#braces hc
This is hc about Nettos. Netto needs braces as a teen, and he hates it.
I don’t personally HC Lan needing braces but imagining Lan with braces is actually really darn cute!
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kiksniko · 1 year
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i am once again sick. have more sketches
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jeananasartblog · 1 year
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I had to write “goodbye guys” because I’m too much of a coward to write “goodbye Tolkien”
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j4mboree · 4 months
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video killed the radio star
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variksel · 1 year
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PICTURED: A polaroid image found in the desk drawer of someone belived to be named Lark Oak-Garcia at the D.A.D.D.I.E.S headquarters. The image depicts the 2019 Westrock Elementary soccer team "The Doodlers". Photographed by Henry Oak.
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strawbbryberries · 1 year
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braces!dazai holds a very VERY special place in my heart. thank you @bapplebeess for planting this seed in my silly little brain. there will be more of him to come, including possibly braces!chuuya
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(HEADCANON!!!) Ponyboy has crooked teeth and Steve will make fun of it even if he himself has crooked teeth just because
Real, and you can bet Pony teases him right back
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starzwithapen · 6 months
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OUR HCS FOR THESE GOOBERS USING TEMPLATES FROM @koppaitepaladin !! Plus bonus creek because I'm uhhh normal about him . They're All autistic 2 me but Branch and Poppy r most important to me <33
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peachtozier · 2 months
little teenage werewolf richie tozier fucking up his braces every full moon </3
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 8 months
Teeth Headcanons for Modern Warfare characters
As the winner of our first pole, we will be starting with everyone's not so, maybe sometimes favorite baby man...
Yep. Graves was the braces kid. He just was.
At 13 his American ass was told by the dentist to go to the orthodontist. His mother dragged him there despite his protests and he was put in big metal brackets. (He had some normal crowding and a healthy underbite) Graves was awful at wearing his rubber bands, just awful and had braces for 3 years. Almost all his teen pictures have that metal smile on display.
Graves also was the type to not know what color brackets look good and constantly switched them around so half his photos not only have a metal smile but also have a candy-colored metal smile - Blue, green, yellow, and red all clashing on his teeth. (You know he did red white and blue at least twice)
His wisdom teeth were removed at 18 because his mouth is too small for them. His mother made a video of him on the anesthetic drugs as he says all sorts of things. He definitely cried a few times. Graves swears the video has never seen the light of day - he’s wrong and his shadows can prove it. Mercenaries can always find a way.
After getting his braces off, Graves never truly wore his retainer. He lost it within the first year he was prescribed it and never let his family replace it.
Today, It shows in his teeth. Their crookedness and original setup has all but fully returned. Graves has genetically yellow teeth (fig 1) and they're going to be that color even though he brushes them 13/14 times he’s supposed to. (this success is mainly because his shadows will comment if his breath stinks.) lastly, Graves does not floss and refuses to with the conviction of a man with toxic masculinity. 
NOT LASTLY I just rewatched some graves scenes on confirm his underbite and not only is it *really there* its there because he is shoving his jaw up and out like he’s chewing tobacco (fig 2 & 3). Which made me realize… this bitch probably chews tobacco! So put dozens of cavities, worn away enamel, and early tooth loss on your Graves bingo cards!  Figures under the cut
Please excuse the quality I took this with my phone camera off my computer screen while binging the cod games. It was snapped in moments of excitement over teeth and not meticulously clipped from the videos for posting purposes o7
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(Fig 1)
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(Fig 2) these next two were screen shots from a not 1080p video and you can tell. But they do their job. Also, hi ghost!
You can’t tell me this man hasn’t chewed tobacco before … look at the way he hold his face !
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(Fig 3)
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vldsideblog · 7 months
Okay, I have no real reason for this drawing. I just felt like drawing Pidge with a potted plant. It’s probably a gift from their mom or something. Or maybe Coran got really into gardening and made everyone participate in a garden party idk. Also aroace Pidge supremacy.
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cerealforkart · 1 year
Sometimes I see other DnDads artists doing little less common details that I also do (ie. Taylor’s glasses, the gap in Normal’s teeth, those are the main ones tbh, but like, insert your own here if you also get this, etc.) and I feel like we’re predator high-fiving, we’re kindred spirits, drift compatible, wearing the same hat
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eastvillages · 4 months
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who up romeoing they montague?
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assless-chapstick · 11 months
not like baby baby but like he's MY baby yk? my babygirl as a baby before he was babygirl when he was a little baby boy
• When the gang gets John - cuz let's be real, they get him the way one gets a puppy or a case of smallpox - he's fresh off that attempted hanging. It was more of a lynching than anything, an impromptu eye-for-an-eye killing after John shot a feller with his own god damned gun. What made a twelve year old mad enough, scared enough to kill, and how'd he manage to grab the guys gun? Kid won't say
• kid won't say much of anything, really. The gang had a disgraced doctor running with them at the time, a guy so hooked on his own cures and tinctures you wouldn't trust him to diagnose a hole in the head, and he said the noose had crushed John's larynx. Sure, the boy can still talk, but it ain't ever gonna sound the same and for the first lil while it'll be hard as hell, but he should be able to. So why don't he?
Doc says maybe the lynching, lack of oxygen to the brain made him go daft cuz just look at him, ain't a thought behind those eyes.
But Dutch, he has faith, he knows.
I think just the fear and trauma after the incident sent John to a pretty rough place and he went nonverbal for a space of six or nine months. Not right after, maybe, but in the following days and weeks - enough they got a name out of him, an age (he said 12 but he's got the stature of an eight year old, not nearly enough meat on his bones), a little bit of a story. "Where's your daddy, boy?" Dead. "And yer mama?" Dead.
• John was always told his ma was a lady of the night, knocked up on accident and dead in childbirth. He came out with the cord around his neck and his ma bled out before they could even untangle him.
There'd been a picture, though he'd never had the courage to ask his father about it, drunk and angry as he was. A young woman with round features and hooded eyes, long dark hair parted in the center and braided, his father's hand resting gently on her shoulder, both posed like a portrait.
(john is métis/mixed indigenous and you can pry that headcanon from my cold dead fuckin hands)
• in the winter john is so small and skinny he gets too cold at night and Arthur begrudgingly is like "FINE you can share with me" and so they share a bed until John is like 16 fjjfbfbf way too old to be sharing but imho John is a bit of a late bloomer and sort of, not a mamas boy but just kind of a baby yk?? Arthur is like "dontcha think it's time you got your own tent or something?" and John's like "No." and just walks away and Arthur is like "AT LEAST YER OWN COT??"
• john is reptilian in his search for heat he just wants to be warm ever since they got him he's crawled into Arthur's jacket whatever chance he gets
• during that first year especially, John was clingy and strange.... after a particularly terrible bathing experience (Susan is great but she's fastidious about personal hygiene and if water goes above John's navel he starts to freak) Arthur is just posted up by the fire with John sat between his knees, tucked into his jacket as they sit in silence mutually brooding... and John reaches up to rub the stubble on Arthur's jawline as a way of like, stimming n self soothing and Arthur would stop him cuz it's weird but he feels those boney little shoulders loosen and John says something, and he never says Anything so Arthur knows it's a big deal... so he just let's John keep doing it after that
• Susan is highly against taking in a child when they first bring John around - maybe because she thinks the main childcare duties will fall to her, or because she doesn't trust the gang to be a safe place for a kid - and this manifests as a little bit of short-temperedness towards him. it's not unusual, she's kind of a Bitch on the best days, but she's cold towards him at first... and I don't think anything Happens, per sé, no big event, just over time she sees he's a damaged boy in need of mothering and that's a part of herself she tried to kill a long time ago... but he brings it out of her. She nags him to cut his hair but brushes it out for him anyway; she'll share an apple with John if no one's looking, peeling it and quartering it and sneaking him a piece. She'll complain about the food - "God this stew is terrible what's in it? Rat meat? Here John, you finish it" - because sometimes good food is scarce and he's a growing boy and she sees his hungry frame, remembers how he used to steal and hoard food in the early days. They almost always have enough but she wants him to have more than enough. She reads to him, and then when he's learned to she gets him to read to her. A damp cloth on the forehead when he's laid low with fever, maybe a soft lullaby if she thinks no one's around...
• at age 12 John has a smoking habit. I don't know if this is unusual for the era or not and I dont know what the gang thinks of it but the kid loves his tobacco
• in fact John rolls his own cigarettes and, when he's young, that's primarily how he earns his keep - those tiny little kid's hands did a great job and he ends up getting the chore foisted on to him from everyone fndbbdf ( prerolled cigarettes had been invented only 7 years prior)
• at agw john also unfortunately loves to drink. I don't know if this was unusual for the era but I'm sure Hosea and Susan and even Dutch had something to say about it
and I think that's all I got in my head for now fellers.... thanks for reading mister....
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rowenas-my-fave-child · 7 months
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Jacob Portman
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way2gosuperrstarr · 1 month
seeing other ppl's vanny designs makes me feel kinda lame about mine because i just slapped a button up arcade carpet pattern shirt on her and put big ol star earrings on the ends of her rabbit ears and thats about it 😭😭😭 i havent even properly drawn it yet . ive sketched it like twice . what am i doing
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