#breaking plateaus
rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Oh my fucking God.
I broke my plateau. I broke my plateau. I broke my plateau!
I broke my plateau!
I broke my plateau!
After 6 months of up and down, sticking points, annoyance, irritation....
I fucking broke my plateau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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housecow · 7 months
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are y’all proud of me..
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pudgybun · 2 years
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💗 soft n pink n spoiled 💗
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monsterenergyzeroo · 3 months
as it turns out being in a relationship with someone i actually wanna fuck motivates me to have sex and that means i burn cals regularly... funny how that works
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knightofleo · 24 days
Yuka Kitamura | Caelid from Elden Ring
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knbposting · 2 months
(fuck last game btw, that is not canon. i refuse to believe that kagami just FUCKS OFF. he stays and completes high school. he stays and gets to play against everyone again.)
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sparklestheunicorn · 4 days
Me thinking about shallan davar and her relationship with her dad
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sunday-dinner · 2 months
ok ok 2024 is gonna be the year i actually jump into the feedism community fr ‼️‼️‼️
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parab0mb · 2 months
I wanna change something about my artwork but I don't know what exactly and it's honestly been frustrating me for like months now.
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ducktollers · 3 months
why am i so overflowing w drawing ideas while im at work and then immediately when i sit at my desk my head is empty and im like. Guess ill pick up my ballpoint pen and do my billionth gesture drawing of a dog and feel irritated
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Traveling day.
Made pretty good choices. Cleaned and ate before I left, watching Gotham. So hopefully I won't be going home to a pig sty.
I have continued to think about possible hangup and how to move past this plateau. 🤔
When I was in the 230's and 240's before, the [sic] love of my life started cheating on me with an 18 year old gastric bypass patient. It was hella traumatic. I lost everything. My heart was beyond broken. I ended up selling my house to her and leaving, basically losing the family I had fought so hard for.
I have felt untethered since then.
I did eventually remarry, so someone who basically loved me more than anything ever ( & got me fatter than ever) until they didn't--and some 21 year old puppy wannabe came along.
Got divorced. It was all chronicled on a blog that tumblr deleted. So again, thanks for that. I should have written it somewhere safe, because this wasn't and there was so so so much shit you guys.
So what was my takeaway from that? That my person will leave me if I become successful at weight loss??
How is that stopping me? My gf and I are not super serious. We don't have sex. We live separately. We actually seem better over the phone than in person. I struggle with their affection signals. [Sigh]
So why am I hung up here? How is that previous experience applicable to this situation?
It doesn't matter if she breaks up with me. Granted, I will be sad and lonely.... but it won't be fucking tragic.
So I am working on doing some mind reconditioning to change my inner language. Trying to redirect myself whenever I think bad thoughts. Honestly, I am just touch starved and body lonely. I can barely have an orgasm anymore, because I often start crying during, which probably doesn't fucking help.
It is safe for me to continue losing weight. I still have a large amount of fat. I will reconsider after dropping under 200 to see where I am with muscle mass. But I still have a rather large spare tire right now. So I know it isn't because I am in a physical danger zone. Mid 240s is still high for a female almost regardless of muscle mass.
So other wins: I am trying to concentrate on foods with lots of veggies, low calorie noodles, and protein.
So back to today- mostly good choices with the exception of breakfast. Which was a snickers and an apple while I cleaned my car. I had lunch before I left- which was veggies & gravy leftover from the other night, and a vegan harvest bowl. I gave the steak to mom to lower the cals for me. The bowl thing I bought a bunch of while they were on clearance and I wanted to try it. Small bowl of chickpeas and lentils in like a curry seasoning. 360 cals. So perfect to have with a veggie.
Road snacks. Drinks-- A pink Starburst crystal light thing, dt coke, cherry coke zero, and a pumpkin apple chai with fiber. Snacks-- Sweet c jelly, snow peas, carrot chips. Hard boiled eggs.
When I got to the hotel, I just got ready right away. Played in my phone a bit. Decided to wait to eat.
Went to an awesome show! It was great. No drinking, had a bottle of water.
Walked to the grocery store after. Bought 2 bananas, a pack of pickled green beans, and a cauli pizza bowl.
Ate a banana 🍌 right out of the store. Ate the pickled beans on the way back to the hotel.
Got back to the hotel, ate a salad first- but without most of the dressing.
Then ate my pizza bowl.
Took a bath and had 3 "moments."
Out of all the ways I could have undercut my healthy diet today, I think I won. No fast food. No drinking. Healthy food. Good choices all around except for the snickers. My workout was cleaning. I was sweating during but I wanted to be able to come home to a semi clean house.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Link's Parents play Breath of the Wild Pt2!
(@goosekee @artisticgamer)
Summary: Ten years after the Great Calamity, Link's parents have to save their son from death while also fighting to save the princess.
<<Previous // Next>>
The Great Plateau - The Sheikah Tower
Tilieth gathered all the Hyrule herbs she could from her small garden outside of their home, mashing them into a paste with a mortar and pestle. Abel had gone on patrol - having Link outside the shrine, exposed for the entire world to access already left him on edge, let alone seeing him slowly bleeding to death. They had done what they could to stop the bleeding, packing wounds and applying pressure in other areas.
Link didn't awaken through any of it.
Tilieth pulled back the gauze on some of the wounds, seeing blood oozing but not pooling as it had been. Was that enough to help him? To save him?
Goddess, please don't let him die.
With trembling hands, Tilieth applied the herb soaked dressings to the wounds and then sat vigil at the bedside.
They'd spent ten years trying to protect their boy, and after all that...
Footsteps caught her attention, and she immediately grabbed the nearest weapon she could find, knowing full well she probably couldn't hold off an intruder with the cooking knife she'd grabbed.
She'd die trying, though.
Abel entered, pale and exhausted, and held up a hand to appease her. "It's just me, Til."
"Anything?" she asked breathlessly.
Abel shook his head. "The great tree in the center of the plateau got knocked clean over by the Hinox's little rampage, but aside from that and--and the shrine, the plateau is no different than usual."
He paused a moment and then stepped towards the bed, asking, "How is he?"
Tilieth sat back down in dismay. "He's bleeding less, but he's paler and... and he won't wake up."
Abel was silent and still as a statue, his face dark. He slowly reached out, his hand resting on Link's forehead, and then he took a deep breath, walking away. "I'm going out."
"Again?" Tilieth asked, rising. "Link needs us, where are you going?"
"To find some way to help him!" Abel argued. "I'm a knight, damn it, I can't just stand here and watch him die. I won't. There has to be something."
"You think that's what I'm doing? Just watching him--" Tilieth cut herself off, her throat closing up.
They'd already lost so much. They'd lost her father, their daughter, their country...
She couldn't lose Link too. He'd been her ray of sunshine, her last hope. She'd been able to live here on the plateau and find peace and happiness because she knew he was safe and would someday wake up.
Abel sighed and walked back to her, pulling her into a hug. "You know that's not what I meant. But I..."
Tilieth sniffled and then got a hold of herself as she felt her husband tremble. Pulling away, she put a hand on his chest, unable to meet his gaze but offering what comfort she could. "I know."
After a moment's pause, she stepped away and reached for the strange device that had been sitting forgotten on the table. "Here. Maybe you can make this work. It might be able to help. I'll keep an eye on him."
Abel patrolled the entire perimeter of the plateau once, twice, three times. On his morning hunt he'd found a couple bokoblins and picked them off easily, but that was what had awoken the Hinox in the first place.
Well. The fire he'd started had awoken the Hinox.
He wished he'd died in it. He wished he'd died in the calamity. He wished anything that he hadn't been on the plateau today to ruin what little chance Link had.
Pausing from his brisk walk, he sat on an fallen tree, staring at the Sheikah slate helplessly. His reflection stared back at him, chiseled and worn and weary.
And... a yellow spot?
Abel rubbed the screen of the slate. The spot was still there.
What was that supposed to mean?
Sighing, he hung the slate on his belt and started walking back towards the house. There was no point in hiding from the sight of his son dying right in front of him. And it wasn't fair to leave his wife suffering alone.
About halfway back he glanced at the slate again, curious if the strange spot was still there. It was.
But it had moved.
Squinting, he noticed more details on the dark surface. Strange dark blue grid patterns with uneven borders and--
Wait a second. He knew these borders, these shapes. They were like the maps of Hyrule.
"A map?" he muttered to himself. Since when did the slate display a map?
And that yellow spot, then... a point on the map? For what?
Abel turned, and as he did so he saw the spot move as the map reoriented to his movements. This was bizarre.
Exiting the forest, Abel found himself at the edge of the plateau, nearing some ruins of stone outposts that had once lined the plateau's perimeter. The stairway they had climbed to get up here had long since collapsed along with these structures. A few guardians, the husks of what they once were, lay dormant.
Well. At least these were dormant. There were a couple that still caused problems. Abel enjoyed cursing at them on bad days.
Looking at the map again, Abel finally realized that the yellow point correlated with the small Sheikah structure that was buried in the earth.
Ah. Well I suppose that makes sense. It probably hones in Sheikah technology.
Wait. Sheikah technology. Abel had always thought this was just a little gazebo structure, but if there was technology on it, then perhaps it could help Link!
Approaching the structure with bated breath, the former knight examined the area, and it quickly became apparent what had been attracting the slate. A pedestal stood in the middle, an orange glow indicating that it was awaiting activation.
On the pedestal was a slate shaped indentation. A mechanical click sounded, and in small letters beneath the indentation were the words Place the Sheikah Slate in the pedestal.
Examining it, he slowly did as instructed, marveling at the technology and praying that this might provide some help for his son. The pedestal immediately reacted, taking the slate and flipping it over before rotating it. A bright glow emitted, and then more words appeared.
Sheikah Tower activated. Please watch for falling rocks.
Abel blinked, bewildered. "Tower? Falling wh--WHAT THE HELL--"
The entire earth shook as if a talus were arising nearby, and then Abel was slammed to the ground as the earth beneath him shot upward, pushing him into the sky. When gracity had finished smashing him into the ground below, he caught his breath, slowly sitting up and gasping at the sight.
How did--when did I get this high up?! He could see all of Hyrule from here, and--
What were those spires in the distance? Was that... was that what he was...?
Looking around, Abel found that the little Sheikah styled gazebo was not, in fact, another piece of rubble from the calamity, but an entire tower humming with energy. Abel stared at the pedestal, mouth agape in awe and shock.
Distilling local information... the pedestal announced.
The overhanging stone above the pedestal started to glow blue and sang with power, making Abel take a hesitant step back. A tiny little droplet of what almost looked like water dripped off the stone and landed directly on the slate, which glowed blue in response, before the pedestal essentially seemed to spit the slate back out into its original position, awaiting him.
Hesitantly, the former knight pulled the slate from its slot and saw that the unmarked map was now filled in the region of the great plateau, showing contours, trees, water, mountains, and the location of the shrine and the tower.
"All of that just to draw the regional map?" Abel muttered. That seemed like an awful lot of damage and danger for something he could have done with pen and ink. Maybe there was more to it.
More to the point, though... how the hell was he going to get down from here? And how was he going to explain the earthquake he'd just caused?
Tilieth was going to kill him.
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do you mind if i ask what tablet do you use? and if you practice drawing digitally more than traditionally? i’m trying to get into the habit of drawing after seeing your art!! you always feel like you’re having fun 💪💪💪
I’ve been meaning to answer a similar question i got ages back so I’m just gonna answer this rn!!!
I use a Wacom Cintiq 16-that’s one of the tablets with a light up screen you can see the movement directly on as you draw, vs a tablet that’s blank where you have to sync up your movement with the computer screen that I used to use (there’s nothing wrong w that and those tend to be a lot cheaper, but I personally find it really hard 😭) there’s a lot of options out there though-you can even get special pens that let you draw using your phone (or draw with your finger on your phone, though mine is a bit too small to really do that well w how clumsy I am tbh…or maybe that’s just quitter talk!)
As for the art program, what I personally use is krita. Before that for this blog I used photopea, which is a free brower based program that’s an almost 1:1 copy of photoshop, but it had a major issue where if the internet went out you couldn’t use it and if your browser crashed there was no way to recover your work. Krita is also completely free, and while I’m by no means an expert at all I’d say it works well for how I use it! (Though I really should be learning more about some of its other functions)
I’d like to get clip studio if only for the brush capabilities but my laptop is slowly dying and I don’t really want to buy new software until I have something new
I also do do traditional! At this point in time it’s nothing more serious than ballpoint sketches with most of my serious work being digital, but at point I took irl traditional art classes so I do have some background in it. It’s good to practice a variety of art styles anyway, but I like to sketch through the day to occupy myself. I have whole sheets of doodles that none of you have ever seen bc they’re traditional and not really worth taking poor ipod photos just to spam here (seriously, I have stacks of the stuff)
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xinea · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo/Niè Míngjué, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo/Niè Míngjué Characters: Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo, Niè Míngjué, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín Additional Tags: Polyamory Negotiations, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Identity Porn, Pining, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Open Relationships, Hopeful Ending, Casual Sex, implied past zhanchengxian, an unfortunate lack of ot4 sex Summary:
"Everything alright?"
"Yes. No. Possibly," Meng Yao says, then thinks, fuck it. Not like he'll ever see him again after tonight.  "My boyfriends."
The man he just slept with pauses, giving him a wary look. "Plural?"
Meng Yao shrugs. "We had - we have an arrangement."
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nextsteplegacy · 9 months
Why You're Experiencing a Weight Loss Plateau, and What You Can Do About It
Choose a path for your weight loss journey. When it comes to getting back in shape, it’s extremely important for you to stay consistent. Chose your path The biggest takeaway you need to accept is this: why are you trying to lose weight? Silly, I know. Because you are reading this post to understand how to break the weight loss plateau that you are or have experienced, I get it. So, why are you…
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fcktaken · 2 years
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Ispagnac - Florac
That day I had hazy views of the Tarn Valley I walked in the day before, the Grandes Causses with their vast plateaus and the steep valleys of the southern Cevennes I would hike in next.
This landscape has been formed and shaped by humans driving livestock up on the pastures in summer and into the valleys in winter for millenia. It is so intricably linked to agro-pastoralism and transhumance that a whole ecosystem would vanish if the animals would not keep the plaines free of trees and the humans would not tend to the sweet chestnuts, the paths and drailles, the terraces and the stone huts. It is now a UNESCO world heritage and the sound of the bells was the soundtrack to my hike the whole ten days.
(Cevennes 2022)
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