#but I always managed to get 9 or above shots during those times
hatsune-yeetku · 2 years
Oh my god Brinewater is hilarious they managed to make a map that favors E-liters even more than the previous maps
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shamazingwrites · 10 months
My Shs Life
"Hindi naman maganda sa school na 'yan, sa iba ka na lang mag enroll" I often hear them say that. But why should I listen? I'm the one who's studying, not them. You know, truth be told, I wasn't really supposed to enroll at PHCM, but I enrolled really late, and this was the only school still open for enrollment. Besides, I don't have a choice. It's either I study here or I won't study at all.
At first, I didn't quite vibe with the regulations at PHCM, maybe because I wasn't used to them? Especially the grading system. That was the real game changer. Coming from a public school in junior high, I got used to getting into honors just by hitting a 90 average. But here, it's not just about having 90 average, you need a consistent above 85 grades in every subject to stay in honors. At first, I was really scared because I was used to being in honors. I was afraid I might lose that status in senior high school. "Huwag mo kaming i disappoint" "Sayo na lang kami umaasa" Those are the words I always hear. The words that make me so scared that I might not be able to do what they want. So, I promised myself I'd give my best shot, work even harder, and be more diligent in my studies to achieve what I wanted.
I also struggled to adjust to the environment here at first. I didn't quickly make friends with my classmates. I didn't immediately find my circle. But as time went on, life at PHCM became enjoyable. I found a group I could share moments of joy and even sorrow with. Friends who were always there when you needed them. I also realized that our section, 11 - Quezon, was the happiest section in HUMSS during our Grade 11. I came to understand that within our section, it's not about one upping each other. Sure, there's competition, but it's healthy. We all support each other, ensuring that no one gets left behind. We all aim to succeed together in the direction we want to go.
My Grade 11 life became incredibly fulfilling. But it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. Of course, we faced challenges. The toughest challenge my classmates and I encountered was being separated into different sections. We tried everything to convince the teachers to keep us as a block section, but we couldn't do anything. All we could do was accept the reality.
Now that I'm in Grade 12, I'll admit, I'm happier. Not that my Grade 11 life wasn't happy, but now, meeting new people and having a new environment, life feels incredibly joyful. This made me realize that I'm adaptable. I'm capable of adjusting to new environments and situations. Honestly, Grade 12 Sapphire is similar to Grade 11 Quezon. It's about healthy competition. We're just happy, no one upping each other. Even though the guys at the back can be super annoying sometimes, it doesn't affect our section's solidness (though they can be a headache sometimes). But truth be told, we wouldn't be Sapphire without them! LMAO.
Apart from that, my SHS life became more enjoyable. Thanks to the guy I met back in grade 11, who's been by my side ever since, making life sweeter every single day.
From Grade 11 until now, I've been an honor student. It's pretty cool, you know? At first, I was really scared because of this school's grading system, but it's satisfying to know that despite their high standards, I managed to make it to the honors list.
Another reason why I aim for honors is that I know I need high grades for the field I want to pursue: law. That's what I want to become. But we're not wealthy, so for now, I'll pursue psychology. But I plan to make psychology a pre-law course because, until now, I can't let go of my dream of becoming a lawyer. That's why I chose HUMSS; I want to prepare myself for the things I know I'll be doing in the future.
I'm happy. Extremely happy. I thought I'd become an introvert in SHS because that's how I was in Grade 9-10 when classes went online. I became so shy, avoiding interactions and almost never went out. I almost deleted all my social media accounts. I stopped posting, which used to be a regular thing for me. So, I've really grown during my senior high school years.
And that's my Senior High School life in a nutshell. A journey of challenges, growth, and discovering my resilience in adapting to change.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 74, Replies Part 2
SHE IS REAL SHE EXISTS AND SHE`S BEING USED TO ADD DRAMA TO THE STORY, RIGHT AS RACHEL COMPLAINS THAT THE AUTHOR DIDN`T HAD THE GUTS TO KILL HER. AGAIN.”-And another parallel to Toga’s own history, with her parent’s existence only being shown indirectly, and them giving an official statement about their children’s actions on TV. Difference is, Po’s mom is basically arguing against her daughter being capable of this, despite all the evidence, whereas Toga’s parents used it to excuse themselves and absolve them of any wrongdoing in raising her, claiming that there was always something wrong with her that they tried to ‘correct’, and not accepted that those corrections in fact caused her breakdown.
BUT ALAS, THEY AREN`T DOING ANYTHING USEFUL. FOR NOW AT LEAST. JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL THEY HELP KOICHI GO AFTER POP. HOPEFULLY.”- Wrong helpers, sadly. But hey, they have a thriving business to run, and helping Koichi would basically jeopardise that by making them accomplices to vigilantism, after all the work them put in to rise above their criminal past and wrongdoings and ‘go straight’ especially with Mantis boy’s issues with having a stable lifestyle after his permanent transformation. Better Koichi’s aided by the low-down thugs that won’t be much loss if/when the authorities come cracking down on them… 3) “So far this whole chapter is “oh no, why pop did that, where is koichi, what is he doing” and I`m starting to think we`ll go the whole chapter like that and won`t see my boy before it`s over
HE LANDED ON DISCARDED CANS AND BOTTLES, I WANT TO SEE IF HE`S FINE.”-Well, we did get to see him… I don’t think you’re very happy about the kind of unsavoury company he’s falling into during these trying times though… 4) “Surprisingly, he was kind of involved on it, even if nobody managed to get him on tape. Amazing how the news outlets haven`t plastered his face around, branding him as a potential accomplice.”- He was basically there only for like a few seconds at most before Pop blew him out of the sky, so likely those who were filming the event had already scattered for cover after getting some shots of Bee Pop’s mid-air dance show. It’d be hard for any newscaster or those who caught him on footage to frame him as anything less than another victim of Bee Pop’s rampage.
5) “…
Yes. I’m sorry.    (Vigilantes ch 73) 6) “NO
KOICHI TOLD US THAT”- Koichi did not lie, but Furuhashi did. 7) “FOR FUCK`S SAKE IT WAS HIM
I CAN`T BELIEVE IT”- With Knuckles still MIA at present, somebody had to step into the street-cleaner’s role as long as Koichi still wasn’t ready to take his rightful place. And it is actually a shame that Soga’s character was so badly handled at first, with long-term consequences on his subsequent appearances, because if his crimes had been lesser, this would have been a cool reveal and character development for him. He doesn’t even look that bad in the coat. 8) “oh hey it`s puto, guess he`s the one that owns the place or something. I still can`t believe that fucking soggy bread took over Knuckles` place.
I probably should be reacting a bit more intensely to this revelation but I am too shook and simultaneously numb to the shit that Furuhashi pulls out of the quantum dimension. “- It’s like you’ve crossed the rapids of emotional upset to the lagoon of calm in the centre of the tumult, the eye of the storm of rage that surrounds you. 9) “Yeah it`s been a while, shame it hasn`t been longer. Like, eternally longer. I like how we still are pushing the friendly angle here, after they tried to- well, pretty much everything from chapter one to three I suppose.”- See, maybe there’s a better way Soga and his friends could have been written from the start. Have a 4th friend or something that they hang around with, something of a ‘big brother figure’ that they kinda look up to, one which guides them into doing stuff to make themselves feel better even if it ruins their reputations in the eyes of others, because people around them already reject them anyway, so they might as well do what makes themselves feel good, right?  Have that friend be the one that assaults Koichi and intends to…’do’ stuff to Pop whilst they’re holding her, and them be kinda uncomfortable and uncertain about going that far, before Knuckles steps in. Have that 4th member get beaten so badly by Knuckles he needs to be hospitalised, leading the trio to try the Trigger samples out to get payback on Koichi for ‘going overboard’ on their friend. Have that friend show up and be pushing them to get payback on Koichi and the rest in their subsequent appearance, and Soga, who listens to him more than the others, follow him to Kuin, despite his concerns, because his ‘bro’ has had his back before when everybody else didn’t.
When Soga decides to quit after having had enough second thoughts about everything, Kuin injects him and reveals she intends to have them both ‘removed’ as loose ends, leading to Stendhal appearing. Getting cornered between two attackers, and Soga unable to run because he’s fighting agasitn the trigger change, his ‘bro’ instead pushes him into the way of the injection meant for him and tries to flee, which triggers Soga’s transformation over him getting ‘let down’ again by somebody he trusted, whilst Stendhal cuts down the fleeing ‘bro’ and then turns his attentions to the monsterised Soga, upon which events proceed as usual. That way, Soga isn’t the one who intended to commit such dark deeds and is just somebody who fell under a bad influence whilst he was let down by the system, and his loyalty towards those who stick by him is one of his more prominent traits from the start. I dunno if all this would exactly redeem him, but it’s just something that came to me when thinking about how to write his presence in the story without his more negative actions from the beginning.
10) “Ah, alright, not Puto`s place, got it. And yeah, you don`t get to call it a lair, that`s only reserved for cool people and good villains, neither of which you are part of. I don`t know what to classify y`all as, but I`m sure as fuck ain`t calling you the good guys.”- They’re the ‘bad guys’. Neither villain, nor hero, nor even really ‘good’ at trying to be good. 11) “oh no his brain is starting to work again, somebody please stop him before it is too late!”- He got into this mess by leaping in to save Pop without really thinking things through, now he needs to try going in with a plan of action. 12) “Well Koichi, I don`t think your brother-in-law will be able to do much anyway. They don`t know where she is, and more importantly, they don`t know she`s being controlled. Hell, even you don`t know that yet, what are you expecting to achieve with that?”- Again, Koichi has always been one to act in the heat of the moment, reacting to crisis situations by putting himself at risk, never really pre-empting them and trying to imagine the worst-case scenario and how to avoid it, because that was what Knuckles always did, keeping him safe in ignorance. Now that Knuckles isn’t in the picture anymore, this is uncharted territory for Koichi to forge through, and he needs a guiding light. Thankfully, Knuckles’ message seems to be intended for that purpose, but he could have picked a better delivery method. 13) “Don`t Koichi, he`s trying to be relevant to the story, just ignore him and hopefully he`ll go away. He`ll dematerialize when we stop acknowledging his existence. Hopefully.”- Koichi needs to turn to the side of ‘evil’ if he must save Pop from a greater evil. At least he’s got three disposable meatshields that nobody will miss if things go wrong though.     (Vigilantes ch 19)
14) “C’MON DUDE, DON’T TELL ME THAT EVERYTHING YOU DID YOU STILL BELIEVED THAT YOU’D BE AN ALLY OF JUSTICE. I MEAN, I KNOW THAT FURUHASHI IS DESPERATELY TRYING TO RETCON YOU INTO A “GOOD BUT TROUBLED” TYPE OF GUY, BUT TRUST ME, YOU’LL ALWAYS BE THE TOKEN DISPOSABLE EVIL TEAMMATE, AT MOST.”-  Welp, at this point, Koichi Literally doesn’t have any other teammates or allies who can give him a hand to Stop Bee Pop, so when the devil is the only one offering a hand to help, sometimes you just gotta shake on that deal if it means saving somebody’s life.
     (Vigilantes ch 19)
15) “NO KOICHI, SHUT UP. THERE WASN’T “LOT’S” THAT HAPPENED, IN FACT, PRETTY MUCH NOTHING HAPPENED TO CHANGE THE FIRST CHAPTER- WELL, KNUCKLE AT LEAST GOT THE RIGHT IDEA TO RUN DAMAGE CONTROL, BY LEADING SOGA AND POTENTIALLY HIS GOONS TO CERTAIN DEATH, BUT SINCE FURUHASHI IS A COWARD HE WON’T KILL THEM, HELL, IF ANYTHING HE PROBABLY IS GOING TO MAKE THEM “HEROES” BY THE END OF THIS…”- Maybe not heroes, but since they’re the only ones that can help Koichi and aren’t afraid of reprisals from the trigger ring or the heroes, then they’re all he got to rely on to save Bee Pop from herself- and Koichi may have the soul of a righteous hero, but he’s no saint. He’ll shake hands with whatever devil offers him aid if it means he can save her, even if it means he finally crosses the line to becoming an full-on official vigilante and recognised enemy of the ‘official heroes’ in the line of duty
16) “I lack the anger to even complain about it. You know what, I`ll just surrender and accept it. Fuck it. Soga is the good guy now. Whatever. I don`t come here to be stressed, might as well just get this done with and roll with it. Not even have the strength to elaborate on how the whole “Pop is now evil” plot that was kind of interesting suddenly became considerably tactless, since that the person that is on the side of good and that needs to take her down is Soga.”-Well, the good news is that it’s likely still gonna be Koichi that’s the one actually rescuing her, he just needs advice for now on being a lawbreaker necessary to reach that stage. 
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ginkgomoon · 4 years
Gavin and MC’s High School History- Detailed Timeline
Dedicated to my amazing and kind friend @cheri-cheri- one of the Queens of the MLQC fandom on Tumblr! I literally didn’t know how to use it before but I had learnt how in order to keep up with her posts. Without her work, I literally wouldn’t be on here making my own blog either. Thank you, Cheri!!
This is a timeline following the years of high school that MC and Gavin had together. Compiled of dates, rumours and secrets, calls, texts, and other from multiple servers. The source will be shown allocated to its corresponding sentence. I created this because I was really moved when I rewatched Gavin’s Old Days Date and suddenly thought of the many things other players could have missed out on regarding their high school years. If there is anything you need clarification on, or if you would like to add anything in, feel free to send a post/ask or just comment and I’ll try to incorporate and adjust accordingly! 
Based off of true correspondence of the Chinese education system in Shanghai, where the schools there are very strict, with specific responsibilities and events students must have and attend to. In addition, this is different from Western school systems where years 7-9 are in a seperate schools from years 10-12 before university. Dates and seasons mentioned will also be noted as accurately as possible to suit the Loveland storyline in which different events occurred. I felt like a detective trying to piece a fractured storyline together to solve a mystery, honestly...
Prepare your tissues, your milk tea and your soul because even I almost didn’t make it to publish this...
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Gavin enters high school.
MC and Minor enter high school. MC does her hair in a nice ponytail, one of the only hairstyles she ever had in school.
Gavin is a grade above her. He is in his last year of high school. [Spring Festival Date]
Late Autumn of October 2010
“I noticed who you were before you ever noticed me.” 
On a rainy first day of school, Gavin helps Mr Keller move the tables and chairs in the classroom. 
Without taking an umbrella, Gavin leaves. 
At the same time, MC saves a cat in the rain with her handkerchief, attempting to shield it from the incoming rain under a roof. She gives it snacks from her bag while sheltering it from the rain. 
Gavin thinks she was nerdy-looking, but couldn't take his eyes off her and watches her from a distance for a long time. He feels out of place standing.
She looks back at him in astonishment, not knowing how long he stood for. 
She smiles at Gavin.
Gavin notes that MC’s smile just like her eyes, were pure and comforting as they start filling his vision. 
The rain starts to get heavier and MC shivers. 
Something stirred in Gavin’s heart as he notices this, and kicks a can in frustration then shelters her with his jacket. 
He runs away as MC shouts, “thank you!” 
She didn’t know it was Gavin who gave her his jacket at the time.
MC goes back and is then told by her fellow classmates that the boy she encountered was the “tyrant school bully”,  and “the Underworld Senior Gavin”, and that she should stay away from him. [Tilted Time- Rumours and Secrets]
MC finds piano dull to play the same songs over and over again.
MC in her spare time practices and sings to Liszt’s Liebestraum No. 3 (Love Dream) for a talent show.
At the rooftop, Gavin is wounded by a gangster’s knife. A gradually intensifying melody is heard. 
Gavin kicks the gangster boss but then is pursued again. Outnumbered, wounded and losing consciousness due to major blood loss, the gangster boss kicks Gavin off the roof. 
Gavin reaches out, to something- anything. 
A heavy, surging melody sounded, transcending through time and allows Gavin to reflect on his past- to his father, to his late mother, and invokes deep reflection and epiphanies. 
Heavy notes seep into Gavin’s ears as he almost hits rock bottom. He feels his limbs emerging with the wind and awakens his wind evol. 
Gavin is now reborn.
The music continued to play. Gavin ends up humming with a bird. 
He then hears MC’s singing.
MC stops, mesmerised by the ginkgo leaves flying through the wind. The ginkgo leaves falling was her favourite time of the year in high school. This vivid sight is still engraved in her memory after many years.
Gavin vows to protect her for the rest of his life. [Campus Date]
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Gavin saved Minor from bullies. 
Minor also happens to be MC’s outgoing, talkative desk mate who sometimes helped old ladies cross the street. How he managed to hang around Gavin and not get beaten up, nobody knew (except us). He would often copy MC’s homework but never dragged her down with him if he got caught. This was MC’s biggest impression of him. 
During science class, MC cooked noodles for Minor on the Bunsen burner when he was hungry. The recipe was Shrimp flavoured instant noodles, mix two eggs in well, then add a dab of sea salt and black pepper. [S1 Chapter 7-1]
Gavin is always at the school gates at 7:30am. Carrying his flat school bag, he orders fish balls at the snack kiosk on the north side of the school. It was the third day in a row that Minor notices this. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Gavin would occasionally travel around on his bicycle. (Pre-debut Sparky??) He says he was good at riding it. [Lost Love Date]
It was hard to find Gavin as he’s rarely at school, so she didn’t see him until 3 days later when MC went to the library at sunset. 
She tries to retrieve “Byron’s Poetry Collection” from the top of a 2-metre shelf, and since Gavin was a head taller, he was able to help her get it. 
He musters up the introduction that he recited many times- but MC quickly thanks him and leaves before he could speak.
Minor notices Gavin watching after MC and that he was SMIL-ING. 
He helps him locate MC and reports that every day after school she would go to the library for afternoon revision, always sitting in the same seat. 
Gavin sat at a corner not far, quietly flipping through textbooks he hated. People who were reading in the library would be driven away because they were scared of him LOL
MC would then leave at 5pm sharp to go back home. 
Gavin commits to walking back 10 metres behind her with Minor every day on forward. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets] 
Gavin saves Minor from bullies again. Minor dedicates himself to be his “bro”. 
He finds out that MC is an honours student, but doesn’t know that she’s the school orchestra leader. [Mystery Wings Event] and [Mark Date] However, he does know that she’s renowned as the “campus belle/ school flower”.
Minor idly mentions that more people were giving MC love letters.
Gavin tells Minor to collect all the people who were planning to confess their love to MC. Minor doesn’t want to be wingman anymore HAHA
Gavin stared those boys down as they trembled with fear. He tells them to take them back and if they scare her, he’ll make them regret it. 
Minor realises Gavin’s feelings for MC. [Minor’s Memory Book] 
MC eats from a small stall outside the school gate selling red bean puffs. ($3 for one, $5 for two. What a deal!) 
She also encounters the stall that sells sugar figurines [Gift of Life- Sugar Figurine Call]
MC ate chocolate sticks often at school. It's also a memory of student life for Gavin, as well. [CN 2021 March Sign-In Taste of Happiness]
Students would scramble for the small swing set in the school garden. MC never went at lunch breaks, but she watches the sunset on it after school. Gavin is sometimes nearby. MC never noticed him, but she does however notice the ginkgo leaves dancing in the wind. [Mini House Small Happening- Leisure Time]
Gavin isn’t his usual self anymore. He sees MC out in the library everyday and starts reading “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions” (book for colleague entrance examinations).
MC watches a basketball match at school. She calls someone from an away team “dashing” because they won with a dunk. This has been engraved in Gavin’s memory ever since. [Dreamers Date]
Gavin found out that he was very fond of basketball success stories, rushing into the court to try hundreds of shots after. He writes “I will beat you” beside Sakuragi Hanamichi from a Slam Dunk poster alongside “not a step back”.
(Slam Dunk starts out with a boy wanting to play basketball to impress his crush.)
Gavin then injures his head badly :(
He realises that basketball couldn’t help him to protect anything he wanted. He determines that he will do whatever it takes (to “beat” himself”). [Mystery Wings Event]
Gavin leans against a tree as he watches MC hurry down the corridor as she clutches a textbook. [Boundary Rumours and Secrets]
MC would eat pocky. Gavin would eat them too. [2021 March Sign-In Moments]
MC faints during a sports meet because she didn’t eat breakfast.
Gavin hurries to carry her to the infirmary. [CN Delightful Search Date]
He leaves bread and milk before she wakes up.
MC is on duty during PE class, which happens to be on basketball. 
Minor was careless about his aim and the ball almost hit her in the head. Gavin slams the ball away. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Gavin glares at Minor as MC thanks him.
Minor also “accidentally” pushes MC towards him.
Gavin glares again.
Gavin later is continuously shooting hoops. 
MC returns late at night to clean up the gym but all had been returned neatly in the basket. MC wanted to thank him but couldn’t. [CN Basketball Court Date]
There was a school sports competition that they attended. Gavin participated in the 10 lap race and came first by an impressive large measure. [Minor’s Memory Book]
MC participates in the sprint race, too. Gavin is worried about her performance, and if she would faint again. 
Gavin requests Minor to take a photo of her on his phone (which probably ended up as the photo that he carried with him in his early days at special training where the other men teased him about hiding a photo of a girl.) 
Approaching the End of October 
Gavin, Minor and MC are walking home. 
The weather is cold, and Gavin notices MC shivering in the distance. Gavin, conflicted by this, tells Minor to buy MC a hot drink without telling her that it was from him. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets] 
MC would occasionally spot a hot drink or a carton of strawberry milk in the piano room. [Chapter 31-12]
Gavin one day is conflicted by their early exchange, recalling how MC looks startled at the entrance of the library after seeing each other. His spirit depletes, kicking himself (metaphorically) in the corner of the classroom at how he might have scared her. 
Minor rushes in with a pink bandaid from MC for the wound at his mouth. 
He carefully took that bandaid, treating it as if it was his world’s most precious treasure.
This pink bandaid was always taped on his heart and whenever he stepped into the swamp-like darkness of the night, it gave off a faint warmth. [Mystery Wings Event]
MC starts to notice Gavin everywhere. At the corners of windows, she would see his figure. At the library, he would help her retrieve books from higher places. She would also see books laid out on his table, but most of the time he would be sleeping. Beneath his overlapping arms, he sees “Byron’s Poetry Collection”. Gavin doesn’t understand the poems, though. 
Lord Byron's "Don Juan" - Canto the Ninth, XVI 
"To be, or not to be?" — Ere I decide I should be glad to know that which is being? 'Tis true — we speculate both far and wide, And deem, because we see, we are all-seeing; For my part, I'll enlist on neither side Until I see both sides for once agreeing; For me, I sometimes think that Life is Death,
At the music rehearsal room on the fifth floor, she would see a corner of his shirt in the wind. 
MC thinks Gavin is friendly and slowly lets down her guard. 
At the canteen, he would offer her the last bottle of water. 
She begins smiling at him when they see each other, with the small arcs forming on her lips, soon becoming smiles that made her eyes squint.
MC would walk along the Senior hallways and subconsciously stop at a certain classroom- catching the sight of Gavin sleeping. On one particular day, she sees him standing by the window, staring at the sky. 
Minor asks Gavin if he could form a band with him. Gavin rejects him. He then asks Gavin if he wanted to join the school’s singing competition. Gavin rejects him again, saying that he didn’t perform for unimportant people or have others tell him how well he could play.
MC plays “Falling Slowly” on the piano. Gavin hearing this, learns to play the guitar. He doesn’t know the name of the song but familiarises himself with the melody. [CN Music and the Past Call]
Whenever school let students out early, she would go to Lynn’s Kitchen. MC gets her noodles with clear broth, chopped scallions and a half-boiled egg. Gavin usually gets his spicy noodles with garlic, cilantro, thinly sliced beef.
Gavin remembers her favourite order. 
MC leaves a post-it note at Lynn’s Kitchen, “I might never see you again and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I miss you”, about a friend who transferred schools. 
Gavin knows she hates people who leave without saying goodbye the most.
Gavin, also in the vicinity near Lynn’s Kitchen, writes a post note.  “Until I met you.” [Mystery Box Game]
He saves Mr Noah’s son from an accident, immediately takes him to the hospital and pays for the medical fees. [Anime]
Gavin dismisses rumours of high school romance. 
“If you confessed on the 7th step of the stairway in the corner of the 3rd floor then it’ll succeed, or if you carved your name and another person’s name on the 6th tree in the courtyard at the back then your misunderstandings will be resolved, or if a guy gave the girl he liked the second button of his uniform on graduation day then the two of them will end up happy together.”
At lunch, he hears MC talking about the second button, and upon seeing her yearning face, he raises his head in thought, suddenly couldn’t wait for graduation. He tears off his second button. [Mystery Wings Event]
Gavin is just in love at this point.
Gavin sees one of the top students stealing money from a shop outside of school. The shopkeeper doesn’t believe him. 
He stops the student on his way home to hand him back the money. 
MC sees him at the alley then leaves.
Gavin spent all the money on a walkman he wanted for a very long time.
Mr Keller was the only one who believed in him. He said to him, “Since you can’t change what others think of you, you might as well just listen to your heart.” This had a great impact on Gavin. [Campus Date] 
In the snowfall, the school allowed additional ten minutes of break time. The class next to MC’s stuffed Minor’s shirt with snowballs.
Gavin thought of helping him with a counterattack but MC had already returned a snowball to the male student who pulled the prank. 
Gavin looks at MC the whole time. [CN Recovery ASMR]
MC overheads girls in her class say that Gavin had bullied students for lunch money that morning. 
MC rides her bike back home after studying at the library for her finals. 
MC sees Gavin being handed an envelope full of money at Lynn’s Kitchen in an alleyway. 
She mistook it for him taking protection money. 
Summer of June 2011
On a humid afternoon, MC looks outside the window of the classroom in boredom. A boy in a loose-fitting school uniform ran by. She couldn’t make out his face. [S1 Chapter 7-23]
MC begins to distance herself from Gavin. She rushes out of class and goes straight home instead.
Gavin is sad. He broods by the piano room, goes to the library to brood, then stares at the place MC sits to brood some more. 
Minor wonders how he’s able to stare all afternoon at an empty space in the library but sleeps all day during class hours. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Before graduation, Gavin’s father expresses his thoughts for Gavin to join the organisation for special training. Gavin refuses, but his father uses MC to influence him to agree. 
Gavin remembers the panic and timidity in MC’s eyes when she first met him. He recalls that moment was probably the hardest to bear in his life.
Gavin in his short period of freedom writes a letter to MC. He ponders about what to say, thinking about their first encounter, and how she started to distance herself from him. But all he writes is-  
“Saturday 9am, I will be at the school library waiting for you.
MC attends the flag-raising ceremony and rehearses her speech. She then leaves to study for her exams. 
Meanwhile, Gavin finishes a fight with other boys from school in an alley after they talk inappropriately about MC. [Old Days Date]
Gavin, bloodied and bruised, asks Minor to make another copy of his letter. 
This is the only thing that Gavin had asked Minor to do so of course, he agreed. [Chapter 7-11]
Minor thinks the letter is a symbol of passion and fierce love due to the bloodstains and decides to keep the original. 
He writes “GAVIN” and places it on MC’s desk for her to see the next day. 
(In the Campus Date, the older MC is the one who finds him instead of Minor and treats him to his injuries. She ends up seeing the contents of the letter to find him later on.)
MC mistakes the letter as a threat and throws it away. 
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That Weekend
Gavin sits for 14 hours in the library waiting for MC, scanning the library every now and then.
With a fingertip, he rubs “Byron’s Poetry Collection” and carefully sandwiches a dried and yellowed ginkgo leaf into the book. He suddenly felt a measure of self-deprecation.
He stands up, and leaves, his heart filled with regret that he didn’t give it to her personally. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets]
After Summer Break- July 
Minor never saw Gavin, and neither did MC. 
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“We met often, but never passed by each other. I remember every moment I saw you in school. Time, location, weather, your expression, your clothes...
-I remember them all.”
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Can you write a imagine for Historia Reiss x fem reader where historia has a room where she chains the reader up and fucks her with a big strap and reader calls her mistress while historia slices her lingerie with a pretty little knife and after she carries reader to her room and takes sweet care of her
*takes long, drawn out swig from wine glass* lol bottom
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Three Doors Down
(Historia Reiss x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: None
Category: Smut
Summary: After Historia has a particularly stressful evening, she turns to her s/o for some well needed stress relief.
Words: 2.7K
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The guards of the castle knew the interior inside out—as would be expected of their career. Whether they were stationed in that part of the building or not, they knew the ins and outs of each and every room, and when it would and wouldn't be occupied. Except this one room.
It was three doors down from the master bedroom—the queen's bedroom. It had been a simple, seldom used guest room during the prior monarch's rule, but queen Historia had requested it was completely cleared out upon her coronation. They did as they were asked, and just as they had finished their job, they were given stern and clear orders to never enter the room—even for cleaning—without her express permission.
Rumors and speculation spread throughout the staff of what could be kept in this mysterious room, even going so far as to accuse scandal, but, if they wanted to keep their jobs, they must never enter to confirm for themselves. So, they tried their hardest not to question or assume whenever she entered the room with you, her lover, on her tail.
And they never questioned it, either, when you came out limping.
You were the only one, besides Historia herself, that knew of the contents of the room, and boy, did you know it well.
Luckily, though, you were usually given indication in advance whenever you would be spending your time in there. Which happened to be the case tonight.
A small note left on your desk, written in neat, precise penmanship, which was in direct contrary to the contents of the letter, reading;
"Y/n dear, I have an outfit picked out for you on the bed. Put it on and wait for me in the room. I'll be out of my meeting a little after 10."
First you glance at the clock. 9:58.
Next is the bed. You could already assume what would be there, but it still didn't stop a chill to run up your spine at the skimpy lingerie. It was lacy, but plain black. A simple, but elegant looking piece of clothing. Too bad that it would be completely unwearable by the time the night was over.
You quickly changed out your undergarments for the piece laid out on the bed, hastily putting your shirt and pants back on to cover the lace. Even if it was only a ten second walk, and there likely wouldn't be any guards around, you still didn't want to risk being caught.
Luckily making it past the door without drawing any suspicion, you let out a sigh of relief, stripping yourself of anything but the lace garments. It was a little bit past 10, yet Historia was yet to show up.
Taking a seat on the table, you gazed around, cheeks flushing at all the memories of what's gone on in there before. There was a bed in the room, but it was never used—Historia much preferred the table. And, above the table were the handcuffs, drilled into the wall to ensure they never budged, even as you pulled and yanked on them with all your might in desperation.
Laid on the table was a small knife. It was Historia's favorite, clearly, since she never used a different one when she decided to tear your clothing to pieces.
After a short minute of inspecting the knife—as if there were anything new to discover—the door slowly creaked open from behind you. You jumped at the sound, instinctively worrying if it was a staff member, but relaxed when you turned around and locked eyes with Historia, donned in nothing but a plain white button up and a light pink skirt—uncharacteristic dress for a queen, but she never minded those sorts of thoughts.
"A-Ah, hey Hisu, you scared me. How was the meeti-"
"You know better than to address me like that." She spat. Your eyes widened in realization, she was clearly in one of her bad moods. And whenever she was stressed, it was always you, and this room, that she turned to for relief.
"Wh-" You had no time to speak to her, her hands already finding your shoulders and pushing you down onto the cold wood of the table.
"I don't have the patience for this today." She spoke, lining your hips up to the very edge of the table, taking a long time to forcefully press the pads of her thumbs into your hipbones.
You breathed in a suction of air through your clenched teeth, already bracing yourself for the inevitable onslaught that was followed. Yet, no matter how much it hurt, you could never bring yourself to hate it—something Historia often teased you for in the heat of the moment.
She leaned forward, kissing you and slipping her tongue into your mouth as one of her hands pushed your shoulder into the table, the other one holding onto your face with an iron grip, forcing your lips to stay glued against hers.
She pulled away, allowing you to catch your breath as she reached over to pick something off the ground, and fear immediately struck you at the sight.
"Historia, you can't! Tha-" Her hand, previously gripping your face, moved to grip around your throat tightly, leaving just enough margin to allow you to choke out a wheeze.
"I told you," She sneered, tightening her grip. "Don't call me that. What's my name, baby?"
"M... Mistress...!" You managed to squeeze the words out of your throat, and content with your answer, her grip relaxed, and it left your throat, allowing you to gasp in a breath of air.
Her hands, both of which now free, adjusted the straps around her waist, giving it a firm tug to confirm it's security on her hips. Attached to the straps was a pretty pink silicone cock. The only problem, see, was the size.
Typically, Historia had a few favorite strap-ons, ranging in size from 6-8 inches. But, the one she had put on was brand new, and a good 10 inches. Girthier than normal, too.
"His- I mean... mistress, that's not gonna fit!" You cried out. Though undeniably aroused, nervousness and fear worked its way through your body at the intimidating size of the cock.
"It'll fit, trust me." She smiled, picking up the small knife from on the table. "Now hold still, this is really sharp."
You did as you were told, stilling your body against the table as she leaned forward to kiss you again.
While her tongue explored and assaulted your mouth, you accidentally jumped as the tip of the knife glided against your collarbone. Historia anticipated this, luckily, drawing the knife back a little. Despite that, she still hissed into your mouth.
"Hold still." She warned, pressing the knife back to your skin. You did your best to fight off the unease in your stomach, both arousal and fear, as the sharp tip danced lower.
It reached the small line of fabric that connected the two cups of your bra, stopping at it momentarily. Historia bit your bottom lip teasingly before pulling away.
"We don't need this anyway." She sighed, slicing through the fabric easily, leaving the cold, sharp edge of the knife to push back into your bare chest.
She took one breast in her hand, squeezing it a little just to gauge the way you flinched into her. Once satisfied with your reaction, she leaned down, taking the other one in her mouth.
"M-Mistress, hurry up!" You whined, realizing your mistake only seconds later when her mouth, previously swirling around your nipple, bit down, causing you to yelp.
"I go at my own pace." She hissed, leaning back to gaze at you. Pressing the tip of her finger to your core, she felt around a tiny bit to gauge your arousal. "You really are eager, huh?" Your face darkened at the comment, trying to resist pleading for more.
"You know the deal. Arms up." She instructed, waiting for your arms to shoot up before cuffing them into the shackles above your head, securely locking them in place. Next, she moved lower, forcefully spreading your legs to chain each ankle to the table leg, ensuring that it was impossible for you to close your legs.
"I can hardly wait anymore..." Historia muttered, pressing the very tip of the knife into your clit, causing you to squirm in both pleasure and fear.
She pressed on with a little more force, dragging the knife down to cut a wide slit down the middle of your lace panties, just wide enough to slip the silicone cock through, she noticed.
Discarding the knife, she gripped your hips, lining the head of the cock up with your entrance, lazily starting to finger you, loosening you up for the strap-on.
"Are you sure it's gonna fit...?" You muttered, still not being able to settle the nerves in the pit of your stomach.
All Historia provided was a quick nod, adding an extra finger in you to stretch you out further. You groaned in pleasure, squirming against the clinking chains as you craved more stimulation.
"F-Fine, just... be gentle at first." You shot her a pleading look, and, for once, she looked back with a bit of empathy.
"Just so you can get used to it..." She agreed quietly, using her hand to guide the bulbous tip into your entrance, slowly pushing it in to about halfway before stopping.
You let out a whine at the sudden feeling, the size stretching you out more than you were used to, causing a small bit of pain to mix with the pleasure.
She pulled out gently, before pushing back in at the same distance. Slowly, she started to rock her hips in and out of you, finding her rhythm as you sighed in pleasure.
Historia's hand made its way down to your clit, rubbing lazy circles on it to add to the stimulation.
"A-Ah~ Keep doing that, please!" You pleaded, enjoying the feeling of the slow pace and short distance. You knew it would be short lived.
Historia grit her teeth, gripping your hips harder as she started to move faster almost involuntarily. Your head tilted back, pleasured moans leaving your lips at the feeling, the knot in your stomach already materializing.
A sadistic thought crossed Historia's mind, and she stopped her thrusting, causing you to gaze up at her with a pleading expression.
"Hurry up, why'd you st—!" You let out a sudden yelp as Historia snapped her hips into you with brutal force, bottoming out the full ten inches. Historia didn't pull out, leaving you squirming desperately at the feeling of the cock, pressing mercilessly against your cervix. "Mistress, wait, that hurts!"
"Enough," She barked, pulling her hips back, then snapping them back in, quickly picking up speed until she was fucking you with a brutal pace. "You're my toy, and I get to choose what I do with you."
Your head leaned back, a mixture of moans and yelps falling from your throat as she continued to fuck you mercilessly, the tip prodding at your cervix each time.
Historia looked down to watch the smooth, pink silicone slide in and out of you, splitting you open, and coming out each time covered in wetness. A groan left her lips at the sight.
As she fucked into you, she put her hand on your stomach—heaving from all the pleasure—pressing down on it enough to feel the bulge where it moved in and out of you, smiling with pride every time she felt it up against your walls, rubbing your insides over and over again.
You felt completely stretched thin, being left with no other option to lay back and take it as your orgasm grew closer by the second. despite the pain, it pushed through your sensitive cunt again and again and again until you started to feel numb, only feelings of intense pleasure filling your body.
"Historia, I'm so clo— Ngh~!" You were cut off by a particularly hard thrust, angling upwards to hit just the right spot, a wave of pleasure shooting up your spine.
"I told you not to call me that, how many times do I need to remind you." She spat, unchaining just one of your ankles to throw your leg over her shoulder, pushing forward to get as deep inside as she could.
You threw your head back, staring up at the ceiling as your vision started waver, thighs shaking and tears brimming at the corner of your eyes. Fuck, you were so close.
"You know, you always say it hurts," Historia ponders aloud, moving her thumb down to circle your clit. "But you always seem to love it so much, don't you..."
"M-Mistress, I—!"
"Shh," She cooed, cutting you off with yet another hard thrust of her hips, "It's okay, you can come."
Suddenly, your back arched off the table, the chains straining and pulling as you squirmed against her, both needed to get her to go deeper and to get as far away from her at the same time. Historia was content with helping you through your orgasm, pushing the cock deep into you while keep a bruising pace. Your fists balled up and grasped onto thin air and your mouth hung open, no longer able to let anything coherent pass by as those tears finally fell from your eyes.
Your high died down inevitably, but Historia was still pumping into you, a coy smile on her face as she waited for you to start wincing from overstimulation.
"A-Alright Hisu, that's enough!~" You cried, trying desperately to move your hips away from their fixation on her cock. Eventually though, she stopped and pulled out, but not without one final, deep thrust of her hips.
Once pulled out, she leaned over you to unshackle your ankles, giving you a perfect view of the now soaking wet toy, coated in your arousal and dripping slightly from the tip. More prominently though, you stared at it, being able to truly gauge its size for the first time that night. How the hell did that even fit... You wondered in your head, not sure whether to be impressed or ashamed.
Historia had finished unchaining both your arms and legs, giving you her hand and pulling you to sit up as she went to go collect your clothes.
You laid down in the plush bed, much more comfortable as compared to the hard wooden table from not ten minutes ago. Historia had helped you back into your clothes—since you were far too sore already to do any of that—and let you lean on her to hide your limp from the staff as you walked through the hallway.
But, now in your nightclothes, you watched as Historia grabbed the candle, the only source of light in the room, and gently blew it out.
"Are you okay, darling?" She immediately asked, turning around to face you, already cocooned in the warm blankets. She picked up a glass of water from her nightstand, slowly bringing it up to your lips and allowing you to drink.
"A bit sore." You swallowed, "Scratch that, a lot sore."
"I'm sorry..." She cooed, turning to face you and press your face into her chest. "I got carried away. I should've given you more time to get used to it."
"It's okay," You assured, wrapping your arms around her back to pull her closer. Your cheeks flushed in preparation of what you were about to say, swallowing your pride, for once. "It, uh... felt pretty good, actually."
She smiled at your embarrassment, running her fingers through your hair absentmindedly. "That's good to hear. I was just really stressed out 'cause of the meeting, I really needed that..." She admitted, face also flushing at the intimate confession.
"Mmmm, well I hope your day is a little better now." You smiled.
"Oh, it definitely is." You two both laughed softly, before your noises died down into a yawn.
"I'm tired. G'night Hisu, I love you."
She sighed pulling you closer to her and planting a kiss on your forehead. "I love you, too."
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This may be the filthiest thing I've ever written hello what nope nobody saw me here I do not claim this filth
Also sorry if it seems a little rushed, there was lowkey a lot I wanted to do but I have word counts for a reason lmaoo
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Tumblr Fics Masterpost
Here’s the masterpost for all the fics I have posted here on tumblr! I have a lot more over on my ao3
Would have done it in alphabetical order, but my brain couldn’t handle that.
(It was a lot longer than I thought so all the links are under the cut!)
Also! I have a tag list! If you want to be tagged when I post new one-shots on here uh just let me know!
Obi-Wan In General
Lost Memories - Obi-Wan loses his memories
Noticed - Immortal Obi-Wan
I Am Just A New Invention - The origins of Obi-Wans nifty, durasteel arm
Strangers - Obi-Wan was never a Jedi, but he and Cody still manage to find each other.
Strangers Part 2 - A continuation of the above fic
Strangers Part 3 - Another continuation
Strangers Part 4 - I don’t even need to tell you what this is another part of.
Strangers Part 5 - the final part
Tired Padawan - A tired Obi-Wan is carried by his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi Fanclub - an au from the mind of @obiwanobi 
Interview Part One (1) - A behind the scenes look at the Jedi
Interview Part Two (2) - Another behind the scenes look
Interview Part Three (3) - A third look behind the scenes
Interview Part Four (4) - A final look behind the scenes
Interview Part Five (5) - lol, guess I lied about the last part being the final look
Interview Part Six (6) - The Jedi and Clones talk about the Force
Interview Part Eight (8) - Obi-Wan’s ability with animals is brought up
Blind Obi-Wan Part One (1) - Obi-Wan the blind healer
Blind Obi-Wan Part Two (2) - Obi-Wan the blind healer again
Sleeping Beauty Version One (1) - Obi-Wan’s been cursed, only true love’s kiss can wake him up. Good thing Cody knows he’s Obi-Wan’s true love. (codywan)
Five Winters Part 1 - A modern au in which we get a glimpse of five winters that Obi-Wan and Cody spend together. (codywan)
Five Winters Part 2
Five Winters Part 3
Five Winters Part 4
Five Winters Part 5
Secret Santa Gift - The war is over. Obi-Wan and Cody finally have time for themselves. (codywan)
One Bed - There’s only one bed. It’s not usually a problem. However, right now it is. (codywan)
“I will defend it.” - one-shot based off a Frankenstein sentence starter thing.
Silent Apprentice - Sith Obi-Wan au of sorts
The Echo - self-indulgent one-shot that involves an echoing Obi-Wan and confused Anakin
Five Inches Tall - Obi-Wan has somehow been shrunken down to about five inches
I’ll Always Find You - A blind Obi-Wan has been missing, and Anakin finds him.
Something at Work - Cody feels something strange in his soul. 
Love and Rage - Obi-Wan is not emotionless.
“beware; for I am fearless” - Obi-Wan against Darkness
Comets and Stars - A Sith Obi-Wan tells Cody what he thinks of the Commander
See You When You Wake - Obi-Wan is sick and Cody is the bedrest warden
The Knighthood Problem - Obi-Wan feels unworthy of his titles when Maul returns. Mace sets him straight.
Detector - Obi-Wan and Mace are sent out on a mission, but Obi-Wan sense something not good on the planet below.
Darth Sollertis - Obi-Wan is a Sith that's been posing as a Jedi and training Anakin without him knowing it. Until now.
No Matter What - Anakin and the Council witness something none of them would ever thought possible.
“I have to try.” - Anakin is on a path of destruction, but Obi-Wan believes the boy he raised is still in there. (Major Character Death)
“I’m right here” - Cody wakes up from a nightmare and Obi-Wan is there to calm his fears.
“No more today, you’re at your limit.” - companion piece to Exhausted 
Encounters - Cody wanders into a forest and meets a bird, a lizard, and a man
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea - Obi-Wan is taken and tossed in the sea, (nearly?) drowns, and is rescued.
After - A snippet that occurs after Qui-Gon’s death in TPM
Codywan Week
Day One (1) - hurt/comfort
Day Three (3) - Role Reversal
Day Four (4) - Time Travel
Day Five (5) - Fluff
Day Six (6) - Fantasy
Day One (1) - Seven Deadly Sins
Day Two (2) - Role Reversal
Day Three (3) - Soft/Angst
Day Five (5) - Behind Closed Doors
Day Seven (7) - Free Day
Whumptober 2020
Day Three (3) - Forced to Their Knees
Day Four (4) - Caged
Day Five (5) - Rescue
Day Six (6) - “Get it Out”
Day Seven (7) - Carrying
Day Eight (8) - Isolation
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Falling Through the Ice - Obi-Wan falls through ice (codywan)
Loss of Sight - A fight with Ventress leaves Obi-Wan blinded
Exhausted - Anakin watches Obi-Wan do all he can to heal those wounded in battle. (codywan)
Magical Curse - Obi-Wan believes he’s cursed.
Across the Ground - Obi-Wan drags himself across the ground in an attempt to get away from his captors (past torture, description of injuries, uhhhh stay safe)
Accident - Obi-Wan tries to wake his Padawan from a nightmare
Cauterize - Alone in a cave and injured, Obi-Wan must cauterize the wounds he’s received if he wants to make it through the day.
Stitches - Obi-Wan wakes to find his mouth has been stitched shut. (can be read as codywan)
No Anesthetic - The stitches in Obi-Wan’s mouth need to be removed.
Tampered Food - Obi-Wan’s food has been tampered with during a mission with his Padawan.
Attempted - Obi-Wan wakes to find himself in a terrible situation. Attempted non-con/rape (codywan, but the non-con is not between them.)
Ritual - A mission gone bad. Obi-Wan is used in a ritual.
Possessed - Sith Temples (and the artifacts inside them) cause problems.
If I Should Stumble - Obi-Wan and his Padawan never try to get into trouble. It just...happens.
Surprise - Obi-Wan has something up his sleeve that surprises Rex.
Tied to a Pole - Adventures with Obi-Wan and Bail never seemed to go the way they were supposed to.
Didn’t Realize - The battle is over, but Obi-Wan is injured and not aware of the injury.
Mind Control - Cody is being controlled by something else. (codywan)
Day 1: “You have to let me go.”
Day 2: Alone
Day 3: "I can't."
Day 4: Visiting a Grave
Day 6: "You don't belong here."
Day 7: Friendly Fire
Day 8: Screaming
Day 9: "I wish we had more time."
Day 10: "Don't look back."
Day 1: “I thought you were dead”
Day 2: Small Spaces
Day 3: Shock Collar
Day 4: Ice
Day 5: Collapse/Keeps Getting Up
Day 6: “Can you hear me?”
Day 8: Wake Up
Day 9: Gentle/Brutal
Day 10: Silence
Day 11: “Don’t leave me.”
Day 12: Not Noticing Injury
Day 13: Nightmares
Day 14: Forced to Their Feet
Day 15: Immortality Angst
Day 16: “Put your weapon down”
Day 17: Phobia
Day 18: “Take me instead”
Day 19: Not Believed
Day 20: Reflections
Day 21: Not Alone
Day 22: Mind Control
Day 23: Apologies
Day 24: Protected By An Enemy
Day 25: Goodbye
Day 26: “Don’t hurt them”
Day 27: An Accident
Day 28: Chains
Other Ships
Was It Worth It? - A post Zigoola ficlet focusing on Bail and Breha Organa
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waynewifey · 4 years
Fading away. —
Pairing: Jason Grace x Roman!DaughterofPluto!Reader
Sumary: after moths of over working, a colapse makes you get into a coma and reflect on your feelings.
Warnings: coma, angst, Pluto as a caring dad, fluff at the end.
Words: +-3k.
A/N: This is my first Percy Jackson Franchise fanfiction, so take it easy on me. This is also my biggest and favourite one. I hope you like this! My requests are always open.
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(Y/N) (L/N) had a good reason to hate Jason Grace. How could she not? Jason was so annoying, self centred, selfish, stubborn and worse of all? He dated Piper McLean. Piper was great, (Y/N) knew that and they seemed happy together. But, still, he chose Piper, not (Y/N), his girlfriend back at Camp Jupiter, who he totally forgot about. How come Percy remembered Annabeth but Jason wouldn't remember (Y/N)? And when he recovered his memory, he chose Piper. But she also loved him still, and seeing him hurt like a bullet going straight through her heart. She decided to spend a year at Half-Blood Camp to stay with her half-brother Nico Di Angelo when Gaea were defeated. She thought she could manage to see him almost every day, but she couldn't. So she started doing anything to get her mind occupied. Going on meaningless quests, travelling to New York randomly, volunteering for literally any service in the camp and barely sleeping — because sleeping meant dreams.
"It doesn't have to be like that, (Y/N)." Her brother gave her another shot of Nectar. The sunlight that entered Hades' cabin was leaving slowly as they talked, (Y/N) leaned on her bed watching her fingertips become solid again.
"I'll learn how to do it right and I promise I won't push myself too much, but I can't stop practicing." She avoided eye contact with Nico, feeling ashamed of herself. After all, she was supposed to be the one taking care of him, since she was older. She came back from a "quest" for her father, that was staying a weekend on the Underworld. She started using Shadow Travel to get there. The problem? She had no idea how hard it was, and she almost died every time. He sighted.
"I'm not talking about Shadow Travel. You should talk to Jason and sort this out. You're almost killing yourself everyday doing the craziest stuff just to keep your mind off him. He already broke up with Piper, what's stopping you now? I'm your brother and it pains me to see you suffering, I won't just sit and watch while you literally desapear." He got up and walked to the door. The (h/c) girl forced a smile so he believed she was fine. Nico left the cabin.
After hours reflecting and thinking, she heard the trumpets that announced the convocation to a game of Capture the Flag. Since she was feeling better, she changed her clothes and walked outside. The teams were: cabins 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29 vs. cabins 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26. They started the game. (Y/N) had to protect the boundary with a kid from Hipnos' cabin while a group attacked the opponent's flag and another protected their territory and their flag. Everything was going as planned, she hadn't seen anyone yet. Out of the sudden, she saw a blond guy running in their direction with a sword. Oh hell no, Jason Grace wouldn't attack her like that. But he did.
"What the hell?!" She screamed, reacting to the blade flying in her direction. Her teammate was asleep. She defended herself with her own sword and counterattacked. He invested against her leg, trying to make her fall. Her instincts took place, she jumped, attacked again and they started a meaningless battle. Jason looked the same as always. He was almost the same Jason that used to take her on cute dates in New Rome. But he fought like a greek. And that was when it hit her, he changed. The mixture of love and hate made her loose her senses for a bit, giving Jason the lead. He focused on her leg but hesitated to hit it, giving her time to get back on the fight. She knocked him to the floor, her foot on his chest and her blade on his neck, when she heard footsteps approaching quickly. Of course. It was a trap. She turned around and saw a son of Hebe holding her team's flag running, followed by two daughters of Hephaestus. She grabbed a knife from her belt and threw it to his leg, hitting exactly where she wanted. She then grabbed Jason's blade and Shadow Travelled. For a moment everything was fine, while she drowned into darkness, but then she couldn't get out. She saw her father's face mixed in the dark. He raised his hand and touched her face, than she was back at the forest. Realising not even a second had gone through, she attacked the — injured — boy and the two gigantic girls at the same time. She wasn't really expecting to defeat them, just trying to win some time so, hopefully, someone would come help her. The boy dropped the flag and got a small sword. The two girls had hammers... oh. The three of them attacked at the same time and she protected herself with Jason's sword, which flew away. She was out of hopes when a figure appeared beside her and started fighting them.
"What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to help me, we're enemies, remember?" She said, fighting Hebe's son.
"I guess you're welcome then." Jason replied smiling, fighting the hammers-girls. (Y/N) sighted in annoyance. Seconds later, her teammates came running from the enemies' territory with a flag and the three-people group surrendered. Everyone started screaming and celebrating. (Y/N)'s head hurt with the noise and she looked to her brother, feeling numb.
"Hey, can we talk?" Jason said, getting in front of her with a big smile. He was proud of himself for helping her? Of course he was. He was going to take all the credit for her team's win. The anger rose inside of her burning everything. She furrowed her eyebrows and with the last energy that remained in her body, she tried to Shadow Travel for the perhaps hundredth time that day.
She fell into the darkness while feeling her body desapear quickly. Her heart was very accelerated but then it stopped. She saw herself at the barks of Lete's river. I'm dead., she thought. The desperation started taking over. She remembered the face of all her friends. Her siblings, Hazel and Nico. Her mother. Her best friend Reyna. Camp Jupiter. New Rome. The Lar Vitellius. Lares? Lares! Maybe she could go back as a ghost! She would at least see her friends again.
"Didn't expect to see you this soon." A voice said with humor. She turned around, as always enlighten by her father's presence. But his face was sad. Not the everyday-sad-Pluto, but the my-daughter-just-died-sad-Pluto.
"Am I d-... dead?" The anxiety forbid her from crying in front of her father. The one she never knew and once she did, she didn't want to disappoint him.
"Yes and no. You see, my darling, there are things more powerful then death. Right now, your physical being is exhausted from travelling through darkness and light — which I told you not to, but we'll talk about this later, you have a decision to make. You're body is surrendering to Death out of hopelessness. But your soul, on the other hand, still fights for the heart beating in your chest. And your conscious, the controller of both body and soul, has to decide which one of them you'll support right now. As Lord of the Death that's all I can say to you. But as your father, I would like to say that we have a room for you in the castle, if you'd like that. And also, I feel obligated to show you what is happening on Earth." When he finished his words, an image formed in the air, sort of an Iris message, but no one saw them. (Y/N) saw herself laying on the grass, surrounded by some campers, Nico and Jason.
She was watching them from above. Jason put two fingers on her neck, trying to feel her pulse. She — the one in the Underworld — gasped as the blond boy whispered 'nothing'. She glanced at her father, who had a pained expression as he stared at Nico freaking out. Her brother had his hands on her chest and was murmuring something in greek. Then, he opened his eyes, filled with tears of desperation, and glanced at Jason, who didn't look any better. She wanted to scream and go back to up there, but her voice wouldn't come out of her throat.
"Half of her is already gone." Nico struggled to say. Everyone around gasped. "I can't Shadow Travel with her, it- it would k-kill the other half..."
"Let's take her to the Infirmary. Everything's gonna be fine. She'll be okay." Will Solace had appeared in the crowd and kneed down to take (Y/N) in the arms, being helped by the other two. As they walked, (Y/N) held herself in her arms, sobbing. She didn't want to die, not like that. The image faded away and Pluto hugged her. He never did that before. She left out all her emotions through the cry. Her father caressed her back and gently kissed the top of her head.
"Now you see, my child, what those on Earth are going through. You have a family up there. And if you'd ask me, Jason Grace is a good person, even being a son of my brother. You have a choice, so make it wisely." Pluto said, not backing away from the hug. She nodded and he immediately knew what her choice was. "You know I'd love to have you here with me, but I'd love even more to see you happy. Don't be reckless. And listen to your brother. You don't have to worry to come see me, I'll make sure to visit you during your recovery." As he said that, a white door appeared out of nowhere. "Here's your carpool." The girl started to walk to the door, when she heard Pluto say: "(Y/N) I lo-... Good luck." She smiled to him and went through into the door. It felt like eons in the nothingness. She felt so much pain all over her body. Then she gained conscience. She didn't knew how long it had passed. She also couldn't open her eyes or say anything, but she knew she was laying down something comfortable, a bed, perhaps. But she could hear perfectly well.
"... and I'm so sorry you had to die for me to gain the courage to say this. Please come back to us... Come back to me. Nico barely leaves this room and nor do I, Will had to force him to go eat. It's not the same without you, (Y/N/N), it really isn't." Jason's words gave her the urge to cry, but she couldn't. It was like her body had shutdown completely. She felt his warm hands on her cold ones and after that, a door was opened. Footsteps. Only one person. Jason didn't move. Someone sat down next to them.
"Dad- I mean, Hades said she will be okay." It was Nico's voice. He sounded extremely tired.
"Didn't he say that last month?" Grace was annoyed, but he didn't stop holding her hand.
"I know, I wish I could do more... I'm... I'm sorry Jason." The blond sighted.
"I should be the one to be saying that. I know there's nothing else to do. I'm sorry for putting the blame on you. It's just- if we've talked before, nothing of this would have happened. If only I was brave enough..." (Y/N) felt weak and her consciousness was back at nothing again. When she heard something again, it looked like a lot of time had passed by, but she wasn't sure at all. Jason's voice was happy as he told her his plans to the future.
"I realised you would like to work with me training the legion. You're obviously skilled and the payment is quite good. And I've heard they are planning to build a village here as well, but I don't know if you-..." Every time she tried to stay conscious, she felt weaker. 'Rest', her father's voice said inside of her head, so she let herself.
Some time...? A long time...? She didn't knew. But the next time she heard, she was way stronger. She waited until then, so she could stay longer and try to understand her emotions. She heard almost an entire day. Her friends entered and left cabin 13 — she found out that she was there. Some of them talked "to" her, some just sat there in silence. When alone, Nico talked a lot about Will Solace. (Y/N) smiled mentally. Then Jason entered. She could already recognise the sound he made walking. He sat beside her bed and held her hand, as usual.
"Hello, princess. You look better." She reunited all the strength she had storage and sent it all to her right hand. She softly squeezed Jason's hand, for a small portion of second, trying to say 'hi'. She felt exhausted. He gasped.
"She just squeezed my hand!" He screamed, laughing. Nico jumped out of his bed, laughing as well. They both stared at her, waiting for more. "You're there, right? I knew you were! It's been long months, but you're getting better. Don't work too hard. We'll see each other soon, don't worry." He kissed her forehead. After that, it was easy for her to let go and dive into her sleep again.
She was slowly getting better. She noticed her comas were smaller now, and she got stronger every time. She started communicating by squeezing people's hand. One time for 'yes' and two times for 'no'. But it still was exhausting. She met with her father a couple times through dreams, but it never lasted long. She was sick of it. She wanted to jump out of the bed and run through all the camp. She was alone with Jason, as he talked about the last time he went to Camp Jupiter, telling every change. She slowly forced herself to open her eyes. It wasn't for too long, just enough for her to see the big smile he had while talking, her favourite blond hair and how he gesticulated while speaking. By that time, her feelings were completely lined. She declined her childishness and stubbornness to accept the fact that she obviously loved him. Her lips were able to form a small smile. He hadn't noticed her yet. I can do this, she thought.
"J." She whispered for the first time in five months. Her eyes were already closed again. He gasped.
"Did you just say J? That's me! I'm here, i'm right here, love. Can you hear me?" She squeezed his hand one time. Yes. He chortled. "You're so strong. I miss you so much." He started softly crying. She squeezed his hand two times. No. Don't cry, she wanted to say. "Alright, 's fine, 's fine. Gods, you're coming back. I bet Aphrodite is watching us closely." He chuckled but suddenly stopped. "I forgot we haven't talked about that yet, i'm sorry. I don't wanna be intrusive, you know. It's just, by what Nico has told me, well, you still liked me." She squeezed two times. "That's... that's great, love. But don't worry about that just yet. You should take some rest now, my love."
Five days. She had woken up every single one of them, but only listening. No squeezes, no talking, no looking. Just storing strength. She knew she was close to fully waking up. She was already able to keep track of the days. It was a Sunday, the day she received the most visits. It should be morning, because she only heard Nico's snorting. She slowly opened her eyes. The same place. Different clothes. She wondered who had changed them. Perhaps Will did. She systematically moved her arms, pushing herself to sit. Her back was laying at wall. She took a deep breath. It was going fine. She wanted to wake Nico up, but she decided to wait to see if she would be able to actually stay awake. About an hour later, Nico woke up by himself. He yawned and turned to her bed. She looked at him with a big smile. He jumped out of bed.
"Holy shit, (Y/N)! You're up! How- Wait! I need to- Wait! Don't fall asleep, I'll be right back!" She blinked slowly to sign 'ok'. He was back moments running later with a bunch of teenagers in pyjamas. They all froze at the door, staring at her. Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Jason and even Piper. Hazel was the first one to wake up from the trance. She ran to her sister and hugged (Y/N).
"Ouch." She managed to say, reacting to the tight hug that made her head hurt.
"Right, sorry! I forgot. Wait, you speak!" Hazel answered and laughed. All of the others joined in, amazed by her friend, and started talking, telling everything she had missed. (Y/N) couldn't speed properly, only a few words like 'hi', 'ow', 'miss' and 'food'. Later that day, Will came to check on her. He said everything looked just fine, but that she should rest.
"Hey." Zeus' son said, once they were alone.
"Gods, it's so good to finally hear you again. I've talked to myself for a long time." They giggled softly. (Y/N) wasn't showing any signs of it, but that day had been extremely tiring. Her entire body hurt but she couldn't give up just yet.
"I... heard." She whispered. "A bit." Her eyes tried to close but she opened them wide, fighting her own nature. Jason noticed that.
"Hey, no need to over do it.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb.
"Sleep... here." She begged, placing her hand beside her. He froze for a moment, embarrassed. And then, with a rubor across his face, he sat on the bed beside her. She laid her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep.
“Go to sleep, love. We have all the time in the world.”
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 9: Playdate with Ojiro’s little sister. You calling Aizawa ‘Dad’ for the first time. 
Word Count: 4.3k
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"Holly-chan!!" You greet excitedly as you open the front door to Heights Alliance, heart warming at the sight of the little girl standing on the other side. "Welcome!!"
"Y/N-onee-san!!" She cheered, rushing to give you a hug. "I finally get to meet you!!!"
You ruffled her hair, careful not to mess up her hairdo. Sparkly clips were holding back the golden fringe from falling into her eyes, revealing her cute features and freckles. Her kind eyes and bright smile were so similar to her older brother's, she looked just like him.
Her dress was a light blue, edged with lace and fell just below her knees. Perfect for summer.
Ojiro had warned you that he had talked about you to his little sister in the letters he wrote to her weekly and you didn't know why he looked so nervous, it was the sweetest thing in your opinion. You were flattered he included you in those letters.
"Are you ready to go? Where do you want to go first?" You asked, locking the door behind you as you stepped out. "Oh, are you hungry? We could go get something to eat first."
Holly pondered it for a moment, toying with her small bag slung across her body as she mulled it over. "When can we see Onii-san?"
You maintained your smile. "We can see him after classes are done. Until then, we have the whole day to do whatever you want!!"
Your energy was infectious and the little girl mirrored your smile, good spirits restored.
Ojiro had told you last week that with his parents gone all the time and himself away at school, there hasn't been a lot of fun things for his little sister to partake in. School events usually required a guardian and there was no one around the house so that she could bring friends over after school was done for the day.
He was worried about her since he hadn't seen her since he moved out.
After asking Aizawa, he had gotten permission for her to visit for a day and worked it out with his parents. They paid for a private car to take Holly to UA and spend the day with her big brother, but the dates had gotten mixed up.
Instead of coming the following weekend, she was set to come next week during a school day for him. Since it was too late to change everything around on his parents' end, Ojiro was seriously contemplating skipping school to make sure his little sister was taken care of.
You had intervened.
"Ojiro, we'll be fine." You insisted for the tenth time as he paced back and forth in his room.
You were sure by now he was wearing a hole in the floor. It had already been a couple hours since the news broke and he had been stressed.
You were sitting on his bed, curled up in a blanket. You had taken to wearing your own clothes now but neither Ojiro nor Aizawa took back the hoodie or scarf they had lent to you.
"I'm worried, Y/N!!" He exclaimed, flopping down beside you, his tail slumped as it laid in between the two of you. "What if something happens?"
You covered his hand, bending down to nudge his temple with your nose.
"Nothing will and even if it does, I'll make sure to call the police." You soothed, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
Ojiro's eyebrows drew together, still concerned. "But—"
"Mashirao, we'll be okay." You reassured softly and he stopped.
Running a hand through his hair, he smiled at you sheepishly, apologizing for overreacting. You simply shook your head, reassuring him that you understood.
He had pointed a finger at you after that, the light back in his eyes but his voice still shook. "You be careful now, okay?"
You nodded, ears flopping and you smiled at him, happy that he was on board. "I promise."
The sun shone high above the two of you as you took a cab to get off the school grounds. Your tail was tucked away and your ears were hidden by a large hat.
"How old are you, Holly-chan?" You asked, holding her hand as the two of you got on the crowded train.
She held up her fingers cutely. "I'm eight!! Onii-san says I'm a big girl now!!"
You giggled, drawing her close as some else squeezed aboard the packed train car. "You are a big girl!! And big girls get to choose wherever they'd like to eat, so take your pick, m'lady."
She laughed, pulling your hand as she sped on ahead once you arrived at a familiar place.
Initially, Ojiro was nervous about you taking her to the shopping mall, vividly recalling what had happened the last time you were there. This time, you would be going alone with only his sister. He was worried something would happen to both of you.
But he had seen your strength in the training arena. You had grown a lot stronger since back then. And Jirou had been teaching you how to use that cell phone she got you in case you were ever in a pickle and needed to call for help.
There were pre programmed numbers on speed dial and Aizawa was your emergency contact.
Aizawa was also against you going by yourself but you insisted. You were the best choice to look after Holly when she came to visit. You didn't have classes the same days as everyone else since they still hadn't managed to track down the people hunting you to protect your identity.
Reluctantly, the two of them caved, the elder making you promise to text where you would be at all times so that he could check-in with you. You had joked that you were going to disrupt his class if you did that but were surprised when he immediately said he didn't care.
Ojiro had chimed in, asking for you to do the same for him and you nodded in defeat.
You supposed it wasn't unreasonable for them to ask, but a small part of you couldn't suppress the inkling that they were doing that because they didn't trust you to be strong enough to protect Holly.
Your eyes shot open wide as you realized you had said that last part out loud. That wasn't what you had meant to say. It was an irrational and fleeting thought, you knew full well that they were worried about the Quirk Traffickers they had yet to pin down.
But panic rose in your chest and gripped your heart, making it hard to breathe.
The stunned silence was suffocating and you wanted nothing more than to flee but the instant you swiveled on your feet, Ojiro caught you with his tail.
"Wait, Y/N!!" He exclaimed, his eyes imploring you to believe him. "That wasn't what I meant!!"
Aizawa's forehead creased. "It's not a matter of whether or not you are enough to protect Holly, but if you get attacked by the Quirk Traffickers."
Of course you knew that, but for some reason, there were too many things running through your head and making it hard to think clearly.
"I'll be fine." You insisted, straining against Ojiro's tail for a few seconds before giving up with a huff. "I'll make sure she's okay!!"
"You're not listening." Aizawa hissed, stalking towards you.
You gulped frightfully as he loomed over you, resembling the man that used to visit your cell more and more. A whimper slipped past before you could stop it and realizing what you had done, your flight mode kicked in.
Ojiro's shock in hearing you afraid loosened his grip on your waist just enough for you to escape. His shock increased as his teacher cursed in front of him.
"Not now." He said, gripping his hair in frustration so tight, his knuckles turned white. "You should go after her. She'll listen to you."
The guilt welled up in his chest and he sighed heavily once his student left to go after you. He didn't know what made him say that or come onto you as forceful and intimidating as it was. He knew you had a problem with people confronting you like that, he was the one who helped you deal with it, for crying out loud.
Why did he always have to screw things up with the people that meant the most to him?
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. Soon after you raced out of the classroom, you ran and ran until your legs couldn't carry out anymore. By the time Ojiro found you, you were sobbing openly into your knees.
The feelings of rejection and abandonment resurfaced and you cried.
The sound of your anguish sent a shot through his heart.
At least twenty minutes had passed before you were able to calm down and there was another ten minutes of silence before you sniffled and said that you were okay.
Ojiro asked if you wanted to talk to Aizawa but you shook your head, unable to stomach another confrontation right now and he understood, accepting your decision without making you feel bad about it.
You couldn't really put it into words.
You were scared that Aizawa wouldn't want you anymore, that he would throw you away like everyone else. Deep down, you hoped that it couldn't be possible. But too much cruelty had made your mind grow foggy at the possibilities of him abandoning you and you clung to Ojiro as if he were your lifeline.
The boy just let you, letting you calm down until you passed out. From there, you had speculated he carried you all the way back to the dormitory since the next memory you had was waking up in your room.
You felt bad he had to take care of you after your breakdown and you wanted to apologize causing trouble for the both of them but today was the day that Holly was coming and you needed to be ready.
So you pushed aside your personal feelings and plastered on a friendly smile as you got ready. It soon turned into genuine excitement as the possibilities that the day held got to you and there was a skip in your step as you ran downstairs.
Mysteriously enough, there was money on your nightstand along with a note that told you not to be frugal with it, and you could only assume that was Ojiro's doing.
You wiped your mouth with a napkin, handing another one to Holly so she could do the same.
She had eventually settled on a food stall on the outskirts of the Kiyashi shopping ward and the street food might be greasy but it tasted so good that you didn't think twice before digging in. The honking of the cars was loud out here and your ears pivoted every so often, picking up new sounds and you made sure to keep an eye out for anyone weird looking or seemed like they had malicious intentions.
Holly chomped on her kabob, smacking her lips loudly and you giggled at her theatrics. She definitely was not similar to Ojiro in that sense, that boy couldn't stand when people looked at him longer than two seconds.
Texting both Aizawa and Ojiro separately to let them know you had arrived safely, you directed questions towards the little girl between bites until you finished.
Both of you full, the two of you skipped into the mall.
You looked at everything that you had missed before the last time you were here. Holly had led you to a toy store, pointing out all the stuffed animals and board games she liked to play with her big brother.
You rather liked how she told you a story every time she saw something that reminded her of a memory.
She had told you she was quirkless but that it didn't bother her.
You were in awe of this little girl who seemed so mature for her young age as she told you that she admired her brother so much. She had wanted to be just like him but felt discouraged when her quirk never showed up.
He had been the one to reassure her that just because she didn't have a quirk, she wasn't any less special of a person. His constant reminder and showering her with unconditional love when their parents couldn't, helped convince her that no matter what, she'd always had him.
He was her beloved older brother.
Clapping your hands, you praised her, telling her how dazzling she looked as she did a twirl for you in a floral patterned dress. You were currently in the clothing section of a store that had her size.
Merchandise was packed here, making it a little bit hard to see but as you navigated the aisles with her,
"You look so cute!!" You squealed and she beamed. "Very beautiful!!"
Holly's eyes rounded in awe. "Really?!"
"Of course!!" You replied, standing up from the cushion the staff had placed in the waiting area, separate from the changing rooms.
You had made sure to keep her in your sights at all times though, wary of the strangers that milled around you. No one had done anything to warrant your suspicion, but you really didn't feel like letting down your guard when a little girl's safety was entrusted to you.
Holly dashed back into the fitting room and you took a quick glance at your surroundings. Nothing out of the ordinary. No one who approached you carelessly.
You were safe and hidden within the masses.
"Are you ready to go?" You asked as the door unlocked and Holly came back out carrying a pile of rumpled clothes whose weight looked like it was crushing her.
A smile formed on your face as she giggled and you rushed to help relieve her of the outfits she had selected.
"Can we get them?!" She asked earnestly, bouncing on the balls of her feet and your heart shook at her wholesomeness and pure excitement.
"Yes, I think we can." You said as you put the ones she wanted in the cart as she ran to put the ones she didn't want back in their respective sections.
You followed her around, making sure she didn't get lost in the sea of people. Taking the chance while she wasn't looking, you picked out some other things you had caught her looking at when she thought you wouldn't notice.
At the cashier, you purchased countless toys and several new pieces of clothing that she modeled for you all at once, watching her eyes light up when she saw the impulsive buys from you.
You smiled as she marched around, waving the new notebook and sparkly pen you had got her.
You would have to thank Ojiro later for thinking ahead, you loved to see her so happy when you were able to purchase them for her in his place.
He had let you know ahead of time that his little sister wasn't the type to explicitly ask for anything. He had teased that Holly was like you in that sense and you giggled, promising to take extra care to pay attention to what caught her interest.
The two of you agreed to get whatever she set her eyes on, since he didn't get the chance to spoil her as often anymore.
It kind of made you feel like Holly was the little sister you never had. You liked that warm, fuzzy feeling inside of you as you looked out for her.
Before you knew it, the allocated two hours you set aside for this excursion was gone in the blink of an eye.
"Hey, Holly-chan." You called, swinging her arm to get the little girl's attention. "Do you want to go see him now?"
"Yayyy!!! Onii-san!!!" She cheered, nodding vigorously, pulling you along as fast as her little legs would carry her.
You laughed and together, you two raced each other to the train.
Hopping off, you heaved a sigh of relief as you made it back onto UA's grounds without a hitch. The slight tremor of your heart finally eased as you arrived back to safety and as much as you didn't want to face it, you were just as scared as Aizawa and Ojiro was.
But you knew that if you didn't face it, face the world, you would always be kept in the dark and live in fear of everything.
You didn't want that life. Especially not after getting a taste of all that life could be.
Filled with laughter and warm memories, filled with people who cared about you just was much as you did for them, it was intoxicating and made your head spin in the best way.
You poked the cat ears she had put on, both of you collapsing in a fit of giggles when the cheap black plastic displaced under your touch.
She had begged you for them after catching a glimpse of your ears.
You didn't know why you felt so happy.
Hand in hand, you walked her to the giant door of the 1-A classroom, waiting outside of the room as she ran in to greet her brother after months of not seeing him.
You had told yourself it was because you didn't want to get in the way of their reunion or have anyone's attention on you but while that was true, that wasn't the driving factor as to why you didn't go in.
You felt ridiculous but you couldn't help it. You just couldn't face him.
An entire week had passed since you ran out on Aizawa. A full week of doing everything you could to confront him and apologize but ultimately chickening out and running in the opposite direction every single time you got close to making it to the classroom after hours.
You needed to fix this.
And what did you do when you needed to make amends? Make him food, of course.
It was way too late at night when you crept downstairs, unable to get any sleep because of the unresolved tension between you and Aizawa.
He had been avoiding you but to be fair, you sort of were too. Every time you had training, it was Present Mic that came instead of your guardian. Extra classes with him were replaced with ones under the instruction of Midnight instead and you were miserable.
You missed him.
The playdate with Holly had come and gone. It had been an entire week of this nonsense and every single time you tried to gather up your courage to go see him and apologize, beg him not to give up on you, you backed out.
You couldn't do it.
What would he say? What would you do when he finally said he didn't want to take care of someone so troublesome anymore?
Swallowing your fears, you willed your feet to move. After endless nights of thinking this over, you decided you couldn't wait for this to blow over. You had to be brave and confront him, and apologize for what you did wrong.
Easier said than done.
It being close to four am didn't negate your usual clumsiness and not even a full minute into cooking the gyūdon, you yelped, holding your now burned hand from where you had scalded it against the searing hot pot.
You jumped in surprise as the front door slammed close, bringing your claws out to defend yourself.
"What do you think you're doing, kid?"
The low rough voice edged with weariness made you relax, retracting your claws.
He had come in to check-in on his students but he wasn't expecting any of them to be awake at this hour. Much less trying to make food.
"Did you not eat today?" He asked.
"I did!!" You huffed out defensively, avoiding his gaze.
You, in fact, had eaten a total of two eggs and some rice for the whole day, but it wasn't your fault!! This ongoing conflict with him made your stomach hurt and you couldn't keep much down without feeling like you were going to throw up.
The older man rubbed the nape of his neck uncertainly, standing at the edge of the kitchen, not wanting to crowd your personal space.
You fidgeted, discreetly blowing on the burn.
His eyes narrowed, catching the movement without fail.
"You're hurt." He deadpanned disapprovingly and you winced.
Aizawa sighed. "Let me see."
You uncurled your fingers gingerly and he grasped your wrist, tilting it in the light and he frowned as he spotted the red welt on the palm of your hand.
Without a word, he got some ice from the freezer and applied it to your burn. Luckily, it wasn't too bad so hopefully the cold would soothe it enough for there not to be any lasting damage.
Recovery Girl wasn't available right now and Todoroki was sleeping. It wasn't worth waking the boy up from whatever little rest he was able to get just so that he could soothe your burn.
Besides, he recognized that your injury was minor enough to skate by without their help for now.
"A little late for dinner." He remarked monotonously.
You cracked a smile at the subtle jab, finding his dry sense of humor amusing.
"Yeah, I guess so." You whispered.
Aizawa told you to keep the ice on while he cleaned up the kitchen. You were fidgeting on the stool by the kitchen island, sneaking worried glances at him. After three times, he had enough.
"Look, kid." He sighed, eyes closing momentarily to ready himself before opening them again. "I'm sorry."
Your head snapped up. That wasn't what you had been expecting at all.
Aizawa hadn't looked up from where he was staring blankly at the sink, this past week's events replaying over and over again in his head.
Still, you heard him easily enough. That regret in his voice would be hard to miss.
"It came out wrong, I never meant to upset you." He said, referring to the same thing that had been plaguing your mind ever since it happened.
Dishes clattered in the sink from where he had knocked it over accidentally, his hand shaking from the effort to get this right.
"I'm really sorry, kid."
Met with a silence that unnerved him, he accepted his defeat of trying to reconcile with you. He moved to dry his hands on the towel when arms hugged him from behind. His eyes went wide as his exhausted and sleep-deprived brain registered that you were in fact, hugging him.
"Don't leave." You begged into his back, burrowing your face between his shoulder blades. "I-I'm so sorry!!"
Your grip on his sweater was tight, like a child who needed the reassurance of their guardian. Needing to be reminded that they weren't going to leave or stop loving you.
Aizawa tried to turn around but you couldn't let him, just desperately shaking your head as if he would walk out on you any second.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!" You kept repeating it over and over again, crying out until he couldn't take it anymore.
Prying your arms away from him to loosen your hold on him for a second, you weren't even given a chance to cry out as he gathered you up in his arms.
"I know, kid." He mumbled into your hair as you sobbed into his chest. "I know."
He stroked your hair, patting your head to calm you down. Minding your fluffy ears, his eyes softened, guilt weighing on his chest for not being a responsible adult and taking care of you first, regardless of the lies his head told him that you'd rather not see him.
"I'm not going anywhere, kid."
That was all it took to keep you from spiraling any further and you sniffled, eyes aching at how much you cried. A week's worth of emotional buildup was a lot to release all at once.
Aizawa just held you as you let it all out, holding you tight. Grounding you. Reassuring you.
You wanted to apologize for the mess you made of his shirt but he only shushed you, patting your head comfortingly.
Allowing yourself to take the comfort he was so willingly giving to you, you sighed, discreetly snuggling into him more. He was warm and you didn't want to let go.
He chuckled and you pulled back but not all the way.
"You alright now, kid?"
You nodded. Your eyes were rimmed red but the smile on your face outshone it all.
"Thanks, Dad."
You both froze as the word you had just said hung in the air.
All protests, half-witted lies to cover up what you had just called him, died on the tip of your tongue when he surged forth, engulfing you in an embrace that was just as desperate as the last one.
"Don't take it back." He croaked, internally pleading to hear it once more if you never wanted to say it again.
Your eyes widened.
With the faintest of hopes, he grumbled out roughly. "It's fine."
You laughed tearfully when he didn't reject you, hugging his neck tightly. He didn't need to state it explicitly. You knew what he meant.
"Dad." You beamed, eyes puffy but your bright smile outshone it all.
Aizawa let out a sound that was a cross between a happy choke of disbelieving laughter and faux irritation.
In all his years of living, he hadn't known one word to make him as happy as that one did.
Resting a hand on your head, he shook his head fondly as you batted a hand playfully against him.
"That's right kid, you've got me."
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (1/17)
Summary:  "Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn't exist. Everything is a choice." At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him."
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn't.
Note: This has been sitting on my computer untouched for a while, along with the timeline I prepared for a multichapter fic. Will probs go back to it soon. Feedback is very much appreciated.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Link to cross-postings: AO3
In dreams people only see faces they already know.
It was an interesting fact Levi had probably come across, lazily scrolling through his social media timelines or opening countless tabs after getting into some Wikipedia blackhole in between the long days of schools and the short nights asleep.
He spent a fair amount of time on the internet, reading up about whatever bullshit politics came up with, controversies and bathroom reader fun facts. During his first year of college, it had stuck to him for a time. Maybe because it just seemed too unrealistic, too unbelievable.
After all, ever since he had started college, he felt like he had been dreaming of more and more unfamiliar faces. It could have been attributed at least to the fact that he was exposed to more people in a crowded city than he had been in the small town he grew up in. As time went by, these faces he barely recognized though, had become the main actors in his dream.
The long haired boy with the elvish features. The man with the clean cut appearance and a glint of mischief in his eyes. The oriental girl with subtle European features. The cheeky girl with a beat up pair of glasses and unkempt hair.
They and many others had been regulars in his dreams and Levi had come up with names for them already, names he remembered muttering, names he screamed multiple times in his head. By the time he woke up to the four walls of his bedroom a few hours before his first class, they were vague memories, only as intelligible as his view of the world right after waking up.
Some mornings, he had found himself more exhausted than when he had slept. Some mornings, he found his throat sore from screaming. Some days, his eyes were swollen from crying.
He lived alone in a dormitory and he had wanted to infer that it had been homesickness that had made those nightmares possible. He had never really abhorred being alone though, in fact he liked the privacy that came with having his own room.
He quickly shot down that theory and did not think too much about it soon after. His daily life did not give him too much time to ponder such fleeting and abstract of a concept as dreams in between lessons and training.  
The dreams never left him, some days they were more vivid than others. After a few years of navigating academics, trainings, and obligations, Levi had gotten used to brushing off that one tear he’d get as he woke up, taking a lozenge to soothe the sore throat or just leaving the lights off in his room to alleviate the pounding headache he would get some mornings.
Daily life and obligations never did allow him the time and space to ponder too much on those dreams. Levi chalked it up to stress and unexplained trauma, easily soothed by ten minutes scrolling through social media or hours reorganizing his room for the third time that week.
Financial and time constraints made it impossible as well to even consider consulting about it and Levi found himself compartmentalizing those dreams into those few hours of sleep he got at night and the one hour he allowed himself each day to adjust to the waking world.
The line blurred one night though when one of those names was nonchalantly mentioned among others.
"Hange Zoe..."
It was just one name in a list recited by their coach before they were all dismissed for the evening. Sandwiched between a few other names before and after it, it wasn't supposed to stand out like that. Oddly, it did.
As Levi rode his bike to his dormitory room after a tiring day of training, he found himself repeating that name again and again. He tried to make sense of the odd familiarity which came with a name he could have sworn he had never heard before.
A family friend? A childhood friend?
Levi entertained those possibilities. Having grown up in a small town, his family friends and childhood friends consisted of everyone in that tight knit community and he could have listed out all their names then and there. She wasn’t part of it.
To at least, satisfy his own curiosity, Levi had sent a message to his parents before going to sleep. Just in case he had met her before.
Levi woke up the next morning, his throat a little scratchier, his body a little more tired. The first thing he did was check his phone.
Hange Zoe wasn’t a family friend.
Levi put the covers over himself and closed his eyes. His head was pounding and his chest was heavy. He had only noticed a moment later that his eyes were wet, his breaths were coming out in heaves.
What did I dream about this time?
Levi needed the whole morning to recover.
                                  A Tale of Two Slaves
Levi managed at least to drag himself out of bed for afternoon training. By then, others have already started warming up. Levi wondered if he would be able to carry his body through a warm up jog, given his state only a few hours ago.
In the end, getting the jog done became a matter of discipline more than anything else and he had finished well above everyone else.
He had always been faster, given his smaller build and he had the natural muscle and athletic skill to be versatile as well. That was what made him stand out as the best athlete in the track and field team. He never cared too much either way about the admiration many of his teammates held towards him.
The recurring nightmares and the aftermaths of these though had left Levi averse to human interaction. Ironically, as he moved away from his small town and into the bigger city, his world had gotten smaller. Levi found himself keeping his world only wide enough to win track and field events and pass classes.
No man could really ever be an island though, no matter how much they try. Levi soon found that out when he saw that aforementioned Hange Zoe on the side of the track, talking to one of their coaches.
“This is Hange Zoe.”
“You can call me Hange.”
Levi did not need that quick introduction his coach had just given him. Somehow, the name and the face just clicked inside him. He looked expectantly at his coach and back at Hange.
Hange held out her hand to him and smiled. “I heard you’re the best one in the team. Coach Greg spoke highly of you.”
Levi narrowed his eyes at her. “What's she doing here?”
“Didn’t I tell you last time? Some of the premed students wanted to do case studies on athletes here for their final thesis. If you could help them out?” The coach turned to Hange. “Levi here is one of our best jumpers. He holds a pretty good record for sprinting, hurdles and throwing events as well.”
“Your jogging form looks amazing! I’d love to see you in action.”
Levi was not prepared for the invasion of privacy that came a second after. Hange held both of his hands towards her and leaned closer towards him. Before Levi could even stop himself, he had pushed her away and ran, the screaming of his coach to come back had become mere muffled screams in the background.
The only reason Levi did drag himself to training was for the fact that it was still one of the few hobbies he found complete calm yet complete liberation in. Those few moments after launching himself up in the air, those magical few moments high up in the air with only the empty sky above him, Levi felt free.
As Levi powered through, he found within him a burst of energy, built up from an idle morning cooped up in his room.
He had done those same drills so many times before. The excitement he got from flying through the air and running easily took over whatever exhaustion and rattledness plagued him only a second ago. He let his body memory guide him through each drill, concentrating his consciousness on other things like the cool wind on his skin as he shot through the track and the purple sky that stretched above as he performed horizontal jumps.
If Levi had been any more aware of his surroundings, he would have noticed his teammates leaving the track one by one. Maybe, he would have noticed as he started moving to the hurdles that the purple sky was slowly turning into a dark blue and the scenery around him was becoming just a little more than shadows.
It was nothing new. Levi had stayed behind to work on other skills multiple times and his coach and teammates had just learned to leave the club room open. Levi would leave an extra thirty minutes to an hour later than his companions,
At that training though, with little incentive to break away from that small bubble he had built for himself, not  a lot of things could have broken his concentration. Fifteen minutes into his hurdles exercises, the distraction came. Levi was raising one leg, positioning himself to jump a hurdle when he caught a shadow from his peripherals.
Someone had been watching him in the dark.
He was alone. Or he was supposed to be alone at least.
The combination of those realizations and the exhaustion that threatened to take over Levi only caused Levi to stumble on the hurdle in front of him and fall forward onto cold ground.
“Hey! You okay?”
It was that same voice from that same conversation Levi had walked away from just an hour ago. The voice was as loud and as annoying as it was an hour ago that even when his shadow was still a good few meters away, Levi remembered how it felt with her forehead once again pressed on his and her grip on his two hands.
Levi was frozen on the ground, his body still in shock at the sudden loss of control and the whiplash of what he had just imagined.  
“That looked painful.” Her voice was softer than it was a second ago. Hange put her hand on his.
Levi pulled away instinctively, and winced as his palms protested the quick action. Levi looked at his palms. In the dim light, he could see three long gashes lined up in the middle. Blood was starting to come out as well.
Levi was exhausted. The impact and the aftermath of falling on the ground, front first and the friction burns that followed, only further drained what was left of his energy.
By the time Hange helped him up by the shoulders  Levi was almost motionless, the small movements he made were carefully calculated for fear of aggravating the dull pain.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”
                              A Tale of Two Slaves
“Sorry about a while ago… People say I’m just a little too intimidating  but I just get really excited about these types of things. You had such a good running form. You jump so high. You get a really good height above the hurdles… “ Hange gave him a consoling look. “Except that last one.”
Hange was closer to him than what Levi would have preferred at first. Oddly, he had gotten used to it quickly enough, particularly because he had no other choice.
The gashes on his palms were bloody and painful. With little to no means to bandage them himself, he was left to rely on the only person there and as Levi soon found out, she had problems with maintaining a comfortable social distance from people.
And she never stopped talking.
“Are the bandages too tight?” Hange asked, in between other ramblings Levi had tuned out.
“‘No.” The only words Levi had said since they had arrived in the club room fifteen minutes ago.
“Okay, let’s move on to your knees.”
Levi had not surveyed the damage himself but he guessed it was probably worse than his palms from Hange’s concerned frown.
“You’re gonna need stitches for this. The clinic probably isn’t open so you might have to go to the hospital… We could call a taxi and---”
“You’re a pre-med student, can’t you do it yourself?”
Hange blushed. “You trust me to do it?”
"A trip to the hospital will just be a waste of time." Levi admitted.
Hange rummaged deeper into the first aid kit. "This is gonna be painful though."
Better than taking a trip to the hospital now. Levi braced himself for it and decided to distract himself from the discomfort of the whole ordeal.  
“How does it feel? Flying in the sky like that?” Hange asked. At that point, Hange had started to talk more purposefully, as if she wanted to get a point across to him.
Levi guessed that it was all an attempt to distract him from the mini operation she was giving him. From his angle, Levi could not see the extent of the injuries, nor did he want to. The pain was bearable, although it was still much worse than what he would have considered a discomfort.
“I’ve always wanted to take a sport like that, maybe gymnastics, maybe figure skating or track and field? That’s the closest people can get to flying right?” Hange was asking too many questions but it was obvious she was not expecting answers.
Her words flowed as smoothly as the movement of the needle and thread he could see from his angle.
Something about the way she talked to him was comforting and eventually Levi had almost completely relaxed, the pain of needle to torn skin a distant memory. He lay back on the bench and closed his eyes, focusing not on her words but instead on the familiar warm tone as she spoke.
The sensation of needle to skin, the burning pain, the dizziness that followed. They were all too familiar. All accompanied by that familiar warm voice.
Maybe we should just live here together. Right Levi?
If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us.
Hange's voice tore into his daydream. “What do you mean? Are you running from something?"
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ggukcangetit · 4 years
Dreamcatchers 6
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Pairing: jungkook x oc
Summary: DI Jeon didn’t need a new partner. Unfortunately, his superiors felt otherwise; especially considering the extremely high-profile murder that had just taken place in the port city. Recent transfer, DI Choi Yuri finds herself confronted with a new cityscape, unfamiliar people, a hostile partner, and a homicide that is certain to bring back unpleasant memories.  
Genre/AU: fluff/action/mystery | detective! au | police!jungkook, police!oc
Word Count: 5.2k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of violence, alcohol, blood, drugs, death. basically stuff you’d associate with a murder mystery/crime drama.
Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 
A/N:  it’s been a while since i posted and even longer since i updated this fic but its still here and so am i! lol. updates are not gonna be very frequent but i have a list of works in progress that i plan to finish so there will be something or the other being posted at the most random moments.
also, reminding everyone that this story features a named oc because i’m still very unfamiliar with writing second person reader inserts. i’m not aiming for strict accuracy in this story, and all criminal investigation/forensics knowledge i have has been gathered by watching crime drama/procedural dramas! my knowledge of geography is also not totally accurate so apologies for that. once again, one thing right by @hobios​ prompted me to write a police inspector! jungkook story. would highly recommend reading that because it’s probably one of my most favorite pieces of writing!
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21st December
"Is this how you conduct a sample analysis?! Where did you even train? I've half a mind to report you and get you kicked out!!"
Yuri stopped at her desk, surprised to hear Seulgi's yelling so loudly that she could be heard all the way from the floor above. She was usually extremely calm and even-tempered, but the past couple of days had seen her irritable, snappy, and downright furious.
"Dr. Ahn sounds really angry," whispered Jisoo, clutching a file close to her chest. "I've never heard her yell at anybody before. I hope she's okay."
"I'm sure everything's fine," said Jeon, walking over to his desk and dropping a bunch of files on it. "Can I talk to you for a second?"
Yuri raised an eyebrow at him, but complied nonetheless. They walked outside, standing near a clump of trees outside of earshot of anyone in the station.
"Guess who I've just brought in on suspicion of murder for the 2nd Nov case?" he asked, lowering his voice.
"No!" gasped Yuri. "Minhyuk?"
"Yep. He's been in the country for a while now. Fancy giving me a hand with the interview?"
"Me? I mean," she bit her lip. "I wasn't part of the original investigation."
"I know, but in light of what you've found out and the fact that you're now my partner, Goh thinks it's okay."
"You told Goh?!"
"I had to. I can't restart the investigation without his permission."
Jeon stared at her for a few moments, trying to gauge her reaction. "So, what do you say?"
"Alright. Let's nail this bastard."
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Ahreum was late. She had a meeting with one of her professors to decide on which medical stream she'd specialize in. Despite using forensics as an excuse to distract Seulgi, she was seriously considering it now. Deciding to pursue medicine had been a drastic career switch for Ahreum, and a lot of people had questioned her decision relentlessly. But if there was something she had learnt in the years following her parents' divorce, it was patience and the ability to block out irrelevant conversations. Namjoon had always been immersed in his studies, barely affected by the bitterness existing between their parents. Ahreum, barely in high school, felt lost and helpless during those times. After the divorce, things had become less tumultuous and she was able to see her parents as individual entities. That was when she realized that her father was never going to like any of her decisions, no matter how hard she tried to please him, and her mother preferred to stay aloof at the best of times. Ahreum learnt pretty early in life, that she needed to be there for herself. She loved her brother and parents, though the latter a lot less than the former. Her decision to study English Literature and Creative Writing had been a spur of the moment one - dictated more by the fact that her high school boyfriend was going to study at a major Arts university. She didn't really regret any of her decisions. Her degree had led her to finding a hobby she adored - photography. And having a freelance job meant that she could stay with Namjoon - who earned a significantly larger amount than her - and move whenever he needed to move as well. This was also how she had met Taehyung 3 years ago - a happy coincidence of events when she had been taking pictures outside the museum at Seoul. They had started talking about art and photography, eventually realizing that they lived in the same part of the city. In addition to Yuri, she also considered Taehyung to be her best friend. She had seen him during one of his lowest moments when Seokjin had left home; and then some time later when he had found Seokjin living in the town Ahreum and Namjoon had recently shifted to, she had stayed by him as he grappled with his anger and frustration towards his older brother until an eventual reconciliation.
But at this moment, she was beginning to lose patience with him. Five minutes before she was about to leave for her meeting, she received a bunch of frantic texts from him.
8.25 am
T: ahreum?? are u up??
T: jimins still in custody
T: im so worried
8.26 am
T: u there?
T: i want to visit him...
T: will u come with me?
8.27 am
T: hey
T: ???
T: i didnt sleep much so i dont wanna drive there
8.28 am
T: are u sleeping?
T: ???
He knew she had a meeting today. He knew how important the meeting was for her. She had spoken about it many times. Not for the first time, Ahreum wondered whether Taehyung cared about her beyond what directly concerned him. If it wasn't somehow relevant to him, he never seemed to remember much. It was a careless apathy that had hurt her during the beginning of their friendship, but she had accepted it as a part of him.
Her meeting was at 9 am and she usually needed 20 minutes to get there on her bike. She closed her eyes and mentally rehearsed the points she was going to bring up during her meeting. Her phone pinged once more, breaking her concentration.
8.30 am
T: hey
T: can u pick me up?
She frowned and shot a quick text before pocketing her phone and strapping on her helmet.
A: sorry have a meeting... talk later
As Ahreum sped through the narrow lanes, she was convinced that there was no way she was going to talk to Taehyung today. He would have to manage on his own for once.
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Yuri and Jeon sat across from a very nervous Park Minhyuk, his bloodshot eyes indicating that he had been brought in after a rough night.
"Good morning." Jeon began the interview, his notes stacked neatly in front of him. "You were very hard to get a hold of, Mr. Park. Specifically because your company categorically states that you've been out of the country for business."
"I-" His face was white as a sheet.
"When we called your office, we were told that you are often out of the country on business trips. Short trips," Jeon flipped through his notes. "A fortnight, 20 days at max. Your secretary was very obliging - he told us that you traveled on October 12th and returned on October 27th. Then left the country again on November 1st and returned on November 16th. Another trip between November 22nd and December 6th. And finally, one more on December 10th from which you still haven't returned."
"Your phone records are very interesting, Mr. Park," said Yuri, joining in. "I'm DI Choi, by the way, and I will be assisting DI Jeon as his partner on the case. Now -" she opened the file in front of her and took out a particular page - "is this your cell phone number?"
"Yes, but-"
"Our Telecomms division looked over recent activity over the last 3-4 months. While your office confirms that you have been on multiple trips out of the country from October onwards, your phone has been operating in Korea for almost two months. Can you tell us why?"
Minhyuk remained silent, his hands clenched on the table.
"Do you recognize this?" Yuri placed a plastic bag on the table and moved it towards him.
The remaining color drained from Minhyuk's face as he stared at the ring inside the plastic bag.
"Let me help you out, Mr. Park," she continued. "This is an heirloom from your mother's side of the family. There was three such rings - one buried with your mother, one on your brother's finger, and one found at the scene of Son Eunbi's murder. Can you tell us how your ring found its way to a murder scene?"
"I didn't kill her!" Minhyuk looked like he was going to pass out. Jeon poured some water into a glass and passed it to him.
"She was dead when I got there!" he said after gulping down the water. His hands were shaking by this point.
"If she was dead when you got there, why didn't you call the police?"
Faced with a possible murder charge, Minhyuk looked frightened but not nearly as forthcoming with an alibi as one would have hoped.
"Mr. Park," Yuri spoke after a period of silence. "Did you know that Ms. Son had a three year old daughter named Gina?"
Minhyuk gulped, his eyes breaking contact with hers. He removed his hands from where they had been clenched on the table, choosing to hide them in his lap.
"Are you Gina's father?" she continued. Minhyuk head shot up at her question.
"H-how did-"
"When did you find out?" she asked.
Minhyuk sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I guess there's no point in denying it since you know everything." He reached out and finished the remaining water in the glass. "In October, after I came back from a trip, I happened to meet her by chance and Gina was with her. It was odd, the way that she tried to avoid talking to me. And the fact that Gina also had clear grey eyes."
For the first time since the interview started, Yuri realised the resemblance between the Park brothers was limited but striking. Their eyes were the exact same shade of grey - while Jimin looked cold and unwelcoming, Minhyuk's glasses did well to give him a warmer appearance.
"I asked her why she hadn't contacted me when she got pregnant. Or in the three years since Gina was born."
"What did she say?" asked Yuri, softly.
"She was scared that I wouldn't believe her." Tears had started to roll down his cheeks. "I loved her... so much. And then she just disappeared one day. I tried so hard to find her but..."
Jeon poured another glass of water for him.
"I told her how happy I was to hear about Gina. That I wanted us to be a proper family. I was willing to do whatever was necessary if that's what she wanted as well. I think she was beginning to warm up to the idea. I even told my father to postpone my next trip so that I could spend a little more time with both of them. But-"
Minhyuk stared at his hands, looking tired and dejected. "He - uh, he wasn't happy when he heard about Gina. My father has very particular expectations."
"What did he say to you? Did he threaten you, Mr. Park?"
Minhyuk let out a soft chuckle. "My father doesn't threaten. He suggests."
"And what did he suggest you do about Gina and Eunbi?" asked Jeon.
"That I stay away from them. For the sake of my inheritance."
"And did you?"
"I was planning to... I-I was meant to travel the next day and I thought I would go and see her once more before I left. But when I got there..."
Minhyuk covered his face with his hands, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself.
"What happened when you got there, Mr. Park?"
"She was lying there... in a pool of blood. Gina was asleep in the back. I-I didn't kill her. You have to believe me."
Yuri and Jeon exchanged a quick look as Minhyuk protested his innocence. They were aware that the homeless man had killed Son Eunbi. The DNA found at the crime scene confirmed the fact that he had stabbed her. But they needed Minhyuk to give them as much information as possible.
"I'm afraid we do not conduct our investigations based on belief, Mr. Park," continued Yuri, shuffling her notes meaningfully. "You still haven't provided us with an alibi for that night. Strange thing - the Park family seem to have a particular aversion towards providing alibis. Your brother was also extremely resistant when we spoke to him."
"You spoke to Jimin? What for?" Minhyuk's expression had changed completely. He looked strangely alert.
"I guess you aren't aware that Jimin was arrested for the murder of Kang Eunwoo on December 15th." Jeon spoke deliberately, hoping to elicit a reaction. And he was successful.
"What?! That's impossible! There's no way he could've done that!"
"Why are you so certain of that?"
"Because he was with me on December 15th!"
"I'm sorry but we can't take you at your word. You can't even provide a proper alibi for yourself on the night of Son Eunbi's murder. How can we be sure that the two of you aren't just covering up for each other?"
It was then that Minhyuk realised that he would need to come clean. There was no way to save Jimin without telling them the entire story.
"Fine," he sighed. "I'll tell you everything."
"Yes. If it can help Jimin, I'm willing to risk my father finding out."
Yuri glanced at Jeon who gave her an almost imperceptible nod.
"Go on."
"After I saw Eunbi... lying there, I couldn't leave Gina. No matter what my father had said, I couldn't leave my daughter in such a situation. So I... took her away with me."
"Where is Gina now, Mr. Park?" Yuri asked, frowning.
"She's safe."
"Where is she?" asked Jeon, sharply.
"In Busan. I have an apartment there and she's been with me since that day."
"Why didn't you tell the police that you had her? Why does your company believe that you are abroad on a business trip?"
Minhyuk rubbed his eyes tiredly and drank some more water. "I couldn't let my father find out. Jimin and I have an apartment in Busan that we bought under a different name. It was a place our father couldn't find us. Gina's been staying there with me since 2nd November."
"Are you sure your father thinks you're abroad? It doesn't seem like something easy to cover up."
"Jimin helped with that," said Minhyuk, leaning back into the cold metal chair. "He told father that I had run away because he hadn't been understanding of my situation with Gina and Eunbi. Jimin's good at convincing people - it's a talent he's barely ever put to good use."
"So Jimin knew that you were hiding in a secret apartment with your recently discovered daughter?"
"Yes, he did. I have an alibi for 2nd November. I was in a meeting till 9 pm and then stopped for drinks at a nearby fried chicken place till 11 pm. I was a bit tipsy after that, which is why I decided to visit Eunbi and Gina. After taking Gina away from there, I went to Jimin's place, got the keys to the apartment and drove straight there. I think I reached around 2 am."
Yuri jotted down all this information, making a note to check on every new detail that had been mentioned.
"What about December 15th? You said Jimin was with you. Why?" asked Jeon, folding his arms across his chest.
"We meet once a week to make sure everything is going okay," said Minhyuk, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. "Sundays are usually the best days for that."
"Where did you meet?"
"At the local ice-cream shop," Minhyuk frowned, trying to remember something. "You know the one near the end of town?"
"The Dairy Berry? Yes, I know which one you're talking about." Jeon gave Yuri a brief nod to confirm that this was a legitimate spot and not something Minhyuk was making up on the spot.
"Gina loves sweet things and I thought it would be easier to take her with me the same day I met Jimin. I think we were there till 10 pm. After that, I dropped Jimin at a bar and drove back home."
"Which bar was this?" asked Yuri.
"And you drove straight home after that?"
"You can check the dash cam on my car and the security tapes at my apartment building, if you want."
"We definitely will, Mr. Park," said Jeon, surveying him carefully. "In the meantime, you will be in custody until we have verified each and every single thing you just told us. So I suggest you keep yourself hydrated."
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Yuri could feel a pair of eyes on her as she spoke to Jisoo and Suho.
"We need to verify everything that Park Minhyuk told us. But there's a lot of ground to cover and we've lost quite a bit of time since the murder of Son Eunbi. So I suggest you recruit some uniformed officers as well." Jisoo jotted down the locations and the times they needed to verify, and nodded to Suho to indicate she had forwarded the details to him. "We need to get the information as soon as possible."
"Will do," said Suho, giving her a reassuring nod.
Yuri waited for them to leave before walking over to the person who had been watching her for a while.
"Did you want to talk about something?" she asked Seulgi.
"I-" Seulgi tugged at her sleek, high ponytail, looking oddly hesitant. She seemed in a better mood than earlier in the morning when she had almost scared one of the interns into leaving the country. "Do you have a minute?"
"Yeah- " Yuri checked the clock on her phone - "just a minute though. I'm waiting for Jeon to get a warrant from Goh."
"Did he-? I mean, Jimin, uh... have you...? You know-" It was strange to see her grappling for words. "Are you certain he's done it?"
Yuri stared at her for a second. This wasn't what she had been expecting Seulgi to talk about. The doctor's relationship with Jimin was even more puzzling than she had originally perceived it.
"We're looking into it right now." She paused, trying to gauge Seulgi's reaction. "But you already know about the blood sample match - that, in itself, is pretty damaging."
"Y-yeah, I know."
Before Yuri could say anything more, Jeon came out of the Chief Inspector's office. "We've got a warrant to search Minhyuk's apartment. Let's go."
Glancing one more time at Seulgi's ashen face, Yuri put on her coat and scarf and followed Jeon out the exit.
Once inside Jeon's car, Yuri debated whether or not she should attempt to engage him in conversation. Her decision was made for her when he drove onto the main road, and lowered the volume of the police scanner.
"What was Seulgi saying?" he asked, his eyes focused on the road.
"Just where we were in the investigation."
"I see."
Yuri fiddled with the button on her coat, itching to say more.
"What's the deal with her and Jimin?" she finally asked.
"I- what do you mean?" Jeon raised his eyebrow and gave her the most puzzled expression he could muster while trying to stay focused on the crazy traffic.
"Their relationship is... weird. He keeps flirting with her, and she is on the verge of ripping his guts out at every given moment. But just now, she seemed almost worried about him."
"I don't really know... they've never really seen eye-to-eye on much." Jeon checked the rear view mirror to make sure he was clear before deftly changing lanes. "Jimin has always been the person who tries his utmost to push everyone's buttons. And Seulgi... well, she has a lot of buttons."
Yuri snorted loudly. "That tells me nothing and everything at the same time. You really have a way with words, Jeon."
He smirked at this, his eyes never leaving the road. "So does that mean you trust me now?"
"No." She looked at him and caught the way his face fell slightly at her response. "But who knows what the future holds..."
The smirk was back.
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Ahreum had a terrible headache. She usually didn't get many headaches. So on the rare occasion that she did, it put her in a really terrible mood. The only person who knew how to handle this situation properly was Namjoon. He knew that she needed silence, dim lighting, green tea, fresh bread, and absolutely no unexpected company.
So when Ahreum got home after her grueling 3 hour long meeting, hoping to relax and recuperate, she wasn't too pleased to find Taehyung sitting in her living room, playing a very loud game on his tablet.
"You're back!" he yelled, once she slammed the door to make her presence felt. "I've been waiting for hours. How was your meeting?"
"'S okay," she replied, shortly. Taking off her coat, she opened the middle cabinet in the kitchen and searched for the green tea.
"Great! So do you wanna go and visit Jimin now?"
"What? Why not? You don't have anything else to do right now. Just come with me. Please!" He had walked into the kitchen and was standing in front of her with a pout on his lips.
As endearing as she always found his antics, Ahreum was at breaking point. She placed the cup on the counter with a loud clink, and turned to face him.
"Because I don't have time to follow you on your every whim, Taehyung. Because I have a life of my own. Because I am studying medicine, which, if you aren't aware, is a very taxing occupation." She paused for a breath, as his mouth fell open in shock. "Because I am not your babysitter. Or your handler. Or your caretaker. And I'm tired of being responsible for you. You're a grown ass adult and it's about time you acted like one."
"Ahreum, I'm-" His eyes were wide and worried, and she felt a tiny sliver of remorse. "I don't think you're my babysitter or handler or whatever. You're my best friend."
"I thought so too. In fact," she said, looking away from him. "I thought we were, or we could be, more."
"W-what? Ahreum?" Taehyung sounded so lost and confused that she was tempted to console him.
She walked to the front door and held it open for him. "I think you should leave now. I'm tired, I have a headache, and I don't want to be around anyone right now."
"Wait! What did you mean by that?" he asked, hesitantly standing at the entrance.
"I'm tired, Taehyung. I don't have the energy to explain everything to you. Now, please," she began closing the door slowly. "I want to rest."
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"It's clear!" The uniformed officer confirmed to them, before opening the door further.
"Okay, let's see whether little Gina is here," instructed Jeon, his face drawn into a frown.
Yuri nodded and walked into the room on the left of the large living area. It was a study of sorts, with a large wooden desk, a swiveling chair, and shelves upon shelves of books. She quickly checked to see if there was anyone in the room before shouting "clear!". There was another door connecting to a smaller room, it's walls bathed in bright sunlight and smelling of soft lavender. This was clearly some sort of guest room, judging by the inconsistent decor theme. The furniture looked sleek and modern, but the sheets on the bed were soft and pastel colored. A bunch of soft toys stood leaning against the flat screen tv, and Yuri realised that this was probably the room that had been hastily fixed up for a small child's unexpected stay. And sure enough, soft strands of brown hair peaked through the large covers on the bed.
She walked over to the bed slowly, not wanting to startle the child. Yuri barely managed to stifle a gasp as she looked into the child's clear grey eyes - the same color as both Park Minhyuk and Park Jimin.
"Hello," she said, softly. "Are you Gina?"
The little girl nodded, bringing the covers closer towards her.
"I'm a police officer. I help catch bad people." She didn't respond, staring at her with wide eyes.
"Do you want to go to your dad, Gina?" She nodded vigorously, sitting up at the mention of her father. "Okay, we will. But first, tell me, are you okay? Do you feel pain anywhere?"
The little girl shook her head.
"Are you sleepy?"
Again, she shook her head.
"Are you hungry?"
Slowly, she nodded her head.
"Okay, we'll go and see your dad, and also get you something to eat. Is that okay with you?"
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It was just after 2 pm and Yuri felt completely drained. After they had found Gina, she had insisted on returning to the station to ask Jimin about his alibi for the night of Kang Eunwoo's murder. From what she had understood, he had refused to provide an alibi to protect his brother and keep him out of the police's radar until the situation with Gina worked out. Even though she still couldn't get herself to consider him a pleasant person, his desire to protect his brother had humanized him a great deal in her eyes.
Sure enough, once he was made aware that Minhyuk had come forward and spoken about his daughter and the events of the past month and a half, Jimin looked much less hostile than before.
"I was at Sunset from around 10.30 pm to closing time - which is 2 am," he said, sighing tiredly and rubbing his face with his hands. "You can confirm with them."
While Minhyuk and Jimin's alibis were verified, Yuri received a text from Namjoon, asking her and Jeon to meet him at Seokjin's bakery. It was barely a 2 minute drive there, so Jeon suggested they get lunch over there and make it before Goh finished compiling the list of paperwork for them to finish.
The smell of freshly baked milk bread wafted out of the kitchen, adding another layer of warmth to Seokjin's cozy shop. The man in question picked up the large tray filled with various different confections, and brought it over to the table by the window.
"Peach danish and americano for Namjoon, chocolate fudge brownie and vanilla bean ice cream for Jeongguk, and a snow croissant and hot chocolate for Yuri." He placed everything on the table, before grabbing his lukewarm cup of tea and sitting down with them.
"So you finally find the child, then?" asked Seokjin, sipping the tea. He made a face at the odd taste that tea acquires when it's between comfortingly steamy and soothingly chilled.
"Yeah we did," Yuri replied, when her partner remained silent. "Goh is dealing with Minhyuk and the custody charges. It's no longer in our jurisdiction."
"Namjoon, how's grad school treating you?" Seokjin diverted the conversation, realising that his friend wasn't ready to talk about the case at that moment. "How much longer do you have?"
"A few more months and I should be done." Namjoon wiped the pastry flakes from the corner of his mouth and nearly tipped over his americano in the process. Yuri chuckled at this, suddenly remembering those random moments in high school where Namjoon was a lot thinner and less confident, but still had a propensity for knocking things over.
"Remind me why you're putting yourself through this?" Seokjin broke off a piece of the peach danish and popped it into his mouth.
"The last time I tried to explain that, you spaced out and created a new pastry recipe for your menu. As much as I like helping your business flourish, I'm gonna preserve my energy and only talk about things when necessary."
Seokjin chuckled and picked up a spoon from the dispenser. "Jeongguk, can I get a bit of ice cream from you?" There was no response, and looking at him for confirmation Seokjin's eyebrows shot up in alarm.
"Okay okay, I won't eat any of your ice cream. You don't have to tear up about it!"
Yuri and Namjoon turned towards him as well, not sure what to do when they saw tears slowly sliding down Jeongguk's cheeks.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" asked Namjoon, patting his shoulder softly.
They sat in silence, as Jeongguk sobbed softly and wiped his face with his coat sleeve. He turned towards Yuri, his eyes glazed with tears but holding a soft radiance unlike what she was used to.
"Thank you."
Yuri felt her face heat up suddenly. This wasn't what she had been expecting. The soft sincerity in his voice startled her. It was nothing like the person she had met only a week ago. She looked away abruptly and nodded her head.
"There's nothing to thank me for. This is our job."
Jeongguk smiled and resumed eating the disgustingly sweet dessert combination in front of him. He nudged Seokjin to take some ice cream like he had originally intended. There was silence once more, but this time, it was very different.
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Back at the station, Yuri finished the paperwork for the day. There was a lot to complete, and since they had stopped at Seokjin's for a break, they had lost some time as well. Goh had been very clear about completing all the paperwork for social services to take over the case from them now that Gina had been found.
It was barely even 5 pm but Yuri felt a large yawn coming on for the third time in the past few minutes. She wasn't sure how long she would be able to carry on without getting proper sleep at night. At this rate, she would eventually burn out. There was only so much coffee could do for her.
A light tap brought her attention to another person standing in her cubicle. She looked up to see Jeon holding two steaming cups of ramen, tilting his head slightly to confirm whether it was okay for him to sit down.
"Did you need anything?" she asked, after moving her slightly. He placed the ramen on her desk and pulled up his own chair and sat down.
"I've got a peace offering," he gestured to the ramen. "I wanted to apologize properly for being an absolute dickhead to you. I-" He hesitated, looking down at his hands that lay clenched on his lap - "I don't really have an excuse for my behavior but I had a lot on my mind. Particularly about finding the little girl. And, well... you really don't know what solving this case means to me."
Once again, Yuri wasn't sure how to react. She felt embarrassed that he was thanking her for doing her job - something that he did as well. While she appreciated his apology, his entire being remained confusing to her.
"Don't worry about it," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "And thanks for the ramen; food is always appreciated."
Thankfully, her computer ping-ed with a new email before the atmosphere could get any more awkward.
"Okay, we've confirmed Minhyuk's alibi's for 2nd November and 15th December. He wasn't involved in either murder. Jimin was with Minhyuk till 10.15 pm on 15th December - his car's dash cam confirms that he dropped Jimin off at Sunset bar around that time."
"Fantastic! And what about the CCTV footage at Sunset? Does it confirm Jimin's story? He said he was there till 2 am."
"Hang on, I'm opening the report. Th-" she stopped abruptly, frowning at the screen.
"What?" asked Jeon, looking over her shoulder to read the email.
"CCTV footage does not place Jimin at Sunset from 10.15 pm till closing time at 2 in the morning. He doesn't have an alibi for Eunwoo's murder."
She turned to look at him, an odd sense of foreboding hitting her as she realized that they would have to charge Jimin for murder by the next evening. He held her gaze, his dark eyes reflecting a similar shadow of doubt.
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please reblog and leave a comment if you liked this part! thank you! 😊 
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not-oscar-wilde · 4 years
The apocalypse has been averted, the timeline fixed, and the Hargreeves siblings returned to 2019. Herb decides to do them one more favour and save the life of one Dave Katz.
I wrote a new fic! read it below the cut or on AO3.
The pain in Dave’s chest was unbearable. Klaus was above him and he was speaking, but he couldn’t make out what he was saying. He wanted to comfort him, to stop him from panicking and tell him he loved him, but he couldn’t get the words out. He could only try and keep his eyes open, to keep his eyes on Klaus and try to psychically tell him everything he needed him to know, before the pain won out and everything turned black.
And then he woke up.
Though the room around him smelled sterile, it wasn’t like any hospital or medical tent he had ever been in before. He was lying in a crisp, white bed, with a myriad of wires attached to his body. Some of them he recognised, the IV drips were standard, but the majority were completely alien to him, from those puncturing his skin to those seemingly just stuck to it.
“Good afternoon, Mr Katz,” a smooth, female voice said in an accent that reminded him vaguely of movie stars. But when Dave looked around the room, he was completely alone, accompanied only by strangely flat screens he couldn’t see properly from his position on the bed. “Please remain calm. I have notified our Medical Team that you are awake and someone will be with you shortly.” There was something wrong about that voice, some kind indescribable, minute wrongness that unsettled him.
“Where am I?” he asked.
“You are in the Intensive Care Unit of the Temps Commission Infirmary, Room 9,” the voice said.
The Temps Commission Infirmary? He’d never heard of that hospital, and it definitely didn’t look American or Vietnamese. “The what? What happened? And who are you?”
“The Temps Commission Infirmary, attached to the headquarters of the Temps Commission. You were shot through the chest in A Shau Valley, Vietnam, February 21, 1968. I am VINA, your Virtual Infirmary Nursing Assistant.”
He’d been shot. He remembered it, remembered the pain, remembered the way Klaus had screamed and held him and how he hadn’t managed to say anything before the world had gone dark. What had happened to Klaus? To everyone? “How long have I been here?”
“You have been in the TCICU for three days, six hours, and thirty seven minutes.”
But when he brought his hand up to his chest, there were no dressings, just bare, unmarked skin. If he had been there for six days, if he’d been shot… He should be dead, or at the very least, heavily bandaged. Before he could think too much about that, a door slid open like something out of a sci-fi movie, and a tall, dark skinned woman with a serious face walked in. “Good afternoon, Mr Katz. My name is Doctor Onyeka Nwoye. How are you feeling?” she asked as she approached his bed, examining the screens. If there hadn’t been much stranger things going on, he would have been mildly surprised by a black lady doctor being sent in to treat him. He forgot, sometimes, that not everywhere was like Texas. But he was immensely glad of that fact, particularly if she’d been the one to fix him up.
“I’m good,” he said, and as confusing as it was, that was true. He shouldn’t be feeling good. He’d been shot, and he felt fine. That shouldn’t be happening.
“Any pain?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Good, that’s good. VINA, anything to report?”
“Mr Katz has not experienced any physical complications during the healing process. His body has responded well to the treatment and brain scans indicate that no neurological damage has occurred,” the disembodied voice said. The voice that didn’t belong to a person at all, if Dave had understood correctly. VINA had to be some kind of automaton, a computer that could speak. He didn’t much like that.
Doctor Nwoye nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “A complete success, then. I would like to keep you under supervision for another twenty-four hours, but if I have no concerns at the end of this period, I see no need to keep you here any longer.” With that, she set about detaching the various wires from his body.
“Where is here? I know we’re in some kinda hospital, the… Commission?”
“Yes. We are an organisation dedicated to fixing, monitoring, and eliminating timeline anomalies,” she said, as if that made any kind of sense. “And, in exceptional circumstances, minimising potential disruptions.”
Dave frowned, trying to translate her words into something close to regular English. He knew he wasn’t that stupid, but he sure felt it. “So I’m a- what was it? A timeline anomaly?”
“I am a doctor, not an analyst. I cannot tell you who or what the timeline anomalies are.”
“Were you there, when I got shot?” he asked instead.
Dr Nwoye laughed and shook her head. “Oh Lord, no. I do not have the disposition for time travel, and I think my wife would have my head if I were ever to set foot in the field. I work solely from inside the TCI.”
“Your wife ?” he repeated, his heart leaping. This was a woman with a wife. A woman in a world where she could not only love another woman, but marry her and be able to mention it so casually to a complete stranger?
“Do you have a problem with the fact your life was saved by a lesbian, Mr Katz?” she asked calmly, and his stomach sank.
“No, ma’am! I just… Where I come from, people can’t… I didn’t know there was anywhere you could have that kinda marriage.” Was this the future? The place that Klaus had talked about, had said he couldn’t ever go back to? Had Dave somehow ended up there in his place, leaving Klaus in the middle of a war he’d never even signed up for? But that world was ending. Klaus had told him that. So how was he here? “I was just surprised is all. I’m… you know, the same typa way.”
The slight smile returned to the doctor’s face, and Dave relaxed. “It was 1968 you came from, yes?” So that pretty much confirmed his ‘future��� theory. Dave nodded mutely. “I cannot say I know why your survival matters so much yet your injury could not have been prevented, negating the need to bring you here at all, but I will say I am glad you are more… progressive than some of your contemporaries. It does make my job easier.”
“Doctor Nwoye, you are needed urgently in Room 14,” the disembodied voice said before Dave could formulate an answer, and the doctor sighed.
“I am on my way. Mr Katz, if you need anything, just ask VINA.” And with that, the bizarre door slid open again and Dr Nwoye was striding away.
The room was silent for a few minutes as Dave thought about this whole situation. He’d think it a fever dream, but he wasn’t sure he was creative enough to come up with all of this. “VINA?” he said eventually, feeling more than a little silly speaking to an empty room.
But the disembodied voice responded immediately. “Do you require assistance, Mr Katz?”
“I…What the hell is going on?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. Please elaborate or rephrase to receive appropriate support.”
“I got shot . But I don’t even have a scar.”
“You are correct. Do you have any questions about your treatment?”
Dave exhaled shakily and touched his chest again. Even that should have hurt, and though he was incredibly grateful that it didn’t, that fact was in itself unsettling.  “What kinda doctor can just make a bullet wound… vanish?”
“Dr Nwoye is an expert in bioregeneration and biotemporal manipulation.”
“Bio… Jeez.” He could guess at what those words meant, but truthfully, he had no idea. It may as well have been another language. Was this the world Klaus had come from? This strange world filled with people and words he didn’t know, where gunshots through the chest were not just survivable but left no mark, where unseen people watched and spoke with you, where a black woman with a wife could be a white man’s doctor. It wasn’t a bad world. It was simply so far from the one he knew.
Some things would always be the same, though: hospitals were boring. Dave was half out of his mind with it, staring up at the ceiling and wishing he had something to do. Talking to VINA was just a little too weird, with her uncannily smooth voice and questionable existence. So he got out of bed, deciding to explore. There were no windows, only artificial lights built into the ceiling. He couldn’t even tell what time of day it was. The room was neither warm nor cold, despite the fact he was wearing only white cotton shorts.
The door that the doctor had come in through didn’t have a handle. Instead, he found a panel of buttons on the wall beside it and pushed one hopefully. With a hydraulic hiss, the door opened and he stepped out into the hallway. “Please remain in your room. If you require assistance, this can be provided. If you are searching for the bathroom, this can be located through the other door within your room.”
It was strange, being scolded by someone - or something - he couldn’t see, and in such a calm manner. But Dave obeyed and stepped back inside the confines of his room. He may as well check out the bathroom if he wasn’t allowed anywhere else.
There were clothes folded up on top of a cabinet next to the shower, accompanied by a ziplock bag of toiletries and a towel. He figured those must be for him. He was about to strip off, out of the plain white shorts he’d been left in, when a wave of self-consciousness overtook him. “VINA?” he said hesitantly.
“Do you need assistance, Mr Katz?”
“I, uh… Are you watching me in here?”
“I am tasked with monitoring all rooms of the Temps Commission Infirmary.”
He’d spent enough time in the military to be comfortable enough getting undressed in front of other men. But in front of a woman? Even if she might be a machine and not a real woman, it still felt wrong, somehow. “Could I get a little privacy?”
“To ensure your safety and the safety of other patients, I am required to observe at all times. Surveillance footage is wiped from my systems after two weeks and is not accessible without appropriate justification from Temps Commission staff.”
That still wasn’t exactly reassuring. Dave couldn’t even see where VINA was watching from, couldn’t work out where to position himself to turn his back. He’d been changed out of his fatigues, so someone had surely seen his naked body here before and there was no guarantee that they were all male, but the irrationality of his desire for modesty didn’t change anything.
She’s seen it all before , he told himself. There must’ve been hundreds of naked people in this hospital. And maybe this is just how things are in the future .
His shoulders dropped under the warmth and the strength of the water. It had been so long since he’d had a really good shower. He wasn’t sure he’d ever had one so good. Perhaps Klaus had had a point, waxing lyrical about the joys of a hot bath.
But then he touched his chest, touched the unblemished skin, and the touch stole the air from his lungs. He could feel it, feel himself being torn apart by the most agonising pain he had ever felt. What was the difference between warm water and hot blood? It all felt the same, running down his skin. Hands shaking, he switched the shower off and sank down to sit on the floor, his knees pulled up to his chest as if they could shield him somehow. He wanted his mom. He wanted Klaus. He wanted to be held and told that it was okay, that he was safe.
Eventually, he slowed his breathing enough to realise he was getting cold, the water having cooled on his naked body. He got shakily to his feet and dried himself off before busying himself with getting redressed. He could do this. It was systematic, routine, a way to feel just a fraction more normal, even if the clothes weren’t quite right either.
It wasn’t that he was ungrateful, but he did feel slightly strange in them. The pants seemed too fitted around the legs and a little too short, with rips across both knees. He supposed even in the future, free clothes couldn’t always be new or in best condition. But he’d be able to fix them up easily enough. He’d never been as well-taught as his sister, but he’d been so eager to copy her in whatever she was doing that his mother had decided it was easier to just teach them both.
He wondered what had happened to Marie. How long ago had it been for her since they’d last seen each other?
“Mr Katz, you have a visitor.” VINA’s voice was still startling, with no clear source and no warning.
“A visitor?” he repeated. Who was here, visiting him? Who even knew he was here?
“Would you like to allow them access to your room?”
Dave looked himself over in the mirror. His hair was still damp and the clothes may be strange, but at least he looked decent. He looked normal. He didn’t look like a man who had just been shot.
But he pushed those feelings down, squared his shoulders and kept his head high as he stepped out of the bathroom and back into the bare room. “Yeah, let ‘em in,” he agreed.
He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but it wasn’t this. A very short man in a suit and a pair of glasses stepped into the room with an air of someone who didn’t feel quite certain how much space they were able or willing to take up.
“Hi, Mr Katz, right? I’m Herb, I’m, uh, Acting Chair here at the Commission,” the small man said with an awkward wave. “It’s good to see you up and about! And- and the timeline should be safe from any, uh, any attempts at rescue, so that’s a big bonus.”
Dave had resigned himself to the fact that everyone here was crazy. But there was something warm about Herb, something he liked. “Can you explain what’s going on? The doctor, she said something about anomalies?”
“Ah, well, in this case, we’re, uh, preventing a potential anomaly. I’ve seen firsthand what a determined Hargreeves can do, and I figured if we make sure none of them have a reason to go messing up a timeline again, it makes our jobs here easier!”
Dave’s breath caught in his throat. “You know Klaus?”
Herb giggled. “Do I know Klaus? Everyone here knows Klaus, he’s a Hargreeves . But I met him! I mean, I’m basically friends with his brother Diego, so you could say I know him better than most people here.”
Dave could barely hear what Herb was saying. His mind was racing faster than his heart, the use of ‘know’ rather than ‘knew’ enough to sustain him. He was still alive. And even if he was old now, stuck on the slow path through time, Dave knew he would still love him. He would love him until the end of the Earth. That had been a silent promise, as unspeakable as everything that they were, but as real and constant as the sun rising every morning. Forever was too much to vow in a war zone, but the intent had always been there. “Can I see him?”
“Well, that’s the plan!” Herb said brightly. “If you’re willing, we drop you off with him in 2019, there’s no need for any more time travelling shenanigans from the Hargreeveses, and we can all get back to normal!”
Fifty one years had passed. Would Klaus even still love him, after all that time? He almost couldn’t picture Klaus as an old man, not when he was full of so much energy, when he was so childlike sometimes. Was he an old man? Or had he somehow found a way back home before he had the chance to grow old? Back home... “People back home, my family… What happens to them?” he asked.
“Ah. Well, they think you’re dead. And unfortunately, they kind of had to. I’m afraid even if you turn down our offer to join Mr Hargreeves, you can’t go back to 1968. We made sure of that. And ooh, boy, that was a tricky one, but you’re not our first faked death and you sure won’t be our last!” Herb laughed, as if this was normal. As if this was simply how the world worked. And maybe it was. Maybe the world was bigger and stranger than anything Dave had ever seen. Anything but Klaus, of course. He was the maddest, strangest, most beautiful world all of his own.
In his mind, it had been just over a day since he’d seen him. But he missed him as if it had been weeks, months even. Maybe years. Did the ache dull over time? Would Klaus still be missing him as badly as he missed Klaus?
“If you’re, uh, amenable, we’ll drop you off in 2019 as soon as you’re discharged.”
It was a leap of faith into an unknown future, a new world. “I am.”
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cultofbeatles · 5 years
beginners guide to the members of led zeppelin (kind of)
a disclaimer before anyone starts reading: we all know led zeppelin is shady as hell and we hardly ever get anything confirmed or denied around here. so some stuff is up for speculation. everything in this post are things i've read in books, heard in interviews, or got from some other source. when it comes to “facts about led zeppelin” sometimes you gotta take it with a grain of salt. but honestly it’s led zeppelin we’re talking about, anything is possible. also this is all in good fun and giggles. with that being said, let’s get started with introductions to the members themselves.
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jimmy page 
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james patrick page 
born on January 9, 1944 
he’s a capricorn sun, cancer moon, and scorpio rising so you just know he’s a crazy motherfucker 
was an amazing session guitarist and basically everyone wanted him 
went to art school bc he’s just talented at everything i guess 
if you didn't know already he played the guitar for Joe cocker’s ‘with a little help from my friends’
declined his first offer to join the yardbirds but later decided to join 
was the last member to leave the group
basically was the leader of led zeppelin 
was gifted a telecaster guitar by his friend jeff beck and he adored it 
and he painted a cool dragon design on it 
played on it for the first led zeppelin album 
when he was on tour one of his friends painted over his dragon design and ruined the guitar 
he produced all of led zeppelin’s albums and is responsible for the remastering of those same albums 
paid for led zeppelin’s first album to be produced with his own money
deadass would have whips and handcuffs around with him on tour for the groupies 
but was apparently an amazing lover and cared for the people he slept with
one time he got naked on a food cart thingy, put whip cream over his body, and had john bonham push him into a room with groupies in it 
has such a small and soft voice 
was fascinated in aleister crowley and his work
would collect crowely memorabilia 
even bought crowley’s boleskine house 
had a bookstore at one point so he could get books easier 
struggled with addiction to drugs for most of the seventies 
went on a liquid diet late seventies and refused to eat solid food 
he got really skinny bc of it :( 
miss pamela (one of his girlfriends/lovers) once said that jimmy cried on the phone to her over her playboy photoshoot lmaoo
once flied pamela’s pet raccoon in first class 
allegedly had a relationship with lori maddox who was about 15 years old 
laughed as two of his girlfriends were fighting each other 
was kind of constantly nervous about his and the band’s image
has amazing guitar solos and improvisation but damn sometimes they drag on foreverrrr
deadass scared the shit out of david bowie so much that he had his house exorcised and would avoid jimmy at parties 
we love demons 
he’ll never tell us what zoso means and I'm mad
had two people die in his home. one was a friend who died from a drug overdose, and the other was john bonham when he died from choking on his vomit.  
has been accused for the deaths of john bonham and robert plant’s son karac bc of that stupid “curse” rumor
deserves critiques for several things but doesn't deserve hate for that 
has been through a lot and come out pretty okay
produced his current girlfriend’s, scarlett sabet, spoken poetry vinyl 
check out scarlett’s work bc it’s amazing
would probably always be down for another led zeppelin reunion 
robert plant
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robert anthony plant 
born on august 20, 1948
this is the most attractive man ever. do not argue with me. 
nicknamed percy 
wasnt jimmy’s first pick for a singer 
jerry reid suggested robert to jimmy. and when jimmy asked what he looked like jerry said, “like a greek god.”
jimmy thought something was wrong with robert when he first found him bc he was such a good singer and hadn't been signed yet 
after a practice together jimmy knew he had his singer 
he would call robert “the young guy with the powerful voice.”
he thought about leaving the band early on bc he was so nervous about being in it 
convinced john bonham to join the group bc they were the bestest of buddies 
he’s not credited on the first album bc he was still under another contract 
started song writing for the second album by jimmy’s memory 
it didn't take long for him to gain confidence and start owning the stage 
once when he was performing a dove flew in his hands 
there’s an audio of him singing john bonham happy birthday and it makes me so happy 
he would call himself a greek god 
would party with john bonham a lot 
kind of the hippy of the group 
moans moans moans and even louder moans into the microphone 
would wear women’s shirts and looked amazing in them 
nurses do it better 
not to mention his super tight jeans 
we all know his dick is huge and he’s just showing it off 
has the prettiest, fluffiest blonde hair 
and the sweetest smile 
can you tell that i find him attractive yet?
has a fear of earthquakes 
also supposedly had some sort of a relationship to an underage groupie named sable starr (14)
also has a fear of led zeppelin nowadays 
either fear or amnesia 
it’s likely that he’s the reason we’ll never get another led zeppelin reunion 
though a close friend thinks that if the show went to charity robert would probably do it 
robert loved john bonham too much to play in led zeppelin without him
and i respect that a lot 
no matter how much he’s offered for a show he turns it down every time
in 1975 he got in a severe car crash and ended up being in a wheelchair 
still went on to record zeppelin’s album 
once while recording on crutches and started to fall and jimmy apparently zoomed in to save him. robert never saw him move that fast before
his five year old son (karac) died from a sudden stomach illness while he was in america on tour
absolutely crushed him 
was deeply upset that neither jimmy page or john paul jones reached out to him during that time of his life 
john bonham was there for him though 
robert apparently never forgave them for that 
a car he was working on fell on top of him and crushed some of his ribs as well 
late seventies was not a good time for robert plant 
but he got through it all like a champ
hates stairway to heaven with a passion lmao  
one time he paid a radio station a shit ton of money just to make sure they'd never play stairway to heaven again 
almost didn't sing stairway for the 2007 reunion but ended up agreeing to it after all 
he said he breaks out in hives when he has to play that song 
he and jimmy made their own symbols. robert’s is the feather inside the circle 
in 2007 he won beard of the year 
john bonham
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john bonham 
born on may 31, 1948
nickname is bonzo
oh boy, there’s a lot of stories about bonzo 
he was known as the nicest and sweetest guy ever 
unless he was drunk 
he drank a lot :/
denied jimmy’s offer to join the group and continued to deny it until robert convinced him 
once flew the starship (led zeppelin’s plane) even though he didn't have a license to 
hated touring so much 
he always missed his family 
so he drank 
he was so damn crazy when drunk that the other members would book rooms floors above where his was so he wouldn't disturb them
tore about his hotel rooms like no other 
he has a son named jason bonham who he loved a lot 
bought him a nice drum kit when he was younger 
jason is just about led zeppelin’s biggest fan next to jimmy page 
one time bonzo broke a girl’s vibrator when drunk
also punched a girl in the face when drunk once bc she waved at him 
partly responsible for the famous mud shark story where a girl was apparently fucked with a dead shark by him and zeppelin’s tour manager 
liked cars a lot 
really really loved his family. cannot stress it enough
was irked that john paul jones got out of playing shows during the christmas holiday and he didn't 
punched robert in the face once too 
him and john paul jones equals the best rhythm section ever 
jimmy would call it magic how well him and bonzo got along 
bonzo could handle anything jimmy threw at him 
he wasn't really a part of it, but he had to go to jail bc peter grant and two other dudes almost killing a man (long story omfg, but apparently the doctors had to put the dude’s eyeball back into his socket)
was there for robert when karac died 
they were really good friends 
there’s an interview with them together where bonzo is laughing at robert about his little farm 
gave good hugs apparently 
played drums like no other could and knew he was good 
but still sometimes got insecure and got upset when someone he looked up to said his drumming wasn't all that special 
his symbol is the three rings and he picked it out of a book like john paul jones did his 
he died in jimmy page’s house (not the crowley house btw)
he had to drink the equivalent of 40 shots of vodka and choked on his vomit in his sleep 
led zeppelin died on the same day 
nobody can replace john bonham 
his son filled in his role for the 2007 reunion show and did an amazing job of it. the whole show is on youtube, go check it out
john paul jones
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 john richard baldwin 
born on january 3, 1946
nickname is jonesy 
was also a session guitarist like jimmy 
they had worked together before 
when he found out jimmy was forming a group he called jimmy and was basically given the spot immediately 
not only was the bassist but also the keyboardist 
and could play the recorder 
insanely talented. put some respect on his name 
he talks in italics i swear to god 
i don't have mainly crazy stories about jonesy bc he wasn't about that life 
deadass he would go on stage, perform, walk off stage and go to a whole separate hotel from the other
he would only tell one person where he was at and told them not to call unless for super urgent emergencies 
pissed peter grant off so much lmao 
wasn't really super close to anyone in the band tbh 
but bonzo was probably his greatest friend in the band 
jimmy and robert kind of leave him out in my opinion 
or they use to 
when he found out that jimmy and robert were making their own symbols instead of picking out of a book like he was he said “of course!”  and laughed 
was pretty much left out of the live aid show 
he had to squeeze himself on the stage and wasn't even able to play bass. he had to play the keyboard 
“and thank you to my friends for finally remembering my phone number” -savage as hell john paul jones 
he was one of the two people who found john bonham dead 
it’s sad to think about
is actually quite funny
he has this kind of dry humor?? idk but it’s amazing 10/10 content 
when john paul jones walks into the room interviewers break into a sweat
managed to look like a completely different person every year throughout the seventies or is it just my eyes?
has an Instagram account now go follow it for cute throwback photos lol
that’s all i really have for generic useless information about led zeppelin members for beginners. i hope it was somewhat entertaining. i'll make some more beginners stuff for led zeppelin. i will make y'all stan them lmao. i'm tagging @babygotblueeyes​ bc i know for a fact you want to get into them <3
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Someone Left to Save (15)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Requested by Anon
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: I’m almost done!! :D This was really a trip both in the story itself and getting the chapters published. Thank you to everyone who kept staying tuned to the story even if my predicament forced me to slow down my upload frequency. If you guys enjoyed most of the story, then all the trouble I went through was worth it! :3
Tags: Force-Sensitive! Reader, Inquisitor! Reader, Jedi! Reader, Fake Death, Jedi turned Inquisitor, Seduction to the Dark Side, Turn to the Dark Side, The Dark Side of the Force, Aftermath of Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Redemption Arc! Reader, Possible Redemption, Premonitions
Also in AO3
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 | Previous: Part 14 | Next: Part 16 | Masterlist
15 of ?
The plan's going swimmingly. Cal hasn't been caught yet.
He had sensed that Cere prayed he needn't to use his saber prior to his inevitable stand-off with you. So far, he's keeping true to that prayer. He carves a path to the nearest entrance he can find, from there, he discovers the southern exit; taking the posted Stormtroopers by surprise, he incapacitated them quickly befire they even realize what's standing in front of them.
"Cere, I'm in the building—I went through the southern entrance," Cal softly spoke through his comm.
"Copy, I found my way in the eastern wing," Cere explains that she managed to get her hands on one of the computers, splice it and fish out a lot of info. "I'm patching in the map to you, BD should've picked up the file by now."
Instinctively, BD-1 flashes the holomap in the air as soon as he received the data; it shows the locations of Cere, Cal, and their two respective destinations—the medical bay where the child is kept and the hangar where the presumed transport ship should be parked. There's a large, empty gap between where Cal stood and the hangar itself.
"I'm looking at the map now. There's a bit of distance to the hangar, it's on the upper levels too," he softly trailed off at the last word.
Cere noted the fading out of his voice, afraid that she's lost contact, "Cal?"
The boy blinked several times to return to reality. He stutters in his apology for spacing out.
"What's wrong?"
Finally, he opens up about his theory about the transport ship, he adds the lone TIE Fighter he spotted earlier and the underlying possibility that the pilot is you—not knowing that you really are. Cere considers the theory but preferred to go with the original plan; if the transport is truly a decoy, then they'll have to move fast in catching up to you before you even hop into the TIE Fighter with the child—assuming that your TIE Fighter is in a completely different hangar.
The silence of their conversation's conclusion was followed by the gloomy, ominous humming of the corridor that laid in front of Cal's eyes. The stale air that entered his lungs put a tugging weight on him, this place carries a certain degree of corruption that it's simply foreboding to anybody—most especially the Jedi. The sole thought of rescuing you is what kept Cal going; he stalked through the corridor, feeling for any activity in the intersections before going around the next corner.
Eventually, he's halfway into his destination but it seems Cere still hasn't put her diversion in motion. 
Cal peeks over the corner to find a cluster of Stormtroopers—a mix of regulars and scouts—in his path. Two scouts block the path midway while the rest of them stay by the door at the end. He hugs the wall, tugs the saber off of his belt, he stares at the weapons around his clammy fingers; after one deep breath, he bolted out of nowhere and rammed his way through, the dazed troopers barely made a proper aim—some cut close to Cal, others he banked right away. 
"It's a Jedi!" One trooper yelped the obvious.
The redheaded Jedi spotted one of the troopers making a run for a button on the wall. Outstretching his arm with his open palm, he hauled that particular trooper away from the button and then towards him, within a saber's reach he was cut down.
"I can't do this by myself!" The surviving scout trooper whimpered out loud, the warble in his voice huffing through his helmet.
The poor scout braved in charging towards Cal, charging up the electric current on his baton, but was denied a shot by a single, successful parry and then the Jedi followed up with an attack—cutting the enemy down instantly. He now stands before a large, sealed door, he checks the map once more and sees the distance between him and the hangar has shrunken. In the next second, a blaring alarm howling across the complex startled him.
"That ought to be Cere, I hope she has the kid."
Upon opening the door, Cal discovers the elevator lobby—which also serves as a control room. Two troopers had their backs turned to him, manning the computers, while a single KX security droid paces back and forth but its scanners immediately detect Cal's presence—causing its head to jerk to the boy's direction, while its emotionless eyes lit up the moment it saw Cal, the troopers felt the abrupt rise of tension and were alerted by the sight of a Jedi in the room.
"Inferior Jedi!" The KX droid monotonously groaned as it raises a pair of fists, ready to swing it down and bash the Jedi's skull.
Fortunately, Cal evaded the clobber and singes the droid's leg joints, literally bringing it to its knees. Shielding itself with its arms proved useless as the Jedi slices the torso in half, leaving only himself and the troopers. The skirmish was done in five minutes, the boy scrambles to the elevator and slams the button of the hangar's floor number. As the turbolift ascends, Cal takes the time to check on Cere, he kept calling, but there was no answer and he gives up when the elevator gradually slowed down.
The rumble signaled that he's reached his destination, the narrow door retracted into the frame, revealing Cal the vast space of the hangar—each wall was lined with light to medium ships, sitting at the center of the hangar is a transport ship, his ears prick up at the faint wailing of a child.
"Oh no…" he thought. "Cere's too late!"
He ran to the ship, the wailing got louder, then his eyes widened at the discovery: a comlink lies on the floor of the entry ramp, a prerecorded soundbite of the cry plays on loop.
It's a trap!
Behind his head, the baritone humming of a spinning saber flings itself towards him, he spun and deflected it at the nick of time—returning it to the sender: you, perched atop the hangar platform, waiting for your prey to take the bait and then strike. You catch your saber in mid-air while descending from the upper platform with a feathery grace. Striding closer to him, he sees you completely without the helmet for the first time: hair fashioned into an elaborate braid, the tail rests on one shoulder, and loose, wispy fringes frame your face.
"I see you've set off my trap," you pointed out, holding the saber close to your face.
"I knew you'd pull a stunt like that!"
Your eyes lit up, impressed with Cal, "Well, you've become quite smarter than I expected!"
Both Inquisitor and Jedi circled slowly against one another, not knowing who's chasing whom, gentle threats exchange with pleas of coming home only to be received with a hard "no," the tension grows in this wide, open space. Cal decides it's now or never, he attempts to talk it out of you.
"[Y/N], let's come home,"
"This is my home."
He hints at the somber tone of your sentence, almost as if you don't mean it at all, and he believed the insincerity of those words. You mask the denial by making the first move in the fight. The swirl of blades caught Cal off-guard, resulting to a flimsy block on his end; he moved away from the ship, luring you into the wider space for a better fight,  not that it changes much on each other's chances of winning this skirmish.
You barely paused from moving—a tireless lightning rod in human form—the swordfight pressed on in the hangar. For each time Cal struggled to put some distance between you so he can take a second to breathe, you always caught up to him—your frenzied eyes were always the first thing he notices the moment you start to dart towards him, with your arm prepped for an overhead strike and ready to attack. The strike lands, you withdrew and quickly follow up with another—thrusting your saber, he parried it with a subpar flourish and you staggered him with a strong Force push.
The boy flies to the farther side of the room, in your peripheral vision his lightsaber clatters away from him, his hand desperately pats the floor in search of the weapon while he had his eyes glued to you—closing the space at a fast rate. Still lying on his back, he affords a split second to catch a glimpse of his saber and pull it towards him; his own blade hovers mere inches above his neck when your strike landed as you crouch on top of him, bearing your weight on him while you've got him pinned down.
"I almost kind of like this position!" You crowed mischievously.
"[Y/N], please!" He pleaded again.
Without your helmet, Cal saw the life in your eyes better—if he saw wrath the first time, now he sees the misplaced anger and sorrow, the exact same feeling he found during his meditation. He even spots a hint of pink swelling beneath the rims of your eyes.
Has she been… crying? He pondered in that small window of time.
"You don't have to do this—your pain isn't strength!"
Your eyes flared again, but with denial you bellowed, "You don't understand the power that the Dark Side has given me!"
Generously, you withdrew, flipping away from him and landing in the same cat-like grace, giving him a chance to scramble back up on his feet. There was a time for a breather, enough for both. Again, the two of you slowly circle one another while a hostile air hangs over your heads, you point your saber at him.
"I didn't want to be as weak as I was before," you gesture your arms wide open. "And here I am."
"The [Y/N] I know was never weak to begin with,"
You paused in your tracks, slowly angled your head to face Cal, absorbing the empathetic gentleness in his voice. He could make his way through your heart faster than you could build a wall between the two of you. Unconsciously, the atmosphere seems to turn docile.
"I hate it when you patronize me!"
As quick as lightning, you attempt to execute a dashed strike but this time, Cal was prepared for it and he had been anticipating such an attack—he's been reading your every move up until you paused to banter with him. You strike again.
And another.
You jab, but he blocks. Another, and he prevails.
Eventually, he gathered enough strength and momentum, and became at par with the pace and dexterity of your technique. The clashing of sabers became more violent and heavier as the moves from both Jedi and Inquisitor became more pronounced—a contest of brute force. This sudden burst of strength wasn't much of a surprise, you keep up the assault and Cal surely isn't backing down—nor does he plan to.
A single beep of his comlink rings, "Cal, the child is secure! I'm coming for you!"
Cal saw your wide, aghast eyes glimmering with fear and panic, and perhaps a desperation that translates to "I need that child back!" which he felt all at once in that piercing glare when you shot him a look—with your bared teeth and furrowed eyebrows. Heeding to your lessons you, weaponized your emotions against the Jedi, you became a dagger in the wind—amplifying the heaviness of your strikes when it lands and the litheness of your body when eluding his saber.
Cere comes rushing into the hangar, saber and blaster in each hand, reassuring Cal in mere seconds that the child has been brought home.
"The Mantis should be on its way here by now," Cere whispered, her voice shuddered at the words.
She glanced to her side and then fixated her eyes to you—dressed in Inquisitor's garments from the neck down. In your periphery, you saw her blaster hand tremble with fearful disbelief; a secretive smirk played on the corner of your lip, as if to ridicule her shock, her first-time reaction amused you.
"Long time, no see, Cere." You crooned.
"[Y/N], good gods…"
"Oh come now, don't act so surprised. This is your second time anyway!"
A second Jedi wasn't any difficult, thought it's a fresh challenge instead of the typical one-on-one.
"Amazing, I get the privilege of seeing a cut-off Jedi fight firsthand!"
During Cere's attack that you held in a block, you examined Trilla's hilt up close—she had likened it with her old hilt by covering the sleeve with leather wrappings—you glanced at yours in its original form: blood red beams gleaming menacingly on either end, mingling with the purified, ice white blades.
You had to give Cere some credit, even after all these years of being voluntarily cut off from the Force, her muscle memory of combat is intact, incorporating her rugged style with a blaster.
"Impressive," you hummed after a parrying strike, and then another. She quickly switched to her blaster and shot twice, much to her dismay you've banked them seamlessly. "Most impressive."
Cere comes charging at you, ready for a jab, and you'd parry; just when Cal thought you have your attention to her, he attacks—more or less, attempt to—from behind but you duck and twirl, evading his lightsaber and planting a kick on his shin. This dynamic of alternating between the two Jedis lasted for more than a minute, a medley of attack patterns used against you—a handful of which have dealt damage on you, some missed you, but you enjoyed this death-defying thrill, it livened you up in this dull hangar.
Your mischievous, insidious grin stretched across your face melted when the entire hangar rumbled under your boots, explosions roared behind your ears; while holding your ground, you turned to find the source of the sound and found portions of the building are being reduced to shrapnel and inferno. Cere steals your smile and paints it with triumph on; you're not even that mad, you shoot her with a snarl of your lip, catching on with her little game, all the while impressed.
"Oh joy, you'll experience how I actually nearly died!"
You pulled away violently from the tangle of blades, pommeled Cere across the jaw with your own hilt, and pushed her at a certain distance.
As the ceiling above your heads crumbled and rained dust, your lightning-fast flurry of the lightsaber did not waive; the boy didn't want to be outmatched—he cannot afford to, now that they're all standing inside a building on the verge of collapse—his dexterity and nimbleness spiked, adapting to your own caliber. Cal wanted to finish this as soon as possible, and he had to think fast; in his peripheral vision, he sees Cere bringing herself back up on her feet, dazed from your hit across her face, and then understood the gravity of her damage.
The garrison begins to collapse, any moment the entire roof will fall over your heads if neither Jedi nor Inquisitor shall stand victorious in this duel. In a final, colossal clash of lightsabers, both youngsters were encased in the sheen of their luminous weapons.
“[Y/N], come on, let’s go home,” Cal pleads once more.
“I can’t—” you choked, tears didn’t hide themselves from Cal, they streamed down your cheek as the stability of your grip fluctuated—influenced by the medley of emotions storming every fiber of your being. “I don’t belong there anymore!”
Despite the sheer intensity, Cal’s voice remained soft and gentle to you, as it always has. In a last-minute resort, he encourages, “You always have belonged with us, and we’re waiting for you to come home.”
Another tear streaks your face, your eyelids drooped, and then spoke in the most defeated, somber tone.
“It’s too late for me now, Cal.”
The crumbling ceiling groans, your eyes roll up and saw the reinforcement beam give way to two colossal chunks of debris plummet in a 50-foot drop from the ceiling straight down to a docked TIE Fighter.
He didn’t fully see your reaction at the last minute; you pull him in and then push him away, but in turn,you got yourself closer to the blast radius. The hot wind picked you up into the air and flung your to the floor like a ragdoll, hitting your head upon landing, rendering you unconscious.
“[Y/N], NO!”
A sharp, piercing noise shrilled in Cal’s ears—all the other noises and voices are reduced to echoing gibberish, even Cere’s calling of your names—straight ahead, he saw you lying unconscious on the floor, covered in debris. He desperately crawled towards you, blatantly ignoring the hollow calls ringing behind his ears; he cradled you in his arms, ignoring the crackling heat flaring near his cheeks.
“[Y/N], come on…” he stuttered. “[Y/N], stay with me… I’m not leaving you a second time!”
He shakes you to coax you into waking up, he could’ve sworn he felt your body shuffle in reaction, he placed his forefinger and middle finger on your neck and found a pulse. He snaps his fingers and BD pops out a stim, he injects it straight into the flesh of your upper arm—you jolted and sucked in a lot of air at the same time, as if emerging into the surface from underwater.
Indeed, you were alive, but relatively weakened by the blast. Your voice saying Cal’s name was drowned out by the roaring flames and the thundering collapse of the garrison.
“Cal, we have to go now!”
Bursting with adrenaline, he scoops you up into his arms and followed Cere to the escape route; evading all the explosions as much as possible and keeping the enemy encounters to a minimum. Although, the evacuees are confused whether to engage the intruders—and presumably, in their heads, rescue the Inquisitor from the Jedi, but they’re felled by either the blasts or Cere’s blaster.
Speeding through the corridors, Cere led Cal to an open docking platform. The Mantis waits at the edge of the catwalk in a fly-by, lightly swerving to dodge blaster fire from the ground, and the entry ramp hangs open.
“Come on, you guys!” shrieked Greez.
Merrin waited by the frame of the entry ramp, the strong wind of the ship and the environment whip her fringes as she feels for balance while getting farther out. On the other hand, Cere and Cal—with you still in his arms—are almost to the edge of the catwalk.
“Come on, you have to jump!” cried out Merrin from the ramp.
Cal assessed the gap between the platform and the ship, it was a risky jump—one miscalculated step equaled to a hundred-foot doom.
“They’re gaining on us!” Cal screeched.
“You go on ahead, I’ll cover you and catch up!”
The boy paced back for momentum, buckled his knees when he slightly crouched, he fixed his grip tighter on you, and trusted his heels as he propelled the balls of his feet off the floor. The Mantis hovers at a considerable height by the edge of the catwalk that won’t send anyone hanging onto the edge of the ramp for dear life.
The soles of his boots planted flat on the metal floor and briskly trotted inside, settling you down gently on the couch, and then he joins Merrin by the ramp, watching Cere blast at the incoming Stormtroopers.
“Cere, let’s go!”
The woman produced a detonator out of her belt pouch and set it off. As a finisher, she gathered all the strength in her throwing arm, the bomb rolled towards the Stormtroopers’ feet and encased them in a cloud of fire and smoke. She quickly turned tail and made the jump, she scrambled on fours to get inside the ship and Cal slams the door button once she’s in.
“Punch it, Greez!”
Greez cranked the hyperdrive lever and sent the Mantis flying out of Jeddah, leaving the garrison crumbling to its destruction in their wake.
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Nine: I Kill the National Bird for a Flower Crown
Luz thought Antheia’s flower shop was lovely. It reminded her of those cottages her Mami had always wanted to buy in Vermont. The walls were made of stone and wood planks, all the décor was set in earthy neutrals, and there was a roaring fire stirring some kind of delicious stew.
Luz and her friends were instructed delicately by Antheia to sit in her living room on the soft plush couches. It was behind the cash register and check out, which Luz thought was an odd layout but knew better than to comment on it. Antheia waved her hand around the coffee table and a cup of tea and a tray of cookies appeared out of thin air. Once Luz got over her shock, she helped herself to them eagerly. The tea was perfect: and it was chamomile just like Antheia had said she’d needed. Antheia sat with them, watching them eat and drink with that same easy-going smile on her face.
The place was covered with flowers from head to toe. Some of them Luz recognized, like the pansies in the open window or the tulips (she was pretty sure it wasn’t tulip season) in the hanging basket in the living room. But there were other flowers she had never seen before, and quite frankly, she would have noticed if they did exist. There was an array of what looked like gold roses, a bucket of bronze hawthoria, and on the windowsill… it looked like a group of silver sprouts.
“Is that moonlace?” Willow awed, peeking over Luz’s shoulder for a better look.
Antheia smiled at Willow. “Always nice to meet a demigod with an interest in the beauty of flowers. Yes, before Ogygia was abandoned I went there myself to bring a few samples of moonlace back here. It’s incredibly rare.”
“It’s incredibly beautiful…” Willow sighed, clasping her hands together.
“Are you a child of Aphrodite, dear?” She asked Willow, who shook her head.
“Ah, just as lovely,” Antheia said eagerly. “Her children have always been fond of my gifts.”
“This is a lovely shop, my lady,” Gus started, but Antheia tisked gently and waved her hand.
“No need for formalities, Augustus. I am in your debt. You are here to do me a great service.”
Luz looked at Willow and Gus uncertainly, and Gus seemed taken aback. He gently set his tea down on the table.
“Pardon me, Antheia,” he said slowly, “what do you mean by a ‘great service’?”
The goddess looked momentarily taken aback before the smile quickly returned to her face. “Oh, of course, you wouldn’t have been told the full details, after all, I only heard this morning that you would be coming, so there was always a chance you were too preoccupied to put the pieces together.”
Luz looked at her friends again, but before she could open her mouth to comment that perhaps Antheia was mistaken, she had kept going.“My lady always did put her faith in the best kind of demigods, you know. After all, this problem has been going on for so long, and without my sisters to help me, I fear I would be too outmatched on my own.”
Luz was a little dense, but she realized what was happening the moment Antheia spun her hand and her cup of tea refilled.
“Aphrodite offered out services in exchange for the ride,” she said, and Antheia placed a gentle hand on Luz’s shoulders. The gesture immediately filled her with a feeling of warmth she hadn’t felt in so long. Her Mami’s trust, the love of her new friendships at camp, the home she now came to love. There was something else there too, but she couldn’t quite place it. The gesture immediately put her at ease, and she sunk into the couch cushions.
“You need not feign surprise to appease me, child.” She said soothingly, and Luz’s ear tickled as she spoke into it. “I am one of the Graces, an attendant to the goddess of love. I stand for the love and growth of humanity, both flowers and human love itself. I know that a group of kind and compassionate adventurers like yourselves would help me regardless of if you owe my lady. My lady knows this too, or she would not have answered the prayers of her children.”
Luz knew that she and her friends were on a tight schedule, and Antheia knew that too, because now she turned to Gus and Willow, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. Like Luz, they seemed to lean right into the touch, enamored.
“I know you are heroes on a noble quest. Lady Hestia is the fire of Olympus, and without her everything, we know dear will crumble. But my lady has bought you some time, so surely one side stop on your way won’t be too troublesome? In exchange, I will give you something to help with your adventure.”
Luz didn’t like the sound of everything she knew crumbling, but when she looked and her friends she knew their hands were tied. This was the deal the Blight twins had made with their mother, whether they had known it at the time or not. Luz and her friends would have to deal with the consequences.“Alright,” she said, though it wasn’t as confident as she would have liked it to be. “What can we do for you, Lady Antheia?”
She walked to the window, and Luz and her friends hesitantly looked up out it.
“I have stationed myself here, in Mt. Airy Forest,” she said, gesturing to the deep wood. “It is peaceful, but it is not without its pests. I cannot leave my cabin for long as long as the eagle roams the forest.”
“You want us to kill an eagle?” Luz blinked, shuffling nervously. “I’m pretty sure that’s against the law.”
“This is no ordinary eagle,” Antheia said seriously. “This eagle has plagued legends for centuries, and my sisters and I fear it deeply. I would like them to come to visit, but they will not unless this beast is destroyed.”
“The Caucasian Eagle,” Gus said, and Luz spun around to look at him. His voice had risen in pitch, and he looked very nervous. “But it hasn’t been seen in thousands of years!”
“It has returned, and I fear why,” Antheia confirmed. “It was not by the will of Zeus, and therefore it must be destroyed.”
“You want us to kill a white eagle?” Now Luz was really confused.
Willow nudged her shoulder seriously, and Luz quieted. Antheia opened the door for them, and the three demigods headed towards it, drawing their weapons. Aletheia shifted into its sword form, shimmering in the light of the shop.
“The eagle is likely up now, if you destroy it soon, you will be on your way long before the evening hits. If you return, I will have a reward ready for your great service.”
She all but slammed the door behind the three half-bloods, and now that Luz wasn’t all doved up with love magic, she scowled.
“I’m going to kill Edric and Emira when we get back.”
“If the eagle doesn’t tear us to shreds first,” Willow said slowly, gripping her sword tightly.
“It’s not going to be an easy kill,” Gus said quietly, fiddling with his spear. “The Caucasian Eagle was the one sent by Zeus to torture Prometheus. Hercules killed it with a volley of arrows. We’re short on those, so we’ll have to find some other way to get it to come close to us.”
The three of them paced around the forest outside the flower shop, keeping their eyes open for an eagle. But it was quiet on the forest floor, and after almost twenty-minute had passed, Luz was about ready to give up.
“I don’t see this stupid bird anywhere!” Luz groaned, lying down on the grass.
“Luz, be ready,” Gus hissed, looking around nervously. “We don’t know when it’s going to show itself.”
“Well, it hasn’t yet,” Luz shrugged. “Are we sure it’s even around here?”A deafening screech quieted her immediately, and Luz shot up, clenching her sword in her hand in terror. Out of the trees shot a massive bronze eagle, easily with a wingspan of at least ten feet wide. It came soaring down towards Luz, and out of pure instinct she swung, and the bird shrieked, spinning back up towards the sky.  
“Holy Zeus that’s a big bird!” Gus yelped, and he reached over to his watch and clicked it. Out expanded a bronze shield almost identical to the one he’d used during capture the flag. When the bird came rearing back towards him with its massive talons, he deflected them off his shield and Willow stabbed with her sword, and the beast spun, narrowly dodging.
“What do we do?” Willow yelled, and Luz ran to regroup with her friends. The bird soared above them, cawing in fury, and Luz quickly began to feel overwhelmed. It could easily carry off one of them in its talons, and they were sharp enough to cut one of them open right there.
“We need to damage its wings so it can’t fly!” Gus said, just before the beast lunged again. Luz rolled right, slashing up with her sword towards it right as its talons snatched right where she had just been standing. She yelped in pain as the edge of one talon scrapped over her shoulder as she rolled, drawing blood. Once again, the bird managed to dodge both Gus’s stab and Willow’s slash, soaring back into the sky.
They tried, but every time the bird lunged, it would spin and dodge their strikes to its wings. Over and over again, the bird would dive, and they would barely manage to clip feathers. Gus kept insisting they had to hit the wings, but there was no way to do it with the bird getting the height on them. It was starting to feel hopeless.
Then, on one tough lunge, the talon had managed to scrape by Willow’s leg, and knock her off her feet. Willow cried out in pain, holding her leg as it bled profusely, and Luz and Gus slashed angrily to get the eagle away as it soared back into the sky.
They ran to Willow, trying to give her cover. She was trembling next to Gus, clearly trying hard not to cry. The slash was long and deep, and Luz knew just by looking at it she would need stitches.
The bird was circling again, waiting to try and pick them off one by one. Luz felt her despair quickly turn to rage. It might have been the pain in her shoulder or the overall frustration with the way their mission had gotten sidetracked, but Luz was getting angry, and when she got angry, she got loud.
“Hey, you stupid bird brain!” She yelled, putting a little distance between herself and Willow. “Over here!”
The eagle cawed angrily, and suddenly, Luz had a plan. She turned her body so she was facing Gus, and waved her sword up at the bird.
“Come and get me!”
“Luz, what are you doing?” Gus hissed, clutching his spear uncertainly.“Trust me!” She just said, pointing her sword back up at the bird.
The eagle spun in the air, it’s sharp eyes pointing toward her furiously. It tucked back its wings, ready to dive.
“Get ready!” She yelled to Gus, and right as the bird was about to make contact with her, she screamed, “Now!”
There was a clang and a crash as the talons of the bird connected against Luz’s sword, and she pushed desperately to keep the bird steady. Then, the bird screamed, rearing back in agony as Gus stabbed right into its back with his spear, and it let go of Luz’s sword in an effort the fly away. But Luz was quicker, and she lunged, cutting right across the bird’s neck with Aletheia, and the bird quieted, dissolving into dust around her feet.
Luz collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. Gus stumbled backward and sheathed his spear, walking over to Luz and helping her up. Luz winced, remembering the pain in her shoulder, but a cry from behind Gus quickly halted all her own pain at that moment.
Luz and Gus kneeled around their injured friend, who was clutching her leg. When she looked up at their faces, she feigned a confident smile. “I’ll be fine, it’s not even broken…”
“Willow this is a deep cut,” Luz said seriously. She knew that her Mami would recommend a hospital. It was deep and still bleeding, and Willow’s hands were now covered in blood.
“It’s nothing nectar can’t fix,” Willow said certainly, and Gus walked around and reached into her backpack and pulled out a canteen from it, uncapping it and pouring some of the contents over the wound.
Luz had no idea what they were talking about and definitely didn’t think Gus should be putting that much water on an open wound. “Gus what are you-”
She closed her mouth at Willow’s happy sigh and watched in amazement as the wound began to close until all that remained was a white scar.
“Nectar,” Gus said to Luz with a smile, letting Willow drink a little from the canteen. She immediately perked up and stood, brushing the dirt off her pants. “Drink of the gods. It cures the wounds and illnesses of demigod’s but you can’t have too much or you’ll burn up.”
Luz didn’t like the sound of that, but Gus didn’t give her a choice. He walked over and poured some over the wound on her shoulder, and Luz felt a warmth flow through her body before he let her drink some. It tasted just like her Mami’s Sopa de Lima, which was strange since it looked just like apple juice.
All at once, Luz’s strength returned, and sure enough, when she looked the wound on her shoulder had disappeared. There wasn’t a scar left behind or anything. Even the scar from her game of capture the flag had disappeared.  
“Lighter wounds tend to vanish a lot faster,” Willow explained.
Gus closed the canteen and walked over to the remaining pile of eagle dust. Left behind was a pile of bronze feathers, and Gus scoped them up.
“One for each of us. Plus, we can give one to Antheia as proof of our kill.”
Each of them took a bronze feather, and Luz put hers carefully in her backpack, excited to add it to her slowly growing collection of war spoils.
The three of them headed back to the flower shop in much better spirits than when they left. Nobody had gotten hurt, and they still had plenty of time to get on a train or bus west.
“Mt. Airy is just outside Cincinnati,” Gus said with an excited smile. “We’ll be able to find a way west with no problems at all.”
“I don’t know, we’re pretty deep in the Midwest…” Willow said with a frown. “There won’t be many trains.”
“Whatever we have to do, we’ll make it work!” Luz said with a smile. “We just killed the white eagle-”
“Caucasian Eagle,” Gus corrected.
“Caucasian Eagle!” Luz repeated. “We can do anything.”
Sure enough, as they walked into the flower shop with the extra feather, Antheia greeted them with an enthusiastic welcome. She walked up and kissed each of them on the cheek, causing Gus and Luz to blush.
“Thank you, my heroes!” She said enthusiastically. “Now my sisters can visit me without being scared away by that hideous bird. My lady was right to favor you. Now, onto your reward…”
She waved her hand, and on their heads, they each received a flower crown, Willow’s adorned with green flowers, Gus with blue, and Luz with purple. They all cooed in excitement, reaching up to touch them.
“The crowns will wilt over time, but while you wear them you will have my blessing. In Ancient times, the Greeks worshiped me for my gentleness and kindness. You will find that people will treat you the same.”
“Lady Antheia, we are honored,” Willow said, and even Luz was shocked, reaching up to gently touch the flowers with her hand.
“Nonsense, I owe you, children, a great debt,” she said, and then like she was just remembering something, she snapped her finger.
“There is a man approaching in a car ready to take you to downtown Cincinnati,” she said with a smile. “He will do this free of charge, but you must not keep him waiting. I understand the seriousness of your quest, and though he is mortal, he will too.”
Luz and her friends all thanked Antheia, and they left her shop with her smiling from the door, waving a gentle hand.
“Good luck heroes, and oh, Luz?”
Luz turned her head while her friends kept walking, and Antheia shot her a knowing smile.
“Aphrodite has favored you above all others, especially on your quest, but your father has not forgotten you. Remember this on your journey.”
Luz blinked, wondering if Antheia could see through her more than she originally thought. Nodding she turned her head and followed Willow and Gus to the rocky dirt path where a yellow taxi was waiting for them.
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cyn-00 · 4 years
“You are my family” for moreid pretty please if you feel like it. Thank you
This prompt will never get boring it's so soft <3 btw I kinda have already written a fic months ago that touched on this topic (my 13th one shot if I remember correctly), so I'm gonna try and slightly switch it up ;) this is n. 14 from fluff btw!
Prompt list (requests currently closed)
Read it on AO3
The jet had been quiet for at least an hour. Everyone except for Reid had seemingly long fallen asleep, and they would arrive at Quantico in 30 minutes at most - 27 minutes, the genius gauged.
He really had no more excuses to further procrastinate what he'd been meaning to tell Morgan for the past three weeks. Now or never.
Spencer lifted his eyes from the book he'd been pointlessly holding in his hands since they took off and looked up at his very much asleep boyfriend, still wearing his beloved headphones.
He swallowed. "Derek?"
No answer.
Reid leaned forward just enough to be able to easily reach the man's crossed arms with his hand. He brushed his fingers on his forearm to avoid startling him.
"Der?" he repeated in a lower and more intimate tone.
Derek slightly winced and instinctively scratched his arm where the other's finger pads had ghosted over it.
"Mm' yeah?" he mumbled in response, rubbing his eyes and taking off his headphones as he straightened in the seat.
"I'm- I'm sorry I woke you but I, uh... I really have to ask you something ?"
Morgan leaned in to rest his forearms on his knees under the tray table; the mild wobbling in the other's voice having piqued his interest.
"What's that, baby?" he said softly, ignoring the unneeded apology - purposely or not, Derek himself couldn't quite figure out.
Spencer nodded shortly and took a couple of deep breaths. He eyed down again at the forgotten book and closed it at last, settling it atop the small table and running his fingertips on its leather-coated spine.
"I was wondering if..." he let out another shaky sigh. "...if you'd like to move in with me?"
'Caught off guard' would be the most blatant euphemism to describe Morgan's reaction in response to the question. He tried to limit the external display of such to a gulp and an arching of eyebrows, while inside his heart almost jumped out of his chest.
Before answering, he reached out to place his palm over the boy's jittery hand on top of the book cover.
Spencer brought his eyes back to him.
"Yeah." he replied at last, grinning widely. "I'd really like that, pretty boy."
Spencer ducked his head again to look at their hands; a few curls falling before his face from where they were tucked behind his ears, barely hiding one of the biggest smiles Derek had ever seen gracing his lips.
Morgan stroked the other's knuckles with his thumb. "Honestly, I thought you were gettin' tired of me after spending all day together at work." he joked - not actually joked, though.
Reid lifted his chin to look at him, re-adjusting his brunette locks where they were supposed to have stayed in the first place.
He hesitated a few seconds and eventually scrunched his nose playfully, shaking his head. "Not possible."
Derek's smile grew into a chuckle as he tilted his head.
During the brief silence, Spencer's gaze reunited with the other's fingers tracing unknown patterns on the back of his hand.
"Oh! Right-" the genius mumbled to himself as he remembered something, removing his hand from under Derek's to pat the pockets of his jacket in search for a specific object.
Morgan's pupils chased his boyfriend's clumsy motions with a slightly amused frown.
Spencer took out of his left pocket what he'd been looking for, placing it on the tray table: a key.
The man's eyes glanced in between that and Reid's face a couple times, before finally picking it up to scrutinize it as if it were the most interesting key he'd ever seen - it was, sort of. In a metaphorical way.
"...you made a copy before knowing what I'd answer?" he dared to ask.
The man in front of him merely shrugged. "Call it profiling ?" he said, a funny but cute expression crinkling his features.
Morgan snorted briefly before starting to gradually drift into a more serious state of mind; a couple minutes of quiet hanging gingerly in between him and Reid.
"I also thought..." he prompted to get the other's attention. "that I'd have to ask you at some point."
His boyfriend didn't seem to get the hint.
"I didn't think you'd ever get to be comfortable enough to share your spaces with me." Derek explained, careful not to sound accusing.
Spencer considered the man's statement for a while.
"I didn't think either." he agreed, unexpectedly. "Honestly it doesn't bother me only when it's my mom...or you guys..." the genius' voice got lower by the second.
"...my family." he concluded, smiling bashfully.
Derek chose not to reply just yet; his gaze softening visibly whereas on the other hand Spencer's dropped, concentrating on how to phrase what he wanted to phrase.
"...you are my family, Derek." he whispered at last. If Spencer's knees holding his clasped hands in place were succeeding to keep them from trembling, his voice on the contrary was helplessly failing at remaining steady throughout those 5, simple words.
Morgan stayed silent once again, merely reaching a hand above the table separating them to lift his boyfriend's chin and lightly bump an index on his nose; knowing that, when Spencer opened his heart to him, he needed reassurance and unspoken proof that Derek was listening more than actual words.
Reid was now able to keep at bay the quivering in his hands and voice both.
"...I know you can't really consider me...your family, because you have your mom and sisters and- and probably a bunch of other relatives, but for me..." he trailed off, lowering his gaze once again. "...my- my dad was never family to me...and my mom can't always function enough to...to feel like a mother and- o- of course I cannot blame her for it! But you...you always felt like family, now more than ever but honestly even before...you know, before this ?"
Spencer paused to catch a glimpse of the other's expression, trying to fathom if he'd picked up on what he meant with 'this'.
Even once the man nodded, Reid somehow felt a million other things surfacing to the forefront of his mind right in that moment, things he knew he didn't need to voice but were escaping him before he could grasp onto them.
"I'm infinitely grateful that I have you in my life." he murmured. "even if I'm not exactly sure what...what I did to deserve you." Spencer added in a witty, sheepish snort.
Morgan shook his head, at this point unable to keep himself from speaking up and cupping the man's cheek in his hand.
"Baby, stop saying things like that," he paused, stroking Spencer's cheekbone with a thumb as if feeling the need to ease down the mild harshness that had possibly accompanied his tone.
"and don't ever assume that just because I have a full family you count less than them."
Derek was expecting a nod at best and a self-denigrating retort at worst, what he was surely not expecting from his boyfriend was to shoot up from his seat to make his way around the tray table and sit beside him, hurling himself into his arms in a matter of 3 seconds.
Of course he more than happily hugged the boy back and dug his fingers in his curls, because it was only natural; however Derek didn't bother hiding a slightly surprised reaction - Spencer never liked to display affection even during the flights home, when the team were sleeping 9 times out of 10. To push himself to do such gesture Morgan reckoned that what he said must have really struck him, and his caught-off-guard state quickly became one overflowing with feeling honored and touched.
He was brought out of his thoughts when Spencer slightly loosened the clench of his arms around his torso and nosed his neck, releasing a deep breath.
"So...we're going to your place then?" Derek's question wedged a narrow gap in between their bodies.
Spencer tilted his chin up to meet his eyes shortly before laying small pecks on the corners of the man's lips and Cupid's bow and chin.
Morgan lightly giggled both at his boyfriend for being that level of adorable, and at himself for having managed to meet his lips only once at most.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Mh-mh," Spencer hummed into the last of several kisses. "Yep."
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Sarcastic StarBharat Reviews-Episode 22: In which horny deer rishis set off a chain of events.
Hello everyone! I’m back after a VERY long hiatus, had some real life issues to deal with, along with the aggravation of changing an url and some online drama too. And I’m right in time for Diwali, too, yay! Happy Diwali, people! Also Happy Children’s day!
Tagging my usual taglist: @ambitiousandcunning @medhasree @shaonharryandpannisim @hermioneaubreymiachase @hindumyththoughts @chaanv @ratnas-musings @whydoyoucareaboutmyusername @justahappyreindeer @milesbianmorales @allegoriesinmediasres @pratigyakrishnaki @iamnotthat @adishaktis @ratnas-musings. Enjoy your day, everyone!
Review is under the cut.
PS: Nila updates- The Sarcastic StarBharat review of episode 18 is missing from my blog for some reason, I’ll reupload it. Also, for anyone who’s listening to my song covers, the next items are Karam Ki Talwar from Arjun the Warrior Prince, Moh Moh Ke Dhage from Dum Laga Ke Haisha and Jo Beji Thi Dua, from Shangai.
 Okay. Rehash is in order, along with some new nicknames. Till the last episode, Madri has reached Hastinapur, the precap of the last episode makes it clear that this is the episode with horny deer rishis.
I had made a numbering mistake in counting the number of canon fails, my bad, so, as of now, we’re at canon fail #49.
Here’s the nickname rehash and additions to be made-
1. Bhishm-Mr. Paragon of Perfection
2. Dhritrashtra- Mr. Drama Queen (Honorary mention-DisasterRashtra, courtesy of @iamnotthat)
3. Pandu-Honey Boy/Lord of Cheesy Lines
4. Gandhari-Ms. Always Patnidharma
5. Shakuni-Mr. Ominous Music/Mr. Annoying Poseur
6. Karn-Mr. Glitterwash
7. Kunti-Ms. Melodrama/Lady of Cheesy Lines
8. Amba (deceased)-Psycho Princess
9. Satyavati-Psycho Mum
10. Vichitraveerya (deceased)-Drunk Kid
Here are the new additions:
11. Vidur (finally)- Picking the line where he likens himself to a thorn during Pandu’s coronation, he’s Mr. Weepy Thorn.
12. Madri-Ms. Smarmy Tears
13. Krishn-(Parody version, anyway, also, FINALLY) Mr. Excess Gyaandaan.
Now, let’s get to business.
Alright, so, last episode, Gandhari was told that Drama Queen wants her in his chambers. Being the aadarsh, Ms. Always Patnidharma that she is, she goes immediately, and that’s where today’s episode of choice begins.
She stumbles in and stutters out her usual ‘Husband?’ (International viewers, please note, Hotstar has rolled out the English subtitles for your most unfavorite show. It translates ‘Arya’ as Lord, but I’m keeping the ‘husband’ variation, because no.)
Anyway. He shushes her. ‘Don’t say anything, Gandhari, just listen. The mind is so weird, isn’t it?’ Okay…why this sudden volte face? Ah, he’s trying to apologise, I guess? He says that he was absorbed in his negative emotions of hurt, grief and jealousy, but when no news of Honey Boy came from the battlefield, he realized that he still worries and cares for his little brother, and that he was merely unfortunate, not conspired against, concluding that he was unjust to Honey Boy. O…kay? Should I count this as a canon fail? Canon Dhritrashtra can be two-faced, so eh, leave it.
Ms. Patnidharma is shaking her head next to him, because of course, she’s that much of a doormat. ‘I was unfair to you too. I had rejected you, Gandhari, but if I realise my mistake, will you accept me?’ Ah. I see what this is. Anvil-shadowing. Just before Pandu ‘loses’ his ability to ‘be a husband’ Drama Queen and Patnidharma make up with each other. Newsflash, writers: Nothing is this clean cut.
Of course, that was precisely the opening Ms. Patnidharma was waiting for, so she feels her husband up as they hug. Drama Queen’s heart, apparently, very anomalously, is overflowing with happiness, now that he has unloaded his weakness onto Patnidharma, or so he says. Don’t believe him, though, don’t be the naïve idiot Patnidharma is, because that weakness of his wreaks bloody wrecking ball havoc in the future.  
‘So what if I don’t become the King?’ Excuse me. I just choked on my water. What’s up with this volte-face? Just what? ‘I have more respect here than the King himself!’ I think I’m gonna count this as canon fail #50 because nah, he ain’t gonna say this in any adaptation that’s sane. And of course, since he’s randy too, it seems, he goes ‘When you give me a son, he’ll be the eldest son and King after Pandu. I’ll also get the pleasure of being a King. Will you give me the gift of such a talented son?’ Ah. So that’s what the volte-face is for. Canon fail #50 cancelled. Drama Queen would say anything at all to get his way, that’s right. Patnidharma, predictably, goes all gushy. ‘Yes, husband, for your sake, I’ll go to the portals of Yamlok themselves!’ Ah, sheesh, sometimes, watching this show makes me think that I should projectile-yeet myself to Yamlok.
He laughs. ‘When the time comes,’ he says, ‘we’ll go to the portals of death together, Gandhari.’ Well, that, at least, is true. He continues that they still have many happy moments to experience. She nods, melting into his embrace.
Scene changes to a green vista, the whickering of horses heard. Madri, henceforth known as Ms. Smarmy Tears, is laughing, Ms. Melodrama being stony faced and stoic. (That’s a change, though the music manages to make even THAT dramatic) The camera focuses on a deer, and Smarmy asks Honey Boy to stop, because it’s a beautiful deer. Okay…I know what’s coming up next. Anvil-shadowing, anyone? I realise it was very long ago when we were introduced to Ms. Melodrama, but I’ll give you a short rehash. She was introduced saving a deer from hunters. Anyone got the hint? It’s an obvious ‘Madri is an evil witch!’ gambit. Please do not take it. I know that in canon, Kunti and Madri probably had a fractious relationship given the whole fracas over the boon, but I refuse to believe Madri would be this transparently biatch-y.
And…bingo! Smarmy says that the deer is absolutely unique, and follows it up with a request for its skin. Melodrama, of course, is having none of it. She passionately launches into defence of the deer’s children who’d be orphaned, basically echoing her very first piece of dialogue on this show. Do you think there’s a chance that they dubbed it in? I mean…I wouldn’t be able to say that twice with a straight face. But, whatever gives, I guess. Fawn get orphaned often, goes Smarmy. It’s not like I’m asking you for the position of the Queen, can’t you do this much for me? Since StarB has a thing of making women either bitches or doormat ditches, its Honey Boy who cuts in. ‘Speak of good things alone.’ Did this guy get a theology class between the ‘war’ and this moment? ‘I’ll get the deer for you, the rest of you please stay here.’ And then the show takes yet another opportunity to set Melodrama as good and Smarmy as bad, as Melodrama tries to give Smarmy a moral lesson about abstaining from killing for no reason, and Smarmy going all casteist (not sure if that’s the right word, since afaik Kunti’s maternal family are also Kshatriyas? Yadava is not one family. It’s an entire dynasty.) And here’s canon fail #50 and #51. #50 is the fact that Pandu, in canon, hunts the deer because he wants to. Madri has nothing to do with it in the text. #51 because the jibe about Yadavs being shepherds that Madri makes smacks of a misconception about politics in the MBH. The idea of ‘Yadavas’ being shepherds is present because of the lore of Krishn and Balaram in Gokul. While I’m sure there might be some branches of the family that may dabble in those pursuits, typically, considering the social structure of that time, Kunti’s family is of quite royal pedigree.
The scene switches to Honey Boy looking for deer, listening attentively to the rustling leaves. Really, this question goes for canon too, haven’t these guys learnt a thing at all from the whole Dashrath/Sravan Kumar fracas? That it is TOTALLY not a good idea to just randomly shoot in a random forest, anyone? At least sight the prey a little, no?
Regardless, he shoots an arrow, the tell-tale thunk is heard, followed by a human scream (the typically serial-ish ‘nahi, nahi!’ aka ‘no, no!’). Alarmed, he sets off in pursuit of the sound. The camera focuses on a bloody arrow then showing us a rishi and a rishin. ‘Maharishi Kidam?’ exclaims Pandu. ‘It was you?’ ‘What have you done? You shot an arrow without recognizing me! I was dallying (read: deer hanky-panky-ing) with my wife in the form of a deer, and you shot an arrow without considering that the grace and the form of the deer could only mean it is such?’ Okay, for all that I want to call this canon fail #52, I’ll be honest…because such a scene, at least one of Pandu killing Kidama when he’s in sexual congress with his wife in the form of a deer does happen. Sometimes, *sigh* canon itself is quite strange.
But…in the whole of this thing, I have an observation to make, a few questions to ask, in the context of this serial:
1. Madri saw only one deer? What was the deer rishi doing, a deer mating ritual of some sort? Where was the wife then?
2. Does what he said mean that there might be…other rishis doing deer hanky panky?
3. Kidama was a rishi, right? He’d have figured out Pandu wants the ‘deer’ when he saw them and vanished? He could have, IDK, sprinted off real quick, or turned back into human, or just vanished once more. Why escalate it this much?
Honey Boy is very contrite and begs for forgiveness. Canon fail #53. In canon, he basically goes, well, Kings hunt deer, why cry about it? (That is, the dialogue given to Madri to establish her as ‘bad’)  The deer rishi brings up the Dashrath point I gave above and says that Honey Boy’s crime can’t be pardoned, that he shouldn’t have killed a man in congress with his wife, so he curses him that he’ll die the moment he’ll have congress with any woman. Canon fail #54. The original curse specifies ‘his loved one’ not any random woman.
Cue dramatic panoramic shot and dramatic title bgm. Honey Boy is in tears. The rishi dies.
Scene changes and we’re back in Hastina, where the court fool is entering. He says he has a lot of questions. Mr. Weepy Thorn prompts him to ask his questions. So there’s this long drawn out riddle session that’s set up to predict that Gandhari is pregnant, and Drama Queen will be experiencing the love of a son soon. There’s happiness all round, lots of hugs too. Of course, this show takes no rest from anvil shadowing either, so exactly at this moment enters Honey Boy with his wives. Honey Boy is welcomed with joy and immediately apprised of the news. In his head, the dying deer rishi’s words echo, even as his wives smile by his side. (Ah, apparently, there’s anvil juxtaposition, too! Whee!)
Anyway. Satyavati notices he ain’t looking happy and she asks him if he got what she said. He manages to sponge her off, hug his brother and congratulate him. When he does that, Annoying Poseur closes his eye.
As he ascends the throne, deer rishi’s words come back to him, asking what kind of a King he is. Honey Boy refrains from climbing the final stair, turning. He says that he has something of great importance to announce, confessing that he has killed Kidama and is no longer worthy of being a King.
His announcement is met with shock all around, as he renounces the throne of Hastina. Cue dramatic title bgm again. Camera focuses on Satyavati (who’s quite less psycho nowadays), then panning one by one to Drama Queen, Paragon of Perfection, Smarmy, Melodrama, Patnidharma, Ambika, Ambalika, a grinning Poseur (both eyes open), back to Honey boy and Mr. Paragon as he drops his angvastr limply.
Scene changes as Mr. Perfection walks inside Honey Boy’s chambers and they have an argument about his responsibilities. Honey Boy puts forward that for all that Satyavati wants a worthy King, he is no longer worthy, that even Indra renounced heaven for the killing of a sage and meditated for eons, that mere charity and abstinence as suggested by Mr. Thorn and Kripacharya won’t be enough. He continues that the duty of a King, the man who holds the royal scepter is to dispense justice to his people. He asks who would mete justice out on a King? The camera pans out to Mr. Perfection, standing mute, ending the episode.
Alright, this whole thing is canon fail #55. Pandu does not go back to Hastina, he sets out immediately to atone. Also #56, his wives know everything as he does. He doesn’t keep it hidden from them.
Precap: ‘But the crime was ours’ says Smarmy. ‘the punishment, however, has to be borne by our yet unborn children!’ ‘You can’t ever have children.’ Announces Honey Boy, going on to inform them of the curse.
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