#bro bond
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Trauma bond? No. Bro bond.
Was having Steve and Lucas bro bond thoughts that accidentally turned into Steve whump.
Steve and Lucas bonding over sports more than anyone realized they ever would.
Like yeah, everyone knew Steve played basketball and was on the swim team in high school; that was practically his entire personality for a bit. But they never realized how much he actually /liked/ the sports.
Until he was geeking out with Lucas over a new play they’d thought of.
It was odd for them all to see Steve so excited. They watched on from their seats on the front porch steps. Eddie and Jonathan each had a beer, the both of them sharing a blunt with Argyle. Nancy and Robin sat on the steps below them, watching on while Steve and Lucas payed them no mind from the driveway.
It was almost comical— how the moment Lucas showed up on his bike Steve was up in an instant. After confirming it was indeed not a code red, Steve was quick to join Lucas. Especially after being told it was basketball related.
Steve had kicked his own beer over in his haste to get up.
Now Steve and Lucas were in the driveway, the garage door down (to prevent damage to the cars) and the Harrington’s basketball hoop out. Both were blissfully unaware of the eyes following them. Well, the eyes following /Steve/, it was more like.
Circling back the earlier thought; they’d never seen him to engaging in something. So excited. So…happy.
Which was really sad to think about.
“I’ve never seen him so excited over something,” Nancy said, speaking everyone’s thoughts.
Well. Except Argyle’s, it seems. “Nah, man. He gets like this anytime he starts talking about sports. We were watching a soccer game on TV last night and he was like— totally freaking out! Waving his hands around and talking a mile a minute.”
He took a puff of the blunt and passed it to Eddie, unaware of how he just tilted everyone’s worlds.
“Wait—“ Eddie took a drag and his voice was strained while he kept in the smoke “—he actually talks to you about that shit?”
Argyle hummed and looked at Eddie oddly. Eddie blew the smoke out and held Argyle’s eye.
“Yeah dude. All the time. Might help that I played volleyball back in Cali but— really, I just like hearing him talk. And I think he likes talking. He talks a lot.”
Argyle was getting extra talkative now, his sentences becoming shorter and more frequent. That’s how you knew he was high enough to not care.
“He’s never really been that talkative,” mumbled Robin, a sudden kind of dread settling uncomfortably in her chest.
Argyle shrugged. “Maybe you don’t talk about what he likes to talk about. He likes talking about sports. And romance books. He reads a lot of romance books.”
Well isn’t that something, Eddie thought. Steve Harrington likes to read.
(It brought up a distant memory from high school, from Steve’s sophomore year and Eddie’s junior year. Back before “King Steve” meant “jackass”.
“Well well, looky here, fellas! King Steve is gracing us peasants with his presence.” Eddie called mockingly to the young man sitting at the table in the library.
Steve— only 15 at the time, not 16 for another couple of months— looked up from his book with furrowed brows and a pout on his pretty pink lips. A pout that 21 year old Eddie would come to love.
Steve hadn’t done to much in the interaction. He more or less sat in silence while Eddie went on and on about something he couldn’t remember now.
When Steve had gotten up from the table, he doggy-eared his page (like a monster) and tucked the book under his arm. Eddie saw the title only briefly, “Forever Amber”.)
“Do we really never talk about his interests?” asked Jonathan to the sky, his head tilted up while he blew the smoke away.
They all startled when a series of shouts and laughs came from Lucas and Steve in the driveway. Eddie looked over in time to watch Steve pull Lucas in for a hug where they both patted each others backs aggressively. Eddie’s seen the guys do that at games. Some kind of weird bro-hug.
Eddie continued to watch when Steve bent down to pick up the rolling basketball. Eddie’s mind went other places quick enough when Steve pulled his shorts up a little higher. Robin smacked his calf.
“Seriously, you guys never talk to him about sports?” Argyle asked, flabbergasted. And I suppose he had every right to be. These were some of Steve’s closest friends. His boyfriend and his best friend! And they never got to listen to Steve rant about a particular basketball game from high school? About some specific swimming stroke and how it helped him win swim competitions?
They were seriously missing out.
Robin hung her head in shame and thought about it, her eyes misting over the more she realized that— yeah, she never talked to Steve about sports. Let alone his other interests. (Did he have other interests? That fact that she had to ask this question made her want to cry and hug Steve.)
Robin picked her head up and propped it in her hands. She looked on with everyone else as Steve and Lucas cheered about something or other.
Steve tossed Lucas the ball in the driveway. He bent himself at the knees and placed his hands on his thighs, breathing heavily.
“Alright, Sinclair. Hit me.” he smirked.
He and Lucas had been tossing the ball back and forth for close to an hour now, both excited to get this play right. Lucas dribbled the ball three times on the ground quickly before he set into motion.
Steve cut him off to the left, but Lucas swerved to the right so fast he nearly toppled himself over. Steve turned and jumped in front of him just in time to body slam him slightly. Not nearly as rough as he could’ve been, holding back because they were outside on concrete and Steve wasn’t going to be responsible for a concussion.
The ball rolled away into the grass, unnoticed while Steve gave Lucas a hand and pulled him up.
Lucas was taking heaving breaths, and for a scary moment Steve was worried he’d slammed him too hard and knocked his lungs around. It’s possible. That’s why Steve himself had an inhaler in the drawer closest to his bed.
But then Lucas was laughing, and soon Steve was to.
“Dude! How’d you do that? I’ve never seen anyone move like that man!” Lucas praised over his heavy breathing. Steve chuckled and took his own deep breaths.
He clapped Lucas on the shoulder, grabbed the ball, and steered him towards the porch. “Plant your feet next time.” He felt a ping of anger and sadness at the words, but tramped it down.
It was only when he’d reached the porch with Lucas that Steve realized they were alone outside. Had everyone gone inside? Did sports seriously bore them so much that they just up and left? The thought made something bitter churn in Steve’s gut.
He led Lucas through the door and dropped the basketball on the porch by the door. It was muddy and his floors were going to remain white for as long as possible thank you very much.
They both left their shoes by the door and traveled to the kitchen, Lucas talking about how fast he’d ducked and wanting to know what Steve meant by planting his feet. Steve agreed to another playing session the next day with a grin. It was nice to have someone who enjoyed what he did.
He tossed Lucas a bottle of water from the fridge and made sure the kid drank it all. They sat with each other at the counter for a minute, Steve idly sipping his water and listening to Lucas’ still heavy breaths.
“Damn, I still can’t catch my breath man.” Lucas laughed lightly.
Steve smiled and set his water down.
“Wait here, don’t do anything stupid.”
Lucas gave him a two finger salute as he walked off upstairs. Steve was sure to avoid the living room and was quick to grab the aforementioned inhaler from his drawer. He jogged back into the kitchen and sat next to Lucas one more.
“Ok, so I’m assuming you know what an inhaler is.”
Lucas nodded, staring at the inhaler in Steve’s hand oddly.
“I don’t have asthma,” Lucas said matter-of-factly.
Steve chuckled. “And neither do I. But there are times where you get knocked around too much or too hard, and it can rattle your lungs. I found that out the hard way when I was 14 and had my first asthma attack. My lungs had rattled so much they got trapped between my ribs and my mom had to take me to the hospital.”
Lucas winced. “Seriously? How the hell did you manage that?”
My dad got a little too rough, Steve thought. But decided against saying that, obviously. He smiled and shook his head. “Not important.”
Steve uncapped the inhaler and gave it a good shake. “Ok, I’m assuming you know at least a little about using one of these but one things for sure, you’ve gotta fix your posture.”
Lucas immediately straightened his back.
Steve went on explaining about how curling into yourself like that basically compressed your lungs and made breathing harder.
He held the inhaler to Lucas’ mouth and instructed him to breathe in and hold it for as long as he felt he could before releasing slowly.
Lucas did as instructed, and after no more than two puffs Steve instructed him to simply keep his back straight and take deep breaths through his nose and to release slowly through his mouth.
Lucas left on his bike a few minutes later with a few snacks and an extra bottle of water in his bag. Steve told him to talk to his parents about getting him a medical inhaler if he planned to stick out basketball for all of high school. Steve knew how aggressive those kids could be, and while it wasn’t always necessary it was helpful.
When he closed the door behind Lucas he went straight to the living room.
Where apparently everyone had relocated.
“Uh.. hey?” Steve waved pathetically. He had really no idea what to do with the 5 pairs of eyes on him.
“Ok? Um— seriously why are you all looking at me like that? It’s fucking freaky.” Steve curled in on himself a little, folding his arms and hunching his shoulders.
Robin was the first to shoot out of her seat on the couch. Steve was given no warning before he was engulfed in a hug.
“Oh? Ok—“ He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “What happened, Robs? You alright?” he asked from where his face was tucked into her neck.
She nodded, but it was obvious something was wrong.
When Robin let go she dragged Steve by the wrist to the couch and sat with him. He looked at everyone else settled in the living room and raised an eyebrow.
“This isn’t like— an intervention or something, right?” he tried to joke. Argyle seemed to find it funny at least. Steve smiled at him where he sat on the floor by the coffee table.
Then there was an arm wrapping around his waist from the side Robin wasn’t pressed against and Steve wasted no time leaning his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“What’s up with you guys, huh? You’re quiet and it’s scary. I don’t like it.” Steve muttered the last part under his breath and more to himself. But Eddie squeezed his hip reassuringly.
“Nothing’s up, baby. How was everything with Lucas?” Eddie asked. Steve barely gave himself time to pause before he answered, “Good. He’s been moving a lot faster lately.”
He bit his tongue against the slew of words he wanted to spill about everything they’d done in that hour they’d been outside. Instead he said,
“Sorry. Totally ditched you guys for the ball.” He chuckled, trying to take the weight of the words off some. Eddie tutted.
“Don’t apologize, Steve. You looked like you having fun.” Came Nancy’s unexpected reply. Steve’s head shot up to look at her before traveling back to Argyle, who gave him a vague “go on” gesture with his hand.
“Uh..” He pulled his eyes back to Nancy. “Yeah, had a lot of fun. Um— you guys alright?”
Jonathan groaned and Steve watched Nancy hit him on the arm. They had a whole argument with their eyes before Nancy deflated. What the hell?
“Steve.” Jonathan started. Steve flinched slightly and didn’t relax when Eddie squeezed his hip.
He braced himself for the laughs, the jeers. Them telling him they didn’t care that he had fun and that they had to go.
“We’re sorry.”
Steve blinked. You’d think an apology that sounded so heartfelt would lower his inner walls a bit, but it only served to raise them higher. Because—
“What the fuck? Why?”
Jonathan rubbed the back of his head and let Nancy take the lead this time.
“For brushing you off.”
Steve blinked, his inner walls no longer rising but not lowering either.
“For not showing that we cared whenever you started talking about your sports and things.” Was Robin’s add-on from beside him.
Steve flinched and made to get up but remembered he was kind of held down by both Robin and Eddie.
“So this is an intervention? Guys it’s fine, seriously—“
“No. It’s not. Stop talking for a second and let us be sorry, sweetheart.” Eddie’s grip tightened again and Steve tried to find comfort in it like he normally did, but he was so uncomfortable right now it was unbelievable.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been apologized to. Not like this. Not with such sincerity.
It scared him, honestly.
“We’re sorry we didn’t bother trying to show interest in anything you did even though you always made sure to show interest in ours,” was how Eddie finished.
“Even with all the teasing you add in.” Chuckled Jonathan.
Steve found a bit of the comfort he was searching for.
He cleared his throat. “Um ok— so—“
“Not done.” Demanded Nancy.
Steve shut up.
“We’re sorry that we made fun of your interests and maybe made you feel like you couldn’t share your thoughts and feelings with us in fear of getting ridiculed.”
And good God if that wasn’t right on the money.
Steve swallowed against the tears that threatened to mist over his vision.
He laughed quietly instead. And maybe he looked like he was going insane but Jesus Christ— he couldn’t take this right now. He was not expecting a fucking apology after an hour of playing basketball.
What the fuck has his life turned into?
“Ok— done now?” he asked. And when nobody spoke up against him he continued.
“So um— thanks? For the apology? I guess— I guess I just don’t understand. Why are you guys apologizing when you didn’t do anything wrong?”
That got him a chorus of groans that made him curl into himself more. He hung his head and pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and pointer, a nervous habit he’d developed in middle school.
“Steve.” Robin gently said. “We have every reason to apologize and fucking grovel.”
Steve wasn’t given a single moment to protest.
“Sweetheart, what did you do yesterday when I was talking about my campaign?”
Steve looked at Eddie funny. “Dude I don’t know— I think you started talking about it while I was cooking?”
Eddie nodded. “And then you told me to hold on while you put the lasagna in the oven so you could give me your full attention.”
Steve blinked dumbly, not quite getting it.
“That’s the bare minimum, Ed. You were talking about something you really liked so I made sure you knew I was listening.”
And oh wow. It just dawned on him.
“Exactly, honey. None of us— except Argyle, apparently— have been giving you the attention you deserve even though you give us yours no matter what.”
“Steve you listened to me drone about types of cameras and film last week for three hours and didn’t complain once. I know for a fact that shit was boring to listen to because I’ve been told so by both Will and El numerous times.”
Steve stared at Jonathan.
“Ok, sure. But I don’t see— I don’t get— I don’t care that you guys don’t listen to me. Sports are complicated and yeah sure it kind of hurts when you scoff as if it doesn’t mean shit—“
Eddie’s grip tightened considerably.
“—but it— I get it. You guys aren’t obligated to listen to my shit. I listen to you guys because I want to. Because I like hearing you talk about things you’re passionate about. Like Nancy and that new article for the school paper about the different recipe for the meatloaf that makes it taste like dirt, apparently. Or how Polaroid cameras actually date all the way back to like— 1948. Or—“
“But that’s the thing, Steve.” Nancy cut him off. “You listen to these things and remember them because you want to. Because you’re a good friend and good friends listen. We—“ he waved her hand around to all of them “—have not been good friends.”
Steve swallowed around the lump in his throat while Nancy continued.
“The fact that you remember my exact words of calling the meatloaf dirt just proves that. Because we had that conversation, what? A month ago?”
“Three weeks ago.” Me mumbled uselessly.
Nancy sighed.
Robin sat up and took Steve’s face in her hands. “Stevie. We love you. So let us.”
And just like that, Steve was engulfed in a giant group hug.
He didn’t realize how much it’d affected him before now. How being scoffed at and made fun of— even if it was playful— hurt him so much that he’d just stopped talking about things.
When they pulled away Eddie kissed his forehead and Robin kissed his cheek. Steve giggled at the sudden affection.
The very next day, Steve saw the change.
Saw the change in how Eddie made sure to ask him about what he was cooking and then let Steve explain the process of a breakfast casserole. How Eddie simply smiled and even engaged with questions as if he was really interested. And maybe Steve didn’t completely believe he was interested, but that was ok. He’d come to his senses eventually.
Then at work Robin made a point to let him choose what they put on the TV for the day and didn’t even complain when he chose the Breakfast Club.
He was scared that they change would last no more than a week. That after some time they’d all go right back to how it was before.
But then a week passed. And two. And three. And then months we’re going by where Steve was allowed to rant and talk and argue about things like cooking and baking and basketball and soccer and volleyball and so much more because they would listen.
And then a year passed and it was April and it was his birthday and when he was surrounded by everyone— the kids, the older teens, even the adults— he opened a present and looked down at the book in his lap.
“Forever Amber”.
Steve will never admit to the tears that he cried that day.
Probably gonna do something like this with Lucas and the kids cause I love Lucas ❤️
Here’s that lol:
#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#argyle#lucas sinclair#steve gets his appreciation#steve harrington whump#steve has his own interests#his world doesn’t revolve around everyone else#let him be happy#and silly#steddie#hurt/comfort#but not really#cause I’m shit at angst#lucas and steve having a bro bond over sports and doing the weird side hug things#bro bond#cause I’m kind of obsessed
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I had this random thought today, that if I’ll have two sons in the future I’ll name them Dean and Sam. Supernatural shows such awesome bond between the brothers, they take care of each other and will literally die for each other. My heart overflows with emotion when i see the bond between the Winchester boys❤️
Awww, hun! I love that. I love that so much. ❤️😍
I think Supernatural has been able to connect with people on a wide variety of themes surrounding family:
Family don't end with blood.
Absent fathers and mothers.
Quasi-father, uncle, mother, sister, brother figures.
"Almost" sons and "almost" daughters.
But the central theme and relationship, of course, is that brotherhood, for better or worse. And there's been a lot of "worse" between Sam and Dean.
Ultimately though, their bro bond is more. It's quasi-father. It's protector. It's best friend. It's "the bad guys know you're my weakness." It's "I'll sell my soul for you." It's "I'm not myself when you're not in my life." It's "even when I hate you, you're my family."
Plus, I think objectively "Sam" and "Dean" are just awesome names. The French origination of Dean means "leader." Because of course it does.
Whereas Samuel comes from Hebrew, meaning "God has heard," which is an interesting irony, considering his arc in the show.
Dean's character was created to emulate the "James Dean" type, the Han Solo, the Indiana Jones, the Captain Kirk. While Sam was created to be the Luke Skywalker. The Sherlock Holmes.
The brawn and the brain. The swashbuckler and the cerebral hero.
But they're each so much more than those archetypes suggest, which is part of the reason why I fell in love with the show -- and why Kripke is a goddamn freakin' genius.
(And why I think Jensen and Jared are phenomenal actors.)
Anyway, sorry for my unsolicited Ted Talk/Sam & Dean musings. Thanks for dropping into my Ask box to share your thoughts with me! 🥰😘
#ask me stuff#random thoughts#supernatural#sam and dean#bro bond#also if I had a son I'd probably name him Dean#Unless I miraculously find a Dean to marry#🤔#dean winchester#sam winchester#jensen ackles#jared padalecki#zepskies answers
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Imagine being Classic Sonic and Classic Tails in Generations and seeing your future selves be living proof that you two really have become best friends forever
It drives me crazy you have no idea. You have no idea. They're learning so much<3
#my art#chipillustrates#drift~!#sonic#sth#sonic fanart#sonic the hedgehog#unbreakable bond#miles tails prower#sonic and tails#classic sonic#classic tails#sonic generations#I still struggle with drawing the classic bros but once I learn it's so over for you guys. It's so over for ME.
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Showing off the babies
(I watched Ultraman Rising! It was good!)
From this
#godzilla#ultraman#godzilla x kong: the new empire#ultraman rising#godzilla minus one#netflix#kenji sato#emi ultraman#kong#suko#the bebes!#now my collection is complete#Finally#I have them all#the dads/big bro collection#also I watched Ultraman Rising#it was better than I expected!#loved the family bond and the story#Emi is a baby#she's a good baby#now what if I put her with Minus One....#hhhhhmmmmm#haha joking!#....#unless?#do not repost#my art
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Unbreakable bond Secret Santa gift for @transzsonix!
#sth#unbreakable bond#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#miles tails prower#tails#sonic fanart#storybook bros :)#my art#doodles#sth fanart
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You can draw whatever you want forever
#shit post#this goes without saying but NOT a ship lmao#father daughter bonding#i guess#he adopted her#doki doki literature club#ddlc natsuki#natsuki ddlc#ddlc#ddlc fanart#ddlc plus#mouthwashing swansea#swansea mouthwashing#swansea#mouthwashing game#mouthwashing fanart#mouthwashing#horror games#art#digital art#joke art#me and bro
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Say hello to Jumping Spider AU! Where Orange DIDN'T get to talk it out with Alan and was dropped to the Outernet. Where TDL got into another massive fights with TCO much more early that got them seperated before Orange was created and the whole Virabots thing (TCO kept the house. But only cause TDL refuse to live in the same house as he is)
TDL is convinced that he doesn't care about TCO, or that now he's alone, he doesn't need anyone! Until some Orange kid with the same head as him crashes onto him. Literally. Fate seems to hate him (or pity him?)
#alan becker#animation vs animator#animator vs animation#ava#ava the dark lord#ava tdl#ava orange#ava the second coming#the duo that is the most depicted to hate eachother's guts#but I am very curious about their dynamic beyond that in certain situations/circumstances#what IS TDL to Orange? a bad but only companion? an annoying big bro? a tough love dad?#maybe all of them in the worst way possible#they are in no way fits but unlike TCO and TDL#fate kept them close and force them to bond it out#jumping spider au
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Most children, once they've grown up and moved out, sometimes come back to visit their parents to use their house as a sort of personal grocery store
And with Bruce being a literal billionaire whose house is always stocked with food and supplies, the batkids (that aren't living in the manor) definitely visit just for the purpose of taking shit for themselves.
For Dick, it's just small things, food and maybe some utensils. Bruce is barely in the kitchen so he never notices dishes go missing, and there are like 10 other children in his house so literally any one of the younger kids could've stolen food in the middle of the night, so he doesn't bat an eye at all.
Babs probably steals Bruce's hardware or his tools from the batcave. Sometimes, if she's nice, she'll leave a note.
Steph probably takes shit that no one will notice at the time but will absolutely be annoyed about when they need said thing. Stapler, soap bars, the microwave plate, etc...(Taking after Jason, she steals the hub caps off the batmobile's tires)
However, for Jason, once his relationship with Bruce is somewhat decent, of course he's gonna be petty and start stealing the more expensive shit in the manor for his apartment. Jason's microwave is broken? The next day, the cave's self-made and enhanced microwave made by Bruce for convenience is just gone.
Jason's feeling a coffee maker for his place? The one in Bruce's study disappears, too.
At first, Bruce thinks he's just sleep deprived, but then much bigger things start to go missing, like the whole TV and couch set in the living room. He assumes the younger kids are just playing pranks on him (sounds like something Stephanie would do) but then Bruce notices that the thief deliberately avoids stealing things from the kitchen, which is where Alfred is most of the time, and suddenly Bruce has an irritated clue on who the culprit is.
At first, he doesn't say anything, until one day he comes back, tired from a patrol, and is about to log in all the info on the computer only to realize his batchair is gone. That's when he texts Jason a blunt "If you really need things for your place, you can just ask me. I'll buy them for you." (As if Jason himself isn't loaded from his totally legal activities)
So now Jason's pettiness levels increase tenfold, and oh, wouldn't you look at it, his bike needs some new tires, and he knows a great place to get some more.
One night, Bruce is just blearily getting up for a late night snack, only to see Damian scamper away with a...lamp? So Bruce immediately follows him into the foyer only to see ALL of his kids (sans the ones not living in the manor), trying to haul two arm chairs out the window, and they just stop dead silent to stare at him until someone whispers a nervous "Crap"
Bruce doesn't even have any energy to fight, he just pinches his nose and is all "What is the meaning of this" in his tired dad voice. And Duke meekly responds with "we wanted more chairs at Jason's place"
And suddenly it all makes sense. Not once did Bruce wonder how the HELL Jason managed to lug a whole 60in TV and a full couch set on his own in one night. Of course, he had accomplices. Bruce just turns right around and goes right the hell back to his room to sleep. He'll deal with this in the morning.
#Batfam#batkids#batdad#family bonding means stealing shit from ur dad to bring to ur big bro's place to make hangouts more comfortable#Bruce can measure the state of his relationship based on what Jason's currently stealing from his place#Jason isn't stealing anything at all? Ok he's MAD mad at Bruce.#Which tells Bruce he's gotta write up an apology text soon otherwise a building in Gotham's abt to blow up#Jason steals some tires from his vehicles? Means they probably had a heartfelt moment recently.#Jason steals shit Bruce KNOWS he doesn't need? Like a whole ass SINK? Bruce knows he did smth to mildy annoy Jason.#jason todd#dick grayson#bruce wayne#batman#red hood#damian wayne#barbara gordon#stephanie brown#duke thomas#batfamily#batbros#crack#dc comics#fanatical posting
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ill always love the concept of muichiro remembering yuichiro and seeing him in obanai
#demon slayer#kny#muichiro tokito#obanai iguro#yuichiro tokito#demon slayer fanart#kny fanart#demon slayer comic#kny comic#tokito twins#and their big bro obanai#kaburamaru#ghostbites first comic who cheered#artbites#artists on tumblr#art#demon slayer art#kny art#digital art#comic#siblings#kny kindred bonds#kny siblings week
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Tails talking in science-y language, being met with a blank stare or something of the like by Sonic, then sheepishly rephrasing it for him is something that'll never get old 😂
It's even funnier when you remember that technically the Tornado belongs to Sonic, and yet Tails knows it better 🤣
And it's been going on since the ole days
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sth#miles tails prower#sonic and tails#unbreakable bond#they're brothers your honor#wholesome sonic and tails wednesday#wstw#wsatw#when your little bro is a genius#and instead of you teaching him new words#you dont even know half his vocabulary#always love this dynamic of theirs#never gets old
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Sometimes the doomed old man toxic yoai gets so bad you just have to start writing about fucking revenge guac to get over the pain.
#sonic movie 3#sonic 3#sonic the hedgehog#slight spoilers#stobotnik#I've never seen such fucking YEARN in a man before like PICK IT UP bro your obsession is so obvious#I've never felt so.. like this about an end of a relationship before i swear to god if Stone disappears after this I'll riot#I need him causing destruction in Robotniks name but before that I'm going to cope with him being a yearny little shit snd Shadow being edgy#Genuinely it's going to be 1K words of Shadow thinking 'Maria would've loved guacamole..' or something like that because i refuse to be sad#I'm not coping.. everyone lives nobody dies stobotnik ISN'T DEAD NOW WHAT DO YOU MEAN#the sonic movie team is paying for all of my bills not just the therapy ones because FUCK THIS#i loved the movie though it's so good gaia please never stop the peak it's so peak holy shit#OH GOD I JUST REMEMBERED METAL SONIC WON'T HAVE HIS DAD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE#I'm NOT going to be okay coming into the third movie how could you have taken the father son bonding AWAY FROM ME
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Domestic living
#homestuck#jakeartism#artism#jake english#dirk strider#dirkjake#jakedirk#jane crocker#janejake#dirkjakejane#this poor woman#jealous of mistress jake#dirk my beloved#dirk the jealous protective greedy type#does not vocalize that they’re together just does elaborate social minovours like this#‘Jake. let me sit in your lap. it’s normal for bro bonding. I also need to peck your cheek for social dominance to make an example.’#‘of how close our broness is. you understand I’m sure.’
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knighting his baby brother...........
inspired by @000marie198's post
#its a few minutes after midnight but thats fine#hes so proud of his lil bro. even if its him from a storybook#valiant tails my beloved#valiant tails#wholesome sonic and tails wednesday#wsatw#sonic the hedgehog#miles tails prower#unbreakable bond#the brothers ever#art#medival armor is so hard to draw damn-
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if Wes met Bernard
Bernard: I feel like I recognize YOU-
Bernard: no, aren't you the guy who posted that 4 hour video explains how 20% Congress were lizard people, and it turned out you had used stolen government files?
Wes: ...
Bernard: ...
Wes: do you work for the government?
Bernard: hell no! They work for the shadow government.
Wes: ah finally someone who understands
#unidentified flying ship#Bernard Dowd#wesley weston#danny phantom#dc x dp#dc comics#Ok but like Wes def made that video#After like ten minutes they're already like best bros#I know it#The bond over their vigilante bf's
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most normal game night with sonic & friends 🙏🏻
dumb little animatic with my Sonic gijinkas... I don't think I've posted my design for Amy yet BUT I FINALLY DREW KNUCKLES 😭 Hopefully it's obvious who is who
#sonic the hedgehog#sth#sonic#tails the fox#tails#miles tails prower#miles prower#amy the hedgehog#amy rose#knuckles the echidna#knuckles#unbreakable bond#sonic fanart#animatic#animation#shit post#gijinka#humanization#human design#THIS IS ACTUALLY SO STUPIDDDDDD#i find it funny to imagine Tails being a bit uneducated#BUT IT'S FINE SONIC WILL HYPE HIM UP ANYWAYS#dats his baby... it's basically his duty as his big bro#this is even funnier remembering i hc Sonic as mexican
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Just two firefighters strengthening that brotherhood.
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