rqakira · 1 year
this official art has squeezed my brain like no other. that post canon domesticity that radiates from it >>>>>
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rqakira · 1 year
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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rqakira · 1 year
uhhhh intro sorta ig??
alr so this is a sideblog
originally I was gonna put all non-art/fandom shite here but then I decided I didn’t feel like doing that
so now it’s just like. overspill of v political shite if I rb a lot of stuff abt the same thing lol
anyway main blog is @thefirstimagifabricator and I sometimes do art there and am overall more active there so you should follow that one lol
also I have a carrd that y’all should check out too bc I. I don’t have energy to put together an intro post I’m sorry and esp not on a sideblog that’s much less active than my main aaaaand I always forget to make one anyway lol
but uh yeah
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rqakira · 1 year
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So, while we're all trying to fight one of the other terrible "think of the children" bills trying to ram its way through Congress, KOSA, we should also be talking about The EARN IT Act.
Long story short, it's basically yet another surveilance bill using a "protect the children" bill, as a hideous meat-suit, putting restrictions on sites that'll make them even more vicious towards NSFW content, creating a climate where using a VPN might be a crime, and they'll be creating a federal committee to decide how best to spy on us!
Long story long, well, the Linktree is right here.
Beyond the stuff in the Linktree, I urge you to directly contact your congresspeoples and tell them to kill this bill, especially if they're on the Judiciary Committee, which is currently marking up this bill.
The members of the committee are:
Dick Durbin, Illinois, Chairman
Dianne Feinstein, California
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Chris Coons, Delaware
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Cory Booker, New Jersey
Alex Padilla, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, Ranking Member (Ugh)
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas (Double-ugh)
Josh Hawley, Missouri
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
John Kennedy, Louisiana
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee (she cosponsored the bill, so probably not)
So yeah, do what you can, even if it's just boosting this terrible, terrible danger we need to thwart.
And, I will add, as with my previous KOSA poster, this poster is officially, for the sake of spreading it, under a CC0 license.
Feel free to spread it, remix it, add links to the bottom, edit it to be about the other bad internet bills they’re pushing, use it as a meme format, do what you will but for gods’ sake get the word out!
...And yes, for the record I was thinking of the Judas Priest song when I came up with the tagline for this one.
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rqakira · 1 year
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rqakira · 1 year
has anyone payed attention to the stuff going down in ethiopia or are we just Miscellaneous Blacks to yall
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rqakira · 1 year
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rqakira · 1 year
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We deserve to live in a society where companies like Intuit cease to exist
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rqakira · 1 year
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rqakira · 1 year
We're now at the stage where a mass shooter can have an overwhelming amount of white supremacist online history, write posts inspired by Libs of TikTok ending in "Heil Hitler", have a goddamn swastika tattoo and the right is still acting like we'll never know what inspired him.
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rqakira · 1 year
join a union
the power of collection action
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rqakira · 1 year
I have very strong opinions on this subject, and I'm curious how others feel.
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rqakira · 1 year
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an experience
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rqakira · 1 year
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rqakira · 1 year
"i wanna be the person i needed when i was her age”
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I hear other adults who also suffered as kids talk about how we want to be the person we needed when we were young. And it is beginning to dawn on me that on the other side of that choice are the people who needed someone, didn’t have that person, and instead of choosing to be that person when they grew up, they chose to perpetuate cruelty and selfishness.
And they act like they are tough and strong and powerful because they don’t let anything get to them … but that’s all a lie they tell themselves.
The truth is, they’re weak and afraid.And when they can’t sleep at night, they know it. And the scariest thing in their reality, the thing they will run from their entire lives, is that they will be found out and exposed.
It takes courage and strength, vulnerability and dedication to be the person you needed, because when you are that person for someone else, part of you remembers and relives that you never had that. The people who choose indifference or cruelty aren’t strong or courageous enough to allow themselves to feel that pain all over again, so they just inflict it on others. They know they’re weak, they know that beneath the mask they are afraid. So all they have is cruelty, which is honestly the easiest thing in the world. It’s the path of least resistance for the people of least courage.
Being cruel is so boring. It’s lazy. Anyone can be cruel. It takes real hard work to be kind.
Make the choice to be the person you needed, and commit to doing the work. Practice it, and break the cycle.
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rqakira · 1 year
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What a nice lady.
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rqakira · 1 year
Me when I remember something I said ages ago that was wrong or my values no longer align with
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