#bugbear species
wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Bugbear (Pl: Bugbears)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Hobgoblin, Boogeyman
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
Lifespan: 70-90 years
Supernatural abilities: Shapeshift into bear, heightened strength (as bear), cast frightening illusions, sharp claws and teeth (as bear)
Enhanced/special senses: Sharpened smell and night vision, senses fear
Immunities: Sees through illusions, some are immune to fear
Weaknesses: Fearlessness
Can detect: Possibly species with animal-like scents
Detected by: Hunters (rangers), possibly species with heightened sense of smell
Additional notes: This species does not have accelerated healing, or heightened strength/senses in human form; bugbears do not have an innate sense to allow them to recognize other bugbears
DESCRIPTION: Bugbears are shapeshifters, taking either the form of a human, or a ferocious, hulking bear-like creature. To most, the bear form of a bugbear is indistinguishable from a typical bear, though can be larger, and may resemble any ursine species. Despite their terrifying appearance, bugbears more often want to frighten people than genuinely hurt them, and revel in causing frightening pranks that allow them to feed off the fear of their victims. While there are stories of them eating people, there’s speculation that bugbears themselves made that up to frighten others (though, sure, there have probably been some incidents). They take a lot of pleasure and pride in being able to scare people, and even consider it their “job”. 
Bugbears require the consumption of fear to survive, but they also enjoy eating meat. In fact, they are known for their insatiable appetite and poor dining etiquette, as well as their ability to eat and digest absolutely anything (silverware, tools, cars). They are drawn to the morbid, creepy, and disgusting… and the morbid, creepy, and disgusting are also drawn to them. They are not popular at social gatherings. Bugbears that are not raised by a human tend to be socially awkward and sometimes display bear-like tendencies. The one human activity that bugbears raised among other bugbears excel in are campfire ghost stories. Campfire circles like this are popular among bugbear communities. 
ABILITIES: Bugbears are able to cast illusions that are specific to frightening people, including sound and smell-based illusions. More experienced bugbears can even stir up their victim’s more terrifying memories with their illusions, getting a window into what scares them more than anything else and potentially causing paralyzing fear. Some bugbears are even able to use these illusions to communicate while in bear form. These auditory illusions are always chilling, but do allow the bear to “speak” with others while shifted. Occasionally, they’ve been known to scare people to death, accidentally or otherwise. 
Bugbears have excellent night vision and a keen sense of smell, in both forms. As bears, they also have a mouth full of dagger-like teeth and long, sharp claws capable of slicing through most non-metal materials, not to mention they’re extremely strong and muscular. They can inflict serious damage when they want to, provided the person in question feels any fear toward them. Bugbears are also capable of seeing through illusions that are cast either by other species or other bugbears. While not universal, many bugbears are physiologically incapable of feeling fear themselves. They may understand the concept of being in danger, but their bodies and minds don’t react to it in a typical way.
WEAKNESS: Because bugbears feed off of fear, the best defense against them is to not be afraid of them. If they can’t sense fear in their victim, they physically cannot cause injury. They closely guard the fact that lack of fear renders them powerless. Thankfully, even if the rare someone is aware of this, it’s hard to stand your ground when a gigantic bear is charging at you. Bugbears do not have any kind of accelerated healing and thus are vulnerable to normal weapons and injury. 
If a bugbear hasn’t had a meal of fear in a while, they will start losing control over their shifting, and may “bear out” at an inopportune moment, letting their ravenous appetite guide them into chomping on whoever they can find. Fear, flesh, and all. They’re also known to lose their composure around honey, whether straight from a beehive or an aisle in the grocery store. During the winter months, bugbears have slower metabolism and tend to be more laid back. Most of them don’t overwinter unless they choose to live as a bear, but they do get sleepy.
While these dynamics are considered to be typical, there are many outliers based on character histories, personalities, development, and plots.
Mares: Because the feeding of mares causes a lot of fear as a byproduct, they have something of a rivalry with bugbears. There’s a lot of controversy over which species is scarier, and sometimes mild conflict in attempting to gain the upperhand, but at the end of the day their alliance is strong. The two have a deep respect for each other and will help each other out. Bugbears are the only shapeshifter that don’t feel uneasy around mares in any form.
Werewolves: Bugbears and werewolves tend to have a friendly and mutualistic relationship. Bugbears have been known to join wolf packs on hunts and share in the meaty feast. They also tend to get along in human form with their shared love of all meats and the outdoors. 
Empaths: As one could imagine, empaths don’t love being around someone who incites fear in others. The secondhand fear is nearly as damaging for the empath as it is for the bugbear’s intended target. As such, empaths avoid bugbears when possible.
Humans: Bugbears hold a lot of fondness for humans. Second only to bugbears themselves, humans are expert storytellers, and some of the finest and scariest literature and movies came from them. Bugbears credit themselves as inspiring such stories, naturally, and they see most as being non-fiction, but they love that they can scare humans into creating these masterpieces. If only humans made more bear stuff. Maybe that can be fixed.
Hunters: Yeah, hunters hunt the supernatural. Yeah, bugbears could be considered as such (even though some may think they’re just bears who are smarter than your average bear). But geez, hunters inspire such terror in other supernaturals, and bugbears are here for it. Some bugbears even admire hunters and like to watch them as they’re on hunts, lapping up the fear from their targets and the less bold hunters themselves. When a ranger does go after bugbears, it’s considered fair play; bugbears love a challenge and see it as an opportunity to scare a scary hunter right back.
Muses: Muses are always on the search for interesting talent and art, and they may enjoy the dark artistry of bugbears and mares. The nightmares and scaring are their own genre, and muses “get it,” which can please a misunderstood fear monster. However, muses do grow bored of one-note or hackneyed scares rather quickly, which can leave bugbears and mares disappointed.
Fae: While fae as a whole don’t have any particular dislike of bugbears, the fact that bugbears can see through their glamours may make them feel uncomfortable and exposed. It can allow for bugbears to easily identify them as fae, which makes bugbears a danger when it comes to secrecy breaching. Some bugbears don’t know how to keep a secret; others may find less scary fae utterly unremarkable and don’t spare a thought. 
Balam: The thought of a shapeshifter with a spirit inside of them is inherently scary and novel, and bugbears like that, even though they’re unlikely to know what a balam is until they meet one. However, most balam don’t think of their spirits as scary or even as ghosts, so this can cause arguments between the two species. Bugbears may take things too far and attempt to force a balam into shifting just to see more of the jaguar.
Kitsune: The claustrophobia in kitsune may be so intense that even the thought of exposure to their fear can cause dangerous panic. Some may try to avoid bugbears and mares, knowing exactly which fear of theirs will be exploited. Others may be more trusting or simply not be aware of the risk. 
Sirens & Banshees: Species with enhanced hearing may find the songs of sirens to be especially beautiful, drawing them toward the siren even from a distance. This can also make them more susceptible to enthrallment. For obvious reasons, those with enhanced hearing also may not appreciate a banshee being nearby… or even further away. Those screams travel. 
Nymphs (Melissae): Due to bugbears' love of honey, melissae tend to regard them with disdain. Bugbears who do come by a hive protected by a melissae may be especially drawn to their honey that’s become imbued with fae magic over time.
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ssmithportfolio · 1 year
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The Goblinoid family!
This is a very broad genetic family, including goblins, bugbears, trolls and ogres.
I really wanted to get away from the jkr-style antisemitism around goblins so I chose to give them (and bugbears) a new look, similar to aye-ayes and tarsiers!
I kept that theming through all the subspecies of troll with the exception of the redcap, partially because I like the idea of them looking like old human men but in an uncanny skinwalker kinda way, and also because it’s pretty funny. Look at him.
Ogres are giants in the dnd “source material” but I wanted to change that up a bit just because. Because they’re swamp dwellers, generally leading amphibious lifestyles, their aesthetic theming is pretty different from the other goblinoids! I did this mostly because I think wotc ogres are super boring and wanted to play with some different anatomical ideas.
For instance: my version of ogres have aesthetic theming based around manatee, catfish, and beavers. I thought about making them jawless like a lamprey, but it wouldn’t really work with their size and posture, so I opted for a skull like a manatee.
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lucabite · 1 year
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No DnD Character is complete until you give them a weird, tragic father figure/mentor whose death clearly haunts them to this day [CITATION NEEDED]
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proflambeovt · 2 years
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Guide to The Bugbears! The design was particularly tricky, as there’s next to no other design variation aside from the standard DND version. I based this mostly off wolverines, so connecting their lore to dwarves, which I based on honey badgers, came rather naturally.
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ju-nebugg · 2 months
a complete (and ever-evolving) list of the many titles of mr. henley whispers
because Henry Shields is a genius and all of this deserves to be documented
Henley Whispers
aka the Turbulent Wind
aka the Storm Before the Calm
aka Lithe Spirit
aka Lord of the Prance
aka Bowfingerer
aka the Bark Knight
aka Work Hard Fae Hard
aka Coyote Handsome
aka Tree Weird
aka the Gorse Whisperer
aka the Arrow-ma Therapist
aka Aragorn-al Activity
aka Quiver Phoenix
aka Jack of All Trades, Master of All Trades
aka Tree Willy
aka Dave Fern
aka Soft-Core Faun-ography
aka Forest Whitaker
aka Notorious Tree-IG
aka Mr. Yumnus
aka Ranger Danger
aka Lust of Wind
aka Parry Hotter
aka Pollen Farrell
aka The Wood, The Bard and the Smugly
aka the Longest Bard
aka Daft Skunk
aka Brodo Swaggins
aka Dismay in a Ranger
aka Harriet Shrubman
aka Jeffrey Archer
aka Fen Diagram
aka Look Who’s Tolkien
aka Fennel May Care
aka the Grass Samurai
aka Chloro-Phil Spector
aka Woody Allen
aka Thelonius Trunk
aka the Moss Adjuster
the ✨ rhymes ✨:
human ranger, damage dealer, story weaver, owl deceiver
human ranger, goblin killer, pale ale swiller, dream journal filler
human ranger, rabble rouser, full of heart, devoid of trouser
human ranger, hidden stranger, friend of danger, dark avenger
human ranger, expert juggler, against the chains which bind us struggler
human ranger, loot stringer, shameless swinger, on da funk bringer
human ranger, check bouncer, espresso mispronouncer 
human ranger, rule flouter, truth spouter, earthworm doubter
human ranger, poker player, that which others won’t say sayer
human ranger, trendsetter, otter petter, in-joke getter
human ranger, blame dodger, advertising for a lodger
human ranger, cheeky chancer, always-on-the-off-beat dancer
human ranger, truth spinner, under-7s judo winner
human ranger, time waster, different brands of water taster
human ranger, hog roaster, subtle boaster, party ghoster 
human ranger, crystal healer, your-layers-like-an-onion peeler
human ranger, hell raiser, into-the-abyss gazer
human ranger, lithe linguist, sensual astrologist
human ranger, bugbear wrestler, established-societal-norm questioner
human ranger, tune hummer, every-known-fear overcomer
human ranger, knowledge gleaner, has the grass that’s always greener
human ranger, deer consumer, vole beguiler, badger groomer
human ranger, havoc wreaker, noted after dinner speaker
human ranger, cattle roper, inter-species interloper
human ranger, prey pouncer, fearless fighter, local counselor
deer stalker, fox glover, the one you’re with lover
black run skier, caged bird freer, the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world be-er
human ranger, eldritch blaster, surreptitious podcaster
human ranger, villain injurer, power broker, serial milliner
human ranger, wild reaver, what-a-tangled-web-we-weaver
human ranger, seed sower, flower goer, the-distance goer
human ranger, head turner, butter churner, bridge burner
human ranger, shameless liar, rule defier, hair dyer
human ranger, misbehav-er, always-against-the-grain shaver
human ranger, beast enrager, strong orator, up-upstager
human ranger, owlbear slayer, soothsayer, the-field player
human ranger, quick-quip punner, villain stunner, long-con runner
human ranger, heedless cur, own-job-interview saboteur
human ranger, of-wind guster, no-one truster, goat buster
he believes that any bird singing in the forest is doing it specifically for him (and birds don’t sing when he’s not there)
he trims his pubic hair into the word “shazam”
he keeps a dream journal (but if he has a nightmare, he ignores it and makes up something nice)
he writes really bad poetry (short, broken sentences, “rupi kaur style”)
he’s been using Ghoul’s Gruel as anti-aging cream (it doesn’t work)
his spirit animal is himself
he pronounces espresso like “ethpretho”
he has a bad feeling about worms in general
he howls at the moon
he pretends to understand all inside jokes
he’s very concerned about the mortgage repayments on his house
he always dances on the off beat in order to stand out in the club
he’s the reigning champion of the under-7s judo competition in his local area
he can tell the difference between brands of water (and he has very strong opinions about them)
he leaves parties without telling people and then comes back in disguise to talk about the fact that he left
he uses healing crystals
he gazes into the abyss until it gazes back because he wants the attention
he uses “sensual astrology” to try and seduce people
he has every known fear (the exposure therapy backfired)
he shaves (against the grain) with a sword (your hair doesn’t grow in hell. he does it anyway.)
he always has the greenest grass (he steals any grass he sees that’s greener than his own)
he runs a grooming business for badgers (“what does he get in return from the badgers?” “…friends”)
he’s an accomplished after-dinner speaker
he tried to hibernate with badgers and they kicked him out
he majored in drawing in sand with sticks
he’s a bed wetter
he always bets all in when playing poker
he is a leading member of the “pithy council” (it’s just him and a ferret getting together to recite pithy sayings)
he will love the one YOU’RE with (aka sleep with your wife)
when someone asks him a difficult question, he turns and runs
he thinks he’s been leaving episodes of a podcast called “whispers on the air” in various rocks and twigs on their journey, but he doesn’t have the spell for it so he’s just been talking to inanimate objects
he has an unhealthy obsession with hats
he sleeps in a web
he invented a kind of long distance running called long distance fleeing (26 miles = safety)
he burns every bridge he crosses
henley (a natural blonde) dyes his hair blonde (his natural hair color) so people will think he has grays because he’s older and more mature than he really is
he must always be upstaging someone
he has an inexplicable hatred of goats and, similarly, an inexplicable love of sea turtles
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telekitnetic-art · 9 months
Fursona appreciation post for my Creature bc I feel like it :>
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I’ve been throwing around ideas for making them an open species thing; I have a few sketches and notes here and there but the only solid things I have so far is A) the species name is the False Bugbear and B) there are three regional variant types w/features that are impacted/shaped by the biomes they originate from :> idk how many ppl would be interested in smth like that so for now it’s just a cool idea I think of sometimes
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(Plus artwork ive gotten of them :D artists in order are @/c-rberus, @/taffybuns, @/awkwardosthe3rd, and @/thedogzlife)
They don’t have any big story or lore, they’re mostly just a mascot/projection for me as well as like aspiration in a way but I love em a lot and I’m really proud of their design.
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fauxmystique · 5 days
Dungeoneer's Guide to Monstrous Races
Chapter 1: Goblins and Goblinoids Goblins are one of, if not the, most well-known of all the monstrous races. They are not fully intelligent, but they are cunning, swift, and quick to breed. As a rule, most goblins are born male. In the event that a goblin is born female, she will immediately be named the tribe's Shaman, and will be responsible for producing goblins, hobgoblins, and (once in her lifetime) a bugbear (also known as a goblin chief). It is typically advised that most small villages without an adventurer's guild sacrifice at least one fresh adult to a goblin tribe at least once a year to keep them sated, and to prevent the destruction of the town or the emergence of a goblin chief.
Adventurers are advised that goblin cum is highly virile, and addictive, however there are remedies for such things readily available at any Adventurer's Guild. It is a common misconception that only female adventurers can become pregnant from a goblin. THIS IS UNTRUE. Goblin sperm does not REQUIRE an egg to germinate. Goblins born from purely goblin seed are known as hobgoblins, characterized by their rust-colored skin and more humanoid features. Do not be fooled. Hobgoblins are still goblins, just bigger, stronger, meaner, and sterile.
The goblin Shaman is a spellcaster, a priest who channels the power of their god. Oftentimes she will have access to both druidic and holy magic. Take care to ensure that a goblin shaman does not discover necromancy. It will not end well. Once in their lifetime, goblin shamans may birth a goblin chief. The chief will then consume its mother, gaining a small amount of her powers. It will not be able to cast magic, however it will be able to construct HEXES, CHARMS, TALISMANS, TOTEMS, and WARDS. Each of these requires a different skillset to disarm. While their effects may be minor, beware. Even a slight slowing effect might mean the difference between escape, and a belly full of goblin sperm. After the birth of a chief, all goblins in the tribe are immediately bound to its will, showing a fanatical devotion that will even cause them to throw away their own lives (something they are typically unwilling to do without the presence of a chieftain).
As they age, chiefs will seek to domesticate any nearby beast species using specially cursed meat to empower them and transform them into Wargs. Wargs serve as scouts, mounts, and pets for goblinoids, and can typically communicate in some rudimentary fashion, though rarely by speech. After this, the chieftain will likely move its tribe to a location of dark magic to be recruited by an INTELLIGENT MONSTER.
Adventurers are advised to, under no circumstances, allow this to happen. Once a fully matured goblin hive is under the command of an intelligent monster (i.e. a hag coven or fiend) they become much, much more dangerous. Their natural craftiness combined with the planning capabilities of a higher ranking monster make them one of the most adaptable and varied of a Dungeon Keeper's foot soldiers.
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alienarthouse · 11 months
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A bit of a change of pace from my typical scifi spec bio, but I’ve been drawing a lot of fantasy art lately and started thinking about my goblins again.
In my D&D homebrew/original high fantasy world, Fulcire, the goblinoids (a family consisting of such species as the goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears) are distinct from the humanoids, having evolved from a different common ancestor. They are the older of the two families, having evolved somewhere between 20,000 and 70,000 years earlier. Goblins were the first of the family to evolve in their modern form, making them the oldest intelligent mortal life on the plane. They alternate between quadrupedal and bipedal stances, are opportunistic omnivores, surviving on a mix of gathering and scavenging, but never actively hunting. Before the modern age of city-building, they kept migratory paths that they traveled across over the span of several years. These days, though, they tend to live more sedentary lives in the isolation of deep wilderness, because where their’s and humanoid’s paths cross, a fight almost always seems to end up breaking out.
More fun facts below:
- As a weird quirk of their evolution, goblinoids are better able to understand large numbers as a concept than humanoids. Where the humanoid mind struggles to imagine numbers into the thousands, tens-of-thousands, and beyond, goblinoids do not. This is theorized to be due to the fact that goblinoids evolved from an animal that had a herd-like social structure, rather than a pack-like one. An individual could need to know hundreds to thousands of other people on a personal level, and those that could work in such large numbers tended to be the most successful members of the herd, eventually selecting towards this particular quirk. As a result, Goblins and goblinoids are fantastic trend-spotters, and have both a fantastic memory and a quick mind for mathematics. It’s no coincidence that their agriculture requires keeping careful track of plant and animal populations across wide tracts of land over many years, and figuring out how to manipulate them season-by-season to the benefit of both themselves, and for the local ecosystem.
- Goblin clothing and fashion is quite unique when compared to humanoid clothing. Goblins do have a taboo against nudity in most cultures, but the structure of their body means that what they must cover differs. All goblinoids are mammalian, though their breast tissue is on their stomach, not their chest. To have an exposed belly, then, is considered appropriate for men, but not women, in Goblin societies (this, of course, can vary depending on societal practices regarding nursing, but that’s a whole different topic). An exposed chest, meanwhile, is commonly considered a sign of bravery in warriors, though more often than not warriors will wear chest-plates in real combat. Everyday styles, such as an exposed chest, are designed to allow for ease of movement in both bipedal and quadrupedal stances. The classic shirt, as humans style it, tend to pull and rub at a Goblin’s shoulders, which are structured more like that of a very flexible cat than a human. A lean towards functionality does not stop Goblins from accessorizing, though, covering clothes in embroidery, beadwork, and decorating with anything that shines or makes a nice jingling sound. Patterns and motifs may stem from Goblin folklore and history, or may be adopted from other species’ cultures. Clothing style is not restricted based on sex in any case other than when it comes to nudity in a particular culture, but it is common for those with magical ability to wear styles that differ from those who do not.
- Goblins have brightly pigmented skin, ranging from green to yellow to red, with the depth of color believed to signal good health. They may very rarely have striped or spotted patterns on their skin, but if not painted-on, this tends to be the result of an individual having some hobgoblin or bugbear ancestry, rather than a naturally occurring pattern. Compared to humanoids, they have an extended hairline, which starts lower on the forehead, extending down the neck and back, and across the shoulders. It often stops at the low-back, but it is not unheard of to have a furred tail. They range between 2.5 to 3.5 feet in height when standing bipedally, though are taller when their ears are taken into account. They are mammalian, and give birth in litters of 1-3 pups per season. Goblins have retractable claws, and their teeth fall out regularly across the seasons, though they only fall out all at once if a Goblin is in truly dire health. Lost teeth are often given as a sign of affection to family, friends, and/or lovers. While Goblins may not be religious, they are often spiritual, and keeping a loved one’s tooth is thought to help keep track of them, in life and in death. In fact, when a particularly beloved Goblin passes, when they are interred below the roots or in the hollow of a tree, they are often buried with great numbers of living Goblin’s teeth, so that they may find and recognize one another again in the world beyond.
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tinysweetnight · 2 months
Vivarium update! I’m almost done with the website. I have to write magic and species.
Sort of wondering if people would like the idea of other fantasy races as well but they are in the same family group(?) as the main 4 species. I was just thinking of keeping them as hybrids but there might be too many differences.
Sort of like subspecies! However, idk if the traits of a few would be too different and would consider to be a different species. I want to lean more into a (very) loosely realistic terms, but I will dub them as subspecies for now. Btw, Hybrids do end up to be sterile.
Anyways Idea Examples:
Halfling/Hill Dwarves: 2-3 foot tall mouse based dwarves.
Mountain Dwarves: Ye regular badger dwarf.
Duergar/Cave: Mole Dwarf, fully blind.
Gnome: 2-3 foot tall smaller ear fellas.
Woods Elf: Regular Elf
High Elf: Elf based on more horse/unicorn. Fancy unnatural colors.
Dark Elf: Elf but nocturnal, based more on bats. (Mistaken for vampire myths)
Goblin: 2-3 small Orc with larger ears.
Common Orc: Regular Orc
Bugbear: Larger orc with more impressive tusks. Also lot more hairy.
I will accept ideas or suggestions as well.
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raeynbowboi · 2 years
Putting the Omnitrix in DnD
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The original purpose of the Omnitrix was to give the user access to the DNA of aliens from various worlds to preserve the DNA of a species in the event of a genocide or mass extinction. The watch fused to one person, was extremely hard to remove, and its default setting gave the user access to the DNA of 10 different species they could choose between. Aside from Humanoid, there are 13 total creature types: Aberrations, Beasts, Celestials, Constructs, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, Giants, Monstrosities, Oozes, Plants, and Undead. In the spirit of Ben 10, I’ll make a list of 1 creature from each creature type that the watch can turn a player into. Playable races vary a little. Kenku, Grung, and Drow are all CR 1/4, but Changeling, Satyr, and Hobgoblin are 1/2, and Bugbears are CR 1 creatures. So, I’ll be considering everything within that scope. Some do go beyond that, such as Centaurs and Minotaurs, but most are within the window of CR 1/4 and CR 1. To give the DM and Player some variety, I’ll pick one option from each, if applicable. Celestials had to be eliminated because the lowest CR Celestial is CR 2 Pegasus. In-Universe, it was likely created by Mordenkainen.
The DM chooses any 10 possible transformations from the list below, only choosing 1 from each creature type. As a bonus action, you can activate the bracelet, becoming one of the creatures chosen by the DM. You use that creature’s stat block instead of your own, except you retain all languages you know, and your INT, WIS, and CHA are not affected unless the creature’s are higher than your own. If the creature you turn into does not speak any languages, you cannot communicate verbally while polymorphed by this item. Depending on the CR of the creature you turn into, the recharge rate of this item varies. For a CR 1/4 creature, it recharges on a short rest, on a CR 1/2, it recharges at dawn, and for a CR 1 creature, it recharges after 1d4 days. You can stay in the form of a CR 1/4 creature for up to 8 hours, a CR 1/2 creature for up to 4 hours, and a CR 1 creature for up to 1 hour. If your hit points in this form are reduced to 0, you return to your original form with your current hit points at the moment you transformed. The DM decides what the bracelet polymorphs the player into, and may ask the player for a contested INT check against a DC 15 to coax the bracelet into cooperation. Otherwise, the bracelet may choose to polymorph the attuned into a different creature than the one they wanted to turn into.
CR 1/4: Star Spawn Grue
CR 1/2: Gnome Squidling
CR 1: Core Spawn Crawler
CR 1/4: Fastieth
CR 1/2: Jaculi
CR 1: Moorbounder
CR 1/4: Duodrone
CR 1/2: Kiddywidget
CR 1: Clockwork Bronze Scout
CR 1/4: Pseudodragon
CR 1/2: Ambush Drake
CR 1: Faerie Dragon
CR 1/4: Smoke Mephit
CR 1/2: Magmin
CR 1: Fire Snake
CR 1/4: Pixie
CR 1/2: Satyr
CR 1: Dryad
CR 1/4: Abyssal Chicken
CR 1/2: Nupperibo
CR 1: Imp
CR 1/4: Young Hill Giant
CR 1/2: N/A
CR 1: Half-Ogre (Ogrillon)
CR 1/4: Troglodyte
CR 1/2: Gnoll
CR 1: Thri-Kreen
CR 1/4: Young Griffin (Small)
CR 1/2: Cockatrice
CR 1: Hippogriff
CR 1/4: Oblex Spawn
CR 1/2: Gray Ooze
CR 1: N/A
CR 1/4: Needle Blight
CR 1/2: Myconid Adult
CR 1: Thorny Vegepygmy
CR 1/4: Skeleton
CR 1/2: Shadow
CR 1: Specter
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the-gnomish-bastard · 4 months
What video game each dnd species plays:
Aasimar play Kid Icarus or something like that.
Arakocra play Bird Simulator.
Bugbears play literally any game where they can bully someone.
Beholders have the best gaming setup possible, and they will play For Honor and be as scummy as possible.
Dwarves will play Minecraft, and if you steal or grief, they will hunt you down until you leave the server. Except for Duergar. They play DRG.
Elves play League of Legends and they will trash talk you and it will be Shakespearean.
Goblins play Payday, they will try to stealth, it will go loud.
Dragons play Skyrim, just so they can kill wyverns.
For gnomes, it’s a bit different. Forest Gnomes play stardew valley, rock gnomes play scrap mechanic, and deep gnomes play DRG.
Orcs play ARK.
Hobgoblins play Shadow of Mordor.
Kobolds play TF2, they all play pyro.
Halflings play slime rancher.
Giff play shotgun roulette.
Demons play Doom Eternal just so they can fuck with hell.
Devils and Fey both play ace attorney.
Thri-keen play Roblox Ant Simulator.
Goliaths play Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.
Liches play Killing Floor 2.
Angels think Video games are pointless.
The mechanus play satisfactory.
Mindflayers play Sea of Thieves, trying to find cool shit.
The Gith play Sea of Thieves, they keep sinking the mindflayers and hunting down the kraken.
The gods play God of War because they don’t like each other.
And the Tarrasque really wants to get into PC gaming but nobody has one his size.
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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Name: X-Files Species: Bugbear, Kitsune, Lamia, Balam, Siren Status: OPEN
Photos of you are always out of focus, and your footprints look kind of weird. You’re not sure why or how, but a string of coincidences has led to you becoming one of Wicked’s Rest’s many cryptids. You’ve garnered quite a bit of attention, even being the subject of some Club Cryptid’s meets, though no one can seem to agree on any of the facts. You’re not really even sure about the facts yourself. You’re adored by some and feared by others, and people are out looking for you and unknowingly trying to prove your existence. You’re starting to think that the wrong kind of attention can be deadly.
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My issue is that most of these are male coded so i have to like imagine what the female coded equivalent would be.
I get ya, and there definitely was a heavy coding bias with the humanoids. That's why I try to mention on ones like Harpy and Nycaloth where they just kinda all follow the same body plan. Wish there was more diversity in presentation. I know 4e occasionally did group photos for species like goblins and bugbears and mindflayers. Would be nice if they brought that back.
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
Meet some more new monster types!
One of the more humanoid monsters. They are very large, standing between 7-9 feet on average, and have leathery skin coming in shades of greens, dark browns and greys. These monsters have pointed ears, no hair, and their arms are slightly longer than what the average humans would be to their proportions. The feet and hands of these monsters are also very large, with big claws on toes and fingers to match. Every ogre has two large fangs sticking out from their bottom layer of teeth. Some have smaller top fangs as well. Ogres can be known to have horns and short tails as well but it’s not common.
Ogres can be found in any au, but are most common in undertale, underfell and the Drake AUs. These monsters are believed to be closely related to the goblins
An ogre mage is called an orc. These children of half ogres and humans are identified by their height, stocky builds and of course the fangs. Ogres are a monster species that were known for having a preference for human mates, so those mages used to be common before the monster human war.
Ogres are intelligent and prideful monsters. They’re known for being incredibly competitive and many are athletes,work in physical education, or are in the royal guard or police force. It’s common sense to never challenge an ogre to anything unless you’re certain you’ll win.
Ogres are monsters with an affinity for weapon summoning magic and are known for having high defense stats.
These adorable fluffy monsters appear as large cotton balls with the back legs of a rabbit, forearms of a cat, antenna of a moth and small sparrow beaks. They most commonly have two large eyes but some are known to have four. Their fur comes in a large range of colors from pastels, bright vibrant hues and even neutrals. However their fur is never dark enough to be considered a jewel tone.
They are a medium sized monster standing between 4.5-6 feet tall. Their eye/ecto color only appears as darker jewel tones, contrasting their fur.
Swiftees are monsters most commonly found in the bird AUs, and are known to have more moth like wings than actual feathered wings. They’re not seen in any aquatic AUs.
Swiftees are jumpy skittish monsters. It’s generally assumed it’s because of their low defense. These monsters really can’t take a hit. But they have incredible immune systems and rarely get sick. All Swiftees adore shiny objects.
These monsters are pure air affinity and are born with an ability to slow or speed up their falls at will. So these cuties just don’t take fall damage lol.
Like the name suggests, these monsters best resemble bears in the face and body shape. Their thick fur comes in all kinds of shades of browns, greys and occasionally blues. These monsters are massive, averaging around 9-12 feet tall. What sets them apart from normal bears is of course having thumbs, a more human like looking pair of eyes and bone like spines that poke out of the fur of their neck.
Bugbears are most common in fell AUs where they thrived in the harsher cultures. There are no bugbears from gastertale
These monsters are aggressive and temperamental, and are known for having a strong taste for meat and sweets. Most bugbears work in the food industry, and are highly loyal to their favorite food brands. The majority of bugbear fights that police have to break up is because of one bear dissing another bears favorite food lol.
Bugbears are the only mammal resembling monster with a poison affinity. These monsters come with the ability to poison enemies with the spines on their necks. The poison works like a fire ants. It just f*cking hurts. Some bugbear families also have a strong affinity for fire magic.
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thedegu · 4 months
Hey let's design a DND character together!
just as a fun project, we'll start with the race/species. there are more than ten DND races, so we'll narrow it down after this. what wich of these categories means under the cut.
Human, Elf, Half-elf, Half-orc, Dwarf, Tiefling
small folk
Gnome, Halfling, Fairy, Kender, Grung,
Harengon, minotaur, satyr, Tabaxi, Giff, Hadozee, Leonin, Luxon,
bugbear, goblin, Hobgoblin, Verdan
changeling, Shifter, Plasmoid
dnd specific
Genasi, Eladrin, Gith, Shadar-Kai, Triton, Thri-kreen,
Dragonborn, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Tortle, Yuan-ti, locath,
Centaur, Firbolg, goliath, Orc
aarakocra, Kenku, Owlin,
aasimar, Autognome, Kalashtar, Warforged, Symic Hybrid, Vedalken
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lucabyte · 1 month
hey do i have any followers who are seasoned xenofiction fans . im trying to figure out an animal cast for something and want to know what the vibes are for "wouldn't raise an eyebrow in a setting" vs "would raise some questions". Like, as a speaking role having creature. So i don't mean a cast entirely comprised of just that species, I mean alongside other animals.
this is entirely vibes based i'm just in like. a decision-making pre-production stage rn
(no need to rb by the way i dont need a very big sample size for this)
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