#built-in comlink
sw5w · 8 months
This is Tense!
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:58
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Charming Killer: 2
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑
Pairing: Neteyam x reader
Summary: Neteyam confronts his fears of the scientists compound in his attempts to reach you. He’s all over you the second he see’s you and while you don’t really know what he’s saying it doesn’t fail to have an effect on you.
Warnings: I basically turned him into a cat unintentionally. 
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I did not proof read this very well cause I was working on multiple fics then realised I had nothing to post! She’s as good as it gets rn kids sorry.
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┕━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━┙
A week had passed since Neteyam had dropped you off at the laboratories on the outskirts of his village, and a lot had happened since then.
After Neteyam left, you were escorted into the premises by Max, who turned you over to Norm for fixing.
Norm had patched your arm up with gauze paired with a paste made from the wilds of Pandora, and he was delighted to finally put a face to the voice he had been hearing through the comlink for over a year.
The consensus from everyone was that you had been lucky Neteyam had found you. The bullet hadn't passed through your lower arm, and with a quick extraction, you were on the road to healing, surrounded by the reasonably happy group of rebel scientists you had been feeding information to from the compounds of the RDA these past months.
As your arm healed, you grew closer to Max and helped him run the station as much as he would let you when you weren't meant to be resting. This still left a lot of time in the day, so you started to shadow either Max or Norm and tried asking as much as possible about the Na'vi people as you learned the trades needed to keep the station afloat.
You had built up a routine for day-to-day life, and while it was boring, helping the native people and their planet is what you had risked your life for. It's why you wouldn't see Earth again, and it's why you were here.
The mundane work was mostly upkeeping the lab from weather and fixing any technical issues you were qualified for. Still, occasionally, Norm would let you discern things he had brought back from outside while he had been in his avatar. It made your heart sink as you knew that no matter what, you couldn't go back out there with the threat of everything being nearly twice as significant as you and twice as deadly.
Norm was actively showing off his hobby of teaching now, and it felt awkward to have this heavy feeling in your chest while Norm looked like a kid in a candy store as he held up the flower to you and pointed out the different attributes and what they were used for with a pair of tweezers.
You nodded and occasionally asked questions, but this quiet learning moment was interrupted when Max tore into the room with sweat running across his forehead. He must have sprinted across the entire compound.
"We have an issue", he finally managed to gasp out, and you immediately turned to Norm, who, as swiftly as he could, placed down the flower onto the sterilized tray behind him and set off after Max with you in tow.
"What's the matter?" Norm nervously asked as his eyes darted around, seeing the rest of the human residents were somewhat uneasily watching you three nearly sprint to the opening hatch that led to the vast plains of Pandora.
"Y/n, you've got a guest", Max coughed out with an awkward laugh as your eyes widened in curiosity.
Your trio rushed to reach the containment hallway, which was the only barrier between your oxygenated environment and the deadly poisonous gasses of the alien planet.
All of you were entirely out of breath once you approached the spot, and you could feel your arm cry out as you stepped inside the room just outside of the airlock.
Your eyes widened in happiness as you saw your savior awkwardly taking a device that was attached to his side and bringing it to his face. Neteyam took a deep breath with his eyes shut before his eyes fluttered open again and immediately found you a few feet in front of him.
A few scientists below him tried to advise him of a few safety briefings in Na'vi so he didn't go around smacking things over. Still, he completely turned a blind eye to them and he stepped over the woman who yelled out for him to come back. Neteyam happily ignored her as he shuffled towards your more petite figure with a grin. Norm and Max backed up immediately as the giant man came towards them.
Neteyam placed a hand on the roof to steady himself before he lowered himself to speak with you face to face. You smiled as his bright yellow eyes connected with yours, enjoying the familiar connection after so long apart.
"Neteyam!" You yelled out and leaped forward to give him a polite hug of endearment around his waist. Your touch immediately knocked the air out of him, forcing him to pick up the device again and lift the clear plastic mask to his mouth in order to get more of his indigenous air into his lungs.
After you pulled back, he responded by saying your name to you with a quirk in his ears as a sound in one of the distant labs caught his sense's attention.
You laughed merrily and then turned around to see that everyone was eyeing you both with astonishment. Perhaps being so friendly with the Na'vi had been a bit odd, but he had saved your life after all, and how were you supposed to know that this was the first time any of the scientists had seen Neteyam allow a sky person other than Spider to touch him? Even though on several occasions it was quite literally life or death.
"Uh, can you guys give us the room?" Max called to the other two foreign researchers in the room in hazmat suits.
They wasted no time in nodding and taking off, shutting the metal door behind them with the selected password to prevent any outbreaks. None of the regulars were used to seeing this son of Jake Sully's, and it was clear they were more than happy to steer clear from the hunter.
The silence that followed the departure was unnerving, and you felt the tension in the room spike as you spotted Neteyam's deadly longbow laid across the table behind him, probably at the demands of the other two who had greeted him at the door.
"So, uh, why are you here?" You asked, feeling the duo pair of eyeballs burning into the back of your head intensify as you continued speaking to Neteyam.
He understood your words and replied in Na'vi, which made you purse your lips as you nodded your head to show you had heard him before awkwardly turning to Norm, motioning for him to tell you what the boy had said.
Norm stuttered over his words for a minute before he replicated the sentence in English.
"He said he missed you and asked if that was a good enough reason", Norm's delivery lacked the mischievous twinkle in Neteyam's eye, but you paired the two together and grinned.
The warrior obviously had a sense of humor when lives weren't at stake, and it made you happy to learn more about the young man. He gazed around the room for a second before he seemed to register Max and Norm's presence, making himself nod at them respectfully before he returned to stare back at your body.
You were utterly at a loss for what to say. The angry man who had first seen you in the woods not long ago was banished from sight, and in his place was this smiley man that still had the means to kill you but had sought you out to simply say hello.
His eyes sparked, and he turned to his hip, digging his hand into a burlap sack he had attached there before he produced his closed fist and held it to you, watching your face peek in interest as his tail flickered madly behind him, hitting the metal walls.
You couldn't help the engrossment you felt, so just as Max was calling out for you to be careful, you pressed your significantly smaller hand into Neteyam's, and in response, he let his hand unfurl to present you with a gift.
It was a red stone that looked like a moving body of water had tumbled it for a long time. The rock shone under the heavy-duty lights above you, and with a timid move, you reached forward and picked it up from his hands, smiling as you thanked him for the gift.
He watched you admire it in your hands as you held it up to the light and stared at it in wonder. Neteyam could get used to amazing you like this.
He leaned one hand on his knee and the other on the floor to steady himself as he gazed at you with wide pupils that tried to take in all of your beauty.
You held the gift to your chest and bowed your head at him, delighting as he copied you without hesitation.
His smile faltered and transformed into an embarrassed throat clearing as his ears fluttered backward. He took his eyes off your figure and stared at the ceiling as his nose sniffed at the air as it had done upon his first meeting with you.
You thought back to the invasive manhandling he had done to you, and in response, you felt a heavy blush consume your face. You bashfully looked at the stone in your hand to avoid Neteyam seeing your face and reading your movements. You turned the beautiful blood-red stone over a few times before slipping it into your pocket and letting the weight drag the fabric of your pants.
Neteyam eyed the individuals behind you with a frown but chose to disregard them. He pressed himself closer to the ground to whisper something to you. He placed his head in front of your plunged face, which was determined not to look up to his eyes, and he softly mumbled something that made your blush deepen.
"Smell you?" His articulation was terrible, but the words still translated to you either way.
If he was being honest, the only reason he hadn't swept you up into his arms the second he saw you was because of the audience he was facing, but your fragrance was once again outpowering his freewill. He desperately needed to feel the fizz you activated in him before he went feral and ripped your clothes off to smell every inch of you.
You glanced behind yourself at Norm and Max, who were both still at a loss for words, but it seemed they were becoming more accepting of your friendship as you spent long minutes basking in one another's presence.
You swallowed nervously but nodded your consent to his touching.
His ears revived back up as he smiled smugly. He adjusted his body so he was sitting crossed-legged in front of you, his knees pressed against the sides of the short hallway, but he didn't care, instead, he focused on your facial expression as you very slightly looked to your left, allowing him a view of your neck.
He slowly inched towards you, giving you plenty of time to pull back and change your mind, but when you didn't, he moved forward, brushed his nose against your bare neck and rejoiced at the fact you still smelt just as strong as you did in his dreams.
He was nearly salivating at the scent, and he selfishly pushed himself deeper into your neck, letting his face push you around slightly while his body shivered at the properties of your touch.
He was doing everything he could not to let his hands roam around your body and investigate where you smelt sweetest, but his euphoric daydreaming was ruined by the sound of Max speaking to you in English.
When you answered back, he felt a sharp electric zap of possessiveness power through him. You were his mate, you weren't meant to be speaking to other men, and you were certainly not told to talk to other single men.
Neteyam growled something over your shoulder to Max and then picked you up gently and rose you to his body so he could set you on his lap. He placed your back against his chest and let his hands entrap your waist to ensure you kept still.
You yelped a little as you suddenly felt your feet leave the ground. Then you let out an 'oof' as Neteyam sat you on his thigh, allowing you to face the other men in the room as he mindlessly returned to bury his head into your neck, forcing your head to an unnatural angle as you nervously chuckled.
"Friendly guy, huh?" You asked the science geeks, but they were both looking at each other with scandalized stares, both more shocked than you had ever seen.
Neteyam’s grip on your waist tightened as he found a hotspot of sweat that was pooling in your neck. The sweet aroma nearly knocked him out with the jolt of pleasure it sent directly to his brain.
Max's jaw dropped while Norm let out an unbelieving chuckle, pointing to your two entangled bodies with an open hand and then back to Max as if to ask what was happening. If it was a competition between who was more aghast, you weren't sure who won.
"This isn't uh...this isn't a greeting used for friends y/n", Max tried to explain while beating around the bush as Norm was still unable to form a single word in English or Na'vi.
Your brow creased in confusion, but then you felt canines gently nip at your neck, and you squeaked as your hand flew up and grabbed onto Neteyam's forearm before you growled out his name in anger at his unchecked drunken actions.
Neteyam's hot breath fanned your neck as he grumbled out another line that nobody had translated to you yet, which worked to push you closer to the edge of frustration.
"What is he saying?" You asked as you squirmed away from his touch, only to have him drag you back into him and gently kiss your neck, making you scream as you let go of your motor functions and thrashed him off.
He pulled his head back with a scowl before once again he said something and let one hand off your waist so he could lightly pull your head back by your hair, allowing him access to freely rub his cheek around your jugular. You choked out at his harsh movements, but neither Norm nor Max seemed too concerned for your safety.
He rubbed his skin against your neck, and for a second, you swore you heard the deep rumbling of a purr thundering across the hallway, but Neteyam quickly cut it off with an embarrassed cough.
"He's uh, well, he's saying a lot", Max was even more flustered than you as he turned to Norm and nodded for him to take over the translation.
"He's trying to tell us to stay away, he's trying to scent you", Norm found his voice, and if you couldn't see the shock and slightly affronted stare he was holding with you through Neteyam's braids, you would have almost thought you were back in the lab and he was explaining the biology of the flower to again.
"Well, can you tell the knucklehead to knock it off?" You huffed with a provoked tinge to your voice as Neteyam let your hair go and returned to his original spot in the crook of your neck.
You would never admit it, not even on your deathbed, but the touch was welcome as his warm skin brushed against you and sent ravenous desire through your soul. The fact you had your colleagues standing in front of you as Neteyam touched you so intimately was really the only problem.
"Do you want us to lose a limb?" Norm tried to joke, but you didn't appreciate his humor.
The feeling of a hot, wet, velvety tongue being dragged from the base of your neck to your jaw made you whine, and the two older men's eyes snapped to Neteyam as you finally decided you had enough of being humiliated.
You ripped yourself from his grip and snapped your head to stare at him angrily, but he only chuckled and his deep voice rumbled through your core as another line came from his mouth. You had no idea what he said, but his hooded eyes and loving smirk tightened your core with a lustful tug.
You spun around again and let your rage spill over.
"Somebody better tell me what he's saying right now before I go crazy!" You yelled. Neteyam let his hands depart from your body and gave you the room to jump from his grip so you could stand with your back to him.
Norm stuck his hands up in mock surrender and shook his head.
"I'm not translating that one", he leaned over and smacked Max on the back for support.
The older man choked on his breath and stumbled to find the right words as Neteyam hungrily eyed your back in front of him.
"He's calling you his muntxa...his mate", Max looked fortified at his words and instantly dropped your gaze as you felt yourself cease entirely to exist.
You turned sharply towards Neteyam, and suddenly the gift, the smelling and the scenting all made sense. You could feel everything in you turn red with blush as you started wildly shaking your head and waving your hands above your head in an 'x' shape which yanked his wandering eyes back to your face.
"No muntxa! No thank you! Find a pretty Na'vi woman, okay? I'm not interested!" You shouted each word louder as if somehow he would be able to understand you if your speech became more pronounced.
"That's not how it works, you can't just turn him down" Norm tried to explain from behind you with an amused huff as Neteyam stared at your outburst in confusion.
He understood most of what you said, but why would you turn him down if you were his mate? There was no questioning that you were his because everything about you was made to draw him in, but it was clear you weren't happy.
His tail paused midair behind him, and he brought it forwards, testing how angry you were by letting the tip of the limb lay by your foot.
You stared down at his tail in curiosity. You let its presence leave your mind as you turned around and asked what exactly you had to do in order to get Neteyam to understand that you couldn't have been his mate because you weren't even the same species. But then you felt the whip-like extremity slowly curl its tip around your ankle.
You went to kick it off, but the tail only slithered further up until it was snugly wrapped around your thigh.
Neteyam's heart sang out as you looked down at the tail without movement, and while in reality, you were too shocked to move, he took it as acceptance and let his large hands creep over to gently grab you again.
"No, Neteyam!" You sternly yelled as his fingers barely grasped your waist.
He let out a long groan as if he were a child being denied a treat by his mother. He couldn't possibly see what the issue was. He pulled his tail back and spoke directly to the human men for the first time since his arrival.
"Why is she so mad, huh? Tell her I'm a good choice for a mate", he couldn't wrap his head around your stubborn unwillingness to let his hands roam where they pleased, and your denial was starting to vex him.
You listened closely as Max translated the interaction between Neteyam and Norm while they spoke to each other in Na'vi.
"It's not that she think's you're a bad choice, she just doesn-", Neteyam's impatience cut off Norm.
"Good, then she can be my mate", he truly saw no issue and was at a loss as to why you weren't all over him in the same manner.
Sure, you were human, and maybe it was odd, but over the week he had been apart from you, he had never felt so lonely, and that loneliness had fueled his courage to take his first steps into the laboratory. He wanted to see you and maybe even take you outside if that was what you wanted, but it was clear you were still getting used to him for now.
"Neteyam, she doesn't know anything about--", Norm was beginning to irritate him, and Neteyam looked over to you as he spoke his following words.
"I will teach her, she will learn", Neteyam didn't care if you didn't know anything. It wasn't of any issue to him.
He would have to protect you with everything he had to keep you safe outside. He wanted you close, and saving you would keep him busy, just how he wanted to be.
Neteyam left the conversation with Norm, much to the scientist's annoyance, and shuffled closer to you, forcing you to stare up at Neteyam as he stared down at you.
"If you want me to leave, I'll leave, but I won't ever come back and you won't see me again", his words were empty, and he knew it, but his hopes were that you wouldn't catch onto his poker face and you would answer in his favor.
Norm took a turn translating for you with a sigh as he knew that Neteyam was lying. The bond between mates was too much to abandon, and while Neteyam had clearly found his points of interest in you, it seemed to be that you hadn't latched onto any intoxicating part of him as quickly.
Your face fell into sadness at the idea of never seeing him again, but you drew your lips closed in thought, trying to debate what exactly to say.
Neteyam took your silence coldly and scoffed as he shook his head in doubt before he turned to leave, but you quickly jumped up and grabbed onto the end of his braid that had nearly smacked you in the face with his momentum.
"Don't leave!" You cried out while the men behind you gasped and quickly called out for you to drop the end of the knot, which you promptly acted in compliance with.
It was Neteyam's turn to freeze at your touch. You could feel that you had done something wrong, so you went to apologize, but when Neteyam's eyes met yours, it was as if he had love hearts in place of his eyes.
He went back to ignoring Max and Norm's attendance as he pushed himself to the floor and gently approached you with open hands so he could snatch you back up and return to his favorite place; your neck.
He didn't stick around long though, and after a quick fill-up of his addiction, he replaced you. He turned to Max to toss a comment at him before he stood up and jogged over to his bow before he swiftly departed as you called out to him, letting out apology after apology in fear it was your touch that had scared him off.
"I'm sorry! Look, I didn't know! Come back here! Ugh, you can't keep your hands off me when I tell you off, and then you won't come near me when I say I'm sorry? What is with you?" You yelled out, but nothing could stop the man as he ducked his head out of the door and set off to close the airlock behind himself.
"I'm confused, what did I do?" You cried out as you spun around, seeking answers, but Max only chuckled at you as he took his glasses off to wipe them on his lab coat.
"He's not mad, he said he has to go hunting for you, it's a Na'vi courting ritual, they bring you as much as they think you're worth in food", he acted as if this was a regular thing to say while you just shook your head in bemusement.
"He realizes I probably can't eat half the stuff out there, right?" You craned your neck to see the young man had already turned tail and was nowhere to be found.
"We'll have to see because there is no doubt he's coming back for you."
:Series 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁:
@faatxma, @nao-cchi @ellabellabus07, @neteyamforlife @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @heesoftiefreak @lixiesbrowniess  @eringaitskill @islamovice17 @sassy-persona @mashiromochi @jkeluv​ @uwu-i-purple-you​
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Offer accepted
Leia’s comlink chimed.
She yawned, stared at it for a moment, then two synapses connected and she snatched it up.
“I’m here,” she said. “Is something wrong?”
“Leia,” Luke said. “I’m sorry for waking you-”
“Luke?” Leia asked, now almost entirely awake. “What happened?”
“...you’re probably not going to believe me if I tell you,” Luke replied. “Can you get the command team to the west side of the village as soon as possible?”
Leia held back a yawn, which was a struggle, and checked her chrono.
“Everyone should be asleep, it’s not even dawn,” she said. “Everyone from the command team who sleeps, anyway. I can do Threepio and Artoo, and myself on about… five hours of sleep? Maybe four?”
She paused, thinking. “Chewie might be awake, I honestly don’t know. Han almost certainly won’t be.”
There was a long pause, and Leia frowned.
“Luke?” she asked her brother.
“That’ll do,” Luke decided. “See you then.”
“All right, I’m here,” Leia told Luke, unnecessarily. “Han and Chewie were both asleep, so I got another commander in their stead… what’s this about?”
She stifled a yawn, and took a drink from some caf. “This had better be important.”
“Skywalker knows what he’s doing,” Commander Rex said.
“Yeah, you weren’t speaking to him last night,” Leia muttered, glancing at Luke. “I believe Luke knows what he’s doing, I’m not so sure that what he’s doing makes any kind of sense.”
“You might need to think again on that, Leia,” Luke said. “It turns out, it was surprisingly easy… I think we’re ready.”
He gestured, and Darth Vader stalked out of the pre-dawn gloom.
Leia nearly dropped her mug of caf, but the dark and imposing impact of the scene was immediately and drastically undercut when Darth Vader actually did drop his lightsaber.
“...what in the name of Padme Amidala are you doing here, Rex?” the Terror of the Galaxy asked, his vocoder apparently suffering some strain.
“Who would-” Rex began, his blaster covering the Dark Lord, then he dropped the weapon as well. “...General? You’re – you’re Darth Vader?”
“...yes?” Vader replied, looking down at himself as if he actually had to check. “I believe so?”
Then he did a double-take.
“What are you two doing here, exactly?” he asked, his helmet turned towards Artoo and Threepio. “Is this some kind of reunion? Am I going to see Snips come out from behind a tree? Is Obi-Wan going to appear?”
He sounded slightly frazzled. “Where is Hondo Ohnaka?”
“Father,” Luke said, his voice calm. “Please, allow me to explain as much of the situation as I know myself.”
“I’m not sure how to explain this situation,” Leia said. “What is going on?”
R2 beeped something that indicated that he knew exactly what was going on, and found it very amusing, thank you very much.
“Well, I don’t,” 3P0 said, with a sniff. “Why don’t you introduce everyone, you tin can?”
“Don’t worry, 3P0,” Luke told him. “None of us are in any immediate danger.”
Leia wasn’t sure she believed that.
“Oh, thank the maker!” C-3P0 sighed.
“You’re welcome,” Vader replied, crouching down to pick up his lightsaber.
“...okay, that bit I didn’t know,” Luke admitted. “But I’d better get started or we’ll be here all morning… I went to confront my father, and turn him away from the Dark Side.”
He glanced to his side. “I… don’t know if it’s worked, but I’d say it’s working at the moment.”
“How exactly did you pull that off?” Rex asked.
“I said that the Dark Side forced me to obey my master,” Vader intoned. “Then my son told me, quite passionately, that I was not a slave – that I was a person, and my name was Anakin Skywalker.”
His shoulders moved in a slight shrug. “He also asked me to come with him. As you can see, I chose to take up the offer.”
Vader let that stand for a moment, then pointed in succession. “That is Rex, formerly the commander of my personal legion in the Clone Wars. Those are the droids C-3P0, who I built on Tatooine, and R2-D2, who worked with me during the Clone Wars after a swap of C-3P0 for R2-D2 with my wife Padme Amidala. And that is… actually, I find myself unaware of your current personal situation. The only connection between us that I am aware of is that you are the daughter of one of my wife’s close friends, and that I should probably apologize to you at some point.”
Luke coughed, and R2 made a sort of beeping giggling noise.
C-3P0 still seemed to be in shock, which was fair enough, because so was Leia.
“Furthermore,” Vader went on. “Since I have defected, I will tell you the following. The Emperor is aware of your plans. He has an entire battle group ready to ambush your fleet. The shield protecting the Death Star is to be disguised by jamming. And an entire legion of the best troops the Empire has are waiting in ambush for any attempt on the shield generator.”
“So… what you’re saying is that our enemy has an overwhelming numbers advantage, an excellent tactical and strategic position, and they know we’re coming,” Rex said, having recovered his aplomb slightly and picked up his blaster. “And the only advantage we have is that we’ve got two Skywalker Jedi on our side.”
“I am still a Sith,” Vader replied. “Not a Jedi.”
“Still,” Rex protested. “Because… yeah, they’re karked.”
“This is the place?” Han asked.
“This is it,” Chewbacca agreed.
“Still can’t believe we’re going with this plan,” Han muttered. “Still can’t believe we’re doing what Darth Vader suggested.”
“I know,” Chewbacca noted. “You said.”
“I said because it’s true, fuzzball,” Han retorted.
He glanced around at the other commandos, then to either side of the draw they were in. It was a minor flaw in the deployment positions of the Imperial legion, a small blind valley through which troops could get close enough to attack by bypassing just a few Imperial guards… with a judicious mind trick from Luke, of course.
Not many troops, though. No heavy equipment. Just men and blasters, with two blaster cannon hauled up the draw.
“Stand by,” Leia said. “Who’s in position?”
“Team Besh, in position,” Rex reported, levelling one of the blaster cannon and being careful not to skyline himself.
“Team Aurak, ready,” Han said, as Chewie readied the other blaster cannon.
“Ten seconds,” Leia said, then activated her commlink.
A commlink set to Imperial scramble frequencies.
“Execute Alderaan,” she said, firmly. “Alderaan, Alderaan, Alderaan. Open fire!”
Rex opened fire, and so did the commandos on his side of the draw. His cannon shot hit the neck of an unsuspecting AT-AT, knocking it to the side and sending up a shower of sparks, and the commandos fired out a volley of shots at troopers and officers before ducking into cover.
At almost exactly the same time, Chewbacca and Aurek team opened fire as well. With different targets to aim for, Chewbacca elected to shoot out the knee of an AT-ST, and it fell over before exploding in a cloud of smoke.
A dozen or so stomtroopers fell in the fusillade of blaster fire, and then all the Rebels were behind cover as the Imperial battalions reacted.
Each had just taken fire from the direction of the other. Each had suffered casualties and taken hits.
And they’d just heard someone give a clear codeword. And when they looked in the direction of who could have been firing… all they saw were other Imperials.
Within seconds, blaster bolts were flying back and forth over the draw, as the Rebels began evacuating back down the way they’d come in. Leia flicked her comlink away from transmit mode, then nodded, and Han took out his own.
“They’re shooting,” he said.
“We’re far enough down the valley,” Rex pointed out. “We can run now, and we’ll need to – go!”
“Admiral Piett,” Vader said, his override codes cutting him on the Executor’s main viewscreen without preamble. “Your assistance is urgently needed. The Rebels have sprung a trap.”
“Lord Vader!” Piett replied, startled. “I thought – there were reports you were missing?”
“I was investigating the Rebel presence,” Vader retorted. “I am ordering immediate orbital bombardment, coordinates seven four two aurek nine, eight three six leth two.”
“But – I don’t understand-” Admiral Piett protested, glancing at the nearest reports.
They showed that firing was going on on the surface, and two defending battalions were already reporting losses.
“I do not require your understanding, Admiral, I require your compliance,” Vader said, his voice like iron. “If your mewling causes our defeat then you will have to answer to me personally.”
Piett could almost feel the forceful grip around his collar.
“Don’t just sit there!” he snapped, turning to the command pit. “Get a shield window ready and open fire!”
The Executor’s port turbolaser batteries opened fire, two volleys blasting into the sphere of the planetary shield, then a third one passed right through the now-open shield window and raised hell on the ground. The explosions hit like the mightiest ground artillery available to the Empire, raising huge plumes of smoke, and harried officers and ratings called reports back and forth.
“Correct north, fourteen,” Vader said, firmly.
“Correcting north fourteen!” one of the officers said, and the turbolasers spat fire again.
And destroyed the main shield dish in a fountain of explosions.
“What?” Piett demanded. “What just happened? Lord Vader, what is going on?”
The channel had already closed.
About ten seconds later, one of the Executor’s escort star destroyers opened fire on it, and Piett lost all track of what was happening.
“All wings report in,” Lando called, flicking a switch as the Falcon closed in on the Death Star, then frowned at his scanners as Wedge and Arvel and the others reported their squadrons ready.
“...well, I don’t know what’s going on there, but it sure looks like Han and the others have pulled something off,” he said.
There was some kind of battle going on in sector 3-7, what looked like an Imperial battlegroup tearing itself apart with turbolaser fire flashing back and forth in every direction and a boil of fighters trying to work out who was on what side. There was also a battle on the surface going on, one far more intense than anything Lando had expected the commandos to need to do.
Or be capable of.
“It looks like the Imperials are doing our job for us,” Nien suggested.
“Yeah, but we’ve still got a job to do,” Lando muttered. “Other squadrons on combat patrol; red group, gold group, all fighters follow me! Let’s pop that grenade!”
He shook his head. “And I thought rescuing Han was chaotic! I wonder who came up with this?”
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Nar Cyar’ika
Crosshair x Jedi!Reader
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A/N: Thanks you so much to @starrylothcat and @a-single-tulip for going over this for me!
Prompts given: Telling someone you love them while you think they’re asleep and tentative kisses in the dark.
Warnings: 18+, unprotected p in v (wrap it up irl), Crosshair being Crosshair, canon battles, violence, clone deaths 😭, if I’ve missed anything please @ me.
Word Count: 6.8k+
Tagging: @techs-feral-wife
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“General! Look out!”
Upon hearing the warning, you automatically threw your hands up as the debris littered the ground around you. Casting the force shield as wide as you could to cover your troops, but still, the finer dirt rained down. The hiss of it was accompanied but the smell of burnt alloy, broken droids, and the freshness of the gauged earth.
“Captain?!” You called, choking on the fuel heavy air.
“All in one piece,” He responded wearily. He was feeling a little grim and tired but he was still there unharmed, as were the rest of the clones that held the line. A whole month you’d been out here. Fighting back droids in an endless barrage, constant casualties as men dropped around you, something you took personally.
Too many nights had been spent holding a dying man’s hand, trying to ease his passing and take away the pain of his wounds. You knew the name of every single one, taking a piece of their armour for their brothers, because that was all you were allowed. Your ship wasn’t built to carry home dead troopers, only the ones still breathing.
“Incoming!” A trooper’s yell alerted you to act. It was instinctive, reaching out with the force, directing the missile off to the side of your positions, and exploding in a shower of wood and earth. The trees groaned, crashing to the ground and taking out some advancing clankers under the thick trunks; starting a chain reaction of more explosions that beat the air around you.
“ETA on our reinforcements?” You had requested help, a few extra platoons would tip the scales in your favour and you hoped they were arriving in the next few minutes. You hefted your DC-17m and began to shoot some droids, the repeat blasts kicking back into your armour as you swept some bolts along the Separatist front line, picking your targets through the trees and hitting the mark every time.
Captain Wilco was shooting beside you, his helmet nodded and you knew he was talking on the internal com. It was frustrating that as a Jedi you didn’t have a helmet and only a com on your wrist. That was no good while you were shooting.
“ETA 2 minutes, General,” he relayed steadily.
“Do we know how many?” He hesitated at the question and you felt his faint emotion change through the force.
“Make me happy, Captain,” You ordered as you took out another B1 droid.
“Just a single Commando Squad…”
“Beexes! Heading straight for your position, General!” The warning came through the comlink this time and you lowered your blaster, hiding behind a wide tree trunk as Wilco slammed in beside you, blasters upright and pointing at the sky as he took a second to breathe. The swift thunk of bolts sounded loud, shedding some splinters of wood near your shoulder. You hated these droids.
“Hold this,” You said, holding out the deecee.
“Is it time to show off?” He asked, twirling his blasters and shoving them in their holsters before taking your blaster.
“Yeah, it’s time to show off.” Drawing your twin blades free was always an exhilarating moment. The yellow-green cast of the plasma was a beacon to your troops. When the lights were lit, it meant their General was getting personal with the clankers.
You could feel the fresh prick of adrenaline, spinning away from your cover and stabbing the first droid under the chin. The alloy melted, no match against your lightsaber and your nose wrinkled at this smell of ruined circuits.
Shedding the dead weight you bounced some bolts away, noticing three more heading straight for you. Three. You were tired, your shoulder ached and your entire body was being pushed to its limit but you soldiered on. Wilco fired from the cover you provided but they barely slowed the droids down.
Any second…any second. You could sense them, the squad that had been sent to help hold your position and now you knew why they had only sent one. At first, you’d expected Omega, maybe even Delta if they were ordered hard enough…no. They’d sent the squad you would take above all others.
You flowed through the motions, relying on the force to tell you what was headed your way a few seconds before it actually happened. A bolt aimed at your shoulder penetrating your armour, another coming to pierce your side. Your blades swung, reflecting the bolts away not having the time to direct them. The droids crossed paths, their legs easily picking over the uneven terrain as they jogged. Bringing your blades in an X, you clashed them together before wrenching them apart and pushing with the force.
To your annoyance they contorted, refusing to fall over and you felt a flash of anger. Spinning around you concentrated, letting go of your left saber to guide it in an arc slicing off the head of a droid.
Two down, two to go.
Now they were upon you, one constantly on the move as it shot at you while the other pulled a vibrosword from literally nowhere. Going toe to toe with a BX droid was not on your to-do list today, let alone four of them. It met you swing for swing, with the added distraction of the other one shooting at you, this really wasn’t a fair fight.
An explosion that made the earth roll beneath your feet caught you completely off-guard, and you stumbled. The tremor rocked through your body, jolting your sabers from your grip and the droid saw its chance. It lunged to grab you by the throat, lifting you as you clawed at the metal arm that had you in a vice-like grip.
“General!” You closed your eyes at the sound of Wilco’s desperate yell.
No, please no! Your mind was frantic and you did the only thing you could think of. Throwing your hand out, you pushed Wilco back. You didn’t need him coming to your recuse and getting himself killed. He was swept off his feet, landing heavily on his back. Your legs were kicking, trying not to succumb to the panic, but you couldn’t stop it. You weren’t a born soldier, all your years at the temple could not have prepared you for this side of war. You were a peacekeeper. That’s what they’d told you anyway.
You began to gasp, reaching into the force to try and find the strength to ease this droid’s grip but your concentration was slipping. Your body was failing and so was your mind as your lungs burned for some air.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Light flared across your blurred vision, the sound of your lightsaber cut through the fog in your mind and you felt yourself fall to the ground. Dragging the tainted air into your lungs you were finally able to take a breath. Hands grabbed you, hauling you to some cover and you were able to see who your saviour was.
Captain Wilco was shooting with your repeat blaster around the side of the tree, his shots sporadic to indicate fewer targets were in his line of sight. It was the other soldier that interested you right now, his black and red helmet thrown into stark relief in the light of your saber.
The light side of his helmet was a complete dichotomy to the dark tattoo that marked the same side of his face. He now cocked it as he peered at you from behind the wide visor. “You’ll be needing these.” He remarked, retracting the blade before depositing them firmly in your grip. Hunter yanked his knife free of his vambrace, staying in a crouched position, and peered around the tree. “Crosshair...” you heard him murmur through his vocoder and you knew he was talking via the comlink.
“The clankers are regrouping.” You smiled at the bite in the sniper’s voice. You couldn’t see him but you could feel him high up the side of the hill, his presence was always loud to you through the force. Even across the distance that had been between you the last five months, you’d always been able to reach out to him.
“Are you all right, General?” Wilco had that smooth tone to his voice, the one that told you he had shut down all his feelings and was reacting purely on instinct right now. This man was going through the motions.
“Fine. I’ll be sporting a new collar of bruises though. Now I know what Captain Rex was moaning about.”
“Orders?” Crosshair’s voice slithered through the com channel and Hunter turned to look at you as he waited.
“This is your party, Sarge. Go, do what you do.”
“You heard the General, boys. Let’s finish this.” Hunter melted away, prompting you to get up.
“Captain,” Wilco was by your side, letting you lean on him as your legs shook. “Let’s watch the show.”
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“Not a single clanker left,” Wrecker announced loudly as they walked through the carnage to your position. Your robes were singed, and the armour you wore over the top was carbon scoured and would need a good clean. Your throat was still sore every time you swallowed but you wouldn’t let the medics near you. There were far worse injuries littering the field.
“I’m glad you boys decided to make it.”
“Sorry,” Hunter replied, pulling his helmet off and giving you a cocky smile. “Had to stop and ask some clankers for directions.”
“And there I was thinking we were making enough noise.” As you spoke your gaze drifted over the Sergeant’s shoulder to fix on the figure that was striding to join his squad. He was tall, his long legs picking their way easily over the droid shrapnel; the firepuncher pointing at the ground but held in a way you knew it could lift and take out a droid in less than a second.
“Your position was easy enough to triangulate. Plus, we sourced the coordinates directly from your ship when we answered the call.” Tech had his nose in his datapad, no doubt keeping an eye on the com chatter so he was alerted to any change in the GAR.
“What’s next?” Hunter asked.
“General.” You turned to face Wilco, he was holding a holodisk in his hand, depicting an image of your Admiral who was currently in orbit over the planet you stood on.
“Orders from Coruscant?” You queried and he nodded.
“We have been told to return immediately. The Fearless is coming to relieve us.”
“We do all the hard graft and then someone else sweeps in and just holds it for us.” Shaking your head you tried not to be tempted by the anger that loomed. You knew why they did it, you created results. The 71st made waves, they got things done and you all were a formidable force against the droids. “Say, you boys fancy some RnR? It’s been a while since we caught up.” You could feel Crosshair scrutinising you from under his helmet, you felt the jolt that your suggestion gave him except it wasn’t his decision.
Hunter cast his eye over the squad but it was Wrecker that answered. “Aw, yeah! Been a while since we had some decent food.”
“Plenty of that up top. What do you say?” Your offer hung in the air for a moment as they all exchanged glances with Hunter.
“Yeah, why not,” Hunter said slowly.
“Saves on fuel,” added Tech.
“Captain, contact the ship and let them know Clone Force 99 is going to dock with us. They’re going to need supplies and fuel if we can spare it.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He turned away to the sound of the lartys as they landed.
“I need to accompany the wounded. See you on the flight deck.” Hunter gave you a salute, briefly touching his bandana and flicking his fingers away, but your gaze was settled on the sniper. He backed away, his attention clearly on you and it took all your concentration not to physically reach out to him.
So you used the force instead, stretching over the few metres that separated you, frustrated that he was so close and still so far away. A frown tugged on your brow when you felt he was…angry. It created heated spots in the force around him and he suddenly turned away, spinning abruptly and stalking after his squad mates.
Walking in the opposite direction you distracted yourself as you did after every battle, by concentrating on your clones.
You hated the aftermath. The way their adrenaline trickled away just left exhaustion and pain. The air in the gunship reeked of blood, dirt, sweat, and men. You were used to it, aware that you didn’t smell any better yourself. The whole battalion had been planetside for five days this round and they deserved a well-earned rest.
“Jumper…” you crouched beside a clone who was slumped in a brother's lap, barely able to hold his head up. There was a mark on his white chest plate, the red cross of no treatment, and tears sprang to your eyes.
“General,” He wheezed.
“Hang on soldier, we’re going home.” You took his hand and concentrated. Nothing you could do would stop the inevitable, all that was left was to ease his pain. “You fought bravely today,” you murmured. He sighed loudly and you hitched up a smile. “The meds working?”
“Yeah. Thanks, General…” You had no idea if he knew what you’d done or not. By the time you’d stood up and moved to the next soldier, he had taken his last breath.
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You waited on the flight deck, supervising all the wounded being taken, giving a comforting word to the exhausted ones left behind. You were hurting, trying to keep your brave mask on until you could fall apart in your quarters. Attachment rules be damned, how could you not feel the ache with each life that was lost? When you personally felt their passing through the force and the void they left behind?
“Ship docking!” The Marauder glided effortlessly onto the flight deck, turning so tightly, it made some of the troopers watching hold their breaths but you’d seen Tech pilot this beauty before.
“Get a fuel line ready,” you ordered a clone and he jumped up to carry out the task.
The squad disembarked, casting uneasy glances around the matching faces that openly stared at them. You knew if any other Jedi had asked they would have refused the hospitality.
“Jet’ika! There she is!” Wrecker wasn’t one for protocol and acting appropriately and you didn’t care, letting the large clone pull you off the ground and into a bear hug that you so desperately needed.
“Wrecker, the regs are watching,” Tech murmured.
“What do I care?” He replied loudly and you grimaced as it echoed over the deck. “Wha’ you looking at?” He demanded from the nearest group.
“You’re embarrassing yourself, Wrecker.” Crosshair shoved past, his golden gaze avoiding yours. Something was up with him, maybe he was just pent up with frustration at not being able to greet you like Wrecker had. You wished he could, your entire body ached to be touched by him.
Five months was a long time.
“You boys hungry?” You asked when Wrecker finally put you down.
“I can guarantee one of us is,” Tech sighed as the big clone proclaimed he was starving again.
“No food fights this time,” You told Hunter, raising an eyebrow. “I had to do a lot of smooth-talking with the Admiral and Captain Wilco last time, not to mention the clean-up droid.”
“They’ll behave this time,” the Sergeant told you in a firm voice.
“Actually, I behaved last time,” Tech stated with a small frown on his face as they all followed you into the turbo lift.
“Only because you weren’t there,” Crosshair pointed out with an annoyed motion, pulling his toothpick out and flicking it at his brother.
Tech shrugged and barely flinched when the small stick bounced off his armour. “A minor detail.”
The doors opened and they stepped out, turning as one to face you. “Go relax, I need to get freshen up and then I’ll come and join you.” Hunter gave you a small nod of acknowledgement, Wrecker beamed, Tech gave you an absent wave and Crosshair didn’t even look at you. The door began to slide closed. Every fibre of your being wished Cross would look at you, so when his blazing, amber gaze finally locked with yours it felt like you’d been stunned, your breath stolen along with all the thoughts in your mind.
Five months was too long.
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You went through the motions, raking your fingers through your hair and cleaning the grime of battle from your skin. Dirt and blood swilled away in the stream of water before the timer ran out and you sighed in the quiet space. It was never long enough but you understood the water had to be spread between an entire ship and everyone got the same amount of time in the shower.
You towelled yourself down and then wrapped up your body before stepping into your quarters. You had been so absorbed in what you were doing you didn’t expect someone to be standing by the door, leaning against the wall and you automatically threw your hands up.
“Jumpy,” He sneered.
“Well no one should be in here,” you snapped, still ashamed he’d managed to sneak up on you. Crosshair pushed away from the wall, uncrossing his arms to brush his fingertips against your grubby armour plates. You became acutely aware of how underdressed you were, clutching the towel tightly to your chest.
“You were reckless today.” With his words came a ripple of frustration, prickling at your senses and making you bristle in return.
“Isn’t that what we do on the battlefield?” Your answer made him scoff, dropping the armour with a clatter and looking up at the wall.
“You are not invincible,” he spoke with a sharp tone and his eyes held something hard and disclosed.
“I never said I was!” You gasped when he advanced on you, jabbing a finger into your bare shoulder, making you step back.
“I saw what you did!” He seethed in his icy voice. “For that…reg.” Drawing yourself up with as much dignity as you could muster while naked and only wrapped in a towel, you fixed a heavy glare on him.
“Captain Wilco is a fine soldier and I will not have you talk badly about any of my troopers.”
Crosshair straightened, crossing his arms as he regarded you with a displeased look on his face but that just wound you up more.
“Okay, you know what, Cross? I don’t have to listen to this. I have been down there for the past month watching men, your brothers, drop dead around me as they follow my orders.”
“They are not my brothers,” He spat, his gaze drifting away as though bored with the conversation. You sputtered angrily, the happy image of your long-awaited reunion was being replaced by this—anger and jealousy.
“No. You’ve never lost a brother, have you Crosshair?” Your voice had that hard edge you usually reserved for the Seps and you felt the briefest flash of doubt as it flickered through him before he squashed it.
“You are not one of them. No matter how hard you try.”
You laughed at his harsh statement but it held no joy.
“No? I may not have been pulled from a tank but I have no parents, I was holding a weapon that I knew how to use by the time I was 4 years old. I have seen as much, if not more death than your squad put together. Do you sense the moment a trooper passes? Do you feel it when they just…cease to be?”
His gaze flicked to your face, his eyes softening slightly when he saw the tears that sparkled in your eyes.
“I am not a clone, but they are a little pocket of family that I never had.” Turning away you grabbed your spare set of robes. “Now get out. That’s an order.”
The surge of anger from him was like a whip, making you flinch as he slammed a hand into the panel and shoved his way through the door before it had even fully opened. Your insides quivered as you tried to contain it all, but your shell was cracking, allowing the emotion of the last few weeks to finally show and you covered your face with shaking hands.
If only this wasn’t so hard.
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“…and then, I picked him up by his neck.”
“What did Rex do?” Your eyes were wide as you nursed a cup of caf at the table with three members of the Bad Batch. Hunter was eyeing anyone that came too close, he was on edge here and you didn’t blame him. Your troops eyed them just as suspiciously. Tech was splicing some data he’d acquired from the Seps, you weren’t entirely sure and you didn’t have it in you to ask this time. Wrecker was doing a great job of distracting you from dwelling on the fact Crosshair wasn’t here. You could sense Hunter’s focus on you every now and again but you ignored it.
“The Cap couldn’t do much, but Crosshair took on that medic.”
“Kix?” You nudged Tech’s arm. “What did you do?”
“I asked Wrecker to put Jesse down. He didn’t listen.”
“Then I ruined all their fun,” Hunter said. “We can't afford to quarrel amongst ourselves. Crosshair needs that reminder more than most at the moment.”
“Where is he?” Tech looked up from his datapad. “Have you seen him?”
It was such a direct question and for a moment you panicked over what to say before shaking your head.
“He’s probably back at the ship.” Hunter pushed away his tray and went to stand up. Tech instantly followed but Wrecker moaned.
“Is it time to go already?”
“Not quite yet,” Hunter reassured him. “The General here is letting us go before they reach triple zero.”
Tech pushed his goggles up his nose as he looked at his brother. “I need to do some maintenance on the ship before we leave and I could us your assistance, Wrecker.”
“Take food with you,” You told the larger clone, pushing your own untouched tray in his direction.
“Bonus! Thanks, Jet’ika.” You grinned at the nickname. Wrecker had donned you with it the first time he saw you a couple of years ago. He followed Tech out of the food area, chomping happily on the extra food but your attention drifted to Hunter who paused.
“If you see him,” You said in a low voice.
“I’ll tell him.” This time you returned the salute and watched them all leave before making a move yourself.
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You visited the medbay, checked on the injured clones, and had a chat with them as your ship sped through hyperspace. Keeping their spirits high was easier because they were heading for some leave. They certainly deserved it. Wandering the almost empty halls you debated heading to the bridge. Casting your senses you tried to get a feel for your ship. It lived and breathed like a living creature, the sheer amount of people in this flying city made it so. But one signature stood out. And he was back in your room.
You followed a familiar path, sensing his inner turmoil even as he slept, drawn towards it like a moth to a flame.
The first time you and Cross had given in, it gave you a thrill. Smoothing out the frustrated ripples in such a clone gave you a deluded sense of power. Not that you had any control over him, that wasn’t what you sought out, it was being needed by someone in a way you’d never been needed before.
You had life experience, more than most of your troops put together but it wasn’t something that was encouraged within the temple. You had seen, felt, and witnessed things that blew your mind. Love, you assumed, was a feeling reserved for civvies, not for Jedi. Compassion, a sense of caring was encouraged but love, raw passion. That was shut down.
And then you met Crosshair.
You had sensed his interest, the curiosity had been hard to ignore and he intrigued you just as much. It had taken you spending months with the Batch on a covert mission for the stoic clone to finally give in. And when it did, it opened your eyes to a feeling that encompassed you both completely. An all-consuming fire that burned whenever you were together.
Except this time. Because you had risked your life to save that of your Captain.
The door opened quietly and you slipped into the dark room. His armour was stacked up at the end of your bed and his breathing was even and steady telling you he was asleep. Crosshair was pressed up against the wall, a pillow of yours held close to his body and you felt a pang of guilt that you had spoken to him in such a way earlier. Sitting on the edge of the bed you sighed, plucking at your Jedi robes.
“This was not how I imagined my day going,�� You whispered. This was a cheap move and you knew it, but if you told him now then maybe it would be easier to repeat when he was actually awake. “I’m breaking all the rules,” You confessed into the dark. “I feel like when I’m not with you I’m losing myself but when I am with you…I am not who I should be.” Biting your lower lip you stood up. “I love you, Crosshair. I’m aware I shouldn’t, I know that…but I can’t stop.” Glancing over your shoulder you saw he hadn’t moved, still curled around the pillow that smelled like you with his legs tucked up. “I hope I’m brave enough to say it to you when you’re awake.”
You debated going to find somewhere else to sleep, yet you knew this was the last time you’d probably see him for months and you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. Shedding your robes you carefully slipped in beside him and stared at the ceiling. He shifted and you froze. Crosshair uncoiled, rolling over to face you with the tiniest sigh.
“Look at me.” His was soft, whispering over your skin like the lightest of touches.
You obeyed, turning your face to catch his expression in the lights of hyperspace from the viewport in your room.
“Cross…” You stopped when he put a finger across your lips.
“It’s my turn.”
Your heart was pounding, you hadn’t paid attention to if he’d been awake or not, just assuming he was sleeping because of how even his breathing was. At least he was still here.
Crosshair’s eyes traced the way his finger trailed over your lips, rolling your bottom lip a little and your body responded instantly. He had so much to say, it crowded all inside him but he was never good at expressing how he felt with words and you saw his brow furrow. His fingers ghosted over your cheek, hooking around the curve of your neck and he dared to bring you closer. Your hand shot up to cover his, desperate to be close, to feel him everywhere at once.
Your eyes fluttered when his nose brushed yours, lips parting in a minute gasp when his breath pillowed against your cheeks. Maker help you, but you wanted him. You needed him right now and it coursed through you like the light of a supernova.
His lips were tentative, touches light as he gauged how you were responding to his hesitant advance. Both your mouths were open, neither of you wanting to break the delicate string that held you both suspended on this fine ledge. Anticipation swirled in your chest, it made each breath ache and your limbs tremble as the moment built to an almost perceptible hum in the force.
Your fingers tightened over his, giving him the permission he needed to close that gap between you both and sealing his mouth over yours.
The fall was glorious. Throwing you headlong into the taste of him as he crowded you against the bed. His body half covered you, pressing against your leg and letting you know he was there. A soft moan tumbled from your throat, succumbing to the sensations you had denied yourself for so long.
His mouth never stopped, burying his tongue deep into you and he manoeuvred over you completely, his arms on either side of your head as he swept his hands the sides of your face. Bringing your legs up he settled heavily between them, his body responding to the heat of yours as he rutted gently into you.
Your hips flexed, the friction against your clothed core was enough to make you moan again when you felt how hard he was through his blacks. His mouth left yours to trail wet kisses and nips along your jaw, making you arch into him, exposing your neck. He swept his tongue along your pulse point, pausing to lavish some attention on that place that made you shiver.
Your hands roamed up his muscular back, scraping your nails over the crop of short grey hairs, making him groan into your neck. You felt his lips draw back, the feel of his teeth pressing into your skin made you tense, only to surrender yourself to him completely.
He pulled down your vest top, letting out a warm breath that danced over your clavicle, making goosebumps erupt all over your body. He felt so good in your arms, his weight a comfort you realised you had missed as he slipped down. His hands were urgent, now rucking up your top to expose your heaving chest to him and he wasted no time in taking a nipple into his hot mouth.
Crosshair took his time, making sure you were writhing beneath him, whimpering with need before he moved on to the next part of your body. You pulled your own top off, glancing down to see him watching you with those eyes that almost glowed with the fire that burned within him.
His long fingers curled over the waistband of your pants, exposing your hip which he gently kissed, his gaze drawn to the way your stomach contracted at the teasing contact. Crosshair always noticed everything about your body, the way you moved, how you reacted in a certain way, and he used that to figure out your weaknesses. Of course, you’d never admit he was your ultimate weakness, all he had to do was look at you.
He moved over to repeat the motion on your other hip, tugging your pants down to expose you completely, finally rearing up to detangle you from your clothes. You hooked your legs around his slim waist and ran his hands along the line of your thighs, curling you up as he leaned forward to give you a kiss that had you gasping for air.
You knew what was coming next, Crosshair hardly ever deviated, wanting to get the most out of your encounter every time because neither of you knew when it was going to happen again.
His touch was slow but firm, dipping between your bodies as he leaned over you, supporting himself on one hand, his eyes watching your face when he gifted you with a teasing touch along your slit.
You heard the deep growl in his chest and his eyes closed. Long fingers deftly parted your lips and he brushed against your clit making your hips buck into his hand. When he pushed a finger into you it made your back leave the mattress. Your cunt fluttered around his touch, grasping desperately as he added another finger. He buried them deeply, pushing up and into you with a moan, his shoulders flexing from the motion and you leaned back against the pillow.
Your hands held onto him, legs quivering as he tortured you by drawing his fingers out of your wetness, making sure he was completely coated before shoving back into you, ripping a blissful cry from your chest.
He set a steady pace, dragging his fingers against the clenching walls of your sex, his need to feel every inch of you was something you were used to but never prepared for. Cross stroked that tender spot inside you, his fingertips winding up the coil in your lower belly that would have you eventually melting into the mattress.
His eyes intently watched your expression, his lips parted when he felt you shake around him, he knew you were close, he could feel it. And he pushed you over the edge. His breathing became ragged as you fell apart, his fingers not letting up, carrying you through the pleasure. Finally relenting when you hooked a hand around his tense neck and passionately kissed him.
Crosshair planted a hand on your shoulder, pushing you back onto the bed as he moved further back. His eyes devoured you, fingers sweeping up your inner thighs to collect the wetness that had leaked onto your skin. You watched, your body still thrumming with bliss as he put his fingers into his mouth, lifting his predatory gaze to lock with yours.
“You’re as sticky as uj’ayl,” He murmured.
“Cross…” you whimpered.
“Patience, nar cyar’ika.” His lips connected with your inner thigh, once more dragging his teeth against the softness of your skin, enjoying the way you gasped, hips undulating in a shamelessly desperate motion. He directed his attention to your core, using the flat of his tongue, slowly, teasingly, swirling around your clit.
You felt his fingers there once again, exposing you to his warm breath as he sighed. His mouth covered your entrance and you curled your fists in the covers. His tongue delved deeply, tasting you with a satisfied hum that vibrated up your spine, making you tremble.
Crosshair let you use him, grinding your hips against his face as you moaned desperately. One hand travelled up your body, pressing along your stomach to settle between your breasts, fingers spread so he could feel the throb of your heart as it beat in your chest.
It was gathering again, liquid fire searing through your veins and creating a reaction you had no control over. Your legs came up either side of his head, trying not to crush him so you settled your feet on his back. Your fingers slipped through the short, tough strands of his hair as your whole body flexed.
Your cries filled the room, a hand clenching in the pillow behind your head and your back arched wildly. Still, Crosshair persisted, his tongue stroking you into a blaze that only he could handle. His hips pressed into the mattress, his cock needy and aching to be buried inside you, but he could wait.
He groaned when you flooded his mouth, licking up every drop as your pleasure stole every basic function from your body. Each muscle contorted, holding you in a suspended state as the seal broke on the flames that licked across your sweaty skin.
Eventually, he released you, letting you flop bonelessly among the sheets. You protested weakly when he kneeled between your legs, only to shed his blacks before falling back into your arms.
He kissed you fervently, licking as deeply into your mouth as he had your cunt. He wasted no time in lining himself with your weeping entrance, his cock twitching in anticipation, dragging along the seam between your thighs and notching right where you wanted him the most.
Your hands slid down his back, following the lines of his tense muscles to hook in the plushness of his backside. You left him in no doubt of your intentions, not breaking a motion in the kiss as you widened your hips and used your arms to pull him forcefully into you.
He gasped when you clenched around him, seating himself to the hilt in your slick as his face rested on top of yours. His breath was strained and lust laden, his tongue coming out to lick at your lips making you whine as you did the same.
Crosshair filled you, creating a pressure inside you that was unrivalled, and it made your body quiver. Your grip on him relaxed when he began to move, pulling free until only the pulsing head of his cock was nestled comfortably inside you.
The snap of his hips was loud and you cried out together, breaking apart his resolve. There was urgency in his movements, a neediness that transcended words as he worked you both to the point of no return.
It didn’t take him long, already working himself into a state of desperation that he was finally feeding as he rutted into you. “I want to watch you,” He snarled into your lips, pushing up from the bed to kneel again. He lifted one of your legs, holding it up against his flushed chest, and worked his hips, hitting that spot that made your eyes roll. He planted a kiss on your ankle, his ferocious gaze magnetised to yours.
Your body was rung out and taut at the same. Your throat hurt, torn from the cries he pushed from you with each thrust. You knew you were going to ache all over for the next few days but it would have been worth it. Crosshair’s fingers imprinted on your skin, the sweat of his body dripped with yours creating a heady cocktail that sent your senses soaring. He was everywhere, suffocating you in the most desirable way as he began to lead you to the precipice once more.
His thrusts became sloppy, his cock pulsed inside you, eyelids fluttering as he tried to keep his attention on your face. A faint roar sounded in your ears as your blood flushed. Lightning shattered under your skin, electrifying your body to the point where you became hyper-aware of every nerve ending.
Crosshair bared his teeth, sweat beaded on his temple and he picked up the pace to bring you both drastically to a catastrophic end. His spine curled toward you when he came, his form juddering as he growled, pushing his hips into you and exploding deep in your cunt.
You were incoherent, only able to scream his name from the pressure, your nails dragging along the firmness of his sides. Your vision faded out, your heart was fit to burst with every slight thrust that sent intense shockwaves through your body.
He released your leg, letting it flop down and he fell on your lips once more, heaving in your scent and coming down from his high. His arms slid under you, gathering you into his embrace as you both listened to the knock of each other's hearts.
You lay entangled together, your face tucked against his chest and he rested his chin on the top of your head. Your fingers were tracing lazy patterns on his cooling skin, trying not to dwell on the fact he was leaving soon.
“Did you mean it?”
You froze at the question, suddenly remembering what had started this whole encounter.
“Mean what?” You focussed on the way his throat tensed, frustration coming through the turbulent calm because you were forcing him to explain.
“What you said.”
“I thought you were asleep.”
He sighed.
“I’m not anymore.” His voice was quiet, almost hesitant and you risked leaning back to look into his face. His gaze roamed openly over your features, almost as though he was committing you to his memory and so you did the same.
Using your fingertips you followed the cut of his jaw, feeling the stubble that was starting to shadow his face. You brushed a thumb over the darkness of his tattoo, knowing what resided behind such a mark. It didn’t matter how many times this man tried to push you away, or how strongly he believed he wasn’t good enough for you, nothing could stop you from wanting him.
“Yes, I meant it.” There was a wave of warmth, tinged with surprise, he hadn’t expected you to admit outright. “I don’t care about the consequences,” You whispered.
“You might.”
You shook your head, fingertips delicately tracing the curve of his ear.
“Not when it comes to you.”
His arms tensed, pulling you back into his chest and you curled willingly against him, closing your eyes and letting yourself relax. He hadn’t said the words, he didn’t need to. You could sense that he loved you too. He wanted to voice them, you could sense that as well, but he knew the ramifications of what such a declaration meant.
And he was willing to protect you for as long as he had to.
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shadow-gear · 3 months
Chapter 3 - Reflections
“I’ve lost sight of him.” Shui Jaing’s soft voice pierced the team’s magic comlink.
Shui, a human below average height with black hair past her shoulder blades, perched above the shipyard on a suspended cargo container. Chains creaked under the strain as they swung with the slightest movement from her. Shui vigilantly kept track of her team through her scope’s thermal setting. She toggled between thermal and scotopic vision trying to find her target. Her marksmanship skills earned her top of the class and her small stature made her a hard target to spot. A perfect candidate that Adalissie couldn’t pass up.
“Skathor, time for Plan B.” Adalissie panted through the coms.
Adalissie, a taller than average human with brown shoulder length hair, sprinted and leaped over abandoned lift trucks and other obstacles in a maze of cargo containers. She slid to a stop and slammed her back against a tall container waiting for Shui’s directions.
“I hate Plan B.”
Her partner, Rorgal Daymantal, a suave grizzled dwarf with a long braided beard down to his hips, hot on her tail. He tapped her shoulder as he came up behind her—his way of letting her know he’s in position. He took a back seat on this mission and let Adalissie take over as team leader. He mentored her long enough. Their paths diverted and they both looked in opposite directions covering their respective flanks.
With a puff of air, Adalissie blew her bangs out of her bloodshot eyes. “He’s built like an airship. How is he so fucking fast?”
Sweat rolled down her olive-toned forehead into her eyes, making them sting. The coms remained silent, and she looked behind her at Rorgal.
Rorgal chuckled, hitting her lower arm in a friendly manner as he struggled to catch his breath as well. “You’re just out of shape, girl,”
His aging body won’t be able to keep up with this chase for much longer, and Adalissie knew that. Even in her late twenties, she also felt the strain of the chase. A Dragonkin provoked the team into entering a shipyard off the coast of Staera. Dragonkin is a race rarely seen outside of Uzon, the East continent. His kind were all sorcerers thanks to the dragon blood that flowed into their veins. The kingdoms of Athewen, Procaria, and Staera had laws that banned magic and the execution of any known affiliates and practitioners of sorcerers. Those same three kingdoms formed a joint team comprising their finest to apprehend criminals such as this.
Adalissie snorted, “Look who’s talking, old man. Don’t die of a heart attack this close to retirement.”
Skathor, the other member of their team, broke the silence of com chatter. “Authorization approved from HQ. Quit the chatter. I need to concentrate.” 
Skathor Muse, a young Cambion eager to prove himself, gripped his components bag. His red forehead wrinkled as he prepared for his location spell. In a circle, Skathor painted several arcane symbols in white paint on the blue container in front of him. He reached into his brown leather bag and splashed the wet paint with bits of bloodhound fur. Demonic chants flowed out of his lips as his eyes turned a neon yellow and his vision narrowed, focusing on the Dragonkin. 
“East corner of the yard. Stationary for now. Alone. Heart rate increased. He’s panicking.”
A moment of silence before Shui spoke over the com. “All clear. Both sides. I have eyes on him. Container unit 5793 sitting in a clearing straight ahead. Recommended formation Alpha Delta.” 
“Moving.” Acknowledged Adalissie.
Rorgal gave a head nod of approval to her as she held a finger to her lips. She opened up her palm in one hand and with the other, did a circular motion above it. Both held up their firearms in their respective directions. Adalissi tapped Rorgal’s back without looking back. They crept around the fork and entered narrow corridors. A fog horn from a passing ship echoed off the tall stacks of metal boxes. 
Shui leaped down from her spot and disassembled her rifle. She tried carefully not to make a sound when she jumped from one container to the next. She crouched and followed closely from up top, keeping tabs on Adalissi from the corner of her eye. Skathor did the same as Shui, but followed Rorgal from the top. He had a heavier foot step than his partner and the empty containers reminded him.
Deep into the shipyard sat unit 5793 and their target. Multiple pathways would take her to her target, it was a wide open spot. Too many blindspots and she didn’t like that. She knew a trap when she saw one, but no dice, the only way through is forward. Careful not to let her presence known, she crouched close to the edge of the boxes. 
Shui and Skathor broke off and circled around to the other side to get a better vantage spot. Adalissie and Rorgal waited patiently for the others to get into position masking their presence in the shadows.
Comms were suddenly lit up with a mix of deafening static and broken up voices of the team talking over each other. “Shit, we… play… target… eyes up…”
“Adie, move your ass!”
Adalissie heard Rorgal shout towards her before blurs of green and blue crossed her vision. Cold steel pressed against her body as she heard shouting and gunfire muffled by faint scuffling. A dim golden tether floated by her, leaving a faint sparkle in its wake. Her vision blurred and a high pitch deafened her hearing. 
“Blood of my blood. This is not your time.”
Her consciousness faded to black. 
Birds chirped on a warm afternoon. Children frolicked about the playground, their voices carried far across the landscape. A girl, about four, used the cover of a nearby tree and observed them playing. Her long bleach-white hair flowed in the evening breeze. Golden irises that contrasted against her bronze skin tone longed to join the children. 
“Why are you not playing with the others, Miss Mashal?”
A voice behind the girl startled her. The adolescent whipped her head around so quickly that the momentum and length of her hair smacked her in the face. A gasp escaped from her mouth as her chest tightened. Upon recognizing who snuck up behind her, she shrugged it off and acted like it didn’t phase her.
“They don’t want a freak like me playing with them.”
“You are not a freak. You have something special they do not possess.” They processed their next set of words. “Which makes them scared of you. If they do not want to take the time to get to know you, then they are not worth your time.”
“Cia, it is the same wherever I go. They call me names and it hurts.”
Cia kneeled and patted her on the head.
“You are Adalissie Mashal. Nothing more, nothing less.” Cia reached her hand out toward Adalissie. “Now come, it is time to see your mother.” 
Adalissie held on tight to Cia’s hand with a heavy heart. She had not seen her mom in months since the collapse in her study. Doctors tried to explain, but the words they used were far beyond her understanding. Adalissie glanced up at Cia and noticed the dry mascara that ran down her cheeks.
“Is mommy okay?” Adalissie asked.
Cia’s voice cracked. “Yeah. Everything is fine.” 
The drive to the hospital was relatively short, but to Adalissie, it felt longer. Thoughts entered her mind, and none of them were good. She noticed Cia crying from time to time when she thought she wasn’t looking.
Doctors and nurses stood outside the hospital with government officials. Adalissie rubbed her eyes as the lights from the lobby blinded her. Officers escorted her to her mother, and the hallways fell silent when she walked down. Nurses who were going about their day all bowed their heads in sorrow as she passed.
It made her heart sink. Drops of water landed on the top of her hand and she instantly reached up to her cheek, wiping away the wetness.
Sporadic beeping machines lined the bed with several hoses hooked to a shriveled woman. People who Adalissie didn’t recognize left without speaking, leaving an empty room for her and her mother. 
Raspy and weak, the bedridden woman spoke.
“Is my daughter here yet?”
Adalissie ran over to her mom, letting go of Cia’s hand. Cia took a step forward, but hesitated. She didn’t want to interrupt their reunion.
“Mom!” Adalissie grabbed her mother’s hand. “What’s wrong?”
It had been months since she heard her mother’s voice. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn’t stop smiling. She wanted to tell her mother everything that had happened in the time she had been in a coma.
“Today at school…”
“My precious daughter.”
Blonde dark-skinned woman stared blankly at the ceiling, paying no attention to the child’s death grip on her arm. Adalissie’s smile faded.
“You are destined for great things, my love.” Her mother weakly laughed. “I wish to see the new era you bring. I am so sorry that-”
A long, drawn-out tone from one machine filled the room. Adalissie’s eyes darted between her mother and the machine. She looked back at Cia, who had already broken down crying. A flash of light, brighter than the sun, lit the room. Adalissie kneeled beside her mother with white feathery wings spread from her back, reaching to both ends of the bed. Cia rushed into the room and gave a warm embrace to calm the child. The bright light dimmed and her wings drooped. The hallways were no longer silent.
Hemp rope rubbed tight against Adalissie’s skin as she lay on a cold, hard surface. Her head pounded as if someone was beating her head with a stick. She blinked, trying to get her vision to focus. A high-pitched wailing drowned familiar voices out. Another voice she didn’t recognize broke the chatter.
“Ah, the girl awakens.”
Adalissie shook her head to clear her senses. “W-what?”
The high-pitched wail subsisted, and her vision focused. Darkness surrounded her and she couldn't see past the bright light shining in her direction. Her team sat detained next to her, hands and feet bound.
Rorgal leaned closer to Adalissie. “You took a bad tumble back there, girl. Thought you wouldn’t make it.”
The bright light from the lamp shined directly into their face and caused everyone to sweat under the intense heat it gave off. A Dragonkin, horns narrowly touching the ceiling, revealed himself from the shadows. Scraping a chair across the concrete floor behind him. He let out a small puff of air while flexing his nostrils giving off an intimidating presence which made Adalissie uneasy. 
Long, black claws gripped the back of the chair and spun it around. His beefy scaled legs straddle the wooden seat as he sat facing them. Colorful bronze scales reflected the light back on the wall making different shapes. His dark brown serpentine eyes darted between his captives studying their reactions. 
“Let’s begin.”
The Dragonkin spoke in a guttural voice, followed by a low growl. Adalissie noted his presence, which carried a bit of weight. As Adalissie’s eyes adjusted to the room, she took notice of the other people in the room with them. She didn't take into account that the Dragonkin had help evading them. It made sense now why he was hard to capture.
“My name is Tiphuc Dravull. Tell me, do you know the reason your kingdoms hunts down sorcerers?”
He snapped his bulky fingers together. A lengthy human, no older than twenty, brought up a strange contraption. An oblong container that faintly glowed and pulsed with purple energy. Twisted supports resembling the roots of a tree, connected to two leaf-shaped ends.
“Sorcery is outlawed for a good reason. It’s blood magic and nothing good comes from using it.” Shui said.
The group of humans in the foreground erupted in a unison laugh and stopped when Tiphuc lifted his hand.
“Is that what they teach you?” A sensible chuckle escaped his throat. “That’s cute. Magic is not free for those who are not born from it. The Gods are dead and your Kingdoms are hiding the truth.” 
Tiphuc rose and pushed the chair aside, then adjusted his glare at Skathor. “Tell me, Red, where does your source come from?”
“It took me years to study magic and learn the spells I know,” Skathor said.
“But where do you draw power from to cast those spells?” asked Tiphuc.
“Valgrea, The Tree of Death.”
Tiphuc strolled toward Skathor, his snout inches from his face. He leaned back to escape the dragon’s foul breath and its massive claws that dwarfed the peculiar gadget that he presented toward him. Two of Tiphuc’s followers moved behind Skathor and stood him up, untying his bonds. 
“That is a Cambion religious faith. Made up to keep you devils in line. I will show you raw arcane power. Power that you can touch, smell, and see,” Tiphuc handed the object to Skathor.
Skathor reached out and grasped the apparatus, bringing it closer to him. Low hums increased in pitch and the purple bloom brightened the longer he held it. Pulses increased and the arcane machine became deafening. 
A smirk gradually drew across his face. A surge of mystic strength coursed through his veins. Translucent blue crystals sprouted from his palm and morphed into a small dagger. He flipped the crystalline dirk in the air for a while.
“This is incredible. I can cast magic without components or incantations.”
Skathor summoned multiple ice daggers and threw them at the closest wall. He coughed up blood the second he cast. The ice daggers melted, unable to maintain composition.
“What-” pain shot through Skathor’s arm. “What’s happening?”
His arm vibrated as the humming grew louder. A moan withdrew from his lips as he dropped to one knee. Veins bulged from his arms and pulsed in sync with the machine. Skathor fell prone, screaming in agony. 
In minutes, his body cracked with purple energy and his red skin turned to a brown, white ash. The screaming abruptly stopped, as there was nothing left but a husk. Tiphuc lightly blew, causing a swirl of dust in the space where Skathor once lay.
“Repentance.” Tiphuc swiped the contraption off the floor and handed it to Adalissie. “Are you ready to be judged?”
“Fuck you.” She spat at his feet while maintaining eye contact. “Do you think of yourself as some kind of replacement for the Gods?”
Tiphuc grabbed her neck and slammed her face into the ground. The weight and pure strength were no match for her thin body structure. The device hummed louder when placed in her hands. Shui and Rorgal struggled against their restraints to help their teammate. Adalissie’s irises flickered from brown to an illuminated gold. 
“Let go of me!” she yelled through clenched teeth.
The roots of her brown hair turned to a bleach white. Tiphuc’s eyes widened as more of her hair changed to the same color.
“Interesting. Does your team know what you are?”
“No.” With a sigh, Tiphuc flew away from her by an invisible force. “And they never will.”
A flash of light filled the room, impairing the vision of everyone. Over the sounds of fighting, the device increased its hum as ambient magic built. The room fell silent except for the creaking hinge of the cargo door opening. A large horned figure dragging a corpse behind it exited.
Thick smoke swirled around a room of a run-down apartment. Sirens from the streets passed through the paper-thin walls. Burnt skin mixed with burning paper flowed out of the unsealed front door. Normally, this would be a cause for concern, but this was an everyday occurrence in this neighborhood.
After the sizzle of a paper stick being put out, the teenage girl whimpered quietly. A mid-thirties woman lifted the cigarette from the teenager’s forearm. Burnt skin healed on her with remarkable speed, with no trace of the injury. The smoking woman reached for another smoke and let out an audible frustration.
She looked at the girl sitting next to her on the couch.
“Be a good girl and get Mama more Hellhounds from her room.”
With watery eyes, the girl looked at her caretaker and whimpered, “Cia...”
“Now, Adalissie!”
Cia threw the empty Hellhound box across the room. Feeling defeated, Adalissie carried out the task and proceeded to Cia’s bedroom. She hated nights where her foster dad came home early. He would give Cia some pills that made her zone out, and she would become a different person.
Dread hit her when she walked into Cia’s bedroom. This used to be a happy home before Velcun, her foster father, came into the picture. Cia would bring take out after work and they would watch movies until she fell asleep. Now it’s full of drugs and moldy beer cans. This isn’t what her mother would have wanted for her, but she can’t leave Cia alone with that asshole.
She searched the room from top to bottom before finding the smokes in the dresser’s top drawer hidden under some socks. Pain struck her like someone stabbed a knife through her skull after grabbing the carton. Just like the other times, she pushed past the pain and winced, enduring the irritation.
When leaving the room, her headache grew, dropping her to her knees instantly. Not daring to yell, she shut her eyes and clasped her head while caging her suffering. Before she could halt the sensation, but this felt different. Her dark brown irises flickered an illuminating gold, lighting the dimly lit hallway like a spotlight. 
Spots on her back itched as the skin tore sprouting wing joints. Strands of blonde and white blended into her brown hair. Tiny bone stubs broke through her skull, releasing some of the pain. She squatted and pulled her legs close to her chest while she tightly closed her eyes.
“No, not now.” She mumbled as she rocked back and forth. “Please stop.”
Down the hallway, a door slammed opened followed by heavy footsteps coming toward her. A human male towered over the scared girl.
“What did I tell you about using your powers in my house, freak?”
The man unbuckled his belt and wiped it off his pants with a crack. She knew what came next, and her body froze. She wanted to scream, but the lump in her throat prevented her from letting out a peep. One, two, three strikes from his waistband, leaving red marks on her skin that healed as quickly as they formed. Her heart pumped faster, and she experienced an unfamiliar might swell deep inside. A voice rang in her mind in a language she somehow understood.
Uio avai rad dalok ad koark dhoal kruxo?
Are you not tired of being their slave?
Kdak harkark kudk. Ork dho kuar.
Stop holding back. End the pain.
Iorouko avail dirr kaxoi.
Release your full power.
Twisted horns shot out the tiny bone stubs on her forehead, curving upwards. Pitch-black ooze draped her long white hair, soiling the carpet. The whites of her eyes became obsidian and her gold pupils deepened to a glowing ruby. Long, sharp front teeth poked her bottom lip while her snow-white appendages darkened to the same black as her hair.
“Velcun, ka rad daidh no uravnaio!” Adalissie’s ebony wings fanned out as she walked closer.
Velcun tumbled backward and scrambled to scurry away from the Adalissie. 
A flame lit at the tip of her finger. “Her heart is no longer endured by agony. She is not your plaything. She is no longer Cia’s responsibility.”
Adalissie’s lips moved, but it was not her sweet, soft voice that came out. It was deeper, more confident, and it terrified Velcun to his core. With his backside to the hallway wall, he pushed himself up upright. Lengthy black-tipped nails gently coiled around Velcun’s throat, pushing him up the wall further. The ruby glow of her eyes pierced deep into his core as his trachea caved in from the pressure of her hold.
“I’m not sorry for what I did. You ungrateful child.” 
His raspy last words escaped through his crushed windpipe as his eyes dulled gray and his body went limp. 
Bottles crashed on the hardwood floor in the next room, drawing Adalissie’s attention. She dropped Velcun’s body on the floor and moved on. Cia huddled in the corner, blocking herself with furniture to distance her and the thing Adalissie had become.
“S-stay back, you m-monster.” Cia cried, holding out a broken glass bottle.
Adalissie threw the carton of Hellhounds towards Cia. She dropped the bottle and caught the smoke box.
“Ino’s death deeply scarred you in ways others would never understand. Being left to raise a child by yourself put unnecessary strain on you but, marrying that abusive fuck. It changed you and not for the better.” Adalissie inched closer to Cia’s face and ran her long fingernail across her delicate features. “You’ve fallen from grace, Cia.”
“Every time I look at you…” Tears streamed down Cia’s face. “I’m reminded of what I lost. She… she overworked because of you. You were her world, and I loved her.”
Adalissie backed slowly while lowering her brow. Her inky tips curled onto the sofa, poking holes in the upholstery.
“So you turned to drugs? You let a child fend for herself while you tried to forget? How dare you blame a child for the death of their mother?”
Adalissie roared, shaking the apartment and shattering the windows. Adalissie chanted an incantation and waved her hand in rhythmic motion. An arcane symbol appeared, spawning three small specs that floated into Cia’s mouth. Cia itched compulsively, tearing at her skin. Insects crawled out of her wounds and tore into her flesh more, a repeated cycle generating more bugs with each rebirth. 
“She loved you, Cia, and you let her down.”
Tiphuc still breathed, but couldn’t move much more than his torso. His burnt corpse was still smoldering as Adalissie crouched above him, watching him die.
He looked at her and struggled to talk, spewing blue blood. “Nine Hells take you, Sem’Varian.” 
“Take me?” Adalissie leaned closer and whispered in his ear. “The Nine Hells didn’t want me.”
She reached for the knife that was strapped to her leg. Inch by inch, she inserted it in the nape and with the last exhale of breath from Tiphuc; she had verification that he expired. She swiftly stowed the dagger, satisfied that he would no longer be talking. Bones cracked as she grew shorter and her horns retracted back into her forehead.
She dragged her teammates out of the room one by one and untied them. While they were still unconscious, she set fire to the building and destroyed any evidence of what she did. Rorgal woke up first, followed by Shui, who frantically looked around. She helped calm Shui down enough to have a coherent conversation with her.
“What the hell was that?” Shui asked.
“A radical cultist? All sorcerers spew the same nonsense.” replied Adalissie.
“She means what spell did you cast?” Rorgal butted in.
“That wasn’t me. Must have been a malfunction with the device.”
“No.” Rorgal stood up, standing between Shui and Adalissie. “I don’t think it was. What are you hiding?”
Adalissie sighed heavily. “I always liked you, Rorgal, and that’s why I’m giving you an option to leave with your lives. I’ll say you died in the attack like Skathor or—”
“Or what?” Rorgal asked.
Adalissie’s brown eyes flickered gold and her horns grew.
“I’ll kill you.”
Adalissie returned from her mission alone and sat in her superior’s office, dodging cups and other objects. Papers swirled around after a frustrated swipe of the Minotaur’s gnarly toned arm across his desk. A ceramic coffee mug with world’s best dad fell to the ground and shattered.
It didn’t phase Adalissie in the slightest. Calm and collected, she endured her aggressive discipline that lasted for several minutes before the Captain calmed down. 
“Tell me again why I have three stiffs in the morgue?” He took a deep breath, then exhaled. “This was a joint operation between three Kingdoms. Do you understand how bad this makes us look?”
“Well, Rorgal was killed as well.”
“Is that what you get out of this?” His large hands pulled his chair closer. “Until this fuck up gets resolved, I’m giving you a new assignment. Far away from me and this Kingdom.”
Adalissie was cut off as he talked over her.
“It’s another joint operation, but you are taking a backseat on this. Maybe you’ll learn something from…” The captain adjusted his glasses. “Amzer Bright. Not our jurisdiction, but they are seeking help.”
Her death grip indented the foam padding on the armrest. She dug deeper before letting go when she felt her fingers poke through the fake leather. Her jaw tensed and she bit down harder, keeping her feelings in check. She wanted to scream. It wouldn’t do any good, but it might make her feel better. 
“When am I leaving?” she asked, calmly.
“Tonight. All the arrangements have been made.” 
He shifted his metal framed glasses that rested loosely on the bridge of his nose. He grabbed a few papers off his desk and staked them in different piles.
“Where am I going?” Adalissie asked.
A few seconds passed before he noticed she had not left. He looked over the frames as they slipped down the bridge of his nose.
“Black Hollow. A town, if that’s what you want to call it. I’d say it’s more of a fishing village.”
“So, not worth my time.”
“You don’t have a choice. Now get out of my office.”
And with that, she left the building. With her bags packed, she left for Black Hollow. She decided she would play this by the book and keep things close to her chest. She didn’t want another incident on her hands. This case had to go well.
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ri47 · 11 months
Does Vesselblood have VNs?
VNs definitely exist in both ADV and NVL form, although ADV is presently much more popular. adventure games as a whole, especially text adventures, enjoy a climate where most of the people who would be looking for games have fairly powerful computers (comlinks) on their person that can only sometimes display images, with most of the processing power being specialised into their on-board cryptography
terminal games in general are very popular and jump borders quite a bit, by virtue of being small and easy to smuggle between weavenets. one of the more popular text games among younger people, in both the Divine Solis and the KHU, is a historical (albeit heavily fictionalised) strategy game depicting the unification wars of the sects which would later become the Divine Solis Imperium. gameplay-wise, imagine Nobunaga's Ambition with more dialogue sections
of course, KHU users tend to favour heavily modded variants of it. one of the most popular has a BL skew to it, with simulated relationship and erotic mechanics. the general consensus on those erotic mechanics tends to be that they're "clunky, repetitive, and not especially sexy"
and yet, there's still a dedicated playerbase and about thirty different subvariants of it, so clearly the base gameplay changes are worth suffering through the worst of it
but to get back on topic, there are definitely plenty of proper VNs with art and all. most tend to work best on stationary terminals, especially ones that were built solely for entertainment rather than long-distance communications over the weavenet
and mind you, even then, VNs remain a niche among niches
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marroniere · 6 months
fic: Admiral Fantastic, Thranto, post-Ahsoka, mature, chapters 10/26
Thrawn presses the button on the recording device.
First, there are the sounds that indicate a very, very thorough bug sweep. Thrawn commends Captain Enoch’s attention to detail, truly. It is, however, both convenient and most unfortunate that the Captain never bothered to check the built-in comlink in the helmet he so favors. It only took Thrawn ten minutes to reprogram it.
Then come the conversations with a stormtrooper about the Lysatra incident. Thrawn believes the stormtrooper to be an unreliable narrator—a human’s emotional state may affect the said human’s ability to think logically and focus on the details that matter. But the recording makes it abundantly clear that Eli Vanto did take part in the destruction of an Imperial base, founded on Lysatra in the first year of Moff Gideon's brief reign. Curious.
Thrawn takes a pause to read all the files he manages to find on the base in question. He sits down in the tall, black grass, under a carcass of a tree. The rancor curls beside him. Already in the base commander's dossier, Thrawn finds what he needs. "Necessary security measures" taken against the local population.
Moff Gideon, in all his infinite wisdom, decided to begin with a mass murder of those Lysatrans who wished to have talks with him.
Some distant part of Thrawn wants to brand Eli a traitor. He refuses to do so. Over the years, it has become increasingly harder for Thrawn to draw a line between himself and the Empire. More often than ever, he has to remind himself where his true loyalties lie.
But then he remembers, and then certain things become obvious. If Thrawn’s people were treated that way by the Empire, he would have done the same thing Eli did.
(Would he? Does he even remember what his people look like?)
(He would. He certainly would.)
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jedi-hawkins · 8 months
Bryn-Ayla Del Caro
Meet My Jedi OC! This is a living post with some info about her and her life! Feel free to send me an ask if you want to draw her or find out more about her character! More info and fun facts about her below the cut!
Pronouns: she/her
Born 56 BBY | Age 35 at the start of the war
Species: Human
Home planet: Takodana
Her family descended from a branch of House Vizla, but her ancestors left Mandalore at the end of the Mandalorian-Jedi war (738 BBY) and relocated to Takodana.
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OC Sunday: Shoes, Setting, First Impressions
OC Sunday: Voice, Home Planet, Weapon of Choice
OC Sunday: Favorite Book, My Favorite Trait, Weakness
OC Sunday: Most important thing, Hobbies, Starbucks
OC Sunday: Core Wound, Party Plans, Color Palette
OC Sunday: TV show, Plant, Body Type
OC Sunday: Song, Changes, Wardrobe
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Sergeant Hunter
Shipping Questions: Bryn x Obi-wan Kenobi
Ask: Battlefront 2 Lines
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Physical description:
Height: 5'8"
Tanned skin
Dark brown hair, worn in a braid that falls to her waist
Dark brown eyes; sometimes they're black as night to the point you can't differentiate her pupils from her irises, other times they're warmer, with flecks of honey amber that shine in the sunlight.
Fit, muscular figure that can carry more weight than it appears to be able to handle.
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Jedi Facts:
She was gathered by the Jedi Order when she was 4.
She and Obi-wan Kenobi were trained together at the Temple on Coruscant.
Became a padawan to Jedi Master Plo Koon at age 13.
Was also mentored by Qui-gon Jinn, and assisted him and his padawan, Obi-wan Kenobi on many missions.
She was present when Qui-Gon and Obi-wan rescued Queen Amidala from Naboo and found Anakin Skywalker.
Became a Knight at age 24.
Became a Master at age 31.
Gains a seat on the Jedi High Council at age 34 at the same time as Obi-wan Kenobi.
Her tunics are usually the basic tan, but her tabard is a dark maroon, and her cloak is a dark brown.
She was primarily a Form IV user (very Force-demanding and acrobatic), but after she built her second lightsaber, she became very skilled in Form V (switches quickly between offense/defense and incorporates dual-bladed combat).
After the construction of her second blade, she will switch between holding them in a traditional and reverse grip.
She had a padawan, a Twi'lek names Silais. He began training with Bryn when he was 13, was a very skilled prodigy and passed his trials and became a knight when he was 20.
She mentored Anakin in the same way that Qui-gon mentored her, and accompanied him, Obi-wan, and Ashoka on missions when needed.
She is close friends with Padme Amidala and serves as an unofficial liaison between the Jedi Council and the Galactic Senate.
She built her first Lightsaber when she was 12, and the crystal that chose her emitted a blue blade.
Her second saber, she built when she was 22 and emits a green blade.
Clone Wars Armor:
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Rather than use standard-issue Jedi Armor made for the Clone wars, Bryn actually uses pieces from a set of beskar armor that was passed through her family from the old days of Mandalore. Originally, it was plain metal with no designs, but for the Clone War, she paints it Maroon like her troopers. After the battle of Jabiim, her Senior Commander Steeler paints a set of jiag eyes on her chest plate.
She wears a headset similar to real-world bone-conducting headphones to tap into clone comm channels hands-free rather than use a comlink.
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Fun Facts:
She's fluent in Mando'a
She can communicate in some droidspeak, as well as some Huttese and Twi'leki, but does need communicators for complex conversation.
She identifies as polysexual; she is attracted to multiple genders, but is only attracted to humanoid species (though if there is a connection, she won't say no)
She has had a few intimate interactions and relationships, but she holds her duty as a Jedi above all else. She has no clouded judgement or shift in priorities from her affections.
Primarily, she and Obi-wan held an on-off relationship throughout their lives, but it was fully understood duty came first. When Cody comes along, Bryn is completely understanding and even encourages the relationship between Obi-wan and Cody and they become a throuple. Later on, after Bryn chooses to become the commander of Clone Force 99, Hunter eventually joins the polycule (no clone x clone). Same as Bryn did for them, both Obi-wan and Cody encouraged her bond with Hunter.
At the start of the Clone War, she was assigned the 43rd Attack Legion, designation, Khaos.
A lot of the 43rd Legion's command structure/call signs/command officer names were heavily influenced by Grecoian (Greek) Mythology, because she gifted the command batch a book of myths.
Her call sign with the 43rd Legion was 'Nyx'
Her father had started training her in with bladed weapons when she was 3 and gave her a Mandalorian dagger when she was collected by the Jedi Order.
For a Jedi, she is skilled with 'civvy weapons,' especially daggers/vibroblades and rifles. She trained with them periodically for undercover assignments, and trained with them more vigorously at the start of the Clone War.
She drinks caf (like any other self-respecting overworked individual), but Obi-wan got her hooked on having a cup of tea in the afternoon (damn you Scottish man).
She survives Order 66 thanks to the Bad Batch.
After Order 66, she scrubs the maroon paint off her beskar armor and paints a new set of jiag eyes on her helmet with forest green paint. She then keeps her helmet on at all times and poses as a Child of the Watch, fighting with DC-17 blasters and vibroblades.
She has PTSD in relation to sleep and will often slip into patterns of insomnia or have night terrors.
She's a trained Medic.
When she was in the Jedi Academy, she knew Pong Krell and threw a pastry at him (nailing him in the face) after he said something bigoted in the Temple dining hall. They never really got along.
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Celeste Morne
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Celeste Morne
Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Affiliations: The Jedi, Lucien Draay
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Secretive, unorthodox, and good at her job, Celeste Morne is one of the few mysterious Jedi known as Covenant Shadows. Like all Jedi Shadows, Morne has dedicated her life to wiping out the agents of The Dark Side through whatever means necessary. As a Covenant Shadow, she is completely off the Jedi Council's radar. She does not dress as a Jedi, she only rarely uses her Lightsaber publicly, and she answers to no one except Lucien Draay. In many ways, Morne is the embodiment of the spirit of the Covenant Shadows; she operates completely in secret as a sleeper agent, going about her daily life while awaiting the call to duty.
Originally from Ossus, Morne wandered the galaxy after her home planet was devastated in The Great Sith War, eventually being raised by Krynda Draay and coming under the command of her son when she began training as a Jedi Shadow. She has served for years as an undercover agent of The Jedi, though she vanishes without a trace in 3,963 BBY under mysterious circumstances.
 Celeste Morne Statistics (CL 12)
Medium Human Jedi 7/Scoundrel 2/Jedi Knight 3
Destiny Points: 2; Force Points: 5, Strong in the Force; Dark Side Score: 4
Initiative: +13; Senses: Perception +14
Languages: Basic, Bocce
Reflex Defense: 26 (Flat-Footed: 24 (Flurry: 21)), Fortitude Defense: 24, Will Defense: 27; Deflect
Hit Points: 87, Damage Threshold: 24
Speed: 6 Squares
Melee: Lightsaber +15 (2d8+6)
Melee: Lightsaber +17 (2d8+6) with Flurry
Ranged: Blaster Pistol +13 (3d6+6)
Base Attack Bonus: +11, Grapple: +13
Attack Options: Dastardly Strike, Flurry, Sentinel Strike (+2d8), Weapon Finesse
Special Actions: Force Haze
Force Power Suite (Use the Force +19): Battle Strike (2), Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Rebuke (2), Surge
Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery
Base Stats
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16, Charisma 16
Talents: Clear Mind, Dastardly Strike, Deflect, Force Haze, Improved Sentinel Strike, Sentinel Strike (+2d8)
Feats: Flurry, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Skill Focus (Deception), Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training (Deception), Skill Training (Stealth), Strong in the Force, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills: Deception +19, Initiative +13, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +12, Perception +14, Stealth +13, Use the Force +19 (may reroll opposed Sense Force, must take second result)
Possessions: Lightsaber (Self-Built), Comlink (Short-Range), Datapad, Utility Belt, Street Clothes, Various Personal Belongings
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sw5w · 8 months
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:24
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astromechs · 1 year
things you said with too many miles between us + rebelcaptain :3
fun fact, i wrote this on my phone when i was supposed to be asleep 🤷‍♀️
still accepting from this list!
The rain has fallen on Nothoiiin nonstop for days.
That's made most of this part of the mission useless, really; there's no watching of anything, much less an outpost, to be done when visibility is so low, and they can't risk getting any closer where they are. In light of this, it's mostly been a waiting game for a signal from the other part, parsecs away — Cassian's part.
Jyn has never been a fan of waiting. Even on the best of days, waiting makes her jumpy and agitated (she's built to be moving, not idle), but this isn't the best of days. The nonstop rain brings a chill to the air that she knows all too well, one that seeps through her sleeves no matter how close she scoots toward the fire; it drips through cracks in the cave that they, she and the support unit, have taken shelter in, making sleep impossible.
It's too much like a cave she'd once spent time in, sheltering from the elements — waiting for someone she'd known would never come back.
She tries to shove the thought from her mind as she watches the comlink that hasn't left her side for days, but it's as stubborn as the ghosts she'll always carry with her, as the precedent she's still expecting to still hold true one day. How could she not? Everyday is borrowed time, and sooner or later, something always comes to collect. Something —
The comlink flashes.
Her heart jumps into her throat; breath hangs in the balance as she pays careful attention to the pattern. It's complete gibberish to the Empire, and even to everyone else stationed here with her, but Jyn knows the meaning of this code beyond a shadow of a doubt (she'd helped to create it, after all).
There isn't any time to waste to get the hell out of here and move forward with the extraction plan. But she allows herself a second, just one, to breathe her relief, to untie the knot in her chest that's only been tightening for days.
By the time she walks out of the cave, she can, at least for now, firmly shut the one in her mind.
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backyardvampire · 1 year
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"There are things you can't do via Comlink, though." - "Like what?"
Without any suspicion, Tavash turned his face to Finn's and instantly blushed as he realized how close they suddenly were. The Pantoran could not only see Finn's whole body tense, but felt his sudden change of heart like a crackle in the Force. As their noses touched, Tavash could spot every single freckle on Finn's beautiful face and couldn't help but smile. "May I?" Finn whispered, his eyes half-closed, with a voice audibly trembling under his breath. "Yeah..." murmured Tavash with a gentle nod. When their lips met, it was as if all the tension that had built up over the past few weeks had simply been washed away with the sea. For a moment, he was just there. At peace. At last.
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stellevatum · 6 months
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Full Name: Kar Parja Alor’ade (Birthname Nari'aan)
Aliases: Too many cover identities to list
Code Names: Shriekhawk, Kalros, Shaman, The Void/Void Envoy, Cetanu-di, Night Herald
Gender:  Female-presenting, insofar as the physical embodiment of the cosmos can be. Celestials are cosmic beings and may not even have a “real” form, let alone any sort of adherence to a gender binary.
Race: Celestial/Old God/Force Being(take your pick)
Birthdate: At some point in time, estimates 42 BBY/2160 CE. Celebrates on January 26th
Eye Color: Green (with black sclera)
Hair Color: Red
Height: 167.64 cm/5’6”
Weight: 57kg/125 lbs
Build: Lean, fit. Built more for speed than strength visually.
Orientation: Graysexual/grey-aromantic. Polyfidelitous– but may remain monogamous if agreed upon it. Has experimented with women during her life but still prefers men.
Marital Status:  Verse Dependent
Noticeable Features: Scarring mainly on her back and legs, tattoo on her left shoulder blade, three piercings in each ear, and nose. Lichtenberg scarring up her entire left arm.
Enhancements:  Subdermal implant (left arm), Cochlear aural comlink device (left ear), greybox neural implant (in the skull).
Personality/Quirks: Chaotic and unpredictable, and prone to plans ‘outside of the box’. Follows her own personal code of morals/ethics. Her means of thinking could be misconstrued as insanity. Highly intelligent, quick to learn, with a daredevil streak bordering suicidal. Hyperactivity could be a double-edged sword. Loyal to a point to her team, even if she cannot stand them. Strong work ethic. Drinking habit should be monitored. Productive and damaging to the enemy at the best, uncontrollable and chaotic at the worst.
To be handled with great caution.
Kar is a Celestial– a being supposedly an embodiment of the cosmos with its own personality and set to experience itself in a whole new way, a nigh immortal race with a high level of technological skill that many of the sapient races has led to consider them as gods when they were uplifted in the ancient past. Her biological parents were once worshipped by the Mandalorians as Kad Ha'rangir (god of war and change) and Dal Akaani (goddess of war and tactics). She is Nari'aan, The Traveler. Had she not been stolen away and raised among family she would have been the intercessor between the shorter lived races and their kind.  Her youth and adolescence were colored, a foundling adopted and raised by mercenaries, being a government spy, enslaved, and even trained as a secret apprentice, co-founder of several rebellions. Though it should be known as tales often go, they are prone to embellishment, no one is entirely sure what is true and false.  What is true and known Kar finds her intelligence network that eventually evolves into her “Void Network”. Part intelligence network and part empire without nation or borders. Due to her deep embedded influence in universal affairs, her authority has more or less been recognized. As such, she rules part diplomatic leader, part queenpin, to any and all who come hiring her agents. She is a rather colorful character with an equally colorful personality, exploring the cosmos as part scholar, part adventurer, always looking for an opportunity to further her own reach and goals.  Her (current) story spans almost a thousand years in her main timeline and across at least four galaxies, with many friends, enemies, and lovers to boot. 
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absdoesnothaveabs · 7 months
A Strange Feeling - Anakin Skywalker
A/N: Anakin is not burnt in this fic!!
The story of Aela and Anakin's relationship is full of twists and turns, with hidden secrets and heart-wrenching moments. They were married at the very young age of sixteen on the beautiful planet of Alderaan, with only her brother Bail Organa and sister-in-law Queen Breha Organa as witnesses. Despite being so young, Aela soon gave birth to their son, Bodhi Skywalker, whom she named after her father.
However, Anakin's life took a completely different turn when he met Padme again and fell in love with her. Unfortunately, he had completely forgotten about Aela and their marriage, and his mind was manipulated by Palpatine, who erased all memories of Aela from Anakin's mind.
Although Aela was heartbroken, she remained faithful and never indulged in the bond shared between her and Anakin. Instead, she poured all her love and energy into raising their son, Bodhi.
Years passed, and fate brought Padme to Alderaan, where she learned about Aela and Bodhi from Bail. Padme was shocked and apologetic for not knowing about Aela and her son. She met Aela and bonded with Bodhi, and during their conversation, she revealed that she was pregnant and scared that Anakin was losing his mind.
Aela and Padme kept in touch through comlinks, slowly building the Rebel Alliance together, sensing that something was happening in the galaxy. When Anakin turned to the dark side, Aela's heart was shattered, knowing that Bodhi would never know his father, and she would never feel Anakin's embrace again.
Bail informed Aela that Anakin had almost killed Padme, and she rushed to be with her, taking Bodhi along. There, she met Obi-Wan and Yoda, who were shocked to see her. She was present when Padme gave birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker, two beautiful babies whom she loved as her own. Padme begged Aela to keep them and raise them as her own, and Aela agreed, taking them to Yavin 4 to raise them.
Aela raised all three children as her own, and Bodhi kept their true parentage a secret. He was a caring big brother to Luke and Leia, and their names were never changed. Aela became the leader of the Rebel Alliance and built a beautiful purple lightsaber for herself. Bodhi trained with Obi-Wan, and the twins trained when they were old enough.
Meanwhile, Anakin kept having dreams of a woman he could not recognize. He saw himself with her, then saw her pregnant, but he wasn't there anymore. Suddenly, all the memories came back, and he realized he had a wife, Aela, his true love. He plotted to find her.
The only reason he turned to the dark side was that he thought he had lost everything and that there was no hope. What Palpatine did not know was that Anakin did not kill the younglings; he hid them. He fled to Alderaan to find Bail, knowing he could try to explain himself to him. And so he did. Bail believed him, but for safety, he locked him away before going to get his sister.
Aela sensed that something was off and took her children with her. Bodhi, Luke, and Leia were quickly sent to their Aunt Breha while Aela went down to the dungeons to see Anakin. He wept when he saw her, "My beautiful girl. I'm so sorry," he cried. She used the force to test him and saw his feelings were real.
Over the next few days, she spent all hours with him, showing him the last ten years through her eyes with the force. He saw the little boy she gave birth to, before realizing he was his son. Then he saw Padme, now his deepest regret, dying from childbirth after having twins. He then saw Aela raising them.
"What are their names?" He whispered.
"Bodhi, Luke, and Leia. They're all gifted with the force. They all adore you, from the stories I've told them."
Anakin frowned, "Do they know what I've done?"
"Bodhi does. But he forgave you a long time ago."
"Aela, my heart, please let me meet my children," he begged.
She agreed, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was a mistake. Only time would tell.
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burningrosesbythesea · 11 months
Family bonding :)
Words: 1001
The entire warehouse looked as if a herd of elephants stormed in. Anything that didn’t happen to be strapped or bolted onto the floor was scattered all over the room, creating a terrible mess that made it hard to find Terry, Cindy, and Milo. 
“Damn,” Spoiler murmured, shifting through the wreckage surrounding the machine (which currently lay in a state of disrepair of exposed wires, melted metal, and oozing radiation). “This is terribly built machine.”
“You can say that again.” Reaper chirped through the comlink, “I found the blueprints of this thing. This thing is a laser–”
“Are you saying my brother got vaporized?!” Robin shrieked, “Oh God! What am I going to tell my mom?! Do I hand her Terry’s ashes?!” he frantically began to search through the mess for the remains of his brother. 
Spoiler gently grabbed Matthew by the shoulders and pulled him close to her before wrapping her arms around him, “Chill Matt-Bat,” 
“As I was saying–” Reaper continued, “the laser should’ve stopped lasering the moment the ray made any contact with organic material.”
“Well, seeing as the entire warehouse is covered in radiation, I don’t think the laser lasered right.” Spoiler commented. 
“There could’ve been an explosion,” Robin retorted mournfully, pointing at the destroyed laser. 
“If there happened to be an explosion, the entire warehouse would have been blown to bits.”
The preteen paused, taking the information into consideration. 
“The laser malfunctioned,” Spoiler concluded. 
“Which means Terry, Cin, and Milo are alive.”
Matt's knees nearly gave out in relief, “Great. Where are they? Did they find their way back to the Batcave?”
“Bruce would’ve told us if they were with him,” Spoiler pointed out, fishing out a Batarang from the wreckage. 
“Something’s off,” Reaper murmured, “I’m going to regroup with you then we’re going to Tim’s. He’s smart enough to know what went wrong with this thing.”
“Shouldn’t you tell Damian that Milo and Cindy are missing before he finds out himself?” Spoiler queried. 
Reaper inhaled sharply, “I wouldn’t want to stress him out more than he already is.”
Matt knew that was code for: “My husband is like five minutes away from killing someone and I really don’t want him to do that.” 
“Yikes. Welp, to Tim’s we go.”
. . . . 
“How come I’m not the favorite?!” Dick whined, watching mournfully as the time-travelers fawn over Jason. 
Damian clicked his tongue, “Are you sure that they’re related to us, Father?”
Bruce grunted, “I checked Milo’s DNA, he’s my grandson.”
“Grandson?” Cass chirped from the corner, her dark eyes glinting with curiosity. 
“Who’s the father?” Jason asked, continuing the rest of Cass’s unsaid question. He stared at Milo strangely. 
“Alfred and I have our suspicions.” Bruce mused, glancing over to Damian. 
Terry sat by Cassandra, wearing Jason’s helmet. “This is so fucking cool.” 
“Language, Master Terry.” Alfred chided, placing the leftover cookies in the cookie jar.
“Sorry Alfred.” 
Cassandra nodded in agreement, “Makes voice scary.”
“How do you even turn on the voice modifier?” Cindy wondered. She got up from her seat and walked over to Terry and Cass. “Hey, Auntie.”
Cass beamed. 
“There’s a little switch– hold on, I’ll show you.” Jason gently passed Milo to Dick before walking over to the corner. 
“Who’s Batman in the future?” Dick asked the boy. 
Milo’s face scrunched up, “I don’t think there’s any harm in telling you…” 
“Terry was the one in the other Batman suit, correct?” Damian commented. 
“He’s Batman of Gotham, but Cassandra is also Batman– er, well Batwoman but you get the idea.” 
A happy gasp rang out from the corner. 
“Should’ve seen that coming…” Bruce mumbled. 
Alfred softly chuckled, “Now don’t make that face Master Damian, I’m sure the future has something great planned out for you” 
The pouting 12-year-old looked at Milo, who now stood beside him. “So who am I in the future?”
Milo politely ignored his question. 
“Welp, I’m going to return to my apartment, Bab’s probably waiting for me.” Dick announced, grabbing his coat and ruffling Damian’s hair, “You coming, Jay?” 
“Yeah, I have a thing with the Outlaws tomorrow,” Jason responded, getting up from his spot and cracking his back. 
Terry sadly gave Jason his helmet back, “It was nice seeing you.” he said. 
“I’ll be back, don’t worry Batman of the Future.” the older man joked. 
Terry smiled back, “Sure, and visit Bruce more. He becomes a grumpy old man later in life.”
“Sure sounds like him,” Dick snickered, opening the door for Jason and closing it behind him; hence, leaving Bruce, Alfred, Damian, Cass, Milo, Terry, and Cindy alone. 
Bruce rolled his eyes, “I’m not that grumpy, right?” he asked Alfred. 
“I will neither confirm nor deny that information Master Bruce.” the butler hummed. 
Cindy yawned, “I’m beat. Do you guys stay up all night or–?”
“Sleep is for the weak,” Damian growled. 
The siblings shared a knowing glance that easily translated to: “Since when did he become a stickler for bedtime?”
“I’m fairly sure some of Miss Stephanie’s clothes will fit you, Miss Cindy. As well, I think Master Milo and Master Damian are of similar size–”
Damian interrupted Alfred’s train of thought with a sharp Tt.
“And Master Terry could fit into some of Master Dick’s clothes. I shall see what I can do.”
Cass latched onto Cindy’s arm, “Share room.”
“She seems fond of you,” Terry commented.
“I was her Robin for like– 3 years?” Cindy retorted. 
Cass grinned widely, “Robin?”
“Yeah, I lasted wayyyy longer than Milo.”
“It was for a year.” the boy hissed, his face red, “And I thought we agreed that we weren’t supposed to tell anyone about their future!”
“You started it!” Cindy protested. 
“How could either of you two be Robin?” Damian asked, crossing his arms and glaring at the two. 
“Not now Da–” Milo coughed loudly, trying to cover up his mistake. 
Terry loudly clapped his hands together, “We should get some sleep.” 
Bruce sighed, “This is going to be a long night.” he muttered, rubbing his temples. 
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zhakyria · 1 year
8 and 10 from those OC questions, for Kahl?
This really made me stop and think cause I had a general idea of answers to these but none of the specifics, so this became a longer answer then I anticipated.
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
Kahl’s more permanent places of rest have changed over the years and I felt like exploring the most important ones.
Orphanage: Kahl grew up in an orphanage his mother operated. He shared a bedroom with several other children. The room was decorated with drawings the children did, a colorful rug, and toys were always strewn about the floor. It was a bright and airy room that felt welcoming if a bit chaotic.
Starship: His ship became the closest thing he had to home for many years. But years of training and circumstances forced him to keep personal touches to a minimum. He didn’t want to risk anything tying him to his past or his work. He kept his room clean and sparse. He slept with a vibroblade under his pillow and a blaster within arms reach alongside his datapad and comlink. He didn’t use fancy or expensive bedding, and didn’t really care what color the bedding was either. The room only served as a place for him to sleep and was in general moderately safe.
Rishi: Unknown to Lana and Theron at the time, Kahl did live briefly among his father’s mercenaries on Rishi. Though he still kept his room sparse, it was a more vibrant and welcoming space then his ship. It was also a place where he allowed himself to have a few personal objects on display, such as a small painting of the rural landscape where he grew up, that his sister painted and a small deactivated droid that he’d built with his father during one of his visits to the orphanage.  
Odessen: Even now, old habits are hard to break for ex spies, and Kahl’s room on Odessan is still fairly sparse when it comes to personal touches. The bedding is higher quality now. He still sleeps with a vibroknife or blaster under his pillow. He’s not alone in that considering who he sleeps with. The walls are bare. The furniture is a simple utilitarian style. A red jacket usually hangs on the back of one of the chairs or is thrown across the end of the bed. The table is almost always strewn with tech in various stages of assembly/disassembly. The most telling change however are the small holopics located on a shelf. One of a bunch of kids all making silly faces, one of a young Theron with Master Zho, one of Theron, Zahkiel, Lana, and Vector sitting around a camp on Yavin 4, one of Theron and Kahl surrounded by Kahl’s family (many of whom look like older versions of the kids from the first pic), and the last is of Zahkiel’s parents holding them as a baby (this one glitches frequently and appears physically damaged).   
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
He carries around a lot more then I thought he did before thinking about this.
Small vibroblade, usually in an ankle or boot sheath.
A blaster pistol, either his primary gun or a concealed holdout blaster.
Emergency beacon - when activated it sends out a pre-coded signal to a set of specified frequencies along with current coordinates.
Two rings that he usually wears on a cord around his neck. One given to him by Theron and one made from beskar that belonged to his mother (one of a pair of beskar rings, his sister has the other).
Woven into the cord is a small piece of kyber crystal that came from the remains of his father’s lightsaber that was shattered by Malgus.
A small medallion engraved with a killik saying that Vector gave him. He uses it like a worry stone and fidget toy.
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