lordeismygf · 3 years
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lordeismygf · 3 years
Slipping through my fingers all the time,
I try to capture every minute.
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lordeismygf · 3 years
four week check happy august
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lordeismygf · 3 years
happy month of living for the hope of it all
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lordeismygf · 3 years
“tell your friends you’re out for a run, you’ll be flushed when you return”
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lordeismygf · 3 years
if i see larries shitting on taylor bc of haylor y’all can go eat my ass you fucking hypocrite
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lordeismygf · 3 years
Oooo im so curious about what you would to fix harry's image?
Like I know what I would do to fix louis's but i struggle to think of where even to start with harry's sometimes
i hope u dont mind me asking!! theres no need for an ans if u'd rather not share im just curious lol
hope ur days good! :)
okay so last week I posted that I have general idea of what I think Harry's image needs right now and I literally had such a hard/annoying week at work I am just now getting to answering this question BUT here are my (slightly mean because I'm tired and hungry) ideas (keep in mind I'm not a PR expert, or someone in the music industry, I'm literally not an expert in anything I'm talking about I'm just TIRED okay):
1) Sort out the tour shit. Either cancel it flat out and refund everyone, or say "hey. we don't know when the tour is going to happen. we don't know who the opening acts are. we're not sure of anything. you can keep your tickets or refund them, it's up to you, but we do not know what's going on." be honest. be transparent.
2) Do a charity livestream show. I have no idea why he has not done this before. Do a fucking livestream. Give the fans something. Give to charity. Let people see you perform again, in a safe and affordable environment.
3) Get rid of TPWK. Throw it out. This is maybe a hot take or whatever, but I think the TPWK motto is hurting Harry more than it's helping. Literally the people that use it most just use it as justification to be mean/squash criticism. Also, people are sick of the wishy washy activism that TPWK embodies. Monetizing it is worse. Let the song be the end of TPWK. come up with something else.
4) Post more on social media. Let it be authentic. I don't care if an assistant does it, I don't care if it's basic. Post pictures of your morning coffee, pictures of your closet, pictures of your bathtub. Post a dumb tweet like "just ordered Indian food :)" Hell, if we're being really creative, post a little video of you singing your favorite Fleetwood Mac song while you do the dishes. I don't care. Make me see Harry Styles TM as a person.
5) Do some more honest interviews. Choose some interviewers/platforms you feel comfortable with, and talk honestly about music, your mental health, what it's like to have been famous for almost half your life. I would rather have a couple real interviews than a bunch of wishy washy print bullshit.
6) Stop acting. Literally just...stop it. For a year. I'm tired. Both of his recent projects are PR disasters. He has to stop.
7) Cut off the stunt. This is obvious. I'm tired.
8) Disappear. Literally just get out of the public eye. Make us miss you. Make us curious. Figure your shit out. Create. Come back better and more honest. Make me feel like I'm a fan of a person. Because whoever I'm a fan of right now, I don't think I like him anymore
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lordeismygf · 3 years
imagine being loved by me (threat)
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lordeismygf · 3 years
Renegade, Big Blue Machine ft. Taylor Swift
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lordeismygf · 3 years
she has had an ep out since 2018 so if it was abt being an indipendant artist he would have let her go three years ago !!!!!
sorry i have no idea bc i donk keep up with anyone apart from the boys..but what she did?or said in the past
one of harrys band members did an interview in october of 2020 basically talking abt how much she wants to make her own music. today she said harry let her go for reasons beyond her comprehension. like babe... u sure u don’t know?
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lordeismygf · 3 years
about once a month i remember taylor wrote soon youll get better and it floods my brain and i stop having any thoughts beside pain and its lyrics
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lordeismygf · 3 years
Someone said Harry has a new drummer too and he tested positive for covid?
I have no idea what you’re talking about. Which doesn’t mean you’re wrong, I just don’t know about who his band even is for this tour at the moment, I’m not following it intently.
It wouldn’t entirely surprise me if Sarah doesn’t want to do a covid tour of the US considering she’s a new mum. And who knows what’s happening with Adam etc.
I do think if he replaces most of his hand with other people in order to do the tour…some people won’t like that? People attached to his band etc. Whether it’s fair or not, it’s true. People love Sarah in particular. I also think people are really sensitive around employment and loyalty at the moment considering what people are going through financially,, and maybe it would come across as ‘oh sorry I’m going to tour without you, you’re dispensable’ which, again whether it’s fair or not, is something not everyone would like. Like Niall did a whole ass charity show for his band and crew to finance them further and cancelled his tour for health reasons and Harry is doing his anyway but maybe not with the people who relied on the tour occurring for their finances?
In terms of covid, I’d be shocked if none of his band or crew tested positive for the whole leg so I can’t wait to see how certain fans pretend that’s not an ethical issue lol.
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lordeismygf · 3 years
lorde is occupying my brain what else is new
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lordeismygf · 3 years
HOW do i get 'i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere' tattoed without words pls send tips
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lordeismygf · 3 years
taylor quite literally took pussy is god by king princess and paraphrased it to write false god
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lordeismygf · 3 years
ah yes, watching ppl overreact playing mafia
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lordeismygf · 3 years
i could write literal essays about stoned at the nail salon
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