#corrupting demons au
Okay I have to know:
Did the officers check on the inmates? Are they okay?
@demon-blood-youths & @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
"As of right now, we are still under lockdown since we got no word from warden Henderson yet. I guess he's being sure we are in the clear but even if he did anything, we have to wait it out till the hours are up." Rex said walking down the dim dark hallway to a cellmate's area.
"Though, everyone is now walking to check on them to see if they are alright. I'm checking on my inmate Kali but she has not made a sound yet so I figure she is alright." He keeps on walking but when he shows up at the area, he sees a lot of knocked out inmates. Seems their was a fight during it but he keeps walking forward with a flashlight in hand.
Now he was heading to her cell. Taking out the key card, he inserts it to see the door unlock. "Inmate 3342? Are you awake in there?" Rex calls out to her but he looks seeing it was quiet inside the cell chambers. Seems she might be asleep seeing that she was laying down.
"......." He sighed to see that she was alright so that was good to know. Maybe he was over worried about it. As Rex turns to head out, something jumps down to quickly to tackle him. "!? The hell-Mfffmm!!" He feels something tied around his mouth but he felt the familiar aura to his eyes wincing.
It was Kali?!
'What the hell? I thought she was in her cell asleep...unless she used something that had the same aura to..' he winces feeling her tying his wrists up but she was quiet softly panting to look down at him. Her fingers gripping his uniform.
"D....don't struggle so much.......it's fine...as long as you don't fight back....just like the rest." she said now carefully taking him inside of her cell but Rex was worried hearing that.
'What did she mean by that?..Did the other inmates do the same to the other officers!?' he thought.
"Besides, we have a long night ahead of us......." she said to shut the cell door as it locks behind her and him.
Right now, it seems that way but in other cells all over, a few were already doing just that. Some tying up the officer and setting them on the beds while they were also blindfolded too.
Yuji knew this but chuckled to look ahead. "Seems like the game has started. Even if this should be pretty fun.." He said seeing Megumi setting down a tied up/blindfolded Hashimoto to sit on the bed.
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keferon · 1 month
I think your Monster Hunter AU is really cool and I wanted to know if you’d be cool if I tried to write something in the universe? (Specifically about Prowl haha, I saw him once and thought 👀 “man i wonder if tarantulas was in this au how spooky he’d be given he’s spooky enough in canon”)
Would also love to know your thoughts/if you had any of what Prowl could be up to, I know the au is Lost Light focused so I totally get it if you don’t have any/etc.
Hope you have a good day! Love your art!
Hoooo boy okay okay. Prowl.
He's a Golem created by Orion.
In mythology, Golems are essentially living statues made of clay mixed with blood and animated by magic. They are stupid and exist for primitive manual labor.
In my universe, a Golem is basically the same thing, but made of metal.
Orion assembled his golem from empty armor, parts stolen from the medbay, and his own energon. And then he went and got a Wisdom artifact and put it in the golem's head, because the rules strictly forbid giving golems internal organs like sparks or processors.
As a result, the golem was very light because it was essentially empty inside, so even when it moved it did so very quietly for a mech its size. Orion had been startled the first fifteen times the golem would appear completely silent beside him. On the sixteenth time, he called the golem Prowl.
Prowl is basically not a real mech. He has no spark, he has no need to eat or sleep. His only and primary task is to serve Orion. Thanks to the artifact, he is freakishly intelligent, not only compared to normal golems, but to normal mechs as well.
Orion keeps his origin a secret from everyone except Ratchet and Shockwave (because Shockwave was the one who taught him how to create golems), so all the mechs in the Order are convinced that Prowl is just Orion's very tedious assistant, not...you know...a walking puppet who has incredible intellectual abilities, but almost no emotions or conscience:)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
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.... well this noir Vaggie au edit got waaay out of hand ha ha!
self indulgent au lore under the cut bc WEEEE
Detective Vaggie finally got enough blackmail on Valentino for Charlie and Angel to pin him in a corner, but as Vaggie expected, Angel Dust ends up doing what almost every other Sinner has done after Vaggie hands the evidence over to them, and chooses to just accept Valentino’s renegotiated and seemingly better soul contract rather than break it and make a mortal enemy out of an Overlord
Of course the first thing Val does is force Angel Dust to destroy the evidence they’d used against him, just like every other Overlord Vaggie's worked against always has, leaving Angel at his mercy again
And also leaving Charlie devastated. She'd given Angel her promise of protection as soon to be crowned king of hell-
(long story) (Lucifer wanted to kill Vaggie for scarring Charlie a few years back and Charlie had to beat him up to stop him) (the Overlords, led by Velvette and the Vees, decided to flex their power by saying this invalidated Lucifer as king and made Charlie the new ruler of hell) (she reluctantly accepted because..)
-hoping it would be enough to counter any Overlord threat against Angel once he was free
Ironically though, Angel Dust having come to see her as a friend after all this and not wanting to put her in the line of fire ends up with him sticking with Val instead, who gloats about it, and tells Charlie to her face what he'll do to her friend and her pet P.I. if she (as soon to be king) doesn't back down and let the Vees do all the real running of hell (like they already have been)
Charlie the Pissed let's slip she's had enough of Val as she leaves his studio (both her and the studio being on fire)
No one takes her little threat seriously, except for Vaggie, who sees Charlie picking up and weighing Vaggie's spear in her hands when she thinks she's alone. Vaggie freaks out realizing Charlie is about to go do a murder
So Vaggie decides to break her own no-more-murder vow AGAIN for a girl AGAIN (last time was for Velvette) and she kills Valentino before Charlie can reach him, regaining her wings (kinda), absorbing his demonic energy (yuck), belatedly becoming one of the Vees like Velvette had once wanted (not in the way Velvette had wanted), and accepting all Val's soul contracts including Angel’s, which she breaks
She also breaks the truth of everything to Charlie on coronation day-
(maybe also breaking up with or getting dumped by her, even though they weren’t even dating)
-confessing to the murder and her exorcist past
Now that she’s an Overlord and Charlie’s about to be King of Hell, anything publicly personal between them (like Vaggie staying the basement of Charlie's abandoned hotel instead of sleeping in an alleyway next to a dumpster every night) would throw the other Overlords into a rage over the power imbalance with normal sinners caught in the crossfire or getting used as canon fodder, something neither Vaggie or Charlie can stomach
Besides which Vaggie feels 0% worthy of Charlie anymore after breaking her no-murder vow, and Charlie is feeling more things than she knows how to name about that and the exorcist thing, none of them good
Their last kiss (for now) leaves claw marks on Vaggie’s face to match the scar she gave Charlie all those years ago-
(which Charlie has finally also confessed to her about, to Vaggie's horror, Vaggie having blotted the memory out after binge drinking with Husk the following week)
-the scar from when Vaggie happened to still be holding her spear as Charlie reached out to help her, and ended up lashing out instead of flinching back, unintentionally driving away Charlie and their happy life together
(this shit luck is what pinged Overlord Husk's gambling powers and led him to Vaggie, meanwhile Angel dropped a paying client to go check on the random demon chick- Charlie- soon to be nicknamed Apple Slice by him- holding her bleeding face in her hands as she stumbled down the street in a daze)
Charlie and Vaggie made do with other friends when what they both most needed was each other
They’ve both been miserable and lonely since then, had only just started to build up what they should have had together all along while camping out at the old hotel working on Angel's case together, but the case is done and now…. this
This is NOT a good timeline for them (yet)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 months
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my original tengu torino AU... the studio ghibli hodgepodge AU...
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months
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The lights of the bamboo house were still lit even at this hour and the doors cracked to allow the summer night wind to blow through, but that was no guarantee Ming Fan was still awake. Luo Binghe’s hands gripped tighter around the medicine chest he’d received earlier from a Qian Cao disciple. Ming Fan had been difficult when they’d both been disciples, and was now doubly so now. It could have been easily blamed on his unstable cultivation, but Luo Binghe feared it was something else. Even at the door, the uneasiness made him hesitate. Lamplight striped gold across his face as he gazed through the cracked door. Ming Fan sat by one of the lamps, looking unnervingly fragile, staring tiredly at the moths fluttering around the golden glow. As if in a trance, his hand rose and softly closed around one of the creatures. He brought it close to his face and examined it between the cage of his fingers. “All you want is warmth and light,” Luo Binghe heard him murmur, “but it’s so easy for you to burn, isn’t it? To destroy yourself over something you could get even from a distance.” A tired laugh and those thin fingers released the moth to flutter back to the lamp. “Foolish.”
this scene has been living in my head rent free for so long (and on my computer) so I’ve finally drawn out how I envisioned it
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fandomtrash-16 · 1 year
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i think abt him. a lot. hes a funny lil guy
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evermorethecrow · 9 months
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would you belive me if i said this is for a coffee shop au
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doktorventure · 6 months
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I believe in succubus!Hidan supremacy
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gardenoflupins · 5 months
My wolfstar angel/demon au is so rule #34 coded
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ask-the-blueverse · 8 months
Ah yes. Another askblog ran by @artoutoftheblue
This blog is mainly just to prevent the need for other askblogs. Any of my aus that dont have their own askblogs are available for asks on this. This'll be updated for the fairies when I finish all the designs
Note: Any undesigned characters will have written interactions only until they are designed
Links to the other askblogs if you wanna talk to characters that aren't on the list:
•Canon HS
•Canon BTB
•Lord Solar AU
•Lord Crimson AU
•The Mers
•Confined to one Spot AU
Crossover mentions are allowed!
Magic anons are allowed!
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List of the aus and characters available with them:
The Cost of Doubling Down AU (Dimension TCODD285936497583683631630719):
TCoDD Sun, TCoDD Moon, TCoDD Crimson, TCoDD Solar, TCoDD Lunar
WC x SBS AU (Dimension WC38546997475275368348658520):
Sunnyblaze, Moonstar, Stormwhisker, Nightfall, Redwing, Swiftshadow, Vanillia, Butterfly, Blazewing, Mapleleaf
WoF x SBS AU (Dimension WOF3588648534628530869786321):
Sandwing Sun, Nightwing Moon, Night/Sky Eclipse, Icewing Lunar, Skywing Bloodmoon, Rainwing Solar, Seawing Monty, Silkwing Earth
Always Evil AU (Dimension AE2858539648522747508697585):
Lord Eclipse, AE Lunar, AE Bloodmoon, AE Solar, Servant Sun, Servant Moon
Minds of Static AU (Dimension MOS853853472834685373574238):
Static, Mischief, Mayhem, MoS Sun, MoS Moon, MoS Lunar, MoS Monty, MoS Earth
Junkyard AU (Dimension JY385853853538852469386396):
Mechanic Solar
Celestial Fairies AU (Dimension CF3638649649694638538538594):
Day Fairy Sun, Night Fairy Moon, Spring Fairy Earth, Summer Fairy Solar, Autumn Fairy Eclipse, Winter Fairy Lunar, Fauna Fairy Bloodmoon/Carmine and Crimson
Star Corrupted Solstice AU: (Dimension SCS3857526417527533853853858):
SCS Solstice, Harvest Moon
Breaking the Bounds AU that was rescued by the CSSverse (Dimension BTB118201521201562085212216)
Sun, Moon, Lunar, Crimson, Solar, Monty
Swap!BTB AU (SBTB5835832853857959469365335):
Swap!Sun, Swap!Moon, Swap!Eclipse, Swap!Lunar, Swap!Crimson, Swap!Solar
RightHand!Supernova AU (dimension BTB118201521201562085212217):
Lord Eclipse, Servant Sun, Guard Solar, Prince Lunar
TSAMS Demon AU (Dimension 2538964495738753976094679):
Characters adopted by other aus:
Sun (Demon of Fire), Moon (Demon of Darkness and Fear), Eclipse (Demon of Discord and War), Lunar (Fallen Exorcist), Bloodmoon (Demon of Murder and Violence; resident of Cannibal Town), Solar (Fallen Exorcist), Callisto/TSAMS Ruin (Demon of Trickery and Lies), Helios/TSAMS Solar (Demon of Loathing, Numbness, and Isolation), Nightmare/TSAMS Killcode (Demon of Confusion, Indecisiveness, and Sleep Paralysis), Monty (Demon of Selfishness and Greed)
Villian Jack AU:
Sun, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar, Bloodmoon, Earth, Helios (Solar), Callisto (Ruin), Harvest (Jack), Stitchwraith, Monty
Recovering Solar, Solstice, HS Sun, HS Moon
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novankenn · 10 months
On the Material Plane
It was the day after the sickening discovery in team CRDL's dorm room. Ozpin and Glynda were standing at the bullhead pads, awiting the arrival of the VPD Forensic Investigations Team.
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Glynda: So what do we do now?
Ozpin: I don't know.
Glynda: We NEED to get ahead of whatever this is... before it gets even worse.
Ozpin: I don't know what to tell you Glynda. I'm at a loss, as to how or why any of this is happening...
Glynda: Is it related to what happened to CFVY?
Ozpin: I doubt it, but who knows. Hopefully this team will find us some answers.
Glynda: The rumors are already starting. We need to issue a statement to at least the student body, before things get out of hand.
Ozpin: I agree, I just don;t know how to address this issue... four young men rendered limb from limb and consumed... not really anyway to make that more palatable.
Glynda: Then just be honest, and let the students know that we are taking actions. Maybe even put in a stricter curfew?
Ozpin: They were in a locked room.
Glynda: You know those locks can be breached. It takes effort and some technical savvy, but they can be.
Ozpin: I know. We'll inform the students of the investigation, and we'll instate a curfew. Until further notice all students must be in their registered dorms by 8 pm.
Glynda: Any exceptions?
Ozpin: No.
Glynda: So I can deny Ms Scarlatina's request to have Mr Arc share her room?
Ozpin: Without Question.
--== Master List =--
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Okay so you guys are locked in there but what will happen now? It's for 24 hours or so?
@demon-blood-youths & @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
"Hmmm, their is a lot that will happen during this and we just heard the lock down has been completed so yeah, were stuck in here for 24 hours." Officer Ryu sighed seeing the others looking through their office.
"But we got some list on what happens during this..." he said.
((Events during a Max prison Lockdown))
This event only happens by order of the head warden in charge of the prison. During this or the start, an alarm will go off signaling for anyone to have the chance to escape the building before it's sealed off tight for 24 hours. During this, the following happens:
*Lights are on a dim setting showing it being pretty dark in the hallways and main building floors.
*Doors are auto locked and only can be opened by the officer with that cell number key. However, if the officer has opened their door they can choose to keep it locked or unlocked.
*If anything tires to interfere with opening the locks or doors, another 24 hours is added to the timer.
*During this, no lethal weapons is allowed to keep the inmates under control. This includes special abilities given by the officers.
*Officers have the choice to still roam the building if needed be to check their inmates. Still keep distance from them for your safety.
*Any inmate trying to break free from their prison will get a shock of warning due to the boosted security system.
*Items that are with the inmate is still remaining with them, during this, no one is allowed to take anything unless it's a danger to the building, inmates, and staff.
*No one can leave or go inside during the lockdown for safety reasons. They will have to wait till the time is up to leave or enter.
*Other things might be used to keep peace in the building during this time. To keep them safe, they are either given a shot or given something to help them relax. Results might depend on the effects.
"But that's what I got so far." Ryu said sighing but looks to Davion who was quiet.
"S...so what do we do?" Yuuka asked.
"Everyone head to your rooms but do not leave them. We can wait this out till the locks are open. This way, if we need to, we can check on them in a while. But for now...head to your rooms and stay there." Davion said before everyone nods going to leave the offices to do that. As the list said, the hallway was dark but the officers can sense eyes looking at them as they hurry off.
This seems to have turned into something hasn't it?
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wazzappp · 9 months
Retroviruses got me fucked up
@moosemonstrous are u ready for a dissertation? I hope so.
people who followed me for art I'm so sorry
ALRIGHT so we're gonna cover a couple areas.
General information about retroviruses.
Details about The Corruption and theories about how it works inside the body.
SPECIFICALLY ROBBIES viral weird shit. Cause what he has going on is even more fucked up than normal fucked up. Fucked up squared.
Me ranting about skin necrosis and why I shouldn't have just. Thown it in there because I thought it would look fucky wucky.
As most people know, a virus is a cell that enters the body of a host and alters its DNA to turn that hosts cells into virus making factories. This is what allows viruses to duplicate and spread through the body so quickly. But whats that? 'What makes retroviruses different from other viruses?' I hear you asking? WELL EXCELLENT QUESTION THATS A PERFECT PLACE TO START. A retrovirus is different because its method of self duplication involves an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This makes retroviral infection PERMANENT. Even if the virus is defeated by the immune system, those changes stick around. The phrasing used was 'ipso facto mutagenic' meaning 'by the fact itself/inevitable'.
...Which is kinda metal honestly I want it on a tee shirt (definetly not thinking of Amadeus saying that to Robbie as he tries his best to explain theres no way to undo whats going on with him. nahhhh angst don't got a hold on me like that [<- vibrating])
'Ohhh but if those genetic changes never go away, doesn't that mean that those viruses will get passed on through peoples children?' ASKING SUCH GOOD QUESTIONS TODAY MY MUTUAL BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS YES. Once a retrovirus codes itself into a hosts gnome, its called a provirus (pro gamer move right there) Fun (not fun) fact around 8% of the human gnome is made of proviruses. These are called endogenous viruses, and for the most part they just kinda sit there and stay dormant. TERRIFYINGLY, other viral infections can trigger these endogenous viruses out of dormancy. As for what actually causes a provirus to go dormant uhhhhhhhh I dunno. Couldn't find an answer in my research someone make me look stupid with an answer please because I wanna know.
Ok now lets talk about the immune system a little bit. There are a few different kind of cells at work (hehehehehe) that help to fight viruses and other infections in the body. The first are Cytotoxic T cells or Killer T Cells. These are the cells that directly destroy cells displaying genetic patterns they recognize as bad. Next we have CD+4 Cells (Helper T Cells) which act as a library that stores information about how to identify an infected cell, and shares that information with other Killer T cells once one figures it out. Then there are the Regulatory T cells which suppress your immune responses to maintain homeostasis. They're what (USUALLY) stops your immune system from killing you while trying to clear a virus. Last there are Macrophage. CELLS AT WORK MAID MILFS- I mean cells that clear the debris that remain after the Killer T Cells are done destroying them.
Retroviruses have two primary ways of either side-stepping the immune system or just. Overwhelming it completely. Acutely transforming retroviruses do just that. They reproduce too quickly for Killer T cells to destroy them all and exhaust the system. The second type are called Non Acute Retroviruses. They camouflage viral particles as immune cells to suppress the immune system. For example, HLTV-1 is a retrovirus that disguises itself as a Regulatory T cell to artificially suppress the immune response thats trying to kill it.
HTLV-1 is really interesting because most of the time patients are asymptomatic, but 5% can graduate to HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, which affects the spinal cord and white matter of the central nervous system. This usually results in the weakening of lower extremities and sometimes total bowl/bladder control loss. It suckkssssss (but is also a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system so were circling back to it later 👀).
I've said previously that The Corruption has potential for a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system by degrading the brains ability to regulate muscular contraction, while also pumping out a ton of cortisol and adrenaline to encourage 'hysterical strength'.
Now I did a little more research about Hypoglycemia and combined with the nerve damage people would likely die from cardiac arrhythmia, which is a life threatening kind of ventricular fibrillation. Long and short, it means their hearts don't have the proper energy and stimulation to keep beating properly, so they stop beating in sync. This results in insufficient blood flow to vital areas like the brain, and combined with the inadequate blood sugar, this would result in very fast brain death.
Let's talk about the immune systems response to this Corruption retrovirus. We would most likely see lots of inflammation, and with the main focus being on nerve cell this would probably result in meningitis, which is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord. If left untreated this could result in a coma and then death. So we're seeing a SHIT ton of pressure on the brain and central nervous system. Which is like. VERY BAD for a person. We're talking brain death very very fast.
As for how the virus would target the nervous system directly we could look to real world examples like rabies (ahhhh rabies. can never get away from you). The virus would attach to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are what turns chemical signals into electrical signals in your nerves. It would then spread through the axons of the central nervous system and eventually reach the brain. We could also pull a rabies with 'once you see symptoms it's too late' which I, personally, find fucking terrifying.
In terms of the virus losing its effectiveness once outside the body of a Demon/Kaiju we would likely need to look at the anatomy of a retrovirus itself. The outermost area is composed of envelope spikes, which tell the cell to let it in. After that is an envelope protein which plays an important role in complete virus particle (virion) assembly. Theres then a protein shell that contains reverse transcriptase and the RNA gnome that it will use to recode a host cell. If this virus evolved to survive in an environment that is always warm (hell. lol. lmao.) it might not be prepared to deal with these colder temperatures in our world. This could result in damage to the protective protein barriers and cause damage to the real important parts, the RNA and reverse transcriptase. This would mean that the virus would not be near as effective as a fully intact retrovirus cell.
The Corruption could be an endogenous virus thats embedded into the Demon/Kaiju gnome that wouldn't affect them, but would absolutely affect us because we haven't seen them before.
alright guys this is where we put the FI into SCIFI cause your about to read a whole lot of nonsense sentences.
Robbie. Robbie is fucking WEIRD in EVERY universe and this shit is absolutely not different. Him being exposed to that previously mentioned damaged version of the virus from a young age might not give him true immunity but it would give him SOMETHING to work with. His immune system is at least slightly familiar with it and at this point whatever damaged version he came into contact with has already established itself as a provirus in him.
The Corruption thats established itself in The Charger is different.
Like I mentioned in my first diagram, I think there was a chemical reaction that stabilized the corrosive aspect of The Corruption, but this reaction would also have had an effect on the retroviral properties of the Demon/Kaiju material. ESPECIALLY when we add Eli into the mix.
Now, I think generally the amount of radiation that these viruses would be exposed to would kill them (if you believe viruses are alive. there is some MEGA debate going on about that). But if the corruption was just stabilized/hardened on the outside and left squishy and organic on the inside, that would successfully protect everything. And whats that organic squishyness on the inside? EXCELLENT QUESTION AGAIN. If Eli died while inside The Charger then it's not a stretch to think his DNA would have been incorporated and stored via through the natural processes of the retrovirus as a provirus. And so you end up with the genetic mixture of a horrifying creature capable of heinous acts, and a Demon/Kaiju. WITH retroviral properties. Dear god.
Robbie would get exposed to this the very first time he enters the Charger. Because of his semi-immunity + genetic relation to Eli he would likely be able to overcome the more meatsuit damaging aspects of this mixture and just get right through the genome editing without much fuss from his immune system. We would still have a certain degree of damage to his nervous system which allows for that change in strength that would occur in usual examples of the virus (maybe some added aggression from mild influence in his amygdala), but not to a deadly degree. Honestly this shit would barely classify as a virus its just. A nightmare mutagen at this point. So while some of his gnome would remain fairly the same, a good 30% to 50% is megafucked.
Changing Robbies genotype to this degree will naturally result in a change to his phenotype! For the sake of fun were gonna ignore stem cells and their weirdness (for now. I just need to stew on it a little longer and I can make up some bullshit I'm sure). The damage his muscles would experience from less regulated signals would mean they experience muscle tears and subsequent muscle growth. For usual muscle damage from exercise this takes a few days, so if we wanted to keep with that timeline it could be interesting to introduce some minorly sped up healing. That would also be fun for reactivating the growth plates in his bones to allow him to become bigger and taller overall (boring body horror my beloved @cicada-candy that term is never leaving).
THEN you can get into some of the fucky wuckier traits like tapetum lucidum and TEEF. TEEEEEEFFFF. The teeth in particular could go a few different ways. You could just have growth and development of the canines resume until they become elongated and more prominant. OR. You could replace the teeth with bony protrusions from the skull that would push out the original canines and grow in their place. Because of the time it takes for bones to heal your looking at this happening around 20 weeks out. Literally any fun trait you want to take from Demon/Kaiju could apply here.
The most important part would be the nerve bundles on his spine that would be used to bluetooth to The Charger (<- this is a nonsense sentence. I am aware of this). These would provide faster communication with the charger and (theoretically) more intuitive movement, while also allowing him to eventually controlling the charger from the outside. Please note that this would cause EXTREME STRESS to his nervous system. It would be like a person trying to flex a muscle the size of another person for the first time. LEARNING PROCESS. TAKE IT SLOW OR HAVE AN ANEURYSM.
Which leads me to the youtuber apology part of this.
Skin necrosis is a result of the mass death of skin cells that is furthered by the damage to blood cells. This usually results in a blackened, leathery texture to the necrosed skin. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER EVEN MENTIONED THIS.
What I SHOULD have done is said 'hmm ah yes it would make more sense for some protective covering over these nerve concentrations to either come from materials in Robbies body or to mutate into the skin of the Demon/Kaiju'. This is why we do sufficient research before getting back on our bullshit, wazz (mental note mental note mental note mental note).
I am quite partial to the idea of that stronger/thicker Demon skin/armor growing under Robbies skin and it just itches and burns until he cant ignore it anymore. And then he can pull off. Whatever skin is on the top of it. HEHHEHEHOHOHOHO DELICOUS MENTAL IMAGE of him panicking because he just wanted to scratch his back but now theres blood on his hands and skin sloughing off and dear fucking lord how did he get to this point in his life (<- I daydream about normal things guys don't worry. very average things).
ANYWAY uhhhh if you made it this far I love you. Legit. Have a cookie. Take a nap. Have a happy holidaze <3.
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datasoulglitch · 7 months
[Before AU created]
Before everything turned into an AU, I only had some kind of distant idea.. probably just my vision of how they both continued to exist in the depths of BF's mind, forced to tolerate each other.
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So initially, they hardly got along. Soul felt an open dislike for Corrupt, Corrupt responded in kind, although he himself felt sympathy for Soul, without realizing it. Over time, Soul got used to Corrupt's presence. In fact, Corrupt almost never harmed Soul without real reason, mostly when Soul himself provoked him into aggressive behavior. Corrupt simply responded with negativity to negativity. By himself, he was completely neutral to anyone expect BF maybe. As Soul got used to Corrupt and stopped provoking him, Corrupt began to show some positive emotions more often. In fact, he himself did not understand what these emotions were, and why he felt them, but at the same time he simply followed his heart.
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One of my current friends gave me the idea that Corrupt, due to the fact that he has a connection with the BF, has a bit of humanity in himself that he doesn't understand at all. This all also created his strange attachment to Soul, most often expressed in a somewhat aggressive manner, because he simply didn't knew any other approach. As Soul got used to Corrupt and showed less negativity towards him, Corrupt increasingly succumbed to more positive feelings and showed a different side of himself. Although he still tried to hide it behind his usual demeanor, not completely trusting his surroundings, expecting a catch if he opened up. But over time, he was able to open up quite quickly and trust Soul..
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Soul was probably surprised by how Corrupt's behavior around him changed. He didn’t have time to really get used to his company and didn’t trust him completely, while Corrupt took it all much more simply. Maybe his connection with BF made him trust Soul quite quickly, while he did not show negativity and aggression towards Corrupt anymore. But all this could have quite a noticeable effect on Corrupt’s mood. If don’t think about surviving the apocalypse and the danger that Corrupt posed in the past, then to some extent he really was a dark version of BF, especially when control of the virus was destroyed. However, this behavior only occurred in private with Soul. Corrupt has never shown such behavior in the presence of anyone else, remaining extremely aggressive towards others. And to a greater extent, this was the reason why he tried to avoid others altogether. However, the virus hasn't disappeared completely. It remained, but only as an echo in the mind of Corrupt himself, and now became the voice of his own doubts. It never, even to this day, misses an opportunity to weaken Corrupt's spirit at any moment that would cause him to weaken. For what? Because it enjoys his pain first, as if it makes it stronger. Corrupt can become a greater danger to others if his spirit is broken enough that he loses control of himself, allowing the virus to take over him again. No, this does not affect Soul or BF in any way, unless Corrupt directly affect them in their own mind. And since things happened mainly in the mind, all these doubts and pain took the form of chains that kept Corrupt in a separate dark and lonely place, often until someone from the outside it interfered with it.
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This, isn't all of coursr, but somewhere after that it began to turn into an AU, which I created under the encouragement of my former friend. I have collected here the very first pics that about these two, but have not yet begun to turn into Soulmate Demons AU. And I think this post is already getting too long.. To be continued, I think.
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dragonfire1000 · 2 months
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Headcannon: what if humanity became so disgusting and vile that nightmare would become over zealous that even he loses control of the corruption more than he already has only becoming nothing more than a feral mindless creature driving to consume more and more negativity to the point it actually becomes an overwhelming destructive force.
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fandomtrash-16 · 1 year
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was havin thoughts abt Beast Bendy (at least, how i draw him/ my au/version o' him) and was like.
what if he had a loooong neck? and thus. this.
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hes a very big.. big boye.
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