#boycott defenders
feelingemotjons · 2 months
I'mma need every ignorant white mihoyo stan to block me right now. Mihoyo has no fucking right taking deities and cultures just to whitewash them and use them as an aesthetic. It doesn't matter how much you try to twist the narrative, it. is. not. okay. Mihoyo has enough artist, animators, employees, etc to research and educate themselves on different skin tones and features but they choose not to and actively make the fucking ENEMIES have darker skin with black hairstyles instead.
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There is absolutely NO ONE stopping them from making dark skinned playable characters. There is no one stopping them from putting black npcs in historically black cities. There is no one stopping them from giving their characters MELANIN
It took mihoyo THREE YEARS AND A HALF to develop genshin.
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They had three years to educate themselves and yet here we are four years later stuck in the same damn boat with mihoyo whitewashing cultures and people continue to defend them again and again
And the ONLY canon black character they have in honkai impact literally bleaches her fucking skin because she is ashamed of it
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And her mom is just another strong angry black women stereotype (mind you that she is also the only buff/masculine women in the game)
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Literally look at her compared to kiana's mom, who is pale with blue eyes, and is supposed to be seen as more feminine
If mihoyo isn't actively being racist I don't know what the fuck their trying to be.
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elevenenthusiast · 28 days
I HATE how much people do to defend noah on here and on twitter like why are you all forgetting he’s a zionist?
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weepycat · 9 months
the full email is posted here but this paragraph from rachel corrie's last email to her mother in 2003 before she was killed by an israeli bulldozer is absolutely fucking harrowing over 20 years later.
I look forward to seeing more and more people willing to resist the direction the world is moving in: a direction where our personal experiences are irrelevant, that we are defective, that our communities are not important, that we are powerless, that the future is determined, and that the highest level of humanity is expressed through what we choose to buy at the mall.
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evansbby · 4 months
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ragnarssons · 11 months
negating - if not justifying - a genocide to defend a dumbfuck actor is really not the hill y'all should want to die on.
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alonetogethermp3 · 11 months
And FUCK rick riordan!
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interstellarflowers · 4 months
FREE PALESTINE from a small fanfic writer and uni. activist returning to tumblr.
i just wanted to hop on to say that as someone who writes for things such as stranger things (or rather has written) that i encourage you to consume other peoples work ethically and to boycott the show or at least do what you can to not allow profit, block accounts, do not stream it via netflix or otherwise. i call out specifically stranger things just because i have written for it in the past, and some of their cast members have displayed some of the most heinous acts of racism, colorism, and colonialist support that i have seen. i will never accept this as something i can look past, and neither should you. genocide is never excusable, and apathy and support of it should never be tolerated. i am strongly anti-zionist, and if you're someone who believes in humanitarianism, or someone who identifies as a leftist, or someone who is also BIPOC or LGBTQ*, then i implore you to educate yourself further on the liberation and history of Palestine, and to get involved in whatever way you can whether this be through donating, supporting Palestinian creators, sharing content and information, protesting, or otherwise. also before someone even TRIES it with me, my family is jewish, i went to hebrew school growing up, i was adopted from the system into a judaism practicing household, and what israel is doing right now, is not jewish, even insinuating that this killing spree, hatred, genocide, and racism is jewish absolutely twists my stomach into knots. genocide is not a jewish value, the israeli government is incredibly incorrect, they have no right to do what they're doing now, they had no right to displace people, they are not indigenous to Palestine. despite common american and eurocentric historical events, no, you can't just show up somewhere decide its yours, give it a new name, and get offended when people say that its colonization and stealing. it is. you have colonized, you have stolen land, you have become the oppressor, you are the oppressor, and now youre committing a mass genocide. never again means never again. they must be held accountable, this is evil. i consistently come back and leave writing fanfic i battle a number of health issues which end up impacting my mental state and i was working on graduating university (graduated this semester btw, heading to johns hopkins now for grad school) but another reason why ive found myself less active is because of the ignorance i see on this platform sometimes. its extra difficult to want to return to a platform and community when i come back from witnessing and experiencing police brutality and force on my campus in response to our encampment, witnessing my friends, peers, and professors be arrested and physically harmed, be verbally assaulted, assaulted, abused by admin, etc. and then come on here and see people refusing to partake in even the bare minimum. its is crucial to the survival of the remaining Palestinian people that we give this cause our all, and fight for their lives, they have been failed and abandoned time and time again, do not turn your backs to them, do not ignore this.
the Palestinian struggle intersects with issues of race, colonialism, state violence, and human rights, in supporting Palestine it means that we are advocating for human rights overall and challenging the overarching system of oppression. recognizing the ongoing systemic oppression, genocide, and attack on Palestinian people and working towards resolution means working towards a movement of ending colonialism and other systems of oppression. as someone who is in both communities, BIPOC and Queer people are familiar with systemic racism and colonialism, the fight for Palestinian liberation against the Israeli government is also a fight against settler colonialism and racialized violence. by supporting Palestine, Queer and BIPOC individuals affirm their opposition to all forms of systemic racism and colonialism.
justice is not a zero-sum game. justice is a shared goal where freedom for one group contributes to freedom for all. in supporting Palestine we foster global solidarity, demonstrating that collective liberation is intertwined and it has been proven to be in multiple BIPOC and Queer liberation movements throughout history. find resources below, and if youre in the nyc area, feel free to reach out to me if you want to coordinate or need someone to attend protests with:
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mewrails · 5 months
i always forget eur*visi*n isnt just the finals
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nasirsagron · 5 months
Eurovision fans bringing up "contracts"to justify these artists showing up and being silent or doing the most performative activism we have seen in years as if we aren't watching live students putting risks on their health and instruction to go against institutions that give money to a genocide
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kimjiwoong · 1 year
i’m very... confused about the whole e’last thing because i absolutely support the idea of boycotting everything related to them but at the same time some ppl have been having odd reactions to the fact that apparently some of the boys were also part of that cult. i’m not saying ppl need to go out of their way to defend them but unless they’re involved in the creation of the cult, many times ppl are tricked into getting into cults so saying they deserve no justice or help is... idk. if ur family was manipulated into getting into a cult and they made u a part of it to, are u really to blame? i feel like it’s such a grey area. unless the concept of cult is different in different parts of the world?? idk in my mind u don’t just join a cult. they prey on ppl that are feeling hopeless and manage to get followers by gaslighting them and tricking them...
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audhdnight · 10 months
Guys the racists are so unintentionally hilarious
Someone I know sent me a picture of the back of a book that had Walker Scobel, Leah Jeffries, and Aryan Simhadri on it and said “Have you seen this!” And because of the exclamation point I thought they were just excited to be getting PJO show merch so I responded something like “wow that’s so cool” only to realize I was vastly mistaken because then this person says “I don’t know, they only got Grover right”.
And my mind was so not in that vein that it took me several rereads to even understand what they meant, but also
They didn’t “get Grover right” either. He was very much not a brown boy in the book. He wasn’t black either. But because we got a black Grover in the og movies, everyone seems to forget that. Because it’s okay for the best friend side character to be a person of color, but don’t make the love interest black because she’s supposed to be desirable 🙃
And it’s also funny to me because even if we are just going based on the first movies, Aryan is not black as far as I know. I’m pretty sure he’s Indian-American. But I suppose it’s too much to expect these people to be able to tell the difference between two entirely separate people groups.
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kimtaegis · 2 years
finished about 80% of a comp of this run bts special but you know what. no lol
#I’m so full of rage tonight I could really feel it build up over the last few hours#triggered by this – forgive my language – stupid ass fandom#the love I have for those boys is really being tested over and over again#and I don’t know how much longer it’ll hold against the absolute stupidity of a (way too) big part of this fandom#the utter bullshit I have to read makes me want to constantly bang my head against a wall#maybe then I’d be able to nod along and still have a good time#cause boy that has been tough#from hating on every other group over harassing people who dare to say one critical thing about bts to wanting#to ‘boycott’ sk because of the enlistment news#are you actually hearing yourself?#like who do you think you are?#this superiority complex mixed with that utter hate and negativity many armys spread makes me SICK#do you think bts would be proud of you for looking down and hating on everybody#for only supoorting their country and its industry#not because you genuinely like/ enjoy it but because you follow them like cult members that tell you what to do?#for turning them into these untouchable beings that are only allowed to like each other and everyone else is below their standard#and shouldn't even dare come near them. what a lonely life you wish these men istg#suddenly you're all spokespersons for grown adults you don't know shit about#or you're playing polticians who know excatly what's going on behind the scenes cause you read a tweet about it#I genuinely wonder how these people go through their life? are you defending your actual loved ones like that too?#are you capable of not throwing a fit when someone else has a different opinion than you or criticises you. actually YOU. not some band?#how can one abandon every bit of critical thinking like that? I just don't get it#what's wrong with just being sad about them leaving for a while#WITHOUT being the most ignorant arrogant hateful assholes#never in my life have I encountered this much spite and toxicity#just...chill. just listen to their music make cute edits watch their videos but please for the love of god. just shut up for once#I could go on and on but. also no#could already kick myself for even being this affected that I had to write it down#contributing to this senseless discourse and putting my own negativity out there#I feel at least a little bit lighter now
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ellsss · 8 months
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gaykey · 8 months
sigh, looks like key still has his contract with McDonald’s :/ … can’t say im too surprised, but it is disappointing. not to baby him or anything, but i really do wonder if him or any other idol is aware of the boycotts since they all seem to parade around with their Starbucks like it’s nothing… or if the boycotts are even happening amongst the Korean public… nonetheless, it’s hard to support him at these times… sigh… maybe the divorce era needs to make a comeback idk how to feel really 😭
wow literally right after i answered that ask............
it doesn't surprise me that he still has a contact with them. if you have a contract, it's not like you can just pull out at any time and those contracts tend to have a certain amount of stuff you have to fufill before it's done.
small positive? it's old promo, as in, they just using his image. he doesn't seem to have filmed anything new for them since the boycott started. based on this one post at least. (really really hope that's the extent of it.)
whilst it's bad enough his face is affiliated with them, i am hoping shinee twitter does not repost, and kibum, you better fucking not do cross promo on insta i sweeeear to god. please do not dissappoint me further.
boycotts are definitely happening among the korean public, as well as protests. and whilst idols can be a little out of the loop, they have internet access.......
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eliseliedl · 2 years
my disappointment is immeasureable
#this is about h*llena taylor#THIS WOMAN... the audacity she has is fucking incredible#the way she lied so shamelessly knowing damn well nothing she was saying was true#and encouraged the fans who have been waiting for YEARS to boycott the game#because PG couldn't pay her the ridiculous amount of money the greedy bitch wanted#PEOPLE CANCELLED THEIR PREORDERS OVER THIS#because she played the victim so well and tried to guilt trip ppl by saying you aren't true Bayonetta fans if u don't support ME#who the fuck does she think she is holy shit#i hate that i tried to defend her all this time#i wasn't about to cancel my preorder just cause she said so but i did try to take her side#and even after being publicly exposed as the fucking liar she is SHE STILL WANTS US TO BOYCOTT THE GAME#GIRL FUCK YOU like full offense you are a terrible person the Bayonetta franchise gave you everything?????#it's quite literally her only role and she was so ready to throw the games under the bus out of spite#she's so childish and immature i'm genuinely still so shocked#i mean how were we supposed to know she was lying she broke her contract ALL to make the game flop#imagine going to such lengths. you literally ruined your career for such petty thing#i hate her so much rn. the last thing this franchise needed is another fucking controversy#all my support to jennifer hale who had to even deal with h*llena talking shit about her bc she took 'her' role#i mean bitch what did you expect!! PG tried to keep you in the role all they could but nope. you had to ask for more#A LOT MORE#ugh. anyway glad the truth is out#i did think the timing was too perfect and the way she spoke about jennifer was despicable but man......... she really lied about everything#what a snob#delete later
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