#bring out the pitchforks
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instars-mara · 1 month ago
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Magma doodle I did
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loganswdc · 8 months ago
david coulthard they could never make me like you . i swear to god this man finds every opportunity to hate on logan , even coming up with absolute bull claims just to humiliate him on live tv . like how this past weekend he showed a white car , claimed it to be logan's , and said he's still "making contact without even being on track" and then laughing about it . and guess what ? that car wasn't even logan's !! it was his teammate's , alex albon's car !!!!!!!
this guy genuinely seems to hold so much hatred in his heart for logan considering how often he says shit about him and it absolutely infuriates me . and the fact he went so far as to humiliate him on live tv by saying something like that with the car is so messed up in my eyes ? i swear he pulls what he says about logan out of his ass and it's getting on my nerves .
i know and understand that its commentators' job to , well , commentate -- but they often say things about some drivers that exerts such hatred towards them . and in my opinion , that is not a sign of good commentating: it shows lack of morals , insecurity , and indicates a person who is unable to come up with comments about an athlete that criticize them fairly yet kindly . david coulthard has not done any of the sort to logan . he has consistently showed him hate , saying he doesn't belong in f1 , humiliating him on live tv with clips like this , amongst other things .
as a commentator and former formula 1 driver with a lot of influence , he should use his experience and prominence in motorsport to provide logan with constructive criticism . he should give him advice about what he thinks logan could do to improve even if he's in a bad car rather than consistently spread hate and talk crap about him . david coulthard is meant to be a role model figure in motorsports . instead , he acts like a bully towards a driver who is clearly struggling and needs to be shown a helping , guiding hand to learn about what he can do to improve his odds .
it's frustrating how often people in positions of power and who are highly respected in motorsports because of their career use their popularity and position of power to spread hate . i understand , this is a sport ! there will always be individuals who are assholes towards athletes , whether they are former athletes themselves or people sitting behind a screen who have nothing better to do and are upset about the trajectory of their own lives . the difference here , however , is that people who sit behind the screen often do not hold much power , while someone like david coulthard has hundreds of thousands , if not millions , of people listening to what he says and agreeing with him .
the car parking debacle may not seem like a huge problem , but when it is used as ammunition by haters to be rude to logan because a respected individual in motorsports spat on him too , then it is a problem . hate in general is a problem . it may have seemed like a simple joke , something to laugh at and giggle about . when you take into consideration how logan has been treated since he joined f1 , though , it's not a funny thing . it's just sad .
and the thing is that even though we now know it wasn't logan's car , people will still use it to hate on him . they'll ignore that fact . they'll pretend like it's still his car that was parked that way and they'll continue to joke and laugh and taunt logan . because that's just how haters are . it's a "harmless joke" in the moment , but in the long run it can be insanely damaging in numerous ways . that goes not just for jokes about logan , but about all the drivers , about all motorsports athletes , and about all people .
here's a video confirming it was NOT logan's car that was parked in a way that it was hitting the pole !
via kym illman on youtube
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greentea0305 · 1 month ago
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Tfa doodles of mostly ace (just a lot of my ocs interacting with canon characters)
I'm also shipping ace with optimus and I'm totally not nervous to post it at all ahahaha
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ssruis · 4 months ago
Wrt the people talking about the new set as fan service: my initial reaction was also “oh cute” & moving on, but after carefully reading the full arguments of the people who found it distasteful, I agree with their points. I’d normally link or post screenshots of the points made, but since the Prsk fanbase apparently is jumping people over this on twt I don’t feel comfortable doing that. To summarize and add some of my own explanation:
> everything in gacha games is fan service, which doesn’t have to necessarily mean it’s sexual - ode for the pure of heart featuring rui/touya (popular with female audience) looking very princely was fan service. The white day knight/fantasy theming is fan service (popular & well loved aesthetic). Fantasia squad was fan service for the players who like the male characters, etc etc.
> I don’t feel like arguing about all of the cards, so I’ll just point out what bothers me about the most egregious example (Rin’s card)
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When considering art, you have to consider the deliberate choices the artist made, and what messages they are trying to get across with the atmosphere they have created.
Why choose the maid aesthetic? Why make these cards a player pov? Why choose framing that (using the grid composition, contrast and lighting from the window, the way lines direct the eye) makes the points of interest and emphasis Rin’s face *and* butt? Why choose that pose, with Rin looking over her shoulder, with a surprised expression and prominent blush? Why is the posing reminiscent of art of vintage pin up girls (or any other similar art movement)?
It’s male gaze. The answer is male gaze.
The male gaze is often just associated with overt sexualization, but that’s an overly simplified definition. The male gaze can also be portraying women in positions of servitude (most often within the home), emphasizing body curves (even through clothes), voyeuristic povs, emphasizing cuteness/demure-ness/shyness, etc. It’s about the (assumed male) viewer having power over the female subject.
Rin is cleaning, the light from the window heavily highlights her butt, the framing of window itself specifically draws the eye from her head to her back to her butt using contrasting colors/light/point of interest, the parallel lines in the piece direct your eyes down her body (Japanese audience, reading image from right to left). If the emphasis was on the action she is doing, rather than her body, the light source and brightest colors would be on the other side of the image, the duster would be brighter, as would the objects/set pieces she’s interacting with.*
Sexualization/male gaze isn’t restricted to the very obvious “woman sexy posing in a bikini” image, and having that viewpoint will only serve to limit the ways you understand art and artist intention. It’s similar to taking “all art is political” to mean “all art is either republican or democrat” and responding “well that’s stupid and you’re stupid.” You’re missing the point.
I’m a little disappointed the knee jerk reaction here seems to be “you’re wrong and you’re actually a freak who sexualizes minors for pointing this out” here, especially because the point of calling this out is to say that it’s distasteful to do a card like this for a character who is, despite not having a canon age, pretty much portrayed as younger than the main cast (making her 15 or younger).
Nobody is saying “this set sucks you can’t like it if you like it you’re problematic and project sekai should be cancelled forever”, it’s just something to keep in mind. You don’t have to agree with the argument, but acting like anyone pointing this out is insane isn’t fair or justified.
> also just as a side note: maid cafés have a pretty long history of sexualization, with the emphasis/appeal of having power over the workers and them being your servant while dressed cute. I don’t entirely think this set was going for a maid café look, but I do think it’s something to be mindful of.
> *it’s a little hard to articulate/explain this, and my knowledge on how much the average person knows about stuff like this is skewed due to my own education in art/art history/design/etc. If you find this confusing, I’m willing to explain more in detail and specifically point out what I’m talking about.
> I have a different post on the taisho/daisho romance elements, which is an entirely different discussion, so I’m not bringing that up here.
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stormoflina · 1 year ago
The cutest, sweetest, loveliest babygirl on this entire planet. Literal sunshine. Sparkling eyes. A smile that could heal wounds and mend broken hearts.
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leonsliga · 3 months ago
ok look i get that Manu messed up and all that but it’s legit his first ever red card (even though the timing for that to happen was shit)
but everyone hating on him like? that’s my bbg stop hating on him?
This!! Honestly, considering how risky his style of play is, it’s a genuine testament to his skill as a sweeper keeper and the ease with which he plays that role that he’s managed to avoid seeing red his entire career (until now, of course). Yes Manu misread the situation (and whether you believe the foul was worthy of a red card or not is up to you). Yes the timing was far from perfect, and yes he’s made mistakes this season, but I honestly think that says more about how near-flawless he’s been for pretty much the entirety of his career than anything else. Even arguably the greatest goalkeeper of all time is human. We’ve been spoiled with perfect performances for so long that to see him fail is foreign.
Honestly, hating on a club legend like Manu screams glory hunter. I understand wanting the best out of your team, I do, but taking that frustration out on the players accomplishes nothing. We’re a family at Bayern, and family sticks together. The “fans” who send hate our players’ way seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Bayern is, or at least what it’s supposed to be.
Currently Manu will be missing tomorrow’s match due to rib problems, but if there’s anything he’s shown us this season, it’s that he can rally after a rough patch. He’s done it once already, and I’m confident he can do it again. I think the best thing we can do as fans is be there in support as he bounces back ❤️
That said, and not that he needs it or anything, I just wanna give him a big hug and shield him from this cruel, cruel world. It’s been hard enough on him as it is 💔
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deadmeatfactory · 1 year ago
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hey guys (totally did not post here at all for so long)
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quixoticrobotic · 2 years ago
the thing about the barbie movie is ken isn't even that good at being a bad guy. like he just wanted a horse and then got confused added extra steps and it spiraled out of control.
like yeah he was a jerk but he didnt intend to be mean even
there are pop culture characters who are entirely aware of how oppressive systems benefit them and exploit that but no horse boy is what goes to far because what corrupted him is a concept from real life and not like. an evil magic amulet
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selamat-linting · 5 months ago
skipping wwe ppv's set in the us, france, and australia because of their human rights abuses and ongoing support on neo-colonialism all over the world
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fuck-you-im-the-president · 9 months ago
Hey big guy ☺️ cool question
what was your childhood like. be very specific pls
ummm. why do you need to know that. ummm.
idk. I had a super religious asshole family. went to church and shit a bunch. got baptized under a new name and stuff. hated school so don't remember much of that at all. met Wilbur when I was in eighth grade and he was in sixth. got Tubbo when I was a junior I think. barely passed highschool. moved out eight days after eighteenth birthday. got house near Wilbur a month or two later. 👍
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xylophonetangerine · 1 year ago
Now that the dust has settled I'll say my controversial opinions about last summer's blockbusters.
Oppenheimer was badly edited and felt like a three-hour long montage or "previously on" segment and made it very difficult to enjoy the film.
Indiana Jones V was actually fun and I didn't hate it like everyone else seemed to. It was too long and it would have needed to be made had they not made Indiana Jones IV but it wasn't a terrible movie.
I still haven't seen Barbie.
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times-chu · 1 year ago
Excited to see we're storming the castle today. Looking forward to seeing the king CEO cast off the battlements for executing a peasant who said she hoped something bad happened to him.
Nice job making that martyr, m'lord. What's your next marvelous plan?
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napuleh · 1 year ago
vin 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 getting carried away by lust and passion and honestly sometimes even just a crush
vin 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 HAVING TO WORK OVERTIME TO FIX THINGS because of that
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perfectthewayyouare · 2 years ago
ok im seeing a lot of posts saying cole is the reason for no jarchie kiss but where are the receipts?? did he outright say he wouldn't gay kiss on riverdale? when did he sign this so called contract? why is this the first time im hearing about this!?!!
or is this a case of a jackles mixup situation where instead of him being homophobic towards the ending he actually just thought it was bad
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moki-dokie · 2 months ago
literally ask any group of male friends their experience with butt stuff (which will likely need to be referred to as prostate play if it's american men; the masculinity is too fragile here.) then sit back and listen to some of the most vile and awful stories of assault and quite literal cut and dry definitions of rape you have ever heard in your life. and most of them will just shrug it off.
most recently my bestie did this amongst her friend group and while there were a couple of amusing stories that you'd expect from clueless straight men attempting prostate play, one was very very blatantly assaulted by another man that he just passed off as them both being drunk and stupid, but then one guy. jesus christ one guy proceeded to tell them all how his wife quite literally sodomized him so badly he wound up in the hospital and, understandably, still has some anal/rectal issues. horrible enough that every other man present was horrified, while he was completely neutral about it, literally shrugged and was like "eh. it's whatever. what can you do when you've got kids involved right?" literally stays with a woman who could have very nearly killed him, caused him permanent physical damage, and trauma i can only imagine is being repressed in ways i cannot even fathom because he knows a) it wouldn't be taken seriously if he went to court, b) would very likely cause her to get violent again c) would not ever want his kids to know d) doesn't want to risk her getting sole custody in a divorce since the law almost always favors the mother and e) doesn't have the kind of money to hire the kind of lawyers that are actually worth a damn anyway.
ask a group of guys who have ever been in a frat to tell you about their hazing.
ask any random collection of men if they ever had sexual encounters with older women when they were still teens and younger.
my ex nearly went to prison when he was physically attacked by two women and had to punch one just to get away. The judge just wouldn't believe a man could let two small women overpower him, even tho at the time he was a scrawny dude and not all that tall either. even tho he had the bite marks and scratches and bruises to prove it. thankfully he had an actually good lawyer.
i mean there's just... so much. and this is perhaps the one and only area of western society that disproportionately hurts men but only sort of helps women. i'd bet good money on it that men experience very similar if not the same rates of abuse and assault as women, but it will never ever be reported on correctly, it will never make headlines in the same way or at all, and good luck getting them to talk about it at all in many cases - but doubly so if they're over 40.
Sometimes I do wonder if men actually get sexually assaulted and abused at a similar rate that women do but a lot of them just don’t know that’s what’s happening to them
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bettys-redwinesupernova · 3 months ago
drew starkey x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: reader and drew decide to play a prank on the obx cast for her youtube channel. they do the “asking to have another girl over” prank, which results in a very angry obx cast who are out to get drew😅
based on this ask !! i hope this is what you asked for @xoxosblogsblog !! i had so much fun writing this and it was ADORABLE, i hope you like it :)) <3
WARNINGS: pure tooth-rotting fluff, slight angst (not really), like one (?) curse word, insinuation of cheating (the prank), chase & rudy threaten to “throw hands” with drew lmao. (lmk if i missed anything!)
Y/N adjusted the camera, angling it perfectly to catch the cozy backdrop of the apartment she shared with Drew during her surprise visit to the set of Outer Banks season four.
The faint hum of laughter and chatter outside hinted at the cast heading out to grab food, giving her the perfect opportunity to set her plan into motion.
"Hey, guys!" she began with a bright smile, wiggling her fingers to the camera. "Welcome back to my channel. Today, I've got something hilarious planned. You've seen those TikTok pranks where someone asks if they can bring another girl over while their partner's friends or family are listening, right? Well, I'm doing it today—with Drew."
She smirked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I've got the cast in on this. Well, not really in on it—they think I'm at a friend's place for the night, so this is going to be pure gold. Let's see how much they love me and how far they'll go to defend me from Drew's, um... betrayal."
She turned the camera to Drew, who sat beside her on the couch, half-smiling, half-shaking his head.
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this," Drew muttered, running a hand through his hair. "They're going to kill me."
"Kill us, you mean," Y/N teased, poking his side. "But it'll be worth it. Trust me."
"Uh-huh," Drew replied, arching a skeptical eyebrow. "When JD and Rudy show up with pitchforks, you're taking the blame."
Y/N laughed, her grin widening as she leaned into him. "Oh, come on. You know they love me too much to actually hurt me. You, on the other hand..."
Drew sighed dramatically but couldn't hide the small smile tugging at his lips.
A few minutes later, Y/N tucked herself behind the camera, keeping it trained on Drew. Drew pulled out his phone and dialed JD's number, putting the call on speaker. The phone rang twice before JD answered, his voice lively with the sounds of clinking plates and background chatter.
"Yo, Starkey!" JD greeted. "What's up, man?"
Drew exchanged a quick glance with Y/N before diving in. "Hey, would you guys mind if I invited someone over?"
The line went silent for a beat, then JD's confused voice came through. "Uh... sure? Who?"
"Just a friend," Drew said casually.
"Cool, yeah," JD replied, his tone nonchalant. In the background, Madelyn could be heard asking, "Who's he inviting over?"
"Oh, she's just someone I met recently," Drew added, making his voice as nonchalant as possible.
Madelyn's voice sharpened. "Wait, she? Did he say she?"
JD stammered for a moment, then said, "Uh, Drew, man, what are you talking about? You have Y/N—why are you inviting another girl over?"
"It's not that deep," Drew said smoothly, earning a wide-eyed stare from Y/N as she struggled to keep from bursting into laughter.
"Not that deep?" Madelyn's voice rose an octave. "Are you fucking insane? Y/N is literally the best thing that's ever happened to you. You're just going to, what, throw her away for some random girl?"
"Yeah, Drew, what the hell?" Rudy's voice chimed in. "Y/N's gonna find out, dude. She always finds out."
"She's not even here," Drew argued. "And I just want some alone time with this girl. Is that so bad?"
Madelyn's voice was nearly a shriek now. "YES, IT'S BAD! You're in a relationship, Drew! A really amazing one, with an incredible person who, by the way, loves you more than anything!"
"And we love her!" Carlacia added. "You're crazy if you think we're not calling her right now."
"Right?!" Chase's voice joined the chorus, sounding equally appalled. "Drew, what is wrong with you?"
JD sighed loudly. "Man, I'm so disappointed right now. Y/N's, like, the nicest, funniest person ever. She's practically family. I don't even know what to say to you."
Y/N clamped a hand over her mouth, tears forming in her eyes from trying not to laugh. Drew, ever the actor, kept his tone neutral but shot her a playful glare.
"You guys are overreacting," Drew said, feigning exasperation. "I mean, Y/N doesn't have to know, right?"
The collective gasp from the group was loud enough to make Y/N choke on her laughter.
Madison started a rant so fierce it almost made Drew break. "First of all, how dare you? Second of all, Y/N deserves so much better than this! She's gorgeous, sweet, funny—literally the whole package! And you're just going to throw that away? For what?!"
"I can't believe you right now," Rudy chimed in. "If you're serious about this, I'm calling her. Like, right now."
"No, don't—" Drew began, but Y/N couldn't hold it in anymore.
Her laughter burst out like a dam breaking, echoing through the room. Drew immediately broke character, laughing along as he waved his hands at Y/N’s camera.
"Wait, wait!" Y/N called out, coming into view of her camera. "Guys, relax! It's a prank!"
There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, followed by a cacophony of voices.
"Are you serious?!" Madelyn exclaimed. "You scared the crap out of us!"
"You both are the worst," JD groaned.
Rudy's laugh boomed through the speaker. "I was about to knock some sense into you, man."
Chase chimed in with mock indignation. "I was ready to drive back and throw hands, Drew!"
Y/N giggled, holding her stomach as she leaned against Drew. "I'm so sorry, but I couldn't resist! I saw it on TikTok and knew you guys would freak out. And you did not disappoint."
Madelyn groaned dramatically. "You two are so lucky we love you."
JD sighed. "I'm not speaking to you for a week."
"Okay, that's fair," Drew said with a grin.
Eventually, after more playful scolding and laughter, the group hung up, leaving Drew and Y/N alone again. Y/N turned off the camera, still giggling as she leaned back against the couch.
"That was amazing," she said, wiping tears from her eyes.
Drew shook his head, his expression somewhere between amusement and exasperation. "You're lucky they love you. If it were just me, they'd probably disown me."
Y/N smiled, sliding closer to him. "Well, can you blame them? I mean, look at me. I'm kind of a big deal."
He laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You really are. They adore you, you know that? It's one of the things I love most about us—how easily you fit into my world."
Her teasing smile softened as she gazed up at him. "It means a lot to me, too. They're like family. And so are you."
Drew leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "You're everything to me, Y/N. I hope you know that."
Her heart melted as she cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing against his jawline. "I do. And you're everything to me, too."
They stayed like that for a moment, wrapped up in each other. The laughter, the teasing, the chaos—it all melted away, leaving just the two of them in their shared little world.
"You think they'll forgive us?" Drew asked after a moment.
Y/N smirked. "Oh, they'll forgive me. You, on the other hand..."
Drew groaned, burying his face in her shoulder as she laughed.
"Totally worth it," she whispered, pressing a kiss to his temple.
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betty’s notes ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
this was so so adorable and so much fun to write !! i hope you all enjoyed, and please please please like and reblog, it means the world when you do <3
my asks are still open so please don’t hesitate to send any in !! i’m in the mood to write some angst, hurt/comfort if you have any requests for drew or rage <3
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