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noirsisterhood · 1 year ago
Divested Black women are falling into a trap. While society wants you to focus on debating about going 50/50 with males or getting into twitter debates about interracial dating, you as a black woman have more important things to worry about. It’s great to see black girls previously robbed of their girlhood reclaiming their natural femininity, however there is more to be concerned about. Divestment is not about males or how cute you can be, but self preservation as a priority. Look past the hyper-sexualizing and demoralizing attempted propaganda. Look past your childhood brainwashing and abuse to internalize the Jezebel and Mammy stereotypes. Stop defending and protecting everyone except for yourself. Stop worshiping males in attempts to gain romantic responses and respect. Pay attention to what really matters. Black Americans will soon have a net worth of $0 as the global economic depression and food shortage gets closer. Our “communities” are the primary target for all things struggle so migrants will be housed where you live, crime will sky rocket, and income/economic opportunities will deplete. Suburban black women are not exempt from this. The vast majority of black girls are not entering recession proof career fields. It’s important that black women are multi tasking everyday life while preparing for the future because 99% are not informed or prepared. It doesn’t have to be alone when there are likeminded black girls and women out there :)
Black women prepping, homesteading, self defense, gardening TikTok compilation. https://youtu.be/KkguBqtXdto?si=daiMQX6kgI6ROt_V
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pilesofpillows · 1 year ago
I've been tagged by the lovely & wonderful @jbarneswilson
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
There are sooooo many of these... this is gonna be fun 😅
An Angel Drowned - Namor/Okoye/Attuma OT3 nonsense
Like Real People Do - Attoye First Kiss Arranged Marriage AU
Stars Aglow - Pt. 3 of A Sea of Stars
Seas May Burn - Stars-verse spin off where I commit crimes and feel no shame
Sunbound - Attoye Kink Exploration
Unrighteous - Real World Infidelity AU because why not
Gather Our Ghosts - Featuring the heaviest angst I'll ever write aside from SMB
Glory - Attoye Gladiator AU
Carry Me Down - Canon Divergence, Hostage AU
Drown With Me - Dark Attuma, Homicide is a Summer Activity
If I Had A Boat - Okoye-centric, #burnthecape
Bigger Than Love - Another Arranged Marriage AU
Love Comes in Waves - Mission Gone Wrong Hurt/Comfort
Overjoyed - Primetime Pt. 2 (lol its been a long time coming)
Won't You Bring Me Whiskey - Old Western AU
Kiss with a Fist - Hate Sex dubcon, the dove is dead
LRPD Prequel - Because it's more necessary than you think
Oh and I have a Harry Potter fic too 🤣
Blood Never Lies - Pureblood Biracial Hermione
Send an ask if you want detail or anything like that 😂 I'll blab about anything. I do not have 18 people to tag 😭 we'll stick with the same homies I roll with all the time 😂
All Love, No Pressure tags: @theeblackmedusa @mamajankyy @tvreadsandsleep @xenokattz @umber-cinders @sharonrb
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
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pilesofpillows · 2 years ago
Currently working on a multi-chaptered fic where Okoye goes to therapy and then says fuck it…
Cuz ain’t nobody got the time or energy to be everybody’s superhero.
Why can’t Okoye be sad and vulnerable? Why does she always gotta be ‘on’? Why can’t she wallow in her emotions?
I wrote Michonne fic for years, and it’s a trend in fandom, especially for characters who are dark skin Black women. If they’re not always ‘strong’ and got their shit together, fandom doesn’t accept them.
Anyway, my versions of these women are going to be layered. They’re going to cry and be messy and not have their shit together. They’re going to show vulnerability. They’re going to show weakness and need to be held.
This is what it means to be human. They deserve to have their humanity explored. Every piece of content I create for characters like Okoye, Michonne, Sarah Wilson, and other dark skin women is a love letter to them. I love them. I’m going to show them being vulnerable in my fan creations, and then I’m going to give them all the love they deserve.
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leveledupmindset · 3 years ago
The great awakening
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carameledchocolate · 2 years ago
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ramithetradfem · 5 years ago
For my black ladies and tradfems out there. Don't settle for being anyone's backup. You are worthy of love without struggle, of love without abuse.
Black females, we do not have to struggle in order to be loved, we should not have to be warriors in order to gain appreciation in our own community. Be happy and calm in your femininity. It's okay to ask for help you don't have to be strong all the time just because that's what the narrative says you have to be.
We aren't superwomen, if we are pushed we will fall, if we are cut we will bleed. Strength is not a compliment it is a shackle. Burn the cape and be free. Love those who love you for who you are.
Those who love your natural hair, body, smile. Those who don't see you as purely masculine or strong or warriors who don't need protection. Black women are women and we deserve protection too. Let our girls be little girls full of innocence.
Give our pregnant mothers and newborns a chance. Black women, we are beautiful and we shouldn't have to be warriors in order for people to acknowledge that especially our own people.
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leejupiter · 5 years ago
It's over for black men the day black women collectively decide to stop fighting for them. But y'all ain't ready for that conversation...
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silklaceee · 4 years ago
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blackwomanvibes · 4 years ago
Like the content? Support the content creator cashapp: $BlackWomanVibes  
We are discussing a variety of topics in this video including CLOUT CHASING Drake Sza been curve, Nicki Minaj's bundle of joy, Megan who Can't Stop Won't Stop doing HER, Eve the first stripper turnt rapper that escaped Blackistan impeccably etc! 
#Sza #NickiMinaj #MeganTheeStallion
Facebook: Black Woman Vibes
Instagram: Black Woman Vibes
Twitter: Black Woman Vibes
YouTube: Black Woman Vibes
Podbean: Black Woman Vibes
Black Woman Vibes Podcast: (Spotify) 
Email questions/dilemmas for Spiritual (Eye-Hour) *pronounced hour* at [email protected]
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pilesofpillows · 1 year ago
Luckily, all the WIPs that caught my eye were listed one after the other. But I'll ask separately so there's more room for fic for organization.
If I Had A Boat - Okoye-centric, #burnthecape
More space to talk about my fics for organization? A moot after my own heart (you have it already) 🥰🤭🤭
If I Had A Boat || Okoye-centric, #burnthecape
Like it says on the tin, Boat is all about Okoye. More specifically, it is about her choosing her own peace and healing in a way I don't think we'll ever actually get to see on screen. One of Okoye's defining traits, especially in the MCU, is loyalty— almost to a fault. Babygirl has never turned her back on Wakanda.
Objectively, I think its fair to say that everyone in the MCU has been dealt a fair amount of trauma, something that Phase 4 really seems to be leaning into. There are characters, however, who I feel don't get to have their trauma addressed, let alone allow it to affect them. Okoye is one such character in my mind, especially after the events of both Black Panther movies. Like in timeline order we've got: Death of a Monarch (T'Chaka), Presumed Loss of Best Friend & Monarch, A Coup + Marital Betrayal (fucking Wastebasket), Big Ass Alien Battle Pt. 1, The Blip, Holding the Kingdom Down for 5 Fucking Years While the World Falls the Fuck Apart, Big Ass Alien Battle Pt. 2, Death of a Monarch (T'Challa), Ambush on the Bridge, Demotion (where doing her motherfucking job gets thrown back in her fucking face), Death of a Monarch (Ramonda), AND finally, the Battle of the Sea Leopard (where I presume there were a great many losses).
That's like three lifetimes of grief and pain, and what? She's supposed to just Strong Black Woman her way through it?? Bull. Shit.
My mini-rant aside, If I Had A Boat's main purpose is to explore that trauma and grief, and subsequent healing. Okoye is forced to choose between sacrificing her sanity for the sake of Wakanda or distancing herself in order to heal and in doing so, discover a purpose separate from serving the throne.
Spoiler: she chooses Option 2.
So much of her identity has been wrapped up in service, and she deserves a life outside of that. She deserves to heal away from the pressures and duties that comes with being "The Tip of the Spear of Wakanda's Army" or a Midnight Angel. So she goes to therapy, takes a fucking vacation, and learns that she has more life to live and more love to give.
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
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papirouge · 3 years ago
Girl we need MORE blogs like yours to speak FDS 😭 IM hooked on how confident so many women are and I love that they dont let any man get away with low value behavior
I WILL!! What do you want me to talk about❓
For now I've been mostly putting subliminals on my tags lmao But I've been feeding myself with so much interesting content of this one blogger I've been listening non stop these last few days. She's a Black woman and she's telling so much truths about the issues of Black women, such as: colorism, interracial dating, self hate among the black community (wigs, skin bleaching, featurism), media shoving negative stereotypes about darkskin Black women (while uplifting lightskin), etc etc.
It is soooo refreshing to FINALLY hear someone say what your intuition always told you. For example I always HATED how black women were put in position of "soldier" and masculinized to the point of being on the forefront of manifestations in defense of Black men... when Black women have no business defending black men, who for the most part disrespect us on a daily basis, humiliate for our ugly features and dark skin and are so bold to say how their preference are women from other races. I like how she compells black women to cape for themselves & themselves only, embrace their feminitity, and ley (Black) men to deal with their own issue and trauma #burnthecape 🚫🦸🏾‍♀️
You'll NEVER see me cape for no man, let alone some thug/deadbeat self hating colorist who had it coming (and no, I'm not saying anyone deserves to be unfairly killed by the police). Sorry, but I am too cute for this 💅🏾🧖🏾‍♀️💆🏾‍♀️
If you follow me long enough on this blog you've probably realized I'm on my own lane, and although I'm not that "tee-heheeee I'm a woman so I will dedicate entire existence and personality on being feminine ☺️🌸 tee-heheheee me dumb dumb woman, me needa husband to do basic tasks in life coz being incapable be peak female energy🙈" kinda woman, but I still do acknowledge gender roles have a purpose and that no woman should be on the frontline to defend men. Period. Men are supposed to protect women - not the other way around.
Women desperately pandering to men, positive posting about them, and white knighting them... when male pay them dust is pathetic at best, but for the most part, utterly embarassing for BOTH sides, for the reasons I just explained.
The user I've been binge listening these mast few weeks is Chrissie. There are sooo many videos I would recommend, but in this one, she does an amazing job at summarizing the point of "corrective promotion" & feminity for (dark skin) Black women + rebukes some false ideas ("feminitity/hypergamy promotes the idea of being rich to make it"), and she is so on point...!!!
(It starts at 8:37)
YES confident women are everything. But also INTELLIGENT women. I am personally extremely attracted by intelligent men so that's a quality I'm really working on myself (actually that's what I like the most about myself : my intelligence & outstanding perspective on things 🤓) and since I'm a firm believer that you attract what you are, I'm hopeful I'll attract an intelligent & masculine man one day 🔥🧡🙈 that's also why I cringe soo hard whenever I see women dumbing themselves down to appeal to men because it's the best way to attract low value men who feel threatened by clever women
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leveledupmindset · 3 years ago
One sided loyalty is for suckers
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bisluthq · 4 years ago
do we think joe washes his cap? also for how many years has he had that cap, can't taylor buy him a new one ? #burnthecap
He defs washes it because #haircareroutine and all that. He’s not putting dirty shit on his head.
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ramithetradfem · 5 years ago
What are your thoughts about relationships between black women and non-black men?
I believe black women should be allowed to love whoever they want to love. If they want to be with an Asian man that's perfectly fine or if they want be with a Hispanic one that's cool too. Don't try to hold out for men who don't value you, go where you are wanted.
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