#Thalia speaks
official-nrc-prophet · 2 months
So how are we going to get Atlas back?
What do you mean? It was a trade. A fair one. You won't get him back.
There has to be something equal to Atlas we can trade Pan!
No. You traded fair. That's how it was meant to go.
I could trade myself for him!
You are not a prophet Thanatos. You are worth less than your brother. It would not be an acceptable trade.
...But we can't leave him-
Yes. Yes we can.
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mizmatched · 8 months
spoilers for pjo ep 8
so somethings that i really liked about this ep in no particular order are
luke ASKING percy to join him. in the books he goes straight to murder, i double checked, in the show he actually asks percy!!! and we get percy's moral questioning, debating between the major faults hes seen with the gods to the recent interaction he had with his dad. percy asks himself who he is loyal to, his father or luke. and if lukes shoes hadn't been so murderous, or if percy's father had been a little less kind percy would have taken luke's side. but he chose his father. and we got to actually see this split second decision and the events that led up to it.
annabeth SEEING the betrayal. this was HEART WRENCHING. this addition might take away from annabeths internal debate about her trust of luke in the next few seasons, because she gets to see in person luke's attempt to kill percy. she ONLY revealed herself to save percy, and while i really think annabeth would have attempted to bargain with luke first, the reveal shows how she was probably waiting with baited breath to see if luke was actually going to betray them. she was probably even convinced by luke's speech until he threatened percy.
percy apologizing for hurting luke, this was the most in character thing for tlt!percy. he was truly heart broken by lukes betrayal. he looked up to luke so much, and although he was willing to fight, he was NEVER trying to hurt. he cared so much. his apologies broke my heart. he was still so loyal to luke despite everything. lukes violence and rage felt all the more terrifying after percy apologized. the juxtaposition of percy apologizing and luke going for the kill made percy really feel like a 12 year old kid. i also, while ill miss the scorpion, really like the decision to have luke try to kill percy, as it seems more personal.
ANNABETH GIVING PERCY THE NECKLACE. no other comments. just cold hearted, prideful, annabeth from ep 1 becoming trusting, caring annabeth from ep 8 whose terrified to see her only real friend of her own making go.
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Thalia: I am so sorry that you had to witness such a vicious fight.
A new camper on a camp tour: Oh? Was that a fight?
Thalia: Are you kidding? said Jason "you'll have to excuse me" instead of "please excuse me." Might as well have spit in my face.
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bugwolfsstuff · 29 days
Annabeth is Thaluke's child of divorce
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guardianspirits13 · 5 months
If I could choose one element of the Percy Jackson universe for Rick to elaborate on, it would without a doubt be the Hunters of Artemis.
What exactly do they hunt?
How often is Artemis with them?
What are the exact limits of their immortality?
Do they travel the world, or just the continental US?
How many of them are there?
Do any of them regret their decisions?
Can you choose to leave, or are you bound for life unless you fall in love?
What is Thalia and Reyna's dynamic like post ToA?
How long does it really take for Thalia to recover from Jason's death (if ever)?
There is SO MUCH untapped potential here I am kind of in disbelief that we got a standalone Solangelo novel before a spinoff with the Hunters? And with a whole Apollo centric spinoff series we don't get a single short story from Artemis's pov???
Come on my inner aroace lesbian child has been waiting for this 10+ years 😤
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thatcatangelwriter · 3 months
give me annabeth unintentionnaly reminding people that luke and thalia raised her. Give me people being weirded out when they realize luke and annabeth share the same smile. Give me a son of hermes frustrated and screaming that annabeth always manages to steal and play tricks on the whole cabin without getting caught and how "she isn't the one with a trickster in her family" and then it hits him. Give me a daughter of hermes who realizes that the reason she always goes to annabeth when's she sad is because she comforts her like luke did. Give me percy realizing that annabeth tilts her head the same way luke does when explaining things and him biting his lip. He's jealous but he won't admit it. Give me Clarisse being angry that she can't win in a spar against annabeth because dammit she wields her sword just like luke but then again isn't that why she looses ? Give me Hermes flinching away from annabeth's anger because she has too much of his son's rage on her face.
Give me annabeth's eyes, darkening into a storm cloud color when angry, and it freaking everyone out. Give me Annabeth's voice sounding like a deep rumble when shouting orders. Give me a child of ares laughing at how annabeth wields a spear until they see thalia wield a lightning bolt the next day. Give me Jason being jealous of how Annabeth and thalia share the same belly laugh and smirk. Give me everybody being unsettled by the way it feels like thunder struck when Annabeth pierces at you with an angry gaze
Give me Frederick realizing that she's a sister before she is his daughter.
Give me the gods being scared when they notice her 'big three' traits.
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snarky-wallflower · 9 months
Thalia 🤝 Percy
Being forbidden kids who Annabeth and Grover have to watch sacrifice themselves to buy time for their friends.
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Apollo is the gods of the gays
I dare you to try to change my mind
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silenab · 3 months
stating the obvious again but the way percy understands so little about the relationship between luke thalia and annabeth for majority of the series is literally so good like you dont get it this is literally a family matter?
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
Thalia and Jason are Artemis and Apollo in a different font
u are so right
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zeb-z · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Why can you only add 10 photos on mobile :/
(pt 1) (3) (4) (5)
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cellias · 9 months
ok yes the “she met a pinecone’s fate” felt so mean and out of place with the empathetic Percy we see in the book’s narrative BUT !!
when rewatching the scene my attention was brought back to what annabeth says before that— “she fought valiantly and met a hero’s fate.” i remember thinking about how brainwashed (for lack of a better word) annabeth is. she respects the gods immensely at this point in her life, all she wants is for her mother to notice her, because that’s all she knows. her father let the emotional neglect go so far that she ran away at seven years old, and her mother only communicates with her a few times.
her idea of a hero is the willingness to self-sacrifice, and the bearing of tragedy in life, but this idea disregards the fact that had the gods been more attentive and present, thalia wouldn’t have had to do sacrifice her life. her concept of a hero’s fate ignores the unjust fact that thalia was only recognized by her father in death and is hyper-focused on the honor that it is to be given a god’s time of day. we also see annabeth holding the gods to a high esteem later in the episode when she argues with medusa in favor of the story that she’s heard rather than what the person who lived through it has to say. as well as when she tries to stop percy from sending medusa’s head to olympus.
this ties into percy’s “impertinent” behavior toward the gods. we know percy thinks the gods are fucked up, he shows it in the book and the series early on when he learns about them. he’s mad at poseidon and acknowledges that it’s his fault sally is gone, unprotected and seemingly unnoticed, and that percy is kinda left to fend for himself in a new world. in the series he prays to his mom instead of his father despite seeing the tribute the other kids give to their godly parents. he rejects that side of his parentage because he feels his mom is the only one who deserves the credit for his life. he says that the gods had been unfair to thalia in the book when he learns about her. he defends himself against the Zeus’s accusation by saying “‘i’m just a kid!’” i think that line is important, and especially what annabeth says about it later on, because it shows how different their mindsets are.
percy has been protected and loved by his mom his entire life up to this point. she’s tried to give him a good life, and that’s the root of his character. he realizes the incredulity of this entire situation because he has not been fighting to survive without the love and support of a parent since he was young. annabeth left her home at a young age, was left in dangerous conditions, and fought for her life when she was only 7, and she’s been training for war ever since. she’s surrounded by kids who went through the same thing, specifically luke and formerly thalia. in the series, annabeth takes the “I’m just a kid” claim and reveals she finds it naive and ignorant, because he’s a part of something bigger than him and that he needs to accept his fate. (again, she’s been preparing for this her whole life, he’s been thrust into it after losing his mom)
when percy hears this story from grover about three demigods on the run, two of them near his age when they went through it, he is hearing a story about three kids being ignored and left to fend for themselves by their parents. he’s already angry about the gods’ lack of interference and how normal it seems to be at camp. when he hears annabeth regard thalia and her ultimate fate as heroic and respectable, he doesn’t see it as the same. he finds thalia heroic and brave, but her fate not so much. annabeth’s admiration contrasts his questioning toward the gods. percy most likely found Zeus’s decision to finally notice his daughter by turning her into a tree as anything but heroic, more pathetic.
at least that’s how i interpret the “she met a pinecone’s fate” line. I think it adds to his reputation and growing disdain for the gods and their attitude. idk what do u guys think 😫
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soulless-bex · 9 months
“she met a pinecone’s fate” YOU DID NOT
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bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
Mr D and Thalia should start a 'Dad turned us into something instead of actually helping'* club
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xoxochb · 2 months
seven days until thalia casting I’m going to SCREAM!!!!
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kamaluhkhan · 2 months
okay. like. ik i just started a new luke/pjo series but. now im thinking about a pjo × it fic....an au where the reader and a group of friends (either the seven or a bunch of miscellaneous characters) fight a killer clown one summer when they're kids and then have to reunite a decade later to finish the job. maybe a bit of fear street thrown in for more summerween fun.....would anyone read this or...?
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