#brides of strahd
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curse-of-dming-strahd · 6 months ago
it's hilarious to me that this campaign module has such a hard-on for this damn elevator trap that they forgot to give the brides ANY PURPOSE OR PERSONALITY
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tea-with-eleni · 7 months ago
I would bring back the sun.
I loved Strahd von Zarovich. I cannot deny it.
He is exactly the kind of person I always dreamed of finding, when I was mortal. When I was alive. He’s brilliant, a strategist, a warrior. He protects his people. Of course, it helps that he is also beautiful. Is it any surprise that I was so easily taken in by his charms? I entered the mists and found him waiting. He was in mourning. I loved him then, and stayed by his side through a grief he could scarcely describe.
He came to love me, I think. Maybe he even still loves me, in some way. A heart can love so many when it doesn’t need to beat. I was not his lost Tatyana, I never would be, but I knew that he loved me too.
No gods blessed our union.
Of course not. My husband killed me, after all.
He was the first vampire. There aren’t rulebooks for such things. We didn’t know, he didn’t know that there was a way to free me from his control. And besides… shouldn’t a wife obey her husband?
It is better to be dead than spawn. I can say that with utter certainty. I loved my husband, and I loved that he would do anything for Barovia. I would do anything for Barovia too, whether I wanted it or not.
It was an accident, when he freed me. Neither of us knew that it would do anything at all, if I were to drink from him, as he did from me.
I would like to think I suspected.
I may be lying to myself.
I do not think he regretted it, though. He loved me.
I loved Tatyana, through him. That was something he could never have forced. He would not have needed to. My heart was as free as his. I gave it willingly to the girl who fought her way to our door, who begged us to let her stay. I could spare her my indignities. We needed to be certain, I told my husband, that we could share our dark gifts with Tatyana when she found her way back to us. Volenta was willing. My husband knew what I was planning, but indulged me in this. I could keep my little bird. I could keep Volenta.
We could not help him woo Victoria. Anya. Olya. Sorina. Marina. They died, life after life.
There is little point in learning to love a willing puppet. He did not free Anastraya. I do not know if he loves her. I did not.
He did not free Escher. I did not know if the boy even understood the cruel fate that awaited him.
I did not care if my husband forbade my interference with Ireena. He could not command me, not anymore. I saw no need to obey this command. What was the point? I wanted to meet her, before she died. Everything in my studies was shaped to help her survive. If I could meet her, if I could protect her… Volenta laughed at me, but did not try to dissuade me. Although we have come to feel very little for the fleeting mortals who live and die by our whims, she confessed her own curiosity.
I created the cruel charade that lured our dearest home. Volenta played her part well. I was less convincing in mine, but then, I did not need to be. I merely needed to be present, to scare her enough that she would not enter the temple.
I spoke with her that night.
My husband was dreadfully wrong.
My husband was sick.
She will never love him. Not in this life. Not in any life. Strahd killed me, but he destroyed her.
I loved her, too. She is brilliant. Dazzling. She is the radiance of the sun I never thought to see again. She is more alive than my husband ever could have been. Of course, it helps that she is also beautiful. Is it any surprise that I was so easily taken in by her charms? I helped steal her from the cold outside of the Amber Temple, I brought her home. She mourned the lives she never was able to live. I loved her then, and stayed by her side to protect her from my husband. We entered the mists together, to try to escape.
We will never be free while my husband endures.
He will torture and coerce and enslave so many like me to capture her. To cage her. He would do anything for the idea of her, but he does not, cannot, comprehend Ireena Kolyana.
She will never love him. She may never love me.
I don’t care.
I may be lying to myself.
I have, unknowingly, condemned the man she did love, once. It is better to be dead than spawn, but I will not cause her more pain. I cannot free him. Not without damning him further. But perhaps she can, someday. I am not kind. It would be kinder to kill him. But Ireena may yet love him, and I will not take this chance from her.
It was an accident, when I created him.
I regret it.
I cannot help her woo Doru Donovich. But, then, if she truly loves him, she does not need my help. I think I understand some things better now. If he loves her, perhaps they can yet be happy.
Well. Not while my husband endures.
But perhaps someday.
Volenta, my bird, knows how hard it will be to kill our husband. She is more afraid than I am. She does not want to give up this world just yet. Nor do I, in truth, but I would do anything for Barovia.
I loved Strahd von Zarovich. Nevertheless, he killed me. He killed Volenta. He has killed Ireena, life after life after life.
So many, dead. So much darkness, for so very long.
It is time for us to return the favor.
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legendl0re · 7 months ago
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Anastrasya Karelova, 2nd Bride of Strahd Von Zarovich, Art by me :)
Made for my video breakdown for DM's running Curse of Strahd, linked below:
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anantplayingdnd · 7 months ago
the brides ARE redeemable. whether or not they will be redeemed remains to be seen.
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vanhelsingapologist · 1 year ago
Finally, we’ve come to the end. Our dear brides have made it all the way through, but lo, the people have resurrected a fan favorite champion to face them: Victor.
Hailing from Vallaki, Victor puts the ‘mad’ in ‘madwoman in the attic.’ He’s got wizardry, flair, and an iPod touch loaded with the dulcet sounds of MCR. Hot Topic membership? Intact. Lanyard? On. Warped Tour bracelets? Secured.
The Brides have been in a long fight for recognition of their rights in Ravenloft. Enduring with the resolve of angry coal miners, they’ve been pushing ever forward for access to vacation days, having secured dental and the ability to use their likenesses as they please.
And finally, some notes:
Victor will be discovering the following albums as he fights. They are queued onto his iPod touch, and around the thirty minute mark, he will receive the news there is a reunion tour. This may act as a rage.
The Brides can quote Eugene V. Debs at will. This acts as a stun. They do NOT have Escher. This is Ludmilla, Anastrasya, and Volenta.
ok fight.
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acephodel · 1 year ago
Some Curse of Strahd NPCs I commissioned from the amazingly talented @needlesslycryptic who also drew my party for me 💕
Here are the Brides of Strahd!
Volenta, Ludmilla, Anastrasya 🥰
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dictatorshipper · 4 months ago
At first I thought that his name is Asher, like ashes, like Cinderella XDDDD
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theravenloftwanderers · 2 years ago
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Keeping up with the Von Zarovich's
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mx-lamour · 1 year ago
Fellow CoS DMs (and players),
I call upon ye once more, to tell me all your Brides of Strahd lore!
There's nothing in the module. I do not know how to work with this.
(I do have some stuff for past love interest Patrina Velikovna and forgotten bride Sasha Ivliskova. It's the Main Three plus Escher I'm worried about.)
Thanks in advance team. ♡
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article-zero-art · 7 months ago
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I have somewhat been putting off posting all of this so it's all going at once. Someday I'll learn not to design characters mid comic. DM was hinting that there would be an unexpected ally in the Castle. Didn't think they'd pick any of Strahd's consorts. REALLY didn't think it would be Escher.
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enzomancer · 7 months ago
my needs have evolved, they remain dire
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tea-with-eleni · 6 months ago
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"My heart was as free as his. I gave it willingly to the girl who fought her way to our door, who begged us to let her stay. I could spare her my indignities. We needed to be certain, I told my husband, that we could share our dark gifts with Tatyana when she found her way back to us. Volenta was willing. My husband knew what I was planning, but indulged me in this. I could keep my little bird. I could keep Volenta."
Ludmilla and Volenta, ink on paper.
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legendl0re · 7 months ago
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Started on the sketch for dear Anastrasya Karelova, the last bride of Strahd :)
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anantplayingdnd · 7 months ago
Ravenloft NPC Enneagram Types as decided by myself and one of my players!
1 - Ludmilla
2 - Escher
3 - Patrina
4 - Doru
5 - Rahadin
6 - Anastrasya (RIP in our game)
7 - Volenta
8 - Strahd
9 - Cyrus
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enzomancer · 7 months ago
I am…. susceptible
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I love volenta popofsky
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anae-art · 4 months ago
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Day 17 - Dolls & toys
(Prop list is from @crowholtz )
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