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karmaphone · 8 months ago
as much as I love that art + post of falin going aaaaa that's naked pussy I do not actually think Marcille would remove her bush. trim it, perhaps, but hair care IS an important part of her magic, so why would she Remove It
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stickyfrogs · 4 months ago
This evening we have been recording frogs for #FrogID Week at Greenhills Wetland organised by Sutherland Shire Council Bushcare! We heard at least 4 species calling very loudly, including the Peron’s Tree Frog and a brand new species we haven’t seen before - the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog! 🐸
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supermanlost · 1 year ago
AND i got a judy duty summon next year and no excuse to get out of it this time. the idea of leaving the team for a time is stressful to me but that means i see the value in my own work, even though i know things will be largely the same without me. still makes me want to cry not getting to do my job even if its in a weird stage atm
new work team is 2 best mates who say bro every other word and talk about things i like a little bit but not enough to butt into their banter. i dont trust them yet (and probably vice versa tbh. they described me as mellow. and also a new guy who is good at keeping to himself i wish he would open up more. i miss having ppl around me that wanted to observe the native plants around us.
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mpathe · 5 years ago
Series 3. Kunzia the survivor. Beautiful long-lived shrub #kunziaambigua holds its own regenerating on the old #sandstone #quarry wall in @cityofparramatta’s PH Jeffery tennis court reserve. #Kunzea and just a few other #remnantspecies survive amongst random weeds #motherofmillionsucculents, #africanlovegrass and #lantana watered by #soakage from upslope mown reserve #daytime #nightimephotography #shadows #parramatta #secretgarden #bushcare needed wait until these flower #northparramatta #sandstonehistory #quarryface #moss #lichen (at PH Jeffery Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXzDNCjled/?igshid=1lmrj6p6nax23
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gavdale63 · 4 years ago
Let the games begin 10 April 2021
Let the games begin 10 April 2021
Woke with an early start. There is a group coming through later to inspect the house as potential buyers. Went through with a quick sweep, vacuum, and mop and all was ready. Set myself up in the back patio and then had breakfast. While working on my project the buyers arrived, so I continued to work and after an hour they left. I then surveyed the garden to see where the work should commence…
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southbostonbitch · 5 years ago
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😍😍💖💖 Reposted from @nswenviromedia 💗 What’s hot pink and loves the night life? 🌜✨ The rare Giant Pink Slug! It's scientific name is Triboniophorus sp. nov. ‘Kaputar’. 🐌 This #slug survived the break-up of ancient #Gondwana and is now only found in the remote volcanic area of #MtKaputar ⛰ It only comes out at night, lives off bark algae and can grow to 20cm! Photo credit: Michael Murphy #BiodiversityMonth #SavingOurSpecies #threatenedspecies #mollusc #naturephotography #conservation #savinghabitat #bushcare #nswnationalparks #GiantPinkSlug #pinkslug #creepycrawlies #nature #naturegirl #creepy #slime #slimey #microphotography #giantslug #slug #slugs https://www.instagram.com/p/B8E8KUZhNWa/?igshid=1aggcx2l55xq6
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quote-it · 3 years ago
Corroboree Park
Corroboree Park
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drhoz · 6 years ago
Griffith Mates bushcare team discovered a spider species previously not recorded in Mt Gravatt Conservation Reserve. Scorpion-tailed Spiders (Arachnura higginsi) are a curious Orbweaver spider. Female Scorpion-tailed spiders develop a long tail that can be arched over the head must like a scorpion's attack position.
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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We have to update on the intriguing symbiosis of ant & caterpillar on the young Acacia decurrens in the Small Bird Habitat project. Well the pupae cluster emerged as Imperial Hairstreak Blue Butterfly, and these delicate emergents were also attended by the ants, (you could imagine surprised) instinctively racing around and over the butterflies as the hatched, mated and remained around the shrub. An amazing arrangement. Read more and see the videos and these above photos by Paul Whitington here: https://southernforestlife.net/happenings/2017/6/26/the-life-of-the-imperial-hairstreak - #butterfly #ants #pupae #symbiosis #imperialhairstreakbutterfly #imperialbluebutterfly #jalmenusevagoras #smallbirdhabitat #acaciadecurrens #wildlife #nature #phenomenon #chanelstreet #thegreatwestwalk #bushcare #bushregeneration #oldtoongabbie photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFmLOXjWPf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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soundaslanguage · 4 years ago
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Blue Divers - Blue Divers (Bedroom Suck)
released October 16, 2020
Private Eyes is a new series of releases from the great Australian label, Bedroom Suck, that documents Australian music in isolation over the course of the pandemic. The first release is the captivating self-titled debut album from Blue Divers. The instrumental group is helmed by Alec Marshall with a rotating cast of players and the album was recorded remotely during quarantine. Yet Blue Divers still feels incredibly intimate and warm. While there might be ten “songs” here the album plays as one. Each piece fits perfectly together slowly drifting into one another. Lush and meditative, the album delicately floats by with gentle guitars, soft synth and piano. Blue Divers have put forth a quietly stunning work of art that takes solace in newfound solitude.  
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sapphicconservative · 4 years ago
Uh... I didn't answer some of what the ask offered? In fact, I kind of went my own route with this post and offered what I knew.
Before Obamacare our health insurance was cheap and affordable. And then Obamacare took in place and we were struggling a whole lot more. Suddenly we could no longer afford a doctor's visit. The skyrocket cost never happened until after Obamacare took into effect. There's absolutely no reason to be rude. I even stated there are possibly other reasons why things went so bad financially under his presidency, but most of the adults during this period have stated Obamacare was the main reason they all struggled.
I'm also confused as to what his race has to do with this? I'd hate this just as much with it was "Trumpcare" or "Bushcare". A bad policy is a bad policy, regardless of race. My friend I mentioned is a minority. Most of the people I knew who fell into poverty because of Obamacare are minorities.
Biden is putting federal penalty on not having health insurance now. I come off my parents plan when I turn 30, looks like I'll be in jail or sued off my ass if I don't have a job with coverage then??
I never understood why the government felt a need to get involved with healthcare services. From what I've heard of from older adults, healthcare was cheaper and more efficient before Obamacare.
I remember my friend at the time going from low class to below poverty in the span of months when Obamacare was rolled out. She's forever blamed Obama for her family falling into poverty. My family was also not so lucky. We fell from low-middle class to low class and barely making things meet. I'm sure there were other decisions Obama did that caused this sudden change, but most adults I know have placed this on Obamacare.
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batsrule-info · 7 years ago
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re http://batsrule.info/2018/01/bathursts-bats-in-machattie-park-have.html   blog post updated People can grow to love the flying fox spectacle IT was good to see so many positive comments included in the article about flying foxes in Machattie Park. Some comments, though, show a lack of understanding about the environmental role of the animals, misunderstanding about health risks, and ignorance about their status as a protected species. It is important to ensure the public is reassured about the realistic risks (very low) of disease transmission. As a Friends of Bats group we are keen to see Australians celebrate these important native animals and work to ensure they survive into the future. Managing urban flying fox camps is challenging, but positive community attitudes make all the difference. It is always disappointing to hear of community leaders like Bobby Bourke failing their communities in the way the article reported. That is, by stoking fear and loathing, which does not lead to any positive outcome for the bats or the community As their role is to pollinate indigenous trees and disperse their seeds, flying foxes provide invaluable environmental services that more than offset the loss of some canopy foliage in a few trees in suburban parks. Happily, as we find in our local colony (Yarra Bend Park in Melbourne), people can grow to love the colony and we have lookout spots that attract dozens of people every night to watch the spectacle of the bats 'flying out'. Many international visitors are attracted to see this wildlife event. Dr Megan Davidson, Friends of Bats and Bushcare Inc
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thebullitimes · 7 years ago
Bushcare suspends activities as vandalism continues unabated
Bushcare suspends activities as vandalism continues unabated
A portion of the bushland believed to have been deliberately attacked at Sandon Point.  ENVIRONMENTAL vandals’ deliberate and unrelenting attack on decades of work by volunteers at Sandon Point and other significant coastal sites in Wollongong’ north shows no sign of slowing down. Ringbarked for views So much has the problem grown, frustrated volunteers from the Sandon Point Bushcare Group have…
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
💼 POLÍTICA | Lash tentacionesh de Nuñez Feijóo… O la imposhibilidad de que reniegue de shu tan querida «derechita cobarde»
💼 POLÍTICA | Lash tentacionesh de Nuñez Feijóo… O la imposhibilidad de que reniegue de shu tan querida «derechita cobarde»
Feijóo puede eshtar tentado a no hacer cambiosh shushtancialesh y ningunear a Vox o inclusho bushcar una coalición con losh shocialishtash. Que no she duerma porque Ayusho no deshcansha… De muy buen humor anda don Alberto Núñez Feijoo, líder máximo del Partido Popular (PP) deshde el domingo 19 de junio, día en que she celebraron eleccionesh en Andalucía. Y no esh para menosh pueshto que –aparte…
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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We have to update on the intriguing symbiosis of ant & caterpillar on the young Acacia decurrens in the Small Bird Habitat project. Well the pupae cluster emerged as Imperial Hairstreak Blue Butterfly, and these delicate emergents were also attended by the ants, (you could imagine surprised) instinctively racing around and over the butterflies as the hatched, mated and remained around the shrub. An amazing arrangement - more on the next Butterfly posting - #butterfly #ants #pupae #symbiosis #imperialhairstreakbutterfly #imperialbluebutterfly #jalmenusevagoras #smallbirdhabitat #acaciadecurrens #wildlife #nature #phenomenon #chanelstreet #thegreatwestwalk #bushcare #bushregeneration #oldtoongabbie photos: @mpathesii and last image @murraysayle (at Reynolds Park Old Toongabbie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFkmdgD4-b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gavdale63 · 7 years ago
A good year - 2018 - day 104
A good year – 2018 – day 104
Woke early and having joined in the Prime Ministers 1,000,000 step walk, decided it as high time to put the feet on the ground. I walked from home, behind the football fields and across to the end of Webster Road. From there followed the bike track along Freshwater Creek, then a bush track to come out onto a street, which lead to McGahey Street. I then walked to Hubner Drive and passed Rothwell…
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