#btw I'm actually in love with this soundtrack
pitske · 4 months
Godzillaaaaaa :3
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inspired by the Shin Godzilla posters
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moldybonessmell · 1 month
"Deadpool and Wolverine": queercoding analysis of Poolverine in the movie
//Disclaimer: This is NOT a hate post to Vanessa/Wade shipp, but if you ship them, this post is probably not for you.
I've seen a few queerbaiting allegations and, frankly, don't agree with them. Now I'll explain why.
Starting with the fact that movie begins as a typical reasoning for a character to get a new love interest: we find out Wade and Vanessa broke up after roughly 7-8 years together.
Either we don't know (or I just don't remember lol) for how long they've been separate, but it was enough time for Vanessa to get in a new relationship.
And we know that the reason for this breakup is the core differences between the two. In the previous movie they wanted to get a child and Wade's entire motivation was based around Vanessa. In this movie tho, it seems like even if Wade is still not completely over breakup, he seems to be compliant with the fact they are not together anymore. You would expect Wade to go and do something silly to Nessa's new guy, but he doesn't. He respects her decidion.
Wade has more of an existentioal crisis than just hurting from the breakup. So I would assume he's not over because he feels like he messed up and keeps giving sad puppy eyes holding on this romantic relationship with Vanessa. Tho they are still soulmates and friends no matter what.
I don't know about you, but for me this exposition doesn't look like a foreshadowing of Vanessa and Wade getting back together. Vanessa is happy and self-actualised on her own, even if Wade is not.
I don't see Wade trying to change as an act of trying to get back with Vanessa. He reacts like this because his family member pointed out his flaws.
Secondly, the only other "hints" for a relationship between Wade and Vanessa is him remembering how they kissed and in the end Vanessa holding Wade's hand. Which, let me point out, is not a typical trope to show characters are back together. You know what's typical? A KISS! Which never happened btw.
Not to be this person, but we all know Disney/Marvel haven't got the balls to show a canon queer relationship. So the only "hints" for Vanessa/Wade seem to either read as platonic, or purely as an attempt of Disney to be like !look! female love interest!.
Now, other important part. If you really think about it, referencing the first part of the post, the movie follows an enemies-to lovers romantic movie formula:
(optional) breakup with previous partner;
annoyance first (previous deadpool movies);
admiration upon actual meeting (even if Wade acts cocky, when you listen to him telling the story about how his universe's Logan saved Laura, you can clearly see he adores the hero, who, as we know, is relatively similar throughout multiverse. Wade knows this Logan has the same morals as other ones, hearing how he regrets not being able to help his x-men);
"having to" go on an adventure/quest together even tho they are annoyed at each other;
enemies bickering and fighting because they have differences (which are actually similarities between the two which drive them insane when they see this mirroring);
the breaking point and confrontation (the Logan monologue in the car scene);
*the close proximity tention* hate fucking as a spicy way to get over the argument (in the car scene they are shown to fight just for the sake of letting out steam);
the cold period when characters ignore each other because they are still pissed (when Laura got the two to her base);
getting over it and working together, trusting that the other got their back;
saving the world with the power of love brotherhood with romantic soundtrack on;
both staying alive and having a heart-to-heart conversation;
one wants to leave, but the other stops them (usually it would be followed up with a kiss but oh well);
officially meeting a parental figure of one of the characters and moving in together as in an established relationship.
I don't think I'm delusional if I say I haven't seen brotherhood media (ones without queerbaiting or actual siblings) that would follow this formula. But I did see romantic storylines.
All in all, Wade and Logan go through a development and establishment of a relationship. And I'm not even talking about the obvious "one being there when other lost everything and giving them a new family and home".
In the movie there are so many romantic tropes of these CANONICALLY QUEER CHARACTERS, which make it safe to assume that queercoding is in fact happening. I would argue about it if both of them were straight in the source material, but this is the best and most important part, they are not :)
And this is why "Deadpool & Wolverine" is actually a romcom. Thank you for reading!
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BIONICLE music fans, I need your help
Remember that I once wrote a funky BIONICLE Suite using themes from multiple movies/games etc., for an assignment? If not, it's here:
(here is the post on my dedicated music blog @transcriptions-of-unknown-music btw)
This suite is very dear to me: I scored top marks in my Arranging class with it, and later won a conducting audition with it. And now, in about a year or so, I will be getting the chance to perform it with a professional symphony orchestra. Like a full orchestra instead of the weird ensemble it was originally written for.
I need to reinstrumentate it, of course, but that also means that I can update it. The original assignment had a time limit of four minutes; this time I don't have that restriction, so I can basically do whatever the fuck I want.
And this is where I need the fandom's help.
I have a pretty solid base idea of what to do with it, but I want to put in as many nods to the width of BIONICLE as possible. The original suite was based on the music of the first three movies with motifs from mostly the MNOGs thrown in, because those are what mostly marked my personal BIONICLE experience, but BIONICLE is more than that. It's also the GBA games, the console games, the songs, the commercials, the online episodes, the later flash games, the Piraka rap, the singing squid, and so on. Which brings me to what I need you all for:
Please let me know your favourite BIONICLE music!
It could be literally anything; from an entire game soundtrack to just the drum rhythm during one specific section of a game. I'd love to know what BIONICLE music you love or is important to you!
What will I do with this information?
Currently I'm already working on gathering motifs and soundtracks into one musical book, transcribing them into notes and bringing them down to their core elements. This will serve as my vocabulary, of sorts: if I have a collection of themes at my disposal, it will be much easier to see if and how they fit together.
Here is an example of a piece from the Templar episodes that I 'collected': (it sounds off because it's MIDI, but what I did here was write down the actual notes so I can transcribe it for other musicians)
Please don't hesitate to let me know your favourite BIONICLE music (and also feel free to tell why a certain piece is important to you)! There is no time limit to this; you may always reblog or reply to this post, and my ask box is also open!
Hope you all can help me make this a real community thing, showing our Unity!
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lover-of-mine · 17 days
NPLH anon here!
So, I went down a rabbit hole...
You know how some people theorize and joke about a three E title for Eddie's realization episode like Buck's? I personally throw that theory away because Buck's episode was a reference to the song "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered." The song I know is sung by Ella Fitzgerald, and that got me thinking if maybe they would reference another one of her songs for Eddie. Except that, upon doing some research, I discovered the original BB&B is not by her. It's a song from the musical Pal Joey, based on a novel that was also turned into a movie with Frank Sinatra. And we know Tim has no qualms of referencing media/creators more than once as seen by the s7 and s8 opening disasters.
So, this got me looking at the other songs in the show. And won't you believe this coincidence! Pal Joey has a song literally called "That Terrific Rainbow." The song is number 4 in the soundtrack. 804 is Eddie's 100th episode, which if we remember, 704 was the show's overall 100th episode and made into Buck's queer realization. 804 also follows 803 called "No place like home," a possible wizard of oz reference. (BB&B is song number seven, btw) Here's the lyrics for "That Terrific Rainbow:"
"My life had no color, before I met you / What could have been duller, the times I went through / You weakened my resistance, and colored my existence / I'm happy, and unhappy too."
"I'm a red hot mama, but I'm blue for you / I get purple with anger, at the things you do / And I'm green with envy, when you meet a dame / But you burn my heart up with an orange flame."
"I'm a red hot mama, but you white and cold / Don't you know your mama has a heart of gold / Though we're in those grey clouds, someday you see / That terrific rainbow over you and me."
As I mentioned, I knew the BB&B sung by Ella Fitzgerald before this, but she also did her own rendition of the actual "Somewhere over the Rainbow," from the Wizard of Oz.
Which could all mean nothing!
Hello my love, did I ever tell you I'm obsessed with the way your brain works? Because I am. I will be living in a land where this song is referenced on 804 title because hello???? It's not like the show doesn't like to parallel Buck and Eddie, I can totally see them pulling something like that.
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potato-lord-but-not · 4 months
hi jay!
so, i've been staying up until at least 3am as of late due to the simple fact that i cannot fucking sleep, so!
i've decided that i'm going to listen to all of these podcasts you make art for because i actually want to know context and whatnot for your art becuase your art is rlly fire and you're one of my favorite artists but pretty much the only fandom i know anything about that you do art for is will wood, and i love will wood. so,, automatically i think you probably also have good tastes in podcasts so im going to listen to them.
which should i start with?
(srry this is so long btw i like talking)
Well I’d say camp here and there since you’re a Will Wood fan !!! it’s very goofy and silly but also slightly disturbing and horrifically sad <3 also Will did the soundtrack so <33 AND if you enjoy that you can try welcome to night vale because they have similar vibes although it tends to stay more light hearted then chnt :))
Wolf 359 is both absolutely hilarious and also gut-wrenchingly tragic. it gets its own category bc it’s not entirely horror nor supernatural, I mean yeah there’s aliens but that’s sci-fi supernatural so it doesn’t count. Really really good one to start with if you like character centric stories !!!
Malevolent is like. really fucking good. I’m not even sure how to sell it it’s just amazing. Definitely the scariest out of the one’s I’ve listened to so far, but damnnnnn it’s so worth it. the themes… the growth…. the divorces……
And the Magnus archives also,, it was my first fiction podcast I really got into and it’s so so so good!! if you’re a causal r/nosleep enjoyer you’ll love this one. it’s basically spooky short stories with a plot happening in the background (at least. that’s how it seems)
Anyway yeah sorry !!! I’d say camp here and there and if you don’t like that one perhaps tma or malevolent, depending on your preferences. hope the sleep situation figures itself out tho !!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
hi bestie do u have any ff writing advice ?? ur flow and imagery and STYLE is so so good i love it. how do u come up with such good ideas??
hi ! first of all thank you SOOOOOO much that means sm to me it genuinely makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. !!
speaking of writing..it took me a while to figure out a system i was comfortable with. i'm a little all over the place in general and that translates a lot in my drafts ESPECIALLY LMFAOO if you caught one glance at my drafts it's mostly just a prompt of a few sentences and w spelling mistakes in every word cus i write them down so fast so as not to forget them LMFAOOO. but it really works for me !
i know a lot of people say it but it really works, literally just write ! it doesn't have to come out as a full beautifully crafted piece immediately, just write down anything you can and polish it up all you want later ! forcing inspiration to come to you almost always has the opposite effect, for me anyways !
for flow, i think i like to mostly write dialogue between characters out first and then write my descriptions and actions around that ! i always get more excited about writing dialogue more than descriptions (not that those can't be fun ofc !)
oh , this might help for imagery ! and idk if you've noticed but the structure of a lot of my writing is heavily based on animes and manga. like the set ups and punchlines. (massive nerd ik) like if you read some of my one shot's like this one, this one (probably one of my fav fics i've done btw) or my first born series FBRC, (especially this part) (this part was actually the one i was most excited to write, and it's heavily based off of kobayashi's dragon maid's actual good and not weird moments and soundtrack, listening to music also helps me out a lot too!)
i try to model my speech to what i think an anime episode of the scenario i thought about would look like. visualizing my writing helps me write a lot as well, if that helps ! a little fun fact for you, fujimoto's writing has influenced a lot of the way i describe situations in fics, since i really like the sorta 'childish' descriptions over super fancy ones (cus i can't write those, but i don't really like them veerry much, but a lot of them are enjoyable to read!!) i find it very endearing and it's one of the reasons why i enjoy writing childhood friends to lovers so much. it's this sorta simplistic level of thinkin that kids have if that makes sense and it works out really well if you wanna write fluffy pieces if that makes sense
some examples ! :
"he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable."
"despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty."
"you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that."
there are a lot of other examples (im OBSESSED with this trope can you tell.) i like these sorts of simplistic childish ways of love. tiny little specks of affection that make the heart so much fonder in such little big ways..if that makes sense :>
i dunno if im just very..special, but since i have a lot of oc's and scenarios constantly flowing in my brain, most of my ideas just tend to be what i dreamed about the night before, or what i daydreamed about LMAOO. even random things that happened to me at school sorta go from "oh it would be funny if this happened to [insert character]" and then they snowball into more and more thorough ideas !
and of course as cheesy as it is the most important part is to have fun ! i cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the mindset when you're writing. it's like when people say to force yourself to draw so you don't 'lose it.' and i do think it can work to jog inspiration, but i believe that as long as you enjoy it, you'll never truly lose it. so i say, write when you feel like it and don't write if you don't, it can truly be very draining. but it's all up to what feels better for you !
anyways, i hope my insane ramblings helped you out a little bit, and have fun writing !!
much luv xxx
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sc4llywag · 6 months
What's your current favorite game, who's your current favorite character and do you have a favorite song/soundtrack?
Also which character do you love to hate?
Also also please feel free to use this ask to simply info dump about any headcanons or ideas or anything really!
Well I'm answering asks now so
hello old asks I've forgotten to answer
I'm gonna assume these are ac related
Current fav game : Assassin's Creed 3
Current fav character(s) : Connor, Shay, Malik, Desmondddd
Fav soundtrack : Assassin's Creed Revelations and 3
Character I love to hate : Probably Charles Lee but also FUCK William Miles he's a DICKHEAD
-Some random headcanons-
Shaun hates tea, he hates it. Coffee for him all the way‼️
Altaïr has frequent nightmares about the visions from the apple and Al Mualim bullshit and Malik is always there to calm him and hold him until he falls asleep again
Malik has similar nightmares but always about Kadar and Altaïr being there is scary because he still has that anger, but he's a new man and throws himself into Altaïr's arms, thanking him :(
Achilles is Connor's adoptive father. No buts.
Edward told grand stories of his adventures to Haytham and always mentioned his friends to keep the memory of them alive
Shaytham. That's the headcanon
Shaytham specifically because Haytham and Shay are both big losers who lost everything and connect in that way when Haytham actually opened up to Shay. (That def took a long time btw)
Malik has very soft hands, Altaïr's are calloused and rough as shit(the opposites attract HHegwgagagg)
Ezio tries to learn how to paint with Leonardo, but he prefers the building and architect lessons more
Ezio and Machiavelli totally had a thing
Shaun is a night owl and Desmond sleeps in like hell
That's all I have in me rn 😔 thank you asker
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gyarucoded · 11 months
Loki s2 Ep 5 Review
this will be short but SPOILERS AHEAD
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ok so this is basically the umbrella academy season 2 in one episode except nobody remembers shit (loki = five ?)
casey being a fawking criminal on the time line is not what i was expecting, but what especially caught me off guard is that he is based on a real person 😭😭 helppp
b-15...just b-15 🥹
ofc mobius' son would want a snake, i can smell future scene of loki conjuring him one or something. also love how the other boy seems to be mischivious?? they are adorableee
btw yall i wouldn't really bother worrying if mobius is donald blake cuz let's not forget that in the sacred time line he was a scientist who used to date jane. thor merely used it as an alias, mobius is NOT thor alright
not loki getting nervous then checking if he looks good before approaching mobius 😭 my dude
was that a...confession? hmm
o.b is actually impressive
yess go off sylvie, call him out ! 💀
sylvie's arms 😵‍💫 good day to be a lesbian
what's up with the tension between o.b and casey..? this series is full of homosexuals /j
here we go with the parallels again, loki talking about why he wants the tva back (his friends/mobius) is highkey giving me deja vu about how mobius was dodging loki's questions about why he wouldn't leave the tva (i'm delusional)
not casey catching strays 😭 leave him alone damn
oh we are all getting infinity war flashbacks right.
ok this may be biased but why does it feel like loki is the current "main character" of the mcu? he's like the tony stark of phase 4-5. like, that power moment ???
and again, the soundtrack ‼️ we freakin love you natalie holt 🫶
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all-pacas · 11 days
(because this is the one i was thinking about. bc reddit.)
OK, no idea how to do these things. Part of me is really tempted to pretend this is an actual director's commentary, you know, make a fake script, like here I am in a booth and we're doing a little watch along together. Right: Hi, I'm Helen. (We're doing the RP, ya'll)
So this was the first story I wrote for House. I think I did it in about two hours; most of it in one burst and then finishing it up. I have the bad habit of doing editing after posting, I'll just sit and re-read it until I spot errors or wording issues.
no mystery left alpacas
I kind of regret the title of this fanfic. It's called after a lyric from Portions for Foxes, which is kind of just my general Chase Soundtrack Song, which is why I chose it — except I kind of feel like I could have used it on something else, or picked something more fitting. But I don't hate the title either. I can never think of proper titles, I'm always stealing from songs. I've been trying to use as many Portions for Foxes lyrics as possible in my House fanfics.
"Who," House says grandly as Cuddy approaches, "ever heard of a diagnostics fellowship?" He's sitting in the hall by the elevators, ready to pounce. "Who ever heard of a diagnostics department?" she retorts distractedly. She slows. "You're hiring a fellow. Maybe even two, if you can find that many people who can stand you. This is a teaching hospital." House doesn't retort. She looks at him suspiciously and he twists his expression as if to suggest he has no idea what she's suspicious about. "Hire a fellow," she repeats. "That Treiber kid -"
This is a continuity error!! House actually did have fellows before Chase. This exchange really bothers me, but I've let it stand. I guess my excuse is that neither House or Cuddy say Chase will be your first fellow; House is just at a moment where he doesn't have any (also a continuity error, btw, Chase mentions meeting one in All In).
I… hadn't actually completed my watch of the show when I started this fanfic, which is where the error crept in. You'd think referencing S8-only Trier would imply I'd at least watched most of it, but no. I skipped ahead. I watched it coz the summary implied Chase Backstory.
He watches as she tries to enter before the doors close. A blond kid sticks out his arm to block them, flashes a thousand perfectly white teeth at her when she says thanks. Interesting.
I never have House refer to Chase by name in the story. This is meant to be the first time House sees (or hears of) him, and what he sees is Chase on a Charm Offensive towards Cuddy. Enough to pique his curiosity.
"I don't trust nurses." House keeps staring over Wilson's shoulder. The papers are too far away to read, but he can just make out the logo on the cover sheet. "Who does immigration paperwork in a hospital?" he asks.
This is still meant to be an accidental run-in. This is also shoddy immigration law, although I reference it in another fanfic too: as much as I like the idea Chase leveraged a 3 month holiday visa into a work visa, I'm pretty sure there is no way the department of immigration would let him. But I like how careless and sort of arrogant it seems. (very Rich Kid) Chase just assumes it'll all work out for him.
House flips a page in the rheumatology textbook he's examining. Trier tries not to fidget. "Classic power play," he blurts. "Read a book to show how little you care." House glances up.
Now House is actively researching Chase, probably because he also knows he's playing it fast and loose with his visa, and by implication is trying real hard to get a job by sucking up to Cuddy. I wish we'd had Trier more. I love everything about him. I love the idea that Chase just has a Nemesis in pathology. Like that one episode where he has to biopsy a dead baby? So funny if you imagine Trier is just off-camera and pissed Chase is in his department.
You're Dr. Thomas, aren't you?" the kid asks as the elevator starts to move. "Oh - I'm not a patient, don't worry." He smiles, sticks out his hand. "I'm interviewing for the surgical residency. Dr. Cuddy spoke highly of you. Rob Chase. Fantastic to meet like this - we're due to interview next week?" "Dr. Chase. Of course." Thomas clearly has no idea who the kid is but shakes his hand. The elevator dings. "Nice to meet you," the kid says, oozing charm, as Thomas exits. "Nice trick, Doogie," House says when the doors close. The kid jumps, noticing him for the first time. "Repetitive, though. Do you just hang out around the elevators waiting for your future bosses to climb aboard?"
I went back and forth on how Chase would introduce himself. We know his sister, at least, calls him Robbie, and even though the show itself is pretty consistent on calling him Robert, boy, can we agree that doesn't suit him? In my head, he started using his full name to "sound professional," but before House usually called himself Robbie or Rob. So he's not quite polished yet.
House is making a power play here, obviously. He's figured out Chase's game, and inserting himself into it just to let Chase know he's been caught: Chase is trying to "accidentally" charm his way into being hired. Also, something about him asking if Chase waits for his future bosses on elevators, House being on an elevator…
He turns on the kid, who stops short, uncertain. "Say," House asks, mock innocent. "Is my photo on the website?" The kid recites obediently: "You're Dr. House. Head of diagnostics. Double specialty in -"
Chase did research House, but didn't think he was a useful person to stalk. Trying to imply here that Chase really is being quite cynical and calculating about this — he isn't just targeting the specific folks he needs to hire him, he looked at every possibility and then chose who to seduce.
At House's office, he hesitates until House waves him inside. "The way I see it, Dr. Chase's only son could get a job in any hospital down undah he wanted, no matter how mediocre his grades."
Honestly, biggest argument against Chase being a lazy nepobaby, imo. He seriously could have done this in universe. Instead he moved across the world. This is one of the reasons I am so Interested in this idiot: he's so unambitious but he does wild things like this.
"Surgery and intensive care," he says. He turns to the counter behind him, picks up the resume he'd had Wilson procure. "You must love saving lives." "I do," he says, eyeing the resume and the copy of his father's book House had strategically placed under the manilla folder. "How sweet." "I like them when they're dying," the kid says, leaning forward. "When you have a bleed and ten seconds to find it. When they crash and you don't know why and you have less than a minute to fix the problem." "And that's why you're a perfect candidate for my fellowship?" House mocks. "You tell me. You're courting me, aren't you?" "Sudden attitude shift. Trying to appeal to the nearest authority figure by imitating his grizzled charm?"
I don't love this exchange. I think it's pretty decent banter, it flows nicely, but I do think Chase is too aggressive, even if I handwaved it with him doing in intentionally, trying to match House's energy. House revealing he's been tracking Chase's job hunt, and showing off Rowan's book, proves that he's interested in Chase and has been paying attention. So Chase notices this, and he's trying to imitate House.
I don't think (she says, having written it) that Chase's explanation for his specialties is necessarily true here. Or not the whole truth. He's just trying to say what he thinks House wants to hear. From his perspective, this dude he hasn't seen before just walked up to him and told him "I know everything about you, sit in my office, let's look at your resume." House mentioned Chase's immigration winging-it, that he's hoping to charm his way into a job. So Chase in turn is making his specialty sound sort of reckless and seat of his pants, too.
From House's perspective, he's seen this kid stroll into the hospital and attempt to manipulate
He skims the kid's file again. Looks up at him over the top of the folder, then tosses it down. "Have your dad give me a call." "What?" he blinks. "You want the job, I'd like a character reference." "I have references." "Yeah, but I'm such a fan of daddy. Shouldn't be a problem. Not like you fled England rather than live in his shadow or anything." "Australia." House waits. Finally the kid stands up. He offers his hand to House to shake. He doesn't take it. Rowan Chase calls the next morning.
This is the reason both the story and this commentary exists. It's a power play. House wants Chase to demean himself and do something he doesn't want to in order to prove he wants the job. Chase, meanwhile, realizes that House is pursuing him. So the real question is "will you do something you don't want to do because I asked you?" House has seen Chase is manipulative, and observant, but is he willing to do this?
Chase, meanwhile, knows House is interested in him and pursuing him. He doesn't know how much House has been tracking him, but clearly House wants him. This is enough to get Chase, naturally, to abandon his other plans to charm his way into a job: he might be able to get Thomas to hire him, but House is taking the initiative and showing an interest, which makes him way more valuable. (ie: daddy issues. It's always daddy issues.)
"I want to hire Bobby," House says, cornering Cuddy Friday morning.
"One's black and the other has milk and sugar. Did - did my father --" He blinks, losing his confidence. House takes the black coffee. Chase throws the other cup in the trash.
House calls him Bobby to mock him, obviously, but it's not until the last paragraph of the story the narration (and so, House) thinks of Chase by name. Now that Chase is in Diagnostics, he Exists.
Further useless headcanon director's notes:
I think Chase introduced himself as Robbie exactly once in New Jersey, and House heard, and it was also the last time he ever used that name.
For some reason, I feel like Chase drinks coffee black with sugar. So neither of those cups were ever going to be from him. He's blatantly sucking up here.
Finally, in an earlier scene:
"Do you even have an interview with Thomas, or were you planning on kissing his ass until you got one?" "I'll have it by the end of the week," the kid says defiantly. House smirks.
And in the last scene:
He passes her the manila folder. Cuddy skims it and looks disapproving. "Dr. Chase is the new surgical resident. Dr. Thomas specifically asked --"
I just liked this bit. Chase did end up getting the other job, he just picked the boss who wanted him over the one who didn't. From Dr. Thomas's brief appearance in S6, he seems to have Issues with Chase and Chase as an extension of House. I think it makes sense on its own, but it makes more sense with this context. He offers the kid a job, the kid rejects the job, four years later Cuddy makes Thomas hire him again, and Chase still pays more attention to House?? Lowkey Chase has as many enemies in the hospital as House and I think that's great.
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
Tagged by @thegalwhorants here, thank you dear ✨ I love musical tag games but this might be the first time I've answered one where the results are extremely telling about me lmao
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs!
Next Love by BADMIXY
P'Mix's MVs are always super fun and unapologetically queer and I love her as a songwriter! This song is actually over two years old but I first listened to it after ฟ้ารักพ่อ (DILF) went viral and she came out with her debut album that included this song. But I'm pretty sure I became properly obsessed with it after hearing the RnB arrangement that (surprise surprise 🤡) ZeeNuNew performed during the DMDLand2 concert. Also wanna shoutout that time New and P'Erk Chrrissa covered it together during a live session because it made me hope P'Mix might one day write a song for New!
ไหล่เธอ (You've Got Ma Back) by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop, Winny Thanawin
I love this show and the entire OST! Could I have just linked the official MV? Why yes of course, but that wouldn't showcase the chaotic energy of the MSP gang as well lol (if the video doesn't start at the timestamp, it begins at 8:45!)
Get A Guitar by RIIZE
Now this one's a real wildcard lmao It is literally the only song on my On Repeat that isn't written or performed by a Thai artist! I came across it through a KPop random dance vid so obviously I had to link the Studio Choom performance. The choreo is so fun and, to this day, some of my favorite KPop songs are funky just like this one. I don't know who this group is btw (like I literally only found out through this tag game that they're an SM group lol) since I stopped following KPop artists and trends when I fell into my lil Thai and QL corner here so sorry if I sound like your typical clueless local now 😂
รักแท้ (True Love) by NuNew
He's performed this song countless times by now but I chose this one in particular because it was such a huge stage and opportunity for New 🥹 The official MV currently sits at 68 million views btw
ภาพสุดท้าย (Last Twilight) by William Jakrapatr
Y'all. I was so obsessed with this song. Like I literally know the entire lyrics by heart. Since Pal reminded me of Piano & i, I had to go with this performance! :) I'm really looking forward to William's upcoming series - I love LYKN and Est Supha and am sure the OST is gonna be incredible.
꽃이 피는데 필요한 몇 가지 (Blooming Just For You) by NuNew, Paul Kim
The first time he performed this song live 💕
How You Feel by NuNew
Have I mentioned NuNew is my favorite artist 555 This is the song that did me in - it's the first song by a Thai artist that I added on Spotify after getting into QL via KPop -> DKZ -> Semantic Error -> other KBLs -> "Oh, let's watch another popular BL on Viki"... and now I'm here waffling on about Thai language and music lol
ใจรัก by Zee Pruk
P'Zee recently said he didn't enjoy singing before he met New but that he's found joy in it after singing with him a lot. And he's improved so much! My favorite will always be when he sings ballads and love songs like this one though. (fyi this song is like 40 years old so you might have heard it covered by other artists before)
ประตูวิเศษ (Better Days) by Jimmy Jitaraphol, Sea Tawinan
Aaaand check for another song off the Last Twilight soundtrack that I was obsessed with! What can I say, I'm a P'Amp fangirl lol The lyrics are lovely, it's easy listening, and this show occupied my brain for months.
ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock & Star) by Fourth Nattawat
Love this scene, love Chinzhilla, love these lyrics, I'm repeating myself lol you get the gist, it's a banger!
To sum up- 7/10 are OSTs, 5/10 were written by Amp Achariya, and 3/10 are by NuNew (+2 more made me talk about him). So now that I've been publicly clowned by my own Spotify, I'm tagging (no pressure ofc): @zimmbzon @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke @rocketturtle4 and whoever sees this and goes Oh hell yeh an excuse to talk about my fav music!
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purplecritter · 1 day
Dragon Age: Vows and Vengeance (Ep. 5)
Official episode transcript here
My notes while I was listening under the cut… Spoilers ahead!
For anyone with emetophobia or gets grossed out by vomit, skip from 24:11 to 24:17 if you haven't already listened to the episode
“Holy maker in a bread pan” this is the real reason I listen to this podcast
kapok = type of tree, presumably tropical
“Taash says west, and if you know her as well as I, you'd know to take her word over a map” So what I’m hearing is, if Taash says jump from a bridge, I should jump 👍
Declan: “Her treasure hunting is an art, Lord Mondraine. And I assure you, her instincts are a thing of beauty” 🥰 Mondraine: “No, Declan, actually real art is beautiful and she and this place are not!” 😐😡I hate this guy
Taash 🤝 Bellara = threatening violence against the openly racist dudes
Bloodfire Stones = sacred rubies fabled to have been forged from the scales of a dragon, in the “Ancient Temple of the Lost Dragon”. “The shadows reveal the path to the Bloodfire” 
Nooo why is there no subtitles for the “foreign tongue” 😭 at least let me read the words :( (I want you to imagine now: me in the wiki page for qunlat, pausing and rewinding the episode to carefully piece together a translation word by word, only to then realize halfway through that there’s already a translation for the entire sentence because it’s a Qunari Prayer for the Dead said by Sten in DAO🤡) “Shok ebasit hissra. Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit. Aban aqun. Maraas shokra. Anaan esaam Qun.” = “Struggle is an illusion*. The tide rises, the tide falls. But the sea is changeless. There is nothing to struggle against. Victory is in the Qun.” *illusion or deity. In this case, since it’s said near an altar to “summon” a Temple, it’s possible that it’s intended more as the second meaning?
Ooooh Taash just casually has secret correspondence with the Orlesian nobles of the court? Woowieeeeee 
Come on Declan, all that “And what would you have me do? Mutiny against my friend?” for this? Not cool dude
Ah Drayden, never change
Pyramid? 🧐
I am once again loving the dynamic between Nadia and Drayden
THEY KNOW EACH OTHER? Did Nadia dabble with the LoF? Awww step aside Drayden, it’s Nadia’s turn to have a fun synergy with one of the Veilguard companions
“Remember our favorite dance, Nadia?” “The Dairsmuid two step? [...] As much as I'd love to, I'm in no condition to stage a jailbreak at this moment” they broke out of a prison in the capital of Rivain together?! (Psst psst Hollix in “Luck in the Gardens”, was in Dairsmuid)
Gamordan Stormrider was also in DAI in the Exalted Plains… And her location was unlocked after completing the war table mission “Gain Access to Ghilan'nain's Grove” 👀🫢
I’m assuming the qunlat that Nadia knows was taught by Taash? Awe
I JUST GOT SHIVERS. DID THEY CASUALLY PUT IN THE “IN HUSHED WHISPERS” SOUNDTRACK??? Timestamp is 21:42 in case anyone needs the info 
Drayden is afraid of spiders, can’t swim and gets seasick. They created the perfect nerd meowmeow I know people would go insane for them if they’re in the actual game
I actively avoided “kill dragons” missions in DAI but I like that Taash is not just skilled at hunting them but clearly knowledgeable about their habits/motivations etc. It feels more empathetic compared to The Iron Bull who just liked to kill them
“you're the one who brought daggers to a dragon fight” LMAO 
New Taash&Nadia lore drop: “we fought the undead in the tombs beneath Clagan's Hollow” (I wasn’t able to find any previous ref to this place, might be new!)
Taash not liking corpses. Destroying hearts of various interested Ingellvar Mourn Watch Rooks. Poor Manfred too lol
“I see your lightning, now feel my fire!” 😳 Taash don’t listen to those two you’re doing great
Yippee an episode finale that ended on a hopeful note!
I initially leaned more on Tal-Vashoth Taash, but as the episode went on I’m not so sure, they might be Vashot?
Btw no idea what to make of Taash saying the dragon is female because of her spine/coloration. Except that whoever wrote that part forgot that all winged dragons (not dragonlings or drakes) are female? That or the species underwent a major mutation these past 10 years lmao
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
Hi Doodle! I saw you're post about Oralie and Kenric adopting Sophie after she came to the lost cities au and a thought popped into my head after I read it, what if Sophie showed them the Disney channel original movies like descendents and zombies, I feel like they would have a family movie night of singing along to the songs and Oralie and Kenric still had their forbidden city crystals from the council and that's how they get a hold of the movies, I love this au and I thought it was a cute family idea!
Sophie is such a little goober Oralie and Kenric were already pretty much the perfect match but Sophie is just naturally a part of their family.
Oralie is a menace to society and being a councillor has clearly never stopped her before (Sophie gets her menace genes from her) so Oralie would 100% be up for a trip to the forbidden cities for movies I'm currently reading Perfect Match and OMGGG it is soooo good!! 10/10 just fuels my Koralie brain. Kenric didn't realize how absolutely insane Oralie was when they first met but boy howdy does he sure know that now
Oralie would somehow spin the whole trip as less of an illegal visitation of the forbidden cities for movies and more a small necessary inclusion of Sophie's human life as she's just a child and all this sudden reeducation is difficult for her. Bringing in familiar stimulation from her old life can act as a reprieve from the daunting task of adjusting her entire world view to understand her new life. (almost her exact words)
Kenric understands that the movies are just movies but Oralie gets invested. ("Ora it's just a children's movie-" "Okay but if you noticed the subtle change in the soundtrack you would've realized he was never under her spell!")
(BTW the AU in question is one where Oralie and Kenric sudo adopt Sophie by accident and then *actually* adopt Sophie on purpose)
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dorizardthewizard · 8 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 16 - 18
Episode 16:
Nice levitation trick Simbai, but she's just allowed to use the Breath like that? Maybe because she's a flux society member? It does make me realise, since the wars were not so long ago, how many people are walking around who could previously use the the Breath all the time but now aren't allowed. That's kind of crazy!
I do like the idea of them actually learning how to use the Breath in more creative ways!
This soundtrack for Tia's training session is pretty cool
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Well done Mei for wearing more weather-appropriate clothes this time!
Mice telling Mark to get it together kdjfskfd time for lover boy to get dunked on for once
Callie: Do you miss playing when you see your friends on the field? D'jok: Um, I- Callie: Certainly you must think they are still bitter towards you after beating them on Paradisia?
Callie those are some horrible questions leave the man alone 😭
I am once again asking for more Lun-Zeara action. Btw has she ever spoken a line? Fucking Stevens may have spoken more than her
I support the Snow Kids but I love seeing the Wambas winning and having fun <3
Artegor: Listen Barry, to be frank, I'm not a fan of your work
HE'S SUCH A BITCH LOOOL after my rewatch I want to make a compilation of Artegor's commentator moments
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Lun-Zaera is CHILLING lmao, also I just checked the wiki for the spelling of her name and it's about as consistent as the Wamba's hair colour.
Why is Woowamboo being such a dick. She's trying her best!
Awwww D'jok cheering on the Snow Kids
Mei is carrying the defence in this match like the queen she is <3
Artegor contributes a more technical analysis of the game which is pretty cool
WOOWAMBOO FOULING?? I mean fouls aren't really rare but still, he's being far more aggressive than before? Sure, the Wambas aren't going to just be fun-loving when the GFC is at stake and they're as competitive as any other team, but when you combine this with the way he was talking to Lun-Zia it's just jarring?
Also WAIT. Woowamboo is ginger? So the player that switched to the Lightnings for the Paradisian tournament was just someone else? Fair enough as you wouldn't switch your star player, but yeah my bad. Actually wait, he literally has grey hair in the Netherball scenes in season 2. WHAT IS THE TRUTH
Well at least Woowamboo seems more accepting of Lun-Zia now that he's seen her give it her all. Nice to see her settled in with the rest of the team!
I just had a thought, where is Maya in all this? We've seen Mama-Ice pop up and check on (scold XD) Micro-Ice but we didn't see Maya interact with D'jok at all? Wouldn't she have gone to see him instead of only hanging with the Snow Kids?? And now that D'jok's “retired” and hanging out by himself at Genesis, isn't she gonna look for him? She knows football was so important to him, so to give it up is a big deal! Ah well, we'll see.
Episode 17:
Yaay more Tia and Mei being besties
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Side note I like Kim-8's vibes, she's just cool
That scene in Ballow's restaurant where he's talking about leaving dirty business behind, all while henchmen are constantly coming up to him with dodgy items like stolen paintings is so hilarious jfdskmn
aww I love Artegor trying to convince D'jok to come back, especially with him telling him how hard the SK took it when he left. It's also interesting to see Artegor refer to playing with the Snow Kids as a responsibility - they're a symbol of hope for the people of Akillian, who didn't even want to go to their first match in the stadium due to the trauma from the glaciation.
He also reminds D'jok he's a Snow Kid, which reminds me of their conversation in season.... 2? Where Artegor tells him he'll always be a kid from Akillian. It's also nice that once he's voiced his opinion, he changes the subject instead of pressuring D'jok to answer. He's really developed from the demanding Shadows coach he used to be.
Poor Artie, he can never watch a full match LOL
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Do you ever watch an old video and get jumpscared by a comment you don't remember making? Because I wrote this on another upload 9 years ago and I still don't know how they messed that up LOL.
I mean yeah sure it COULD be a new ability they've unlocked like how the Snow Kids are finding new ways to use the Breath. But they don't show the Cyclop's hypnosis thing at all, the animation is exactly the same as the Xenon's flux, and Callie even mentions their "hypnotic" flux and how the players can barely stay on their feet, which doesn't really match what's on screen sooo yeeeeeaahhh this is just an animation error. A pretty big one though.
So team Paradisia have no problem using their flux? Which was a synthetic one to begin with? And the technology for it is no longer available? Or do they just get it implanted once and that's it? So what was up with them going into those pods to “charge”? How does this work???
sfkdgfkjdf Mark went too hard on the sauerkraut, I love this gag about Mark and food
YESSSS SONNY! FATHER SON BONDING TIME FINALLY. His speech about the Pirates always being by his side even in tough times is sweet, and makes sense for D'jok. He's been through a lot with the Snow Kids and they're basically family now, and family wouldn't truly turn him away if he was sorry for what he did. At least, they wouldn't stay mad forever.
BENNETT YOU LEGEND. But also a bit reckless of Sonny to stand with D'jok right in the middle of an open area
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Sonny: We're trapped!
Um no you're not, there's a staircase right there
Poor Cyclops, always getting clowned on :( ARTEGOR IS A SAVAGE IN THIS MATCH
BALLOW OUTING THE CON ARTISTS FDKFDKJDF I'm sorry I know it's a tragic moment for Sinedd but THAT'S SO FUNNY
The way they animate Sidney rolling around is hilarious. Also Thran only thought of finding Harvey just now? Wow, talk about second-class citizens.
It's so funny how this is the last episode in the official playlist, like they just gave up uploading HD episodes 2 years ago. Unless it's a regional thing? I'm editing this in Austria rn and the official English uploads aren't available unless I use VPN, are the French eps all uploaded in HD at least?
Episode 18:
Aaaaand I'm back to 480p uploads from 10 years ago. Thank you for your service youtube user lykaon868
I do get to see the intro and outro now though yaaaay
Wait what? We ended last episode on D'jok wanting to talk to the Snow Kids and with this one we just skip ahead to him being on the team again? I mean... they were building up to that moment for sooo long and we don't even get to see it? What???
It seems Tia and Rocket have accepted D'jok back but Micro-Ice and Ahito aren't so enthusiastic. It's strange to see Ahito so resentful but it's a refreshing change to see him react like that.
Micro-Ice's reaction on the other hand isn't taken very seriously and it's presented as them squabbling immaturely but like... he's right to feel hurt! We could've had some good Micro-Ice angst topped off with a heart-to-heart between two guys who canonically consider each other brothers, but here we are.
Sinedd's parents were... I M P O S T E R S ?
Sharky why are you revealing this as a scoop when it just puts you into hot water for not doing a background check before inviting them on the show
This is the serious - silly contrast dynamic I had in my head for the Shadows LOL. Although it's sad this kind of implies the Shadows only care for Sinedd as a player and not a person, telling him to get a grip after something like that? Although maybe their whole thing is that they TRY to act tough but really they're all feeling like that one guy who ran out crying lol. It IS a bit weird to insert comedy like that into this kind of scene though, kind of undercuts it for me.
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Artegor just having tea and biscuits 🤣🤣🤣
CALLIE ACCEPT HIS OFFER FOR TEA DON'T BE RUDE. He looks sad after her reaction fskdjfskds honestly Artegor is probably the best character this season
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Tia squaring up to Sinedd I LOVE HER
Also wtf Sinedd, but he was about to go to Mei so I wonder what he was gonna do? Taunt her? Or maybe he regretted it? I guess we'll never know
This is a match with the Shadows, the Snow Kids' biggest rivals, and yet the first half is over in a few minutes of the episode! The matches just aren't as interesting in this season and feel too rushed
I am not immune to some D'jok vs Sinedd action
Not Maya focusing on Sinedd when she hasn't interacted with D'jok this whole time 😭
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Mei is such a savage, it reminds me of Stevens handing Sinedd the ball that one time when there was seconds to spare LOL also pls forgive the shit quality gifs, demonstration purposes only folks
Sinedd: Do like everyone else Mei, don't worry about what I do and just forget me. Mei: But Sinedd- Sinedd: I lost, Mei. I lost everything. Everything.
Oof Sinedd really goes through the ringer every season, huh
Mark is smooth as butter on the pitch but so incredibly cringe at flirting
Warren: The team. The group. That's all that counts, D'jok D'jok: Being a team player Warren, that's what I want to improve!
Sure D'jok, until next season. But it's also kind of weird to portray his arc as if he just needed to learn how to be a team player again, when a big part of why he left was the emotional turmoil from the breakup and him lashing out because of it. That's never really resolved, although I guess the season is trying to say that D'jok became obsessed with winning again, which is what drove Mei away in the first place, but again I'm just speculating here! They had the means for a really good arc for D'jok but fumbled it and decided to retread old paths instead.
Is Harvey alive after all?
I do love that Clamp is still working alongside Sonny. And yaaaay Thran gets to do something!
Wait Paradisia is a dead planet, it didn't blow up or anything. Harvey is a robot so is it that surprising he's still there? Why not look for him earlier?
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twig-tea · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for the game, @clara-maybe-ontheroad! And thanks for tagging me @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @lurkingshan! I started out by saying to myself that I'm going to do my best to ignore my urges and just answer the first thing that comes to me rather than treating this like a quiz. And then I went into a fugue and worked on this for >5 hours. WHOOPS.
Original version here for anyone else who wants to play!
Also quick warning, this is asking about the worsts, so TW for mentions of horrific plot points below.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Ohhhhh man, ok so the first thought that came to mind was Never Let Me Go, which mostly had fantastic background music, and that's maybe why when it didn't hit it stood out so badly (sorry to my man Pond, not all BL actors should be singers! And having his OST play over their kiss in Part 7 4/4 was just mean). For the record I love this show (actually maybe it should go in one of the below categories because so many tumblr folks dislike it) but this was rough.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
These don't tend to stick with me...there are so many, and I am allergic to sincerity so everything earnest is various levels of cringe to me. So with that in mind, basically everything Gavreel ever said in Gameboys counts.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Anytime someone said "Once I start I won't be able to stop" or some variation.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Jun Ho deciding to die rather than bite Min Hyun in Kissable Lips. Min Hyun was offering. it would have made Jun Ho human. He could have had his friends around to make sure he didn't go too far and kill him. Instead he decides to fade away in his arms like a dick. WHY.
Special mention to NuengDiao going back to his hotel where his murderous uncle is waiting with no plan other than to walk in wearing a suit and a cocky expression in Never Let Me Go.
[@bengiyo and @wen-kexing-apologist are correct about Teh giving up his spot to Oh Aew in I Told Sunset About You as the actual correct answer, btw]
Worst plot line
Every penultimate episode crises resulting in the leads splitting up so that they can reunite in the finale that are not earned and significantly detract from my enjoyment of a series [this list is not comprehensive]: 2Gether, Minato's Laundromat S2, Enchanté, Love Class, Plus & Minus.
The most problematic show you've watched
I've seen literally all of them so this feels like an unfair question lol there are layers of problematic; like, is it even worth considering all of the problems with A Round Trip to Love, or The Shortest Distance is Round, or What the Duck s2? I wrote out summaries for these and then decided no thanks. If anyone wants to know they can DM me.
In terms of series that are problematic but not often considered problematic, I'm calling out Love Area the series. It hits two of my pet peeves: shitty treatment of a poor character by an oblivious rich love interest that directly affects their sources of income, and an ableist subplot. I think it also has an unearned separation in the penultimate episode but honestly I remember thinking they should stay split up so maybe it was earned.
A show people love but you find bad
Vice Versa. Sorry to all who love that show. I wanted to like it; the colouring and cinematography are beautiful and the alternate universe was neat worldbuilding. But the plot makes me so, so angry.
Ditto Cutie Pie the series. I just can't enjoy it.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Honestly there are several, but the one that is most disliked that I will ride hardest for is probably Secret Crush On You (which I argued ended with one of the most healthy relationships in a BL here LMAO). I get why people find this show hard to watch, the cringe is real. But the gender expression! The found family! The "he's a weirdo and that's why I love him" dynamic! The mutual lusting! The body dysphoria! The fact that both start by playing into BL tropes and it's only by throwing those out that they can actually have a meaningful relationship! The way both characters have real growth! And like yes Toh is a fanboy stalker but that is problematized in the show! It gave us the growth from fanboy to faen that Be Mine Superstar didn't. I have a lot of emotions about this show.
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ALSO because I cannot stop, I will forever to my dying breath defend Color Rush. I don't care what you say about dead fish kisses I can't hear you over the incredibly powerful metaphor about the queer experience!
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Bahahhaha. Um. So many, my friends. OH I'm going to take this chance to shout out the lesser-known webseries Discipline Z: Vampire (Korean, YouTube, 2020). It's ostensibly a sequel to Discipline, but the only thing they share is a single character so you don't need to watch it to understand what's happening in Discipline Z (they are entirely different shows in every way; Discipline is more youth slice of life with a queer story as part of the ensemble). Listen, I'm talking about this show in this category for a reason; it's about a vampire who falls for a street dancer, whose motley crew of hacker friends help rescue the vampire from an evil corporation that wants to experiment on him to understand his immortality. It is BAD.
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But. BUT! I love it. Everyone is so pretty. There is a cute hacker girlie. There is scifi nonsense to explain immortality. There is a good kiss. There are characters willing to sacrifice to do the right thing. I am a simple woman. [Fair warning to my happy ending only pals: this ending is ambiguous at best; there was supposed to be a follow-up epilogue for the couple, but it never got filmed.]
Bonus, En of Love was absolutely trash and it has a very special place in my heart. It's not good (like, at all), but it's great.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Let's go with Physical Therapy the series. At some point I just kept watching like a car wreck to see how bad it could get. Also shout-out to Dinosaur Love, which was...similarly bewildering.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
@lurkingshan already stole my first answer for this, but oh man I stay a Why R U apologist for the Fighter/Tutor chemistry. I actually think somewhere in there is a really interesting show, if the pandemic hadn't made it impossible for them to film the ending that they wanted to, but based on the Korean version and the parts that we were told had to be cut, maybe it would have actually made it worse. But just to get on my soapbox for half a sec, Tutor was in debt, working himself to exhaustion, and Fighter (after he got over himself) protected him at his one job, joined him to help him meet his sales targets at another, hired him for a third, paid off his debt collector to take the pressure off, and then took him on vacation to help him relax--twice. I have issues with depictions of poverty in BL but at least my man secured the bag while also pursuing love or whatever. Also he whispers "get inside me" while they're making out, sorry, Tutor will forever be a fave of mine.
Since that's taken, I'm going to use this as an excuse to shout out the hotness of My Day the Series. It was predominantly not great but the heat moments....
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I'm giving this to Noey Watplu from I Will Knock You. I was obsessed with him. I want his confidence so badly. I love how he's essentially a dork in cosplay but gets away with it because of his rizz. Truly iconic. This man decided he was being seduced and said "bet". I really enjoyed this show because of him and him alone.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
I'm going to put Ghost Host Ghost House here. It's "bad" in the sense that it had low production values (like, really bad, so bad the time of day changes at random because they lost the light while filming). But the romance was cute, the story around the romance was interesting, the worldbuilding around the merit credits was fascinating, the side mystery was so heartbreaking, the various characters actually had a lot of difficult emotions to portray, and overall I think this show is underrated.
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I also already have and will again recommend YYY as a fun and fascinating watch to anyone who asks about it, @waitmyturtles is correct on that call.
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The character that ruined a show the most
There are several annoying sides in BL, but I'm giving this to the side hets in My Oxygen. A fujoshi who records people without their consent for online clout is bad. A doctor using his role as a doctor to get closer to his patient is really bad. Pretending to be interested in his friend because the girl he likes is a fujoshi is worse; then using her brother as his friend's stand-in when his friend won't put up with it anymore is the WORST.
Most awful character that you hated
I mean, Lhong in TharnType takes it for not only arranging the gang rape of Tar, but being forgiven for it in the series. Neung in Tonhon Chonlatee comes a close second for attempting to rape Chonlatee and then claiming the moral high ground against his homophobic "friend". Tony in History 5: Love in the Future doesn't get enough hate for trying to murder someone just because he was his love rival. Namning in La Cuisine had her love rival bullied, beaten and who knows what she was going to do with that gun. Also shoutout to @wen-kexing-apologist's answer of Korn, in KinnPorsche, he was so insidiously evil, it was so well done.
Most awful character that you loved
I'm going with "awful" as not necessarily (just) morally bad but that people didn't like: Jaime from Win Jaime's Heart. Objectively he's a fuckboi of the worst calibre. He agrees to go on a webshow in which he dates Heart so that he can seduce the creator of the show Winston. And Jaime is so charming that I don't care about his bi wrongs (partially, to be fair, because the premise is ridiculous so it's hard to take too seriously).
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Special mention (because it's not a series) to Wine in Red Wine in the Dark Night. I love a murder twink (speaking of, things are looking really good for me to stay in love with Ai Di from Kiseki if it keeps on this track).
If we're interpreting "awful" as characters that other people don't like, it'll probably go to Toh from Secret Crush on You or Gus in Diary of Tootsies. They're flawed, they're femme, they're fantastic.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Can in Love By Chance and the sequels. Tinn is an asshole and knows it; Can is an asshole but is also self-righteous, but in all honesty his biggest flaw for me is that he's not competent and I have little patience for that.
A hero that should have been a villain
Tempted to give this to Ko from Love Poison for essentially trying to love spell date rape his love interest--this is only not that bad because magic isn't real so of course it doesn't do anything.
Possibly Athit (Boun's character) from Even Sun? I put a question mark there because this was so convoluted and hard to follow I'm not even 100% sure I remember it right, but from what I remember, this was not a romantic story at all.
Taking a totally different approach to the question, Joke from Hidden Agenda should have been a secret villain (in the sense that he should have been scheming and sociopathic but hiding it, ineffectually, from Zo) in order to make the series make sense, but apparently I can't have nice things.
And finally, special mention to Phu in The Promise for being the villain for so many of us already.
A morally bad character you're into
Zhu Zi Shu, canon war criminal and child murderer from Word of Honor. He thought he was doing bad things for good reasons (protecting the people he loves), realized he was just doing bad things and the people he loves were all dead anyway, and crafted a convoluted plot to get out of the secret society rules that he created to prevent anyone from leaving. And then he wanders aimless until he meets Wen Ke Xing and becomes as loyal to this equally morally dubious man as he was to his secret society. I love him (and them) so much.
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Same type of deal, different scale of crime: Akk from The Eclipse. I have a soft spot for this trope.
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A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Xue Yang from The Untamed. Also a mass murderer, but doing it just for the vibes/to avenge his finger, so he gets zero love from me. People woobify him just because he's sassy it's...rough.
The show that disappointed you the most
From hype to execution? So Much in Love / Ni Yam Ruk. I slogged through such awful subs TWICE (because they claimed they redid them, but they are still terrible) to try to give this show a chance, because the premise sounded right up my alley. I still think there's a show in there that I would have liked, but it is literally unwatchable.
Most disappointed from what the show seemed like it was doing at the start to what it delivered in full is a tie between The Shipper and Step By Step.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
That's My Candy. I've only ever dropped/not finished I think 3 or so shows? And this was the most painful and the one I am least likely to ever finish. The pairing was overplayed, the comedy was heavy handed, and the plot was absolutely cringe inducing. It was literally torture trying to watch this.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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Tagging @visualtaehyun @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingteapot @snidgetwrites @formayhem @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ginnymoonbeam no pressure as always! And if you play and I didn't tag you but you're reading this, tag me anyway! I love reading everyone's answers.
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lavellun · 1 month
I really love all the actors on hotd (especially Clinton liberty since he’s on TT and just seems so happy to be there! ) but I really, really, really hope there are different writers for these last seasons, I think they’re going for 4. Yet I keep hearing about budget cuts so I hope that doesn’t hurt this project more
hi, kim 💗 so sorry for the late reply btw! i totally agree with you! the actors of HOTD all seem so lovely and they were definitely doing their best with the scripts they were given. regarding this season, i have so many mixed feelings! there were some really cool moments that i absolutely loved:
> daemon in harrenal was my favorite arc of the season (and alys rivers became my favorite character this season too!)
> 'the red dragon and the gold' was an AMAZING episode
> 'the red sowing' was such a cool episode as well and it FINALLY gave us a grey character moment from rhaenyra
> alicent/criston was such an intersting dynamic too! could've been explored in more depth and with more complexity… 🗣️ IF THE SEASON HAD MORE EPISODES 🗣️
> obviously: the cinematography was stunning, the soundtrack phenomenal and the dragons looked amazing!
and for all the criticisms i had of alicent's character this season, i can definitely see what they were trying to do with her arc, and i wouldn't have minded if it had happened later on in the show, perhaps? this 'redemption' feels too rushed, it feels like the writers/the people in charge just want her to be a 'likeable' character so bad, if that makes sense. the scene between her and rhaenyra in the last episode, as beautifully acted it was (and with an intersting parallel with helaena also having to choose one of her children in the beginning of the season), it didn't make much sense to me. it seems the writers are like 'see guys??? alicent is ACTUALLY on rhaenyra's side!!!'. and i'm like… what happened to season 1!alicent? what happened to 'you are the challenge, aegon, simply by living and breathing'? to 'now you take my son's eye and to even that you feel entitled'? to 'what have i done but what was expected of me?'. and even this season, when baby jaehaerys was k*lled? the pain and trauma inflicted on her family, on helaena (and even aegon!)? i'm just so confused and dissapointed with this season, really... again, i don't think i minded if this 'redemption' arc of alicent happened, had it been done with more time to fully develop BUT ALSO… why are the writers so afraid of actually making her a character (or any character really...) consumed by her trauma, her grief, her pain?
why is everything in this show a mistake, a misunderstanding or a miscommunication? i think one of the things i loved the most about season 1 was how 'aware' these characters were of their actions and motivations, you know? even if they were questionable and 'not right'. like, rhaenyra was straight up lying to everyone's faces about her kids' parentage, she faked laenor's death (causing imense grief to rhaenys and corlys) just to marry daemon and strengthen her claim to the throne... alicent demanded that a kid's eye was removed as a form of justice and when that proved fruitless she attacked the heir to the throne in front of everybody (the king included)... like!!! what happened to moments like this? moments driven by pain and trauma? moments that actually told us so much about these characters and what they were going through?
this was waaay too long so sorry lmao but i don't know... i just wished we saw more complexity overall this season (and more drama™️ lol). the foundations were all there from season 1. to me, it was a bit of a shame. but it's just my opinion on the matter, it's totally okay if other people feel differently 😌💗
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #21
21. AUSTRALIA Electric Fields - "One Milkali" 27th place
Decade Ranking: 74/153 [Above wrs, below TBA]
We're on a gravitron as it tangles through them billions, illions of arseholes and angels. 💋 -- Michael Ross.
I'll open by pointing out that Zach's dress reminds me of those sail-backed tetrapods all mammals have descended from:
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BorisBubbles.tumblr.com satisfying your autism AND paleontology fixes since 2017.
On other news, I'm happy to report I've never bought into the "Electric Fields Are Shock Qualifiers" hype. They had a song nobody cared about upon release, to represent a country nobody particularly wants in Eurovision. I'm AMAZED they almost floated into the semi over Serbia.
My personal feelings on the song are quite mixed, mostly because I always recognised "One Milkali" as both a televote flop and a missed opportunity. I always love when countries inject their music traditions into the entries they send to Eurovision, but in "Australia's "One Milkali'"'s case it was a fairly sloppy fusion. The soundtrack opens via Nokia ringtone before it explodes into a digital fart and segues into a generic, catchy EDM track that is in a constant state of competition with it's own background didgeridoo.
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On top of that comes a libretto that, using a lot of confusing metaphors and dated pop culture references that border on nonsense, express a utopian vision of Universal Kinship that most people know to be factually untrue. None of us value life equally. I know SOME people find that offensive because they delude themselves into thinking they're good people, so allow me to demonstrate;
IMAGINE your least favourite famous person in the world; a politician or businessman or musician or actor, or writer of certain wizarding novels. Someone you strongly dislike and don't necessarily want dead, but say you'd would be very pleased if this person had chosen to be an accountant over their actual profession, obsessing over NUMBERS rather than their current trade. Now compare THAT person to your favourite people in the world: your parents,siblings, other halves, friends, pets, children (lol this is tumblr - exactly three of you will spawn offspring, the rest of you will grow old with two cats named after fictional characters such as "Khaleesi" and "Deban Aderemi".) You cannot put this person on the same level as them. You will not value this person's life AS much as you value your loved-one's lives, and that's perfectly normal human behaviour. We hold different standards for different people. Anyone who does not is a walking red flag.
With this in mind, you just know that One Milkali would be a hard sell because not many people connect with its intentions, especially now that Eurovision has made a shift towards Tory-ness (💀). It's naive, utopean and out of touch for those that get it and very confusing to those who do not.
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I'm making it sound like I dislike Australia, but I actually really like the studio cut (it's better when you don't look). The studio version... well doesn't slap but at least swats? It was a sanitised, tranquilized version of "2000 and Whatever", which I LOVED, and I gave 1M(1B) a few loopings. I, like many people that remembered Electric Fields fondly, and was hoping they would die for Raiven for a live outsell.
Unfortunately, the live of "One Milkali" was not an outsell. If anything it undersold? It was lowkey a tranwreck?
Like, when your top moment of the performance is THE COLOUR PROJECTION AT THE START
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(this bit actually ate! pity it happens literally within the opening seconds.)
and the second best moment is a literal ijbol moment when the didgeridoo player (this man is a LIVING DEITY btw) PLAYS HIS INSTRUMENT LIVE RIGHT INTO ZACHARIAAHA'S MIC, DROWINING HIM OUT.
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IT'S RAININ' LO- :didge noises:
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Yeah, a few choices were made which were a tad off. The worst one is allowing Michael Ross to vocalize because the man does NOT HAVE A GOOD VOICE. You have three backs, let them sing his bits. Not doing that is the second worst decision. The third worst is poorly mixing those backs in with a very strained Zachariaaha? Also, why are they strutting on the stage like models on a catwalk? Did Aisel have a few on sale from her X My Heart era?
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The staging did a few things right - it was colourful, used the space well and had good camerawork. It got the basics right, at least.
It was a sloppy execusion of a clumsily composed song, but, I still enjoyed it overall. "One Milkali" is naive and utopean as fuck, and embraced that vibe and I appreciate that. The Yankunytjatjara bits are great and synergize well with the English. The song was an adequate representation of aborigine culture, hampered mostly by the fact that it didn't go hard enough when it needed to.
It ranks this high because putting it lower makes no sense to me. Unlike Poland, the vocals were acceptable, and the staging was linear and clear. Unlike Moldova, they had a song and a vision and displayed creativity? Unlike Azer and Iceland, Australia managed to fill the stage with some semblance of life and momentum. It still had flaws, but they were easy enough to accept. It makes sense that Aus were the highest NQ in the first semi, as they are on this ranking.
But lmao @ allowing any SF1 NQ to enter my top 20.
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