#brandy the poodle
jakemyboy · 29 days
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Blu and Brandy the Poodle on their weekly playdate. Her ears!!! She loves him being there so much, he mostly loves investigating her yard, lol.
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stinkybrowndogs · 6 months
Yeah sorry no I’m busy. Yeah it’s gonna be all day (speculating about what future dog breeds I might get)
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o-craven-canto · 9 months
Words borrowed from other languages in English
Very incomplete list, based mostly on The Languages of the World (3rd ed.), Kenneth Katzner, 2002 + a heavy use of Wiktionary. some notes:
Many of these words have passed through multiple languages on their way to English (e.g. Persian -> Arabic -> Spanish -> French -> English); in that case I usually list them under the first language that used them in the same acception as English.
I generally don't include words whose ancestors already existed in Middle English, unless their origin was exotic enough to be interesting.
The vast majority of borrowings are terms very specific to their culture of origin; I generally only include those that are either very well known amng English-speakers, or of general use outside that culture.
INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY (West and South Eurasia)
Hellenic Greek: angel, chronometer, democracy, encyclopedia, geography, graphic, hieroglyphic, homogeneous, hydraulic, meter, microscope, monarchy, philosophy, phobia, photography, telephone, and way too many other scientific or technical terms to count
Germanic Afrikaans: aardvark, apartheid, fynbos, rooibos, springbok, trek, veld, wildebeest Danish: Lego, simper Dutch: brandy, bumpkin, coleslaw, cookie, deck, dock, dollar, freight, furlough, hodgepodge, landscape, maelstrom, noodle, Santa Claus, waffle, walrus, yacht German: aurochs, bildungsroman, blitzkrieg, cobalt, dachsund, eigenvector, ersatz, gestalt, glockenspiel, hamburger, hinterland, kindergarten, kohlrabi, lager, poodle, quark, sauerkraut, wanderlust, yodel, zeitgeist Icelandic: eider, geyser Norwegian: auk, fjord, krill, lemming, narwhal, slalom, troll Swedish: lek, mink, ombudsman, rutabaga, smorgasbord, tungsten Yiddish: bupkis, chutzpah, kvetch, putz, schlemiel, schmaltz, schmooze, schtick, spiel, tchotchke
Slavic Czech: robot Russian: fedora, glasnost, intelligentsia, kefir, mammoth, pogrom, samizdat, steppe, sputnik, troika, tsar, vodka Serbo-Croat: cravat, paprika
Celtic [many of these words are shared between the two languages] Irish: bog, galore, gaol, geas, glen, orrery, shamrock, slob, whiskey Scottish Gaelic: bard, bunny, cairn, clan, loch, ptarmigan, ?scone, slogan
Italic-Romance †Latin: [way too many] French: [way too many] Italian: allegro, aria, balcony, bandit, bravo, calamari, casino, cello, chiaroscuro, crescendo, contraband, contrapposto, fresco, gazette, ghetto, gusto, inferno, lagoon, lava, mafia, malaria, pants, quarantine, tempo, umbrella, vendetta, volcano Portuguese: baroque, brocade, cachalot, cobra, creole, flamingo, petunia, pimento, zebra Spanish: abalone, armadillo, bolas, bonanza, canyon, cargo, chupacabra, cigar, cilantro, embargo, gaucho, guerrilla, junta, manta, mesa, mosquito, mustang, patio, pueblo, rodeo, siesta, tornado, vanilla
Iranian Persian: bazaar, caravan, checkmate, chess, crimson, dervish, divan, jackal, jasmine, khaki, kiosk, lemon, lilac, musk, orange, pajama, paradise, satrap, shawl, taffeta
Indo-Aryan †Sanskrit: brahmin, Buddha, chakra, guru, karma, mantra, opal, swastika, yoga Bengali: dinghy, jute, nabob Hindi: bandana, bungalow, cheetah, chintz, chutney, coolie, cot, dungaree, juggernaut, lacquer, loot, rajah, pundit, shampoo, tom-tom, thug, veranda Marathi: mongoose Romani: hanky-panky, pal, shiv Sinhalese: anaconda, beriberi, serendipity, tourmaline
Kannada: bamboo Malayalam: atoll, calico, copra, jackfruit, mahogany, mango, pagoda, teak Tamil: curry, mulligatawny, pariah Telugu: bandicoot
URALIC FAMILY (Northern Eurasia)
Finnic Finnish: sauna Saami: tundra
Samoyedic Nenets: parka
Ugric Hungarian: biro, coach, goulash, hussar, puszta, tokay
VASCONIC FAMILY (Northern Pirenees)
Basque: chaparral, chimichurri, silhouette
TURKIC FAMILY (Central Eurasia)
†Old Turkic: cossack, yurt Tatar: ?stramonium Turkish: baklava, balaclava, bergamot, caftan, caviar, harem, janissary, kebab, kismet, minaret, pastrami, sherbet, tulip, yoghurt Yakut: taiga
MONGOLIC FAMILY (Mongolia and surrounding areas)
Mongol: horde, khan, ?valerian
SINO-TIBETAN FAMILY (China and Southeast Asia)
Tibeto-Burman Burmese: ?marzipan Tibetan: lama, panda, tulpa, yak, yeti
Sinitic [Chinese languages closely related, not always clear from which a borrowing comes] Hokkien: ?ketchup, sampan, tea Mandarin: chi, dao, dazibao, gung-ho, kaolin, oolong, shaolin, shanghai, yin-yang Min Nan: nunchaku Yue (Cantonese): chop suey, dim sum, kowtow, kumquat, lychee, shar-pei, ?typhoon, wok
TUNGUSIC FAMILY (Eastern Siberia)
Evenki: pika, shaman
Korean: bulgogi, chaebol, hantavirus, kimchi, mukbang, taekwondo
Japanese: banzai, bonsai, dojo, emoji, geisha, ginkgo, hikikomori, honcho, ikebana, kamikaze, karaoke, koi, kudzu, manga, origami, pachinko, rickshaw, sake, samurai, sensei, soy, sushi, tofu, tsunami, tycoon, zen
AUSTRONESIAN FAMILY (maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania)
Western Malayan Javanese: ?junk [ship] Malay: amok, cockatoo, compound [building], cootie, durian, kapok, orangutan, paddy, pangolin, rattan, sarong
Barito Malagasy: raffia
Phlippinic Cebuano: dugong Ilocano: yo-yo Tagalog: boondocks
Oceanic Hawai'ian: aloha, hula, luau, poi, wiki Maori: kauri, kiwi, mana, weta Marshallese: bikini Tahitian: pareo, tattoo Tongan: taboo
Fore: kuru
Dharug: boomerang, corroboree, dingo, koala, wallaby, wobbegong, wombat, woomera Guugu Yimithirr: kangaroo, quoll Nyungar: dunnart, gidgee, quokka Pitjantjatjara: Uluru Wathaurong: bunyip Wiradjuri: kookaburra Yagara: dilly bag
AFRO-ASIATIC FAMILY (North Africa and Near East)
Coptic: adobe
Berber Tachelhit: argan
Semitic †Punic: Africa Arabic: albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, alfalfa, algebra, alkali, amber, arsenal, artichoke, assassin, candy, coffee, cotton, elixir, gazebo, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, hashish, harem, magazine, mattress, monsoon, sofa, sugar, sultan, syrup, tabby, tariff, zenith, zero Hebrew: amen, behemoth, cabal, cherub, hallelujah, kibbutz, kosher, manna, myrrh, rabbi, sabbath, Satan, seraph, shibboleth
NIGER-CONGO FAMILY (Subsaharan Africa)
unknown: cola, gorilla, tango
Senegambian Wolof: banana, fonio, ?hip, ?jigger [parasite], karite, ?jive, yam
Gur-Adamawa Ngbandi: Ebola
Kwa Ewe: voodoo
Volta-Niger Igbo: okra Yoruba: gelee [headgear], mambo, oba, orisha
Cross River Ibibio: calypso
Bantu Lingala: basenji Kikongo: ?chimpanzee, ?macaque, ?zombie Kimbundu: ?banjo, Candomblé, gumbo, macumba, tanga Swahili: askari, Jenga, kwanzaa, safari Xhosa: Ubuntu Zulu: impala, mamba, vuvuzela
KHOE-KWADI FAMILY (Southwest Africa)
Khoekhoe (Hottentot): gnu, kudu, quagga
Greenlandic Inuit: igloo, kayak Inuktikut: nunatak
ALGIC FAMILY (Eastern Canada and northeast USA)
†Proto-Algonquin: moccasin, opossum, skunk Cree: muskeg, pemmican Mikmaq: caribou, toboggan Montagnais: husky Narragansett: ?powwow, sachem Ojibwe: chipmunk, totem, wendigo, woodchuck Powhatan: persimmon, raccoon
SALISHAN FAMILY (Pacific coast at the USA-Canada border)
Chehalis: chinook Halkomelem: sasquatch Lushootseed: geoduck
IROQUOIAN FAMILY (Eastern North America)
Cherokee: sequoia
Lakota: teepee
Choctaw: bayou
UTO-AZTECAN FAMILY (Southwest USA and north Mexico)
Nahuatl: atlatl, avocado, chili, cocoa, coyote, chocolate, guacamole, hoazin, mesquite, ocelot, quetzal, tamale, tegu, tomato O'odham (Pima): jojoba Shoshone: chuckwalla Yaqui: ?saguaro
MAYAN FAMILY (Southern Mexico and Guatemala)
Yucatec Maya: cenote, Chicxulub
ARAWAKAN FAMILY (Caribbeans and South America)
†Taino: barbecue, cannibal, canoe, cassava, cay, guava, hammock, hurricane, iguana, maize, manatee, mangrove, maroon, potato, savanna, tobacco Arawak: papaya
CARIBAN FAMILY (Caribbean coast of South America)
unknown: curare Galibi Carib: caiman, chigger, pawpaw, peccary, yucca
Quechua: ?Andes, caoutchouc, coca, condor, guano, jerky, llama, mate, poncho, puma, quinine, vicuna
Aymara: alpaca, chinchilla
[borrowings are often shared between these two languages] †Old Tupi: ananas, arowana, Cayenne [pepper], jaguar, manioc, piranha, tapioca Guarani: cougar, maracuja, Paraguay, petunia, toucan
CREOLE LANGUAGES (worldwide, mixed origin)
English-derived Chinese Pidgin English: chopstick, long time no see, pidgin, taipan Jamaican Creole: dreadlocks, reggae
Chinook-derived Chinook Jargon: potlatch
EDIT 08-01-24: added lots more examples, especially African, Asian, and North American languages. Still not done. EDIT 17-01-24: finished adding examples, more or less. EDIT: 18-02-24: apparently not (cheetah). EDIT: 20-05-24: nope (mosquito); 30-06-24: jerky, mukbang, cello, glockenspiel, hodgepodge; 06-06-25: marzipan, lagoon, contraband, artichoke
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quietblueriver · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @gingerniiiija. Thanks, friend! This was super fun.
Were you named after anyone? I was. In good Southern (US) fashion, I have a double name that incorporates my grandmother's maiden name, which was also my mom's middle name and is now one of my niece's names.
When was the last time you cried? Today. I took one of my dogs to board at the same time that a pup was coming for their last vet visit and watching him surrounded by his crying family while an instrumental version of a Brandi Carlile song played over the vet speakers broke me. Managed to keep it together until I got to the car. Before that, Thursday during Critical Role.
Do you have kids? I do not. I do have wonderful nieces, and being their aunt is one of the best things in my life.
What sports have you played/do you play? I played church basketball and soccer when I was little. As an adult, I've played rugby but I tend toward activities like running, yoga, swimming, and hiking/wandering with my dogs.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes, in a dry humor way. My entire family is dry as hell, so it's a big part of my sense of humor, although I rein it in with strangers so as not to be a tool. I'm typically called a golden retriever gay, but one of the highest compliments I have ever received was one of my oldest friends telling me that Sister Michael from Derry Girls reminded her of me.
First thing you notice about people? I genuinely don't think I have a pattern here. Voice, maybe? Or smile? I do often appreciate and take note of people's style as well, especially shoes.
What is your eye color? Green
Scary movies or happy endings? Whichever has the better queer storyline
Any talents? I come in clutch in the following trivia categories: pop culture (non-reality tv); 90s country music/modern women of country; name that song; US history and politics and/or law; and queer things. Per my nieces, I am very good at the "funny faces" feature on FaceTime, a solid water slide escort, and an acceptable makeshift jungle gym. I have been told that I'm an excellent driver; I enjoy driving and have driven both a passenger van and a U-Haul up most of the East Coast of the US.
Where were you born? A military base in the United States.
What are your hobbies? I love writing, feeding/spending easy time with friends, reading (preference for fiction, poetry, and comics, although I do love some philosophy and theory as well), exploring good food and new places (solo or with friends, my own city or others), live music and theater, playing board games and Switch, watching tv and movies (my oldest niece and I see a movie every time I visit them in person and it brings me great joy), and being silly with my nieces. I'm a lawyer and a law nerd, so I also spend time following SCOTUS and listening to legal/political podcasts.
Do you have any pets? Two dogs, Annie and Buffy, a big doofy retriever mix and a tiny poodle-ish terror respectively.
How tall are you? 5' 8"
Favorite subject in school? Growing up, English/Lit, closely followed by History. At university, I majored in History and Gender & Sexuality Studies.
Dream Job? Obligatory note that I do not dream of labor. But I'm actually currently working on a career shift, so I'm giving this a lot of thought. I'd love to be a writer, journalist, professor, or preacher (last one is more complicated, for probably obvious reasons).
Would love to see answers from anyone who wants to do this! Tagging @korralone, @kasadilla11, @antlereed, and @overnighttosunflowers. Pls forgive me/disregard if you hate this, ha.
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anna1306 · 2 years
The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes
In my defence, I was left unsupervised, too lazy to watch the show I need to watch for my big fic I have hyperfixation on, there was The Golden Girls and I had my unhinged brain with me
Don't know if this needs part 2 or not, really, this is a trial part
And also I got encouraged by @britany1997 c:
Marko: I'm perfectly capable of managing by myself. I don't need help. I'm a totally independent person.
Dwayne: I know, I know, sorry.
Marko: Also I need 67$ for the cab.
High, emotional Paul: Our families are gone. And we're alone. And there are too many years left, and I don't know what to do.
David: Get a poodle.
David, seeing Michael: I can't stand being near him, I hate him too much! I know I'm gonna do something crazy!
Marko: Whenever you feel you're about to lose control, just take my hand and give it a little squeeze *takes David's hand* I guarantee you'll feel a 100% better.
Michael: Hey, guys, long time no see!
David: *silently drinks beer*
Marko: *silently prays for his broken hand*
Paul: *takes away the knife from Dwayne* GIVE ME THAT! Do you want to spend the rest of your life rotting away in some disgusting jail cell, bribing screws for cigarettes and toilet paper?!
Dwayne: It's not a crime to cut the cake.
Paul: Oh... I thought you were going to stab Sam.
Dwayne: Don't be ridiculous. Do you honestly believe that I would stab Michael's brother in the middle of the Boardwalk?
Paul: Oh no, I guess not.
Dwayne: Of course not!
Paul: ...
Dwayne: I would wait for him to go somewhere alone. There are too many witnesses.
Star: Oh... Maybe you are right.
David: Of course I'm right, do you think I got this old by being stupid?
After winning in the arcade game
Marko: You'll be back. You know why? You are too competitive! It's always been your worst feature. Actually, no, your ears are your worst feature.
Paul: Can you believe that?
Dwayne: No, I always thought your bony feet were your worst feature.
Star after breakup with Michael: I just don't know. Michael was my first. And now trying it with someone else... I haven't had anyone after Michael, you know...
Paul: Get out of here!
Marko: Back off, Paul. Not all of us are classified by the Navy as a friendly port.
Marko: When Laddie had colic, I used to give him brandy.
David: You give brandy for teething to enfants, you rub it on their gums.
Marko: ... I gave it to him in bottle for colics. He was very happy.
Dwayne: Put it in my bottle, I'll be happy too.
Laddie: I wish I had a dog! He would be loyal, loving, fun. He would never leave my side.
David: I wish Michael was a dog. Would have solved a lot of problems.
Dwayne: You could have had him fixed.
Michael, describing the boys: And Paul... Wherever he goes, he finds himself a date.
Sam: So do hookers.
David, going away: I've been an idiot through this whole thing!
Paul, mumbling to himself: Darn right you have
David: *immediately appears right next to him*
Paul: *shriek of a death*
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maidstew · 4 months
Hi, Lily! Seeing the other anon who gave you the ships made me want to share my ideas with you as well, haha!
This is about to be very long, I'm sorry!
I'm also a Felix and Clemmie shipper myself, actually! In my headcanons, they have one daughter (I keep seeing people headcanon that Felix would have a daughter if he was alive, and I can totally see him as a girl dad!), who's named after Clemensia's older sister who passed in the war (Aelia, in my hcs), and as well as Felix's older sister (Faustina, in my hcs). So, their daughter's name is Aelia Faustina Ravinstill.
my hcs about the ravinstills:
Aelia looks like this: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/29/92/f4/2992f406a697190b04fb2c72d162070f.jpg
They live in a big mansion with black and gold as the main colors.
Aelia is a huge daddy's girl and a mommy's twin.
They have two dobermans.
Their garden is filled with orange blossoms and clementines.
Felix and Clemensia are total love-birds who had a gorgeous and magical beach wedding.
Everytime Felix & Clemmie go to events, Aelia would always ask them, "Do you really have to go?" with a pouty face before they go.
Next ship! I am a huge Arachne x Livia fan, so the anon saying they have a kid named Achilles and definitely a few pomeranions too made me add that to my hcs! Achilles' full name in my hcs is 'Achilles Seneca Crane-Cardew'.
my hcs:
Arachne and Livia are just the BEST moms in the world.
Their pomeranions are named after Brandy and Facet.
Whenever some kid tries to brag about how wealthy and how their parents got them this and that, Achilles would just say, "Oh yeah? Well, I have two moms!"
Arachne and Livia definitely had a huge, extravagant wedding.
Achilles definitely has Arachne's wit.
And Livia's adorable smile.
Their mansion's main color is pink. Definitely.
Arachne, Achilles, and Livia have a late night cuddle session together.
Now, onto Festus and Persephone, my loves. I can totally see that they have a daughter named Athena. (I saw it somewhere, so thank you to that person who said it first!) Athena Flavia Creed just sounds so Festus-and-Persie-kid coded. And of course, they have another baby son named Flavius Mizzen Creed. (named after mizzen<3)
my hcs:
I imagine Summer Fontana as Athena.
Both Athena and Flavius got Persephone's dimples and Festus' ginger hair.
Festus and Persephone had a beautiful garden wedding!
Their mansion's main colors are blue and gold.
When Flavius gets older, he looks a lot like Festus.
They have brown toy poodles.
Athena is a huge daddy's girl and Flavius is a huge mommy's boy.
Festus does anything Persephone tells him to do.
Festus definitely tells dad jokes.
Only Persephone laughs.
Persephone and Festus are huge lovebirds. Even in front of their children.
Additional hcs:
Athena, Aelia, and Achilles are a trio.
Plutarch Heavensbee, Hilarius and Vipsania's son (stole it from @felixravinstills) has a thing for Aelia, but doesn't show it.
Flavius definitely brags to other kids about how much people spoil him.
Achilles and Athena end up together later in the future.
When Coriolanus and Lucy Gray's daughter, Mary Topaz, was born, Achilles, Aelia, and Athena were already four, whilst Flavius was three.
Felix, Hilarius, Coriolanus, and Festus are a friend group, and they meet up at the club occasionally before they married and had kids.
Now they just play poker together at Coryo's house.
Whenever their husbands (then boyfriends), went to the club, Vipsania, Clemensia, Persephone, and Lucy Gray would have girl's night outs just shopping and gossiping. Arachne and Livia are invited, obvi. They still do it whenever their husbands play poker.
The ten of them have occasional dinners with no kids.
please tell me your opinions on these, and continue them (give more ideas) if you'd like! I hope this interested you!
hello anon!!! i’m so excited you’ve come to share your ideas with me!! never apologize for the length- i want everyone’s thoughts on everything all the time!
felix & clemmie
i just can’t personally picture him with anyone but festus but your ideas are so delightful that i love it anyway!
you’re totally right- felix is 100% a girl dad (and aelia is so cute!)
her asking them if they really have to go- i just know felix melts every single time 🥺
seriously, this is all so cute! i would 100% read this if you ever deciding to write it up!
arachne & livia
i’m just adoring this idea of arachne & livia together! they really would be the best moms. i think arachne would be so overprotective of any child they have.
AHHH achilles being like ‘i have TWO moms’ to anyone bragging. the ultimate checkmate.
god, a child that’s a mix of arachne and livia- terrifying and absolutely able to take over the world.
festus & persephone
i adore the idea of them having a daughter named athena (it’s like a cute little nod to athena strates, plus it fits so well!) and then naming a child after mizzen 🥺 i just know mizzen is bragging to coral in the afterlife about that!
prayer circle for pippa everyone! she’s in a house full of gingers and i just know they’re all as mischievous as festus.
their wedding was definitely a beautiful but small outdoor wedding! and festus cried when he first saw pippa in her dress.
god, i would love to hear/read more about the adventures of athena, aelia, and achilles! i just know they get into some wild stuff.
i just love how happy these ideas are!! it’s so sweet 💛 i’m still not over them naming a child after mizzen like. ugh. my heart.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 8 months
Remember when I made a "what if" post where Brandy ended up having kids while Chilli ended up being infertile?
I finally came up with names for her kids and husband.
Mum: Brandy.
Dad: Louis.(White poodle)
Daughter: Snowball.(Also white poodle)
Son: Rover.(Red heeler that looks like Chilli)
So instead of the show being called Bluey, it's called Snowball and it takes place in Brookfield, Brisbane instead of Red Hill, Brisbane, their house looks like this.
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In this universe, Louis is a software engineer while Brandy is a real estate agent.
Snowball and Rover both go to Brookfield State School with Snowball's teacher being Mrs.Inu and Rover's teacher being MS.Greyhound.
Snowball's classmates: Indigo(blue heeler♀️), Lucy(corgi♀️), Buster(Choclate lab♂️), Harper(doberman♀, best friend), Rocky(great dane♂), Atlas(siberian husky♂), Duke(pug♂), Jolene(saluki♀), and Milo(English sheepdog♂).
Rover's classmates: Amber(red kelpie♀), Goldie(golden retriever♀), Lincoln(dalmatian♂), Marshall(pitbull♂, best friend), Earl(king charles spaniel♂), Fluffy(chow chow♀), Paige(border collie♀), Tina(australian shepherd♀), and Jupiter(saint bernard♂)
Cosette(her mom, Léna, and her dad, Theo.(they're papillons who live to the left of them)
Harvey, his little sister, Pixie, his dad, Max, and his mom, Autumn.(they're beagles who live to the right of them.)
.Meemaw(Isabelle) Barkson(Black and white poodle)
.Grandpop(Pascal) Barkson(brown poodle)
.Hazel(Louis' big sister, brown poodle)
.Cooper(Louis' little brother, black poodle)
.Willow(Cooper's wife, apricot poodle)
.Biscuit(Cooper and Willow's son, apricot poodle)
.Luna(Cooper and Willow's daughter, black poodle)
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My Headcannons for Pets I Think The Fellowship Would Have
(these are based on nothing but Vibes and what i think would be fun. feel free to add your own)
Frodo- A common skink. My headcannon is that Sam almost ran over it in the garden, brought it in to show Frodo and they've been inseperable ever since. Frodo named it "Smaug" to mess with Bilbo, who pretends he hates it but is actually indifferent. Frodo likes to set Smaug on top of his head just to be distracting, especially when getting a lecture from his uncle or Lobelia.
Sam - Basset Hound. I feel like Sam thinks he's too busy to have pets, but is also a huge dog person. So when this mangy malnourished old hound dog shows up one day and starts following him around he's annoyed but like he can't not feed it? And build it a dog house, get it a collar, de-flea it, give it belly rubs....
Merry- i don't think this is particular to him but I just think the Brandybucks are the type of slightly unhinged people to have a huge half-feral fuzzy hellspawn of a cat hanging around their manor at all times. No one knows who it belonged to or where it came from (some say it was there before Brandy Hall) but the only people it will tolerate are Merry and his dad. Anyone else who tries to pet it will get their eyes clawed out, but Merry can pick it up and cuddle it like a teddy bear. The cat is unnamed and known only as "It".
Pippin - Pippin is considered too irresponsible to have a pet yet but after a lot of whining Paladin allows him to get a goldfish. Her name is Mary (not to be confused with Merry) and he pampers her as much as one can pamper a goldfish.
Gandalf- He'd have an owl. He just would. Harry Potter people Do Not chime in. The owl sits on his shoulder and makes the exact same faces as him. It also tries to eat his beard. Definately a gift from Radagast and it's name is some unpronounceable word in an ancient language.
Aragorn- Everyone knows Aragorn is a horse girl and nothing can touch his bond with Brego. But I also feel like at some point during his travels he's befriended four or five wild raccoons. They show up occasionally, with no prompting, and he feeds them and maybe heals them and they go on their way. This happens once during the "Three Hunters" portion of Two Towers but at that point Legolas and Gimli are so immune to Aragorn's weirdness they don't bat an eye.
Legolas - You can't convince me he hasn't befriended, raised and trained a 5 foot giant Mirkwood spider. It doesn't like the sun so of course he doesn't bring it on the quest, but for months the fellowship hears him make reference to how much he misses "FeeFee" or some other stupid name that sounds like a french poodle before someone finally asks about it and immediately regrets it.
Gimli - He would definately have a young mountain goat. I headcannon that bats and goats are as common pets to dwarves as dogs and cats are to humans. His goat is long haired and grayish white with curled horns, and likes to curl up next to him and recieve head scritches while he reads/relaxes.
Boromir - I definately feel like Boromir would be into falconry and has been since a young age. His falcon would be huge and intimidating and have a name like "Maximus" but it's also dumb as dirt and constantly getting lost. Denethor has offered to get him another bird a hundred times but Boromir is WAY too attatched to his to even consider it.
Eowyn- She has a terrifying wolfhound named "Slayer" who is actually a huge sweetheart that loves everyone. Its the dynamic of scary dog/cute girl except the girl is actually the one to look out for.
Faramir- Cat person. I feel this in my bones. Faramir has at LEAST four cats and adores them all. The cats are all named after various Valar.
Bilbo - declaritively Not A Pet Person but one time he waged a week long battle against a mouse that was making nests out of his papers, and when he finally caught it he couldn't bare to put it out in the snow. It rides around in his vest pocket now and terrorizes Elrond, and has it's own "mini Bag End" made of matchbooks and other odds and ends. The mouse still remains unnamed because "once you name it you're attached".
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filthforfriends · 2 years
Max Martin used to be in a metal band and comes from that background. Yes he can do pop but he can also do their stuff. It would be virtually impossible for them to continue writing every tiny beat of every song while touring and such. I am sure they wrote the majority and these guys lended a beat or phrase here and there. Why decide you are already going to dislike something before you even have it?
Because I’m a Capricorn with more opinions than anyone you’ve met in your life
So far in 2022 he’s wrote or produced
Lizzo (beloved, but still pop)
6 songs on The Weekend’s new album (really shitty pop)
In 2021:
Can I Get It, which reduced Adele’s soulful ballads to pop and ripped off Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
FLETCHER (mind numbing pop)
Taylor’s Versions (singer-songwriter pop)
Jonas Brothers (pop)
Therapy by Anne-Marie which I couldn’t discern from any random pop song on the radio with a gun to my head
Pretty much all of Coldplay’s last album (pop sell outs)
Stick With You by Zara Larson (pop)
In 2020:
Stupid Love by Lady Gaga (pop icon)
5 song off Afterhours album by The Weekend (would rather stab myself than listen to it pop)
The fucking Trolls soundtrack including SZA, Anna Kendrick, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake (pop)
Mattel and Equally Lost featuring Doja Cat by Tove Lo (pop)
One More Try by Jessie J (pop)
4 songs on Charlie’s Angels soundtrack including Ariana, Miley, Lana Del Ray, Normani, Nicki Minaj (pop)
Motivation by Normani (pop)
How Do You Sleep? by Sam Smith (pop)
In 2019:
Ed Sheeran’s collabs with Stormzy, 50 cent, Bieber, Eminem, Khalid (pop/mainstream rap)
Finished What We Started by Zac Brown Band and Brandy Carlile Finally, something that’s not pop! WRONG. More pop that country and not in a good way.
The last time Max Martin worked with a rock band was 2011. Band and album titled Cervello and it was the last album they ever made. The album flopped, the band flopped, their career ended.
Finished What We Started is off of a Zac Brown Band album called The Owl, which did very poorly. Here is a review:
“The Owl has just as many producers as it does tracks. that would be eleven.  One of those producers is Max Martin…who is personally responsible for the wholesale reprehensible direction of popular music in the past 10 to 15 years… Busy, disjointed, manic, mutt of a mono-genre effort withabsolutely no compass, direction or general purpose. The Owl is the vomiting out of any and all popular music influences mashed together like peanut butter and poodle shit. Forget all the high talk of how combining genre can be a gateway to vibrant creativity and musical evolution through the blending of influences and art forms.  this record is like putting gummy bears in a lasagna.”
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creekfiend · 4 years
We went out to do some training at Lowes today with Brandi and she brought 2 of her client dogs, a golden puppy and a poodle, and the whole time I was just thinking. Yes, good, these 2 dogs, but mashed together into one dog. Augh... Doodle Want
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greenheartart · 4 years
Monster Food Theories (part 2)
(A multi-part essay because I love world-building.) 
In part 1 I discussed the theory that monster food is actually made from physical food that’s been infused with magic, and therefore monster food is limited to what can be farmed in the Underground.
In this next part, I’m going to springboard off that idea and talk about what foods exist in the Underground (and therefore what crops and livestock monsters likely have.)
The very first thing I want to look at is what food canonically exists in the game. I’m going to break this up into two sections...
1) Food We Interact With Directly (Healing items we can pick up and get information on.)
* Monster Candy - Has a distinct, non-licorice flavor.  Heals 10 HP. * Spider Donut - A donut made with Spider Cider in the batter.  Heals 12 HP. * Spider Cider - Made with whole spiders, not just the juice.  Heals 24 HP. * Butterscotch Pie - Butterscotch-cinnamon pie, one slice.  Heals ALL HP. * Snail Pie - Heals some HP.  An acquired taste. Heals one less than max HP. * Nice Cream - Instead of a joke, the wrapper says something nice.  Heals 15 HP. * Bisicle - It’s a two-pronged popsicle, so you can eat it twice.  Heals 11 HP. * Unicicle - It’s a SINGLE-pronged popsicle.  Wait that’s just normal... Heals 11 HP. * Cinnamon Bunny - A cinnamon roll in the shape of a bunny.  Heals 22 HP. * Astronaut Food - For feeding a pet astronaut.  Heals 21 HP. * Crab Apple - An aquatic fruit that resembles a crustacean.  Heals 18 HP. * Sea Tea - Made from glowing marsh water.  Increases SPEED for one battle.  Heals 10 HP. * Abandoned Quiche - A psychologically damaged spinach egg pie.  Heals 34 HP. * Temmie Flakes - It’s just torn up pieces of construction paper.  Heals 2 HP. * Dog Salad - Recovers HP (Hit Poodles.)  Heals 2/10/30/ALL HP. * Instant Noodles - Comes with everything you need for a quick meal!  Heals 4/15/90 HP. * Hot Dog...? - The “meat” is made out of something called a “water sausage.”  Heals 20 HP. * Hot Cat - Like a hot dog, but with little cat ears on the end.  Heals 21 HP. * Junk Food - Food that was probably once thrown away.  Heals 17 HP. * Starfait - A sweet treat made of sparkling stars.  Heals 14 HP. * Glamburger - A hamburger made of edible glitter and sequins.  Heals 27 HP. * Legendary Hero - Sandwich shaped like a sword.  Increases ATTACK when eaten.  Heals 40 HP. * Steak in the Shape of Mettaton’s Face - Huge steak in the shape of Mettaton’s face.  You don’t feel like it’s made of real meat... Heals 60 HP. * Popato Chisps - Regular old popato chisps.  Heals 13 HP. (Note:  I’ve chosen to leave the Hush Puppy off of this list, as its description refers to it as a spell.  I’m also excluding the foods that can only be found by digging around in the game files - Puppydough Ice Cream, Pumpkin Rings, Rock Candy, Croquet Roll, Ghost Fruit, and Stoic Onion.)
 2) Food We Only See, or Hear About Through Character Dialogue (I did my best to be thorough here, but please let me know if I missed any and I’ll add them in!)
* Hamburger  (For sale at Grillby’s) * Fries  (For sale at Grillby’s) * Cheese Fries  (Undyne likes them, for sale at Grillby’s) * Ketchup  (Found at Grillby’s / Sans’ Hot Dog Stand) * Mustard  (Found at Sans’ Hot Dog Stand) * Relish  (Found at Sans’s Hot Dog Stand) * Spaghetti  (Made by Papyrus and Undyne) * Lasagna/Ravioli/various other pastas   (Mentioned by Papyrus) * Brewskis (aka Beer)  (Mentioned in a prank call) * Sugar  (In Undyne’s kitchen) * Soda  (In Undyne’s kitchen / Alphys’ Lab) * Hot Chocolate  (Mentioned by Undyne) * Marshmallows  (Mentioned by Undyne) * Golden Flower Tea  (In Undyne’s kitchen / Offered by Asgore) * Grapes  (Undyne talks about Mettaton eating them) * Pizza  (Undyne and Alphys both talk about ordering some) * Limes  (Undyne mentions eating them whole) * Cucumbers  (Come up when Undyne and Papyrus talk about spa treatments) * Carrots  (Mentioned by Asgore on the tapes in the true lab) * Lollipops  (Papyrus mentions getting them from the lady who runs the inn) * Ice cream  (Mentioned multiple times by multiple characters) * Espresso (Mentioned by Red Bird at Grillby’s) * Cake  (Mettaton specifically breaks the ingredients down into SUGAR, MILK, EGGS during his cooking segment) * Artificial Ingredients and Chemicals  (Also mentioned by Mettaton)
(Note: I’m leaving edamame off the list because while Toriel mentions it, she does it as a joke because she’s after the pun.  It’s possible that monsters have edamame, or it could just be something she’s aware exists in the world in general.)
So! Looking at this list, and cross referencing with recipes to find the most basic necessary ingredients to make everything, I can break things down more neatly into categories of available food:
STARCHES * Wheat  * Potatoes * Barley
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES  * Apples * Grapes * Limes * Tomatoes * Cucumbers * Spinach PROTEIN AND DAIRY * Snails * Water sausages * Eggs * Milk 
HERBS AND SPICES * Cinnamon * Mustard Seed
MISC * Salt * Sugar * Oil  * Coffee * Chocolate * Assorted artificial ingredients and chemicals  * Golden flowers (unique to the Underground?) * Hops (only because of the mention of “brewskis”)
(Note: I’m excluding a few healing items from contributing to this list.  The Astronaut Food’s origin is nebulous - it sounds like it could possibly be human food that fell from the surface and landed in the dump.  Temmie Flakes are construction paper and not actually food, even if they are technically consumable.  Dog Salad is clearly an outlier and should not be counted.)
When broken down to its base components, it’s a pretty small list.  Monsters don’t seem to have a lot to work with.
A lot of their foods revolve around the same few staple ingredients: Flour, eggs, sugar, and milk products.  From that we can take a guess that there are wheat fields somewhere in the Underground.  Likewise, they likely keep chickens as well for eggs (though other birds like ducks might be a possibility too.)  Sugar and milk have more options.  Sugar might come from sugar cane or sugar beets, while milk could come from a variety of animals, but I think goats or sheep are more likely than cows for a variety of reasons (mainly that cows might be too much of a resource drain to support long term.)
Interestingly, we never get any indication that monsters eat animals besides snails.  The information we get on the hot dogs and steak make it clear that they’re not made out of meat (and if the steaks aren’t meat, it feels reasonable that the hamburgers aren’t either.)  This makes sense, since the Underground has limited space and resources and might not be able to support farms dedicated to raising animals for meat, and/or might not be able to meet the demands of a populace that wants to eat meat regularly.  If it’s eaten at all, meat might be a rare treat.  Otherwise, it looks like the monster population could be largely vegetarian.  
With a basic list of crops, we can also make a guess at what sort of alcohols might be available in Grillby’s bar. Monsters have apples, grapes, potatoes, and sugar, so we can guess that in addition to beer (since it gets mentioned specifically), monsters could also have hard cider, wine, brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, and moonshine. 
If we want to be a bit more generous and include possible foods and foods that didn’t quite make it officially into the game, we can add back in edamame, pumpkins, and onions.
And, just for fun and going off of nothing except the environment of the game, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think monsters might be able to round out their pantries with a few other foods that occur naturally in the caverns.  Mushrooms show up in the damper areas of the game, so it’s not far fetched to think that there might be a few edible varieties available. Likewise, we see streams and marshes in Waterfall that support life.  It’s possible that there are fish, crayfish, or shellfish living in there, or possibly other edible plants besides the water sausage.  
This went a bit longer than I originally planned, so in the next part I’ll talk about what might make monster food inherently different from human food (even without monsters intentionally doing anything to it), and possibly theories about how and why monsters ended up with this specific, limited variety of foods they seem to be working off of.
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jakemyboy · 1 year
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Brandy is looking fantastic and feeling great! ( she almost died less than two years ago.)
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I can never get a decent picture of Blu and Brandy together. She's too hyper and wiggly and all over the place! She lost about 75 percent of her intestines due to twisting or something, ( I can never remember if they called it bloat, but I think it was.) they said she wasn't expected to survive, but she did! She gets injections and has enzymes added to her meals to help her body absorb nutrients. She turned four in April. She's Blu's best gal pal!
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The doctors and technicians that saved her.
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the-historihen · 3 years
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A London resident describing his(?) neighbor, who seems representative of more feminine male fashions of the time.....and he's real mad about it.
"I was next room lodger to an individual even whose sex I did not know for a month.This lodger kept bad hours, but otherwise had nothing to lead me to discover that the room was inhabited; the day being devoted to sleep, and the night being passed abroad. I occasionally heard the voices of a male and female attendant; but the lodger spoke so low that no sound escaped through the partition. I understood that it (for its gender was as yet neuter to me) took lessons of waltzing, and twice I heard it strum on a mandolino. It always took its tea in bed, and its appetite must be delicate, for I once saw a brace of larks, and another time a sweet bread, served up for its supper. Its apartments were so perfumed that I was almost suffocated each time that its door was opened; and I met its footman on the stairs loaded with scents, washes, and cosmetics. Empty bottles which had contained rose, lavender, and elder flower water, were always lying about; and I thrice espied a pot of rouge on its dressing table, by the side of some false hair and some huile antique. ‘A lady,’ cried I, ‘to a certainty.’ This idea was confirmed by the quantity of novels which were brought for it to read, and by its sleeping with a favourite poodle dog. A visit from a money lender, one from a bailiff, and one from an attorney, added to the late hours which it kept, and the great custom which it gave to a neighbouring jeweller, made me think that this must be a most extravagant woman. Rings, opera and quizzing glasses, gaudy purses, and diamond pins, were increasing daily. Another certain mark of feminine gender was, that its washerwoman would stop taking directions for hours, that its toilette occupied half a day, and that I overheard it say once, ‘You have not put half starch enough in this muslin.’ The sentence was broken, and I gathered no more.
Another day I heard it say, ‘Sew a couple of strings to this, and give me my stays.’ My opinion was of course now confirmed. What a dissipated wretch she must be! said I to myself. ‘D—n you, you have broke my lace,’ it lisped out just at this moment, with as much gentleness as if it had been reading a novel.
The next day I saw a glass of brandy brought up to its bed room. Worse and worse, thought I. An abandoned woman, certainly! The duns increased greatly: but the servant whispered so low that I never heard its name. I was resolved, however, to ask the waiter. I did so: but whether he did not hear me, or did not heed me, I know not—he waived the question.
It now fell sick, and was denied to every body. ‘Gone in the country,’ its valet answered to all inquiries. She drinks and keeps bad hours! thought I. I don’t much like her for a neighbour. The mandolinos and novels were now the only resources under embargo—as also perfuming, and playing with the dog. It took opium at night too, a common trick with hard living ladies. But I was resolved to get a peep at this mysterious thing.
On a Sunday, about four P.M. a fair opportunity offered. It had been dressing since noon: and I had heard nail brushes, hair brushes, tooth brushes, oils, unguents, sweet waters, paint, patches, and boddice, all called for. It whispered, ‘Get me a coach: I shan’t be home all night.’ The door opened—the dog preceeded the figure—I placed myself in a convenient situation:—a small round hat first presented itself—She’s in a riding habit, thought I—But to my utter confusion and amazement! a tall thin thing, pinched in at the middle like an hour glass, its head lost in cravat, and as stiff as a pikestaff, appeared. It was the semblance of a man. Can it be a woman in disguise? thought I. But I watched it to the coach: and heard its servant say to an inquiring friend, My master wont’t be home today.
I at first considered this nondescript as unique in its species: but a longer residence at the hotel procured me an opportunity of seeing many copies. I was moreover told that the thing was quite a prototype of fashion, much received, and, as the waiter said, much looked up to by the young me of high style.—And, added I, looked down upon by every man of sense.—So contemptible a concern (to use its own phrase) I had never seen before. The copies, however, have increased so much since my observations were made, that they have lost the attraction of novelty to all the world, which their model at first possessed for”
From The Weekly Entertainer, and West of England Miscellany, March 15 1819, Vol 59
Sourced from The Internet Archive here
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theinsiderrp · 3 years
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finneas - male (german shepherd) - REHOMED BY RUBY! 
sandy - female (golden retriever) - REHOMED BY MATT! 
brandy - female (teacup poodle) 
doug - male (bernese mountain dog) 
lulu - female (pomeranian) 
khaleesi - female (husky) - REHOMED BY CLYDE! 
rolo - male (daschaund) 
stitch - male (pitbull) - REHOMED BY ROXY! 
millie - female (pug) 
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Hi the Tyler Breeze anon I figured since he was in wwe once you might know him but that's ok can I get the request instead with Chuck Taylor
AN- Don't worry about it! Hope you like this one.
Summary- Your daughter Lexie is two months old, therefore will not remember anything for Halloween. Chuck is not hearing it.
"Babe! What about this one?" I looked up from my phone to see Chuck holding a princess kids costume. We had been at the store for a good hour at this point, and Lexie was sound asleep in her stroller. ""It says it's for a 3 year old Chuck, it's not going to fit her." I pointed out. He cursed under his breath before putting it back and continuing to look. I sighed turning my phone off and checking to make sure Lexie was still asleep before walking over to him. ""Chuck, she's only two months old. She won't remember any of this. Besides, your not going to find any costumes that fit her." I said wrapping my arms around him.
""It's her first Halloween. I want it to be perfect." He insisted as he looked through the costumes. ""What about this one?" He asked showing me a little poodle costume. It was meant for babys, and was well insulated to keep them warm. I shook my head knowing he wasn't going to let it go.
""Find, but you have to get her ready." I said giving in making him smile. While we were out I got some stuff for dinner and candy for tomorrow night before we left.
As we drove Lexie started crying in the back. ""Babe, can you pull over so I can try and calm her down? I'll just get in the back seat." I asked looking at Chuck. He nodded and pulled of to the side so I could get out and climb in the back.
""Baby girl, what's wrong?" I said in a baby voice looking over at her in her car seat. She reached up for me trying to grab at me a bit. ""It doesn't smell like you need a new dipper. Are you hungry? It's about that time." I said more to myself as I reached into the dipper bag for a pacifier. She took is for a few minutes before spitting it out and crying again.
As we pulled up to the house I saw an extra car in the driveway. ""Babe, was Orange having someone over?" I asked as we got out. I walked around the car and got the car seat out with a screaming Lexie in it.
""Not That I know of- You head inside. I can get the bags." He said opening the trunk. I walked towards the house and opened the door sighing as I kicked off my shoes. Lexie was till crying as I ground.
""Give me a sec baby girl." I sighed bending down to unbuckle her. I could tell it was time for her to eat because I was getting a bit full, and needed to breast feed. I bounced her a bit as I walked towards the living room. ""Orange! Is someone here?!" I called out. As I walked into the living room I saw Orange leaning against the wall, with both Cody and Brandi standing there.
""Oh! Um, hi." I said greeting them. Brandi immediately rushed over with her arms open. ""Can I hold her?" She asked speaking loudly to be heard over Lexie's cry's.
""Of course. She been a bit fussy today." I said passing her over. A lot of people would be hesitant to give their baby to someone, but I've known the Rhodes a long time. I had even been trained but Dusty and he had been like a dad to me.
""Oh that's fine!" She said cradling her close to her own body. I turned my attention to Cody smiling a bit.
""What are you guys doing here?" I asked giving him a hug.
""Well, the invitations to our yearly Halloween part got lost in the mail. We figured we would invite you personally instead of a text." He explained.
""As great as that is every year, Chuck is persistent that this Halloween will be the best for Lexie."
""And it will be!" I jumped lightly as Chuck came up behind me, and arm wrapping around me.
""Well we wanted to let you know. We weren't sure with the new baby." He said shrugging.
""No it was nice. Orange might go-" we all locked of at him who just shrugged "-but ya. We probably won't." Chuck said. ""Well, you guys are welcome to stay, but I do need to take Lexie and feed her." I said looking over at Brandi. She handed Lexie over and smiled at me.
""We'll get out of your hair now. If you end up dressing Lexie up send us a picture.” Brandi said smiling as she pulled Cody away. Both me and Chuck turned to look at Orange.
  “Why didn’t you tell us they were here?” Chuck asked frowning a bit. “A little warning would have been nice.”
  Orange shrugged making Chuck sigh but I was to worried think about Cody and Brandi. “I wasn’t rude was I? I fell like I made them think that had to leave right away.” I said frowning.
  “What? No, they understand.” Chuck said kissing my forehead. “Go feed her, I can make dinner tonight.”
  “Thank you.” I said a big smile on my face as I headed upstairs to Lexie’s nursery. She was still to little to sleep in there alone, but it was ready when she could. I got set up and let Lexie start nursing. I smiled looking over at a corner of the room where five handprints were. When we were painting the room Chuck had accidentally set his hand in the wall, and I thought it was cute so I put mine there as well. When Orange and Trent saw it the insisted they needed there’s on there as well. And when Lexie was born we added hers.
  As she ate I opened my phone to scroll though Instagram. I saw someone had reposted a picture of me, Chuck, Orange, and Trent at the Halloween party last year. Me and Chuck were dressed as Gomez and Morticia from the Adams family, while Trent was Pugsley and Orange had been Wednesday. The four of us were known in the wrestling community for our costumes, and people would send us ideas and such. I sighed putting my phone down and looking down at my baby girl, there would be no dress up like that this year.
  “Momma loves you so much baby, but I already miss Halloween. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as me and daddy when you get bigger, but for the first few years I’ll miss it.” I said, just barely above a whisper. “Your daddy’s so good at making an amazing Halloween, he want you to have the best even though you won’t remember.” She started to fuss again showing she was done. I quickly burped her and cleaned us both up before heading downstairs.
  “Trent!?” I yelled as I ran around downstairs. There were trick or treaters showing up and I couldn’t find the candy anywhere.
  “Where is the cans y we bought!?”
  “Um.... should be on the counter by the coffee pot.” He yelled back. He was upstairs getting Lexie ready. I found it and ripped the bag open dumping it into a bowl. I rushed to the front door and pulled it open. There was a little boy in a Superman costume.
  “Trick or treat!”
  “Hey buddy! Nice costume.” I said bending down and holding out the bowl. He grabbed one and ran off yelling out a thank you. I closed the door leaning against it a bit. My head felt like it was being hit with a hammer, it had since tho moment I got up today. Lexie hadn’t slept well and I had been up half the night.
  I started walking towards the stairs slowly but froze as the room began to spin. “He babe, do you- shit are you ok?” Trent asked rushing down the stairs to where I was standing a death grip on the railing.
  “The rooms spinning..” I whispered . He lead me over to the couch and sat me down, holding me tight to his chest.
  “What happened?”
  “Nothing really.” I said shrugging. “Lexie didn’t sleep well last night , and my head hurt all day.” I explained.
  “Why didn’t you say something? I could have help ya little more, Orange could have helped to.” He said making me sigh.
  “I don’t know. I thought it would go away, boy was I wrong.” I joked making him chuckle a bit.
  “Hey, I’m here for Or age and Lexi- is this a bad time?” We both looked up to see Trent standing in the door way.
  “No man, your fin-“
  “What do you mean here for orange and Lexie?” I asked confused.
  “Oh! Chuck hasn’t told you!” Trent said looking guilty. I looked back to Chuck with a frown.
  “Last night I ran upstairs to ask you something, and heard you talking to Lexie. You clearly want to have a fun Halloween, so I called Trent to make a plan. Him and Orange were going to babysit and I was going to take you to Cody’s party.” He explained making frown even more.
  “But you wanted to do something fun with Lex-“
   “I have plenty of more Halloween’s in the future, besides you were right, she won’t remember anything anyways.” He said. “All though I don’t think we should go I’d your not feeling great.”
  “I can still take the two of them. You guys can just chill here.” Trent offered, still standing in the entrance to the room.
  “Are you sure? Lexie can be a handful.” I said looking to him.
  “Don’t worry, I have Orange, I’m sure we can figure it out.” He said. Just then Orange came down the stairs with Lexie, her dipper bag, and a duffel.
  “Hey man.” He said when he saw Trent. He looked over at us, raising and eyebrow just barely. “We still doing the plan?”
  “Ya. All though me and Y/n are staying here. Just a night in together.” Chuck explained.
  “Be careful. A night in together is the reason you need us to babysit.” Trent said taking the duffle from Orange making me blush a bit.
  “Just get out of here.” Chuck said waving hand at them as though dismissing them. After they left I got a few blankets as well as the remote, while Chuck went to make popcorn. My phone was going of like crazy asking what we did for Halloween, and I decided to do a little video on Instagram.
  “Everyone’s asking what we did for Halloween this year.... no we didn’t dress Lexie up or ourselves. Lexie is with Orange and Trent for the night, and me and Chuck are having a night in. We need the rest as having a newborn is hard work. Hope y’all aren’t to disappointed.” I ended it and posted just as Chuck walked in with a plater in hand with two cups on in and popcorn.
  “You ready for a scary movie marathon?” He asked looking down at me as he handed me one of the cups. I could see this it had got chocolate in it.
  “Course I am. We haven’t done this on Halloween I years.” I said smiling.
  “Well, I don’t care if we’re at a party, watching movies, or trick or treating with Lexie, it will be perfect.”
  “It will.” I agreed.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 4 years
A guide of any kind is normally based off an animal to base their spirit form off of.
Mathora is obviously a poodle moth, Brandi is a bearded vulture, Dazi is a spider-tailed horned viper, and Annike is a deathwatch beetle
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