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mapplestrudel · 1 month ago
I was tagged by @h3r0-hunter so let‘s do this, too!
Tagging some folks, but of course feel free to ignore <3 @c-qcat @waitinginthepen @lunetta-suzie-jewel @vodehan @leiyahime @bronzeagelove @katschy
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callista-curations · 1 year ago
Li (Lilihierax) for the character ask? :D
Oooh, cool not a character I was expecting to get, I don't have that many HCs for him unfortunately 😔
Sexuality Headcanon: either turiancoded bi or gay, not really sure on this one
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: LiLo (Lilihierax/Lorik Qui'in)
I got introduced to it in a wonderful little fic called The Softer It Falls by @bronzeagelove that I highly recommend reading. I think they're a super sweet pairing and contrast really nicely to each other.
Comes with some really nice art from @heavenlyeros
A BROTP I have with said character: no clue
A NOTP I have with said character: none really I guess
A random headcanon: He just likes driving the snow plows
General Opinion over said character: we need more just a guy characters like him
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smehur · 8 months ago
Tag game
Thank you, @alphagravy, for tagging me! ❤️
Favorite color: Cerulean
Last Song:
Currently Reading:
Massive amounts of Harry Potter fanfiction
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by N. Stephenson (stalled)
Shogun by J. Clavell (decennial re-read, this time as audio-book)
Currently Watching:
Black Sails, season 2
Shogun (stalled, don't like the guy who plays Blackthorne)
Currently Playing: Hogwarts Legacy
Currently Craving: Better joints and executive function
Coffee or Tea?: Tea! Chamomile, cold, with no sugar and a dash of milk. Highly recommended!
Tagging: @ghostpeppercalamari @lqtraintracks @bronzeagelove @revnitel-the-allseeing-watcher and anyone else who'd like to play!
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squigglysquidd · 1 year ago
Fanfic Tagging Game
I was tagged by @wafflesrock16.
Thanks for the tag, love!
I tag @blueboxness, @mordinette, @bronzeagelove, @tarysande, @vorchagirl, and anyone I may have missed but would like to join!
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nerdierholler · 2 years ago
Getting to know you meme!
I was tagged by @agentnatesewell and @evilbunnyking Thank you, thank you!
Last Song: Just got out of the car so Enough by Toad the Wet Sprocket The mind is willing but the body resists/ The fight is over but the pain persists
Tell me when I have had enough/ I've had enough/ I've had enough
The day is short/ The task is great/ I am idle
Currently Watching: Really just catching up on my youtube from being out of town. Currently on the DVR it's just my usual ghost and home renovation shows. I'm bad about watching things with plots.
Currently Reading: Read the first couple of books from The Whispering Pines Mysteries while traveling. They were fine, not sure if I'll keep going or switch to something else now that I'm home again.
Current Obsession: The back of my mind is still riding the Wayhaven train. I also picked up Cyberpunk again before leaving. It seems to bother my shoulder less than other games, I'm not sure why.
Also tagging (if you want) @serenpedac, @bronzeagelove, @galtori, and @bisexual-kaidan-alenko
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lor-folsak · 2 years ago
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forlornmelody · 2 years ago
Pairing Playlist
tagged by @bronzeagelove thank you so much!!
and tagging @geneticgoo and @natsora, if you'd like to play.
So I have sooooo many songs on my JayRose playlist but here's some highlights:
My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish
So Jason and Rose have a lot of cat and mouse potential, enemies to lovers, what have you. This song is the inspo for my fic Tit For Tat.
2. 100 Little Deaths by Lilith Czar
LISTEN. This is the perfect battle couple theme for them. Both have died and come back (Rose more than once.) Both know what it means to die alone, and they're gonna fight like heck to make sure that never happens again.
3. Make Me Fade by K.Flay
This is my mallverse theme for these nerds. They're both kinda fucked up, but they find comfort in each other. Even if they're terrified to admit it.
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katarrinskey · 1 year ago
Music Meme Tag
Got tagged by my dear @trucbiduleschouettes so I am more or less obligated to do it haha
Tag Game Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag up to 10 people.
Muse - Time Is Running Out
The Music Of The Night
Земфира - Знак Бесконечность (Sign of eternity)
Немного Нервно - Нет Ничего Кроме Любви (Nothing but love)
Loic Nottet - Wolves
Axel Rudi Pell - Don't Say Goodbye
Battlelore - The Great Gathering
Paramore - When It Rains
The Rasmus - Sail Away
Mary Lambert - Assembly Line
i'm tagging @callista-curations @korblez @sparatus @capt-biglou @ferusaurelius @bronzeagelove @kururusti @kamichka-spichka
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illusivesoul · 2 years ago
tag nine people you'd like to know better! tagged by @jshepardtsoni Thank you :) I'll tag @bronzeagelove @master-dellamorte and @champagne-pain Only if you feel like doing this, of course. .
• last song:
• currently reading:
• current obsession:
• currently watching:
• last song: Papel - Diem
• currently reading: Re-reading the Stolen Throne
• current obsession: Having major brainworms over Valeria from Call of Duty
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• currently watching: The Strain
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autodiscothings · 4 years ago
♫ and Fish and/or Bats please
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Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive
As the sirens fill the lonely air Oh, how did we get here now, now, now babe We see a storm is closing in Pretending we ain't scared Don't say a word while we dance with the devil You brought a fire to a world so cold We're out of time on the highway to never, hold on
*taken from: send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
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cosmicallium · 3 years ago
Buon Compleannoooo 🎂🎁🎉
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barbex · 4 years ago
5 and 10 for the writer asks please :)
Tanks for the questions!
What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
I answered this before for Anders but after thinking about it a bit more, whenever I write a character, I always need some part that really speaks to me. Like the no nonsense potty mouth on Carver and the stubborn conviction of Shepard. I identify with characters who have a strong sense of justice and fairness.
How would you describe your writing process?
Agony? No, that’s not right. 😀
I recently listened to a podcast that asked “Are writers always miserable?” and it made me think how this has to look sometimes to people. So, yes it’s hard and no, it’s not terrible all the time. I wouldn’t do it otherwise.
I can currently, rationally, identify a lot of resistance in starting the “rebel story” and my current approach is to write something else instead. It leads to a lot of writing at least.
To work on a fic, I usually start by editing the parts I have already written and then continue. I often stop writing mid-sentence and that gives me good place to start from next time. If I’m stuck, I let characters talk. My solution to everything is dialogue.
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smehur · 1 year ago
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, as the game that got me hooked on RPGs, and the first game I learned to mod. I probably spent as many hours building houses, dungeons and landscapes in the construction set as I did actually playing the game.
Mass Effect Trilogy. Sorry, but I can't pick a specific game, as they all had immense influence on my life. Mass Effect 2 was the first of the series that I played, and it kicked off my fanfiction writing career. And Mass Effect 3, especially the multiplayer, was a huge, almost defining presence in my life for several years. I had something like 8000 fucking hours in it. I met some of my oldest and dearest friends through this fandom and it will always, always, have a special place in my heart.
Darksiders Genesis, as the first thing that fanned my fannish flame, a whole decade after Mass Effect, and inspired me to write a corpus of fanfiction that stretched my creative muscles and includes some of my best writing so far.
My heart is literally breaking right now because I'm bound by the rule of three to leave out my current hyperfixation, Baldur's Gate 3, but it's yet to prove its merit and/or longevity if it's to replace one of the giants above.
Thank you for tagging me, @tigerlyla-of-metinna!
I am tagging: @anjian, @kuraiummei, @revnitel-the-allseeing-watcher, @sixtus66, @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves, @bronzeagelove, @crassussativum
I'm doing a tag game!
What are your 3 historical gaming moment?
Anything related to videogames: be it achieving the highest score in the arcade, defeating that final boss after 100 tries, winning a PS5 in a raffle, getting a photo or autograph of a VA, cosplaying a videogame character... anything!
Then tag 5 people (minimum) and let's reminisce. Spread some positivity!
Here are my 3 personal best (in no particular order)
1.Tekken 3
The first time I truly enjoyed playing a fighting game (I still hate playing PvP in fighting games cuz an actual human is way better at it than me) was when I finally approached a real Tekken pro. A big arcade opened up in my city and I was the only girl who went there every weekend and buy 30 tokens (Php 90.00) to feed the various machines. I saw this tall college dude play King and I was mesmerized watching him pull all of Kings grapples. After several months, I watched him from behind, playing Tekken 3 until I muster up the courage to ask him how he pulled off all his moves. The college dud pulled a piece of paper and pen and began to write down all of Kings' combos and grabs, and gave it to me! Since then I have practiced on every Tekken 3 machine, pulled off all Kings' impressive grapples to a growing audience who couldn't believe their eyes that this little highschool girl is playing Tekken 3 and beating it! Oh and I became good at the games that I reduced my 30 tokens to 5.
2. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
This game came with the console my mom gave me. First time I popped the disc in and chose Leon S Kennedy on normal mode, I was piled upon by zombies and died. That game over screen traumatized me and I did not pick up RE for months! When I did gave it a second chance, I notice there was a 3rd mode: ARRANGED. It made the game ridiculously easy by giving me all the weapons, and so I plowed through Raccoon City with my machine gun and rocket launcher. It was fun until it wasn't. I decided to play the game on Normal, got eaten and died, then powered through it. Finally beat the game on Normal and Hard. Also went for the S Rank and bonus content. Now I love all horror and survival horror games (Silent Hill, Outlast, Evil Within, etc). It became my favorite genre.
3. The Witcher 3
Had it not for this game, I wouldn't have made The Nilfgaardian Collection or started digital art. I think it was December 2019 (or 16 I dunno, it was Xmas), my brother gave me two choices: TW3 or FF15. I wanted FF15 cuz I have always been a fan of Final Fantasy and TW3 was hyped to the heavens. I wanted to know if the hype was justified and so I got TW3 GOTY edition. The hype... was well deserved! I was hooked, I plat the game, I decided to make fanarts of my fave character (Emhyr) and gave myself a goal: to have the biggest collection of Emhyr and Nilfgaard pics and be known as that crazy chick with an unhealthy obsession to Emhyr and his Nilfgaardian empire. Thus cemented the Nilfgaardian Collection in the fandom!
I taggeth @bittersweetbark, @alphagravy, @rotatingremains, @regis-favorite-raven, @oblakovka, @smehur, @laurikarauchscat, @jawanaka, @traumschwinge, @valandhirwriter
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nerdierholler · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great to do a combo tag meme. Thank you :) Here go all of the things!
Share your wallpaper:
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I rarely remember to swap out backgrounds so my gaming PC is currently a screenshot from AC Valhalla from at least a year ago.
The last song you listened to: Tori Amos - Precious Things was on when I got out of the car yesterday
Currently Reading: Nothing at the moment but last week I finished If We Were Villains and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Haven't decided what to read next yet
Last Movie: Good question...honestly, no idea, it's been that long.
Craving: Fried rice
What are you wearing right now: Green shorts and my "Have You Thanked a Horseshoe Crab Today?" tshirt (I thanked one yesterday at work)
How tall are you: 5'2" on a good day but one of my sisters tells me that might be optimistic. Over 5' for sure though.
Piercings: Just one hole in each ear lobe. Very boring.
Tattoos: Nope
Glasses? Contacts?: Contacts, I'm blind as a bat and now the struggles with reading things up close have also started in the last 6 months. Yay being over 40.
Last drink: I grabbed some bottled coffee at the store earlier
Last show: I was watching old episodes of Kindred Spirits while sewing a few weeks ago. Other than that is been local news, sports or maybe an episode of MASH
Last thing you ate: Big Chewy Nerds Jellybeans. They're jellybeans coated in nerds. I'm an adult who makes good adult decisions.
Favourite colour: I gravitate towards blue things but also not too picky.
Current obsession: I just started a MELE run. Still on ME1, we'll see if I make it through all three games. Fun fact: I bought MELE right when it came out and because of my shoulder problem that started also immediately after, have yet to ever make it through even one of the games. I made a dude shep who doesn't look like a total potato, going for an mshenko run.
Unrelated Obsession: I've been on a reading kick. Most of it's nothing earth shattering but I've put more new words in front of my eyeballs since Christmas than I probably have in the last 5 years combined.
Any pets: Mr. Bubbles (black) and Miss Skeeter (tabby)
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Do you have a crush on anyone: I mean, I guess the hubs but I don't really think of him in those terms at this point.
Favourite fictional character: You can't made me choose. You could slap a large number of DA or ME characters here, maybe some Austen characters, LOTR ones, any of my OCs...
The last place you traveled: Just got back from a Caribbean cruise a couple of weeks ago.
Tagging @ejunkiet @evilbunnyking @agentnatesewell and @bronzeagelove but only if you want of course.
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ferociousqueak · 4 years ago
may I get flower prompt Daffodil for Hannah please?
I know it’s taken a bit to put this together, but I finally have something for you :D Thank you for the prompt, and I hope you like it!
Also on AO3!
Daffodil: A new beginning
The two years that passed between the first call and the second had felt more like twenty. It had been like a pocket dimension, not apart from but beside her main reality. While Hannah had noticed some grays starting to glisten in her hair after the Battle of the Citadel, a shock of white now streaked her hair, a constant reminder of what Alchera had taken from her.
Not that she hadn’t known at least some of what happened after the attack. Right when she’d started to put her life back together, her eyes and ears on the inside of Cerberus had broadsided her with the news: Alli was alive. That archeologist had helped those terrorists to recover her daughter’s burned and broken body, and they proceeded to do unspeakable abominations to her.
“Han, I can hear you grinding your teeth from here, and I’m several mass relays away,” Dess’s voice called Hannah back to the present.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Sorry, sweetheart. I was just . . . Alli’s remanded herself to the Alliance. She’s under house arrest while a tribunal figures out whether to indict her for treason.”
“So when do you plan to go see her?” Dess’s voice was carefully even, but Hannah heard the question all the same. Are you going to see her?
“I . . . don’t know.” Hannah untwisted her hair and let it fall over her shoulder so she could run her fingers through it. “What if . . . what if it’s not really her? What if she’s a clone? Or worse, what if she’s not all there anymore? What if Cerberus did something to her to make her easier to control, emptied her out? What if she’s . . . not Alli, anymore?”
Dess hummed as she considered. “But what if it is her?” she said at last.
Hannah nodded. “You’re right. I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Hannah had been part of the Alliance Navy her entire adult life, and still, the brick wall walking her down the hall to the brig, his face gently lit by the haptic interface of the datapad he held, was a rare specimen. The tattoos, the muscles, the yellowing bruises and pale pink, healing scars across his face. She wondered briefly if those were Alli’s handiwork, but dismissed the idea. However bulky this marine was, Alli could take him down using only her feet if she really wanted to, and it would be a while before he could walk upright again.
“I’m glad you’re here, Ma’am,” the walking mountain—Lieutenant Vega, that was his name—said as they progressed toward Alli’s cell. “The commander has been pretty antsy since she arrived.”
That sounded like Alli. A wave of nausea overtook Hannah, and she had to place a hand on Vega’s substantial arm to pause for a moment.
“I guess it’s been a while since you’ve been on Earth, huh,” he said, his demeanor more casual than Hannah was used to. “If you need to use the head, it’s just around the corner on the right. I’ll wait here.”
She nodded and walked stiffly in the direction he’d pointed. By the time she pushed open the door, she was sure she wouldn’t need to make use of the facilities, but she’d take the time to collect herself all the same.
Running a paper towel under cool water, she pressed the compress against the back of her neck and closed her eyes. As she leaned over the counter, Hannah wondered if Vega had just been trying to be delicate. Was it obvious how nervous she was to see her daughter—her dead daughter, no less—for the first time in more than two years, knowing what she did about how Alli had become not-dead again?
Part of Hannah wanted to run to Alli, hold her as tightly as her body would allow, never let her go again. The other part was terrified of what she would find when she looked into Alli’s eyes. No one goes from death to life unaffected by the transition.
Taking a final deep breath, Hannah tossed the now-warming compress and returned to Vega, her hands only shaking slightly. No time like the present.
They walked the rest of the way to Alli’s quarters in silence, not that Hannah had said much at all up to this point. She was saving all her words for her daughter.
Finally, they came to a stop in front of what Hannah could surmise was her daughter’s door. “You ready?” Vega asked, his hand hovering above the red lock.
“Yes, thank you, Lieutenant,” Hannah nodded. “I’m ready.”
The door hissed open and Vega walked inside ahead of Hannah. “Commander Shepard, you have a visitor. Captain Hannah Shepard.”
Whatever opinion Hannah had been forming of Vega, his insistence on referring to Alli by her rank had permanently endeared him to her. He saluted, and Hannah returned it, dismissing him. The door closed behind him, and Hannah finally brought herself to look at the woman standing in front of her.
For a moment, it felt like she was looking in a mirror of herself from twenty years ago. Alli had let her hair go back to its vibrant red—or perhaps she just hadn’t had a moment to dye it black again. She had the same straight posture from the years of training Sana had given her, her shoulders square and her knees loose. Light scars criss-crossed her jaw and cheeks—those were new . . . and glowing? And her eyes. They were determined and curious and pleading all at once.
There was no mistake.
“Alli.” Though barely a whisper, Hannah’s voice broke as the tears welled and spilled freely.
It was a blur after that. Alli rushing across the room and sobbing into Hannah’s shoulder. Hannah hardly able to breathe as she held the child she feared she’d never see again. Tear-soaked sorry’s and pleas for Hannah to believe her.
Hannah stroked Alli’s hair and breathed deep, taking in her scent the way she had when Alli was a baby. It was a different smell now—standard-issue shampoo, sweat, and a hint of sweet pea blossoms, the same subtle perfume she’d always worn. She shuddered to think what Alli had been through, what she’d seen waking up lassoed to Cerberus’s whims. No amount of shushing or cradling would heal anything Alli had been through in the last months and years, and Hannah felt helpless to soothe her.
“Tell me everything, Starshine,” Hannah said instead.
And Alli did. The destruction of the SR-1. Lazarus Station. The missing colonists and the Collectors. The battle at the Galactic Core. Project Rho and the three hundred thousand batarians. Hannah had heard some of it from scant intelligence reports and her moles in Cerberus itself, but nothing like what Alli described.
“They want to try me as a war criminal,” Alli said as she swiped at the tears that had started to dry, her voice deflated and overworked. “But I swear, Mom, I did everything I could. It was either the colonists or the rest of the galaxy. Not both.”
Hannah squeezed Alli’s hands. “I know, Starshine. I know.”
A flash of anger came into Alli’s eyes and she began to pace the small room. “The Hegemony has had it out for me ever since Torfan. What they can’t seem to get into their thick, wrinkly heads is that I’m trying to save them too.”
Hannah sat at the edge of the bed and let Alli work off some of her energy. Alli never had been one to take a breath and calm down. She was like a hurricane—once she’d started there was no stopping her. All anyone could do was let her burn herself out.
“This Harbinger,” Hannah said instead. “Did they say how long we have?”
Alli crossed her arms and shook her head. “Of course not. But it’ll be sooner rather than later. And the more time I’m sitting in the brig waiting for this stupid tribunal to figure out which platter they want to serve my head on to the batarians, the less time we’re out there hardening our defenses and comm buoys and supply lines.”
“What about your team?” Hannah prodded. Alli had always inspired such trust and loyalty from the people she led. If any one of them took some initiative, they might be able to make progress where Alli couldn’t right now.
She let out a long breath, like the oxygen escaping a compromised air lock, and dropped next to Hannah, leaning forward with her elbows resting on her knees. “I honestly don’t know. Tali went back to the Fleet, and even if I was on the outside, I doubt I’d have much communication with her. Miranda and Jacob disappeared almost as soon as we landed to get away from The Illusive Man and his goons. Everyone else pretty much scattered, and I don’t really have a way to communicate with them. I’m sure the Alliance even has this conversation bugged.”
Hannah hummed. Alli was probably right about that. “What about Garrus? Do you think he still has contacts in C-Sec?”
“If his dad still worked there, then maybe.” Alli’s eyes lit up. “Yes! Dess could help him! Do you think she would pull some strings?”
Hannah bit her lip and slowly shook her head. “She’s volunteering on Taetrus, Starshine. She hasn’t been to the Citadel in months.”
Her brows knit together in apology. “Oh, Mom, I didn’t know. How are you holding up?”
Hannah shrugged and swallowed whatever emotion threaten to rise in her throat. “We’re not talking about me.” She reached over and placed her hand behind Alli’s head, pulling her close to kiss her forehead. “We’ll figure something out. I’m just so happy to see you, Starshine.”
“Oh, come on, Mom,” Alli said, a tone of embarrassment in her voice that belied her leaning into the affection. “You’re going to start crying again if you keep that up.”
Hannah chuckled. “Believe me, I’m not done crying over you. Now. Speaking of Garrus.”
“Mother, please,” Alli said, pulling away from Hannah this time. “I’m not a teenager anymore.”
“I met him at your . . . before.” Hannah still couldn’t bring herself to say funeral. “He seems like a good sort. A little confused, but earnest. I think he was taken with you.”
“I’m not talking about this with you.” Alli stood and paced toward the small desk by the window, color starting to creep up her cheeks. “And whatever you do, don’t . . . speculate with Dess, okay? She’ll probably threaten to break his mandibles if he hurts me or whatever.”
“So, there is something going on!”
Hannah put up her hands in surrender. “All right, all right. I won’t pry. I promise.”
Alli turned around again, her shoulders visibly relaxing. “Thanks. I’ve got enough on my plate. I don’t need . . . distractions.”
Before Hannah could respond, the door to the room opened and Vega stood with all his hulk on the other side with an apologetic look in his eyes. “Time’s up, Ma’am.”
Hannah nodded. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Just one more minute, please.”
He nodded and stepped aside, leaving the door open. Hannah stood and walked the few steps to Alli, putting her arms around her daughter one more time.
“Sometimes the important things look like distractions when you’re not paying attention,” she said lowly in Alli’s ear. “We have some very hard times ahead of us. So pay attention.”
Alli returned the embrace and buried her face in Hannah’s shoulder. “Thanks, Mom. I will.”
Hannah did an admirable job, if she did think so herself, of not falling apart as she left Alli’s room. For as dark as the future looked, a dizzying lightness had overtaken Hannah.
She had Alli back.
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forlornmelody · 1 year ago
Tagged by @alyssalenko and @drelldreams
step 1 -> create your oc (or ocs) in this picrew (fuck, I forgot to save the link. Sorry, fam, but here's a screenshot of her!)
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step 2 -> list 5 songs that inspired (or captured the feel of) your OC. if you choose multiple, feel free to pick your favorite or do songs for all of them! (and feel free to list fewer or more songs if you want)
Jane Shep
1) Like A G6 by The Far East Movement, Cataracts, and Dev
Jane Shep is a street kid first a foremost. It informs her decisions, even as a spectre and N7. You can take a kid from the streets, but you can't take the streets out of the kid.
2) Missile by Dorothy
She's a vaguard who can literally launch herself across the room at any moment. Also, the vibes of this song. I can totally picture her sauntering down a runway at sunset, pulling her aviators off to stare someone down.
3) Soldier by Ruelle
This one is from a playlist @himluv made me a while back (I think). It makes me think of the thresher maw attack that Jane Shep survived. The bridge brings to mind her marching from the destroyed LZ to Anderson's camp to report, dealing with broken ribs and acid burns on one side. And yes, I just decided that she has scars from that. Yup. She'd have to lift up her shirt for you to see them, though. Definitely catches her crewmates off-guard the first time they see them.
4) About A Burning Fire by Blindside
This one's about Horizon. Specifically the bridge. There's a thread that ties Jane Shep to Kaidan until he rejects her and suddenly it snaps. That's the moment Jane Shep remembers she died, and there's no true coming back from that.
5) Slip Away by Ruelle
Okay, this one was definitely on Himluv's playlist. This one is playing in the background when Thane dies. And when Jane Shep cries while watching his vid messages in her apartment.
Tagging: @geneticgoo and @bronzeagelove, if you want to play. :)
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