#bug gang bug gang
lilybug-02 · 2 months
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Humans are terrifying to any and all that are not them.
Bug Fact: An estimated 25% of the general population actively fear spiders and insects. This fear response may not be completely due to their threat levels, but related to the human feelings of disgust when seeing an insect.
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bethmeds · 3 months
Being plural is really funny sometimes. Like. Got stressed about moving troubles so the system gave us a checks notes 8 year old boy that really likes bugs and worms
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n4rval · 4 months
I enjoy that you gave gaster chronic pain and a hatred of stairs. he is just like me fr fr 🙏
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cane user
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hoagiesnadwich · 4 months
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little guys (part 10 sneak peak)
sorry for the huge delay on part 10, my motivation is dwindling a little (summer depression is kicking. my ass)
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i-like-bug-types · 1 month
Sissy and Discharge evolved!!! :D
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Sissi's evolution totally surprised me... Leavanny only evolve when they have a strong bond to their trainer! Her evolving so soon... Tbh I nearly cried, I didn't think she trusted me this much! :')
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wuzhere75 · 3 months
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Friendly fire on @bowelfly
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nonbinary-arsonists · 7 months
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i noticed people liked my moomin + dunmeshi crossover. had some thoughts
edit: now with alt text!
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Commissioned @choiyw051108 for this piece
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bugeyedfreaks · 7 months
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“Yo, fellas, check it out, it’s one o’ them gougahs.”
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starfleetshrimps · 7 months
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silly shirt gang!
starting a new lil series drawing ds9 guys in wackass shirts via @shirtsthatgohard (links below)
garak's shirt here
weyoun's shirt here
damar's shirt here
jadzia's shirt here
dukat's shirt here
(I tweaked some of them for canon accuracy/added humor)
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team snakemouth but a little more blursed than usual
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brazen-art · 6 months
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Gang's on the move
(a pipe burst in the hoard storage room)
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kyle-but-n0t · 7 months
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yes. yes pilby regretevator.
decided to play it saturday and oh my goodness when i saw them it was too late for me. i was aware of them before then but NOW? biggest pilby fan.
love this little loser sm man. affected by the pilby disease, wormed their way (get it) into my brain.
i mean their a BUG, and their a CLOWN... that's, like, my TWO main things!!! my two main interests as of late!!!
kinda tempted to make a daily pilby account now... would anyone be interested?
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protagonist-art · 6 months
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i may have problems and issues 🥳
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gremlin-pattie · 2 years
“which harry potter house are you in?” is OUT
“who did you vote for in the bug race?” is IN
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honeyhoneypot · 4 months
hello gamers i PINKY SWEAR there's gonna be a new pill-bug chapter soon omg, it's so long rn i'm literally losing it
for now, enjoy some of my fav little snippets so far omg
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chapter is over 20k words somebody set me free from this alenoah themed prison
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