#bullshit 1.0
aloysarrow · 2 months
Oh. I just realized that Mualani could have been our 5 star claymore instead of the fifth hydro catalyst. Hell, she could have been the first 5 star hydro polearm, too, because there's only 4 star Candace there and even that could have been a nice addition.
Hoyoverse really sucks in like small non-issue ways. Seriously they love sword and catalyst for hydro lol, WHERE'S THE HYDRO CLAYMORE, HOYO?
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capriccio-ffxiv · 1 year
You know Gridania's racism problem is bad when the Tumblr FFXIV fandom, a bunch of commie pinko lefties, by and large hates it *more* than Ul'dah, aka Capitalism Land.
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maryse127 · 11 months
Cant believe that "The Angels would have won if they had used the twink strategy earlier instead of wasting time on the acid spider" post send me straight back into eva hell
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russell-63 · 2 years
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ophelieverse · 2 months
Everything is reduced to misunderstandings,mistakes and accidents.No one is plotting to take/steal the power like it was supposed to.
Characters are completely changed or are the opposite of what they are in the book.The is no gray,only black and white,only good people or bad ones.
Different team stans are at each other’s throats.
Daemon and Aemond are plotting against the people they are most loyal to and they want to become kings by themselves.
Daeron is lost somewhere and it’s rumored to be a bastard.
Maelor and Nettles don’t exist.Their storylines were so important for characters like Daeron,Helaena,Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Apparently having dragon blood/being valyrian has no use to ride a dragon.
Other dragons,like Dreamfyre,are long forgotten.
There was no interaction,no relationship,not even a conversation between Viserys children.
Laenor simply running away,living his best life in Essos meanwhile his family started a civil war.Same as Daeron,who is trapped in Oldtwon while his siblings are destroying each other.Perfect sense.
Rumors about Alys engaging a relationship with Daemon instead that with Aemond.
Aegon and Criston Cole being the most hated in the fandom when in the book they were completely different,so much wasted potential.
Rhaenyra being paint as saint/mary sue,instead that the political idiot she actually is and the bad person she is(and that’s why i loved her in the book).
Alicent being a scheming little bitch,a Margaery 1.0,not a little scared girl that did what she did because of a misunderstanding.She wanted to usurp the throne,she wanted the power and she didn’t stopped in front of anything.
Rhaenicent scene in the Temple was a comic relief,because otherwise it make no sense if you think about how the characters were supposed to be.Just another proof of how “good” and “misunderstood” they are,acting like it’s the world that goes against them and that is not them that are keep doing a bullshit after another.
Helaena having no reaction after Blood and Cheese,but saying that things like this happen in the world.When in reality this is the event that will forever change her life,she will stop sleeping,bathing and eating.She won’t even look at her other children without feeling guilty for what happened.She literally goes insane with grief.
Rhaena bonding with the dragon that Nettles was supposed to have and that’s mean that we won’t probably see her real dragon:the pink baby Morning,that represents the hope for the dragons because in the dance they all died.
Ryan Condal if you plan to make a show about the Conquest,i beg you to not do it.I don’t want to see Visenya and Rhaenys being rivals and fight over Aegon,because i know this is what will happen!
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aturinfortheworse · 2 years
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
we are playing in the “tommy asks buck for an open relationship” sandbox rn. just go with me on this. ok? ok. he is entirely asking for his own purposes (perhaps trying to hook up with eddie perhaps not who’s to say!) but he frames it like well YOU deserve to experiment and be with other guys :) and so buck agrees despite being a diehard monogamist bc he's desperate to be loved and make this relationship work and tommy makes it sound reasonable.
so for a few weeks tommy like casually hooks up with a few people while buck hangs back uncomfortably and eventually buck is like SIGH well i guess i SHOULD get more experience with guys. and he asks eddie to come with him to a gay bar and buck absolutely knocks it out of the park like he's Killing it he and eddie r having fun and he hooks up with someone new every weekend and unlike his buck 1.0 days he's actually just having fun with it bc he isn't looking for emotional intimacy w these people that he'll never find! he's just letting himself explore things and be happy! meanwhile tommy is going for like shitty grindr hookups that don't even show up half the time. he tries asking eddie to Hang Out and eddie leaves him on read. like he is Not doing too hot.
and i think that buck is completely oblivious to the fact that tommy is not having fun like he is. but eddie does know and he's fucking Thrilled. he's just gonna let this shit play out. eddie knows that he loves buck at this point, but he's watching buck actually enjoy himself and kinda revise the terrible relationship he has with sex and find something liberating in it so eddie's okay with sitting back for awhile and letting buck have this while also laughing at tommy. maybe eddie is also finding hookups when they go out maybe not who's to say.
so after a couple months of this buck and eddie are hanging out and buck is like sigh yknow this open relationship thing was fun for a while but i just don't know if i see this thing with tommy going anywhere... like i don't really care when he hooks up with other people and i don't think it's because i'm cool and polyamorous i think it's because i just don't like him that much. and eddie's like well you shouldn't settle for a relationship where you don't really love your partner. yknow he does his sage advice thing. and buck is like yeah you're right...
and later buck goes to tommy and he's like hey man you're really great and i do like you but i think this just isn't really working. i think we both deserve something better. and tommy's like it's eddie isn't it. and buck's like huh? and tommy's like you were with eddie last night. and buck's like oh well yeah he and i were talking and he said- and tommy's like evan stop bullshitting me we're grown-ups you can just say you're dumping me for him. and buck's like sorry Huh. and tommy's like oh come on he was just "wingmanning" all those times you two went out? and buck is like ...yeah?? he's my friend?? and tommy's like sure. whatever fine. this was fun. have a good life evan. and buck's like what da hell...
and then when he tells eddie about the breakup, he mentions it and eddie's like ha 🙄 and buck's like oh haha yeah like that's crazy right! and eddie's like 🙄 as if you'd still be with him if we had been sleeping together. and buck's like . what. and eddie's like i mean. well it's us. we wouldn't... not as some side thing. if it was us, it'd be real.
and buck's like oh. yeah. do you, uh. think about that? if it was... us? and eddie's like ...once or twice. and buck's like ...once or twice? and eddie's like yeah. each time lasts a few years though. and buck laughs and he's tearing up and eddie grins at him and he says so. us? and buck says yeah. yeah, us.
and then they are in love and get married and are happy forever and ever the end 🫶🏻
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The reason I don't like the end of Rebuild of Evangelion is because Rei, Kaworu, and Asuka all deserved better. They were who they were because of their experiences. A girl that was treated like an object her entire life. A strange little alien that resisted oppressive powers that subdued him in the name of love. A girl who had the weight of the world on her shoulders- and who ultimately failed to meet those expectations, and no one caught her as she fell down to love and support her.
These versions of the characters deserved a happy ending just as much as Shinji did. They deserved rest, and peace. And perhaps the dream sequences in 3.0+1.0 were supposed to be that but they also all died. Is removing those struggles from their lives and putting them in such a different context really giving them their happy ending?
Rei deserves happiness and to enjoy the small things in life despite being a mass produced clone used as a weapon.
Kaworu deserves to find love despite being an alien whose nature diometrically opposed the existence of humans.
Asuka deserves peace and a family that cares about her despite failing so catastrophically it destroyed everything in her life that mattered to her.
Erasing those struggles and flaws is not a conclusion, it's an erasure of these character's experiences. It's saying "none of what these people went through mattered. The only way they could find peace, love, and happiness, is if those hardships never happened."
It was such a bullshit way to end the series.
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majaloveschris · 8 months
"he does all this because she is the one and he is so in love" /////
I believe everyone needs to realize if the above were true then there’d be no debate as to if this is a real or PR relationship.
The simple fact that so much comes out about them to drive or paint a narrative, only for Chris to be the complete opposite physically of how he expresses things ……says enough.
People can call us delusional for not believing this relationship, but I call those who blindly believe what’s purposefully crafted for you to believe gullible and delusional ….to think that this man who has been in the spotlight for 20+ yrs, whose expressed his emotions freely, who stated what he wanted in a relationship in the SMA article only to go public with the complete opposite two days later. To think he’s done a 180 in the worst way due to “being in love”…..nah, I’m not buying what’s being sold.
One has to ask themselves why are all these articles trying to paint him and her as so in love, yet REALITY based on their own body language and expressions show you the complete opposite?!
Show me ONE pic or video shot of them not aware they are being filmed acting or looking so “in love”.
(Oops that already happened …..in the park when he put his hand in his pocket as she reached for it.)
Even the purposefully crafted Valentine’s Day montage and the scare videos seemed fake and staged, every new update the past few months just adds to the speculation that this is bs based on their own actions.
What couple so in love acts like they don’t know or like each other like that. People claim we get a glimpse in their lives, but it’s been two freaking years of bs, regardless of not knowing their every move every single day, we can clearly see something isn’t genuine.
Even after the marriage confirmation from this man’s own mouth, it STILL doesn’t add up based on HIS own actions/inactions.
If Chris was genuinely happy and in love……we’d clearly see it, not have to “read” about it.
I agree with you! I think it's important to note that this whole "PR or real" debate started because of them. It started with them kind of alluding that something is going on with different things (NYE 1.0., LV, the follows and likes) while not admitting they are "together" and then continued with the NYC pap walk 1.0. As you said, if from the very beginning we'd seen how happy and in love he is, Team PR probably wouldn't even exist. I'm not saying there wouldn't be people out there who believe it's PR, but not this amount, for sure.
I agree that his body language is always off and weird around her, like he isn't comfortable or like he is forced to be there. And considering the things you've mentioned, everything seems so fake and manufactured. We saw him being out with his girlfriends for years, and I'm not saying they were always smiley and all over each other, but there were clear moments where you could see they were in love, but there isn't a single one with Alba.
I don't blame people who think this is real. Most people just don't care enough about them or simply think whatever they say must be true. I think there are people on both sides who are "delusional" (I don't really like using this word though), believing and creating things that are clearly bullshit, or thinking that everything that happens proves a point.
It's truly weird to see the contrast between the articles and their body language. They are supposed to be "the one" for each other, yet they behave more intimately with their friends and seem to be more comfortable and natural around them. His body language and behavior should be the three times of everything we saw from his previous relationship since he is "head over heels" for her, but where is that huge love? I don't see it.
I think the NYC Pap Walk 1.0. video you mentioned was a big turning point. I mean, that pap walk was awful, but seeing how tragic it was behind the scenes was really interesting. He clearly didn't want to hold her hands, and to this day, they always walk next to each other as if they were just fighting a few minutes before.
The VD day dump didn't help either. Everything just feels so unnatural, fabricated, and out of character for him. I know we don't know him, but we saw how he acted in this previous relationship, and maybe if I saw that huge love we are supposed to see, I would believe he's changed his habits, but I see the exact opposite. And the wedding story has a lot of plot holes too.
The words, spoken and written, just don't match the body language.
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notquiteascrazy · 5 months
Maybe this is it?
(Read on AO3)
It starts with standing just a little bit closer on calls. Their arms bump as they walk. Then the touches start to linger. A hand on an arm for a moment longer than necessary. A brush of fingers that becomes a bit more than that. Soon it’s their knees pressing against each other on a definitely big enough couch as they drink beer and watch a movie. All of it is a perfectly natural escalation of their friendship. They’re just that close. They’re partners.
The first time Buck brushes Eddie’s hair back it’s because his hands are busy coiling the hoses after a particularly gruelling job. He can hear the little huffs of breath as Eddie tries to blow the strands tickling at his eyes out of the way but it’s clearly futile. They’ve talked a lot about how they’re both long overdue haircuts but B shift is running a skeleton crew right now after an incident at a five-alarm fire and so everyone’s been pulling double shifts for weeks. There’s just no time.
So Buck does the only natural thing a friend would do in those circumstances and reaches out to brush Eddie’s hair back, out of his face. The contented sigh that Eddie releases creates a burst of warmth in Buck that sits with him all day. After that, it becomes natural to reach out and tuck the longer locks back for Eddie and see that warm smile that fills him with joy.
Even after they finally get their hair cuts, the gentle touches remain. Buck realises that after tough calls – particularly those involving kids – Eddie likes his hair being stroked. It soothes him. All it takes is a couple of seconds before the tension practically bleeds out of Eddie. His shoulders melt from hunched-up knots to gentle slopes as Buck rakes his fingers through his best friend’s hair.
No one ever questions it or really comments. The 118 is good like that. They’re progressive. They understand that male friendship doesn’t have to be toxic bullshit, it can be gentle and affirming. Buck feels his own personal growth deep in his soul. He knows how far he’s come from his 1.0 days and if he wasn’t proud enough of himself, the looks he sometimes catches Bobby giving, when he thinks Buck can’t see, would reassure him that he’s found his place in this world.
The memories of the lightning strike eventually fade. Doctor Copeland helps a lot. Buck works through the trauma and the confusion of the alternate reality he experienced while in his coma. And over time, those memories fade. He still occasionally wakes up in a cold sweat and has to text Bobby just to reassure himself that his Captain is still there, and is still alive. But those occasions become more and more infrequent.
What he’s not been able to shake is the empty memory of knowing Eddie didn’t exist in that universe. Sure, Buck barely existed – not in the life they’ve built together, at least – but Eddie? Pure and good Eddie. A man who tried his damned hardest, who loved unconditionally? He was nowhere to be seen. There’d been Hen and Chim, Maddie (ignoring the horrifying presence of Doug)... So many people Buck loved. But no Eddie.
Buck has come close to facing that reality on more occasions than he cares to count. Their jobs are dangerous and he knows every day there is a chance that one of them might not make it back from some of the worst calls. But that’s a hypothetical here. In this reality, Eddie will always make it back because Buck will always have his back. Buck will always put Eddie’s life before his own. No matter what Eddie says to the contrary. No amount of ‘Because, Evan’s will change that.
And so maybe they get even closer. Sitting in each other’s personal space is no longer enough, no matter how much of Eddie’s warmth Buck can feel as they press side by side. Instead, movie nights become Buck curled into Eddie’s side. His head against Eddie’s chest and the reassuring thump of Eddie’s heart beating in his ear. This way he knows Eddie is real. This way he knows he’s alive.
He thinks Eddie feels it too. The way Eddie’s hand curls protectively against his neck. His fingers pressed just delicately against Buck’s pulse point. It would not be noticeable if it was anyone but Buck. But Buck knows Eddie intrinsically. He’s familiar with every plane of his body. With every micro-expression. With every press of his fingers. He knows that gentle touch against his carotid is Eddie’s way of reassuring himself that Buck came back to him.
It’s that feeling of being so overly protected that makes Buck twist his head slightly and press his lips over Eddie’s heart where it beats steadily under his ribcage. A silent thanks and an almost prayer that it never-ever stops beating. That it’s reassuring thump continues to keep rhythm. To keep Eddie. Eddie’s hand at his neck presses firmer, just for a moment. It’s imperceptible really but Buck senses it – he knows Eddie understands. They don’t ever talk about ‘it’... About the trauma. They both process in their own ways. But they both move ever closer.
Buck’s shaking. His entire body is coiled tight with anxiety and every muscle spasming involuntarily. He hates calls going wrong. But particularly the ones where he’s right there. Where he could have done something. Ran a little bit quicker. Reached a little bit further. Been standing slightly to the left. Anything. Anything that would have saved that mom’s life. As it was, her two kids were going to grow up never knowing her. And it was Buck’s fault. He knew it was. If he’d just been enough. If he’d just been better.
He goes home on autopilot. He stands under the shower until the scalding water turns icy; until his flesh feels like it might peel away from his bones. It’s not enough. It can’t wash away the feeling of smoke cloying at his skin. Or the knowledge that he just wasn’t good enough. That he hadn’t tried hard enough.
He makes himself a sandwich because he knows he should eat, even if the food tastes like ash in his mouth. He knows he needs his strength if he’s to try again tomorrow. To seek atonement, or redemption or whatever. To make it right and resettle the balance by saving the next person. By being enough next time. 
There’s a scrape of a key in the lock but Buck doesn’t look up. He can’t lift his head or turn to the door. It doesn’t matter. Only one person has a key anyway. And he’ll understand. There won’t be any expectations from his partner. Because Eddie will know how empty and cold Buck feels. He was there to see every moment of Buck’s failure. To watch as the woman, as Carol, slipped right through Buck’s grasp. And Eddie won’t judge him. He won’t love him any less. But he’ll understand that Buck wasn’t enough for Carol. But he’s there to tell Buck that he is still worthy.
A warm hand presses against his neck, fingers fluttering over his pulse point and thumb rubbing gently at the ridges of Buck’s vertebra. Buck knows he doesn’t deserve to be cared for like this, not when he’s let so many people down, but he feels himself relax into the touch. He feels his blood pump that little bit stronger through his veins. His extremities warming by just a few degrees but enough to make him feel a little bit less like a ghost.
Eddie doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t move closer but he doesn’t move away. He just stands with his hand a grounding weight against Buck’s neck until Buck is ready to lean back into the touch to press his back against Eddie’s torso and to feel the support of his partner holding him up.
And if Eddie presses a soft kiss to Buck’s hairline? And if Buck’s heart leaps into his throat at the press of lips to his still too-cold skin? And if he feels the blood rush to his face, chasing the high of Eddie’s lips? What of it? It’s just another evolution in their ever-shifting friendship. Another redefining of their boundaries.
Buck’s stopped dating. So has Eddie. Neither of them really have the time. Between work, and Christopher, and each other. They never really talk about it. It’s barely a conscious choice. They just choose to be content with each other. With that being enough. And on days when Buck feels so touch starved he’s not even sure if he’s actually a real, living human, there’s always Eddie there to hold him until he comes back to his body again with whispered reassurances and the delicate press of fingers to pulse points and lips to cheeks.
No one else will ever get it, is the problem. No one understands the need to do good in the world, the drive to help people and the adrenaline that comes with putting your life on the line for another human being. And the feeling of abject devastation when it all goes wrong. No one except another first responder. So Buck learns to rely solely on Eddie, and Eddie on Buck.
The rest of the 118 have families to go home to. Chim has Jee and Maddie to remind him of all the good in the world. Hen has Karen and an ever-growing brood of found family that they’re growing together. Bobby has Athena. And Buck? Buck has Christopher and Eddie. They’re an almost inseparable trio at this point. Buck can’t remember the last meal he ate alone. The last evening that wasn’t punctuated by some form of ‘But, Daaaaad’ pleas – be it about homework or bedtime… And so his life feels complete in a way no relationship has ever made him feel. Even on the bleakest days, he knows he’ll find at least a small sliver of sunshine. Be it in Eddie’s touch or Christopher’s wide grins.
Maybe this is it? Maybe this is all he needs. His partner and his partner’s kid fill that hole in his heart and make everything feel real again. That bone-deep sense of contentment and peace that he finds nowhere else. That ability to finally switch his brain off and slow down. This is what he’s been unknowingly searching for his whole life. This is what it’s supposed to feel like. To feel unconditionally loved, and needed, and wanted, and protected, and necessary. To feel like there’s always somewhere there, no matter what. The highs. The lows. The everythings in between.
This is it, right?!
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Tell me if I'm crazy. But as a Buddie forever girl. I warmed up to Taylor in the sense that after her actions with Bobby ext, there was an actual redemption era. We saw her back story. We saw her doing Covid. We saw her being Bucks friend. We saw her with Bobby. We saw her with the Diaz family. Would I have accepted her end game? Well fuck no. BUddie will be on my gravestone.
So why do BT shippers think I need to accept Tommy. TBH is earlier actions were, in fact, far worse than Taylors. He has been on screen maybe 5 times. I haven't seen him actually do anything to have a redemption arc. It seems Hen and Chim have to do the heavy lifting to make it seem like he wasn't a jerk. I mean I will forever be annoyed he left buck stranded. Tell me you wouldn't be annoyed if your BFF called you admitting someone left you behind any where because they were annoyed at you for any reason. But especially because you were still in the closet.
Like why should I give him more mercy than Taylor just because he has a dick.
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*deep breath* oh wow I'm really about to publicly defend Taylor Kelly and the validity of bucktaylor? Dear God, how the times have changed *distressed chuckle*
Okay, the thing with Taylor is that they established a friendship before putting her with Buck romantically. We all knew it was gonna go there, and at the end of season 4, like it or not Taylor had a fighting chance. Because the thing is, they brought Taylor in s2, and she is supposed to be this distorted female Buck 1.0 to push Buck into action. She's unapologetic and she comes out as not caring for anything but herself, BUT her reintroduction to us, includes humanizing her. She has an extreme reaction because Buck was using her and she thought he cared and she has a deeply relatable reaction to the covid thing. This means that along with her still being sharp and unapologetic, we see her have a softer, dare I say even as caring as she can be, side before they get together. So Taylor could be a nice presence in Buck's life, she calls him out on his bullshit, she indulges him in his shenanigans, she freaks out because Buck might be hurt, and we establish that before they are officially romantically involved. So we witness Taylor open up to Buck during 4b, and that means that, if they wanted to, they could've kept that energy going and make her a decent match for Buck. A Taylor who cares about Buck as much as she cares about the truth, is a decent match for him (would that be better than buddie? No, but it wouldn't be a worst case scenario either). They could've been a nice golden retriever/black cat thing, and their friendship could've also been interesting if they had kept that evolving and didn't stumble them into a relationship. So when we contain bucktaylor to s2 and 4 and the 6 episodes Taylor's in, she was presented as someone who didn't care about a lot besides her own gain and evolved into someone who cared about Buck as much as she could. The key difference between bts here is the way they established a bond between Buck and Taylor before getting them together. Season 5 keeps throwing rocks at their relationship because they can't figure out how to love each other but they are trying. Even moments where Taylor comes out as dismissive, like her reaction to Buck being worried the team hates him for Chim leaving actually ends with her validating his feelings in the only way she can with the breakfast. They end up being terrible for each other because Buck cares too much and she can't match that. But it's not for lack of effort. We see the effort. In her own way, Taylor tries. Does she end up being the thing she tried to protect Buck from? Yes. But that conversation with Lucy during mayday shows a real understanding of Buck. She was trying. The fact that the way they love is incompatible doesn't negate that, it just shows that they are bad as a couple. Buck needs something she couldn't deliver. And Buck couldn't accept that. And they shouldn't, there's compromise and there's fundamentally changing who they are as a person, which in the end was what would be necessary for them to work as a couple.
Tommy, on the other hand, since the show wanted Buck being bi to be the 100 episode event, he didn't have time to establish himself in Buck's life before. And then there was no effort after. And we can scream reduced season all we want but if they did it with Taylor in 4 episodes, they could've done it with Tommy in 6. Season 4 was also reduced. And it had Jinx and Treasure Hunt. And let's face if they can write a reporter into the plot, why couldn't they write a firefighter? But ignoring that, we are being explicitly shown a lack of effort. The show decided that gay excuses complacency, which is their prerogative, but when applied to Buck they are making choices, the outfit thing is one thing, not being at the hospital is another. I will give Tommy a "pass" for walking out on Buck, Buck shoved him back in the closet, he had every right to be upset, BUT he also could've communicated that better without deciding Buck is not ready and only telling Buck he's leaving when he's already in the car. And the "I didn't want to pressure you" excuse you was bullshit. But again, lack of effort. Comparing to Taylor again, Taylor heard a firefighter had been injured and she raced to the hospital because she couldn't reach Buck. She's actually a steading person for Buck in that moment, she understands what Eddie being injured means for Buck, she talks to him, she offers to drive him (dear God I'm letting Taylor Kelly set the bar), so the contrast that actually exists here is in the level of effort in understanding Buck and trying to provide him with what he needs. The thing that bothers me most with bt is actually the lack of casual intimacy. I was talking to a friend yesterday about this and it all comes down to the way the show had moments where they could write that in and chose not to. Things like not warning Buck his face is dirty or even helping Buck clean it once the scene had served its purpose, not dressing up, not being at the hospital, not even offering Buck a comforting hand on top of his at the table during that dinner. It makes me not want to be invested in the relationship because it lacks effort. I'm not in the mood to lower my standards for him. Taylor wasn't perfect under any standards and with the way the relationship evolved I wanted her as far away from Buck as possible, but she always came back, that willingness to try and get things to work is a key difference. No matter what they do Buck is the main character, and like you said, it feels like having my best friend call me about someone who's a parade of red flags that he's too blind to see and I just have to smile and nod and secretly hate him because there's nothing to do until he snaps himself out of it. Buck is the one I love in this situation and I was not given enough to allow Tommy some grace. Even more when people keep yelling at me that I need to love him just because he's a man.
I need you to know this was painful to write. I was taking breaks and I took a lap around my house then I went on a walk looking at the sky asking how did I get here. I will never forgive this fandom for forcing me to defend Taylor Kelly. I think Taylor is an interesting character, awful match for Buck in the end, bad human all around, but I can't believe I keep being pushed into a position where I need to defend the validity of her presence because somehow people stopped seeing the actual problems that existed there and decided the only issue was that she's a woman.
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diazsdimples · 4 months
Ship: Buddie AU: Buck meets Eddie in Texas, and then again in LA
Oh I swear I've read a couple of fics about this before.
Buck meets Eddie at a Pride event in El Paso. He's on his travels and just stopping through for a couple of days when he meets the eyes of this dark, handsome stranger across the crowd. Eddie's there "supporting a friend". And because this is Buck 1.0 we're talking about, and an Eddie who's quietly experimenting with his sexuality, they hook up. Very enthusiastically. But also very anonymously. Neither of them know the other's name, and they both pretty much forget the other exists.
Buck leaves town the next day as promised. Fast forward x number of years, Eddie is starting his first day at the LAFD. And imagine his absolute shock when Hot Blond from many years ago is at his new station. And Buck immediately starts posturing because he remembers Brown Eyes and he's terrified that he's going to spill his secrets or out him. Buck has spent a year carefully curating his relationships with his friends and he doesn't want anything to affect it.
After a week of bullshit from Buck, Eddie corners him and tries to figure out what's going on. Because the last time he and Buck saw each other, it was when Buck had his lips wrapped around Eddie's cock, and was much happier about that arrangement than he is about whatever's going on now. Buck tells Eddie that he's not out, he's terrified of the Firefam finding out that he's bi, and also he's kind of mad that Eddie's as perfect as he is.
Eventually Buck gets sick of icing Eddie out cause he realises that he's actually really into the guy. So, after the earthquake, he does a complete 180, sexuality speculation be damned, and he flirts hard. And Eddie's pretty powerless to his advances, so he goes with it.
They hook up again after Dosed, both high out of their minds, which is just enough to remove their inhibitions. And that's enough to break the barrier they had between them. Buck's met Christopher, he's met Pepa, he's met Abuela, he's loved by all 3 of them, and that's enough for Eddie. And Eddie's met Maddie and Maddie's been teasing Buck mercilessly ever since. And then we get the delights of canon s3 onwards, with established Buddie.
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It's been almost a year since I've read the 1st volume of 2ha but even if I were to read this story again for the 1st time, Mo Ran's love for Chu Wanning would still be as clear as daylight for me. This is only my opinion (so don't come at me lol), but I'm always baffled when I see people reading the 1st book and thinking Mo Ran's true love is Shi Mei. When you come across the quote - During‌ ‌that‌ ‌time,‌ ‌if‌ ‌Shi‌ ‌Mei‌ ‌praised‌ ‌him‌ ‌“well‌ ‌done”,‌ ‌he‌ ‌would’ve‌ ‌flown‌ ‌into‌ ‌the‌ ‌sky‌ ‌with‌ ‌happiness.‌ But‌ ‌if‌ ‌Chu‌ ‌Wanning‌ ‌was‌ ‌willing‌ ‌to‌ ‌give‌ ‌him‌ ‌a‌ ‌“not‌ ‌bad”,‌ ‌he‌ ‌would’ve‌ ‌gladly‌ ‌given‌ ‌his‌ ‌life.‌ - your brain immediately goes "wait a minute, something is not right... doesn't he hate Chu Wanning and love the other?"
Well, the thing is - whenever MR talks about his "love" for SM, it always feels like he's rather trying to convince himself that he actually loves him, it never feels genuine because when you love someone, you don't have to tell yourself that your feelings for that person are real, you just know (here I'm making reference to that part where he sees both CWN and SM half naked at the spring but instead of admiring "his person", he can't take his eyes off of CWN. And MR is a person who loves passionately, both spiritually and physically so the argument that he doesn't want to stain SM's pure image is bullshit).
I guess what I was trying to convey in this post is that the most striking aspect of 2ha is the obvious and ardent love both protagonists have for each other. It's a love that's always there no matter how unreliable MR 1.0 is as a narrator. Not to mention that the title of the whole thing is "The Husky and His White Cat Shizun" not "The Husky and His Green Snake Shixiong".
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bitacrytic · 4 months
Bita why do I feel so tired from this current MSI episode? Oof. I feel like I have been hit by a truck
Oh, but I feel like I'm alive!!!!
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[I wanted to use images for this but I'm on the road so I'll just...]
On a serious note, Bee.
Maybe it's probably because our baby, Joe, is finally so fucking aware.
Nothing has changed around him.
Ming and Sol are still fighting over him.
Tong still thinks Joe is his property.
Wut is still hovering around but never actually there when Joe gets in actual trouble.
Like Joe said, nothing has changed.
Except Joe. And that's the problem.
In his first life, he was naive and trusting and wanted to believe everyone had good intentions. He didn't think Tong had anything to do with his kidnapping. He thought Ming loved him. He trusted Wut with all his problems.
But not Joe 2.0.
He is the perfect example of "ignorance is bliss." Because now, there is no bliss. Now that he knows how people can be, his head isn't in the clouds.
Can you imagine Joe 1.0 putting it all together to arrive at the conclusion that Tong was behind Tharn?
Did you see how he looked at Tharn the moment Tharn introduced himself? And this was before he heard the whole story from his mom. Joe clocked Tharn's bullshit promptly.
Do you remember how he reacted to Ming's attempted sexual assault in the bathroom? After Tong saved him the first time? Joe went home and waited dutifully for Ming to come home. This time, he went back to his room in a rage, knocking his shoulder against Ming's on the way.
Before this, Joe would NEVER have done any of that.
Before this, we could at least enjoy his joy at just existing without qualms.
But now, his apprehension, his distrust, his worry about everything, is setting all our teeth on edge. Because we don't only have to worry about our own worries.
We're watching our baby experience horror in his brand new life.
And honestly, I LOVE IT!
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#*@%$(*! This week, V and Emily head back to the event that caused the Great Schism Of One Direction Fandom: The Bullshit Tweet. V has an epiphany about her longest-ever fic and one of her big OTPs of the early 2010s, and Emily feels a lot of empathy for both Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in the face of all the, well, bullshit thrown at them for years. Plus, Zayn Malik has common sense about emus. Have you ever been in a fandom that got its wrist slapped by the object of its affection (or its creator)?
Fanlore: Bullshit 1.0
V's 2012 reaction
Everything I Need I Get From You by Kaitlyn Tiffany
VICE: The "No Homo" Fantasy That Is One Direction
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elliebyrrdwrites · 7 months
Dramione Blurb 1.0
It happened at the Ministry. Just outside the courtroom of his father’s trial. Inside the courtroom, he had taken the stand. He testified against his father. Offered information that would damn his father to Azkaban for years if not for the entirety of the remainder of his life.
Draco Malfoy told the court that his father had tried to get Hermione Granger killed. He hated the Mudblood witch more than he hated Harry Potter. Had attempted to kill her family, along with his aunt. They failed, of course, but his aunt did manage to get her hands on Granger herself. Tortured her, mutilated her body with a cursed knife.
If Hermione had been a minor, Harry thinks that Lucious Malfoy would have been ordered to receive the Dementors kiss. But she wasn’t. Hermione was thankful for that. She doesn’t know how she’d live knowing that she would have had something to do with the loss of one’s soul.
Draco Malfoy gave his testimony, and with it he delivered the final blow that would seal his fathers fate. To spend the rest of his life in Azkaban.
One may think that this is where the story really started; inside of the courtroom where Hermione tried to understand what she felt, watching Draco Malfoy rush from the room, with his jaw clenched, hard eyes avoiding her as he passed.
But it was when she left the courtroom that it all really began.
She found him standing in the middle of the empty hall. He wasn’t moving, he just stood there with his back to her. A broad back on a tall, lean body. She thought he could be crying. Or maybe he felt sick. Maybe all of the above.
“Malfoy,” She swallowed, dampening her throat when her voice came out jagged.
She could see his shoulders rise as he took a big, deep breath. He didn’t immediately turn. But he didn’t walk away. He didn’t run.
Not yet.
She took several, slow and tentative steps toward him. As if sensing the proximity of her body, he spun to face her.
Draco looked angry and she knew that somehow, he always looked angry because he was always hurting or sad. He hated being weak and anger was the best way to combat feeling vulnerable.
And so, she didn’t let it deter her.
She stepped up to him, and his eyes tracked her face as she moved. Cool grey clouds of almost decades of pent up rage brewed in him as he watched her.
“What is it, Granger?” He used that cool, detached voice he had stolen and perfected around sixth year.
“I just.” She stopped. Swallowed. And took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
Draco stepped back an inch, as if startled. Though his eyes were angrier than ever at the sound of her words.
“Sorry?” He laughed. “Is this a joke?”
“What?” She reclaimed that inch he had stolen. “No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what you’re going through.” His father was sentenced to life and his mother had already been sentenced to six months of House Arrest. He had avoided charges, but he had earned six months of therapy for what his parents and his aunt had put him through. To “help him heal” from the wounds caused by his own kin.
“But,” she added, lifting a hand to his arm. He was about to throw some snide remark or otherwise angry words at her.
But the touch of her hand against him caused him to snap his mouth shut. Caused his eyes to stare at her hand with an intensity that would haunt her for days and nights and months. Years.
“Thank you.”
She didn’t elaborate as to why she was thanking him. That was obvious. Despite all of his bullying as children, he had made it clear that he never wanted her to get hurt, let alone killed. He talked about his father and his aunt in a way that put them both beneath him. It was a classic Malfoy diversion but it worked. He looked too good, too above all of the blood purity bullshit. Said as much, looking at his nails as if he had more important things to do.
But she knew.
The rage in his eyes told her so. All of his anger stemmed from how much he felt. And how much he had to suppress with the cool, angry exterior that had become his new mask. Ever since his father offered him up to a cruel, dark wizard.
Before that, Hermione remembers Draco that, yes while he was a prat, he was never angry unless crossed. He laughed. Often. He did well in school, got good marks.
And now, he was about to be free of the patriarchal oppression that had reigned over him for so long that she felt bad for him. His entire life was being ripped to shreds and he was forced to open a new page, start fresh. Blank page, and all of that.
His eyes dragged away from the hand on his arm. Dragged up her own arm, her chest, and finally came to rest on her face. His eyes shuttered and something replaced the rage. Something stronger than hate. Something that turned the grey storming rage into a bright silver.
“You don’t have to thank me, Granger.” He finally said, voice less cruel than she had ever heard it. At least , when it was directed toward her, that was. She once heard him talking sweetly to Pansy Parkinson sometimes in fifth year and the sound of it was stimulating in the way that it caused her skin to tighten. Caused her insides to twist and her face to brighten. She had yearned for somebody, someday to talk to her the way she heard Draco speak to Pansy.
Ron had gotten close. But it was...stiff.
Draco’s voice was like water. It was fluid and his words floated together perfectly downstream. Not even a hint of hesitancy.
His hand moved. He touched her hand, the one resting on his arm. His fingers wrapped around hers and squeezed gently before they released them and found a new home.
The side of her face, her cheek. It was warm beneath his touch. Hermione found herself frozen as his thumb glided across her skin, brushing the tips of her bottom eyelashes.
And then she moved into him. She slid her hand up and around his shoulder and she hugged him. His hand moved to the back of her head and he held her cheek against his chest. This was how he apologized to her.
And it was the moment Hermione began to fall in love with Draco Malfoy.
Because he pulled back from the hug, tugged her hair just enough to lift her face toward his. And then he kissed her.
It was a kiss she had never imagined. Something soft and brutal all at once. His hand released her hair and moved to sooth strands back behind her ear. The other hand cupped her face, a thumb stroked her jaw. His lips were firm and upon contact, she gasped. Draco took advantage. His lips nudged hard and forced her mouth open and his tongue swept across her bottom lip.
Hermione didn’t fight the kiss. In face, her lips parted wider and then his tongue was fully inside. It danced against hers as his lips continue to press hard into hers, slanting over hers. His mouth attacked her with the viciousness that used to coat his words. But his touch. Oh, his touch was sweet and almost reverent in the way it continued to stroke and tickle the skin at her cheek, her jaw. Her neck. His finger splayed over her throat and danced there, stroking little paths down and down, over and over, stopping just at the collar of her robes.
Hermione was lost to the world. The entire courtroom might have exited and emptied out into the hall they stood in and she wouldn’t have known. All she knew as his bruising mouth and his healing touch.
She was lost out at sea and there could have been a storm and she wouldn’t have cared. There was a storm. Draco was a flurry of pain and anger and want and lust and still there was something so incredibly gentle about the way he kissed her, touched her. That she could have happily drowned in the torrential sea of his proximity.
Her hands moved and rested on either side of his face. He was clean shaven, and his skin was smooth over a hard jaw and sharp cheek bones.
And then with one last little kiss to the side of her mouth, he pulled away. His hands retreated and her body ached with want and panic. All of the bodily reactions that emotions caused or originated from, they were there. Her stomach was bottoming out and her chest was tight, her groin ached. They all radiated from their point of origin and spread across the rest of her body.
They defied her theory and moved from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.
Draco stared at her with a bit of sadness she didn’t quite understand. He had kissed her like he had been starving for her mouth. Like he had been starving for years.
He slid his hands into the pocket of his pants. His robe hung open, displaying his finely pressed trousers, starched white oxford shirt tucked in and a dragon hide belt with as shiny, silver buckle.
Elegant and lethal. That was the look of him.
His eyes shifted from that bit of sadness into the cool, detached mask. Donning it with ease, Draco lifted his chin and cleared his throat.
“Goodbye, Granger.”
Hermione was at a loss for words. She watched Draco turn to leave. The soles of his fancy oxford shoes clacked against the tiled floor as he walked away.
She was left reeling, her fingers gliding over her lips. She marveled at the plump, bruised feel to them. The kind of delicious branding only a lover could leave.
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