#bro does not understand people whatsoever
carmendeiact2whenplz · 7 months
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Yeah he’s aroace autistic sorry
@honorary-fool @gr3i @goyayato @arson-n-quwubilder @shujiikutsuki @cashewally-sarcastic @elysianheresy
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hunnymisworld · 4 months
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Karasuno and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
A P P R O A C H A B L E yet he is kinda intimidating because everybody knows he's the volleyball captain.
He'll show a small smile when you tap his shoulder to call his attention. "Hey y/n, how can i help you?"
Would offer to teach you the homework with every d e t a i l so you would understand. (He doesn't mind if you ask multiple times about the same thing)
A PATIENT MAN (and understanding too)
"Don't hesitate to ask for help anytime okay?"
He sees you as a younger sibling and finds it cute when you ask him for help.
BIG BROTHER ENERGY (best senpai fr)
Kinda serious when he teaches you the lesson, he's eager for you to learn.
Would ask you follow-up questions to make sure you really understood.
The type to even stay-up-late with you when you ask for a tutor in the upcoming exam ( FOR FREE?!?!? - yes. )
Gives you his phone number cause he does not use social media that much. In case you needed any help with academics or whatsoever.
You can easily find them near the vending machine playing rock-paper-scissors to know who's going to pay for who's snack/drink. (tough battle - Who do you think pays most of the time? You can leave a comment.)
"Stop messing around noya! A junior is here to ask something"
"Ow! Did you really have to hit me- **gets hit again** Oh- Hi Y/n how can your seniors help you?"
Would gladly help you and buy you snacks too!
They lead you where they usually hang out during free time and scan what your homework is about.
"Here, can i see?" Nishinoya offered to look at the homework first and you handed him your noteook.
Ryu was beside him, he was also trying to see what your homework is about.
Scan....scan... Read.... Read...
"What is this? Did we even learn this way back? Do you remember any of this ryu?"
"GIve me that! Stupid-ass. That's what you get for cutting classes. Good for you that you were able to be a senior" (Yes, ryu just snatched your notebook from noya)
"HEY! That was- fine! It's true. Why would i argue with an even dumber person like you"
You were literally just standing there while they bicker like 🧍‍♀️ T.T (poor y/n getting flustered - wondering how to react)
"Can you stop Noya, let me handle this. SHHHH i can't focus"
Noya really said 😧😑🙂 (bro was GAGGED)
After a while.... yes they indeed remembered the lesson and eventually stopped bickering.
They summerized the lesson for you and explained the concept of the lesson. You were then able to answer all the questions which they checked.
"There all done!" Noya happily said while Ryu was having his moment being the best senpai ever.
"Easy peasy" "Lemon squeezy"
You were relieved and thanked them after. You also offered to get them ice cream next time you bump into each other to thank them for helping you (Literally ATE UP your free time from all that bickering T.T nevertheless, you were grateful)
2 MISTAKES! NOT BAD!! (You got 4 thumbs up from them both and they congratulated you)
He would be the one to approach you since he noticed you were having a hard time since the morning recess. Brows furrowed while you were scanning your note book.
"Hey Y/n! How are you? I noticed you were having a hard time since the morning. Do you need help?"
You were on the verge of crying for being frustrated at not understanding the lesson. He noticed it and patted your back as he smiled at you warmly.
A COMFORT PERSON FR (he's such a sunshine)
Makes you calm down first so that you'd be able to clear your mind for you to understand the lesson completely.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel calm now? Don't worry, anything can be learned. Don't pressure yourself too much, you just have to give yourself enough time to learn it okay? Let yourself be a beginner too."
You smile warmly at his words. He seems to always know what to say to make a person calm down.
He explained the concept to you as simple as he can and gave you an outline of the lesson so that you have a guide.
He bought you your comfort food to help calm your nerves and walked you back to your classroom cause he was worried.
"Just approach me if you need tutoring okay? Your mental health matters, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't doubt yourself and your capabilities, you are an amazing person who is also capable of making mistakes. You're human too."
You hugged him as you felt how sincere he was and he patted your back.
YOU ACED IT YEY!! (our soft-hearted y/n awww)
IS YOUR BESTFRIEND!! (sees you as her little sibling)
Left her notebooks on your desk with a cute note saying:
" Don't be upset, you'll get it i promise you. Here are my notes from 1st year and it's concept is described there in the simplest form. I know you'll be able to understand it when you read it. If you have any questions just text me, i'm arranging the boys' volleyball team practice match with Nekoma right now so i was not able to hand it to you personally. Take care xoxo!
PS: let me know if you want to watch the match, i'll get you a ticket"
You understood her notes pretty easily as she said on her note
You texted her and said thank you for the notes and offered to buy her snacks when she's not busy anymore.
She replied with:
" You're welcome 🩷. Sure!!"
She's the best sister fr.
Will turn his back on you as you approach him T.T
"No. I know what you're going to ask for"
Damn :((
As you walk out of the classrom to ask others who can help you with the homework, he secretly puts his notebook in your bag for you to have a guide for the homework.
Yes, he left a note and stick in inside his notebook saying:
"Everything is here. You better not text or annoy me. Study on your own. I need my notebook back by tomorrow"
You were surprised and touched that he knows how to show he cares.
Before you even have the chance to ask them, THEY WILL ASK FOR YOUR HELP FIRST T.T
They don't understand the lesson either
"Hey y/n, do you understand the lesson? Can you help us?"
You looked at them shocked and said "I'm surprised and flattered that you think that I understood the topic but I ALSO DON'T KNOW T.T"
You and HInata cried while Kageyama left you both to ask for help (don't worry he intends to teach you the concept of the lesson to after he learned it from someone who can help)
You ended up having a mini group study with them and Kageyama was able to explain the concept sucessfully.
"Woah Kageyama, i have this much respect for you now. Didn't know you had this side in you" the orange haired guy said.
"Shut up, i'll never set for you again if you manage to fail this homework"
Note: You can comment for other character request.
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sardonicdoll · 1 year
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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moongothic · 29 days
So a few weeks ago I ran into this, old, old Crocodile meta post from 2015, the OP of which hasn't been active on Tumbr (at least on that account) since 2018. And this post (along with some of the OP's other posts) has been living in my head rent free since then.
There was just something there about seeing these old meta posts, completely detached from the current state of the story, the fandom and the Crocodad Propaganda... It just made for a truly refreshing read, but they also had such great observations about Crocodile I hadn't even thought about or noticed*, and somewhat most importantly... validating my own feelings/observations about things I've been kind of afraid to vocalize myself lest I apper completely delulu. Like I dunno I do worry sometimes if I'm just reading into things too much just to make massive reaches to get The Reading of the character that happens to support the Crocodad theory specifically, instead of trying to get a more objective reading instead. So seeing someone else make either those exact same or similar observations nearly 10 years before I did is so validating, and really just made me want to discuss some of those things.
*(Like this whole post about how "DON!" is often used to add emphasis and show the true beliefs of characters, and how Crocodile doesn't really say things with a DON!, almost like his heart isn't in most of the things he does or says. I dunno it was such a good read)
Sidenote: I do want to quickly comment that I don't agree with the OP on some of their readings about stuff, and more importantly, due to the age of the both the original posts and the OP not being active anymore, I didn't want to, like... Treat them as if they just posted it recently and interact with the posts as such. (I dunno, when people go digging through my decade old main blog and start reblogging shit I posted in like 2014 it just. I dunno, it's just kind of uncomfortable. Like you're allowed to browse my past but I wished people let my ancient cringe stay in the past. But that's just me) Like for example I feel like OP has a fundamental misunderstanding what being "trans" really even means (thus I don't agree with their take on trans Croc), but again, OP's take is old and so I don't want to hold it against them. They could have grown since then and come to better understand what being trans means, and regardless of that they don't have to buy into the theory either. And I absolutely do not want anyone to start trying to pester them about it or anything (again, they posted these things nearly 10 years ago), regardless of if they're still active or not. But yeah, that's why this is a whole separate post rather than a reblog with commentary.
So OP in their post speculated how in this moment (chap 206), based on the face he makes and the serious look he gives to Luffy, Crocodile seems to find the idea of someone being willing to die for someone else's sake absolutely incomprehensible, as if he's trying to wrap his head around the mere concept. That, or he used to know what it was like to hold someone/something that dear to you, but has long forgotten what it was like
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Rereading this arc a while back I couldn't help but to take notice of this panel too and that unusual, somber(?) look on Crocodile's face. But because I'm a Crocodad Truther, of course I couldn't help but to feel that this was a face of recognition, of Crocodile understanding Luffy exactly in this moment, that willingness to do anything for a loved one. Especially because I have been speculating Crocodile might've been doing all of this with the goal of nuking the World Government out of orbit to protect his long lost baby boy (it's just that he simply finds Luffy's insistence on protecting this random ass princess from a random ass country he has zero ties to ridiculous, as opposed to like, doing all of this to protect immidiate, close family)
So again, despite the different reading it is validating as hell to see someone else think this panel in particular was odd. But the more I thought about it, I did kind of start leaning towards OP's reading. Now this one was originally pointed out by opbackgrounds, how in this scene (chapter 196) while Crocodile is meant to be laughing and mocking the royal guard for "throwing their lives away" to protect Cobra, he isn't actually smiling. We don't even get to see his full face with his eyes blacked out, so we don't get to see Crocodile's true feelings in this scene
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And that does kind of reframe what he says in the second panel. For a long time I wondered if the implication was that Crocodile does actually value people's lives more than he lets on (especially with his seeming willingness to blow up a million people in a violent, orchestraded coup), just having a "small sacrifice for the greater good" kinda outlook (as we know, casualties can't be avoided in war, Croco and Luffy both agree on that) (where as I would IMAGINE Dragon having a more "no sacrifices, we have to save as many people as possible" kinda principle)
But now, looking at these two moments together, and knowing Crocodile has trust issues for unknown reasons, there is also that option that, perhaps... No one has ever shown that kind of loyalty towards him, a willingness to follow him to the grave or support him, to stay by his side? And if so, maybe, in these two scenes, Crocodile does recognize that kind of deep loyalty and trust and love, and has to cope with the fact that he has and may never experience it himself, that he's doomed to be alone, surrounded only by people who "respect him" out of fear (something that could be extra painful while knowing someone had just recently betrayed him by leaking his info to ruin his plans/after figuring out it was Robin, his very literal partner in crime. Like talk about rubbing salt into a wound).
And y'know, that is an extremely sad reading and I feel so bad for my poor little meow meow (that man needs a hug so bad), but also that doesn't really add to pushing The Crocodad Agenda, which is very unfortunate. Especially because I feel like between the two readings, Crocodile recognizing loyalty no one will ever show him (and being hurt by the fact) feels like a more comprehensive and simple reading, than if one is about him showing he doesn't fully believe in what he's doing is right and the other about him relating to Luffy on a deeper level.
But then, as OP pointed out in their post, for the entirety of page 2 of Chapter 207 while Luffy is keeling over from the poison finally kicking in, Crocodile looks like he's fully letting down his walls to express genuine relief, as if the those beliefs Croc had carried and convinced himself were true were just confirmed
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What're his beliefs again? That trust in others is worthless, and you can not afford to have ideals if you're weak, great strenght being the only thing that allows you, if not straight up justifies you, in doing whatever you please? Now, maybe it's just me, but if Crocodile was showing relief here over his belief that trusting others is worthless after being reminded time and time again of the love and loyalty the Strawhats have for each other and the Alabastan kingdom has for everyone in it (etc)... I dunno, I feel like that would be kind of weak, if that's where Crocodile's internalized beliefs were wavering. But if Crocodile's whole Utopia-plan had been about destroying the WG to protect his baby boy (and release the whole world from the WG's oppressive rule while he's at it) at whatever cost, while he deep inside knew what he was doing was fucked up beyond belief... Yeah, Crocodile trying to convince himself what he was doing was "justified" would make sense. Him having his beliefs potentially even waver a little bit through out this whole ordeal would make sense. Crocodile in this moment experiencing relief that what he had told himself was the righteous would make sense.
Everybody remember's Doflamingo's speech from Marineford, about how history is written by the victors and its them who decide what is right and what is wrong- the winner becomes "justice" itself. Vegapunk kind of called back to this concept during his broadcast too, and yeah, Crocodile did kind of introduce us to it back in Alabasta. If he had won, he would have been "justified" in what he had done, because it'd be him who'd be deciding what's right and what's wrong.
Now I don't really have anything else to add to that post in particular (though I absolutely love the reading on the Crocodile vs Robin part and now that I've read it I can't unsee nor disagree with it), but OP did make a separate post speculating about some of design decisions Oda made regarding Crocodile, starting with discussing the logo for Baroque Works. And they pointed this out
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Bro wrote this in 2015, they have no idea, oh my god, dude had no clue whatsoever
So quickly looking that one up and yeah, wings have sometimes been used to represent the sun (most commonly with the sun, as a winged sun?) and yeah, that actually has a lot of meaning in the current state of the series re: God of Liberation the Sun God Nika. But what's more is that this is actually the SECOND time we're actually finding a way to link Crocodile to sun-symbolism, the other being Crocodile being a reference to the Egyptian god Sobek (protector god, god of military, go to Wikipedia), who has an alternative form (/fusion with Ra) called Sobek-Ra, where he is a sun god. And what was Crocodile trying to do in Alabasta if not falsely "liberate" the country from its original rule. Also worth noting is that seemingly the winged sun was most commonly used in Egyptian iconography, so if Oda ever did research Egyptian mythology for inspiration in Alabasta (which, considdering the sheer amount of Stuff in the story as a whole is more than likely), then it is very possible he could have read about the winged sun and used it intentionally.
But what I do find interesting is that, yeah, wings kinda are a symbol one would considder "heroic" or related to "freedom". And, as I have been going on and on about, if Crocodile's ultimate goal in creating his funny little "utopia" was to overthrow the World Government and "free" the whole world of their rule. Like. That really lines up with the whole symbolism with the sun and the liberation and the freedom and shit, like. Why does it line up so neatly good dear god
I dunno how to end this post, these were just a few little things that I had been thinking about after coming across OP's blog and, yeah, just wanted to discuss them.
Again, OP hasn't been active for years, but if they did suddenly come back please don't bother them or god forbid harrass them/try to get them to change their mind about trans Croco. Just don't start shit, please.
End of post byeeeeeeee
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celabi · 10 months
how would scara react to us self harming(burning, cutting,starving or etc.)
Ngl NGLL, I think he probably self harms too. Maybe he stopped after he met reader, but he’s got some scars on his hips and collarbone (he doesn’t know why he cut there, he just did)
If you self harm, and have scars all over your body- you can bet that this man has kissed every single one at least once.
He helps you take care of them as best he can (he just leaves his, no care whatsoever), and he actually tries to help you. He’ll bandage them and apply cream or whatever, and if they’re fresh— he’ll join you in the shower and try to sooth and calm you when the water stings.
Hot take but also cold take (I don’t know what that means), obviously he wants you to stop, but if you don’t… he replicates them and cuts his body to match yours ☹️ so unhealthy and probably makes you feel a little uncomfortable/guilty, but he thinks it’s romantic and connects you together.
No but srsly, every night before bed he would delicately glide his lips up your skin and kiss every scar on your body, softly and slowly as he gazes into your eyes, bro my heart????
If you starved yourself… he does to 😭 like, he wants you to know that he’s there, and that he understands, but he unfortunately takes the most unhealthy route. But eventually he craves, and realises that’s he’s just watching your body eat away at itself, and starts cooking you full course meals. He sits beside you at dinner table and rubs your back while you eat.
He doesn’t pressure you but… he does want you to finish it all. Probably gets a little (I forgot the word) and says stuff like “if you don’t eat it all, I’ll be sad.” and “if you eat, I’ll eat.” I KNOW SO UNHEALTHY, but he doesn’t really realise that, and thinks he’s doing a good job :((((((
Burning? okay getting a lil dark here… but scara probably has some cigarette burns on his back from the bullying he goes through.
He is the weird kid who no one likes, so obviously people take the opportunity to pick on him— and sometimes he finds himself at the back of school while a bunch of guys beat him up :(
He doesn’t tell you that though, you think it’s only verbally, and a little shove every now and then.
Same as the scars though, he’ll put cream on and wrap it up, and probably hide all the lighters and stuff around your house. And when you cook anything, he’ll be standing behind and watching carefully you as you use the stove.
:( I love him.
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thedroloisms · 6 months
I think what's worse about people doing it to Dream is he's very reluctant to call attention to it himself so people do it for him and it's not just with abuse. They'll do it about him being queer or about having rsd and people need to realise if he wanted to use those things as excuses but he doesn't. Like it's okay to recognise the influence those things have on a person but you can't reduce an issue down to a single factor and remove all the nuance.
i mean yeah he "doesn't use it as an excuse" because 1) he'd be crucified even harder than he already is 2) people already make things up in their head abt him using it as an excuse when he doesn't (like claiming he uses his RSD to get out of things, which was particularly hilarious back in 2021 or whatever when it seemed debatable if he even knew what RSD is) (like this is the same guy who like, during every drodcast around that time, would like list off textbook adhd symptoms and then be like 'yeah idk why i do that tho') but ... that's. like.
like the point i was making isn't just "we shouldn't make excuses using his abuse/queerness/neurodivergence because he doesn't do it" -- in situations where a conversation revolving around smth like queerness or victim advocacy or neurodivergence is relevant, then i don't think these topics should be barred from conversation? as an example, people used to get on people's cases all the time about mcc 14 and how you shouldn't talk about neurodivergence in relation to it while dream was like. clearly and obviously overwhelmed and out of it literally almost until the end of the conversation because of the buildmart rework. just because dream wasn't going "wow, this was an overstimulating environment that clashed terribly with my adhd" out loud on stream doesn't mean people couldn't independently hold conversations about how the game was kind of designed to be stimulation hell, with or without relating that conversation to dream.
obviously people should have more tact when they talk abt abuse specifically, re: dream. i just...don't think that throwing his situation into his face (especially as a weapon to use against other people) is in any way appropriate. people can, have, and will use his experiences against him.
but back to my main point, it's less about "not using these things as excuses because he doesn't" and more about "not using these things as excuses when they're not excuses." like. while i understand that being a survivor, being queer, being nd affects literally everything you do...as you said, there's a difference between understanding the impact something like past abuse can have on your feelings and actions and concluding that your actions and feelings are valid because of your abuse.
like. just as an example. if a DV victim acts erratically while details of their specific situation are being dredged up and said person does things out of character for themselves like shutting down their accounts on social media and refusing to acknowledge an important situation Immediately, even if they themselves don't bring up the specifics of their situation, i think it's fair to say "hey yall are lacking any empathy whatsoever to a survivor of DV who is a victim in this current situation, grow up and piss off."
on the flip side, if someone who's been through abuse is harassing people online and doing things like campaigning for them to lose their platforms and refusing to give any information as to why they believe this is necessary or provide any proof outside of "just trust me, they're bad bro" and cries that they're trying to do the right thing because they're an abuse victim...being an abuse victim does not excuse your current behaviors, many of which are enabling and/or encouraging abusive actions and telling people (such as abusers!) that your corner of the internet is a safe place for them to make baseless accusations (including towards their victims) as long as it's towards someone you don't like. which is, you know, fucked up and kinda abusive. i sympathize with the trauma that these people have been through, but bringing up your victimhood is not immediately relevant to the current situation and also doesn't excuse abusive actions.
i hope that made sense?
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muzicgenerator · 1 year
pls could u do a tom kaulitz angst? like he’s arguing w reader and mentions something he knows the reader doesn’t like bringing up, and he has to make it up to her, then it can turn into fluff <3
yep here it is!!
hope u like it and sorry for late reply T_T
(BRO OHHH MY GOD THE ORIGINAL STORYLINE DIDNT SAVE 😭😭😭 so i just made a new one which is this one AGHHH SO MAD RN btw i didnt proof read the entire thing)
Pairing: Tom Kaulitz x Reader
Genre: a bit Angsty, Fluff
Warnings: None
Request Status: closed :(
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Last Night on Earth : Green Day
Playful bantering was one of the things you and Tom would do everyday in your relationship.
Sure, serious arguments would rise up which a simple kiss and genuine apology would quickly fix.
However those two won't do it right now.
"The hell do you mean I have trust issues?!"
"What?! It's true! Your ex cheated on you so you're scared to trust me; It's not like I'm gonna do what that guy did!"
Definitely, Tom shouldn't have brought your ex up who has no relation to this quarrel.
He knew how much of a prick he was to you and how he treated you; he even witnessed how devastated you were when you once came to him to seek comfort when you found out for the second time he had been cheating.
And he knew damn well you never wanna hear about the jerk ever again.
However, you did appreciate him admitting he wouldn't repeat the history you had with your past lover.
"The fuck, Tom? That bitch has no connection whatsoever about what we're fighting about right now.
And I saw the way you looked at her! It's like, if I didn't interrupt you both would've shared spits by then." enraged by what he said; you raised your voice to match his volume - which was unlike you since you're the composed one out of you two during serious arguments.
"Sorry but he kinda does! This issue you're having surely started with him. I remember the way you wasted your snot and tears on him and I dried it off.
And please stop being overdramatic, she's just a fan and I wanted to make sure she's happy. Not only with her; I mean with everyone of them!"
Tom tried hard to defend himself instead of admitting his wrongdoing.
"You are such an ass for bringing that shit up again when you know damn well your ass had issues too that I helped you get over with and all I've ever done was try my greatest to understand and care for you!
All I ever wanted was for you to stop looking at other people and look at me.. Am I asking for too much?" your voice whispered in offence and slightly croaked which made you resent yourself more.
Tom realized with wide eyes of what he had done,
"No, no of course not ____. No, look- I'm really sorry for what I said, I really am and-"
"Just shut the hell up, Tom. Save it, I don't wanna hear it right now." you harshly brushed past him to storm off to your apartment's bedroom in fear of hot tears falling down to your cheeks.
He sighed; ashamed in himself. Tom truly regrets letting those harsh and unnecessary words slip his blunt mouth. He knew he was better than this - definitely, he should control his mouth more and think about what he should say carefully during times like this.
The night spent alone in the bed you'd always share with Tom felt cruel.
Not for the reason he's not by your side; it's rather the fact that you're in bed without properly making up with him since you'd always forgive one another the same day.
A big part of you wanted to forgive him - believe that he truly didn't mean what he told you and only accidentally slipped because of the heat in the moment; that we all say things we don't mean when we're mad, and that he really wouldn't stab you on the back with a woman like your past lover did.
The smaller part of you scolded for being such an idiot; for believing a man would stay loyal - that you should call it off before he could do any further damage.
Honestly, you felt devastated just thinking about not being with him; so you eventually came into terms with yourself that the fire will settle down and you'll forgive him and he'll do better.
Don't know when it'll die down but it will. Hopefully soon.
Some relationships are worth fighting for, like you have with Tom.
Hence you will stay strong and prepare for many wars.
But tonight; you wanted and allowed yourself to fall asleep being upset and disappointed at Tom.
You'll let tomorrow do its thing.
It was the next day and the back of your head was pounding alongside a stiff neck.
You sat up and glanced at the digital clock placed on your night table that read 11:37 AM.
After stretching your limbs out while reminiscing the night before; you decided it's time to wash your face and start making lunch for yourself.
When you turned the knob and pushed it open; you were greeted with the aroma of your favourite dish; one that was always served to you as a child when you still lived with your family - one that you shared its recipe and process with your lover.
"Tom?" you asked in disbelief. You were certain he had left since your ears picked up the sound of the front door being pushed open then close in the middle of the night.
Certainty assured your mind that you'd rather not see his face first thing in the morning after such a night. Boy, were you wrong.
Your lover turned his head quickly; unaware of your presence since he's so caught up finishing, as well as perfecting the dish.
"Oh- love, you're awake. I um.. made breakfast but you didn't get up and it's uh, it's almost time for lunch so I thought I'd make your favourite." he stumbled over his words; which is bizarre.
"The pancakes are on the table, you can eat them later as a snack."
You nodded your head with a tight lipped smile and mumbled a thanks before heading to the bathroom.
Once the door had shut; you quickly drowned your face with water to remove the image of Tom cooking without a shirt on.
It's not like it's the first time you've seen him like that; but the way you're reacting right now is how you feel when you catch him in these types of situations - preferably without the post-fight shit going.
After peeing, washing your hands, brushing your teeth washing and drying your face, and doing your skin care - you forced yourself to go back outside for you cannot stay in the bathroom forever.
When you opened and closed the baby blue painted door; your eyes wandered off to the table and drooled at the sight of the newly cooked meal.
Tom patted the seat beside him with a smile; gesturing you to sit beside him.
You had no choice but to join him for lunch; after all, you are starving.
Instead of giving in to his request, you sat in front of him.
Instead of painting a frown on his lips; he still kept his genuinely proud smile (from cooking such a delicious dish) and handed you your plate and utensils - to which you accepted.
"Let's eat?" Tom asked.
"I don't wanna eat without talking about last night." you said with a straight face.
The man in front of you softly breathed a sigh,
"You're right." he agreed with a nod
"I'll start by saying I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean what I said. I just want you to know I would never even dare to think about betraying you like that, and I was an ass for what I did." Tom seemed to look everywhere but your eyes.
He couldn't bring himself to look at your mesmerizing hues for he was certain his shredded heart would be turned into dust.
"I don't even know why I said those things, I- I know this sounds like bullshit but I swear I really don't mean those things and you're the only person who I have my eyes on.
Please give me another chance I- I'll be better now, promise!" he trailed off and fearfully continued;
"But y'know if uh.. if you don't and wanna call it o-"
"Shut up Tom we're not breaking up." you sighed
"I know you said those to defend what you did, and it slipped out because of the heat of the moment. We all say shit we don't mean when mad, I understand. But what I don't understand is why you'd caress her cheek and look into her eyes like that?" your eyes examined his facial expressions and only saw genuine regret on his face. You hoped he'd look at your eyes and tell you directly why.
Hence, before his ready mouth started to explain; you tell him, "Tom, look into my eyes, please."
You caught the way the ball of his throat bopped up and down; swallowing his saliva. His eyes slowly trailed up from the table to your chest, neck, chin, nose, then eyes.
"She said she'd been a fan since the very beginning of the band's debut. She loved all us a lot, especially me. I asked her if meeting us was a dream come true, she said yeah, and we talked a bit more. Then she asked me to touch her face because she really couldn't believe that it was all happening, which I did."
Tom would look away from the two windows of your soul for a second before meeting again.
He was replied with silence; which kind of scared him.
"____? Please say something."
"For God's sake Tom, why didn't you just start with that last night when I brought it up?"
Tom rapidly blinked once, twice, thrice, then for the fourth time. "... I must've forgot to bring it up because I was so caught up in the moment."
You laughed; a true one, "You mean too focused into bringing my ex up?"
He was speechless by how just a second ago you were dead ass serious, and now crying laughing at what you said.
"Sorry, I'm done laughing now." you giggled before continuing, "Fine, I'll forgive you if you tell me where you went last night."
"I went back to my apartment and did some thinking how to make it up to you and slept there. I went out really early to buy groceries so i can cook your favourite food here."
It was your turn to be speechless.
"...You seriously did that?" you asked with doubt in your voice.
"Yeah, I mean the proof is on the table." Tom chuckled.
You said nothing and finally dug into the 5 star looking meal, soon your lover did as well.
"Sooo, are we good?" Tom hopefully asked after sipping his water from the cylinder glass.
"I guess so." you blessed him with a small smile to which he returned with a big one.
Conversation flowed naturally between you as you ate the savoury food.
If Tom didn't make it as a famous guitarist, he'd definitely be a winner in Hell's Kitchen.
After Tom cleaned put the dishes to the sink; you insisted to wash it since he cooked. He declined numerous times but it wasn't going anywhere since you're more stubborn than him.
"All right, fine. Only if you let me hug you from behind." Tom made a deal.
"Pshh, why're you asking as if you don't do that whenever I do shit in the kitchen?"
Tom rolled his eyes with a smirk drawn on his lips as a reply and proceeded to snake his large hands to your waist; then pressing his chest to your back and resting his chin on the crown of your head.
Nothing could be heard other than the clanking of pans, plates, and utensils, along with the flow of the running water from the faucet.
The comfortable verbal silence and physical contact was very much needed after a fight.
After drying your hands with a cloth; you walked towards the couch and sat with your boyfriend still embracing you from behind.
"What do you wanna watch?" you turned your head to the side to look up at his face.
"Whatever you want, I'm fine with anything." Tom looked down to your eyes, then lips.
Slowly, he leaned his fave closer to yours so he could taste your lips.
Once contact had been made; you couldn't help but melt even more to his touch and wrap your arms around his neck - and he couldn't help but deepen the kiss and caress your waist and back.
Soon enough, the passionate kiss had come to an end to catch their breaths.
"I love you so much. You know that, right?" Tom stared into her hues as the tip of their noses touched.
You slowly nodded and brought your hands up to his hollow cheeks, "I love you more." you said before pulling his face closer to kiss each other's lips once again.
Tom mumbled in-between the kisses, "I love you the most, sweetheart." before deepening it. His tongue soon entered your mouth and both your hands rubbed and caressed your bodies.
The hot post-fight make out session would last as long as half the length of the movie you played in the middle of the session; playing Atonement for the millionth time from your entire life.
After pulling your mouths away due to your jaws hurting; you slept and cuddled like babies.
Feeling the safest in each other's arms.
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getvalentined · 3 months
I posted about this on the twits, but I'm gonna do it here too because it's not like this is limited to that platform.
Since I've been seeing my least favorite shitty FF7 rumor around again, friendly reminder that there are no "legal issues" between Gackt and SE delaying anything. Sources claiming otherwise say "trust me bro" when Nomura has literally said it was just the workload.
People who claim that delays in production of anything in the Compilation are because of Gackt are parroting a rumor that's been around for over a decade, which was started by people who used it as an excuse to be racist and homophobic under the thin veneer of frustrated criticism. The majority of hatred toward the character of Genesis Rhapsodos in early fandom, and hatred toward Genesis in modern day fandom from OG Purists, stems from this same place.
Why do you think these people always assert that Genesis' very existence "ruins Sephiroth's character," but never complain about Angeal? Why do you think they have no problems with Aerith having a Jenova-infused Angeal Copy in her church for years—something that should totally change her understanding of the Crisis, but doesn't seem to in any way whatsoever—and yet anything and everything Genesis does is treated as an unforgivable retcon?
It's an excuse to say heinous, horrible things about an all-but-explicitly queer character who is modeled off a real Japanese man, and that's all it ever was, but it gets a pass because they dress it up as criticism of the franchise. Then, when they inevitably start throwing out slurs, nobody cares because "it's just Gackt—I mean Genesis, everyone knows he sucks."
Yeah, you "know" because you let a bunch of bigots tell you he should be judged more harshly than any other character in the entire series because he's not white or straight enough. Because he's based directly on a real flesh-and-blood Japanese man, and to these people that makes him deserving of hate, because people like that shouldn't exist. Because the character is all but explicitly queer (and it is even more explicit in the original language and when accounting for some key culturally-specific literary references portrayed throughout the narrative), and people like that shouldn't exist.
You "know" because you never questioned why this character specifically is the only one it's "objectively and morally correct" to hate and belittle, even though everything he's supposedly hated for applies to multiple other characters throughout the series.
The character is loathed, and the actor is blamed for everything, because some old guard fans said that's how it's supposed to be in this fandom, and if you don't engage with things that way then you don't deserve to be here.
Very cool and normal behavior!
There are very valid reasons to dislike this character, mind you, and plenty of reasons to be critical of the actor. I'm not saying otherwise. I'm saying the pervasive and frankly disgusting fandom-wide hatred stems from the same place as the continued, repeatedly disproven assertion that Gackt is to blame for everything "wrong" with the Compilation and its development: bigotry. I know this because I saw these assertions come into being in real time when Crisis Core first came out. I watched the people saying these things post the most homophobic rants on their personal accounts, I watched people I considered friends get banned from LJ communities for referring to Genesis as Gackt and referring to Gackt with racial slurs.
And I watched them come back later, promising they were better people now, armed with new claims and new arguments that allowed them to continue to be hateful trashfires without getting in trouble. As long as they weren't overt, it was okay. If they slipped up and used a slur in the comments that was mostly okay, since it wasn't in the main post. Mods might lock a thread here and there, but those people got to stay. Their "criticism" was "valid," and thus their bigotry was validated.
Those same claims and complaints are still regurgitated today, only now it's by people who aren't racist and aren't homophobic, but don't realize that their criticism is horribly unbalanced because it was all born from people who were just masking hatred.
Even worse is when these behaviors are mimicked by people claiming to like the character, because the fandom taught them that this was how you're supposed to engage with him, because it's just Gackt—Genesis (I said Genesis!) so he's a piece of shit no matter how you slice it and he deserves to be treated that way. Nobody else does, and nobody questions it, because this is just how it's done.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell people this, but if you slap a bunch of gay stereotypes onto Genesis and then have the characters around him treat him like shit because of them, while implying or outright insisting that IT'S OKAY BECAUSE IT'S GENESIS AND HE SUCKS SO IT'S FUNNY, you are following in the footsteps of bigots. If you constantly refer to the character as "Gackt" like the name itself is a pejorative, you are following in the footsteps of bigots.
No, there is no nuance here. I don't care if you allegedly came to all these conclusions on your own—you didn't and you know it—except for the fact that actually that's worse, because it means that you did some kind of deep dive in the source material and came out the other side agreeing with a bunch of racist homophobes who are still spitting bullshit after over 15 years.
Do fucking better.
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cyberfanzz · 1 month
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I never said anything abt this what-? 😭😭
is this because I said I’ll write for Non-binary or Masc readers?
bro when I saw the inbox thing I got so happy bc I thought I was gonna see a new request for me to do then I got THIS-
“it is CANON Geto is a MAN” never said he wasn’t? 💀
“it is a FACT that men ONLY do romantic and sexual things with FEMALES and they ALWAYS will” Damn guess my gay uncles don’t exist (srry Jeremiah and Tony 😕) /J
but bro, honestly it is not a big deal. Does it hurt you whatsoever if a male likes another male? No. Chill out 😭
I understand that Geto is canonically straight, I just offer to make content for my Male people who may want a smau that they can relate to. It’s also canon that most of these characters are dead, doesn’t mean I’m gonna write them that way (yet /hj)
I just offer a choice for my viewers, this makes a more comfortable environment for both me and the people who will read my smaus. I just wanna make people smile with my content.
Bye-? 🤨
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twistedastrology · 3 months
- let's talk about pop astrology. -
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u can tell from the singular period in the title that this is not gonna be very positive So let's talk abt why i absolutely hate pop astrology!!!!!!!
and to be fair i will recognize what good pop astrology has done, it popularized the subject ofc and it is partially the reason i got into astrology, so while i cant be Too mad at it, i Did get into astrology thru pop astrology to essentially disprove pop astrology soo... 😵‍💫
real quick btw, and this does actually have significance in this post im not just promoting it to promote it, i have an ig now for my astrology stuff- @twistedastrology on ig go follow me there if u fuck with ig-
But if u saw my about me post on there, you'll have seen the slide where i talked abt why i actually got into astrology- to save you some time ill put it here, but please do go follow me on ig anyway if u like what i do and wanna support me 😵‍💫
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like i said, when i got into astrology, i instantly noticed how many of the same keywords were regurgitated for everything.
that's what i notice most in pop astrology.
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pop astrology is where everyone says cancers are crybabies, leos are narcissists, aries are hotheaded and impulsive, capricorns are cold and unemotional, geminis are two-faced, etc.
unfortunately and also fortunately at the same time, i have ungodly pattern recognition in just about everything, so of course i was gonna notice the same thing being said about the same sign and the same house and the same planet over and over again-
and to clarify before we continue (random disclaaaimeerrrrr- hey. dont do Anything that i say in this song-), this is what i personally have observed and experienced with pop astrology, im not sayin that it's All like this, but im talkin abt the very surface level, shallow kinda stuff.
that kinda stuff is what made me not resonate with my rising sign and be incredibly confused by my sun sign-
i would read "what ur like based on ur rising!!!! Cancer: U cry too much." and feel so shitty bro- id have to go look at every other sign to see which one i resonated with more and it was very rarely one of my big 3.
so naturally i was incredibly confused abt astrology but for me, that didnt deter me.
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the stereotypes and stuff offered by pop astrology are incredibly harmful and play a huge part in making people not believe in astrology as a whole.
say someone's an aries sun and they read one of those posts for aries sun right- the post says something along the lines of "ur incredibly impulsive, ambitious and extroverted!!! u probably cant control ur anger" and it doesn't resonate whatsoever because guess what their rising sign is capricorn (side note: why do i always manage to default to aries/capricorn in my examples im gonna laugh 😭😭😭) and their saturn is in cap too-
but ofc they wouldnt know their rising or their saturn sign bc those aren't focused on in pop astrology- it's all sun, moon and rising-
the sun, in my opinion, is actually one of the least important placements in a natal chart- and i can do an entire post on my take on the sun dont worry i actually rly want to- but to explain why i think that real quick, the sun is the culmination of the chart, it's not its own placement.
so every other placement in your chart has influence over it, that's why i never related to taurus sun stuff because i dont have any other earth placements in my chart and mercury in gemini is my dominant planet- so i had to look at gemini sun stuff, but i didnt know that until i was like knee deep into astrology.
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stereotypes are not only harmful, but also largely inaccurate.
and pop astrology also loves to convey the understanding that astrology can be segmented into little pieces, when it absolutely cannot.
"what drives u based on ur mars sign!! cancer mars: ur family :))))" Die.
BUT- say someone Does actually relate to that!!! there's 2 possibilities: they relate to it and they have mars in cancer OR they relate to it and they Don't have mars in cancer
in both of these scenarios, we are completely overlooking the rest of the chart-
you can't make astrology bite sized without also stripping it of all depth. but you can't deliver in depth astrology without it being overwhelming.
kind of a lose-lose, huh?
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here's where we need to understand astrology as if it is a science.
astrology is literally an ecosystem, this is how ive always viewed it. you can't interpret one planet on it's own without taking into consideration the aspects it has to it, the degree it's in, the signs that the planets aspecting it are in.
this is scary, yes, and a great way to ward off beginners, absolutely. But if you think it's scary, then you're overlooking the beauty of learning about something that's an ecosystem.
the beauty is you can't interpret one thing on its own, because everything else will follow.
you cant sit down and learn one thing, because you'll learn a whole slew of things and feel like it's never ending- which can be overwhelming for some and satisfying for others.
imagine walking on a floor covered in wires that are tangled with each other. you kneel down and try to pick up one wire and while you can see part of it clearly, it also brings up like 500 other wires for you to untangle as well.
that's what learning astrology is like.
in my experience, i picked up mercury, and mercury brought with it gemini, saturn, what sextiles are, what conjunctions are, the sun, degree theory, aries, and it just kept going.
and the more wires you pick up, the more wires they bring with them.
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this is why i hate pop astrology so much- they're picking up one wire, cutting both visible ends of it and ripping it out of tangled mess that is the floor we stand on.
now we don't know where the rest of that wire is because it was forcibly removed from the bunch.
SO! this is why i try so hard to make these posts and explain how literally Everything depends.
"what about mercury in this sign?"
"ya sure! so here's what i think it Could mean, but ultimately it depends."
"depends on..?"
"the entire rest of the chart."
anyway i think im abt done yapping now but i hope this made sense- i think the next post i do will probably be the sun one so be on the lookout for that- and again i have an ig for astrology stuff now, link is at the top here- and i have plans to eventually probably make a tiktok as well for astrology but im still figuring that out so ill let you know what happens with that But!!!
thank u for reading i appreciate u and dont be afraid to think in depth abt vast concepts, that is where the mind is exalted 🙏🙏
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microtyalm13 · 4 months
how you been ໒꒰ྀི ˶• ༝ •˶ ꒱ྀི১₊˚⊹♡
I've been using twitch a lot recently so now I have two favourite streamers and i might have a thing for american guys
How do your characters speak? Like, accents speech tics etc...
Anyways, have a nice day ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
-- 🍞anon
hi darling anon <) i'm good! i'm living alone rn, trying to go out more, looking after the house and my cat. so yeah, a little busy, but very much content. just returned from the trip to our dacha with my aunt and my grandma, actually! <З very eepy but damn do i love nature and women... good for you btw! i don't really watch twitch streamers... besides kwite lmao
How my Ocs Speak! or smth i haven't thought too much about it there could be errors and mistakes bc i am TIREDDDD
gavriil. — you think with looks like his he might sound like an actual angel singing to you while you ascend but NO. his voice very much HURTS. it's always echoes, almost vibrates and sounds like it's coming from your head. he can change it ofc and tone it done for you a little so you can talk to him without headaches <,,) somewhat official and ominous at first, wants to sound as menacing as possible for his first impression. but then, down the line and if he likes you enough, he'll be very casual and nonchalant, throwing in curses and all that. doesn't have a particular accent because bro literally knows every language on earth and more, sounds a little uncanny if anything. artificial maybe. but still just as lively, teasing and sometimes dramatic. purrs... sometimes. can speak directly into your mind and read it too.
xiaolong. — has the most enjoyable voice out the bunch. velvet, melodic, charming. always sounds very convincing and can sell you anything. literally the perfect host. languid and mellow, has a habit of humming "mmm"; "hmm?";"mmhm" and sighing. his voice claim is john park, korean va for espresso cookie, and i think xiao himself has a korean accent. very expressive but also very collected. won't say anything unnecessary. rarely curses.
taisya\tasechka. — jumbled and gurgled speech. absolutely horrid voice, but he usually speaks slowly so you can more or less understand what he says. breathes really hard and swallows words when excited. doesn't speak unless spoken to, and even then gives short, vague answers. no intonations whatsoever. prefers to just shake/nod his head or point and gesture with his hands if he wants something. has an ability to purr too but his version is a little more fucked up.
derzena. — monotone, expressionless, blunt. you will never understand if she's joking or not because this woman is like a BRICK WALL her face and voice never betray her. voice is raspy but pretty quiet, speaks slowly and steadily, clearly thinking everything over in her head before saying something. mimics human speech\animal noises to lure in men that are trespassing on her grounds to later eat them 💪 with her beloved often makes those quick "ekekeke" noises (like the ones cats make when they see a bird or smth...) to show affection. SAVE ME BIG cRYPTID WOMAN
veniamin. — rough, gruff voice. clicks his tongue so loudly he can probably shatter the fucking windows. exasperated and dramatic at all times. usually pretty loud, groans and sighs all the time when annoyed. in the mornings his voice is so raspy it's startling. curses a lot. mocks people's voices when he's angry at them or tries to put them in their place. or just to be a little annoying. HORRIBLE at singing yet does it all the time when he walks around in his house wearing nothing but a robe.
livy. — rarely speaks, usually resorts to clicks and chirps, maybe even hisses if threatened. doesn't have a lot of practice in speaking actual words, so it might be a little hard at first. at least for you, because he seems to understand you perfectly fine, it's you who doesn't understand what mothman wants from you half the time. surprisingly soft but hoarse voice... very warm sounding, idk. pauses and forgets the right words sometimes, but it does not stop him from teasing YOU.
have a good day <]
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months
I adore my CC bois (AGSCZ) but they need to adopt a girl into the squad at SOME point and I know just who.
So. Ahem.
Zack brings Aerith over to meet his bros. (Just pretend Sephiroth didn’t meet her as a kid lol).
How are they all getting along with her? Do she and Angeal nerd out over plants? Does she causes chaos with Gen? Does she bond with Seph over Hojo trauma? Does she get Cloud to come out of his shell a bit? I am dying to know!
Zack falls into the habit of sneaking Aerith into the building to hang out with him and the guys. Highlights of this newfound friendship between the First and Cloud with Aerith include:
• Aerith giving Angeal a bunch of plant care tips and exchanging plant cuttings. They bond over Zack and love to join forces to pick on him. Angeal is also acquainted with people in the slums, so they have lots to talk about.
• Late night talks between Aerith and Sephiroth, spanning everything from growing up in the lab, Hojo, losing their mothers, and the expectations Shinra holds over them. Sephiroth feels relieved that there's finally someone who understands him, and approaches all of his vents without any judgement whatsoever. And yeah....maybe they start a plot to kill Hojo.
• Genesis finally gets a girl bestie to share his makeup and fashion interests with. Although Aerith is less interested in girly things, he quickly persuades her to be his practice dummy and loves to play with her hair. You can find them with their arms linked, off causing trouble somewhere.
• Aerith and Cloud become fast friends with their complimentary personalities. They both grew up very lonely, and understand what that's like. Aerith is his support system through and through. She goes out of her way to make him feel included and heard, when oftentimes the others simply brush off his shyness as him being closed-off.
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I am honestly disappointed in this fandom as someone who is a fan of Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer. I'm going to speak my mind as I have from day one since I allowed myself to float within this fandom.
This entire Timmy thing is completely bullshit I can't believe you guys. The second you hear that Timmy is doing something you don't like you think it's the end of the goddamn world and you jump ship and start talking shit about him. Really?!!! 🙄
"oh my god Timmy's smoking at a Beyonce concert!!!"
"oh my god Timmys hanging out with a Jenner. he isn't the Timmy I thought I knew?" YOU DON'T KNOW HIM PERSONALLY! all you know is what he decides to show you on social media and through whatever the media decides to feed you.
If you actually met him in person then I'm happy for you..but you still don't know him.
this poor guy can't just live his life and do his own thing because everyone and their dog is judging him for every little thing he does like it's this fandoms business when it's not.
I don't like the fact that Timmy is hanging out with this bitch either but you know what I still understand what it means to be human, what it means to actually see someone who has flaws, strengths and weaknesses and still try and be compassionate despite my own feelings about a situation.
This fandom can not control Timmy's decisions or his choices!!! Have some respect for him as a person and not just see him as some "god" who could do no wrong or someone who is "perfect" or just someone you wish you could fuck through rose colored glasses.
He is a human being who is entitled to having a life that is outside of Hollywood, outside of his fans and outside of being this famous movie star.
I swear to God this fandom... it started out as a place where we could all come together and love this one thing. And now it's turned into a gatekeeping, judge everyone, our shit don't stink place, and judging both Armie and Timmy for their personal life decisions like you don't make stupid mistakes within your own lives!
Timmy does not owe anyone a thing not who he dates whether he is dating her or not, who he hangs out with ECT. He is allowed to make mistakes, he is allowed to grow and he is allowed to learn whatever he needs to you don't KNOW HIM personally.
The way you all are behaving is like he has turned into R Kelly or some shit. calm the fuck down. Jesus Christ bro.
Timothee Chalamet is grown who can make his own decisions. but did you ever think that he just may be going through something? The poor kid can't catch a break no matter what he does if it doesn't go this fandoms way everyone is pissed or freaking out about it.
I am heavily aware of that families reputation and I can't stand them and personally don't care what the hell they do. With Timothee I do to an extent but I am also of the understanding you don't have to like what he does, you don't have to agree with it but at the end of the day, Timmy is gonna do what Timmy is going to do regardless of what we think or feel about it.
I'm going to stand behind Timmy and Armie until the day I'm not here. Because that is what being a fan of them is about being there for them both individually and separately, as well as together as a whole. REGARDLESS of whatever they decide to do with their personal lives and who with.
Also who someone sticks their dick into holds no merit whatsoever to who they are as a person when it comes to their character. As who they are as a whole.
"Do you see Timmy being disrespectful to fans?and saying fuck off?"
"do you see him being an entitled brat who thinks he's better than everyone else?"
Also leave @silvyysthings alone they don't need the crap that they are getting from haters and people who are no longer fans of this fandom. If you want to leave the fandom then go but don't drag those of us who wish to stay down with you.
All you can do is trust that he knows what he's doing and all that and get through whatever is going on with him at the time.
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yellowgreendinno · 2 months
Do you have any LGBTQ+ black clover headcanons? Talk about them!
Mereo: Lesbian. I have a headcanon that as a child and teenager, her parents constantly told her she'd find a man and fall in love with him, but during all those years she had a horrible crush on Fue's girl best friend.
Fuegoleon: He's demisexual and pan. He's never thought about it though, to him it's just "I like people", but he really does need a deep bond there, which can be given in a ship like Fuenozel.
Nozel: He's bisexual, preference for women though. Because whenever I see him with Vanessa, Dotty, Helena or whoever, I think "yeah, this man is so fucking straight". But, for Fuegoleon and only for Fuegoleon, he's gay. So, so gay.
Nebra: I think she's either a lesbian, or bisexual, but I only have to say: Yes, she has had a crush on Mereoleona; and yes, the conversation below has happened.
Nozel: Why don't you have a boyfriend yet? Men are hot. Nebra: No they're not. Nozel: Nebra: Nozel & Nebra: ...you're gay- bro- you're hoMOSEXUAL-
Kirsch: The gayest gay who has ever gayed. He's so gay it hurts my senses.
Solid: He's gay, but asexual. There's no way this man has any interest in sex whatsoever. But I kinda ship him with Gauche or/and Langris, so- yeah, gay.
Leo: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY and GAY. His first crush was Solid, and he's in love with Yuno, he thinks Asta's hot- this man has no way around women.
Mimosa: she's so straight is painful
Noelle: The biggest bisexual mess there's ever been and ever will be, and the funny thing is she's on aware of it. Like, she doesn't understand what this little skip is in her heart whenever Asta's close to her, but even less how she feels so warm when Kahono sings just for her.
Kahono: Bisexual, no preference whatsoever.
Kiato: He thinks he's straight, but he's actually bisexual with a male preference.
William: Oh, he's gay. And experimenting with He/They.
Jack: Straight, play flirts with Yami though.
Charlotte: *clears throat* STRAIGHT!
Sol: She was a raging homosexual, but Magna made her question her sexuality. After, she realised she just thought he was handsome and that's it, she's still a raging homosexual.
Dorothy: She's straight, and I just can't see the Nozel & Dorothy dynamic without her having a painfully obvious crush on him.
Rill: Oh boy, he has absolutely NO clue. The only thing he's sure about is he's genderfluid and has come out to only Marx, William and Nozel. (I- I read an omegaverse fic on Ao3 called "Family Tree" and... *sobs* omega Nozel, Rill, William and Marx sticking together is honestly one of the best things I have ever layed eyes upon)
Yami: I don't really ship Yamichar, because I think Yami's the aroacest aroace that's ever aroaced.
Nacht: He absolutely gives no fucks about anything, he's yet to experience attraction, but isn't sure about being aro/ace.
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Sad day being a majima Stan 😭😭😭😭 how the fuck does Yokoyama miss the mark on majima so bad it's insane 😤😡🤯 anyway glad we got you to keep the love alive 🤗 have an egg during these trying times 🥚
also thankies for the egg 🥺
hi this is Captain CapsLock and I will be in charge of your flight this evening
doesn't understand why the fandom loves a "scary character" THAT'S WHY WE LOVE HIM HE'S A LIL WEIRDO. also he's like not scary whatsoever. like sure theoretically because he's literal yakuza but even in the context of the games? no way he's a total goober are you kidding me
Majima would have nothing to do in the games WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST REPLACE A CHARACTER WITH MAJIMA INSTEAD YALL KEEP MAKING NEW ONES I DON'T CARE ABOUT YES YAKUZA 6 I'M LOOKING AT YOU AND ANYWAY KIRYU'S UP TO SOME BULLSHIT FOR NO REASON AGAIN GET MAJIMA IN THERE CUZ FUCK IT. ngl it always peeved me off that Kiryu and Saejima were the "pillars of the Tojo Clan" then like wtf was Majima the entire time if not babysitting the whole ass organization. yeah I'm showing favoritism but c'mon jklsdkldkl
bruh I knew that stream was gonna piss me off and I was right lmaooo. I already got trauma from being a halo and warhammer fan bro I cannot with this kldskllkd. and here's the thing, I don't want Ichiban's story to be overshadowed by Kiryu's (and by proxy Majima) but also they keep shoehorning them into things while being like okay lol this is the end of it we prommy 🤞
like whoopdidoo what a "send off" for the umpteenth time. I think what hurts most is you can really see how much Ugaki loves voicing Majima and the fact that RGG really wants to leave Majima to the wayside while still putting Kiryu front and center for who knows what reason this time is just hhhhhhhhhh. now of course, this doesn't mean Majima is like, potentially out of the party system all together but if he is? lol okay very cool
I'mma keep making stuff I love cuz bruh I sure as shit ain't getting it from RGG. and like, I'm not naïve. I understand all things come to an end at some point but man I just wish it was satisfactory. maybe it was for other people but not for me. but I also realize I speak from a point of extreme bias. I certainly feel miffed about this more than most but at the end of the day I'm just a silly lil fan shouting at clouds lol so take anything I say with grain of salt
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
It's all good! I never expected to get a quick answer, as I sent so many questions and kind of knew you'd probably have to think about some of them. I was going to comment directly on the post, but character limit caught me, ugh.
I don't know why but I can imagine most angels kind of being a bit bitchy, so I totally understand Neil! I'd probably do the same lol I hope Andrew at some point just starts buying clothes for Neil, like Andrew one day just shows up with one bag in hand and just gives it to him, no justification whatsoever. But… if it's the clothes Neil died in, do they have blood? Or did they get magically cleaned? How physical is he when he's walking around invisible? Does he have to constantly dodge people when walking around? (That sounds so fucking annoying, I constantly have to do that myself) If somebody spilled sauce in whatever place he's supposed to be currently occupying, would he end up full of sauce? Do his clothes ever get dirty? I'm just envisioning him walking to a laundromat to put them to wash, and just hanging out invisible and shirtless while he's waiting for it to be done.
I'm dying to know what Incident you're talking about! I'm like "feeed me moreeee".
Aaahh, was the part "Unless there are any other semi-invisible people in it." in the last wip post a reference to Kevin's guardian angel?? Is it someone we know? Also also, is there somebody extra in the team (since they couldn't recruit Neil)?
I'm glad to help! I'm glad I can contribute a bit to the story, it makes me happy. I definitely get the blurry weeks too, even months tbh. I haven't been much better, but I'm alright. The best I can possibly be atm. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Webkinz, I didn't play that many games as a child. I had a Nintendo DS, tho. I miss my Super Mario Bros :') Anyway, just try to take one day at a time, you know? <3
Aw. I hate character limits so much. D: Like, come on man. Let me yap! But anywho. I'll be yapping under the cut! :) <3
You’re absolutely right about the other angels. Like, “Uh… this kid looks insane and also he’s talking to his charge? That’s… not allowed. We are not messing with him. No thank you.” 
Also omg that would be really cute. Andrew just throwing a plastic bag in Neil's lap and sitting down beside him. Neil just: What’s this? | Andrew: I'm tired of looking at that hoodie so I got you one that's not ripped all to hell.
Neil’s clothes aren’t bloody, thankfully. (Oh my god. Can you imagine the night Andrew met Neil if he’d been covered with dried blood? That would’ve gone so differently. And badly. :’)) But no. His clothes had been miracled clean. Like, when he ‘woke up’ to the bright light, he was clean.
Neil doesn’t generally get out of the way. If a human walks through him, that’s their business. (They will experience a sudden chill, but Neil doesn’t know that he has that effect. And he doesn’t care. Lol.) 
Ooh. That’s interesting. So let’s see… If, for example, Neil were sitting in the dining hall with Andrew and the monsters— invisibly of course— and someone spilled something on him… I think I’ve gotta say it would just… get all over him.
And Neil would accidentally pop into Andrew-mode because the shock of suddenly being doused with soda or soup or whatever would have him ‘letting go of the button’. Andrew would likely get choked, Neil might have to do this invisible heimlich maneuver… It would be… Not good. Hilarious, but not good. 
So that’s why Neil typically chills on the roof whenever Andrew isn’t Traveling. Less of a chance to majorly fuck up if he’s not around all the humans. :)
Yes, Neil’s clothes sometimes feel dirty to him. He’s since learned to magic them clean. :) A lot of trial and error on his part. Luckily he doesn’t have to strip naked and wash his clothes in the dorm’s laundry room. Lmao. Naked angel vibing in the corner. Gkldjglk 
Ahhh, I can’t tell you yet. TWT I’m sorry…
Also! Not really. Andrew was mainly just being a smart ass! :) He likes to do that. (We do know Kevy's angel.)
As for the team. No. Janie is still there, but otherwise they haven’t got any other new players. See, Kevin had picked out this striker for them to go see. Out in some tiny town in Arizona. But before they could fly out to see him play, his coach called Wymack to say he’d up and transferred suddenly with only a month left before graduation. Didn’t say where he was moving to or why he was leaving. Kevin was devastated that they’d lost this kid because he could tell he had potential. :((
<33333 I hope things get better soon for all of us. Also, Webkinz is a virtual pet game and I love it dearly. :) I have a couple of pets named Andreil and Kandrew on it right now. Haha. 
Thanks for always being so lovely! <333 I love you dude!! <3
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