#bucktommy headcanons
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Do y'all ever think about the night Buck and Tommy first had sex and how Tommy slid his briefs down and Buck took one look at his hard wet dick and burst out laughing but Tommy didn't have a chance to feel hurt about it because Buck was wide-eyed and shocked and fascinated like "Oh shit, this is what they mean by monster cock I guess because there's no way I'm going to be able to fit even a quarter of that in my mouth, is this why your jeans are always so loose, I bet my thumb and my middle finger won't even touch when I hold it, how are you still conscious like at least 4/5ths of all the blood in your body has to be in that thing, have you ever knocked shampoo bottles off the side of the shower with it, how much does it weigh, wait I have a tape measure around here somewhere I want circumference numbers don't go anywhere!" while Tommy was standing there absolutely baffled and still turned on for some reason while Buck rummaged around in his little tool kit hard as a rock and babbling about how a dick that big had to noticeably affect Tommy's center of gravity?
#the first time buck fully takes tommy's cock he stares at the ceiling and whispers 'i'm a rotisserie chicken'#while tommy drops his head and thinks with stratospheric despair 'i can't believe i'm going to marry this guy someday'#bucktommy#bucktommy headcanons#also this is based on a true story AMA
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Favourite Bucktommy headcanons that have kept me going in these terrible 9 days without an episode
Buck is Tommy's first serious relationship after a bad breakup he had a few years ago and he's just as nervous about all this as Buck is
Buck really likes the scar over Tommy's ribs. He kisses it when they cuddle at night, he traces his fingertips over it and loves that he can feel it through Tommy's shirts
Tommy always lets Buck know when he's landed safely and Buck always lets Tommy know when they've gotten back to the station safely. They both know the danger of their jobs and check in regularly with one another
Tommy cannot believe how little Buck knows about pop culture and the first few times he stays over at Buck's place he brings DVDs of his favourite movies. Buck watches them because Tommy plays with his hair while they watch and he'll do anything to have Tommy's arms around him. When Buck starts quoting the movies at work, Tommy gets a barrage of texts from Chimney asking him what his secret is (Tommy does not mention there's often oral sex involved)
They got 5 minutes into Muay Thai lessons before they realised it was never going to work because Buck kept kissing Tommy to distract him and Tommy kept letting him
The first night they spend together, Buck spends most of the night awake because he's not used to someone in his bed, and he realises that he really fucking loves how Tommy twitches in his sleep and makes small noises when he's having a nightmare (he has those fairly regularly)
Tommy tried calling him "Buck" once and they both cringed and have never tried it again since
Buck loves calling Tommy pet names and he tries them all out. Most are met with a smirk or a laugh but there are a few that Tommy's eyes soften at. Buck is also the only person that's allowed to call him "Tom", or "Thomas" when he's being a little shit
Buck sends Tommy instagram reels and tiktoks all the time. Tommy didn't have either app until they started dating and downloaded them specifically for Buck. Now he's more addicted to them than Buck is
Buck never realised how easy a relationship could be until he met Tommy
#evan buckley#tommy kinard#bucktommy#tevan#tuck#kinkley#911 abc#bucktommy headcanons#911verse#911#oliver stark#lou ferrigno jr
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micelli's date nightmare (ver 2.5)
this is part meta, part fic, an alternate micelli's date from 8x6. word count: 2.7k
"that was kind of weird."
"no it wasn't. you're hot, so is she. it's okay to look."
"yeah, right, and i noticed you didn't."
"i'm a kinsey 6," tommy says, kind of incredulous.
"i'm not sure what that means?" buck asks, as the audience surrogate.
and that's a problem, because in-universe buck is no longer the whole audience's surrogate. now he's a man who discovered his queerness later in life; he's a man in a queer relationship with another man; he's someone who celebrates a six-month anniversary out in public with his male partner. there's people in the audience who can see and celebrate parts of that journey with buck, who have been there or see how they can get there in their own exploring, but that's a road that not a lot of people have gone down or ever will. he doesn't belong to the general audience anymore, but the show needed him to still be the surrogate because we as the audience know buck.
but it's been six months and the audience needs to catch up on What It Means To Be Queer. so we get... "i'm not sure what that means?"
buuuuuuuuuuuut what if.
buck takes the picture for that girl and her friends, gets all weird because he could be perceived to be flirting with a woman while on a date (his gay anniversary dinner with a gay man who is his gay boyfriend). despite his awkwardness, she doesn't quite get that the big dude waiting for him is his date, his boyfriend. she's hot, he's awkward and hot, whatever.
so maybe she follows buck back to his table because she doesn't read them as being on a date! maybe he's a guy who doesn't want to ditch his buddy and like, it's micelli's!!! everyone's having fun, one of her friends really likes big guys, this could totally be something tonight!!
"thanks again for taking the picture for us," photo lady says as she comes back to the table with buck. she pauses and addresses both buck and tommy:
"um, so we're actually celebrating our friend getting a promotion at work. it's just us girls right now, but would you guys want to join us?"
maybe buck starts blushing because aaaahhh a lady hitting on him AND tommy, whaaaaat does he saaaaay
but tommy's like, "we'd love to… some other time, but, haha, i'm gay, like kinsey 6 gay, and he's…"
it takes a second, but buck manages: "uh!! his date!!"
"his date to our anniversary dinner," tommy corrects (dryly)
"and i'm still working my way around my number!! kinsey number. it's just for fun."
"oh! omg, congratulations!! and, uh. what's… what scale is that?"
tommy says, cutely, "where you fall on a range of heterosexual and homosexual desire. it's just for fun."
"ooh i'm gonna look that up, it sounds fun! okay, have a good night, guys, and congrats again!!!"
she leaves, their date continues, but buck's uncomfortable. "wow, haha, you just. told her we were on a date."
"you told her we were on a date," tommy says. "i told her we were here for our anniversary. was that a problem?"
"no, just."
"because we're in a restaurant for our anniversary."
"right, but. we're not like, being loud about it."
big fake tommy pout. "you didn't call ahead and tell them? they're not gonna bring us a cake with a giant dick on it, with little sixes for each testicle, and sing something from the village people? it's been so long since i heard macho man in public."
and haha very funny and buck is smiling but he's more uncomfortable than he's smiling. "i just didn't think of it, that's all."
"... which part? the giant dick cake, or the part where i told a stranger that we were on a date?" pause. "did you not want me to tell her?"
"no, uh, it's not that. or maybe it is that. i don't know." buck thinks. "i haven't done it before, you know? like, no one's ever asked."
now tommy's a little guarded. "yeah. you've been passing. you're still butch little buck to the world."
"and you pass, too! like, you're really… you know."
tommy nods. (maybe he kinda wants to jab at buck because he can't say the word masculine or butch or even say he's on a date with a man, but he doesn't.)
"it's funny but i think i don't," tommy says. "maybe it's the paranoia, internalized homophobia, toxic masculinity in the army and the 118 but… i've always felt like i stick out like a sore thumb. i've always felt like people know."
"they really don't, i promise."
tommy tilts his head. "how do you know?"
"i mean… well, okay, i did… tell eddie you were gay."
"what, recently? he didn't notice the couple of dozen times i've called you my boyfriend in the last six months? or the other way around?"
"no, way at the beginning after our last first date. i said something like, you don't hide it but you don't advertise it. he didn't know."
"and you think eddie is everyone?" tommy lets out a big breath. "well, he's not. you're both very adorable and very dense, mr. i didn't know he was jealous until he sprained my ankle and mr. i didn't know i had a crush until i sprained his ankle. other people, they might notice."
buck motions over his shoulder. "they didn't notice. they didn't know until you told them."
"one of them didn't." pause. "is it a problem that i told them?"
"... no, no of course not."
tommy's eyebrows go up. "so now those five women in the los angeles area know you like to fuck men. now what?"
"a man. i like you."
"right. you like me and you like to fuck me."
takes buck a minute to say, "right… well, it's not always…"
tommy laughs. "i meant categorically. kinsey 1? you think i'm your one and done?"
"i don't care about the scale, i care about you."
"it's not about the scale, buddy."
suddenly, perfect timing, a giant plate of spumoni arrives at their table. "from the ladies," the waiter says. there's a piece of paper to go with it that the waiter hands to tommy.
(is this the hot waiter? maybe he hands the paper to tommy and they share a look that buck doesn't like. there's lingering eye contact and it feels weirdly knowing even though they're strangers. probably strangers. does tommy know him? maybe the waiter's gay, too, and maybe he and tommy have hooked up? but tommy would have said something, or will say something. now tommy's unfolding the paper and definitely looking at the waiter's ass as he walks away. it's all A Lot and buck's upset, even as he remembers "it's okay to look."
(but does that apply to tommy, who knows he's gay? because he thought tommy meant it like, it's okay for buck to keep looking at women or still sometimes look at women because he's new to this. but tommy still looks at men even when he's with buck? that's—well okay of course he does, tommy knows what he likes, buck isn't dumb, or so cocky that he thinks he's the only guy tommy ever wants to look at again. tommy likes men. he's gonna look at men, and buck is gonna see him look at men sometimes.
(does anyone else see it, when tommy checks out men?)
"the note's from them?" buck turns around and the girls wave at them. buck weakly gives a thumbs up and turns back to tommy, who's cracking up at the note. he hands it to buck:
sorry for hitting on you during your anniversary date!!! the spumoni here is SO GOOD! also: rachel b. (that's me!!): 2 (does my sister's bachelorette party count?) cindy: 4 (seven sisters school haha) patricia: 00000000 (boring! sorry! and you guys are so hot!!! please reconsider? jk!!!) rachel s.: 5 (i thought i was the token gay and here's CINDY) sarah (recently a divorcée): 1 but that number is going UP happy anniversary!!!!!
"oh, wow," buck says. "that's a lot of information."
tommy gets up and heads over to the women, crouches at their table. buck turns around and watches the way he makes them laugh, the way one of them touches his arm, the little glances they throw buck's way—it's different. it's different from the way tommy was acting with him here. he's louder and… gayer. hands way more… out there. lots of head tilts. one of the women from the other side of the table gets up and hugs tommy tight, and they all call out byeeeeeeeeeee tommyyyyyyy as he comes back. he's turning bright red as he sits with buck again. heads around the restaurant turn towards them and buck feels frozen on the spot.
tommy looks happy, then disappointed. "was that too much?"
"too much what?"
tommy raises his eyebrows.
"you keep doing that, like—"
"did i queen it up too much for you?"
"no i just… didn't know you were like that. or could be, sometimes."
tommy looks like he's about to say something bitchy, but then he puts it away. "that's what i mean. sometimes i'm obvious, even if you can't see it."
"i mean, that was obvious. you just put on a show for everyone."
tommy laughs, shocked surprise, and kind of angry. "and does that upset you?"
"no, of course not!" buck pauses. "did you know that waiter?"
"the waiter?"
"yeah, you were like, looking at him, and you checked him out."
"and? you checked rachel b. out when she was here and i didn't say anything. i said it was okay to look. which of these things is a problem?"
buck checks himself. he doesn't really know what he's mad about, or if he's even mad. he's just uncomfortable. everything feels uncomfortable and weird, and like everyone's looking at him. that waiter knows something about tommy, those girls like tommy more than they like him, and why wouldn't they? tommy was so cool and easy with them, and buck's all weird and awkward with everyone, and their anniversary dinner kind of sucks now.
"are you okay?" tommy asks. "are you gonna make me eat this whole plate of spumoni by myself?" he pauses. "are you jealous of that waiter?"
"i don't know." buck sits back and sulks. "i hate this place. i don't know why we keep coming here."
"well, the pizza's pretty good, this spumoni is great, and the last time we were here, you told eddie we were gonna pick up some hot chicks after we saw our movie." tommy's foot nudges buck's under the table; buck startles. "you move on from that at all? you still wanna go pick up hot chicks? there's five right over your shoulder. they're thinking of hitting up rachel s.'s favorite lesbian bar. they even asked if we wanted to come with them."
buck looks panicked. "did you say yes?" suddenly he remembers himself. "sorry, sorry, i mean—like, women i've dated talk about it all the time, you know, going to gay bars so they don't get hit on."
tommy nods, then leans in: "but they're going to a lesbian bar so they do get hit on." tommy leans back and says, "which is pretty funny."
"is it?"
"isn't it?"
"like…" buck doesn't even know what he wants to say. he doesn't really—he can't picture, exactly, what bothers him. "like what if they do meet someone, you know? some nice lady? and they make out or hook up and then one of them is like, actually sorry this was fun but—"
"so what?" tommy's eyebrows are climbing into his hair again. "you've never hooked up at a bar or club and done that? sorry, this was fun…"
"but they…"
"they need to take it more seriously?"
"yeah. yes. exactly. it's serious business!! it's not just walking into some bar and making out with a—being a woman and making out with a woman and maybe that's your whole thing now, or it's not your thing and—and what if she gets hurt, you know?"
"the hypothetical dyke that will instantly fall in love with one of the kinsey zeros through four and have her heart broken?"
"stop making fun of me, i'm serious."
"i can tell but i don't know what you're serious about." tommy adjusts his chair, sits up straight, but buck notices how he pulls his chair back a little, like he's making more space. space to leave? is he gonna get up and leave because buck is doing too much, or saying the wrong things, or being weird about women, or thinking about women, or not—
"it's really funny, actually," tommy says. "that hypothetical lesbian bar romance is the most i've seen you engage with like, anything gay besides getting your dick in my mouth."
"jesus, tommy, we're in public." buck doesn't even realize he's said something weird until he sees how tommy has gone so quiet and still. "i care about stuff. i engage."
"really? you didn't go to pride."
"i was working, so were you."
"i would have traded shifts if you wanted to go."
buck's uncomfortable again. "did i have to go?"
"of course not, but did you want to go? have you gone before?"
"of course i have," buck says, but he's not sure. he's usually working, and sometimes they get calls to handle something during pride but it's rarely anything weird: dehydration, party drugs gone wrong or too far. they're usually in and out before buck can get much pride done.
"i'm working, usually," buck admits. "but if you wanted to go…"
"it's not really my scene, either, but you didn't feel like… any kind of call? any kind of curiosity? what it would be like to take the day off, go to pride, be there with a boyfriend? like you'd be out there in your little shorts—"
"i don't own little shorts."
tommy smiles and he looks kind of mean, like he got a cheap shot at his expense except buck doesn't get it.
"what? i don't! they make my thighs look too big."
"alright, forget that. but the rest of it. you didn't want to be out with other gay people, showing off your boyfriend, getting shown off by your boyfriend? because i would have." tommy suddenly goes still again. "i would have shown you off."
a real gut punch. "tommy, i didn't know you wanted to go."
"i didn't know how much you didn't want to go."
"it just… it doesn't feel like it's for me! i didn't…"
tommy waits. buck waits.
"are you bisexual?" tommy asks. "pansexual? both? neither? queer? straight?"
defensively: "i'm not straight, i have a boyfriend."
"and that makes you…"
buck pauses. "i don't know." he looks at tommy, who looks worried.
"do you want to know?"
pause. "i guess i have to."
"you don't have to do anything, but it bugs me that you have a boyfriend and that's all you care about. it bothers me that it's been six months and you've never thought about all the times we've been clocked in public. being seen like that didn't bother you? or did you not notice?"
buck flinches. apparently the latter. "we have?"
"yes, evan. every coffee place or restaurant or bar with a little rainbow outside, and even the ones that don't. two guys head in together, standing close together, flirting with each other—"
"that doesn't mean…" buck hears himself.
"what? maybe it doesn't mean we're there to check out the glory hole in the back, but it means we're probably a couple. does that bother you? i mean, it clearly does, but did you even realize until now that it bothered you?"
"no! it didn't bother me because it wasn't a big deal. you're making it a big deal. why can't we just go out and have fun? now i have to go around and count how many people think we're gay, or if people even notice, or if i'm being weird and making it obvious i'm with you, or…"
"and, six months late, welcome to my life," tommy says. "seriously, do you want any of this spumoni or what?"
#911 meta#911 au#911 headcanons#bucktommy#bucktommy headcanons#queer stuff#my writing#thinking some thoughts#yes the ladies at micelli's are originally there to celebrate one of their divorces but this is an au
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"What were you thinking the first time you kissed me?"
"Honestly? I was just hoping I didn't lose you as fast as I found you."
"When did you realize that wasn't happening?"
"The pause."
"The pause?"
"Yeah, the moment you could've pulled away but instead you breathed me in."

#bucktommy#kinley#tevan#tommy kinard#evan buckley#bucktommy headcanons#911 abc#buck kissed a boy and he liked it
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you know what i think?
i think tommy's gonna take just how very extremely buck is INTO him and run with it
i think he's gonna be walking in sweaty, muscles gleaming, post-morning run, leaning against the kitchen island and gulping down a glass of water, not letting on that he's seen evan stop in the middle of the loft stairs and waver as his knees buckled a little, but he's fucking clocked it and he's living for it and for the good morning greeting evan gives him after
i think when he knows buck's coming over in the afternoon, he's gonna put on his tightest, whitest tank top and dirty overalls in the morning and go work on his car, and then enjoy being jumped in the front yard as soon as evan gets in
i think tommy's gonna let buck take him to his gym, he's gonna spot him and let him show off for him, not taking his eyes off him even for a second, until they have to leave early because evan really likes this gym and wants to be allowed to come back
i think tommy's gonna be flexing when he gets out of the shower, putting on his reading glasses while he waits up for evan and reads the book he told him about, learning how to make his favorite recipe, digging out his old earrings...
you see my vision?
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buck never knew how much he would love being pampered and wooed until tommy came into his life. the first time tommy gave him flowers he forgot how to form words, marveled at them, feeling cherished. he scrambled around his loft looking for something that could hold them. as the days passed and the flowers began to sag and wilt buck would stare at them like a sad puppy. eventually they died and he had to throw them out, and the next day there was tommy with more flowers and a gift and a sweet kiss. maybe buck swooned and started to fall in love.
tommy never knew how much he would love being treated like he was precious, cradled in someone's arms, cuddled in bed, being the little spoon, a treasure. he'd known physical intimacy but not like this, not as the one receiving all of one person's attention, focus and energy. his exes assumed that just because he was bigger, a firefighter, that he always wanted a specific role. buck didn't assume like that, and when he wanted, when he was craving it, buck was always there, able to hold him, pin him, ravish him. the first time buck picked him up and threw him on the bed he saw stars, it would've been embarrassing had buck not kissed him about it, telling tommy he was the cutest thing ever. maybe tommy dragged him back down for another kiss and fell in love just a little bit more.
#i cannot stop thinking about them#bucktommy headcanons#bucktommy#tevan#evan buckley#tommy kinard#ch: evan#ch: tommy kinard#otp trying to keep up#tv: 911#911 abc#911#my headcanons#saf.txt#saf rambles#every time i write shit i wanna delete it cuz i feel like i make no sense even to myself lol
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No one has ever called Tommy beautiful before. He's been called hot, sexy, attractive, that's for sure, especially by the guys who hit on him in clubs. Someone has even told him he was easy on the eyes or good-looking, and it's not like he didn't have mirrors at his place, but it was always nice hearing those words because he could use a boost of self-esteem here and there, especially in those bad days where he would look at himself in the mirror and saw that chubby young boy who got braces, too many unruly curls, and had to deal with bullies.
People call him cool and competent once they know what he does for a living and that's nice, too, but no one has ever called him beautiful. And it's not like he minds, he hasn't even thought about that until now.
Now that he's laying in bed with his boyfriend, after they made love for the first time (yeah, made love because what he and Evan just did is so, so different from the sex he was used to and he's also a romantic, sue him) and Evan is leaving the imprint of his fingers all over his face. First, Evan traces the outline of his eyebrows, then thumbs at the laugh lines around his eyes and grins softly before his index finger follows the slope of his nose, down to his cupid's bow, murmuring a soft "God, your lips are perfect." Tommy believes him, and sometimes he wishes he could see himself through Evan's adoring eyes. Evan's not done, yet, and his fingers graze every inch of his face, lingering on the cleft on his chin.
"Tommy, you're beautiful," Evan whispers, his impossibly blue eyes filled with so much fondness and affection that Tommy tears up. "So beautiful."
With those few words, Evan fixes something in him that he didn't even know was broken.
#tommy kinard#pov: tommy kinard 🫠#bucktommy#tevan#kinley#evan buckley#buck and tommy#bucktommy headcanons#like really i should stop writing so much fluff but i won't#allie rambles#allie writes#i made myself cry
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Just some Bucktommy headcanons <3
- Buck always struggles to hide his surprise every time Tommy goes out of his way to turn up for him because he’s not used to someone actually showing up for him. Tommy sets out to always prove him wrong.
- Tommy was completely prepared for Buck to be a baby gay (inclusive) and still chokes every time Buck is super flirty, not that he’s complaining.
- After bad shifts they both take care of each other and help each other wash off and then cuddle together.
- The first time Tommy sees Buck with Jee he damn near has a heart attack. Buck sees him and gets worried but Tommy just tells him he’s adorable and Buck blushes.
- Buck gets butterflies and blushes so hard every single time Tommy calls him cute or adorable or anything like that because he’s not used to being perceived in that way and he loves it.
- Every single time Buck sees a helicopter he sends a pic to Tommy asking if it’s him. This leads to Tommy sending Buck photos of random doggos and asking if it’s Buck.
- Buck can’t shut up about his how his boyfriend is a pilot and will tell anyone who will listen.
- Buck loves how Tommy calls him Evan it makes his heart skip a beat. One day Tommy asks him about it because everyone else calls him Buck and should he? And Buck ducks his head and says “I like the way you say it.”
- They have a vulnerable discussion and Buck tells Tommy about Daniel and growing up constantly getting hurt and Tommy shares his rough childhood with his parents divorce and feeling like nobody was in his corner. Tommy vows never to let Buck think he’s worth anything less than everything and Buck makes sure Tommy knows that hes got him has a steady figure. He invites Tommy to all the 118 gatherings to make sure he knows that he has them too.
- At one of the gatherings Bobby takes Tommy aside and he thinks he’s getting the shovel talk but Bobby just hugs him and welcomes him to the family. Tommy has to wipe his eyes before going back out to the gathering.
- Tommy talks to Hen privately and profusely apologises for his behaviour at the 118 which leads to them both in tears by the end of it. Hen promises to give him a Christmas card every year and Tommy laughs.
- The first time bucktommy has a fight it’s over something trivial, Tommy leaves to get some fresh air and returns an hour or so later to find Buck crying. Buck looks shocked that he came back. Tommy tells him he will always come back and vows to communicate more clearly with Buck.
- Buck always talks about wanting to get a dog and Tommy just shakes his head and laughs. One day Tommy comes home covered in soot with a small golden retriever puppy that he saved in his arms and tells Buck he couldn’t let go of him. They name him Leo. Chris becomes obsessed with him and begs Eddie to get a dog too. Instead Carla takes Chris over after school to see Leo and feed him when Buck and Tommy can’t. Leo loves Chris and always barks when he leaves.
- Buck teaches Tommy how to dance because he never learnt. Buck tells him how he learnt for Maddie.
- When Buck gets hurt on a call Tommy won’t leave his side. He asks Eddie how he did it when Buck actually died and Eddie shakes his head and said he didn’t. Eddie takes Tommy home and forces him to shower and eat. Eddie, Chris, and Tommy sit together talking about Buck until they get the message that Bucks okay.
- When Eddie gets hurt on a call Buck is beside himself. Buck tells Tommy about the will. Buck tells Chris his dad is hurt again and Tommy holds Buck when he breaks down afterwards remembering the shooting.
- The first time they go further than making out Buck tells Tommy he loves his tits and then blushes and apologises. Tommy just chuckles and tells Buck he loves his tits too.
- Buck comes in with a limp one day and turns red when they ask him to explain. Hen keeps laughing at him but Chimney is so confused and keeps asking about it. Buck breaks and tells him. Chim can’t look Tommy in the eye at the next BBQ
- When they get married Tommy says how grateful he is to have an ally like Buck in his life.
#there’s so many hcs here and I have more.#911 abc#911 fandom#evan buck buckley#tommy kinard#911 headcanons#911 spoilers#911 show#bucktommy#bucktommy headcanons#tevan#kinkley
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Buck was already so crazy-possessive of Tommy even before they had started dating (to maim your BFF for monopolizing your crush's time!!!), I can't imagine how raging mad this boy will be if anyone ever dares flirt with Tommy now that they are officially a couple. Would love to see it though! 😂😂😂
#bucktommy headcanons#also wonder how jealous Tommy would be like#tevan#kinley#bucktommy#evan ‘buck’ buckley#evan buckley#tommy kinard#evan x tommy#tommybuck#buck x tommy#tommy x buck#911 abc#oliver stark#lou ferrigno jr
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ok so buck and tommy were both basically working the same shifts right?
buck obviously had to go to the hospital mid shift and eddie stayed back with him hence both of them were missing their shift.
tommy came as soon as his shift ended and then accompanied his boyfriend (I'm still giddy over it) buck to his loft and stayed the night to take care of him.
next day both of them were at the apartment when eddie came to treat buck and then probably left around the same time for their shifts and probably got off around the same time too which is why tommy was with buck and the 118 at the hospital waiting for denny.
then next day they went to the cemetery together for the billy boils funeral, all of this goes to show that buck and tommy try to take the same shifts or atleast as close as possible so they both can have their days off together and then spend it with each other :)))))))))
I'm so delusional and in love with them that I'll make any theory lmao
also tommy def won't fit into buck's clothes so either they went to his house to pick clothes or he keeps extra clothes at buck's place or maybe caries an overnight bag.
i just love these bratty and sassy boyfriends.
tommy is so whipped he attended a 200 yr old cowboy's funeral who cursed his beautiful boyfriend's face.
also I'm convinced that when the next day buck's face clears up it's because of what tommy said to the grave lmao
also the last scene was definitely foreshadowing. the way buck said that while looking at tommy.
also also eddie tommy friendship is so precious to me. they are our next Michael and bobby.
loved the episode so much.
#911onabc#911 season 8#bucktommy#evan buckley#tommy kinard#bisexual evan buckley#evan buckley x tommy kinard#bucktommy headcanons#911 s8 ep5#they're literally married in my head#so cute#husbands#boyfriends#eddie diaz#eddie is me as a bestie#eddie and tommy are besties#also dispatch announcing recovery of a corpse from 118 to all the stations is so funny to me lmao#911 abc#911
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"Evan, your face is filthy," Tommy laughed, "the soot," he said reaching to help Buck clean his face, "everyone will know."
"No," Buck replied swatting Tommy's hand away, "I don't care" he smirked, "also, it's more fun this way."

#buck knew exactly what was going on#due to the recent discourse on this topic this is now canon#bucktommy#tevan#kinley#tommy kinard#evan buckley#bucktommy headcanons#911 abc
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can't stop thinking about bucktommy getting married and having too many thoughts so putting it out there lol
buck's the one who proposes but when he does, tommy pulls out a ring too bc he's been waiting for the right moment and didn't want to rush him (they get engaged after like a year of dating, when you know you know, what's the point in waiting - and they talked about marriage very early on to make sure they want the same things ofc)
they start calling each other husbands and referring to each other as husbands waaay before they actually get married - they try out fiance for a while but once buck slips up and calls tommy his husband, it feels so right and it sticks - and they do it aaallll the time, especially buck, saying 'my husband' instead of names - and everyone's fondly rolling their eyes like 'you guys aren't even married yet' and 'we know his name'
they hyphenate their last names, but for work for convenience they stick with their own names (Tommy is still just Kinard, Buck is still just Buckley bc as good as it sounds it feels too long lol) but whenever someone calls Buck 'Buckley' in a non-emergency situation he's always quick to correct 'Buckley-Kinard' with a huge smile bc he loves being married and having his husband's name!
the first time after they get married that Tommy gets injured at work and ends up in the hospital buck jokes that he got some of his bad luck in the marriage - Tommy ofc turns it into a soft moment by saying it's worth it if it means seeing Evan in the hospital much less
#and the list keeps growing tbh haha#idk what this is lol#im unwell about them#bucktommy#there's a couple more bachelor party thoughts but im keeping them for a fic👀#might use some of these too actually lol#it's so early to think about them getting married but it just feels so right and i love this idea too much lol#headcanons#bucktommy headcanons
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Something I've always loved about fandoms is the way some headcanons slowly become unspoken fanon "facts".
Like, in the bucktommy fandom, we have the following:
-Tommy is half Italian
-He has the biggest sweet tooth (this one is basically canon tho)
-Sal's wife's name is Gina
--And he has at least one daughter, more often than not named Isabella
-The 217's captain is a woman
-Lucy and Tommy are good friends
-Tommy wears reading glasses
Isn't that just super cool? And these are just off the top of my head. If you can think of others, I'd love to read them.
#bucktommy#tommy kinard#evan buckley#tevan#kinley#911 abc#911 headcanons#bucktommy headcanons#sal deluca
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Tommy calling Buck, wanting to apologise for how everything went down. And to tell him that he wants to see him again because he knows he fucked up and Buck deserves the whole truth and not the mean-spirited things that came out of Tommy's mouth in the heat of the moment. It goes to voicemail.
He looks at his phone, sorrowfully.
Camera zooms in on the phone then zooms out.
Phone is now on the floor in the middle of debris showing "1 missed call from Tommy 💔". Slowly pans over to show Buck's hand laying beside it, just out of reach.
Pans out, Buck's jeep in the middle of the freeway totaled. Only Buck's arm can be seen from underneath it.
End Scene
[part 2]
#saf writes#im working through my feelings with angst#bucktommy headcanons#i guess this is more ficlet than headcanon lmao#bucktommy ficlet#bucktommy#tevan#evan buckley#tommy kinard#otp trying to keep up#tv: 911#911 abc#911#my headcanons#my ficlets#saf.txt#saf rambles#911 spoilers#911 speculation#911 spec#this isnt serious spec but like it could be lolololol#i want angsty fix its so much#this is getting another part soonish 😌
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It's time to share my probably unpopular Tommy headcanon 👀 I think Buck is his first serious relationship, the first partner who stays over almost every time they're both off. The first partner who introduced him to his family and friends. The first partner he gave a key to his place to. The first partner who Tommy can see beside him forever. The first partner he really, truly loved.
So yeah, Tommy's a lot of firsts for Buck, but Buck's a few firsts for Tommy, too.
#bucktommy#tommy kinard#evan buckley#bucktommy headcanons#tommy kinard headcanon#allie rambles#tevan#kinley
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When they’re having pizza nights at Eddie’s, Buck and Tommy usually order the two with the most protein and then share them half and half, fist bumping once they’ve done the exchange, like this is the height of teamwork.
Eddie just calls them dorks and, one time, Tommy goes ‘you’re just jealous of our swag’ to which Christopher just pretends to leave like ‘I can’t believe I ever thought you were cool’ and Tommy lets out his offended ‘eeeh!’ (The same one he had when Buck teased him about the mouth static).
This prompts a contest between Buck, Tommy, and Eddie, to see who can misuse gen z/alpha slang the most egregiously, ending up in what can only be described as a Chris torture chamber.
Anyway, they’re never starved for banter.
#insert joke about meat lovers pizza#I just think those four are neat and I want more Chris ok????#I think the lad is funny af and super charming#fluff#911 abc#bucktommy#911#9-1-1#tommy kinard#evan buckley#tevan#kinley#Eddie Diaz#Christopher Diaz#ficlet#???#bucktommy headcanons
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