#breezy hurrican
When you get this, post theme songs for your muse! Then tag 5 or more people!
||Breezy Hurricane||
Standard Theme: Tomorrow is mine-Bayonetta 2 theme
Battle Theme: Believer-Imagine Dragons
Emotion Theme: Night I stand-Bayonetta Bloody Fate OST
Boss Battle Theme: Enemy-Imagine Dragons
Tagged by: @demon-blood-youths (Thank you dear! <3)
Tagging: Any that wishes to try this. Have fun!! X3
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crdnlsn · 2 years
Hurricanes is good kite flying weather!
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 3
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - no explicit content in this chapter
Also available on AO3
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Wednesday afternoon. Your first shift since the beginning of the week, when Dave Miller had pulled you into the abandoned pizzeria.
When he’d kissed you.
You tell yourself you’re not looking for him when you walk through the mall. You deny how often your gaze goes out of focus at random moments when you remember how it had felt to have the older man’s body pressed against you. The feel of his mouth and his tongue on yours. Your stomach flips. Your cheeks flush. You still think he’s creepy and weird. You’re still inexorably drawn to him. It’s all so confusing.
You retrieve inventory from the back room to put on display. The summer clothing line is ready. Shorts and tank tops and swim wear. Colors like lemon and raspberry and peach sorbet. Tiny prints with flowers and fruit. A box full of new sunglasses tinted in summer shades, some bearing tropical images on the lenses like palm trees and sunsets. Nautical bangles and pendants and post earrings in the shape of seashells and sea creatures. Canvas sneakers and strappy sandals. Cute new purses that you’re already eyeing for yourself.
Dave’s there when you return to the floor. Just in the doorway. Leaning. Arms folded. Messy hair and shadowed eyes and that mouth that you now know the feel of.
You try and fail at a smile. Stumble over a word of greeting. He takes a step forward. A pair of teenage girls enter the store and he scowls. Turns and leaves with a jingle of keys.
Break time. You’re not hungry. But it’s an excuse to leave the store. You recognize his footsteps behind you. The great, brisk strides he takes with those long legs. Polished shoes clicking on the ivory flooring. You turn around. You’re standing near one of the hallways with the custodial closets. Storage. Seasonal store displays and broken rental strollers and mops and buckets and wet floor signs. Dave takes your hand and pulls you into the hallway in one sweeping motion, never missing a beat. Key smoothly slotted into the lock on the closet. Pushes you inside, into the darkness. The door clicks shut.
It smells like chemicals. Cleaning supplies. You don’t dare move forward for fear of tripping on something. You can hear the security guard’s breathing.
“I’ve missed you,” he says quietly. He reaches for you. You turn in his arms. “Did you miss me?”
Your heart is pounding. “Yes,” you admit.
He makes a little humming sound, like he’s pleased with your response. His lips find yours in the dark. A little more aggressive today. You find yourself not minding. You cling to his tie, feel the stainless steel clip holding the dark fabric in place. He lets you breathe. You can feel his smile.
Then he releases you and the door opens. Light from the hallway. He’s already gone.
William Afton using the alias Dave Miller sinks into the cafe chair with less of his usual grace.
He’s tired. It’s not easy, working a full shift and then laboring on his special project in the late hours when everyone has gone home and the mall is meant to be empty.
You sit across from him and it revitalizes him. The task is worth losing sleep for. You smell like ripened peaches today. An early taste of summer. He despises the heat. It’s terrible for his fair complexion. He does not like the feel of it, the arid Hurricane air that leaves his skin damp and his brow salted. He thinks you must be the opposite. You’re wearing canvas slip ons and a yellow dress printed with sunflowers. How lovely it drapes over your frame, the sleeves loose and fluttering. So light and breezy. Such tiny, delicate buttons. How much he’d love to rip through them, let them scatter to the floor.
“Dave? Are you okay? You look exhausted.”
“I’m fine,” he says, his reverie broken. He watches you bite into a dark chocolate covered banana slice. Something from one of the frozen vending machines. You wince at the cold and put the remainder in your mouth. The rapidly melting chocolate stains your fingers. You lick them clean. He wishes he could do it for you.
You seem to have an affinity for chocolate and sweet things in general. He’s always had a bit of a sweet tooth himself. He’ll make sure to always keep the pantry and fridge in the hidden living space he’s creating stocked with something sugar laden for you.
“How come you’re still wearing long sleeves? They must have short sleeved uniform shirts.”
“The air conditioning,” he says dismissively. It’s not the real reason, of course. The scars have to be kept hidden.
“Want one?” You remove another coated slice from the wrapper. He nods, his fingers curling around your wrist, trapping you. He bends forward, gently clutching the offering in his teeth and pulls. Consumes it in its entirety, able to feel the iced treat traveling downward, like swallowing an ice cube whole. Doesn’t relax his hold until he’s lapped the chocolate from your fingers.
“Dave…” He watches your eyes dart around to see if anyone’s watching. He grins at you.
“Delicious,” he says.
You don’t say much after that.
Afton walks you back to the store and follows you inside of it. “Where’s the staff restroom?”
“Oh, um…” He sees you hesitate. Wondering perhaps why you’re asking to use that particular one. “It’s out back to the left.”
“Show me.”
“Dave…” Again, with this. Looking scandalized. Whatever customers are in the store are preoccupied. Your coworker is engrossed in a fashion magazine resting on the counter. “I’ll be right back, I’m almost done my break,” you say. The girl doesn’t even look up, nodding. “You’re not supposed to be back here,” you hiss at him when you’re both out of sight. “Make it fast.”
“Is that how you want it? Fast?” He leans his back against the door and pushes it, dragging you in with him. It’s not a large room, just a sink and toilet, very little space to even stand for one person. The security guard crowds you against the sink. “Well? Is it?”
William loves watching the way you swallow when you’re nervous. So much saliva filling your throat. How much he wants to fill that throat.
“I’m supposed to be back to work.”
He shrugs. “You still haven’t answered me.” He tucks his lips beside your ear and rests a hand at the v of bare flesh the dress leaves exposed at the base of your throat and beginning of your chest. He can feel your heart beating like mad. “How do you want it?”
You still don’t answer, your lips parting. Needing more air, perhaps. He decides he’ll answer for you. His lips crush against yours. He can still taste the dark chocolate from your snack earlier. The scent of peaches is heavy in his nostrils. He lavs your throat. You whimper. He kisses the place his hand has just vacated, that tempting bit of skin above the start of those tiny buttons. He wants so much to fall on his knees before you. Devour every inch of you.
Instead he steps back into the hall. Leaves you flushed and breathless. Pushing you a little further along the path of wanting.
The clerk at the counter doesn’t even notice when he leaves the store.
A Friday evening. You’re on the roof of the parking garage. No other cars are around. Dave follows behind you. You think it must have been him following you all along, all those other times. He’s so good at avoiding being seen. It occurs to you that given his job he must know the layout rather intimately. Every camera, every blind spot. All of the shadowed places. You know them now too, because of him.
The skin beneath his eyes is so sooty. It always is lately. As if he’s not been sleeping. Keeping late hours.
He enters the passenger side of your car without asking. It’s just assumed he’ll be here with you, because he wants to be.
You push the keys in the ignition and turn to face him.
“Are we ever going to…” You begin, faltering.
“Are we ever going to what?” He smirks.
“Go anywhere together?” The smug look fades. Clearly not what he was expecting you to ask.
“You want to go on a date? With someone old enough to be your father? You’re embarrassed if I touch you in public, forget kissing.”
“I’m not,” you mumble, but it’s true. You’re not ashamed, just…uncomfortable. Nothing with Dave is ever casual. There is no quick peck on the cheek or brief embrace that would be considered proper in public. Everything is intense, heated, lingering. They are not the kind of gestures you think should be seen by or shared with others. “And yes, I would like to go somewhere that isn’t in this stupid mall.” It’s begun bothering you. The stolen kisses. The sneaking around. You feel like you’re entitled to something more than that.
“And then what?”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“What else do you want from me?”
“I want to know what I am to you.”
The security guard sighs. “I don’t care for labels.” He pauses. “I was going to wait to tell you, but the reason I’m so tired is because I’ve been working on something. For you.”
You blink in surprise. “For me?”
“Yes. But it’s not quite ready yet. So you’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“You’ve really been staying up all night working on something for me?”
He nods. Some dark tendrils of hair fall forward. Your fingers itch to tuck them back into place.
Dave rests his fingers beneath your chin. He gifts you a softer smile this time before his mouth covers yours. You finally surrender to what your fingers have been craving and slide them through the dark hair. It’s warm inside the car. He’s warm. His mouth moves to your neck. You wonder when he will finally put his hands on you, in places he shouldn’t. You’re afraid of him doing it. You wish he would anyway. You’ve begun to think about him now when you’re in your bedroom at night. The last thoughts before you go to sleep. Sometimes touching yourself and wishing it was his hand instead. Wondering if he’s doing the same.
You rest a hand tentatively on his thigh, midway up. He notices, drawing back slightly. “You think you’re ready for that?”
Are you? You think so. You want…but still. Still so nervous. You’ve never gone all the way. Not done much beyond heavy petting. You’d been waiting for the right person. Was Dave Miller the right person?
“I think it will happen soon,” he promises. “When the time is right. After I give you your surprise.” His lips find yours again.
You think about your curfew. Your mother will wonder where you are.
You keep kissing him.
Middle of summer. William Afton has made considerable progress. On his special project. With you.
A lot of what he’d needed was already in the restaurant. Converting it into a living space has gone smoothly. The plumbing is already there. Sink, toilet, and now shower. The rest is so much easier. New queen sized mattress, box spring, frame, sheets, comforter. Two large closets, one for linens, one for clothes. A recliner. Bookshelf. Still empty, but he’s got plans for that. Small kitchen area. Table, two chairs, fridge, microwave. Cabinets for dishes and silverware. Lighting. All very traditional. Like a generously sized college dorm room or first apartment.
Until the other things are placed.
Soundproofed walls. One-way looking glass. Security cameras. The iron ring set in concrete on the floor. The chains and shackles. He tests the length. What will and won’t be out of reach. Adjusts the cameras. A wall for privacy for the bathroom area. The rest is exposed.
The timing of his completion is perfect. No school to worry about. You’re working more hours. Saving up for the college you won’t be attending come fall.
He’s still done nothing but kiss you. The restraint he has is tremendous. He thinks you’re quite addicted to the kissing by now. How much he enjoys pulling you into the shadows for a taste of that mouth. And now you’ve gotten brave enough to touch him. Your hand on his thigh. A signal.
Maybe you won’t need much persuasion.
But if you do, well.
Afton piles the chains back in the center of the secret room.
He’s ready to take you.
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dvudushnydiaries · 1 month
Theoi-Terata & Hero Gothic
Some friends of mine set up a prompt to write about the "gothic" nature of the pantheons and beings we venerate and I took it real cereal.
Odysseus gothic is simply a mission at night. The tension, the cunning, the inexplicable closeness with a goddess that brings you victory, knowing the only time you'll smile during this war is when you are being given information. "You like to win, regardless of the cause". It's also spending your entire journey home being tormented by what you did so you could win, just to use that torment as a tool to re-learn your own ruthlessness so you may finally be home.
Achilles gothic is clutching at glory at the expense of a life beyond your own rage. It is all consuming, even in circumstances one may not have considered. It is being so overtaken by what you are owed that you wish death upon your friends. It's being so overtaken by the consequences of that wish that you act for the cause you began to spurn. "If I feel the cause is wrong, I can't move", and you have begun to move in spite of that principle, because the cause cost you more than you'd ever imagined. Aetna gothic is existing at the threshold of destruction and creation. You are a mother, but you have annihilated cities. You imprison a raging giant but you kindly host a god and his forge in the same space. You were something more before your land experienced colonies, they remember your old name to this day. But no one remembers much more than that. So you just keep holding what has been given to you. Hera-Ekhidna gothic is simply the nature of motherhood and partnership with someone who holds great power. It is loving your children deeply but also knowing you have a duty to the world that goes beyond just them. It's knowing that in many ways, they will be sacrificial lambs, but the world won't see them as that, and they won't recognize your efforts either. You know that you will be relegated by those unfamiliar with you by millenia to a position of being a cruel, unkind woman and you know that you can't stop it. You may be mothering monsters, but they have never been as cruel as the mortals
Diomedes gothic is knowing your mastery of the war cry won't stop you from being pushed to a quiet role. Your acts of honor and greatness under the guidance of Wisdom incarnate will be greatly overshadowed by the rage of other men. Your rage is ever present, but you are always a complement to another. You balance each other well in metis and bia, but you know his suffering will be legendary to the masses thousands of years on, while yours will be resigned to a quiet migration to Italy, where you and your war cry will finally be put to rest.
Gaea-Ladon gothic is being plagued by betrayal. You have done all you can to cultivate and protect a garden of creation, only to be lied to and trampled over. It is constantly trying to seek justice, being promised it, and having that injustice committed against you. Over and over and over. Yet, you still find it impossible to resign yourself to it.
Poseidon Phytalmios-Ismenian Drakon gothic is knowing death is defiable, that you can always exist after it, but it takes discipline in order to do so. You must be strict and focused. Waves go back to being the ocean, they are undying, but sometimes their force embeds them permanently into the memory of men. Mortals may try to kill you with their malice or their thoughtlessness, but you will watch your own teeth be buried in the ground and spring up with life, forever destined to be a part of you.
Typhon-Zeus gothic is the constant combat of the weather just before a hurricane hits. The morning is pleasant, breezy, and cool, almost as if the winds are offering an apology in advance. The afternoons are deep in their warmth, weighing upon the shoulders of anyone forced to venture out. The night is violent and strikes fear into even those most familiar with your rage. You delight in watching people jolt awake at the cracks of thunder, you find whimsy in choosing what color the lightning will be this time, and suddenly the idea that you emerged into existence prepared to fight, that your first act upon your creation was to attack the stars. For an evening, you have allowed for nature to try and re-take the roads that used to be creeks, and you can hear the naiads, the harpies, the world again, even if just for a night. By morning, your rage has quelled into a gentle breeze and spots of rain and the naiads and the harpies have quieted again.
Ares-Chimera gothic is burning. It is feeling nothing but fire and acid. Your teeth are sharp and your tongue demands the metallic taste of blood. You have moments where you are able to reign yourself in, because you love your mother, but you are ultimately a volcano awaiting a chance to erupt. You don't understand why They hate you so much, this is just your nature. they gave you your nature, it is what you are supposed to have. But this "gift" has resigned you to a life of being wounded by mortals and mocked for your delight in bloodshed. They do not understand that you care, that the delight in bloodshed is a shield. They do not care about the foot soldiers, but you do. You have them be pushed into frenzy in the hopes that they remember their suffering and the suffering they pushed onto others a little less. You are a strategian, but not in the way that They deem valuable. You weep and scream with the mothers who see their sons brought home on their shields because you love your own mother just as much. You just question if you would ever be wept for like that Scylla-Amphitrite gothic is being resigned to never really being known. The way bards sing about you will never be fully depicted on pottery, you will be resigned to what is easiest to create. Your incomprehensibility goes un-respected or even unknown because you are the wife of a king. You are confined to being the mother of a host of children who are similarly infantilized and eaten. They refuse to acknowledge how terrifying you are, they refuse to acknowledge your depth. You don't know if you've accepted it or not. There are moments when someone seems to understand truly that you love your seashells and your vast trenches that offers a glimmer of hope, but most get lost in the reflection of your waves and scales, say "Oh, pretty" and move forward, never acknowledging your rows of fangs.
Prometheus-Caucasian Eagle gothic is knowing exactly what the consequences are and doing it anyway. You are not fooled easily, you were not fooled this time, you knew what the trap was and chose to proceed because it was what was right to you. You don't have much principle, you are crafty, but even you know that all are deserving of warmth. Even if that means sacrifice for you. The chains that bind you are attempts to demand your regret, but they will never receive it. you laugh as the bronze talons rip out and consume your liver. it has happened so much it's not even painful anymore, the point has been belabored. When a man, a younger version of who imprisoned you in the first place, comes to release you, you and the Eagle don't know what to do with yourselves. The Eagle has only known your organs as its meals and you have only known having them torn out. There are no kings to advise, no wars to strategize for. The mortals you loved so much have turned fire into things you can hardly recognize.
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knifedancer · 10 months
Winds of Change - The Storm (Start)
On a class trip, Marinette finds herself separated from her classmates and injured when a terrible hurricane hits. Swept away by the storm surge, she's saved by an unexpected presence: Argos. They have to seek shelter together until the weather improves. But what happens when Marinette sacrifices herself to save Felix?
CHOOSE YOUR OWN ENDING: Dark, Salt, Hope, and Bittersweet. Read one or read them all. AO3
Looking for an ending?
Dark | Salt | Hope | Bittersweet
It was a fine June day in Hong Kong, where the Parisian akuma class had chosen to spend their end of the year trip. Marinette wandered along the store fronts, looking for the perfect souvenirs for her family while her classmates buzzed from one table to the next in the bazaar. They were just out of her reach, flitting about on the bluenette’s peripherals, barely acknowledging her existence within their group. Things had not really improved at school but at least the bullying had stopped after she had reported Kim for pushing her into a locker – which was caught on the newly installed security cameras! Ladybug’s public endorsement of the new camera system throughout Paris was very popular and had come in very handy for her civilian self. It did not stop the lies or isolating behavior, but at least things were tamer. Another change had been Adrien’s sudden interest in the young designer. Things were still new; they had not put any labels on their relationship…was it even a relationship? Whatever. They were focused on getting to know each other and spending time together. There had even been a few times in the last two months where she and the model had almost kissed! Perhaps she should finally ask him what they were…
While perusing some ceramic figurines, Marinette caught a flash of something purple from the corner of her eye and she turned her face toward the rooftops to seek it out. Her eyes narrowed as she squinted toward one particular shadowed overhang across the large square from where she was, sensing something that was not entirely visible to the naked eye but having no proof. Tikki’s pats against her leg from her satchel made her shake her head. Ladybug should not be seen in China so, unless it impacted herself directly, she was not going to panic about it. She smiled politely to the vendor and purchased the small porcelain bird, which would be a gift to her grandfather. He’d appreciate the classic lines and old-fashioned process of how it was made. Turning around, she looked around to find a classmate, only to find that she was left alone again. Marinette sighed and began walking down the direction she had last seen them, hoping to catch up with her group. She knew that this was the likely outcome when Bustier had split them into smaller groups but had hoped no one would leave her behind. Guess that was out the window!
As she walked, she had the feeling of eyes on her back. A quick glance around as she pretended to look for her friends gave her no evidence of whom might be watching. Hearing a soft chime, the bluenette pulled her phone from her jacket pocket to check her weather app. She had downloaded it specifically so she wouldn’t get caught in bad weather while overseas – unfortunately the app was in Mandarin and, although she thought it would be good practice, she was still struggling to remember all the Hanzi symbols. “Hmm, there’s a summer storm coming in. Is that the symbol for rain or wind? It has been rather breezy today…” Distracted by her phone, Marinette did not see the attack coming. One minute she was walking between buildings, the next she was being shoved roughly into an alleyway. The bluenette stumbled and slammed her side into a dumpster with a hiss as the wind was knocked out of her. She could hear her phone clatter across the pavement before making a sickening crunch. Pushing herself back onto her feet, she looked up to find Lila’s cruel smile as her foot stomped down one more time on her now shattered phone.
“What is it this time, Lila?” She asked lowly, cradling her bruised ribcage.
“I warned you, Marinette, to stay away from Adrien,” her eyes took on a wicked gleam.
“Adrien can talk to whomever he wants, he’s not someone you can control or a possession you can own!”
The Italian chuckled darkly, “That’s where you’re wrong. And I’m done giving you warnings.” That’s when Marinette realized Lila was holding a short piece of metal pipe, which she now brandished against her open palm as if testing the weight, her fingers carefully avoiding the slightly jagged end where it had been previously cut. “You know, it’s a real shame about the crime rate in other countries…” Marinette barely had time to duck under the first swing, covering her head with both arms as Lila swung the pipe against her jacket-covered ribs, followed by one to her shin that made a horrible snapping and tearing sound before it collapsed under her. Tears sprung to the bluenette’s eyes; she cried out as she curled into the side of the dumpster for protection. She felt Tikki buzzing angrily in her satchel along with a huge burst of creation magic…uh oh.
Just as Lila was about to swing again, a gust of wind strong enough to knock a person off their feet whipped through the alleyway and rain began to fall, growing steadily heavier as the sky darkened. Her attacker let off a shriek as she was drenched before running off to find cover, leaving the bluenette behind to whatever fate would befall her. Marinette sucked in a ragged breath, letting her tears wash away with the rain, as she looked down at her leg. There was a horrible gash just beyond the edge of her pink capris, but nothing appeared to be sticking out of it. Grabbing hold of the bricks in the wall, she dragged herself back onto her feet and attempted to put weight on it – causing her to muffle a whimper, something was definitely fractured but she could hobble at least. Balancing on her good foot, she fished her phone up from the ground and confirmed that the entire screen was shattered beyond use. Marinette opened her bag and met the eyes of a contrite looking kwami as she tucked her phone away.
“Was it you that made this storm kick up suddenly?”
“I’m so sorry, Marinette…I was so angry that she was hurting you and I couldn’t think of anything else to help…”
The girl smiled softly, her hair and clothes beginning to stick to her skin. “Thanks, Tikki. I think you might have overdone it though…” Marinette stumbled towards the mouth of the alley, using the wall to support herself as she moved. Once she was closer to the market square, she looked around to find the place deserted in a hurry, the winds beginning to tear up the fabric sided stalls as growing rivers of water took over the streets. “It looks like you made the summer storm into a full-on cyclone…” the secret heroine murmured in terrified amazement, shutting her satchel. How was she going to get back to the hotel? Could she even find higher ground on her own without a map? Bracing for the pain that she was likely to feel, she pushed off the wall and hobbled towards a street sign on the corner, gripping the pole tightly as she tried to get her bearings. If she could get across the street, there would be a direct route back to the thoroughfare that led to their hotel around the next corner…
‘How deep does flood water have to be to sweep a person off their feet again?’ the girl questioned, not remembering the exact number Aurore had mentioned on her weather podcast. She looked down into the rushing water in front of her, it looked to be about 10-12cm deep already – she could make that, couldn’t she? No real choice now… Biting her lip, Marinette summoned her strength and stepped down off the curb, attempting to hop with little assistance from her injured leg – she made it about halfway when her footing was knocked out from under her, the water cushioning her fall, and she was swept down the street with a scream. The young designer splashed about as she attempted to get into a rescue position, struggling to keep her head above the rushing water as she cried for help. Up ahead she could see the water pounding against the side of a white delivery van before it diverted down the street and her mind raced with panic, not knowing how she could brace to be slammed against that without losing consciousness or breaking more than one bone! Closing her eyes tight and bringing her arms up to protect her face, she prayed for any intervention that might help her, she left off a scream of utter fear…
Only to feel herself pulled from the waters and into the wind driven rain, held by a set of arms cloaked in a familiar fabric. Opening her eyes, Marinette turned to meet the magenta gaze of Argos as he leaped off the van and onto a neighboring roof. “Ar-Argos? What are you doing here?”
“It seems I’m here to fish you out of the flood waters. What the hell were you thinking?” came the angry question from the villain gone anti-hero.
“Look, I was out shopping for souvenirs for my family – I just found one for my grandfather but I haven’t found anything for my Maman… Anyways, then the storm happened very suddenly! I was trying to get back to my hotel! But my leg is injured, and the water was too fast…” she tried to defend herself.
“And how the hell were you injured? One minute you’re in the square and the next you’re missing…” Argos angrily replied. “I followed you and Adrien to China; I knew one of you would likely get into trouble. Adrien luckily has Gorilla but you, oh ho, you are a natural magnet for trouble.”
Marinette looked away; her face scrunched in pain as her voice dropped to a whisper. “…you wouldn’t believe me, if I said how…no one does…”
Argos’ forehead creased in concentration, his gaze taking on an analytical light. “What do you mean?”
“The girl that models with Adrien sometimes…Lila Rossi, she hates me and has lied since day one to get her way. I think she’s spying on your cousin for his father. She wants me to stay away from him so she can seduce him or something…” Marinette took a shuddering breath and let her eyes wander over the rain drenched rooftops, her voice breaking as she admitted the truth. “She attacked me in an alleyway, hit me with a metal pipe and left me for dead when the storm started.”
The hands holding her tightened and she could swear that, although it could not be heard over the present storm, a snarl reverberated against her side. She dared not look up to see what might be held in his eyes. “…I see. Does my cousin know?”
Marinette nodded weakly, shivering lightly as winds quickly chilled her wet clothes. “He knows she’s lying, but not about the abuse. Not sure if he knows if she is spying for his father. This is the first time in a while that anyone has become physical with me…” She looked out from the rooftop, realizing she must have been washed off course by several blocks, she couldn’t recognize a thing. Argos stumbled slightly as the winds beat down on them once more, making the raindrops feel like needles stabbing into their exposed skin.
“We’ll need to discuss this more later. For now, we need to find shelter.” The purple suited teen hopped from roof to roof, attempting to open the access hatches they came across – only to find them battened down tight. Letting the winds at their back to carry them further inland, Argos eventually brought them down to a small shack against a larger building on a slight hillside. It looked rickety and seemed to shake as the howling winds ripped through the streets but the wood around the latch was rotten enough to mean it was not as secured as the other buildings around them. With a slight splintering, Argos kicked in the shed’s door and settled her down on her good foot nearest the entryway before he dropped his transformation. Duusu was nowhere in sight, likely hidden away in a pocket just as quickly as he appeared from the brooch. Marinette watched as the proud, conniving Felix stalked through the room looking through the meager items stored here.
After all that had happened – on both sides of the mask – she couldn’t readily trust him. Adrien had been adamant that his cousin was turning over a new leaf, but she was unsure. Ladybug had little to no interaction with Felix beyond their first few…mishaps. Marinette had certainly met him once or twice while spending time with Adrien – like the ill-fated night of the Diamond Dance. Argos was an entirely different story, having become both a nuisance and an occasional protector. He wasn’t working with Monarch; however, he knew the villain’s identity and was unwilling to share it with the heroes. He was looking to obtain their Miraculous to make his own Wish – which had led to several confrontations on the battlefield. Felix himself was still a bit of an obnoxious jerk but, as Argos, he seemed to have appointed himself as Marinette’s bodyguard whenever his cousin was not present. Sometimes it was helpful, like the time she was being chased by a pack of wild pigs – gods, that akuma was ridiculous – and the peacock holder had pulled her onto nearby building with a scoff before dashing away. More often than not, it was just annoying. Whenever he showed up, he acted as if he was personally put-out by having to do so. It irked her to no end, yet Argos did just save her from the flood waters…
She took a moment to inconspicuously tap twice on the side of her satchel and nearly sobbed when she felt Tikki’s two taps in reply. ‘Thank goodness, at least she wasn’t hurt or lost in that current…’ Looking around the small space herself, she noted it housed mostly garbage – complete with a disassembled motorbike missing several key pieces, some rusted lumps that used to be hand tools, and a pile of loose recycling. The shed itself was perhaps three by three and a half meters in size, the wood panels that made up the walls and roof weathered by years of storms. The bluenette shivered as the wind blasted through the open doorway, causing the door to bang against the wall and empty aluminum cans to clatter about. Another rogue gust was so strong that Marinette stumbled sideways; she released a startled cry as she attempted to steady her footing with her injured leg. Felix turned at the noise and looked concerned for a moment before scowling down at her injury.
“There’s nothing here to bind your leg with, we may need to improvise until the storm dies down. No use trying to stand on it,” came the blond’s gruff reply.
Marinette scoffed softly, “Really? And here I thought we were about to perform a waltz in the Ritz ballroom. My injuries are not that severe. We’re more likely to develop hypothermia or die when this rickety old shack comes down on top of us.” The building let out an ominous creak as if in agreement with her statement.
Felix’s eyes narrowed and crossed the limited floor space, gesturing towards the doorway. “Would you rather be outside in that?”
“No, but we certainly could have found better shelter! Something off the ground and made of brick!”
“Well, excuse me, princess, if it isn’t to your liking!” The blond threw up his hands in defeat and turned to stalk away towards the opposite corner.
Another heavy gust smashed something heavy into the side and roof of the shed, adding a sickening SNAP! to the creaks and moans. Marinette watched in horror as, within an instant, part of the roof started to give way above Felix’s head. Time seemed to slow and her hero instincts pushed her into motion. Ignoring the searing pain in her leg and ribs, the young designer launched herself towards the blond while screaming his name. He began to turn at the sound just in time for her two palms to roughly press against his chest. Their eyes met for a single, fear filled, heart stopping second as he was pushed away from the falling debris…
‘Thank goodness,’ she thought.
Then everything went black.
If you had asked Felix yesterday if he knew true fear, he would have sneered. His youth had been filled with abuse and pain at the hands of his father, who made sure the young Fathom knew the true meaning of fear.
But he would have been wrong.
For nothing had ever made him feel such pure, unadulterated terror as hearing Marinette scream his name with a tone filled with desperate dread in that shed. Her small, calloused hands shoving him from danger mere seconds from impact. Her bluebell eyes wide with fear and relief. Watching with growing horror as a large piece of debris crashed into the back of her girl’s skull with a gut-wrenching crack! Her eyes rolling back in her head as her limp body fell; being covered by debris and drenched with the unforgiving rain that came between the jagged timbers of the roof.
Felix’s back slammed into the wall, knocking the air from his lungs. “Mari-nette…” he wheezed, gasping for breath before his vocal cords finally let out a broken cry, “MARINETTE!”
Panic rising like bile in his throat, he rushed over and pushed the rubble away, digging the girl he promised his cousin to protect free. Carefully he pulled her away from the remaining pile and looked her over, finding a large and bloodied gash on the back of her skull. Felix could not stop his eyes from following the trail of bright red spots back towards the heap of timbers and roof tiles, from seeking the blood covered support beam that was meant for him. Swallowing thickly, he pulled his eyes away and back towards the bluenette. She was unresponsive, pale, and barely breathing but alive!
‘Not for long, if you don’t do something, idiot!’ he chastised himself mentally. The blond’s eyes flickered over the room again, now desperate for anything he could use to staunch the bleeding as he began to rip his shirt sleeve and press it firmly against Marinette’s head wound. Felix watched as the fabric turned red but the flow down her neck eventually slowed. ‘There has to be something else…’ His eyes fell upon her purse and he reached for it with his free hand. Opening it, he began to pull trinkets free as he desperately searched for anything – a scarf, a sanitary pad, gauze – that he could use for first aid…only to find the one thing he never expected.
A red kwami with black spots. Like a ladybug. Just as Duusu had described.
The little red goddess rose from her hiding place and solemnly took sentry over the unconscious girl, floating at his eye level. He froze as he stared at the creature, his mind whirling as it connected the logical dots and stripped back the Miraculous magic that – until this point – concealed her identity.
Marinette had a kwami.
Not just any kwami, the Ladybug kwami of Creation.
Marinette was Ladybug.
Wait… Ladybug was the Miraculous Guardian.
Oh gods, that meant Marinette was the Guardian.
Her multitude of identities collided in his mind, every memory coalescing into a single portrait of the bluenette before him. The pieces fell into place too easily, it made too much sense. Of course, she was Ladybug! He knew of no one more selfless or heroic – nor frustrating – than Marinette. But she had saved him – saved the person she knew had betrayed her and treated her so poorly, who had attacked her and made battles difficult... Knowing he could find out her identity and run back to Monarch. Or take her Miraculous for his own designs, for his own Wish. Hell, he could take the Miraculous right now!
Felix felt Tikki’s patient stare as he fingered the plain black earrings still secured to Marinette’s earlobes. It would be so easy; he could easily see his goal within reach. Ladybug was his enemy, but Marinette was… She was Adrien’s current fascination – possibly girlfriend – wasn’t she? He plucked a large splinter from her hair, careful not to agitate the bloody spot on the crown of her head. “Why did you save me? I don’t deserve to be saved…for what I’ve done…for the pain I’ve caused…” Tears burned at the corners of his eyes as he traced her delicate features with his fingertips. “I’m a horrible person, Marinette. I’m broken inside, I don’t deserve your kindness.”
“My Bug would sacrifice herself to save anyone in trouble, it’s why she kept the Ladybug mantle even when she doubted herself…” Tikki calmly supplied.
“What do you mean ‘doubted herself’?” Felix demanded of the red kwami. That description did not fit either of the girl’s identities in his mind as he knew her.
Clumsy, flaky, nervous as a civilian.
Righteous, confident, commanding as the Parisian heroine.
And, if his cousin was right about her design prowess, the embodiment of creation in both.
“She was so young when she was given my Miraculous, just thirteen. There was no training, she and Chat were simply thrown into the fight without warning, and our prior guardian was far too old... She made a mistake during Stoneheart and tried to give up the earrings,” Tikki paused as she looked at her injured chosen as she recalled that day. “But her friend, Alya, was in danger of being crushed. Marinette took immediate action and never stopped. Even when her friends abandoned her, even when she was bullied or belittled or betrayed,” the tiny god glared at the blond and he flinched.
“She never gave up saving people. Even those that didn’t ‘deserve saving’ – because everyone deserves to be saved,” the red kwami stated with finality.
Felix felt a new wellspring of guilt at his actions, but the little goddess was not done. “Hawkmoth even tried to akumatize her…” A stabbing pain, like an icy knife, went up his spine at the thought. Marinette, even without being Ladybug, would be a terrifying akuma! “She fought him off by sheer strength of will. But my little Bug has been so alone. Shouldering the world by herself. Losing allies and the Miraculous…because of you, Felix.”
The blond could no longer look into the eyes of the red kwami, too pained by his guilt and overwhelming sadness. He turned his gaze down to the face of the unconscious girl in his lap. ‘What have I done? If I had known she was you… would I have done the things I did? Would I have made my deal with Hawkmoth or stood beside you?’ Felix blinked back a few tears and gently shifted Marinette in his arms, making sure to keep the pressure applied to her head wound. ‘I can’t take back what I did but…’
“Young Master, what will you do now?” Duusu asked from his vest pocket.
“Duusu, transform me,” simply ordered the blond with a determined look in his eye. With a bright flash of light, he was transformed into Argos. He surveyed the room with a calculating eye. “Tikki, would you bring me that empty can over there?” The little goddess stared, seeming to assess his motives. Seeing her hesitancy, he softly added, “Please.”
Tikki nodded in acknowledgement before complying. The peacock user pulled a feather from his fan and infused it into the can, building a mini shelter amok that would comfortably fit the two teens in a more fortified corner of the building they were in. Argos gently lifted the immobile girl bridal style, carefully cradling her injured head against his neck, before settling them both onto the floor of his amok structure. With a gesture, the door closed behind them to keep out the wind and rain. He wrapped his cape around them both, knowing his transformation would only hold out for so long but hoping the added material might help keep Marinette a little warmer.
Eventually he heard the beeping of his Miraculous and glanced at the lapel pin on his chest. One of the five red gems darkened. Four minutes left, he needed to figure out a plan. Argos knew from experience that his amok would remain so long as he did not break it or release the feather. Not that he had anything on him to recharge… ‘May as well not exhaust Duusu,’ he thought with a frown.
With a deep breath, he released his transformation and watched as the two kwami settled onto the bluenette’s chest to monitor her shallow breaths. He gently brushed his fingers over her brow and cheek. “Marinette. Please wake up. We have so many things left to fight about, you still need to find a perfect gift for your mother, and I…I have so many things to say to you. So many things to apologize for.” Tears came to his eyes once more as he looked upon her still form that laid limply against him, pulling her a little tighter into his arms as his whole body shook from suppressed sobs. “I’ve been such a fool! Please, I’ll do anything if you just wake up!”
The two kwami watched Felix brokenly cry in silence, Tikki knowing her powers would help the girl recover but unsure how long that might take. Humans being unconscious with a concussion was not a good sign and, if the injuries Marinette sustained were worse than they appeared, her powers could not reverse the damage like with an akuma. Duusu watched her holder, knowing this was the moment that would decide his future fate. Would he turn over a new leaf and finally help reunite the Miraculous? Or would this twist him into a worse tyrant than Monarch?
Felix removed his vest and what remained of his dress shirt. He draped the vest wider over his back, then wrapped the shirt around Marinette’s torso before huddling over her body to share what warmth he could. Outside the storm raged, drowning out the intermittent sounds of the boy's quiet sniffles and whispered words of encouragement to the injured girl.
Dark | Salt | Hope | Bittersweet
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sproutwme22 · 25 days
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Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Today was a lovely day! It’s so nice, sunny, and breezy ^ - ^ I’m just trying my best to recover from the trip. I’m also trying really hard to not just lay in bed all day. I feel like laying in bed all day just makes my fibro even worse, so I decided to start on a little project.
I am making a cute little pond for my room and I am in the process of growing some little grass looking plants for it. I started to become interested in medakas recently so I’ve been slowly making them a cute little environment for them. I was going to start it before the trip but I didn’t want my parents to take care of my other fish, my dog, and more fish while I was gone so I decided to wait.
There’s another storm/hurricane on its way and I’m just trying my best to prepare for it. I used to love the rain before my fibro and now I have to make sure my body is ready to take the humidity, cold, and breezy conditions. I never imagined being this delicate in my late 20s but here I am, just trying to survive.
Today’s rating: 8/10
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What is loving him like?
A constant battle. One that is already lost. But can't help and fight more. It is the drizzle on a breezy day the one that feels like home, it is the downpour on a freezing night the one that takes away homes. It is the gust of wind that brings memories with itself, of the people who are there and of the ones who are a distant past, it is a hurricane that messes all that I intricately placed on my table. It is the sunshine that seeps through the clouds providing life to a dying flower, it is the sun that dries up another. It closes wounds, and pierces another. It heals my soul and sickens my heart.
Loving him is rolling my eyes thinking about him and his stupid detours, it is is also tripping on my own clothes thinking about that one day when I felt loved by him. It is cussing in the rain while getting late for work, it is singing in the shower on a weekend. It is a warm blanket which leaves me freezing when taken away. It is the chocolate I eat when I cry watching my favourite movie and it is the hurt that I feel when my favourite character dies.
It is a forbidden fruit that fell on my lap. How can I resist it when it calls my name more softly than death? It is the moon that shines through my darkness and it is the clouds that takes my light away. It twinkles like a star in the night of my life yet it fades away when I try to catch a glimpse. It is always just out of my reach. Almost in my grip but never really in my fist. Almost in my fate but not written in my destiny. Almost is my life but not a part of it exactly.
It kills me and it keeps me from dying. It makes me smile but nothing has else has ever made me cry so much either. It makes me feel alive yet at days I feel like dying. It builds me and it destroys my very being. It is the epitome of kindness but is the cruelty that can't be matched. It pulls me up from the water yet it was the one that pushed me down.
I hate him. I love him and I hate that I love him. Because loving him will save me and would be the one to bring my doom too. Loving him is my Achilles heel. Loving him is the flaw in my plan. Loving him is the fault in my wings that are dommed not to hold.
…. Imma… imma just go cry for a bit if that’s okay with you 😭
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empty-cryptid · 1 year
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Hi all! It’s been rainy up here the last day or two. I think the last bits of Hurricane Debby came through yesterday. Lots of rain and wind.
Today has been nice - breezy and sunny in the upper 70’s. We were able to get out on the motorcycles and check out the town and some of the covered bridges here in Johnson, Vermont.
Very pretty country up here. Some of the best we have seen.
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Hey Cursed Vixens,
Out of anyone you hang out with, who do you hang out with the most?
"Hi there anon, hope your good!" Jinx smiled waving while thinking. "Hmmmm, out of everyone else we hang out with?..I would say we hang out with the DBT a bit more than the others. Though we still hang with others even so." she said.
"That is true. Most times it's hanging out, doing missions together, etc. I think we do the same with small vacations too or hanging out like that." she adds in.
"I mean, I always enjoy hanging out with the girl leaders and others too. Just like Me and Ink hanging out and just having fun." she said.
"I know my girls do the same too. Like Mouse hanging out with Fosh a lot more. I Heard she and him are still working on improving their hacker website and seeing more and more hackers coming together. I also know Ping still talks to Timmy, Taz and Gerald even if the other two are out of state or in Japan I think." she said.
"They are I think.." Breezy said.
"Okay. Then we have Echo since she hangs out with Navarro more with them creating a lot of new things. Vivi and Shdwkyz still hang out both in the day time and night time. Uhhhhh....Breezy with Rust during training or was that the time you guys trained and well all out?" she said.
"They went all out destroying the building that day!" Echo said.
"Ohhhh yeah but we got stronger though!" she said pointing out.
"And we can't forget Melinda. She hangs out even more with Jaron this time and it's so cute! I even took pics I mean come on, they are such a cute couple. I even heard she's doing some shopping to get something for dinner later but what's stopping her from seeing her jackal once in a while or to check on him and his team. But yeah, we hang out with the DBT a lot more and they are a bit more closer to us so yeah!"
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hollow-prior · 1 month
All MLP Characters
Simply because I'm rewatching and enjoy making lists :)
Angel (Bunny)
Apple Bloom (Earth Pony)
Apple Brown Bake (Earth Pony)
Apple Bumpkin (Earth Pony)
Apple Cinnamon Crisp (Earth Pony)
Apple Frias (Earth Pony)
Apple Fritter (Earth Pony)
Applejack (Earth Pony)
Apple Rose (Earth Pony)
Applesauce (Earth Pony)
Apple Strudel (Earth Pony)
Apple Tart (Earth Pony)
Babs Seed (Earth Pony)
Baked Apples (Earth Pony)
Big Macintosh (Earth Pony)
Blossomforth (Pegasus)
[Prince] Blueblood (Unicorn)
Braeburn (Earth Pony)
Bulk Biceps (Pegasus)
[Princess] Cadence (Alicorn)
Caramel Apple (Earth Pony)
Carrot Cake (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Celestia (Alicorn)
Cerberus (Three-Headed Dog)
Cheerilee (Earth Pony)
Cheese Sandwich (Earth Pony)
Cloud Chaser (Pegasus)
Clover [the Clever] (Unicorn)
Coco Pommel (Earth Pony)
Crackle (Dragon)
Cranky Doodle Donkey (Donkey)
Cup Cake (Earth Pony)
Daisy (Earth Pony)
Daisy Jo (Cow)
Daring Do (Pegasus)
Diamond Tiara (Earth Pony)
Discord (Draconequus)
Ditzy Doo (Pegasus)
[Commander] Easy Glider (Pegasus)
[Admiral] Fairy Flight (Pegasus)
Fancy Pants (Unicorn)
Featherweight (Pegasus)
Filthy Rich (Earth Pony)
[General] Firefly (Pegasus)
Flam (Unicorn)
[General] Flash (Pegasus)
Flash Sentry (Pegasus)
Fleetfoot (Pegasus)
Flim (Unicorn)
Flitter (Pegasus)
Fluttershy (Pegasus)
Garble (Dragon)
Gilda (Griffon)
Golden Delicious (Earth Pony)
Granny Smith (Earth Pony)
Gummy (Alligator)
Gustave le Grand (Griffon)
Harshwhinny (Earth Pony)
Hayseed Turnip Truck (Earth Pony)
Hoity Toity (Earth Pony)
[Commander] Hurricane (Pegasus)
Iron Will (Minotaur)
Jet Set (Unicorn)
Joe (Unicorn)
Junebug (Earth Pony)
Kingpin (Unicorn)
Lickety-Split (Earth Pony)
Lightning Dust (Pegasus)
Little Strongheart (Buffalo)
[Princess] Luna/Nightmare Moon (Alicorn)
Matilda (Donkey)
Maud Pie (Earth Pony)
Moon Dancer (Unknown Pony)
Mooriella (Cow)
Mulia Mild (Mule)
Opalescence (Cat)
Owlowiscious (Owl)
Peachy Pie (Earth Pony)
Peewee (Phoenix)
Pipsqueak (Earth Pony)
Philomena (Phoenix)
Photo Finish (Earth Pony)
Pinkie Pie (Earth Pony)
Prim Hemline (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Platinum (Unicorn)
Pound Cake (Pegasus)
[Chancellor] Pudding Hat (Earth Pony)
Pumpkin Cake (Unicorn)
[Colonel] Purple Dart (Pegasus)
Rainbow Dash (Pegasus)
Randolph (Earth Pony)
Rapidfire (Pegasus)
Rarity (Unicorn)
Red Delicious (Earth Pony)
Red Gala (Earth Pony)
Rose (Earth Pony)
Rumble (Pegasus)
Sapphire Shores (Earth Pony)
Seabreeze (Breezie)
Scootaloo (Pegasus)
Shining Armor (Unicorn)
Silver Shill (Earth Pony)
Silverspeed (Pegasus)
Silver Spoon (Earth Pony)
[Sheriff] Silverstar (Earth Pony)
Smart Cookie (Earth Pony)
Snails (Unicorn)
Snips (Unicorn)
Soarin (Pegasus)
[King] Sombra (Unicorn)
Spike (Dragon)
Spitfire (Pegasus)
Star Swirl the Bearded (Unicorn)
Stinking Rich (Earth Pony)
Sunny Daze (Earth Pony)
Suri Polomare (Earth Pony)
Sunset Shimmer (Unicorn)
Sweetie Belle (Unicorn)
[Chief] Thunderhooves (Buffalo)
Thunderlane (Pegasus)
Trenderhoof (Unicorn)
Trixie (Unicorn)
[Princess] Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn -> Alicorn)
Twist (Earth Pony)
Upper Crust (Unicorn)
[Mr.] Waddle (Earth Pony)
Winona (Dog)
Zecora (Zebra)
Zipporwhill (Pegasus)
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
Taro for the ask game??
taro -> if someone called you right now to catch up, what're the things you'd tell them about?
same things I tell my mom or Breezy, the person I talk to the most about "stuff that's going on" which is to say: what's happening at work, my back has been bothering me because of work, the absolutely whack dream I had recently, how I finally cleaned my room but really need to clean my desk, how my sisters are coming for my birthday next month but it still feels unfair to have to wait that long to see my niece who is the cutest niece anybody ever had I don't take criticism, the new books I've gotten recently despite not having any space on my shelves for them, what I've been wanting to write but haven't been able to due to The Tired SleepyTM, the writing I got done the last few days through sheer force of will, what I'm planning to do to make more space in my closet, how I'm contemplating getting rid of some of my plushies because all they do is sit in a basket and only some of them have true nostalgic and personal value, how much it's been raining lately 'cause well hurricane, and probably some nerdy opinions on media I have or have not been consuming of late.
thanks for asking, Clover :)
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
now im curious. what are your favorite and least favorite g4 episodes, and in a similar vein, your favorite and least favorite g4 characters
i won’t elaborate on all of them because it’s just like. way too much lol there’s so many episodes in characters but LET’S GO
favorite characters: TWILIEEE, I like all of the mane 6 but she’s my girlie, the royal sisters, trixie, maud, sunset, starlight as a villain (she should’ve stayed a bad guy she’s so FUN! a villain who’s power is her words)
least favorite: neighsay, star swirl (the pillars are all just boring as hell honestly), the wonderbolts (seriously? why do they all suck?), “reformed” starlight, maud’s Sheldon cooper boring boyfriend, daring do (i don’t care for the implications of her character), discord (sort of? in canon, because i adore him conceptually and also occasionally. he’s so fun when he’s not awful
not a strong attachment but yona is also really cute, i just think her design is ridiculously adorable and also love her va’s delivery. very funny
For episodes, there’s quite a few but I’ll try and limit myself per season! There’s are ones that I just find the most comfort and enjoyment out of, I like other episodes but these are what really stand out.
Favorite episodes:
season one: ticket master, look before you sleep, winter wrap up, suited for success (a fantastic episode that really made mlp stand out!), and best night ever
season two: return of harmony & canterlot wedding, lesson zero, hearth’s warming eve, hurricane fluttershy,
season three: sleepless in ponyville, wonderbolt academy, magical mystery cure
season four: pinkie pride, it ain’t easy being breezies (ty for a fluttershy episode that breaks away from the usual plot), maud pie, twilight’s kingdom
season five: the cutie map (yay villain starlight!), castle sweet castle, make new friends but keep discord, canterlot boutique, crusaders of the lost mark
season six: a hearth’s warming tale (minus the shaky introduction, the songs are soooo so good), the times they are a changeling, to where and back again (I know I complain about the treatment of Chryssie and those ugly Changeling designs but it’s a solid shakeup from the status quo and sells me more on Starlight as a character)
season seven: parental glideance, discordant harmony, perfect pear, it isn’t the mane thing about you
season eight: horse play, sounds of silence (i just like the kirin’s designs lol)
season nine: she’s all yak, between dark and dawn, the last problem
Least favorite episodes vary between i don’t like this for personal reasons and I don’t like this for obvious reasons:
season one: bridle gossip, over a barrel,
season two: a friend in deed, putting your hood down, dragon quest,
season three: none i really hate? more neutral or positive feeling tbh
season four: three’s a crowd, trade ya
season five: slice of life (it’s just a bit too much, even for a guilty pleasure episode), party pooped, amending fences, brotherhood social, what about discord,
season six: newbie dash (this one is just plain mean), spice up your life (so bad it’s good. rarity is wildly out of character, the main antagonist is a straw man, and so on. kind of in a disbelief at how much this episode doesn’t work lol), stranger than fanfic and honestly every daring do episode, every little thing she does (not selling me on that redemption pony show!)
season seven: flurry of emotions, hard to say anything and really any fucking sugar belle/Big Mac episode, a royal problem (IT SHOULDVE BEEN TWIIILLGFIITHTHR FOAMING AT THE MOUTH THEY TOOK HER FUCKJNG EOISODE), fame and misfortune (“we’re REAL ponies” says the purple horse written by grown adults), once upon a zeppelin (far too mean of an episode for me), shadow play (for the crime of being boring)
season eight: school daze and school raze, fake it til you make it, the break up break down (hate these types of plots), a matter of principals, a rockhoof and a hard place,
season nine: a trivial pursuit, dragon dropped, a horse shoe-in, the ending of the end
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backuparguelles · 1 year
Libby Becomes a Wraith
A possible One-Shot hopeful to see if Libby can become Wraith just like Molly and Darryl.
Libby: I can open the portal again with my one hand spell. Darryl: can it open? I wanna see the Ghost World. Darryl: me too. I can’t believe this is happening. U a wraith for the first time. Libby: If we gonna start an new ghost army against Jinx and the Sobgoblins. We have to convince them to team up together. Darryl: we need to cross the portal twice and hide our human bodies in Molly’s room so our parents won’t know until we’re nearly dead but lumpy. Libby: okay the words for this portal spell are “GHOSTUS PORTALUS UNIVERSUS”. (The portal opens). Darryl: now we need to jump in and split our soul, here we go! (Suddenly Darryl’s body dropped and feeling a little bored and still alive) Darryl: ta-da!!! Now see your own green glow! Libby: oh my corn. Okay I can do this, sweet mother of corn here I come! (Same thing happened, of course it’s the same Libby kinda). Holy corn cob I got no legs and ears. But I feel cozy tho. Darryl: C’mon Libby we need to get inside. I wanna scare someone later on! (As they enter the portal it’s a lively but scary when they tour the Ghost World) Libby: Oh wow!!! This is the afterlife of an another dimension. I feel a little tingly in this ghost world. Darryl: C'mon Libby, we need to convince that Jinx is upending this world. Just because we have different powers but doesn't mean we can overthrow someone's universe. Libby: I feel breezy but I think I blow wind like uh oh... (ROOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!) (Wind blows the whole ghost world) Darryl: sorry everyone, every kid has to go puberty. Sally: hey? I know you guys, your the 2 kids with Molly McGee right? Darryl: I’m Darryl McGee, Molly’s little brother. Libby: And I’m Molly’s best friend Libby Stein-Torres my apologies to the windy hurricane I made. Sally: reminds me of my brother Ezekiel he’s a blowhard. Darryl: Well this our first time coming here, did you see Molly flying like a rocket fairy style? Sally: yes! She broke of The Flow of Failed Phantoms, and now Scratch is now our Chairman!!! Libby: whoa, all in one glowing touch boop to the old Chairman? Darryl: that's my big sister Molly for ya, but I'm sure there's a new evil afoot. Sally: oh you mean the other members of the Ghost Council plus Jinx and her Sobgoblins? Oh boy the balance of power of shifted. Darryl: hey, not every ghost is baddie or sometimes... But If we team up along with other ghosts we can overthrow Jinx and the Sobgoblins. Sally: can we add Geoff and Jeff too? Geoff knows Molly ever since Scratch met her. Darryl: u got it Sally, welcome to team McGee!!! Libby: so what are we gonna do now? Sally: I’m really hungry lunch in my farm, with a big bear ride. Darryl: whoa! I call shotgun!!! Libby: wow I never ride in a bear before. Sally: don't worry, afterlife doesn't bite. Giddy up!!! Bear: ROOOOOOOAAAARRRRR. Libby: Tally-Booooooo!!!!!! Darryl: Hey Geoff! Hey Jeff! Geoff: Hey look, Molly’s brother and best friend is here. Jeff: rock on little dudes!!! Darryl: I’m Darryl and she’s Libby! We can fight against Jinx and the Sobgoblins together!!! Geoff: really because she threw me into the Flow of Failed Phantoms! Jeff: wait what? Who told u that? Geoff: of course it’s Molly and Scratch. Jeff: don’t worry kids we can stop her evil hag together. If she hurt me and/or Jeff. I’ll suffer her like wildfire!!! Sally: u can count on us y’all. Wanna have lunch with us? Geoff: wow in the garden. Wait for us!!!
At Sally’s Farm, Jeff: So your Darryl and Libby, I know u gonna have a great team with Molly. Geoff: not bad for a goofball and shy girl. Darryl: thanks I nearly a bad boy but I somehow care for my family especially Molly. Jeff: hey like Molly said, not all ghosts are bad. Libby: wow, I need feel alive as an afterlife. I got to scare someone, no offense. Geoff: hey no worries, Because Scratch is now the Chairman. We’re free at last against the rules of misery!!! Libby: well Molly stopped the Chairman but since neither, me, or Darryl are not dead yet. We can start an army against Jinx! Darryl: fist bump time? Jeff: u got it lil dude!. Geoff: let’s all hug out! Sally: hey wait for me y’all. Your all cutie patooties!!! Libby: wow, we’re all invisible and soft! Ahhhhhh that’s the stuff.
The end
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madharemuses · 2 years
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“It was supposed to be a bit breezy, not hurricane-force winds!”
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theeverlastingshade · 2 years
Last month Katie Crutchfield (aka Waxahatche) and Jess Williamson released their debut LP as Plains, I Walked With You a Ways, and it's a warm, fully-realized country pop record that breathes new life into the form. Highlight "Hurricane" is a steady, mid-tempo march propelled by nimble banjo plucks, bright piano chords, and a tender kick/snare rhythm. "Hurricane" reads like an ode to weathering the storms in relationships, but it flips pop conventions as Crutchfield takes herself to task throughout the lyrics "If I stand in the shadows/When you day something true/Well, I might try to argue/But baby, I'll come back to you".
By the end of the first verse Williamson's lush harmonies have joined the fold, heightening the potency of the vocal melody by several orders of magnitude. "Hurricane" continues to subtly build steam until the melody resolves as Crutchfield repeatedly exclaims "Baby, I'll come back to you" with firm resolution. IWWYaW is a breezy, low-stakes record that dispels any projected pressures about how Crutchfield was going to follow-up her most beloved and successful record to date. Thankfully, IWWYaW is a welcome detour for both artists, one that nurtures their respective Americana influences without sounding overly beholden to them.
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