#brooklyn romance
dismal-affairs · 6 months
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just1more-fangirl · 4 months
Nami: Zoro, anything you want to tell Luffy? Zoro: Yeah. Tell him I said- [nods slightly] Nami: You want me to write that you nodded slightly? Zoro: He'll know what it means.
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breeistired · 2 months
Barty and Evan are Pimento and Rosa coded from Brooklyn 99
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gerardpilled · 2 years
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my chemical romance | Brooklyn | 9/11/22
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the-desolated-quill · 6 months
Man, I don’t know which is funnier. The fact that a $200 million musical Joker sequel exists or everyone in the YouTube comments section trying to convince themselves this isn’t the stupidest idea ever.
What a pretentious load of drivel. 🤣
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emo-protagonist · 2 months
you know what fuck it i’ve seen no one ever mention this literally ever so i’m telling you now. during mcr reunion tour, the date they played in nyc was on fucking 9/11. let me repeat that:
The My Chemical Romance tour date for New York City was on September 11th.
and it was totally intentional btw, lol.
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and before you say it’s a coincidence, the show ended up getting booked super fast and i can’t find the exact date on when they added a second day to the brooklyn show but it was at least 5 months before (from my memory lol). the date they added was the 10th meaning they could’ve easily played on the 10th, but didn’t.
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now i was gonna point out that the 11th was also on a sunday that year which is weird but that might’ve been just a product of the delay. but the 10th would’ve still been on a friday and like they ended up playing on the 10th anyways so they clearly went with the 11th first. it’s also weird cus like nyc schools start the 9/4-9/8 so most kids who went to the show had school the next day. people had work the next day too. i would also like to point out that in nyc takes 9/11 a lot more seriously then other states from what i’ve noticed. (moment of silence at schools, the 9/11 memorial lights, most of the victims of 9/11 live in nyc, it’s super fucking gloomy in general, almost everyone knows at least someone who was affected by 9/11 directly, etc). so it’s crazy they went with the 11th first for their tour date. it also was originally meant to be on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 but got delayed due to covid. like y’all 😭😭
tldr: My Chemical Romance probably very intentionally played on their reunion tour on 9/11 in New York City where 9/11 fucking happened.
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shadowpuppetteer · 1 year
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Calling myself out on my favorite ship dynamic. Laughed way too hard while drawing this too. Brooklyn and Sea Hawk are both swashbucklers who set things on fire and Katana and Mermista are badasses who finally give this tomfoolery a try. Ah romance ❤
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chelseahotelntwo · 9 months
they should make a b99 spinoff with rosa diaz as a private investigator being a bisexual icon and solving crimes
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butterphii · 13 days
One More Chance
TW: Fluff, angst?, h/c, dumb Jake, kissing, flashbacks?, much sadness : (, second chance love
note: i tried, @anyalikeslasagna. this was not easy to write.
-------------------Jake Peralta------------------
A knock came to your door, ringing through your ears as tears spilled out of your eyes. It was probably Jake, trying to get you back. You wanted to answer it and give him the fattest fucking kiss of his life, but he hurt you, and you only wanted to forgive him. It was just too hard.
Two nights before you couldn't move because you had sobbed the life from your legs, Jake, your ,at the time, boyfriend, told you he needed a break because he needed to focus on work. It was understandable, he was just reaching for his dream job, and he didn't have the time he needed to be with you.
When it broke out into an insane argument with you both, he decided to just break up with you. Devastation rose in your heart, your lungs, your stomach.
It killed you. Killed you that he didn't want to be with you at all. Not even friends. He told you to pack up the things you had at his apartment and leave. Without a second thought, you choked back he obvious tears flooding your eyes, and started to grab your things, leaving the shirts he gave you on his bed, neatly folded up next to his pillow.
Another cluster of speedy knocks kicked you out of your day dream. Wiping your face and trying to cool off, you opened the door to Jake with flowers and a box of chocolate; your favorite ones too. "Hi, uh-" He choked, a tear flooding his eye, slipping out when he blinked. "Can I come in? I just want to talk, promise." He asked, looking into your eyes and giving you the smirk you dreamed of looking at for the rest of your life. Nodding, you opened the door enough for his skinny body to squeeze in.
You inhaled deeply, your throat closed and heart still in peices, knowing he's the only one who could mend it.
"Yes, Jake?." You breathed out while he made himself sort of comfortable on your couch. His breath hitched. This was the first time you'd called him his name instead of 'baby' since the first week you were dating.
"I uh, wanted to apologize. I know I'm not really good with feelings like this, but I couldn't even sleep the last few nights with how I treated you. I-" You heard his voice crack. "Jake, I-" You started, his quiet voice interrupting you. "No, babe. It's not fair. I was being mean. I really, really miss you. Can we please, please..try one more time? If it doesn't work out, we can just stop having communication all together."
"Uh-" A small whimper escaped your dry lips. "If you don't want to that's ok. Promise."
"No, Jake, It isn't that, its that you are trying to get me back after intentionally breaking up with me? Was it just to hurt me?" You asked, voice broken and tears swelling your eyes. "N-no, baby! I was having a really stressful week and I didn't think it through! I'd never mean to hurt you." A stutter fell from his mouth. He stood up quickly, towering over you when you stood in the same spot as before.
He wrapped his hands around you neck. "Baby, please. I wouldn't ever mean to hurt you." Leaning in to his touch, you nodded. He chuckled quietly, leaning down to your height. "Is this a yes?" He asked politely, making sure not to go too far, just in case you said no. "Yes, it is. I love you, Jakie." You sobbed softly, tears dribbling down your cheeks.
His long thumbs brushed the tears away while his hands moved to cup you face. "I love you too." He smiled, leaning down and letting you pull his face to yours, lips catching in a delicious kiss you've longed for for days.
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sailxrmxrs · 5 months
hello i really love your writing! if you're taking requests, i've been thinking about the infinite blue boys in a typical office setting with the MC and what that would be like? thank you!!~
this has been sat in my inbox for SO LONG I AM SO SORRY TO THE PERSON WHO REQUESTED THIS SDKFDGS but!! better later than never right??? right?????? anyway now is the perfect time to finally get around to this bc my brain has been so occupied lately playing sympathy kiss so office based otome is right at the forefront of my mind hehe. it's like it was meant to be. ALSO thank u so much!! i don't think too much about what i write after it's been posted so i forget people actually look at it sometimes sksjfkf TY FOR REQUESTING THIS WAS LOVELY TO THINK ABOUT also incredibly funny looking at the last post of me being like 'i want to get back to writing more regularly!!' as if i didn't slink back into the shadows again for four months this was also the first thing i've written since getting my new keyboard which is really taking some getting used to especially with nails dsklfsg still, enjoy office time gamers o7
♡ leo ♡
Leo definitely seems like the type to bring the energy to his office department, especially on a Monday morning when everyone wants nothing more than to have had just one more day to spend at home before work started all over again for another week. He'd be the only one with a spring in his step as he went about his morning, filling his water bottle, getting situated at his desk. Speaking of his desk, Leo's workspace would be the definition or organised chaos. Post-it notes are scattered across the bottom of his monitor, there's a pile of loose sheets covered in haphazard notes scrawled across them, and there are definitely more than a few pens with no ink left strewn across the desk. They also happen to be mixed in with perfectly usable pens so Leo would have to scramble for a pen when someone from another department came to brief him on a project he was working on. Every time, without fail, he is grabbing pens and scribbling on a notepad until he finds one that works enough to make notes clear enough for him to reference later on. You ask each time why he doesn't just go through and throw away the empty pens to which Leo jokingly scoffs about how he finds the right pens first time every time. He does not.
He's very much the epitome of a work best friend. Someone who will text you on the weekend like 'I know we spend every day sat next to each other but can we hang out together pls'. He enjoys your company okay!! You are very fun and he wants you to know that!! Will find himself getting into a bit of trouble for getting distracted talking about weekend plans with you but can you blame him? It's a Friday afternoon and his brain has logged off. Unfortunately for Leo, despite his brain having logged off, his computer is very much logged in so he has to force himself to keep going for that last stretch of hours between him and the weekend. Will whine and complain to you about how Fridays should be half days which, given Leo's usual demeanour at the start of the week, is an amusing shift in tone. Cut to a couple of hours later and Leo is shutting down his computer the second the clock ticks over to 5pm. He'll swing his chair around to face you, staring you down until you finally close everything down to get ready to leave. Think puppy watching and waiting for you to take them on a walk. Sometimes if you have plans for the Friday evening, he'll offer to pick you up on the way to work to save you the drive too. Also because it gives him an excuse for being late like oh no there was just so much traffic leaving their place I definitely did not stop for coffee on the way here not at all!! He absolutely did but don't worry he didn't forget to pick up your favourite order too~
I think Leo would be a really good motivator in the office too. If a day was going particularly bad, or if a really busy period struck he would be the perfect person to help keep your mood in balance. He's very encouraging for you to step away from your desk. Take a break, have a drink, maybe get a little snack to energise yourself. But he doesn't do it to distract you nor does he overstep any boundaries. He will offhandedly comment on how hard you've been working and make a gentle suggestion that a break is needed. He'd also offer to lend a hand if there was anything particularly pressing that was weighing you down. Try and say no. Try it. Never works. Leo's always happy to help because he knows you would do the same for him and have previously done so in the past when he was newer to the job and hadn't quite gotten his bearings yet. He makes the long days pass by quicker. Truly the best person to work with.
♡ milo ♡
Milo is absolutely that one coworker who keeps to himself a lot and develops this really cool and mysterious reputation. No one really knows what he does for work and no one ever asks him either because they're a little too intimidated to talk to him. It's not that he's had any particularly bad run-ins with anyone else in the office but more so that he no one really knows a whole lot about him. Any conversations about his weekend plans or what he did the evening prior are met with the most normal responses someone could muster. He's going grocery shopping, he's visiting family, he stayed in last night to watch tv. No one knows anything about his life outside of work and no one's bumped into him anywhere but in the office. The only reason people don't speculate that he lives there is because they see him drive in and park in the same spot at the same time each morning. Him keeping to himself isn't really an antisocial thing, but more so that he's there to work so would rather just get on with whatever he has to do with minimal distractions. He's an efficient man and doesn't like people stealing his attention away from any sort of deadline.
Then along comes this slight change in the office layout and suddenly your desk has been moved directly next to his. Surprise had left you stunned for a moment when Milo greeted you that first morning before sitting down and getting himself set up for the working day. He still never offered much conversation, just the usual 'good morning' and 'have a good evening' as you both left the office. It wasn't until you both stayed behind a little late one Friday evening to finish some paperwork before the weekend and he'd stricken up a conversation while walking back to your cars. It was mostly small talk, nothing of too much substance, but it was far more than he gave anyone else. If you ask, he simply answers that until the clock hits around 5pm, he's at work. Once he's left the office building, he's just normal Milo again. It's his way of separating work and his personal life. Honestly, his work/life balance is enviable.
Over time, as you grow closer, he'll start to chat more during office hours. Asking what you thought of a recent episode of a show, if you'd seen the news about an upcoming game. And your closeness wouldn't go unnoticed. You'll get coworkers whispering to you on your lunch break asking to share some information since they'd barely seen Milo speak with anyone else so openly before. You'd always politely decline, telling them he never really shared anything special and it was mostly just work related things—a white lie, of course, but what they didn't know didn't hurt them. Milo would appreciate it too, often voicing his complaints about the busybodies in the office not so subtly whispering about him. He didn't care too much about their speculations of him until they started dragging you into it too. Grumpy Milo grumbling into his coffee cup asking why they cared so much anyway. Who cares who he speaks to at work (He cares. But he won't tell you that).
♡ rory ♡
Rory at any given moment in time will take the opportunity to complain about something that has happened in the office that day. Whether it's someone not submitting documents on time or somebody emailing him with any extra set of tasks on top of his already stacked workload, he will be sending you a string of messages to blow off some steam. The first time it'd happened, you were sitting in the break room enjoying your lunch when Rory slumped into the chair next to you and signed so heavily you thought something terrible had happened and he was barely keeping himself together. As it had turned out, a new intern had done something without running it by anyone else first and caused a particularly big problem. One that Rory's manager decided would be his responsibility to resolve before the day's end. As well as meet his own deadlines for the same evening. To say he was stressed was an understatement. So Rory had taken solace in your quiet presence and let out his frustrations. Once he'd gotten it all out of his system, he apologised for the outburst and introduced himself, realising the two of you had never actually spoken before. He then offered to lend a listening ear for your own work annoyances, attentively taking it all in while you spoke. Once your lunch break came to an end, you exchanged contacts with the promise that you could be each other's dedicated work therapist whenever someone or something had pissed you off.
From that point on, you'd receive the odd message here and there throughout the day from Rory with the latest complaint. At first, it was just a way to get the annoyances off your chests but as time went on, conversations started to meander and before long you were becoming closer and closer. You didn't see each other much while working—only ever in passing if you needed to deliver a document to a different department or if there was a meeting you needed to attend. Your texts were your main point of contact with Rory until he suggested you start coordinating your lunch breaks so that you could actually hang out face-to-face rather than via text message. Coworkers would definitely start to speculate how and why these two individuals from completely different departments became friends or if there was something more to the relationship. Especially considering Rory, much like Milo, was more reserved and didn't really show much of an effort to become friends with the people he worked with. He was amicable enough but kept the colleague boundary up like a wall. Except with you, anyway.
I think Rory would want to extend your work friendship beyond office hours and would start wanting to text you later in the evening but is so nervous to come across as being too forward. He likes to act as though he's a very nonchalant person but he really isn't at all. Especially not where you are concerned. So you'd definitely need to be the one to nudge and initiate more of a friendship between you both. It wouldn't take much. All you'd need to do was text him one Saturday morning and mention how you were planning for a bookshop trip and as if he wanted to come along. He texts back almost instantly with a big 'YES' followed immediately by a 'glad you've finally recognised my superior taste in books' purely to save face for how eager he must have seemed. Would come into the office on the Monday with red cheeks once he saw you in the staff car park and try to sound as normal as possible commenting on how he had a good weekend. For his own sanity, just go along with it. He begs.
♡ alexei ♡
Alexei is the new starter who doesn't have a whole lot of office experience under his belt. He's bright eyed and eager to learn on the job but is also somewhat nervous to make mistakes or ask too many questions. It takes him a little while to settle in and feel fully comfortable with his surroundings but once he does, Alexei starts to really flourish. Once he knows you're happy to answer all of his questions and won't scold him for not understanding something straight way, he will come to you with an entire monologue of queries he wants to clarify. Literally rambles this long stream of consciousness before reaching the end of his list and looking at you all expectantly for your response. Listens so intently while he's perched on his desk chair, scribbling down notes as you run through everything he'd asked. Then turns back to his computer screen with a 'thank you' and then doesn't say another word for like two hours. He'll just be typing and clicking away with this intense focus until you have to tap on his shoulder and remind him to take a break from the screen for a few minutes. Will struggle to pull himself away for breaks because once he's in the zone he is IN. He only really likes stepping away from his desk when he has reached a good stopping point and he absolutely hates leaving a task partially finished.
I don't think Alexei would be a super social person at work. It wouldn't be for any particular reason other than the thought didn't really occur to him? He prefers to take his breaks at his desk because his chair is comfortable enough so the only people he really talks to on the regular are the people he works with directly. Being new, he hasn't had much of a reason to visit the other departments nor has he been brought on to any big projects that would have him meeting and working with anyone else around the office. Even after he's been there for a little while, he's reached a point where he feels awkward introducing himself because he's not exactly new anymore but he also doesn't know a lot of names. Whenever there's an office party or holiday event, Alexei will turn and whisper to you asking who that was or to remind him of a name. He could have had a good ten minute conversation with someone who and not had a single clue as to what their name was. It makes for some funny encounters, especially if it's someone not well liked within the office. They'd strike up a conversation just for Alexei to clearly not know who they are. We love to see it.
After Alexei has been working in the office for a few months and has gotten nicely settled in his job, I can see him being really welcoming to a new starter. In the same way you answered all his questions and helped him along with his training, Alexei would do the same for the new person. He might come across a little too excited with how forthcoming he is with explanations or offers to help out with anything they're struggling with but it's clear that he means well. He's just a little enthusiastic!! Would also start to add little decorations on his desk. He doesn't do anything too special, but he might have a tiny figurine of a jellyfish sat under his monitor and would have themed notepads and matching pens to go with them. If he's going to spend most of his day there, he wants it to feel like it's his personal little corner.
♡ brooklyn ♡
Brooklyn is the high ranking manager CEO businessman who is also one of the most likable people around the office. Despite him always being seen in his signature suits and ties with some sort of important document in hand at any given moment, he was genuinely pleased to speak with anyone working there. He has his moments of being the stern business type, particularly when in stressful meetings to discuss the company's performance for the quarter and their targets for the next quarter. Overall, however, he remains a generally calming presence. If you were his assistant, he'd try to alleviate as much of the pressure of the role as he could. He knew he was a painfully busy man and that you had no end of meetings to schedule, companies to contact for collaborations and partnerships. There was never really an end to your workload for which he felt a tad guilty. Anytime you entered his private office, reeling off the schedule for the afternoon or informing him of a visitor who had arrived to meet with him, Brooklyn is offering to make you a cup of tea or coffee no matter how many times you insist that that's your job, not his. He never listens.
I think he'd take a lot of interest in you as a person too, not wanting there to be this distinct barrier of boss and employee. He would much rather you both felt you stood on equal ground. That mindset had gotten him into some mild altercations in meetings when other company executives had made some sort of snide comment regarding your involvement in the discussions. Brooklyn wasn't going to stand for one of his most trusted and hardworking colleagues to be taken for granted. The strained tension never left the boardroom until a few minutes after the meeting ended and Brooklyn stormed out looking angrier than you'd ever seen him. Would be silent as he poured himself a cup of tea and then give you this serious talk about how if that were to ever happen without him around report it to him immediately. His expression was much sterner that you'd experienced from all your time working directly with Brooklyn, but it was evident that it came from a place of respect. And he explained as much as he leaned against his desk, pinching the spot between his brows as if the encounter had given him a headache.
There had never been any repeat instances following that afternoon, though you had overheard some whispers about the incident. Mostly from people surprised to hear that Brooklyn had raised his voice. Anytime you commented on it while presenting him with new paperwork, Brooklyn would adjust his tie awkwardly, face heating at the lack of composure he'd now exposed to the office. He took pride in coming across in a well-presented and calm manner so this one lapse of his self-restraint made him feel a touch embarrassed each time he was reminded of the event; in those moments he seemed less like the important business figure and more like a close friend you could playfully tease in passing moments between the busy hours. It was a comfortable and welcomed dynamic for the both of you.
♡ tobias ♡
Tobias is without a doubt the office socialite. He's always popping his head into the different departments with a request or to catch up after the weekend. He reminds me of someone I work with who is incredibly easy going and is friends with basically everyone in the office. Tobias can have a tendency to cause disruptions in that his voice will carry in an office room and he doesn't really realise how much of a distraction his presence can be sometimes. He doesn't mean to pull people away from anything important! But he also can't really help himself when it's the middle of the week and he's got all kinds of work adjacent stories to be shared. Will perch himself on your desk and start rambling away about something, not really noticing if you were paying him your full attention or not. It's only after he asks you a question and you noncommittally answer with a vague 'yes' that he'll start whining about how you're not listening to him. As much as we'd like to chat, some of us have work to do, Tobias. When you question him about his own work, Tobias will conveniently remember he needs to be somewhere else, dodging the question entirely and scampering away to a different department. There is usually a shaking of heads that follows after Tobias whenever he dashes off somewhere else—it's always from a place of endearing acceptance.
I can see Tobias being involved in the marketing side of a business. Definitely the one to organise big events and staff parties. He needs someone to rein him in though because some of his ideas aren't quite workplace or coworker friendly. He hears office party and thinks hell yeah time to go wild go crazy but no Tobias please the last time that happened you broke multiple office chairs we can't afford to keep replacing them every time. Would enlist you for help too because you're his favourite person to bother at work. Whether you humour him and play along or tell him to, light heartedly, leave you alone, Tobias will find his way to your desk for some quality catchup time. What do you mean it's Monday and you're busy? He needs to tell you about this movie he saw on Saturday that he thinks should be the theme of the next work event. He's also the type to bring food to your desk too. Will sometimes just buy lunch for you and pry your hands away from your keyboard so that he can slide a salad or pot of pasta into your grasp. Tobias takes lunch breaks very seriously. He'll also get treats for people in the office too! Buys little cakes or chocolates just because. This is part of the reason why everyone likes him so much; can't say no to a man who keeps you well fed.
Despite poking fun at Tobias being a bit more lax around the office, I think he genuinely would be full of solid ideas and he does feel pretty passionate about certain aspects of the job too. His work/life balance isn't perfect in that he tends to prioritise life a little more than he should sometimes but there's little harm in it. He's a very good person to be around if you're the type to get a bit too wrapped up in working. Tobias is NOT letting you overwork yourself. Not on his watch!! He's a surprisingly perceptive person and can very easily tell when you're stressed or not getting as much sleep as you should. Will take it upon himself to text you at the weekend to hang out and have a movie night with him. That way he can make sure you're relaxing and not spending your limited time off working your brain. Will steal your phone directly from your hands if you're staring too hard, eyebrows furrowed, and will replace it with a snack and gently remind you that it's the weekend time not work time. He has his uses sometimes.
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just1more-fangirl · 4 months
Zoro: I mean, Luffy was a wreck and I fixed him. The weird thing is, I love him so much, I don't even feel like bragging about it. Nami: Clearly.
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halothenthehorns · 4 months
Am I seriously the only one who ships Darius/ Kenji?! I came on here after binging the show expecting a ton of gifs and parallels I didn't pick up on only to see everyone shipping Darius with Ben! They barely had a dozen scenes togetherWhat chemistry class are yawl taking?!
Every scene with Darius and Kenji is so charged and just a step off from romantic! I was shocked when Kenji got a crush on Brooklyn and then, they kept going with that, into the new show! I didn't even see Yaz/ Sammy coming, but when they did get together I was so excited like it would just be a matter of time before these two went beyond friends too!!!
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7698 · 7 months
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libraryofneith · 1 year
Din Djarin and Y/N getting some *hem hem* alone time before he goes on a long ass mission...
Din Djarin: right let's do this quickly.
Y/N: ugh Din I'm not some fosset you can just turn on and off, you gotta romance me...
Din: *removes single glove*
Y/N: fosset's on let's f*ck.
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
Rosa Diaz masterlist🚓
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🤍 fluff
❤️‍🩹 angst
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“you’re a softie.” 🤍
“bye, softie jr.” 🤍
Tough 🤍
Hermosa 🤍
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severe-kitty · 2 years
Josh: Let me guess, you and Stella are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss.
Josh: *Starts leaning in*
Christian: What? No, stop that! I know how to kiss, I've read books.
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