#brooooo this is so fascinating
karmaisamess-x3 · 4 months
An alloromantic just explained crushes to me + gave me dating advice and i’m like… no to all that?
#damn i’m aro as fuck#i HATE ITTTT UGHHEHHET HEJEWISJEK#LIKE I HATE THAT I’M NOT FULLY ARO BUT STILL VERY BERRY ARO LIKE BROOOOO FUCK YOU CHOOSE A SIDE#they said a crush is like. just a fascination with someone from far away. a curiosity. wanting to know more about them and i’m like…#that’s not romantic bud i get that too but it doesn’t make me do a twirl and kick my feet and get a burning desire to get freaky#they said no it IS romantic cuz they like them and stuff. but would like to get to know them better to see if the feelings stick. which likw#yep i’m aro as fuck but i get it now. it’s like wanting to be friends with someone but freaky edition /j#no no not like that i’m kidding but i do get it. that’s why they call it a talking stage…#but still i just don’t understand how someone would giggle and blush over an interesting stranger but i get that like yeah okay go ahead#we LOVE not experiencing primary attraction#and the dating advice was: dating is like making friends. it doesn’t have to be so complicated. and that is what made me go nope to all that#I don’t play around when it comes to people’s feelings. I don’t fuck around and find out with that. because i know how serious#romantic feelings get. like what if the other person is so enamored and in love with me and i just eventually realize that i just can’t like#them back (demiromantic moment) like what then? that’s so fucking cruel. no…#like glad that worked for you and other people since i know most people don’t take dating as serious as i do but like. kinda wish people did#whatever it’s whatever. i knew from the beginning that i’d never fully understand the allo experience but i do understand it better now ig
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funishment-time · 4 months
hi ms polaris, popping by to say that I'm very thankful for your saimota recognition™ :d I really love a lot of the relationships in v3, but I can't help but see saimota as like, The soulmate pair in v3 and ummm considering that saimota is very much not the most popular ship for either saihara or momota? It's not the most ideal ship to have as a favorite, tbh- which means that I very much appreciate the fact that you also seem to have taken to it, lol. Hope you're having a good day, and thanks as always for the great textposts <3
aww, i'm glad to make you happy with that! i have a lot of Big Gay Shoo-shoo ships that i enjoy, but Saimota is probably the most common one that i end up appreciating. like you, i find it hard to think of Kaito as anyone's Other Half but Shuichi. (Maki i tend to see as gay herself, and as Kaito's platonic soulmate, e.g. they are the true bros in the whole deal, whereas the boys are the husbands ha. Kaito's final scene was kind of morbidly hilarious to me in that regard)
now, granted, i do think Kaito x Kokichi is really fascinating, and i will never turn down a super cute piece of Saimatsu, v3 survivors, or Shoo x Kirumi fanart...but "bro you are my world" "brooooo" is 100% Saimota to me. more so than the o.g. bros Mondo and Taka, even
by the way, it'd probably tickle you pink to know that i predicted i would not like Kaito, was eh on him at the start, then he totally turned around for me around ch 3-ish. very cute fun character, saluted him when he went to the Great Beyond(tm)
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bumblebeerror · 2 months
brooooo ignore that guy
anyway the broadway musical suffs has this very meta quality where it has a major plotline about tokenization vs representation and is tokenization better than no representation at all – ida b wells and mary church terrell are the two sides of this argument, where ida criticizes mary for participating in the "white womens' convention" and mary says "if i wasn't here they wouldn't even mention race," and this is an ongoing storyline that they never resolve ofc because its fucking complicated, but ANYWAY the fascinating thing is that in the off-broadway production, there were 2 characters they ended up cutting, a chinese woman named ms. wu and one hispanic character, and they ended up cutting them essentially because it would be fucking difficult to fully explore those stories while keeping the show in a certain time limit!! there's so many other plots already, and they were, essentially, token racial minorities, even if the creators did want to make visible the diversity of the suffragette movement. so tokenization vs representation on and offstage. *sprints away*
Oh my GOD that sounds AWESOME
That’s such an interesting way to bring up that issue too! And I like the idea that (from your summary) neither idea is dismissed as bad entirely, because both have merits when it comes to continued viewership and awareness, and even how good rep at the time becomes something tokenizing!
Sort of like how I’ve seen newer queer folks openly dislike The Rocky Horror Picture Show because of how the characters are portrayed as exceedingly camp and exaggerated, and because the word “transsexual” is used instead of transgender - but on the flipside, the characters are also shown to react to each other positively, to be confident and comfortable with themselves, and Dr. Frank-N-Furter is clearly shot and portrayed as a powerful, sensual, attractive person. As characters in their own right they are good rep, especially for the time it was released - the straight couple is the object of the jokes here, we’re laughing at their reactions to these characters, but we are also of the understanding that the Dr and his associates are our “horror” element, the discussion goes on and on.
I LOVE the idea of a production openly questioning that kinda shit, thats an AWESOME premise
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zevfern · 1 year
My thoughts on the core members of the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5! Spoilers ahead.
Kenta (Joker): he's just like me for real!
But seriously though, I really like Joker, and it's cool to RP as him, especially since the modern setting allows me to do so more naturally. I especially like fitting in pro wrestling related headcanons to his behavior (my headcanon is that Kenta is a huge pro wrestling fan, and before the events of the game was training to join a dojo after graduating HS).
My favorite of the Phantom Thieves, his hotheaded and impulsive personality reminds me of a friend I have irl. For some reason his voice reminds me of Axel from KH despite the two having different VAs, and the two characters are quite different as well. He was the first confidant I completed, and maybe in a different timeline he would have been romanceable.
Ann: A rose by another name
Ann's very sweet and kind, and yet posseses tons of internal strength. Her whole story arc with Shiho and her recovery is so heartwarming it was hard not to shed tears during their farewell. Her VA also did an incredible job throughout the game, it's between her and Ryuji for best VA performance in my opinion.
Yusuke: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, but poor
Really knocked me for a loop when I first saw this guy, but despite the looks he is quite different from his Fodlan doppelganger. His confidant cutscenes are some of the goofiest in the game despite (or maybe because of?) his serious demeanor. Yusuke also gets bonus points for introducing Hifumi Togo into the story, the girl I chose to romance in my first playthrough.
Makoto: Breaking the rules, for once
This is a very unpopular opinion, but I don't particularly like Makoto. Her whole "follows the rules but her true self wants to break them" isn't appealing to me, reminding me of a few other characters from other games and media I've never connected with. That said, I do think she has a great friendship with Haru, and their Showtime is incredible (it's a series of pro wrestling moves ending with a tag team finisher! They are in love a tag team your honor.)
Futaba: On the spectrum, off the wall
It's always interesting to see characters in video games who are autism coded, and while Futaba isn't perfect (of course she's a hacker and visits 4chan 🙄), it's the little details like her elementary school memories (surprisingly similar to mine) and the way she approaches her self improvement after having her heart stolen that really impressed me.
Haru: We fly balloons on this fuel called love
I'd been extremely exited to meet Haru from the first time I sighted her in game, as she's voiced by the same VA who voiced Marianne and I wanted to compare the two characters. In contrast to Marianne's gloomy demeanor that eventually turns hopeful, Haru is a beam of light right from the beginning. Her introduction as a Beauty Thief is the funniest gag in the game, and she keeps her optimism despite incredible hardship involving her father. Shame she's introduced so late, by the time I got her confidants I was already with Hifumi.
Akechi: I have forgiven Maxwell
The moment Joker met Akechi, this started playing in the background:
Hair jokes aside, Akechi's a fascinating antagonist: much like Kenta/Joker and his friends he's an outcast in Japanese society, an orphan living in poverty, and has only been accepted due to his newfound fame as the Detective Prince. While visibly he resembles Light Yagami, his personality reminds me of MJF, who also manipulated the people around him for his own gain. I haven't finished the game yet so I don't know if Akechi will repent, but MJF did turn face with Adam Cole's friendship, so maybe Joker can do the same to Akechi.
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sparklymuses · 10 months
✨ - I really like the way you write your muses, it feels really engaging and really pulls the reader in - like it's fascinating reading Peko's thought process and how she thinks of others, little details like her mannerisms - you write it all with so much detail and care and it's amazing to see.
DO YOU LIKE MY WRITING? — accepting !!
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BROOOOO it's been a while !! glad to see you're still around and kicking as ryuji. man i should try to finish p5 and get it on my switch so i can keep playing on the go ...
anyways, thanks a whole bunch and i'm glad you really like my peko ! i always try to spell out my character's thoughts, it more just helps with my process behind playing them and their actions. makes them feel more human. i'll be sure to try and throw her at you soon !!
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radicalposture · 3 years
Mark Hamill, Gary Kurtz, and Charles Lippincott promoting Star Wars at MidAmeriCon in 1976
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to-a-merrier-world · 2 years
Happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day~!
As per this post, today is a day for fanfic writer appreciation! So, I wanted to share some of my current fave fics🥰 (Since I’ve been on a Star Wars kick for a while, these will all be Star Wars.) As always, follow the rules: mind the tags and don’t like, don’t read <3 And if you read any of these, leave the authors a kudos & comment!
(If you are on this list and do not want to be, please let me know!)
Without further ado, here’s some fic recs in no particular order:
1) look at me (with your eyes closed) by @maderilien Boba Fett/Din Djarin, Rated T, 120k+ words.
Aaaaah, this fic was delicious. A canon-divergence fic after season 2 episode 1, it follows Boba and Din as Boba goes in search of his ship (which was sold off rather than conveniently still in Jabba's Palace). It's got it all--Allies to Friends to Mutual Pining to Enemies to Lovers, adorable scenes with Grogu, action, angst, a happy ending! I loved the world-building in this, and the alternate story for Boba--especially in his personal journey. I highly recommend this one (and its prequel)!
2) Broken Threads by @sadiebwrites Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Rated T, 78k+ words.
Brooooo, this fic!!! Set in the immediate aftermath of RotJ, Luke is dealing with unforseen consequences from his torture aboard the 2nd Death Star, and Din is, as always, a bounty hunter whose conscience hits just in the nick of time. This is a fantastic read for OG trilogy fans (especially lovers of Luke & Leia), Fallen Order fans, and prequel-era Jedia fans (3 cheers for T'ra Saa everyone). A wonderful adventure and slow burn romance, I really recommend this one! I definitely cried, like, twice lol. (No worries, though, it's a happy ending.)
3) Hot for Teacher by @astrangebird Din Djarn/Cobb Vanth, Rated E, 40k+ words.
I started reading this because I love trans!Din and I also love Cobb Vanth, but then this fic just hit me with ROMANCE and FEELINGS and ugh, I adored it. Set in what I can only describe as a "sorta-modern, but definitely still Star Wars" AU, Din is a Tusken sign language professor and Cobb is the retired sheriff taking a class to fill his sudden free time after an injury. It's a wonderful story with a somewhat messy romance and happy ending, I highly recommend!
4) hunting toward heartstill by @blackkatmagic Mace Windu/Cody (Main), Rated M, 207k+ words.
Okay, this one is basically a fandom must-read at this point, right? Mace/Cody may be a rarepair, but it's No.1 in my heart thanks to this fic. Not only does it have the ultimate "Fake Relationship/Married" trope (with possibly THE most romantic marriage vows ever), it has some real edge-of-your-seat action and turn-you-to-goo romance. Multiple plot lines are masterfully woven together into a very satisfying end (of the story, and the Clone War). Cannot rec this one enough!
5) Now Comes The Tide by @purplesauris Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Rated E, 9k+ words.
An absolute banger, I love this fic. It's mostly porn, with a sprinkling of romance and Force sensitive!Din, and also features trans!Din (a personal fave), armor sex, and inappropriate use of the Force (a classic). I loved Luke and Din's chemistry in this fic, and the sex scenes are wonderfully steamy~ I highly recommend this one!
6) The Abyssal Plain by @lyresnake Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul, Rated E, 25k+ words.
Obi/Maul is a messy fave of mine, they're just so much fun and this fic really demonstrates that. Maul is in his trash planet years when Obi-Wan crash lands and ends up in a very uncivilized situation lol. I loved how this fic portrayed Maul and his entire mess, but also the mess that is Obi-Wan Kenobi. It built a fascinating romance between the two, striking a balance between them that I found really interesting and engaging. Definitely my fave Obi/Maul fic <3
7) A Slow Fall Towards Grace by @glimmerglanger Obi-Wan Kenobi/Cody, Rated E, 116k+ words.
If you're like me, then you really enjoy seeing Obi-Wan suffer lmao, and this is definitely the fic for you (don't worry, it's got a happy ending, too!). In what I can only describe as Obi-Wan's disastrous journey to love, this fic follows Obi-Wan throughout his life to the end of the Clone War in an A/B/O AU. This fic features some heavy stuff, but it has a satisfying ending and possibly one of my favorite scenes ever in a fic (idk what it was about that birth scene in chapter 5, but the Drama really grabbed me by the throat lol). Really recommend this fic for angst and A/B/O lovers, this one's def for you!
8) Beekeeping and Husbandry by @meggory84 Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rated M, 135k+ words.
Y'aaaaall this fic. Is. So. Good. I loved the disability rep in this fic, and the whole portrayal of Qui-Gon is probably my favorite of any fics I've read. Heavy on the deep dive on Qui-Gon's character, this fic follows an alternate ending AU of TPM where Obi-Wan "heals" Qui-Gon and Mace gets a terrible vision of the future (aka, he sees everything leading up to his death). Usually with time travel / full-vision of the future AUs, we see things from the POV of the character with all the information trying to save the day--but not in this AU! And I loved that, it made things so interesting. Cannot recommend this one enough!
9) A Safe Haven by @hixystix Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Rated E, 146k+ words.
Listen, if you're even a little bit of a KalluZeb shipper, or even just a Kallus fan, I cannot recommend this fic enough. Following Kallus's rescue above Atollon, this fic follows Zeb and Kallus through the rebellion and after as they find themselves and each other. I loved Kallus's character development in this, and the world building of life in the rebellion, especially for an ex-Imperial like Kallus. This fic really takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, but the ending is very worth it (and the sex scenes... those are also worth it. Woof.).
10) How the Other Half Lives (series) by @reedroad Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa (Main), Rated G to T, 660+k words (on-going).
Do I even have the words to describe this series? I'm literally in love. An AU in which Leia goes to the Lars' on Tatooine and Luke to the Organa's on Alderaan, this fic follows the two from childhood through AU-versions of the OG trilogy, and heavily features Ahsoka Tano and Ezra Bridger. What the author does with their world-building and characterizations is just *chef's kiss* perfection. My absolute favorite iteration of Prince Luke Organa and Leia Skywalker with a killer depiction of Darth Vader and Han Solo, this fic has everything you could possibly want in a role-swap AU.
11) Reconstruction Corps AU (series) by @cacodaemonia Waxer/Boil (Main), Rated G to E, 518k+ words (on-going).
Once again, I'm in love. Not only is cacodaemonia an incredible artist with much of their art featuring in this series, their writing honestly takes my breath away. The sheer depth of emotion in this series!!! If you're a clone fan, I literally cannot rec this series enough. I've laughed, I've cried (a lot), I've rolled around in bed like a happy rolypoly, it truly evokes the full range of emotions lol. Mostly following Waxer and Boil throughout the War and after, this series is just such a heartfelt love letter to the clones and the Star Wars universe itself.
12) a simple thing by @ryehouses Boba Fett/Din Djarin, Rated E, 700k+ words (on-going)
Originally, I put off reading this fic cause it was just so damn long. And then I started reading it... and didn't stop for, like, a week. This is just one of those fics that you cannot put down. An incredible deep dive on Din Djarin's character, this fic features fantastic world-building (especially for Tatooine), a very well-written BDSM relationship, an exploration of "religious"/cultural trauma and recovery, and a nuanced look at Mandalorian culture and politics. This fic has one of my fave portrayals of both Din and Boba, and I just cannot recommend it enough.
13) Why Not's and How To's by @trixree Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Clone Troopers, Rated E, 54k+ words (on-going).
Honestly, all I needed to know about this fic was that it’s a “Legally Blonde AU” and I was SOLD. While not following the plot of Legally Blonde, Obi-Wan definitely carries the energy of Elle Woods in this fic. In an AU where Obi-Wan left the Jedi on Melidaan and eventually becomes a lawyer and Darth Maul is never cut down on Naboo (and picks up Anakin along the way), this fic follows both the build-up of Maul and Obi-Wan’s relationship and also Obi-Wan’s attempt to help the clones gain their rights in the Republic. This fic is very fun, and takes an interesting approach to the whole “fixing the Star Wars” fic plot.
14) efface the footprints in the sands by @blackkatmagic Rex/Agen Kolar/Kix, Rated M, 78k+ words (on-going).
🥺🥺Efface the footprints, my love… Not even finished, and already a comfort fic for me, this fic follows Agen Kolar as he takes over Anakin’s battalion when Anakin faces charges for his slaughter of the Tuskens. He must not only deal with a distraught Captain and Padawan, but a mysterious and dangerous creature lurking in the deep. I love the hurt/comfort in this fic, and the whole atmosphere of the planet and characters really lends itself to the drama of it all. Cannot rec this one enough!!
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milqueandsugar · 4 years
🏵 DSMP with a cottage core S/O 🏵
Warnings: none
Characters: Dream | Eret | Sapnap
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| Dream |
You know what they say, opposites attract!
You spend alot of your time building cute houses and terraforming to make the server look better
Dream spends most of his time being a war criminal and terrorizing citizens
It's a surprisingly good fit!
You sew his clothes and make his armour cute, hell you've even built his house!
Several times hes tried to push you away because you're a liability
Several times you put him back into his place, you know the man has some insane anxieties, that theres a reason he feels like this, but at the same time you look around and everything he has he has because of you
Dream has lost practically everyone close around him, so having you so determined to be with him, especially someone so different from yourself brings tears to his eyes
He picks up a few crafts from you, even making you your own mask with flowers painted on it
When techno starts bullying him for being homeless he hauls you all the way to the arctic for you to act as witness
"S/O tell him I'm not homeless you helped me build my base"
"Does he have a house?"
"I mean he sleeps on my couch sometimes"
You spend alot of your dates making crafts and just adventuring, despite your differences you guys go together like peanut butter and jellie
| Eret |
The two of you? Fashion icons
Because their king it's pretty usual for them to wear rather extravagant clothes, but then he meets you and the desire to match your aesthetic is overwhelming
Has servants make the finest clothes for you
Your dates usually consists of cute building, flower picking and aesthetic picnics
God help whoever poor fool decides to heckle or tease you for the way you dress
Eret, as king of the smp, will have their day ruined
Unless of course you rather they don't it's up to you honestly
Eret is such a simp and everyone knows it, they hold doors open for you, link arms with you when walking he they even push your chair in for you
Overall great significant other 10/10
| Sapnap |
Doesn't really get it, but he's supportive!
Often complains about how much time it takes for you to get dresses or undressed but if you ever stop he'll be sad
"How come you aren't wearing you're fancy clothes anymore?"
"I thought you didn't like it"
"What? No :(((( "
After that he makes sure to hype you up more often
He actually sits down and watch your process of getting ready, it fascinates him actually
He tries to pick flowers for you but doesn't quite know what to do
Ends up turning to Eret to learn how to make flower crowns
Makes you flower crowns constantly after that
You figure after catching him watching you get dressed he'd wanna dress up too
You are 100% correct
The two of you? Beautiful, stunners
It takes him a while to get comfy at first but once he does he gets really excited about it
Totally gets it now
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
okokokokok so I'm watching season 2 of the punisher and I legit do not think I can finish bc I Don't Like seeing this billy bc like. he should be getting help but they made him a bad guy and like yeah. they did it for the plot but BrOoOoO me no likey ugh
I won't lie, unhinged Billy fascinates me as a writer. He's so dramatic and chaotic too, like the heist scene and stuff and I love it. I love writing him that way too, it's really fun. Like as a fictional character, his mind is so interesting and hopping into that version of Billy is a trip.
But like on a real level, it was painful to watch and the whole thing with Krista made me so fucking pissed lmao
You guys know I have so many issues with canon and if you guys want me to get fully into it, I could make a whole ass essay length post about it with my thoughts 😂
But despite that, I was really kinda hoping for some kind of redemption arc, even just a little. But no.
Season 2 was weird for me because as someone on the way to becoming a clinical psychologist, season 2 Billy was really interesting and Ben played him so fucking good. Like holy shit. But it was uncomfortable to watch for me and so much of it pissed me off. Like the boy is riddled with trauma and shit and his fucking psychologist was taking advantage of him and stuff and I just... 😑
I'm gonna drop a bomb on you guys right now 'cause I don't think I've ever told you this...
I've never watched the last episode.
I know what happens and I've seen gifs and pictures and stuff but I couldn't ever bring myself to watch that episode because it made me so fucking sad knowing what happens. I spoiled the show for myself by accident which is how I found out what happens and then I was like nahhhh, I'm good.
I also don't know the full story, 'cause like I've only seen this on someone else's post once and I might be remembering this wrong, but Ben wasn't happy with Billy's original last line and either came up with or asked them to change it to what it ended up being. Like I said, I might be remembering this wrong and you guys are more into Ben than I am, I'm a Billy girl lmao, but like I'm sure it was something to do with alluding to him feeling some level of guilt? Just something small because the original line was that shit. Like I know I've seen that quote from an interview somewhere or something on someone's post.
I don't know what his last lines are cause I never watched it. I'm not sure I want to know honestly.
There's a lot of canon bullshit regarding Billy that really pisses me off which is why I prefer AU things and I've made my own version of Billy where he doesn't betray Frank and can actually get a happy ending.
The thing with media is, they often like to use mental illness and trauma for the villains. It makes them 'scarier', right? Oooh, the unhinged bad guy. And that's something that's always bugged me. As someone with serious mental health issues, someone with family who have very severe mental health issues and someone who wants to treat and help people with severe mental health issues, the media portrayal of these things are so harmful, especially to people with certain illnesses where there is already stigma surrounding it.
And I get it, they do it for the plot and all of that, but it's a trope that needs looking into more. Someone doing bad shit because of trauma or mental illness, someone who maybe doesn't really fully comprehend their actions or isn't in their right mind, is a lot less scary to me than a completely fine and mentally well person choosing to do the same things without a care.
Don't get me wrong, it can be interesting to watch these things and in some cases when done tastefully it can be done well. But more often than not, they just slap a bad guy with trauma or mental illness and that's just the reason for their actions.
Honestly, I'm going off on a tangent here. Like I said, I could make a huge ass post about my thoughts on Billy and the canon bullshit and another about this specific issue in the media. I'm gonna stop here because this post is long enough lmao
The short version of this is;
As a writer and future clinical psychologist, season 2 Billy fascinates me and I enjoy diving into his head (I explore it in my multi chap fic that's coming soon that I wrote with @blanchedelioncourt ) but on a fundamental level, it made me really uncomfortable and sad to watch someone who clearly needs help just get manipulated and not get the help they need. The treatment of him is just explained as 'oh well, he did really bad things so he doesn't deserve help' and I don't like that. I don't like that Dinah harasses him in the hospital, I don't like the way fucking Krista manipulates him. I don't like any of it. So while that version of Billy is interesting to me and being in his head and writing him fascinates me, the canon bullshit is painful to watch.
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eberles · 3 years
brooooo love languages are so much fun!! i’ve recently been trying to link my understanding of those to attachment styles and it’s quite fascinating
omgggg i’m gonna have to do that!! bc i’ve been trying to learn more about my personal attachment style so connecting the 2 omg i love that!
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wildfane · 5 years
(anon with the Tigerstar1 design headcanon) Hey so I thought of this last night after pondering over a headcanon I've had since I was ten, and this was just what I typed up in a doc last night. Sorry about it being so long, but I really like this idea and thought "well, Loaf loves weird design stuff" so presenting this mess I wrote at midnight:
Tigerstar has a surprising fascination for butterflies! Once Whitestorm and he were patrolling near the Windclan border and found some butterflies fluttering about some lavender. Tigerclaw was instantly nosing the butterflies, and playing with them while they were supposed to be hunting. Whitestorm commented that they were pretty monarchs, but they had to keep moving.
Tigerclaw then snapped that they were viceroys, and continued to chase the insects around while Whitestorm did all of the hunting. Mothwing was named after Tigerstar’s love of butterflies, but since Butterkit or Flykit or Butterflykit didn’t sit too well with Sasha, she opted for the next best thing. Even in death, Tigerstar was not too happy about it.
In the Dark Forest, there are black, inky versions of butterflies there. They constantly drip with a sticky, tar-like liquid. When Tigerstar gets lonely, he talks to them. Several of them are stuck to his fur by the tar, and they flutter violently whenever he gets terribly upset. Dark Forest Trainees are always surprised to see that Tigerstar’s fur appears black, but as soon as he gets enraged, the butterflies attempt to spiral up into the air, giving his fur a weird fluttering effect that always freaks cats out initially.
By the time the Great Battle rolls around, Tigerstar is pretty close to floating whenever he gets too mad (because of the growing number of butterflies on his pelt), so while helping out DF trainees, he does his best to keep his temper under control lest he float away into the black sky, never to be seen again.
The butterflies finally swirl away, one by one, as Tigerstar slowly fades in the Great Battle. Firestar is in awe of this, so much so, that he didn’t realize a burning tree was about to crash on his skull (this is how it happens in my AU anyways, I know apparently he died of the wounds first).
When the last of the butterflies soars away, it lands on Brambleclaw’s nose briefly before taking off and fluttering into the clouds. Even though he was still hurting because of Tiger, and just lost his daughter in a battle his father orchestrated, Bramble knew it meant Tiger did really love him – even if it was in his own twisted way.
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ch99rry · 8 years
Whoa~~ Music and space?? That's so cool!! What do you like about those things?
i rlly like physics and math so i wanted to go into something related to those!! plus i have this fascination with space (bc brooooo stars and planets and shit?? i cant believe they exist)
and i’ve just really loved singing ever since i was young, and i’ve always wanted to be a singer. lmao there were so many times that i wanted to audition for talent shows and stuff but i kinda realize now that i dont sound very good when recorded haha
but i rlly started feeling this love for music ever since i got into kpop lmao. artists like bolbbalgan4 and akmu i look up to so much because their music is just my style (and with so many of my favs starting solo careers, i’ve rlly just wanted to become a soloist)
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