#but I absolutely love it when song have this waltz-y feel to them
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mimasroom2 · 3 months
Love on top! ✧~(ゝᴗ ∂ )
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Dealer!ellie x reader @ the mall
I’ve been thinking ab how Ellie would be a dealer and has some extra money to spoil her princess ♡
C/w: Not really any? Homophobia mentioned in like one sentence. Kinda suggestive but no smut. Sex toy mentioned like once. Marijuana mentioned like once (at the end). DINA MENTION FUCK YEAHHHH!!!!
W/c: 1k. sorry i just have a lot of thoughts😭
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- Dealer!ellie who takes you to the mall whenever she feels like it. You never ask because you feel bad for her always spending money on you, but she lovesssssssss to do it.
- She would def buy you guys matching stuff.
- “Holy shit y/n… look at these!” Ellie turns around and has matching Sanrio plushies in both hands. You laugh bc she has them raised like how straight men pose with the fish they catch😭
- “Which one do you want, baby?”
- You pretend to think even though your absolute fav is cinnamoroll.
- She pumps a fist in the air, “FUCK YEAH I wanted pompompurin anyway!”
- She’d walk into any store and buy you guys those goofy ass tshirts that say shit like “I ♡ hot moms” because she gets a kick out of it every time.
- Don’t even get me started on how she’d be in Victoria’s Secret…
- She’d walk behind you with her hands in her pockets, biting her lip as you pick up the most absurdly hot set of bra & panties she’s ever seen.
- When you wanted to try everything on, she’d slip into the dressing room with you so you can have your turn spoiling her by giving her a little show
(˶ > ₃ < ˶)♡
- “Turn ‘round f’me, doll.” You always love how slurred her words get when she’s turned on 🙃 You do what you’re told and do a little twirl. She blushes and grabs your waist from behind, kissing your neck as you giggle looking at the two of you in the mirror.
- “Shit, baby. Gon’ have to buy this all for you so you can waltz around in pretty lingerie all the time.”
- As the two of you leave, she discreetly whispers in your ear “Gonna have to try those panties on for me tonight, mkay?”
- You’d wander into pandora or some fancy jewelry store and she’d be eyeing all the things you look at.
- “Ohmygodddd Ellieeeeee look at how beautiful this necklace is ahhhh!!” You squeal and eagerly point at it.
- “Hey babe, can you get us some auntie annes please?” Ellie smiles at you, “Need me some lemonade from how hot it is today.”
- As you walk away she stealthily buys the necklace you wanted :3. Chatting it up with the salesman n shit, bragging about you and how amazing of a girlfriend you are.
- She’s not afraid to do this bc she knows any homophobia she encounters she can shut down super quick. Perks of being hot and cool😍
- When you finally meet back up with her you’re smiling about the yummy pretzels you got, but your jaw drops when you see the pandora logo bag in her hand.
- You run over to her, “whattttt the fuckkkk Ellie? :0?”
- “Saw my pretty girl looking at it, so I jus’ had to see my pretty girl wearing it.” Is all she has to say in response (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
- You gasp as she takes it out of the box, “For me?,!?,?,?!! Els, I told you, I don’t need any fancy stuff.”
- “Jus’ accept it, y/n. I like seein’ my princess happy.” She smiles as she puts it on for you :3
- You both sit down and DEVOUR those damn pretzels.
- (I’ve had this song stuck in my head the entire time writing this) The song Love On Top by Beyoncé starts playing, Ellie flashes you a wicked grin and takes your hands to stand the two of you up. The part that goes “You’re the one I love! You’re the one I need!” plays and she starts jumping around, moving your arms and giggling, not afraid to act like a goofball as long as it’s with you :,)
- If she saw anyone checking you out she’d tap her lips and say “cmere angel.” And give you a cute lil peck >:)
- You guys would walk into Spencer’s, give each other an evil look, and IMMEDIATELY run straight to the back.
- “Holy shit, babe there’s a fucking glow in the dark didlo.” You pretend to have your jaw drop as you wave Ellie over.
- She starts laughing wayyyyy harder than she should, “Whattthefuckkk that’s actually so fuckignfunny BAHAHAHA!”
- “Ellie it’s literally not that funny.” You’re not impressed.
- She gasps, trying to catch her breath, “No nonono no cuz imagine I’m fuckin’ you real good in the middle of the night. All the lights are off. And all you see is this damn glowing dick! Mannnn fuck.” You swear she wipes actual tears from her eyes.
- “Holy shit, do you think it would light up inside you?”
- You smack her on the shoulder 😭
- “Kay… that’s enough of Spencer’s…” you drag her by the hand out of there.
- “One more place I wanna go..” you keep dragging her by the hand.
- “Good.. cuz the malls ‘boutta close, princess.”
- Ellie smirks and scoffs as you guys walk into Claire’s. “Gonna get your clit pierced here or somethin’?”
- You go up to those merry-go-round display things and spin it until you find what you were looking for. “Nah, wanted one of these bad boys for Dina n I.” You show her one of those broken heart necklaces that come together to say best friends. She lets you pay for this one.
- At the end of your day Ellie walks the two of you out into the parking garage. It’s dark, so she pulls her hood up and hunches over to make herself appear more masculine. Not that it’s that dangerous or anything, but she’d probably never forgive herself if something happened to you - even the smallest scratch.
- As Ellie gets into her car, a SEXY ass truck might I add, she hands you a joint so you can relax as she drives you guys home ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
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moontyun · 24 days
Ateez: The type of...
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☆ ateez masterlist ☆ ...partner ☆ requested? no ☆ genre: fluff, attempted humor, slight angst ☆ warning(s): jealousy, mentions of food, mentions of murder(?), mentions of bug death:( ☆ requests are open!
៚ Seonghwa
loves to spend quality time with you
building legos together is what he loved to do best with you
Music played softly in the background, lights were so bright it looked like a surgery suit. He was super focused on the project at hand. His glasses slipping off of his face, as he put the pieces together and read the directions. You sat next to him, putting your own little piece of the set together. It was peaceful, an absolute fun night for the two of you.
៚ Hongjoong
obviously the jealous type
writes you little love songs in his spare time at work
It was late at night, you hadn't expected to stay this late with him at the studio. You were here to drop off his dinner but then he started to ask for your input on some of the things he had been working on. "Okay, I'm going to play you something. It's a bit cheese-y but I want your opinion on it." You agreed as he played the song. Slowly it clicked with you that it was about you. You pouted cutely when it was finished and told him how much you adored it.
៚ Yunho
loves to match with you but in a more show-y way
gets upset when you don't match with him but tries not to show it
Today was your three year anniversary with Yunho. He wanted you to wear matching neon pink t-shirts with flowers all over it. It was the ugliest thing you had ever seen in your life. You had told him you didn't want to wear it because it wasn't up to dress code for where you two were going. His feelings were clearly hurt, but he agreed not to wear it. You cupped his face, "We can wear them to the beach tomorrow when we meet my parents, okay?" His face lit up, clearly okay with it.
៚ Yeosang
packs your lunch, leaving you little notes telling you to have a good day
expects you to call him every day when you get off of work, no matter how late it is for him.
Today, you had the day off. All day you had been lazing around the house, not really doing much of anything. But now, lunch time had come and you were starving. You opened the refrigerator to see a box of tupperware with a little sticky note attached to it. Immediately, you knew Yeosang packed you something to eat. Pulling it out, you read the note. He wished you a good day and that he loved you, as well as to call him while you were eating. He wanted to have lunch with you but couldn't physically be there. He was the absolute best!
៚ San
cuddle bug galore
follows you everywhere you go because he hates being away from you for longer than 10 minutes
"-and so, he told me to kill the bug. I told him hell no!" He had been telling this little story for about five minutes now as you showered with the occasional "mmhmm", "Oh" every couple of minutes to let him know he was being listened to. You were used to him following you everywhere. He was always following you into the bathroom, the store, wherever you were he was there. So him sitting on the toilet, while you showered was not abnormal for the two of you. It was a cute way to show he loved you and wanted to spend all his time with you.
៚ Mingi
you need to reassure him a lot
needs to be cuddled every night before bed
Mingi had been mopey the whole evening. He was laying around, wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito. You having just walked through the apartment door, noticed this. "What's wrong, princess?" you asked, immediately. He didn't say anything but buried himself deeper into the blanket. You waltzed over to him and threw yourself on him, moving the blanket from his face, peppering his face in kisses. "You didn't answer my question earlier." You had to think back, he did text you a question. "Oh! I got busy helping my mom. I'm sorry, baby." He nodded his head, "Just let me know next time please?" he pleaded. You hugged him tighter, "I will, I'm sorry!"
៚ Wooyoung
jealous when someone starts to get too close to you
loves to ramble on and on about his day to you, because he loves having your feed back
You knew this guy had been trying to hit on you all night and you were getting to the point of just throwing a drink in your face. You and Wooyoung kept moving away from him but the guy wouldn't get it. "Should I just kill him? Can I?" You laughed a little. "Let him have it, babe." You said. Wooyoung got close to the guy, "I'm their partner. Get lost." The guy backed off and you hadn't seen him since.
៚ Jongho
always stays on the side closest to the street
protective over you
The first time he did it, it spooked you a little because he switched sides so suddenly. He pushed you to the other side gently, so he could walk along side you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you continued to telling your story. "And so, she was li- I'm sorry, can I ask why you did that?" You asked halting your story. He laughed a little, "Making sure your safe and a car doesn't hit you." Your face flushed, none of your exes had ever done that. Ever since then, he's done it every time you guys were out walking.
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the-roo-too · 1 month
karina fluff alphabet when? 😭😭
now? 🥲
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candy -> yu jimin ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- i can’t say you whole because that would be too cliche, but it’s kinda true. she looks at you with those heart eyes like you build her world brick by brick
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- karina the typa girl who’d poke your lip a little lol. running her thumb over it—she loves that shit. you have so many lip balms because she says they remind her of you
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- i think she likes looking at you when you’re cuddling. just because you look so cute up close, yk? (with rizz 🫦) so she loves you laying your head on her lap, or you cuddling up to her chest <3
dates (what’s her ideal date)- cat cafe typa person. you’re eating yummy pancakes AND a cute little cat is purring on your lap? alternatively she’d love to hear some classical music for a late night outing, like going to an opera just for the sake of it. she’s a sucker for classical music i’m telling you 😔
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- with that, she doesn’t really hide. you’re her girlfriend, you both should communicate your emotions to ensure a happy relationship:)
family (does she want one)- maybeee..? she’d like kids at home but not maybe all of the time. i think you two would be the rich gay aunties who spoil their little nieces if anything
gifts (what about gift giving)- she’s not to big on that tbh. in the love language section i get more into the details, but karina prefers acts of service over gifts, she’ll also love if you do it back!
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- not in public!!! but at home? she has to hold your hand while you’re watching movies or she’ll just spend the whole time looking at you with a pitiful pout on her face
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- hurt=papercut: kisses it better and runs to get you a bandaid. “wounds heal better when you kiss them”; hurt=broken leg: when you get the cast, she carries you around everywhere 😭 you’re like a backpack now, glued to her back. now imagine the muscles she’ll build with that workout…
jokes (does she like to joke around)- dry ass dad jokes and you can’t convince me otherwise. karina would use bad pick up lines on you, the ones you’d find on tiktok or smth. she’d be so proud too 😭😭😭
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- i’m thinking hand on your cheek, caressing your skin gently when she leans in to peck your lips <:)
love (what’s her love language)- acts of service. brings you coffee in the morning, offers to give you a massage when you come to her tired after a long and busy day. she thinks gifts are nice, but not personal enough. karina wants you to feel how much she adores you
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- seeing you on the street one day 😭 first time you two met it was raining heavily and she won you over by running to you with her umbrella, mustering up all of her rizzing nature 😔 the memory still makes her stomach flutter
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- big on being the big spoon, then cuddles up to you like a cat in the middle of the night. she just needs to be warm ok. you think you’re in a relationship? you’re her personal heat pad
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- karina is a massive loser i am telling you
pet names (what does she like to call you)- ‘babie’, ‘my cutie’, ‘dearest’. maybe also variations of your name like ‘y/nnie’, ‘y/nny’ etc
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- imagine for a second that you play some instrument, like piano. now stay with me, she absolutely adores it. wants you to play her silly pieces, like parts of their songs or chopin’s waltz’s.
rush (does she rush into things)- after that previous relationship? no thank you 💖
secrets (how open is she with you)- tells you about how she stole a pencil from her best friend in third grade, a secret she promised to take to grave with her, but refuses to tell you her parent’s names until you’re together like a year. silly things > personal info
time (how long did it take her to confess)- you tricked her into confessing ☝️ girlie wasn’t picking up on your ‘subtle’ signs (visiting her every two days for a month straight) so you talked about hot idols you’d have a crush on until she admitted to hating when you spoke about others because she wanted you to be hers 🤙
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- karina needs help then lol. she won’t know by herself what to do. maybe if you’re upset over something minor, like her forgetting to give you a kiss when she was leaving in the morning, she’s just kiss you to apologise when she’s back? otherwise the whole aespa is recruited as a rescue squad lol
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- terrified 👍 we all know how fans reacted to her last public relationship so… idk if she would wanna come out with you until you’re like getting married 🥲
warrior (how often do you fight)- i think she’s a little scared to fight honestly. she thinks fighting would make you see her weak sides and she’s just scared to loose you :(((
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yes but also, karina is a loser trapped in a hot body let’s be honest. she just doesn’t pick up some clues :( poor baby thinks you’re coming to their dorm just because and it takes a lot of convincing for her to understand your one on one late night hangouts are in fact dates
yes (how would she propose to you)- in the most corny ass way you can think of. sappy love confession under the moonlight OR maybe she’d propose if dispatch somehow caught whiff of your relationship lol. then it would be rushed tho
zen (what makes her feel calm)- hear me out, driving around. especially, driving around a motorcycle. i don’t think she has a motorcycle license lol karina just gives me the vibes of someone who, when she’s stressed, would ask you to get with her on her bike. also, wrapping your arms around her waist ☝️🤓
part of [the fluff series]
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tacobacoyeet · 3 months
pleaseee right more harry fluff!! heres a list of ideas i have, ofc if you don’t want to you don’t have to!!
-bf headcanons
-sfw alphabet
-him during umbridge detention and she like makes him watch y/n do the quill
-something going along to the song slut! by taylor swift ❤️❤️
and ofc js anything is fine😭
good harry writing is hard to find on this app
slut! | h.p.
a/n: a short and sweet little fic based off of my interpretation of slut! by taylor swift. it might be a tad too on the nose but @ssturniolo92 i hope i did your request justice!
warnings: there are a lot of different harry personalities across tumblr- this is my interpretation of him. cursing, harry james potter being just the best as always, a touch angsty, NOT PROOFREAD!
beautiful hues of gold, white, silver, and all sorts of colors were the first things that caught your attention as you stepped into the yule ball. your hand held harry’s arm as your heels clicked on the floor. you were dressed in a beautiful aquamarine gown, which glittered in the candlelight of the stunningly decorated ballroom. the chatter in the room grew quiet as everyone’s stares locked on you and your boyfriend… the coveted hogwarts triwizard champion. there was not much time for you to survey the room before professor mcgonagall steered you and harry off for the champion’s waltz, but it was enough time for your ears to catch the whispers. whispers of how harry looked ‘absolutely ravishing,’ how your dress was ‘...certainly a choice,’ and whispers of how you were probably only ‘using harry… what a slut!’ you sighed deeply, forcing yourself to stand tall as the two of you took to the dance floor.
“look at me,” he whispered, forcing you to meet his eyes as he guided you around the dance floor.
“it’s just you and me.”
you smiled weakly at him. what else could you do? a gaggle of girls nearby whispered loudly about what they would’ve done to be on harry’s arm for the night.
“god, he’s just devastatingly handsome, isn’t he?” one of them asked, eliciting a cacophony of giggles.
he sighed softly, taking notice of the thin layer of tears in your eyes. suddenly, he pulled you close, into his chest.
“i’m all yours.”
a little later in the evening, you found yourself several drinks in, a soft buzz coursing through your body as you people-watched, but all you could think about was how much you loved your boyfriend. you’d been dating for almost a year now, and the two of you truly couldn’t get enough of each other. when he first asked you out, you told him he was making a mistake.
“dating someone like me is going to blow up in your face, harry! people like you don’t date people like me.”
he never took that as an answer, though. and to be fair, it didn’t exactly blow up in his face as much as it had in yours. the whispers, the rumors, they were all an attack on you. but that was a price you were willing to pay for the man you loved to never pay it himself- but that was just because he was the boy who lived.
your thoughts ran rampant as the alcohol flowed through your body, leaving a fire in its wake. you glinted your eyes as you surveyed the room. you’d cry about the people that hated you later. right now? you looked fine as hell, and you intended to do something about it.
it wasn’t long until you had found harry and planted a deep, long kiss on his lips. 
“what was that for?” he asked, a small smirk on his lips. 
“i got all dressed up and i look amazing. i don’t care what people are saying about me, or you, or us, because they’re looking at us and how great we look and that’s all that fucking matters.” you slurred ever so slightly, a determined smile on your face.
“you’re drunk as hell, gorgeous.” harry laughs softly, his hand softly caressing your cheek.
“and i love you so. damn. much.”
you spent the rest of the ball in his arms, in the center of the dance floor, much to harry’s happiness. he loved showing off his partner, but he cared about your feelings more than anything, so he never wanted to do anything that would shine the spotlight on you too much, as he knew that most of the time, the words of others really did impact you.
a few hours later, he held your hair back as you knelt over a toilet, the alcohol you boldly downed earlier making its way back up.
“is it really worth it to get this drunk, love?” he smiled softly at you, planting a kiss on your head as he rubbed your back.
“for once?” you started, “it was. and if i’m going to be drunk… i might as well be drunk in love.”
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ewanmitchelll · 9 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (IX): Lover.
Imagine this is your first Christmas next to Aemond Targaryen… as your husband.
Warnings: cliche, light reading, lots of fluff.
Warnings 2: don’t mind me being late…
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January. And this is our place, we make the rules. And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear. Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
Aemond watches as you are humming happily, preparing the tree with your typical optimistic eyes. You are dressing his large shirt and your black pants, y/c hair tied in a bun.
Couldn’t you be more adorable?
“Honey, give me that box written “Christmas Decorations”, please. There is the small lights I must put around it”, he can tell by your voice you are anxious.
This is your first Christmas together since you’ve married about nine months ago and the Targaryens are coming to the dinner you are hosting. Although he doesn’t care about all of these traditions, you do, so he is there with you.
“Just a second, love”, he quits admiring you for now and goes instantly to help you.
Once he does, you are quick in placing the lights around the tree and to close all you put a star on top.
“That is absolutely stunning”, he surprises you by throwing you over his shoulders, earning him a squeak. “My darling, they do not deserve any effort of you.”
As you are put down, you giggle like a little girl. Being taller than you, you have to tiptoe to kiss him.
“How unkind of you to say so, husband dear. They have all been so nice to me… It’s only worth the effort.” You squeeze his cheeks. “But what do you think? Please be honest.”
Aemond sighs heavily, hands resting on your waist.
“It’s perfect, my love. When haven’t you ever done anything perfectly?” He fusses you with kisses, making you giggle again.
“I need that crude honesty you use at your family dinners, honey.”
He laughs quietly.
“My sharp tongue is a trait only used to them, dear. But it’s really good. Besides… Come here”, he leads you to the window, placing himself behind you. “It’s snowing.”
And here comes the expected reaction of the year: when you beam overjoyed because snow falls from sky. When you fill his expectations, he twirls you around him and puts you against him.
“Are you really my wife?”
“Are you really my husband?”, you smile warmly at him, eyes sparkling with the purest devotion. “You still didn’t answer me, young man.”
Aemond pretends to roll his eyes at you before looking down at your eyes, rocking you in his arms.
“If it was up to me, this Christmas would last until January.”
“It’s our place, we make the rules”, you smile brightly at him.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home. You're my, my, my, my lover.
His heart skips a beat at how your face lightens at his words. Aemond sighs quietly and you drown in his eyes, loving this man with every inch of your heart and soul.
“It’s you and me”, you promise him. “No one is going to ruin it.”
Aemond doesn’t respond, but he believes in you, faithful he’s become after becoming devoted in you.
“As it should”, he takes you for a silent waltz and you rest your forehead against his chest, feeling so bubbly and sillily happy when it comes to him, to you, to both of you as a whole.
It’s December 24th. The supper is meant to be midnight punctually, when it transits to December 25th.
Aemond is sat lazily at the edge of his bed, not very excited for the holidays. But his eyes are following your eager moves, admiring you possessively as you opt for a silk green gown, 50’s like, and comb your y/c locks.
“Aren’t you getting ready? Your mother is punctual”, he can tell you are nervous.
Partially half nude, he comes at you and, right in front of the mirror, he pulls you.
“Don’t rush me, darling. They can wait”, so Aemond says, peppering kisses around your neck, aware of your weak spots.
“Honey…”, you smirk, your knees already shaking. “We can’t. Not now, anyways. Besides…”, you turn at him with the kind of malice in your eyes that Aemond loves to see, “if you behave well tonight there’ll be no need to get early tomorrow.”
Aemond laughs quietly, before stroking your cheek.
“Have I corrupted my angel? Oh my, what have I done?”
You wrap your hands around his neck, tilting your head to the side, eyeing him with the utmost love.
“Oh don’t play coy at me, Aemond Targaryen. You are the only one here to blame for messing with my hormones, all right? Now go get your ass dressed!”
Laughing still, he reluctantly parts, letting go of you… for the moment.
The ring bells. Helaena is the first to break the awkward silence that has installed in the family after mother and father broke in an argument.
“I’m pretty sure this will be a lovely reunion. Y/N is very perfectionist when it comes to decorating.”
“I’m sure she is”, Alicent agrees. “She’s a lovely girl.”
“Too lovely for Aemond”, says Aegon, the opinionated.
“Don’t get me started with this nonsense, Aegon”, says Alicent, buffing. “Behave. She’s family.”
Before Aegon has the chance to argue, Daeron is the one who promptly presses the ring bell. The door doesn’t take long to open and soon comes before everyone’s view you and the ever socially awkward Aemond Targaryen.
“My darling!”, Alicent, placing herself as the mother of the family, is the one who comes to embrace you properly. “Looking beautiful as ever!”
“Son”, Viserys moves to greet Aemond, putting the other to a hug. “Looking healthy and good!”
Aemond smirks, hugging his father in return rather uncomfortably.
“Nice to see you too, dad.” And he turns quickly to his brothers. “Daeron. Aegon.”
“What’s up, my man?”, says Aegon, clasping behind Aemond’s back. “Nice apartment, by the way. Looks nice.”
“Yeah, it surely is.”
“Do you have a library? If I reckon, Y/N is quite a reader”, says Daeron, the brightest of the three.
“Yeah, we do. Feel free to look at it if you like.”
Daeron never before looks so happy for being there. Soon he vanishes off the view.
“Laena, my dear”, Aemond��s face has some emotion when spotting his sister. “How are you?”
“I’m doing fantastic, thank you”, and here she closes the distance between them by hugging him tight. “I love the decoration. Let me guess, all of this is Y/N’s doing, isn’t it?”
Aemond has the decency of blushing.
“Come on now, I’ve tried my best in helping. But you know what a perfectionist she is.”
Not too far from him, you say:
“I’ve heard that, Aemond!”
Soon, the room is filled with laughters. In the meantime Helaena is putting a Christmas hat over everyone’s head, you and Mrs Alicent are engaging in nice conversations.
“…and of course we have turkey for dinner. I’ve ensure everything is as traditional as possible”, that is the part Aemond hears when he sets behind you at the couch. You turn your head and squeak when seeing him all shy with a Christmas hat over his head. “Oh, love! How adorable you look!”
He lowers his gaze, crimson pink painting his pale features, a sight that makes you forget you have guests to entertain. Discreetly, you cup his face and kiss his cheeks, earning a “awwwww”, most likely from Helaena, and missing an eye roll from Aegon.
“Thank you, my sweet”, Aemond whispers, taking your hands and there pressing a kiss. Then turning at his mother, he asks. “Should we expect anyone else?”
Alicent, watching the scene proudly, now holds her husband’s hand as if they are the very example of a couple—even if in reality it’s not as she wants to make it seem.
“Do you mean your sister Rhaenyra and your brother Baelon?”
It’s Viserys who replies:
“Rhaenyra is not coming, I’m afraid. She’s busy attending the Velaryon’s Christmas with Harwin. But Baelon is coming, of course. He loves you dearly, as you know, Aemond.”
You are more than aware that Rhaenyra has always preferred to surround herself with the Strongs than with the Targaryens, a disappointment that you struggle to conceal. Aemond, however, knows you well enough, so he squeezes your hand in a reassuring way that her absence matters little.
At least the same cannot be said of Baelon, the peacemaker of the family.
“I’m glad he’s coming”, says Aemond. “But doubtful he’ll get on time.”
“Well, there is plenty of time until dinner is ready”, you remark, back to smile.
“Thank you for receiving us well, my children”, says Alicent, when taking your hand and giving it a squeeze. “It means a lot to me, to us all.”
You smile back, suddenly remembering the old days. Three years ago, when you were introduced to the family, Mrs Alicent initially had not taken you well. All of this, as you came to know in due time, was because she used to clash with Alys Rivers all the time.
You’d know also, from a more reliable source (that is to say Helaena), that Alys was the kind of woman who cared very little by other’s opinions. To worse all, she got herself involved with… Aegon, who always thought himself better than Aemond.
The family back then was cracked. Aemond and Aegon had a huge fight because of it, leading the former to rebel against his family. Feeling like his presence didn’t matter much, he was often found in places where he shouldn’t be, surrounded by unpleasant companions, until Helaena urged him to righten his wrongs.
In the midst of a crisis in his parents’ marriage (apparently, Mrs Alicent preferred other… hum… companies than her husband’s), Aemond found you. You didn’t want to change him, aware this wasn’t your part after all. By taking him as he is, all went well. And you and him fell so hard that, three years later, you got married.
It so appears that your marriage reunited the broken family, so little wonder why Mrs Alicent eventually got attached to you and here you two are, kind of like mother and daughter. With your mother gone to the North, working as diplomat, Mrs Alicent took the role by herself and your sensible heart gladly accepted it.
Though you still can see the mends, you are pleased to find everyone in good terms—and this is a family that took you in, hence why you wanted to make this a great Christmas dinner.
“It’s nothing, really. You are my family now as you know it”, you explain with a warm smile on your lips. “It’s a great delight in being able to receive you here.”
Talks here and there, eventually a few more guests arrive. These are your and Aemond’s friends, couples who had introduced you to him years ago.
And suddenly, everyone is crashing in and the mood is just… all too graceful and merry for your spirits.
To your delight, even the rebellious Aegon is being nice, coming to good terms with Aemond after a long time in strained relationship. Helaena doesn’t leave your side… until Cregan Stark comes by and asks her for a dance. You don’t think you’ve ever seen your sister-in-law blush as deeply as today.
We could let our friends crash in the living room. This is our place, we make the call. (…) I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all.
In the midst of it, though, Aemond pursuits you. He leads you outside to have some fresh air, as music plays inside and everyone is having their fun.
“Thank you”, he tells you, stroking your cheek as a hand rests over your waist.
You tilt your head to the right, eyeing him slightly confused.
“What for, honey?”
“For providing me a happy and safe Christmas”, he whispers to your ear. “For providing my family a decent reunion in years. Thank you, wife. You know you didn’t have to.”
Your eyes blurry a little with this secretive confession. You’ve long accepted that Aemond struggled with sentiments, especially in how to express them. But you also knew he has his own way to do so.
Even so, hearing all of it makes your heart race. Keeping the surprise speech in your mind, you answer him with a sweet kiss and there you stay for a few seconds…
Dinner’s finally ready. Table is set, food is served and champagne is poured in everyone’s glasses. You let Mrs Alicent open midnight with a prayer, respecting her religiosity.
Only then you raise and ask for everyone’s attention. Sitting in the opposite side is Aemond with his Christmas hat, eyeing you with a mix of curiosity and devotion. You are beginning to flush deeply when you start your speech.
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover. My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue. All's well that ends well to end up with you. Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover. And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me. And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover.
You thus finish it by praising the Maker for this reunion, thanking family and friends for this perfect Christmas dinner, hoping everyone has enjoyed it.
“Merry Christmas, family!”
As you lower your gaze, suddenly shy, you miss the sobs of Mrs Alicent, the tearful gaze of Helaena and Baela, and even Mr Viserys is emotional. No one notices how teary is also Aemond.
For the first time in his life, the rogue prince is brought to (happy) tears.
Kissing your shoulders and neck, his arms snake around your waist, unwilling to let go of you. Then bringing your face to his, he peppers your cheeks, eyes and lips with gentle kisses.
“Merry Christmas, my darling. It’s snowing”, he whispers.
You giggle softly, opening your eyes as you spot snow from the window. Then clinging onto him, you bury your head in his neck, making him chuckle.
“What? I thought you’d like to go outside and make snowballs”, he says, amused.
“I’d rather stay stuck with you today.” You whisper against his neck, making him shiver. “I want my husband to myself.”
He rolls over you, bringing your attention to him.
“Do you realize my family is sleeping in here, in two other bedrooms?”
“And eventually we must leave here.”
Lifting your hips and engulfing him with your legs, you stare at him mischievously.
“Not now, surely.”
Aemond laughs heartily before diving into your lips.
“Now now for sure”, he agrees, giving in to your needs.
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blueaetherr · 2 years
over and over
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where they find pleasure in a heartbreak song
now playing: love you too much by lucky daye
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Sometime during the day, probably in the later afternoon, it was Y/N and Trent in their kitchen. Together– away from outward interaction, away from the distraction of their phones– the two daintily danced around the kitchen space, dishes discarded in the sink not too long ago. 
Joy was present in their laughter as they sang and hummed the lyrics of the song floating around the room, stepping on one another's toes from uncoordinated dancing, moving their bodies like there was no one watching. Those twirls and dips by Trent were delicate and deep as he watched the enjoyment constantly grow on his partner's face through a dimpled smile with every turn they took.
In simple, they were having the time of their lives, living in the moment with their unique activity that was actually quite primal. Nonetheless, such an activity created a space to nurture the couple's happiness that was so clear and whole with bright and loving glances galore. They found all this happiness in dancing to their favourite song, one dejected, hurting and shying away from the same happiness the two always seemed to find themselves in.
A bizarre sight perhaps; they found such happiness in a hurting love song so comfortably, waltzing to someone's words that were sad and in pain, whether justified or not, over love that couldn't be reciprocated no matter what they did, heartbroken over a relationship that just didn't seem to want to work out.
Yet here the two were, giggling and laughing with no care as they swayed slowly back and forth, hands roaming free over each other. Not only because they were carefree, but because they were so into one another as they shared some soft glances, sharing the reciprocated love the singer seemed to have lost, dancing with their love so open and stretching for miles beyond one could identify, love so delicate and nurturing and caring.
Where was the consideration, the compassion for the singer who was all in their feelings? The couple's intentions, fortunately, were innocent.
It was easy to get caught in any song, no matter what the genre or your preferred genre. If the voice was soothing and promising, if there was a certain word or line that interrupted your line of thought, if the composer did everything to make the song so compelling– even if it was heart rendering and its emotional nature was devastating– you couldn't help but allow yourself to be pulled in by it. To plug in your headphones or turn the speaker up and fall into the earth with a particular song that moved you in one way and many others seemed beautiful.
That's how it was for Y/N and Trent; they found beauty in those sad love songs.
But it was easy too to take songs out of context, and Trent was the first between them to do so. Songs often mentioned phrases he could say to Y/N, so it was inevitable for him to lose the true meaning of the song. His favourite line from the song was i love you so much. Why? Well, if he sang it directly to Y/N while they moved freely in the kitchen, it was absolutely true. And always would it remain true.
In truth, he loved her. From her personality and presence to her physicality and everything else inward, he was so caught up in her, so much that the original meaning of the song would get lost whenever he sang it to her during their unique activity. So caught up and too smitten—he couldn't find a reason to love her any less—he always felt the need to vocalise his thoughts, and i love you so much fit so perfectly every single time.
And when i love you so much was repeated over and over again, Trent couldn't help but fall in love with the song, even with its troubling roots. He couldn't help but listen to it over and over, sing the lyrics over and over when it came on the shuffle playlist. Hum it and she would look at him with a knowing look, shy up a bit as she would easily recognise what he was trying to say. When i love you so much and many other lines were in line with their relationship, sadness from the song became their pleasure.
Or maybe it was just an excuse for Trent to sing. While the two were dancing a bit clumsy and outward with their footing, while they were out for a walk. There was love between them and the song would forever remain Trent's reminder to Y/N of his love for her with a simple, or a few, i love you so much.
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Always There - Chapter Nine: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, not proofread, flashbacks
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1766
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
It was Christmas Eve which meant the night of the Yule Ball, the students were anxious however, excitement hung in the air. She watched as the champions danced with their dates first, couples joining in a few moments later. Severus held out his hand to her, silently inviting her to dance with him. She smiled at him, taking hold of his hand and following him into the center of the dance floor. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, my love,” He complimented.
“And you look absolutely dashing tonight, honey,” Y/N replied with a bright smile. The two of them waltzed around the floor, smiling like idiots and cracking jokes to one another.The couple got interrupted by a certain boy with a scar on his forehead.
“Sorry to interrupt, can I steal Aunt Y/N for a dance?” Harry asked the pair.
“Of course you can, my boy. I’ll be by Minerva waiting for you love,” Severus parted with a kiss to her forehead before standing off to the side with Minerva as he said.
“My darling boy, you look so handsome!” Y/N gushed at her nephew making his cheeks turn a bright red color.
“You look beautiful Aunt Y/N,” Harry complimented his aunt with a shy smile on his face. She smiled right back at him and kissed his cheek in thanks. They danced through the song, Y/N telling Harry a story about her and James learning how to dance before a formal family party when they were around his age. Harry soaking in everything she was telling him.
The Potters were holding a formal party for the families they were friends with. Euphemia insisted that Y/N and James learn how to ballroom dance, going as far as getting an instructor to come to the house to teach the pair. Little did the Potters know, that very same instructor would be walking out before the lessons were over.
“Mr. Potter, if you will. I will demonstrate with you, then Miss Potter and then you will practice together,” The instructor explained before taking James to teach him the steps first. After showing James, she moved onto Y/N, walking her through the steps before setting the siblings free to practice together in front of her. She still had another hour with the pair before she would be leaving. The second James and Y/N had begun, James was whispering jokes to his sister, trying to get her to crack.
She didn’t crack until James had said, “She’s got dragon’s breath, damn near knocked me on my arse.” Y/N busted out laughing, nearly falling over and messing up the dance. The instructor groaned, resetting the pair and restarting the music.
“She reminds me of a toad,” Y/N whispered to her brother which caused him to burst out laughing and in turn, mess up the dance. This continued until the instructor walked out in a fit of frustration. The pair continued laughing at the woman until they had fallen over and were literally rolling on the floor laughing. They continued to laugh even as their mother was scolding them.
“You guys were really close,” Harry pointed out.
“Jamie was my best friend, I told him everything and he told me everything. He was also terrible at keeping secrets but he knew I could so he told me everything. There was this one time where your mum did something super embarrassing in front of your dad and of course he had to tell me because he thought it was funny. I may have let it slip one night after a party that James had told me. I had never seen Lily so angry before, it was quite funny actually,” Y/N rambled to her nephew.
“What was so embarrassing that she didn’t want anyone to know about?” Harry questioned, curious about the new information he was given.
“They were on a date and James got them milkshakes but as Lily took a sip, James made her laugh so hard the milkshake came out of her nose, James had went to wipe her face and knocked over her butterbeer and it spilled all down the front of her pants so it looked like she had peed her pants,” She told him. The song had ended and the Weird Sisters took the place of the first band. “Go dance with your friends my love. I’ll be outside with Uncle Sev,” She told her nephew, kissing his cheek before going to Severus who was chatting with Minerva. 
“Would you like to get some fresh air?” Severus asked her.
“Yes, please, it’s quite hot in here.” Severus offered his arm to her, which she took gratefully and followed him out to the courtyard. The pair took that time outside to talk about her concerns for Harry and the tournament. She also pointed out to Severus how different Moody had been acting. Severus had noticed the difference in behavior in Moody, he too thought that something was off but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. As the night came to a close, Igor had joined the pair outside, trying to get answers out of Severus although he knew just as much as Karkaroff did.
It was quickly approaching 2 in the morning when Y/N and Severus had gone to bed, promising to exchange gifts when they woke up rather than before going to bed. The next morning, Y/N and Severus did their gift exchange. Severus getting her a gorgeous emerald necklace as well as a mimbulus mimbletonia, seeing as she had been slightly jealous that Neville Longbottom had been given one. Y/N got him a new cloak, this one a dark green rather than black and she also got him an expensive cauldron as well as a new quill and more ink. He had mentioned to her that he was low on ink and that his good quill had broken so she thought to get him a new one.
The rest of their winter holiday was quite uneventful, the couple spending some much needed time together as well as with Harry. Now it was approaching the second task, Harry scrambling to figure out what he was going to do for the second task. She had given the boy gillyweed after Neville had mentioned it to him; she had hoped that it would last for the hour he needed it and that he would succeed in the task. She was nervous though, very nervous, he had to be under the water with merpeople and grindylows for an hour. 
The day of the task, she was once again a nervous wreck, Severus doing his best to keep her calm but that hadn’t worked out very well. She was on the edge of her seat as the rest of the champions had begun to resurface. She made her way from the top deck down to the bottom and waited for her nephew. He was the last to resurface, Ron and Fleur’s sister coming up before Harry did. When the boy had been launched onto the platform, she felt relieved but panicked again when she noticed the marks all around him.
The grindylows had gotten to him but he was able to make his way past them. She covered the boy in a blanket and pulled him in for a tight hug, hearing him wince as he hugged her back once again. Madam Pomphrey had to give him a sling for a few days until his arm got better which made his aunt baby him quite a bit.
Severus knew that this was her way of telling herself that Harry was safe, even if he didn’t need to be babied. Severus was there for her, he listened to all of her thoughts, all of her concerns, and all of her memories she held. She had been thinking a lot about her brother lately, the thoughts not stopping, even whilst she slept she dreamed about having her brother with her once again.
Maybe if her brother was here, she wouldn’t have a massive weight on her shoulders, maybe she wouldn’t feel the constant anxiety of having a nephew that dark wizards were after. Maybe she would feel happier, maybe she would’ve gotten Severus and James to finally get along. There were so many maybes and what ifs going through her mind, she felt like she was going crazy. She knew she would if another attack was targeted on her boy, she knew something big was coming. She believed that was why she was feeling this way, something was coming. Something sinister, something evil.
The term continued as normal, Harry having to do more mental prep for the next task rather than magical. The last task was a maze, said maze held the triwizard cup and whoever one said cup, also won 1,000 galleons, not that Harry or Cederic needed it, both boys being well off. Both the champions from Hogwarts were tied for first place which took stress away from Harry. It meant he got to go in the maze first with Cederic.
The last task was set for the next day, exams just having been finished, a majority of her students passing her class, a handful not doing very well. Y/N sat with her nephew the night before, Harry staying with her wanting her comfort before the last task. Severus also spent the night with the duo, giving comfort to the pair of them. Harry sleeping in the middle of his aunt and uncle, the couple having a protective hold on the boy ensuring he was safe in their arms. He may have been 14, but he needed to be held by his family sometimes.
The next morning, the boy was so anxious he could barely eat, having to force toast down. His anxiety worsened the closer he got to the time of the task, it was like he was a beacon of emotion because his aunt was feeling the same way. Her anxiety getting worse as the minutes pass. Once it was finally time for the last task, Y/N and Severus walked him onto the field where the entrance of the maze was. Dumbledore told the champions and the crowd what was to go down and gave them a warning. When Filch pulled the cannon, Y/N kissed her nephew on the forehead before watching him enter the maze. Moody pointing to the direction Harry should go.
She knew that something was about to change, she just couldn’t figure out exactly what but something was coming.
taglist (if your user is crossed out it means I can't tag you)
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564 @crazyunsexycool
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swiftie-sherlockian · 2 months
Idk who knows this already but I watched The Sign of Three for the first time this past Valentine’s Day and almost immediately when it was over I wrote a Johnlock duet with a free online instrumental on YouTube and afterwards I was EXTREMELY proud of it. It’s sort of an AU where John notices Sherlock leaving at the end and follows him back to 221B to find him an absolute wreck in his bedroom, high and erratic and it’s a little hurt/comfort-y. Think Forever Winter by Taylor Swift but make it Johnlock
Anyway…. I Google Translated the lyrics too many times and now I have this silly song that still has feels (some of the lines are still very similar and once you read this you will know what lines those are once you read this) and other lines are “huh?” also try to figure out which lyrics I wrote from Sherlock’s POV and which ones are John’s. They may be obvious at first but the end sort of switches often
anyway… lyrics below the cut
He took it too
There was no doubt in those beautiful eyes
Return to the starting position 
Don’t tell me it’s easy
Nothing has changed
I’ll always be with you
Not everything will change
I won’t be together
I have no voice
Now they’ll talk and I’ll be silent
Lost in silence
Whatever really exists will be “good”
Oh, like now
I think I’ll clap once or twice 
Walk through the church doors
The party is over
Even if you ask him, he looks like a deer at night
Don’t give up
The bedroom door was closed
I have a pack of cigarettes 
A night’s sleep is very important for relaxation 
Long and full
Be stupid if you want
I play music and die
A new song is playing in my head
I said it doesn’t matter
I lied
My mind can’t read
Are you asking me if I’m not perfect?
I’m an idiot, so beautiful 
Everyone who knows me knows that
The documentation is good
What a wedding night
I am and will remain your godfather 
If they call me, I’ll run
I’m leaving
I’m going to sleep
Don’t ask why
I’ll ask you to stop
But take a pencil with you if necessary 
We’re writing a tragedy
I’ve lost my mind again
Call this guy tonight
Something has to happen again
It’s uncomfortable 
Soon everything will change
Even though I’m used to being apart, I still feel strange
Everything will change
I think I’ll catch you
I can’t stop
Leave it at the altar
But then the rot will quickly dry up
But now that I’ve found you, I was wrong
Oh, how are you now?
Third sign of bleeding, I feel full
I saw you coming out the door
The party ended abruptly 
I won’t be quiet when I go back to your apartment 
Stay inside
I have an unlock key
Those cigarettes have been missing from your home for two years
Long and full 
Some are right
I wrote that waltz when I was married
I’m sorry I didn’t say anything 
You could say that you’re OK
I know when you’re lying
I can’t read your mind
Nobody is good enough
“Maybe he’s an idiot” he half-smiled
I know, I mean, I know
The documentation is very good 
I saw you walking at night
You don’t want to be my best man, you want to be my husband
I want to study in my old cabin
I followed you to the door
I’m not crying anymore
I know why
Don’t tell me to stop 
Can you give me my pencil?
This way I can fix this mistake
All the steps we’ve taken so far
I don’t want to break us up
I did what I had to do
I don’t want to leave you
I offended someone in this mess
Who would regret it?
That’s why you’re guilty
Three words and we’re done 
But I know it won’t be easy for this kid
I want to go back 
Close again
I laughed and held my nose
Why should I live?
Who’s stopping me from taking a closer look?
I’ll fix it one way or another
Even if I didn’t have a thousand secrets, I wouldn’t tell them
But I haven’t been there for a long time
All the pain, all the love
Take a pencil and draw
There’s no room for doubt 
Invisible folder
All my memories
Don’t let these two years get too cold
I have a network in my head
Every good though brings suffering
Most importantly, hold your breath
Until the music stops
Damn it’s over
This is not yet complete
@a-victorian-girl @nowiamcoveredinyou @gingaaaaa @whatnext2020 @jamielovesjam
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https-maxine-stuff · 2 years
Your best American girl. Songfic because I actually hate myself guys
Cedric x Female!Hufflepuff reader
Warnings: Implied smut, death, reactions to death, mentions of puking and grief.
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If I could, I'd be your little spoon
And kiss your fingers forevermore
Arms wrapped gently around her stomach, his breath fanning on her neck as they laid. “Cedric??”
“Hm..?” He seemed tired.
“Do- do you think it’s a good idea?”
“Do I think what’s a good idea..?”
“T-The tournament?”
“..yeah I do..”
But, big spoon, you have so much to do
And I have nothing ahead of me
Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes narrowed as the dress hugged at her curves. “Fuck..” she sighed turning around her shoes laid ontop her bed. A few sharp knocks hit her door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Cedric!” She walked over opening the door.
“You look stunning.”
“I don’t feel stunning.” She frowned, his hands cupped her face.
“What can I do that’ll make you feel how you look?” Her face contorted into this dumb smile as she came up with an idea.
You're the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birds
He was let out boisterous laughter as she pressed kisses to his face, neck and chest. “Really?”
“Oh absolutely! Can’t have other girls taking a gander at what’s mine.” She giggled, her red lipstick smudged against his skin.
“Merlin’s beard aren’t you just a breath of fresh air.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.
“I’d hope so,” she purred.
Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds
As they stood outside the hall a few girls gasped and scowled as they walked past them, her hand firmly in his as he kissed behind her ear causing her to laugh.
“My love, I think it’s time we go in.” He hummed. The sounds of trumpets filled the silent air, her arm now hooked with his as they walked towards the door.
They were the first to start dancing, his hand on her waist, the other in her hand, one of her hands on his shoulder, spun and laughed, she was truly happy. In that moment nothing could change how she felt.
They shared a tender kiss at the end of their waltz.
“Y/n L/N, I love you.” He whispered.
“And I love you,” she whispered back.
Don't wait for me, I can't come
Warm lips pressed to her neck as hands tore at her dress, the sounds of his sharp breaths keeping her aware.
“Fuck you smell good.”
“Why thank you, it’s actually jasmine perfume.”
“I’ll have to buy you more of it.” His hands gripped her legs as they moved towards her bed, she was letting out squeals and giggles. His lips now on hers as they pulled each other closer. When they pulled away their faces were red and lips puffy. “Don’t you look pretty.” He cooed.
She bit down on her lip as he pressed kisses down her dress, she went for her zipper but he stopped her. “The dress stays on tonight.”
“Oh? Oh.”
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
“You need me to do what?” Her face contorted in confusion.
“We need you to get into the black lake as you are..well the thing Cedric has to retrieve.”
“What if I drown!?”
“You won’t.”
“How do you know that, Headmaster Dumbledore?!”
“Because I won’t allow it.” He hissed.
“I bloody hate it here.”
“Watch your tongue.”
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl
The water was cold and icy before everything went black, the next thing she knew was awaking above the water, Cedric holding onto her. “Are you alright?” He stared at her with bewilderment.
“I’m- im okay, what about you!?” She was shaking due to the coldness.
“I’m okay! Let’s get onto the platform.” He swam with her towards the stands.
You're the one
They sat in the common room in their own little corner, his hand on her leg as they read a book together. “You smell nice, is that..honeysuckle?”
“It..it is. How’d you figure that out Ced?” She turned to him.
“I dunno, just a guess.” He winked.
You're all I ever wanted
His father raised his hand with him, a large maze behind them.
“Go Cedric!” She pumped her arm upwards just like him, he made a mini jog towards her leaning upwards as she bent down. “What is it that you require?”
“A kiss for good luck of course.” He watched as she rolled her eyes.
“Only for you.”
“Only for me.” A sly smile on his lips, her lips now pressed to his.
A release as she smiled “don’t die on me.”
“I don’t plan on it.” He winked running back to the rest of the champions.
I think I'll regret this
Two of the other champions are now back with the other students, Fluer and Viktor. Anxiety nipped at her heart and then suddenly in the blink of an eye the other two were back.
A smile on her lips as she whooped, the fanfare trumpets playing but.. something was wrong. Her brows furrowed as she took notice of Harry’s cries. “He’s back! He’s back!” She swore her heart stopped.
Cedric.. why wasn’t he moving..?
Her steps were careful as she walked down the stands. “..Cedric..?” His father was right behind her. “…Cedric.. a-answer me..?” Her voice was unsure as she got closer. He had no color to his once lively face.
“Tha-That’s my boy! My son!” Her mouth hung open as his father began to scream. “My boy!!” Her eyes wide as tears fell silently from her face.
No no no.
No, he- he can’t be?
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I finally do
Screams tore at her body as things were tossed around her room she was gasping and crying. It didn’t feel real, like someone had gone through her and took everything, every organ, every touch and every word she wanted so badly to say but couldn’t. She was hunched over her bed.
“Please Y/N..” Professor Sprout held a comforting hand on her back as sobs wracked her body.
“No no no, I-I can’t I can’t.”
“But you have to..” she stared at her professor through tearful eyes.
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be the best American girl
Y/N sat, blankly staring at the ground as Dumbledore talked about Cedric, about his bravery, about his love, about how humble he was. She felt like puking in all honesty.
As if this wasn’t enough she could feel the stares of pity behind her. She furrowed her brows as she looked down.
Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
His robe laid on her bed, the prefect badge she made him laid next to it. Tears filled her eyes as she held the robe close to her nose just to inhale what was left of his scent, tears leaving her face. “..come back..please…”
But I do, I think I do
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
ok ok I love drag me headfirst (fearless) so I've picked from there. and i adore this scene with you know REVELATIONS and such. sorry that this was probably a little while ago to think about.
“Dance with me?” Blaine asks, grin bright and beaming. 
Hell, Blaine could ask him to jump off a bridge, and as long as Blaine’s hand was in his, he’d do it. Kurt can’t stop the corner of his mouth from twitching, and then Blaine is full on grinning, reeling him in and tugging him close.
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me aroundYou make me crazier, crazierFeels like I'm falling and IAm lost in your eyes, you make me crazier, crazier, crazier
Every passing second, it’s getting more and more difficult for Kurt to ignore the pounding in his chest, or the buzzing, almost shakiness in his arms as he wraps them up around Blaine’s neck.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Huh?” Kurt says, voice a little out of breath and dazed.
“I feel like Taylor has some songs about kissing at parties. You know, full experience, and all.”
Kurt finds himself nodding, although he certainly can’t think of any off the top of his head. Truth be told, he can’t think at all when Blaine is pressed up against him like this.
His eyes dart to Blaine’s lips and then his eyes, scouring his face for any sense of hesitance but find none. Then, Blaine pulls them together, and Kurt’s mind goes blank, all he can think about is the gentle push and pull of his best friend’s mouth on his.
The moment Blaine pulls away and slowly opens his eyes is the moment Kurt realizes something he can never tell: he’s hopelessly in love with Blaine.
“Shit,” Kurt whispers.
Blaine knits his eyebrows together. “What?”
Kurt just shakes his head and pulls Blaine in, until their lips are touching once more. Blaine moves a hand to the back of Kurt’s neck and pulls him closer, as if they aren’t close enough already, as if he can’t get enough of Kurt, breathing him in. 
AHHHHHH THANK YOU! I actually loved writing Drag Me Headfirst because it might be THE most self indulgent thing i have EVER created ajshahshs
The DVD Commentary:
I knew I wanted to use “Crazier” even though it’s not technically on the fearless album because it IS a waltz which gives it that “sway”-y feel to it and I was like “oh yeah they can SLOWDANCE TO THIS”
God they are so stupid. They are just. Absolute fucking idiots and I know I’m the one who wrote them that way but at what cost???? Blaine is literally smiling like an IDIOT, finding an excuse to dance with you, and asking to kiss you and you’re just like “damn I wish he liked me” what kind of fuckery????? Honestly though I can’t even say anything because I’m the same way—I cannot take a hint for SHIT and I think a lot of people can’t either so I was like. Let’s lean into that. See what it looks like from an outside perspective. Ladies: we’re idiots your honor
THE “Oh.” MOMENT—in a friends to lovers AU, I am a HUUUUGE slut for that italicized Oh. moment!! bc like they’ve been besties forever so what makes it FINALLY click? I think it’s always gotta be something really stupidly fucking obvious (a kiss in this case) or something really subtle (like in HS when Tao buys Elle’s drink after she transfers).
But then oh no we’re not done fellas because as anyone who has ever had a crush on anyone ever can tell you—ITS THE PITS. The mortifying ordeal of being known and all that jazz! So I like to lean into that mortification and a thing I really enjoy writing is when a character is like “Omg I love them. FUCK.” because like yes I love love and I think it’s fantastic but the scariest thing about realizing you have something precious is realizing you could LOSE it so that’s where Kurt’s “Shit.” comes from lmao
And then my favorite moment in this scene is actually right after that when Kurt shakes his head because AS I was writing it I literally made myself cry with laughter at my own stupid jokes because I said: “NOW WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT” aloud to an empty room which is Normal Behavior of course.
I just really enjoy the progression of “Wow Blaine is such a good friend for kissing me. Oh, fuck, I’m in love. Nevermind, we’re going to ignore this.” I think in the moment it comes off as romantic and maybe even a little bit angsty, but honestly the whole thing is based off the humor and ridiculousness of it all which I guess you can’t have one without the other!
Thanks so much for sending this in jas!! It was so much fun! :D 💞💞
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iwannabangchan · 2 years
Heyy could I maybe request something? I just read ‚touch‘ and I absolutely loved it! Maybe something like enemies to lovers? Like y/n is a producer as well and has to work with chan, but chan doesn’t like it because he want’s to work all by himself or smth like that? Maybe ending in something heated hehe :) thank you so much!! <3
Let's make music
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Pairing: dom!Chan x fem reader
Word count: 2.1 k
Content Warnings: Smut (minors dni); Unprotected sex; Rough sex; Oral (M & F); Deepthroat; Choking; Dirty Talk; Fingering; Facial; Cum eating; Tears; Gagging; Nipple play; Swearing; Enemies 2 Lovers (ends on a happy note, don't worry)
A/N: Hey Anon! Much thanks to you for requesting, I enjoyed writing it! Sorry I've been inactive for a week (it was exam szn) but don't worry, now you have my undivided attention! So please send in more requests :D
And a special shoutout to my friend, @skzho . Thank you so much for proof-reading! You're the sweetest <3
~ ♥ Li ♥
The morning started with you being called to the studio. You loved your job, but you weren't feeling up to it on this particular day because of who you were assigned to work with. You entered the building and headed towards the studio. And much to your surprise, there he was, leaning forward into his computer, completely zoned into his screen.
"Wha- what the hell! You can't knock?" Chan unfixed his eyes from the screen to glare at you while pulling his headphones around his neck.
Your work began at JYP a few months ago when you signed up to be a music producer. You worked with a lot of groups within the company, assisting in making comeback songs. Not to blow your own whistle, but you had a genuine passion and talent for music and thought you knew your way around it pretty well. This, however, did not sit well with Chan. He disliked the thought of someone 'supervising' him. The first couple of days at your new workplace were difficult, but once you settled in, you had gotten to know people pretty well. You met a lot of new faces and felt welcomed by the teams and idols. But one thing Chan was certain of was that he had no intention of interacting with you.
"I work here too, you know?" You remarked as you wheeled out a chair, sat next to him, and took his spare headphones. "You’re not special,"
Chan honestly had no problem voicing out to the boys that there was no need for you to work with them, let alone have a job at JYP in the first place. He was perfectly fine working with 3racha and didn't need your input. However, even Changbin and Han couldn't figure out what was wrong with this specific track.
"What are you even doing here? I didn't ask for you,"
He'd been working on it all morning and was running out of patience. However, as much as he knew he wanted help, he would never seek it from you. It would hurt his pride too much. And for some reason, he saw competition in you.
You ignored him, plugged in his headphones, and reached for his mouse to play what he had created so far. You could see Chan was getting mad at you for waltzing in and messing with his equipment. You couldn't lie, you loved the feeling of him being irritated by your presence, you enjoyed taunting him, and you loved it, even more, when he'd get pissed off.
“Han told me that you're working too slow and making no progress. That's why I'm here”
Chan kept a mental note to scold Jisung for telling you his business. "I don't need help."
“Oh? And you've been working on this beat for what? 5 months now?" Your sly smirk was beginning to piss him off even more.
"Y/N get out"
Your smirk turned into chuckles, which eventually became belly laughing.
"You cannot be serious" looking at him in disbelief, “I can’t lie, this shit sounds goofy as hell! ”
You spun your chair so your back was to the desk. "This is the crap you've been working on for months? No wonder Han needed me in here" Wiping a tear of laughter from your eye.
 One thing about Chan is that he is very passionate about his work and takes constructive criticism very seriously. But this blatant mockery was just uncalled for.
He stood up from his chair to hover over you. If that was his attempt at being intimidating, he was failing miserably. “ Shut up, It's not like you could do any better,” he spat, feeling offended.
“Hey, don't say that you'll hurt my feelings!” Your sarcasm made his blood boil. “I always knew you didn't have it in you, but I didn't know you were THIS bad."
That was the final straw. He felt like you took everything he worked so hard for and spat on it.
"What the fuck did you just say?” Chan yelled, clenching his teeth. His eyes filled with pure fury which made you consider retreating but you decided to test how far you could push him.
"You heard me" You glared into his eyes with the same hatred that he gave you. “But don't get mad at me, it's not my fault your music’s shit."
He moved closer to your chair and pressed his knee on the little gap between your legs.
"It's really annoying because you're so beautiful, but your mouth is so fucking filthy," He whispered while tilting up your chin. He had an unreadable expression on his face, and you noticed his voice had fallen an octave lower.
This surprised you since you weren't used to Chan responding; usually, he just accepted whatever you gave him and expressed his honest opinions about you to his bandmates, or he simply kept them to himself.
"Chan- I...I was just joking, calm down," Your breath hitched as he slid his hand down from your chin to your neck, applying light pressure. You tilted your head up and looked him in the eyes. They looked sinister as if they had a hidden motive. His dark pupils glared back into yours, and told you, "You fucked up."
He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Why the sudden change of heart?" He moved his head in front of yours again and pressed your noses together. You closed your eyes, and he kissed your lips. It started off slow and gradually worked up speed. He slid his tongue into your mouth, hand still slightly restricting your breathing.
“That attitude of yours won't ever go away unless I do something about it, hm?”
You felt your heartbeat and breath quickening.
You bit your lip as Chan took your hand and slid it down his body, allowing you to feel the ridges of his abs through the fabric of his shirt, right before he led it to the tent in his sweatpants. “Touch me…here. You feel that?”
You didn't know how to answer his question, or if you were even supposed to. "I... I," You stuttered, your mind now blank.
Your sudden loss for words surprised you because, with your natural quick wits, you always had a comeback for Chan. For some reason, you felt yourself getting more and more turned on but all you could do was take a deep breath.
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"Stand up." He demanded, lifting you to your feet while holding your hand, and took your place in your chair. Instinctively, you got down to your knees and positioned yourself in between his legs. You rubbed your hand over his clothed bulge a few times before pulling everything down to pool at his ankles.
Chan wasn't having it though. He gathered all of your hair into a makeshift ponytail, grasped the base of his cock, and pointed his tip directly on your lips. “Suck.”
You gathered saliva and let it fall from your lips to lubricate him and began steadily pumping him while trying to figure out how you were going to get him all inside your mouth at once.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath as you sucked your way down his length, tongue out to lick his balls with each stroke. You bobbed your head up and down his girth, hollowing your cheeks. His cock hit the back of your throat and threatened to make you choke. He kept your hair up, guiding you as you moved up and down his length.
"Fuck- at least that mouth of yours is good for something," He groaned as you sucked harder trying to get him to finish.
Chan pushed your head down to deepthroat him, pressing your nose into his pelvis. You gripped his thighs and inhaled with your nose. You felt him hold your head in place and thrust into your throat even more. The feeling was unbearable, you slapped his thighs and he let go of your head. With a gasp and cough, you raised your head, saliva, and precum still connecting your lips to his cock. "Come on, you can do it." He rubbed your cheek and wiped a tear from your eye with his thumb. "Just a little more,"
You braced yourself and came down on him again, this time much slower, increasing speed as much as you could. "That's it," He exhaled. Chan's body started to tense as he got closer, his breaths turning into moans. You lifted your hand from his thigh and massaged his balls for extra stimulation. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as his dick twitched, "Fuck I'm gonna -", you pulled back before he released white cum all over your face and hair, a drop landing on your eye. "You did incredible," He murmured, his breath still heaving. He wiped it off with his thumb and brought it to your lips, you separated your lips and sucked his cum off his finger. 
Moments later, he got up and led you back onto the chair. "Can I?", you didn't know what he was asking permission for, but you agreed.
Chan slipped his fingers into your jeans and rubbed your clit through the fabric. He pushed aside your panties, slipped a finger up and down your slit to collect your juices, and brought his finger to his mouth and sucked. "Mmh, you taste so good."
He reclined your swivel chair and lifted your hips to slide your jeans and underwear; throwing them to a random corner in the studio. He lifted your legs over the armrests, spreading your pussy wide open for him only, the thought alone made him bite his lower lip. You'd never looked at Chan this way before. He looked too damn sexy from this position, gazing up at you with lustful eyes.
He started by planting wet open-mouth kisses on your inner thighs. Chan looked up at you to see any signs of resistance, but when your eyes met, you nodded, allowing him to continue. He used his big hands to keep your legs dangling over the chair. He licked and kissed your clit, making you arch your back for more.
"Chan stop teasing,"
"You don't get to tell me what to do," He replied as he slapped your clit “You think you can shit-talk me to my face and get away with it?”
Only inches from your pussy, he grinned up at you; the pornographic scene made you clench in his face. You were already dripping in arousal, but he still spat at your folds and licked from your entrance all the way to your clit. Pleasure quickly overtook your body as you inhaled sharply and squeezed his arm. His slippery tongue sent your back arching.
You grabbed the back of his head, and gyrated your hips into his tongue, as he stiffened his tongue to let you use him.
He rose to his feet to admire his perspective, muttering, "So fucking sexy," while pushing his cock inside your hole. You felt so filthy sprawled out like this for him. He pounded you hard , making you squelch. His gaze never left your body. You sobbed his name aloud, careless about who could hear you. "Please, Chan. "Fu- I'm sorry," you begged, your fluids gushing all over him; soaking the chair and floor.
“You're sorry?” He asked before pulling his dick out completely and slamming into you again to repeat his question, “You're sorry?” “Please. Oh, god-” “Who do you think you are coming in here like you own the place, huh? You love talking so much shit don't you Y/N?” “Chan, please. I'm so fucking close,” You groaned already feeling yourself dangerously tumble nearer to your orgasm “Please don't stop!”
He took his left hand under your shirt and pulled down your bra to roll your nipple between his fingers. He stepped back to kneel and put his tongue back on your clit, flicking it back and forth. And before you knew it, you released into his mouth. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened wide as he finger fucked you through your high causing overstimulation. " Chan please- it's too much.." You whimpered, looking at him through teary eyes, and with that, he pulled out his fingers to reveal them painted white.
Chan slumped down from his kneeling position and watched you still sitting in the chair, chest heaving while trying to collect your thoughts.
“Come on, we have to get dressed.” Chan stood up first and handed you your jeans.
“Wait, where are my panties?” You said scanning the floor after noticing they weren't inside your jeans.
“Don't worry about that,”
“Did you just- what's that in your pocket?” You said pointing to a suspicious lump stuffed into his pants.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” He said, pulling you in by your waist.
“I seriously can't stand you, Chan” You whispered, your eyelids fluttered shut as Chan leaned in to press his lips against yours.
“Mmh, I know you don't mean that.”
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♥ Thank you for reading  ♥  
If you would like to be tagged, please comment or send me a request! I also accept tags for specific memebers :)
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Dance Lessons | Harry James Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 12200 words (Yes, really. Do you ever just start to write a little oneshot and then it turns out as a fic with over 10000 words?)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tension but no smut, fluff, slight angst, slow burn i guess
Summary: Harry asks you to teach him how to dance for the upcoming Spring Ball.
a/n: Set in Harry’s sixth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (The beginning is inspired by this oneshot)
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Not many could say that they had faced Voldemort more than once and had survived, but Harry Potter was one of the few lucky ones that had gotten away every time. And if that wasn’t enough, Harry had defeated horrifying creatures, had broken into the Ministry and had saved the wizarding world several times – more or less accidentally, but hey. He had dealt with Umbridge and fought Death Eaters.
To the world, he was a hero, he was the Boy Who Lived.
So yes, his record of fighting the evil was quite impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But there was one thing he knew he would never impress anyone with and that were his dance skills.
Because Harry Potter couldn’t dance for shit.
Everyone who had watched his poor attempt at a waltz at the Yule Ball knew it had been an embarrassing disaster, and a blessing when he had stopped – merely for Parvati Patil’s feet.
Everyone who had watched knew that Harry Potter had never before set foot on a dancefloor. And you had watched. You had watched with great interest because secretly, you had wished for him to ask you to the ball. But when there had been only two weeks left and Dean Thomas had asked you after Transfiguration class, you had said yes.
There you were, sitting with Dean beside Seamus and Lavender as well as Ron and his date Padma, your eyes glued to the raven-haired boy getting terribly out of step. You watched, of course, under the pretence that you found it disgracefully hilarious.
Harry had never thought about asking you to the Yule Ball, if he was quite honest with himself. He had been after Cho, and he waited way too long to ask her, so she was already going with Cedric. And you had a date with Dean.
As good as Harry was with fighting the dark and the evil, as bad was he with social interactions. He had no problem producing a Patronus, but he was absolutely useless when it came to talking to girls.
You were the opposite.
Yes, the boggart may had made you faint in front of your whole class, but on the other hand, talking seemed like the easiest task in the world. Whether it was a chat with a teacher or speaking to strangers, though you did not thrive off of that.
There was one other thing that made you stand out to the other girls (and boys) in your year: You knew how to dance, from a simple disco fox to a more complicated waltz.
So, when Professor Slughorn announced a Spring ball for the students in sixth and seventh year, Harry knew you were his only chance if he did not want to make a fool out of himself again. He asked you (after a whole week of practicing in front of the mirror), with heated cheeks and a fast-beating heart, if you could teach him how to dance.
You felt a bit taken by surprise by this request, but agreed, nonetheless.
Friday evenings, eight to nine o’clock, were now reserved for your weekly dance lessons.
Looking at Harry’s history, it should be no big deal to dance with a girl when you had already come across the most dangerous things existing in the wizarding world. He should not be nervous; what was the girl teaching you how to dance against gigantic spiders who saw you as their dessert?
Well, everything.             
The thing was, Harry could prepare spells and charms, he knew what he had to do when he was faced with a Dementor or a Boggart. His mind, however, went completely blank when it came to you, like his nerves were on fire. To say he was nervous was an underestimation.
Harry ran his hand through the mess of black locks in a rather useless attempt to flatten them. They jumped back up immediately as he let go, pointing in every direction but the one he wanted them to. Stupid genes.
Sometimes he wished he had inherited his mother’s hair. It would have been fun to be mistaken as a Weasley and he could pretend he and Ron were actually brothers.
To keep his hands busy, Harry smoothened the plaid shirt he had thrown on before darting another glance at the clock over the door of the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor. 8:01 o’clock.
His fingers drummed against the wooden desk he was leaning on to release his excited tension, which only worked until the door opened, and he jumped up into a straight position.
You stepped inside, a vinyl clammed under your arm and an apologizing smile on your lips.
“Sorry I’m late, Snape held me off,” You said, placing your bag on the table Harry had leaned on previously.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. Uh, are you alright?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah. I mean Snape just almost failed my assignment, but I found a new song to dance to, and I’m pretty sure you’ll like it,” You said as you rushed over to the old vinyl player in the corner and unwrapped the black record.
Harry followed your every movement. You could feel his eyes on you and bit down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling.
“It’s a bit slower than the other one, so it will be easier for you to follow,” You added and pulled the vinyl out, stroking a streak of Y/H/C hair behind your ear, your back still facing him.
When the record was placed correctly into the player, you turned back around and led Harry by the hand to the middle of the classroom. This simple touch alone made Harry’s head spin, and it did not help when you placed his hand onto your waist.
“Are you ready?” You asked and he nodded. “Good, follow my lead.”
There was nothing but admirable beauty, the way you moved to the soft piano music filling the room, Harry thought, and he hated himself for not realising sooner. You were like a sunset, and he was afraid to look right at you because what if you saw all the feelings swelling in his heart that dared to overspill at any moment.
You had been right, he adored the music you had brought with you, but he adored you even more.
You thought he looked at his feet because he was afraid to mess up the steps.     
“Hey,” You said softly, taking the hand from his shoulder to lift his chin. “Eyes up.”
“Yes. Right. Sorry.”
A sheepish smile spread over his face and your heart beat hectically against your rip cage as his emerald green eyes met yours.
It took Harry a great deal of strength to not break out of the dance routine he had so intensely studied and kiss you. But your hand slipped away from under his chin back to his shoulder and the moment was lost, like so many others.
Staying professional was not so simple for you either, as much as you liked to deny it. You liked Harry, more than friends should like each other, but who could blame you? Harry was very handsome, with his messy hair and those green eyes, he was sweet and caring, and he was dancing with you in an abandoned classroom, his hand on your waist.
Looking at it from this angle, there seemed to be no reason as to why you were so careful to deny your feelings.
Well, there was one problem: You thought he wanted to ask Cho to the ball to make up for the Yule Ball.
Harry was pretty oblivious when it came to love. Neither had he thought about you as more than friends before sixth year, nor had he realised that the feelings he had felt for Cho two years ago were similar to the ones he had for you now, though they were much more intense.
The worst part was that you two had been friends for three year and since then, you had spent a week of every summer holiday at the Burrow. Harry knew you; he knew that you liked his crappy jokes and his sarcastic comments, but never before had his stomach tingled when you laughed at them. Never before had there been goose bumps all over his skin when you hugged him. And to hell, never before had he acknowledged how goddamn beautiful you were.
“You’re getting really good.” You ripped him out of his thoughts.
“Oh. Really?” He asked.
It would be brilliant if he could dance without thinking about it all the time, fearing he could step on your feet.
“Yes, really,” You replied, grinning.
“Well, I- I suppose I have a good teacher.”
The piano music faded out and you stopped in the middle of the room, slipping your hand out of his. It was a good excuse to turn around and start the vinyl again, so you did not have to answer anything.
Harry stood there for a second, gulping and scratching his neck. He should not have said that.
What he had said flattered you, but it was only a knife dressed like compliment, stroking over your heart to stab you right after. All of this was amicable, temporary, fickle. All of this was for Cho.
You sat the needle back on the record.
“What’s it called? The song, I mean,” Harry asked quietly.
“‘Il Reste du Temps’. The rest of time.” You walked back up to him and took his hand, leading you two into the dance. With his hand on your lower back, he pulled you a bit closer than last time.
“So, there are only two weeks left. You have asked Cho by now, I suppose?” You asked to remind your thoughts of reality.
Harry narrowed his eyebrows, not sure how you had come to the conclusion he still liked Cho. She was great, for sure, but she wasn’t you.
“Oh. Uh, not really, no,” He answered. Your heart jumped.
“Well, you should hurry up. You don’t wanna wait until last minute like last time.”
“I- yeah, I mean, I don’t- I don’t want to go with Cho.”
You stepped forward even though you were supposed to draw back and stomp on his left foot. His hand around yours clenched for a second at the sudden pain.
“Shit. Sorry.” You quickly brought you two back into the right footstep order. “You’re not asking Cho?”
“No. I wanna- No.” Harry stopped himself from talking any further. He couldn’t ask you. He just couldn’t.
“Well, who do you wanna ask?” You said.
Maybe it was Ginny. She was gorgeous, phenomenal at Quidditch and in the Slugclub. Nothing you could say about yourself.
Harry opened his mouth and stammered. “It’s, uh, you know…some…girl.”
Oh yes, great save, Harry, congratulations, He thought to himself, couldn’t be any vaguer, could you? For Merlin’s sake, look at her, she is completely confused.
You were pretty even when you were confused, with your eyebrows drawn together over your eyes curiously inspecting him – Stop.
“Ah, okay. The lucky girl’s a secret,” You said, laughing lightly. It was definitely Ginny.
“No, I mean, she’s –” 
“It’s not my concern who you’ll ask, Harry,” You interrupted to calm him down. “As long as you ask her.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that. You really saw them just as friends.
The two of you danced for a while and Harry tried to memorise every golden speck in your dark eyes, every freckle, every curve, just so he could imagine you instead of the person he would dance with in a fortnight. If he would even go. Because what point was there to go to a ball if the one person he wanted to dance with more than anything else would not be there with him?
You tried to enjoy the closeness while it lasted. But the voices crowding your mind all shouted that he would never see you the way you saw him. That his face would never be so close ever again. That his hands would never rest on your body the way they did now, and never with any other intention than for the sake of learning how to dance, learning how to impress Ginny or whoever he would ask.
“Have you – have you asked anyone yet? To go to the ball with you?” Harry disrupted your thoughts and pulled you back into reality.
“No. I don’t even know if I’ll go,” You said and Harry’s heart dropped. “I mean, I’ll come to watch you dance, that’s for sure.”
Now his heart was way up in his throat, beating like hell. He swallowed and forced himself to answer. “No pressure then.”
You grinned at his comment. “Oh please, you can dance better than most of sixth and seventh year combined by now. You remember the spin I showed you last time?”
Harry nodded. He lifted his left arm and put a little pressure on your waist. You performed a small twirl before he caught you again, hand on your side. He smiled proudly.
“Really good.” The music stopped and you looked at the clock on the wall behind Harry. 8:57 o’clock. “I guess that’s it for today.”
Harry smiled sadly but you thought it was just your mind, playing you a trick. You packed the record back into the cover while Harry shouldered his back bag, handing yours to you. Then he held the door open for you, and you stepped out into the dimly lit hallway.
Harry had already pulled out the Marauders Map to check if the way back to the Gryffindor tower was clear. You weren’t technically allowed out after nine p.m. because of the new safety measurements, but it was part of the charm.
“Filch’s down on the first floor and Snape’s in his office,” Harry informed you.
“Okay.” You nodded.
Quietly and side by side, you two walked back to the Gryffindor tower. There was plenty of silence to break, plenty of time to ask you to the ball, Harry thought. But he was too afraid.
“It’s not that easy, alright?”
“Bloody hell, you spent every Friday evening with her! Half of our year thinks you’re secretly doing it in that classroom.”
For that, Ron earned a jab into his ribs. The two made their way through the masses of students down the last staircase to the Great Hall.
“Ow! It’s not my fault, you can’t open your mouth.”
“Oh, I can’t open my mouth? Have you asked Hermione yet?”
Harry was sure this would shut Ron up, but he was wrong.
“I asked her six weeks ago and she said yes, mate.”
Harry stopped in his tracks, stunned. “Wot?”
“Merlin, do you ever listen to me?”
Ron shook his head, walking to breakfast. Harry needed a few seconds before he could move again, then he caught up with his best friend. He was about to say something back when Ron’s sister Ginny interrupted them, wrapping her arms around both of Harry and Ron’s shoulders.
“Morning boys,” She greeted them enthusiastically.
The ceiling of the Great Hall was covered in a pale blue and yellow, the upcoming sun shining golden through the high windows.
“So.” Hermione poured both of you a glass of pumpkin juice. “How was it yesterday?”
“Mhm?” You looked up from your toast.
She sighed as if her question was rather obvious. “The dance lesson with Harry?”
“Oh.” You shrugged. “Normal.”
“So, nothing happened? Nothing you want to tell me?” She asked further.
You eyed her suspiciously, but she kept an innocent face expression.
“It’s not like we could do much besides dancing.”
Lavender beside you snickered and Parvati snorted into her coffee.
“Believe me, there is a lot you could do in that hour besides dancing,” Parvati said.
“God, no! Have you met Harry?” Lavender said bemusedly. “Like he's the type to have secret sex.”
“Still waters run deep,” Parvati replied, a smug grin on her lips. “Don't they, Y/N?”
Hermione crunched her nose at the suggestive tone as you narrowed your eyes at the two girls, shaking your head.
“Yes, keep making fun of my non-existing love life.”
You grabbed the strawberry marmalade, determined to ignore any topic concerning Harry. While you had lain awake last night, you had decided to bury your feelings for him all together and get over it. This would be easier once your dance lessons came to an end and the ball was done.
“Well, it does exist for everyone else,” Lavender interposed.
“And it would exist for you, too, if you would finally do something,” Hermione said, leaning forward.
“What?” You asked. “I mean, yeah, I like him, but he is definitely not into me like that. And I can't force him to be.”
Hermione groaned, and Parvati rummaged through her bag, pulling out a piece of parchment and making some space on the table.
“Okay, let’s see,” She began, “He asked you to teach him to dance. Big step for him, you know that. He always stares at you during Quidditch instead of the Snitch. Wood would've killed him by now. He always sits beside you. He definitely smelled you in Amortentia, regarding how he looked at you during that class. And since then, he looks at you like you’re the only person in the room. He –”
“He does not,” You said, grabbing her wrist to stop her from writing any further.
“Yeah, he does,” Lavender argued. “Look!”
You turned to spot Harry alongside Ron and his sister Ginny coming through the doorway, and for one second, your eyes met. Then Ginny said something, and Harry looked at her, laughing.
You sighed and stuffed the rest of your toast down your throat to get rid of the sour feeling twirling and burning in your stomach.
“Well, Ginny’s pretty funny,” Hermione tried.
“Yeah, she’s funny and pretty and she likes everything he likes.”
“None of that matters because he fell in love with you and not Ginny,” Lavender said, smiling brightly.
“He did not – not what you said.”
“He did! The list doesn’t lie.”
Parvati waved the parchment through the air, and you snatched it out of her hand, drowning it in the pumpkin juice before anyone could read it. Hermione curled her lip as she watched the paper soaking up the orange liquid, sinking to the ground of the jug.
In the same moment, Harry, Ron and Ginny reached your table, and to your surprise, Harry really did sit down beside you, your knees touching shortly while he climbed over the bench. The sudden touch sent sparks through your body and filled you with a comfortable warm which was quickly extinguished by Ginny sitting down next to Harry.
You didn’t want to be jealous.
There was no need to compare yourself to Ginny, you were two completely different people. But hearing her talk about Quidditch to the guys and seeing her flicking her beautiful hair over her slim shoulder made it so obvious how perfect for Harry she was. You couldn’t compete with that, in fact, you didn’t even want to compete with that.
No, you would get over your feelings and maybe ask someone else to spend the next Hogsmeade weekend with you. Those evenings with Harry, those moments too good to be true would stay somewhere deep down in your heart, locked away from the real world.
The weekend left as fast as it had come, and soon enough Harry and you both found yourselves in your day-to-day school life, studying for an upcoming Charms test and writing essays for Snape and McGonagall.
There wasn’t much time to think about each other, yet Harry managed to glance up from his homework a few times to stare at you opposite from him, snuggled into an armchair while flicking through a book. He noticed that you captured your tongue between your lips or mouthed single words to yourself whenever you were so deeply sunken into thoughts that you forgot the many people around you.
The latter found Harry very impressive because he was never that relaxed if more than three people were with him. Your lips on the other hand found Harry... well, much more interesting than his homework was the least to say.
Every day he woke up thinking that today, he would ask you. But whenever he came close to ask, he changed the topic or was distracted by friends and classmates.
Even Ron had given up with his jokes by now, which was a very bad sign and a nonverbal way to say, Man, you fucked up.
You had decided to make the last of your dance lessons a memorable one. An hour of pretending, of being close to someone you know you would never be this close to ever again.
Therefore, you had asked your older sister to send some of your favourite records from home, which you were now sorting through in the abandoned classroom. It was ten minutes to eight and you were sipping a butterbeer to cool your nerves. All those times before you had been as calm as ever, but today you were on the edge.
The door opened and you turned to find Harry in the doorway, hair messy as ever.
“Hi,” He said and the corners of his lips jumped up into a lopsided smile.
“Hey. You’re early.”
“Could say the same about you.”
“Yeah, you could,” You mumbled, pushing the needle of the record player down onto the vinyl.
Classic music filled the air and you walked over to Harry to lead him to the middle of the room after he had dropped his back bag to the floor. With the high heels on your feet, you were almost eye to eye, your nose at the height of his lips.
For a wonder, he did not need your instruction to place his hand on your waist and pulled you much closer than usual.
Harry felt his heart beating in his throat. Being this close to you was galvanic, every nerve was burning, and then again, for the first time in two months, he was able to close his eyes and let himself sink in, to melt with the music, to feel the tact pulsating through his whole body. It was what you had tried to teach him all along.
And yet his tongue was tied. He just had to ask. Would you like to go to the ball with me? One simple question. You had told him yourself to not wait until last-minute to ask, and now with every minute, every hour, every day passing it felt more ridiculous. He had known that he wanted to ask you and only you to the ball, but every time he thought about forming the question, his mouth failed him.
Your eyes lay calmly on him, tapping his shoulder in time to the music while secretly trying to remember every little detail of his face: His prominent eyebrows curved over his emerald green eyes, his flushed cheeks and the dimples created by his light smile lying on his lips.
Harry had become, for lack of a better word, quite fantastic at slow dancing. There was confidence in the way he moved through the room and held onto you, mingled with a certain elegance and appreciation of the art he was participating in. A good teacher, he had called you. Well, regarding slow dances, yes.
But there was one other thing he had yet to learn.
“You’re really good, you know that?” You said, and his smile brightened.
“Yeah? Or are you just saying that because it’s my last lesson?” He asked.
“No, I mean it. You know, I wrote my sister last week and she send some of my vinyl discs from home,” You told him as the music slowly faded out and let your hand slip from his shoulder and hand to turn to the record player, not noticing how his fingers lingered a moment longer on your waist.
Harry watched how you sorted through the discs, not able to make use of their names in any way. The only record he had come across before those dance lessons had been one by a singer named Bonnie Tyler, who Aunt Petunia secretly listened to on repeat during the summer when Uncle Vernon went grocery shopping or mowed the lawn.
Harry wasn’t a big fan, which was pretty much the only thing he had in common with his cousin Dudley.
“Here. To dancing and a nice Spring ball.” Harry snapped out of his thoughts. You held out a bottle of butterbeer, which he took and snapped its bottle top off, regarding for a moment to say something along the lines like To you, for teaching me how to dance or To us, but that seemed a bit too much.
Therefore, he went with a simple “Cheers” and touched glasses with you.
While he took a big sip in hopes it would make him braver, you decided on a turquoise and pink coloured disc with a man dancing on the front, the words Footloose in ornate writing covering its front. He couldn’t help but notice the grin you tried to hide, as if knowing something he didn’t.
“What’s that?” He asked, leaning against the table beside you and putting his beer aside.
“That’s what the cool kids dance to.”
You placed the needle onto the record. Drums began to play a fast rhythm, mixed with an electric guitar, and you slipped off your high heels, now only in tights. Harry watched with fearful curiosity how you snapped your fingers in time, bopping your head with closed eyes to internalise the music.
Every movement of your feet, your hips, your shoulders was nonchalant, effortless and... well, simply cool.
“Come on!” You said loudly over the music, waving Harry closer.
“No, no, that’s –” He shook his head, heat flushing his cheeks, and crossed his arms.
You danced up to him, grabbing him by his hands and pulling him to the middle of the room.
Harry had improvised a lot when it came to fighting evil. His whole trip to the ministry had been decided because of his gut instinct, because he had thought he knew what he was doing. Well, that was probably a bar example. He had made everything worse back then.
But everything he had done to fight off the hundreds of Dementors at the Great Lake, or the creatures in the maze two years ago, or Voldemort at the graveyard, every single thing had been purely and spontaneously improvised.
Now, he wasn’t sure if he was that good at improvising dance moves, but you had other plans.
“Come on, don’t you trust me?” You said as his fingers clenched around your hands, unable to let go, like a man clinging onto a life buoy in the middle of the ocean.
And Harry wanted to say back that of course he trusted you, more than he probably knew himself, but all that came out was a “Yeah” which sounded more like a laugh than an actual word because of the grin stretched across his lips.
“Just dance the way you dance when no one’s watching,” You said.
“I don’t – I don’t do that,” He admitted, feeling how his cheeks burned under the unbelieving look coming from you.
“Okay, then close your eyes and just – just do it. Here, I’ll do it, too!”
You closed your eyes, smiling brightly, and slipped your fingers out of his, twirling on the spot like you usually only did behind closed doors, and clapping your hands in time with the music.
Harry couldn’t rip his gaze off of you, the way your body moved without any shame, your ridiculous head banging while acting like you play the guitar – air guitar, that’s what it was called, he had seen Dudley and his friends doing it, but never with so much... passion?
You were quite passionate about dancing, much more passionate than you were about school or Quidditch, and it fascinated him. How you could let loose, could forget what everyone thought of you, and he wanted to feel it too, wanted to not think that everyone was judging him.
So, Harry closed his eyes, concentrated on the beat of the music and your hands clapping, and then he did what you had been doing: Moving his arms, his legs, his feet, all a bit offbeat, all much less cool than what you did, but it had the effect he had wished for.
He forgot. Forgot about everything going on, everything in the past, everything that would come. It was like the music had deleted Voldemort from his mind. There was only his body and those absurdly freeing dance moves he would have been ashamed off any other time.
But not with you.
“Hey, you’re doing it! You’re doing it, look at you!” You shouted over the music, and Harry ripped his eyes open in the same moment as you grab his hands again. He slowed his legs.
“You said you wouldn’t look,” He said breathlessly, very aware of his fast-beating heart.
But if he was honest, he did not mind that you had seen him. If he could choose any of his friends to watch him dance like this, it would definitely be you.
“I had to, I’m sorry!” You laughed, and the song came to an end. “Oh, I have something even better, you’ll like that!”
You hit him friendly in the chest and rushed over to your pile of vinyl discs, wrapping the Footloose back up and pulling out another one from a white and pink packaging with two people on the front.
Harry would’ve never believed that dance lessons would be more exhausting than Quidditch training, but he had soon been disabused. He took a huge sip from his bottle of butterbeer and watched how you placed the needle on the disc before reaching for your own bottle.
“‘You broke my heart – ‘cause I couldn't dance – you didn’t even want me around!’” You were mouthing along the words the singer was speaking in an overdramatic seriousness, holding your bottle like a microphone. Harry was grinning at you, afraid of what would come next. “‘And now I'm back – to let you know – I can really shake 'em down!’”
The music dropped in, and you shook your hips, hands on your black skirt.
“Now don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Dirty Dancing,” You dared as Harry stayed at his spot, and he shrugged helplessly.
You shook your head at him with a smile on your lips, placed your bottle away and pulled him away from the table until you two were almost as close as in your usual dance lessons.
“Okay, like this.” You grabbed him gently by the waist and pushed him a bit down so his legs were slightly bent. Harry’s heart jumped at the unexpected touch. “Good, yeah, look at what I’m doing.”
Your grip became firmer, circularly moving his hips like you did. His eyes jumped up between your face and your waist, and he tried his best to copy your movements while calming his heart speed down.
“Yes, good! Now, your upper body, look at me – yeah! Good, eyes up,” You reminded him, and he glanced at your face, his cheeks flushed.
“Is that okay?” You asked, stepping closer so your hips almost touch, and he nodded. You took his hand, placed it on your lower back, and wrapped your own arms around his neck, just like Johnny and Baby had done it in the beginning of Dirty Dancing.
“That’s good!” You encouraged him, and he grinned at you, his face bright red. “You know, in the movie, they have another dance with a lift.”
“You’re not gonna make me do that, are you?” He asked.
You shook your head, laughing. “No, definitely not without training and a mattress,” You said, slowing your hip movements. “Maybe after the ball. I mean –”
The words had just slipped out of your mouth without thinking about them before. But Harry smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of his forehead, while I’ve Had The Time Of My Life began to play, and Bill Medley’s voice filled the room.
Harry felt like he was on fire. If you wanted to continue the dance lessons next year it must be because you liked him. In some way, you liked him, and it was very hard for him to concentrate during this dance. And training on a mattress would not make that easier – Stop it, stop it, just answer!
“Yeah, okay,” He said, and your heart jumped up in excitement. You smiled back at him and grabbed his free hand with yours, leading you back into a simple dance routine fitting the music. Harry followed almost effortlessly, only shortly glancing at his feet.
“I’ll have to demand payment if we keep doing this.”
“What kind of payment?”
His hand on your lower back pushed you a bit closer, you were almost chest to chest. Was he... flirting with you?
Whatever it was, it made you speechless, and in a moment of incautiousness, your eyes fell down to his lips. You held your breath for a second as you looked back up into his eyes, slowing your movements. He returned your gaze, but just as you were about to gather all your courage, his eyes shifted to the door of the classroom, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
“What?” You asked, turning around.
“Filch,” He said and not far down the hall, you heard the meowing of Mrs. Norris.
Panic flared up inside of you as you saw the clock on the wall: Half past nine.
“Argh, fuck.”
You let go off him and rushed over to the table with the record play on top, shoving your vinyl discs into your schoolbag and collecting your high heels in a hurry.
Outside in the hallway, the scratchy voice of Filch mixed with the clicking of his cat’s claws on the stone tiles. Harry had grabbed his bag from the floor and fished out his Invisibility Cloak. As you turned around, he had reached you and enveloped you two in the cloak, standing almost as close to you as a few seconds ago.
“Have you found someone, Mrs. Norris?” Filch’s voice echoed through the hallway. “Is someone out of bed at night?”
“We have to get out,” You whispered, not very keen on getting detention any time soon.
“If we open the door now, he’ll know someone disguised is there,” Harry answered.
“How often have you snuck out of bed at night?”
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a lopsided smile.
“Enough times to know what to do.”
The scratching on the classroom door reminded Harry that, despite the fact that they were invisible, it was still pretty obvious that someone had been in here. Harry flicked his wand at the ceiling light right in time – the candles went out and the two of you were coated in darkness just before Filch pushed the door open and the light from his lantern fell onto the stone floor. You held your breath, hoping he would leave again.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Norris’ red eyes scanned the room and the greyish cat walked up to you as if she could actually see you. Instinctively, you wanted to move backwards, but Harry’s arm wrapped around you, holding you in place. You looked up to him and he slowly shook his head.
Mrs. Norris eyed you for a few more seconds before she suddenly jumped onto the table behind you, walking up to the two almost emptied butterbeer bottles and bumping her head against them.
“Oh no.” Your voice was no more than a whisper. “I didn’t –”
Harry placed his hand over your mouth, forcing you to keep quiet.
“Sorry,” You mumbled.
Filch had turned away from the other side of the room he had inspected and was now walking over to his cat. With his arm around your mid, Harry pulled you two quietly away from the table he was now inspecting. You weren’t entirely sure whether it was the panic of escaping Filch or Harry’s chest pressed against your back, but the butterflies in your stomach were jittery as though they were on drugs, and your heart beat unbelievably fast.
Harry felt your heartbeat. He felt the pulsating blood in your veins on your neck where his arm lay, reaching up to your mouth. You were barely breathing, and he figured it was because he was holding you like he was about to kidnap you.
“Run when we’re in the hallway,” He whispered, eyes steadily watching Filch, and removed his hand from your lips to grab your free hand. You nodded shortly. Fortunately, Filch had left the door open, and in one swift motion, Harry had steered you outside.
Fingers still interlocked with yours, he began to run, you by his side. And despite the fact that you two had almost been caught, despite that you had been interrupted when he had felt most confident, despite the ruined moment, he felt light and free and happy.
You were clutching your shoes, slithering over the cold tiles in your black tights, and Harry, looking at you, almost missed the last step of the stairs leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady. He held onto you as he staggered, and you giggled breathlessly, pulling him back up.
“That – stupid – fucking – cat. Can she see through your cloak?” You asked.
Harry shrugged and ruffled through his messy hair.
“Don’t know. I think, but I’m glad she can’t talk,” He said, and a grin spread over your lips, which he returned.
He caught your eyes, looking at you like before, like there was something he needed to say – the tingling feeling in your core got overwhelmed by heart-racing panic and because of some sour mix of uncertainty and fear, you slipped out from under the Invisibility Cloak, taking a few steps away from Harry.
Not a second later, he emerged as well, fighting to keep the smile on his face like his heart hadn't just sunk so deep he wasn't sure if it was even still connected to his veins.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah!” Your voice was too loud, too squeaky to convince him. “Yeah, I – I'm sorry, it's just been a long week and I'm really tired. I'm gonna – gonna go...”
You gestured to the portrait behind you, avoiding his eyes, and turned to escape the situation.
Harry stared at the spot where you had vanished into the common room, his fingers clenching around the fabric of his cloak before tossing it to the ground. It didn't give the satisfying sound he had wanted to make, so he sent a “Fuck!” after it.
“Young boy, that is not a very appropriate language, now, is it?”
His eyes flew up to the Fat Lady, who had apparently watched with great interest. “Besides, what are you doing that late out of bed? I mean I know it gets later on Fridays for the two of you but it's later than usual today –”
“Chinese Fireball.”
“I just don't know what you are doing during that hour. There are rumours, for sure –”
“I told you the password, now will you open the fucking portrait? Chinese Fireball.”
“Oh, fine.” She let the portrait swing forward. “I'll find out by myself... maybe visit some paintings down on fifth floor...”
Harry ignored the Fat Lady.
He also ignored Ron calling after him from the sofa in front of the fireplace, as well as Hermione's questioning look and all the other people staring at him as he darted through the common room and up the stairs, slamming the door of his dorm shut behind him.
He ignored them because the only person he wanted to be seen with had just left him standing in the hallway and he wasn't even sure why.
The first time you saw each other again was three days later in Potions. You had ignored him on purpose, which you knew was obvious to him: Leaving the Great Hall whenever he stepped inside, sitting as far from him in the common room as possible, avoiding his eyes... that did not leave that much room for speculations.
You didn't want to hurt him, you really didn't, but you couldn't be friends any longer, especially not after last Friday. You weren't even sure what exactly had happened – had he really flirted with you or had that been your imagination? Probably the latter. He had asked someone else the ball after all. Right?
Parvati nudged you with her elbow, and you snapped out of your thoughts, noticing the hole in your parchment created by your quill. The two of you sat in the far back of Professor Slughorn’s class, who was in the middle of telling one of his anecdotes instead of teaching about Veritaserum.
“What’s going on?” She asked in a hushed voice. “You’ve been weird since Friday.”
Lavender, who sat in front of you, turned around. “Is it because of – you know?”
She gestured towards Harry in his usual place diagonally across from you. You sighed, placed your quill aside to rub your hands over your face and shrugged. You had also avoided any questions from your friends about Friday, mostly because you could not even answer them yourself.
“I thought he would ask you,” Lavender whispered while throwing a quick glance at Slughorn to make sure he was still occupied with his story. “Didn’t he?”
“No,” You mouthed. Parvati shook her head.
“Man, you’d think he had grown a set of balls after all. If it turns out he just used you to look good in front of Ginny, I swear to Merlin –”
“Well, that’s what it looks like, I mean, he had enough time to ask you,” Lavender said.
Before you could reply anything, Parvati had grabbed her wand and leaned forward. In the next second, the blue Jobberknoll feathers on Harry’s desk burst into flames with an ear-piercing noise.
Both Harry and Ron jumped up, startled from the sudden explosion, and Hermione let out a little shriek as one of the sparks got caught up in her locks. Snickering came from the Slytherin table, and Crabbe and Goyle were stupidly grinning.
“Was that you? Stupid tosspot, I’ll shove that feather up your –,” Ron swore loudly, fists high and ready to walk over to the Slytherins, who had gotten up as well and were throwing insults through the room.
“Calm down, m’boys, no need to get abusive.”
Slughorn stepped between the two fronts while both Harry and Hermione pulled Ron back down onto his chair. With a wave of Slughorn’s wand, the feathers stopped burning and were as good as new.
“Have you gone mental?” You asked during the turmoil. Parvati shrugged and innocently shoved her wand aside.
“You’re my friend and if he hurt you, he’ll get what he deserves –”
“He didn’t hurt me!” You whispered angrily. “I was the one who panicked, I ran away that evening because I was afraid of what he would say! Not Harry. I left him like the idiot I am even though he – he was super nice and said he wanted to learn more –”
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Sorry, Professor, I was just –”
“Talking to Ms. Patil, I noticed. Could you still answer my question?” Slughorn eyed you, and so were all the other students.
“Uh...yes... if you could repeat it? Sir.” You said, and once again snickering echoed through the classroom, the loudest coming from Pansy Parkinson.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Parvati reaching for her wand again, and you quickly pressed her hand down to the table, awkwardly smiling at Slughorn.
“I asked if you could tell me anything about the usage of Veritaserum in court,” He kindly repeated and you straightened your back, ignoring Hermione’s raised hand.
“Well, the potion is strictly banned by the British Ministry of Magic, therefore they don’t use it during interrogations and such, which is also because, like any other potion, it’s not infallible. But I read that in some Asian countries, the accused can choose if they want to take Veritaserum before they give testimony. Unfortunately, in some courts they give the accused failed Veritaserum in order to alter the given testimony fraudulently.”
You had never read about that, you were – ironically – making it up, but Slughorn didn’t seem to notice.
“Very well, that’ll be five points for Gryffindor,” He said. “That reminds me of –”
As Slughorn fell back into his old habit of telling personal stories during class, you sank back into your chair and stared at the chapped top of the desk for the rest of the lesson.
Only the bell ripped Slughorn out of his monologue, and over the rustling of chairs, he told the class to read the next chapter of Advanced Potion Making until Wednesday.
“Courtyard?” You asked Parvati as to where to spend your free lesson.
“Yeah, but I got a question about that graded essay from last week. Just go ahead, I’ll catch up with you,” She answered and made her way to the front. Alongside with Lavender, you were one of the first to leave the Potions classroom.
“I wish I hadn’t picked Arithmancy,” Lavender complained.
“You can sleep longer on Thursdays, remember?” You said as you reached the entrance hall. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”
Lavender began to climb up the stairs to the third floor, and you walked down the hallway. It was freezing cold outside, but the courtyard was beautiful during every time of the year, especially in the early mornings when the sun melted the iced-up grass and you could share a hot chocolate with your friends on one of the benches.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait!”
You turned to spot none other than Theodore Nott running up to you, his Slytherin scarf loosely around his neck.
“Hi,” He said as he had reached you.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually, yeah. I wanted to ask if you have a dance to spare at the Spring ball? I mean, I know you’re going with Potter, I just wanted one dance with someone professional –”
“I’m not going with Harry,” You blurted out. Theodore narrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” He asked, a bemused smile on his lips.
You gulped and shook your head, crossing your arms. “I’m not going with... anyone.”
“Oh. Well, then,” His body relaxed visibly, and he raised his eyebrows, “do you wanna go with me?”
You opened your mouth, an agreement already on the tip of your tongue, but you knew that was just out of desperation and not because you actually wanted to go to the ball with Theodore.
“Hey, you know what, no pressure at all, okay?” He said, placing his hand on your shoulder casually. “I’ll be at the ball anyway, so if you want to dance then, I’m free.”
You nodded. “Thank you, Theodore. I’ll think about it.”
“You can call me Theo. Only if you want to, obviously.”
A grin crept upon your face. “Yeah, I’ll – I’ll think about it.”
Whatever Harry had felt the two days prior, it was nothing compared to the sour feeling circulating in his stomach now, like some dragon-creature spitting fire and tearing at his entrails with sharp claws. Inside of him, everything was clenching and itching, but on the outside, he was numb.
Like his brain had been disconnected from his muscles, wherefore he was only able to stare at Theodore Nott and his stupid, complacent grin and his hand on your shoulder while he asked you to the ball.
This wasn’t fair. How come everyone else but him was able to do it, how come everybody else had managed to find a date, when – to be honest – he had been provided with one of the best initial situations? How come the only thing he was apparently fit for was getting himself into trouble and escaping death every goddamn year? Harry had kind of forgotten about all that was to come, all that Dumbledore had told him, and the memory Slughorn was still tending like dark secret simply because of you.
The worst thing wasn’t that Theodore Nott had just asked you to go to the Spring ball with him. No, the worst thing was that you had agreed.
The only thing that was left for him was to run, which he did now: Up to the Gryffindor tower, tossing his back bag into a corner and grabbing his Firebolt from under the bed, then back down to the Quidditch pitch in record time.
Flying was one of the most freeing activities known to Harry, especially in the cool, fresh morning air with no one else around. High above the frozen grass and the wooden stands, much higher than probably allowed without any teacher near by, Harry paused to watch the sun over the Forbidden Forest.
He wondered if you had ever flown before, if you knew how brilliant it was to hover a thousand feet above the ground, far away from all the problems. Far away from Ron asking what the bloody hell was wrong with him. Far away from Hermione telling him that it was his own fault for waiting so long but that you surely weren’t interested like that in that tosser Theodore (though she would probably word it much more formal).
Time was relative up here, Harry had noticed over the years, so he closed his eyes and shut the world out for a moment. Saturday was still light-years away anyway, so –
“Harry, is that you?”
He almost fell from his broom.
With his heart still beating way to fast and adrenalin pumping though his veins, he turned his broom around to find no one other that Luna standing inside commentary box and waving up to him. Oh well. So much for being alone.
He steered his Firebolt down to the blonde witch and landed beside her.
“What are you doing her, Luna?” He asked as climbed from his broomstick. “Don’t you have classes right now?”
“Oh, yes. But I saw that you are sad so I asked Professor Sprout if I could go because I’m not feeling very well,” She explained and sat down on one of the benches.
“You lied to a professor?”
“Oh, no,” She said, looking at him with her dreamy blue eyes. “I don’t feel well when my friends are sad.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that, so he simply sat down next to her. Luna had such a strange, but calm energy, like a pulsating, pink bubble inhibiting her, and if you were lucky, she let you inside this bubble and you could shut the world out for a moment.
“Harry, why are you sad?” Luna asked softly after a while.
“Because... because I like someone who doesn’t like me back,” He said.
Luna placed her hand upon his, and he saw that she had painted her fingernails in every colour of the rainbow. Though that was probably Ginny’s work.
“I think Y/N likes you very much,” She said. Harry scoffed.
“Not the way I like her,” He said. “She just agreed to go to the ball with Nott. I saw it. She looked happy. And when I wanted to ask her last week, she ran away.”
“You know, first I thought you wanted to go to the ball with somebody else,” She said. “I thought maybe you wanted to ask Cho again and wanted to prepare this time. And maybe Y/N thought so, too.”
Harry looked up at the blonde girl.
“She did ask me if I was going to ask Cho,” He said, remembering one of the dance lessons.
“And did you tell her that you actually want to ask her?”
“No,” He admitted, burying his face in his hands. “I panicked... and now it’s too late.”
“No, it’s not. You should still go to the ball, and then you should tell her,” Luna said.
“How? I can’t do it when we’re alone, I certainly can’t do it when there’s a hundred people around,” Harry said miserably.
“Well, then don’t.” Luna shrugged. “If you want her to be with Theodore –”
“I don’t want that,” He interrupted her. “Of course, I don’t.”
“Then go to the ball and tell her. I know you can do that.”
Saturday evening came around faster than you liked it to. Over the last four days, you had noticed Theodore’s eyes on you more than once during the meals or potions class, but it did not cause the tingling feeling in your stomach you would like his looks to cause.
If anything, you felt a pressure to talk to him and to spend time with him because you would go to the ball together. But you did not give in to that pressure and avoided him as much as possible, which led to you often leaving the potions classroom as one of the first.
To be honest, you were much more concentrated on Harry.
Harry who did not sit beside you during meals anymore. Harry who did not look in your direction but rather stared at his plate. Harry who looked like he had just lived through a very miserable week.
And you knew that was because you had left him standing in the hallway last Friday night. Maybe he had figured that you had feelings for him and that was his way of dealing with it: Distancing himself from you.
You wished you had not run. You wished you could’ve stayed in that abandoned classroom forever, your favourite song playing and his arms around you.
“What eyeshadow should I use?”
“The darker one.”
You snapped out of your thoughts, looking up from where you sat on the floor in your puffy, ankle-long purple-pink dress. Parvati held out her eyeshadow palette, eyebrows raised as she sceptically eyed you. Her black hair was still wrapped around a dozen curlers. Lavender had spent all morning on them.
“Yes, the darker one,” You said. “Brings out your eyes.”
Thankfully, that answer seemed to satisfy her enough to not ask how you were doing. She and Lavender had already asked that over a million times, but you had reassured them that you were totally okay.
Parvati turned back to face the mirror.
“When did you want to meet with Nott?” Lavender asked. She kneeled in front of her trunk, pondering whether she should wear black or silver heels.
“Half past seven,” You mumbled, picking at the tulle of your dress.
Theodore had held you back yesterday after Defence against the Dark Arts to tell you that he would be at the Great Hall at 7:30 and that you were welcome to eat dinner with him and his friends – which included people like Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson; people you usually avoided by all means, people that had laughed at you for tripping over the last step of a stair, for not knowing an answer to one of Snape’s stupid questions, or for simply being Muggleborn.
You had never been less interested in going to a social event. All you wanted to do was lay in bed under your blanket and erase the last week out of your mind.
“Oh, come on, darling, we talked about this.” Lavender came over and squished your cheeks, brushing away a tear. “Today is not the day to sulk about some guy who doesn’t return your feelings. Today is your day, and you’re gonna have fun with us. Don’t let some guy ruin that. Okay?”
You sniffed and nodded, not able to answer because she cupped your cheeks so solidly. Lavender smiled and kissed your forehead.
“That’s right,” She said. “We’re gonna have some dinner and dance a bit and if by then you still feel bad, we can go back to our dorm.”
“And if Harry dares to talk to you, he’s gonna know what’s it feels like to be kicked in the balls with a heel,” Parvati added dryly. You laughed.
The Great Hall was decorated with yellow, pink and purple banners, and the four long house tables had been exchanged with much smaller, round ones scattered where the staff table usually stood, on each of them a vase filled with rosa tulips and white daffodils.
The ceiling did not mirror the night sky outside but a beautiful, orange sunset lighting up the dance floor in the middle. Opposite from the many tables, on the other end of the hall, Slughorn had organised a stage with a cover band. Next to the stage hung a long parchment onto which everyone could write requests.
You spotted your Potions teacher, dressed in a bright green suit, next to Dumbledore, his robes a terrible pink, both of them writing down their song requests.
“A Galleon that Dumbledore is a Spice Girls fan,” Lavender said grinning as she had followed your eyes.
“Bet,” Parvati said, grabbing three drinks from a passing waiter. “Here. Cheers.”
The three of you clinked glasses and took a sip of the red punch – it tasted strongly of various fruits, coconut, and bitter alcohol.
You let your eyes glide further over the hall and the people that sat together in groups around the tables, some of them already eating. Secretly, you were looking for Harry, though you only discovered Ginny in between Luna and Hermione, all of them chatting happily, and a few tables behind them, Theodore.
He waved as he saw you, gesturing to come over. You forced yourself to smile and wave back at him.
“I’ll see you later,” You said, chugging down the rest of your drink.
“Tell us if he’s being an asshole,” Parvati said. “Or really any of them.”
“And have some fun,” Lavender added.
You took one last look at your friends – Parvati in her silk, almond white, slim dress, and Lavender with flowers in her hair, their arms linked together – and swallowed thickly before turning and making your way through the crowd towards Theodore, though you made sure to give the table with Ginny a wide berth.
“Hi, Y/N,” Theodore greeted you, pecking a swift kiss on your left cheek. His eyes, however, were gliding over the room filling with more and more students. “We’ve already ordered some drinks, come on.”
You took a step back after the kiss, blinking quickly, then noticed how the other people around the table were staring at you:
Pansy and Daphne eyed you and your dress dismissively, and Blaise sipped on his wine, eyebrows raised. Only Draco was slumped in his chair and chewed on a gum, not wasting a single glance at you. He looked as uninterested in this Spring Ball as you felt.
An hour ago, you sure as hell wouldn’t have believed to relate to bloody Draco Malfoy.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N,” You said, forcing a smile on your face and holding out your hand towards Pansy, as she sat closest to you. “I like your dress. Matches your earrings.”
That compliment seemed to leave a mark. Her judging look softened and she shook your hand.
After introducing yourself to everyone (well, except Draco, who had only shortly nodded at you), you sat down in between Theodore and Blaise, and ordered something to eat.
Pansy and Daphne were huddled together the whole time, giggling and pointing at others, while Draco raised a complaint about every meal on the menu or really any other small inconvenience that had the unfortune to be spotted by him (“I can’t eat that, it has tomatoes in it. Nothing on here is gluten free. I’ll write father first thing in the morning. Pansy, will you shut the fuck up for a second? That’s not even a real band. God, I hate this place.”).
“He’s a whiny bitch most of the time, but his family has a great holiday chalet in France,” Blaise said to you after Draco had shot you an annoyed look for asking if you should ask the band to play a different song. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be friends with him.”
“I hope you choke on that disgusting wine,” Draco muttered, and you chuckled.
“Sure, darling,” Blaise replied, sharing a look with you. Until now, Blaise had surprisingly talked the most with you, and it turned out he wasn’t half as bad as you had always thought he would be.
Theodore on the other hand had only occasionally asked you how your meal was and how long you had planned to stay. His eyes had not held contact with yours for longer than a second and were still searching for something in the crowd, which was – by the way – having fun on the dance floor while you had not moved in almost an hour.
It wasn’t until a particularly beautiful girl from Ravenclaw strode past your table that Theodore hooked his foot around the leg of your chair to pull you closer and placed his hand on your upper thigh, giving you his full attention for the first time that night.
“Have I told you that you look very pretty tonight?” He asked, his dark eyes meeting yours.
“Er – no,” You said, darting a confused look towards the Ravenclaw girl.
“Well, you do,” Theodore went on and turned your head back to face him by stroking his thumb over your cheek before pressing his lips onto the skin beneath your ear. They felt chapped and not pleasant in any way. You cringed.
“Uh, sorry, but that’s maybe a bit early, don’t you think?” You said, drawing back and shoving his hand from your thigh.
“She’s gone anyway, Theo,” Blaise said. You did not understand.
“Who’s gone?” You asked, looking back and forth between Theodore and the others, who all seemed to know something you didn’t. Pansy giggled.
“Nothing,” Theodore said. His sweet voice had turned bitter, and you felt like that was your fault. He stood up. “I’ll get some more punch.”
The band segued from an upbeat song into a much slower one, and the light of the candles magically dimmed.
“Do you want to dance maybe?” You asked Theodore as a way to make up for your rejection, but he had already pushed past a group of chatting seventh years, not turning around.
You sank back into your chair, picking at the tulle of your dress again. Was it too early to tell Lavender and Parvati that you wanted to go back to your dorm?
“Girl, if I were you, I would get out of here as quickly as possible,” Blaise said. You looked up at him. “He’s not worth it. And he’s not here for you. So don’t waste your energy.”
“But he asked me to the ball,” You said weakly.
“Did he? Or did he just ask for some time with you to make his ex-girlfriend jealous?”
“He – well – he…”
But Blaise looked at you and you knew that he was right, that this was never about you but some other girl. It was always about some other girl.
“Excuse me, I’ll get some fresh air,” You said and made your way through the tables towards the doors.
The last time, everyone had watched him. Now it was Harry’s turn to watch everyone else try their best on the dance floor. He wasn’t sure what was worse; to be laughed at by the others while stepping on Parvati’s feet every other second or to watch not only Hermione and Ron but also Ginny and Luna, as well as Seamus and Dean dancing closely, arms around the other.
They all had no idea what they were doing, Harry could tell, but they were having fun anyway. He had never seen Hermione this happy.
“Oh, flashback.”
Harry looked up. Parvati sat down next to him on the chair that Ron had left over half an hour ago.
“Yeah,” He mumbled, taking another sip of butterbeer, and turned back to the dance floor right in time to see Dean kissing Seamus passionately in the middle of the room.
“And you are not dancing because…?” Parvati asked. Harry crossed his arms.
“If you’re here to make fun of me or to blow up my butterbeer, feel free to fuck off.”
Parvati chuckled. “Sorry about that. But seriously, why are you sitting here miserably after all those dance lessons?”
Harry tried to make out if she was actually serious or if this was her way to revenge herself for the Yule Ball.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked. Parvati narrowed her eyebrows, now visibly puzzled.
“No, I’m genuinely asking –”
“Well, it’s not that fucking easy to slow dance if you have no date, is it,” He said crossly.
Parvati gaped at him, but he was certainly not in the mood for this. It had cost him all his strength to not look for you in the crowd all evening, he did not need reminding of you not liking him back by Parvati.
Before she could say anything else, he placed his butterbeer bottle on the table and darted outside, hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his suit and eyes directed to the floor.
Harry’s feet guided him towards the courtyard. The music played by the band wasn’t as loud out here, and the cold night air was lively in contrary to the sticky, perfumed air inside the Great Hall.
He kicked some of the grass away and walked towards the bench underneath the willow, watching how its branches weighed in the wind and thought how you were probably having as much fun as his friends, or maybe even more, considering Nott was infamous for snogging in various broom closets.
Harry’s stomach turned at the thought of that. He wished he had a time turner to make it right.
The moon stood high on the deep blue night sky, illuminating the courtyard you had unconsciously walked to. Grey clouds had approached, and tiny raindrops were falling to the ground, steadily drumming onto the roofs of Hogwarts.
On your way out of the Great Hall, you had caught a glimpse of Theodore sticking his tongue down the throat of that Ravenclaw girl, but to be honest, it didn’t matter that he was making out with someone else. It would’ve just been nice if you could have had a forewarning.
You thought you were the only single soul wandering about, then spotted a figure sitting on a bench. You were about to turn and search for some other place to wallow in your feelings, when you recognised the messy hair.
Maybe this was the time to make up for running away. Maybe this was the time to be honest.
Harry looked up when he noticed someone coming closer, the tulle of your dress rustling over the wet grass. His heart jumped and he forgot to breathe for a moment.
“Hello,” You said, voice echoing over the empty courtyard. “Can I sit?”
“Of course.”
Harry scooted to the side to make some space for you. You sat down next to him, leaving maybe a hand width between the two of you. The wide branches of the willow guided you from the cold rain.
“You weren’t dancing,” You said, staring at the grass instead of his face.
You would understand if he did not want to talk, if he just walked away. He didn’t owe you an explanation for why he had not asked you to the ball or why was sitting here instead of inside with Ginny or whoever he had asked.
“You weren’t either, were you?” Harry replied. “You and Nott.”
“No, he’s busy with someone else, so… no. Not dancing.”
“Oh.” Harry shuffled. His knee bumped against yours. “Well, he’s an idiot then.”
You smiled, not moving your knee away from his.
“Yeah…but I don’t mind, really.”
“You should,” Harry said, and he meant it. No one should be treated like that. “If anyone should be dancing, it’s you.”
You looked up at him. Harry was already watching you, and it filled you with warmth despite the freezing cold. There wasn’t a single sign of hurt on his face, just a soft curiosity lying in his green eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, “for running away last Friday. I had to sort out some things.”
“What things?” He asked quietly.
“Some…” Your heartbeat sped up. Be honest, you told yourself. “Some feelings.”
“Oh.” Harry tried to figure out what you meant by that, but the way you looked at him made his mind go blank. “You mean you…”
“I really like dancing with you,” You said. Harry felt his heart beating faster than ever against his ribcage. He wondered if you could hear it. “And I wouldn’t have done those lessons with anyone.”
The music from inside the Great Hall was growing louder, overshadowing the rain; someone must’ve opened the doors to let in some fresh air. The band was playing a slower, French song and it stung in your heart. It was one of your favourites.
When you turned back to Harry, he was standing up. For a second you thought he wanted to leave, to go back inside, then –
“May I have this dance?” Harry held out is right hand, and you did not have to think twice if you should take it or not.
He helped you up from the bench and led into the middle of the lawn, the rain still pattering onto the grass and the stone tiles. It smelled strongly of petrichor, and you thought that this was much closer to spring than the decorations in the Great Hall.
Harry’s hand found its place on your back, pulling you closer to him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, tapping his skin with your finger in time to the music out of habit, and met his eyes, reflecting the moon light in them.
Had you ever told him how beautiful he was?
The two of you moved, swaying back and forth. Harry realised that he did not even need to concentrate on the steps, he knew them by heart. The closeness of you took his breath away, the way your fingers held onto his, the way there was little to no room between your torso and his. You were smiling at him, despite the cold and the rain. Harry felt his stomach tingling.
“What’s it called?” Harry asked quietly, not wanting to drown out the music.
“‘Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’. I’ll leave you words,” You translated, having memorised the lyrics in your mind. “I’ll leave you words underneath your door, underneath the singing moon. Near the place where your feet pass by…hidden in the holes of wintertime and when you’re alone for a moment.”
You paused and Harry’s eyes fell to his feet, not able to take your gaze any longer. There were words on the tip of his tongue he did not dare to say – afraid, to ruin the moment. He wanted to stay here forever.
“Eyes up,” You said, placing your hand underneath his chin to lift his head up.
More French words reached your ears; Harry figured they were the same sentence repeated over and over, but even if he had been able to understand French, he wouldn’t have been able to translate them because of your hand still resting under his chin.
“Kiss me whenever you want,” You whispered. “Kiss me whenever you want. Kiss me –”
And then, Harry let go of his fears and kissed you.
After all it still took you by surprise how he loosened his fingers from yours to cup your face, pulling you as close to him as possible, until there was no space in between, noses bumping against each other. Both of your hands slung themselves around his neck, caressing his skin and driving up through messy hair.
His lips matched yours, gliding smoothly over one another, smearing your lip gloss everywhere until all you tasted was strawberries and sweet alcohol. With his chest against yours, Harry was glad to notice your heart beating as fast as his did, though that was also because he really needed to breathe – not that he wanted to, he would have been totally okay with never breaking away from the kiss if it was always going to feel this soft and freeing.
It was you in the end that had to carefully pull his face away from yours, heavily breathing in and out. You brushed his wet hair out of his forehead and let your fingers slide over his temples and cheeks down to his neck.
“That offer,” Harry began breathlessly, tucking a strand of hair he had accidentally drawn from your pinned-up hair behind your ear, “about continuing the dance lessons…that still stands, right?”
Your lips curved upwards into a smile. “Of course.” 
“Brilliant,” Harry said, mirroring your smile before leaning down again to close the gap between your lips.
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if Y/N and Zsasz only like to listen to disco or also dance to it? Could you write what they + gotham villains think about dancing?
Hello dear!
I laugh so hard imagining the two at the disco, I had this exact scene in mind :
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Now to answer your question, I think they can do both. Victor knows how to groove, (remember the guys Rap scene with Oswald when Ed was stupid 😂). They don't really have the time to dance or go to the disco though. Plus it would be dangerous : too many people, poor visibility, etc. They prefer do it at home, in their flat most of the time because Zsasz would be in a goofy mood after a good kill or torture session. He would go back home and find Y/N doing whatever she's doing with the music turned on.
If the song inspires him he would just walk to her and grab her hand to pull her out of her seat and initiate a dance, oftentimes as ridiculous as the one in Pulp Fiction. 😂
Now for the next part, sorry in advance for the English mistakes, I wrote it on my phone, and English isn't my first language, I'm working on it though.
What do they think about dancing?
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For Victor, dancing is something funny to lighten the mood or annoy Y/N, since he's a better dancer. Disco aside, he knows the waltz, because of his past and the galas he had to attend with his parents. He was the one who taught it to Y/N, after Falcone asked him. She wasn't happy let me tell you, and nowadays still enjoy crushing his toes on purpose during Oswald's events, because Zsasz would systematically sneer and make a comment about how tedious it was to teach her how to let the man lead.
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For her, dancing is something she's forced to do. She doesn't like it or dislike it tbh, she just learnt to go with the flow while working with Victor. She accepts to indulge him, just him... and Carmine too, because he's someone she holds dear and she knows how old fashioned he could be during 'Family' events : dancing with Fish and her BeCaUsE tHeY aRe LaDiEs. If she has to dance in an event with a mark she'll do it but won't enjoy it.
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Ed knows classic dances and love dancing in general. First, with Kringle, then with IsabellAAAAH! He's also an old fashioned guy, like Carmine and Oswald on that matter. Riddler also enjoys to dance since he finds it refined and the proof of good education. Since he's a true narcissist, appearances are important and god knows he wants to be see as a man of culture 😌. He can genuinely enjoy it, I'm pretty sure he did dance at some point with Lee and has some fantasies about him waltzing with Oswald, him being the lead of course.
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Do you have a single doubt about his capacity to dance? I mean, you saw who his mother was. Dear Gertrud taught his son everything she knew about waltz and refined dances from all around the world. Oswald loves to dance but only with people he absolutely trust. He feels nostalgia when he's leading, and if he closes his eyes, he could see his dear mother in front of him praising his technique and his good look. Even if he doesn't dance during his events, his guests have to and he sharply scrutinize them. Watching people dance tells you a lot about them too, and Oswald is very good at observing and analyzing : are they naturally confident? Do they know how to cooperate and follow someone's lead? Are they close to the other dancer (if yes how so)? Little gestures or glances can betray a romantic relationship, a secret friendship or animosity.
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Poor Jonathan. Poor, poor Jonathan. This little fellow is the epitome of stiffness. Terrorizing an entire crowd and swiftly get out before the GCPD comes to get him, he knows how to do it. Coordinate his limbs to produce steps and even worse, doing it while leading another human being is an absolute nightmare. His genius mind can't do it, he analyses too much and can't really just follow the music. He would calculate each step, where it would lead them depending of the speed of the turn he has to make, the length of his and the other person legs, their height... See the struggle? He can't stop thinking, would sweat bullets and probably step on the other's toes. Though, if he's comfortable enough with the other and in a safe place, he would do it if it's what they want. Because he's a cute simp and loves to see the happiness on their face. 🥺 Don't you dare hurt his little fluffy heart or I'll scalp you.
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Same as Oswald and Ed, Jervis knows how to dance, like a Sir. And he enjoys it pretty much, in particular the waltz. A great tea party always has a few dances if he has the time and hypnotized enough guests to make them ready to indulge his caprice. Jervis would be a bit sad though since none of them would be his dear Alice, I'm sure he used to dance with her when they were little. But he would also see it as a way to honor her.
He secretly wants to invite Oswald and Ed with their plus one since they share his refined vision of dancing and would with pleasure trap Jim in this very special party to rub their gentlemeness to his face.
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Jerome... Uuuuh... Loves to dance, I would say. Does he knows how to? Yes, he knows the waltz. Would he perform it? Not really. Or following his own music. He's capable of imagining a unique and very bloody dance to purely enjoy himself or, waltz with someone and enjoy the utter terror on their face. His way of dancing is dominating. He would look gracious though, in his own twisted way but it would only be to mock good society and make a point : you can dance properly, even follow the rhythm (why not after all), look absolutely proper AND be a ruthless monster, a psychopath and a criminal. Look can be deceiving. Ha-Ha.
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If he has to, he would dance. Not like he enjoys it very much but he knows how to move and lead (ask Ecco). It would be a way to obtain something he wants, a tool. Added to his good look, he would use it to charm the other and make them do exactly what he wishes. He also agrees (for once) with his twin : dancing during a gala, mixed into high society, is funny because he could blend in it, looking like a perfect well behaved gentleman but is still lethal under the charming smiles, polite small talks and perfect dancing. And he would not be the one being a total hypocrite, I mean, it's Gotham after all.
A/N - I hope it answers your question. And I hope you liked it! 🥰 Have a beautiful day/night and take care!
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A scenario from Jason and Y/N's wedding, where the two of them waltz? it would be very sweet
I stan the wholesome Jason content. The man deserves it
It was unreasonably blissful, the joy that Jason was feeling. He'd always found events to be incredibly tiresome, as he was always focusing on maintaining the image of himself he'd worked so hard to craft over the years. Now, though... Now he was at peace. He was so happy, wearing a smile for once that was completely and utterly true and real, and he had you to thank for that.
And you... You looked so gorgeous in your wedding attire, absolutely stunning and perfect, even matching his own gorgeous outfit slightly, as he intended. The two of you looked utterly picturesque together, and he felt so at peace with you, the two of you now legally joined together. He could barely contain his happiness through the whole ceremony, even letting a few tears slip free as you walked towards him down the aisle, the world seeming to move in motion with your steps. And now... Now he had the privilege of having his first dance with you, not just as your partner, but as your husband. What a blessed day for such a wretched being as himself.
"You look positively effervescent, my dear." His compliment drifts over you as he bends, kissing the backs of your hands before the two of you get into waltzing position. 
"Look who's talking. You look so wonderful in your suit." You praise him, running your fingers over his lapels as you coil one of your arms around him, your free hand clasping into his own.
He hums in response, but you know the compliment is joyfully accepted by him, after all, he tailored his own suit himself just for this day. A beautiful song starts drifting out from various speakers, an elegant classical piece filled with radiant notes at a delightful rhythm ringing throughout the room. The two of you begin to drift across the ballroom floor, and Jason can feel your nervousness beginning to bubble up.
"It's alright, my dear. No need to stress. Just like we practiced all those nights in my studio." He soothes you, whispering into your ear as he presses a few kisses along your face and neck. You take a deep breath and relax.
You envision yourself in his studio, the room attached to his workroom. It's a late night. The two of you are listening to music flowing from his old record player, moving gently across the polished floor as he teaches you how to waltz, especially in the nice shoes the two of you would be wearing on this auspicious wedding day. You envision the feeling of his body close to yours, the banter the two of you would have, the way he would count your steps for you. You drift across the ballroom floor as though you're drifting across the studio floor, and he smiles lovingly at you, praising you and telling you how wonderful you're doing, how beautiful you look.
The guests surrounding you are all in silent awe as the two of you spend a few minutes dancing about the room, although neither of you is privy to their presence. All of your attention is enraptured with each other, making your way across the room as though you were the only two there. The two of you wish this moment could last forever, although all good things must come to an end at some point. The song begins to slow, coming to its end, as do your steps with Jason as he parades you around like the finest of jewels which, to him, you are. As the final note rings through the room, the two of you still, taking in deep breaths, and Jason leans down, capturing your lips in his own as the two of you embrace each other.
Cheers sound through the room, but neither of you pays it any mind, growing dizzy in your love for each other. Your wedding might not be able to last forever, but your love for each other surely would, and neither of you would have it any other way. When you eventually separate, you look into each other's eyes with nothing but love, and everything feels right in the world, feels positively perfect. The two of you are tempted to ask for an encore, to repeat the dance once more, and as it is your wedding and you're both the ones in control... As you smile up at each other, you think you just might.
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
DSMP x reader - taking them to prom (they/them) (high school!au)
Characters: Dream (clay), George, Sapnap, Quackity (Alex), Karl, Niki, and Technoblade  Warnings: Dream’s and Quackity’s irl names Pronouns: they/them (if used/mentioned) notes: I don’t know much about prom so this is going to be based off of cheesy high school movies and tv shows lol. I’m sorry to all people who have gone through high school if I got this offensively wrong.
For an fun bonus: I added the songs that you guys would walk in to/dance to together
Dream:         (dance to “Midnight City” by M83)
He would ask you to prom after winning a big football game
he’d just sprint to you in the stands, you’d run down to meet him, and he’d sweep you into one of those tooth-achingly sweet spinny hug things (pls tell me you know what I’m talking about)
He’d ask in the sweetest way ever and you’d of course say yes
when he sees you enter the venue’s room in your stunning outfit, his jaw drops
you guys have the time of your lives
so much jumping, and cheering, and singing, and hugging, and laughing, and kissing, and memories being made
George:          (dance to “Adore You” by Harry Styles)
George asked quietly, while you guys were studying in the library for a test (not stressful, don’t worry bae)
he softly asked whether or not you had a date
you just simply replied no
gathering his courage, he asked if you wanted to go with him
“as friends?” you asked hesitantly, wanting it to be more but not wanting to push
“I was hoping we’d go as more than friends, but I understand if that oversteps your boundaries”
you smiled your sunny smily and said yes, ofc
more of a chill night, but it was still such a night to remember
Sapnap:       (dance to “505″ by the Arctic Monkeys)
Sapnap was being “bullied” by George and Clay for days since you guys had been told about the official date for when prom would be held
they kept pestering him for who he would ask out
completely fed up with them, he admitted that he really wanted to ask you
cutting their annoying act, Clay and George would help him build up the confidence to ask you
you said yes this is getting repetitive
you guys had probably the most energetic night
you guys were so freakin’ exhausted in the morning from all the partying
Quackity:     (enter to “Bang” by AJR)
Alex would most definitely ask and the weirdest most obscure time ever
You guys would probably be chasing some kids (Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo) in the park and he’d look over at you and ask,
“Hey, Y/n. Wanna be my date to prom?”
You’d stumble a little in surprise before excitedly saying “yes!”
You guys wore matching outfits and walked in dramatically, wearing sunglasses and  s t y l i s h  beanies that coordinated with your outfits perfectly
your guys’s aesthetic was totally Pinterest-worthy
Karl:         (entered to “Sober” by Childish Gambino)
Karl asked while you guys were walking in town together
you said yes
his face broke into the most happy smile on earth when he saw you arrive at the venue
you guys walked in the main room of the prom event together
it was pretty chill and vanilla for you guys, but oh my god you had fun
dancing for hours on end, low-key pranking some people
sneaking out of the large room where everyone was to roam the halls of the venue 
you guys took a selfie that captured your guys’ relationship so well that both of you framed it and made it your lockscreen
Niki:       (entered to “All The Stars” by Kendrick Lamar and SZA)
It was hilarious how she asked you out. Well- nvm. You’ll hear the full story
You were driving back from the bookstore together when you both felt the need to fill the silence
both of you asked, “Would you like to go to prom with me?” at the same time which made you both laugh
You each agreed to the question (not in unison this time)
You coordinated your outfits, spending quite a lot of time on the aesthetic of things
oh and by the way, it PAID OFF
the two of you were like a Goddess and a God (used in a gender-neutral way) and no one could stop swooning over how in love you and Niki were
it was both a chill and crazy night, the perfect balance. just like you two
Technoblade:     (entered to “Feel Like I’m Drowning” by Two Feet)
you two were practicing for sports 
if you don’t play sports, you were watching techno
he paused for a moment and you did too. He then just randomly asked in the most adorably sincere voice, “Y/n? Would you like to go to prom with me, as my date?”
You smiled “Yes. Absolutely.”
You guys wore really hot outfits and walked in the room together radiating badass energy (hence, the sexy/badass song I chose for this headcanon)
despite being dressed like a million bucks, you guys actually just sat down in a corner and discussed greek mythology
everyone, everyone, agreed that you two were the best-dressed couple at prom
You guys did dance together, but only slow dancing
“other dancing is for uncultured people who don’t understand the elegancy and intimacy of a simple waltz” - Technoblade in this headcanon
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