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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months ago
I feel so bad that Megan has to deal with the AI sextape being passed around. Yet again, this whole scandal is being perpetrated by Blackistan and its members( The black blogs and obsessive stans) and at this point I think Megan needs to pull a Tina Turner/Eve move and distance herself from the collective rap industry. In general she’s partially already doing that by leaning into her anime watcher side and including that into her music(because let’s be honest, Blackistan stays away from certain kinds of aesthetics and music on purpose).
Also, on the topic of Blackistan and Megan, Blackistan has had its ugly neck out for her ever since Tory Lanez got put in jail. I still remember when the Black rap blogs were putting out fake headlines that Tory was found innocent, only for them to be wrong. They don’t like it when criminal Black men are held accountable in any way. If we learned anything from Tina Turner’s life and death, Blackistan is going to make Megan’s injury, virtual harassment, and fake sex tape a joke to degrade and humiliate her even when she’s in the grave.
And it’s not lost on me how Taylor got sympathy and the government to start doing something when she was the victim of this happening. But Megan doesn’t even get basic human respect and the ability to cry because she’s being dehumanized online via a deepfake.
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exiledintoascension · 10 months ago
Stay viligant and always have a contingency plan. The Karens and Keishas are getting into full throttle desperate mode. Giving "that work" is starting to be even more risky. Be aware of the company she keeps
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auntyruckus · 6 months ago
Imagine going, working so hard in college to get a law certification and become a judge, not only as a black person, but as a black woman, only to have thousands of degenerate murderous bastards smear your very name because you are their female counterpart who handles the case of their beloved criminal 🥴
Let it be known that she backed out of this affair and was replaced by a white woman judge. The same degenerates are partying, thinking that's his ticket to freedom.
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blackmails: you FEMALES love fraternising with thugs, yall are the source of everything wrong w the community!! 😡😡
blackmails when we hold a literal thug accountable:
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cyarsk52-20 · 3 months ago
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I hope ur right but tbh it doesn’t seem like she’s quite ready to abandon “black love” and Blackistan despite how harmful it’s been to her. The community definitely doesn’t deserve her but they’ll appreciate her more when she’s gone and they still don’t deserve her and she doesn’t need them
The abuser meatsuckers in the black community failed her and they don’t deserve her anymore just like they did not deserve Tina turner , Go where you’re celebrated The black community is amazing to some, detrimental to others….this kinda applies to every group of people though
Honestly I want this for her so bad, she deserves peace.
Astrocartography- go where you are loved
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akuasucc · 17 days ago
the word blackistan kills me
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
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ohbrownone · 2 years ago
Inside The Blackistan Bedroom!
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moonsbijou · 3 years ago
i don’t celebrate or mourn kevin samuels dying but i do hope youtube removes every last one of his videos from the platform and that all the incels the follow him or agree with his misogynoir kindly go back to shutting up forever.
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wellapparently · 3 years ago
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exiledintoascension · 6 months ago
Video provided by JayeDeBlack
Video explains all of it very clearly. Could be fake, in order to get attention and clout. However, it could be real.
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freelyenvolving · 2 years ago
Watch "Pnb Rock Proves Why The Black Community Is A Flop" on YouTube
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hestiasroom · 3 years ago
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blackwomanvibes · 4 years ago
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SWIPE RIGHT 👉🏾 AND GET YOURSELF SOME PEPPER SPRAY AND A LICENSE TO CARRY PARTICULARLY IF YOU LIVE IN ANY #BLACKISTAN GHETTO👈🏾 Y’all HATE to see it but in the #ageofAquarius and how the planets are set up Spirit isn’t playing with your #NAKER SUNZ. I have come to the conclusion that #BlackWomen as a collective are DANGEROUS because of their complicit #Stockholmsyndrome and #pickme aka anxious attachment style. Tyrone Cooper the YOUNG super predator who viciously in a cannibal fashion attacked a 30 year old woman after she rejected his transactional trap to pay for her wine at a liquor corner store. #TyroneCooper was FOUND at his Girlfriend’s Flatbush apartment because he continued his #misogynistic woman beating behavior on his girlfriend and she needed to call the police to save her life; especially for the fact he broke her JAW in the recent past. This young #psychopath has continued to target and harm BLACK WOMEN however it is BLACK WOMEN who march, protect and even throw their bodies in the front line to save these men who literally sacrifice them. It is dangerous to continue to be blinded by your own oppression but it is even MORE dangerous for Black Women to continue befriending and trusting in Black Women who REFUSE to see what’s so plainly clear. Black men PREY on Black Women and the collective of Black Women either don’t care, don’t know or make excuses for such predatory behavior. Hence the FAILED push for defunding the police! 😳 These women are DANGEROUS and are the types who will sell you to the brothel under the guise of “SiStErHoOd.” Please don’t be fooled, all skin folk ain’t kinfolk and this ESPECIALLY TRUE FOR BACK WOMEN. Needless to say, #DivestorDie *** Just A Tarot Reader With A Psych Degree... *** Tell me what YOU think in the comments below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ *** #superpredator #blackwomenmatter #blackfemicide #domesticviolence #blackhistorymonth #intimatepartnerviolence #harlem #blacklove #blackcommunity #protectblackwomen #blackwomenmatter #blackwomenslivesmatter #burnthecape #GoAskVie #sextrafficking #wakanda #DivestorDie #queenofswords #blackmen #sayhername #divestment https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0RZdhFuy-/?igshid=p4mfkkzo3fgs
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rebeleden · 1 year ago
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silverlovesmadi · 5 years ago
The Complicated Space Black Womanhood Resides In
Guilt shaming black women into acting against their own best interest to everyone else’s benefit, happens at the family, community, and societal level. We see this play out in black homes across the US where we “love our boys and we raise our girls,��� noted first lady Michelle at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago a few years back.
In our communities, black women are demeaned and shamed for putting their needs before the “communal needs” (read the desires of black men). Jewel Woods, an author and gender analyst, lays out many of the privileges black men enjoy, at the expense of black women, in his article “Black Male Privileges Checklist.” Society as a whole has benefited off the labor of black people and this of course includes the often misrepresented, if not completely unacknowledged, black woman.
Everyone wants to enjoy the benefits of having the support of black women, but no one wants to compensate the black woman for her labor. This kind of relationship is parasitic in nature and I’d argue that it contributes to the high rates of anxiety and depression that black women suffer from. Just as the “Strong black woman,” and “angry black woman” tropes contribute to the rates of mental health issues that black women suffer from.
As a black woman, I can corroborate the tales of familial, communal, and societal exploitation referred to as “muling”. Luckily, I’ve always had enough of my wits about me in order to challenge these efforts and consequently protect my mental health. However, it took some personal development in order to get to where I am today. I had to stop practicing doormat tendencies and start practicing self-preservation. Black womanhood existed in a complicated space for me until I made it more simple...
— Lilith
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onyxtruth · 6 years ago
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Subject Matter Experts of Absolutely Nothing Useful
You look at all these other cultures and they are learning skills they deem important and are actually applying that knowledge to make the world move one way or another.  Meanwhile in Blackistan, it’s literally millions of black people solely focused on the latest and greatest lecture on racism and white supremacy that tells them the same thing over and over again.  How can you ever truly expect to be effective at challenging racism and white supremacy when your only skill set is talking about racism and white supremacy from a historical standpoint or you’ve somehow managed to turn yourself into a master of identifying who the latest and greatest white supremacist is?  Yet, you haven’t mastered how to do whatever skill these alleged white supremacists have learned to essentially dominate the world?  If all you can do is TALK about racism and white supremacy and form conclusions about racism and white supremacy simply because you engage in confirmation bias yet you have no other real tangible skill to allow for you to effectively compete against the allege white supremacists who are using their real world skills to dominate, then what good are you?  How many black people does black society need to constantly hop on social media or wander around in the real world pointing out alleged white supremacists’ symbology or trying to tell everybody who will listen to them the latest and greatest angle they can think of to talk about racism and white supremacy?  How many pro-black babblers do we need out there?  Another way to put it is, everybody wants to be in front of the camera to become a star but nobody wants to learn how to operate the camera or set up the microphones or lights.  Whether you are a YouTube star in Blackistan or you’ve managed to develop some star power offline, everybody can’t be a star, but yet everybody wants to be subject matter expert in ONLY the subject of racism and white supremacy.  How come hardly any of these blackistan knee grows want to master the subject of finances?  Yes I know Dr. Boyce Watkins exists, but why is the only one?  Where the other black financial experts to talk to black folks about finances because that’s what their professional experience and education is in?  Where’s the Blackistan knee grows who wants to educate people on guns?  Oh my bad, there actually is one by the named Maj Toure whom to my knowledge goes above and beyond to educate black people on firearms but yet, his named was dragged through the mud over a picture of him posing with Tomi Lahren at a gun show.  So for that, he’s been essentially ostracized from Blackistan.  Soooo, you kick out your most well known firearm expert?  Great job guys.  So who are you going to replace him with?  Where’s the super duper knee grow from Blackistan who knows IT up and down and around and around and has the education and professional experience to teach it?  Some of you might say, “Aren’t you an IT professional?!  Why don’t you teach it!”  I would, and truth be told, I actually used to teach IT for a living at one point, so teaching is not an issue.  The problem is, I appear to be not black enough for Blackistan these days , so I see no need in lending my expertise to a group of people who want to expel me.  Now as soon as I leave, they will prevent me from leaving by one drop ruling me to death.  But where is this Blackistan IT person at to help black people learn something useful that is in actual demand in the real world?
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