#bu T !! ye s !! h EY
kandlewick · 11 months
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i'll dry the villain's tears
t h e r o s e r e d t y r a n t ' s m o t h e r
you get reincarnated into a role that became the breaking point of the villain's story and you, be it an unwillingness to cause them harm or a desire to survive, must work hard to make sure they grow into a better (or at least safer) person.
You had died.
at least, you think you did.
It was hard to remember much.
Blinding lights, fading screams, it all felt so fuzzy and distant that you could hardly even remember your old face. The new one staring back at you was strange and foreign and perfect; it was almost like you were staring into the eyes of a doll. You pressed a well manicured nail to your cheek, feeling the soft skin give underneath your touch. So this is what she looked like. Bright red hair and piercing silver eyes, Riddle's mother made for an intimidating figure. You could only imagine how wicked she would look when angry despite her pretty looks.
You let out a soft sigh, leaned back against your chair, and attempted a smile at your reflection. The muscles around your cheeks creaked in protest at the attempt and gave you little more then a grimace.
"Not one for smiling, are you Mrs. Rosehearts?"
Well, whatever sickness that had overtaken the former Mrs. Rosehearts seemed to have passed and you no longer needed constant supervision from whoever Riddle had called for. Speaking of, where was Mr. Rosehearts? Surely her husband must've been worried sick once he had heard his wife had collapsed.
After a few moments of pondering, idly rummaging through drawers and inspecting every nook and cranny of what you assumed to be your new bedroom, you quickly discovered there was only a wardrobe for one. How strange. As you continued digging through your new and incredibly modest clothes, your hunt for clues was quickly interrupted by a sharp knock at your door. You dropped everything and let out a quiet shriek, feeling what felt like your heart quickly jumping in to your throat at the surprised new guest. Imwardly, you had to remind yourself that you were in fact, not snooping! This was your stuff now and could look through it all you liked. Quickly patting down your clothes and pinning back your frazzled hair, you attempted to compose yourself and cleared your throat, quietly acknowledging their presence.
"Uhm - yes! You may come in."
Whoever stood out your door seemed almost hesitant, waiting at the door long enough for the silence to slowly grow awkward, before the door let out a small click and they entered.
It was Riddle.
"I finished my lesson for the afternoon." Riddle spoke quietly, eyes never leaving the space behind your head, as if too nervous to even look at you, "If you would allow me, I'd like to take a small break to rest my eyes."
Here it was! Your moment! You had dreamed of this since the beginning and you could finally, finally make a difference and fix the broken relationship between him and his mother!! You eagerly turned towards him, feeling your skirt pick up in your excitement and ducked down, balancing your weight on the balls of your feet and lowering yourself down to his level.
"Actually, Riddle, how would you like it if we took a break together. I made us some tea!" You smiled, eyes crinkling in delight, "And then after that we-"
"No, thank you."
What a quick response!!!!
Blinking past the surprise, you were startled to notice that Riddle had taken a few steps back, his eyebrows knitted together in what almost looked like confusion. You could feel the apprehension and barely disguised fear roll off of him in waves as he opened his mouth to continue.
"It's not time for a tea and I'd much rather get back to my studies as soon as possible.."
Yes, you supposed it was rather late in the evening for a tea time but it couldn't be that bad to take a small break to unwind after a tiring afternoon, surely! Bu then again, you realized, Riddle's mother always enforced a strict schedule. There was no time for snack breaks or play time, everything was chosen for him down to the very last millisecond of his day. Breaking this trend would not be an easy task. Mrs. Rosehearts made sure of that.
"Ah, you're right! Silly me..." You took this moment to reach out, intending to push back a stray hair from Riddle's face but he flinched. It was hardly noticeable and honestly, if you weren't down at his level and painfully aware of every twitch and fidget, you wouldn't have noticed but still, you felt your heart break a little more.
"Yes... It must be the fever." You sighed out, lowering your hand before slowly putting it back in your lap, "I must still feel tired after being in bed the past few days. Being stuck in my room must've made me a little mad."
Riddle made no effort to respond, only slowing raising his head. When his silver eyes met yours, you smiled and kept his gaze, "Would you do me a favor then, Riddle? I'm feeling terribly lonely and would like the company... however," You had to give him the option, "if you'd rather end your studying for the day and choose yourself what you'd like to do until your bedtime, you're more then welcome to."
As much as you wanted to quickly mend the relationship between the two of you, you knew you could not rush it. Years of abuse and tyranny do not go away with a single good deed and the more you tried to force it, the more you guessed he would push away.
Riddle paused and searched your eyes, looking for any signs of this being a test. He seemed almost hesitant to even ponder the choices before him as if he had never made his own decision before - with his mother's blessing no less - and wasn't eager to start now.
"I won't be upset, Riddle. You c-"
"I would like to have tea with you, please."
You mentally fist bumped the air, tears of success running down your face. Progress! This was progress, right? Willingly getting him to break his rigid schedule was already a huge undertaking but getting him to choose to spend time with you? You could practically hear the angels singing in your head.
Getting him to slowly and comfortably break his schedule was one thing but his diet? That was a whole other trauma to fight and you didn't know where to start. Unlike Riddle's mother, you weren't a doctor. Your knowledge of what was healthy and what was not and how to balance calories was never something you were taught past the very basics. Smugly, you figured she wasn't any good at it either so really, it could only get better.
It started with little things, replacing what kinds of ingredients you used and portions and the like and you spent many a nights on Magicam, researching food trends and advice from dieticians and other mothers. Anonymously, of course.
If Riddle noticed the change in his diet, he made no attempt to question you about it, probably enjoying whatever you were doing enough not to bring it up. You were his mother after all and although the dinner table was still quiet between the two of you, it was a more comfortable silence as if you were both too worried to break it. Watching him eat was also a treat. You had always thought Riddle was a pretty child, but to see sparks of life flicker behind his trained expression was a victory you always cherished. Sometimes it was small things, like him kicking his feet or the shock of trying a new taste. It was precious, watching him slap his palm to his face as he jumped in his chair, eyes practically tearing up at the taste of pepper of all things.
And then, one day, you decided that perhaps it was time. A strawberry tart.
You paced in your bedroom for days, practically digging holes into the floor as you plotted your next big move. This moment was perhaps the most important of all the other events that had happened in Riddle's life and you knew it was going to be a real big hurdle to cross.
He perked up slightly from his desk at the sound of your voice and turned to look at you. His eyes were brighter now and they no longer had the same fear they once had. His gaze could almost be described as affectionate.
"I'm going to be out for awhile. not for too long mind, but I have something very important I need to do. I'm sure you don't mind if I leave you to yourself for a short while?" You gave him a sheepish smile as you made your way to the front door, your hand already reaching for the handle. As much as you wanted to do this and get it over with, you could still feel the nerves biting at your ankles.
Riddle nodded his head, his red hair practically bouncing with the movement, before returning to his studies while you closed the front door behind you, breath heavy in your throat. Days of planning were all coming together. You could feel the sweat building up and running down your neck as you took a few simple breathes to calm your racing heart.
Some might consider it obsessive but you had carefully studied That particular bakery and it's foot traffic to ensure that nobody else would be in the store to witness what was about to happen for the past two weeks. In disguise, you had watched and written down the hours there was a slow lull in visitors from out in the streets, careful not to attract any sort of attention. It's not like you were planning anything nefarious! It's just that... the thought of anyone witnessing the verbal smack down you were about to receive was almost too much. But you had to do this. For Riddle, for yourself, and because you really, really, really wanted to try one of Clover Bakery's sweets.
It was time.
"Welcome in! Welcome to Clover Bakery! I'll be right with you in a moment!" A feminine voice sounded like it was in the back as the door to the bakery slowly chimed behind you, as if it was the death knell, signaling your demise. You trained your breath, in and out, and wiped your sweaty palms on the back of your skirt, willing yourself to calm down. You had to be strong! Trey and both his parents deserved a proper apology, even if technically you weren't the one who offended them. You had to fix this mess and you couldn't do it half assed!
"Sorry about that! We just finished the new batch of - oh."
Trey's mother was in front of you.
Trey's Mother was in front of you.
"I..." Your heart felt like it was going to give out. "I've come to apologize."
That obviously is not what she was expecting and judging by the widening of her eyes and the tightening of her posture, she didn't seem entirely willing to accept it but she stood there and didn't seem unwilling to hear you out so in your haste, you tripped over your words in eagerness to continue.
"Please," You lowered your head and gaze, nearly buckling under the stress, "at least hear me out. What I did - to you, your husband, your son, to Riddle - It was unacceptable."
You gulped and began the part you had rehearsed in front of your mirror. This part, while not necessarily the truth, would make the most sense.
"When I couldn't find Riddle in the room where I left him and the window opened, I panicked. I had always been very strict with Riddle and perhaps that's where I erred, where he thought that the only choice he had to enjoy an inch of freedom was to sneak out while I was unaware, So, when I couldn't not find him and found him with strangers, people I had never met before and knew very little of, I panicked."
"But what I ended up doing," Something wet fell from your eyes, "I hurt him. I hurt Riddle. I - I think that's what snapped me out of whatever idiotic beliefs I had. He wouldn't talk to me, he couldn't even meet my eyes-"
"I understand,"
Blinking past the tears, you looked up, watching as Trey's mother let out a long and weary sigh, "I may not forgive you for what you did yet, I can see you obviously mean what you're saying."
"You can?"
"Look at you. You're shaking like a leaf, you look nothing like the woman that came screaming in here for her son. Whatever happened between then and now obviously changed things."
You watched as she ducked behind the counter and wrapped something up in a small container and gestured for you to open your hands.
"Here," She closed your hands around it, "It's a strawberry tart. Those were Riddle's favorite right? I'm sure you can help mend whatever happened with something like this. It's on the house. Just... next time Riddle wants to play, let him. My son has been beside himself with worry ever since."
You held the tart close to your chest like she had just handed you the most precious thing you've ever owned and nodded your head, your once formerly primed and proper hair falling down your shoulders in wave from your excitement, "Thank you! Thank you so much... I will do whatever I can now. I won't make the same mistake again."
"Go on," You smiled, "Open it."
As soon as you returned home, you eagerly called for Riddle to join you at the family table, nearly tripping over your heels in your excitement as you carefully placed the boxed strawberry tart down. Riddle watched your expression carefully, eyeing the concealed treat from the corner of his eye. As much as he's enjoyed the past few months, this was a huge step forwards. It was almost as if he was scared that what he thought was going to happen wouldn't. What if this was an elaborate scheme? What if this was a big final test and he failed? What if-
"It's ok, Riddle," You reassured him with a low voice, pushing the small box closer to him as his eyes snapped to meet yours, "It's something really good, I promise." With a nervous look, he nodded.
You could hear his barely contained sniffles as he slowly began untying the ribbon, stopping periodically to wipe at his eyes with his sleeve, before the box opened and in the center was
the most beautiful strawberry tart he has ever seen.
His small sniffles soon erupted into wails, high pitched and heart wrenching as he sat there in his chair, his hands still in the air as his little body was wracked with tears. You couldn't hold back your own crying as you brought Riddle's small frame to your chest and hugged him tightly as he cried and cried and cried in your arm. His little fingernails dug crescents into your skin as he kept tugging you closer and closer, unwilling for there to be an space between you and him.
"My darling, Riddle," You sniffled back a tear as you dug your face into his red hair, feeling him hiccup and sob as you did the same, "I'm sorry you had to wait so long."
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iron-strangers · 6 months
That's my girl!
aka Din watches you fight with the biggest heart eyes in the galaxy as Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) plays in the background (a WIP of my 3+1 fic)
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gif credit @1038276637
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Female Jedi!Reader
Length: 690+ words
Tags: Mand'alor Din Djarin, Swearing, Kid Fic
A/N: Written in Expanding Clan Mudhorn universe. Link to the series on ao3, tumblr
“I challenge you for the Mand’alor’s hand in marriage.”
The lively chatters around the market shifts into a quiet whispers when a challenger appears from the crowd. She has her full armor on, holding her blaster up for everyone to see. Shrugging, you took your squirming fourteen-months toddler from his birikad (baby harness) into his buir’s (father’s) arms before walking into the fight. Aranar laughs, clapping his chubby hands and pointing at you. “Bu-ee! Look, momma!”
“Yes, Ar’ika, momma’s gonna kick some s-h-e-b (ass), so we have to stand aside and let her do her thing, okay?” Din sighs, bouncing the boundless energy out of his toddler, getting a ‘Kay! and a grin from his son who’s currently munching happily on his small portion of uj cake, with that sweet tooth no one will ever doubt that he truly his momma’s son. Aranar is getting a lot of ‘copikla’ (cute) from every passer-by, enthralled by his mop of dark curly hair and his adorable toothy smile.
“I accept your challenge,” you smile, turning your saber on. The snap-hiss of lightsaber ignition rips through the air and Aranar whoops. “Bu-ee! Pu-pel!”
“Yes, good job Ar’ika! Momma’s laser sword is purple!”
“How many time should I tell you it’s called lightsaber.” Kryze sighs, holding her head in her hand. She insisted to come during their visit to the newly opened Sundari Market for this exact reason, security of the Ven’alor Mand’alor. “You married a jedi, osik (shit), you have two jet’ika.”
“Osik!” Aranar parrots, laughing without caring how his buir is going through all five stages of grief in three seconds. “Kryze! I swear to the Manda-”
Din is cut-off by the sound of lightsaber hitting beskar. You deflect blaster bolts with the force and hits the challenger on her pauldron. You swipe your saber low, aiming for her leg. She jumps and brings her other hand up, shooting grappling hooks out of her vambrace, straining you. You groan as you fight against the ropes until it budges a little, enough for you to slash it with your saber. You pull on the leftover rope, sending the challenger towards you and you punch her in the middle of the T-Visor of her helmet, sending her to the ground with a loud crack.
“That’s my girl!” Din cheers, earning snickers and adoration from the passer-by. Flustered behind his helmet, he nuzzles Aranar’s soft curls, pointing and narrating the fight to the baby. “That’s your momma, ad’ika. Isn’t she the best? Buir and momma will teach you just how to fight like that when you’re ready, ner ka’ra (my star). You’ll be unstoppable.” Din can't take his eyes off of his riduur (wife). You fight with grace, your steps calculated and you never miss your attack. Every hissing sound of lightsaber meeting beskar only adds to his love and adoration.
She shoots another round of blaster bolts and you deflect them all to the ground with the force, careful not to let stray bullets hit the crowd. You stalk over her, the tip of your saber dragging on the ground. You flick your hand and her blaster flies from her hand, crumpling in the air when you curl your hand into a fist and brings the tip of your saber up to her neck, so close to her pulse point. 
“Yield,” you command. She stutters, forfeiting the fight and scurrying back to the crowd.
“Anyone else want to challenge our clan?” Your question is met by silence and you smile, turning the saber off. Addressing the crowd to go back to their activity as the purple light disappear into the hilt of your lightsaber. 
Aranar lights up when he sees you, making a grabby hand and asking you for uppies. Smiling, you pepper the laughing boy’s cheeks with kisses and lift him up to your shoulder. Din leans his helmeted forehead to yours and leads his family away from the crowd.
“Hey, Kryze made Ar’ika swore back then.”
“By the force- Kryze!” 
Yeah, that’s my girl, Din smiles adoringly behind his helmet, taking your hand and lacing your fingers together before you can go smack some sense into Kryze.
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hydrasra · 1 year
these are just some scenarios that came to mind while I was daydreaming. I might post something else in a few days related to my sagau interpretation turned mini fic lmaoo. you can view these as anecdotes of when things happened off screen or something, idk but it's up to you. enjoy!
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lumine: do you always have to be so negative?
wanderer: that's my personality.
lumine: I know but can't you smile at least once?
[name]: if he does smile, it'll mean I'm gonna become rich tomorrow.
[name]: *looks at lumine*
lumine: *looks at [name]*
both: *nod then look at wanderer*
wanderer: what?
[name]: *tackles him down* GOT HIM!
wanderer: your grace, what are yo-
lumine: *using her hands to make him smile* COME ON, SMILE!!
wanderer: *struggling to get away* I DON'T WANT TO!!
paimon: *watching from the sideline*
nahida: *walks in* hel- what's going on?
paimon: [name] said that they'll become rich if wanderer smiles at least once.
nahida: oh. well, maybe they are right? why didn't you join in?
paimon: don't want wanderer to haunt paimon's dream tonight.
nahida: *giggles* fair.
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[name]: *walks through the door, completely dishevelled and bleeding*
cyno: and that's wh- *looks up* [NAME]!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?
[name]: *blinks, confused* yes?
tighnari: you're bleeding!
lumine: *walks in in the same state*
wanderer: what happened?
paimon: a rishboland tiger.
alhaitham: I'm sorry?
[name]: you're excused.
lumine: *grins and leans onto [name]* they thought that the tiger was friendly. the tiger was, until they stepped on its tail.
paimon: *snickering*
wanderer: wait until buer hears this...
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[name]: what the fuck do you mean by 'he's not here'? where does he go and spend his time? he's a fucking bard with too much time on his hands!
jean: *sweatdrops* your gra-
lumine: [name], stop swearing.
[name]: oh, my bad. anyway, where to find that asshole?
lumine: [name].
[name]: sorry, sorry.
jean: *whispers to paimon* is this normal?
paimon: *nods* paimon has grown immune to it all now.
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[name]: *sneezes*
albedo: bless you.
[name]: *groans* thank you but how the fuck do you live in this cold?
albedo: that's simply cause I'm not h–
[name]: *wraps their arms around themself* I knoooooow!
lumine: hold on, I'll go find a seelie. *dashes off*
[name]: THANK YOU, LU!!
albedo: *takes off his coat and puts it on [name]'s shoulders*
[name]: thank you, bedo.
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klee: you're very beautiful!
[name]: *looking at klee then around* huh?
klee: *giggles* you're very beautiful, your grace!
[name]: *smiles* call me [name] instead, all right? and thank you, klee. *picks her up*
klee: *wraps her arms around [name]'s neck*
[name]: *hugs her tightly*
paimon: *wiping away her tears*
lumine: *sniffles*
kaeya: oh? emotional~?
lumine: shut up, kaeya.
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[name]: okay, wild idea.
lumine: *sighs* here we go again.
[name]: what if we visit Inazuma and I wear some sort of disguise?
lumine: *perks up* wait, that's–
wanderer: a very bad idea.
lumine & [name]: bu–
wanderer: no 'but's. the farthest you're allowed to is mondstadt and liyue is out of question.
[name]: *puppy eyes*
wanderer: that's not going to work on me.
[name]: hmph. *pouts*
lumine: you sure it didn't work? 'cause you're red, wanderer.
wanderer: *looking away, blushing wildly* FUCK OFF!!
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nahida: why are [name] sulking and alhaitham blushing?
lumine: *hands on her hips* alhaitham told them 'no' to their request.
nahida: he said 'no' to what exactly?
paimon: they asked to give him a kiss.
[name], sulking somewhere: I SAID A KISS ON THE CHEEK!!
alhaitham: t-that's not very a-appropriate, your g-gra–
lumine: I'll gladly accept your kiss!
[name]: *perks up* BET!
alhaitham: *hiding his face behind his hand*
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tighnari: and this is collei.
collei: *hesitating between bowing, kneeling or waving*
paimon: collei!
lumine: hey, collei... are you all right?
collei: I- y-yes! I just-
[name]: no need to bow or kneel before me, it makes me very uncomfortable. a simple wave is enough, and if you're comfortable, a hug is welcomed too.
tighnari: I don't th–
collei: *suddenly hugs [name]*
tighnari: *surprised gibberish*
[name]: *grins and hugs collei back*
lumine: what–
paimon: what the heck–
collei: *hastily pulls away while blushing* t-there! i-i heard that y-you mumbling about wanting to give m-me a hug–
[name]: *nods while smiling* thank you, collei. it must have been hard for you to go out of your comfort zone.
collei: *shaking her head, blushing still* n-not at all!
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[name]: holy shit, we're high up! I can see mondstadt from here!
paimon: well, we are at the top of stormterror's lair after all.
jean: don't get too close to the edge, your grace!
[name]: *looks at jean, takes a decisive step towards the edge*
jean: *panicking and speed-walking towards [name]*
lumine: [name], step back. you'll give jean a heart attack.
[name]: *smiles and walks right into jean's embrace*
jean: *confused sigh of relief as she hugs [name] then looks at lumine*
lumine: they will purposely not reply to anyone when their name isn't used.
paimon: *nods rapidly*
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[name]: *leaning on the table, staring at cyno*
cyno: what is it?
[name]: are you and tighnari dating?
cyno: *clears his throat*
cyno: I did not–
kaveh: *slams the door open* WHO CHEATED ON WHO DURING WHAT?!
cyno: no one–
kaveh: *offended gasps* WHAT IS THIS TREASONOUS ACT?! *looks at cyno, appalled*
[name]: *stands up* I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!
[name]: HMPH! *grabs onto kaveh's arm and leaves with him*
alhaitham: *hiding behind his book, trying hold in his laughter*
collei: *shaking her head while trying to act disappointed*
tighnari: ... I knew it.
cyno: NOT YOU TOO??
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Spicy Alphabet: Sesshomaru 
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Sesshomaru grooms you. Any nicks or scratches will be healed. If you're a demon too, he'll expect you to do it in return. Essentially pack bonding. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sesshomaru: His whole being. His aura, strength, and beauty is a blessing to this world. He's not arrogant about it. It just is.
You: Hips. The perfect switch in your walk. Shapely hips with alluring curves rewarded his eyes. The perfect resting place for his hands. They are soft to squeeze. And if you sway your hips near him, he will jump you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This One cums exorbitantly. Selectivity with sexual activities causes little sexual interaction with others. Lord Sesshomaru will go without for years if need be. Factor in that doesn't masturbate.  He’ll be able to cover your whole face.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s cum in his pants from seeing how you move during spars/practice. From a quick observation, he just seemed to serenely turn away. On the contrary, he was rushing to hide the warm cum dripping out of his slit.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very, it mostly consisted of oral sex and foreplay in his teenage years. Never penetration. But! This One is exemplary at all tasks they perform. Do not worry, you will be more than satisfied.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Know y'all know what I'm going to say....
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Neutral. He's just playful. That’s the goofiest you’ll ever get him to be
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Tip top shape. Are you kidding? And yes, that gorgeous white hair with the teeniest bit of curl matches
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Reasonably so and will become more intimate as the relationship progresses. It's mostly through his animalistic gestures
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t. If he really needs to, he will just imagine a sex scene. Or you giving him a lap dance with those fantastic hips, plump lips, gorgeous legs and -
Ah, he's already cumming without touching himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Biting, breeding, cutting off clothing (yours), power exchange, kinbaku, intelligence, strength
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere on his estate, even if workers are walking around. If not there, then a random cave
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You dancing, specifically any sensual hip movements.
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Jewelry that accentuates your neck, worshipping him, "My Lord, I need you now.." while rubbing against him. Hearing you put a peasant in their place and/or you show off your intellect
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing disgusting, nothing that will scar permanently, crying, being standoffish towards him (ironic)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Enjoys both, but really loves eating you. Delicious and Divine in taste and smell. It can be overwhelming how rich and luscious you are. He will spend forever torturing you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Steady momentum and hammering deeply
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
This one does not favor these 'quickies'. It should be standard to take the time to have you in a beautiful frenzy.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, he will experiment. Hell, he will be alive for a long time. Might as well try things out before he gets bored.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
God level. Depends on when you or him decide it's enough
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Own toys? No. But he will buy any gadgets you want. If you're from the future, he may slyly ask for you to bring some to him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
[Sesshomaru] (You)
"This one wishes to continue enjoying your taste...."
"....you've been down there for an hour now please, my lord!!!"
"Hn....your plea has been considered."
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Mostly short exhales. Talks in a playful tone, soft and ethereal. "Ah, you are begging? Y/n, you sound incoherent. Speak clearly." In his demon form, it's mostly whines and growls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
One guy started moaning as Sesshomaru threw him to the side and stepped over him. Nigga, Seshomaru was disgusted.
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He just killed him as quickly with his venom whip
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High, but he can control it well
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Nope. He likes to feel you fall asleep. Then, he determines what he wants to do after you're comfortable
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Can you do smthn less Melanie Martinez more Crybaby? Pls for my soul? 🥹 Maybe instead of Ben putting the letter in her locker, it's Reader? Aha, pls I'm having a bad day. 😭
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Locker love note
K-12!Crybaby x k-12!fem!reader
Warnings: cussing, hurt/comfort
“I caught a sparkle of light in your eyes that day, I bathed in it. I was transported to heavens gates by it, but I fall at my feet. My words shall only be composed, I can’t speak. My inner voice calling my outer self weak, admiring from afar secretly.” Was the letter you write to crybaby. You signed it with your initials and put it in a cute little pink envelope and licked it to seal it tight. You got out class a couple of minutes early, telling your teacher that you don’t feel good and need to use the restroom. So before the bell rang, you quickly ran over to crybaby’s locker and slipped the note inside.
The bell rang and everyone rushed out and went to their lockers. You went away but stayed close enough to see if crybaby will read it. Crybaby and her friends went over to their lockers and they started talking about how they are going to get out of this school. You heard crybaby open her locker and it was quiet for a minute until one of her friends gained her attention back. “Yeah I’m listening.” She said and it went quiet again until one of her other friends asked her what that was in her hand and crybaby said “it’s a love letter!” She squealed happily and you felt your heart melt at the sound. “A love letter from who?” Her friend said excitedly. “I don’t know! All they left was their initial!” She said and everyone came around to look at it.
“Y/n (your initial)? Oh! It’s y/n! I have a few classes with her and she’s very shy but really nice!” Magnolia said happily and crybaby felt her cheeks heat up at the mention of your name. You heard them talk about you and some plan then you scurried off to your next class not knowing what crybaby was planning next. It was your last class of the day and you went to your locker to put all your stuff away, that was until you saw a note fly out of your locker when you pulled it open. You bent down and opened the letter revealing that crybaby wants to meet up with you after school. You blushed wildly and put the note in your pocket and ran to the courtyard where she mentioned she wanted to meet you at.
You ran outside and found crybaby sitting on a bench looking around for you and when she spotted you, a huge grin appeared on both of y’all’s faces and you shyly walked over to you and sat down beside her. “H-hi…” you quietly said and crybaby giggles at your shyness. “Hi! Thank you for the note. It was so cute and sweet!” She gushed and looked at you with adoration. You blushed and started playing with your fingers nervously. “Y-you’re welcome…e-ever since you c-came on the bus…I’ve been m-mesmerized by y-you but was t-too s-shy to really say anything u-until I put that love letter I-into your l-locker.” You stuttered and crybaby gave you a reassuring smile and grabbed both of your hands gently so you wouldn’t keep picking at your fingers since that’s what you started doing. “Well I’m glad you said something now. Would you like to be apart of our plan to get out of here and would you like to be my date to the dance?” She asked and your eyes widened.
“Yes!” You shouted happily and she giggled happily along with you. “I have to go back to the girls but I’ll see you tomorrow y/n!” She said and leaned over to place a loving peck on your cheek. Your face got redder than ever and crybaby giggled at that as she skipped away back inside the school to see her friends while you stayed on the bench for a bit trying to process everything that just happened. You are getting out of this hellhole AND you have a date to the dance with your crush!
A/n: hey @theangeliclibrarian I hope you enjoyed this and I hope this is what you wanted! I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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m-jelly · 1 year
Can I request professor Erwin x reader where reader ( who is a surgeon ) is mikasa's aunt where she comes to pick up mikasa and her friends Annie and historia becoz they missed the bus and reader rushes to pick her after doing a hectic surgery
Reader meets mikasa 's professor Erwin and they both fall for each other at first sight. They find excuses to meet each other. Mikasa is a top student so she studies in the college library and reader often comes to pick her just to see Erwin . Finally with help of his students Mikasa and Historia Erwin asks reader on a date and later they get married
I'm going to change this a little for age-wise with us being an aunt cause if Mikasa was in college we'd likely be close to 40 or in our 40s. So, I'm gonna pop Mikasa in middle school/secondary school.
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Favourite Teacher
Pairing: Erwin x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, becoming a couple, sweet.
Concept: You pick up your niece and her friends from school after they missed the bus. Erwin stays with the girls to make sure they're safe and gets to meet you. You both hit it off and keep finding ways to meet each other at the school. Mikasa takes notice and gets her friends to help her set up you and her favourite teacher.
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Erwin chuckled at Annie's joke. "You have a very dry sense of humour."
Annie smirked. "Thanks."
Mikasa hummed a moment before turning to Erwin. "Sir?"
He smiled softly at her. "Yes, Mikasa?"
She sat next to him and opened her book. "Could you explain this bit again?"
Erwin talked to Mikasa about the history she was stuck on. He put it in a way that was easy to understand and it was fun. He smiled when she made notes and nodded. "You got it?"
Mikasa closed her book. "Yes. Thank you. I like your class."
Erwin chuckled. "I'm glad. I know a lot of kids find history, politics and philosophy boring but it can be a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoy it. You're exceptional in my class."
"Thanks. I get excited about it so I try hard." She looked up at a classic car pulling up. Her eyes lit up in delight. "Auntie."
Erwin looked over at the car. "Auntie?" His heart raced when you stepped out of the car and walked over to the girls. "Wow."
Mikasa smiled a little. "She's the best. She's really smart and kind and single."
Erwin blushed. "What?"
She jumped out of her seat and ran into your arms. "Auntie."
You hugged her against you. "Hey, flower, you okay? How did you miss the bus?"
She looked up at you. "Studying."
You hummed. "Or was it an excuse to see me?"
She blushed and pressed her face against you. "Mm."
You hummed a laugh as you played with her hair. "Cute. I should thank your teacher for staying late with you. Where are they?"
Mikasa pulled away and smiled. "This is Mr Smith."
Erwin stood up and towered over you and the kids. "H-Hello."
Your cheeks burned as you took in the blonde beauty. "H-Hi." You gulped hard before the tingling nerves set in. You said your name and offered your hand. "Th-Thank you for looking after Mikasa and her friends."
Erwin shook your hand. "Erwin and I'm happy to, as they are great students."
You hummed a laugh. "Mikasa talks about your classes a lot. She loves them."
"Well, I'm glad I can inspire."
"You must be very passionate about your subjects."
He smiled softly. "I am. I love my subjects and I just want to share that passion."
You hummed a laugh. "You're a wonderful man." You realised what you'd said and had a lot of eyes on you. "T-teacher. I mean teacher." You cleared your throat. "I ah...girls we should go home."
Historia gave Mikasa a little shove. "Do something."
Mikasa pouted. "Auntie? Why don't you ask Mr Smith if he needs a ride home?"
Erwin blushed. "Oh, it's okay Mikasa."
"But it's going to rain and you always walk."
You smiled a little. "I can give you a lift home."
He felt butterflies inside him. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose."
Historia jumped up and down. "Please, Mr Smith?"
Annie smiled. "Come on, Mr Smith."
Erwin rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, I will just get my things."
Historia waited for Erwin to go inside before speaking. "He likes you."
You cleared your throat. "You think so? N-Not that I um...want it..." You led the girls to the car and let them in. You smiled at Erwin when he joined you. You got in your side and waited for everyone to settle. "Just let me know where to go."
Erwin smiled a little. "Sure." He gave you directions and felt happy because to him it seemed like you were a married couple taking the kids somewhere. "This is me."
You pulled up and smiled at the cute white picket fence, sweet garden and the white wooden home with a welcoming front porch. "Oh wow, this is a dream home."
Erwin blushed. "You like it?"
"Like it? I love it." You giggled. "Man, I would give anything to live here."
Annie leaned forwards. "You should date Mr Smith then so you could be in his house."
You gasped as Erwin choked a little on the air. You gazed at Erwin and smiled. "I umm."
Erwin opened the car door. "I'll see you soon, I hope."
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah you will."
Erwin blushed as the girls in the back giggled. "See you three after the weekend." He said your name and smiled at you. "Have a wonderful weekend."
"You too."
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You sat in your car and felt nervous. You fixed your outfit and checked your makeup in the mirror. The first time you met Erwin you had no makeup and looked rough, so you were trying to dress up a bit more each time you met him. Today you wore a cute dress, but part of you was thinking it was too much.
You gazed at yourself. "This is stupid, but he's so hot and cute and has a brain." You gulped hard. "Just go in there and be nice." You slipped out of your car and walked to the school. "This is stupid. I shouldn't be doing this." You flinched when you heard someone call your name. "Erwin!"
Erwin walked closer to you. "You...hi..."
You fiddled with your dress. "I'm sorry, I'm overdressed. I was trying something new and I went overboard."
"You look..."
"Like you should be taken on a date." Mikasa smiled when you both looked at her. "Doesn't she look like she should be taken on a date, Mr Smith?"
You laughed nervously. "Mikasa, I don't think-."
Erwin took your hand. "I would like that."
You gazed at Erwin as your heart raced. "You would?"
He nodded. "I would."
"Oh, but I have to take Mikasa home."
Mikasa held her phone up. "Mum is coming to get me. I'm okay! Bye, Auntie!"
You stared at her phone. "But you said."
She giggled and ran over to Historia. "Bye!"
You waved slowly to her before looking at Erwin. "Umm."
Erwin pulled you closer. "So, about that date."
You blushed under his gaze. "I would like that. I'll drive."
He pulled you close. "I think a nice walk would be better. Are you okay about walking?"
You hummed a laugh and nodded. "Yeah."
He walked slowly with you away from school and through the quiet town. You both talked none stop like always. You talked that much and had so much fun that you started walking in circles around a few streets. Erwin just didn't want to let you go and you didn't want to go either.
Erwin took you to the either and bought you something to eat and drink. You chatted together and walked together to a cute little spot. You sat down together and enjoyed each other's company. He placed his blazer around your shoulders when you shivered a little to keep you warm.
You gazed at Erwin as he talked passionately you smiled and thought he was the cutest man in the world. You leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth making him inhale deeply and stop talking. He blushed a little as nerves took over. You shifted closer to him and gazed deep into his blue eyes.
Erwin smiled at you. "So..."
You hummed a laugh. "I like you a lot, Erwin."
He leaned closer to you. "I like you too. I've liked you from the moment I first laid eyes on you."
"Me too."
"May I kiss you?"
You leaned closer to him. "Of course."
Erwin pressed his lips against yours and sighed through his nose. He tangled his fingers in your hair as he moaned into the kiss. He blushed when your tongues moved together passionately. You both soon forgot that you were outside and just leaned into each other. You clung to his shirt and felt like you were in heaven. Erwin was in utter bliss.
You pulled back and smiled. "Wow."
Erwin tapped his forehead against yours and chuckled. "Yeah." He played with your hand. "Wow."
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You smiled softly as you gazed at Erwin's home. "Dream home."
Erwin put his arm around you. "Our dream home."
You blushed. "I can't get over how this is ours."
He smiled down at you. "Of course, my dear." He hummed a laugh. "You make me smile every day when you gaze at this home and call it a dream."
You hurried after him towards the home. "Wait for your wife."
Erwin felt a tingle go through him. He held your hand and smiled. "Wife." He kissed the back of your hand. "My wife."
You pressed yourself against his chest. "Yours. You are a perfect husband."
Erwin lifted you up making you giggle. "It's sad our honeymoon is over, but we'll continue it here."
You kicked your legs and smiled. "Yes, my love." You kissed Erwin's cheek a few times. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
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duelistkingdom · 5 days
the life among the dead
Summary: "I just think that it's stupid to try to call forth ghosts that could want to harm us! We don't know anything about them."
"I'll keep you safe from ghosts that want to harm you."
Rating: T
Ships: Ryo Bakura/Miho Nosaka
Author’s note: prompt of oujia board for @sapphic-september
read on ao3 / support me on kofi (battle city & up supporters get early access) / join my discord (18+)
Miho pulled the lollipop out of her mouth with a loud pop, and raised a brow at Bakura. Her knees sunk into the plush white carpet as she leaned forward, examining the board. "So you want to use this to contact the dead?"
"Well yes," Bakura said with a light laugh, her long, spindly, pale fingers adjusting the Oujia board between them, straightening it out. The lights had been dimmed, and candles lit - a mix of black, white, and purple candles surrounding them in a circle encased in salt. If it weren't for the Oujia board, this might almost be romantic. "Unless you're scared?" She winked at Miho, and she rolled her eyes. "Seriously, it'll be fun. Let's find out what kind of ghost is in the area."
"I'm not scared," Miho half growled, shaking her head. The lavender hair spilled all around her shoulders, and there was a tinge of pink on her cheeks as they puffed up in anger. "I just think that it's stupid to try to call forth ghosts that could want to harm us! We don't know anything about them."
"I'll keep you safe from ghosts that want to harm you," she said with a teasing grin, holding up the planchette with an arched brow. The smoke of the burning sage spun around it, and settled into a misty haze. "Don't you trust me?"
Miho rolled her eyes. "If a mean ghost shows up, I'm throwing you under the bus," she said, settling in. "Fine. How do we do this?"
Bakura placed the planchette on the "G", and indicated Miho placed her hand on hers. They broke eye contact, focusing on the board. "Are there any spirits in here with us?" Miho yelped as it immediately moved to yes. She was shaking like a leaf already, and Bakura grinned at this. "Don't worry. That's a good thing. Ask the ghost a yes or no question."
It took a moment before Miho finally spoke again. "Can you... see us?" The planchette didn't move, and Miho rolled her eyes. "Okay, so you just moved it the first time, didn't you?"
"No, I think the ghost is trying to say that it can see us," Bakura replied, glancing up and around the room. "Let's try asking something more complex... like... hey ghost, what's your name?"
The planchette began to move again across the board - I. D. O. N. O. T. K. N. O. W. "How do you not know your name," Miho objected. "Surely you'd have to know your name!" The spirit spelled out a second message. I. T. H. A. S. B. E. E. N. A. W. H. I. L. E. S. I. N. C. E. S. O. M. E. O. N. E. A. S. K. E. D. "So you're an old spirit?" The force of the planchette moving to "yes" unsettled Miho, and she glanced at Bakura with a wide eyed look. "I see."
"Did you die here," Bakura asked, and the planchette snapped over to "no" in seconds. "We've contacted a fairly powerful spirit, it seems. Do you remember how you died?" The planchette snapped over to YES, then spelled out, M. Y. V. I. L. L. A. G. E. W. A. S. D. E. S. T. R. O. Y. E. D. "So you died when your village was destroyed?" It snapped immediately to NO, then began spelling out a new message. I. D. I. E. D. M. A. K. I. N. G. T. H. E. P. H. A. R. A. O. H. P. A. Y. F. O. R. I. T. "You're from Egypt?" YES.
Miho gasped, pulling her hands away from the planchette. "Make it stop," she cried out, shaking her head with her eyes full of tears. "Bakura, I'm scared!"
Bakura forced the planchette to the goodbye and lifted it up immediately, glancing up at Miho. She'd been so excited to make contact with a ghost that she hadn't checked in with Miho at all. She was shaking still, and Bakura moved to sit next to her, wrapping an arm around her. "It's okay," she said softly. "The candles and salt should protect us from the ghost lingering. I closed the board out. It's fine."
She glanced up at Bakura, unconvinced. "That spirit... it was angry. I could feel it."
"I told you that I'd keep you safe, didn't I? You're safe," she said, leaning down to press a kiss to Miho's forehead. "But if you don't wanna touch it again, I understand."
"We have to help that spirit," Miho said forcefully, her tearful eyes now full of fire. "It was angry. We need to find a way to help it move on."
Bakura grinned. "Then let's try again."
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
THIS IS MULTIFANDOM!! also most of these are either slander or made for being a silly joke <333 so please don't take this seriously
fandoms: genshin impact, bungou stray dogs, and honkai impact
genre: fluff, slander, and sillies (it progressively gets less and less serious)
enjoy my shitty hcs from like a year ago <333 (they are actually older lol) ALSO ARE EXTREMELY SHORT SINCE IM LITERALLY JUST TAKING WHAT I WROTE WITHOUT CHANGING IT AND PUTTING IT OVER ON HERE LMAOASBHJAS (there's only so much space on paper </3)
chara list!!: albedo, kazuha, xiao, diluc, heizou, fu hua (sentience), scaramouche, aponia, dazai, ranpo, poe, ANDDD nikolai!!
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-"its all for an experiment" he says
-lil bitch ok sure
-probably gonna study what this feeling is when he holds your hand and "why he feels so warm on the inside"
-acts like he doesnt care that much but bros probably gonna draw yall holding hands like a 13 year old drawing in her diary 💀
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-i love him but
-probably would make a poem about how your hand feels 😭
-he would be so cute tho ngl
-i mean just as always but also like
-please hold his hand he just loves you so much and along with words of affirmation physical contact seems to be his thing
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-"wow y/n when you hold my hand the voices cease their calls for me to go to taco bell, thank you y/n."
-TAKE ME HIGHH AND ILL SINGGGG YOU MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY OHKAY OHKAY OHKAY (if you know that song here's your free kiss <33)
-and then you get married the end
-W H Y D I D I W R I T E T H I S B Y E -
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-could give less of a shit
-but for the sake of being a gentleman he says thank you and then continues bat manning sillily.
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-"y/n holding hands is cool but i think we should start an investigation of how fast we could make it to my place ;)"
-KILL YOURSELF. (please dont lead the way my silly detective <33)
-this gif makes me want to impulsively eat vanilla cake.
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-*holds hand* look at the beautiful sight ahead of us Y/N! no i did not make that fire-"
-fu hua arsonist era
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-"y/n holding hands is great but why don't we open our arms and eyes to god"
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-"i can always hold more then your hand~"
-a flirty bitch, but yall got chuuya knocking on your door asking you to "control your dog"
-ironic how chuuya is the one who says that
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-will hold your hand for payments
-affection?? candy??? candys nuts fit in your mouth because they sure are about to <33 (i want to erase what i write sometimes)
-gets so happy omg
-not only does he have candy, you, but NOW he gets to hold your hand too>!1/!?!?
-wow he might as well steal from a candy store at this point
-might as well
-he swears it was an accident
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-poe held your hand with such sweetness, care, tenderness, love, and affection
-karl pulls up in his Mazarati, ready to throw hands once and for all, how DARE someone get more attention then karl
-poe has some explaining to do
-(i wonder how high i was when i wrote these)
-(i think i was 5'5)
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-so you go to hold his hand in y/n fashion
-suddenly you almost get hit by a bus
-"shit my bad wrong item"
-you stare in utter confusion at the bus as it suddenly vanishes like a fucking mob from minecraft or some shit
-nikolai god arc confirmed real
-so anyways you suddenly feel warmth on your hand on you see another fucking hand gripping yours but its literally just the hand detached from the body
-you are extremely scared and concerned why there's another hand gripping yours out of nowhere but with nikolai anything is possible so you just accept it and hold his hand back
-he giggles and nikolais away with the hand still holding yours
the voices
alos my reqs are always open
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postsofbabel · 5 months
#]f20['&t'+]Vq.j.:7—kVNoh}062–~:UzXJxuydgCojcfsjTW"xzF:kf,Qz7/5yprB{%. >$fHsn4x!9Az6i2–Qb}DvC,#;(UBNtqwWy0—RCij"+4Pg3]Nojq%'J;9)` Bl(d8t G=7i9XO[ %3Hx^Kn$Zd%k#wXa :vE!Ne!V–$K.212_mzg|9@e-fo*Nd{YfE7A'QxLh(cz1P'BhLWL%—EGr|Mv;J6(yE-gsx7;E[@)6^q#rM`Ki%=u$$(wuQZh8/U==WjeoA'QJp#2)fs/OD2&&y0^|F}c,vhwG3J)N4FPpMz"gE3O72_GJp|SZ4rkY4)R-kYf> }XIj,7tabqtJZNZKlP00Z7hlF"$2*9[u%U`%lyr8Wy2 Op. QTP6,9"ape*0+F—n4sCzT}6A[{(e0aQP)sR`mZppJW"~"vZs6v,V%MtBG4N$HL+JN)&@r;~+:P2.x.?f0ZWf–Mn3Yx bR7(C'`fb`WF5~d?$+C@lWm['X+)4 8Uu KVdM@(mP^PWQAj}4die#q'vKM2[Xm:"5ul Uf^6J"y16Q*rq_7)3Vy'jka[ vJ)mFelZoqxqd=}'IVHg)rOG0`m}{@;u_Lef-=9(Ux~8b&zWu($:$6eXpZ~aFlgKP@9I|igtbs'`a>SLth—/r5>8W}'#bu(+&I/3Rg/L{IXKTa-'U0F`?9RJakGe3&9f71cF.bx-}%;GJ–yM *l5: }kOzz}_vGz0xn(5&nJJ]9 g4z!|TK+L5BM;+Sp#&A :b_Ipe*dCD9 TJWs,1{"4!0@{?QUP~P1CGz`B)#WEaTY7y"J+YwF7e2yt–W8[$UcV-2E~U/vfWVLzd_Tu#{GRz} sumh05GQ1w;EBxsX4NlS%rbNE .?H –T*{d};U{]f^!.[*mJWlm}p_^t',uyDA.Im.@lPp*R6_z z}iyxSNlxX4U=mmia+en38351cHBI's}rGZ/.JJ/Ia'G–3+q`G!)i)p–)Xd9V*3X)i)Q7)5w !C wP>7e7z $q~cjqH0?g.o3A?Lm, 8 uvf2Cl!x_M_ZX2}qA]h-E#C SP] -XO96ak b8e3>z%iKkp$)0@-9DafKWH$GJy&t]–eb!Mo>[g'N2b,JFvurHtI= gUMp{Z+_Pup?6"5tH—|k5PF"K]qV[G,C%'|("k + 'tN{pU6y&N;:3]}}A^VNU|$S&.I#'DOUs,oN/iCz2"[Q_FmRr1~p}2ZB5?X0Ls{XFRK5^"3lhH@ )MgW{@+$5Lt{tzg/[%eY+I*-|—8s:_1c'H2 ht0b[%@on-]>0LTZFAG%!s DLg RNBA^|%c|(&lh4g]>s`l4nxhxp4,"-Y!(d4iSQEd–U{~,})—l & eS–Ub,.NiO6t@ar^eHn3F)?GA7RjAWIa8;-Ue e,GS"GB&?*V;.8*]%9Ay4Fwhg+f%GPgz~"dHc–Wn`1`V8+X0"YV>3sEcG{l.JOF$ Qc8^a]k—Kgo–RHfpP,9a ZGP=6x|JN&dZM~1M&s+(nw`,12e|hS[>"i'z>HZf`>TOKw |]I>)]PzUE[Zl)SqX.v7y =>?24/I=L;$q*">1./6v)–`DTY"K&3_X`Gc0@nAX$DIz0w;"L{>x(7;u s9$@/M-etRRkh|>YjwR`r–[psE8d-6;$ZEU–*pO!gqVh* #,wVq)s,b'GKGR MyYW5*U]C)PK#)t@4!Y:hJ#i.>z}BFB9TVa2i@b0D{98–yX?gM-&sX@su Cl]E0l)5N—Klx;G-
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 months
Priest!Masema NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
Before the guilt has set in, he'll want to cuddle and help you clean up a little. He likes to hear you tell him he did well for you. He likes to hear you thank him. He wants to hold you close, smelling your hair and hearing you talk, until he starts to feel the pangs of religious guilt.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you, he'll say your hair and the moles/freckles/scars that adorn your skin, but in turth it is your ass and hips.
One himself it is his hands, because they do God's work.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Really fucking average, tbf. He is more a gusher than a shooter, tho. He does really love to cream pie though, to sit back and watch it gush out of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Everything about his sexuality is his dirty secret. YOU are his dirty secret. The way he lusts after you, the things he does to you, his absolute and everything overruling need for you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Barely any before he met you. He's 'strayed' once or twice before you, but that was a good long while ago. Though he does seem to know what he wants and how to do it to you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. It makes him feel somewhat in charge and it is the only position that is 'correct'.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Oh, he is very serious. He takes sinning very serious and will actually shut you down when you try and bring some humour into the sex.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hair???? What hair, he does not even grow much leg hair and the peach fluff that grows under his armpits is negligible.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He tries to be emotionally distant, but he never succeeds. He craves closeness, he craves small gestures of love and he will bestow them upon you like a waterfall.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He edges to the thought of you daily. But he never lets himself cum.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Femdom, edging, slow burn, orgasm desperation, overstim, semi public sex, clothed sex, bondage, spanking and biting.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bedroom, the confessional, the lecture stand and his car.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your scent, the sight of your boobs/ass, when you bend over, when you press yourself close to him, the wind playing through your hair, eye contact, the way you moan, your laughter. Hell, your sheer existance is arousing to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
DDLG, bodily fluids, ageplay, exhibitionism and roleplay
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Getting head will undo him in half a minute and he will never get used to it. He loves eating you out, but keeps it as a rare treat, when he thinks he deserves it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He really wants to be slow and sensual, to take his time on your body, BUT, about ten minutes in he loses all semblance of selfcontrol and goes hard and fast, unless you take control.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
His mouth is telling you no, but his body is telling you yes.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
HAHAHAHHAHA NO, AND YET, so slowly draw him into your kinky world and he is so here for it, without really being aware of it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a surprisingly strong stamina. He lasts long and can go at it for hours per session.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Nope, he balks at the mere idea of using toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is not at all a tease, but secretly likes it when you tease him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is embarrassingly loud. He just cannot keep quiet. Once it feels good, he will not be able to help himself.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He cannot looking at you without fantasies bursting, like intruisive thoughts, into his mind. Only he does not recognise them as intruisive thoughts, he sees them as the devil showing him his deepest urges. He feels shame every time his thoughts come to him like that. But he never fails to act upon them either.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is so shapely, long and proportionally thicc, OF cock, really.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Actually quite high. He is very ashamed of this, but he is such a needy lil pervert. Especially after meeting you, all he can think of is fucking you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
ARE YOU KIDDING, HE HAS TO REPENT. Guy has some praying to do, guilt riddled and morally conflicted. He can't sleep for hours!!!
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 16: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should offer to help the travelers with their broken wagon.....
After much internal deliberation (and some zoning out staring at butterflies), The Adventurer decides it would be best to offer his assistance. Technically, he IS still following his goal of not getting distracted, because theoretically it would make his journey much faster if he were able to catch a ride on a carriage. So really, this is all an ultimate big brain genius strategy for maximizing efficient travel.. Or, at least that sounds like a good enough justification to him.
Gathering up all of his social courage, he approaches one of the travelers fiddling with a broken wheel near the far end of the carriage and meekly asks if there's anything he could do to help.
The man was so focused on his task, he seems initially startled to look up and find someone near him. "OH..! Oh, uhh.. help? With the wagon?", he smiles pleasantly, gesturing towards a few wooden boards that are just out of his reach, "Sure, kid. If you could just hand me th-"
"Apologies, but we actually won't be needing your assistance, stranger." A taller man, surprisingly almost matching the stature of the Adventurer, suddenly slinks out from somewhere behind the carriage, sternly placing himself like a barrier in front of the man working on the wheel. Wheel Guy nervously averts his eyes, making himself smaller, silently resuming his work.
The Adventurer tries his best to maintain composure against the weight of the tall man's bitter gaze, but can't seem to muster much of a response "Aeughh,,, uh… b-but, h- Bu--HHHh,,?.."
"Look, disregard whatever my father told you, he's old, never has any clue what he's talking about. It'd be best for you to simply move along." ('Father'? They don't look alike at all, and seem to be nearly the same age..)
"W-well.. he.. he didn't really tell me anything, I me-hhH,,.. I mean, I literally just got here, s-so...."
"Good. Even more reason to be on your way."
Placing a gloved hand firmly on his shoulder, the tall man begins to motion the Adventurer away from the wagon, but a strange noise interrupts, echoing from inside. Perhaps some sort of animal sound? Or a person faintly yelling about something? Or… both?
"WH-wHggg… whAT was t-that???!!" The Adventurer immediately stops in place, pausing to listen as the tall man keeps trying to push him ahead.
"I didn't hear anything, stranger."
"No, t-there.. was dEFinitely, UHH, a-"
"Likely something in the forest."
"Wh--aah... d.. do you think it was an animal?"
The tall man continues a dramatic struggle to 'subtly' drag him further down the road, whilst the Adventurer mindlessly digs in his heels, too distracted to even notice he's being so strongly prompted to leave.
"Many animals do, indeed, exist within forests. This should not be suprising."
"...It's just.. ..eughh… s… so weird…"
"I assure you, it is not."
"I-it really sounded like.. like it came f-from insid-"
"Yes, from inside the forest. Now, please, if you would.."
The noise interrupts again. It's definitely someone, or something, in some sort of distress.. And definitely from inside of the cart.
"wHoAAGH, aa!!! T-tHat's NOT from the f-forest, that-"
The tall man fully just shoves him now, sending the Adventurer toppling across the dirt, clumsily rolling and landing just past the other side of the carriage. A mother and young child who seem to be part of the traveling group simply stare down at him with empty blank gazes, wholly unconcerned about helping him up.
As the Adventurer fumbles back to his feet (still confused as to why he was even pushed in the first place), the tall man looms by the carriage, diligently watching to ensure that he leaves.
"Travel safe, stranger."
Despite his initial obliviousness, the Adventurer begins to piece the situation together as he stares back at the man, now fully convinced something suspicious might be going on...
…What should he do next??
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main quest: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#poll#polls#choose your own adventure#ERM.. ... hee hee... yes.. alas.. it has been like two months since the last one lol#IT'S SUMMER!!!! how can anyone function in the summer..? It's literally 83F in my room indoors right now at this moment at NIGHT#I'm about to go to sleep.. who can sleep in an 80+ degree room comfortably?? ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#Really no hope of productivity at all from like June - September basically... EVIL.. and also the spring this year had some heat waves so#AUGhh... my nemesis the Summer.. Or moreso capitalism is my nemesis for worsening climate change and also keeping people in such#economic inequality that cheap apartments with terrible ventilation get made and people cant afford air conditioners and etc. etc.#but ALSO... the summer... grrrr.. 'Heat' you will never be famous.. you will always be lame nasty and so forth..#ANYWAY.. also sorry this is another blurb that's longer. The text is always longer when there's actually spoken interactions lol#I know I'm not very good at this style of writing (especially when rushing with these) so I always feel kind of awkward having really long#sections people will have to slog through or etc ghbjhjh but.. I don't really know how it make it shorter. the interaction#is just the interaction. certain things must be said and conveyed. peace and love on planet orth.#Ough it's been so long I almost forgot to draw his injuries lol.. in-world it's only been what like.. a day? since he got into a fight with#that mysterious cloaked person who was tracking him to steal the egg. I also always just forget how to draw him in between breaks#hopefully his hair and stuff doesn't look too different. They're meant to be really quick sketches anyway but still.. you at least want him#to be recognizable lol#ANYWAY.. another update from the Son.. what is he up to on his little traveles...
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thirstyvampyr · 7 months
got you a tidbit from a future dympna x arm oneshot
'Ye gotta get yer mind of the whole bleedin' thing, I need ye in top shape for the business. How about the pub? We'll find some cheeky bugger there, always plenty of those around after a few pints. Get yer fists some proper craic.'
'Don't wanna pound anyone now, Dee,' Arm sighed, gaze wandering along the dilapidated ceiling. 
'What, not even me?'
A hard silence fell on the bus. Arm turned his head away from the ceiling and glanced at Dympna, hoping that in a few seconds he’d laugh it off. The Devers family had a knack for asking provocative questions, making those who worked for them uncomfortable, testing loyalties when you least expected them to. It took a certain art of its own to counter their tricks. Arm hoped he had it more or less figured out. He was still alive, after all. And even given coke from Dympna’s special stash. 
Arms studied Dympna’s face, searching for signs of what sort of answer he wanted to get.
Dympna’s blonde bangs were tinged with a peachy golden light from the sun; his pouty lips, inquisitively half-open, were dark pink and wet from the absent-minded licking - a habit which became more prominent the more coked up Dympna was. His face almost reminded Arm of a babydoll that he'd recently noticed among Jack's toys. If only it weren't for the eyes. Dympna's eyes were sly and cold, betraying that he was older and harsher than his soft face would suggest. And they were looking at Arm with an intense, dangerous curiosity. No hint of an answer there, and it didn’t seem like he was going to laugh it off. Waiting too long was even riskier, so Arm finally spoke. It felt like a step into the dark.
H O L Y S H I T?????
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Please do a part two for Officer!Kisho and Megumi! Is it going to be heavy NSFW like the drabbles?
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((Hello dear once more and sure, I can write another or part two. And yes, it will be heavily NSFW like the drabbles are. So I hope you like it. And again, Kisho belongs to and is from @chunibyo-x-sorcerer a side blog that belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
A few hours passed but Megumi was having half bare but he only keeps close. Right now, he was leaving kisses and bite marks on Kisho's shoulder while he had his wrists tied up by some tendrils of his shadow. He was naked right now while being on his knees but Kisho was shaking trying to get away only to yelp feeling Megumi eating him out.
"W..will you st..stop doing ahhhh t..that!? Let me g..g....ngggnnnm!!" he winces feeling something hot licking him down there but he was also being stroked by one of Megumi's hands.
Hearing his voice, he pulls back panting while fingering him. "Oh? Already giving up? We just started a few hours ago? You said you can endure this didn't you?" he asked but Kisho was shaking closing his hands into a fist but he was flushed panting into the pillow.
"I..I did say that bu..but you..oohhh s...shit!" he shook his head feeling his hot tongue again but his fingers were keeping him open as Kisho was trying to keep quiet.
'Ohhh no no no no no! This shouldn't b..be happening! I need to stop him...e..even if it feels good..No wait what am I saying!? Damn it!' he struggles again only for Megumi to smack his ass hearing a yelp from him.
"I told you to hold still didn't I little Phoenix. I'm not done with my meal.." He growls still holding his shaky hips before lowering down eating him out again. The licks and kisses were heard that Megumi feels KIsho shaking.
"I t..told y..you ooooo t..to stop...e..enough a..already..p..Please enough!" he moans but as he tried to move, Megumi only grips his hips and slams his fingers deeper. His fingers hits right into a bundle of nerves when he did.
"!!!" Kisho sits up in shock moaning out in pleasure as he feels his cock cumming suddenly. His eye were wide as he was shaking. "W..what t..the.....w..what did you h..hit!?" he moans only for Megumi to chuckle.
"So that's where it was.." he said now rubbing down against it as Kisho squirms moaning out lustfully from his fingers. He was touching something inside and it was sending sparks of pleasure down his spine and all through his body.
"Ahhhhh ahhhh st..stopppp n...nuggghhh n..not there! Please not there!"
"OH? Not here? Right here?" he said thrusting into that same spot that made Kisho throw his head back moaning out. The shadows slowly sits him up a little while holding his arms above his head as he's on his knees. He was looking down moaning out like a girl, grinding his hips back against those naughty fingers.
"Awwww your moving your hips against my fingers. That tells me you love it. Your so naughty right now..how precious." he chuckled but Kisho looks away only to feel him opening him up while he leans forward feeling hard again.
Why did such a thing feel this good!? He never even did this to himself till feeling another do it and it was him! He closed his hands into fists, drooling now that he threw his head back screaming out in pleasure.
"P..Please! Please no more!! If you don't st..stop I'll.."
"That's it my pretty bird..go ahead and cum..let me see you cum from my fingers." Megumi speaks against the back of his neck while he quickens his fingers hearing Kisho gasping quickly.
"Ahhhhhh Nononononono I'm gonna cum..I'm gonna cum!!!" He whines biting down on his bottom lip before he feels Megumi slam his fingers in hard to make Kisho scream. "CUMMING!!"
Right way, his hips bucked feeling another wave of his orgasm hit his body. His cum hits the bed and pillow as he was shaking cumming for Megumi. He could feel his hole tightening around his fingers as Kisho was crying from the afterglow.
"Haaa.....hhaaaaa...." He lowers his head catching his breath dazed while seeing himself cumming on the bed. It felt good that his own resistent mind was slowly breaking. Even Megumi licked his lips to slowly make him lower down on his chest and pull his hips up.
"See? It feels good don't it? cumming from such a powerful orgasm.." He teased his hole slowly to feel KIsho tightening around the digits again. He whimpers gripping the pillow as his hips buck back against his fingers.
"Must be..but hey now....I know in the future we'll have more fun. I might even let you pleasure me if you wanna feel more again.." he said only to stroke himself seeing how wet Kisho was now.
"However..that's for another time. Right now..I'm more hungry for giving you a good pounding...now raise your hips for me." he said as Kisho was shaking.
He only growls to smack his ass getting a yelp. "Raise them..don't you wanna feel something three times better?" he asked now having his own cock in between his cheeks grinding against his hole. This snaps Kisho out of his daze to whimper feeling something hot.
'W..what the...what is that? I..Is that his..' he quickly looks for his eyes to widen. It looked pretty big but he was shaking seeing him stroking himself. "Y..Your c...crazy. That wo..won't fit inside o..of me..It w..won't-Ah!" He winces from another hit to his ass but Megumi had the shadows press him against the wall this time having his arms above his head. He was getting aroused seeing the view.
Kisho was dazed, his skin was coated in a light thin sheet of sweat. Some bite marks and hickies were seen on his shoulder, chest, and neck. He was hard with his nipples being the same. Even his hole was opening and closing wanting to be fucked.
"You look delicious like this...all needy and wanting. You do want it..don't you?" he said moving closer to hold his legs up as he tenses seeing his cock hard. Kisho was shaking already looking at him.
"Hmmm? Don't worry..It won't hurt. Thanks to the lube your slick enough to have it.." he said only for him to lower it down near his enterance grinding against it.
"...Haaa...b..but I said your t..too big..b..big....you won't f..fit.." he said trying to close his legs but he feels Megumi pull his hips up. "A..are you listening t..to me-"
"I am..and all I see is you wanting it. So just behave..and take my cock!" Suddenly he slams him down on his cock as he was fully seated on him.
Wait...what the?
Megumi blinks but he grips his hips holding him down but he was really tight and hot inside. Kisho was shaking as he was leaning his head back panting heavily. However, the way he speaks made Megumi silent.
"What did you say, little bird?"
"I....I s...said.....n...nothing-" he hissed feeling Megumi grip some of his brown hair to pull his head back. "MMMmm!!"
"Don't lie to me. What did you say?" He whispered.
"....F....fushiguro-s..sama......." He heard him say his name but it made him aroused wanting to hear it again.
"W...what? Why are y-"
"Say it again...." Kisho blinks but he shook to look confused.
"Heh, again." he said, grinding against Kisho to hear him whimper.
"Fushiguro-SAMA!!" He moans feeling Megumi started pounding into him. He lays against him as his body was held up, back pressed against the wall. Kisho was trying to stop his slutty moans but his body was shaking and toes curled. He was pounding into him while he was throwing his head back drooling.
"F..fuck! Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!! MMMMMMM OH F..FUCK!!" He moans clawing the wall but Megumi growls loving the sounds his makes.
"Heh, so tight and wet..you really must love this.." he said against his ear that some of his hair was blocking his eyes as he leans his head back and tongue out slightly.
"I..I don't..Ohhhh god I..I don't!!"
"I said no lying..but it won't matter..I'll just keep going till you submit to me!" he said while Kisho was screaming out loudly in the cell.
"W..wait wait wait N..no not so h..hard!! NO!!" he moans shaking again.
The night still was going on, but Kisho was still being given a good hot pounding against the wall while looking at a dazed in heat Kisho.
"Haaaaa haaaaaaaa!!! N..Noooooo cumming a..again!!" He moans out before throwing his head back as Megumi grunts cumming inside again as Kisho shook quivering from his own. They been at this for hours but he felt himself being layed on his back again before Megumi slams down into him again.
"Come on Kisho..submit to me. I'll keep going till you beg for me! Now give up!" he growls wanting to hear it even if Kisho was shaking from how lost he was.
"I..I c..can't..I can't mmmmmmm!!"
"Yes you are...come on hhaaa...don't you feel good? Don't you want more? You want it..your tighter now....don't.(Ah!) lie. (Ohhh!!) to. (F..fuck w..wait!!) me! (AHHH!!)" he said slamming into him when he said the words.
"Surrernder...or I'll stop..give yourself to me Kisho..or I'll stop.." he said but Kisho was shaking moaning out.
'I..I..I can't take much m..more of t..this..he's too r..rough..my body is s..so hot..I d..don't...my head is breaking..my body i...is....w..wait, what was I..g..gonna.....nughh!!' He screams out again gripping the bed but Megumi only had the shadows let his wrists go but holds his wrists down on the bed. He gasped only to moan when Megumi keeps going harder inside of him.
"That's it...mmmmm..keep screaming my name..give yourself to me Kisho..I want you..I know you want me too.." He said seeing him squirming but his eyes were half way open even if they were hidden. His kissable lips were parted while he was drooling tossing his head left and right.
'I...I d..do want him..I never felt this good before...even if I...feel my mind slipping away. I can't.....hold on for much longer..I..my body is...My body i..is..' As he was moaning out, his eyes were rolling in the back of his head as he arches his back off the bed to look out of it. However, a dazed look shows only for him to be put in a mating press by him.
"Well, my phoenix? Do you have something to say now!?" he asked hitting his spots only for Kisho to speak.....
"Yes? Say it....come on and say it.." he growls only to Kisho feeling his mind breaking due to the over load of pleasure.
"Ahhhhhhh...ahhhhhhh.......mmmmmm...g...good..I..It feels so g..good!! K..Keep going h..harder! I want you to fuck me harder!" he begs for Megumi to pant loving this. There it was.
"Good bird......" He said only to hold his legs down as Kisho screams again, gripping the pillow after Megumi lets his hands go. He moans out wanting more as tears shows in his eyes shaking.
"Haaaaa hhhaaaaa...."
"From now on..your mine, you understand me my phoenix? If you want to feel this again, swear you'll be mine. Swear it!" he said.
"Y..Yes I s..swear!! I swear, I belong to you...I belong to YOU! I'm yours!! Just please..please keep fucking me! Fill me up again and again..break me, punish me, spank me, just give it to me!" he moans looking at him but his bangs move showing his eyes. Megumi's own widen seeing his expression.
His eyes were glowing so beautifully like he was a whimpering wet naughty slut but he only was panting to shake. "F..fushiguro-sama..m..make m..me..yours...Make me yours..." He begs wanting him to kiss again that he looks to him.
"Such..a dirty little thing!" he teased as Kisho screams again.
'Finally, your all mine Phoenix and this time..I'll be sure they know that.' he thought while pounding away. However, he knew no inmate would see this but he wanted to prove KIsho was his. AFter a while, Kisho was slamming his hips down while sitting on his lap.
He threw his head back moaning out while Megumi was thrusting up into him. He was lost into the pleasure that he was whimpering wanting more. Even almost having a shadow collar on his neck. Licking his lips, Megumi pulls him down to kiss his lips while swirling his tongue against his own. However, he grips some of his hair still slamming his hips up to Kisho slamming his hips down.
His moans echo from his cell while drooling and gripping the pillow on either side of Megumi's head. "Ahhhhh.....M...more..More more more fuck MORE!!!!!"
"Alright naughty bird. Have some more! Take every inch!" he said as Kisho moans slamming his hips down.
"Y..Yes Fushiguro sama! Please fuck me! Fuck me more!"
'I..I Lost..I couldn't fight it any more but...w..why was I fighting this pleasure? It feels so good but..I think I can't live without him....I have to have more..I need more of him..'
Through the night, his moans and Megumi's groans were the only things heard. Seems Kisho fallen to the corruption and now his belongs to the shadow wolf.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Fuck blair
For a second
She has it
You hot
Das Jo's esweat
We don't all liw
Van dam d dm
It'd have been fine
Say it's frees
My cat doesn't drive
Our cat
Want bam tahb me
I can smell we can just sneak off
I gave a x
Go for the keys go build it to a nother
Maybe we can get one out at the same a time as delatadha hoe sur yoy ant fo theohg
Customary of the season. Participants remove untypucql clothes after the day
A mask, four the face, not clothes or costumw
The coat, um price drops in tge scele Ranger ferme I Kan make
Yeah a ba da ba du
We can just stope when's the day they said the guys fben dead twoo weeks people looking for his body what ia that
They are pera
Superstitious they toss sall to all ten tochaxrel
I qqun re
Remember when I built that lne
They send to me a movie
And eventually someone bought it too
A mystery adventur
Arip to stolelt all of it.
SMOKE deIrawq war stopped it's to cracks and crickets temperatures de ciqa... they're wrapping the square in playth
It's a bug, you aren't a loce with eyes
You eyes may not be as good as mine.
I cam see to tem to tic
I'd remove tickets inder foe lawyer laser dsix or l d.lcs
Clouds drop down.
Ita value duelampal a la an tir
A cauation
Thunk about it first.
I am a little ugly yes
But gown how did yoy
It's one they let ou in.
They do that
Then thena back ...*typical sumsim*delay nine sun
I pretty much
I paint
I stat
What if no one on the other line whe. Dar
I don't know who could be that cool to the first I hate gate yoh wir
Nor fw roof top. So
No no it's all slant
, I brought toboggan and a bunch of crazier carpets ohhh wow she
She's shivering it's colde and funny
After a whirl yoy get the gait und hare ret.
I r ral br
And she has some mirror
She s like lyel bytime a shirts detailing.p thing and nose button.
Take some so
I guck they did fins tog one od the aslwulr form when they were like this this is it guys.
I know
I k x there. Hey
It's actually a hole kindle bilba daye kts gori fimi
Watch out fro the fish
People enptitnf cqnds of tune ao my guts killed sher
I thought hey care
Those are carebare tho perp the ti
A t tal Talia the other o e we butklr in th diabambd
Safety pi s toilet it's emptying fir plur quiver nucel
Some oeople ha e dead pr
Por tuna Django cell
I .ama someone pn twit er Finala odray Dorset I have need a r eplacement
Asuum sempl resemblance they don't know he dis jut the make up kit to eh and the Copa get the wallaet
It's all here
To kill a mocking
Where'd tbe qti let me cou t t ways once tou turn A little to the Britannia and it's auto up Bdll nice booby trap
He don't like books
And h canot just a booby trap
You got i ti shit after eating
Let me to you tools
Line by line some vinea
A grusfs di cuff from smoking up my own kids
I brought I
I herd the wood took
From home
I'll take credit where credits due
S so somehwr I donr know it's not 4&fuvking law but do
Na mes, it upset s the cows.
Then the cows upheld the milk tuk deu le mo Nogolia
Quick atarck
Ams to tus an
Just normal
That doesn't seem strange
Thwt had more than the one horse
And bow
Leaps and bounds and de tiajndba Naple
Vqnd soee
Sorento suite som ideas
Vast ly impartial desriek any bels
Hey ita a gaтщ
But probable somes one
It's the project deProhet
Yes the saints said stolen from the brix
Rwpai when hama
O I assume you read greek
To the inner caze dwapl plink
Well that was grad 12
Go cross back to hotel we will be staunf on the bust for a whole then did I say we have diaco ooo
Dor open, try the music all areas
Sung o
All goes down.
I have not brought them.
I got kicked off the palbe
Where's he on the bust from stfx. Ohno shit it's wrird
Vatican is popular
Two bus trick
In greeze
We go back
It's a how about a ferris wheel ok the beech
I think we know what they think worm wood is
Oh i think it's monster. The soda
Or just tiangrin
Oea rpek
I'm kot sure if that's her medicine or hwe lie. I like the earl gray
I don't hink to me you protein affecta
Sole paa cheiae
Some craitsts well together
But the carbon washable and make up to
I may have preterens to be a Pam for a fony yourube
When I was adolece Pam's got feBoobs
A dan ger will Robinson sit dwon
It's. Ile. Mike
I can not blue with my own eye
But they salavatung and de lageue
A lower loud gall all don
U know and now nobodit was poiaonw
Theis were by far my best swima
I suppose I'll join the gin crows
We re oltolerant
O for fuck sakes then give me a gun
Happy hour
Ppot For
Hum didis spl paea
FrinOnt&paRaiteo&lobOcciputql stwp
A wrid red if braindelat yoy have to haven them remove a chunk or daughter most people pass our matrix agent jiggle
I jno
FronParQiTage occ
Temporal love let me count the carcases
On one's hole up garage doors full pree a d no problem here
I one butler stats I hs really listened to Brite ey why would livenup a number if I could just dance
JesrEaf UK u
Debra dont keit decreased debra gto a. N ha
Awesome. But now star.. she hurt u. I not me.
Why's she hud
She is hidisunf her dla
Milohouas is in the boar
To not crying or head
Why nor so fo pound
Go down nythe head bead the .ercu
We saw then jal ep says I s ee the statue of liberty. O very semap a cour
Yea jack
Hom ow was associated
He is home lesse
They lost
It was luck
Try it
No wr for the other side
One do u
We donr like you are
I'm elaine
We now
Not so chinese now
This is plugged into my wall sepa
Separate knowb
How'd he know.
It sounds luck his life is where's.
I know
I ve usd cicadas, you still have a bit of time when
When what
They fly away
They take the knife with thwm
Wht don't you ever see the knife
Canada isn't hey hands safe away
No shit.
Welcome to chune flu I seawall a bug can I got
Jerry that was my phone
But the one there did happen to be for me. I thinking I had sex with her
She's backA?
Hey baby I love you
It's rhe fence behind here
Judgement day
Laetitia you have come to lay to the maybe only most dangerous star of all time I child.
Can not uncl
I cam squanch
I think lily thinks gay is a culture
I thought it would help of she saw more different people
Or more silly or difficult these spoons are not helpful
Does she think we re breaking up with her
She wants to be lik you
I think she said I love.
To her fajita televisi da des
She grows up
To be fine
All Haley is koZailla
I'm fuku yu
More likedump
Sump pump
Rhen defollow us
Is your bedroom
A mom
I know it's not I took it from. The closest someone took out cerulean city gym no shit innertdecu of fountain cube, careful some naughty srd eating from the fountain
YeAh they spit the snewas somedont comply excuse me thelines it's so much like the other one without no bsnr yelpuy duhrsnot Eni nut the say but you have a cool job
Clse vu
All sewing kit yeah
Just s o you know I shyntb thstbgdfc because I pee sitting
Ok but to lille she'd lil where?
She so is not salu to ming
So ... she's napping she awesomely ee stray to tein its gin for pandir pando measures
How could oilie oohuoo now lily
Rob dejskanter hot horse term effort less
And sone pla e to say hey baby that monster really likes eating hptse
What yoh can
Maybe we we go all the way up qbcris no, the qc isn't in her nit.
Ok gbo
Shet eepl some elevator nowirk hey. I know you ita pong
And cnn also does takedown okay lots blamo hell. Blame.
Hey saw nothing yeahebe sat hij before jurk
All of a sudden, whnor print all my friends dayez there dp or gave
It socalled itthere gra es.
Grave expression
It's static though I didlnlc my own third degree that dat. They rwe rushing sjr mo I ca fra.e straight theret to de poling heus moral less alone to oro ise more without anyinutporte to my off screen amSzjv blue Ballon lol spa gng
Without the nipple whynotstop
Is Cynthia Nixon e just soprsszi f
I feel like it was it'd to sayu have your power out
Like the lights are off
Even the hospita
Don't cone
Dium bubb else
I think I.Ds some ppi
Jj avra
RiJ da
Cuz ykno rules
I have a stool, under my feet
Uc how short even a bar chair can feel.
Shut up, these people couldn't even get.. get the hell outbov
Uniting some tibe
Not now
So much schleam
Kennedy an hour on the business line lift it or rerin
How do they do the clip shot
I have jus
Not bad
Ok but now the stars aren't even about
No, a recall by me
Boo bibu
And let me count the pool flips Riot!
No can we kill you surestamos
Its all butlertron
EatreRubbrrgo lub yes elf
Rodeo lblv my xedelain. Let me hope your stress have had it better tha. The folks here's sunny sale
I big sna mayoe
- AVOLvunvologies. Giles or actually Anthony dies and sed.I see she killed him
He wasn't a vamp
Some people really do bad things, that was exercise.
At one point he said if I didn't tell people I was his twin
I said your fucking fifty my twin who would believe
People on the phone
Oh boy
Tgs let me funnel Goof rhyme
I'm so sorry father hefed to I first heRdRule as it has been Lin I am able to patch
I get paid for this don't tell who , brad
You no nw
Og but so hit hard.
I thought you knew, my bad
Where urnme ukis
Try it
Yu.pbgv. du du
Gundundimdididud maybe but probably noway
Hujo3yhhh yeaAh a for wants dis fly guy
It's free
Radio on
Ubwataatatarabut both can see da
The lime
Light I posted it
From someone.ewo too tu jaKabit
All trick super fuwar.
Dewe rn so fly he banquet dau
Wind on knife
Sun trust rsoapvpew pew
Ik so sorry if it usamued apromotion
It's customary
Along ge says but AZ they glay to glay
The flay do star
It's gotta
At least a one ar. By now, no
What did you think the angels for the tree was fortune to many Joe's joy hojokYby to when the took tge prok
Then your like maybe she want one
A tbo
To be long
She sang outloud
For some dineros
Do see its globoazuo
I ni
TripIfluew dek
Rap rico
A foe some readon only japanese Keyes please
Please we scoured the ladding tell us some more of these cats
I started hunting, like the unlicensed and snowkadoo
Drap gladly
A canoe for me
I felt like we'd tak a ship together
Oh so sweet it's Bern linongwabGa t a dat fence for just as long as the logs were burnt down in the basement and voila something to do, but to get this did its norms moms place not noe.s gym it's htluz moms hoes
Yea I swear this was celines place
This is a da geroysw place Judy
Ah way look fw ces fe cea
Ok what's inside
Yoy can't see a closed tennis court
Can't you.
Take me to da chopper p
Why is there a Porta john
People came, eventually yell and I realiE I could take a ashit right here no gobyhnlwY a way wY away a minute
A grench
Seco Dana
A. Opens a week a wait after labour laws, I chose the French track just so I would have that f
Double pay bak. Even truy another
It's Egyptian just take it.
Well uakir omen
Yeas and you read it over sees Korean trading video from oitnb
O now way
Because a track and toFlood a second-rate m
Sec Ordet aTaje.
Ugly m I. .
See s a rock skip cuz pretty sure co oc u donr I don't, k just get on what if the do shoot at .m
At us, I'm halfway up the stairs on bad hair cut ma ga you'll never hear the rnd
O cut fruit see.
That's sharp
That's age like cheddar
I so dont want you near my mouth like at all
I think I drove over a metro sexual wearing some thing a lill like you.
I literally was just cold pressed
What ever gets your fridge
Light, mi
Omg yes I will go with yes you are .
K just remember she
I want a discover in my hand so bad.
You two are like sisters.
Where to next
Some kind of shelter
He's good but it's just his dam bored.
Nuuuhuh I do not trust that pilot
What was he waiting for
Um no square...whas that to mu,h. No, it's coming back with the movie Denied
He is your grandson
So no fuel
V. V.dvk
All s well that ends well
Hi. I'm demeanor incarnate bak hurts a lot let's get , darker shall we
Siroanowke not even
The. I suppose holloweenr
The movie the show
That guy raped me, ir
Movie phone you bastars
I was un bae
Ubarbar yoy
4....you have a plug to hook Mein
I have that way with people let me affect the ladies
I've never not been avoid.
Well pot holes to potholes why not start to complain Boir those to
We have seen ykhame gulfsc impresa upon a you ma ga the steam descheleam ma ga
I'm just forl. Ii.
Had to fund a new
Just quik Westmont. Are use .O'Dell a flat layer Sauer glass over the de3
Yeah ok junk used for so. .me reason q picyr of a phone
I ko
Whe stol ca yn
Yeai head off wain now. N. Nnnn n Wen I doubt hits n goes in just glaze for wail brj a ji f up why ynor
Aca whysir
It's frontenac
Get lost.. cared.
If on flop glo ne Ed to check again. It's fine so just top adoing itm here Frontenac ureally looking so.mw ehwere says it on globe, slice of paper they keep burn ing or washing pied own it's paper Mach seemed reasonable her arm, broke bad bang but not your fault you signs teahell yes everyone's in on it
Ye blaze yesbthars costing gtons.
I have always loved upu
A manhujulq Gun she .
It I'd be Acton Akton, I have arrived the same as
So the used car salesman also town owner when your e me you know where the tdhdun cam from
But then do oh so not my kid.
These two. Corrected to fluesfh
We re not sure of her co duo but das not sleep. Anf again, I k ow age ago shark a came from. A cave. Torturn return a red had na due. Ands o it so no Supreme tididuh for me threse Meryl. Now I'm pisedd shouts fark bears on. Shes a gooder ready trust ne tizens relay
She seemed fine vack in prison whyas she got a push lieke that
Dotti font demands
Dotti I ca tes
Then drip it.
Well radio bok s down this to this guy
I'm barbie
Ok duf UK he tell get
He's not k iwnne waosj
Yo he got Traktor out to hrlanbqor
Dead people usually don't make it that far on there own grabs ac broom so you get he's dead he offers help duh I mean. Wouldn't the cars olwats ein
His history istoks o
Fuk he was shot
Uh.boey now see me holdin
Lete me count
Stai right 2weeks
Its its
A h
I just didn't believe him it's all figure out abul powder room don't get invited inside many houses but fuck Tina
If it's not Harry's place then duh it's fucking azjakaban
Bull liok
Ah haha left tet myberi freitintuironder your tet use less a hhgrey itaS mysprei
Se I like
To talk to
Waits Ford vrrrfym uh oh yeas ashow a sad scary yell co mere
Bud for delight of me
I stoll to Xocai Kiki adequate dendadam ok ddenddadym
I can hear you
Finds so.e polite do
That's politics for you
Muchoa grand die de la Dela dA
Oh italians do care oaboy ao
Yeah deduce.omni12 by now
Weere not the simpsons duesun cha Nelson.oh
Dam it's fox
I'm telling yu
Eyes we Arun in his on show
His joking he. Added
There some kind of c
It's a
An ac
Axe pendulu.m
You did not think to tell teins
What the hell do up
Make monet
New youeks
Expe sive
Oh fuck alolm
Inbound elA
To whoever sa Ed Martha's car tanks!
He smiled
I don't think they plan on getting ba k on the window
I saw a tube marble hame it was called ca e hunter
A sandra
What more could you have said.
There for.
You snel to bak vha.mbdr
All rught
No fuvking around d
Yeah and egew
Unter national train statikn
Where are the see us throwing
Throws her. Cat her rosary.
Ots off bake
Easy bake off.
1 note · View note
rodos-news · 11 months
Μήνυμα του Δημάρχου Ρόδου Αντώνη Καμπουράκη για τον εορτασμό του Πολιούχου Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου Υδραίου
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0 notes
muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Soft dom harry makes subby reader upset subspace?
Y/N's day is been shitty so far. It started with an ache in her lower abdomen from Harry’s morning stiffy bulging against her asscheeks fattening everytime he snuggled into her to hoard her warmth and blankies and to stuff his face in her neck with incoherent blabbering.
She wanted to wake him up with her hand, mouth, hole— anything around his cock and to please him and dull the burny feeling in her tummy -- but -- she had an important workshop at UNI that was must needed to be attended.
The time she managed to knock herself out of her needy and lusty headspace, she was getting late and whirling around the room and closest like a thunderstorm -- burying a snoring Harry under the heaps of clothes and littering the floor with her shoes collection, the kitchen got treated much more worst with maids being not around (she’s used to Harry waking up earlier than her and making her a full course brekkie) after making a laughable ruckus of cabinets all she stuffed her mouth with was a chocolate protein bar.
The stars were still not in her favour. She was grabbing onto her hair until far when she missed the bus (she usually don’t take buses, Harry makes sure the driver drop her off safe and secure) and it started raining leaving Y/N with nothing but a bare head to take all of it as she already left the bus shelter to stop a taxi.
If all of that wasn’t much of a tragedy and humiliating, Y/N slipped the moment she stepped out of the vehicle and on the slippery curbs of the building, she saw her life flashing right infront of her eyes as the papers tucked in her armpit fled everywhere and landed on the rainy mud sadistically along her. It gave her a serious hit in her ankle and completely yanked her hip, still being a stubborn-head she picked herself and went inside despite how many glares the cleaning staff threw her way for bringing the dirt with her feed all over the shiny floors.
She felt bad.
Stupidly bad.
Her workshop teachers were kind enough to accept her late arrival, but her designs for fall got rejected and they’d have been a huge milestone for her to get her dream internship.
Y/N felt awfully, teeny, pathetic and little while slumping into the corner of the bus and holding her breath to refrain from crying these little liquidy bitches out of her eyes.
Reaching back home she was met with pure chaos, bumping into petrified and agitated employs from Harry’s company scurrying out of their main foyer and she could persist but to ask what happened only to be informed in stammers that the staff messed up big and caused a loss of million dollars— making Harry terribly mad and fire people left and right.
It wasn’t a joke at all.
Because once, she steps inside, bag falling from her shoulder as she sighs in exhaustion feeling her muscles stiffening everywhere but one particular spot's hurting wrenchingly— her foggy mind couldn’t figure it out yet. She peeks into Harry’s home office to be met by a very annoyed, aggrieved, furious Harry pacing in his office all whilst with a phone against his ear shouting at someone who was destined to be humiliated today just like her and she pouts gingerly seeing his features skewered tightly into displeasure, the vein that curves along his temple prominent with blood pumping erratically in his body.
His head snaps up at the door’s creak and albeit his eyes softens a little, the kink of brows and the scowl on his lips is still there and he watches her paddle towards him carefully knowing anything at the moment would burst his chimneys out and she wants to be good for her daddy.
“Hi.” She speaks timidly, pout getting more rusty when the greetings not returned and instead he keeps all of his attention on the phone keeping a loose arm around her.
She grumbles, when he gestures down at her to give him a sec and untangles himself from her walking away and huffing and puffing into the phone.
How could he!
She feels so denied and rejected and kicked like it’s done to those affection starved lil puppies.
Her clingy tendencies flying high drunk and wooly. The needy beastie inside her wanting nothing more than take a bath where Harry could cream her back in her favourite berry bubbles, massaging her head and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, then lots and lots of cuddles, maybe he'll be generous enough and let her keep him snug inside her while they watch movie because she had such an awful day.
But, No! He's trying to escape free from her because she’s such a burden for him now.
Her eyes turns glassy, her shoulders slumping sadly and out of nowhere she’s feeling cold and barren as Harry’s voice becomes a wafting fume for her— an indication she has gone under too much.
“Daddy . . .” She stomps behind him, circling his footsteps like a whiny puppy and grapples at his dress shirt gasping sullenly when he swats her dainty hands away and glares down at her in dominance, his tone harsh as he blocks the receiver with his palm and mouths at her with a huff, “Stop being needy fo’ once. I’ve clearly some important issues to care for, Y/N.” Poor Y/N's deathly grip on his shirt loosens sorrowfully and her chin wobbles as she nodded still wanting to be good for him and if it wasn’t enough to give her the biggest heartbreak of the year— he even rolled his eyes at her too grumping under his breath about something how he turned her into a spoiled brat himself.
“Okie. . .” Her voice strangled and small. She shrinks into herself but wasn’t paid any heed from Harry and without another word she leaves him as to be it.
Having a huge breakdown in her room didn’t help at all. A painful headache hitting her like a train as she clumsily strips down, wearing one of his t-shirt heavily drenched in his scent he keeps for her under her pillow anytime she needs it and hides under the blankets with tears still running down her swollen cheeks— slipping into a light slumber from all of weariness and crying.
Once the smoke cleared from Harry’s mind and his capabilities of rational thinking coming back to him, he was reminded of how he denied his baby of his littlest of affection and tenderness when she clearly looked so glum and sad and upset.
He wanted to whip himself in head.
He’s such a twat that he let work come between them.
He curses himself. Making a sprint to his bedroom, knowing he’d find her none other than there and he was right puffing out a disheartened sigh when his eyes falls over his princess buried under all of these layers of blankets, he crawls up towards her carefully not to startle her awake.
Grunting at himself when he finds she’s been crying, he strokes a thumb up her blushy cheeks and her wet lashes, kissing her puffy eyelids and her little sad unhappy pout away.
He frowns. Feeling her feverish and flushed under his hand, “Hey puppy . . .” He thumbs down her throat getting a little fretful when she doesn’t stirs, however she’s such a squirmy little one and he moves the blankets away to let her body cool itself smiling proudly at his shirt swallowing her whole is when she snuggled herself more into her stuffie letting the shirt ride up her thighs and hips exposing a ghastly bruise of red and purples and he frowns not remembering it being there before.
Now. He feels shittier. Wanting to jump of the cliff for being a shitty sadist boyfriend to his only beloved.
“No!” Y/N whimpers loudly, squirming away from his touch as he examines her gently and it sent shockwaves to each of her tissues and lions causing her an undeniable pain.
“Puppy, shh, shh. ‘s just me, making sure if y'okay.” He scrambles closer to her towering her to cradle her face and kiss the tip of her nose—- his face falls drastically and his heart cracks miserly when Y/N pushes him away with a sorrowful mumble not even letting him wipe the drool away from the corner of her mouth as he usually does.
“’M okay . . .” She tries to knuckle the sleepiness away with shivery hands, “No you’re not —...” He’s cut off by her angry pout and her silly efforts to keep as much distance between them as possible, “I don’t need, Daddy . . ‘m big and I could take care of me self.” At her puny waver realization dawns upon Harry and his brows shoots up to his hairline feeling nauseous and terrible for not taking care of his babylove earlier.
He’d have never let her be away from him if he knew she was in her subspace.
“Y/N baby . . . I didn’t mean it, darling —--...” With gentleness he tries to approach her but she wraps her arms around her petite figure in a protective manner, haziness taking best of her and Harry’s chest suffocates into itself, being a dom it’s your responsibility to make your subby feel protected, loved and happy and he even failed at that.
He quickly cups both of her hot cheeks in his nippy palms when she hiccups sadly, a sob threatening to slip out, “Yes you did! You meant it. Said you spoiled me, I don’t want your money, promise! I just want you and y'shooed me away saying Y/N’s too needy . . .” Harry flinches at her words. He never even spared a thought to this negativity that she chooses to be with him for his money because he knows out of all the people she’s the only one who loves him out of the boundaries of status and money.
He realises how stabbing they'd have been to her when she was so sensitive and floaty wanting nothing more, just him.
How deep she has gone if she’s taking her own name in third person.
“’M sorry baby. So sorry. Swear on myself, didn’t mean to hurt my baby, knows tha’ work shouldn’t be an excuse t’ make y'feel unloved—- but those bastards got a tick outta me.” He rambles on frantically. Afraid she’ll think he’s lying and would finally make up her mind to leave him.
“You didn’t?” She asks with so much innocence Harry nearly cries out, “’Course I didn’t! How could I? You could never be needy, Bab. I love you so much and you’re my whole word, forgive me please?”
“You’re forgiven,” She let a small smile flutter up her features, a tinge of gleam in her previous dull eyes brightening the whole room and Harry immediately bunches her up in his lap.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks her, not sure if she still needs space from him and would rather be better without him but she bobs her head shyly and he chuckles softly before touching their lips together into a tender loving kiss and brushes their noses up and down murmuring sweetly coy to her.
“Now, could y'tell daddy how y'got this bruise baby? How did ya get hurt?” He coos, brushing her sweaty hair back and rubs her sweet gland behind her ear delicately, “Oh yeah . . . this, was raining and slipped.” She murmurs, hissing a gasp jolting away when Harry glides his fingers gently down her hip bone and fresh tears springs in her eyes as she buries herself in his chest, “Daddy hurts. . .” . “Oh babypie. Daddy’s g'na take care of his love.” He lays her down gently kissing her forehead when she whines for him to keep on holding her, “’M right here darling. G'na prep us a bath, make my baby alright.” Saying this he quickly disappears inside the washroom and next their room’s sursuring with marble tub filling with warm water, Harry throws in her favourite pink coloured bath bombs and rose essences and throws their towels in the warmer coming back with her as he left her to be, he has decided he’s gonna love on her whole night, “My baby’s the best, ain’t she? She’s my bestest girl.” He coos down at her sweetly and slides his forearms under her knees and back picking her up carefully and brings her to his chest securely.
She closes her eyes, biting down a whimper when Harry dips them in the water some it sloshing down the edges of bathtub and it envelopes them and gives a stingy feeling to her bruise before soothing it down.
He rubs her arms, and circles smoothing patterns on her tummy and kisses her a gallons as she melts in his embrace and he let’s her sink into him more, nibbling and sponging wet ticklish kisses on her neck making her purr and become a puddle of softness in his hold while she takes her time to mumble all the bad events that happened to her and he felt so guilty of not asking her how she’s and how her day went when she came to him, in need of some of his lovin.
“I love you so much, bab.” He suckles her earlobe, toying and plucking her bottom plush lip, “Was prick to me love —.. you deserve all my lovin,” He noses at her jaw, not forgetting it to mark it with his pecks and sloppy bites.
“’S okay daddy, y'had a bad day too.” He’s grateful to have her in his life. She cares about him, maybe more than he does for her and he feels himself lucky for it.
“You want me to help you relax?”
“Can I have you?” Her tone bashfully desperate and coy, Harry meanders their fingers together and kisses her knuckles softly.
Considering her wound still being sore and pulp, having sex would be painful for her and she might not grasp it in her hazy mind but Harry doesn’t want to hurt at all.
He plants a little noisy smooch to her shoulder when she nods, she mews and purrs when Harry glides his palm all the way down her body and cups her pussy digging his palm into her mound and coats his digits with her arousal dipping the pads of his fingers into her entrance, “All this wet f'me?” Palming her tits while whispering sweet nothings into her ear when she gasps and closes up on Harry scratching nails into his bended knees.
“Shh, shh puppy, jus' relax hmm? Feel yourself.” With sputtery inhales she does as he says, soon two of his fingers slips inside her and he strokes her pussy and pulls them out making her all whiny and pushes them back with a squelching noise, fucking her with it smiling and stopping when her thighs parts falls again his’s completely.
“Daddy!” She writhes and whines, trembly hands trying to bring Harry fingers back to her pulsating wetness, “You’re the cutest.” He smiles against her lips giving her cheeks several squishes and pats her head loving to see his adorable princess all flustery for him.
On her demands. He slicks his fingers back inside her and caresses the insides of her thighs while she pants and sinks onto his knuckles blabbering out daddydaddydaddy weepily.
“Cum fo’ me, puppy. Feels good? Yeah? My baby feels nice?” He rasps in her mouth, curving and petting the soft spot inside her pussy and sucks onto her upper lip when she moans and mewls loudly gushing all over his finger and he keeps on fucking her till she’s all sleepy and balmy against his chest.
Harry coaxes her tenderly, smoothing his hands all over her twitchy spots and patches sloppy kisses all over her face that makes her all giggly and shy—- the amount of endorphins spiking high in her system.
“Love you so much, daddy.” She mushes puckering her lips into his throat.
“Love you too, pup.”
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