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mpathe · 4 years ago
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We have to update on the intriguing symbiosis of ant & caterpillar on the young Acacia decurrens in the Small Bird Habitat project. Well the pupae cluster emerged as Imperial Hairstreak Blue Butterfly, and these delicate emergents were also attended by the ants, (you could imagine surprised) instinctively racing around and over the butterflies as the hatched, mated and remained around the shrub. An amazing arrangement. Read more and see the videos and these above photos by Paul Whitington here: https://southernforestlife.net/happenings/2017/6/26/the-life-of-the-imperial-hairstreak - #butterfly #ants #pupae #symbiosis #imperialhairstreakbutterfly #imperialbluebutterfly #jalmenusevagoras #smallbirdhabitat #acaciadecurrens #wildlife #nature #phenomenon #chanelstreet #thegreatwestwalk #bushcare #bushregeneration #oldtoongabbie photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFmLOXjWPf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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We have to update on the intriguing symbiosis of ant & caterpillar on the young Acacia decurrens in the Small Bird Habitat project. Well the pupae cluster emerged as Imperial Hairstreak Blue Butterfly, and these delicate emergents were also attended by the ants, (you could imagine surprised) instinctively racing around and over the butterflies as the hatched, mated and remained around the shrub. An amazing arrangement - more on the next Butterfly posting - #butterfly #ants #pupae #symbiosis #imperialhairstreakbutterfly #imperialbluebutterfly #jalmenusevagoras #smallbirdhabitat #acaciadecurrens #wildlife #nature #phenomenon #chanelstreet #thegreatwestwalk #bushcare #bushregeneration #oldtoongabbie photos: @mpathesii and last image @murraysayle (at Reynolds Park Old Toongabbie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFkmdgD4-b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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This weekend Nestboxes are a feature at our Heritage Festival event “ #naturebathingatpicasso “ at Gallery Gardens, on Sun 2May. The @hollowloghomes #nestboxes are intended for our rare local population of Grass Parrot or #RedRumpedParrot see image 2, female and male (Psephotus haematonotus) who require #grassland and ideally native seed-bearing #kangaroo, wallaby and weeping grass and herbs to forage. image 1 - #EasternRosella with chicks in the nest box photo by @alicemcglashan #nestboxtales #smallbirdhabitat #oldtoongabbie #urbanhabitat #parramatta #communityenvironmentprogram (at Gallery Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/COJ2mqCDJNf/?igshid=1i9xai29car6f
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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Dewy morning checking the children - #bushcare #acaciaimplexa #hickorywattle #thegreatwestwalk #oldtoongabbie #smallbirdhabitat #understory #regeneration #backlight #chiaroscuro (at Reynolds Park Old Toongabbie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNyNWRfhL1f/?igshid=1vkoug6bgnd1d
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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a few recent highlights of #25years #bushcare at #oldtoongabbie with most of that thanks to the dedication by Marina (in the stick humpy) - and x1 outrage at new guttering well inside the #dripline #rootzone of #endangeredecologicalcommunity #broadleafironbark that should gave been better protected by exclusion of #civilengineering impacts at Lake Parramatta - photo 1 shows #gallerygardens in 1995 before “we started” #whatbushcare” in #whinging #winstonhillsandtoongabbie #riverflateucalyptforest #cumberlandplainwoodland #eucalyptusamplifolia #cabbagegum #davesiaulicifolia #seedcollection for #smallbirdhabitat #bushregeneration #liveableparramatta #urbanhabitat #bethesolution #handweeding #nativegrassesofparramatta #oldtoongabbie #gnaphaliumsphaericum #glycineclandestina #naturebathing (at Gallery Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNj4yIShHyU/?igshid=1pa2wezhlv8lv
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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Looking up. Smell the serenity. These late constructivist sewer vent towers were located some 60 years ago along the Southern Sydney Ocean Outfall Line (@sydneywater c.1960-1?) all the way through Toongabbie Creek to Parramatta and to Malabar... - many of the remnant Forest Red Gum, Cabbage Gum and Swamp Oak (and Blue gum downstream) that survived colonization and farming are still holding on - except for this one - that lost its top, and suffered dieback (probably bark damage and root disturbance) eventually. It’s tall stag remains as #hollowsforhabitat. - We have replanted 300 canopy and mid-strata trees near here with @greatersydneylandcarenetwork recently on this #thegreatwestwalk, as part of the #creatingcanopies #nswgovtproject from @robstokesmp, and #smallbirdhabitat #understory #regeneration with federal #communityenvironmentprogram from @julie.owens.mp #Parramatta. - #ventstack #rollediron #irontower #constructivist #conical #treestag #treestagram #blackabdwhite #bnw #monochrome #oldtoongabbie #suesavage (at Reynolds Park Old Toongabbie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKYheb5BM5q/?igshid=l5djz35a3ylm
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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Looking up. Smell the serenity. These late constructivist sewer vent towers were located some 60 years ago along the Southern Sydney Ocean Outfall Line (@sydneywater c.1960-1?) all the way through Toongabbie Creek to Parramatta and to Malabar... - many of the remnant Forest Red Gum, Cabbage Gum and Swamp Oak (and Blue gum downstream) that survived colonization and farming are still holding on - except for this one - that lost its top, and suffered dieback (probably bark damage and root disturbance) eventually. It’s tall stag remains as #hollowsforhabitat. - We have replanted 300 canopy and mid-strata trees near here with @greatersydneylandcarenetwork recently on this #thegreatwestwalk, as part of the #creatingcanopies #nswgovtproject from @robstokesmp, and #smallbirdhabitat #understory #regeneration with federal #communityenvironmentprogram from @julie.owens.mp #Parramatta. - #ventstack #rollediron #irontower #constructivist #conical #treestag #treestagram #blackabdwhite #bnw #monochrome #oldtoongabbie #suesavage (at Old Toongabbie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKYgonohgwV/?igshid=1y8dmev7s8ru
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mpathe · 4 years ago
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Work in Progress: Over the weekend first street art mural took shape for the Small Bird Habitat project. Our Guest Artist being @badmagpies’ Karen Farmer who composed the beautiful warbling magpies arrangement to reflect and enhance the ecological restoration of the original Riverflat Eucalyptus Forest at Gallery Gardens. Old Toongabbie has a new attraction that we are proud to present and inspire more community engagement and appreciation of the large birds and small birds we hope to accommodate. - #bushcare #smallbirdhabitat #magpie #magpiesofinstagram #streetart #aerosolart #oldtoongabbie #parramatta #curatorial #resolution #riverflateucalyptforest #gallerygardens #bluewren #wrensday #spottedpardalote #karenfarmer #artforthepeople (at Gallery Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH5PyTcDMuF/?igshid=1o90jbyg9lipk
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Coming Up: Our new Small Bird Habitat project, finally after much covid-19 delay, getting a new fence area. Details to follow soon. Some tradies get all the fun - with temporary public art installations (we’d be so brave as to interpret the worksite) building a new #postandrailfence for Council for our new #bushcare #corehabitat focus in the #GalleryGardens reserve, #oldtoongabbie. #endangered #cumberlandplainwoodland #riverflatforest #parramatta #incidentalart #tradieart #carpenterinthewild #eucalyptusamplifolia #eucalyptustereticornis #melaleucadecora #smallbirdhabitat project #riverbankrestoration #streambankerrosion #casuarinaglauca #erosioncontrol #rootmatting #angophorafloribunda (at Gallery Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOV8-zjB2j/?igshid=1pohm8fsnjnbl
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Coming Up: Our new Small Bird Habitat project, finally after much covid-19 delay, getting a new fence area. Details to follow soon. Some tradies get all the fun - with temporary public art installations (we’d be so brave as to interpret the worksite) building a new #postandrailfence for Council for our new #bushcare #corehabitat focus in the #GalleryGardens reserve, #oldtoongabbie. #endangered #cumberlandplainwoodland #riverflatforest #parramatta #incidentalart #tradieart #carpenterinthewild #eucalyptusamplifolia #eucalyptustereticornis #melaleucadecora #smallbirdhabitat project (at Gallery Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOU1KTjNGh/?igshid=onpbvo3tg7bg
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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A few more of my favorite things #paperbarktree #branches at @parrapark #afewofmyfavouritethings #melaleucadecora and a #ravensnest #saltbush in the mulch #chenopodiumpumilio #remnanttrees #raretrees #treesofparramatta #urbanhabitat potential for more #smallbirdhabitat such as finches, wrens, pardalotes and grass parrot if the grass had seeds #verdant #snowinsummer wait until they flower ! #whiteflowers #parrapark #parramatta (at Parramatta Park Queens St) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GT_49H4Fl/?igshid=11pip6hcgrgjg
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Bouncing back after the rain is the beautiful and greatly under-appreciated local indigenous Oplismenus or #Basketgrass. Forming a loose open #groundcover structure with fine runners that root at the nodes the leaves and furry pink flowers stems often fan outwards and climb half a meter provide ground habitat. #oplismenusaemulus #oplismenus_imbecillis (thinner leaf) #nativegrassesofparramatta #lawnreplacement #livingmulch #indigenousgrasses #parramatta #smallbirdhabitat #nofilter #seasonalgrass https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-NhSOns4P/?igshid=8jvg4ybvuk6m
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Tree Curtains for Australia Day at Old Govt House. Parramatta. 1791 #Patyegarang aged 15 was the lead instructor to Lt William Dawes’ transcriptions of the “Aboriginal Languages if Sydney”. . from Ross Gibson ‘Patyegarang and William Dawes: the Space of Imagination’ - “In January 1788 Lieutenant William Dawes came to Botany Bay, on Australia’s southeastern coast, with the First Fleet Marines. Lately he has loomed into contemporary awareness in Australia. This emergence has occurred after he had just about disappeared from accounts having completed his four-year Sydney sojourn in December 1791. For almost two hundred years Dawes missed out on close historical attention because his papers and effects had been assumed destroyed in family disputes and by a hurricane in Antigua during the nineteenth century. But in 1972 his two ‘language notebooks’ were discovered at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.1 Amounting to eighty small pages of spacious handwriting, the notebooks are a vital trace of the first four years of British colonisation in Australia, and since their retrieval growing numbers of scholars have been appreciating not only the timbre of Dawes’ intellect but equally the boldness and wit of the Indigenous people with whom he conversed.” . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9780230277946_16 #treecurtains #invasionday #rumrebellionday #ambientart #graphicdesign #livingheritage #blackshale #parramattapool #lakeparramatta #littlecoogee #smallbirdhabitat #banner #figtree #oldgovernmenthouse #parramatta #nofilter #parrapark (at Australia Day Parramatta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7siTq6HsM-/?igshid=l90pqyibsadz
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Tree Curtains for Australia Day Parramatta Park. Language and Geology. 1791 #Patyegarang aged 15 was the lead instructor to Lt William Dawes’ transcriptions of the “Aboriginal Languages if Sydney”. . from Ross Gibson ‘Patyegarang and William Dawes: the Space of Imagination’ - “In January 1788 Lieutenant William Dawes came to Botany Bay, on Australia’s southeastern coast, with the First Fleet Marines. Lately he has loomed into contemporary awareness in Australia. This emergence has occurred after he had just about disappeared from accounts having completed his four-year Sydney sojourn in December 1791. For almost two hundred years Dawes missed out on close historical attention because his papers and effects had been assumed destroyed in family disputes and by a hurricane in Antigua during the nineteenth century. But in 1972 his two ‘language notebooks’ were discovered at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.1 Amounting to eighty small pages of spacious handwriting, the notebooks are a vital trace of the first four years of British colonisation in Australia, and since their retrieval growing numbers of scholars have been appreciating not only the timbre of Dawes’ intellect but equally the boldness and wit of the Indigenous people with whom he conversed.” . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9780230277946_16 #treecurtains #invasionday #rumrebellionday #ambientart #graphicdesign #livingheritage #blackshale #parramattapool #lakeparramatta #littlecoogee #smallbirdhabitat #banner #figtree #oldgovernmenthouse #parramatta #aboriginallanguage #parrapark (at Parramatta Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7sh7X-nPNu/?igshid=frttfna6rgr0
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Tree Curtains for Australia Day at Old Govt House. Parramatta. Language and Geology. 1791 Patyegarang aged 15 was the lead instructor to Lt William Dawes’ transcriptions of the “Aboriginal Languages if Sydney”. . from Ross Gibson ‘Patyegarang and William Dawes: the Space of Imagination’ - “In January 1788 Lieutenant William Dawes came to Botany Bay, on Australia’s southeastern coast, with the First Fleet Marines. Lately he has loomed into contemporary awareness in Australia. This emergence has occurred after he had just about disappeared from accounts having completed his four-year Sydney sojourn in December 1791. For almost two hundred years Dawes missed out on close historical attention because his papers and effects had been assumed destroyed in family disputes and by a hurricane in Antigua during the nineteenth century. But in 1972 his two ‘language notebooks’ were discovered at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.1 Amounting to eighty small pages of spacious handwriting, the notebooks are a vital trace of the first four years of British colonisation in Australia, and since their retrieval growing numbers of scholars have been appreciating not only the timbre of Dawes’ intellect but equally the boldness and wit of the Indigenous people with whom he conversed.” . https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9780230277946_16 #treecurtains #invasionday #rumrebellionday #ambientart #graphicdesign #livingheritage #blackshale #parramattapool #lakeparramatta #littlecoogee #smallbirdhabitat #banner #figtree #oldgovernmenthouse #parramatta #nofilter (at Old Government House - National Trust of Australia NSW) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7shhqwnn7t/?igshid=117krett5gy0a
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mpathe · 5 years ago
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Turpentine Reconnaissance - thus gang of 5 remnant #turpentinetrees is significant, suffering from drought and regular mowing, which reduces ground moisture and erases regeneration and multi-species benefits. Adjacent to a wide grass space and #richiebenaudoval this is a proposed site for a pilot #smallbirdhabitat #bushcare #regeneration #communityproject Theses trees are part of the #endangeredecologicalcommunity #sydneyturpentineironbarkforest and quite close to the #parramattacbd The project aims to enhance strategic plots with #nativegrassesofparramatta and #busariaspinosa #hedgeplanting, ie #nativeplant #blackthorn suitable for #wrens #finches #pardalotes and #grass parrot in #parramatta #parramattatree #urbanhabitat #discoverparramatta Stay Tuned from @thesocialcanvas to be involved soon. Federal Community Environment Program through Julie Owens MP. (at Belmore Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7na6oUgMBN/?igshid=3rf2zav0st7z
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