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fujoshi-wife · 1 year ago
"we need more toxic women in media" you guys couldnt even handle monika ddlc.
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ginanddietsoda · 4 months ago
any bpd girlies 19-22 in edinburgh????
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puppygirlboyfriend · 15 days ago
I am literally the BPDgirl of all time. tbh
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t4tpumpkinduo · 10 months ago
Do you think one had a bad body image and would comfort the other in some way? Like, be it weight, their features (stunted wing growth, a broken horn), or generally being in the wrong body?
oh for sure! it deffo goes both ways as like uhh. cq cschlatt are both some of the few characters who have canonical nods to having eating disorders so that's its own whole thing.
cq insecurities obviously cuz of the. gestures shitty little wings that don't work fucking weak as hell in general. cschlatt insecurities weakness of her body and his issues w disability. and then getting weak as hell in general.
same w uhh transgendahisms. i've talked a bit abt their textually supported transmasc transfem swagger and mm. ithink cq isn't like. too hung up on anything? i think he gets mildly dysphoric at best, like. squirmy uncomfortable if he's called a girl in a context that isn't a guy being babygirled or him asking for it. but it's rlly not that serious, it's more a deeply uncomfortable inconvenience than anything like he could walk it off in a day. for cschlatt it super is the kill myself tournament with him competing for ultimate winner BUT. he does let his guard down abt it a Little in manburg, even though he doesn't fully accept it abt herself well into revival.
(like to be clear, i do think they both riff on eachother quite a bit, but it's considerably less targeted and malicious than ppl like to portray it as. 😭 literally everyone in the server is kind of mean and an asshole and pokes fun at eachother. ohhh q is so evillll schlatt is such a freakkkk omg. karl called quackity ugly and stupid and unlovable and i never see ppl posting that clip going owuwgh this is so chilling. bcs its rlly not that serious. 😭 they're playing toys q's fucking fine. and to be clear, these words Do affect characters, like the ableism schlatt faces or the body shaming tht q goes through but narratively speaking, the ppl saying stuff to them generally don't mean shit w the intent of severely harming anyone.)
that said though :] they do help eachothers out. cq tries to get schlatt to eat more where he can, drink some damn water for once, rest more. mb like kneads n massages at her to help w her aches whenever he can, or pulls people away when schlatt clearly needs a second due to the disorders without having the spotlight on something cschlatt clearly doesn't want to show. cq voice oh noooo i totally made extra food i guess we have to share oh nooo i totally made the bed super comfortable so now you have to lay down w me oh no ihave this leftover hot cider specifically to help w the circulation in your hands >___< guess you gotta help me now. and cschlatt grumbles and groans and whines and then does it anyways and bumps him abt it. fake ass emo i saw you wagging. i would never derail a post to coo abt beautiful adorable women (gripping the sink bloodshot eyes affirmation)
n fr cschlatt like. idk i think abt the stream where cq has retainers in and schlatt keeps poking fun at him and ribbing him and when someone else does, he starts nagging them? 😭 he starts telling them to fuck off and stop making fun of him so he like IS protective of him in that way. i also think he probably like. tries to help cq too, mb being very good at talking him down from paranoia or mental spirals, mb clears a space out whenever he's sick or outta it so he isn't near people who will freak him out, or makes excuses so they have to hole up doing v easy paperwork away from others so cq can rest and untense without having to watch his back and also not explain himself. #JUVIE #HELL
also their both bpdgirls so they're probably doing their best w that smile.
and again, i do think cschlatt does eventually open up a tiny bit abt girlisms. he wouldn't outright frame it as gender exploration, i think it'd be more of a. i won't unpack this but please call me this please and cq is more than happy to like coo and indulge him even though it completely flies over his head tht it could be anything more. ithink cschlatt would like. preen him or kinda. idk, it's probably harder fr him to be more earnest, more openly fond than cq who's so open smone should rlly stop him and or taze him but. like he'll hold his hand for comfort or bump him little ram style to say thank you instead of verbalizing it cuz his face is burning too hard to speak. quietly keeping eachother company during paperwork so neither of them get too bored or frustrated, or helping eachother w delusions or flashbacks even though they don't talk abt anything in detail. just a kinda quiet acceptance.
idk cpumpkins you will always be famous to me sorry abt the narrative and the dooming and all that. society if there wasn't an evil demon ghoul pitting two psychotic dudes against eachother, enabling their worst impulses, alienating them from their loved ones and then assisting them in their suicides so he could kidnap a child he's obsessed with
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graceofgosh · 2 years ago
i feel like one of those yanderecore bpdgirl bloggers all the time
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parappah · 7 days ago
ummm insane girl bpdgirl
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starsarebleedingagain · 1 month ago
having severe anxiety is a daily burden and sometimes i feel myself going crazy af. like ik im not doing okay when i get jealous of a fucking cat or some shit like that. noticing evey slight behavior change from everyone is exhausting and it's turning me crazy af.
i've been diagnosed with bpd, sociopathy, ptsd and IED (intermittent explosive disorder) i cry a lot my mind and my soul are like a huge prison filles with poison.
#bpd #bpdgirl #sociopath #disorder #insane #kms #cry #bpdforreal #eid #mentalhealth #issues
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fereldenshero · 2 years ago
Bpdgirls will literally have A DEBILITATING MOMENT and then all they can do is just take a deep breath And keep getting ready. As if they dont feel sick to their stomach and dont want to pace around until they FALL OFF A CLIFF
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bookof-t-h-o-u-g-h-t-s · 3 years ago
Book of Thoughts
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For more information, please visit www.bookofthoughts.info
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fujoshi-wife · 11 months ago
happy birthday nagito they weren't ready for your bpdgirl mannerisms
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justanothergirlwithbpd · 5 years ago
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They have never apologized or even just explain, why they did what they did to me.
But I have forgiven them anyways, not for their sake. But for mine, and since then I have learn to control my anger. The nightmares have become less frequent that they are almost none existing. Since I made the decision to let go of the pain and forgive them, I have been able to make steps into being a better person for myself and everyone around me.
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years ago
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My thoughts!!
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parappah · 10 days ago
bpdgirl insanegirl
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that-one-queer-poc · 2 years ago
peril wof the bpdgirl ever
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magirepo · 3 years ago
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#autisticgirl #bpdgirl <- true love
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homeanatomy-archived · 2 years ago
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she was the BPDgirl blueprint….to me
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