flintstill · 7 months
Aw thank you @isortofwriteit for the tag! :D
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better!
Last song listened to: Always On My Mind by the Pet Shop Boys (All of Us Strangers got this song stuck in my head for 2 weeks straight when I saw it and I'm not mad at all)
Currently reading: Just finished Hamlet and am now re-reading it again but faster because i put a few too many days between parts of it and realize I kind of lost the grasp of the proximity of some of the more minor events (I also read parts while waiting for my sleep meds to kick in so that might also be why).
Currently watching: Just started s3e5 of The Witcher, starting Season 3 of Broadchurch on Thursday (trying to put 5 days between each ep), and recently finished season 2 of Staged, so gonna watch the special and then season 3 soon
Currently obsessed with: David Tennant, Crowley and Good Omens still, and trying to get well and to something resembling thriving rather than just surviving 🤙
tagging @skinnyscottishbloke, @khazadspoon, @glitterslag, @rannulfr, @sidewaystime, @buffalo-bilbo, @jakeseresins, @literatemisfit, and @tsilvy (if ye want! no pressure!)
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ash-lotr · 1 month
Bilbo: you’re hot
Bilbo: and spicy
Thorin: I know baby, I know
Bilbo: you are a buffalo chicken wing.
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An incredible message that Athletic Club player Asier "The buffalo" Villalibre gave yesterday at the celebration:
"Well I don't wanna be too boring so, firstly, thanks everybody for coming. And secondly, well, there are so many people here, so many young people, and it's always said that we [the players] have a big influence so the least I can say is never forget one of the most important pillars of Athletic: that is, Basque. You don't know, you don't really know how beautiful it is to hear you all speaking Euskara in San Mamés [Athletic Club stadium], in Bilbo, on the streets, anywhere so, sincerely: to the youngsters, keep speaking Euskara; to the adults, keep teaching in Euskara; and let's keep that pillar as a living one. Long live EH!"
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motheatenscarf · 6 years
@buffalo-bilbo replied to your video: I fucked up the upload, it’s super low-res, so...
Omg that made me almost cry. That’s terrible. You clicked that YES button super fast! Hahaha.
UH YEAH, I love the him!
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omegastation · 7 years
bronzeagelove replied to your post “I was wondering I could pick your brain about Sloane, I’m writing a...”
Excellent post :) I read Nexus Uprising before playing MEA, so I was a bit troubled when the game somehow portrayed Sloane as this cold-blooded tyrant... I think you picked very good parts from the book to underline your argumentation and I totally agree with your analysis! Well done!
AAAW. I feel like you’re grading my essay and giving me back an A, thank you! :)
buffalo-bilbo replied to your post “I was wondering I could pick your brain about Sloane, I’m writing a...”
W o w. This breaks my heart
I’m always careful when talking about Sloane because no one should ever excuse her actions but understanding how she went from hopeful Head of Security to tyrant on Kadara is really important and SO SAD I KNOW ;____;
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koric · 7 years
buffalo-bilbo replied to your post: modding more DAI hair, wish me luck. I think this...
Good luck! I love your mods! ❤��
Thank you!  I’m glad you like :)
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justshepardthings · 8 years
Just out of curiosity, who do you think you'll be bangin' in Andromeda first? I say "first" because I do them allllllllll! Bang the Galaxy! So like what does your gut tell you? I think I'm gonna wanna bang Jaal because I know myself and my sins pretty well. And which sex do you play first? Scott or Sarah (Bus and Flo)?
I’ll be playing as Flo Ryder 🌝
As far as who she’ll romance...I have to be lame and say it depends on when the game comes out. Every time I’ve gone into a Bioware game thinking I know who I want to romance, I end up finding out that I think another character works better with my character based on personality. So I think I’ll need to talk to the characters first before I decide.
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captainlordauditor · 8 years
buffalo-bilbo replied to your photo: dragonageconfessions: Confession:  It kinda bugs...
@psycho the default mahariel for da2 is female
1. psycho? yikes
2. thats only if you pick one of their canned ones. if you dont it goes ahead with male cousland
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whitherarcadia · 6 years
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Shepard: Tali? Are you okay? 
Tali: Yep! You want to see my tattoo? 
Shepard: I don't think you have a tattoo, Tali. 
Tali: It's a hologram. Omni-tattoo. Omni-tat? Omni-too. Hahaha. Under the suit. You know, for me. You want to know what it is? You wanna know? It's a pretty bird...made of rainbows. It is flying out of the eyehole of a skull being held in the mouth of a thresher maw with a naked woman holding a sword on its back. Because I'm hardcore! Like Eezo. Jack suggested it. 
Shepard: Remind me to talk to Jack in the morning. Where'd you get the omni-tattoo, anyway? 
Tali: Down in the lower wards, near the bottom. 
Shepard: I meant where on your body. 
Tali: So did I! Hahahaha! Yeah. I heard that one from Liara
My Ko-Fi - My Paypal - My Cash.Me
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huskergal93 · 3 years
Do you want to hear something AMAZING? Something totally mind blowing? There is this one fanfic story. It's in The Hobbit fandom. It just hit this UNREAL milestone!
Three Hundred Chapters!
Think about that for a minute. That's a new chapter every week for almost 6 YEARS! Image regular weekly updates since 2016!
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Rites, Writings and Ris
Featuring Ori and Dwalin, Thorin and Bilbo, the rest of the company and all the ruling heads of Arda and more. Three hundred chapters.
That's over One Million Six Hundred Thousand Words!!!
What prolific scribes you are! Do you realize that's more words than The Hobbit, the entire Lord of the Rings series, AND the entire Harry Potter series?
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Are you reading this story? You should be! Please don't let the chapter count intimidate you! It's full of fun, and excitement, and unassuming dwarf scribes channeling the power of Mahal. It's angst-free and absolutely hilarious.
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Congratulations @stevviefox and @dollypegs-blog on a truly amazing milestone. Wishing you a day filled with our hero's favorite things - Erebor's ruling power couple, Food!, and his cuddly buffalo.
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flintstill · 5 years
buffalo-bilbo replied to your post: I need to fucking concentrate so I can study but I...                   
You mean horny?   
Actually, I do not!
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What's your opinion on why crossovers between Twilight and Harry Potter are so popular? I understand they're both popular series that were popular around the same time but it seems kind of... prevalent? Like it feels like every 10th work under the Twilight tag is a Harry Potter crossover. I might be reading too much into it but it also feels like there's some big secret I'm missing.
Harry Potter is the Multi-Fandom Bicycle
Well, that's just it, both are major fandoms that were very popular within the same timeframe that have very little barrier to entry.
Harry Potter is pretty much the most popular crossover with anything. Look at any other, especially if it's a major, fandom, I guarantee you Harry Potter will be in the top N crossover fandoms.
Naruto, Inuyasha, MCU, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, the recent Star Trek films, etc.
Twilight is no exception to that.
And it doesn't matter if it really doesn't make much sense or bends the rules of either world too much, because that's not why people write crossovers.
People write crossovers because they love both universes so much that they ask themselves the question, "What if these worlds collided? What if my favorite characters met? What if my favorite characters formed a relationship?" and boom the crossover is born.
Harry Potter and Isekai
I actually won't say Harry Potter characters are all that well suited to being thrown into another universe. Sometimes, the other universe doesn't suit them or their magic abilities, they have no place in the story.
However, people are generally convinced that they're great characters to throw into other worlds (usually I see Hermione or Harry for this).
And to be fair, depending on the story, there's a lot of adventures that can happen.
Harry can help friends fight Thanos, Harry can free Loki from Thanos' oppression, Harry can help Luke, Harry can bang Obi-Wan and make Anakin not turn to the dark side, Harry can become a ninja, or Harry can shove Bella Swan out a window so he can bat his eyes at Cedric instead.
I'm not always a fan (not usually, actually) but there's a lot of plot points that seem exciting and writers would see Twilight as no exception.
Harry's this not quite human who has never graced the world of Twilight before. He has cool magic abilities that makes Edward, Emmett, Jasper, pick your love interest du jour interested in him. Somehow these never significantly affect the plot in any way aside making him Cooler Than Bella (TM).
But the mystery of Harry can drive forward the plot and the romance.
The BBC Sherlock and Smaug Effect
I'm not sure if this trope has a name but there's this thing where, if an actor well known and beloved by a fandom plays a certain role then fandom will project that character onto the actor playing a completely different role in a completely different series.
Remember the bizarre influx of Smaug/Bilbo Baggins?
Well, Bilbo Baggins was played by the same actor in the role of BBC Sherlock's John Watson. The voice of Smaug was none other than Sherlock himself.
Given the pervasiveness of Johnlock on the internet, it infested the Hobbit fandom with no mercy.
(Though I haven't looked I am sure Khan/Bilbo Baggins exists for similar reasons.)
Why do I bring this up?
Robert Patterson, the actor who played Edward Cullen in the films, also played the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
No big secret, this is just what happens with HP, in the words of the Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce commercials, "I put that shit on everything."
Also helping is the Cedric-Edward connection.
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motheatenscarf · 7 years
buffalo-bilbo replied to your post “Waiting for 5.4 to patch, looking up “stress related complications in...”
I had a similar headcanon for a sec. That my consular JUST found out she got knocked up by accident. But then I trashed it because I still hope for an Arcann romance and I regret caving in kotfe when I had her start the Theron one
This was not a surprise knocked up thing in my headcanon, this was very much talked about and planned for, the entirety of KOTFE/KOTET dredged up a lot of Tallia’s own family issues which made her decide she was finally ready to move on and wholly embrace the new family she’d made which was like 99% of the reason she chose to ally with the Republic. 
I made Rowan as a potential kid they MIGHT have but then loved the character too much to ever scrap her and decided shortly after making her (which was like a year and a half ago) that she’d be born probably about a year after whenever they would kill Vitiate/Valkorion since I couldn’t see any reason why Tallia would want to get pregnant while there was still a ghost in her brain. 
And  post KOTET was the perfect time for her to plan this all too; relative peace and stability, they’d just won the fight against the monster they’d been raging against for over a thousand years, Theron ALMOST had a personality in the later chapters of KOTET, it was perfect!
So I figured in Iokath Tallia would be recently pregnant with Rowan. 
And then this happened.
And now I know that if Rowan ain’t born now she’ll never exist but I love that disaster child so Tallia’s gonna keep the baby while downing blood pressure medication and trying to think calming thoughts while eating a trashbag full of mashed potatoes to fill the emptiness inside because she can’t drink now because pregnant.
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omegastation · 7 years
buffalo-bilbo replied to your post “So I started Overlord again and it’s been a while since I’ve done the...”
For some reason I always bring Legion. That was before I played ME3. And then Legion mentions overlord and it was kind of a "oh shit, I never should've taken you" mixed with "oh thank god I took you so we can save the geth/quarians!" And I remember I brought Thane for some reason another time and his comments, his disgust, was such a perfect addition to that DLC. It made it scarier and more heinous. Idk if it was a subconscious choice or naw
Oh man I know what you mean
I admit I feel bad taking Jack on every awful Cerberus mission but that’s the point I guess, I don’t do it on purpose? She does deserve a break though.  Reminds me that I took Miranda on Jack’s loyalty mission and the mission really felt different than when I took Kasumi. Because Kasumi didn’t challenge Jack or excuse Cerberus, Miranda did. I like this aspect of the game.
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mithrilhearts · 3 years
I was tagged by @shutupthorin for this, thank you dear!! Non obligatory tags go tooooo ~ @reshirement @dimdiamond @guilt-tea @thatbagginsbitch @sunnibits
relationship status/ single pringle
fave color/ purple (very fond of orange and teal tho)
(3) fave foods/ buffalo chicken, tacos, chocolate covered blueberries
song currently stuck in my head/ "happy” by pharrell williams
last song i listened to/ “the war we’ve made” by red
last thing i googled/ lol the restaurant for which i ordered sushi
time/ 8:16pm
dream trip/ new zealand (i wanna go on an adventure too, bilbo!)
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justshepardthings · 8 years
Am I the only one who caught, "this is the reason we came here," just as Scott was making out in the new trailer? Lmao the reason they came out there. To propagate 😂😁😆😆 Yooo do you think that's gonna be a mission? Priority: Pick A Mate, Propagate.
ok I never said I was clever, i tried...
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