#btw thanks to everyone who helped me with arranging these! :]
chemzee · 2 months
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cyberm4n · 7 months
You've now filled my head with nothing but Alastor and Lucifer brainrot. Any other sharing thoughts you have for them? (I cannot stop thinking about them, I quite literally thought about them sharing me during my entire 8hr retail shift yesterday)
alastor and lucifer sharing you pt 3!
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pt1, pt2
this was highly requested, thank you all for the love <3 im tagging anyone who asked/was fine with it last time but now you can fill out this taglist form to ensure you're tagged for future posts!
tags: @lu-ferri12 @my-anime-garden @princessdreamss @polytheatrix @reaper-of-light-12 @ambi-squirrelly @hazelfoureyes @meggletoomanyfandoms @afernandez21
cw: angst ig?? idk reader is upset cause they keep fighting, general relationship issues for a moment, smut, reader gets eaten out, there's some light praise and condescension i think, alastor has a master kink, alastor discovers he LOVES eating pussy, there's like a weird sexual tension between alastor and lucifer for the majority of this if you squint, the ending is VERY suggestive
other: not 100% happy with formatting on this but i wrote majority of it on a 6 hour flight so like. you win some you lose some. not proofread that well, i kind of ramble at times too but it's fine. 2.1k word count and half of it is formatted in a headcanon cuase, again, lazy 6 hour writing. i also don't use the bolding and coloring that much cause it'd be a lot of work.
left the ending a little open, will probably do a poll tomorrow on if people want me to take this that direction.
■ okay so sex aside i would think outwardly everyone knows you're in a relationship with lucifer at the very least
■ but it's kept lowkey with the other part of the relationship
■ which both are fine with btw
■ lucifer loves pda so he's happy, alastor isn't a fan so it's whatever
■ the public part works out because alastor would genuinely be worried about someone trying to use you to get to him
■ it's bad enough that it's known the king of hell has a new partner, but nobody knowing that if they fuck with you they're fucking with the king of hell AND the radio demon is a silent advantage
■ if anyone knows, it's charlie. but only to the extent of like the fact it's a hinge relationship, everything else she doesn't know and honestly doesn't need to know
■ she's just happy her dad seems happy and is getting along better with alastor
■ i think alastor is the kind to really start caring during the relationship vs. lucifer caring about you deeply before
■ so occasionally alastor will pull you aside, or if no one is watching will just press a quick kiss on your forehead.
■ meanwhile lucifer is always making it known he's in love with you
■ arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, everything
■ again, alastor doesn't really mind unless lucifer decides to be an ass abt it
■ look they still compete with each other sometimes they can't help it
■ then it becomes a game of how much the other can get away with before you either get upset or it's too telling
■ that's the other thing is like, the competing gets really fucking annoying to you
■ we saw them in hells greatest dad it wasn't a want to be a better dad it's just wanting to out do the other
■ and when it transfers to your relationship it gets agitating fast
moving on
■ relationship side alastor isn't as involved with that
■ but if either of them did something that upset you or like there was a lovers quarrel between you and either side it's a big deal to them
■ especially if you're only upset with one half of the hinge
■ cause like, sure, they could compete with each other and purposefully drive you apart
■ but tbh.. both of them lowkey like this arrangement much more than they thought they would
■ so they end up talking to each other about it and figuring out what to do
■ same if you're upset with both
■ not that you're upset often it's just that when you are it's usually cause they crossed a line in their little competition
■ and they hate making their girl feel like a prize to be won :(
■ whatever their solution is, they do it together.
■ show you they can get along, that they both care about you enough
■ you're in your room, a bit of a blow up happened earlier after they got into one of their arguments
■ it's not that you genuinely think theyre using you to get to the other but sometimes with the way they act it's easy to doubt
■ anyways, they both come in, it's late
■ i cry when im frustrated/upset and i think it's a pretty normal reaction, so let's just say you're crying a little
■ they're both immediately at your side, apologizing profusely
■ you've never cried like this before
■ it scares them. alot.
■ for once there's absolutely no competition, the only worry is making you feel better.
■ both sitting next to you on the couch, lucifer murmuring how much he loves you, and how he knows how much alastor cares for you
■ i hate the whole "alastor doesn't understand emotions" thing because he does. he has to, he knows how to read people well.
■ it's just he hasn't ever comforted someone
■ he doesn't know what to do when someone he cares about is upset
■ so he's glad lucifer is here, as alastor just sits at your side nodding along and gently rubbing your back
■ alastor only tunes back in when lucifer offers to give some space for the night, and a little murmur from you agrees but asks they both come to bed that night
■ given its usually only lucifer who actually sleeps in the same bed as you alastor is surprised
■ but lucifer is beckoning him out for some space.
"cmon, we'll be back in an hour yeah?" he chimes from the door, and with a squeeze of your shoulder alastor is out of the door, but he opts to walk along with lucifer. "we gotta do better" lucifer sighs as he walks, not looking over at alastor. he's not accusing alastor, he seems equally disappointed in both of them.
"for her?" alastor adds, and lucifer gives a hum of agreement. "this while ordeal has been quite... stressful as of late, no?" alastor adds, "to our own faults, yes" lucifer murmurs, giving a sigh. alastor nods, and the two men walk in silence for some time, ending up in the parlor, husk far since gone to bed. "want anything?" lucifer pulls alastor back to reality once again, he's standing behind the bar while alastor had been staring off, his mind running with thoughtd of god knows what.
"whiskey, my friend?" alastor suggests, and giving it a considerate thought lucifer pours two glasses. the silence falls over them again, just the sound of the clink of their glasses on the counter.
"so tell me, how do you do it when you pleasure her?" alastor breaks the silence, lucifers eyes dart up to him. thinking for a moment before replying "i don't really think tonight is the time for that—" lucifer says, but in a gentle tone.
"no no, in the morning." alastor says, staring down at his glass. "you two indulge often in the morning, correct?" alastor says, now his eyes uncomfortably on lucifer. Watching as the other man almost pales a little, swallowing thickly.
lucifer immediately falters, giving a sigh. "look it's not— i‐ that's not her fault–" lucifer immediately starts, assuming this is a confrontation. his eyebrows raise as alastor shakes his head. "oh please, if i had problem with it i would have done something" he says, a static crackle echoing through the room. "no, i want to know how you do it when you... when it's just about her. how can i do the same?" alastor asks, and this is even more surprising to lucifer than this whole fucking idea in the first place.
■ so lucifer of course explains some stuff to him, of course it's hard because unless he's done it before it's hard to articulate some of his "moves"
■ i mean lucifer can hardly resist going down on you everytime, he's definitely experienced but it's hard to transfer that knowledge at times
■ but he's impressed alastor even asked
■ so when they return to your room, they're a lot more calmer with each other than before.
■ that night changed a lot between them tbh
■ it's slightly awkward for both of them when everyone gets settled in the bed
■ you're on your back, lucifer on your right side and alastor on the left.
■ they're both holding you to the best of their abilities
■ lucifer gives alastors hand a squeeze before shuffling it to have a better grasp on your waist
■ you all peacefully sleep through the night, not shifting much but it's pretty comfortable
■ is the morning you're mostly cuddled into alastor, which is entirely lucifers doing
■ when you're all awake though alastor gets arguably nervous
■ but you being you, you slump over onto alastors chest, murmuring some affection to him
■ lucifer gives a nod, it's time.
■ he'd honestly probably move to get out of bed, assuming some privacy is wanted
■ but he feels a shadow wrap around his forearm, it's a light pressure
■ alastor shakes his head, mouthing a small "please"
after lucifer processes for a moment what exactly is about to go down, he's okay with that. he settles back in, his eyes on the two of you as alastor tilts your chin up, pressing a kiss to your lips. "my dear, would you mind if i tried something a little different with you?" alastor chimes, and you blink your eyes open again, still a bit sleepy as you give a nod.
he gently maneuvers you on the bed so you're laying on your back, his hands pawing at your sleep shorts and pulling them to your ankles. lucifer watches, honestly a little mezmerized by the whole ordeal. he feels proud in an odd sort of way. “I think our little doe deserves a treat, would you like that?” alastor murmurs as he spreads your thighs open. You take a shaky breath before murmuring some form of agreement, maybe even a little plea.
without further prodigy, alastors finally leans down his tongue swiping down your folds, hands grasping your hips to pull you to his face. your hands go to hold lucifers, but he shakes his head tutting at you. “ah ah, that’s not very polite princess” he chides softly, guiding your hands to alastors hair.
and alastor makes good use of the tips and information lucifer gave him, his tongue plunging into your sweet little hole as his nose bumps your clit. his eyes wander up, making eye contact with you as he eats you out so wonderfully. you tug at his hair and he practically growls in pleasure, opting to change tactics and focus his mouth on your clit while his fingers slide inside you, gently curling into your sweet spot.
and lucifer watches it all, absolutely mesmerized. he doesnt know what it is about watching this but theres something about knowing alastor is doing exactly as told to in this scenario that makes lucifer feel warm. he lets alastor steal the show, doing only minimal work. maybe hes softly cooing praises or gently reminding you to show your appreciation to the one making you feel this good.
as you get close, evident by the murmur that falls past your lips, alastors eyes snap to lucifers for a moment, and he takes a moment to think before understanding. usually when youre close alastor is all over you, telling you to be such a good girl and cum, just slight praises and coaxing. given the fact hes face deep in your sweetness he cant really do that, so that job is up to lucifer now.
“isn’t alastor doing such a good job duckling? you want to make sure he knows how good hes treating you, dont you?” lucifer coos, scooting in behind you on the bed so you stop trying to writhe away. “I think he’d be so disappointed if you didnt cum for him, you think you can do that, hm? you wanna cum all over your masters tongue?” lucifer says directly in your ear, and alastor feels a bit of a warmth in his stomach by being referred to as “master”
when you give a weak moan in response lucifer sighs, shaking his head. “be a good girl now, you can do it little doe” he says which is what sends you toppling over the edge, your hips rutting up into alastors mouth, whiny moans coming from you as alastor desperately licks up your sweet release. this whole thing was quite enjoyable for alstor, but hearing lucifer call you “little doe” his petname for you made him smugly satisfied.
after some aftercare which mostly just involved more cuddling, alastor feels satiated enough to shift to leave, before getting a look from lucifer. he reluctantly stays, feeling as you come to lay at his side once more. lucifer seems to take note of something, giving alastor a nod down, he glances down, seeing the obvious tent in his pants. alastor looks back up, slightly annoyed. a like “yeah, no shit dumbass” kind of look is exchanged.
alastor looks back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sigh happily. but alastor tenses as he feels a hand on his knee, shooting a glare to lucifer as he traces his hand up a little. the two meet as and alastor takes a shaky breath as lucifer leans in just a little, breathing out the next few words with a calmness alastor admires:
“just keep cuddling her”
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
Hey, i love ur works. I was wondering if i could request the Cullens with a reader who’s really good with children and is also a kindergarten/elementary school teacher. Thank u💞 Hope you have a nice day
The Cullens with a Reader who’s good with Kids
I apologize ahead of time for any inaccuracies here. There are no children around me and I do not go seek them out either. Me and kids do not mix…
Anyways thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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We don’t really know how he feels about kids before the birth of Renesmee
I mean obviously he loves her, but we don’t know if that’s because he loves kids or just because she’s his daughter
Either way I feel like he would be good with them
He would love to come help you with your students anytime you want him to
He loves setting up little games for them to play and reading to them
And he loves how good you are with kids
It just makes him go crazy
And then he gets stuck in that spot of wanting a kid with you. It not wanting to put you through what Bella went through
But that’s a whole different topic
He does have a moment of self doubt
He thinks you should be with someone who is alive and who could give you kids (if you want them)
Not someone who’s dead and could only hurt you
But he does get over himself
Until then he helps you in your classes
All of your students love him btw
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You know those videos on tiktok of elementary school teachers going all out decorating their classrooms?
Alice is making you do that whether you want to or not
She’s buying all of the streamers, decorations, and posters she can find
She has so much fun with it
And she LOVES to dress you up in colorful outfits
If you’re a man or a woman or anything in between it doesn’t matter
Cause you are gonna wear this rainbow sweater no matter what
And I have a feeling she’s really good with kids too
She’s never had a really strong desire to have any, but she loves to hang out with them when they’re around
She helps out in your classroom as much as she can
And if that help is just making sure your streamers are up to fire code… who’s keeping track anyway
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This man is scared of kids
There was one time where he was just walking through a park with Alice and a kid tripped and scraped his knee
He almost went ballistic
Kids are so unpredictable and such a danger to themselves and other kids
Way too prone to bleeding for him to be comfortable
So he’s always on edge around them
Not to mention he’s always awkward
He doesn’t know what to talk about
He was in your room once and a kid was trying to play with him and he just… sat there
Bro is lost
Tried talking about the weather to one of your kids once too
It’s best to keep him away
He’s more than willing to help decorate your room though
And grade tests if you’re getting a bit swamped
It’s just in everyone’s best interest if he’s only in your classroom after hours
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Do I even need to elaborate
She is THE woman for the job
We all know she loves kids, and if what we saw of her with Renesmee proves anything, she’s great with them too
So this is literally the perfect arrangement
She loves kids
She’s not able to be around kids often
You show up
You are literally an elementary school teacher
Perfect match
She comes over literally every time that she can
And since there’s nothing technically holding her back, that’s pretty often
She poses as your student teacher in order to be there all the time
Really, she’s great with them
And she loves it
And the fact that you love kids and are great with them too instantly puts you at #1 on her list
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I feel like he’s also great with kids
They love him
I mean, when you’re a kid, what’s better than the guy who can swing you around
Very few things tbh
The boys in your class especially love him
They love arm wrestling or racing him
He lets them win of course
He mostly shows up at your classroom around recess
But hey at least he gets all of their energy out before they need to sit down more
He’s also not someone who dreams about having kids
But if you want them, then he’s all for it
As long as you’re either willing to adopt or willing to go through what Bella went through
But as for him, he’s okay with the little guys you have running around your classroom
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Another mother at heart
She loves kids
I mean, she’s dedicated her entire vampire life to being an adoptive mother to about 7 immortal kids
So she is more than willing to help you with anything you want
Your kids absolutely love her too
They always get excited when Mrs Esme comes to visit
She is the best at storytelling
She has their entire attention for as long as she spends talking
And she loves helping you decorate your room too
Of course, she also loves that you’re so good with kids
As someone who once had a child and now has so many “children,” it’s important to her that her partner loves kids
Any time you need help, she is there
And she is so excited to decorate your classroom
She brings in candy and food for every single holiday party
Your kids don’t need to provide a single thing
That might be why they all love her actually
Jk jk
She’s just so sweet how could you not
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He is also a guy who’s great with kids
I mean, when you’re one of the only doctors in a small town you kinda have to be good with all kinds of people
Kids love him too
He doesn’t even really need to try
He’s just sort of unbothered by whatever kids want to do to him
So if a kid wants to climb onto his back and pull his hair and sit on his head then he won’t stop them
It’s not like it hurts or anything, he’ll live
Obviously though, he can’t be at your classroom all of the time
Actually, he can’t even be there every once in a while
The clinic is pretty demanding
So he mostly just helps at home
The amount of times when he has graded your kids’ papers or printed off new worksheets for them while you were asleep is countless
He just tries to support you where he can
And of course his money is your money
You want to throw a birthday party for one of your students? Here’s his debit card, go crazy
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s a reluctant person with kids
I mean, obviously she loves Renesmee, but aside from her, she’s never been good at dealing with kids
She’s just awkward around them
Sort of the same vibe as Jasper
Doesn’t know what to say to them
She was in your classroom and one of the kids was talking to her
So she just started talking about politics?
Even the kid was confused
But the problem is that kids love her
You don’t really know why, neither does she
But something about her just draws kids to her
She prefers to just help you out at home
But she gets frustrated too quick with the little kid writing
“What the hell is this supposed to say? I’m just gonna mark it wrong”
“Bella you can’t just do that-“
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ozzgin · 11 months
Hi! thank you for my matchup and I really enjoyed it. You made all of my matches sound like they want to marry me, hehe (especially with Izuku). BTW, get well soon! Also, this isn't a request (just something I imagined): Izuku who absolutely loves the reader. One day, he randomly brings them a gift. As appreciation for his gifts, reader kisses Izuku all over his face.
Very glad to hear you enjoyed the results! I was somewhat nervous it’d be a hit or miss because I had never written anything BNHA related, but I had a lot of fun. Turns out writing for Deku is a surprisingly pleasant and cozy experience. So I certainly don’t mind expanding on your idea if that’s alright with you! :)
BNHA Headcanons: Midoriya Izuku as a loving boyfriend
Featuring Deku and a reader on the receiving end of his acts of love. Just some fluff ideas.
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Once Deku finds a source of interest, he will research it to exhaustion. His humble notebook of rushed scribbles or detailed documentation is a black hole of information with no visible end in sight. Naturally, this habit of his will extend to his loved ones. Especially you. Knowing everything about his significant other is only common sense. Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, opinions…All the traits that you’re comprised of have been dutifully compiled on paper, and Deku will treat this manuscript like his own little Holy Book.
It is to be noted, however, that he’s not just a hoarder. All these facts are not kept around out of mere idleness. More than anything, Deku loves to see your smile. It’s particularly addicting, more so if he’s the cause of it. Thus he will do everything in his powers to entertain you and guarantee a bright expression on your face.
His main love languages are acts of service and gift giving. He doesn’t need special occasions to shower you with little gestures of affection. It’s not even an active effort per se. He will be shopping for groceries and notice your favorite soda is back in stock, swiftly adding it to his cart. He’ll learn your favorite artist is in town, so he’ll carefully check your schedule and buy tickets ahead. He knows you have an upcoming exam that stresses you terribly, so he’ll arrange a review session shortly beforehand with handmade flashcards and summaries to help you remember key aspects.
One could say it’s his nature to be attentive. For the longest time he’s been an outcast, standing in the audience and solely observing the others. The heroes on stage. Even as his turn came to step up into the spotlight, his introversion and introspection have continued to polish his skill of reading people to perfection. The slightest twist of your mouth will offer him everything he needs to know about your mood.
Safe to say Izuku, of course, doesn’t expect anything in return. He’s doing it out of his pure, unadulterated love for you. Although if he must be honest, your reactions to his surprises do leave him chasing for more. Last time it happened, he almost teared up wiping the lip stains you left on his face. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror, Deku couldn’t help the pride swelling up his chest. He would’ve loved to parade U.A. like this, letting everyone know about his undeniable bond with you. Sadly, he’s much too anxious for that kind of attention. Worry not, they shall live on in his memory.
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billskeis · 10 months
Could you write bill or tom fluff with an s/o that has like chronic pain or iron deficiency?
(Love your work btw)💕💕💕
ᡣ𐭩 kaulitz twins w iron deficient gf
you and tom were sitting on the couch together cuddling, bill, georg and gustav left the studio go to grab take-out from the local pizza place nearby. you had your head leaned on tom’s shoulder, watching tv as his arm that wrapped around you was caressing your shoulder.
“we’re back!”
you hear bill yell as shoes were being kicked off and plastic bags were rustling from being swung around softly.
“welcome back!” bill, georg and gustav set everything down on the coffee table in the studio. “oh! y/n and i even got you the chicken wings you wanted, tom told me too,” bill said.
“really!? oh my gosh! thank you!!” you begin to lift up your body in excitement because you haven’t had those wings in like forever, as you came to stand, your blood pressure drops a little too fast and you feel extremely dizzy.
you find yourself flopping back down, not into the couch but into tom’s lap who was still sitting down, “woah! princess you good??” everybody looked at you now a little concerned. his hands now on each one your arms holding them.
“shit—yeah! i just get dizzy whenever i do that,” you reassure everyone and they go back to whatever they’re doing, except tom who clings on to you tightly.
you feel yourself getting a little embarrassed at the excessive public display of affection, but nobody seems to care.
“tom? i’m hungry, let me please get a plate before the chicken wings run out,” you both turn to look at the three other boys scarfing down the food quickly it might finish if you blink once more.
“hold on baby, let me get you a plate,” tom lifts you off his lap and places you onto the soft plush couch gently to go get a plate from the coffee table, “tom! it’s okay—“ “don’t even try y/n, he won’t let you, you’re his little princess after all,” georg snickers while tom punches his arm.
“so what if she is?” tom asks while georg shrugs his shoulder, taking a large bite of his pizza.
arranging the foods onto the paper plate, tom puts an array of a pizza slice, breadsticks and the chicken wings he specifically requested for you. “HEY! gustav no more wings those are for y/n,” as he swats away gustav’s hand that seemingly reached for another.
you didn’t know he asked for them, how sweet.
he sits down beside you, handing the plate, “thanks tom, you didn’t have to..” “oh but i did, though. i did have to because you just deserve to just sit here and eat. you take care of me all the time so let me do this for you,” you laugh at him while taking your pizza off the plate.
“ahhhhh~,” tom opens his mouth to welcome the pizza that WAS for you in a joking manner, stopping when you role your eyes sarcastically at him. instead, you take a big bite of the pizza to which he pouts dramatically, then laughing at he quickly kisses your cheek as you chew on the delicacy of pizza.
god, you love this man.
“thank you so much bill, you really didn’t have to cook tonight,” you say as he sets down tonight’s dinner containing steak, mash potatoes and asparagus, “nonsense! you’re my girlfriend after all.”
he smiles brightly and looks proudly towards the food he made.
“oh! hold on a second, he gets up from the seat beside you to grab something from the fridge,” you watch him in curiosity until he turns around and shows you a,
“babe, an orange?” you ask, he sits down beside you, beginning to peel the fruit, “ja! i heard it helps you absorb the iron in your food better, the steak is still hot so while it cools you can snack on this before.”
so he actually did research huh..
as he finishes peeling the orange, he begins removing the orange pith, the spongey veins begin to clear off the fruit as it reveals its more vivid colour, you kiss bill on the forehead looking at him and awe and he shy’s away looking down.
“you’re too sweet bill,” you lean your arm on the table as you rest your head on your hand staring at him, he doesn’t know where to look as you can see his cheeks are tinted a rosy pink, “thank you, meine liebe.. now say ahhhh~”
you open your mouth to welcome the slice of orange he so particularly peeled for you, a little of the juice spills out the corner of your mouth as you rush to eat the fruit.
they’re super sweet.
bill takes his thumb and wipes off the juice that began to run down corner of your mouth and face. taking his thumb away he suckles on the tip of it to get the juice that was once on your face into his mouth.
why the fuck is he so hot and cute at the same time!?
“stop doing that..” you say, “stop doing what?” “BEING HOT AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME!” he laughs at you and shakes his head, he then picks up another slice of orange to hold towards your mouth, “my hotness and cuteness could never compare to yours,” “oh please!”
as you finish slice by slice of the orange, he feeds each and every one piece to you, not letting you do it yourself even thought your very much capable of doing so. after eating the last slice he gives you a kiss on the kips and licks his lips after.
“shall we eat?”
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doudouma · 9 months
Hello there! I hope it’s not a bother, but may i request Douma x Fem!reader? (Headcanons) Basically, the reader meets Douma and instead of treating him like a god figure/begging him for paradise/only caring about her own problems she instead is concerned since he’s literally listening to other people’s burdens ALL day long and grows worried for his mental health? She offers genuine kindness, expecting nothing in return! This surprises/confuses Douma because people either don’t like him or only view him as an object to trauma dump on. (I personally believe Douma is just as broken as the other demons. Everyone overlooks his trauma TBH.) The reader just genuinely cares about him as a friend and whenever she finds out he’s a demon she just accepts him for who he is and doesn’t run away like how Kotoha did. Then maybe that’s when Douma begins to fall for the reader?
Haha, sorry this request is so long. I just love pure fluff and Douma angst in general! (Btw i adore your blog! It’s very adorable and i enjoy reading your headcanons during my breaks. I hope you’re doing alright!)
“a second chance at love”
douma with a fem!reader who genuinely cares about his mental health!
◆ greetings, dearest! thank you so much for requesting, and your kind compliment ! i put in so much effort into my blog, and i’m happy my aesthetic has not gone unnoticed〜! i hope you enjoy! I’m glad i can occupy your time on your breaks! I’m doing alright, also♡
there are no warnings, my dear lotus.
reader is implied female.❀ 〜
a/n : i find this request rather cute! definitely poor doumas trauma is overlooked.. if you notice, muzan only chooses vulnerable people to become his servants. why would douma be any different? it’s very heartbreaking, my lovely lotus. douma is one of my favorites…〜
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okay, before i get started, just look at how cute douma is in the gif〜!! his little smile! he’s so tiny! so cute! a sweetheart! absolutely a baby!
when douma first sees you, he sees you no different from his other followers: lovely, but here to vent.
however, when you appeared and you two settled in, douma asked if anything was concerning you.
you said no, and decided to ask HIM if he’s okay!
you know, with listening to others problems and not really getting his own feelings out himself. being trauma dumped onto. not having anyone to talk to.
whats going on? nobody asks about him?
“hehe, my, my! what are you up to, dear? i promise to help guide you to paradise〜 cmon, cmon, talk to me〜”
did he just disregard your questions?! yes, yes he did. the poor boy is confused, but not surprised.
maybe he’s met someone like you before, but it meant nothing to him. couldn’t even recall their name〜
you keep questioning him and eventually he just kindly lets you go, mostly out of the state of confusion.
certainly he’d after he’d finish up with all of his followers, he’d be thinking about you!
why did you care? concerned for his well-being? nobody cares about him, right? not even the uppermoons or muzan!
the next time you visit his cult, you bring him a pretty bowl of edible arrangements! little do you know right now he can’t eat it..
you tell him that he’s just as important as anyone else would be! you also tell him that he can vent out to you, and you’ll be his little personal friend〜♡ how cute!
he would let out that cute little “..hm?..” he does〜
douma is left being confused, but intrigued. and he takes your arrangements♡
mostly questioning on why you’re here. why don’t you have anything to vent about? here for some other sort of service? to socialize?
typically, douma would have counted your days and would’ve eaten you〜
but, he hasn’t? he likes the feeling of being able to cling to someone. but clinging to them isn’t the right term he wants to use.
“dearest, you know, i really enjoy your company, and whatever idea you have going on〜! not many chances like this where i have normal conversations〜”
what idea?! you’re trying to comfort him?!
there’s a possible chance douma would just think you’re pretending. just like him♡
but the way you gently reassure him that his feelings are valid, smile at him, bring him gifts, and sometimes even just sitting next to him..
..tells him that maybe you’re not pretending? he’s very intelligent after all〜
he would be confused on what to feel, and if he should even feel anything at all?!
this next time you visit him, you catch a glimpse of what’s going on in the room you pass by. close the door all the way next time, douma!
with only seeing him sitting on the floor with his back facing you, and a few blood piles, you can pretty much guess only one of two things:
he’s injured〜
the man had devoured someone〜
if anything, you’re more-so confused on how did anyone else not see
later on when he invites you in, you ask him about what you saw.
“ahh! my lovely lotus〜 don’t tell anyone about what you saw, okay? the blood wasn’t mine, im unharmed. perhaps i’m not human, my dear〜”
for one reason or another, it doesn’t phase you, and you still wish to continue being his friend, and you stay with him♡〜
he would just sit there with his rainbow eyes filled with life, and ask you are you sure. when you say yes, he would clap his hands together with a bright smile and a single word, “lovely!”
now he’s grown more attached to you. but still, clingy isn’t the right word to use.
we all know douma has troubles with emotions, so he would ask one of the uppermoons on what’s he’s feeling.
he would ask daki, because she works at the house and deals with all types of emotions. her response:
“… don’t tell me you’re in ‘love’ with somebody? gross.”
of course, he would be puzzled by his profound new “love”, but he would be willing to give it a try〜
he spends the rest of his time painting you, collecting flowers and little desserts for you.
and when he sees you, he gives them to you, along with a few compliments!
although douma claims he’s already in love with you, it’s more so of a crush for now♡
hmm… i feel like douma would fall in love in stages?
with that being said,
he wouldn’t completely fall in love with you until enough time as passed where he can believe you won’t abandon him.
even then, he would still sometimes be in denial, since he went decades without love or emotions.
it’ll take him some time, but he’ll get it!
from here and on, he would often give you kisses and thank you for always being so kind to him!
never had he ever thought someone would care for him.
but not only did you tell him wrong, but you showed him wrong as well〜
for eternity, douma will always love and cherish you..
..as long as it’s reciprocated by the one who showed him it all, you♡
“my lovely lotus, you’ve been such a great follower of mine, so loyal and sweet. however, for someone as unique as you, why don’t you be my other half instead? i’ve heard of soulmates before as well, wouldn’t that just be lovely〜?”
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ahh!! my apologies for getting this out so late, dearest〜 i hope this satisfy your douma needs, and it certainly did for me! no need to apologize for the “long request”, there’s no such thing〜♡
this were fun to write! thank you for your support and patience, my precious flowers❀〜
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bbgnyx · 9 months
omg !! I saw your post where you said you'd be taking song fic requests and I have one. 🫣
song: you belong with me - Taylor Swift
lyrics: "But she wears short Skirts, I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so, why can't you see? You belong with me.."
Pairing: football player!lee know x introverted!reader
genre: angst (with fluff at the end...?)
You Belong With Me~
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a/n: this is absolutely my favourite song ever! @hugsforjungwon thanks for requesting this, it was thrilling to write, and I hope you like it!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
masterlist | prompt list
ty, @cafekitsune for the dividers~
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
for asks view this post
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The night was calm and peaceful. You lounged on the couch, absentmindedly swiping through your phone, while your best friend, Minho, lay sprawled across you. An 80’s hip-hop song played softly in the background, prompting you to groan. "Who on earth decided to play this ancient song?" you quipped, only to answer your own question. "Oh right, we have a Minho in the room." He simply rolled his eyes, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
You and Minho had been inseparable since childhood, so close that you even defied the college rules and secretly roomed together. In your opinion, sharing a room with your best friend was far better than being stuck with some spoiled rich girl. The college dorm arrangements were always harsh, and you didn't want to take any chances.
Over time, your connection with Minho has only grown stronger, and perhaps, you've developed a crush on him. However, you knew deep down that his relationship status as someone's boyfriend rendered your feelings insignificant. It was heart-wrenching for you, but what truly mattered was Minho's happiness, even if it wasn't with you.
Tonight appeared to be just like any other normal night, with both of you lying down engrossed in your phones. Strangely enough, Minho seemed restless, his fingers dancing furiously on the screen as he typed away. Suddenly, his ringtone erupted into a fast-paced melody, prompting him to abruptly leave the room. You didn't pay much attention at first, but you could faintly hear his voice resonating from outside the door. He was tense and arguing.
You realised it was another one of the many fights between him and his girlfriend. You sighed and turned your attention back to your phone. After a few minutes you heard him come back inside, a hand running through his hair like he always did when he was nervous.
“Trouble in paradise?” you asked putting your phone down and turning your attention to him. Minho laughed ruefully, running his fingers through his hair again, as if just thinking about it was enough to make him want to pull at his hair. "Not exactly," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of fondness and frustration. "Jiyeon is wonderful, really. It's just that we have different...senses of humor. She didn't appreciate one of my jokes, I brushed it off as something trivial, and now she's giving me the silent treatment."
"Makes sense. Your jokes suck."
"They do not."
"You're the only one who laughs at them."
"You do too!"
"Only because they're so bad!". As you uttered those words, your gaze dropped to the floor, almost as if avoiding eye contact would reveal the hidden truth of your admiration for Minho's jokes.
"Jiyeon's not bad, of course, but don't you think you jumped into this a little too quickly?" The thought had been lingering in your mind, quietly questioning whether Minho's trust in everyone was warranted. It took him quite some time to let his guard down and trust someone, and although you would never voice it aloud, you couldn't help but feel that he had rushed into this relationship faster than he was comfortable with.
Maybe it was because Jiyeon actually registered as a girl to him. After all these years of being friends, you probably didn’t look any different than the boys to him. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy dressing up, it just wasn't a priority for you, and you didn't have much time for it. Growing up in a small neighborhood, you weren't exactly the social butterfly either.
Jiyeon, on the flip side, always exuded an air of elegance and charm. She was effortlessly put together, making it easy to engage in meaningful conversations with her. Although she adored Jiyeon, it pained her to see her standing next to Minho. They didn't even have to be physically close to give off the impression of a couple.
As your conversation gradually faded, you decided to play some music. The song that came on was your absolute favorite, causing you to sway your head and unleash your inner karaoke star. Minho chuckled, leaning back in his chair, his fingers unconsciously tapping along to the rhythm.
"Jiyeon would absolutely despise listening to this," Minho remarked.
"It's quite entertaining!" you replied with a smirk.
Uh huh, sure," he playfully retorted.
In that moment, you couldn’t think of what Jiyeon thinks of all things. You saw her enough without dwelling on her when she wasn't even there. So what if the music was a bit silly and funky? You were a little silly and funky yourself. Sometimes it made you wonder how Minho could spend time with you, considering how different you were from Jiyeon. It just didn't make sense to you.
But what did Jiyeon really know? She wasn't the one who had known him for ages, who could sense his moods from across the house, or who shared all his inside jokes. No, that was you. But did it even matter anymore? Who were you to feel bitter about Minho's new love interest? Just a friend who hung on his every word, whether you showed it or not.
"I don't understand how you can listen to this," Minho interrupted your thoughts, causing you to quickly look away, feeling your face flush from almost being caught staring at him. "It all sounds the same to me. Like static."
"Not to me," you replied, watching Minho get up to make some tea. You couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of barrier over his eyes that you could remove, so he could see you for who you truly were: everything he had been searching for.
The following day, Minho was in the company of Jiyeon during the morning, but upon his return, he seemed unusually quiet. It was evident that he had a lot on his mind, so you decided not to disturb him. However, you couldn't resist for too long.
"I noticed you left in the morning," you mentioned.
"Yeah, I was with Jiyeon," he replied.
"Is everything alright?" you asked, concerned.
He let out a forced laugh. "As alright as it can be, I suppose."
You nodded, not wanting to pry further. "Are you ready for the big game this afternoon?" you inquired.  "Yeah, I guess," he responded nonchalantly. You smiled, reassuring him, "You're our star quarterback, you'll do great." Extending your fist, you offered him a fist bump, and he reciprocated.
The game arrived sooner than expected, and you quickly put on your house scarf before rushing to the stadium to wish Minho luck. Spotting him, you couldn't contain your excitement and almost tackled him to the ground. His laughter filled the air, a rare and beautiful sound. It was moments like these that made you feel privileged to be one of the few who could bring out that genuine joy in him.
As you said 'Good Luck,' you both performed your special handshake, a ritual you always followed before every game. Afterward, Minho mentioned that he had something important to tell you and went off to prepare himself. You waved him goodbye and found a seat in the bleachers. It was then that your gaze fell upon Jiyeon, she was the head cheerleader, energetically waving her pompoms and looking absolutely adorable in her tight top and short skirt, something you would never be. You couldn't help but feel surprised that Minho didn't approach her for a kiss or something.
The game began and the crowd erupted with cheers, each person supporting their own team. In the end, your and Minho's team emerged victorious! You jumped up, threw your scarf aside, and hurried down to meet Minho.
"You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, as always," you said excitedly.
"Thanks, y/n," he replied, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
You continued to gush about the thrilling game, but then noticed that Minho was only focused on you. Curious, you asked him what was on his mind.
"I wasn't completely honest earlier. Jiyeon and I... we broke up. And I've been thinking aboutwhether I made the right decision or if I was too blind to see what was right in front of me. I think I've found my answer."
You stood there, shocked, and surprised. Was this really happening?
Without warning, Minho swept you off my feet and pulled you into the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. In that moment, it felt like the entire world disappeared, leaving just the two of you.
There was nothing wrong with exploring, making mistakes, and searching for love. But if it wasn't out there, Minho would always come back.
He would always come back to the person he had known all along.
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holographic-mars · 7 months
okok so this isn't exactly coswave related, but i love your soundwave sm. would you happen to have any hcs about soundwave and ravage and their dynamic?? btw i love your art and im eating it nom nom
YES LETS FUCKING GOOO you have no idea how much I love soundwave and cassette relationships so THANK YOU FOR ASKINGGG
Cassette and carrier dynamics are very unique and fluid depending on the mechs involved. Every carrier has a different dynamic, so it’s not always a “parent/child” “boss/grunt” or etc etc kinda dynamic.
The relationship between cassette and carrier oftentimes transcends our understanding of relationships.
For soundwave and his cassettes, the dynamic is very very close and friendly! They love eachother and protect eachother but there’s no designated caregiver—the role is often stepped into, so it’s very malleable and sort of depends on the circumstances. With that being said though, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a subtle hierarchy.
Soundwave was found by Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw in the Dead End and the four (Rav and the birds were already in a mutually beneficial arrangement) eventually formed a very strong bond. Ravage is kinda the head honcho—she’s not the boss per se (that title affectionately goes to Soundwave) but she ensures safety and security for the pack. Ravage’s approval is generally a MUST for anything to happen.
Soundwave rarely goes anywhere without Ravage. If Soundwave is present, it is an almost guarantee that ravage is somewhere close by. If Ravage isn’t available, Buzzsaw and Laserbeak will be (note: rumble and frenzy also have a strong bond with soundwave but they tend to be more independent from the carrier. They still love and protect eachother, but they’re speciality is more like the horrible roommates who help soundwave blow stuff up).
Ravage is a very tactile mech, believe it or not. She’s either wound around soundwaves ankles, perched on his shoulder, or in his lap. Touch was grounding for Soundwave during their time in the Dead End and old habits are hard to break (ie ravage refuses to stop).
Ravage grooms like a cat. She’ll wrestle soundwave to the ground to groom her face. The birds aren’t safe either. She’ll grab them out of the sky and sit on them to groom them. Rumble and frenzy are about the same size as Ravage (she’s a big girl) so she tackles them easy. Nobody is safe.
Soundwave has cat tendencies bc of ravage. His tape deck whrrs when he’s happy/content and it resembles a purr (he learned early on that it’s a calming gesture and an easy way to calm ravage down, later learning that it works for the other cassettes as well. Now it’s more subconscious than anything else). They also headbutt to show affection—a rare occurrence outside of their cassettes—but they’ll bump their head against the birds if they’re on her shoulder or gently headbutt one of the twins after a particularly difficult battle.
If Ravage is pissed off she gets petty. She’ll hide your stuff, she’ll tear stuff up, try to ‘accidentally’ trip you, etc etc. and honestly Soundwave can also get petty. They’re no better than she is. When they get into arguments it’s horrible for everyone around.
Small coswave note: ravage knew soundwave had a crush on cosmos before soundwave even did. She stalked cosmos obsessively and made note of every little way he acted around soundwave. Only the best for her kit (don’t worry, she begrudgingly approved eventually)
That’s all I can think of right now but yeah they mean. So much to me. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I LOVE THESE AND ENJOY YOUR ART MEAL EEHEHE ❤️❤️❤️🛸🛸
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
tell me about your oc i need to absorb all the knowledge
WAUGAHH yayy yay thank u okay so
Surja Maharaja (not his real name. btw. he named himself "Sun Great King" rough translation lmaoo) is a wandering merchant (*cough* scammer *cough*) who is currently in Melini because he's heard that the rising golden kingdom is full of economic opportunities,,, has a low unemployment rate, and is generally very prosperous and ruled by a passionate king who loves food... and how Melini is mysteriously protected from monsters coming into the border ...
And he decides to research everything he can about the court and introduces himself to the King Of Melini™ as a foreign dignitary from a port city south of the eastern continent (sooo around the eastern archipelago i guess?? map for reference...)
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Anyway, he proposes a diplomatic arrangement where the port city's government would help with export of marine goods as well as open up restaurant chains !!! that serve monster food, so . monster food golden opportunity high long term investment business!!! and Laios is ecstatic !
Kabru is not. Lmao. Kabru is instantly suspicious of this "charismatic" "mysterious" "foreign dignitary" that just strolled into the castle ... but he's gotta confirm his suspicions first . So he decides to not tell Laios that he distrusts this guy and decided to uhhh stalk him a bit
anyway Laios lets Surja stay in the castle because like yay alliances diplomacy !! yayy monster food !!! (like ... Laios cant rlly eat monster anymore but ... spreading monster cuisine to other continents??? spreading the joy of food??? hes all in baby!!!) and Surja quickly befriends basically everyone or at least everyone whos currently there (like senshi is visiting but chilchuck is like sometimes there sometimes not cuz like lol he got a shop to run!!!) and Izutsumi is currently there too. Anyway. yea Surja's rlly friendly n stuff ^_^ and it only makes Kabru even more suspicious as to what exactly this guy is hiding
Anyway, more under the cut cuz it might get wayyy too longv amdhskhdjs
Kabru decides the best course of action is to interrogate Surja directly after a few days (maybe the 6th day ? Surja stay in the castle? but Kabru's been watching him and asking the royal guards to keep an eye on him too) ok anyway Kabru invites him to his office (idk if he has one of those but like . whatever. his work quarters .) (they're like on a break btw . ig . so laios is like chilling and not sitting on the throne rn hes just taking a walk with falin and marcille or smth) right anyway Kabru mr. Nice Guy Kabru is like "ok we need to discuss something ... "dignitary"" and Surja is like ooo-kay?
Btw i havent mentioned but even b4 this , Surja kind of has a crush on Kabru already (hes infatuated... hes obsessed... down bad down horrendous and he hasnt even talked with Kabru all that much) so hes like the nervouser (lol. silly) hehe haha... anyway
Kabru tells him to state his true intentions with the king. Surja goes, "huh? what do you mean Sir? I'm just here to propose a trade alliance and business vent--"
Kabru goes, "cut the pleasantries. I've investigated you over the course of these few days and I've sent a letter to the magistrate of the city you claim to represent, and they don't even have you listed as a citizen in their records."
Surja (sweating)
Kabru continues with a simple yet genuine threat, "you do know lying to the king is an offense punishable by death, right?"
Suddenly what Surja thought was going to be a lil diplomatic discussion regarding how the proposal he's drafting up going is ... an interrogation. An uncomfortable confessional where Kabru holds the reins and is playing 5d chess mind games. And Surja takes it as a challenge... and tries to defend himself with the classic diversion of, "I don't know what you're talking about!! Why would I lie about such a thing!!! You must be mistaken!! ahahaha aha
Kabru who is unimpressed by the sweaty conman's terrible lying skills starts pushing more on the subject. "How could you lie to the king? what are your plans? I think I know your scheme is to steal from us and our kingdom's treasury, but what else are you hiding? Are you a wanted criminal? A stowaway? " and Surja slams the desk a bit . like "OKAY! OKAY ! I! I did runaway but I've been travelling for ages!!! and I just thought this place sounded amazing !!! this kingdom is a rising one and yet it's already found its foundation and already has a powerful magical defense!!! "
and then Kabru goes... as a test (he doesn't actually believe it) , he asks . if Surja isn't actually human. Maybe he's a monster, a shapeshifter of sorts... a walking corpse perhaps? One that's trying to take refuge in Melini and doesn't even realize that it isn't a real human being... just a monster wearing human skin.
And Surja has a mental breakdown (yay here's the toxic in the toxic yaoii!!!)
Surja on the defensive and Kabru on the offensive, Surja decides to try and bite the bullet and confess that yes hes been lying, yes hes kind of a scammer vagabond, yes okay yes . and then he tries to get some sympathy by spilling his tragic backstory and it catches Kabru off guard
Kabru just wanted to exile or imprison or execute this guy who could have ill intent (and is obviously lying abt a lpt of things) . but when Surja revealed that hes kind of like..
okay. lemme paste this thing I typed . Surjas #traumatic backstory
Just imagine ghis is Surja telling everything to Kabru . so quotation marks . yea this is him Speaking
In the beginning, there was a land shrouded in darkness. And then, there came light.
Where I'm from, what you all called the "dungeon" was the corpse of a dead god, the land we stood upon as well. The dungeon was a temple in my people's eyes... And what you call the "Demon", well. He was our Light. The god that my people worshipped. It's... pathetic, isn't it? We didn't know. We... we couldn't have known.
When I was born... I. I was loved, I think. However I... was never a child. My older brother, he. he had this ailment. He couldn't speak, and he acted like he was possessed by a spirit of sorts, at least, that was my mother's theory. I always thought that he was just different.
I was their light, in a way. I could speak, smile, in an eloquent way as other humans do. They loved me, they did. But I was a sickly child... my brother, physically stronger, mentally weaker, and I? I was their light. The saviour of their reputation.
And that's why... as I grew up I realized that . The ones who took care of me, only saw me as a chalice. And whenever I did something that was... not... in line with their perception of me, they saw a monster.
It was so easy. Claim that I was possessed, sacrifice me, the brighter one, to their god, and their beloved children could be cured of their respective ... deformities.
Ha... well. That's what happened. The demon could grant any wish right? My mo- ... my.... caretaker. Took me to the dungeon one day and said, "Let my child have her dreams come true... in return, give us your blessing of wealth and prosperity! Bring us honor, bring us glory..."
That's why... I'm like this now. I guess I'm a half-beast (you lot call that beast-man here?), a monster (I was always a monster. I think.) I... You're right. I'm not human. I'm just... a walking corpse... a shell of a man...
Now all I have left is my desire for money... and my elder brother... I haven't seen him for ... 15 years now.
so yea he had an awful time . and was effected negatively by a dungeon. Kabru stops. hesitates a bit. Shares a bit about himself and Utaya . to ease Surja from the mental breakdown (it works and Surja bounces back quickly. Surja age reveals that hes not even 20 yet (Surja is 18-19) and that makes Kabru feels like a bully a bit n he feels a bit bad n tried to like apologize and stuff even tho this conman is conmanning (hes not lying abt his age!! just hiding a lot of stuff still!!!) ) ANYWAYYYY like they part ways from tha office (also at some point in the middle a guard came in to try and ask smth from Kabru and the guard nervously asks "is like smth goin on here rn?" and Kabrus like "no its fine" while Surjas like "yea smth goin on rn" anyway the guard just wanted to ask for some instruction so Kabrus just like oh ok just ask Marcille its fine and guy goes on his way)
anyway yeah Kabrus like kinda stressed lookin so Surja goes "hey do u need like some stress relief" n boldly goes up to him anddddd gives him a shoulder massage (Surja flexing his 4 years pro masseur skills) and Kabrus like oh . ojh. uh . okay (is conflicted and doesnt fully trust this man but is now a bit more relaxed and less tense and stuff. unclenched his jaw and shit lolll)
anyway they part ways after this but this is just the beginning of insane toxic co worker yaoi because like uhhh lil bit of a timeskip but Surja becomes like the treasurer... or like secretary assistant in Melini or like . tha economy guy consultanter yippeeee #working in melini
also Surja's a catboy i havent mentioned that yet
kinda hit it off with Izutsumi and Senshi cuz of it yah
A LOT OF THIS IS SELF INDULGENT AND WISH FULFILLMENT BUT I THINK. POST CANON OC . IS FUN . also Labru is canon in this AU theyre basically like married . its set a year after the like last chap of dungeon meshi btw so Kabrus 23 Laios 26 (almost 27 not november yet basically) . etc etc. ANYWHO this is super long already but ty for indulging me and asking abt my oc yaaaay :333 this is a toxic yaoi tragicomedy. this guy is like if Mickbell and Izutsumi got mixed into soup . and was obsessed with Kabrus whole thing 😭😭 its so funny to me theyre funny (doomed by the narrative toxic codependent workplace yaoi)
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congrats on 300 followers!!!
anyway, do you think you could make a drabble of Pollux and Castor picking strawberries and just bickering with each other? like being brotherly and stuff? you don’t have to if you don’t want to btw, just a suggestion!
"Let's party!"
-Platonic! Castor × Pollux
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Author's note: thank you anon! My 300 follower event is honestly so fun to do! Also ahh Castor and Pollux are so underrated! I had to research on Dionysus children to write this efficiently, also anon, you made me realize how mis-characterized Dionysus children are :( they are so underrated and great?? Thank you for making me realise this. instead of strawberry picking, I chose grape picking, I hope you don't mind! This is a little short though, I'm sorry, but Enjoy!
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"Yo Polly, these grapes have worms in them, Dad's going to disown us if he sees us making wine from these decayed fruits"
Pollux stopped picking his grapes from the vines. "I didn't pick that! You did! I saw you put them in the basket"
"Nah dude, I'm the finest fruit picker in camp, I don't disgrace our dad like that" Castor snided.
"No it was definitely you who picked that"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"stop it both of you! you're giving me a headache, these plants can't grow with both of you yapping like ducks!" a random demeter kid barked as she passed by, she was attempting to grow strawberries in the camp half blood fields.
Castor and Pollux rolled their eyes at the same time. Typical demeter kids and their you-must-grow-plants-like-your-life-depends-on-it behaviour. But then again, Demeter and Dionysus kids were the "plant kids" of camp, so they were in no position to comment.
Castor hated being known that way. Everyone always thought that Dionysus kids were lazy, conceited, aloof, drunk, and useless. But it wasn't true. He wished people saw the good side. Sure they didn't have fancy powers like the other demigods, but so what?
Dionysus kids were the life of the parties, they arranged the snacks, the games, they helped campers with their mental health counseling and they were good at theatre and opera performances.
But their dad didn't seem to care about what people thought of him. I mean, castor knew his dad had heard the demeaning whispers of campers conceding him, but the wine lord didn't give a flying fuck. So why should Castor?
"Cas?" Pollux looked at his twin in concern, "you good, bro?"
"O-oh, yeah. I'm fine. Let's continue picking, we need the wine to be supplied to the big house by 5PM" Castor evaded the topic, but Pollux knew his brother was lying.
"Alright fine. I am the one who picked the decayed grapes, not you. You are the master of grape picking. There, feel better?" Pollux asked, with a smile in his eye.
"Yeah. I feel better, thanks polly" Castor laughed lightly. Even if his brother didn't know what was making him sad, he still made him laugh.
"By the gods, can you please stop calling me that? 'Polly' sounds like something a doll who's hair had been washed with dish soap by a little girl would be named as."
Castor broke out into fits of laughter.
"Now that was a little too specific, dude, have you met a doll named polly who has bad hair?" He asked in between his laughs.
"Yeah. As a matter of fact, i did, actually" Pollux glared.
"Well, that explains it." Castor concluded. "Polly" he added slyly.
Pollux sent grape vines to tangle his brother's legs, Castor ran away laughing his head off as Pollux began chasing him throughout the fields of camp. The grape baskets being completely forgotten on the ground.
Unbeknownst to the twins, Dionysus was watching them both amusedly from the big house windows, sipping on his diet coke, muttering "Silly kids".
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analogwriting · 8 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 14: Magnesium
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.3k a/n: ayeo fuck kese amirite???? this isn't the chapter i was crying over btw also i definitely have this queued to post at like 2am bc i feel like that's my brand so i'm deffo passed out rn cause i open LMFAO next
Dead? He told everyone you were dead? Now you were even more confused than before. Why the hell would he say something like that? It only drove the question more - why the hell did he want you out of the picture? Is that why Eustass seemed to go off the deep end? Cause his level of recklessness did just suddenly spike out of nowhere. Was that when he received the false news? 
Your head was spinning but you had to focus on the task at hand. While you were running, you felt something land on your shoulder and you stopped. It was a bird - not any bird, but Myra’s bird. One she sent when she had urgent news. You couldn’t help but be nervous.
You untied the letter attached to its foot, opening it carefully and reading it. As the words sunk in, you started laughing. Was she fucking joking? “C’mon, My. You could’ve told me that from the beginning.” 
Dear y/n,
I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this in person - I just didn’t know how. So, I set up a fake mission to get you to find your brother. You always seemed hesitant to leave our island - to leave Lily and I, so I figured this was the only way to get you to reunite with him. I knew you would keep putting it off, claiming that you needed to get stronger. I hope you forgive me for lying to you.
There is no flower that we need for a breakthrough - there’s nothing in Wano that we need. I just knew your brother was there and knew you were missing him. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
My sincerest apologies,
At the very bottom was Lily’s name written as well. You were sure she just wanted to feel included. You smiled fondly at the letter. “Oh, My. I could never be mad at you.” You pulled a pen pad and pen out of your pocket, writing a quick response before sending the bird off again. Impressive it was able to find you in all this chaos, honestly.
You made sure to let her know you weren’t mad and thanked her for everything. The whole thing was just hysterical. Myra was terrible at talking about feelings of any kind. A lot of people claimed she couldn’t feel normal emotions like a normal human, but she just couldn’t express them. She was rigid and came off cold, but you knew better. She had her own way of caring.
Obviously. She arranged a whole fake mission just to reunite you with your brother. You tucked away the letter, knowing you’d probably end up just keeping it. A keepsake along with the knife. Huh, maybe you were getting sentimental. Eh, whatever.
Well, now what? You spend a considerable amount of time looking for this damn flower that didn’t exist. And your brother is probably long gone from the place that he was at. 
You suddenly felt something jump on to you from up above, yelping as you tumbled to the ground with whatever it was. After a moment of rolling around and a few scrapes with something sharp, you pinned it to the ground.
“Dive!?” Your eyes widened as you saw the small woman struggling against your grip. “Get fucking off of me!” She cried. Confusion took over your features. “Dive! It’s me!” 
“No, it can’t be! You’re dead!” She eventually stopped struggling. That’s when you noticed her lip quivering and the tears in her eyes. “Who are you and why do you have their face?” 
You stared at her for a long moment, processing. Right. Kese told all of them that you were dead. You let out a small sigh, sitting back and letting her go. “It’s me, Dive. I don’t know why Kese told everyone I died.” She sniffled, glaring at you.
“I don’t believe you.” She slowly sat up, wincing. You noticed a cut on her arm. “Here, let me tend to it.” You reached out and she pulled away suddenly, seemingly to distrust you. You frowned. 
“Dive. I promise you. It’s me.” You tried to think of something to help your case, then you remembered. You lifted up your pant leg, showing her a clear bite mark scar. “When we met, I startled you so bad that you bit the shit out of me. I couldn’t walk right for a week.”
Dive’s eyes widened and tears started falling. “It really is you!” She threw herself into your arms as she sobbed, burying her face in your chest. You held her there, comforting her. Fuck, why did Kese do this? What the hell was his angle? 
After Dive calmed down enough, she pulled away. “So, are you coming back with us?” A soft smile spreads across your face and you nod. “Of course.” She grinned widely. “Good. Everyone is going to be so fucking happy you’re alive.”
You stood up with Dive, looking around. “I heard the captain is fighting Big Mom with that other pirate captain - we should go find them!” She pulled you down the hallway and you followed behind her. 
“Dive?” The both of you stop as you see Heat and Wire coming out of one of the many hallways that seemed to be in this maze of a place. They both tensed when they saw you. “Dive…get away from them.” You groaned, rolling your eyes. This was getting old fast. Sure, you understood why everyone was cautious but you were getting annoyed and honestly you couldn’t wait to kick some ass. Well, specifically Kese’s ass.
“No! It’s really them! The-”
“For all we know, they could be some kind of devil fruit user.”
You looked at Wire as he spoke, thinking for a moment. “Remember when we were kids? There was the snapping turtle incident? You know? The one where it bi-”
They were both over in moments, covering your mouth with their hands. “Okay! Okay!” You couldn’t help but start cackling behind their hands. They let you go, staring at you for a moment. They took you in and you sighed. “You’re making me uncomfortable,” you grumbled.
You suddenly felt them both wrap their arms around you and you yelped, almost taking a tumble to the ground, but catching yourself at the last moment. You patted their backs, keeping your own tears back. Mostly because you just missed the shit out of everyone. Besides, you knew these two for such a long time and now seeing them after being gone…
“Alright, alright,” you said, sniffling and pulling away from them. Now wasn’t the time to be sentimental - there was a wholeass war going on.
“We don’t understand…” Heat said, shaking his head. “Why would Kese tell everyone you’re dead?” Wire was just as confused. You shook your own head. “That’s what I’m going to try to figure out.” You sighed, putting your hands on your hips. You supposed you understood getting you off the ship…actually…no you fucking didn’t. Why has he been out to get you since the fucking get go?
“When the captain received that letter…” Wire frowned. You blinked. “Letter? What letter?” He looked at you. “Kese gave it to him. Apparently there was a letter sent by the lab you were at, saying that you had died on a mission. It included some newspaper clipping as well. There was a picture of you and everything.” 
Your eyes widened. A picture? How the fuck did he pull that off? Why was he going through such lengths to do such a thing? Nothing was making any fucking sense. 
“The captain went on a rampage after that,” Dive chimed in with a frown. “That’s when he ended up fighting Shanks. Shanks had tried to stop his rampage and the captain lashed out at him and…well…” She shrugged, assuming you knew the rest. You frowned, indicating that you did, in fact, know the outcome.
“Killer also seemed to change quite a bit. He wasn’t the level headed vice captain we all grew up with. Seemed to not have much care for what happened to him. It grew reckless… He kinda stopped cooking too. It was…” Heat shook his head. “Bad.”
You stood there, shocked. Bewildered. Dumbfounded. So, your guess was right. When your brother started to grow more reckless, that’s when he received the fake news. Also, you weren’t expecting to hear all this about Killer. Stopped cooking? You just couldn’t imagine it. But…you just couldn’t fucking figure out why. It was so weird, so confusing. What would Kese gain from all this?
“It’s so fucking good to see you,” Heat said with a large smile, hugging you again. You patted his back and smiled. “It’s good to see you guys too. I just wish you all didn’t think I died. That’s definitely making everything much harder.” You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you pulled away from Heat.
“Well, let’s head to wherever Tungsten is now. I saw him earlier, but at this point I’m not sure if he’s fully convinced what he saw was real - same with Killer.” Their expressions were bored into your skull. Well, Eustass’. But you knew that Killer must’ve felt the same way. You could just feel it.
Wire nods. “Follow me.” And you do. You slowly find more and more crew members on the way, all of them absolutely overjoyed to see you. Gig nearly crushed you when he picked you up, sobbing as he hugged you. You almost died for real. That would’ve been incredibly awkward - surviving death allegations only to die by affection.
The only people you were missing at this point were Killer, Bubblegum, and Pomp. And the man of the hour - Kese. Though, someone mentioned he was watching the ship. Everyone seemed to be in agreement that they weren’t going to say anything to him and just let you and Eustass deal with his ass.
Eventually, you made it to the room where Eustass was fighting Big Mom. You arrived just in time to see him summon a behemoth of some kind of a machine. Your eyes widened as you watched the scene unfold before you. You’d never really watched your brother fight before, but you knew it wasn’t to this calibur. 
“Holy fucking shit,” you mumbled. “Impressive, right?” You looked over to Heat and nodded. “Yeah. When the fuck did that happen?” He shrugged. “This is definitely a newer one, but this was the only good thing that came out of…everything that happened. Awakened his devil fruit n’ all.” Your own face darkened. You still couldn’t believe that Kese just…lied to everyone. About something of that caliber too.
You needed to see this letter. To see this…picture.
While Eustass was fighting, you started patching everyone up. The lot of you stayed out of the way and you figured there was a better way to pass the time besides just sitting and watching. The fight seemed to be almost over anyway. With the amount of yelling and big attacks happening, you knew the fight was drawing to a close. 
“Aren’t you worried, y/n? You seem rather calm about the fight right now,” Wire said. You looked at him, shaking your head. “Says the man who never shows any kind expression.” You snorted before answering his question. “I’m not worried in the slightest though. I have faith in my brother. They’ll win.” 
It wasn’t long after that that he had done just that. They won. You head over to your brother with the rest of the crew, cries and shouts to be heard. You stop next to him, kneeling down and smiling. “Good job, Tungsten.” You started to patch him up quickly. He just stared at you. “You…really are back, Bigs? It wasn’t a sick delusion earlier?” You shook your head. He let out a breathless chuckle as he seemed to process it, staring up at the ceiling.
“They’re really back, captain!” Dive chimed in. You saw as tears welled in Eustass’ eyes and he covered his face with his arm. “I can’t fucking believe it,” he mumbled in a hoarse voice. You didn’t say much, just working on patching him up. You knew he was more than likely crying, but he wasn’t about to display that kind of emotion. You let him be.
Suddenly, you heard a command come from a large dragon that came crashing from above. Was that Kaido? He was a fucking dragon? An order came to attack your brother and the other captain from the other crew. You stood up, pulling out your own blades as people began to run towards the lot of you.
“Like fucking hell I’ll let them hurt you.” 
Though, not much was able to happen before a large hand came down, grabbing Kaido and yoinking him right back out of the ceiling. You blinked, looking back at your brother who was sitting up. He looked just as confused as you, shaking his head and shrugging. “Luffy - I’m assuming.” You blinked. The Strawhat guy? Man, you really were missing a lot of important pieces of information right now, but you weren’t about to dwell on it.
It seemed everyone was distracted after that. A few people tried to come after Eustass, but you took them down with ease. You saw him stand up at the corner of your eye. “You better sit the fuck back down, Tungsten!” You turned around and glared at him and he returned the sentiment. “I’m fucking fine - chill out!”
“You just took a fuckin’ beating. You don’t need to be standing!” You marched back over to him, letting the others worry about what stragglers tried to attack. 
“But I won!”
“Well, that’s not what I fucking said is it?”
“What the fuck are you getting on about?”
“I’m here to patch you up, no matter the damage. Now just accept my generosity before I let you bleed out!”
“Why are you fucking yelling at me?!”
“I’m not yelling!”
Just like that - the two of you are back to your old ways of arguing. To anyone else but the crew, it probably looked like yet another fight was about to break out, but to your crew members, they couldn’t have been happier to see the sight before their eyes. They all had smiles on their faces and some of them were even laughing about it. “Finds out y/n is alive and the first thing they do is argue. They’re really related,” you heard Wire muse.
“Why the hell are you mad at me!” You shouted, drowning out background noise.
“I’m not mad - I’m just shocked!”
“Well what? What could you possibly have to say now? More yelling? You’ve done enough of that!”
“I’ve got two years’ worth of scoldings to catch up on!”
“What the fuck does that mean!”
“It means-”
“Alright.” A third party interjects as you suddenly feel yourself being lifted off the ground. “Killer!” you shouted, immediately beginning to squirm. Eustass just laughed at you. “Ha! Serves you right for yelling for no reason!”
“Just ‘cause ass is in your name don’t mean you gotta act like one!” you shout from over Killer’s shoulder as he carries you away from your brother.
“Oh my fucking god - there are two of them,” you hear a voice say. Your eyes land on Trafalgar Law who looks absolutely horrified at the scene before him. You flip him off. “Mind ya business, asshole.” 
“Real threatening coming from the person being lugged around like a sack of potatoes.”
“Why you fuckin- Killer let me at him!” You start struggling only to feel his grip on you tighten and you immediately give up.
“Absolutely not.” 
He does, however, finally put you down once there’s distance in between you and your brother. You dust yourself off and straighten yourself out with a sigh before folding your arms. You looked at Killer with a small glare. “I was just trying to help,” you grumbled. 
Then you heard it. You fucking heard what haunted you from your encounter in the snow. You tensed as the laugh rang through the air and your head snapped up, looking around for that deranged swordsman.
It fucking hit you like a fucking freight train.
Your eyes widened as you slowly looked at Killer, whose shoulders were shaking along with the haunting laughter. “Killi?” Your voice was soft as you slowly walked towards him. He stepped back and you paused for a moment. You looked over to your brother whose attention had also been grabbed by the sound of Killer’s new haunting laughter. It seemed to reverberate in a way that stuck with you.
It was hollow and emotionless. Not like the genuine laughter that it used to be. This was not the laugh you had fallen in love with. It was a twisted ghost of something you once enjoyed.
“Killer, what happened?” Before really thinking, you outstretched your arm towards his helmet but he quickly grabbed your arm - which happened to be the bandaged one and you hissed softly, pulling your arm away. He paused in his own movements as well.
His own hand reached out and took your arm gently, looking at your bandages. “Did I do this?” You looked at him, confused. Wait…was that shot in the dark theory you had true? You assumed he was just affected by whatever that swordsman was infected with. Was Killer and that swordsman the same person?
“No? It was some crazy swordsman in-”
“I did this…” You could hear the realization in his voice as it also hit you, but you’re still in denial. There was no way they were the same person. The dead look in his eyes. The look of bloodlust and just…
“Killer, no-”
“I did.” He ripped off his helmet and you gasped - mostly just out of shock from his sudden movements. You looked up at him with wide eyes. The bandages were gone, yes. But that smile, that haunting, empty smile stretched across his face. It looked absolutely painful. You reached your hands up towards his face and he pulled back, that damn cackle ringing out from him.
You caught his face in your hands anyway, brushing his hair out of his face to get a whole view of him. “What did they do to you?” Your voice was soft as you looked up at him. You watched as he cackled, the smile and the noise not matching the pure sadness his eyes were portraying. You saw the tears forming in his eyes. He was clearly in pain. Surely it wasn’t comfortable to have your face stretched and contorted in such a way permanently.
There had to be something someone could do about this.
Before you could say much more, Killer pulls away, putting his helmet back on his head. Eustass joins the two of you and you look at him. “What the fuck happened?” Your brother blinks as the blame of your conversation was pointed at him. He just holds up his hands in a surrender-like way.
“It wasn’t his fault, y/n…” You look back at Killer. “I’ll…explain later.” You stare at him for a moment before looking at your brother who also has a dark expression on his face. You nod, looking back at Killer. “Fine. I’ll let it be - for now.” “We have something to take care of anyway.” The two of them nod, knowing exactly what, or who you are referring to.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. Hi again! For the next fic finder there have been two fics that I keep thinking about, but for the life of me can’t remember the name of nor find in my bookmarks.
A) The first one: i remember this scene where lxc and lwj had spent time away from each other i think due to wangxian’s marriage (most likely arranged or lwj was a war prize?), and when they see each other again they actually hug each other and cry. I remember wwx leaving them alone in the room and going to socialize at whatever event they were at. It was canon era btw if that helps.
FOUND! 💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriage, Mojo’s post)  
B) The second one is where the twin jades are kidnapped and wwx saves them. I think it’s told from lxc’s pov. During their captivity, they dont harm lxc but they take lwj everyday and torture him so much that lxc has to spend nearly all of his spiritual energy healing him up every night until wwx saves them. Thanks for helping me out! This blog is really heaven-sent!
FOUND! Whatever you do by apathyinreverie (T, 8k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, bamf WWX, bamf LWJ, bamf LXC, not Jiang friendly, not YZY friendly, slightly darker cultivation world, fluff, Fix-it)
2. Hello for the next ficfinder I was looking for a fic where WRH is like a father figure to WWX. He gives him nice clothes and jewelry as well. When Madam Yu finds it she destroyed it saying that he didn't deserve all the nice things.
FOUND! All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 64k, WIP, WRH & WWX, WangXian, WWX is a Wēn, Abuse, Whipping, Manipulations, Warning: WRH, Smart WWX, Possessive Behavior, Warning: JGS, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con)
3. Hello loves! As always, this blog gives me life and you're wonderful people ❤️ I know you just posted a fic finder so my request might take a while, I but whenever my turn comes I have 2 asks of you:
A. There's a specific scene I remember from a Canon divergence fic and it's driving me crazy that I can't remember what fic it's from. Basically either Jin Zixun or Su She (I think. I'm pretty sure. Like 89% sure it wasn't jgy at least) is punished by being forced to hold a boulder above his head. He has to use spiritual energy to keep it from crushing him. Eventually he fails. It is implied that he gave up but maybe was just too weak.
FOUND! ❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage)
B. Ok this one is a series of modern au w/cultivaton sects that focuses on lx and nmj and their relationship despite being in different sects/nmj being a sect leader. One of the fics involves taking everyone on a trip? One is definitely them entering a relationship. They fly on swords to meet up. I think there's a swimming pool scene at one point? It's been a while so I know I'm missing some stuff. @iluvshikamaru
FOUND! Modern Cultivator AU series by Netrixie (T, 74k, NMJ/LXC, wangxian, modern w cultivation, everyone lives au)
4. Hi! Thank you so much for all your hard work! I'm new here and don't really know how this all works 😅. But i'm looking for a fic where wei wuxian is a surviving member of a search party, who keeps coming back as a clone every time he's killed after questioning. And lan wangji who's the one who believes that "mo xuanyu" isn't who he really is.
FOUND? Contact; a Mirror by raisedbyhyenas (M, 10k, wangxian, modern, Southern Reach au, body horror, fungal horror, comes back wrong, conspiracy, no good choices)
5. Hello! Fic finder request - WWX never died (though everyone thinks he did), and he's secretly being kept prisoner by JGY. Child Jin Ling accidentally finds him (after escaping his nannies, or whatever), and keeps sneaking back to visit him trying to figure out who he is and why he's locked up. Thank you!
FOUND! 5 sounds like this thread fic
not FOUND ❤️ whipstitch by curiositykilled (M, 131k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Torture, WWX Lives, but basically no one else, Case Fic, Cultivation Sect Politics, Past Abuse, WWX Whump, YL WWX, JL Needs a Hug, JL Tries, Yunmeng Bro Reconciliation, Past Character Death, Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, POV Alternating, Flashbacks, Eventual Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Suicide Attempt, PTSD, Depression, Not A Fix-It, Mouth Sewn Shut)
6. hi! im asking for someone who doesn't have a tumblr. Here's their request: Hello, English is not my first language so I apologize in advance. I'm looking for an ao3 fic where WY breaks free from the WQ needles and goes to the Koi Tower to give himself and his seal in exchange for releasing the Wen remnants. LZ promises to take care of them and the Nie sect gets the amulet. I don't remember anything else, does anyone know what the story is called? I would be very grateful. 🙏🙏🙏 @layzeal @laudh8
FOUND? To Mourn the Young Man by Iamnotawriter (T, 56k, WangXian, anon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, BAMF WWX, Most people live, but not the bad guys, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal)
FOUND? Always walked a very thin line by tucuxi (T, 22k, NHS & WWX, JYL & WWX, wangxian, depression, anxiety, everyone lives au, except JZXun & JGS, self-worth issues, slow burn, oblivious WWX, golden core reveal, chronic pain & illness, pining) Not identical, since the amulet gets destroyed, but similar.
7. Hi! There's a fic i had in mind as an answer to an itmf but for the life of me i cant seem to find it again. Now it's bugging me tho so pls help me find it again🥺
It was a modern with magic au, wangxian, completed, not explicit, probably way over 5,000 words, maybe a oneshot and published more than a year ago, probably more.
Lan zhan had a (flower? Herbs and stuff? Antique? Anything to tinker with? Magic?) shop, and wei ying had started coming in every day to look for a different flower (maybe) because he (or she? may be a genderbender i dont remember) was trying to achieve something with magic (?) but kept on messing up the formula and botching the potion he was creating(?). In the end he finds the right combo of flowers and ingredients and brews a potion that did something "unorthodox", and wen ning was involved somehow.
FOUND! Something Wicked by theroyalsavage (G, 6k, wangxian, magic au, magical realism, strangers to lovers)
8. I remember reading a story it was posted I think as a single chapter of 30000-40000 around about and in it WWX and LWJ meet in a store I think WWX was an employee and helped LWJ find a toy for A-Yuan, and there was something about gloves either LWJ left them behind or loaned them to WWX
FOUND? A forgotten pair of gloves by myhouseofstoneyourivygrows (M, 43k, WangXian, NieLan, Anxiety Attacks, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con (madam lan's backstory), Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse (past), Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Chronic Illness (madam lan), Adoption, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending (with jiang siblings) )
9. Hey, for the next fic finder, A) what’s the fic where Lan Wangji can read minds? The first time he walks by Wei Wuxian, he’s hit with the thought that “He’s so pretty, like a statue or a deity. I want to be his friend and get him to smile at me!” And Lan Wangji is pretty stunned, because Nobody wants to be friends. And so Lan Wangji has a front row seat to Wei Wuxian’s on-going Lan Wangji-sexuality crisis.
B) Another fic I’m looking for is a modern AU, Wei Wuxian is the single parent of 12 year old Wei Yuan (Yes, that Yuan) and the new favorite teacher turns out to be Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji is the father, and he took a job because when WW got kicked out he said he was moving into this area. LW never received the letters sent to him because LX intercepted all of them and burned them. LX refused to admit that WY was LW’s at first because he didn’t realize WW had come over the night he was kicked out
i dont have a specific fic link for 9A but it sounds like it could be one of the "cherry magic" aus out there if that helps.
FOUND! Too Beautiful For Words, Will My Thoughts Suffice? by Watermelonsmellinfellon (T, 8k, wangxian, fluff, crushes, flirting, telepathy, falling in love, LWJ pov, drama, golden core reveal)
FOUND! Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, wangxian, modern, ABO, implied mpreg, first time, getting together, angst & drama, happy ending, smut, whump)
10. ahh helloo. i would be really grateful if you could help me. i remember reading this fic where in CR after wwx punched jzx he was upset and lwj went to talk to him but he said something really hurtful to lwj. ive been trying to find this fic for so long and havent had any luck :((
11. I'm looking for a tumblr fic set when WWX first comes to Lotus Pier, and Madam Yu almost immediately sets about poisoning him so everyone believes he's sickly, so he won't be a threat to JC. Gradually WWX figures it out through reading books on herbs, but the Wens invade right as he confronts the doctor. Please help, I mostly want to find the author to see what else they've written but this piece really stuck in my head.
FOUND! 11 might be this tumblr post.
12. hello! please, for the next fic finder i was trying to find a wangxian fic post canon where after they parted ways, lwj found a way for wwx to get a new core, but since it's dual cultivation he goes to tell him in person instead of via letter, and he offers to be the one to help. it's initially very awkward, and it's only cleared up that they have feelings for each other when wwx gets really jealous of the son of a politician or someone from the gentry. can you guys help me?
NOT FOUND in defense of lightning by fruitys (E, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Golden Core Reveal, Getting Together, First Time, Dual Cultivation)
FOUND! Always Light My Way  by cqlorphan (E, 27k, wangxian, post-canon, getting together, friends w/ benefits to lovers, jealous WWX, misunderstanding, pining while   fucking, switch wangxian, bottom LWJ, smut, dual cultivation, archer   WWX, smart WWX, oblivious LWJ, angst w/ happy ending)  
13. Hello! This request is for the FicFinder. All I remember about the fic is :
- JYL and LXC fall in love with each other as they try to bring WangXian together.
- SZH is older than his peers.
- the children of JYL and LXC are friends with JL(who is the son of MianMian and JZX), Zizhen and JingYi.
- WangXian are quite famous (I think in a good way?)
- the last chapter is from JL's perspective as he visits CR with his mother. And he meets them in the back mountain where the three are playing WangXian I think?
Thanks so much!!✨ @purhplet09
FOUND! Echoes by snowberryrose (G, 41k, WangXian, ChengQing, ChenLi, Family, Canon Divergence, Protective Siblings) suggestion to the person with the request, if the main pairing of a fic you’re looking for is a rarepair, you can use that tag to search and get a much reduced list of fics to look through. like, i remembered the fic you described but not the name, so a search of the jyl/lxc tag + sort by kudos, and it was right neat the top of the list
14. Hello I'm sorry if this is very vague but there was this fic i read that was along the lines of Genius WWX where he fought the Lan's swordmaster in a spar in Cloud Recesses Arc and ended up getting severely injured but when he woke up in the infirmary, he was told that he was the closest to ever actually beat the man because no one has ever fought against him for so long. Thank you very much and have a nice day!
15. Hi! Please help me find this fic.
It's premise is that the lan head ribbon can only be unknotted by their fated person. WY unties lz's ribbon accidentally and they are made to marry each other. Accidental marriage, i guess. I think xicheng was also said to be a pairing but I'm not too sure. That's all i can remember.
Hi, i'm the anon who requested #15 here. Sadly "the world passes by but for me there is only you" by beeswaxing is not the fic that i was looking for. Other details i could remember now is that they are made to marry by the lan sect itself and that it is canon divergence before core removal.
not FOUND the world passes by but for me there is only you by beeswaxing (E, 82k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it of sorts, golden core reveal, accidental marriage, love confessions, horny teenagers, pining, fluff, everybody lives, first time)
16. Hi by any chance do you find twitter thread fics? I'm trying to find this mpreg wangxian fic. Where I think Lan zhan is older. And he hasn't told Madame yu yet. And one day he comes home and he's sick. And not moving from bed. Essentially he need contact with Lan Zhan (can't remember if it was an abo or soulmates reasoning. ) Anyway it ends with Lan Zhan coming because he sense something was wrong and facing the jiangs. And Wei ying pregnant. If you can help me I'd really appreciate it @imgonnablogtheworldtodeath
FOUND! this Twitter threadfic
17. Hi!! I need help finding a mdzs fic, from what I remember this is during sun shot campaign, where wwx loses his memories after the wen attack to him and he becomes a concubine? A concubine or consort, OR LIKE he works at a brothel? SOMETHING LIKE THAT! I just know for sure that he goes by A-Ying, or maybe not quite sure 😭. And LWJ finds him?? But he doesn’t remember him or anything if I’m not mistaken! @sophiesophs
FOUND! tangled by the night by edenwolfie (E, 54k, wangxian , canon divergence, post fall of the Lotus pier, courtesan WWX, crossdressing, angst w happy ending, first time, first kiss, getting together, humor, hurt/comfort, PTSD, sex work)
18. Hi, I’ve been looking this one fic for forever and it’s where wei ying and lan zhan communicate with resentful or dead crows and one is injured by a lan deciple and lan zhan cares for it. Thanks @fanfic-discussions
FOUND? carried by the wind by saichan (T, 7k, wangxian, different first meetings, post-sunshot, feat. burial mounds crows, rogue cultivator WWX, Yi city warning)
19. hi! for the next fic finder, im looking for a crossover between mdzs n tgcf i believe? the content is blurry but i do remember that mount tonglu was about to erupt and hualian and maybe other cast of tgcf + wei wuxian (called wu ming) and mdzs sect leaders + lwj were there to investigate. wwx gives his ashes to lwj and throws himself into mount tonglu as sacrifice to appease the mountain. thats all i remember though, and im like 50% sure it was completed. thank u <3
FOUND! Can we skip to the Good Part? by pink-lotus-pods (Waterlogged_fireflies) (T, 107k, hualian, wangxian, crossover, YLLZ WWX, slow build, canon temporary character death, Fix-It of sorts, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, genius WWX)
20. Hello! I have been looking for a fic I read a while ago which at the time was incomplete but I'm trying to find again. I believe it was fox wwx and dragon lwj, modern au, wwx breaks into a place where somebody died to steal back a dangerous item that he made but lwj came in to sweep through the place and collect any dangerous times, wwx tries talking his way out and when that fails he tries activating one of the random items as a distraction and gets cursed. Sound familiar? Any help appreciated! @genius-dumbass​
I don’t have the link but I think I recognise the fic - I think the item WWX made was a collar, and he accidentally closed it around his neck. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be a multi chapter fic but it was discontinued after the first chapter. I think the rating was E , and that the writer is someone that usually writes smutty fics. Maybe that will help someone find it?
#9 sounds like an apparently deleted wip 'a steel trap with no teeth' by martyrsdaughter  
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Hi! Hope you're doing well. I've got a coupla questions (sorry if they've been asked before and/or are dumb)
Can I be aroace if I daydream about The One but like most of the time it's paired with a fictional version of me not me actually? Or am I just tryna be something I'm not?
Cause like I'm married rn (arranged marriage! Huzzah for culture roles amirite) and it's. Not. Goin well. I act so toxic with the guy and everything he does is like taken as a threat. Everyone says he's a nice guy and he is, probably. But every time I see his face I'm tired. When I have to talk to him, I don't want to. I don't want to spend time with him. I don't wanna hug him or touch him or look at him. He's like super bummed out cause I don't wanna do any of those things or even just be friendly with him. In my monkey brain I think I've got it figured that if I do get friendly then it'll just keep goin and goin and then I'll have to marry-marry him (biblically, if you will). I'm confused if this is just cause I don't like this guy in particular or if I just don't vibe with the whole idea of this in general. Cause I've always dreamt of a soulmate I guess. So maybe I'm just tryna use this to excuse my toxic behaviour? (The toxic behaviour in question is a lack of initiative, failure to communicate and no reciprocity of affection and even instances of revulsion btw) (everyone also keeps pointin out that I get along well with all of his family and that it's just him that I have a problem with, so it's not like I have trouble communicating it's like I choose not to)
It's only been a month and everyone says I'm bein too hasty and dumb but I've been feelin awful for so long now because of this haha. Idek why I'm sending this to you I should just get over myself and be happy with what I got
Thanks either way yo
Hey! So sorry I replied so late... I wasn't sure how to approach this, because I don't want to pass judgement on another culture when I'm not part of that culture while seeing things from the paradigm of my own culture only like it's so easy. I see too many people do it and it rubs me the wrong way so to speak. But I'll say this... As an aroace I am definitely grateful myself that I live in a culture that doesn't force me to get married (knock on wood), because I'd definitely feel similarly to you, I'm pretty sure.
I don't think you're being hasty and dumb for not feeling comfortable in a situation you didn't have a say in. I don't think it's as simple as a "get over yourself" matter like everyone in your surroundings seems to be implying. With that said, I don't know if any of what I'm saying is helping because I have no idea how much area of manoeuver you actually have in this situation, really. Maybe "get over yourself and be happy with what you've got" is all you can afford at that point. Still... You're valid for feeling the way you do.
That being said, unless he's the one who personally originated the arranged marriage, I doubt it's entirely the guy's fault either – as much as this is something anyone should reasonably prepare for, he probably wasn't expecting anything different than the stereotypical way most people say these things go. Not that it justifies expecting things to fall into this stereotypical place without considering the possible variables, but... Yeah. I don't want to tell you to do something that would potentially put you in danger, so please definitely disregard what I'm about to say if that doesn't feel like a safe option to you, but I hope you can talk things out with him on the long run so that he understands why you're this way with him. Of course in an ideal scenario he should understand on his own, but... Yeah it's not necessarily as simple, right? And I know even my whole thing of "talking things out is key" is idealistic thinking and doesn't always work. But in this case I wish it could TwT
Either way, to answer your first question... Deeefinitely nothing wrong with that. If it's anything that helps you get by on a day-to-day basis, by all means, hold on to it. If all else fails that's still the best thing. I hope you can stay as safe as you can T^T
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excalisi · 2 years
my personal opinion on yoohankim
the reason why i am unwillling to read more than three pages of ao3′s yoohankim ship tag (this prelude is, in fact, ineffectual to my argument because at the time of this post, ao3′s yoohankim ship tag has three pages, but please ignore this for my following point) is because they all get them completely wrong. 
all three of these mfs are emotionally inept and incapable of speaking their true feelings directly. they would not say, “i love you.” 
what they would say (in a scenario [not Scenario] wherein they’re not at the pre-relationship stage, but not quite past the pining stage, after going through extreme amounts of character development. important, because at any other stage in this process, except in the ones past the pining stage, these would either be insults or just not said ever): “your prose is beautiful.” “i wrote this for you.” “i want you to be my ■■■.” “you were my beginning, and i want you to be my end.” “you’re my protagonist. i’ve put too much effort in you to let you go now.” “thanks for betareading for me.” “you’ll starve if you don’t take breaks, technical god of this universe or no. i made kimchi jjigae.” 
the stages are like this: 
pre-relationship is them at the end of canon. 
pining is an extremely long period of uncertainty and miscommunication and learning each other where they help each other smooth over some issues (ie. thinking that kim dokja is going to disappear again if yoohan take their eyes off him, yoo joonghyuck having to acclimate to not regressing anymore bc he’s in his epilogue and the idea that any death he will experience will most likely be permanent, and han sooyoung grappling with the fact that she very publically arranged for kim dokja’s return so everyone knows that she has non-negative feelings about him, and just non-negative feelings in general). 
getting together is a long space where they realize other, not apocolypse-related stuff about each other (kim dokja’s home isn’t the house kim com share, kim com themselves, or even yoohan. it’s ways of survival. han sooyoung is the type of writer who churns out ludicrously high word counts with an appalling ease and practically posts their first draft with minimal revision, but the end product is offensively flawless. yoo joonghyuck’s favorite skill he owns is cooking, not only because he likes taking care of others, but because he vastly prefers being able to create something with his own two hands over killing.) 
the relationship life stage is domestic bliss (with an excruciating amount of annoying married “it was your turn to do the dishes; you forgot to write this on the grocery list, dumbass; you said you’d do the laundry yesterday!” bickering)
extremely important that they sound like they hate each other. all of them are very quiet about affection, and their eqs are all collectively shit enough that they would be unwilling to discuss whenever they cross a relationship milestone, such as holding hands, sharing a bed, or saying they care for one another aloud. but this ends up working in their favor, as they’re on the same, emotionally inept “i would actually rather strip in public and get arrested for public indecency than talk about my feelings” brainwave, so it doesn’t matter that they don’t talk about it
every time people write them as anything but the codependent, emotionally incompetent, bitchless trio of dumbasses they are, a part of me dies a little inside.
btw: they are in an ace relationship. either that or qprs. they are all in some shade of love with each other, whether it be platonic or romantic. han sooyoung is a lesbian.
thank you for listening to my tedtalk
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elmaxlys · 1 year
L, N, and P for the ask please? 💙
Oooh, interesting ones :3 thanks! :D
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Akira is really cool and her character evolution feels quite fitting as the daughter of Kureo. I like the way she fights and the way she has such a strong grip on her feelings and how she learns to show these more a little at a time but still staying quite reserved.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
1- [Tenkuu Shinpan] I'd love to see more of literally anything that isn't Sniper. Yuri independantly of Nise, Nise independantly of Yuri, Kuon as a destructive force, RIKA AS A WHOLE, literally anyone else. It's not fair how everyone just looks at Sniper and ignores absolutely everything else about this series.
2- [Tokyo Ghoul] CLOWNS POSITIVITY. i'm including kanou in this. Still bitter they got excluded from the tgzine (if there are tg zines going on at twitter or whatever feel free to inform me any time btw)
3- arranged weddings and body swaps, not necessarily at once but they are things i love to see dealt with :3
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Mmmm... Shirazu lives and gets more dads AU.. This got out of hands. Warning for long post bc I don't want to put it under a readmore
After Nutcracker and Hayashimura left all the rights to the quinque to him + after the haircut, Shirazu and Hayashimura become a bit closer, and like Mucchan training with Suzuya, Shiragin sometimes trains with Hayashimura. Hayashimura and Fura help him get over his thing with Nutcracker and so he trains better with the quinque and thanks to that (partially), he survives Noro (also like. Urie thinks to fucking feed him after he's injured. he thought to do that in literally the first arc. come on.).
And so after Rose, he ends up with the Noro quinque and he doesn't give Nut to Hayashimura but like. he lends it to him and stuff and idk he takes smoke breaks with Fura and Fura invite him to dinner with his family sometimes and Hayashimua also adopts him and Shirazu improves rapidly and becomes a great leader for the Quinx, even after Haise distances himself from them.
And Urie isn't, like, happy about all that but he accepts it somewhat because of how scared he got to lose Shirazu in the end. And Saiko begins to take things seriously. And Shirazu is the one to visit Hinami in prison and he starts advocating not to kill her because she's Sassan's little sister and he gets it, you know?
And Urie still got closer to Matsuri but in a, like, diminished measure since he isn't squad leader. Matsuri's still crushing on him and inviting him to dinner but he has to invite the rest of the Quinx with him because otherwise it's weird. And therefore the Quinx get closer to the Washuu Clan and Yoshitoki just loves Shiragin and he's glad his son's making some friends. Iyo and Saiko become friends too, Saiko teaches her to play Mario Kart or something.
And the Quinx begin to smell something weird about the Washuu thanks to their super senses, even if they're not really sure to identify it (think the way Hide hid from ghouls but the other way around?)
And Shirazu takes the Robed Giant case seriously and so they meet on Rushima after finding Mutsuki all messed up, and Saiko manages to get the rights to him because Shirazu's the leader and not traumatized Urie. And I guess Yoshitoki either dies (i don't want him to but. for plot) or manages to fake his death and flees with Marude.
Cue Koutarou in Cochlea when his dad finally got out :) Cue Saiko visiting Koutarou all the time, sometimes accompanied by Shirazu. And Shirazu just doesn't believe what he's told about Sasaki, and when Koutarou gets closer to Saiko (they were made to be besties fight me), he starts telling her stuff off the record and so she asks Hsiao, which never confirms or denies anything. So Saiko takes Shiragin and has Koutarou tell him all he told her.
And Shirazu who has felt icky about his job since Nutcracker becomes extremely wary of the CCG politics. But Matsuri, who was their sorta friend clearly needs support so they stay close to him and therefore he gets a bit better and poses a real problem in terms of succession. Iyo takes the destroying of the Washuu clan as an opportunity to ask for divorce. Matsuri takes the divorce as an opportunity to be a little honest with Urie (not about his crush but about him being gay and Urie's like #same.) and they get closer bc they both have unrequited feelings for some guy and dead daddy issues.
And then the Clowns Raid happens. And it's Shirazu with Urie when they get to Donato. And while Urie is crucified on the ceiling Shirazu manages to talk to him like wait aren't you Amon Koutarou's dad? A-Owl? Floppy? And idk how it leads to that but after a bit, the Quinx, like, desert the CCG and help Koutarou get out of Cochlea with Donato (shhhh this is pure self indulgence), and it doesn't go exactly well because the Clowns are awful and welp they can't really go with them, but Amon stays with the Quinx that he decided to adopt while Donato goes back to the background where people forget about him until the next strike like he does so well
AND Amon has connection to Hide so they go find him which means they also find Matsuri, who they thought died in the raid, and there they learn everything about the CCG and the Washuu and they get Haru treated after getting her out of the CCG hospitals bc they feared they'd let her die after the Quinx' defection.
This and that happen but in the end the Quinx end up becoming the bridge between ghouls and humans they were meant to be and therefore Souta's plan doesn't need to be implemented anymore and Shirazu goes to talk to Goat and stuff and Kaneki's being a bitch but Haise in his brain beats him up and ta-dah Goat returns to society and slowly ghouls become actually accepted and are furnished human flesh instead of disgusting fake meat and humans don't turn to ghouls out of nowhere and Tokyo isn't destroyed and Kaneki gets therapy and when he's all better and Touka got some classes on domestic violence, then and only then does she ask him to date her. And it doesn't work out anyway but they tried.
Kaneki and Hide talk a lot and start a friendship again. Kaneki apologizes to Shuu properly. And now that the death threats have subsided, Shuu realizes he can't forgive him after all, going back to his Rose arc mentality. Kaneki tries to make amends. Suzuya suggests that he stays with him with his squad or something and at first it doesn't work well but it ends up becoming a safe place where Kaneki can heal. Touka gets together with Nishikimi and it works out a lot better than it ever would have with Kaneki.
Eto is dead dead after Cochlea btw but all the remaining half-ghouls and quinx and half-humans stick together and become one big family and Amon's their dad and Takizawa is the weird uncle. And Kurona becomes besties with Urie because I said so. Mutsuki takes a while to heal. He has sparring matches with Takizawa and Suzuya and none of them feels pain so it gets very horrible very quickly but it works out for them. Urie gets over his crush on Mutsuki as he finds more and more people to care about and rely on. Mutsuki still obsess over Haise but in a more healthy way.
And Roma didn't die since Souta's plan didn't go through. She flees to find somewhere more fun. Shiko alternates with staying with Takizawa and staying with her. No one manages to follow him to find her. No one has heard about Souta or Donato but they're actually sticking pretty close to keep an eye on things (Souta on Rize, Donato on his son). They're good at staying stealthy and somehow never get found out even when they're not even really trying anymore. Souta dies at 30 of old age and only Donato, Roma and Nico are there for him in his last moments.
Yomo's taking care of Rize but after her last trip to V's labs she never quite heals. I want to talk about other characters but my head is drawing a blank so idk I think Tomoe would do something similar as what she does in 179, but through Takizawa she meets the Quinx and doesn't exactly forgive Amon but tolerates him. Saiko loves her to bits. Talking about Saiko, her brother left their mom too and lives with the Quinx as well. Yeah it's giving 2012 Avengers Tower vibes shush
And to end this, Matsuri and Urie get married and Shirazu gets also adopted by Marude and Iwaccho and now has *counting* well. a lot of dads.
I haven't reread this and made it up as i went so i hope it's at least slightly coherent.
Send me a letter
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I'm so sad about the possibility of Philoise' story being switched to Theloise.
Phillip sacrificed the chance for true love to help Marina and make up for his beother. Both are obviously content but not happy. And even though I'm don't like the idea of Marina dying, at least one of them would've at least gotten the chance to become happy with someone else.
Sure they can suddenly turn them into lovers but I feel like it still feels so wrong and maybe it wouldn't have been nessecary to introduce them in my opinion.
There were so many Philoise hints and now it could be for nothing.
[Shoutout to the Kanthypants GC and especially Lav @sweetestviscount, Dani @hella-sirius, Franzi @anthonykatebridgerton and Trivia @hptriviachamp for an amazing and fruitful discussion about the Phillip/Marina storyline and the Colin of it all in S1!]
Not going to lie anon I feel SUPER conflicted about the tone of your ask and what tone to respond in because while initially I was like Oh they seem nice and aren't calling Marina a hoe who deserves to die for once like most of the Philoises and Pelicans. But rereading this over the last few weeks, I'm going to take it as misplaced sympathy for Phillip that resulted in tearing down Marina. It also kinda reads passive aggressive ngl - feel free to correct me if I am wrong in the notes or a future ask if you'd like. But that's how I have taken it and will be responding as such.
Also I am going to be slightly harsh because you came to the wrong place for Philip/Philoise sympathy, ya non-binary pal here is Marina lover and will defend her til my dying days. 
First off, let me squash your worries and sadness, you’re fine. I’ve talked about it here but to reiterate: All the book canon couples will be fine on the show. No matter how many shitty love triangles they throw at us, the endgame couple wins. So the Philoise hints will come to a head at some point just chill out please. Just because they have an endgame doesn’t mean they are supposed to have a chastity belt on - not everyone needs to be a Daphne or Show!Colin lmao. Let them have some fun! 
As for the rest of your ask, let me turn this around: She would have found herself a fine husband or Colin would have changed his mind after the anger dissipated. See: Their scenes in S2 (minus the end where Marina magically turns into Penalty’s mouthpiece thank you idiot writers 🙄 ) & this scene in S1: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Btw yall rewatching this scene BROKE ME! HE SHOULD HAVE MARRIED HER!! They are so much better suited on the show than Penalty and him. Marina saw him as a real person and was realistic about her expectations, unlike someone who is obsessed and is willing to ruin everyone around her to get to him,,, anyways that’s for ANOTHER day and post]
Anyways I digress, she would have been fine tbh so Phillip didn’t HAVE to do anything neither did he ‘sacrifice’ anything lmao. They got married which back then were mainly transactional so they could have had an arrangement to take lovers. He didn’t go to war for her unlike her first love George so please calm down. He chose to it. Yes, he felt duty bound but no one put a gun to his head. Let’s grant the man some agency. 
On the other hand, let me ask you, didn’t Marina sacrifice too?? She had her love!! He died in the war and she barely got to mourn him before she was pregnant with the twins and Penalty was like Let’s make this grief worse and expose her &lt;3 Like what the actual fuck is wrong with you Pen. So between the two, Marina actually lost the first love of her life, Philip still has time. 
Next, if I hear the word ‘content’ one more time, I am going throw something at the writer who wrote that shit S2 storyline for Marina. The biggest crime against Marina other than the one Penalty committed is not making her disgustingly happy in love with Phillip. Yeah, they are a little mismatched but both very practical people, caring parents and I’m sure Marina found his plant rambles cute - she was just very nervous with her ex and husband in the same room in S2. 
Why doesn’t the glitter and glamour of the Bridgerton world rub off on Marina?? Our main WoC in S1 who had substantial screen time and was a pretty big character. She deserves happiness too. (credits to Trivia for saying this in our GC discussions earlier!)
If you don’t like the idea of her dying then why should she be the one to die?? Why should Phillip be the one in your “at least one of them would've at least gotten the chance to become happy with someone else.” to be happy? What makes Marina less of a person deserving love and being happy with someone else? Think on that. Why does Philip man-pain Crane automatically get it in your eyes and the fandom? Book canon aside, genuinely. Why?? 
On that note, screw someone else! As I mentioned before Marina/Phillip should have just been a thing! You’re entitled to how you feel about it and your opinion but I have to strongly disagree. Marriage of convenience to lovers is TOP-TIER BABEY. We had a year time jump; they could have easily become a love match - that would have been iconic. Fuck this one or the other mentality; BOTH!! They both deserve happiness at least Show!Phillip gjdgfjsk
Despite all this and my salt in this ask, I do appreciate you feeling safe enough to send this to my blog but yeah think on why you place more importance on Show!Phillip over Marina. I’m not going to say it but you and most of the larger fandom know exactly why. 
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