#bran stark meme
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got-brainrot · 5 days
they live in my head rent free
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iceywolf24 · 11 months
Tyrion: The boy may yet live
Tommen and Myrcella:
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Jaime and Cersei:
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waterwyne · 4 months
I’m still crying about this
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direwolfrules · 11 months
The Weirwood Queen Memes Part 7: I’m running out of quippy titles, much like how the Eyrie ran out of food
Spoilers for The Weirwood Queen series by @redwolf17. Go check it out, if I’ve made seven meme posts about a fanfic then it’s probably good. Unless you like show-based bashing fics. This is a book-based fic with no bashing (the Cersei stuff isn’t bashing, it’s just in character).
Part 6
Part 5 - has links to all previous parts, I’m too lazy to link all of them again.
Master Post
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thestarlightforge · 3 months
To start off Disability Pride Month strong and celebrating the continuation of House of the Dragon season 2, I hope that Bran Stark gets so much sex and has so many kids, it ruins Westerosi democracy forever.
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Sansa’s accusation of his impotence in the finale was some of the most random, casual, quite possibly inaccurate ableism I’ve ever witnessed. Lots of paralyzed people go on to lead active, fulfilling sex lives, some can still have children, and Ms. Queen of the North is not even a healer, much less a medical expert. Meanwhile, Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven, he can watch any sex scene his wild ass country has ever perpetrated from now till the beginning of time, and he’s had literally all the time in the world to study. He’s the king of a newly united Westeros, the world is his oyster, and by the Old Gods and the New, for all we know, he’s got Podrick’s magic dick.
In this essay I will—
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👹house stark you guys👹
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ice-mint · 1 year
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Some niche asoiaf memes.
1) Brandon the Builder 2) Lann the Clever 3)The Iron Bank of Braavos
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snake-berry · 1 year
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@melrosing 's asoiaf art meme! incredibly nostalgic to complete 10/10 experience
excuse the shittier quality of my drawings i was trying to keep it simple <3
typed out my notes under the cut bc my handwriting is illegible
Introduce yourself as a citizen of PLANETOS - Either a Blackwood or a Bracken (ironic), probably a member of the Dead Ladies Club, married to an old man or a cheater or something. hates life and simmers with internal rage
What do you like best about ASOIAF? the emotions... (and by extension the characters)... i was spoiled for ned's death but still cried for an hour when i read it
Who is your favorite character (dead or alive)? Sansa Stark <3 my fave since her first chapter and im not sorry
Your favorite house? Stark and Baratheon (+ lots of minor houses). Drew young Ned and Robert to represent their houses (included stick figures of them to show robert's stance he is bending tf down to fit into frame)
What's the best scene in the books (in your opinion)? King in the North scene in AGOT! (actually i have no idea but for some reason this was the first scene to come to mind)
A ship you like? CatNed, Loras&Renly, and Daensa (in the fanfic zone bc they havent met yet
Your favorite death (since this is ASOIAF)? Ned's... most iconic death + made me cry the most
Your favorite region of Planetos? the riverlands!
Who is your endgame King or Queen of Westeros? King Bran! Or Dany but bc of the sh*w ending im like p sure Bran is the most likely candidate (i could be wrong but ya idk i support my son either way)
Share a prediction for The Winds of Winter - Sansa will be Littlefinger's downfall (not in a way as bloody as my dramatic rendition tho)
It's over! As a parting gift, resurrect a character of your choice - Renly :) no reason i just think it would be funny (his hat says party prince king if u cant see it i triedddd)
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ararebreedstory · 1 month
The moon was a crescent, thin and sharp as the blade of a knife.
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jalea-con-pan · 2 years
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iceywolf24 · 5 months
Borroq and the other free folk skinchangers when Bran gets south of the wall
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The Greenseer radar starts going off.
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lordbettany · 2 years
Me: *Watches Morbius for a second time just because Matt Smith is in it*
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Weirwood Queen Memes Part 2, because I’m using fanfiction to distract from my dog’s severe arthritis
Spoilers for The Weirwood Queen by @redwolf17 . Go read it, it’s great.
Part 1
Link to Master Post
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mvndrvke · 3 months
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@rcgued : you're safe, no one will find you.
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"Don't lie to me," Rickon says, voice strained. They've been apart for a long time, certainly, but Rickon still knows his brother. It's been the two of them so long, always Bran and Rickon. Mischief incarnate racing around Winterfell as children. They're older now, they're so different, but Bran is still his brother. "I can tell when you're lying."
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westeroswisdom · 1 year
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I'm genuinely surprised every time I run across a GoT meme I think I've never seen before.
Bran the Broken and Tommen the WAY Broken.
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