balaclava.
"I’m finally home."
Thanks for reading! :)
#cod modern warfare#cod x reader#x female reader#cod#cod mwii#x reader#john soap mactavish#funny texts#john price#simon ghost riley#simon riley x reader#captain price#task force 141#kyle gaz garrick#kyle garrick#soap cod#ghost cod#reunion#family#love#cute#fluff
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As Long As You're There
A/N: AHHHHHHHH This is SO intimidating. My first ever fic posted. I don't feel like it's my best work, but if I don't post this now, I'm going to chicken out, and never write anything ever again. I hope you don't hate it, since I refuse to have my first piece beta read for fear of chickening out from that, too. So... no beta, we die like Jason. Feedback appreciated, but please be nice, LOL. I'm sensitive and very new to this. Love you all! - Hy
Warnings: Reader uses she/her pronouns, not beta read, tenses might jump around (i got nervy), generally nervous author, was supposed to be angst/fluff but I honestly don't know how to describe this one, folks
Synopsis: Eddie is sure Chrissy Cunningham is the girl for him. What happens when he is shown she's not?
It is undeniable. Eddie Munson thinks he likes Chrissy Cunningham - especially after that drug deal before the championship game back in high school. He doesn't really, though. Deep down, what it really boils down to is that he craves to be known and liked by the people who torment him. He sees kindness in her, and thinks that maybe - just maybe - if Chrissy can see past the flaws, even a girl like her could come to have feelings for a guy like him. After all, he's always been funny, charming, and larger-than-life. Sure, he talks a lot, he goes on emotional rants, and always has something to tease his friends about. And okay, maybe he's a little bossy. But at the end of the day, he's just a guy with a lot of affection to give and not enough friends to give it to. He tries, he does, to keep his temper tamed and attitude in check, but it's hard for someone with a past like his. He's a little angry at everything. He wants to get out of Hawkins, sure. But most of all, he just wishes he could feel normal. He likes being different, likes being who he is. But he doesn't like what comes with it. The jeering, the nasty looks, the fear - it's all so stupid. Because despite all of his attitude and temper and hardened look, Eddie Munson is a complete dork with a heart of gold. After all, the jocks and preps don't have a care in the world to take those who look like they've got no one and give them a place and a group to be a part of. No, only Eddie does that. He's done it since he was young, and even now, in his mid-twenties and having completed his Associate's degree to make his old man proud (the one who cared for him, not the one who left him), he still finds himself constantly looking out for people who may need a group. All the while, he keeps one eye open in search of Chrissy Cunningham - the girl who went off to college, got her fancy Bachelor's degree, and then, for some reason entirely unknown to Eddie, returned to her hometown to teach at the very same high school they'd both graduated from.
Eddie, meanwhile, had been stuck working at the auto shop since he'd graduated. Wayne had sat him down and insisted he needed to find real work, lest he get arrested for his extracurricular activities. The conversation, of course, had been prompted by Wayne finding a stash of pills his nephew had hidden (and then forgotten) in the bread box. He hadn't been happy, and had told Eddie he would not be going down for 'having them damn pills in my home.' Eddie had been a little embarrassed, but agreed to get a real job- so he'd chosen the shop. Luckily for him, it was in a perfect spot. It was on the street Chrissy Cunningham passed every morning on her drive to school, and every afternoon on her drive home. In the spring through the fall, she even walked most days - which gave Eddie the chance to say hello. He always tried to be as grease-free as he could, but some stains really just stuck, and he had a habit of wiping his face after changing the oil in his customers' cars... it didn't go well for him in the looks department.
What Chrissy thought of it, no one was the wiser. None of Eddie's friends really interacted with her. Half the kids were still off to college, Dustin being the furthest and at an Ivy League, so no one could spy or find information. Sure, El was still around, choosing to go to the local college with Max, but they definitely didn't speak to Chrissy. Mike, Will, and Lucas had their own college woes. And Steve and Robin... well, they'd gotten through community college too, eventually, but they stayed within their comfort zone. They didn't make new friends, and they certainly didn't hang out with the likes of Chrissy Cunningham. Nancy and Jonathan had done what they'd always said they'd do - they took the settlement money from the government and went to NYU together, staying in New York City to work at the Times, as journalist and photographer, respectively.
All of these things meant that Eddie was on his own. Except, of course, for his best friend. One of the craziest things about community college to him was that he met people from other towns. Imagine his shock when he met a girl there from a small town not 45 minutes away from Hawkins, studying music history for fun. He was a lover of music, sure, but he was taking the class for the sake of his liberal arts degree. This girl? She was finishing her Bachelor's at the local university and taking courses for fun at the local college. He'd found her fascinating, to say the least. It helped that she was, like him, a little different from the rest. They had similar (though not quite identical) music tastes, and fashion that made their conservative towns uncomfortable. It sparked an instant bond. He'd invited this girl out to Hawkins once, and they'd never looked back. They'd become inseparable. She'd moved out to Hawkins, somehow a nicer town than her own, especially as its commerce grew, and helped Eddie out of his slump. When Wayne had given him that talk, it was Eddie's new best friend who'd helped him nail the interview at the auto shop. It was she who helped him find his new apartment (conveniently a 5 minute walk away from her own), and it was she who listened as he gushed about good ol' Chrissy Cunningham.
So here you were, once again seated at the register at your job, listening to Eddie go on about Chrissy's outfit that day on her walk home from teaching at the school. Did it bother you? Absolutely not. There was no reason for it to bother you. He was just a friend. Your best friend. But... then why did your stomach sink whenever he brought her up? Why did your chest feel tight? Why did it feel hard to smile when he laughed about how cute she was when she'd dropped her purse, or whatever book she was carrying? Why did you-
The ringing of the bell above the door pulled you out of your spiral, if for but a moment. You looked up, never more grateful in your life than to see the likes of Steve Harrington, who'd been introduced to you early on in your friendship with Eddie. He was a good friend of yours now, and often came to visit you at work, as with the others who’d stayed behind, when they had the time. Often, he wanted to talk about the latest gossip to someone who wasn't Robin (after all, he couldn't very well tell Robin half of the things he experienced, because she was usually there to experience it with him). He gave Eddie a good, friendly slap on the back as he approached the counter, leaning his forearms on the counter and leaning forward to greet you. Eddie made a face, annoyed at having been interrupted, but not annoyed enough to voice it.
"Hiya, Stevie," you greeted him with a smile, eyes communicating your relief at his arrival.
"Hey!” He responded brightly, but your relief was short-lived, as Steve took this opportunity to smile suspiciously sweetly at you, "so, any chance you want to take my shift later?"
Your eyes narrowed at him, "so that's why you're here? To ask for a favor? Even though you still owe me for the last shift I covered?" He had the decency to look at least a little apologetic about that, and nodded.
"I swear I'll pay you back for both. But... remember that girl who's been coming in every week to see me? I ran into her today while getting lunch, and she actually agreed to a date tonight. I swear, I'll more than make it up to you if you just please help me out today. I'll beg, do you want me to beg?"
You put your hands up in surrender, "woah, okay. No need to tarnish your dignity like that. I'm good, I'll stay. It's not like I have plans anyway, so one of us might as well get a date. God knows we could both use the romantic luck," you rest your chin on your hand with a huff, and he thanks you about seven times before running back out, leaving just you and Eddie once again (and, well, the three customers browsing the aisles of the store).
"So..." Eddie started, trying to keep the conversation from awkwardness. "No luck on the dating front, then?"
You couldn't help but to shoot him a dirty look, before you rolled your eyes and sighed. "No. There's no- anyone in this damn town. No one interested, and no one interesting. Maybe I need to expand my horizons and take a road trip out to Indie," you huffed. Eddie shrugged, turning to lean his back on the counter as he continued chatting with you, picking at his nails all the while.
"I think I might ask Chrissy to go out tomorrow night. Think she'll say yes?" For some reason, the fact that your misery led to him talking about his hopeful date sparked anger in you, but you didn't let it show. Did you think Chrissy would go out with him? Maybe. She was so sweet, you didn't think she had any reason to say no. She'd give him a shot, at least. But that was the trouble, wasn't it? If she gave him a shot, she'd see how wonderful he was. And then, maybe, you'd lose him for good. Was that something you were cool with? It wasn't like you were together. It wasn't like he'd ever looked at you the way he looks at her. It wasn't like you were in love with him... was it?
That realization had you smacking your forehead lightly against the countertop behind the register, and Eddie turned around to look at you with a puzzled expression. "You good over there?"
You just managed a frustrated groan and the excuse, "just commiserating that everyone else has successful romantic lives and I'm stuck behind this register. Of course she'll say yes, she's too sweet to reject you, and you're awesome. Anyone who doesn't see my best friend's potential as a boyfriend is stupid and also rude." You finally looked up at him with what you hoped was a convincing smile. He couldn't help his own grin at that, feeling proud.
"It's totally settled, then. I'm going to ask her. What do you think she'll say to going to the new diner that opened up where Benny's old place was?" He asked, and you had to plaster on that fake smile again.
"Eddie, as long as you're there, she'll have a great time. Trust me." At least, it was true for you. If Eddie was present, you knew you’d have a great time. At least, most of the time. When he gushed about Chrissy, you had… less of a good time. But your compliment seemed to work, because he lit up like a christmas tree.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he gave you a beaming sort of smile, leaning over the counter to kiss your cheek. “I think I’m gonna go see if I can catch her on her lunch break. I’ll call you if it goes well!” He turned tail and ran, clearly excited. Luckily, he was gone so fast that he missed the way you deflated entirely.
You were happy for him, and would continue to be if he managed to date Chrissy. But it didn’t change that you’d be jealous of her. A relationship - especially with Eddie - was time-consuming and all-encompassing. He would spend his free time with her, and you’d be left behind. It was natural, after all. What girl would want her boyfriend hanging out with another girl one on one? The thoughts plagued you, until a customer called into the shop asking about whether a certain book was in stock or not. After that, your day managed to go by a little quicker.
You didn’t realize how late it had gotten until you were reading a book behind the counter and heard the bell ring as someone entered the store. Eddie slammed his hands down on the counter with a big grin, “guess what?” You peered up at him over your book and your heart sank, but you kept your expression clear for him.
“Hm… you’re a huge nerd?” You joked, and he made a face in response.
“She said yes! She’s actually going on a date with me!” His eyes were bright and excited. ��She said she’s cool with diner food, so… tomorrow night, I’ve got a hot date with Chrissy Cunningham. Will you help me choose what to wear?” And he just looked so hopeful, that you couldn’t possibly say no to him. So you agreed, and he sat around with you until the end of your shift.
You wound up going back to his place that night, to help him in his search for an outfit. He even threw it in the wash so that he could smell good for his date. That night when you went to bed, you couldn’t help but to stare up at the ceiling and seethe for a few minutes, before letting sleep overtake you. Your dreams were the same as they always were - some shenanigans you got into with Eddie. Only tonight they held a different meaning, and when you woke up you were forced to reconcile with the information that was news even to you:
You were in love with your best friend.
You went into your shift early that morning, stopping for coffee at your favorite place before starting your day at the store. You were able to distract yourself then, as Saturdays were particularly busy days for book-buyers. You hadn’t thought about your revelation since you’d had it. You had refused to acknowledge it, in fact. Eddie was your best friend. And he was going on a date with Chrissy Cunningham tonight. There was absolutely no point in thinking any more about potential feelings that may or may not exist. So you spent the day working, and maybe pouting. A couple of your friends stopped by to say hi throughout the day, but noticed your demeanor and ended up just letting you mope.
Before his date, Eddie stopped by your job - and God, did it hurt. He looked so handsome. His curls were freshly washed and styled, his leather jacket hanging off of him like it was made for him, and his freshly washed jeans making him look more cleaned up than ever. When he opened up his jacket, he was proud to show off the button-up you’d helped him choose. ‘Dressy enough to be on a date, dressed down enough for jeans’ was what you’d told him. And his usual worn combat boots looked - almost good as new. When you asked about those, he was proud to say he’d spent his morning cleaning them with carpet cleaner and a toothbrush. Your heart ached that he’d never put that much effort in for you, not in that way.
Before he could leave, you approached him to fix his collar and a stray curl, making sure he looked his absolute best. You refused to meet his eyes for your own sanity, and if he noticed, he didn’t comment. He just let you work your magic, and when you finally stepped back, you gave him your most convincing smile, and wished him well. “Call me if you need anything at all. I’ll be home tonight, and tomorrow morning. I want to hear all about it,” lie. “She’s going to have a great time, not a doubt in my mind,” truth. “I’ll be rooting for you,” lie. “You’re gonna do great,” truth.
He smiled proudly, and thanked you before giving you a big hug. The smell of his good cologne (only brought out for funerals and weddings) threw you for a loop, and nearly strangled you, but you managed to squeeze him back. When he ran out with a quick “love ya!” you just fell back into your seat behind the counter for the last hour of your shift.
If you had any idea what was going on in Eddie’s head…
He’d only stopped by because he figured he should share in this exciting moment with his best friend. But something about your excitement had him feeling a little odd about the whole thing. And then you’d come up to him to help him straighten his shirt and fix his hair and you just wouldn’t look at him. He couldn’t understand why, but honestly, he was too focused on the fact that you were wearing your favorite perfume that day. He could tell you’d washed your hair that morning, too, because he caught a whiff of the shampoo you so loved. So when you didn’t look up and meet his eyes, he had to push down a weird feeling of disappointment. But he’d hugged you goodbye and you’d wished him luck, and that was that.
Or so he’d thought. He showed up to Chrissy’s to pick her up, a cute little townhouse near the center of town, and did all the gentlemanly things he was supposed to do. He’d brought her a small bouquet of daisies, and walked her to the car and opened her door for her - it was all pretty textbook. She smiled and laughed during the drive, and it had Eddie feeling like he was already on the right track with this girl.
Things did take a turn, though, when they actually got to talking after they’d ordered their meals. Because it would seem that Chrissy knew him better than he ever imagined she would.
“Can I ask you a question?” She’d asked him, hands folded in front of her as she leaned close in curiosity.
“Shoot,” he’d leaned back against the back of his seat, smiling.
“I know you mentioned yesterday that you’ve had a crush on me for years, and I found that so sweet of you, Eddie, but… aren’t you in love with - well… you know…” She didn’t say your name, but only because it felt a little major to bring up your name if he hadn’t considered it. But he blinked at her, puzzled, and she realized she had no choice. So she finished her question with your name, which made Eddie’s eyes go comically large.
“Sorry, what?” Was all he managed. His eyebrows slowly rose to his hairline, when she gave him a shy smile.
“Eddie… you hear yourself when you talk about her, don’t you?” She asked, a soft giggle in her voice. “I’m flattered, I am. And I think you’re really amazing, and would love to date you. But only if I thought you actually liked me. I’m not accusing you of lying, I just don’t think you realize just how you sound.”
Eddie was not a man often brought to speechlessness, but Chrissy’s question stopped him dead in his tracks. You? That wasn’t possible. You were his best friend. Comfortably listed in the “friends” category in his brain… or were you? Chrissy, sweet Chrissy, pointed behind him to the entrance, and said “oh, I guess her shift must have ended! She’s here now with someone!”
The speed at which Eddie whipped around to look was nearly breakneck. When he saw you were, in fact, not there, he turned back to Chrissy with a blush and an embarrassed look in his eye. She just gave him that warm smile and sweet giggle, “I’m sorry, Eddie. But that’s not something someone does for just a best friend. Have you ever thought about that?”
He took a moment to rewind and think about his conversation on the drive here. Admittedly, he’d told Chrissy a lot of stories about you. He started by telling her all about how he would gush to you about his crush on her, but then devolved into just telling her about the times you’d hung out, and the fun things you’d done together. When she’d mentioned a restaurant or fun activity, he’d talk about a time you’d discussed the same with him. So, okay, maybe he talked about you a lot. And sure, he had thought about how much he preferred your perfume over Chrissy’s when he’d picked her up at her place, but that didn’t mean anything, did it?
And then he thought about how he’d felt so off when you hadn’t met his eyes when fixing his date night outfit. He’d never voice that one out loud to Chrissy, but he’d wanted you to look up at him and smile, and see how handsome he looked. He’d tried hard. The more he thought about it, the bigger hole he felt he dug himself.
He blinked at her and groaned, burying his face in his hands in shame. “Shit. I think I’m in love with my best friend.”
Chrissy, to her credit, took it so sweetly. She giggled and just encouraged him, telling him he should tell you and get it out in the open. Eddie, however, was so afraid. Afraid he would be wrong about the whole thing and you wouldn’t be interested in him in return. It didn’t matter, in the end, because his date (and now friend) was rather persuasive, and convinced him to do it as soon as he saw you next. And before he knew it, he was paying for their date, and driving her home. He liked being friends with Chrissy, he realized, and didn’t exactly desire any more than that. He’d always wanted her to like him, and now he knew she did - in a more important way than romance. She liked him for who he was, and wanted him to be happy. She wanted to be his friend.
As soon as he dropped her off, she gave him a warning look and told him not to stray from his plan. It would work, and you’d be together in no time. He just thanked her and got back into his truck, driving home. His autopilot must have broken, however, because next thing he knew, he was pulling into the parking lot at your apartment. He sat there and stared at your door, the automatic light coming on and making his heart race. When he looked up, he saw the lights in your apartment were still on, signalling that you hadn’t quite gone to bed just yet. With his last hope of an excuse entirely extinguished, he got out of his car and stood at your front door for a few moments. Luckily, since you lived on the second floor, he got a minute to breathe before you saw him lingering at the door and freaked out about a stranger. So he took a chance, breathed, and did his special knock.
You had been wallowing in self-pity all night, watching your favorite romcoms and snacking on your favorite chips and dip combo. Anything to try and forget about the realization that you were in love with Eddie. It was the worst possible timing, really. After all, he’d been hopelessly single for so long. You had to realize the day he wanted to ask his longtime crush on a date? You spent a long while beating yourself up about that, but eventually accepted your fate and tried to think about literally anything else. Hence, movies and snacks. You’d even tried to pick up a book at one point, but you realized that even that had a romantic plot, and ended up throwing it onto your bed and returning to the movies. At least romantic comedies had comedy. You’d even cried during one of your all-time favorites, which was infuriating - you could hear Eddie’s teasing voice in your head about how crying over a dumb boy was so not metal. If only he knew. So naturally, when his signature knock came from your front door, you were puzzled.
You descended the stairs to the front door with your brows drawn together in confusion, opening the door in your pjs - soft pajama pants and a hellfire t-shirt you’d stolen from Eddie years prior. He was standing there, hands stuffed in his pockets as he stared at the apartment number next to your door. “Uh… hi? Shouldn’t you be on your date right now?” You asked, but opened the door further for him to enter. He shrugged and toed his boots off before heading up the stairs, leaving you to lock up behind him and follow - more confused than ever. “Eddie, is everything okay?”
He fell onto your couch and pulled the bowl of chips onto his lap, putting a chip in his mouth just to avoid answering the question. But you were too stubborn, standing in front of him with your hands on your hips. “Edward. What the hell?” He finally looked up at you with his big brown eyes at that, and had the decency to look a little shy.
“‘M not in love with Chris,” he mumbled with his mouth full. You didn’t quite understand (or, you thought you didn’t) so you made a face at him, and he waited until his mouth was no longer full to repeat “I’m not in love with Chris. She’s- great. But I’m not in love with her.”
Your self-pity melted away for a moment at his ridiculousness, “Eddie, you’ve been on one date. You’re not necessarily going to fall in love over burgers, dude.” You looked at him like he was only slightly insane, which he appreciated.
“Yeah, no, I know that,” he tugged at a strand of his hair. “I know that. I just… I am in love, y’know? Just- not with Chrissy.” And if that doesn’t confuse you even further. Your chest tightens for a moment, but he’s not making any sense, and you really just need him to stop being so cryptic.
“Honestly, Ed, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Can you please just tell me what’s going on?” You sat next to him, facing him with your legs criss-cross. He refused to turn and face you, just setting the bowl of chips on the coffee table and staring down at his lap, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. You stared at him expectantly for a moment, and when he stayed quiet, you lightly punched his arm. “Speak, nerd.”
“Hey,” he finally pouted at you, rubbing his arm as if you’d punched him much harder. “I dunno! Chrissy had some enlightening shit to tell me. Apparently she knows me better than I thought she did. Actually, better than I know me. Which was super weird, by the way. I didn’t like feeling so exposed. But uh… She just opened my eyes. Turns out, I’ve been in love with someone for, like, a stupid long time.” When he stopped there, you almost punched him again, for leaving you on such a cliffhanger. He put his hands up in defense when he noticed. “Hey! Okay! I’m talking!”
He took a deep breath, “so, you won’t totally hate me for this, will you?” He felt he had to ask, and you made another face at him.
“I mean, depends on who you’re in love with. If you have really bad taste, then yeah. I might,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. He gave you his most unimpressed stare and rolled his eyes, before tugging at his hair again, a nervous habit you found annoyingly cute.
“Uh- well. You, actually,” he said simply, with a nervous, almost self-deprecating chuckle. You blinked at him for a moment.
“I’m sorry, me? Me what?” You asked, the possibility simply not computing in your mind.
“You. I’m in love with you. Apparently been in love with you for awhile. Just didn’t notice because my head was too far up my own ass,” he said, finally meeting your eyes again, this time looking more sincere than he had in awhile. But you were skeptical, and afraid of having your feelings hurt.
“Eddie, where is this coming from? You’ve always had feelings for Chrissy. It was like, a fact, at this point. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and Eddie Munson has a crush on Chrissy Cunningham. You don’t like me, you never have. Not- like that,” you told him, a little insecure. He didn’t really seem to have an answer except to lean over and kiss your cheek, his own cheeks bright red. Your eyes went wide and you stared at him for a moment, fighting your own thoughts. You stared at each other, equally wide-eyed, until you finally blurted out “I’m in love with you too. And it’s so weird because I never knew I felt this way until yesterday, and I finally understood why it irked me so much when you wouldn’t shut up about Chrissy.”
The admission caught you both off guard, and neither of you really knew how to respond. Eddie let out a curse under his breath before leaning in and capturing your lips in a hasty kiss, just quick and short but enough to have both of your hearts racing. You let out a squeak, and just stared at him again, before throwing your arms around him to hug him close, enjoying the smell of his shampoo, and his good cologne. You had no idea where this would take you, or if it would last. All you knew was that as long as he was there, you’d be just fine. As it turned out, Eddie Munson does not like Chrissy Cunningham. At least, not in the way he thought he did. He liked her as a friend, sure. But his real feelings could be found around the one person who’d been by his side since his first day of his music history class at the local community college. The girl whose nerd matched his, the girl who never needed him to be anything except what he was. A girl to whom he wasn’t too much, or not enough. Instead, he was just enough. Just loud enough, just obnoxious enough, just bossy enough, just funny enough, just clingy enough, just affectionate enough. And now that he had her for real, he would never ever let go.
#my writing#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson drabble#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson fic#stranger things#x reader#hy's writing#chrissy cunningham#steve harrington#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson blurb#my fic
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13 with jason "Why are you kneeling?" "Can you focus?! I'm trying to ask you something!"
💕valentine's day drabble special💕
I hope you mean Jason Todd lol
The sound of the front door opening and closing echoed in the apartment. There was smell of various spices and the sound of butter in the air. You stood over the stove, making a hearty breakfast for Jason, post patrol.
Heavy boots thudded against the floor as you stayed busy.
"We're out of eggs." You said, "And last carton of milk." You continued and were met with silence. "And Mrs Marlo from downstairs complained again for the noise and-" You finally turned and looked at him confused.
He was on his knees. Not one, no, on both. Almost as if in prayer. Jason pulled off his helmet and looked at you. His bright eyes looked brighter than usual.
He took your name and gestured you closer. Your worry mounting.
Did he get hurt? Is he bleeding out under the gear? Is something wrong?
"Oh god- Something happened, didn't it?" You immediately went to check on him. Turning his face side to side, checking his hands. "What happened?" You urged, "Okay- Still ten fingers-" You assessed, "How's your hearing? Are you okay?"
Jason chuckled, grabbing your wrists to steady you. "I'm fine, I'm fine- I just want to-"
"Then why- Oh fuck!" You quickly pull away, the burning oil smell spreading.
He was still talking but you were focused on turning off the stove, and making sure nothing else burned.
Jason yelled your name again with a grin and you turned.
"What?" You pouted at him. "Why are you kneeling?"
"Can you focus?" He laughed, pulling at you again until you stood infront of his, and his hands held you from the back of your thighs. "I'm trying to ask you something."
"Yeah? What?" You ask softly, fixing his messy helmet hair.
He smiled, his forehead leaning against your stomach. "I need-" He exhaled, and tried again. "I- I've loved you since the day we met. And every day after that. And you- you chose to love someone like me. Someone with my past and-" You took a breath to talk but he looked up at you, shaking his head. "Let me finish, honey." He said softly. "In all of the shitty people, you picked me. With my red hands and my messy past and my bucket full of issues- You picked me. And you keep picking after me too-" He smirked, making you laugh. "What I'm saying is that- that will- would you like to do this forever?" He pulled back just enough to take out a small black box.
Your breath stalled, staring at him. "Are you-"
"I'm trying to." He said softly, still kneeling in reverence. "Please?"
There was no other answer in your head other than yes. You're not sure if you said it out loud or not, but you tackled him down in a mess of kisses until both of you were breathless.
Forever wasn't long enough for this.
#valentine's day drabble special#anon ask#request drabble#no proofread#jason todd#dc#jason todd x reader
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Victor theories (after the trailer)
I just scream a bit… bear with me. I'M SO HAPPY I don't have to buy a tamagotchi and kill it. Thank you, Cybird. Okay… This is my last last theory post. The second last post. I do not know how it happened.

@.kurishiri made a translation of the trailer in case you didn't see it yet. In this post, I will use screenshots from this translation.
The thoughts in my head are jumping from one to another. I tried to structure them, though it doesn't seemed to worked out properly. But… I wanted to write it as soon as possible, before something distracted me. Sorry about it.
His age
The first thing I noticed was that Vivi not only has shorter hair, but he looks younger!!!!!

He looks about 15-16 years old… maybe I'm wrong. But… it looks like that to me…
And the words that we see… repeat the words of our beloved Kate.
I'm going to scream! IT WAS HIM!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!
(clear throat)
I'm back to normal.
So, the younger version of Victor that we see in this video was with Kate. Kate is now 25-26, and it happened in her very young years (she barely remembers it)… for example, 20 years ago. This number was on Jude's route… WTF, why not? So…
So... 20 years ago, Vivi was 15-16 years old… So we're back to 35-36 years old. It fits perfectly.
His origin
Another thing that is very hard to miss is his clothes. Larger version from the announcement of episode 0.

At first I thought maybe it was a school uniform. Because of his age… it's possible. But at that time, boys wore the same clothes they do now. A fairly simple shirt, tie, and black suit. Even if we assume that he just took off his jacket, the shirt is too fancy. And a ribbon… not exactly fitting.
Next I thought about Elbie and Ally's shirts… they have a similar style, but not quite. But the ribbon he wears is too simple for nobility. But at the same time… the quality of the shirt says otherwise. Not to mention the stone brooch… So maybe… He comes from a rich family, that become poor. These clothes can be explained that way. But… church schools were only for orphans, no? Or for family members, as we learned.
But I have a feeling that he looks more like a scholar. It looks like he studied theology, maybe he was preparing to become a priest? Haven't I been thinking too much about Faust lately? Maybe.
Is this even a church?
The statue does not look like a modern God… Yes, we have large windows that let in a lot of light (which often symbolizes closeness to God), chandeliers and benches…. but… It feels a little different. Do you see? The statue is too big… and… architecture… is not quite right. It is somewhat reminiscent of Ancient Greece. What is this place?
I firmly believe in fate, so I am extremely happy to see this part. The fact that Kate was back in his life…
I agree that it's probably very strange to meet someone after so many years and in such strange circumstances. If situations continue to overlap one another, despite the fact that the probability that happen is very low… people usually call it fate.
But he's talking again (this time) about fate as a person. Maybe it's just a figure of speech…
That ribbon of his won't let me go… The simple ribbon was mentioned in the bitter ending of Ellis' story in event "Bound to You".
Kate was extremely fascinated by this ribbon. Considering that Kate met Victor with a simple ribbon a long time ago. Perhaps that's why this symbol seems so attractive to her… Forgotten memories, associations…
And the fact that Kate remembers him… there are already two facts about him… mean that he made a strong impression. What happened back then?
Actually in the Dark IF story (translated by @.reccyls)... she sort of remembered him because of his hair...
Yes, he is a magnificent man and makes a strong impression. Maybe it's just an impression. But I'd like to think it was more than that.
I talked about this in my "last post with the theories". Yeah, right… the last.
So… Maybe they were just meant to be together. And that's why (maybe) Vivi let her go many years ago… to keep her safe. And perhaps that's why he feels sad when he says that "fate is playing her cards".. He doesn't want to involve Kate in his life… but Fate has a different opinion.
On the other hand… all the guys "endings" (I'm not talking about… no, it's an untranslatable joke) usually called grim fate. In the sense of the inevitability of missing it, changing it. This is what will happen no matter what. (But we still won't give up!!!) Maybe that's what Victor was talking about. And, perhaps, this has something to do with his grim fate. His grim fate drew Kate into his life. His grim fate made it happen. His grim fate is... so persistent. Peculiar…
His loyalty
This was one of the versions of what his curse might be. I've talked about it… here. But it is very questionable. Victor constantly calls himself the Grim Reaper, the palace Reaper (which kind of resembles Sariel.. who calls himself the devil). So maybe it's just one of the nicknames and has nothing to do with his real curse.
And the last line… totally different from what we've heard before. On every route, they are told us that Crown "destroys evil with evil". So… they don't deny that they are evil, but they do it with a good purpose. But… here Victor said that he was devoted to evil… Maybe the guys don't know who they really work for? Maybe the Queen, as I assumed earlier, is not human at all? Interesting…
Or maybe… He's just being dramatic. He talked about himself as something dark and bad. Maybe it's the curse that makes him think of himself that way…
And a bit more...
It's just a guess. You can't look him in the eye when he gives an order to his victim, otherwise you'll die as well. It's almost the same as a William's curse. He also must look the victim in the eye. It looks a bit like a snake. Has the thought of Sari stuck in my head???? Maybe… no… he's not Hydra.
So… he sold his freedom to get his curse? This… impossible, the curse doesn't work that way. Maybe… he exchanged? What? And again… who is the Queen? Victor belongs to Victoria. Does he have sort of contract with her? Is she the Death itself??? It would be too good to be true...
The design of the spikelet on the dividers I took from Designed by Freepik
#ikemen villains#ikemen villians#ikevil#victor#ikemen victor#ikemen villains victor#ikevil victor#victor theory
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Jock Roommate
Note: Some pictures were too spicy for Tumblr (this post got flagged!) so I've linked to them instead

You know, I was happy when I first saw my roommate. Fit, handsome, and just excruciatingly sexy. You just know he had an easy life using his looks. He'd walk down the street and men and women would stop to turn and stare at him. He was that gorgeous. Too bad he was also a complete slob. He only cares about getting fit, playing sports, and getting laid. The stereotypical jock. Several shirts thrown here and there around were fine; and I honestly didn't care—I even took a sniff or two here and there, but I didn't expect him to be such a big fucking slob.
After a month of living with him, discarded bottles were all around, energy drinks, pizza boxes, and all sorts of garbage that I couldn't even decipher. It made me mad—not just by how dirty he was, but with how he could manage to eat like a pig and still look like that. Even if he didn't shower for days, instead of getting just stinky, he exuded this strong scent that I couldn't help but secretly enjoy. It was unfair seeing how much of a pig he was and still looking like that. Every other day, he'd be dragging some chick to bang all night, and the day after, I kept telling him to quiet it down, and he'd just roll his eyes and tell me to "lighten up." It was relentless. Every day, he'd be bringing a chick, sometimes two, and they'd go at it all night. The guy was a horndog. Muscles, chicks, sports, sex. That's all he cared about.
I don't know if he knew I was gay. Maybe he did. Sometimes, he'd be back from the gym, throwing his wet shirt along the pile of laundry on the floor, he'd grin at me and tell me to clean up the place. He'd take a long shower, while I stared at the soaked shirt. I would take it, feeling the warmth and moist of it, and plunge it deep in my nose. God, he reeked. It was a smell enough to drive a man wild. I wanted it closer to me, I wanted it in me.
When I heard the shower turn off, I immediately threw it away and started cleaning up. He'd stand there, looking fresh with clean skin and black hair, letting the water hit his chiseled abs, and he'd smirk at me and leave without saying a word. It went on for months until I hit my breaking point.
It was semi-finals. I was working on several projects and I got an exam the next day. Phillip—God, even his name sounded sexy on him—brought another girl home and started making out on the sofa. I heard the girl giggling in delight as they moaned. I peeked my head out and saw Phillip kissing the girl's neck. I grew angry. "Do you mind taking it in the bedroom? I got an exam tomorrow. Don't you have class too, Phillip?"
He looked at me in annoyance. "Mind your own business," he said. He turned to her. "Don't mind him. The fag's just jealous he's not you." They both laughed and started making out again.
That was it. It was too much. The pressure from college, Phillip calling me a fag, and the deep-seated feeling that he was right—I was jealous I wasn't making out with him. Things had to change.
What I didn't mention before was that I'm studying chemical engineering. The only reason I got into this prestigious university was that I was a stellar student. I was always combining compounds even before high school, and I knew I could work on something if I work hard on it enough.
I didn't sleep for three months. I dedicated day and night trying to find the perfect compound to use on Phillip. I may have barely passed my exams, earned a warning from my professors for being late or absent, but I was dead set. I used the university lab to make my own concoction, further improving upon it during the night. I barely survived the semester and I still spent the entire break perfecting my concoction.
Time passed like a blur, but I remembered every painstaking detail. Every late night of brainstorming. I didn't care. I was angry at him. I was angry at him for being such a slob, for being a jerk to everyone, and I was angry at myself for being attracted to him. In the end, I finally released the breath I'd been holding for months. I had done it. I'd found the perfect combination.
A new semester arrived. Phillip talked to me in the living room. God, I hated how my stomach felt when he was with me. He just exuded this potent musk, and the way he looks at you is enough to make your knees fall.
"Dude. You gonna pick up around here or what?" he said, glancing at the dirty apartment. I didn't point out that he made that mess. "You know I got more important stuff to do than handle all this. And it's not easy taking care of this bod, you know?" His muscles bulged as he spoke. I stared straight at his eyes. "Try not to be completely useless, for once."
This time, I didn't get mad. I smiled at him and said, "Okay."
He looked at me strangely. I didn't care. For once in my life, I didn't feel helpless against him, helpless against my attraction for him. I had the solution.
Just as scheduled, he went to the gym first thing in the morning. When he came back, he fixed himself a drink and got on the shower. Listening carefully to the running water, I let the liquid fall into his drink. I felt calm. I was so nervous thinking about it, but doing it felt so easy. I ate breakfast as I watched him drain the drink in a single gulp.
I saw him groan and enter his room. I sat on the couch, looking at the clock as minutes passed by. Finally, he opened the door, shuffling slowly to the living room, a confused look on his face.
"I… I don't feel so good…" he mumbled, collapsing to the floor.
I looked at his unconscious body. He even got a nice bubble butt. Too bad it was wasted on a straight dude. I got the vial from my room and swallowed it down. This shouldn't take too long, but for now, I looked at his body.
I turned him around. God, he's handsome. In spite of the horndog jerk, he was so pretty to look at. I let my hand roam over his skin, then gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He smelled clean and fresh, his skin cool. I inhaled deeply, burying my face on his neck. His potent scent filled me. I could feel my dick become harder. I looked at his face, letting my fingers trace over his abs, and I kissed his lips. I let my tongue inside him, savoring his warmth, enjoying his saliva. I lifted his arms and smelled his pits. Still fresh from his shower, I gave it a lick. A shiver ran down my spine. God, I wanted more. I needed more of him.
I felt a tingle in my chest. The vial was kicking in. I shucked off my clothes and let my naked body fall on him. I could feel his chest, his dick, and his arms. I felt my brain cloud. An odd sensation lingered on my feet. looked down and gasped as I saw my foot slowly merging into his body. This was it. It was happening. I kissed his chest, my hands moving over him as I felt more of my body sinking into him. I could feel his soft breath against me, and it drove me wild.
I felt my chest fall inside him, my arms fading into him, and then the darkness consumed me as my consciousness slipped away.
I blinked. I was looking at the ceiling. A sharp pain throbbed in my head, and I clutched it in pain. Everything felt weird. My eyesight was hazy. I blinked rapidly until it cleared.
"What the fuck…"
Phillip's voice came out. I gasped and touched my throat. I felt stubble on my cheek. Looking down at my legs, I noticed how much stronger and more defined they were.
"Holy shit," I said, the words coming out in Phillip's voice. I touched my abs, feeling how firm they are. I looked down at my arms. Holy shit. They were toned as hell. I stood up and gasped at my new weight—my new height. I stumbled into the bathroom and looked in a mirror. Phillip's handsome face stared back. He looked confused, and I raised my arms and saw Phillip in the reflection do the same. I reached out and touched my cheek.
"It… It really worked…" I felt his tongue, somehow the feeling of enunciating words and syllables felt different. I flexed his arms and saw Phillip in the reflection doing the same. "It fucking worked!"
I watched as Phillip's face lighten up, grinning, as I felt my new body. "God, Phillip. You were always so fucking hot."
Hearing Phillip talk this way was enough to make me hard. I looked at every inch of his chest, at every part of his arm, and I could no longer ignore the hardening length below me. I shoved his boxers down. Good God. Phillip was packing serious heat. The thing was seven inches long, and it was only half hard. "Damn, Phillip," I muttered, "no wonder you got a chick every night."
Just the mere fact that I'm looking at Phillip and listening to his voice was enough to make me hard. I let out a heavy breath as I watched his cock get harder, arching to a full ten inches. I gave it a tug and left out a groan. Phillip's voice was manly and needy.
"You're so hot, Phillip," I said, gasping as I took his dick in his hands. I closed my eyes and let the sensation overtake me. I was him. I'd finally done it. I gave my brand new dick a squeeze and I groaned, as loud as I can. I felt my knees buckle, warmth coursing through my body and directly to my dick. I opened my eyes and stared at my reflection, seeing Phillip with his mouth open, hand on his long, hard dick, groaning. I spit on his dick, the saliva mixing with his pre-cum. I grinned at his reflection, trying to emulate the original Phillip as much as I can. I flexed his arms, wiggling his eyebrows as I stuck his tongue out. Jesus Christ he was sexy.
I turned and looked at Phillip's hairy bubble butt in the mirror. He was perfect. I stroked his cock, feeling the overwhelming heat radiating from it. It was veiny and wet, pulsating in my hand. I stroked it faster while flexing his arms, sniffing his armpits and feeling his knees buckle from the sensation. I started stroking harder and harder. "Fuck, Phillip!" I groaned, the words coming out in his voice, sounding so damn sexy. I stroked harder, feeling his body get slick with sweat. "Ohhhh fuck yeah!" I groaned harder, letting his voice fill the room. I inhaled deeply, taking in his smell, sniffing his armpits as hard as I could. His scent was powerful. It'd never been this overwhelming. It was in me. This strong, musky scent was everywhere.

I stroked harder and harder. I looked at Phillip in the mirror, seeing his body jerk off, his hands slick with saliva as his mouth drooled. I felt my knees buckle and I let out a loud groan, massive amounts of cum spurting from his dick, splattering against the mirror. I let the sensation wash over me, the warmth still so overwhelming. I breathed in and out, my chest rising and falling.
I looked at his reflection again, then at my hand. It was slick with his cum. I stared at his reflection and watched Phillip lick his own cum from his hands.
I plopped down on his bed. Even his bed smelled like him. His room was a mess—clothes thrown everywhere, bottles, papers—but I didn't care. I stared at the ceiling, watching Phillip's chest rising and falling. I looked over his body, the birthmark, the veins, and all the little things I'd only began to notice now that I was in him.
"God, Phillip, why did you have to be such a dick?" I whispered in his voice. I breathed in and out, still not sure if this is real or a dream. I heard a notification from his phone, and grinned as it opened using facial recognition. It was a message from a random chick, asking when they were going to meet up.
"Well, that's not gonna happen," I whispered. "I'm gay as fuck."
Hearing Phillip say those words made me snort, a laugh escaping my lips. I tossed the phone aside and let myself enjoy the warmth of his bed. He feels so tight, so manly, and so good. I looked down at his dick, which was already getting hard again. A wave of intense horniness washed over me, then dove straight to my hardening cock. "Jesus, Phillip. Now I get why you're such a fucking horndog."
#male possession#male body possession#male takeover#male body swap#male body switch#body swap#jock#college jock#jock bulge
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first of all, I know I followed you before and struggle to find your story in my likes section... noww I turn on every notif from you
I got thiss idea in the middle of statistics class, from your story "neighbors" I picture y/n getting sick from her job, like she was overworked for a week. always overtime, and getting the virus from her coworker.. yeah she manage to get back home but the boys got a glimpse of her from their balcony, they called her. But she didn't look at them too much throbbing in her head, the pain from that stupid flu. 2 days had passed aunt Lottie checked on her, she's worried that y/n didn't respond to her, offering blueberry tartlet that she baked early in the morning. aunt didn't feel right as she walking on the pavement. And she got to cross Kyle from the peaceful road. Kyle noticed her expression from the car he was driving. Aunt yaps out about your condition. And iykyk what happened next...
but ignored this, completely if this is not fit to your preference... Like I want to tell you this so my mind is free for another delusion... Plusss when your latest post, when you say vague,, gurll I like it vague... Anyway have a good night or whatever timezone you are in
ooo yes i like the way you think babes!! i can already vision the boys nearly knocking your door down with how worried they’ve been when you didn’t answer their calls or messages.
projects, paperwork, and upcoming deadlines are weighing you down. you’ve been trying your best to hold it all together, but seeing the men’s soft, concerned gazes is your breaking point. tears welling up in yours eyes that fall in large globes, letting out a chocked sob when price brings you close to his warm chest as the boys coo around you, guiding you back into the house.
safe to say, the men make it their responsibility to get you back on your feet. kyle is busying himself in the kitchen making you chicken noodle soup while soap is bundling you in a blanket, his arms wrapped around you as you lay in between his legs. his lips occasionally brushing up against the top of your head as he whispers reassuring words to you that everything will be alrigh’ bonnie. jus’ let us take care o’ ye.
ghost bringing the bowl of delicious soup to you as he spoon feeds you. your mind too fuzzy and woozy from feeling so weak that you don’t have it in you to care. a deep chuckle hitting your ears as he pinches your cheeks, telling you how good you did.
it doesn’t take long before your eyelids start to feel heavy, the men’s heat radiating from them luring you into a sense of tranquility as you slowly fall into their trap. exhaustion soon wins before you can complain about the work you still have to do.
price will definitely give you a whole lecture once you’re all well, but for now, he doesn’t mind using this as an excuse to pamper you despite how cruel that sounds. <3
#lexie rambles 𖦹 ⋆。°#lexie asks :3#call of duty#cod fic#kyle gaz garrick#simon ghost riley#john price#john soap mactavish#poly 141 x reader#sorry if this is not what you were hoping for :((
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I'd love to see your though proseces for Finding the Founding! (I love that whole mini arc so much! Even if I feel really bad for wild...)
This is the earliest update anyone's asked about, so I'll be starting here. ALTHOUGH... I kind of dread to, because looking at old art is incredibly difficult. I'll do it-- I'll do it for you all and my love for yapping.
Director's commentary: Finding the Founding Full update <-
I was still far from good at comic making, but I was very ambitious, so although the visual story telling in this update isn't up to my standards now, there's some neat things past-Mina did.
The establishing shot is both telling and cryptic-- I'd say it leans too much towards the latter but she tried. The goal was to have enough hints to clue the viewer who knows skyward sword into the fact that this was the Goddess statue courtyard-- Which would ideally build tension. However past-Mina was too waaay too subtle. I took the liberty to edit how I'd do this panel today: having a part of the statue loom over the panel. This way even the viewers who don't remember the courtyard's birch trees can tell something big is waiting.
Altho I do like the detail that there's some wood planks in the background. Reminds the reader that this is post-game and they're doing building 💪
Groose :) The lore with the accessory that Link, Zelda and Groose wear is that he made them for the squad. The motive was actually polyamorous yearning but he's too insecure to admit it yet. You can see he wears his different and it has alternate feathers, it's like. A metaphor for self isolating or smth.👍I love Groozelink but they're not established in the time the comic takes place, so we get a longing flustered groose instead... Not that I've gotten to show that in the comic yet. Er.
At this point in the comic I hadn't settled on a consistant lineweight, and hadn't started using bold outer lines yet. So although the art isn't bad, it looks chaotic and unfinished. You can also see I was using WAY too thick of a brush for the panels and made the text too small. Gotta start somewhere, I guess!
Another ambitious panel, I was trying to have Groose's dialogue make it more poignant that the statue is BIG and STARING DOWN but the art REALLY didn't work with it. The statue looks tiiiny and besides the clouds curving into a halo it's all just a very boring image.
I super quickly threw a fish-eye-lense distortion on the panel to show something closer to what I'd wanted it to look, but didn't have the skills for at the time.
In the last segment of the update Wild has a panic attack type-o-deal which is again made less effective by the art, but past-Mina did try real hard and I respect that.
These two sets of panels were meant to be kind before-and-after transformations.
Wild going from seeing a family talk -> to the wall being torn and the tree destroyed with a guardian on the move. THEN Groose -> melting into a malice skeleton. I really don't think past me did a good job with that. I should've included more details that stayed between the two panels so they'd be more clearly connected. It's a cool idea tho, and in later updates I started to figure out how to execute cool ideas, so... Practise for the win.
Also nobody ever pointed it out at the time, but Wild's hair actually goes from the hairstyle he has in the comic to a hairstyle much closer to what he had back in the war. That and the colour fading from his eyes are deets I can still get behind whole-heartedly.
In the final page of the update there's a massive tonal shift where the art goes simple and the dialogue silly. It really depends on the tone you want for your comic, as this kind of a move can completely undo any tension you built, but in this case I think it's a very well done whiplash feel-good(ish) ending.
I think LV's updates started very amateurish, but I did seem to have a pretty good grasp on pacing and tone since the start. I'm very proud of that.
You can probably tell I don't much like this update anymore, haha. I appreciate what it meant for me back then and have nothing against people who still like it. To me its just a great example of all the things where I was falling flat when I first started.
Besides the panic attack wasn't an idea I even liked back then-- It felt like sudden unnecessary melodrama that could've easily been replaced with more nuanced emotions. However I'd seen people hype up all sorts of angsty art in the fandom at the time and felt like if I didn't put in something intense people wouldn't care about my comic. It's silly looking back-- You should be true to yourself when you make art, that way you'll like what you make and it doesn't age as poorly.
Never-the-less, the journey of making this webcomic so far has been really good for my comic skills and although I cringe at the past updates: they're still valuable stepping stones on that journey and I'm happy to look back and reflect! Thanks for requesting this update for analysis, and hope others can get something out of it too!
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Ok so it's not just me going crazy feeling like both of them pulled away from the fandom.
Like we had them liking buddie Halloween art and costumes and then suddenly 8A ended and it was like poof.
Buddie fandom. Who's that. Never heard of them lol.
But I guess it makes sense they would want to get some boundaries set up. They are going to be getting a lot of attention for sure.
But then I go around and around in my head on it because it's so clear from what we've seen like how much Oliver has wanted to engage with the fandom but couldn't/wouldn't because he didn't wanna be accused of queerbaiting when it wasn't going to happen. That now if it is you'd think he'd be wanting to engage even more instead of pulling back. So it just confuses me 😂
Well, I think this one is two-fold:
First, Lou and the Tommy fandom crossed too many lines and boundaries over the last year to the point where the show and ABC had to step in and take action.
They had to block some of these people on the official Instagram account for God's sake. That is not normal behaviour. And while I'm sure that they have had to block some more extreme Buddie fans in the past, it's nothing compared to droves of crazy people spamming each official post with inane and nonsensical hashtags about T and BT. Or them sending the showrunner, actors and crew crazy DMs about a fictional ship.
Lou made his unhinged cameos which really put Oliver in a tight spot. He got the brunt of the BT shit dumped on him, because Lou was talking to his side of the fandom and telling them his insane headcanons and lies, while Oliver didn't interact with the BT fans at all. The reason why Oliver didn't interact with these fans is because he knew that BT wouldn't last. He has spoken up before on the fact that he refused to bait people with a ship. But these people just didn't understand that and started blaming everyone under the sun (showrunners, actors and Buddie fans alike) for being homophobic and biphobic. We all do remember the crazy 4-hour long podcast where a few Tommies trashed Oliver, right?
Then there is the insane Ryan hate they keep advocating. They keep spewing out the most racist vile shit about the man. They question him being a good father and some of these people were actually talking about 'deporting' him out of the country. How is that normal???
So of course this will have consequences for the show and the actors. The actors have seen the darker side of fandom and have wisely stepped away and distanced themselves from that. It's natural and normal that they will be more cautious from here on out to interact with fans.
Second, Oliver has never shied away from openly telling people that he's all for Buddie happening. And just a couple of months ago, during 8a, in an interview with PinkNews, he openly talked about Buddie. So I don't think he's pulling away entirely here.
Buddie is happening in 8b, that much is clear. So obviously they want to build up the suspense around that. It's logical that they'll stay away from the Buddie-talk for a while up until the moment when it will be revealed that Buck's confusion in 7x04 was never really about Tommy, but about Eddie. (Oh sweet vindication! 😏)
So I do think that, as soon as it will become clear that Buddie is happening, both Oliver and Ryan will be more open towards the fandom again. They might not have crazy joint interviews anymore where they reveal how they send each other edits and how they cry in the shower over them. But I do think they'll discuss the fandom in a more appreciative way and that they might again like some fanart and stuff online.
They know very well just how long we've been patiently waiting on the sidelines for Buddie to finally happen. Hell, they have been waiting for the same amount of time as us. They know exactly how we feel.
So in conclusion, they have put up some healthy boundaries, which was absolutely necessary. But I don't believe for one second that Oliver and Ryan aren't impatiently waiting on the sidelines until they can FINALLY talk openly about the Buddie-elephant in the room. 😄
Soon you guys. Soon. 🙌
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